#how kind of them to give me a warning before dropping my fps to -1
millaneyy · 8 months
things i probably shouldn't have done today: spawn 126 minos primes in the sandbox and nearly send my laptop to heaven. thyself was NOT prepared
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What is the cost of not respecting boundaries?
(For those who haven’t seen, Part 1 and Part 2) A quick rundown for the people who are wondering what’s going on: Hello, folks. I am one of the leading Chernobyl/Legasov researchers who runs this youtube channel. I found the audio fragments of Legasov tapes which became quite a hit and received praise from Craig Mazin. Legasov tapes, which the migty HBO couldn’t find with their Russian-speaking consultants and millions of dollars of budget. I found rare photos and pre-Chernobyl videos of Legasov, translated a substantial amount of documentary material on Soviet near history topics, a good chunk of that being on Legasov and Chernobyl.  I am a live and let live kind of person and I was willing to look the other way with the Valoris shipping business cause “they were shipping the tv show characters and fangirling about the actors” so I ignored it and posted historical information, answered questions, unearthed and translated documentary videos and text material.   Then I abruptly stopped and went quiet cause the shipper gang went too far and started writing gross shit, rape fantasies and dragging real people who weren’t even in the tv show into their godawful fics -one of them being someone I highly admire, respect and look up as an inspiration and role model notwithstanding. 
They didn’t stick to Valoris, they had to involve the people who were not in the script at all. People whose names they learned from me. They had the audacity to discuss their fucked up fantasies (which they call headcanons) right under my nose, they couldn’t control themselves since they are completely driven by base animal instincts and some of them are downright sociopaths with no boundaries: Rabid and depraved, driven only by the primitive sexual instincts, with a two digit IQ, no understanding of boundaries, ethics, morals, completely bereft of common respect and decency. It’s creepy as hell -run for the hills kind of creepy.  (When I say no ethics and morals I don’t mean only sexual perversions. One of them is notorious for plagiarizing other people’s content in multiple social media platforms and acting indifferent when called out.) So I got creeped out, grossed out, infuriated, disillusioned and went quiet. Blocked everyone who was associated with Valoris to avoid their gross thirst talks. Blocked the tag too. Stopped posting new finds after the last Legasov video compilation. Stopped translating videos and text material for a long while.
They are way past normal shipping. This is some seriously fucked up shit.  Here are a couple of examples (Warning: Gross content, rape fantasies, scroll past the images and continue reading below if you can’t stomach or are a minor)
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Here is more rape:
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Their biggest argument is “We are writing fics about the fictionalized tv show characters” which is total and utter bullshit, because:
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Nikolai Ryzhkov was not in the tv show at all.
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Neither was Vladimir Gubarev. Why are they in those fics?
This isn’t all, there are public posts here where they were bouncing ideas and coming up with the most abhorrent fantasies about a real person who was NOT in the tv show. I don’t have the time to search them, plus they are really gross, you are better off not seeing it. (A paranthesis here: I’m totally indifferent about explicit fics if they involve only fictional characters and not promote rape culture. Just to make things clear.)
If you are using the names of real people, you are shipping real people. Period. I can write a fic using the shipper gang’s names in an alternate reality setting where they are an evil gang of cannibalistic cunts who raid maternity wards and butcher all the babies then burn puppies ad kittens alive for fun. Or I can write a fic where they all get sodomized with saguaro cacti dipped in ghost pepper sauce by sadistic rogue KGB agents. It’s fictionalized versions of them in an alternate universe after all, so it’s totally ok. Right? Well, there really is no point arguing these things, and that is not even the point of this post. I’m just saying it’s fucked up, creepy and wrong in every way. 
Not to mention they bully and gaslight people who speak up against them. Grown ass women bullying a 15 year old and adding a transphobic comment after learning they are trans is NOT COOL. @ihatefandomsfuckyouall can testify as the target of their bullying. That’s wrong and creepy as hell. 
HOWEVER. Like I said in the previous post, this won’t be about a holy jihad against shipping or some big anti-shipper crusade.  Nope, nope and nope with nope sauce.
Ship away, ship all you want, ship till you drop, ship till you turn Fedex green with envy. I am not here to lecture sociopaths driven solely by primitive sexual instincts and bereft of any kind of boundaries, morals, common respect and decency. There is nothing I or anyone can do about it. Like i said, I have no intention of trying to talk sense into anyone or giving sermons. So rest assured that I am well aware it’s pointless and stupid to wage a war against shipping, however gross and vile it is. I can’t stop you from sexualizing anything that walks (or has been long dead) and spewing sick ass fantasies. I will repeat for those with two digit IQ: I know there is nothing I or anyone can do to stop you from doing what you are doing, absolutely nothing. So I will do NOTHING. Got it? Whoever claims otherwise is full of shit, I will do absolutely NOTHING, you got my word 100%.
Seriously I won’t hate on you, I won’t call for holy wars and witch hunts. So, rest assured, I will not make any move against any of you, nope. Besides I don’t have the time for that, I have a busy life and better things to do. No war, no hate, no screaming, no drama, nothing. Is that clear? Capiche? Comprende? Понятно? 
Well, now let’s get to the heart of the matter:
I have been quiet but not idle. I’ve been contacting people, sending queries, making phone calls, digging state archive repositories. I have been finding material and boy did I find material! I happen to be one of the very few people who are blessed with an extraordinary ability to find things no one else can find. You have seen what I can find by utilizing search engines and going through links. Even Craig Mazin himself was mighty impressed with my finds, the proof is out there in public view, I won’t bother digging it up now.
Anyway. It turns out I can find hell of a lot more than that by contacting people, sending queries, making phone calls and digging through state archive repositories. Some of it costs pretty penny but no matter, I don’t mind paying for never-before-published video footage that is not on the internet. Some of it is not even digitized so you gotta pay extra fee for digitization and it can be quite high depending on the video length and media.
We are talking about HD videos here. There is excellent AI video processing software out there which can turn even the most primitive 19th century videos to crystal clear 60 fps HD so we are good. (Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HbElEqm1TQ) I have photos that can’t be found by searching the internet. You’d drop dead if you saw some of them. I’m working on getting the full footage of Legasov’s IAEA presentation. It’s hella difficult, you have to personally go to Vienna and go through the seven hells and seven lower hells to obtain access. Also you need to be a research scientist with a reference letter. (All this info and list of requirements can be found on IAEA official site.) I won’t get into the details but I have it all sorted out, scientist and all. It wasn’t easy and it took a damn lot of time, effort, pulling family connections etc. Now the only remaining roadblock is this accursed coronavirus. As soon as the pandemic subsides a trip to Vienna shall be in order. The long Q&A session following Legasov’s report is unfortunately not available, but Legasov’s report certainly is (after fulfilling a laundry list of requirements.)
This is not all. There are photos (in addition to the publicly available ones I posted before) and video footage of Ryzhkov visiting Chernobyl, Legasov’s meetings, partial video of one Polituro meeting. There is this one precious footage where Legasov is laughing and drinking vodka. I won’t even say how many hours of work it took to find that. (Plot twist: I’m not the one who found it!) I have a pile of videos of Ryzhkov when he was the chairman of the council of ministers of the USSR, which are historical records of tremendous importance and not on Youtube. Buddies who have seen them had insta-man crush on him without even hearing my translation. Some of you would KILL for those, I know for a fact. For the Legasov drinking-partying video you would sell your soul to the devil (who wouldn’t?)
I have an IAEA report with an extremely rare photo you can’t find by searching. I won’t tell you who is in it cause I don’t want to supply anything you could use for your gross fics. Suffices to say one of them is someone you are drooling about and the other one is a big shot name that’s not on your radar and will unleash all kinds of fic ideas once you hear it. So nope. I ain’t giving you another Ryzhkov, I learned my lesson. I have video footage of that same man giving high praise to Legasov, talking with a tone of fondness, defending him against accusations. Such a sweet video. It put tears in my eyes. I can see you gang drooling a lake over that one so hell fucking no.  
Did I mention I started translating Legasov documentaries? Every single one on youtube. Including the entire Звезда Полынь. Also planning to convert some Legasov footage to HD using the aforementioned software tools. 
I have actually been posting videos and text material translations left and right, just out of your sight (nice rhyme, isn’t it?) 90% the material I listed above is either in the pipeline or in my hard disk.  @tryingtobealwaystrying can verify. She helped out a great deal with the IAEA business and I owe her one for that. We are both individually damn good at finding stuff but it turned out we can work wonders as a team. As a result, we have a treasure trove of the highest order in hand and in the works. 
And, here is the deal: YOU WILL SEE NONE OF IT.
Not a shred. Not a pixel. Nothing. Ничего. Совсем нет. 
Get it now? “You didn’t see it cause it’s not there!” 
You won’t see it cause it won’t be there! 
So, this is it. I can’t do anything about your shipping scumbaggery but I can cut off your supply and deprive you of material and information. You will NEVER be able to find any of it on your own (let alone afford the fees for.) 
I will deprive you of the fruits of my labor. 
Of course that doesn’t mean I’ll keep it all to myself. I will share them but not in public. In fact I have translated and posted some videos you wanted real bad, one of them got 1000 views overnight but they are not public, for my work is not for the eyes of the wicked and unclean miscreants. I post them in shipper-free foreign forums you can’t find and send links privately to decent, wholesome people who are interested in Chernobyl and Soviet history for the passion to learn and admiration for the historical figures, not for spinning depraved fantasies and writing horrendous, projectile-vomit-inducing sex fics. And -as those of you who possess three digit IQ’s might have figured out!- I am not alone in that. (Plot twist FTW!)  Congrats, folks. You managed to alienate and drive away the top Chernobyl-Legasov researchers and translators with your hideous debauchery, extreme scumbaggery and abominable attitude. So, this is your punishment: NOTHING. This is the consequence you will deal with. This is the cost of your choices. 
A big nothing is all you will ever get from now on. 
See, told ya, there is absolutely nothing I can do about your gross shipping and scumbaggery so I will do NOTHING. 
Got the joke? LOL. I have awesome humor don’t I :) 
No more videos. No more photos. No more answers. No more translations. No more information.
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You royally fucked up, people. You don’t get to eat the cake and the icing, especially not when you offend and insult the cooks, take a dump in the middle of the restaurant and masturbate while rolling in it. You could have kept it out of sight. You could have exercised some goddamn tact. But no, you had to behave like animals in heat. 
Well, you can continue obsessing over the TV show scripts until you get sick of it.  I will be posting translations of different parts of Soviet history like the WW2 era. You can ship Hitler and Stalin all you want. Get those headcanons rolling! I will even give you a prompt: Stalin cheats on Hitler with Mussolini. LMAO. 
You know what, I take back the not a pixel thing. We may post screenshots from the videos and low-res crops from the photos from time to time just to rub it in your face. 
Here is one where they are grilling Velikhov shortly after Legasov’s suicide. Oh boy you gotta see his face when they start bombarding him about Legasov’s death.... 
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Here is the shot from a long video where the legendary Premier Ryzhkov is sporting the legendary 80′s Soviet glasses in all his superlative handsome glory. He is giving an interview about important historical turning points in this video and this isn’t even the best shot. You have to pay to get a copy but before that you need a superpower-like ability to find where it is in the first place. I scaled it up to 1440×1080 but not gonna put the high resolution version cause I’m such a darling.
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  Here is Ryzhkov in the famous white work attire of the Soviet era. Looks familiar, yes? Do I need to tell WHERE he is and what he is doing? (Hint: The year is 1986.)
Oh man, oh man. How worried he looks, so heart-wrenching. The footage is only about 3 minutes but absolutely solid gold. I won’t say whether there is Legasov or Scherbina or BOTH of them appearing in this footage cause I’m such a sweetheart.
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Unfortunately I am not at liberty to post any Legasov shots cause I am not the finder of the Legasov videos we currently have at hand. Too bad, so sad.  There you go. Enjoy your cold dish of nothing. Bon appetite. Adios amigas!  WHAT IS THE COST OF NOT RESPECTING BOUNDARIES? @tryingtobealwaystrying​ @the--arch @ihatefandomsfuckyouall​ @rarravai​ @weronikaisback​ @live-long-and-time-warp​ @tryingtobealwaystrying​ @chernobylgal86​ 
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alwaysspeakshermind · 5 years
Top 5 Anti-Varchie Arguments & Why They Make No Sense
#2: “Varchie’s too rushed/forced/there’s no development.”
[Note: this is one of the arguments that really grates my cheese, because the refuting evidence is so! Very! Obvious! that I don’t even know how anyone can bring themselves to actually use it. So be warned...this post is long. Also, it definitely jumps around a bit, because I was in a serious ‘Really, dude? Really?’ mood when I wrote it, and upon calmer reflection, I decided to remove a few overly sarcastic things I put down in the heat of the moment and add a couple of clarifications so it doesn’t sound like I’m trying to insult anything I’ve no intention of insulting.]
Varchie’s too rushed? Varchie’s too forced? Varchie has no development?
Yeah, no.
I’m trying to not lose all pretense of tact here, but this falls in the “anyone saying this must be too young to grasp the concept of abstract reasoning because people cannot possibly be this dumb” type of arguments.
Because again...no.
Since the beginning of the series, Archie and Veronica have been Riverdale’s best-developed couple. (Yes, even better than Bughead, who, no shade whatsoever because this is by no means a post meant to disparage one of the other three pairings I’m 100% on board with in this show, didn’t even interact in the pilot), and anyone with more than an ounce of common sense can recognize that. Even if they hate it with every fiber of their being and wish it weren’t true—it’s true.
Development (particularly that of the onscreen relationship variety) does not fall in the category of artistic elements that lend themselves to subjective interpretation. It is a technical, structural element, meaning it is either there, or it’s not, and deliberately ignoring or refusing to acknowledge its existence does not render it null and void. Though they are the first of the canon couples to kiss onscreen, Varchie is also the only ship on the show that takes longer than two or three somewhat-romantic interactions to begin a relationship.
No, seriously. 
Give it a second and really think about it…
In six episodes, how many the-average-person-would-recognize-this-as-romantic times do Betty and Jughead interact before they kiss and begin a romantic relationship? [Note: and by “the average person,” I mean “would even your clueless dad who would probably rather be watching something else instantly recognize this as a Definite Romantic Moment™?”]
How many times in twelve episodes do Cheryl and Toni interact at all before romance is inarguably hinted at [in 2x14; 2x14 is where their half-second interactions become more than fanon and the average viewer learns what most of the rest of us already knew anyway]? 
How many times do Alice and FP interact at all in ten episodes (the point when people suddenly decided they had an entire romantic history and “needed to be put together”), and how many times do they interact after that before they begin whatever kind of relationship it is they have?
How many times do Kevin and Joaquin interact at all, period in one episode before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times do Kevin and Moose interact in thirteen episodes before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times in one and a half seasons do Kevin and Fangs interact at all, period before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times do Archie and Val interact at all, period in six episodes before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times in two and a half seasons do Archie and Josie interact at all, period before beginning a romantic relationship? 
How many times in two and a half seasons do Veronica and Reggie interact at all, period before beginning a romantic relationship and how many of those scenes also include Archie? 
(I’d also mention Josie and Reggie, but apparently I’m the only one who remembers that pairing. And also Josie and that summer fling “relationship,” but I’m kind of still trying to block that one from my mind because it really horrifies me that my girl kissed a dude who looks like he pours axle grease on his hair every morning, walks around wearing plaid shirts with cutoff sleeves like Larry the Cable Guy, but still has the nerve to whine publicly about her not wanting it to be anything more, so I won’t.)
But, etc., etc. You get the picture.
This is not, of course, to hurl accusations of “worthless!” at any of the above-mentioned ships or those who ship them; it’s just an example used to illustrate the following point:
If any or all of those pairings seem[ed] cute/promising/full of potential and/or not rushed or forced to you when none of them were so much as hinted at in the pilot (and the show goes for long periods of time without those characters even sharing screentime, let alone actual interactions or even glances), Varchie shouldn’t either. 
Especially in light of the fact that Varchie has a stronger romantic buildup in one episode than most teen couples get in three.
For instance:
Varchie Development In 1x01
Diner scene: Archie and Veronica meet at Pop’s and the romantic interest on both sides is made obvious from the beginning.
School Hall scene: Walking with Betty and Kevin, Veronica spots Archie, asks about him, and makes her interest in him explicitly known (“In that case, mind putting in a word?”) once Betty says “we’re just friends.”
Lunch scene: Veronica immediately addresses Archie regarding the song he’s playing, and Archie surreptitiously checks Veronica out  (it’s quick, but he does. If you don’t believe me, go back and watch Archie during that scene while keeping in mind where Veronica’s at.)
Invitation-to-the-dance scene: Veronica calls Archie over from practice in order to give Betty a prime opportunity to finally ask him out, and Archie pays more attention to Veronica during the conversation—jogging over right away, smiling at her, even agreeing to go to a dance he’s indifferent to because Veronica jokingly insists and agrees to come with him and Betty. Also, “Archiekins,” Veronica’s pet-name-of-choice (besides “Lover”) for Archie in the comics, makes it first appearance.
Dance scene: Veronica jokes about how Archie needs to drop the fine arts/sports question for a night so they can all have fun, Archie refers to her as Ronnie for the first time and tells her he’s trying. Veronica teasingly tells him to work faster, and Archie watches her leave with a look similar to the one he wore in the diner when they first met.
Seven Minutes In Heaven scene: As soon as Archie’s name is suggested, Veronica looks his way, and she visibly leans forward to watch the bottle make its selection. Although it does not “clearly [point] to the new girl” as Cheryl claims (the bottle actually lands in-between Betty and Veronica, meaning no one can say for sure who Archie’s going to kiss), Archie’s eyes immediately cut over to Veronica, and Veronica immediately looks at Archie.
Closet scene: There isn’t much doubt what’s going to happen as soon as the door shuts behind Archie and Veronica, because the sexual tension is palpable, and the entirety of their conversation is like a very awkward dance around the fact they are interested in each other. By the time they kiss it feels inevitable, and even the kiss itself is postponed until the end of the scene so that it acts as the exclamation point to the story arc.
 Once they exit and find Betty gone, the next eight to nine episodes consistently juxtapose Archie and Veronica’s new Friendship™ status with mildly flirtatious and subtly romantic moments that hearken back to the 1x01 makeout; by the time they become an official couple toward the end of Season 1, their relationship development is already slower and stronger than that of most of those previously-listed canon ships after three seasons. So, quite frankly, if you can’t recognize/acknowledge exactly how well-developed and non-rushed a relationship Varchie is, the problem is not the show/writers/the Varchie shippers.
The problem is YOU.
When it comes to fictional relationships, development is not the same thing as a preexisting history between characters. In all forms of fiction, everything important—whether it directly impacts/advances the plot or not—must take place on the screen, stage, or page. (The motto is show, not tell.) Character interactions are not excluded from this rule, particularly when it comes to film or television, where narration is an optional touch to be used sparingly, rather than the default mode of conveying information to the audience. While you can absolutely try to argue that “Barchie has the best development, not Varchie” on the grounds that the former has a long history of friendship, the reality is that at this point in the show, Barchie does not have enough onscreen interactions period, let alone romance-tinged interactions over the course of three seasons, to qualify them for a slow-burn status, let alone a good slow-burn status.
