#hughie is an important member of the boys
guizika · 6 months
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My Family
The boys x GN! Reader
Cw - GN! reader, you/yours pronouns, just a special holiday fanfic, can be read as platonic, fluff, Maybe it's a bit ooc.
Synopsis - Christmas is finally here, but this year you'll have to celebrate it in a different way.
Word count - 633
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Christmas, such a beautiful time, with children smiling, playing, parents buying presents, families getting together. A period full of traditions and legends.
Well, Christmas is a beautiful time but this year you won't have the privilege of enjoying it, too busy trying to survive amidst all the chaos of Supers and humans. You've been hiding out with Frenchie, Butcher, Kimiko, MM and Hughie for some time now, as you've been hunted by Vought.
However, even in the midst of all this mess, you still try to bring a little light to them, especially to Kimiko, the new member of the group. So, to try and cheer up the group, you decide to put together an improvised Christmas tree, using some recycled materials.
"And boom, it's ready, what do you think, Milk?" You ask, looking adoringly at your newest creation, MM just stares and laughs slightly, walking over to you and crossing his arms as he looks at the Christmas tree.
"I think Butcher's going to kill you." He laughs lightly, making you let out a snort of amusement. "But seriously, it looks pretty good for a makeshift Christmas tree." At these words, your smile widens, happy to have had your work praised.
Soon, Frenchie and Kimiko appear, he looks intrigued at the Christmas tree while Kimiko looks on adoringly. "Camarade, did you do that?" He asks, receiving a nod of confirmation from MM. "You have a talent for art." Milk says, pointing at you, a smug smile on his face.
"Wow, look at that, someone found time to celebrate Christmas in the midst of all the chaos." Butcher's voice echoes off the walls, causing your smile to fade and a frown to appear in its place, Hughie was at Butcher's side, looking at the Christmas tree with curiosity.
"Of course I did, we've got to try and distract ourselves a bit, or we'll go crazy like you." Your tone contained a hint of irony, causing Butcher to crack a smile and Hughie to make a worried expression.
"Right, do you want to celebrate Christmas? Let's celebrate then, we've got nothing else to do anyway." Butcher says, coming closer to the tree and analyzing the details. Everyone, even you, is shocked to hear his words. "Wait a minute, what do you mean?" You ask incredulously, not having processed what is happening.
"Well, we can't do anything at the moment because they're hunting us like crazy, so let's celebrate Christmas, we really have nothing to lose." Butcher shrugged, leaning over to try and get a better look at a Christmas tree decoration you've made. "But I still think you could have used that creativity on something else."
"Can we really celebrate Christmas?" Frenchie asks in an excited tone, looking at everyone in the group, when Butcher nods positively as he approaches you and gives you a hug. "Thank you, Ami!"
Kimiko smiles at you and then you smile back at her, pleased to have managed to lighten the mood. Hughie walks over to you and puts his hand on your shoulder. "Thanks for that, we really needed that break." You just smile and then scratch the back of your head. "We're all a bit frazzled, but it'll be over soon, won't it?" Your tone is optimistic.
When Hughie goes to talk to the others, MM walks up to you and smiles, looking at you with his arms crossed. "Man, what you did was really important, we're all a bit exhausted, this will lighten the load on our shoulders." Your gaze goes to the group, who are chatting and laughing. "Yeah, I'm glad I managed to do that." It's the last thing you say before you're pulled into the circle of conversation, laughing and chatting with your friends, who over time you've come to call family.
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Please don't translate my work and don't repost on other social networks, if there are any grammatical errors I ask you to excuse me!
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jaskierx · 2 years
top 5 butchie moments :)))
jesus fuck this is like trying to choose my favourite child
like the amount of brain power i spent trying to pick a top 5 and rank them is kind of embarrassing but it's important for me to speak my truth x
1 - ok after much consideration i think my favourite just in terms of how much joy it brought me first time i watched it is at the start of s3e7 where butcher tells hughie i-have-a-praise-kink campbell that he's done a good job and smiles for like the second time in the entire series and hughie's like 😍 and can't fight this feeling by reo speedwagon is playing bc whoever does the music for the boys is secretly a massive butchie shipper (thanks king)
2 - the entirety of the bit in s2e6 where hughie gets injured but specifically hughie pressing his face into butcher's neck when he's in pain. if they hadn't cut that deleted scene of butcher being there when hughie wakes up maybe this could go here but unfortunately some poor choices were made (kripke i'm in your walls btw)
3 - butcher offering hughie his hand in the tunnel in s2e3 like hughie is so miserable and done and ready to die and butcher holds his hand out and you're only human starts playing and he's his second wind and i'm yelling and also crying
4 - hughie being the sole member of the billy butcher defence squad in s3e8. particularly the bit where annie is like 'what an asshole' and hughie's like 🥰he saved me🥰 despite the fact that [checks notes] butcher knocked him unconscious instead of just. talking to him. they're idiots and they're terrible and they need to be with each other so they aren't inflicting their stupidity on anybody else
5 - i was gonna leave this off bc i've mentioned s3e7 already but i can't bc besties have you seen the entire episode. the whole thing is an hour long butchie moment. 'he's family' i'm crying 'i'm begging you to please wake up my friend' i'm screaming 'i'm sorry i'm so fucking sorry' i'm lying on the floor and i've also died
(5.5 - special mention to the ball tickling quote bc it had to be on here somewhere. iconic moment. still trying to work out why anyone would ever say that)
bestie this was a fiendishly difficult ask but thank you for sending it 💕
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imunbreakabledude · 10 months
Are there any character(s) from the show you wished Maeve would've interacted more with or want to see Maeve interact with in the future????
Oh boy!! all of them? basically? lmao since I enjoy her a lot, I would always love seeing more of her dynamics with other people. but let me spotlight a few I think would've been fun (ok more than a few sorry):
annie - even though, yes, the maeve/annie arc is important and vital, i really would've loved seeing more of them in s3 (which their arc is just kind of suggested by one convo in 304 then the finale - it felt like there was something meatier intended, perhaps, and maybe i'm deluded but I choose to believe there was more written that was scrapped for scheduling reasons or something.) but I also wish we could just see more of them being in a friend era!! training together... maeve being casually way stronger than annie... annie recounting more ways she used to be a fangirl for maeve to make maeve uncomfortable...
hughie - simply check any posts i've tagged maevehughie lol the potential is so there. i can imagine so many wonderful things with them and also maeve/annie/hughie ot3
Butcher, not because i genuinely wanted to see them interact but solely from the angle that if they were GONNA have this alliance in s3, I would've liked to see more of how it developed, how they got together, how they felt about each other etc.
KIMIKO!!! Genuinely sad about this one, I understand it would've been real hard to maneuver them together in a meaningful way but i think they would be best friends. honestly, I think if you asked them they might report that they see the other one as a friend from their one interaction of beating the shit out of stormfront together. i imagine them hanging out in complete silence and having a great time together.
to an extent frenchie as well. he and maeve would get sooooo high together and have a great time. frenchie/kimiko/maeve ot3?
