#hype for you if you're excited btw no hate but it's not me
saviourkingslut · 2 years
nintendo fans losing their mind over the number of big title sequels including botw2 meanwhile fire emblem fans sitting there with their genshin ripoff like 🧍🏻‍♂️💀
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yongislong · 1 year
ideal types + dreamies.
genre: fluff? haha
note: ty anon! i hope this is what you meant! this is just my opinion btw i don't know what these mfs like, i tried not to do body types or anything like that bc... ya lol. lmk if anything comes across as harmful! not proofread...
mark... would probably want someone who is just very chill in general. an ambivert for sure. someone very genuine, personable and freindly. someone who can go with the flow but is also so naturally funny. he laughs at everything so that shouldn't be too hard LMAO. loves people who have good music taste. LOOVE a street style type of person. dancer maybe?? someone who he can spend alone time with and fully drop any act he feels he needs to put up. someone who makes him feel safe and comforted. i don't think height matters to him since i think he's pretty secure with himself! likes someone with a loud laugh hehe. someone poc probably. prefers longer hair but will hype you up no matter what you look like because he genuinely finds you perfect. someone who hypes him up as well
renjun... someone artsy for sure! probably someone softer and a more... calming? aura? if he can sit in silence with you and still feel fulfilled i think that's perfect for him. someone shorter maybe? likes full cheeks. doesn't really matter what style for him tbh, he has a pretty dark academia style so if you're similar that cool but if you can change the way he dresses and have him explore new things, he is so down for that. someone who supports him and comforts him when he's having a hard week/month/etc. someone who likes cafes and museums. likes unique features. bubbly personality but also someone who is silently observant. a sucker for intelligent ppl
jeno... hmm... someone cool for sure. likes darker styles i feel like? but also likes it when you dress in lighter colors and stuff as well! doesn't matter what length your hair is, but likes pixie cuts tbh. i feel like he likes more quirky people since he can be a bit serious sometimes. shy boy/excited cute partner trope for sure. someone more assertive. nice smile so you can both be known as the cute smile couple muahaha. like someone who he can go on hikes with and someone who likes nature, dogs and enjoys being more adventurous. would like someone to nurture him tbh, like not baby him but... can take care of him and make him feel loved and relaxed. likes to feel wanted and manly most of the time though. giving very wattpad bad boy whos also a sweetheart?
haechan... someone shy probably so he can be brought back down to earth LMAO but again!!! i think as long as he clicks with someone, he won't really mind. likes to reassure his partner but also likes someone who is driven and passionate about something. would enjoy being around someone who enjoys watching movies and tv. looots of movie dates. someone in a more vintage style would be very intriguing to him. likes people out of the norm. think of chae from twice in regards to style. someone confident no matter what people say about them. likes to be able to have emotional conversations and be open about issues so someone more mature in that aspect would be appreciated. likes clingy people tbh. someone who's probably a bit more structured
jaemin... likes people who are hard to understand. likes people who dress and act however they want to. would support you no matter what LMAO. someone respectful and polite and full of love. animal lover. he pegs me as the type of person who goes for personality more than anything else, if he finds you attractive its just a plus LOL. definitely someone who's an ambivert. someone who can keep up when he's more excited/extroverted but also someone who can sit, cuddle, cook and read in silence with. definitely someone cute! especially if they seem more intimidating on the outside. he finds that juxtaposition really charming. maybe someone short but i don't think it would make or break anything. a poc lover, SLAAYY. hates try-hards or pick me's. someone who can give him confidence and vice versa
chenle... someone more emotionally mature and go with the flow. someone who is consistent. probably someone smart but not necessarily academically? like someone who is wise! life smart LOL. someone who enjoys cooking and shopping together. likes someone who is able to drive him forward if he feels stuck. someone who's really nice. like really REALLY nice. someone who can teach him good values and helps him see life through different perspectives. doesn't really care too much about style, i can't see him being with someone who is heavy heavy into fashion unless its more leaned towards street wear. just someone really cool, yknow? enjoys introverts because he likes to be able to be the only person to see you come out of your shell
jisung... short extrovert HAHA. he's pretty tall so tbh... most people are shorter than him so it doesn't really matter. but i love the trope of him being super quiet with a partner who enjoys peppering his face in kisses and bragging about him to all their friends. carefree person for sure. someone who can let him look at hard situations and help him alleviate his anxiety and let him know everything is gonna be okay because he's trying his best. likes darker styles. i think of like 2014 tumblr when i think of him LMAOO. so yeah... maybe something like that but modernized? likes bangs. loooves people who are naturally cute. likes people who get flustered easily haha. someone who's not embarrassed to show that they love him
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iwtvdramacd18 · 2 months
OK LETS FUCKING GO the only one in order is gonna be number 1 btw:
5. Steven; Pokemon Sapphire/ Ruby
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I was super into Pokemon as a kid and Sapphire, while not the first Pokemon game I played-- that technically was Crystal but my younger bro wanted to play that so I had to switch-- was the first Pokemon game I beat. I was so fucking thrilled when I beat him late at night I had tears streaming down my face and everything
4. 10th Colossus; Shadow of the Colossus
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So in terms of scope and atmosphere like every colossus is like top tier but there's something so exciting about this one swimming after you under the sand and you see those huge fucking eyes glowing at you while you're frantically trying to shoot them out without hitting a wall/ it crushing you with its jaws
3. Rom; Bloodborne
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so this one is kind of a cheat bc I actually fucking HATE this boss battle in terms of how it plays mostly bc I hate mob bosses that being said. The first time I beat her we actually killed each other at the same time and my heart was beating like crazy and I screamed bc I had no clue if it counted or not BUT IT DID and bc of that she gave me one of the best boss fight experiences of my life.....