I’m not sure exactly why, but the concept of slow-burn has lately become so popular and so synonymous in fandom with “best development” and “superior quality” that the term gets thrown around until its original meaning is all but lost and everyone seems to think that if a certain potential pairing doesn’t happen right out of the gate, it automatically = EPIC! SLOW-BURN! ENDGAME!** while any pairing that does happen first automatically = boring. forced. predictable.
Which is…just…not…true.
[**Yet another side note: I LOATHE the word endgame. Always have, always will, and one day I will write the essay on the ever-swirling debate regarding Riverdale’s use of that word and why Veronica had to say it in-narrative for the pure and simple reason that people wouldn’t shut up about Kevin saying it that one time back in the pilot, and in math we call that an inverse operation, BUT TODAY IS NOT THAT DAY.]
Fictional relationships are about character dynamics just as much (if not more) than they’re about story, so it really doesn’t matter if the relationship that winds up being the E-word relationship is expected/planned or unexpected/unplanned. Slow burns can be great, but they are not the only type or relationship with value. Furthermore, not every ship that doesn’t show immediate progress on the romantic front is a slow burn, and not every attempt to create a slow burn works.
In TV, there are epic slow-burns, there are mediocre attempts to create epic slow-burns, there are bad attempts to create epic slow-burns, and then there are blatantly terrible pairings that attempt to cloak their pulled-out-of-a-hat-for-drama-ness beneath the heading of “slow-burn.” (Come to think of it, maybe that’s why people are so confused about what actually constitutes a slow-burn???)
Using another Friends example, think the J/R pairing…did they have the potential to be a good slow-burn relationship? Yeah, sure. All the actors on that show had chemistry and everyone interacted enough to make everything narratively plausible. Were they a good slow-burn relationship? No, because they came from left field, happened so late in the game and, worst of all, had to follow a strong relationship with better romantic chemistry and multiple seasons of solid storylines behind it. There are some people who prefer them together, yes, but even everyone who does like them (at least everyone I’ve ever come across) fully admits that they would also have preferred that pairing occurred much earlier in the show, when not so much water had gone under the bridge.
[Or, if Friends isn’t your sitcom, think instead of the giant misstep in How I Met Your Mother’s finale, where 7-8 seasons of plot and character development were bent, clipped, and otherwise torpedoed to splice existing material onto the plan for an ending that was concocted back when the show’s creators expected to only get maybe 3 seasons. Could that ending have worked after 2-3 seasons? Yes! It could’ve even been great. But after all those seasons, and all that story/character/relationship development in directions that wound up being more compelling than the original plan, it just didn’t work. It wound up feeling like someone luring you on a fun-but-long car ride with the promise of dessert at the end, and then being like “Ta da! Here’s a fruit parfait! Eat up!” Because while plenty of people enjoy fruit parfaits and wouldn’t mind eating them for breakfast or a snack, no one really appreciates being served berries, yogurt, and granola when they were led to expect ice cream/cake/cookies/pie. When you expend a lot of time and effort building something up, you absolutely have to deliver. You can’t pull a switcheroo at the last minute and call it good, because all that does is beg the question if this was your plan all along, why did you waste so much time developing everything but this?]
When it comes to creating slow burn, there are no shortcuts. It’s a delicate and tricky road, because in addition to needing to make sense from an in-narrative and character aspect, it also requires careful, unflagging cultivation over an extended period of time. It can’t show up and disappear at random for the sake of plot convenience; it needs normal and consistent onscreen interaction (i.e., frequent everyday conversations with and without other characters present), readily-observable-by-audience romance-tinged interaction every 2-4 episodes (flirting, furtive or longing glances, touches that linger, special smiles, noticeably consistent too much attention paid to the other person’s dating or personal life, etc.), as well as an unwavering attraction/willingness to go there from both parties.
In other words, slow-burn is exactly what the name implies: a long, slow, process where each step depends on the one before it, and you can’t rush it, skip steps, or let it fade into the background for a couple seasons while you work on something else. It must be shown, not told, the connection must be inarguable from the beginning, and there must be so much sizzling sexual chemistry between characters that even interactions in platonic settings resemble mutual flirting rather than friendly banter. After one season, Barchie doesn’t have any of that. After two seasons, Barchie doesn’t have any of that. After three seasons, Barchie still doesn’t have that.
But you know who does have all of that? 
In every. Single. Season. 
(You know who else does? Bughead, but that’s a different essay.)
S1 takes about thirteen episodes to bring everything that begins the second A&V see each other to fruition, and is peppered throughout with flirty interactions, wistful glances, etc., and every few episodes, they share a moment that unmistakably hints at romance/their continued interest in one another. 
In S2, even their breakup is handled along the lines of a slow-burn formula…they sit on opposite sides of the room and exchange glances at the beginning of the episode. Their “we’re still friends” moment is awkward and laced with obvious sexual tension where a direct reminder of the relationship they’re trying to forget is introduced (the watch), and Veronica’s instinctive grab for Archie’s hand makes everything worse. Their I Love You Too reunion beneath the fake mistletoe is built up to like a first kiss scene. 
In S3, in order to make other pairings seem remotely plausible, the narrative goes out of its way to separate Archie and Veronica and keep them from interacting, but still throws the two of them together every few episodes or so for a moment that underscores their connection and shows how even their best attempts at friendship are sabotaged by the very non-platonic feelings they have for each other.
They are not rushed. They are not underdeveloped. They are most certainly not “forced.”
Oh, and speaking of forced...
Some quick definitions of “forced,” because we seem to be very confused about this word in relation to fiction as well:
(1) Obtained or imposed by coercion or physical power.
(2) (of a plant) having its development or maturity artificially hastened.
(3) (of a gesture or expression) produced or maintained with effort; affected or unnatural.
Beyond the fact that definitions 2&3 clearly refer to plants and facial expressions and thus maybe shouldn’t be used as an argument against a fictional relationship in the first place, none of these apply to Varchie. Their relationship involved no coercion/exercise of physical power whether you look at it from a meta or in-narrative perspective. Neither development nor maturity was hastened; if anything, it was deliberately stalled to create conflict between three of the main characters and then grown on an episode-by-episode basis. It is effortlessly produced/maintained thanks to the actors’ dynamic (which is also the point where the affected/unnatural part collapses; KJ Apa and Camila Mendes work too well together to make their interactions seem anything but natural) and the ease with which the characters’ personalities mesh.
But, hey...you know what could be reasonably construed as “forced?” You know what does actually fit all three of those above definitions? The contortionist-level attempts it took to break Archie and Veronica up in order to pair them with characters they have had hardly any onscreen interactions with in three seasons. If you truly despise forced fictional relationships, then perhaps it would be better to focus more energy on decrying the plot gymnastics that were required in S3 to break up Varchie and bring Archie/Josie and Veronica/Reggie into existence. Because regardless of whether you like or dislike those last two pairings, they are, by positive rather than normative standards, extremely forced.
So, once again...Varchie: not rushed, not underdeveloped, not forced. 
And once again (I’m getting so tired of typing this, but hey, it will never not be applicable, so oh well): You’re perfectly free to be mad that Archie and Veronica  prevent your ship from happening, and/or get all the scenes you’d like your favorite pairing to get. But arguing that they have no development when they are objectively the best-developed and least-rushed pairing on Riverdale is just ridiculous. 
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54fangirl · 5 years
Can’t Wait (Pt. 2)
Requested: [Y]/N - “Can I get a FP Jones imagine ... and if you want add a part where they’re both raising their kid? Please” + 6 requests for Part 2.
Summary: She’s been pregnant, her boyfriend has been in prison, her family was on the outs, what was she supposed to do? Have her baby and make the family she wants to be in, that’s what.
Pairings: FP Jones x Andrews!Reader
Words: 2751
Warnings: Swearing, pregnancy (ADULT PREGNANCY. NONE OF YOU TEENAGE HOOLIGANS), I feel like children aren’t a warning but warning there’s a kid in this one (and I think she’s fucking cute)
A/N: This took so much longer than I thought it would, again. And of course, it wound up being a lot longer than I originally intended. And, super lowkey, if anyone wants, I’d be interested in writing a blurb or two with the kid being a teenager or something, but y’all gotta show interest (sorry, not sorry)
Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale (CW) or any of its characters.
Part 1 => Part 2
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“Well,” Y/N looked down and rubbed the small bump of her protruding stomach, “looks like daddy is coming home. I know he’s just gonna flip when he hears the news. But it’s okay, baby girl, he’s not going anywhere, soon we’ll all be together and I can’t wait.”
Jughead and Betty were working on the bar being set up for FP’s retirement party. Y/N doubted with her whole heart that he was giving this up. The serpents? They were his family, his legacy.
Y/N was sat in her trailer, not really wanting to get up and do anything. It was the first time she’d really been on her own. When there was no brother running around for her to keep her eye on and no dad to worry about, she found she really had a lot of free time.
Free time gave her a lot of time to think.
She was pregnant with FP’s kid, yes. But she hadn’t really thought past that. As of last night, he was going to be in jail, for a while to say the least. But now he was coming home.
Where was home exactly?
Originally it had been her dad’s house, with her brother and her dad and Vegas. Then it was FP’s trailer with him on the occasions she was able to sneak away for hours at a time so she could just lie around with him. Now it appeared to be her practically empty trailer with her unborn daughter.
How was she supposed to split a kid between three different homes?
Well, two now I guess… she thought back to how her dad hadn’t fought her once on moving out. How he hadn’t even been home when she was packing all of her stuff.
Regardless, she didn’t think about the living situation.
It’s why she’d gotten her own trailer, it wasn’t fair to just assume that once her dad kicked her out that she could just immediately move in where she felt at home.
Jughead still lived in his dad’s trailer, and as far as Y/N knew he was going to continue to do so, even with FP coming back.
I can’t just expect him to move in here either, that’s his trailer originally.
Having all these thoughts attack her reminded her why she never let herself have free time before.
She called Toni.
“What’s up girl?”
“I need help decorating my place…” Y/N whined.
Toni laughed, “Alright, I’ll be over soon and we can do some stuff.”
“My Savior.”
Y/N loved Toni like the little sister she never had. The pink haired girl was the first person Y/N told about her love affair with FP last year.
“C’mon, Y/N, you’re here all the time. You have to be coming here for someone.”
“How do you know I’m not here for you?” Y/N smirked and winked.
Toni laughed, “Well for one, I’m underage and I know that isn’t your type.”
The two laughed. There was an eight year age difference between you and your brother’s age group, but Y/N always felt like Toni was mature enough to handle being actual friends with a 24-year-old.
“But seriously- you come in for one beer, wait like ten minutes, then disappear into the back…” Toni trailed off, but you didn’t dare fill in those blanks for her.
It wasn’t illegal by any means, but both Y/N and FP had understood how wrong the relationship would look in the eyes of the public. A 48-year-old man and a girl half his age, not exactly front page news, but in a small town like Riverdale they might as well be mass murders.
“What’s your point, Topaz?”
“I’m just trying to say if you’re...I don’t know, hooking up with someone, maybe you shed a little light on the scenario for you’re good friend Toni Topaz.”
Just as she finished speaking, you saw FP descend the stairs, scanning the room, and wander into the back. But not before making eye contact with you first and nodding his head to follow him.
“Maybe someday, Topaz,” She rose from her bar stool and handed her empty beer glass to her friend with a smirk, “but not today..”
She followed FP to the backroom where they had originally found the shred of privacy that began their relationship.
Toni didn’t find out that night but she did find out a few weeks later when Y/N was panicking about it all.
She’d come directly as Toni’s shift started, knowing FP wouldn’t be there for at least a couple hours.
“Hey, Y/N, I never see you here this early.”
“Yeah, well, I’m in the mood to drink and possibly ‘shed a little light’?” She mocked her friend’s comment from before.
Toni threw the rag down on the bar, served the girl a beer and positioned herself to listen.
Y/N went into detail about how she had known this guy basically her entire life, he always took care of her, and never questioned why she got into the shit she got into.
“It’s like growing up with the person who does everything for you and when you grow up you just kind of...idolize them, unintentionally.” She explained. “Idolize is the wrong word- no, I guess it’s not. I saw him as this super-person who just knew everything I needed and took care of it without hesitation.”
“Sounds like a keeper. Why haven’t I met him?”
Y/N scratched the back of her neck and dodged the question.
“The problem is, now that we’re together...we’re not really together.”
“I….don't get it. Like friends with benefits?”
“Kinda, but with more feelings. It’s more like we’re in a whole relationship, we just weren’t meant to be together so we can’t actually have the whole shebang.”
“I stand by what I said.” Y/N took a sip of her beer.
“Okay, so you’re together- but it’s like a forbidden romance sort of thing so while you’re together you can never truly be fully together.”
“Shit, Y/N/N. Can I ask who it is?” She hesitated, now getting the full sense of the relationship’s vibe.
Y/N pounded down the rest of her beer and passed the glass back to Toni.
“It’s FP,” She muttered.
Toni dropped that glass, shattered it.
Y/N was web browsing baby furniture while waiting for Toni.
Maybe it wouldn’t be all bad like she thought. Maybe there’d be some good times.
No. There will be some good times, she asserted.
She’s having a baby, regardless of her relationship with FP, she’s still having his baby. And having a baby brings so many good things, that she’s only mildly panicking about the bad ones.
Before she can go into a full on panic that her baby has the mild chance of being born with some incurable disease, there’s a knock on her door.
“Alright, so I know it’s kind of old fashioned but what if we just went to a baby store in Greendale or something and looked around,” Toni suggested as she walked through the door.
Y/N let out a watery laugh, screw pregnancy hormones.
Toni noticed and saw the tears forming in her friend’s eyes, “Or not, we can online shop from the comfort of your trailer too.”
Y/N laughed again before sniffling, “No, we should go to some baby store, I like that idea.”
“Then why are you crying?” Toni tried to joke.
“Because I was sending myself into a panic and then you showed up and saved me and I’m just remembering how often you do that for me. I appreciate you so much,” Tears were freely flowing down her face now and Toni walked over to hug her.
“Okay, I appreciate you too, hon. Now let’s get to baby shoppin’.”
The whole day was eaten up by Y/N and Toni just window shopping through the baby sections of so many different stores they lost count.
“We should probably head back soon, the party at the Wyrm…”
“Oh shit! FP!” Y/N made a mad dash for the car, Toni chasing after her.
“What? That’s where we’re going, right?”
“Yeah, but when we were talking on the phone he said he’d come to my trailer as soon as he got to the Southside, and it’s not like I could’ve texted him that I was going out baby shopping with you, so…” Y/N panted as they came to a stop, a little out of breath from running to the car.
“So he might be wondering where you are?”
“Yeah, and I think we both know how fun a worried FP is.”
Toni laughed, “Yeah, that’s fair, I’ll text Jughead just in case they already got them.”
They drove back to town, the radio humming along.
“Okay, Jughead said don’t worry... Alice Cooper took them to lunch?” Toni said, questioning it already.
“Alice Cooper. Like Southside enemy number one Alice Cooper? FP’s old flame, that Alice Cooper?”
“Old flame?” Toni tried to stifle a giggle.
“Yes, I’m old people, I use old-timey lingo.”
“You’re 25,” her friend reasoned.
“Okay, but that’s still older than you.”
“Sure, but to answer your question: yes. That Alice Cooper.”
“K.” Y/N tried not to hold any hard feelings, but it was hard when she knew what the two used to be to each other.
Y/N drove the two straight to the Wyrm, Toni letting Jughead know they went there instead of the trailer.
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Toni said.
“Me too, why would it be something? Just because they were in love in high school and still constantly flirt to this day even though they were both married and had kids, I’m sure it’s nothing.”
Y/N didn’t like to acknowledge FP’s marriage considering it was technically still in place.
“Well, as long as you’re not hyper-focusing on it or anything…” Toni said sarcastically, earning herself a punch in the arm.
Walking into the bar it was mostly all decorated but to her surprise, Archie was there with Veronica setting up the remaining decorations.
“Archie?” He flipped around.
Dropping down off the ladder, he ran over to his sister and engulfed her in a bone-crushing hug.
“I was hoping you’d show up here.”
“Yeah? Is that how you got roped into decorating?” She laughed.
“Nah, while I don’t completely get you and FP, he’s still Jug’s dad and- y’know, he’s been around our entire lives. I figured I could at least help set up his retirement party.”
The two talked while Archie hung streamers, Veronica popping over.
“I know it’s kind of rude, but can I ask how far along you are?” She wondered hesitantly.
“Uh, yeah, I’m just about 4 months along.”
“Oh, that’s so exciting! Are you having a shower?”
Y/N knew Veronica helped Betty set up Polly’s baby shower, but she didn’t want her brother’s girlfriend’s pity.
“Yeah, I might with some of the serpent girls…”
“Oh yay!”
They talked for a bit while the teens continued to decorate, but soon enough people were showing up for the party.
The moment she’d been waiting for.
Y/N was sitting at the bar, talking to Toni when the bar erupted in cheers. Tall Boy’s voice carrying the farthest.
“The man of the hour, ladies and gents, FP Jones!”
Everything seemed to slow down. She turned on her stool and found his face in the crowd.
She’d seen him regularly throughout his time, keeping him updated on the appointments, but he still seemed older and more worn down. She expected nothing less though, he went to prison. It wasn’t like he was going to come out the other side unscathed. But it was still hard to know the man she loved went through this suffering relatively alone.
He was smiling at the crowd surrounding him, talking to his friends when he spotted her. The grin he had on grew into a genuine smile that looked it might just break his face.
Tears sprung out of her eyes as she hopped off the bar stool and ran towards him.
Arms thrown around each other, they clung to each other. As if the other would disappear if they let go for even a second. She felt alone in that moment; as if everyone in the bar ceased to exist beyond her and FP.
Archie watched his sister erupt into tears and launch herself at the man she loved. He knew his dad would never see them like this, clinging to each other, the love they have pulling them together. He still can’t say he understands it, but seeing how happy his sister was and how right she felt in this life, he knew he didn’t have to understand it. Because it wasn’t for him, it was for them.
“FP’s been arrested,” Y/N told Jughead at the front door.
Laughter could be heard from within the trailer.
“No! Daddy, you can’t leave, you’re in jail!” A small voice whined from down the hall.
Jughead laughed as he followed her inside. FP wandered down the hall.
“Jug, my boy!”
Little footsteps thundered down the hall, “Juggy!”
“Hey, Barbie!” Jughead kneeled to embrace his 5-year-old half-sister, wrapping his arms around her and swinging her up into the air.
The little girl’s laughter filled the room, bringing smiles to the three adults faces.
It took a while for Jughead to come around to the idea of Y/N and his dad, simply because, like Fred, it was two people he’d known his entire life and it felt like a sort of betrayal. But, like Archie, Jughead saw how happy the two were together and how right they felt together, and he couldn’t be the one to break it up. Despite Archie’s best efforts, Fred still can’t accept the couple, but he doesn’t voice his thoughts in exchange for getting to watch his granddaughter grow up. It’s not exactly where Y/N thought she’d be at 30, but she’s pretty happy with what she’s got.
“As I was saying before, it appears FP can’t go with you on your trip because he’s been arrested.”
“Oh yeah?” Jughead looked to his right to face the girl on his hip who was now pointedly looking away from him.
“Now he can’t go and you can’t too because daddy’s not going so you can’t go either,” the young girl announced, positive she’d found a solution.
Jughead looked back to the couple with a mischevious look on his face, then said in all seriousness, “Well it looks like we’re gonna have to have a prison break then.”
