sunset-mp4 · 6 months
i miss twizz & co. I wonder what they're up too. probably no good but still.
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utentebannato · 9 days
My ask is do you ever wonder which brand of mobile phone the Tokyo ghoul’ character has?
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converge-engineering · 6 months
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ryndicate · 1 year
ooo your game looks like fun. how abouuttt #3 "You want me to...what?" with the brainrot holder that is mister vash nehehe hope you're havin fun with this ! excited to see everythin that comes out of the game :))
I straight up cackled at the thought of him saying that, that sounds just like him omgg😭I will add him now! And that puts me above halfway on the entries <3 and thank you i really am :) its really fun seeing the combinations come together
Summer Nights Anthology event
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mimic-of-hysy · 1 year
everytime I think about changing my @ i remember my orochimaru meme wouldn't be funny anymore if I changed it
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qazinasir · 2 years
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sunset-mp4 · 1 year
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they live in my brain rent free
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vapuvirep · 2 years
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gojou-violin · 1 year
oh, little brother~
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family ties collab with @killsaki
| pairing: younger!brother!meguru bachira x fem!reader
| warnings: 18+ MDNI. dead dove, do not eat. incest. dub-con. virginity loss. corruption kink go brrrrrrr. slight manipulation. cum eating. blowjob. vaginal fingering. vaginal penetration. feeding cum. guys. guys. it's really perverted..... listen...... i-
| wc: 5.9k
| taglist: @aylitgirl , @sailewhoremoon , @justanotherpasserby-blog , @lyteatus , @bakugosgorl , @unknownspecies , @bleuboyfriend , @theyluvizzy , @drakensdarling , @itoshis-after-dark , @alekstraszas , @mimic-of-hysy , @garden-variety-skeleton , @daddyisyourmommy , @dragon-chica , @princesssofiyuh , @skiagrafia , @pr0dkang , @erenslver , @nemjun
| a/n: if i hear one person complaining about this when the warnings are very clear............. also. if i have to make this obvious....... bachira is aged up to be over 18. 'k, cool.
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Some people were so adorable that you could just eat ‘em up. You take one look at them, see how small and precious they are, how lost they can seem, how they clearly need someone to guide them through every small part of life because all they know how to do is sit there and look pretty. Most people got jealous if they saw someone like that, but not you. No, no. The cute and innocent ones were those that you could scoop up to hide in your pocket, and that made you content. Patting them on the head, telling them they’re doing great. Taking their hand to lead them. Watching their faces turn a bright red color whenever they’d get embarrassed of themselves because of something you’d say or do just to get them riled up. Fuck… How perfect the innocent could be.
For the longest time, though, you had to ignore that heartstring-tugging urge whenever you were around one person specifically. It was a shame, relly. Out of all the blushy and small ones you’d seen, he was by far the most ravishable. But no one would understand. No one. Perhaps not even him. You had to observe from afar while pushing the envelope a bit here and there just to test the waters for reactions out of him; Like how he’d panic and blush whenever you’d compliment him for passing an exam with flying colors. Your favorite bone to throw him was whenever he’d do so well in a soccer match, you’d hug him tight— Despite how sweaty he’d be— and praise him to Hell and back for being the best striker in the whole world. He always melted in your arms. That was the highest praise he could ever receive from the person who’d always looked after him and loved him. Whenever he’d smile up at you, thanking you for the compliments, you were always on the verge of breaking, of snatching him up and stealing him away, but he’d always end it with, “Big Sis,” and reality crept back in. Observe from afar. No matter what.
Meguru had been in love with soccer since the day he was born. In fact, you could vividly remember how your parents bought him toy soccer balls even as a baby. As you two grew up, he’d beg you to kick the ball around with him in the backyard— A task that originally started off as a nuisance, but as you got older, you began to enjoy it more because you got to spend quality time with your brother outside of talking about school and complaining about your parents. In high school, though, he took soccer so seriously that it became his entire life. He’d wake up early to train, go to school, train between classes, train after school, eat, train, sleep, repeat. He hardly had any time for you anymore. His own sister! Who could believe that! But, fine, if that was what he wanted, you could support him, because that was what siblings did.
In college, things slowed down for him. He played soccer for the team at university that gave him a full-ride scholarship so he hardly had to worry about his studies. You continued to watch from afar. Again, cheering him on at each of his games, praising him for passing the exams he studied for (or didn’t— you’d never admit it to your parents). In between all of that, though, Meguru spent his time with you. Whenever you would get lunch together, he’d pick at his food while reflecting on how he could still get better at soccer even after all these years; or he would stare at you so… longingly… whenever you would be talking about your own courses and how they were getting harder now that you were close to graduating. You always told him to appreciate how easy the first year could be.
But it was those looks that made your heart tug. His eyes could get so big, his pupils dilated so much that you felt like you could read his thoughts that were screaming: “How magnificent you are, Big Sis.” And how you hated that. How wicked he was for teasing you while you could never have him… It could have been so easy for you to lure him in with the praises and leading if he had been anyone else in the world, but with Meguru, you had to be careful. His big eyes were a trap. His red cheeks were akin to the voice of a siren.
“Are you okay?” he asked you suddenly.
