#human dalek sec
cupcakeshakesnake · 4 months
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I did the meme 💀
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thesleepyfable · 6 months
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'Keep it. It looks good on you.'
Thank @cupcakeshakesnake for getting me back into this character and the endless possibilities if he survived. He found the Doctor's old outfits and took a liking to 4th's scarf. Personally, 5th Doctor's outfit would look best on him.
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Fuck Dalek Sec give me the toddler-esque Daleks making themselves dizzy and asking why? every five seconds before starting a rebellion against the Emperor.
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Long post but I feel like a recurring theme in s1 is how Rose is representative of humanity itself
You’ve got the set up in episode 1 of her home/family/Earth life, her convo with Cassandra about how she’s actually the last human, the good empathetic side of her desperate to help Gwyneth, the domestics in the Slitheen episodes, the ESSAYS you can write on how the Dalek said her touch gave it life (hello Bad Wolf parallel! and not to mention the parallel between this and the Dalek Sec two-parter...), the difference between who she is as a companion vs Adam (honestly the parallel between Adam and Cassandra here too   👀 ), the very human selfish quality she shows in saving her dad
and then to have s2 take a deep dive into how attached the Doctor is to her, how he imprinted really, the I BELIEVE IN HER of it all...makes s3/s4 so powerful when you realize he didn’t just lose her but his "humanity” as well
He’s described as alien in s3 and s4 so often and it’s yet another reason as to why I really love the RTD era so much, it’s like every episode after Rose is hitting you over the head with the message that Doctor=alien when he’s yearning so much to be human aka with Rose
Donna immediately referring to him as Spaceman/a Martian, the emphasis in his first episode with Martha as to how he’s not human, how the Doctor is a puzzle for both Martha and Shakespeare, the reminder from Martha again in Gridlock that he’s a Time Lord, Tallulah and Martha’s convo about how he’s different plus Martha asking him if he’s some sort of Dalek (this parallel vs Nine pointing the gun at Rose 😭), the entire conversation with Lazarus about immortality, the Human Nature two-parter is very overt about this with the way the Doctor is described to John Smith by Latimer/Martha and to Joan by Martha, the entire s3 finale hinges on this alienness/being a Time Lord, 
his speech to the passengers in “Voyage of the Damned”, the “burden of a Time Lord” in Pompeii plus the soothsayer naming him as a Lord of Time/son of Gallifrey, Rattigan and the Sontaran talking about the Doctor being an alien, his entire speech to Jenny about what it is to be a Time Lord, how it’s his alienness that pushes the passengers towards suspicion of him in “Midnight”
It’s just like a never ending stream of labeling the Doctor as an alien, a Time Lord, an “other” and to have it come around in the end so beautifully with “I'm part human. Specifically, the aging part. I'll grow old and never regenerate. I've only got one life, Rose Tyler. I could spend it with you, if you want.”
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tyrantisterror · 4 months
I've had mixed feelings on the Daleks Take Manhattan two-parter's decision to have Dalek Sec become redeemed because he fused with a human - generally not a fan of the "humanity is special and innately good compared to corrupted alien races" trope that occurs so fucking often in sci-fi, even when used on space fascists like the daleks.
But rewatching it I just realized that because the human Sec merges with is a huge piece of shit, the morality that Sec finds doesn't come from the human, but rather just from him escaping the genetic and cybernetic modifications of his pure dalek form. He doesn't become good because he's more human, but rather because he's less dalek, i.e. less space fascist. And that's a bit more palatable.
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companion-showdown · 8 months
Hottest Companion Nominations are Now Open!
You can nominate any character in the Whoniverse, human, alien, robot, it does not matter, the only rule is that they should pass the Harkness test (human intelligence or greater, able to communicate using language, sexually mature for their species)
Current Nominations:
Roberts!Master from MASTER!
Classic Who Characters:
Erato (The Creature from the Pit)
Allison Williams (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Rachel Jensen (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Sara Kingdom
Alternate Universe!Liz
Ramón Salamander
Osgood (no this isn't the new who one)
The Rani
Queen Thalira (The Curse of Pleadon)
Carol (the Sensorites)
Penley (the Ice Warriors)
Isobel (the Invasion)
Kelly (Seeds of Death)
New Who Characters:
Dalek Sec
Tasha Lem
2000s Sarah-Jane (70s Sarah-Jane will be the automatically qualifying Sarah)
Kate Stewart
Jenny Flint
Shakespeare (this is the most recognisable place he appears in Doctor Who)
Danny Pink
Jake (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)
Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter)
Jethro (Midnight)
Lady Christina de Souza (Planet of the Dead)
Gwen Cooper
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Lynda (Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways)
Liz 10 (The Beast Below)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Heather (The Pilot)
Sally Sparrow (Blink)
Madam de Pompadour
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Ada Lovelace
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Lorna Bucket
Stacy Campbell (Partners in Crime)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Girl who was the sex gas
Frobisher (Torchwood)
EU Characters:
Fey Truscott-Sade
Hebe Harrison
Tom Campbell (Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150AD)
Valarie Lockwood
Irving Braxiatel
War Queen!Romana
Sibling Different
Chris Cwej (first incarnation)
Father Kreiner
Chris Cwej (second incarnation)
Chris Cwej (third incarnation)
Chris Cwej (V Cwej)
Dalek Prime Strategist (Time Lord Victorious)
The Graak (Destiny of the Doctors)
Sheila (Señor 105's companion)
Carmen Yeh (Companion of the Sixth Doctor in a charity anthology and latter companion of Compassion in Book of the War. Also implied to be a companion of the Eighth Doctor as well)
Scarlette (eight doctors wife)
Nivet (Compassions first companion)
Cousin Eliza (Cousin Justine's companion aka the Grandfather Paradox (who has a slim chance of being the Doctor so that backs it up)
Sally Armstrong (the Master’s companion (the master might also part of the Doctor depending on the source, or at the very least a reincarnation of the same person)
Patience (the Others wife or the first doctors wife or the infinity doctors wife, depends on source)
Daisy Weston the companion of the Robert Banks Stewart Doctor
Alison Cheney
The City of the Saved
Laura Tobin
The War King
Penelope Gate
Captain Scarlet
Doctor Fawn
The Mysterons
Colonel White
Steve Zodiac
Venus (Fireball XL5)
Captain Black
Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Claudia Marwood
Lauren Anderson
Other polls about the running of this tournament:
splitting up men and women for as long as numbers allow
including or excluding companions it is very difficult or impossible to read as adults (all their actors are adults)
Nominations will be open for 24 hours, closing around 13:30 BST (UTC + 1), 03/09
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fanonical · 8 months
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bamfdaddio · 3 months
cris watches dr. who: s03e05 - "Evolution of the Daleks"
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"You... have betrayed me!" "You told us to imagine and we imagined your irrelevance."