“I’ll call Toni and the other Serpents,” Y/N played along, running off to pretend to find her phone.
“Alright, dad, you should probably hit the road, the cops are gonna be looking all over for you.”
“On it.” FP dashed to the back of the trailer, following Y/N and leaving his kids alone.
Jughead set his sister down, “Alright, Dahlia, you get the most important job, you need to run into your room and pack a bunch of your clothes.”
“Why? Well obviously if dad and I are going on the run we have to bring you and your mom.”
“Of course! We’re Jones’! We’ve got to stick together, otherwise, who would we have?”
Dahlia ran back to her room in the trailer and found her backpack already packed, a card that said surprise on it was sitting on her bed next to the luggage.
FP and Jughead had a tradition of driving up the coast each year. After they did it the day after FP was released from prison, they just kept doing it, using it as a time for them to reconnect.
Considering Dahlia wasn’t born yet for the first trip, and she was just a baby for the others, it didn’t really affect the plans. She was confused as to why dad was gone, but he was back before she knew it and she never remembered, so it wasn’t a problem. But this year when the father and son started making plans, the younger girl was having none of it. Since then the three adults have been secretly planning the trip, this year including plans for the mother and daughter to come along.
Running back out to the front room of the trailer, Dahlia found her family with their light luggage for the small trip.
“C’mon baby girl, you know I’m not going anywhere without you,” FP stuck his hand out for his daughter to grab on to, ready to lead her to the car. “Are you ready?”
She gripped his fingers in hers and beamed at her father, “I can’t wait.”
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redhairdontcare732 · 5 years
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SweetPea x Reader: Riot Night from Hell, Part 1
Author's Note: This one shot will be split into two parts. I just fell in love with this storyline, and the finished product turned out to be way longer than I had anticipated. There will be flashbacks interwoven throughout the story, and they're distinguished by the use of italics.
On another note, if you are enjoying my fics, please do me a solid and either favorite or comment on them so I know that someone (other than me) is interested in them. I'm a new writer, and even the simplest comment, like, or even private message would mean so much for my budding confidence!
Reader POV:
    As I stood on the roof of Pop's, I internally questioned how my life had turned so far sideways in the course of just one day. Riverdale was in complete fucking chaos. My best friend was just shot and I had no idea if he was alive or dead, I had no clue where my boyfriend was, and the cherry on the top of this nightmarish day was that I was now stuck at Pop’s Diner, of all fucking places, with Archie Andrews, of all goddamned people, while Ghoulies patrolled the exterior, screaming my name. So on my list of top days, this was at the literal bottom.
The day had started out decently, I was with Sweets all day preparing for what would happen once Fangs was finally released. Sweet Pea and I had been dating for almost 5 years now, and we'd both spent the day doing everything we could to get our friend out of jail. Thing had really gotten fucked up when we went to the sheriff's office to escort Fangs out in one piece. I shivered internally as I recalled the events of today.
“IN UNITY THERE IS STRENGTH”, we shouted in unison, locking arms shoulder to shoulder. Everyone pulled away as we mentally prepared ourselves to usher Fangs out of the jail amongst the vengeful protestors. Sweet Pea was the only one who didn't pull away from me; rather, he pulled me closer into his arms and I naturally fell into his broad chest; I took a deep inhale of his familiar, comforting scent of worn leather,  light cologne, and fresh soap. My hands found their way to the inside of his serpent jacket, hugging myself closer to him and shivering. Though it wasn't cold in the Sheriff's office I had these ominous chills that had racked my body ever since we'd entered. His thumbs brushed gently against the exposed skin between my ripped jeans and my white t shirt, soothing me in a way I didn't even know I needed. I sighed in contentment, briefly pulled from the swirl of anxious, dark thoughts that had plagued my mind since Fangs was arrested.
“I'm not gonna lie Y/N/N, I get why you have to come out with us, but I'm not thrilled with the idea of you out there with all those insane Northside assholes babydoll”, he murmured into my hair after a few moments. I chuckled lightly against him, tightening my arms around the handsome boy in reassurance.
“I'm not exactly thrilled that you are either Pea, but we both know that we aren't about to let Fangs go through this alone”, I replied quietly. Sweets pulled back slightly, bringing his large hands to rest against the sides of my face. His rough thumbs rubbed delicately across my cheek as he stared deeply into my eyes; I knew in that moment just how scared Pea really was. In times of stress Sweet Pea had the habit of taking my face into his hands, gently cradling my cheeks with the pads of his fingers and his eyes boring deeply into mine. I'd never really given it much thought at first; Sweets had done this since we were kids, and eventually when I pressed about it he had told me that he felt like he just ‘needed to know I was safe’. It somehow comforted him when he was able to see with his own eyes and feel with his own hands that I was indeed still with him. I brought my hands up to cover his gently. We stood like this for an indiscernible amount of time until he sighed in resolve. He brought my face closer to his with his hands and kissed me deeply. Normally, despite his tough exterior, Pea gave the sweetest kisses. His lips, though plump and rough were typically gentle and teasing against mine; Sweets preferred to initiate soft kisses until I moaned or deepened things myself. I think he began this habit when we were young and first together because he was nervous about my reciprocation, but he continues now because he just loved to watch the reaction he still had on me. And while the soft way Pea usually kissed me was one of my favorite things about him, I was surprised to find this kiss was very different. His lips were immediately needy against mine, tongue entering my mouth without warning. It was a kiss of desperation, of longing. Our mouths danced together as we both poured all of the emotions that our voices could not do justice to into our embrace. I was just as needy as him, but before too long we pulled back, foreheads resting against one another's. With one last peck to his swollen lips I nodded in resolve.  Sweet Pea laced his warm fingers through mine, fitting together like pieces in a puzzle, and we headed out to the fray, hands locking us together.
I recalled how I’d gotten separated from the rest of the young serpents after Fangs was shot all because of the protesters and general pandemonium of it all. I had desperately searched amongst the crowd for the sight of the tall boy to no avail. My phone was dead, so I'd decided to search elsewhere. I ended up hopping on my bike and heading to the hospital, hoping to God that Sweets and Fangs would both be there and be okay. Adding to my growing fear and unease, it was only FP I found there, who broke the news that Fangs was in surgery.
“It's...ah... it's pretty bad kid”, FP drawled out while rubbing the back of his neck in nervousness. I felt my heart drop into the bottom of my feet. My eyes teared up at the prospect of losing my best friend. Fangs was so sweet and goofy; he should have never been in this position in the first place. My mind was flooded with picture perfect memories of summer days spent by the Quarry and late nights in Pea's trailer, surrounded by Fangs’ contagious laugh and ridiculous jokes. These memories ended abruptly as I recalled the way he'd slowly fallen to the ground, the red spot on his stomach spreading achingly fast. I remembered the sound of the gun above the screaming protestors. But most of all, I remembered Fangs’ face as he fell-- his soft features riddled with disbelief and pain as he slowly lost consciousness. He didn't deserve to go through this, and my heart felt like it was breaking into pieces because there was nothing I could do to help him. I wiped my tears with the sleeve of my shirt and steadied myself; with a deep breath, I reminded myself of my main goal at the moment. I needed to find Pea.
Despite FP’s best efforts towards the contrary, I'd left the hospital to try and find Sweet Pea. I knew that the whole town was in the middle of a full-on, apocalyptic riot, but I was determined to reconnect with my boyfriend and ensure that he was okay. Or as okay as he could be in this scenario, I guess. Knowing him for as long as I had, I knew that he was more likely than not spirling at the prospect of losing his best friend. And when Sweets spiraled, he spiraled hard and with violence. I was the only one with any chance of talking him off the ledge before he did something that he would regret later, and, honestly, I had also wanted to find him for completely selfish reasons. Even now, as I stood on the roof of our favorite diner, I desperately needed my boyfriend’s strong arms wrapped around me, his comforting scent surrounding me, and his deep voice in my ear telling me that everything was going to be okay.
So, I'd fought my way through Riverdale on my motorcycle, Mad Max style, trying to search anywhere I thought Sweets might be. I ended up at Pop's, hoping that either Pea would be there or Jughead would be and would know where he was. Pop's was an extremely important spot in our relationship; it was where he asked me out on our first date when we were 11 years old, it's where we shared our first kiss at 13, and it was in one of the booths near the back where Sweet Pea had told me he loved me for the first time. To this day the neon glow of Pop's never failed to make me happy or to give me hope.
However, the neon sign seemed dull and lifeless as I found, to my utter disappointment, he was not there. But not long after I showed up, Penny fucking Peabody and the Ghoulies arrived.
I was sitting with my head in my hands, having just been informed by Pop Tate that he hadn't seen Sweet Pea all day. The older man had his hand on my shoulders comfortingly, attempting to sooth my increasing level of anxiety. I glanced up at the kind, wrinkled face of Pop Tate and asked tiredly,
“Pop, you think I could use your phone?”. He nodded and handed me the receiver.
“ ‘Course sweetie”.
I dialed the number I'd long since memorized, praying that Pea would answer. Who knows what kind if trouble he could be in out there? My anxiety only increased as the line went dead, signaling that he hadn't answered. I slammed the phone down in frustration, returning to my previous position. Not seconds after, a giant crash hit my ears, and I heard the taunting voices that could only belong to Malachi and his Ghoulies.
“Oh Y/NNNNNNN, come out and playyyyyy”, Penny Peabody's sickening voice called out in a sing-song manner. “You and I have unfinished business DollFace”.
Penny as and I had never been on the best of terms; it was her and her snake charming ways that had nearly gotten my father released from prison, a thought which terrified me to my very core. Thankfully, the court system recognized the grave danger that would place me in and decided on a maximum life sentence. I thought that was the end of Penny and me, but unfortunately Jughead had to go and get himself tangled up with her when FP was locked up. I had taken my pseudo-brother's place in the deal he made, and once he came up with the plan to get rid of Penny I was all too eager to help. I knew she hated me, but I really thought she was gone for good.
“Okay we should be fine as long as-”, Archie started.
Another thunderous crash echoed through the small diner as one of the windows shattered.
“EVERYBODY STAY AWAY FROM THE WINDOWS”, I ordered as the burglar alarm blared.
“STAY DOWN”, someone shouted.
I ducked behind the counter, finding Archie Andrews down there as well.
“Pop do you have as gun in here?”, he asked tensely. The old man's soft face dropped.
“No. Had my fill of gunfire in the war. But I did learn a trick in the riots of ‘79. I have some liquor left over from Mr. Lodge's poker night”, he said tensely. “And if you can get to the roof from the crawlspace…”,
“I like how you're thinking Pop”, Archie interrupted. I nodded and shared a knowing look with my unlikely Northside ally.
I'd helped Archie Andrews board up the windows, and that's how I now found myself on the roof of Pop's with the ginger, liquor bottles in hand ready to fight the clinically insane gang  below.
“Come on Y/N, you had to know that this moment was coming”, Penny shouted upwards at me, pulling me out of my trance. “It’s time to pay the price dollie”.
    Malachai laughed, swinging his bat around teasingly. I glowered in response, choosing to stay silent. I felt Archie’s strong hand on my shoulder, offering support that I didn’t expect from the ginger boy. We'd been somewhat close as kids (friends through Jughead, my honorary self-proclaimed twin brother) but we hadn't spoken in a year or so. I wasn't overly fond of him as of late, ever since he ditched Jug for his Bulldog buddies and especially not since he'd waved a gun in Sweet's face and started his stupid Red Circle.
    “Get the fuck out of here Penny, Y/N isn’t coming down and you’re not taking her any place”, he practically growled. I nodded.
    “Last chance Ghoulie scum. Leave, or suffer the consequences”, I spat. Penny and Malachai scoffed.
    “DO YOUR WORST! COME ON, HIT ME!”, Malachai shouted, a crazy look in his eye. Well, crazier than the usual insane look he wore. Steadying myself, I prepared the bottle. Lighting it quickly, I launched it as well as I could and managed to hit one of the ghoulies’ bikes dead on. The bike erupted in flames. This did nothing to faze the group below, and Archie lit his second bottle and prepared to throw it.
    Before he could chuck the bottle, the Sheriff’s cruiser came bursting into the fray of Ghoulies, sirens blaring. Sheriff Keller and Fred Andrews came out of the car, Keller with a shotgun. He shot his shotgun in the air in warning and the Ghoulies scattered.
    “This isn’t over Y/N!”, Malachai vowed as he ran away. I saw FP hop off his bike and demand that the rest of the Ghoulies leave. I smiled slightly in relief, and Archie and I shared a brief hug before heading back down into the restaurant.
Once we reached the bottom, I brought FP into a bone crushing hug as my way of thanks. He returned my affection, seeming like he needed the reassurance almost as much as I did in the moment. FP had always been there for me, especially since my own dad had gotten carted off to prison when I was 6. I'd stayed with the Jones’ on and off throughout my childhood, and it wasn't a stretch to say that FP was more of a father to me than my own. He was always there for me, and much like Sweet Pea he always tried to keep me from the less savory sides of life as Serpent. He pulled back from the hug to search my face for injuries. I rolled my eyes.
“You really think I'd let the discount Insane Clown Posse trash this beautiful mug?”, I joked half-seriously. FP rolled his eyes and glared.
“Seriously Y/N? What were you thinking taking on all those Ghoulies alone? You could've been fucking killed!”, he scolded. I scoffed.
“Okay first of all, I was not alone; our dear Archiekins was with me on the roof”, I said gesturing to the aforementioned boy who looked more like a wounded little puppy than anyone who'd just been tossing out Molotov cocktails had the right to. “Secondly, did it seem like I had many other options? And thirdly, I'm fine, so it couldn't have been that bad of a plan”, I sassed. FP sighed and ran a hand through his dark locks, eyes looking more tired than I knew he'd like to admit.
“Heard Sweet Pea is going insane looking for you Y/N; why the hell aren’t you answering your phone kid?”, he asked. I felt my heart flutter at the mention of my partner. My tough demeanor dropped instantly, and I grabbed FP’s arm.
“So he’s okay? Tell me he’s okay. My phone is dead; I'd tried calling on Pop's but he didn't answer. Where is he?”, I demanded. FP grabbed my arms gently.
“Whoa whoa slow down Y/NN. He’s fine, he’s good. He’s with Jug at the Wyrm”, he soothed. “Here, use my phone, call the boy and tell him you’re alright”.
I grabbed his phone eagerly, fingers swiftly dialing the number I knew by heart once again. My heart hammered in my chest as I heard the distinct ringing of the call being placed. I needed reassurance that my tall, dark haired other half was okay. With each ring of the phone my anxiety increased tenfold, until I heard the one thing I’d been searching for all night. That smooth, deep voice that could simultaneously calm me and send delicious tingles up my spine all at once. My mind flooded with the low rumbling chuckles and sweet sounds that comforted me as I laid on his chest in more tender moments, heart signaling sweet reassurances into my ears with each beat. My favorite sound in the world, Sweet Pea's voice
“Hello? FP, what’s up?”, I heard Sweet's soothing bass answer. Even though he sounded tense, panicked even, I couldn't help but feel elated that he was safe and able to speak to me at all. I sighed in complete relief.
“Pea? It’s me”, I answered quickly.
“Y/N/N? Oh my god are you okay? Where are you? Why aren’t you answering your phone?”, he questioned in a state of near panic.
“Sweets, it's okay, I’m okay. My phone is dead, and I’m at Pop’s with FP looking for you”, I breathed. “Are you okay? What happened to you after the Sheriff’s station?”.
“It’s a long story babydoll, I’ll tell you later. Where did you say you were? Stay there I’m coming to get you”, he replied. I shook my head before realizing that he couldn’t see me.
“No, Pea it’s not safe out there right now, and honestly it’s not safe here either. I’ll go with FP back to the Wyrm and meet you there”, I reasoned. He was silent for a beat, contemplating my words. I heard shuffling on the other line.
“Sweetheart, I know it’s not safe, that’s why I don’t want you out there”, he murmured. I could tell that he’d moved away from the other serpents; his sweet side was coming out and he probably didn’t want them to hear. “I just... I need you with me. I need to see you, hold you in my arms and know that you’re okay”.
My heart lurched at his protectiveness, warmth flooding my body at his tender words. I could practically picture his face, eyes cast downward and deep brown irises swimming with that look that he had always saved just for me. His chiseled jaw was probably locked, twitching with unease. If I were there I would run my fingers up and down his cheeks in an attempt to sooth the tense muscles, loving the way he relaxed and leaned into my touch.
“Sweets, I know. Believe me love, I want you safe just as much, but I promise I’ll make it over to you before you know it. The Wyrm is a hell of a lot safer than Pop’s at the moment, and besides I’ve been Mad Maxing my way through this nightmare of a town all night. I've got this”, I stated confidently. No matter how protective Pea could be, I was not some damsel in distress that needed his saving. There was no way on this Earth that I was going to let him go out into the riot that I’d been facing all night. He thought he could be protective but his fierceness had nothing on mine. He sighed and the line went silent for what felt like forever as I waited for his response.
“I love you”, he vowed finally.
“I love you more handsome. And I'm going to see you very soon”, I assured before we both ended the call. I turned to FP, handing him his phone.
“You down to help me get to the Wyrm?”, I asked. He nodded.
“Of course kid. You ready to ride on the back of my bike like you did when you were a tot?”, he grinned. I smiled in nostalgia for a moment, my mind wandering back to the simpler times of my life when FP would take me for rides on his bike to help me escape from the realities of my homelife, if only for a moment. I remembered fondly the day when he finally taught me how to drive my own bike that he gifted me. He always helped me take care of her, and some of my only true family memories were of Jug, FP, and I fixing up our bikes together. Surely he didn't think there was any way that I was going to leave her here in the midst of this shitshow.
“You're kidding”, I deadpanned. There was no way FP was for real.
“Dead serious kiddo. You need a way to get around, and I don't want you roaming the Southside alone even if Sweet Pea or Jug are with you”, he replied. I marvelled at the motorbike in front of us, tracing the chrome detailing with the tips of my fingers gently. I felt tears well up in my eyes and I rushed forward and enveloped him in a tight hug.
“Thank you”, I whispered. FP hugged me back briefly before affectionately mussing up my hair.
“Don't thank me yet kiddo, she still needs a ton of work. If you're up for it I mean”, he countered. I smiled my truest, widest smile.
“I'm in”.
“Think she needs a name don't you?”, he continued, heading over to the bike with his tools.
“Mhm”, I agreed, grabbing a tool out of the box and crouching down alongside him.
“She looks like a Norma to me”, I mused.
“Norma huh?”, he answered, not looking as I grabbed a tool from the box and began working.
“Yeah, Norma Jean”.
“I’m not leaving Norma Jean out here in this fucking dumpster fire of a town”, I countered. “I’ll just follow behind you”.
“That’s not a great idea kid”, he grumbled. “Riverdale is a hellhole on the best of days, and this is clearly not the best of days”. I crossed my arms petulantly.
“I'm not leaving Norma Jean here”, I repeated stubbornly. He sighed and rubbed his stubble ridden chin in contemplation.
“Okay, but you stay on my ass the whole way”, he countered, pointing a finger at me. “I move, you move. I stop you stop. You got that kid?”. I raised my hand solemnly.
“Scouts honor”, I stated seriously. He nodded, and we headed out of Pop’s together to fire up our motorcycles and head out.