You snapped out of your trance to look up at him. “Y-yeah—”
Meguru had just finished another match that you attended and he won. After celebrating with his teammates for about an hour on the field, everyone dispersed to do their own things, which usually meant the two of you would go out to get food. Your sudden and interrupted trip down memory lane had been triggered by Meguru coming out of his bedroom, slowly struggling to pull his shirt over his head while trying to avoid his wet hair since he had just showered; and you had gotten caught up in staring at his abs and V-line that was quite revealing due to his low-hanging sweatpants. His midriff made you freeze up. The shirt he was wearing must have been about an inch or two short, because even as he was reaching up to tie his hair out of his face, you could still see his flat stomach…
He smiled oh-so-innocently at you. “Where to, then?”
Usually you had your act together. Observe from a distance, remember? Never be too obvious. Don’t let anyone ever assume that you were staring at your younger brother who was now kneeling down by your feet to tie his shoes.
He was right there. Within reach.
That innocent look. The lost puppy who needed to be told where to go and what to do. The fact that he’d tease you with how he dressed and behaved around you.
Be careful. Don’t be stupid.
“Megu… Why don’t you change into something else before we go out?”
He furrowed his brows. “Why?”
“Well it’s a bit cold for something so…”
Every bit of reason you had left went flying out the window the second he started rolling the waistband of his sweatpants so that they could hang even lower on his hips without him dripping on the bottom hems.
You grabbed his hands to stop him from going any further, yanking him towards you so that he stumbled forward, falling onto your lap, his shirt riding up, his face buried in your shoulder. He yelped as it happened. It was all so sudden, the way you went from the kind and caring big sister you’d always been, to someone acting all on instincts that had been building up for far too long. He tried to push himself up by supporting his hands on your knees, but you caught him by the wrists again to keep him right there on your lap, his face daringly close to yours so that you could see every bit of confusion and panic in his big eyes.
You giggled at him. “Oh, little brother…” you cooed sweetly. “What to do with you.”
He blushed under your intense stare.
“What is it? Cat got your tongue?”
That confidence you knew you had in you instantly returned to you once you knew you had the upper hand once he could no longer tease you. If only he knew the consequences of playing with your emotions like that… Someone so innocent should have never been pushing his pants that low while wearing a shirt one size too small.
“Were you hoping to catch someone’s attention at lunch?”
He tried to push off again, yet you held steady.
“Some other college girl you have in mind, Megu?”
“No? Then why’re you showing off so much?”
Observe from afar. Don’t let anyone know.
Your cold palm slid over his abdomen, working down, down, down as you felt his muscles contact until you were resting right over the waistband of his sweatpants. Meguru relaxed a bit on your lap as he anticipated your next move. You tsked your tongue while gently scratching his stomach with your nails. He squirmed.
“You don’t feel embarrassed when dressing like this in front of your own sister?”
In the most adorable way imaginable, he actually mewled and wiggled around to get you to touch him more— Your own brother! Begging you so pathetically to do more. Perhaps you should have expected him to be so needy and responsive when you knew for a fact that he’d never dated anyone, or even made out. Despite being the star soccer player in both high school and college, he always ignored the girls that fawned over him, then he had the audacity to always complain to you about how lonely he was and how he was certain no girl would ever want him as much as he wanted them. You assumed he was just incredibly picky. Never in a million years would you have guessed that he just needed someone to teach him what to do. You could have taught him everything he needed to know if he would have told you sooner! Talking to girls, flirting with them, asking them out… Making out with them… Fucking them…
“What is it, Megu?” you teased, payback for his post-shower display.
As he maneuvered on your lap to sit on you completely so that he was comfortable with his back pressed against your chest, you couldn’t help but drift over his crotch— It was an accident, of course. You hadn’t meant to go so far after years of promising to not go so far; but he’d done it. Maybe it was on purpose. Maybe he didn’t know better. Whatever the case was, it happened, and you could suddenly feel just how hard your little brother was in his sweatpants.
“Fuck,” he cursed under his breath.
You swooned mentally.
Every bit of what you loved about the small and cute type was right in your hands, quite literally falling onto your lap. The opportunity was too good to give up or go back now. Pushing off the little voice in the back of your mind, you finally slipped your hand under his waistband.
“Need to warm up my hands somewhere, Megu, I’m sorry.”
He turned to hide his face in the crook of your neck. Whether it was to hide his shame or excitement, you honestly couldn’t be sure, yet that didn’t deter you from using your thumb to swipe over his tip to get a feel for what you were working with. What had your little brother been hiding from you all this time? Pre-cum was already dribbling onto his pubic bone, coating your thumb. Poor thing needed someone to get him off so badly. You couldn’t give in so easily, though, not when this delicacy was something that would likely only ever happen once, and if he was too uneducated or inexperienced, he could be easily spooked off your lap and out of the room. You had to keep luring him in the same way you would with any of the other lost puppies you came across. So you pulled your hand back out and brought your thumb to his lips.
“Taste yourself, Megu.”
He looked up at you warily, his big eyes pouting.
“Look, it’s not that bad.” You licked your thumb while staring at him, your heart skipping a beat. “You taste good.”