The above line such a badass read, like... holy fuck. This is why the Dalek are superior. They are emotionless the way queer people: we don't feel things, but we will definitely cut a bitch when we see one
Ooh, that is such a pretty radio. I want one
Humanity is always a double edged sword! Yes, you'll get our ambition/fury/kindness/ability to love anything because we're weirdo's who invented shark week, but you'll also get our anxieties/love/laziness/whatever your race who's inspired by humanity is also lacking and will be foiled by. Yes, that sentence totally makes sense to me, leave me alone.
Hee. Those weird little face tentacles. That Dalek mask thing is... just so funny. It all just moves so... inorganically
And yet it never stops quivering
A new beginning for the Dalek? You sure, Doctor? Who am I kidding, the Doctor is all about second chances and the belief that there's no such thing as monsters. Even the aliens who destroyed his home planet
There's something inherently funny about the emotionless Dalek gossiping about their leader
Aw, Martha needs someone to gossip with. Tallulah with three l's and an h will be there for you!
Aw, Martha. Feeling jealous over the ex. What's worse, I think she's justified in that jealousy
"See, never waste time on a hug!" Aw, Martha. Chided for giving a hug.
I have a feeling 'aw, Martha' is going to be a theme this season.
They put suction cups on guns! OMG, the Dalek-humanoids are so inventive
Poor Sec. Poor Caan. It seems the Dalek can, in the end, not change enough to adapt and overcome. In the end, it's all a Greek tragedy. Alas, alack, adalek
7 out of 8 Tardes. Solid two-parter that sticks the landing. It only doesn't get the 8 because of that Dalek-facemask-thing. Quiver quiver
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Doctor Who, but Chronologically 31
Fun fact! The timelines have intersected, almost - if we were watching this show in the normal order, this episode is actually only one out from where we would be. It's 1930! And we all know what that means - it's time for some terrible stereotypical New York accents as we watch Daleks in Manhattan.
Martha's back! Very exciting, Martha put herself into God Tier in the companion rankings with her last episode, and frankly she is very solid in this one as well. She and Tennant arrive in New York, discover it's 1930, and immediately launch themselves into the mystery of working class people going missing during the Great Depression as they live in a Central Park slum in sight of the Empire State Building being built, a tale that is so richly anti-capitalist the only thing they don't do is turn to the camera to break the fourth wall and say "The real monster here, children, is capitalism."
(Also, side note, if you watch in this order, you do feel the devastation of the First World War).
Plot-wise, this is a two-parter! Our second one that is actually intentional. In fact, the plot is fairly basic and simple, meaning the emotional stories and anti-capitalist morals can take centre stage, which is nice - homeless people are vanishing from the slum. They are being turned into pig slaves, by which I mean, humans in fetching brown boiler suits with pig heads who squeal a lot. This is being done by a sort of wannabe mobster who wears stylish spats in the Empire State Building, who insists his workers risk their lives to attach Dalek bumps to the top - because, as the title made clear and the episode wisely chose not to hide from us, the real bosses behind it all are Jeff Bezos inhuman monstrous perversions with no morals or emotions other than hate or racial purity aka Daleks.
Which is exciting! Because you see, while we have SEEN Daleks before, next to the big cube in the second episode, and we got that brief cameo from Rusty... this is actually the first time we get to meet them properly! First Dalek episode, to show us why they're scary!
Except it turns out there are only four of them and they're a cult.
Also the Doctor is proper freaked out by them. We get SO MANY PLOT THREADS HERE
"How are they still alive?" he asks the showgirl who has followed him into a sewer (she is played by Her From Spooks). "How do they always live, while I lose everything?"
Later, Martha, having been kidnapped for experimentation by Daleks and literally shaking with fear, steps up to the Daleks and stares them down.
"I demand to know what's going on," she proclaims (god she's so fucking cool.) "Report."