We were speeding through the trashed streets of Riverdale, swerving here or there to avoid the dangers that littered the town’s once clean roads. I stayed true to my word and stuck close to FP as we traversed the potential dangers. I did my best to follow him, but after some rioters ran out in front of Norma I was forced to skid to a stop in the middle of the street. Among the din of the riot, FP didn't hear and he continued on. I huffed and began to start Norma up again in attempt to follow once more. But as I revved the engine I felt a pain like none I'd ever felt on the back of my head and my entire world went dark.
Sweet Pea's POV:
“Where the hell are they? She should be here by now”, I practically growled. Jughead lifted his hands up as if in surrender.
“Don't look at me man. Knowing how protective dad is over Y/N, and  knowing how stubborn Y/N is, they're probably still fighting over how to get here. He's not gonna want her to ride alone, and she's not going to want to leave her bike”, he reasoned calmly. “Chill out Sweet Pea it's only been like 15 minutes, I'm sure they'll be here soon”, he continued before accepting a call and walking swiftly out of the bar to answer.
I blew air out of my mouth tensely, chest constricting tighter with each breath I took. While I knew that Jughead's words made sense, a larger more irrational part of me was still screaming that I needed to go out and find Y/N. My head was a swirl of rage and fear; my best friend was at some hospital fighting for his life, and the love of my life was out in this godforsaken nightmare of a town. There was nothing more I could do for Fangs, but I refused to stop until I knew my Y/N/N was safe. The only way I would be convinced that she was alright was if I got to hold her small frame in my arms. And to be perfectly truthful, I needed her warm body pressed against mine, her soft hair tickling my face, the sweet fragrance of her shampoo in my nose, and her melodic voice in my ear with gentle reassurances today more than ever. I needed her to keep me sane and grounded on the best of days, and this was sure as shit not the best of days. Ever since we were kids, long before I was ever lucky enough to call her mine, she'd been there to calm the ever-growing darkness that lived within me. Even once we got together I still needed her unique brand of tough love to set me straight at times.
“Pea stop!”, I heard her musical voice from behind me. I turned to see her comparatively shorter legs nearly running to keep up. I turned forward and continued on, ignoring the nagging urge to stop and listen to her.
“PEA I SWEAR TO FUCK-”, she shouted. I whipped around abruptly, stopping and standing nearly toe to toe with Y/N.
“Look, there's nothing you can say to change my mind Y/N. I'm not going back and that's it. Not everyone is cut out for this education shit, alright? I'll hit up Tall Boy, he's always got something lined up for me”, I practically snarled. I recoiled just the slightest bit at her stone cold face; her usually sweet features were scowling at me, adorable nose scrunched tight and dark eyebrows knitted together in concern and irritation. Y/N wasn't usually one to show when she was frustrated. No that was me; when I was angry everyone in a ten mile radius would know. I was like a wildfire, burning bright and scorching anything and everything in my path in a wave of red destruction. Her brand of anger was more like a blue flame, dark and understated, but more intense than you could imagine. My girlfriend could be downright terrifying at times, and to see her frustration directed at me nearly made me reconsider. She crossed her arms stubbornly.
“Give it up Sweets, you can't fool me with your ‘too cool to care’ act. I know you, and I know that you don't really want to quit school”, she growled. I huffed and ran a hand through my hair, frustration reigniting.
“Maybe you don't know me as well as you thought”, I spat. “In fact, why don't you just fucking leave? Everyone else does”.
I turned once again, walking quickly down the steps and away from the shithole that was Southside High. For a few moments I could tell that Y/N was still standing there motionless, and I felt an overwhelming amount of guilt and self-loathing overtake me. Why did I always do this? I couldn't even fathom the idea of my life without Y/N in it, but here I was trying my damnedest to push her away. But to face facts, Y/N was too good for me. She always had been. Too many thoughts swirled in my head all at once, and I quickly grabbed the helmet to my bike so I could ride and forget about them all. But just before my fingertips grazed the shiny black plastic of my visor , I felt a hand on my shoulder yanking me back. Y/N threw her arms around my waist, hugging me fiercely.
“No.”, she stated firmly, the sound slightly muffled by my chest.  
“No?”, I scoffed.
“No, I'm not leaving you Sweet Pea. Not now, not ever. Get that through your head”, she replied while lifting her head slightly from my body. My heart fluttered, and I sighed in disbelief and skepticism. I tried to pull back from her vice grip, but like a boa constrictor she simply responded by squeezing my middle tighter. My hands hovered over her waist for a second or two before sinking into her embrace, grasping her as tightly as she did me.
“Sure Y/NN”, I murmured into her Y/H/C hair, breathing in deeply her familiar, comforting in an attempt to slow my racing heart. She always smelled the same: lilac scented shampoo mixed with some cheap perfume I'd gotten her for her birthday one year and a hint of cigarette smell. Normally I hated the way stale smoke smelled, especially on women, but somehow the scent was so uniquely Y/N that I couldn't help but love it.
“I'm serious Pea. Nothing you could ever say or do would make me give up on you”, she swore softly while looking up from the confines of my arms. “I love you, all of you. Even when you're so god-damned frustrating that it makes me want to strangle you, even when you do stupid and dangerous things, and even when you are so broken that you try to push me away I will still be there, loving you. I. Will. Never. Leave.You.”.
Her y/e/c swam with a mix of emotions: love, determination, sadness, desperation. I reached hesitantly up to her cheeks to rest my calloused fingers against her soft face, needing to feel her with my own hands and see her with my own eyes. With every sweet moment like this it became easier, but I too often needed to remind myself that she was indeed here. She was real, and she wanted me. Her dark fan of black lashes fluttered closer together as she closed her eyes slowly, reaching her hands up to rest across mine while her fingers traced delicate patterns across the backs of my hands. I was overcome with a feeling that I wasn't sure I could even explain. I decided in that moment that I was never going to let anything ruin this, what we had. Not even if that thing was me.
“I love you Y/N/N. I love you so much babydoll”.
With every passing moment that she wasn't here with me I felt myself becoming more and more unhinged. I paced around for what felt like an eternity. Voices swirled around me, and I couldn't have even guessed what they were talking about. When I finally tuned in, I found that FP had shown up. I immediately rushed over to him, eyebrows raised.
“FP, where's Y/N?”, I asked quickly, hope bubbling up in my chest amongst the fear that still swirled. His tired, worried face told me all I needed to know, but still I found myself asking again, panic evident in my voice. He shook his head sorrowfully.
“I don't know what happened man, she was right behind me the whole time and then all of the sudden she wasn't. I circled back and searched over and over but I don't know where she went off to Sweet Pea”, he admitted. My shoulders dropped and the fear that had been slowly building up all day suddenly contorted itself into a rock that sank into the bottom of my stomach. FP clapped a hand on my shoulder, finger pointing in my face, a determined expression in his eyes.
“Don't worry SP, she's the toughest girl I've ever known. She gonna be fine. We're going to find her man, I promise”, he spoke tersely. He sounded sure on the outside, but I could tell that he was just about as scared as me. It made sense, Y/N was practically FP’s daughter at this point; he and Jughead were the closest thing that she'd ever had to a family, other than myself. It was for that reason, and that reason alone, that I forced the anger that was bubbling within me back down. FP's phone buzzed, and he turned away to answer.
“What do we do man? I've gotta find her!”, I shouted after him. Already 5 steps ahead, I grabbed my jacket and began to head for the door. I'd been patient enough; now it was time to go and search for my Y/N/N myself.
“SWEETPEA!”, I heard a female voice shout from behind me. I turned to find Toni weaving her way through the throng of serpents with that red headed Northside queen bee following closely behind. She reached me and grabbed my arm so tightly that it would have hurt if I were capable of focusing on anything else but Y/N.
“Topaz I really don't have time for this right now. Y/N is still out there and--”, I started before the small, pink haired serpent shook her head furiously.
“No, that's what I'm trying to tell you Pea! I was held hostage by the Ghoulies, and when Cheryl and I were leaving I saw one of them roll in on Norma Jean”, she exclaimed breathlessly, eyes slightly wild.
“It's true. We would have stopped, but I'd just saved TT from those Neanderthals and we didn't have the same element of surprise on our sides this time”, the Queen Bee replied. My hands clenched into tight fists.
“So you're telling me that those Ghoulie scum have my Y/N?”, I spat through my teeth, eyes squinting shut in fury. Toni nodded. I felt my body start to quiver in total rage. A small, buried part of me was terrified at the prospect of my girl being surrounded by those fuckers. Sure, Y/N was as tough as they come, but those Ghoulies were certifiably insane. And she was probably way out numbered. My mind refused to accept the possibilities of what could being happening to her at this very moment, and my entire being chose to ignored this fear in favor of blinding fury.
“You have to take me there Topaz. Now.”, I demanded. Her pink locks bobbed with her head as she nodded grimly.
“Toni, where were the Ghoulies keeping you?”, FP interrupted. His face was grim and his mouth drawn into a straight line.
“I'm bringing SP there now, they've got Y/N”, she replied quickly.
“I know. I think Jughead just went to go save her, and now they've got them both”, FP choked. My hands clenched and unclenched with unabashed anger.
“Well what the fuck are we waiting for? Let's go”, I nearly screamed as I pulled Toni out the door and to our rides.
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fanfics4all · 6 years
The Northside Serpent: Part 9
Request: Yes / No
Request are closed <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Keller!Reader
Word count: 3586
Warnings: Little bit of cursing and some smut 
Y/N: Your Name
Summary: You’re Kevin Keller’s little sister when you’re mom left to go to war and your dad started cheating (I’m making it so he’s been cheating since season 1) You started rebelling; dying your hair, getting a nose piercing, tattoo, and hanging out on the southside.
A/N: I almost forgot about this! I’m sorry! Dumb sickness making me forget!
If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was morning and the three of us were sitting at the table eating breakfast in silence. My dad was pissed at me for going with the Serpents, but when is he not lately. He was just giving me hard disapproving looks and Kevin just looked really awkward.
“I told you to stay away from them.” Our father said and I sighed.
“I’m not doing this again.” I said getting up and putting my dishes in the sink.
“You sit down right-” Before he could finish his phone went off. He answered it, had a short conversation then hung up.
“I have to go, someone apparently cut off General Pickens’ head.” He said and put his dishes in the skin as well.
“I bet it was your little Serpent pals.” He said and I glared at him. I held back since I didn’t want to have yet another fight with him. He left not long after and it was just me and Kevin.
“Let’s just get ready for school.” He sighed and I nodded. I ran up to my room to get dressed.
I decided to wear a simple, plain gray crop top, a simple black skirt, some cute heeled boots, and my leather jacket. For makeup I did some neutral eyeshadow with a wing and a dark neutral lip. I put my hair in a bun and grabbed my bag.
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Kevin drove us to school and we met with Veronica, Betty, Archie, and Jughead in the student lounge. Veronica asked us to meet up with her and Kevin made me go instead of me seeing my boyfriend.
“I already invited Archie, but I want you guys to be there, as well.Usually these kinds of events, baptisms, confirmations are family-only, but since it's all about me and you guys are my chosen family, I pulled a few strings and reserved you a pew.” Veronica said, she was talking about her confirmation and I honestly couldn’t care. Being in a room with a ton of Lodges? No thanks.
“What is the dress code?” Kevin asked and looked at me, I rolled my eyes at him.
“Catholic chic. So, dresses for the girls, veils optional, and coats and ties for the boys.” She said with a smile.
“Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper, please report to the principal's office. Jughead Jones and Betty Cooper to the principal's office.” Principal Weatherbee said over the PA.
“What’d you two do?” I asked with a smirk.
“Probably the article I wrote.” Jug said rolling his eyes, The pair got up and left the lounge.
“You will you two be there?” Veronica asked looking at me and my brother.
“I do-”
“Of course!” Kevin said cutting me off.
“Great! And don’t worry Y/N I’m sure we can find a suitable dress for you.” She smiled and I just smiled back biting my tongue.
“I gotta go, class and all.” I said grabbing my bag and leaving. Ii went to my locker and grabbed my books. Someone came up behind me and grabbed my waist. I was about to turn around and punch them in the face when I heard who it was.
“Hey baby.” Sweet Pea’s voice rang through my ears. I smiled and turned around.
“Hey babe.” I said wrapping my arms around his neck.
“So, did your dad yell at you?” He asked and I sighed.
“No but he really wants to.” Sweet Pea kissed my head and I smiled again.
“He was on the Southside today asking if we had the head.” I rolled my eyes.
“I can’t say I’m surprised.”
“Wait you think we took it?” He asked shocked.
“What? No! He told Kev and I about it this morning and he said he thought it was you guys.” I said. Sweet Pea nodded and the bell rang.
“Well, we better get to class.” I said shutting my locker. Sweet groaned as I pulled him along.
After school I had to go home with Kevin or my dad said he’d groand me for months. So here I was sitting at home with my homework finished and bored out of my mind. I was in the living room with Kevin, I was on my laptop while he was watching something on T.V.
“Are you excited for Veronica’s party?” He asked out of nowhere.
“No, I don’t wanna be in a room full of Lodges.” I answered.
“Come on Y/N! You hardly hang out with us anymore, I’m starting to think dad’s right about the Serpents.” He said.
“What?” I asked annoyed and shut my laptop.
“Might I remind you that you dated a Serpent!”
“Yeah and look how that ended! He turned out to be an assistant to murder!” Kevin said. I glared at him ready to have a screaming match with him when our dad walked in.
“I got Pop’s for dinner.” He said and walked into the kitchen.
“This isn’t over.” I growled at Kevin then walked into the kitchen to eat. We were all sat down eating, none of us talking to each other when my phone rang.
“No phones at the dinner table.” He dad said. I ignored him and answered it.
“Your dad just payed the Southside a visit again!” Sweet Pea growled.
“What?” I asked confused and looked at my dad.
“Hang up Y/N.” He warned me.
“Yeah, eviction notices, we have 2 weeks!” He yelled pissed.
“I’ll come by in a minute, don’t worry okay?”
“We’ll be at the Wyrm.” He said then hung up.
“What the hell dad!” I shouted annoyed.
“You’re evicting the Serpents!?”
“It was an order by the Mayor-”
“You mean your girlfriend!” I growled and narrowed my eyes at him.
“There’s a lot of back rent Y/N, it’s about time they get out of here anyway.” I stood up and walked to the door.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?” He shouted at me.
“Away from here!” I shouted back and slammed the door behind me. I ran to the Wyrm and once I got there I was out of breath. Toni, Fangs, Jughead, and Sweet Pea noticed me and motioned me to come over.
“Did you know about this?” Jughead asked annoyed.
“I had no idea! If I did don’t you think I would have told you?” I answered. Loud footsteps rang through the bar and everyone turned to look at the stage. FP stood up there looking just as unhappy as everyone else.
“We all got the eviction notices, but I swear to you No one is goin' anywhere. But the heat's been on us since Pickens Day and they're using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up. But if we're gonna fix this, I gotta ask: Is anyone in this room responsible for cutting off Pickens' head?” He asked loudly.
“Why don't you ask your son what he has to say?” Tall Boy called out.
“What is your problem with me, Tall Boy?” Jughead asked annoyed.
“You wrote the article that started this mess. You and your posse fired the opening shot at Pickens Day.”
“It was a peaceful protest, Turncoat.” Toni said sassily.
“That accomplished nothing. So what's to say that you and your boyfriend didn't go back that night with a ladder and hacksaw-”
“Hey!” Jughead shouted and got in his face.
“We didn't do it. Hell, Tall Boy, you're the tallest guy in this room. You wouldn't even need a ladder.” Jughead accused.
“Sweet Pea is dating the Sheriff’s daughter, how do we know she didn’t do it to set us up!” Tall Boy growled.
“She wouldn’t do that!” Jughead said before Sweet Pea could say anything, he did pulled me closer to him though.
“Jughead Tall Boy, the last thing we need right now is to turn on each other.” FP announced breaking the two up. Jughead turned back to us and we walked away.
We spent some time trying to get our minds off the situation at hand but it wasn’t entirely successful. Jughead ended up going home early because he was too frustrated.
“Hey, Quinny, shouldn’t you be getting home too?” Fangs asked and I shook my head.
“I do not want to go home, I really can’t deal with a fight tonight.” I said.
“So where are you gonna sleep?” Toni asked confused.
“I’ll text Betty or Veronica or something.” I shrugged.
“You can stay at my place.” Sweets said. I smiled up at him and nodded.
“I’d love to.” He smiled then lifted me up over his shoulder.
“Then let’s get home!” He said and made his way outside.
“I’ll drop some clothes off for you in the morning!” Toni shouted and I smiled back at her.
We got outside and Sweet Pea put me on his bike, he handed me a helmet and I put it on. He got on and started it up, with in seconds we were on the road. The drive to his trailer was short which I was sad about since I loved riding on his bike. Sweets got off and took both our helmets off, then once again, picked me up. He took me inside and dropped me on his bed. He walked up to his closet, taking off his shirt and began looking through it. Once he found what he was looking for he turned around and tossed it to me. It was on of his flannels and I smiled.
“Do you want me to leave the room or…?”He asked while taking off his pants. Instead of answering him I just got up and stripped down to my bra and underwear. Before I could put the shirt on Sweet Pea came up behind me and his hands started trailing over my body. They made their way up too my boobs and he gently groped them. I gasped at the feeling and arched my back causing my ass to grind into Sweet Pea’s member. He groaned and began kissing my neck. It started off as sweet kisses but quickly became hungry, nibbling kisses. I moaned, never have I felt this good before. Sweet Pea turned me around and picked me up. I wrapped my legs around him and he placed me on my back on the bed. Our lips connected and it was a passionate, hungry kiss. Sweets started grinding against my clothed core and I moaned into his mouth. His hands traveled to my back and unclipped my bra. He grabbed it and tossed it to the floor. He kissed down my jaw to my breast and gently took one of my nipples in his mouth. I moaned when he began to suck on it and pinching the other with his hand. I arched my back making me grind against him. Sweet Pea moaned and the vibrations made my nipple harder. He kissed his was back up to my lips and moved his hand down to my underwear. He slid his hand in but I stopped him and pulled away.
“Sweets, wait.” I breathed and he looked down at me confused.
“I’ve never done this before…” I said with a blush and looked away. He pulled his hand out and brought my face to look at him.
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He whispered.
“I’m sorry…” I said and he just smiled rolling over to his side. He got up and grabbed my bra and his flannel. He handed them both to me and I put them on. Sweet Pea got back into bed and pulled me to him, kissing my head.
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“You don’t have to be sorry, just know that when you’re ready I’ll be here.” He whispered and I smiled up at him.
“I love you.” I whispered.
“I love you too.” He whispered back and connected our lips.
The next morning Sweet Pea cooked breakfast and Toni and Fangs came over. As promised Toni brought me some clothes and makeup. I thanked her then went to get dressed.
She decided to give me a very Toni outfit, it was a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a bralette, sheer polka dot shirt to go over it, and I wore the boots I wore yesterday . I wanted to add some color so I did a blue and black smokey eye with a wing and a bold blue lip.
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I walked out and the three Serpents looked at me. Toni smirked while Sweet Pea and Fangs stared at me shocked. Toni walked up and hugged me.
“Close your mouths boys, you’re drooling.” Toni said still smirking. Sweet Pea walked over to me and pulled me to him.