He watched as you slid back down to gather more pre-cum from inside of his pants, not even touching his erection this time. So pathetically needy. And as you came back up, he willingly opened his mouth for you, sticking his tongue out and everything.
“Look at me while you do it.”
Those eyes of his fell in love with you the second your thumb made contact with his tongue. You could felt how slick and gentle he was with it, how he first wanted to try it before leaning in all the way, wrapping his warm lips around your thumb entirely, all while still staring right at you like you told him to.
With a pop, you pulled your thumb out of his mouth, catching him off guard fast enough to lean down and in to kiss him. He sat on your lap, unsure of what to do. You knew that if he regretted it, he would have pushed you off again and run off— He had the strength for it from soccer— but instead he waited, trying to see what you were doing and how you were doing it. So you taught him. Without a single word, you kissed him harder, hoping that he’d catch the hint and kiss you back. It took another second for him to get the hang of it, understanding that all it took was leaning into you while trying to kiss back the best he could. He wasn’t good at it by any means, but it was his first time, and you appreciated his eagerness to try and learn with you.
“You’d never lie to me, right, Megu?”
“Never,” he insisted.
“You’ve never been with anyone, right?”
For as much as you two talked, maybe there was a secret hiding in there that your younger brother never felt comfortable sharing with you; but now that you were doing something that you’d have to share as a secret for the rest of your lives, so of course he could fess up if he needed to. However, Meguru shook his head. It was true, what you’d always known about him, that he was so oblivious to everything you’d been thinking, otherwise he would have caught onto the other girls who all thought the same things about him. Your little brother. A virgin. You were even his first kiss. You wanted more. How could you stop there? You were already knee-deep in trouble, anyhow…
“Are you scared?” you asked calmly.
He nodded. “We shouldn’t do this.”
Your touch left him, despite his pitiful complaint via another whimper. “You can leave, Megu, I’m not gonna stop you.” For a moment, you hesitated to see if he’d actually take you up on the offer, until you were content with how he stayed glued to his seat on your lap. You grinned. “Or you can stay with Big Sis,” you whispered in his ear, “and I can teach you anything you want to know.”
The hairs on the back of his neck stood at attention when you began to kiss his jawline, hands grabbing his hips, your feet squeezing between his so that you could hook his legs around yours, forcing him to spread open for you.
“Is that something you’d be interested in, Megu?”
Your hand drifted over his erection, your palm grinding back and forth to create some fiction for him. Much to your surprise, he turned slightly to face you before attempting to kiss you sloppily. Your own little brother, trying his absolute best to now impress you, someone who took much pride in how much experience you had in ruining sweet things like Meguru.
“Tell me what you want,” you mumbled against his lips.
He pulled away. Those dark eyes bore into your soul as he told you, deadpan, “Everything.”
Your grip on his hips tightened. “Careful what you wish for.”
Despite how fit he was because of soccer, Meguru had always been small enough for you to pick up whenever you were teasing him— And while you couldn’t get far with him anymore, you could get exactly where you needed to go: Right back to his bedroom. A few stumbling steps with him in your arms, you managed to make it, quickly “tossing” him, for lack of a better term, onto the bed.
He scrambled onto the mattress, almost like he was creating a cautious distance between the two of you. Was he scared now? The door was right there, wide open, anyone could walk in on you at any moment if they had a spare key, or if they knew where the extra was hidden outside of his apartment. It would be so embarrassing for him to run out if he wanted while hard because of his big sister. It would be even worse if someone did happen to catch the two of you. Part of you liked the exhilarating feeling that gave you the courage to climb onto the bed; Meanwhile the other part of you was warning you to be careful. The neighbors knew you two were home together because they congratulated Meguru on his win when you ran into them in the hallway. If they heard anything suspicious, they’d surely know immediately what you two were up to. But you wished so desperately to ruin your little brother. You could imagine what the next few minutes could potentially look like based on your past experiences. Him whining your name while on the verge of tears was up there on your wishlist. Seeing him get red with embarrassment while he would be cumming because of you was another dream.
Without a word, you slid between Meguru’s legs, leaning down to kiss him while cradling the sides of his head to hold him steady. Your pelvis grinded up against his. Still as hard as he’d been out in the living room where he’d been teasing you. Did he do it on purpose? You were certain that he must have been. Did he expect that things would go this far? Was he hoping that you had the balls to finally leap at him? Was he playing with fire all because he liked the attention and knew that you’d never do anything to him, your little brother? If that was what he thought, the poor thing was in for the shock of his life.
“It didn’t take much to get you hard for me, Megu.”
His breath hitched against your lips as your hand crept between your bodies and you found his dripping tip again. “S-stop.”
He shook his head. “No, don’t stop— Fuck— Just— D-do something…”
You laughed at how distressed he was and all you’d done is touch him a few times here and there. You wondered if he would stay like this forever or if his firsts would change him as a person, giving him the confidence you carried with you. Fuck, you hoped that he would never change. If he stayed like this forever, melting under you, begging you to touch him, you knew that you could live the rest of your life happily, because even if nothing ever happened again, at least you could feel victorious in having been your little brother’s first.