"Our planet and species were lost in a war," a Dalek says (HOW MANY FUCKING WARS -) "We're the Cult of Skaro. Dalek Sec is hybridising with a human so we can evolve to live outside the shell."
(The other Daleks do not approve. Racial purists. I foresee a mutiny.)
And the merge is complete! The final cliffhanger is that the wannabe mobster now has a single eye and a beard made of penises.
Far be it from me to agree with Daleks, but I also think that's a bad design, actually.
Anyway, other little stories in this episode include Rick Griffin from Holby City playing a man called Solomon, the sort of leader of the slum, who in his first scene resolves a conflict by splitting a loaf of bread in half I-see-what-they-did-there; Her From Spooks playing a showgirl whose boyfriend gets turned into an incomplete pig slave, so he just has the snout and that's it (on being reunited she is very good about it, good for her); and ACTUAL LITERAL SPIDER-MAN IS HERE. That is. Andrew Garfield. Like, THE Andrew Garfield. His name is Frank and he's from Tennessee and he is also about to be experimented on with Martha. And he's played by Andrew Garfield.
The Doctor jokes at one point that he'll let Frank kiss him if he wants, and all I can think about is Andrew "I want to play bisexual Peter Parker" Garfield's eyes lighting up at the line.
But, a nice moment for us watching: the showgirl bonds with Martha (of course) and offers to let her watch the show from the wings.
"Have you ever been on stage?" she asks
"Oh, yeah, a bit," Martha says. "Shakespeare."
Anyway! New plot threads again!
“She” (an unknown person) is returning (perhaps River returned as Missy. Maybe Me? Maybe Clara???!)
There is something on Donna’s back
An entire planet, Pyrovilia, just… disappeared, somehow. (Maybe because the TARDIS is exploding??? Saturnine was also lost, and that WAS because of the TARDIS exploding. The lion man’s planet was also lost but he was a bit of a knob about it if I’m honest.)
Amy is maybe dead (she’s not)
The Doctor has been cubed (he’s out, but how?)
River is possibly blown up  (unless she’s Missy)
The TARDIS has blown up  (It’s fine now. Except it’s sort of melting now because it’s corrupted, but it’s fine again)
The universe appears to have ended  (the universe is back again)
The Doctor has employed(?) Nardole
(And Nardole was “reassembled???” Nardole had glass nipples and invisible hair?? WHAT THE FUCK IS HE)
There’s a vault in the TARDIS and it contains Missy but we don’t know why (sometimes she knocks for the bants)
What has happened to all these companions and where are the new ones coming from?
There’s an immortal Viking girl now. Her name is Me and she’s now looking after the people the Doctor abandons
What’s With The Silence?
Why was Rory entirely unconcerned by the entire world suddenly going silent when that is Not Normal and should have been, at the very least, extremely disconcerting?
What did the Doctor do to Queen Lizzie One?
Who is Captain Jack Harkness? (Is he the one who gave the companions a warning about the lone cyberman?)
Why is Amy seeing a one-eyed woman in a vanishing window?
What’s with the Doctor’s future involving getting shot by an astronaut?
Is Amy pregnant and why is it inconclusive?
Who is Sarah-Jane Smith?
How is the Doctor Bill’s teacher and why/where does he have an office?
What is going on with the Cyber War and the Cyberium???
Who did the Doctor lose to Cyber Conversion?
What happened with the Other Cyber War?
What happened with the Third War that deleted the void?
Why does Rose seem particularly important?
What’s with the Weeping Angel statues, and why can’t you blink at them?
What order do these Doctors go in? (Eccleston, Tennant, uncertain, Smith, Capaldi, Whittaker)
Which companion just… forgot the Doctor, and how?
Yaz and Vinder are about to die as Mori/Mwri/Muuri
There is a Lupari shield around Earth.
What’s a Time War?
What’s the Rift?
What’s Bad Wolf?
What happened with Amy’s pregnancy?
In which war did the Doctor become a war criminal, and how?
Who is the Master?
Why has Amy forgotten Rory?
Is Rory plastic or not?
Why is the Doctor sulking on a cloud?
How exactly does the Doctor have a cloud?
What exactly happened with Strax to, uh, tame him?
Which friend killed Strax?
Which friend brought Strax back?
Where did this lesbian lizard and human couple come from?
What happened with Clara as Souffle Girl and the Daleks?
How does Clara actually join?
Why so many Claras?
Why is Missy apparently in robo-heaven?
Why is probably!Missy pushing Clara and the Doctor together?
What is Trensilor and what happened there?
Who is Handles?
The Doctor is about to be dissolved by a beautiful geode man
The universe is being crushed by the Flux
Will the Doctor open the fobwatch?
Sontarans are invading Earth again
Who is Kate?
Who is Osgood? Another name of Clara’s again?
The fuck is the deal with the Grand Serpent
Does Martha get to go to an ice cream planet with 12-fingered massage aliens?
How did the Doctor forget Clara?
Who is Bill’s puddle girlfriend Heather?
How did Nardole die?
When does Bill get Cyberman-ed and die?
When does the Doctor shrink and enter a Dalek called Rusty?
Whittaker is falling to her death rn
Was that ring relevant?
Does anyone know the Doctor’s name?
When did Yaz talk to Dan about fancying the Doctor?
When did Dan talk to the Doctor about fancying Yaz?