“Looks like I’ll have to keep an eye on you today.” I giggled and shook my head. The three of us drove to the Wyrm to hang out, since it was the weekend.
Everything was normal and fine until Tall Boy walked in with Penny Peabody… The whole bar went silent and everyone stared at them. Sweet Pea pulled me behind him and growled. Tall Boy, FP and Penny sat down at a table and everyone gathered around. Sweet Pea kept me close to him the whole time. It was a few minutes later when Jughead walked in with a poster.
“All right, order of the Ophidians.” He said then turned to look at everyone.
“Jughead Jones. Did you really think you'd see the last of me?” Penny asked with a smirk.
“What's the Snake Charmer doing here? Dad?” Jug asked but FP looked lost in his thoughts.
“No, I brought her in, to help us.” Tall Boy said with a smirk.
“We don't need Penny's kind of help.”
“You don't get a say anymore. Since you broke Serpent law and hurt one of our own kind. Penny was about to tell your dad. Show him, Penny. Show 'em all.” Tall Boy said and Penny rolled up her sleeve, slamming her arm on the table. A huge scar that was about the size of her forearm.
“Oh my god…” I whispered and turned away. Sweet Pea held me to him but I tried to push away, he just held me closer.
“That used to be my Serpent tattoo, until your son sliced a chunk outta my arm and left me bleeding in a ditch in Greendale.” Penny said.
“But I'm still willing to help the Serpents. Tall Boy showed me those eviction notices. They're legit. Luckily, I can think of about 41 ways to stall the process. And I'm talking years.” She added and I turned around with wide eyes.
“What's your price, Penny?” FP asked.
“Blood for blood. An eye for an eye. I want back in with the Serpents and I want him kicked out.” Everyone stared at her and FP leant back in his chair.
“Oh, yeah, one last thing I want his tattoo carved off. And I want to do it myself. With a dirty knife.” Penny said and I went to object but Sweet Pea covered my mouth. FP sent his son out of the bar. Sweet Pea, Toni, and Fangs pulled me out.
“Are we just gonna let this happen?” I asked.
“No, but there’s nothing we can do right now.” Toni said.
“You need to go home, it’s not safe for you here right now.” Fangs said.
“Like hell I’m going home!” I shouted.
“Fangs’ is right, you need to go home babe.” Sweet Pea said.
“No, I’ll take you home.” He said and picked me up.
“Sweet Pea put me down!” I said and pounded against his back.
“Y/N, listen to me, you need to go home where I know you’re safe!” He said scolding me. He looked seriously at me and I sighed giving in. He gave me the helmet and we drove off. He dropped me off at the end of my block like always. I got off and handed him and started walking away when Sweet Pea pulled me back and turned me to face him.
“I just want you safe…” He said quietly.
“I can take care of myself.”
“I know but I was a part of what happened to Penny and I don’t want her to hurt you.” He said moving a piece of hair behind my ear. I sighed and nodded.
“I know…” I sighed. Sweets tilted my head up and placed his lips on mine We pulled apart and he let me go.
“I love you.” He said.
“I love you too.” I said back and he drove off. I jogged to my house and walked in. Kevin and my dad were at the table and when they heard me come in they rushed towards me.
“Where have you been?” My dad asked more worried than mad.
“I stayed at a friends place…”
“I’m just happy you’re safe.” He sighed relieved that I was finally home.
“You two get some sleep, you have Veronica’s party tomorrow.” My dad said and the two of us went up stairs. I changed into my pjs and went to bed.
The next day Kevin and I got dressed for the party thing. Kevin wore a nice suit and I wore a black dress with black heels, I also put on some heart earrings my mom gave me and an infinity necklace to match. For makeup I did a simple eye with a wing and a glitter cut crease, then for lips I did a pink nude color. Kevin drove us to the church and we walked inside meeting up with our friends.
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Once it started we all took our seats and Josie walked up to the front. She began singing. Veronica walked down the aisle also singing. Once she got to the front the two of them stood next to each other and sang together. We watched Veronica renounce satan or whatever then we all went to party. Kevin and I talked with Betty and just kinda sat around. Jughead and Betty had come up to me saying they were leaving.
“Is this about Penny? Is Sweet Pea okay?” I asked worried.
“He’s fine and yeah it’s about Penny kinda.” Jughead said.
“I’m coming with you.” I said standing up.
“Y/N, no.” he said stopping me.
“Jughead, I may be a Northsider but the Serpents are my family and I am not gonna let them vote you out and hurt you.” I said standing my ground. The two looked at each other and sighed.
“Okay, let’s go.” I followed them out and sent a quick text to Kevin saying I was leaving.
Jughead dropped me off at the Wyrm and I waited outside. Betty and Jughead went to go check up on their lead they got on the head. I could hear them voting on weather Jughead should stay or not.
An hour later Jughead and Betty returned along with FP. Jughead was holding the missing the head and he had a pretty big smirk on his face. I smiled at them and followed them inside.
“Stop the damn vote.” FP shouted making Tall Boy turn around. FP grabbed him and tossed him in a chair. I walked over to Sweet Pea and he pulling me to him.
“What the hell were you doing at the dump last week, Tall Boy?” FP asked.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” Tall Boy said.
“I'm talkin' about you cutting the head off the Pickens' statue and stashing it at the dump where you were seen, dumbass. So start spilling!” FP growled.
“Why'd you do it? Someone put you up to this?” Jughead asked.
“What's the Northsiders doing here? This is Serpent business, it's on Serpent land.” Tall Boy growled.
“They’re here because they’re one of us.” Jughead answered and I smiled up at Sweet Pea.
“You haven't answered my son's question: Why'd you do it?” FP shouted.
“'Cause I'm tired of seeing the Serpents goin' soft under your rule. Then Hiram Lodge came by, wanting to stir up some trouble. He said if I took the head, he'd get McCoy and the cops to swarm all over us, 'cause some chaos.” Tall Boy answered.
“So Hiram Lodge asked you to start a mutiny and you helped him, why?” Jug asked.
“I figured it'd be my chance to get rid of you, sunshine. And if I got rid of him, I could get rid of you, too, FP.” He said and everyone looked at him pissed.
“And then, what, you'd become leader?” FP asked walking behind him.
“He and Penny. You're a Judas, Tall Boy, and an idiot. Jug said.
“You betrayed your own kind, Tall Boy. You broke Serpent Law. What should we do with this lowlife?” FP shouted.
“Strip him of his jacket. Exile him.” His son answered.
“All those in favor.” Everyone including Betty and I raised our hands. FP laughed and got next to Tall Boy’s ear.
“Looks like this piece of trash and I got a long ride ahead of us.” After that FP took Tall Boy out of the bar and everyone cheered. Sweet Pea pulled me to him and kissed me with a smile on his lips.
“Y/N you should probably get home, it’s late and after yesterday I’m sure your dad is keeping tabs on you.” I sighed and nodded. Sweet Pea took me home again and Kevin walked downstairs.
“Where’d you go?” Kevin asked.
“I went with Betty and Jughead somewhere.” Kevin just nodded. I walked into my room and went to bed.
Tag list: @54fangirl @southsidehufflepuff @xrosesareredx @cvvlxx @skeletalwolfcat @demigodofthesun @depressed-octopods-art @nalayrene @yourfavouritefuckup @staygoldsquatchling02 @sataninsatin @im-socialy-awkward-no-joke @dark-night-sky-99 @aframeofbones @fly-slytherin-queen @jojokoko0717 @nixdunbarhale @wanderlust-and-poetry @theyouthfulmoon @seasiren96 @nixdunbarhale2 @misskarynie @emo-godess-loves-you @serpent-stan  @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @cuddlememerrick  @blueandgoldaus @southsidefandoms @hiya-imthatgirl
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serpentqueenz · 6 years
I Swear She’s an Angel | Ch. 4
Sweet Pea x OFC Mika
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Summary: Typical drinks and pool at the Wyrm lead to FP mentioning that Sweets has asked him about her history. In typical Mika fashion, she runs. Avoidance is her current tactic, but Sweet Pea tracks her down at Thistlehouse. Will he apologize and earn forgiveness, or will he let his ego win and lose her again?..
Author notes: hopefully everyone is still loving this wild ride between Sweet Pea + Mika! Thanks for all the love..
Warnings: Obviously just angst. So much angst.
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3
Sweet Pea lives in an ignorant bliss that seems to vibrate whenever he thinks of Mika. Weeks go by where she seems to be the only unwavering thing that exists on his frequency.
But when he strips it back, she might be his steadfast, but he didn’t know anything about her. Yet, he knew everything.
She asks him questions like why is he so quiet? Where has he been? Was he okay? The same questions asked back usually end dead. Right now was nothing different. He knew she wasn’t okay. That was it.  “You didn't have to fight my battles for me, Sweety,” Mika says quietly, linking her arm in his. “I'm a big girl.”
Sweet Pea rubs his face with his free hand, the one that's split and angry red for her. For the Serpents. A sign that he would do anything just to feel a little something. He closes his eyes, “Mika,” he murmurs. “I'd fight every battle for you. You’re one of us,” he says with a breath. He holds back other things like he feels like he’s known her for so long but doesn’t quite get her.
But he wants to.
She smiles and rests her head on his shoulder as they continue down the road towards the clubhouse. “I know you would, Sweet Pea,” she says with a loud sigh. “Because you're the best ever. You’re the epitome of ride-or-die.”
His heart pulses on the word. And his veins stiffen, his arteries tighten. Because he's the best ever. He feels her breath on his skin and the way her hair drapes on his shoulder, her skin is on his skin and her hand is tangled up with his but he keeps paused. Because friends don't feel like this, he knows. Friend's don't feel like pause mode and so high he's in the air. “Baby,” he says in a breath. “You make me do bad things.”
“You’re a big boy, you make your own decisions,” Mika says with a roll of her eyes. “Don’t go around passing the blame, that’s an ugly trait.”
Mika’s face turns serious and she lifts her head off his shoulder, she keeps her arm linked in his and her fingers wrapped in his hand but she bites her lips, dark eyes and a heavy frown. Sweet Pea knows that what Mika doesn't realise is lately, he's been hanging onto her every word like it was some kind of addiction. Most words out of Mika’s lips have been etched into his mind but he doesn't think too much on it.
But the whole of fucking Southside does.
“I don't like being watched,” she mumbles against his shoulder. “I don't like the attention.”
“We just want to make sure you’re okay,” he says loudly, pulling her hand so she jerks back closer to him. “Don’t worry about it so much.”
She doesn’t seem convinced. “I was watched all the time when I was back home and now sometimes I get scared I’m going to do something wrong.”
“What do you mean?” he asks. Sweet Pea knows that at their age, she shouldn't be thinking like this. It's ageing and heavy in their world but they should be light and free. He quickly thinks about what it must feel like to have a normal life, parents. Maybe it's easier on the Northside. But his Nan always talks about the cards they were dealt and how they have to live with them.
“Nothing...” Mika says slowly. “But this is the way it's always going to be, isn't it?”
“Yeah,” he shrugs, “Maybe it is?” he watches her face brighten, his heart starts beating properly again. He's high for making her smile.
She slaps his chest and pretends to kick at his shins. “Geez, what a way to make me feel like shit, Sweety,” Mika pulls her bag up again and grabs Sweet Pea’s hand, pulling him along. “You're just lucky we always walk together because it's tradition or I might feel like ditching your sorry ass.”
“Tradition?” he laughs, “Since when?”
“Since now,” she laughs. “Come on, traditions start somewhere, right?”
Sweet Pea can feel her changing the subject but he lets her. “Can I ask you something?”
She kicks a rock across the road. “One question,” she hums.
He takes a deep breath. “Did you have a boyfriend before you came here?”
She groans out loud and doesn’t brush hair out of her eyes. “You really want me to ditch your sorry ass, don’t you?”
“No!” he argues. “I… I’m just trying to get to know you, Mimi.”
“Next question or I’m ditching your sorry ass.”
Sweet Pea looks at his fingers wrapped up in Mika’s and he feels like maybe he shouldn't have a burning in his palm or how his hand feels like the weight of the ocean on his back. She's right, this is tradition now. But even with tradition, Mika’s hand in his feels in between satin and handcuffs. A lifetime made out of weeks. “You can't ditch my sorry ass-”
“So you admit your ass is sorry?” she challenges.
Sweet Pea feels like he's on his knees right now. “I'm not sorry for trying to get to know you, Mika,” he says with a small smile on his lips. Mika looks down at the ground and he feels her grip loosen on his arm; before he can even ask, her entire mind was in the expression on her face. “What's wrong?”
Mika clears her throat and looks over to Sweet Pea, sliding her hand back down to his hand, pulling it up with her fingers linked in his. “This,” she says quietly with red, angry knuckles burning in the sun. He wonders why his chest feels tight and his hat feels heavy on his head, his jaw pulses because he knows why his knuckles are angry red and still pulsing for another hit. Because he paid the price for Southside. She takes a deep breath and she puts his hand back down but she keeps her linked in it. “This shit is conditioned in us since we were kids - it was the same when my dad was around. It’s weird, don’t you think?”
Sweet Pea feels his heart and anger occupying the same space in their intertwined hands. That pulse in his jaw seems to be going harder and harder and he wonders if it would be hard to give that idiot Sammy the Ghoulie another hit. “This is the first time I’ve heard you mention your dad.” He thinks quickly about what the best thing to say would be but he can't think through the tears that he can almost see forming. “Don't cry.”
“I'm not,” she says, shaking her head, making her long hair fly everywhere. “Big girls don't cry, Sweet Pea.”
He laughs quietly. “I thought we established that you're not a big girl, I'm bigger.”
“So you're a girl, huh?” she teases.
He laughs and shoves her away, feeling their hands tighten as their bodies move apart but he pulls her close. When Mika laughs, who says that it's not as sunny on the Southside?
He lets her drop it and sway the conversation, feeling like she’ll let him in when she’s ready.
Fangs is messy shots on the countertop as Sweet Pea tries to hold his best friend up. “Bro,” he groans, snatching a shot glass out of Fangs’ hand. “You need to go to bed.”
Fangs rolls lazy eyes and downs a half a spilled shot. “You’re not my mom,” he slurs. “Stop telling me what to do.”
Mika laughs and places a steadying hand on Fangs’ shoulder. “Listen to Sweet Pea,” she warns. “Or I’ll kick your ass.”
Fangs looks to Toni for back up but she doesn’t give in, just shrugging her shoulders at Fangs. “Don’t look at me,” she tells him. “I know she’ll kick your ass.”
Mika just smirks at Fangs and he gives a frustrated sigh, “You know, Mika,” he starts slurring again, “Before you came around, these guys used to claim being badasses… now they’re scared of you.”
Sweet Pea looks over to Mika and gives her a grin that just earns him an entitled smirk in return, “Fangs,” Mika starts. “Treat ‘em mean, keep ‘em keen they say.”
Sweet Pea sips at a warm beer when Mika goes over to the pool table to talk to Jughead and Betty. “How long has this idiot been drinking for?”
“Hey!” Fangs snaps back. “That idiot is standing right here.”
“Since 10,” Toni says, placing a hand on Fangs cheek making him jerk back. “Veronica was here with her mimosas.”
Sweet Pea shakes his head. “Mimosas, Fangs? What the fuck happened to you, bro?”
“What happened to you?” Fangs argues back. “Ever since you fell in love, you’ve been a little twitchy.”
Toni’s jaw drops and she looks away, hiding a giggle but Jughead slowly makes his way over, pulling his beanie down his head. “Did I just walk into something I shouldn’t have?”
Fangs steps uneasily from foot to foot, another drink being taken from his hands this time by Jughead. “Sweet Pea’s in love,” he mumbles. “He’s ditched me.”
Jughead grins and gives Sweet Pea a wink, “Betty and Mika seem to be getting along…”
“I’m not in love!” Sweet Pea snaps a little too quickly. Sweet Pea can feel his blood boiling. “Jughead,” he says, trying to keep the hint of begging out of his voice, “Do I look like I have time to fall in love?” Fangs snorts out loud and Jughead scratches the back of his neck, trying to hide his amusement but it wasn’t working. “Toni! Back me up!”
Toni just shrugs and blows Sweet Pea a kiss, “Look, this shit happens -”
Sweet Pea cuts her off. “This is ridiculous.”
“We have no control over these things…” Jughead says slowly.
“What is this? An intervention? We spend a lot of time together, I know that but it’s your guys fault because you don’t ever spend time with her!”
“I do!” Toni replies, shock on her face.
“Yeah because you’re a girl,” Sweet Pea says with a shrug.
Toni shakes her head. “Wow, you are an asshole.”
“This shit isn’t funny,” Sweet Pea mumbles. “I don’t know why the fuck you think I’m in love with her because I spend time with her, if that were true I would have been in love with Toni over anyone else.”
Toni punches Sweet Pea in the stomach. “I’ve never hated you more than I do right now.”
“I’m just trying to get to know her, it’s not my fault she’s private - if she wants to get in with us, we have to get to know her.”
“How about instead of asking me and dad for information, you just ask her? Or are you too shy?” Jughead says.
“Shit, Sweet Pea,” Toni chuckles. “Even Jughead’s taking stabs at you.”
“It’s because you look like an idiot when you stand in front of Mika and you freeze every time, that’s like Love 101,” Fangs adds quickly.  Sweet Pea punches him on the shoulder. “Ouch! Dude!”
Sweet Pea folds his arms and leans against the wall. “You guys suck; do you know that?” he moans. “I don’t know what you guys are talking about.”
Toni shoves Sweet Pea’s shoulder before taking a step back. “We get it, you were obviously taken aback by her intense beauty,” she teases with a wink. Fangs smirks and Jughead laughs. “And now you’ve gotten to know her a little better and it’s changed.”
Sweet Pea feels his face creeping up hot and he throws his hands in the air. “Laugh all you want, I’m not gonna deny she’s hot…”
“So it’s true then? You were taken aback?” Jughead asks. “Oh Sweets.”
Sweet Pea throws his hands in the air. “I wasn't taken aback!” he yells at his friends behind him. “But I’m not fucking blind! And you guys must be dumb to think I didn’t see she was pretty! Ugh!” he groans. “This has nothing to do with anything, can you guys just shut up for once?”
The group hushes when Mika comes back over, swinging a pool cue between her fingers with one hand and patting Jughead on the head with the other one. “How Betty puts up with your sadness is beyond me, that girl is the definition of a ray of light.”
Mika leans on the bar next to Sweet Pea and he can feel Jughead’s eyes on him. “Do you want to get out of here?” he murmurs.
Mika raises an eyebrow. “You think it’s a good idea to leave Fangs out here? He looks like he’s about to pass out.”
Sweet Pea inhales deeply and rubs his eyes. “Toni can babysit him,” he replies, leaning in closer to whisper in Mika’s ear. “I could honestly just do with a blunt and a burger…”
She gives him a sugary smile and leans against his shoulder. “My two favourite things.”
Sweet Pea swings his keys around his index finger when he sees FP making his way over. “Can we have the cue back, Mika?” he asks. “You look like you could kill someone with that, or are you planning on joining in, kiddo? Let’s hope you have better pool skills than your old man.”
She hands the cue over before saying; “Sweets and I were on our way out so I’ll be back later to show you my skills.”
FP booms. “You and Sweets, huh? You already got him wrapped around your finger. He can’t stop asking about you.” He elbows Sweet Pea in the ribs while Sweet Pea groans internally. Another person to add to the list of people out to get him.