2. Barthandelus; FFXIII
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This is mostly for the spectacle of the fight I just really like his design and the OST and there's one attack he does where he like opens up his whole face and just launches a bunch of lasers at you and I think that's the coolest fucking shit
Xemnas; KH2
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This is the most fun I've had doing a boss fight ever I literally had a save on my PS2 dedicated to just being before the final Xemnas boss rush and would play it constantly. I even like the parts that objectively suck about it I DONT CAREEEEE its so hype this was one of my fav games when I was younger and that final boss was like the icing on the cake all the forms he has..... dude is attacking you by hurling buildings at you I love it. The whole like tiers of grandiosity and then the final final you just fighting him with the transient clone stuff he has going on ANYWAY. This is my legit fav boss battle
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fumifooms · 2 months
do you have any character analysis posts you're working on? i'm currently mulling Daya/Dia over in my head right now. In general, I'm thinking a lot about Kabru's team because they don't show up much in the manga and won't be in the show much longer as noticeable players, but have quite a bit of outside-the-manga content to comb through. Personally, I like the idea of Rin and Dia becoming friends with Marcille post-canon, but I want to know them better first. I know Rin pretty well already. 1/2
(for example, Rin/Dia/Marcille seem to like clothes, and i want to draw them clothes shopping.) And I ask this not to put all the work on you! I want to discuss these characters with somebody, and you're one of the only ones I can think of who enjoys doing in-depth dives into the side characters of Dungeon Meshi. You, summerboletes, shisurus, and ambrosiagourmet are some other blogs i can think of that made great meta posts. You can reply to this privately if you want! 2/2 (think about it. daya has a boyfriend and marries him post-canon. marcille loves romance and loves clothes. it'd be adorable if she helped daya find a wedding dress. like kabru introduces them and dia (god i'm so used to writing 'daya') mentions her wedding and marcille immediately pounces on her with eyes sparkling in excitement. i plan to write this fic one day)
This idea is so cute! I’ll also check out those other blogs you mentioned when I have the time to hehe~ I do latch onto minor characters easily but it doesn’t mean I have much to say about everyone. Dia (agreed btw, the situation with Daya vs Dia is confusing)… I do like her, but I feel like her Adventurer’s Bible profile sums it all up quite nicely and straightforwardly honestly. You’re right though her reaction to the treasure bugs was so cute and honestly surprising considering her appearance and demeanor, she does like pretty things and jewelry I could def see her going shopping. More content of her would definitely be fun, I’d read your fic!! I do love imagining how everyone’s relationships are like in Kabru’s party, the intricacies of it… I haven’t mulled it over enough though. I’ve been thinking of Mickbell more because of recent posts though, also Rin… If you’d like, the dunmeshi discord I’m in would be a good place to brainstorm about it I think! Hmu for an invite if you want
Summing up the posts I’m working on was long so here’s a cut out of mercy
I have 78 drafts on tumblr currently oh boy… The thing about my process is that I ramble easily but then I need to compile panels to illustrate the points and that’s real tedious… Character analysis wise - I’m most hyped about a Falin one on the topic of if she’s a people pleaser, how much does she care, what’s her way of thinking etc etc, also her differences with Laios because I hate seeing people seriously say they’re the same person. - Also a Cithis one that I just need to streamline at this point. I want to analyze her demeanor, poke at her psychology and analyze her relationships, she’s fascinating. - Oh I’m so stupid I almost forgot to mention the one I’ve been working on currently about Thistle, the age shenanigans but in an in-world way where yes it’s wonky and it means something. He hauntssss me I have so many thoughts on Thistle & Falin lately. Like, offtopic for the analysis but… Falin loves nature and Thistle is named after a flower… Imagine her post-canon coming across wild thistles and feeling a rush of fondness and she doesn’t know why… Thistles have thorns but they taste sweet… Peel of his thorns and eat him pls.
I have more Chilchuck & family thoughts coming, and more Toshiro & family, but these will have more of a casual brainstorm & speculating tone to them, I also just need to streamline these… Like I am obsessed about Toshiyuki and Chilchuck’s alcoholism I’m sorry
Beyond those the topics of the character analysis become more specific, like - How much social awareness does Laios have? Not none, not a lot, but the specifics can be blurry in ways I think are interesting, he was sensitive to people’s judgements in his hometown after all, and he does worry about others’ perception of him… He does know that buzzcut guy was taking advantage of him, etc etc. - There’s an extensive one I want to make on how the winged lion reflects abusive relationships, like how he targets all his ‘meals’'s specific weaknesses and draws out the worst in each of them. A lot of Dunmeshi is about unity and overcoming prejudices & differences & flaws and forming deep and long-lasting bonds despite it all, and amongst all of it it’s like… How flawed relationships with flawed people can still be made into somehing good and healthy that make the world brighter… Except the winged lion there to represent abusive relationships which you need to fucking DITCH, lol. - And on the topic of Dunmeshi & relationships I want to talk about it and queerness, especially in the queerplatonic sense of blurring lines, and Izutsumi + Laios’ relationship to touch should feature in those.
And my crown jewel but I’m soooo hyped about the Marcille & Chilchuck’s arcs one I’m working on it’s gonna go over so much stuff I’m obsessed about, like the importance of books in Marcille’s life, what the succubi reveal about the characters in what ways, the theme that’s so prevalent in Dunmeshi of idealization, Marcille’s imagery as a dungeon lord, a shepherd a general a princess a monster a damsel a woman in mourning…
But that’s enough for heavy ones, side characters wise: doing quick posts like for the gold-stripper characters has been great, but those usually come to me on the same day that I post them. I might make some analysis posts on say Mickbell or Holm or Otta, but I don’t have the thread I want to follow yet. Flamela’s been on my brain so much too…
Mostly though there’s just a lot that I wouldn’t write analysis for, but that I’d love to explore in fanfics! For example, the hienbeni I want to write the most rn is about the surges of anger that Benichidori gets, impulsive and stressed out. I haven’t made a post on my Izutsumi & Benichidori brotp and all the interesting parallels I think I have, but I’ve written a fic on it! Same about Chilchuck’s daughters and their relationship with his alcoholism, etc. I explored the guilt and confliction he may feel about his wife in my fic Enough as well, etc etc. You can see my fics here! For Kabru’s party lately mickrin has been having a chokehold on my brain, I’d love love love to explore Rin’s and Mickbell’s characters and issues through fics for them. As I think you might have figured, I love to explore characters through the lenses of relationships they have with others (Cithis & Mithrun and Pattadol, Thistle and Falin, etc), and that’s why for example I love to make posts that pitch ship ideas, I think specific dynamics can really have a lot to say about either characters. Oh another one’s toshimari, I want to make a fic about them and their feelings of being foreigners and not being able to integrate well to The Island, through the plot of them going to a restaurant as coworkers and the food they eat there~
These are only the ones I have at the top of my head though………. Someone help me Hopefully this post wasn’t boring lol, but yeah those are my wips rn. Need to make posts on toshimari, kabushuro, cithaios, cittadela and ships like that I think have interesting potential too. Many of these I’ve mentioned here I’ve had in my drafts for like 6 months btw gdvd 😭
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crescentpaws · 1 month
the character everyone gets wrong
a compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
worst discord server and why
which ship fans are the most annoying?
what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
worst part of canon
worst part of fanon
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
worst blorboficiation
that one thing you see in fics all the time
that one thing you see in fanart all the time
you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
there should be more of this type of fic/art
it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
part of canon you found tedious or boring
part of canon you think is overhyped
your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
ship you've unwillingly come around to
topic that brings up the most rancid discourse
common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Answer all of em!!!!
(For KOTLC or any fandom that you really wanna do)
LMAO ok… if you insist ☝️ (dashes are for questions i’ve already answered)
1. -
2. still no comment on this one.
3. idk i can’t rlly remember any awful takes off the top of my head LMAO. haven’t even been here that long so
4. bold of you to assume i remember anyone i block
5. i don’t use rlly discord (wow these answers are so exciting)
6. sokeefe for SURE and i don’t think anyone can disagree with me on this
7. already answered but i need to say it again. KEEFE. maybe i’d like him a bit more if some people didn’t make literally EVERYTHING about him (also if people stopped commenting “this looks like keefe” on my art)
8. once again using this as an opportunity to spread my short haired fintan propaganda. that guy would not be able to maintain long hair. he’d accidentally burn it off or something. also dex is not a cinnamon roll. marella is bisexual, not a lesbian. king dimitar is irrelevant to me and the bit is sometimes annoying. alden is not abusive. fitz is not manipulative. keefe is not mature enough for a relationship with sophie. (+ princess purryfins is the size of a goldfish, not a full-sized cat! vertina is literally only a head, she does not have a body!)