Who was the Doctor’s wife?
What's happening with the bees?
What happened with Donna's ex and a giant spider?
What war wiped out the Daleks, and is it one of the ones already mentioned?
What did the Doctor mean when he said "The (Daleks) always live, while I lose everything?"
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nortism · 3 months
doctor who liveblog pt 16
s3 ep3 gridlock
- americans will do anything but built efficient public transport
- yay lesbians, boo homophobic cat
- they still got christianity on new new earth?
- omg it’s crabs
- ngl those skeletons look a bit like the current us senate
- nooo the face of boe
s3 ep4 daleks in mahatten
- fuck yeha old timey new york
- these accents r so good
- that’s what he gets for not watching his girl in the show
- the doctor has gotta stop taking martha to slums
- ayyy king solomon reference, glad he cut the bread in half rather than a baby
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- always with the anti capitalist times in this show, god bless
- uh oh daleks
- “the final experiment” r we doing a nazi allegory?
- uh oh mysterious glowing green thing
- uh oh are they building a giant dalek??
- not loving those pigs
- rip andrew garfield
- oh i’m obsessed with blondje
- oh he was a stagehand, sorry for judging u lazlo
- “he’s into musical theatre” 😭😭
- oh lazlo go turned into a pig nooo
- oh fuck yeah revolution, yes then solomon
- oh the daleks r fighting
- u heard it here first, if ur a bootlicker you’ll get ur flesh sacrificed to the dalek
- oh piggie lazlo watching his gf 😭😭
- oh hello andrew garfield
- “lazlo, my lazlo” this is so sad bro
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- never beating the “into musical theatre” allegations
- oh i am hating this dalek/human hybrid
s3 ep5 evolution of the daleks
- get it loser, we’re discussing what it means to be human
- NO SOLOMON one of my fav dw side characters, u will be missed king
- poor martha
- uh oh dalek rebellion
- “never waste time with a hug” GIRL BE NICE
- no laszlo 😭😭
- yes then martha!!!! WOMAN IN STEM
- no the sonic screwdriver!!!
- bro just got electrocuted
- the way they’re marching, this is def a nazi allegory
- allons-y!
- “who are you then? some sort of dalek?” GET HIS ASS MARTHA
- oh shit they killed dalek sec
- omg they killed the daleks
- rip dalek humans
- oh shit one dalek vs one time lord
- LASZLO LIVED !!!!!!!!
- those two episodes were my favourite since s1, so so good
s3 ep6 the lazarus experiment
- poor martha hasn’t even had time to get a chnage of clothes after all this
- omg the tuxedo, im very normal
- mums hate this guy 😭😭
- oh jfc what is that
- i do not believe that the beautiful woman wants blond mark gatiss
- omg it’s got his face
- who’s this fucking snitch
- rip blond mark gatiss
- lotta bible references this season
- hello again blond mark gatiss
- yayay companion martha
- harold saxon???
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dykepaldi · 9 days
dalek sec gallifrey cabaret act to naked in manhattan except the chorus is badly dubbed over to say daleks in manhattan. first verse full dalek outfit singing to a blow up doll/cardboard cutout to represent the human guy. pause just before the chorus to play the audio from the scene where they merge. outfit change to hybrid sec. touch me baby (touch me touch me touch me touch me). do u see the vision.
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cupcakeshakesnake · 5 months
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Something based on an old thing I said in the Dalek server
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thesleepyfable · 5 months
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First snow of the year.
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roundclowns · 10 months
Ykno the actor for human!sec does not get enough credit for doing both the dalek accent and a fucking new york accent at the same time it sounds so weird but it works
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abbygraceasd · 4 months
Evolution of the Daleks
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“These… humans will become like me.”
The Doctor and I slip behind some machinery
“Prepare them for hybridization.”
‘Happy Days Are Here Again’ begins playing and everyone stops.
“What is that sound?”
The Doctor and I step out, a radio in his hands, “That would be us.” He sets the radio down, “Hello. Surprise. Boo. Et cetera.”
“Doctor.” “The enemy of the Daleks.” “Exterminate!” “Wait.” Dalek sec stops them.
“Well, then. A new form of Dalek.” He walks forward, “Fascinating and very clever.”
“The Cult of Skaro escaped your slaughter.” “How did you end up in 1930?” I ask.
“Emergency Temporal Shift.”
The Doctor scoffs, “Oh, that must have roasted up your power cells, yeah?” He strides away, looking about, “Time was, four Daleks could have conquered the world but instead your skulking away, hidden in the dark, experimenting.” He takes a deep breath, “All of which results in you.”
“I am Dalek in human form.”
“What does it feel like? You can talk to me, Dalek Sec. It is Dalek Sec, isn’t it? That’s your name? You’ve got a name and a mind of your own. Tell me what you’re thinking right now.” “I…. feel… everything we wanted from mankind, which is ambition, hatred, aggression and war. Such… a genius for war.” “No.” I shake my head, “That’s not what humanity means.” “I think it does. At heart, this species is so very… Dalek.” “All right, so what have you achieved then? With the Final Experiment, eh? Nothing! ‘Cause I can show you what you’re missing with this thing.” The Doctor points at the radio, “Simple little radio.” He pats it.