Mika pauses and Sweet Pea can almost hear her mind ticking. He watches her fists clench and her jaw tense as she fakes a smile to FP. “I gotta go, I just remembered I have something going on.”
She moves so quickly, Sweet Pea barely has time to register that she’s out the door. He shoves his keys in his pocket before starting off in a run after her.
He’s out the door just as quickly as she is and Sweet Pea sighs in frustration before pushing past her. “Stop following me,” Mika mumbles.
He makes it out to the front steps of the Wyrm but he hears the door slam against the wall again and the sound of shoes on the pavement. “Hey!” he starts. “Turn around!”
Sweet Pea stops in his tracks, not expecting her to stop too but she does and his heart lets up. “What?” she calls back.
“Did I do something wrong, Mimi?”
Mika’s eyes darken but she smiles sweetly, her eyes and lips telling him two completely different stories. She moves a little closer until she’s looking him dead in the eye. The movement in itself of her getting closer throws Sweet Pea almost and he hesitates a little before taking a step back. It’s only then when he realises her eyes are a lighter brown than usual, she wears scuffed, red Docs and her jeans are ripped at the knees. Mostly he notices how her smile doesn’t falter and her chest rises and falls before she speaks again. “Firstly, don’t call me Mimi -” she almost shouts, hair flying everywhere.
“Well don’t call me ‘Sweety’ -”
“Secondly,” she cuts off again, “If you’re going to be an asshole constantly, try doing it a bit better? And thirdly, stop trying to dig for dirt on me!”
“I’m not digging for dirt!” he groans, hands in his hair. “It’s just that every time I think I’m getting to know you, you shut down!”
The air stands still as they watch each other. Her dirty Docs scuff in the dust and he can almost see the guard she wears building higher and higher in front of her. “If you have questions, don’t ask any-”
“Anyone else?” he snaps back. “Every single time I try and ask you anything, you shut me down. You’re not doing yourself any favours, baby.”
“Don’t call me baby, either!” she hisses. He throws his hands in the air again and she jerks back, “Don’t put your hands near me!”
“I wasn’t!” he argues, “You’re just so frustrating!”
She puts her hands up and takes a step back. “Just… don’t. Just go, I’ll stay here.”
Sweet Pea sniggers as he kicks his boot in the dirt, unsure of where to look. He knew this was stupid. She was standing at the front of the Whyte Wyrm, yelling out to him. Un-fucking-believable, he thinks, but she still stands in front of him with her hands on her hips. “Whatever you say, Mimi,” he drawls, making his way closer to her, standing at the bottom of the steps but she still looks down at him from the top. But even with him standing there looking up at her, she keeps her smile on and makes herself taller.
She doesn’t wait for his reply. Instead he’s stuck there standing outside alone as Mika walks back into the Whyte Wyrm, slamming the door behind her.
He stands on the bottom step, jaw dropped, face burning and feeling like a complete idiot all over again. But it had been a long time since he had felt anything at all, and it all came from the new girl on the Southside.
Fangs shows no love when he leaves Sweet Pea high and dry standing out the front of Thistlehouse. Fangs didn’t even have the balls to pretend like he was going to back his best friend up when he was going up against Toni and Cheryl. “Fucking bastard,” he mutters under his breath as he watches Fangs ride away.
He barely gets his fist to the door when it swings open, Cheryl’s trademark smirk evident on her face. “Barely crawling in on your hands and knees, BFG - watch your head when you come in,” she says, spinning on her heels. “We have standard sized door frames around here.”
Sweet Pea groans as he follows Cheryl in, “What does Toni use then?” he mumbles. “The fucking cat flap? Must be hard for her to reach the standard height door knobs…”
Cheryl turns to look at Sweet Pea with a look of astonishment. “Don’t let her catch you saying that.”
“Or what?’ he scoffs, not sure where to look. One of the living rooms alone was bigger than his whole house and he’d never get used to the fact no matter how many times he had been here. “She’ll beat me?”
Cheryl shrugs as she sits on one of the sofas that makes him feel like he’s part of one of Nan’s soaps. “She made me swear not to beat your ass so I’m assuming she’s keeping the privilege for herself,” she sips at a cherry cola obnoxiously as Sweet Pea tries to unfold himself on a seat next her. “Please, enlighten me on why you’re here? I didn’t take you for the dumb one. I always reserved that right for Fangs.”
Sweet Pea screws his eyes shut and rubs his face. “Damn, you are one difficult person to talk to, aren’t you?” he groans.
Cheryl smiles sweetly again. “Quite like you and how you refused to actually talk to the person you’re trying to get to know -”
“I’m sorry that I asked FP for information, I can barely communicate with Mika because she’s so closed off -”
Cheryl cuts him off again. “Communication is funny like that, isn’t it?” she snaps quickly. “Because general rule of thumb is that if you want to get to know someone, you ask that person. Not the whole of Riverdale. Call Archie while you’re at it, you never know just how much he might know about Mika even though he’s never met her, I have his number right here -”
“Cheryl!” Sweet Pea snaps back. “If I wanted to get lectured I would go and talk to Jughead, Jesus fucking Christ.”
Cheryl seems ten different kinds of smug as she keeps sipping in her cherry cola but Toni walks into the living room and Sweet Pea keeps himself from leaping off the seat to grab his best friend. He stands slowly but before he can get all the way up, Toni’s hand shoots out to smack the backside of his head. “Ah!” he moans, “Fuck, T!”
“I warned you,” Cheryl says with a smirk.
Toni rolls her eyes and stands in front of Sweet Pea with her hands on her hips. “I don’t know what the hell is wrong with you sometimes!”
“The air is thinner all the way up there, baby,” Cheryl chimes.
Sweet Pea’s jaw drops and he shakes his head. “I literally came here to see Mika, not get attacked by you two.”
Toni whacks him again. “Don’t talk. Just listen.”
Sweet Pea doesn’t argue, he just slinks further in the seat and rubs the back of his head again, worried about what was coming next. He feared these girls more than FP himself. “Fine, listening.”
Toni’s face softens. “Where’s Fangs?” she asks. “He should have come too, I needed to talk to his ass as well.”
“He pissed off as soon as he realised both mom one and mom two were home,” Sweet Pea answers cautiously.
“No kid of mine would be so freakishly big,” Cheryl adds.
Sweet Pea holds back a laugh. “Please, let me see her,” he begs. “I need to fix everything, I fucked up.”
Toni sighs. “She’s hurting, Sweets. She’s really been through it and she doesn’t always know how to deal with it.”
“So?” he asks. “I can’t see her?”
Toni throws her thumb over her shoulder, “Come on, I’ll show you to her room. I just wanted you to know.”
Sweet Pea gets up, cautious about another hit but Toni pats his shoulder instead and he follows her down the hall and to a bedroom. 
Sweet Pea goes to open the bedroom door, but it slams straight in his face. He tries again, and it slams, one more time, he thinks, but his hand is wavering, and his jaw is tightening, he opens it again; it slams. He hears Mika on the other side, her palm on the door, he knows. He leans his head on the door, putting his ear to it to listen inside. “Baby,” he calls. “I just want to talk to you.”
Sweet Pea wants to get in there, take her in. He's desperate and needy and his nails scratching on her door was not close enough. It would never be close enough; he feels it in his goddamn marrow.
He's fucked up, screwed it up. He hates himself a little more because she's pissed off at him and that's like whip splitting the skin on his back. “Mika,” he calls again, swallowing spit. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do this...”
Sweet Pea hears Mika move from the door and he almost rips it off its hinges as he rushes to get in, but he's stopped in the door frame and she raises an eyebrow as she stabs a pointed nail on his chest. “If you come in here, you leave Southside outside,” she hisses, shaking the collar of his jacket. “This isn’t about Southside versus Mika because none of you seem to know how to keep anything to your damn selves. If you want to know anything, it’s between me and you.”
Sweet Pea shrugs the jacket off his shoulders immediately, not even looking back, throwing his jacket on the floor in the doorway behind him.
Mika spins on her bare feet, she's wearing short shorts and denim on denim, hair out, but she seems smaller without her guard up and Sweet Pea can't help but run his dry tongue against his lip and keep all of her close. He wants to protect her with everything he has. He feels he’s been waiting for her for so long, he’s so fucking close to being sated. He finds his breaths are shallow when Mika’s mad at him and he holds in a cocky smile. He throws his thumb behind him. “Left Southside outside,” he tells her. “You gonna give me a smile or what, baby?” He sighs. “In all seriousness, you’re going to have to let someone in some day. Someone more than Toni and Cheryl.”
“I like my circle small,” Mika fakes a smile. “What are you doing here?” she asks him. 
He swallows down spit, looks down at his feet as his socks slide on the wood, and he knows he's fucked up and he's going to pay for it. He'll pay whatever price she makes him, he'll scratch in the dirt, kill a man, he'd do anything for her to be happy with him again. “I've come to say sorry,” he says strongly. “It’s actually fucking me over how much I can’t get you out of my head ...”
Mika is small against the bed. Tucked up precious tight in the corner, pillows surrounding her. She pulls up a pillow and clings to it, tucking her feet under her body. “I haven’t let anyone get this fucking close to me in so long, Sweet Pea and it’s scaring the shit out of me.”
He takes a step forward before taking two back. Holding his hands up in surrender. “You don’t have to be scared of us, Mika. Southside wouldn’t ever do anything to you.”
“It’s not Southside,” she murmurs. Staring at the floor in front of Sweet Pea, she doesn’t meet his eyes. “It’s you.”
He lets the words sit in the air, forcing his jaw to unclench but his heart races so hard, he wonders if it will come out of his chest. “Mika,” he says softly. “I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you,” he replies weakly, wondering just how bad she thinks he is. “Whatever I’ve done in the past, whatever I do with the Ghoulies, that shit isn’t me.”
He steps closer to the bed and lets his legs rest on it as he lets himself unravel a little. Mika’s eyes water a little with each part of him getting closer to her. “I don’t trust anyone, Sweet Pea. I can’t.”
Sweet Pea sits on the edge of the bed, looking away, trying to catch his breath. He feels nervous, he could feel it sitting high up in his chest. Part of him wanted to just hold her. Wish all this uncertainty away but he knew he couldn’t. Things had to be on her terms, he knows it. “I want to help you, you know,” he takes a deep breath. “This kinda shit isn’t easy. Trying to sort through shit isn’t easy but…” he pauses for a moment. “But, I don’t know, I’m not good with words but I know that I just get you… and I want to help.”
He feels her shift on the bed and he doesn’t let himself breathe. “Can I trust you?”
Sweet Pea turns and gets off the edge of the bed, making his way slowly to the corner she was sitting in on a pile of red pillows. He gets on his hands and knees as he crawls next to her. “Do you trust me?”
Mika’s smile is easy as she grabs his hand, welcoming him in. “You really like Aladdin, don’t you?” He doesn’t answer as he sits down next to her, crossing his legs and staring at the wall.
They let the silence wash over them when Mika plays with the fraying rips of her shorts. “We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to,” he mutters.
Beats echo through the room before Mika inhales deeply. “I knew I shouldn’t have trusted him the moment I met him.”
Sweet Pea stops, looking over to meet Mika’s eyes. “Who?”
“My ex. The reason I’m like this.”
She clings on tighter to the pillow she was using as her physical guard and licks her lips. “My mom and dad didn’t like him. That should have been the moment I realised I really shouldn’t have trusted him but I was such a fucking dumbass back then, I cringe every time I think about it.”
Sweet Pea’s chest feels constricted, it was almost as if he knew exactly what she was about to say, like he knew the story already. His ears start burning and he can feel an anger building. “We’ve all done dumb shit in the past, Mimi.”
“Nah,” she laughs without humour. “He was a bad guy, not in the sense of doing bad shit. He was a terrible human being. You know the cliche, there wasn’t an ounce of good in that guy.”
Sweet Pea forces himself to let go of the tension in his hands. “Is he the reason why you’re here?”
The air thickens as he takes steadying breaths. “Don’t tell me he hurt you.”
Mika’s eyes darken. “For the most part, the blessing is that I can block out chunks of my past. But there’s things I’ll never forget,” she whispers. “Like how he would look at me as if he owned me. How he would just flip on me and get mad. He hated me around his boys. I’d pay for it later on if I ever said anything to him out of line in front of his friends.”
Sweet Pea looks at Mika, truly letting her sink into him. She had a seriousness in her eyes but it was almost as if she had blanked out. Whatever lack of feeling she had in her own being, he was making up for it. Her words were cutting him, the heaviness on his shoulders seemed to weigh him down. “What happened?” he asks automatically. Part of him not actually wanting to know, the other part desperate to find out so he could find out who this guy was.
She flexes her hands in front of them, looking at her nails to keep herself busy. “He was always too rough but I don’t know, sometimes I thought I deserved it. I was only 17 when he attempted to drive me through a wall,” she says with an out of place smile. “I may have been 17 but my dad bought me up Southside and FP’s right, I could kill someone with a pool cue.”
Sweet Pea’s eyes widen. “You killed him?”
“No!” she says, wiping a stray tear away before sniffing. “All I had to get my hands on was a mop handle and my own strength.”
He sighs with relief and he can’t hide the sheer amazement in his voice. “You killed him with a mop handle.”
“I didn’t kill him!” she says quickly. “He ended up in hospital for a month and luckily dad and FP could still get me out of any charges thanks to connections… but there’s always this thing in the back of my mind telling me he’s going to come back. He’ll get me.”
Sweet Pea groans as he moves closer to her, putting his arm across her shoulders. “Mika,” he says softly, feeling her ease in his arms. “You’re strong; freakishly strong,” he chuckles lightly. “I know it, look at me, I’m losing my rep over you.”
Mika lets tears fall under a small smile and curls up tighter. “No you’re not.”
“Jokes aside,” he says seriously. “I’m not going to pretend like I don’t want to murder that bastard, but he’ll never come near you ever again. We’re here to protect you, you’re one of us.”
Mika shakes a little as her tears catch up, falling silently on Sweet Pea’s hand that’s holding hers. “Sometimes I’m so fucking scared that I can’t even fake being a tough ass. And sometimes, that’s all I have. Is pretending to be hard so no one can get through to me and then I moved here and I’m surrounded by everyone who just want to look after me and I’m not used to this. Since my parents died all I’ve got is me and now you’re here and…” she trails off.
Sweet Pea can feel the shift between them. Maybe he wasn’t the only one who felt that since Mika came around, she had forced a change in him. Maybe he had made a change in her too. “I can promise I won’t ever hurt you,” he murmurs. “And I’ll never go away. Unless you want me to…”
She shakes her head. “No, this is good,” she mumbles. “Letting someone in. I gotta let people in sometimes, right?”
Sweet Pea shrugs against her. “If you want to, you don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
Mika closes her eyes and rests her head on his shoulder. “I think I’ve already let you in and that scares me.”
Sweet Pea opens the door to his bedroom and kicks three pairs of jeans out of the way of the door and into the corner. Mika pulls Sweet Pea’s jacket tighter on her body as she kicks off her boots. He wishes that he had tidied up even a little before she walked in the house but she was too quick in entering, insisting she wanted to lay down. “Home sweet home and all that shit,” he mumbles. “It’s not much but it’s mine and I love it.”
His mismatched bedding had never seemed so outdated and his Led Zeppelin poster was half falling off the wall  next to Roger Waters which was a gift handed down from his dad but Mika still walked around, touching everything, reading the card from Fangs that he had given him for his 10th birthday and the photo of Sweet Pea and Toni in diapers being held by his dad that was on his bedside. “I haven’t been in an actual room for so long… does that make sense?” she asks. “Like a room that’s part of a home. I love Cheryl, but the room I was sleeping in felt kinda like a crypt.”
Sweet Pea smiles to himself. “This is the only home I’ve ever lived in.”
“I like it,” she says, playing with the hem of his denim jacket hanging on a chair.
He throws the blanket over the bed and tries to tidy the pillows at least a little. “That jacket was my dad’s.”
“My dad has one too,” she replies, sitting on the bed with a yawn. “I think they knew each other from back in the day.” She slips her legs under the blanket and closes her eyes instantly. “Are you sure your Nan said I could stay?” she asks, voice dropping a little. “I don’t want to stay if she’s not okay with it.”
“Yeah,” he lies. “Of course, she said it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. We all get sick of T and Cheryl.”
He waits for her to fall asleep before slipping out of the bedroom and walking into the lounge. Sweet Pea lets his shoulders ease as he sits on the couch, not even taking his shoes off. “Shoes off, Sweet Pea,” Nan says.
Sweet Pea swallows loudly and closes his eyes, wishing that Nan had been asleep. “Sorry,” he says, bending down to undo his laces. “It’s been a long day.”
Nan shakes her head and walks over to Sweet Pea, ruffling his hair. “Do you think that your grandmother came down in the last rain?” she says before kissing his head.
“What do you mean?”
“There’s a very tired looking girl in your bed, Sweet Pea. And she doesn’t look like Toni.”
Nan raises an eyebrow as she sits across from Sweet Pea. He could tell she was waiting for his answer but he couldn’t lie to Nan because she could read him like a book. He tries to avoid her gaze but he can’t. “It’s just Mika, Nan.”
“I know who she is,” Nan answers. “FP gave me a heads up. I haven’t seen her dad since he was last in Riverdale, he would have been about your age.”
“You knew him?”
Nan rolls her eyes. “Boy, I know everyone.”
“She’s been crashing with Toni and Cheryl but I think she needed a break.”
“You’re more intuitive than you let on.”
“You’re not mad then?” Sweet Pea asks, trying to keep a grin in.
“If she needs a break, that’s fine with me,” Nan answers. “But you’re sleeping out here tonight.”
“Okay, got it,” he says, pulling the quilt over him.
Nan stands up and turns off the lights in the lounge, “Goodnight, Sweets.”
“Night, Nan.”
Just as she was about to walk out of the room, she turns around, “Oh, and Sweets?”
“Yes?” he groans.
“For the love of God, please don’t hurt this girl.”
Sweet Pea slaps a hand to his face. “It’s not like that.”
“Hmmm,” she replies. “You couldn’t lie to me if your life depended on it.”
Sweet Pea closes his eyes again. Nan was right, he couldn’t lie to her. He hates wearing his heart on his sleeve.
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Love Wasn’t in the Plan - Part 10 (Sweet Pea/OC)
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Riverdale AU
Chapter Summary – As much as Angel wants to stay in the safety of Sweet Pea trailer, she knows it time to face her family and friends. Where do you go once all the secrets are out and on the table?
Pairing – Sweet Pea / OC
Warning – Swearing, little Angst, little Fluff.
Author Notes – Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy where I heading with this story. Again this story is a little different from the show storyline so that I could fit my character in, I want to thank you for your likes, comments and re-blogs they mean the world to me and help me keep writing. 
Story Summary & Preview , Part 1 ,  Part 2 Preview , Part 2 ,
Part 3 Preview , Part 3 ,  Part 4 Preview , Part 4 , Part 5 Preview , Part 5 ,
Part 6 Preview , Part 6 , Part 7 Preview , Part 7 , Part 8 Preview , Part 8 ,
Part 9 Preview , Part 9 , Part 10 Preview
Chapter 10 – Where do we go from here?
Sweet Pea was half asleep when he reached out for Angel only to find her space on the bed empty, he felt a sudden panic, jumping up and shouting “ANGEL?”