MM, I don't know exactly what I'd want from them, i do treasure the singular moment of him being disgusted with maeve's dirty feet on his coffee table... and idk what else they'd do in character, but I am charmed by the bits and bobs of Laz and Dominique in some interviews/panels together, i think I remember one bit where they were asked who from the show could wield mjolnir or whatever (thor's hammer from the MCU?) anyways like dominique, i haven't seen the movies... but i remember laz immediately said MM would be worthy to wield it, and then he explained to Dom what it meant and she was like "oh yeah Maeve too for sure." and idk how to put into words but I think there is some common thread between Maeve and MM of being like, true-hearted warriors, if you cross someone they care about they WILL wreck you.
Becca? again idk how they would ever actually have interacted but i find that narrative relationship they have so interesting... like i almost wish Maeve had been made aware of Becca & Ryan mid s2 and maybe helped with the plan to break Becca out? Not that I dislike what maeve was up to in s2 but that just also would've been a really interesting angle. plus forcing maeve to confront the question of how much she knew about what Homelander did to Becca/other women over the years and why she never spoke up or stopped it.
Stormfront!! which I know sounds weird but we got scenes of Stormfront tormenting basically every other member of the Seven and I just think it would've been cute and funny if she made some homophobic comments to Maeve once or twice
Madelyn, of course, because strangely enough Maeve and Madelyn never exchange an actual spoken line with each other on the show at all, and yet I have an incredibly detailed and vital and nuanced relationship constructed between them in my fic lmao
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rainbowwritesthings · 4 years
I Just Died In Your Arms Tonight
Hughie reached up and felt the edge of the knife that was lodged in his ribs and could almost feel where the tip of the knife exited from his back. Butcher grabbed the hand that was fumbling with the knife handle and brought Hughie’s knuckles to his lips, “don’t worry bought that now.”
Hughie dies for awhile. Butcher freaks out. AO3
Soldier Boy stared Hughie down, somehow managing to exude disinterest while still maintaining an energy that spoke of impending bloodshed.
Hughie forced himself not to look around for Butcher, who had slipped away to try and track down the very Supe measuring the young man up.
“Where are your friends?”
The sudden baritone had Hughie jolting slightly and his usual instinct regarding a very powerful Supe asking questions rang true.
Butcher had made fun of Hughie countless times because of his ‘play dumb’ strategy, and the gruff man would always end the jab by saying it only made people more suspicious.
MM and Frenchie had made similar, less pointed comments about his lies under pressure, even Kimiko had once given him a look when Hughie dumbly asked, “who’s Hughie Campbell?” When someone was trying to intimidate him.
The heavy sound of boots walking towards him had Hughie’s heart beat harder, and he wished he could at least pretend to be brave while facing the first superhero.
This was Soldier Boy’s first meeting with any of the group and Hughie could understand why this was so disappointing for the man.
Soldier Boy stood in front of him and raised his eyebrows, “you’re really a member of The Boys? The group that kills Superheroes.”
Hughie blinked and opened his mouth, only to be interrupted when the man continued on.
“Your leader is former SAS and CIA. His right-hand man was a combat medic, left hand man was a gun-runner and chemist expert. Oh, and the other member is a trained Super terrorist.”
Hughie noticed the lack of mention for Starlight and hoped it meant that her spot on the Seven meant she was safe.
The Supe got even closer until they were just inches apart, “you used to upsell bullshit equipment for a Radio Shack. Why the fuck are you here?”
God Hughie wished he had a good answer to that, or at least the spine to say something cool like he knew Butcher would have.
“It’s a long story.”
This answer gained him a grunt and Soldier Boy stepped back, with no warning his fist shot out and Hughie fell to the ground. The Supe lowered down to straddle the man and Hughie tried desperately to get out from under him.
When two hands linked around his throat, Hughie froze and stared up.
“I could snap your neck and there’d be nothing you could do to stop me.”
Hughie was already well aware of this fact, and somehow being in such a powerless position eased the panic welling inside of him. As Soldier Boy’s grip around his throat tightened, Hughie grabbed his knife.
The first knife that Butcher had gifted him in the guise of safety, the one Hughie kept with him at all times since receiving it. He used it to stab the Supe in the arm, and Soldier Boy didn’t so much as flinch as he shifted to hold Hughie down with one hand.
The other hand reached up to yank out the knife, he examined the knife and looked down at Hughie.
“Maybe you aren’t as balless as I thought.”
Hughie sucked in air and heard heavy footfalls closing into to him. Butcher finally arrived with stomping feet and a shout, “Oi, cunt!” As Butcher shot at the Supe, Soldier Boy only looked up at him as a courtesy.
“Finally, a true member of the team.”
With a cold smile the Supe maintained eye contact with Butcher and rammed the knife through Hughie’s chest. Hughie couldn’t help but scream when the knife ripped through his lung, cartilage, and bones, and after it was in he weakly grasped at his chest.
When Hughie grasped about the area he could only feel the tip of the handle sticking out, the rest of the blade and handle was buried firmly in his lung and ribcage.
Butcher let out a roar and the rest of clip was unloaded into the Supe, Soldier Boy merely stood up casually over Hughie and wipe his bloody hand on his pants uniform.
Burcher was still holding an empty gun to the Supers face, seething with unbridled rage.
“I’ll kill every fuckin’ one of ya’!” For once an emotion other than boredom crossed Soldier Boy’s face, but Hughie’s vision was too blurry to make out what expression it was exactly, but it looked almost like surprise.
Black filled the whole of his vision and peace was momentarily granted, until strong hands were firmly shaking his shoulders and a voice was ringing in his ears.
Butcher came into a blurry world view that slowly cleared until all Hughie could see was Billy, cradling him in his arms with a desperate expression.
“Hold on now Hughie. Others are on their way, gonna get you all patched up.”
That was the most blatant lie Butcher had ever told him, even if MM rolled in right now with a squad of trained medics it wouldn’t matter.
Hughie could almost feel where the tip of the knife exited from his back and reached up to the area once again.
Butcher grabbed the hand that was fumbling around the knife handle and brought Hughie’s knuckles to his lips, “don’t worry bought’ that now.”
Hughie tried to focus on the man, truly he did, but he was also trying to gather air into his lungs. He was drowning in himself, there was no other way to describe it.
Butcher seemed to pick up on his gasping for air and with a gentle warning, lifted Hughie so he was braced on his lap.
Slightly more upright Hughie coughed up a spray of blood, coating both Butcher and Hughie. It was still hard to breathe, he could feel the blood pulling in his chest and congealing in his throat.
“Breathe darlin’, just breathe.”
At the command Hughie drew in a wet breath and immediately coughed harder, “Butch-“
“Shh, save your breath luv.”
A calloused hand ran through his hair before cupping his cheek, “you’ll be fine, made of strong stuff you are. This ain’t nothin’ compared to what you been through.”
Hughie’s vision cleared enough to see Butcher, more distraught than he had ever seen him before which lead to a new resolve.
“Listen-please listen to me.”
It was odd how exhausting that simple sentence was and the dawning comprehension that he was dying finally beginning to hit him. This understanding must have shown on his face because Butcher placed more pressure on the wound with a feral look in his eyes.
“You’re gonna be fine, ain’t nothin’ gonna happen to ya.”