9. -
10. sokeefe vs sophitz. like we’re not getting anywhere by arguing about this why don’t we all just take a deep breath and calm down a bit
actually i guess that’s more the fandom itself ummm idrk i hate how some of y’all demonize characters for the stupidest reasons (just being silly btw don’t take any of this too seriously)
11. -
12. -
13. dex honestly. tam too but personally i’ve seen it happen with dex wayyy more
14. i don’t read fics 😜👍 can’t ever find ones that sound interesting
15. people forgetting to draw the registry pendants 😢 guys give them back their pretty little necklaces
16. -
17. -
18. -
19. honestly no idea… i’ll get back to this one
20. again, the love triangle. also pretty much all of stellarlune LMAO. i swear most of that book was just them talking about stuff they were going to do instead of actually doing it 💀 also shannon was pushing the kenric / oralie agenda way too hard in that book tbh like guys kenric is dead literally nothing can come out of this. it’s irrelevant and i don’t care!!!
21. keefe 😊👍 again. does not deserve all that hype
22. fintan on the other hand….. also the peace summit scene is under appreciated it’s so funny (as well as every other fintan scene tbh)
23. gonna be so real back in 2019/2020 i was a hardcore believer of aroace fintan and i hated pretty much every fintan ship so. old me would be horrified to know what my current favorite ship is. (still basically hate every other fintan ship tho LMAO)
24. once again sokeefe vs sophitz lmao 💀 or honestly just fitz vs keefe. we do not need to be doing this guys.
25. “dex on the cover!” “dex needs more page time!” WRONG! we need more marella page time. we need another marella cover!! we need more fintan page time!!!!!!!!!
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sashkapi · 10 months
This is my first time sending you an ask because I was shy, but I was just binge-scrolling your profile (again), and I just wanna say never apologize for making more beautiful content about kbsd, especially the kindall ones :'3
Like, mygosh, you have no idea how many times your updates have made my day because I am also STARVING for kbsd and kindall content kebdjshwjdbsjsjc You're honestly such a blessing for that special place in my heart reserved for just kindall HAHAHAHAHA Like damn, where you've been after all these years T-T
But anyway, I super love your headcanons about kindall, and also just kbsd in general. I wanna ask you so many stuff like how tall do you think Kick would be compared to Kendall when they grow older? Do you think Hansel would like Kick when Kindall finally gets a little closer to the friendship side of things or will Hansel be super overprotective over Kendall and basically hate Kick' guts lol ALSO, what do you think of Kendall and Gunther as friends? Or their dynamic as fellow class officers? It's been a while, but I remember there being an episode where Gunther won as president to the student council I think? And like, I'm lowkey sad that this wasn't ever mentioned or referenced again in another episode. Because on one hand, I do think Gunther is smart in certain aspects and this is a good way for him to show it, BUT ALSO, IMAGINE IF KENDALL SHOWED GUNTHER THE ROPES FOR ALL THESE STUDENT COUNCIL STUFF AND THAT'S HOW THEY GOT A LITTLE CLOSER AS FRIENDS? Sorry for the all-caps, I just think it'd be super cute if there was more content about the other friendships and connections between the side characters (especially for Kendall, cause I remember her celebrating her birthday alone on that one episode where Kick babysits Oscar I think, AND THAT'S JUST SO SAD AND SHE DESERVES BETTER)
But anyway, sorry for the super long and messy brain dump hahaha, but endpoint to all of this, just wanna say that I love the content you make and I'm super excited to see your other headcanons and comics. That's all, thank you so much for all that you do and I wanna send you virtual hugs (with consent) <33 Byeee!
Me, after I red this ask /pos
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Ok i'm gonna put the rest under the cut because OH I HAVE A LOT TO SAY
I actually drew their designs for like mid/late twenties for a quick joke and didn't put as much thought into that BUT KJGKDJFGJK
Ok so adult Kindall
I feel a bit embarrassed by just how strong of a grip those two have on me but chvyf I'm still gonna make content with them of course >:D
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We stan short king ayooooooooo
About Hansel and Kick
I like the idea that she's not overprotective over Kendall or likes Kick right away but a secret third thing: sees him as a rival for the rank of awesome's first place. Like whenever he visits Kendall Hasel goes "aight boy, square up!" And just starts acting cute and adorable because that what somewhat gave her first place in the past.
Her cuteness doesn't work on Kick of course but Kendall? She already loves Hansel very much so whenever Hansel "competes" with Kick by rolling on the floor or rubbing against Kendall's legs you know that Kendall will be borderline crying from how adorable her kitty is.
The fact that cat can easily take all of Kendall's attention like that doesn't makes Kick mad tho. But he sure is irritated by that. Frustrated even.
Hansel counts that as a win btw jfnfnnfkfk
Before this ask I just thought that they're neutral. Not friends, Gunther is also kinda wary of her but generally sees her as just a classmate. BUT YEAH THAT EPISODE ABOUT ELECTION. IT WOULD BE FUNNY IF THAT WAS AT LEAST MENTIONED BUT AAAAAAA
Now I kinda like the idea that Kendall was scheming to take Gunther's place after the episode. However, Gunther kinda realized that student council position? Not very hype. Barely any time to hang out. So Gunther genuinely asked Kendall for help. Like, Jacky is wack (affectionate) but Kendall is pretty much known for her love for the rules and academics so it's only logical. And at first Kendall wanted to use that to completely "overthrow" him but Gunther, being an absolute lovable funny guy he is, made her go "Ok, you can stay actually"
I like the idea that Kendall keeps Gunther from turning the school into a Nordic funny land and Gunther keeps her from turning the school into a literal prison. It's a win win situation
It's kinda implied that Mouth and Ronaldo are friends. Ronaldo had goons too (where did they go :( ) Also I really warming up to the idea that Kyle and Jackie became chaotic besties or even romantic partners (sorry Gunther x Jackie people, but Kyle x Jackie has more comedic potential to me)
I also wanted to see Kendall interact with more with her peers like jjdjgnjdndjfjck even if not friendly, just lemme see my girl being a menace
(Please know I am returning that virtual hug :) )
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
reviewing all 25 of my fics !!!!!
i have never read my writing! i just did. some was good, some was bad, here's my review and at the end there's a tier list C:
curiosity one
actively throwing up i hated every little bit of that i'm so glad i'm rewriting that oh my god why was that so popular?? 🤢
i can confidently say i no longer feel this way vvvv
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curiosity two
ehhh getting better but still not the best. but at least i didn't cringe my way through the fic this time!! :D
curiosity three
writing is iffy because i'm mixing two different writing styles together
HOWEVER i LOVE the h/c in this therefore it is so far my favorite chapter :D
"tommy calm down, it's just a drink, see?" is just WJKEJFNRDNF i love it for no reason :D the interactions in this i admit are really nice
curiosity four
supposed to be an exiting chapter but tbh i did not execute that too well
uhh yippeee he's out!!!
curiosity five
mmm mm m mmmm idk how to feel about this one
very fast paced i will admit
this whole series is so fucking rushed 😭
curiosity six
dialogue is pretty cool tho
overall this series is rushed and poorly made lmaooo
wilbur chocolate 1
okay this is pretty good
not lovely but it's readable and i honestly love this au so i'm not gonna diss it too hard
wilbur chocolate 2
i like this one
dialogue go brrr
also i feel like i executed wil's panic semi-well? i definitely made him have some trust in tommy way too soon but yk
i'll run away and hide with you
ehhh there's nothing technically wrong with it,,,,,
no real comments it's fine ig
spy au: unofficial prologue
idk there's nothing wrong with it like this fic !! :D
2022 summer exchange
again too rushed i need to draw out trust it doesn't happen in two minutes!!!