Without much convincing, you easily pushed his low-riding pants down to his knees, allowing his erection to spring free, finally giving you confirmation of what you had always known about your sweet little brother who was oh-so-picky about his women. One day, he’d make someone very happy with what he had to offer… Very, very happy. He just had to learn how to use it all first.
“Like this, Megu?”
As you took his length in your right hand, his back arched. He hissed at the feeling, his toes curling, hands grabbing desperately at his sheets. You slowly pumped your hand from base to tip.
He let out a heavy sigh while forcing his body to relax.
“Tell me what you want to learn.”
“Tell me very specifically.”
Meguru tried to hide humiliation by grabbing a pillow and putting it over his face. A muffled moan left him as your fist did another slow pump along his length.
“Tell me, Megu.”
Through the pillow, he croaked, “Stop it… I don’t— I don’t know— I—”
“Oh, sweet thing,” you cooed.
Virgins were the cutest things in the entire world.
“How about this?”
You shifted downwards until you could start pushing his shirt up to his collarbone with your free hand, kissing his bare skin as it was exposed inch by inch. His abs tightened to the point you saw the clearest definition you’d ever seen from them— Not even soccer pulled this reaction out of him.
“Tell me, how does it feel?”
“Cold,” he quietly replied.
“Cold?” you questioned. “What about this?”
You lowered yourself entirely, wrapping your lips around his cock.
The pillow flew off his face in an instant as Meguru jolted up, his hands quickly finding their way to your hair for him to grab onto something, and he bucked upwards, fucking your mouth so suddenly, you let our a surprised moan. He moaned in response to the vibrations rolling through his body through the most sensitive part of him.
“Fuck, sis—”
You melted when he called you that. All this time, whenever he called you “Big Sis,” you got sad because it was a reminder that he was always out of your reach as a forbidden fruit, yet now he was moaning about it just for you, the only person in the entire world who could really relish the way he said it.
You pulled off to ask, “Still cold, or—”
But his grip on your hair tugged down, which forced you to take him back in your mouth, going as far down as you could before he tapped the back of your throat. You tried to push off, and while he gave you a little wiggle room, he didn’t let you escape him all the way. You got the hint. With you gaze following up his abs and to his own big eyes, you continued to suck him off the best you could. You worked your tongue around him, licking up his pre-cum, all while thinking about how he was so perverted enough to actually be convinced into trying it himself… What else would he do if you asked? How far would he go just for you? He was a quick learner when trying to kiss you, perhaps he’d be a quick learner for other things, too.
Meguru’s breathing picked up into a short-winded pant that let you know that only after a few seconds of having a warm touch on him was enough to get him towards the edge. It wasn’t like you were unfamiliar with that kind of reaction. So many of the cute ones couldn’t hold themselves back. They were usually selfish with you, though, refusing to admit that they were close out of fear that you would stop before they’d get to soar on Cloud Nine; but not your little brother. He was sweet enough to warn you— Maybe it was worry about cumming too soon, or maybe he was scared that he was cumming because his older sister was getting him off, or maybe he wasn’t scared at all. Maybe he wanted it.
“Shhh…” you cooed while hovering over him again, your hand on him to replace your mouth. You kissed him gently before moving to his neck. “Deep breaths, little brother.”
He moaned like an angel that fell from Heaven.
“There’s still more to learn.”
With curious eyes, Meguru silently questioned your next move as you quickly kicked off your shorts before grabbing his left hand.
“I made you feel good, didn’t I?”
He nodded urgently.
“Don’t you wanna make me feel good, too?” you asked with a pout.
“Y-yes— Anything— I’ll do anything—”
It was like he was drunk on lust. Blinded by seduction from a woman. Wholeheartedly in love with you just for touching him. It took so little to get your little brother wrapped around your finger, and now that you had him compliant to do anything, as he said, then you could move to use him for your own selfish gain, which was all you’d ever wanted from him since you first started observing from a distance. So you stuck two of his fingers out before holding him by the wrist to angle him at your entrance. His eyes widened. It was like he never expected it to feel like that— Wet and warm. You drifted his fingers along your slit until he found your clit.
“Feel that?” you asked him. He nodded. “Whenever you want to make a girl feel good, just play with this…” You started moving his hand so that his fingers flicked your clit back and forth, meanwhile your other hand continued to play with the top of his cock. “Try it yourself.” You released him.
Meguru couldn’t help himself any longer. That monster that always lingered inside of him whenever he played soccer suddenly leapt out to convince him to flip you over onto your back, tearing your hands away from his body so that he could inch down to see everything he was working with. His fingers played with your entrance a bit, as that was where he was familiar with as his starting point. He dipped in slightly. As you moaned, he glanced up at you with worried eyes, but once he realized that it wasn’t a painful moan, he grinned and pushed two of his fingers into you.
“So tight,” he noted to himself. “Does it always feel like this?”
You gulped. “It depends on the person.”
Meguru was invested in discovering all the possibilities imaginable, so he curled his fingers inside of you. He twisted his hand until he found your sensitive spot, forcing you to moan again. An evil smirk took over his face.
“And this…” He used his other hand to search for your clit, but he was struggling, so you decided to help him. He sighed at the feeling of it. “This makes you feel good?” His index finger drifted over your clit the same way you’d been playing with the tip of his cock. He really was a quick learner. “Is that right, Big Sis?”