Holy shit, Billy Butcher was in complete denial about what was happening.
“Billy. I love you. Please don’t-“
More burning pain had Hughie wheezing past the blood, clutching Butcher’s hand in a vice grip. When the burn ebbed, he blinked past the black spots.
“Don’t give up.”
While the man knew he was in no way comparable to Becca, his death wouldn’t leave a gaping wound in Butchers heart like hers had, he also admitted that he was important to Butcher in a different way.
Hopefully someone else would fill his place as both a member, as well as someone to stand beside Butcher. Someone who could shine a light in the dark but was still resilient enough to stand against the Supes without fear.
He must have blacked out again because when he was blinking through the tunnel around his eyes he could hear Butcher whispering, it almost sounded like a prayer.
“You can’t give me a light in the fuckin’ cave just to take it away, not like this. Not him, please, anyone other than him.”
Hughie could hear a harsh wheezing and it took a moment to realize it was coming from him, distantly he could feel the pressure Butcher was keeping on the wound and the feel of Butchers face buried in Hughie’s hair.
He tried to swallow the thick metallic in his throat but ended up painfully coughing instead of forcing it down. Somehow coughing around the thick paste painting his insides hurt so much worse that the actual stab wound did.
Though now that he thought about it, he could still feel the knife stuck between his ribs, moving around and tearing something else up every time he tried to breathe to deeply.
God, there was so much more Hughie wanted to say to Butcher. He wanted to comfort the man who had already been through so much and let him know that whatever he found so special in Hughie could be found in someone else at least ten fold.
Hughie could hear the rest of the Boys arrive, not able to determine who was who when they filtered in but with sudden resolve he forced himself to focus.
“I-I can’t do anything about this man.”
He could hear MM distantly, as if his ears were packed full of wool, but despite how far away the voice was he could hear the pain laced in every word. Hughie felt cold in a way he hadn’t felt before, this wasn’t like a sudden cold snap that struck before you before the space heater was ready, instead it went deeper and curved around his bones, his very soul even.
He was also thirsty, despite how thick the blood coated his throat he still wanted something, anything, to quench his thirst. He could hear another voice, muffled as it was, and was able to determine it was Frenchie.
The only thing keeping him from floating away growled and Hughie forcibly peeled back the weights holding his eyelids closed. Everything was tilted on it’s side and he could barely see past the tunnel around his vision.
Billy’s face slowly came into focus and when he saw Hughie looking up at him, he gave a terrible smile. Not the one that promised impending bloodshed or illegal activities, but a new one entirely.
It took a while but Hughie was able to focus on MM next, the man looked as if he had been the one stabbed and gave the younger man a reassuring smile that contrasted with every other body signal he was giving Hughie.
Frenchie was rubbing the back of his head and pacing, but when he saw Hughie’s eyes on him he stopped and stooped down.
“Petit Hughie.”
He gave the dying man a shaky smile, and Hughie gave him a weak smile back. At this Frenchie looked around and sniffled slightly before getting up to pace around more.
Hughie looked at Kimiko and was shocked to see tears gathered around her eyes, her gaze was locked into his chest and the barest hint of the hilt that was visible sticking out of his chest. She was breathing deeply and Hughie knew she was visualizing taking the knife that killed him and slitting Soldier Boys throat with it.
Which led to Hughie imagining what the group would do next.
Butcher would go on a complete warpath, maybe even worse than it had been before. Homelander would always be the first mark, but now Soldier Boy would be directly under that name.
God Hughie hoped that Frenchie and mainly MM could keep Butcher, and maybe Kimiko, from trying to fight Soldier Boy without a plan.
There was no reason for all of them to crumble under one Supes hand over him, though honestly Hughie reasoned that none of them were that foolhardy to try and rush towards revenge before he had started to decompose.
Well if anything else, Annie could always get them to at least consider reason if their vision became clouded. He could hear Butcher above him and forced himself to focus.
“Please luv, you can't leave me. I love you Hughie, fuckin’ hell I love you.”
Hughie wanted to say that he loved him just as much, that Butcher was never what he expected from a partner but he didn’t regret the decision to join him even if this was the result.
“B-billy, thank you.”
For everything, all the terrible gory bits and the sweet moments that made life feel worth living. An ironic sentiment considering how close death was breathing down his neck right now.
Hughie hoped that when they broke the news to his father, they would lie and say it was instant. That there was no pain, no Hughie wheezing around his own blood.
Fuck he was really going to die, wasn’t he?
Hughie vomited up more burning blood as Butcher tried to sooth him and try as he might the numbness filled him completely. Swallowing Hughie whole in a dark embrace, free of pain and worry.
Hughie felt the world come into view in pieces. First there was a searing burn surrounding his very existence, threatening to burn him alive. Then the burn centered on his chest, and the only instinct Hughie had was to try and expel it.
He felt hands shifting him around, pulling him in different ways so that he could vomit the substance easier. Every time Hughie felt like he could take a breath a new wave of fire would hit.
Several objects that were suspiciously hard found their way trapped in his throat; he wasn’t sure who dug around his mouth to fish them out but Hughie owed his life to whoever did so.
Finally, when all the congealed blood and bits of bone had been expelled Hughie could take in full breaths instead of the chocked gasps he had been using before.
He vowed to never take his lungs and the beautiful feeling of filling them with air for granted. With uncoordinated blinks the world started to slide in place around him.
MM was smiling down at him and that answered the question of who was keeping him upright, “holy fuck man.”
Frenchie lunged forward to kiss both of his cheeks, speaking quickly in his own language. He got the sense that Frenchie was putting to words the pure relief that shone through his face.
Kimiko was practically beaming at him; she was signing to him and Hughie knew that he should recognize what she was saying but couldn’t focus long enough to create a translation. However he didn’t need to know exactly what she was saying, the meaning was clear when she was smiling so openly at him.
Past her Butcher was staring at him, completely still except for the way his chest was heaving. His expression was of blatant horror mixed with large dose of disgust, he wasn’t looking at Hughie’s face and if his jaw clenched any harder his teeth may be in danger.
That was what splashed Hughie in a new wave of panic.
“I died.”
Saying the words out loud sparked Hughie into moving, jerking around and clawing at his chest.
“I fucking died! What the fuck?!”
MM was trying to calm him down, gently holding his wrist when Hughie began to scratch at his throat.
“Oh god, oh my god. I was- I!”
His eyes darted around to the others, trying to get them to understand.
Kimiko had a look of understanding that he hadn’t seen from her before and Frenchie was leaving to grab something from the front of the van.
Throughout all of this Butcher hadn’t moved, though his face hardened as he watched Hughie thrash weakly in MM’s hold.
Butcher, who hated Supes of any kind, who still didn’t trust Kimiko or want anything to do with her despite her status as a firm member of the group. He tolerated her because she was useful, a good fighter as well as a good shot.
Hughie wasn’t either of those things, and as such wasn’t needed like she was.
“You’re going to kill me.”
Hughie’s voice shook with the statement, there was little doubt in his mind what Butcher was really thinking when he eyed to closed chest wound. Frenchie moved in front of him, brandishing a needle.