"you're pretty" makes me happy tho. don't ship dnf too hard but i like it :DD
ghosts are better than humans
writing is iffy but it's cute !!
company & repairs 1
first fic and it's mid. i got fanart for it though, that's pretty cool :D (i toooootally didn't ask for it, i got it just by pure chance. totally!)
mm i could've written his injuries better
i like my use of internal questions
dude in my earlier fics i was so scared to write like product names and the word "scream" and "yell" bc i didn't want it to come off as cringe like wth that is literally so bad
i let go, when i should've held tighter/an inconvenience, at best 1
typos are bad. bad bad.
writing can 100% be difficult
ended up deleting it to redo it bc after all this worldbuilding i need to redo some things :)
also dialogue is everything but accurate
never fucking again.
ok ummm i could've done his pain a lot better
i've gotten better at writing mental health so i'm going to rewrite this someday
but to be fair i wrote this alongside many other things that day---i was doing a bet,,,,
writing is actually kind of decent and i love how chill tommy is lmaooo "well, he fucked that one up" "at least he got his powers working"
apart from thattt i LOVE this au and am excited to write the first chapter :D
oh, george
okay time to see all the hype around this. 93 notes???? this better be good
not worth all the notes (sosososo grateful for those btw almost 100 notes that is AWESOME) but i can see why it was liked. i can usually tell if this community will eat smth up or not,,,
don't fall
i liked that
definitely my favorite so far
writing is decent and it's fluffy so i like it :DD good job me C:<
heavy is the head that gets no sleep
mm cute i like it :D
top for sure
2022 secret santa: too good to be true
okay the idea for this was like actually awesome, i loved having dream like kinda do into that trance thingy and having it fade in later. and i like how i incorporated "bitter stares" into it.
however there's a severe lack of dialogue and the action is drawn out, far too short and not properly there
it also felt rlly short so there's that,,,
the act of making noise 1
i like this one! it could be a little bit better but tbh it's a good au and i like the writing a lot more than some of my other fics so it s a win from me :D
i also think i has a nice flow to it? that could just be me tho
counting down the seconds
v bad i can see why this didn't do too well
deleting it cause this au is on hiatus,, might give it out as a prompt now :D
uhh writing wasn't too good and it was very boring, way too long asw,,,
mere monstrosity
it's actually well written??
this is such an underrated fic of mine istggg
top fics for sureee
the little things (written)
badly written, fluffy, one of my oldest fics
cory's notes give me life tho <333 "your writing makes me feel warm" AJGFSAJDGEFJDNF i love cory smsm :D
shroud, you savior?
good fic idea, poorly executed
and oh my god in my earlier fics i'm realizing how oblivious i was to how puncuation worked, especially for my dialogueeeeeee!! it makes me feel terrible reading it,,,,,
also the amount of fluff-to-angst ratio is good, but again i need to write panic better,,,,
hush 1
YES! I LIKE THIS! to be fair it's my newest fic but STILL i like this a lot!!!
good angst, suspense could be a tiiiny bit better but i still rlly like this!!! top fic for sure C:<
fluff. fluff fluff fluff. writing aside the mouthplay scenes are the best things ever i am so happy this exists !!!!!!!!!
wow i have an excruciating number of fics. i did not like reading them :'D
tier list time >:D (more under cut)
Keep reading
hush 1 (writing, dialogue, plot, everything is good imo)
don't fall (if the writing for this was better it'd be #1 !! the fluff, this entire au in general, "i won't hurt you" mmmm this is a yummy fic !!!)
mere monstrosity (speaks for itself. i loved this fic! it's a bit rocky in the beginning but i just love shane sm <3)
the act of making noise 1 (YES this is good. the overall plot is iffy but i like chapter one so far, hopefully i can take this au in the right direction !!)
curiosity killed the cat 3 ("it's just a drink, see?" mm yummy)
heavy is the head that gets no sleep (prime boys my belovedd)
spy au: unofficial prologue (i just have a thing for spy!dnf <33)
wilbur chocolate 2 (like i said, dialogue go brrrr, and it's actually a decent sequel. wilbur chocolate beloved asw >:D)
wilbur chocolate 1 (angst beloved)
ghosts are better than humans (it's simple. i didn't overdo it,,,)
i let go when i should've held tighter/spy au 1 (spy au belovedd!!!)
never fucking again (love this au sm, my opinion is swayed again)
switched (tinies overcoming their fear of getting nommed is such a high trope for me,,,)
oh, george (my opinion is swayed bc of the tiktok it's based off of)
2022 secret santa: too good to be true (honestly despite my lack of flow & dialogue its pretty good)
2022 summer exchange (honestly idk why i don't rlly like this---i'm making a part two so some part of me should enjoy it?)
shroud, you savior? (ok this fic is an era to me it brings back positive memories :] also ppl like this so i meannn)
curiosity killed the cat 2 (he and wilbur talk, what's not to like? i like this chapter a lot actually)
the little things (little streamer au my belovedd)
curiosity killed the cat 6 (everything is revealed!!!! and wilbur not being able to really do anthing cause a. he's in tommy's storage and b. he's a traitor, kidnapper and villain in tommy's eyes)
i'll run away and hide with you (idkkkk why i don't like this either. to be fair nothing's really wrong with it,,)
company & repairs 1 (again memories and also idk this was my first fic, i think nostalgia is helping my decision)
curiosity killed the cat 4 (he gets out, that's pretty cool)
counting down the seconds (eeeehhh this used to be a cool au of mine but that was before i just stopped working on it and i realized it wasn't that cool,,)
curiosity killed the cat 1 (No.)
i switched these around so much lmaoo but i was dead set on the last two. curiosity was so bad wtf??
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Yeah I hate when they wanna bag the rising stars only to not give them any time on the field, because it's too crowded. That's why I often don't understand why players would rather be on the bench in a big club than be a star of a semi-big club. Money or prestige I guess? (Fabregas going from Arsenal's captain to some guy in Barca....) Yep RM is guilty of this as well.