He didn’t hesitate to heed your command. The two fingers buried inside of you worked faster and harder to fuck you and curl against your g-spot that he magnificently found all on his own; and his index finger circled your clit at a pace you were so unfamiliar with. Most boys you’d been with didn’t understand how much work needed to go into fingering a girl, yet somehow Meguru knew.
He leaned down to stare at you as you fell apart under him. “I’m not oblivious, Big Sis. I’ve watched porn religiously forever… I had the general concepts down, just never had the opportunity to explore…” He smiled as you tightened around him. “I thought you’ve let every man you’ve laid eyes on fuck you. How can you still be this tight? Hmmm?”
How could your little brother be mocking you! Surely he had more respect for his older sister than that—
“If I make you cum, what will you do for me?” he asked. “Will you suck me off again? Will you teach me about eating you out? Will you teach me how to get better at kissing? What will you do, huh?”
It was your turn to reply with, “Anything!”
“I get it now,” he whispered teasingly, “why you like having someone whining and wiggling under you. It’s hot… Doesn’t matter who it is…”
You had to assert your dominance again. Meguru was getting too cocky for someone who barely knew how to find the clit, you had to knock him down a peg, reminding him that this was all happening because he pushed you too far with the teasing. This wasn’t happening because he asked. It was happening because you wanted to ruin him, not the other way around. So you propped yourself up on your elbows, kissed him, then whispered back that if he made his older sister cum, you’d make him see stars. And somehow that did the trick. With a bunny-like tap to his foot, he set to making you cum quickly. He kissed your neck, attacked your g-spot relentlessly, and added another finger to your clit for more pressure and speed. Soccer always taught him how to be a good team player while still outshining the rest of the team as their captain and lead striker— You could see that the monster in his eyes was bringing that same energy to making you cum. The goal was ahead. The trail had been set. All he needed to do was send you over the edge.
“Fuck— Right there, Megu—”
As you came around his fingers, your fingers found his hair, grabbing onto what you could while it was still tied back into a small ponytail. He sighed happily at the image of you. Glowing and shaking because of him.
“Like that?” he asked, unsure of himself.
You nodded as you caught your breath. “Like that.”
Meguru’s fingers slowly retreated from you. For a moment, you stared at each other in bewilderment, but the monster in him had something to say, which compelled him to hold his wet fingers up to your mouth. 
“Look at me while you do it.”
So you obeyed. Carefully taking his fingers into your mouth, you sucked on them the same way you had sucked his cock— Your tongue swirled, your cheeks hollowed, you swallowed.
“M-My turn…”
Meguru took his fingers out of your mouth so that he could collect more of your wetness for him to taste. Spit mixed with your cum melted on his tongue. He moaned. Your sweet, innocent brother was turning into a pervert, all because of you. You weren’t sure if you should have been proud or disgusted.
“We should probably stop…” your voice of reason came out.
He furrowed his brows at you. “But you made a promise.”
“Just the tip,” he begged. “Please… I wanna know what it feels like…” He grabbed your hip with his left hand and wrapped his right hand around his erection. “Just the tip, I promise.”
He let out another obscene moan as his tip made contact with your dripping entrance. “Fuck.”
“Megu, we shouldn’t.”
For a moment, he hesitated, staring down at you, his eyes pouting to the point you nearly grabbed him by the hair just to throw him onto his back and ravish him— But that damn voice of reason was causing you to rethink everything. It was a shame. If you hadn’t been knocked into seeing some sense, you would have broken him completely…
“Do you think I’m a weirdo, sis?”
Your face dropped. Growing up, that had been his biggest fear: People considering him to be “weird.” He hated the idea of being ostracized simply for who he was, so he always found safe haven with you, his big sister who would never turn your back on him or consider him to be odd. Your brother was your brother. He was perfect. The bullies he faced as a kid were little shits who ruined how Meguru would see himself for the rest of his life; but you were set in showing him that he was amazing.
You pulled him down by the hair to kiss you. “You’re perfect.”
Both of you moaned when he excitedly rolled his hips.
“Just the tip, little brother, okay?”
With an eager nod, Meguru very carefully pushed in— Just the tip. He forced himself to stop short once he felt the slight pop through your entrance; and for a minute, he relished the feeling.
His arms buckled weakly, his body too overwhelmed to keep himself propped up above you anymore, so he fell to his elbows, pushing his cock into you a bit more. You hissed and pushed at his chest. Just the tip! Any more than that and you surely would be the weirdo siblings that fucked each other.
“Feels so good,” he whimpered in your ear. “Please.”
“Megu, don’t—”
But he didn’t hear you. Or maybe he didn’t want to listen. His hips pulled back to where his tip was barely in you again, and for a split second you thought that he would comply, but right after he’d tricked you into believing it was over, his hips fell down on you completely, every inch of him sliding in so easily. You pulled on his hair as you moaned his name.
“Harder,” he begged you.
Reason could go to Hell. You pulled harder at his hair to earn a groan and a swerve of his hips.
“So tight!”
You pulled harder. “Go faster. Pull out, then push back in. Go as fast as you can.”