“Petit Hughie, this is going to help you to relax. Do not worry mon amie, it will be alright.”
Hughie thrashed about and the man knew he was babbling, begging the others for so many things but he couldn’t hear his own words.
Would he go in a cage until they decided what to do?
Small but strong hands held his legs down and Hughie felt the prick of the needle going in. His vision blurred almost immediately after, and finally he felt someone push his hair from his face.
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justjessame · 3 years
Babysitting Butcher Chapter 1
“Are you fucking joking?” My eyes were wide, and I normally held back the profanity while speaking to my supervisors, but for fuck’s sake, she had to be pulling a prank on me. Not that the tightly wound woman in front of me was known for her sense of humor, but this? This had to be a fucking joke.
Tight bun, so tight in fact that she looked like her face was taut from the pull of it, perfectly tailored suit, and heels that were functional and prim. She’d replaced Susan Raynor, our former deputy director after her untimely demise (is that what we were calling her being the first victim of the notorious head popper?). And, if I were being honest, which I also refrained from in front of this particular supervisor, she was falling short of the shoes she was supposed to fill. Luckily, she was ACTING deputy director, so she wasn’t necessarily a permanent annoyance.
Her lips were a thin line of clear irritation. Her eyes were flashing with the very obvious thought that she couldn’t believe that I would dare question her authority. Dear God, she was already letting her pseudo power run wild in her fucking head.
“I can assure you, Officer Taylor, I am NOT joking.” Her nostrils flared and I had to fight rolling my eyes. “Or do you prefer Dr. Taylor? I can never quite tell with you.”
“Either is fine,” I bit out, wondering if I could argue against the assignment all the way to the top. I nearly sighed when I realized that it probably came from the tipity fucking top. “Is this because of the report I complied when-”
“When they were considered domestic terrorists?” She sighed and sat down, gesturing to a chair in front of her desk for me to sit as well. “It made selecting you easier, yes.” I fucking knew it. “You were correct, after all, they weren’t in the wrong.” I know, and so did Raynor, the woman who had me dig through their pasts and prove that they weren’t who the world assumed they were, even if she died before we were both proven right. “Grace Mallory wants you for this role, Dr. Taylor.” She was testing out my real title, but it felt wrong to her as well, I could tell. “You know who that is correct?” I did roll my eyes at that. Everyone within the agency knew who Grace Mallory was. “She has a great deal of pull and she requested you, so-”
“I have no choice.” I muttered. “And I’ll be on babysitting duty for how long?”
She smiled at me, almost indulgently, almost. “Come now, Taylor, you’ll be in the new pride and joy that is the Office of Supe Affairs.” I sighed, and she shook her head. “I don’t know how long you’ll be their liaison,” ah, a new title that was supposed to appease me, I guessed. “I only know that you WILL be.” With that, I was handed a new keycard badge, a clutch of files, and a handful of contact information. “The office is located at the address on the top page, your office is ready and waiting, and I wish you well.” She refocused her attention on the other stacks of files on her desk and I knew I was dismissed. Fuck.
 As I drove to my new building, my new office, my new duties, I was remembering when Deputy Director Raynor had come to me for the first time. She wanted me to understand that what she was asking was something that could not be shared with anyone else in the agency until she felt it was time. Handing me the bare minimal information on the men at the root of a manhunt. Calling them terrorists, saying they were at fault for all manner of crimes, she told me to utilize the talents that had gotten me into the bureau, and ignore the obvious confirmation bias that would usually taint such an assignment.
I’d worked on it for hours, then days, finding out more about William Butcher, Marvin T. Milk, Serge, and the oddball out Hugh Campbell Jr. I learned of the losses suffered at the hands of supes in the cases of Butcher and Hughie. I found out about Mother’s Milk’s father’s attempt to hold Vought accountable and dying young. And as for Serge, otherwise known as Frenchie, his upbringing was more difficult to piece together, but what I found had painted a bleak picture. Vigilantes? Probably. Terrorists? Hardly. I wrote the report, not knowing that the four had added a fifth, not that the knowledge would have helped with what I already had, and then learned that Starlight, the newest member of the Seven was suspected as well.
After the death of Raynor, after the fall of Stormfront and the admission by Vought that she had been the culprit all along, The Boys, as they were being called, were vindicated. I knew that William Butcher had truly lost his wife in the quest for this, and I knew that would make him far more volatile than he ever had been. The others? I hadn’t had a moment to spare, knowing that the majority of this new “role” for me would be making sure that Butcher was reigned in. Kept on task and on the goals of the new “office”. And I knew I’d have my work cut out for me, if the file I’d composed was even halfway correct, William Butcher was an untamable horse. Or worse yet, a hurricane waiting to unleash itself on the entire supe race.
 The building was sparse, as all government buildings seemed to be. Since it was so new to the world, the “Office of Supe Affairs” seemed far more sparse than normal. Not a fucking ounce of character in the entire fucking structure. No landscaping, although to be honest I wasn’t sure how the building maintenance would even try it, concrete as far as the eye could see, coupled with one way glass that mirrored the street traffic and parking lot, depending on which side you came into it from.
Using my new keyfob badge to get into the parking area, and then again to get into the building, I smiled at the single receptionist at the high front desk.
“Dr. Taylor?” He asked. I nodded, and he came around to show me to my office, pointing out other areas I might need while at work. “Here we are,” he indicated the same security pad for me to fob myself in, and once I did, he opened the door. “You were given the office with the best view,” I could see that my ‘view’ was the back alley, but I imagined he meant the skyline when he mentioned my view. “Laptop, printer, phone.” He pointed them out as though I couldn’t give myself the fucking tour. “If you need anything, just hit ‘1’ on the phone and it’ll come straight to me. The other extensions are laid out in the book you’ll find in the top left desk drawer. By the way, I’m Anthony,” he extended his hand and I shook it after I juggled my far too heavy messenger bag and keyfob badge into my other hand. “Good luck.” And with that ominous offer, he shut the door behind himself and I let go of the loud dramatic sigh that I’d felt building since standing inside of our acting deputy director’s office.
 I was reading through the files when my desk phone rang. Absently picking it up, I answered with my standard greeting and heard Grace Mallory’s voice reply.
“Ah, good, you’re in already. I’ll be by in a few minutes, I think we should talk about what’s expected of you, Dr. Taylor.” I agreed, replacing the handset and thinking how easily the receptionist and Mallory had taken to the first title I’d earned in my life. No hesitation, no confusion, just ‘Dr. Taylor’. I wished everyone found it so simple.
Grace Mallory had full reign over the offices, as she proved when she keyed herself into mine. I looked up and smiled. The older woman, mentioned in my research on the others, was easy to read. She took one of the chairs in front of my new desk. I closed the file I’d been going over before she’d come in, and waited.
Rueful smile playing on her lips, eyes shrewd, she took her time studying me. “You’re not excited that I asked for you to be here.” I didn’t feel the need to answer, since it wasn’t a question. “I read what you compiled on them, I still have access to certain parts of the agency.” Again, not a question. “I wanted you to act as the liaison because you saw through it. The image that everyone else saw, or thought they saw with them.” Him, I could see she meant, the others were important certainly, but I was obviously here to reign in only one. “You don’t get intimidated easily, that I learned from YOUR file.” I was guessing she meant the few times I’d bucked up against what was clearly the wrong tactic or wrong idea being forced on me and my fellow officers by our superiors. “You’ve also done this before.” Damn it, fuck my experience with that fucking black ops group that I had to rehabilitate after their fall from grace in Bolivia. “I’m more than sure that you’re the best person for this job.”