I'm forever a striker <3 you? What's your number and position in The Blues? Varane what??? Wait, you scared me, thought he was retiring in general. Not surprising considering the drama in France
I forgot to mention the Gr**nw**d shit in my previous message, but I'm infuriated. I'm glad many fans don't support him, but fucking hell, him and M*nd* should play in Prison League together
I have a long list of vegan places, look skdhahsuwhahhss. But what's funny is, I'm the most excited to visit this little food place again. The food is typical street food, only a few menu items, it's cheap, but so so good!
God I would probably have to block everyone going to the concerts, nothing personal just my pettiness (actually no, some things are personal)
Aw, I know people are looking forward to the Yunho fic, but if you really can't do it then don't pressure yourself. Question, why did you decide to write for Yunho, was it a temporary moment? My god, poor Hannah went through a lot, hopefully her wig was in tact 😭 Bratz girls were serving, yesss. Wait did you play the My Scene games?
You're young miss Baeksy, so I won't hold it against you, but Skins was a rollercoaster, very Br'i'sh too. I remember It's a Boy Girl Thing, I actually watched it in 2020 again, kinda creepy at times tbh, but I liked the chemistry
Wdym Tasir doesn't exist, his real, but in a different world 😭😅 yep, the amount of times I tried to defeat Barca and avenge Real, unhinged lmao
Ohhhh alright I'm gonna play the Imagine Dragons song since you interested me with the villain thing
Guess the religious Moas missed the horn title otherwise they would be rising their pitchforks since their debut
Hwa said he doesn't use hand cream, but his hands are naturally soft 🤧
Cuteeee omg Atinys and Stays when, they used to be married. But this 😭
Vivi and Hyunjin filled the lawsuit now and wtf is Universal JP doing I'm not sure it's a good thing, just leave them alone!!! But also I hope they find a way to come back
Chris Lee and his fucking uncle need to be buried, omg I hate this I don't even care about NCT that much, but this is fucked up. So I understand why Lookass was chosen for SuperM, but I don't understand the hype behind him anyway, he's okay looking but there are hotter people in NCT or WayV, ok he did variety, I liked him on Keep Running with Yuqi, but he wasn't THAT funny. Yangyang is funnier, a better dancer and rapper, prettier and speaks English, but people drool over Lookas? Jail.
Have you seen the clips from Boys Planet, ifk whether I should laugh or cry, they're setting them up. And Hui... they're trying to bait us, tell me this is a bait. Also damn boy, you're good you don't need a mediocre show to prove your skills :(
I'm sorry whats abshhshahshus, but the last photo? Gorjuuuuus. OK but him coming on Universe basically every day since he found out it'll be closing <3
MAN JUST KEPT GOING (we were on a date btw) and we got the wedding fit selfie 😳
Hate volleyball but perhaps I'd watch it
Baek freeeeedom soon!!! - DV 💖
Yeah I hate when they wanna bag the rising stars only to not give them any time on the field, because it's too crowded. That's why I often don't understand why players would rather be on the bench in a big club than be a star of a semi-big club. Money or prestige I guess? (Fabregas going from Arsenal's captain to some guy in Barca....) Yep RM is guilty of this as well.
yeaaah their career almost becomes non-existent and u only see them on the bench and damn that be hurting but i guess u get paid 😭😭😭 yEAAAAH THAT PART YEAH coutinho being sold for free at barca after their debt when they bought him for the 200$ mill neymar left them was so stupid 😭😭 ancelotti’s actually mad 😭😭
I'm forever a striker <3 you? What's your number and position in The Blues? Varane what??? Wait, you scared me, thought he was retiring in general. Not surprising considering the drama in France //// I forgot to mention the Gr**nw**d shit in my previous message, but I'm infuriated. I'm glad many fans don't support him, but fucking hell, him and M*nd* should play in Prison League together
claiming the attack midfeilder 🤲🏻 PROBABLY A 7 OR 17 ACTUALLY you?? he’s still at that club 😭😭 it’ll be interesting to see france at the next wc w not greizmann varane benz maybe even giroud,,, yeahh i thought the ffc was dramatic but french media is nasty as hell,, YEAH LIKE HOW IS HE OUT FREE?? the entire case of his was maddening he‘a def never play football again if that ratchet club makes him even BENCH, boycotting,, a MAJOR loss for prison fc
also this 😭😭😭 the red card was so unnecessary for casemiro
I have a long list of vegan places, look skdhahsuwhahhss. But what's funny is, I'm the most excited to visit this little food place again. The food is typical street food, only a few menu items, it's cheap, but so so good! //// God I would probably have to block everyone going to the concerts, nothing personal just my pettiness (actually no, some things are personal)
omg STOP THE FOOD LOOKS SO GOOD 😭😭😭 ANON U CANNOT BE SENDING THIS LINK AND I SEE IT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT 😭😭😭 i hope u get to go to lots of cafe’s too i bet they’ve stepped their games up even more, the aesthetic ones are a MUST,,, tour’s starting in a week 😭😭😭 the london fansign the new lore drop
Aw, I know people are looking forward to the Yunho fic, but if you really can't do it then don't pressure yourself. Question, why did you decide to write for Yunho, was it a temporary moment? My god, poor Hannah went through a lot, hopefully her wig was in tact 😭 Bratz girls were serving, yesss. Wait did you play the My Scene games?
i think i did bc i kept getting messages about ppl wanting me to do another member, id get a lot of them to the point i stopped posting most of them and i thought maybe i could just do it and get over w it! since i had been writing for about a 1 year only for psh AND I WAS VACATIONING AND EVERYTHING I SAW AND EXPERIENCED i was jotting notes down and telling myself this is yunho when it was actually the other guy i guess 😭😭😭
her wig,,, i,, cut it off a little, used highlighters on it 😭😭😭😭
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You're young miss Baeksy, so I won't hold it against you, but Skins was a rollercoaster, very Br'i'sh too. I remember It's a Boy Girl Thing, I actually watched it in 2020 again, kinda creepy at times tbh, but I liked the chemistry
<3 yes miss boomer <3 very bri’ish, oh the drama must be spitted in the posh accent, wait anon question i can’t believe i haven’t asked this, do u have the bri’ish accent and if so of what area 😭😭 the boy girl thing the characters were great a little flat a lot of the times,, so not watch the ryan reynolds movie. i made the terrible mistake of watching it.
Wdym Tasir doesn't exist, his real, but in a different world 😭😅 yep, the amount of times I tried to defeat Barca and avenge Real, unhinged lmao //// Ohhhh alright I'm gonna play the Imagine Dragons song since you interested me with the villain thing
okAY tasir or this guy 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️
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LMFAOOO DID U WIN FBWNFBDNJCJC yes pls do!! the scenario is quite obvious hwa finds out what a liar yn is but it’s too late to fix things and now he keeps looking at yn but yn will not look at him <3 this hwa in it if u get the chance! u should listen to MDP’s fake love orchestral version is is magnificent and will make u image it better!