“What is the purpose of that device?” “Well, exactly. It plays music. What’s the point of that? Oh, with music, you can dance to it, sing with it, fall in love to it. Unless you’re a Dalek of course. Then it’s just noise.” The Doctor aims his sonic at the radio and a high pitch wail emanates from it.
Sec holds his head in pain while the other Daleks act erratically.
The Doctor turns to us, “Run!”
Martha and I lead everyone through the sewers until we reach a point we don’t recognize.
“Come on! Move, move, move, move, move!” The Doctor rushes past us.
We run down a tunnel and find Tallulah, “And you, Tallulah! Run!” She starts running, “What’s happened to Laszlo?” The Doctor leads everyone to a ladder, “C’mon! Everyone up!” We are all gathered around a fire in Hooverville.
“These Daleks, they sound like the stuff of nightmares. And they wanna breed?” “They’re splicing themselves into human bodies. If I’m right, they’ve got a farm of breeding stock right here in Hooverville. We’ve got to get everyone out.”
“Hooverville’s the lowest place a man can fall. There’s nowhere else to go.” Solomon argues. “I’m sorry, Solomon. You’ve got to scatter. Go anywhere. Down to the railroads, travel across state, just get out of New York.”
“There’s got to be a way to reason with these things.” I wince, “No chance.”
“You ain’t seen ‘em boss.”
“Daleks are bad enough at any time, but right now they’re vulnerable and that makes them more dangerous than ever.”
A whistle is heard and someone comes running, “They’re coming! They’re coming!”
“A sentry. Must’ve seen something.”
“They’re here! I seen ‘em! Monsters! They’re monsters!”
“It’s started.”
“We’re under attack! Everyone to arms!” Solomon orders.
The men start passing out the guns and other weapons they have.
“I’m ready, boss, but all o’you! Find a weapon! Use anything!” Frank says. Some of the residents run off.
“Come back! We gotta stick together! It’s not safe out there! It’s not safe out there! Come back!” Solomon calls to them.
The pig slaves invade Hooverville, attacking those who try to escape.
“We need to get out of the park.” Martha tells us.
“We can’t! They’re on all sides. They’re driving people back towards us.” “We’re trapped.” “Then we stand together. Gather ‘round. Everybody come to me. You there, Jethro, Harry, Seamus, stay together.” The pig soldiers have forced everyone into a tight circle by the fire.
“They can’t take all of us.” Solomon starts firing.
“If we can just hold them off till daylight.” I look at the sky, “They’re just the foot soldiers.” Everyone turns and looks up.
“Oh, my God.” A Dalek is flying above, heading towards us.
“What in this world…” “It’s the devil! A devil in the sky! God save us all! It’s damnation!”
“Oh, yeah? We’ll see about that!” Frank fires at the Dalek but the bullets do nothing.
The Doctor pushes his rifle down, “That’s not gonna work.
“There’s more than one of them!” 
The Daleks begin to attack, firing upon the settlement causing explosions and starting fires.
“The humans will surrender.”
“Leave them alone! They’ve done nothing to you!”
“We have located the Doctor!” Solomon steps forward and the Doctor grabs him by the arm, “No, Solomon. Stay back.” “I’m told that I’m adressin’ the Daleks, is that right? From what I hear, you’re outcasts too.” “Solomon, don’t.” I tell him. “Abby, this is my township, you will respect my authority. Just let me try.”
Solomon pushes the Doctor away. The Doctor steps back, shaking his head.
“Daleks… ain’t we all the same? Underneath, ain’t we all kin?” Solomon sets his rifle on the ground, “‘Cause, see, I’ve just discovered this past day God’s universe is a thousand times the size I thought it was. And that scares me. Oh, yeah. Terrifies me. Right down to the bone. But it’s got to give me hope… hope that maybe together we can make a better tomorrow. So I… I beg you now, if you have any compassion in your hearts then you’ll meet with us and stop this fight. Well… what do you say?” The Dalek fires upon Solomon, killing him, “Exterminate!” “Oh, no!” The inhabitants of Hooverville scream. 
Frank rushes to Solomon’s side, “No! Solomon!”
“They killed him. They just shot him on the spot.” The Doctor moves forward, “Daleks!” Arms out to his side, he confronts them, “All right, so it’s my turn! Then kill me! Kill me if it’ll stop you attacking these people!” “I will be the destroyer of our greatest enemy.” “Then do it! Do it! Just do it!” He beats on his chest, “Do it!”
My heart drops to my stomach.
There is a small conversation that we can’t hear before the Dalek speaks, “I… obey.” “What’s going on?” He asks.
“You will follow.” “No! You can’t go!” Martha cries out.
“I’ve got to go. The Daleks just changed their minds. Daleks never change their minds.” “But what about us?” I ask.
The Doctor looks back at the people of Hooverville before facing the Dalek.
“One condition! If I come with you, you spare the lives of everyone here! Do you hear me?” “The humans will be spared. Doctor… follow.” I take his hand before he can follow, “You better come back alive, you hear me?” I take a shaky breath, “I can’t lose you to them.”
He nods, gripping my hand with both of his, and winks.
As he walks off, I see the psychic paper in my hands.
Martha is applying a bandage to a man’s arm when Tallulah walks in with a pot of water.
“Here you go. I got some more on the boil.” “Thanks.” Martha looks to the man, “You’ll be all right. It’s just a cut. Try and keep it clean.”
The man thanks her before leaving.
Tallulah leans against the wall, “So, what about us? What do we do now?”