She outlined it. I was the go between, since Raynor was no longer at the CIA to grease the wheels so to speak, I was to act as the person to keep the agency in the loop of progress or planned operations. And, before she left, she finally admitted that my REAL job was to make sure that William Butcher didn’t go off the rails to the point that the entire operation would go ass over tits.
“The appeal of having you oversee this, Dr. Taylor, isn’t simply that you did those profiles on them that was the first to question the validity of the charges against them, but that you have a background in-” She paused to consider what she wanted to say. “You’re a psychologist. That, coupled with your experience with the other team you pulled through, well you can see why I had to insist you fill this role.”
“I understand that you think I’m the logical choice,” I closed my eyes, wondering just how I could explain to her that I felt wrong for the work that she wanted me to undertake. “I just don’t think that I-”
“That you’re the person who can keep him even keeled?” Opening my eyes I saw that she was standing and smiling down at me. “Just because no one else seems capable, Dr. Taylor, doesn’t mean that no one is.” With that parting shot, she too wished me well, and then left my office.
Biting my lip, I reopened the file I’d left off on while Grace Mallory had given me her expectations. I hoped like hell that she was right, because there were times that William Butcher, and like dominoes his team, caused far more fucking chaos than they stopped.
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undertheinfluencerd · 3 years
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The Boys: Hughie’s 9 Best Quotes | ScreenRant
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Hughie is definitely the odd man out when he is first recruited by Billy Butcher to go after Vought International and The Seven in The Boys. However, Hughie has proven to be one of the most capable members of the vigilante group. His usefulness stems from the fact that he is mostly brains while the rest of the members are all muscle.
RELATED: The 10 Strangest Friendships In The Boys Comics
Hughie Campbell doesn’t just demonstrate his intelligence by his actions but also by the way he chooses his words. While the comic version of the character speaks in a rather basic manner, the Amazon Prime version prefers to color his sentences, resulting in a fun, fan-favorite character.
9 “As A Rule, I Don’t Usually Go Out After A Gory Massacre.”
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Some fans have nicknamed him “Bully” Butcher and he earns that nickname by causing turmoil with one of the best couples in The Boys. He orders Hughie to go on a date with his girlfriend Starlight and hack her phone. Given how many people have just died, Hughie doesn’t think it’s a good idea.
Once again, Hughie shows how uncomfortable he is with being a member of The Boys. If he had a choice, he’d be living a different life. But he’s in too deep now. The quote also highlights the vast difference between Butcher and Hughie’s characters. Having lived a life of chaos, Butcher has no problem using people for his own agenda. Hughie is different and there’s no way he is going to hack his crush’s phone.
8 “He Is Too Much Of An A**hole To Die.”
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When Butcher disappears for a couple of weeks, Frenchie speculates that maybe he is dead. Hughie doesn’t think so, stating that Butcher is despicable but capable of survival.
Hughie is right about Butcher since he shows up at the end of the episode like nothing happened. And in keeping up with his arrogance, he refuses to explain everything in detail. It’s one of the many reasons why The Boys fans hate Billy Butcher. He’s an effective leader but his personality is far from admirable.
7 “I Managed To Go My Whole Life Without Seeing Someone Die Horribly, And Now I’m Up To About A Half Dozen.”
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Hughie has the biggest conscience out of all members of The Boys and late in the first season, he suggests that they should slow down on their violent ways.
RELATED: Ranking The Costumes Worn By The Seven In The Boys, From Lamest To Coolest
This quote is a reminder of just how much Hughie’s life has changed for the worse. Before the start of the show, he was an ordinary citizen looking forward to a bright future with his girlfriend. Now he has to chase after super-powered individuals every single day. Butcher is cut out for this life since he was previously in the military but Hughie feels a bit too overwhelmed.
6 “Saw It On, Uh, Jimmy Fallon.”
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Butcher is impressed when Hughie stops Translucent, one of the most villainous members of The Seven, by electrocuting him inside the TV store. He wonders where Hughie learned how to do that, and the response is rather interesting.
Hughie’s comical nature doesn’t come out too often but he’s proven that he can be funny when sometimes. It’s impossible for him to have learned how to electrocute invincible Supes on The Tonight Show Featuring Jimmy Fallon since that’s a late-night talk show. People with a large reservoir of knowledge don’t always remember where they learned everything hence there’s the possibility that Hughie actually forgot where he learned the electrocution technique, so he just threw Jimmy Fallon out there.
5 “Just Coz You Fall On Your A** Doesn’t Mean You Have To Stay There.”
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Hughie isn’t the one who comes up with these words. He quotes his late girlfriend who was killed by A-Train. This is what she would say whenever she fell while skating.
RELATED: 10 Super Pieces Of The Boys Fan Art You Have To See
The words apply to almost every member of The Boys at the start of the series. Their lives have all been destabilized by either Supes or Compound V. Instead of wallowing in pity, they have decided to team up and do something about it. The quote is not only useful in the context of the series but is also inspirational to any person watching.
4 “You Look Like You’re Starring In The Porn Version Of The Matrix.”
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The first time he tries to recruit Hughie into The Boys, Butcher lies that he is a fed. Hughie doesn’t believe him, arguing that he doesn’t look like an agent. What Hughie thinks Butcher looks like is even funnier.
Butcher’s shades are what make Hughie compare him to some of the best characters from The Matrix since almost everyone in the critically acclaimed movie had a pair. The porn reference fits well with the show since neither it nor its source material has ever shied away from sexual themes.
3 “I Could Be Your Tech Guy. Like, I Could Be In The Van Like, ‘He’s Down The Hall To The Left.'”
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The first time he feels the thrill of hunting down superpowered baddies, Hughie feels that he should continue. Unfortunately for him, Butcher wants him to take a back seat because he feels he isn’t tough enough. Hughie isn’t willing to do that so he suggests being like the tech guys who stay inside vans in action movies as they monitor proceedings and advise field agents.
Hughie’s description of how these characters act is entirely accurate. The application of the same techie-guiding-hero concept wouldn’t work here since A-Train and Homelander would have disappeared by the time Butcher got down the hall to the left. Nevertheless, the words still come off as totally hilarious, making viewers wish Hughie would make jokes more often.
2 “That’s A… Nickname?”
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When Butcher introduces Hughie to Mother’s Milk, Hughie has a hard time believing that is actually his real name. Even after Mother’s Milk insisting that his mother did indeed give him that name, Hughie remains doubtful.
RELATED: 10 Ways The Seven Are Different From The Avengers
Hughie is right to be baffled since it’s rare to meet someone with such an unconventional legal name. Mother’s Milk’s mother must have had a very interesting sense of humor. Sadly, not much information is given about her. Instead, details are given about Mother’s Milk’s father who worked hard to expos Vought but got killed before he could achieve anything.