Guess the religious Moas missed the horn title otherwise they would be rising their pitchforks since their debut //// Hwa said he doesn't use hand cream, but his hands are naturally soft 🤧 //// Cuteeee omg Atinys and Stays when, they used to be married. But this 😭
NO SERIOUSLY 😭😭😭 i want whatever the guy naming their songs is on <3 bro doesn’t use hand creams??? drop THE SOAP. STOPPP DO U REMEMBER THE FANFICS WRITTEN ON EXOL AND ARMYS 😭😭 i bet there’s some stays v atinys etl’s flying around
Vivi and Hyunjin filled the lawsuit now and wtf is Universal JP doing I'm not sure it's a good thing, just leave them alone!!! But also I hope they find a way to come back
if the company takes their name away, i want them to comeback as LUUNA or LUNA,, the jpn thing is probably gonna be terrible actually ,,, like they’ll drop a emotional song perhaps and then go on a “break” it’s so frustrating as an outsider but they all must be in a rush to end things and find agencies I KNOW SM CAN SIGN THEM BUT I DONT WANT THEM THERE 😭😭😭
Chris Lee and his fucking uncle need to be buried, omg I hate this I don't even care about NCT that much, but this is fucked up. So I understand why Lookass was chosen for SuperM, but I don't understand the hype behind him anyway, he's okay looking but there are hotter people in NCT or WayV, ok he did variety, I liked him on Keep Running with Yuqi, but he wasn't THAT funny. Yangyang is funnier, a better dancer and rapper, prettier and speaks English, but people drool over Lookas? Jail.
no seriously, the amount of damage they’ve done to sm and it’s artists is ridiculous,, no bc a whole taeyong exists,, no need for lookass 😭😭 yangyang EASILY takes over his position and lookass doesn’t even get that many lines so why even??? nOW HE WAS FUNNY AT THE VARIETY he suits that genre a lot and might as well be part of that more than the group,,, ur right wayv by itself are perfectly fine,, their vocals are good w/o his and same for superm bc he got that one line in jopping and said it’s done,, other’s can easily cover him up 😭😭😭 chris lee it’s in sight
Have you seen the clips from Boys Planet, ifk whether I should laugh or cry, they're setting them up. And Hui... they're trying to bait us, tell me this is a bait. Also damn boy, you're good you don't need a mediocre show to prove your skills :(
LMFAOOOO STOP FHWKHDSKDHKW ITS SO FUNNY GBWKFHWK i hope they do better tho bc the internet’s violating 😭😭😭
BUT pls support seok matthew <3 he is from where im from <3 surprised he’s alive bc of his high school choice but he’s a good friend of my mutual he’s like the only good one fbendbjc hui NEEDS to get out of there, he can easily start a youtube channel and show his life there and or drop covers WHY DO THEY KEEP SENDING HIM THERE 😭😭😭 HE HAS DEBUTED 5 TIMES PLS
I'm sorry whats abshhshahshus, but the last photo? Gorjuuuuus. OK but him coming on Universe basically every day since he found out it'll be closing <3

he is SO PRETTY 😭😭😭 that hair on him,, it’s giving the same vibes as the heart hair photos he posted….. anon.
what is this. what in the wattpad mafia.
crazy is me, me is crazy.
MAN JUST KEPT GOING (we were on a date btw) and we got the wedding fit selfie 😳 /// Hate volleyball but perhaps I'd watch it /// Baek freeeeedom soon!!! - DV 💖
HE BETTER STOP OR I WILL ASK HIM FOR HIS HAND,,, the wedding fit selfie, anon please. don’t do this, i had a lil delulu pls. <3.
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san, otter, sotter
0 notes
szftzy · 3 years
hey! I've just read you're post about genshin being a escape mechanism and if it's alright if like to request a version with Thoma if not that's chill. btw its really neat to read a take where they are self aware in that way
escaping reality, but literally.
Thoma (AKA malewife) wants you to acknowledge him, [acknowledge him rn or else]
A/N: also thoma might be a little ooc
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ever since Thomas leak, you had been hyped for the release of the character, first off; male wife energy and second off; he’s a cool guy and gets too much hate from the NPC’s in game! and also you really liked his design ever since it’s been leaked, and was looking forward to any Thomas updates, let’s just say this started a new found obsession, but unknowingly a self-aware obsession was also made, but from behind the screen
as a student it was stressful to prepare for exams, you often took your mind off of it by playing genshin, infact thoma was probably the whole reason you joined genshin! you were lucky Thomas was a 4 star! that way you could get him more easily, while wishing on hu tao’s his banner, you luckily got him! under a few ten pulls.
after that you immediately started building him with all your savings, excited that you got your favorite character! his playstyle was fun to play, and you really enjoyed using thoma, maybe using him like all the time when your on genshin?? you were just a huge fan, and it’s not like your hyperfixation would impact anybody right? wrong. Meanwhile, suspicious.. things were happening a few days after you got thoma.
when I say that I mean non-existing voice Lines? lines that your friends swore up to heaven until earth that they didn’t exist, but you simply didn’t mind them! it started getting, well.. a bit extreme after that, such as bosses already defeated, (one time you logged in genshin to fight the pyro hypostasis and... it was already defeated?. Is mihoyo playing a trick on you?) getting extra primogems when you swore you didn’t have that many last time you were on..
and the freakiest thing was that, whenever you were AFK and thoma was there.. creepy voice lines such as ‘why did you leave me hanging? please don’t do that again!’ or.. ‘your room looks really nice! did you decorate it yourself?’ its as if he could see you.. after that you didnt dare to open genshin for a few days, a certain person was not quite happy about that.
he would revive himself, when you swore he was dead last second?! you tried contacting mihoyo.. but they said they never heard about this glitch and couldn’t do anything about it, atleast something along the lines of that.. you were starting to get freaked out, which made you consider buying a new phone and starting all over because you didn’t wanna deal with any creepy stalkers you already have one and he’s ready to pounce.
you were hesitant, hesitant to open genshin, but once you have, your fate will be sealed, and you can’t do anything about it, too bad. As they say: curiosity killed the cat
”you want to escape reality? Then please! come with me, it’ll be so much better, dont you think?”
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A/N: sorry for leaving y’all hanging! anyways, here’s thoma the male wife edition [take it u simps]
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ficsforeren · 3 years
This is so off topic to the tls talk, but I love how your blog just feels like one big group chat for Eren simps. I’ve never seen a writer so happy and genuinely interested in what their readers think, or even just to interact with the random Eren related content we send you. I feel like a lot of writers that have blown up for Eren fics act a little weird, uh I’m not sure how to explain it, I mean it’s valid sometimes considering the way this fandom harasses authors. I don’t really know what I’m trying to say lol, you’re just really great and I appreciate that.