“The Doctor gave me the psychic paper. He must’ve had a reason.” I pull out the psychic paper and show Tallulah.
“What’s that for?”
“Gets you into places. But where? He must want me to go somewhere, but I’m not sure where.”
Tallulah and Martha are searching through papers, while I pace.
“Wait a minute. Down in the sewers the Daleks mentioned this… energy conductor. Like a lightning conductor or… Dalekanuim! They said the Dalekanium was in place. But where?” I wonder. “Frank might know?” Martha suggests.
We exit the tent, and find Frank.
“Frank? That Mr. Diagoras, he was some sort of foreman? Got you jobs all over town right?”
“Yeah. he could find a profit anywhere.” “But where, though? What sort of things?” “You name it. We’re all so desperate for work, you just hoped Diagoras would pick you for something good. Building work. That pays the best.”
I turn my head to look at the Empire State Building.
We enter a service elevator of the Empire State Building.
“I always wanted to go here. Never imagined it quite like this, though.” Martha says.
“Where are we headed anyway?” Frank asks.
“To the top, where they’re still building.” I tell them.
“How come those guys just let us through? How’s that thing work?” Tallulah asks.
“It’s psychic. Shows them whatever I want them to think. According to this, we’re three engineers and an architect.” Frank takes the psychic paper and flips the empty paper over in his hands.
We enter the top floor.
“Look at this place. Top of the world.” I spot the architectural plans, “That looks promising.”
Frank walks over with me, “Hey, look at the date. These designs were issued today. They must’ve changed something last minute.”
“Daleks changing something? Seems impossible. We need to check this one against the others from before, find the difference.” “The height of this place! This is amazing!” “Careful, we’re a hundred floors up. Don’t go wandering off.” Martha tells her.
“I just wanna see.” Tallulah walks to the open area overlooking the city.
I spread the plans out on the floor side by side, studying them.
“I’ll go and keep an eye out, make sure we’re safe up here. Don’t want nobody buttin’ in.” Frank walks out a side door.
“There’s a hell of a storm movin’ in.” “I wish the Doctor was here. He’d know what we’re looking for.” Martha laments.
“So tell me, where did you and the Doctor first hook up?” Tallulah directs her question at me.
“Well, it was two years ago actually. And he looked a lot different back then. Big ears, big nose, affinity for leather jackets. He actually blew up my job, that’s how we met.” I smile sadly, “We had a couple months break before we met Martha. Our friend had to go away, it really upset both of us, so we went our separate ways for a bit.”
I suddenly realize what they did, “Gotcha! Look!” I point near the top, “There, on the mast. Those little lines? They’re new. They’ve added something, see?” “Added what?” Martha and I look at each other, “Dalekanium!”
The elevator doors open, I turn to see the Doctor and Laszlo, “Doctor!”
I lead him over to the plans, “We worked it out. There’s Dalekanium on the mast.” The Doctor grabs me and pulls me into a kiss, pulling away abruptly as the bell dings and the elevator doors close.
He runs to try and stop it, using his sonic on the panel, “It’s a deadlock seal. I can’t stop it.” “Where’s it going?” Martha asks.
“Daleks, and I doubt they’re gonna leave us alone up here.” I tell her.
“What’s the time?” The Doctor asks.
Frank checks his watch, “11:15.” “Six minutes to go. I’ve got to remove the Dalekanium before the gamma radiation hits.” I lead everyone outside.
The Doctor looks out on the city, “Oh, that’s high. That’s very… Blimey, that’s high.”
“And we’ve got to go even higher. That’s the mast up there, look.” I point up, “There’s three pieces of Dalekanium at the base. We gotta get ‘em off.” “That’s not ‘we’. That’s just me.” I look at him distraught, “Why not?”
“I need you to fight.”
We all are holding makeshift weapons.
“The elevator’s coming up.” “I shoulda brought that gun.” Frank laments.
“Tallulah, stay back. You too, Abby, Martha. If they send pig slaves, they’re trained to kill.” “The Doctor needs us to fight, we’re not going anywhere.” “They’re savages. I should know. They’re trained to slit your throat with their teeth.” Laszlo collapses to the floor.
Tallulah fusses over him.
“One man down and we ain’t even started yet.”
I hear the storm through the open end of the room.
“Wait a minute. Lightning.” I run to the other end of the room.
We start to arrange long metal rods from the outside across the room to the elevator, making sure they don’t touch the floor.
Tallulah speaks to us, “What the hell are you three clowns doin’?” “Even if the Doctor stops the Dalekanium, this place is still gonna get hit. Great big bolt of lightning, electricity all down this building. Connect this to the elevator, they get zapped.” “Oh my God, that could work.”
“Then give us a hand.”
Once we finish Tallulah asks, “Is that gonna work?”
“We’ve got it all piped up to the scaffolding outside.” “Come here, sit in the middle, and don’t touch anything metal.”
We huddle in the corner of the room.
The elevator arrives and the doors open right as the lightning strikes.
We all open our eyes, seeing the pig slaves dead.
“You did it!” “They used to be like Laszlo. They were people and we killed them.” Martha whimpers.
“No, the Daleks killed them. Long ago.” I rush outside, “What about the Doctor?”
I find the Doctor lying unconscious up by the mast, “Doctor!” I rush over to him and kneel beside him.