1 “I Don’t Think It’s Morgan Freeman Up There Or Anything But It All Can’t Be Random Chaos.”
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Butcher asks Hughie an important question when the two attend the Believe Expo to follow up on a Supe lead. He asks him if he believes in God, to which Hughie responds states that Morgan Freeman (who has portrayed God in a couple of movies) is definitely not up there but there is a force controlling everything.
With the remarks, Hughie sounds more of an agnostic individual than an atheist. Discussions about deities often end with an agree-to-disagree conclusion. Some viewers definitely wouldn’t agree with Hughie but some will. The Morgan Freeman reference is also a clever one, serving as an aide-memoire of the large pop culture knowledge stored in Hughie’s mind.
NEXT: 5 Ways Billy Is The Best Hero In The Boys (& 5 Why It’s Hughie)
The post The Boys: Hughie’s 9 Best Quotes | ScreenRant appeared first on undertheinfluencerd.net.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
The Boys: 5 Reasons The Comic Is Better (& 5 Reasons Why The Show Is)
Season 1 of The Boys on Amazon Prime has quickly become the most binged series that the streaming service has yet to put out. With a dark, gritty, and humorous take on the superhero genre, The Boys explores a lot of what superheroes may actually be like in the real world.
RELATED: The Boys: 10 Strongest Super-Abled Characters, Ranked
Despite having some major differences from the source material, the show still keeps the more important moments and elements from the comics, making the two great parallels to each other. Looking at some of the key differences between the two, here is our list of 5 reasons the comic is better, and 5 reasons why the show is.
10 Comic: Hughie
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The main character himself is likely the biggest change that the show makes from the book. In The Boys comics, Hughie is a shorter, bald, Scottish man. While he finds himself in many of the same situations as his TV counterpart, the show’s version definitely makes some significant adjustments to Hughie’s character. While Jack Quaid is a great fit within the show, he is very tall, with a full head of hair, and American. 
Going beyond appearance, the show’s version of Hughie also feels like he’s at a much lower point in his life than he does in the comics. This can make his character seem a bit off, though it is actually believable that the comic book version of Hughie would react the same way. Hughie in the comics also adjusts to The Boys’ actions much faster than he does in the show.
9 Show: Homelander
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The first thing the show does better than the books is that it takes its time to establish Homelander as a truly evil person. In the comics, Homelander is very clearly not the shining example he poses as from the very first issue. However, considering the tensions between Homelander and Butcher, it actually makes sense for the show to build towards the reveal.
By slowly showing Homelander get darker and darker, it helps reveal a bit more about Butcher’s own motivations, and the reasons The Boys are needed as a team. While there are also a few key differences between the show and comic versions of Homelander, the Amazon show just handles him in a much more compelling way. As the main antagonist of the series, it makes sense that the creators would take their time in developing him.
8 Comic: The First
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While it may seem a bit unfair to judge the two in this regard, the comics are the whole reason the show exists in the first place. Since the launch of The Boys in 2006, author Garth Ennis took a very different approach to superheroes. This dark, gritty, yet highly comedic take on the superhero genre broke ground as the series explored the dangers of superpowered beings. 
RELATED: The Boys: 10 Reasons Why Homelander Is Scarier Than Thanos
Had the comic not been so successful, there wouldn’t have been a show in the first place. However, the show also does a great job of keeping things different enough from the comics to keep it interesting and unpredictable, but similar enough to tell that they’ve read and understood the source material. Without the source material, though, there would, of course, be no show.
7 Show: Butcher
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While the show may have made some drastic changes to Hughie, it arguably improves upon Billy Butcher. Firstly, Karl Urban is a perfect fit for the character. Urban expertly captures Butcher’s attitude and aggressive mannerisms, perfectly representing the comic character in live-action. The show also begins to explore Butcher’s backstory far earlier than the comics. As a result, Butcher is much more relatable, much earlier on.
Though he was always likable in the comics, it takes several issues before readers begin to figure Butcher out. By the end of the first season though, it is already evident that Butcher is an incredibly complex character. Though some changes were made to his character as well, the show’s version of Billy Butcher is easily one of its strongest parts, making him arguably better than his comic book counterpart.
6 Comic: More Characters
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Both The Boys comics and the TV series have an incredibly wide cast of characters. From the five members of The Boys to The Seven and any members of other super teams, both interpretations juggle a plethora of different personalities. However, the comic tends to focus on a bit of a wider cast. The Boys themselves are actually all introduced fairly early. For example, The Female was part of Butcher’s old crew in the books, and Hughie is the only new member when the team is reassembled. 
Because of the pacing in the book, it also focuses more on other heroes in the universe. While the series still takes time to focus on members of The Seven, the comics focus on former members, younger superheroes, villains and more, all while juggling the cast of The Seven and The Boys. Though the show could explore those areas eventually, the book excellently manages the characters throughout its whole run, giving it a bit of an edge over its live-action adaptation.
5 Show: Creative Liberties Work Well
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As mentioned previously, the show isn’t exactly a word-for-word adaptation of the comics. The Boys actually takes several liberties from the source material that help distinguish it from other superhero shows. However, for all the liberties taken, fans of the comics can still tell that the show’s creators have read the source material. The characters are similar enough and the important situations are all still there.
RELATED: The Boys: 11 Differences Between The Comics And The Show
The adaptation typically just changes who did or said what, at least as far as the important things go. It also manages the same dark humor throughout the books. While these distinctions don’t necessarily make the show better than the actual comics, they offer a unique take that is simultaneously familiar and unfamiliar.
4 Comic: More Time With the Characters
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Season 1 had a lot of characters to introduce in just a few episodes. As a result, character introductions are rather rushed. While certain characters are still incredibly strong, some did feel as though they could have used a bit more screen time. 
In the comics, though, the pacing just makes it seem as though the character interactions and individual moments are a bit more balanced. Readers aren’t really given too much or too little information at a time, and actually get a chance to relate to the characters a bit more. While the comic series is over, making it easier to binge at this point, the balance still feels a bit more natural than the TV show, giving it a bit of an advantage in this regard.
3 Show: A Heavier Focus On Politics
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One thing that Season 1 focuses heavily on is the political ramifications of superheroes in the real world. While the comic also comments on this theme, it only becomes a major part later on in the series. With today’s social climate, incorporating a political element early on was a wise move on the showrunner's part.
This allowed the show to juggle new situations, some that proved to be incredibly humorous and others that heightened the stakes. Knowing how Homelander could react as an official member of the U.S. Army or the like made The Boys’ mission all the more dire, which is something lacking in the early stages of the comics.
2 Comic: The Boys Themselves
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In the comics, The Boys had already known each other for years by the time they are first introduced to readers. As mentioned previously, Hughie is the only new member of the group as Butcher reforms the team. Because of this, the comic versions of the characters feel more like a family.
In the comics, Mother’s Milk and Frenchie get along reasonably well. Likewise, The Female is established as one of the strongest members very early on. Her backstory actually isn’t given until a bit later in the series. Having the pre-established dynamic between The Boys actually helped readers relate more to Hughie, as they felt like they were in the same place as him. Furthermore, seeing the team grow closer together again was part of the draw.