With Meguru’s face buried in the crook of your neck, he pulled back before thrusting back in, discovering the type of rhythm he could gain with his hips before he could figure out what speed he was capable of. He played with how he could move around. Could he move his hips this way? Absolutely. What about this? Do it again! And what if he played with your clit while he did it? You cried out his name again.
The egoist in him came out.
A boost in his confidence that he was only ever seen carrying with him on the field, suddenly was over you. He did what he pleased with you. He fucked you fast and hard with no regards for the noises you two were making. It came to a point that neither of you cared if the neighbors heard because Meguru’s sweet moans in your ear was enough to claw at his back as you tipped over the edge.
“Pull out,” you begged him as you came, worried that he’d go too far.
Meguru whimpered. “Hold on.” 
He overstimulated your clit without knowing it, all while he chased after his orgasm. He was right there. You could tell. The way he was breathlessly panting through every moan, how his hips were losing their rhythm. You grabbed onto his ponytail. The touch itself made him cry out your name, but as you pulled on the strands gently, he was finally there— With every bit of self-restraint he had left, Meguru pushed himself up, pulled out, and came on your stomach, jerking himself off so that he could ride his entire high out. You kissed him as he did it. You wanted him to savor the feeling, to remember what it was like getting to lose his virginity to his sister— So you kissed him hard, letting him test how he could force his tongue into your mouth.
“Fuck,” he croaked.
You pet his hair gently to make up for all the rough pulling. So your sweet, innocent brother liked it when you hurt him a bit… You blushed. How cute.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck…”
Meguru slumped, rolling onto his side until he was laying beside you.
You wrapped your leg over his waist to pull him close. “You did so good, Megu.”
In response to the praise, he turned such a bright shade of red, you thought he was about to explode.
“That was…” He sighed heavily.
You swiped your index finger through the cum on your stomach, collecting as much as you could, before bringing it up to his lips again, waiting to see if he’d initiate anything or just stare curiously at you again. To your elation, he gave in. Meguru stopped second guessing everything that had just happened so that he could suck on your finger. He lapped his tongue around it like you had done to his cock— He really was learning— and he swallowed so easily.
You laughed and fed him more. “Oh, little brother… I’m gonna have so much fun with you…”
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converge-engineering · 7 months
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Discover the top Aspen HYSYS online courses to master process simulation and engineering. Unlock the power of Aspen HYSYS with our carefully curated selection of the best online courses.
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hello there 👋
I was wondering if you could write a one-shot for Uta?? Something fluffy w/ a shy/sweet human!reader 😊
Thanks in advance! 💜
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Tokyo Ghoul
Pairing(s): Uta x Gender Neutral!Human!Reader
Notes: Songfic with the song “Don’t You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love with You) by Kaden MacKay
When Uta first realized he was in love with you, admittedly, he panicked a little. 
You were a human. He was a ghoul. It wasn’t a relationship that was supposed to work. 
He couldn’t be in love. That was just absurd. He had more exciting things on his plate than love.
Don't you dare make me fall in love with you
Don't you dare enchant me with those eyes
If I fell through your skies,
There's no way you would catch me
There's a tear in my heart,
But your patch wouldn't match me
Uta first met you when he was at Anteiku, and you happened to walk in. It was busy. Most, if not all, of the tables were full, and when you began to approach, he got an idea of what was happening. 
“Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full.” You ask shyly, and he gets the feeling that you’re nervous. Which is understandable with his appearance. He was used to it. 
He nods once, and your expression relaxes as you sit down. The tenseness of your shoulders eases, and you pull out a sketchbook and flip to a new page as Touka brings over your drink. You smile at her and whisper a “thank you.”
You sketch in silence until he feels the need to have a conversation. It’s more of a whim, really, the urge to get to know a human to learn if they’re all like the CCG and Doves. 
“What are you drawing?” He asks, and you jump. But you turn around and show him nonetheless, and he’s blown away. 
It’s rough, with stray lines in some places, but it’s a perfect picture of himself, reclining in the chair and his coffee in hand.
You even got the lettering of his tattoo around his neck right.
The longer he stares, the more fidgety you become. 
“Sorry, I can get rid of it if you want. I know it might be rude to draw other people without permission—” 
“No, no, it’s beautiful. Thank you for choosing me as a model.” He finds himself saying, and his cold heart flutters when you beam. 
You end up gifting him the picture, and after you exchange names, you leave. 
He finds your number hastily scrawled at the bottom of the drawing. 
Being near you still adds to the size of my sighs,
There's still seismic events at hellos and goodbyes,
And I still need reminders of why it's unwise
To stare
So don't you dare
The longer he thinks about it, the more he likes the idea of you becoming friends. You’re shy, but you’re sweet and a brilliant artist. You would be entertaining, at least. 
But he’s likely never to meet you again, so that idea snuffs out like a candle. So he doesn’t text you. 
At least until you walk into his shop. 
You are admiring one of his masks on display when he enters the room from the back. He had heard the door jingle but wanted to finish some of the final stitching of the current mask he was working on. It was for the new half-ghoul Kaneki Ken. But that was beside the point. 
What were you doing here?