As much as I want TLS to go viral and get the credit it deserves I kind of love that it’s like a little gem on tumblr, your readers really get to enjoy it without a mass amount of people here to ruin it. And it’s also not a fic that we’re reading just because it’s so overly hyped, this is genuinely good content. ALSO, THE EXTRA THICCC AND JUICY CHAPTERS 😩 I binged this fic when you were on chapter 8 I think and I was hooked from the first chapter, I never would’ve imagined a fic this detailed to be updated so frequently. I already told you how this fic feels a little personal to me, but you always have me feeling absolutely every emotion you write about, I love getting tingles at the little romance scenes. Btw your absolutely insane in the best way for writing 30k for the last chapter.💀
You are absolutely incredible, I genuinely believe you can do no wrong with your writing (I hope this is somewhat reassuring since you seem a little stressed about the ending), but I really mean it. Idk what you do for a living but if you aren’t perusing writing as an actual career I definitely think you should. PRINT TLS AND I WILL LITERALLY BUY IT NO JOKE! I’m so bad with words lol I feel like I can’t explain how much I adore you as a writer and a person 😭 Your fics are such a great distraction for me and I really appreciate them, I just really hope outside of your blog you’re happy and living a great life, you deserve it.❤️
Idk if you get hate or have any toxic readers but I just think you should know your work is appreciated. I didn’t mean for this to get so sappy oops😗 love you tho
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oh no... you're gonna make me cry again
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honestly every time i see you in my inbox, i get so happy and excited because your messages are always so sweet and supportive, like omg girl, you don't know just how much your words mean to me. i always go back and read your messages again and again when i need to find some motivations to write. i've been having a hard time writing chapter 15 and the epilogue because I'm trying my best to meet your expectation but every time i re-read the stuff i wrote i'm like... man, i don't think this is good enough but i don't know what else i have to do to improve it 😭writing makes me happy but sometimes it can get a bit frustrating you know? i always feel like i have this wonderful scene i want to write in my head but when i put it down into words, it feels... meh. my vocabulary is limited, sometimes i know how to describe it my native language but i don't know how to write it beautifully in english. i lack imagination too and i keep repeating the same formula and sometimes it's just AARRGHHHH
i think it's because of that time when i wrote my first fanfic in EXO fandom. there was this one person i found on twitter who legit made a thread to make fun about my writings. my fic had almost 650,000 views and more than 28k subscribers so it was... pretty popular, i guess, at that time (personally i don't think so and i don't understand why it got recommended a lot by people). so this person made a thread and she was like, "can't believe people actually read this bullshit. i bet a thirteen years-old girl wrote it." and that... really hurt me. and i stopped writing for a while, i was so scared of being made fun of again. i guess that's what makes me feel so insecure about my writings, even to this day, so i'm very happy when people compliment me on my writings. and not just my writing, but also the effort i put into it. it makes me feel so appreciated so thank you so much 😭😭😭
and i think i'm just really lucky to have you guys as my readers. i only have 1.5k followers for this sideblog but all of you are so nice and you always give me feedbacks every time i posted a new chapter and that means A LOT to me. it keeps me motivated to write more and more. i don't mind if my chapter only gets a few notes, as long as i can hear your feedbacks and reviews.
thank you for existing, each and every one of you. i love you guys so much and i hope i can always make you guys happy with my stories.
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Im gonna be honest, iv been putting off ur newest series. At first, i hate saying this btw ur writing is absolutly amazing. But i was a bit turned off by the old timey english on mcu characters, it just felt a bit weird to me. But now! After seeing all the hype for this series i dont think i cant not read it now! I also wanted to wait till it was finished but i cant to it bro, i cannot. I need the agnst, the drama, the everything! As soon as i get back from my parents house i am BINGING this series in one go, no one can stop me! Cant wait to read it! :D
I can definitely see the disconnect there since marvel is so modern!! I tried to balance the old-timey stuff with more modern language 😅 I hope you'll enjoy!!! I'm so excited that you're giving it a shot, ah thank you!! 💖
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akane171 · 2 years
..If there were dogs around, I'm pretty sure I'd rather touch THEM than the GRASS😂🙈
I kinda doubt it, but hey, just means they're probably having the time of their lives in real life together😉😊
...If we're in a cottage away from humanity and I don't have any other obligations, I'd easily read a few hundred fanfics a day...😅 Downloading enough for a week would be very hard 😅🙈 And what if I miss updates??😱😱😭😭
The Kangaroos are perfectly fine, don't be like that! And lol, did you draw that yourself? That's so cool 😂😂😂
Yo, I'm just writing them down before I forget it, feel free to check them out whenever you want🤷🏻‍♀️😂 Oh, btw, got another few:
-"Follow you" by Bring me the Horizon -"Die for you" by Starset
-"I found" by Amber Run
-"I see you" by Leona Lewis
-oh, and not exactly a song-song but the One Piece Opening "One Day" is very fitting for Karamel too 🙈
Both sounds good 🤔😂 Just like Karamel too, Mon being the outer space stray puppy and Kara being like a cat in being very "I want you-I want you not" 😉😉😂😂
Awwww 😍😍😍 HappyGoLucky!Mon and Grumpy!Dragon 😍😍😍 I didn't know I needed this till you brought it up, but I dooooo😍😭😍😭😍😭😍😭
You guess?😂😂
Ohhhh, you're really hyping me now, I'M SO EXCITED!😍😍 And lol, I hate her anyway, I doubt I can hate her anymore than I already do😅🙈 But uff, now you have me really worried for Mon-Mon again🙈🙈🙈😭 But, aww, we get a flashback?😱😍😍
Ohhh, Viking AND magical?!?! Are you trying to kill me with AWESOMENESS?!?😱😱😱😍😍😍😍😍 (I've been thinking about Viking versions of them all day thanks to you and holy crap, how badass would ShieldMaiden!Kara (kinda like Lagartha from Vikings?) be?!😍😍 I kinda wanna even draw that now😂😂)
Uhmm... Uhm... *Innocently brushes of some non-existent dirt and whistles a random tune* ...I...might have been too busy to do more than think about stuff?🙈😅 I'm still undecided on how in-depth to make "Vergissmeinnicht" 🤷🏻‍♀️😅🙈 Not sure I wanna force myself to rewatch every episode of Season 3, sooo...🙈🙈 I might also be procrastinating a bit?🙈🙈🙈
Yeah, surviving is tiring enough 😉😂
well, touching grass would be dangerous then, you know, poops.
And I was right, lol, but at least they had a wonderful day together xD
Well, you would read and the write, and download the updates once per week. Sounds good.
Sure, you say that, but that ghost that is hovering around you says something different ==' nah, pleaseeeeeeeeeeee, downloaded, my and my drawning skills
Ok, so the songs. I forgot to mention that my karamel songs work for me in two categories: 1) I feel like I want to write a fic for that song and 2)make a fan vid with karamel clips in my head while the songs is playing
"Love Story" by Taylor Swift - well, I cannot make myself interact with her music, even if it's for fics or AMVs, sorry xD one exception, Safe and Sound!
"Just a Dream" by Nelly - wow, hip hop with actual music? O.o nice in general, just... angsty?
Wings" by Birdy - nostalgic? Works for me
"Flashlight" by Jessie J -nice.
Hold on" by Chord Overstreet, - yeah, i see that TT
"Stand by You" by Rachel Platten - didn't expect gospel choir xD
"Never let me Go by Florence+the Maschine,- hmn, youtube says I already see the vid, so probably LW sent me this as a karamel song too xD
"Arcade" by Duncan Lorence, - did you just… send me naked dude? XDDD I didn;t see this coming too, lol. But a ncie song
"Lovely" by Billie Ellish, I think this is teh first time I was listening to Ellish and well, nice violin at the beginning?