He groans, “Oh, my head.” “Hi.” I smile at him.
“Hi.” He smiles back, “You survived then.” “So did you, just about. We found your sonic halfway down.” I hand it to him, “Though I can’t help noticing… there’s Dalekanium still attached.” He gets up, “The Daleks will have gone straight to a war footing. They’ll be using the sewers, spreading their soldiers out underneath Manhattan.” “How do we stop them?” Laszlo asks.
“There’s only one chance. I got in the way. That gamma strike went zapping through me first.” I furrow my brows in confusion, before realizing with a gasp, “Oh, you clever man.”
He smiles at me before turning to the others, “We need to draw fire. Before they can attack New York, I need to face them. Think, think, think, think. We need some sort of space, somewhere safe, somewhere out of the way. Tallulah!” 
“That’s me. Three L’s and an H.” “The theatre! It’s right above them, and, what, it’s past midnight? Can you get us inside?”
“Don’t see why not.” She shrugs.
“Is there another lift?”
“We came up in the service elevator.” I tell him.
“That’ll do. Allons-y!”
We arrive to the darkened theatre.
“This should do it. Here we go.” The Doctor switches on his sonic.
“There ain’t nothin’ more creepy than a theatre in the dark.” Laszlo falls into one of the chairs beside her.
“Laszlo, what’s wrong?” Tallulah sits next to him.
“Nothing. It’s just so hot.” “But… it’s freezing in here. Doctor, what’s happening to him?” The Doctor is listening to his sonic, checking it’s frequency, “Not now, Tallulah. Sorry.” “What are you doing?” Martha asks.
“Drawing them to us. If the Daleks are going to war, they’ll wanna find enemy number one.” I tell her.
He holds up his sonic and turns it on.
“I’m telling you to go. Frank can take you back to Hooverville.” “And I’m telling you, no.” I argue.
“Abby, that’s an order.”
The doors to the theatre burst open and the human Daleks arrive, flanking us. “Oh, my god! Well, I guess that’s them then, hunh?”
“Humans… with Dalek DNA.” Frank moves to attack them but I pull him back.
“It’s all right. Just stay calm. Don’t antagonize them.” I tell him. “But what about the Dalek masters? Where are they?” Laszlo asks.
There is an explosion on stage and we all duck behind the seats for cover.
The Doctor stands slowly as we all peek over the chairs.
“The Doctor will stand before the Daleks.” The Doctor steps over a chair and walks forward on the backs of rows until he reaches the front.
“You will die, Doctor. It is the beginning of a new age.” “Planet Earth will become New Skaro.” “Oh, and what a world. With anything just the slightest bit different ground into the dirt. That’s Dalek Sec. don’t you remember? The cleverest Dalek ever and look what you’ve done to him. Is that your new empire? Hmm? Is that the foundation for a whole new civilization?” The Doctor asks. “My Daleks… just understand this. If you choose death and destruction, then death and destruction will choose you.” Dalek Sec tells them. “Incorrect. We will always survive.” “Now we will destroy our greatest enemy, the Doctor.” “But he can help you.” Dalek Sec argues.
“The Doctor must die.” “No, I beg you, don’t.” Dalek Sec crawls in front of one of the Daleks.
“Exterminate!” Dalek Sec stands just as the Dalek fires.
The Doctor speaks, “Your own leader. The only creature who might have led you out of the darkness and you destroyed him.” He turns to the human Daleks, “Do you see what they did? Huh? You see what a Dalek really is?”
“Warning. Dalek-Humans show increased levels of serotonin.” “If I’m gonna die, let’s give the new boys a shot. What do you think, eh? The Dalek-Humans. Their first blood. Go on, baptize them.” The Doctor holds his arms out to his sides.
“Dalek-Humans, take aim.” The Dalek-Humans cock their weapons and aim at the Doctor.
“What are you waiting for? Give the command!”
“Exterminate!” The Doctor closes his eyes. Nothing happens. “Exterminate!”
Still nothing happens.
“Obey. Dalek-Humas will obey.” “Not firing.” Martha looks to the Doctor, “What have you done?”
“You will obey. Exterminate.”
The Doctor looks at the former human. “Daleks do not question orders.” “But why?” “You will stop this.” “But… why?” “You must not question.” “But you are not our master. And we… we are not Daleks.”
“No, you’re not, and you never will be.” The Doctor speaks to the Daleks, “Sorry, I got in the way of the lightning strike. Time Lord DNA got all mixed up. Just that little bit of freedom.” “If they will not obey, then they must die.” The Dalek shoots the man.
“Get down!”
We all duck behind the seats and both factions fire on each other.
“Destroy the hybrids. Destroy!”
The third Dalek is blown up.
The first Dalek is blown up. The Human-Daleks stop firing. We all stand up.
The Doctor goes over to one of the hybrids, “It’s all right. It’s all right. It’s all right. You did it. You’re free.”
All the hybrids grip their heads and scream in pain. “NO!” The Human-Daleks crumble to the ground.
“They can’t! They can’t! They can’t!” The Doctor kneels beside one of the bodies.
Martha and I join him.
“What happened? What was that?” Martha asks.
“They killed them. Rather than let them live. An entire species. Genocide.” I whisper. “Only two of the Daleks have been destroyed. One of them must still be alive.” The Doctor stands, “Oh, yes. In the whole universe, just one.”