Don't you dare make me fall in love with you
Don't you dare do something so cliché
Just get out of my daydreams,
You're an unwelcome guest
And stop making me miss you
'Cause you leaving's for the best
You look up as he comes in, and confusion brightens your eyes. 
“Uta?” You ask, and he nods,
“That’s me. Welcome to HySy ArtMask Studio.” He says, more out of habit than anything. You offer him a smile, and he finds his heart trembling at the sight. 
What was wrong with him?
“I heard there was a mask studio that could offer a lot of inspiration. I didn’t know you owned it.” You comment as you cradle your sketchbook against your chest. Your pencil is stuck behind your ear, and you’re dressed in a thick knit sweater and trousers. Your boots scuff against the floor. 
He finds himself gesturing to the masks. 
“Make yourself at home.” He says, genuinely meaning it. 
'Cause I just couldn't stand having you as my crutch
You're a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch
If you ever return, it'll burn me too much
To bear
So don't you dare
After the initial text, you are really the only one keeping up the conversation. Sure, Uta replies, but he keeps a certain amount of distance between you two. Mainly for your safety. 
But for whatever reason, you keep coming back. 
Your presence becomes a regular in his shop. You come every Friday, right after your university classes. Even though you are his age, if not a year younger, you say you are working toward your bachelor’s degree in—you guessed it—art. 
You say you want to open your own shop and sell your artwork. 
Much like him. 
And I know it's all so shallow, but a shallow cut still stings
And before my heart becomes Amelia's heir, I need to clip its wings
So don't you dare keep mocking me with those
Thousand little things that I adore
Let me ignore you, don't let me care
He tries to ignore you the closer you two become. 
For your safety. 
At least, that’s what he tells himself. 
And don't you dare leave me still in love with you
Nothing's fair when love is war
And I just can't endure any more of the fight
When the casualties rise with my heart rate each night
At first, Uta thinks he’s dying. Of course, that would explain why you always make his heart race and his blood run hot. 
That would explain why you’re always on his mind. 
Though I know I'm to blame for the glances I'd steal,
For the time I kept spending pretending it's real
And now that it's ending, I still have more feelings to spare
But don't you dare
It takes a talking to from Yomo for him to realize what’s going on. 
Don't you dare
When Uta first realized he was in love with you, admittedly, he panicked a little. 
But he doesn’t hate the idea. 
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desisailormoon · 2 months
Eid Mubarak everyone! Some Tokyo Ghoul Halalverse headcanons for the day and some for this month! A lot of these are courtesy of @backgroundcharacterno7 <3
Haise spends his Eid morning stress cooking he forgets to read his verses at least bc he couldn’t go to Eid prayer. If henna is involved Saiko is smudging that shit to play Project Diva on her PSP. Mutsuki is helping Haise in the kitchen to manage the stress and has a hard dysphoria day going to the masjid. Urie would try to work out extra hard after sehri/suhoor and passes out.
Furuta is banned from the masjid because he keeps shouting “I HAVE A BOMB”, sister Rize is nowhere to be found because he cannot lower his gaze.
Hysy Artmask Studio makes bank on chaandrat because he’s doing everyone’s mehendi. Itori reveals a little more skin the more the next Muslim dudebro asks her to wear the hijab.
Eto probably didn’t even bother to celebrate because she’s like “I didn’t even fast all month” but gets push from Hinami and maybe Naki. Naki is still trying to recite Surahs as we speak. It’s going just as well as you think.
Kimi is fighting the WhatsApp aunties all Ramadan, Nishiki keeps trying to lecture Touka about the hijab only to get strangled with one. Hinami and Touka are the ones that have to take care of all the kids on Eid, and at least gets them candy or coffee in smaller doses.
Ayato tried to sit around food throughout his fasts to prove how much of a tough guy he is.
Juuzou goes to Eid prayer and parties for food, Hanbee has to watch him before someone tries to tell Juuzou to move to the ladies section and about how permissible his stitches are. Hanbee is also left to single parent on Eid.
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suvidrache · 1 year
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 1,142 / Read it on AO3 / Wattpad
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When Uta wasn't painting or making masks, he would be taking you to various places in Tokyo.
Today, he sat at the desk in his studio, scrolling through the cell phone you had bought him.
He had no reason to buy or use a cellphone, so he never had one until you showed him yours. He loved the bright colors your phone had - you got him his own and taught him how to use it.
Many of the ghouls used landlines, payphones, and sometimes even flip phones when necessary as a means of contact.
The phone you had bought him was a standard for your time, a touchscreen.
He soon grew bored with the little interaction it had provided him. He turned it off as he sat up, each vertebra in his back cracking as he leaned back slightly. He raised his arms, stretching, before rubbing his eyes and rolling his head around.
He stood up and turned around. He walked out of his office and closed the door behind him. He waited, listening for any sounds that you made, but there were none. He breathed in. Your scent was faint - you had left.
But where to?
He walked up the stairs and looked around the bedroom. Nothing.
Your scent had been stronger downstairs.
He walked back downstairs, grabbed his sunglasses, and took the elevator to get to the floor that opened up to the outside world.
He looked around, seeing nothing but the other ghouls and smelling the occasional human that walked by.
He removed his glasses to look around quickly before putting them back on.