1 Show: The Focus on the Heroes
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With the comic focusing much more on The Boys themselves, Amazon's adaptation focuses a bit more on the actual heroes. Starlight is easily the most recurring super in the comics. While she is still seen a lot in the show, audiences still get to spend time with other heroes like Homelander, Translucent, and The Deep.
While certain heroes still get developed in the books, it is nice to see them as a more regular part of the story. Even though most of them are terrible people, they still provide plenty of great moments that are often humorous, add character depth, or move the plot forward. As a result, The Boys TV series feels more like a superhero show than the books.
NEXT: The Boys: 5 Characters From The Comics We Want To See In Season 2 (& 5 We Don’t)
source https://screenrant.com/the-boys-reasons-comic-show-superior/
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entertainmentstew · 5 years
Streaming Pick of the Week: The Boys
By John Magee
I wasn’t sure what kind of show I was going to be watching when I first turned on Amazon Prime’s original show “The Boys”, I’d seen the trailers for it so I knew it was a dark take on superheroes but other than that and the show’s R rating I didn’t really know what I was in for. This is a problem “The Boys” solve very quickly into their pilot episode.
The show opens on Hughie, a salesman at what is essentially the show’s version of a Best Buy. His workday is interrupted by the arrival of his girlfriend Robin and the two flirt and discuss the possibility of moving in together. The camera cuts to a close-up, slow-motion shot of Hughie’s face which is suddenly covered in blood, the audience then sees that Robin is now a fine mist of blood and guts, and a man in a blue superhero uniform stops, comments on how he has to keep running and super-speeds away. The show then follows Hughie’s journey to finding closure for Robin’s death and hopefully holding the hero who killed her responsible.
It was in this scene that I finally understood “The Boys” for the first time and became completely hooked by it. This show is an attempt to show what a world with superheroes in it would really look like, there have been dark and gritty takes on superheroes like the Watchmen, and some of the early DCEU movies focused on how our world would view and possibly corrupt superheroes but “The Boys” isn’t trying to do anything like that which is why it is so interesting. For as dark as this show gets it is often more a dark comedy than gritty realism.
This is best exemplified by comparing this show with HBO’s Watchmen series, even though the show hasn’t even aired yet there are clear themes that will be important in the show. What is the role superheroes play in this society and should they continue to serve in that role or leave policing to the institutions? What happens when those institutions fail to police people justly? Both very serious questions that can be asked of a world with superheroes in it, but this is where “They Boys” differs from other “dark” takes on superheroes.
It doesn’t have an overall message it just creates a world where people have powers and it looks at what might naturally happen next. Despite not having an overarching message through the show “The Boys” does bring up relevant social issues. Superheroes are celebrities in the show and when an aspiring young superheroine Annie is asked to join the seven we learn a little about the pageant life that young girls with powers can get sucked into. When Annie does finally make it to the big leagues of superheroics and joins “The Seven”, this shows version of The Justice League, her first experience of being in the group is a sexual assault where she is coerced into having sex with another team member, a moment that has been heavily influenced by the recent Hollywood sexual assault scandals.
Overall “The Boys” is an interesting, often disturbing, and incredibly captivating show that is much closer in tone to something like Game of Thrones as opposed to the Avengers, it certainly a show I will keep my eye on for any future seasons.
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adoggysworld · 5 years
Amazon's The Boys Is Missing An Important Team Member
Amazon’s The Boys Is Missing An Important Team Member
WARNING: The following article contains mild spoilers for Season 1 of The Boys, streaming now on of Amazon Prime Video.
Amazon Prime’s The Boysspends a sizable chunk of its first season gathering the members of the titular superhero-hunting team of misfits. By the second half of eight-episode season, Billy Butcher, “Wee” Hughie, Mother’s Milk, The Frenchman and The Female (of the…
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thegeekherald · 5 years
Amazon Originals The Boys: Meet the cast
No doubt, Amazon is emerging as one of the most amazing streaming giants. Their next original, The Boys is already the talk of the town as they have renewed the series for the second season before the premiere of the series. Amazon is quite confident that the series will surely win the hearts of the audience.
The plot
The Boys is based on a famous comic book. This book explores the unseen side of the Marvel Universe. In this series, The Seven, superheroes are worshipped by the people. And their fan following has swept all their evil deeds under the rugs. Thus, The Boys are deployed to take them down. And, they travel the world to take revenge from the wicked supes.
Meet the cast of The Boys
1. Billy Butcher
Karl Urban As Billy Butcher (Source: Bleeding Cool)
Karl Urban will play the character of Billy Butcher in the series. He does not need an introduction for sure. Be it, Lord of the Rings or Star Trek, he has given a commendable performance in both of the series. Billy Butcher is a member of The Boys. He spends most of the time traveling the world and taking avenge from superheroes.
Butcher and The Boys draw inspiration from the greatest team: the Spice Girls. Watch this new #TheBoysTV clip from #SDCC. pic.twitter.com/7oBwhb6zhD
— The Boys (@TheBoysTV) July 20, 2019
2. Hughie Campbell
Jack Quaid as Hughie Campbell (Source: Everyeye Serie TV)
Jack Quaid is playing Hughie Campbell in the series. He made his debut with The Hunger Games. Hughie was not a superhero but the incident that took place in front of his eyes made him join The Boys. He joins Billy after A-Train kills his girlfriend.
We're getting ready to pull the trigger, and Hughie's revenge on the supes is about to get real messy. Watch the latest trailer for #TheBoysTV, premiering 7/26 on @PrimeVideo. pic.twitter.com/cSJv22NOMb
— The Boys (@TheBoysTV) July 23, 2019
3. Hughie’s Dad
Simon Pegg as Hughie’s Dad (Source: IGN Deutschland)
Simon Pegg will play another important character in the series. He will play Hughie’s dad. He is always worried about Hughie as he is distressed because of his girlfriend’s untimely death.
Look inside this father-son moment from #TheBoysTV. An exclusive clip has just landed from the #SDCC panel. Take a look inside #TheBoysTV before the premiere! @jackquaid #worldscollide pic.twitter.com/MvG4UIMIts
— The Boys (@TheBoysTV) July 20, 2019
4. The Deep
Chace Crawford as The Deep (Source: TV Guide)
Chace Crawford will be seen as The Deep. He is a part of the evil supes, The Seven.
5. Queen Maeve
Dominique McElligot as Queen Maeve (Source: Collider)
Dominique McElligot will play the most powerful woman, Queen Maeve in the series. She is as practical and evil as The Boys.
This makes supes almost look like actual heroes. Watch them savagely save the day in one of the latest clips from #TheBoysTV panel at #SDCC pic.twitter.com/JWqP3WNowP
— The Boys (@TheBoysTV) July 20, 2019
6. Homelander
Anthony Starr as Homelander (Source: Wall Street Journal)
Anthony Starr is a name who fits the best in patriotic roles. The people worship him and think of him as a good American guy. He portrays a good image in front of The Seven too. But, he also has some hidden secrets.