“Don’t worry Sweets I’m still here, I just went to get a glass of water, and I didn’t want to wake you,” Angel said standing at the bedroom door in nothing but his T-shirt, he smiles feel relieved that last night wasn’t a dream, she was real, and she was here with him. He holds out his hand, she smiles and takes it, climbing on the bed and on to his lap, wrapping her leg around his waist. She smiles and starts making circler shapes with her finger on his chest, it felt like for both of them nothing has changed, the last two weeks didn’t happen, but they knew deep down no matter how much they love this moment they had to face the outside world soon.
He watches smiling, enjoying the feel of her touch, Angel looks up when she feels his stare and smiles. “What?” Sweets Pea tilts his head and smiles “there something I’ve been waiting two weeks to say to you.” Angels smile disappears, and she drops her eyes from his “What that?” He let out a sigh, grabs her chin and lifts it to make her look him in the eye, she looked scared, worried like he was going to say he couldn’t be with her anymore, that her past was too much for him, instead he smiles and goes.
“I love you too.”
Angel smile almost take Sweets Pea breath away it was so bright and happy, all the worry and sadness had gone from her eyes. She lunges forward and kisses him hard, he returns her kiss eagerly. After a few minutes, the pull apart Sweet rest his head against hers smiling.  
She pulls back a little to look at his face, lifting a finger to trace his healing black eyes, she smirks “Let me guess FP?”
He laughs taking her hand off his face and holding it against his chest, “You guessed right FP kind of kept to his promise. He didn’t kill me because we fell in love and it wasn't just a one night stand, but he couldn't let me get off without a black eye, you know he has a reputation to protect.”
They both laughed at this, Sweet Pea lets a sad little sigh.
“You do know as much as I want to stay here with you forever, we can’t.”
Angel laughs and nods, “No we can’t.” She lets out a groan, closes her eyes for a moment, once she opened them again, she gives Sweet a serious look, “Hand me your phone its time get everyone together and let them know I’m home.”
Sweet Pea looked at her confused “Why my phone?” Angel smile and shrugs “I might have kind of threw it in a lake out of anger.” He tried not to laugh “Might of?” she pouts “Shut up and give me your phone serpent boy.”
He laughs and hands her, his phone, she takes it and does a mass text to everyone.
Got a lead on where Angel is, come to the Whyte Wyrm.
She hands him, his phone back and gives him a confused look “Why do you have my parent’s number?” Sweets take the phone and shrugs “Everyone wanted to be kept informed if we got any lead or even found you.” He avoids her eyes, she felt a ping of guilt in her gut. Angel told herself she had to leave to give herself time to think and give them time to process what had happened. However, that wasn’t initially true a big part of it was she was being a coward and didn’t want to see the sadness and pity on their faces.
She cups his face with her hand, moving it to look at her, the sadness in his eye almost broke her heart. “I’m so sorry Sweets, I wasn’t thinking. I just needed to get away I was scared, and I need time to myself.” He places his hand on top of hers, holding it in place and close his eyes, “I understand Princess, and so does your friends and family, they’re not angry with you, they just want to know you’re safe and healthy.”
She smiles and brings him closer to give him a gentle kiss, “I know so get dressed, we can’t keep them waiting any longer.” Before get off him to get dressed.
(20 minutes later)
They were standing outside the Whyte Wyrm, Angel had tight hold of Sweets hand, looking at the bar. She didn’t know why she was so nervous they were her family, but that didn’t her stomach from doing summersaults.
“Hey.” She turns to look at Sweet Pea, who give her a reassuring smile, which calms her a little “Don’t worry Angel, I’m right beside you.” She smiles back “Always serpent boy?” he lifts her hand and gives it a kiss “Always Princess.”
With that they make their way inside, Sweet Pea was in front of her so that no one could see her.
“Hey Sweet Pea, what this lead you found.” Angel held back a tear when she heard her father’s voice for the first time in two weeks, she missed it so much. Sweet Pea smiled at them all “Why don’t you see for yourself.” He moves aside so the whole room could now see her. Angel look around to see everyone shocked faces, till her eye landed on her dad, Fred didn’t know what to think, he thought he was daydream like he had done countless of time in the last two weeks. It wasn’t till she said “Hey daddy.” That he crumbled, letting out the tears he has held in since she left and ran at her, engulfing her in a tight hug, breathing her in, she wraps her arms around him and let out a sob.
She had missed these hugs so much, the one that always made her feel safe and protected, since as long as she can remember. After what seemed like eternity Fred reluctantly let go, he pulled away and smiled down at her, she smiled back and turned to her mum.
“Hey, Mum.” Mary smile through her tears “Oh my baby girl, I have missed you so much.” Before replacing Fred place to hug Angel, she returns the hug and pats her back “I missed you too, mum.” Mary pulls away and places her hand on Angel's face to get a good look at her after a while she smiles happily to see her daughter is healthy and has taken care of herself the last two weeks.
Angel moves slightly to look over her mother shoulder at the one other person she missed the most, her twin, who was staring at her, trying to think of something to say, but he was afraid of saying the wrong thing. Angel smiled like she could read his thoughts “It ok Arch, you don’t have to say anything, I know what you feel because I feel it too. I just need you to come and hug me.”
Archie didn’t need anything else, he runs toward her and picks her up, holding her tightly against his chest, feel relieved and at peace a little. The last two weeks have been hell and the longest the twins have gone without talking, even when she went to New York they Facetimed, texted or phoned nearly every day.  That what made this whole situation ten times worse for Archie, he took pride in sensing his sister emotions being the only one to know what she’s feeling all the time and vice versa. 
However, he was wrong because he didn’t sense them when it truly mattered when Angel was hurting the most, and she had to go through this awful ordeal by herself, and this is something he could never forgive himself for.
“Don’t.” Archie pulls back slightly to look at her, she gives him a sad smile and places a hand on his face gently “Don’t blame yourself for not see or sensing what was wrong with me, I hid it pretty well, Arch, you know I love you.” She closes her eye for a moment to fight back the tears, she opens them, tilts her head and smiles at him.
“Do you remember what you said to me when we were 8, and I caught you hiding all the newspapers from me?”
He laughs through his tears, nods and places his hand on her face, stroking her cheeks with his thumbs. “Yeah, you wanted them for your history assignment about what going on in the world. You were so mad and asked why I was hiding them, and I said Angelica you have one of the kindest and purest hearts. I don’t want the world evilness taint someone so beautifully caring, it is my job as your brother to protect you.”
She smiles and take his hand off her face but still holds onto them, “You did a brilliant job protecting me for a long time but..” she turns to look at everyone in the room as to show she’s also talking to them. “There is some evil in this world, you don’t see before it too late, and you can’t protect me from that.”
It was silent for a moment after that, FP clears his throat, and everyone turns to look at him. “Maybe we should sit down, there a lot we have to talk about and a lot of question that need to be answered.”
(10 minutes later)
They have been sat in silence for ten minutes now no one knowing where to start. Angel had Sweet Pea to her right hold her hand under the table and her dad on her left. The longer the silence went on, Angel’s anxiety got worse. Sweet Pea gives her hand a little squeeze, she turns to look at him, he smiles at her as to say it ok, and I’m here calm down. She smiles and squeezes his hand back.
“We’re not getting anywhere just sitting here, so why don’t we start off by asking where have you been for the last two weeks,” Betty asked.
Angel smiled silently thanking her for starting off easy. “Ok, for the first week I was staying at my friend Melinda apartment in New York, she not a friend any of you know or Tommy. She was an artist who liked my pictures during my first gala, and she’s lovely and kind she helped me out a lot.”
She looks up to see everyone nodding along, so she carries on.
“The second week I staying at some motel just outside Greendale, that’s why I ordered the Fake ID so I could get a job at a diner, get some money and not draw any attention to myself. Nevertheless, I knew I had to stop running away it wasn’t fair on any of you so that why I decided to come back.”
“Why did you text off Sweet Pea phone?” Fangs asked confused, Angel turned to Sweet Pea who was looking at Fangs like he was debating how he was going to murder him. Angel looked down avoiding everyone eyes, feeling the blush creeping up her face.
“Erm, I broke my phone in a temper.”
Toni tried to hide a smile, oh hell no, was she going to make this easy for them, “Still doesn’t explain why you texted off his phone, how did he find you.”
All the adult looked confused, but the teens were all trying to hide their smiles at Sweets and Angel uncomfortableness. She knew they would let it go so she bit the bullet.
“I technically came back to town last night, and Sweet Pea was the first person I went to see.”
Realisation dawn on the adults face, Fred took a deep breath “You came back last night, but we didn’t hear from you till this morning?” Angel look at him quick, then back down at the table “Yes daddy.”
Sweet Pea made a mistake to look up at Fred and FP who looked like they were ready to rip his head off, he looked down, he was defiantly going to make his friend pay for this if he was going down they were coming down with him.
Luckily Mary knew this wasn’t the time to discusses her daughter relationship so she places a hand on her husband shoulder “I don’t think now is the time to talk about their relationship, we should be thankful she’s home.” Fred closed his eyes, took a deep breath and nodded “Yeah your right Mary.”
Angel looked up and mouthed to her mum “Thank you.” Mary smile and nods, FP knew they were trying to avoid the elephant in the room, but they can’t move forward till they find out what Angel wants to do.
“What do you want to do about St Clair?”
Angel let out a sigh and looked at the group, she knew what they wanted her to do, but she couldn’t give them what she wanted. “Nothing.”
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOTHING?” Archie shouted Mary hold her hand up to him “Calm down Archie, this is up to your sister, so let her explain why before you get angry.”
Angel smiled, she really missed her mum, and she was the best at playing mediator between the twins and her dad. “Thank you Mum, and to answer you Arch.” She took a deep breath, squeezing Sweet hand to calm herself down a little before looking at the group.
“What Nick did to me, I will never truly heal from or forget no matter what I do, and I hate him for that.” Archie looked like he wanted to interrupt, she holds her hand up to stop him “But if I take him to court, I have to relive every moment of that night and so will you guys.” She wipes the tear that had fallen down her face, “Also I don’t want him to know about the baby, it was mine something he can’t take from me, and I don’t want him or his lawyer to taint their memory by making lies about me. Please understand.”
Everyone is quiet letting what she said to sink in, Mary reached across the table to hold her daughter's hand. Angel looked up to see she was trying to fight the tears as well, she wanted to kill this boy for hurting her baby. Her sweet, kind little girl but Angel wasn’t a child anymore, and this was her battle all she could do was support her.
“We’ll support you, Angel, no matter what, just promise no more running away or keep thing to yourself because you’re worried about our feeling.” Angel nodded “Promise,” she turned to her dad and give him a sad smile “Am I still your little princess, daddy?”
Fred let out a sob, he leans forward and grips Angel face in his hand, he could see the worry and sadness in her eyes. He takes a deep breath to control his emotions and smiles at her “Angelica Andrews, there is nothing you could ever do or say that will stop me seeing you as my little princess, and what happened wasn’t your fault. I love you and your brother more than anything in this world.”
She let out a sob, letting go of Sweet Pea hand so Fred could pull her closer to hold, stroking her head like he did when she younger and got hurt or upset. After a few minutes, she pulls away. Angel turns to the group and smiled, she knew they had things they wanted to say but last hour has drained her.
“I know you all have questions or things you want to say, but right now I just want to go home and sleep.” They all nod understandingly, so one by one they got up and hugged her tell them they missed her and glad she’s back. Her parents and Arch said they wait outside, so only she and Sweet Pea were left, they had their hand interlocked, smile at each other.
“So…” she laughs “So that was a start.” He laughs pulling her closer, wrapping his arms around her waist, she moves her hand to wrap around her neck. “Yep, defiantly a start, I’m going to kill Toni and Fangs though.” She laughs leaning her head against her chest, “Yeah that if FP doesn’t kill you first.” They both laugh, she looks back up at him.
“Sweet Pea what are we now?”
Sweet Pea raises an eyebrow at her, “I thought we decided this when we admitted we loved each other.” She smiled at him cutely avoid the question. “So we’re boyfriend and girlfriend?” Sweets laugh and lean down, his lips hovering over hers, “Princess I can’t imagine my life without you in it. So if it makes you feel more happy and secure, I’ll say the word, yes we’re boyfriend and girlfriend.”
Her smile grew, closing the space between them and kisses him. After she pulled away, leaning her head against his again “Yeah serpent boy that makes me extremely happy.”
(A few days later)
The last few days have been a mix of emotions as happy Angel was that everything was out in the open, that she was back with her family and friends. That she and Sweet Pea weren’t a secret anymore and they were out in public acting like any other couple. On the other hand, they were a treating her like she was made of glass, never-ending text and calls when she was trying to have a moment to herself.
Right now Angel was outside on the bleacher, laying down, ignoring all the phone call and texts from her friends. She had her eyes closed when she felt someone come and lay down next to her. She smiles know who it was, Angel turns to look at them.
“Hey, Hubby.”
Reggie smiles back grabbing her hand, “Hey Wifey, everyone looking for you.” she let out a sigh “I know I just need some time to myself, where no one watching my every moves and treating me like glass.”
He laughs and gives her a sympathetic smile “Give them time, sweetie they worried if they say the wrong thing that you’ll run away again.”  Angel flinched at his word, this was why she wasn’t saying anything about their annoying behaviour, she made them feel helpless and scared for two weeks, but Angel wasn’t sure she would last much longer without exploding. She knew things weren’t going to be the same but not to this extreme.
“I know Reg, I do, but they need to cool it down, I promised I wouldn’t run away again, and you know I don’t break my promises.” He laughs and nods, she looks at him a moment. She was glad they finally got some time to themselves they haven’t had time the last few days, and she had things she wanted to speak to him about.
“Hubby, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about Sweet Pea and me. I was worried you would stop talking to me because I was sleeping with a serpent and I know how much you hate them. I just can’t think of a world where you and I aren’t friends.”
He let out a laugh and give her hand a quick kiss “Wifey I might hate the serpents, but I love you more. I’ve said this before nothing you can do will ever make me stop caring for you, you’re my number one till I die.”
She smiles and gives him a kiss on the cheek, “You’re my number one.” They lay there for a moment. Angel let out a sigh and sits up “Let go before they send out a search party.” Reggie laughs and stands up, hold out his hand for her to take, which she did.
They walked into the student lounge in the middle of a discussion between their friends, she smiled when she saw Sweets, kissing Reggie on the cheek and walked over to sit next to him.
She turned and smiled at him “Hey serpent boys,” He laughs and lean down and give her a quick kiss “Hey princess, you came just in time, Keller is giving out rolls for the play he’s doing.”
She nods, Angel told Kevin she wasn’t auditioning for the play because she had enough attention and went to lay low for a little while. Well until Tommy show but she said she’ll help in any other way. Kevin give her an unsure smile at her, which made her raise an eyebrow.
“You know I don’t want to audition Kev.” He nods, looks at the group who were avoiding his eyes, so he’s told them what he wanted her to do. “Kev I told you I would help in any way what is it?” He took a deep breath and smile at her hoping she won’t say no “Well I want you to work with Jughead, he’s videotaping the show and behind the scenes and I want you to take photos alongside him.”
Angel was speechless, she hasn’t spoken to Jughead since coming back or spent any time with him alone. She knew they had to talk but it was awkward, she confessed to loving him since they were little and she didn’t want to discuss it with him. Angel loved Sweet Pea, and he knew that, but she also knew a small part of him was jealous of Jughead and what place he still holds in Angel’s heart.
She turns to give him a reassuring smile. He smiles back even though he wasn’t pleased about this, Angel turned to look at Kevin and said unsurely.
“Yeah sure, it sounds like a fun idea, it’s a high school play, what could go wrong?”
Unknown to her these were words she was going to regret later.
Part 11 Preview 
Tag list -  @zoesmama2024 , @mlvgren , @kayleidoscopicworld , @mantleandpea , @kingbouji3 , @randomfanficreader29 , @princess-of-the-fandoms , @everheart12 , @stitchattacks   , @jullamy   , @misskarynie , @superhalsteads , @lolabean1998 , @chicagoblackhawkslover96 , @its-sweetpea , @riverdale-enthusiastt , @lightwoods-look-better-in-black  , @riverdalesserpent , @topstory21  , @helplessquotess , @sweet-jughead , @lilybellsworld  , @inlovewsweetpea  , @potato384 , @soff-ie , @happydaydreamersoul , @marifromtheneighborhood , @northbulldogssouthserpents
79 notes · View notes
chailatterambles · 6 years
Rightful Heir to the Serpent Throne // Sweet Pea Imagine// Ch.2
A/N: Thank-you all so much for the love for this fic. It means so much to me. I hope you enjoy chapter 2. Chapter 1 is on my page if you have not read it yet. I will figure out how to link them together eventually, haha. The next chapter will pick up so stay tuned. Also let me know if anyone wants me to start a tag list for this. Lots of love.
Word Count: 2.2k 
Warnings: Swearing, Slight Violence. 
Synopsis: Serena is 16 years old and daughter to Rascal Jones, FP’s deceased older brother and fellow Serpent. She grew up on the Southside until her father died in a motorcycle accident. Her mother remarried a doctor and Serena was moved to the Northside at just 11 years old. 5 years and a messy divorce have passed and she is back on the Southside with her mom and younger sister. Can Serena pick up where her life left off? Will she be accepted back by her friends? And how will a certain tall dark and handsome serpent change her life?
Sweet Pea’s eyes trailed me up and down. I could feel my face growing more and more red. Finally, his gaze landed on my eyes and his lips broke into a cocky grin,
“So, you’re Serena? Toni never shuts up about ya.” Toni shot him a glare and he chuckled. My god, I might fall over right there. How was this boy so intoxicating? I had known him for all of five seconds. When I came back to reality, I realized I had been staring for way too long. The corners of his mouth were still turned upwards. Doing my best to compose myself I said the first thing that came to mind,
“Yup.” Smooth Serena, I thought. My eyes flickered to Toni and she was giving me the “what the hell?” eyes. I focused back on Sweet Pea, who seemed highly amused. He stood up straight and adjusted his jacket,
“Well, welcome to hell Northside.”
Toni, Fangs, Sweet Pea and I walked through the doors of southside high. We each took our turn going through the metal detector. I watched as Sweet Pea took off his rings and couldn’t help, but hope he would just keep taking things off. Serena stop. I thought to myself. I did not need to be involved with a boy right now. Even if he was one of the sexiest boys I had ever met. Scratch that, sexiest man I had ever met.
Toni helped me find my locker, while Sweet Pea and Fangs stayed close by. They kept giving people looks as they walked by to stare at me. Being the new kid was great. However, it was kind of weird how they were all standing in a semi-circle around me. I shut my locker and turned to Toni,
“Why are Sweet Pea and Fangs standing like that?” She looked over at them and back at me.
“They are making sure that the others know you are with us.” she said nonchalantly. I looked at her questioning,
“Yeah, you know the ghoulies.” She looked at me like I had two heads. She rolled her eyes,
“Serena, I know you know who the ghoulies are. For shit sake your dad was-“I quickly covered her mouth with my hand and shook my head vigorously.
“For the love of god don’t finish that sentence T.” She looked at me wide eyed and peeled my hand off her mouth.
“Why does it matter if people know who your dad was?” she asked just above a whisper. I sighed and glanced to where Sweet Pea and Fangs where standing. I turned my attention back to Toni.