Again, nothing. He couldn't track your scent, not when it was so easily mixed in with everyone else's.
He sighed as he went back inside and sat down on the couch.
He didn't want you to be alone in the world. It wasn't safe. He wanted to go back up to his studio, where he knew it was the safest spot.
It was still daylight out, though. You should be just fine. You're an adult.
But what if you're not fine? What if something had happened? You were a human. It wasn't a safe world out there all alone.
"They'll be alright," he said to himself as he laid his head back on the couch and stretched his arms out.
He breathed in and out slowly. You would be just fine, at least until sunset - that is when the real danger appeared.
Lurking during the day, waiting for a naïve and dumb human to make such a careless and stupid mistake. How trusting and kind they were.
Uta's eyes slowly closed as he drifted off to take a short and quick nap. Listening very carefully to your footsteps, waking whenever someone had come closer to him, lifting his head as proof, he truly was awake.
The setting sun's orange rays lit up the inside of the building. Uta stepped outside, breathing out slowly, knowing you were out there somewhere, and he would have to hunt you down, but not knowing where to start first.
He breathed in. Your scent was fresh. So fresh, he had just missed you. How could that be?
He turned around so quickly that the person behind him had no time to react. He apologized as he put a hand on them and gently moved them out of his way.
You held your arms to your chest, making 'shh' noises at your chest as you walked into the building. You had snuck out of the building to bring something home and surprise Uta. Ordinarily, you would have told him where you were going, but this time, you didn't.
You knew he would be upset with your sudden disappearance, but maybe your surprise would be good enough for him to not be upset.
You stepped onto the elevator and pressed the four.
You waited, another man joined you, and when it was your stop, you got off.
You walked into the HySy ArtMask Studio and went straight to Uta's office. It was empty.
Your breath caught in your throat. He had been there when you left, and now he wasn't.
You breathed in, it's ok, he couldn't have left.
You walked up the stairs and looked to the right. If Uta wasn't in his office, he would be on the right painting. He wasn't there.
You sat down on the bed and placed the creature on the bed next to you, giving it gentle pets as it mewed.
Uta threw open the door to the building, not really caring if it got damaged or not.
He breathed in your scent, and something else.
He ran to the elevator. It was taking far too long to get to his floor.
He took the stairwell beside the elevator, and by the time he had opened the door and made it to the fourth floor, the elevator dinged as the doors opened up, waiting for its next passenger.
Uta opened up the door to the store, and you raced down to him.
Your foot had just reached the bottom step when Uta stood in front of you.
He gently took your face in his hands and turned your head to look at him.
You smiled happily as he asked where you had been.
"I have a surprise for you."
His face was emotionless. "What is it?"
"Come on, I'll show you!" You replied, as you took one of his hands in and led him up the stairs.
He breathed in, attempting to 'peek' at the surprise. He got a smell, but wasn't quite sure what it was.
"You know, you scared me when you left suddenly."
"I'm fine and I think this surprise will make up for it!"
You said, smiling at him as you stood next to him.
He looked at you. "Where is it?"
"On the bed."
He looked over at it as the creature made another meow.
He knelt at its level.
"What is this?" He asked as he gently poked its ear.
The creature batted at his hand, not liking being poked.
"It's a kitten!" You said as you sat down next to Uta.
"What's it do?"
"Uh, it's similar to a child."
He began to pet the kitten's head, and the kitten began to purr at the affection.
"Why's it vibrating?"
You couldn't help but laugh at his question before finding your composure and answering his question.
"She likes what you're doing. She's showing how grateful she is for your attention and love."
"I like her. How do we take care of her?"
"Cats can sort of take care of themselves. All we need to do is fill her bowl up with food, keep her water bowl filled, and clean her litter box when it's dirty."
"That's it?"
"Yeah, besides interacting with her."
"That sounds nice. Can we get another?"
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag list: @stygianoir / To join my tag list apply here.
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the-pen-pot · 7 months
FMA Peeps
So, because I'm thinking of finishing some of my incomplete Roy/Ed FMA fics like Counterpoint etc, which have now been on hiatus for literally years (like... maybe 8? Years? OMG.) I have a question for you, potential dear readers who haven't entirely forgotten about me 🤣
Would you rather I updated the stories as I wrote new chapters (quicker, but more sporadic) or finished writing it, and then updated on a schedule (A longer wait for new stuff, but regular updates)
Let me know!
(Tagging the lovely people who reacted to my other post about this @anjebell, @momonelia, @pingistam, @dw91165, @writingpixels, @shields-not-swords, @sparkchemy, @mimic-of-hysy, @shiewolf, @blackapollonia, @popkin16, @maeverade, @syntax-horror, @musilvers, @oriental-green, @mutefeather, @ziekiel, @gunslingerfromouterspace, @sailor-andromeda, @onlyganymede, @bs2sjh, @lumifern, @reima-of-the-kells, @xfallen-flowersx, @carpe-history, @newyearknwwme, @aerismoon, @lindy51)
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theelysiumconcept · 4 months
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Showcases a Ken Kaneki inspired Nezuko design. Tanjiro and Nezuko go on a side quest travelling to the 4th ward, to visit Uta in his HySy ArtMask Studio for some cosplaying ideas.
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