Don't say we didn't warn you. #TheBoysTV pic.twitter.com/j9sNahMC7o
— The Boys (@TheBoysTV) July 25, 2019
7. A-Train
Jessie T. Usher as A-Train (Source: Variety)
A-Train is played by Jessie T. Usher. He can travel at extremely fast speeds. He is the one who kills Hughie’s girlfriend.
8. Starlight
Erin Moriarty as Starlight (Source: YouTube)
Erin Moriarty who played a victim in Jessica Jones is now a supergirl. She is the new addition to The Seven. She seems startled by their tricks.
9. Madelyn Stillwell
Elizabeth Shue as Madelyn Stillwell (Source: The Boys Wiki Fandom)
The new, Elisabeth Shue will play Madelyn. She will monitor the activities of supes of The Seven. As she is the senior VP at the Vought, superhero management company.
10. The Female
Karen Fukuhara as The Female (Source: YouTube)
Karen Fukuhara gave an exceptional performance in the superhero movie Suicide Squad. She has now moved to the best superhero digital series. Karen will play the character of The Female. She is the brutal member of The Boys.
For more entertainment updates, stay tuned to The Geek Herald!
      The post Amazon Originals The Boys: Meet the cast appeared first on The Geek Herald.
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justjessame · 3 years
Babysitting Butcher Chapter 25
The request was sent to Homelander for an official appointment. While we waited for the confirmation on that, we met with the team to brainstorm the next steps in the path forward. Hughie, after that tense meeting with Starlight present, returned to the fold at least partially.
Billy wasn’t keen on the idea that held the most promise. To be honest, I wasn’t exactly excited about it either, but it was something we had to consider. Putting Billy back in the field, having him help the others work through the leads on the ground made sense. There were only three active members, two of whom worked as a pair, and another who deserved time with his family. Hughie was working with Neuman, but he offered to do any research he could during his downtime. It was after a couple more meetings, and so many conversations over dinner between just the two of us, that he finally relented.
Billy Butcher was heading back to the field, so to speak. But only if I agreed to schedule any further meetings with supes when he was home, or when another member of our team could be present. I agreed, but then he clarified.
“I mean THE TEAM, Ronnie,” holding back an eye roll was a close thing. “That means Frenchie and Kimiko, MM, me, or-” he sighed at the thought of it, but had to offer him up since they were working through their latest hiccup. “Hughie. Not Joey.” Damn it.
“Fine.” Agreeing meant that I got a long lingering kiss that stoked a fire for my REAL prize. I’d like to say that as an adult woman with the title of doctor in front of her name wasn’t so easily won over, but I try hard not to lie. And saying that I wouldn’t give in to Billy with a promise of his body flush against mine, bare skin to bare skin would be the worst sort of lie.
And after he gave me my gold star as it was, hovering over me, catching his breath and staring into my eyes, he reminded me why he needed my compliance, why it was so damn important to him that I not meet with a supe without someone he trusted by my side. “I love you, Veronica, and I can’t lose you.” The tone of his voice was rough as sandpaper, and a part of me wanted to think it was only from our exercise, but as I swallowed down against the pounding of my heart, I knew. It wasn’t only from sex, it didn’t come from the noises we could force from one another without trying, no in his voice I heard the pain of his loss. The reminder of how his wife had died, and how he couldn’t stand the possibility that I’d suffer the same fate.
“You won’t.” I promised, kissing him with every ounce of my love for him, hoping that I could keep that promise.
 The first thing that Billy and the Boys chose to do was focus on knocking out as many of the supe whereabouts unknown files as possible. When I insisted he have backup, he raised an eyebrow, but conceded when I told him I wanted him as safe as he wanted me. The team split, Frenchie and Kimiko and Billy and MM. I also asked for daily updates, from both teams, to be sure I could track them with more than just their cell phone locations. No contact meant the other team would abandon their list and go find the other team. Should neither team call, Mallory told me that she had put together a smaller team that’s sole purpose would be to act as recovery and if necessary clean-up crew for any messes the team created.
When Billy and I said goodbye, at the office with the team looking on, it wasn’t nearly the farewell we both wanted. I think both of us tried to focus on work, and on the fact that we’d spent the night before departure giving one another that more concerted effort, but this was Billy Butcher and Veronica Taylor we’re talking about and I wasn’t sure the two of us were ever going to be able to settle with not fully satisfying our every urge for one another.
Once they left, Mallory called to confirm they were on their way, and I went to work trying to piece more information together about our mystery supe. My focus returned to work. My meticulous nature took over and I almost forgot that Billy wasn’t nearby doing his own research. When lunch came around, it hit me again that he wasn’t with me, but I shrugged it off and ordered in. This was my new routine. Our new routine, and fighting against it wouldn’t make it less real.
It should have been easy to fall back into my old normal, coupled with daily check-ins to calm any fears that might start creeping in, and it was. I worked as I had worked before I became completely engrossed by Billy Butcher. The reminder of him through calls, texts, emails of reports along with the rest of the team kept the fear that something would happen to him firmly at bay.
I should have known that it was too simple. That the ease of it, the normalness of this new daily grind was deceptively comfortable. I didn’t. Instead, I went about my days without allowing the possibility that heading this new office might be dangerous. I focused on the times between Billy’s field work, when he would come home and we’d get lost in one another again. I focused on the mundane of the grind of day to day work. Appointments, errands, reports, and every other thing that work or regular life entailed.
 During one of the now regular duty trips that took Billy and the team back out on the road, I took a day off to do personal errands. I had my yearly exam scheduled and I also made an appointment with the benefits office of human resources along with an appointment with my lawyer and with my insurance agency. Now that our work was getting slightly more notice-I’d been asked to do three interviews a week earlier for national and international news stations and when I’d started to pack up for the day’s end only the day prior, Anthony told me he had more requests with papers, magazines, and more stations, I wanted to make sure I had my affairs in order. I wasn’t courting disaster, I was being smart.
My doctor’s appointment came first. When I walked into the clinic to sign in, I was told that my regular physician had been called away on a family emergency, but they had a substitute if I was agreeable. The choice being reschedule and take the chance on the reliance of condoms versus waiting and getting my birth control shot and the confidence it gave me for pregnancy prevention. So not a real choice, because I wasn’t ready to be a mother, and I wasn’t sure Billy ever wanted to be a father. My wait wasn’t long, the doctor asked all the regular questions and the nurse hovered at my head while he went to work so to speak. Practically painless with a shot in my arm and confirmation that I’d return for the next dose within the parameters, I was in my car heading to the next appointment with plenty of time to spare.
I changed my beneficiary information at both the benefits office and with my insurance company, upgrading my policy with the theory that it is always better to be safe rather than sorry. At my lawyer’s office, we redid my power of attorney and tweaked my will. I honestly wasn’t thinking about a present threat while I went about my day, I only wanted to make sure that my affairs were up to date, that my ducks were in a row. By the time I got home, I had been contacted by both teams, with a promise from Billy that he’d be home soon.
Such an ordinary day, almost forgettable aside from the fact that I hadn’t been in the office at all. Why would I ever assume that something happened that day that would alter my life? That would put me in danger or that would make me question everything I knew? I challenge anyone to have such a normal day and make it nefarious. Because trust me, I’ve tried to work through my head, over and over, just how I missed it.
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