"Carry You" and "War of Hearts" by Ruelle - ooooh, nice, and I already have some km ideas circling in my head
Zella Day "East of Eden" and "Compass" (hypnotic I already know, I think I have seen a fan vid for my other fave ship) - cool, she has an unique voice
"Infinity" by James Young - song for a Mxy ep? XD
-"The Night We Met" by Lord Huron - depressing xD but fitting, unfortuntelly
"Northern Downpour" by Panic!At the Disco - I think this is the first time I listen to their song too xD nice
"Atlantis" by Seafret - i was too distracted by the… awesome vid to focus on connection with karamel, sorry xD but… just wanted to point out that onec again this song is ANGSTY - i see a pattern, mate =='
"Shattered" by Trading Yesterday - angst…. again?
-"Die for you" by Starset - nice, i can see putting it into some angsty karamel fan vid… oh look, angst again!
"I found" by Amber Run - reminds me a little of RHODES and Your Soul, so yep
-"I see you" by Leona Lewis - I think I know her Bleeding Love? and ohh, song from avatar.
Yeah, that's Kara.
MAYBE I will write it. I need some big dramas for the background noise and so far I don't have them figured out, so.. And firstly I need to finish other projects =='
Well, I was thinking about Mon-El bieng The Watcher Of The Dead, some dude who helps the souls go to afterlife, someone who is bascially feared, becasue you know, DEATH, BODIES and a crow who listens to him. As for Kara, she stays with her cousins in different village that is attacked by Mon's people and accidentally she is defeated by him (she loses concious and wakes up as his slave - you know, smiliar in Vikings era, just for a year). And she is pissed off, because she is shield maiden and a cool warrior and now she needs to take care of his house that is remoted and some crazy grandpa (loves to walks naked with a chicken on his shoulder). But well, Mon is in danger, someone wants to kill him, big drama, she saves his ass but then he takes her back to her family and... i have of course a km ending aka once per year the people can get married, but for a shield maiden, she can marry a guy who defeats her in a fight and... things happen.
Let me say - MHM =='
As for Definitely... holy crap it seems I will need another chapter, kill me TT
Ok, so more songs for you.
Memories by Within Temptation (yes, i love them)
Through The Ghost by Shinedown
Roses and Carnival of Rust by Poets of the fall
Breathe by off Verona
Un break my heart by Toni Braxton (because ANGSTTTT)
Kiri by Monoral
Love me again by John Newman (as a perfect song for them when they meet AND STAY together again)
Energize me by After Forever.
Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae (EP version)
That's for now, more incoming (evil laugh)
If you celebrate it, Happy Easter Friend! :) If not, happy weekend ;D
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skzfaker · 2 years
i just finished your fic! :) it's nowhere near ready tho. i still have editing to do, and only then will it be perfect, but yay! prepare >:) also - i'd pass away if u made a book cover for it, omg. that would be so good blinking is optional and yeah, i still have a long time :) it'd be super cool to incorporate the stuff i learn into fics, but i also just finished my pre-reqs so im still really not in my major just yet. but im excited for my upcoming classes! i have done evil wizards, evil joseon dynasty era warriors, evil pirates, evil vampires... ahahahahaha. can u see a theme AND YEAH, JONGHO <33333 he's the greatest. he's so cool. i have put him through so much and he absolutely does not deserve it. i show my love in really strange ways. he's the main vocalist of ateez, right? i may have stolen his vocal cords in one of the fics as a punishment for his sins it's a very long story. I have a handful of fluff fics but it's really just majorly horror or fantasy and it's all darker fantasy lol. clearly... i enjoy the more sinister side of life. hahah i might skip but probably not. i hate skipping class ajdsjklfskl and i'd just be worried about it during the concert which wouldn't be good. idk, who knows, i'd stop a moving truck w my bare hands if i knew that by doing so i'd be able to see ateez oh, where do u live if u dont mind me asking? i figured we lived in different places because your time zone seems different than mine and thank u!!! i've just been chilling, but i also like being a busy bee, so i've been writing when i can, i'm also a lifeguard, and im trying to get a paid internship at a lab for my resume :') and yeah, i like to do a lot of things not on the computer! i play viola tho not as much anymore bc im burnt out but i still say it, write, knit, and read! ngl the first thought i have was felix's extensions in thunderous. clothes never really bother me too much, it's always hair it seems. i just like it a certain way and im not a big fan of longer hair, so i saw his extensions and sighed a bit. ofc it's just hair and i still love him but AAAAAA. what about u? - 🎅
wow you work really fast! THE HYPE FOR THIS STORY IS REAL (╯✧∇✧)╯and it'd be a honor to make the banner/cover for it! do you usually have covers for your stories or have someone make those btw? i remember back when i frequented fanfiction sites, everyone seemed to have their own banner-makers. sending you energy for the editing portion tho!
also i spent a majority of yesterday taking naps so i think my eyes are back to normal
okay that's a pretty impressive repertoire of horror-themed stories! very intrigued by the evil pirates one evil-anything needs to be more of a thing - this is why i love it when groups do dark/evil concepts (also i keep typing 'evil' as 'evel'). all the fluff and bubblegum is cute and all, but i live for the edgy and dark themes too.
HAHA OMG jongho is ariel - i love how you stole his voice HAHAHA. you really hit him where it hurts; i can already feel his crisis from over here. yeah we're definitely the same in that regard. i love my cheesy romance, but horror is still my #1 genre. i do hope you gave jongho a happy ending tho (≧▽≦)
aww man i was the same when i was a student too. i wasn't happy skipping classes and i was constantly anxious about being late. fast forward a few years and i'll take a random day off of work for the heck of it HAHAHA. hopefully having to stop a truck with your bare hands won't be the requirement for you to meet ateez tho! have you already met them before, btw? or is the concert next year potentially the first time you'll see them?
ah i'm currently staying in the philippines! what about you? i kinda just assumed you're in america - please let me know if i'm off-base there, and we can figure out just how much time difference we have tho tbh i'm a vampire so i'm up until 3 or 4 AM here
(also you just reminded me to ask which timezone to follow when it's time to give gifts/reveal ourselves on the 25th. i might give my gift too early...)
btw, have you made it home??
yay! glad you’re getting some rest! wow a lifeguard tho! i'm guessing you enjoy swimming then HAHAHA. and that you live close to the beach? ooh i love that knitting is also part of your hobby list. i used to crochet but got too lazy about it. what kind of things do you like to make?
...okay i swear i'm not copying you on purpose here, but felix's thunderous extensions is also on my list of ??? skz looks. the blonde ones that match his actual hair looked okay, but the weird greyish ones...yeah i'm not feeling it. i thought it was part of his hat at first. hmm, can't say i'm a huge fan of chan's cheeto hair much either, especially when it was so short (soz chan). what about your favorite looks?
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