We enter the room, Tallulah and Martha helping to support Laszlo.
“Doctor! Doctor! He’s sick.” Laszlo is breathing, heavily, wheezing. They lower him to the floor, Tallulah cradling him on her lap.
“It’s okay. You’re all right.” Martha soothes him.
The Doctor approaches us and kneels.
“It’s his heart. It’s racing like mad. I’ve never seen anything like it.” “What is it, Doctor? What’s the matter with him? He says he can’t breathe. What is it?” “It’s time, sweetheart.” Laszlo tells her. “What do you mean ‘time’? What are you talking about?” “None of the slaves… survive for long. Most of them only live a few weeks. I was lucky. I held on ‘cause I had you. But now… I’m dyin’, Tallulah.” “No, you’re not. Not now, after all this. Doctor, can’t you do somethin’?” “Oh, Tallulah with three L’s and an H… just you watch me.” The Doctor stands and takes off his coat, “what do I need? Oh, I don’t know. How about a great big genetic laboratory? Oh look, I’ve got one. Laszlo, just you hold on.” He runs about the lab, mixing up a solution, “There’s been too many deaths today. Way too many people have died. Brand new creatures and wise old men and age-old enemies. And I’m tellin’ you, I’m telling you right now, I am not having one more death! Got that? Not one! Tallulah, out of the way.” He takes a stethoscope out of his pocket and puts it on, “The Doctor is in.”
The Doctor, Martha, Tallulah and I are waiting by a park bench with Laszlo bundled in an overcoat and hat.
Frank joins us, “Well I talked to ‘em and I told ‘em what Solomon would’ve said and I reckon I shamed one or two of ‘em.” “What did they say?” I ask.
“They said yes.” Tallulah hugs Laszlo. “They’ll give you a home, Laszlo. I mean, uh, don’t imagine people ain’t gonna stare. I can’t promise you’ll be at peace but, in the end, that is what Hooverville is for, people who ain’t got nowhere else.” “Thank you. I… I can’t thank you enough.” Back on Liberty Island, we look out at the Manhattan skyline.
“Do you reckon it’s gonna work, those two?” “I don’t know. Anywhere else in the universe, I might worry about them, but New York, that’s what this city’s good at. Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, and maybe the odd pig-slave-Dalek-mutant-hybrid too.” Martha laughs, “The pig and the showgirl.” I smile, “The pig and the showgirl. Just proves it, I suppose. There’s someone for everyone.” The Doctor’s smile disappears.
He walks to the tardis and we follow.
“Meant to say… sorry.” Martha sighs.
“What for.” “Just ‘cause that Dalek got away. I know what that means to you. Think you’ll ever see it again?” He unlocks the door, “Oh yes.”We enter and the Doctor pauses in the doorway, “One day.” He comes inside and closes the door.
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chasedalek · 5 months
Dalek Caan
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as seen in “Journey's End” (S4x13)
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Name : Dalek Caan
Other Aliases : The Abomination
First Appearance : Army of Ghosts (S2x12)
Latest Appearance : Journey's End (S4x13)
Place of Origin : Skaro
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Dalek Caan is a bronze Dalek and member of the Cult of Skaro. Before he was picked to be a member of the cult by the Dalek Emperor, he was the Attack Squad Leader of the Thirtieth Assault Group. Unlike most Daleks, Dalek Caan was known to disobey orders from his Superiors and make his own decisions. However, Dalek Caan belived in Dalek purity and superiority to such extremes that he was willing to lead the rebellion against Dalek Sec when he believed Sec had given up his Dalek purity, convincing the others to join his betrayal of Sec.
During the battle of Canary Wharf Dalek Caan joined his fellow cult members in releasing the Dalek army from the Genesis Ark aswell and fleeing with them when the Doctor opened the void. In 1930 New York City it was Caan that served as the Daleks communicator with Mr Diagoras, he was the one to bring him to Sec for the Final Experiment. After Sec became the Human-Hybrid he began to doubt the Dalek way of life. The rest of the Cult, especially Caan, thought that Dalek Sec was unfit to be their leader as he has lost his Dalek "purity" and overthrew him taking him prisoner. Dalek Caan made himself the new Dalek Controller and sent Jast and Thay on a mission to exterminate the Doctor. This did not end up happening as the Dalek-Human hybrids ended up killing both Thay and Jast, aswell as Thay killing Sec, this left Caan as the last remaining Cult member and Dalek alive. Dalek Caan used an emergency temporal shift to escape when the Doctor tried to offer him help. This shift took Caan to the first year of the timewar - making him the first to breach the time lock! It is here he saved Davros from the Nightmare Child making him the "Saviour of Davros". Caan however had to pay the price for this, in doing so he saw the whole of time and space driving him insane while also allowing him to see the past and future in great detail. Seeing all of this made him realise how wrong his race was and he intended to have them destroyed at the hands of the Doctor. Although Caans insanity had him regarded as an "abomination" not even the Supreme Dalek would dare to contradict his prophacies. During the Medusa Cascade incident Caan foresaw and even caused some of the events that lead the Doctor and Donna together in order to bring the defeat of the Daleks. He belived that the Daleks needed to be forever destroyed and blasted the Dalekanium power feeds, exploding the Crucible, telling his last prophacy to the Doctor that “one will still die” referring to his companions. Dalek Caan is destroyed along with the Crucible making no attempt to save himself.
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