“Look, it is my first day here and I don’t need everyone knowing who my dad was. I don’t want to draw attention myself on my first day.” I said matching her whisper. Suddenly, I felt my eyes go wide,
“Do Sweet Pea and Fangs know who I am?” I whisper yelled at her. She rolled her eyes,
“Oh, you mean how you’re practically serpent royalty and that your dad was the most bad ass leader the serpents ever had?” she answered slightly louder then I would have liked. I shot her a glare and pushed off from the locker,
“Serena, I haven’t told them. They just know you’re my best friend who moved back from the northside recently.” I felt myself relax slightly. I was appreciative of Toni. She knew how private I was about my life, especially anything to do with my dad. I guess she just assumed I didn’t care if the other serpents knew, but I did. I hadn’t decided whether I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps yet. I knew it would be a lot easier to decide if I didn’t have pressure from other people.
The bell rang signalling our first class. Toni groaned in protest and I suddenly felt an arm around my shoulders. I looked over, but was slightly disappointed it was only Fangs.
“Come on Northside, time for your first class.” He said smiling widely. I sighed.
“That nickname is going to stick isn’t it?” Toni and Fangs both nodded. Sweet Pea simply stared off into space, as if I had never said anything. Ignoring me already, glad I made a lasting impression. I pulled my bag tighter on my shoulder and walked to class with my new body guards.
Toni sat beside me, while Fangs sat behind me. Sweet Pea sat behind Fangs while a blonde girl wearing not enough clothing attempted to flirt with him. Sweet Pea gave her a smile and seemed to only be half paying attention.  Still, seeing her get that close and touch his arm really made my blood boil. I whipped back around in my seat and attempted to listen as class started.
After a few painful classes, it was finally lunch. Lucky for me I had Toni in all my classes for the first half of the day. We walked into the cafeteria together. Immediately, I felt several different pairs of eyes on me.
“Come on, we are over here.” Toni said grabbing my hand. I gently pulled out of her grip and she turned to look at me.
“Uh, I am just going to grab something to eat. I’ll be there in a sec.” I gave her a reassuring smile and she walked to the Serpent’s table. I grabbed a few things and plopped them on my tray. Most of the food did not look edible, but I found enough to keep me satisfied until after school. I took a small bite of my veggie wrap and dropped it back on my tray.
Suddenly, a hand snatched my banana from my tray. My head shot up and I was met with a pair of icy blue eyes. He had a sly smirk and was standing way to close for comfort.
“Well, well, well, a little Northsider has lost her way. What’re you doing on these side of the tracks babe?” he sneered. I flinched at his voice. It could peel the paint off a car. I watched him take a bite out of the banana and chew it slowly. Was this meant to be attractive? I felt my stomach churn. I ignored him and pushed past him,
“Move out of the way ghoulie trash.” I snapped back. His hand grabbed my wrist and spun me around. The cafeteria had grown slightly quieter and I knew people were watching our altercation.
“You don’t get to talk to me that way. Nobody gets to talk to me that way” he said inching closer to my face. I wriggled my wrist out of his grasp and pushed him away from me. He stared at me in a mix of shock and anger. I squared my shoulders and stood as tall as I could,
“Touch me again with your disgusting hands and I will smash a crowbar across your knuckles.” I growled. Suddenly, he began to advance towards me. He lunged in my direction and I darted out of the way. In one swift motion, I grabbed my lunch tray, throwing my food off in the process and smashed the tray across his face. He fell to the floor groaning in pain. I could see a small trickle of blood starting to flow from his most likely broken nose. Over did it, I thought. Glancing up, I noticed a familiar crowd of serpents had come to my rescue. I stood up straight trying to play it off. Fangs gazed at me shocked and Tony just stared down at the ghoulie unsurprised. I felt the tray being pulled from my hands gently. Gazing up, I saw it was Sweet Pea. He discarded the tray on the counter, never taking his eyes off the ghoulie sprawled out on the floor.
Finally, Toni tore her eyes away from the boy and stared at me. A small smile crept to her lips,
“We came over to help, but you obviously didn’t need it.” I grinned back at her. Fangs still had a look of shock. He was looking from the ghoulie to me,
“Damn, you are a badass Northside.” He put his hand in the air for a high five. I met it with a loud smack and he grabbed it in fake pain. Toni and I both laughed. Sweet Pea stood there emotionless. He gave a small scoff in the direction of the ghoulie and muttered something under his breath that I didn’t catch.
The four of us walked away from the scene in the cafeteria. Toni looped her arm through mine as we walked to our next class.
“What happened to not drawing attention to yourself hmm?” I rolled my eyes.
“That dickhead started it.” I said defensively. I stopped at my locker and fidgeted with the lock. Toni leaned against the other lockers and started to say something to Fangs. They both nodded, and she turned back to me,
“Fangs and I have to go do something before our next class. If I leave you alone for a few minutes are you going to get into anymore fights?” she teased. Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. I could feel his chest mere inches from my back.
“She won’t be alone. I will keep the little Northside rebel out of trouble.” He said sarcastically. I felt my face go red and Toni noticed. She gave me a knowing smirk and nodded at Sweet Pea.
“I leave her in your capable hands Sweets.” She said before waltzing off with Fangs. Silently, I placed my bag in my locker. I traded it for my Biology book. The entire time I could feels his eyes examining my face. He watched my every more. Finally, I slammed my locker shut.
“Is there a reason your eyes are burning a hole in my face?” I asked as sarcastically as I could. His face broke out in the biggest smile I had seen all day.
“You got a problem with me looking at you?” he said moving a small step closer. Our bodies were almost touching. I could feel the heat radiating from him. My breath had caught in my throat and I knew he was doing it on purpose. That’s it, I thought. No man was going to have this kind of power over me. I moved even closer so that my chest was pressed against his. My face a few inches from his own. I noticed his smile falter.
“Not as long as you like what you see.” I said barely over a whisper. Immediately, I backed away and turned on my heel. I didn’t turn back to see his reaction. He caught up to me quickly. As I reached the classroom, he put his arm out in front of the door blocking my way. He leaned down so close that I could smell the scent of mint on his breath. His face was emotionless.
“Never said I did, but you do you have really pretty eyes.” He said. I felt my cheeks get slightly warmer. Then he gave me a cheeky smile,
“Also, you have had a piece of lettuce stuck in your teeth since lunch.” He waltzed into class as my face turned bright red. Fuck, I thought. I quickly rushed to my desk, using my books as a shield to hide my red face. I heard Sweet Pea chuckle and I gave him a murderous stare. He quieted, but the smile never left his face. Toni and Fangs entered the class and sat down with us. I placed my arms on my desk and let my head fall into them. I was never going to live that one down.
Finally, the end of the day came, and I knew I was already late picking Sawyer up. I walked out of school with the Serpents and we split up. I gave a wave to Fangs and Sweet Pea. Fangs waved back, but Sweet Pea only nodded. I briefly watched them mount their motorcycles before driving off. Toni flipped Fangs off and he returned the favor. We both laughed and continued our way to FP’s trailer.
Before I could even knock on the door, it flew open. Sawyer stood there with a wide grin and threw herself at me. I quickly opened my arms, so she wouldn’t fall on her face.
“Welcome back DeeDee.” She said excitedly. I smiled widely at her.
“Did you have a good day with Uncle FP?” I asked putting her back on her feet. She nodded at me,
“Sure did. We made cards to take to Daddy today.” I felt my face fall slightly. With everything that had happened today, I had forgotten what day it was. FP appeared in the doorway already dressed in his serpent jacket. He gave Toni a nod which she returned.
“Ready to go girls?” We both nodded, and I looked at Toni.
“Do you want to come with T?” she smiled,
“Of course!” she bent down to Sawyer’s level.
“You want a piggy back ride there?” Sawyers face lit up and she nodded. Toni spun around, and Sawyer gladly jumped on her back. She wrapped her arms around Toni’s neck and tucked Rascal between her and Toni. She pointed towards the road,
“Let’s go T.” She commanded. Toni, FP and I laughed. The four of us headed out towards the graveyard. I felt FP’s hand on my shoulder and I looked up at him,
“Sorry, she really wanted to go see him today.” I reached up and squeezed his hand.
“That’s okay, I really need to see him too.”
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fuckyeahsmoshgames · 7 years
REQUESTED: FYSG gif tutorial!
Why hello there!
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First of all: Thank you! ♥ I got this request recently... well, actually, multiple times by now. In the past, I think I just stated which programm I use. This time, I decided I’d make a more ‘in depth’ tutotial because maybe it inspires some folks to actually go and try making gifs themselves. So, let’s do this! :) UNDER THE CUT: ‘In depth’ tutorial with pictures and instructions made by meee.
Because I don’t have any fancy programms like Photoshop, I searched for free gif making options and tested some, this little handy programm called “Instagiffer” worked best for me. It’s absolutely free to use, so no worries about paying anything.
You can download Instagiffer here: http://instagiffer.com/
To use Instagiffer, you don’t NEED to download a video and save it on your computer because you can just input the video URL into the programm, but I recommend doing so, because the loading times are quite something, if you just put in the URL. To download a video, I go to a website called  keepvid.com. Again, free to use and such.  Right on top, you should see this:
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and this is where you just paste the video URL into. Click download. Next up, you should see this: 
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You can either download the complete video (=moving pictures + audio), the video without audio, just the audio or subtitles. You can also decide the resolution to download. Notice that to download the video in 1080p, you need to have a premium account for KeepVid, which means paying for stuff!
Personally, I always download the videos with audio and in 720p (second option from the top). You don’t need the audio for gifs, but this way, if you wanna make a gif with captions of what they’re saying, you’ll still have the option to actually go in and listen to it again if you can’t check YouTube at that time (e.g. no Internet connection or the video gets taken down). Also, 720p is definitely sufficient for making gifs this way - meaning that they will still look nice and high quality and it reduces the size of the product (=the finished gif) by a lot, because remember that Tumblr only allows gifs up to 2MB! Click download on the option you want to save and the video should get saved to your computer.
Open Instagiffer (duh). You should be greeted by this interface:
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Say hello to your new friend Instagiffer (optional). :D To tell the programm which video you want to make gifs of, click the button “LOAD VIDEO” in the top right. Navigate to where you saved your video via KeepVid and look for the file - KeepVid usually puts the video title displayed on YouTube as the file name. Click the file, click open, wait a few seconds for Instagiffer to import the video. When it’s done, all those little sliders will change a little and you will see the first frame of the video as a preview in the space where upon opening Instagiffer there’s just a big black hole. Now it should look like this:
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Now, this is a thing you have in probably every program ever. Let’s look what Instagiffers settings have to offer. File - Here you can change the location in that your new home-made gif will be saved. The default location is on your desktop. Pro Tip: Every new gif that you will ever make with Instagiffer will be saved as a file called ‘insta.gif’. Every. Single. One. So to prevent Instagiffer from overwriting your most recent gif, make sure you change the name of the file before you go ahead and make a new one! Frame - With this, you can do.. a lot of things to the frames apparently, but I have to be honest I have never played around with that, so if you want to, check it out yourself. :) Settings - Remember I said Instagiffer will overwrite the most recent gif? Here, you can toggle that off. Gifs will be called ‘insta001′, ‘insta002′, ... from now on. You can also choose whether or not Instagiffer is allowed to give you ‘social media warnings’ - what are those? For example, Tumblr only allows gifs up to 2MB. If you create a gif that is bigger than 2MB, Instagiffer will give you a little pop-up that reminds you of that.  ‘YouTube Download Quality’ is only important if you download the video ‘via Instagiffer’, which I personally don’t. With the option ‘Configure your logo’ you can actually save a kind of watermark that will display on your gifs, which would save you the hassle of manually setting your username as a caption in each gif. Finally, you can also toggle ‘Extra Gif Compression’ which you abso-fucking-lutely want to do. It reduces the file size by so much, it’s amazing! And I don’t think the quality suffers much. Use it. You can turn up some file size increasing options so much, and it’ll be a much smaller file size while at the same time having way more quality. To be exact, making the same gif with extra compression, I can approximately increase the Smoothness by up to 1.5 which means 1.5x - 2x the frames and still have a nice quality gif below 2MB file size. (varies with giffed video, because things like movement and lighting/brightness of colors greatly impact the file size). Use it.
Voilà, there’s the preview! In the big black hole on the right, you’ll always get a preview of the ‘portion’ of the video that you selected (starting time + length of the gif). You can go through it with the slider and/or arrow buttons below it. Clicking the arrows means going forth (arrow on the right) / back (arrow on the left) one frame, holding them results in fast-forwarding (or ‘fast-reverse-ing’) the whole thing.
Below the preview, you have the number of frames the selected part of the video has, which frame you’re currently looking at (”Frame x / y”) and the dimensions of the gif and the ratio of those dimensions. You can change the dimensions with the slider labeled “Frame Size” (see section ‘LEFT SIDE’).
Notice the red frame around the preview? This is the portion of the viewable region you selected. It’s always the whole thing by default. If you wanna cut something off, you can do so by dragging the two red little squares (top left and bottom right of the preview image) until you are satisfied with the viewable region.
Right clicking the preview results in a preview of the current frame of the soon-to-be-gif with all the options you set.
Double clicking the preview results in deleting the current frame. There are good resons to delete single or multiple frames (e.g. because the frame doesn’t belong to the moment you wanted to gif, it’s too blurry, the camera panned, ...)!
Pro Tip: If you intend to delete multiple frames, let’s say you wanna delete 5 frames, you would need to click 6 times in quick succession OR wait a second between each double click, resulting in 5 double clicks. Otherwise, you’d delete more frames than you intended to, because if you do it in quick succession, 5 double clicks would be like 9 deleted frames because Instagiffer counts the second click as the first of the next double click.. if that makes sense. :b Just play around with it, you’ll learn what Instagiffer behaves like with that pretty quickly! Keep in mind that when you deleted a frame you didn’t intend to delete, you have to reload the part of the video you want to gif. That can easily be done by changing one of the sliders or slightly changing the start time (by like a split second).
Look at the slider thingies on the left side. Instagiffer sets the sliders to these values by default upon loading a video. And let me tell you, this is actually quite a good preset to make gifs! More details why later on.
Time Slider: I don’t ever use this one, I think it’s easier to navigate to the start time of your frame by just looking at the timecode in the actual video. If you wanna use it, go ahead, I’ll be working with the thing below this and just enter the start time with my own two hands and keyboard. :b
Length Thingy: This means what amount of seconds Instagiffer loads for you to make a gif of. Instagiffer puts 3.0 seconds as the gif length by default. And this is also the length I always work with, I rarely ever change this. I’ll tell you why later on.
Smoothness Slider: “Smoothness” of the gif, meaning how many fps the product will have. More frames = file size goes up.
Frame Size Slider: This determines the dimensions of the finished gif, like x pixels in height, y pixels in length. More frame size = bigger dimensions = file size goes up.
Quality Slider: Pretty self-explanatory, the quality of the gif you’re about to make. More quality = file size goes up.
Brightness Slider: Determines the brightness of the gif. If the portion of the video you wanna make a gif of is a bit dark, maybe play around with that slider a bit. Just like in photo manipulation basically. Basically the brighter a gif is = file size goes up. This also goes for ‘naturally’ bright videos, meaning if you didn’t even touch the brightness slider, which I usually don’t ever do.
Playback Rate Slider: With this, you can speed the gif up or make it slowmotion basically.
I think this should be everything that’s like the most important stuff about the sliders. Let’s move on toooo...
Captions really are an optional thing. You can add some by clicking on the drop down menu below all the sliders on the left. I mean... if you can read, you have probably guessed that by now because that’s exactly what the drop down thingy says, haha. I think you can probably add as many captions as you want. When you click the drop down menu, you get to see this:
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This is again the default that Instagiffer will prepare for you. As you can see you type what you want your caption to see in the thing on the top, then you can select a font, the size, color (basically an RGB thing), it’ll show you a nice little sample. With style, you can make your caption be in a regular font type thing, bold, italic or bold+italic. Also, there’s a ton of positions you can chose your caption to appear in (top, bottom, centered, one of those + left or right, ...). You can give your font an outline (0 = no outline, 15 = very fat outline), a shadow and even change the opacity. You can animate your caption (blinking, going from left to right, going up and down) and give it additional effects (the thing that says ‘off’ in the image above). If you chose to put effects on your gif (explained later on), you can chose to make them apply on the captions or not. The thing on the bottom determines on which frames your caption will be visible. If you wanna put your username on it, kinda like a watermark, it’s best to let this caption show from start to finish. If you wanna put multiple quote captions on there, just determine in which frames the person says it and set the ending frame of the caption to the frame in which the person stops talking. This way, you can have multiple captions show one after the other in the same position. Remember that you need to put each quote in a seperate caption and assign the start/end frames accordingly tho! :) If you want to delete a caption, just select it and delete the text in there. In the drop down menu it will show “[deleted]” until you load a new video or reopen Instagiffer, but it’s defintely not gonna show up again. 
Whoo, we reached the last crucial button! The menu looks like this:
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In there, you can just choose some instagram-like filters and effects for your gif. Please note that checking the “Enhance” option increases the file size BY A LOT. Generally speaking, turning ‘enhance’ off makes your gif look a little more smudgey, which in most cases looks better in my opinion. But it’s entirely up to you. Maybe just make the same gif twice, one with the option turned on, one with it turned off, and compare them. Then continue with the option that looks looks best for you. I don’t exactly know how the other options affect the file size though because I don’t really use them.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So... yeah. That’s it, I think? We pretty much covered all of the buttons, sliders and what they do. If I forgot anything, just hit me up with an ask and I’ll answer as detailed and quickly as possible and add this to this tutorial! :)
Working with Instagiffer is a lot of trial and error to be completely honest. It really took me quite some time when I started out (maybe also because I have never ever made my own gifs before) and it’s still trial and error everytime. Just play around with it a little bit, no one is born a master and making gifs is just a finicky task! Nevertheless I will tell you which settings I usually use to make max quality gifs (=just below 2MB file size)! Maybe someone’s interested haha. Please notice that these extact settings are for ‘full screen viewable’ gifs, meaning that I gif the whole thing without cutting something off. :) - Extra Compression: Turned ON. I can’t stress how amazing it is. :b - Length: 3 Seconds. Works great for gifs with captions of what is said imo. - Smoothness: ~15. Really depends on the video. - Quality: 100. - Frame Size: 39. The gif will be 499x281 pixels, which works great for Tumblr, because I think there is (or was?) a thing about Tumblr that does (or did??) not allow gifs in posts to be bigger than 500px. - Brightness and Playback Rate are things I usually leave at 0. - Enhance (Fx and Filters menu): Turned OFF. If you use captions on your gifs, you can choose colors, font size and all that to be whatever you want of course. But if somebody’s interested in my usual settings, here they are.  The font I always use is Arimo. For whatever reason. :b ‘Watermark’: 9 px, white, regular, no outline, no shadow Quote captions: 15px, bold, 3px outline, with shadow, colors vary. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Yeah. This is gonna be it, I think. Believe it or not, I worked on this 2 afternoons, even though I’m not sure if anybody is ever gonna read it or will actually profit from this. But I really hope so! If you actually try this or you’re already a master in instagiffing, please hit me up with some feedback if I missed anything, said something that’s completely wrong or explained anything in a confusing way! I’d love to help (or correct myself, lol). Thanks for reading and happy giffing, Jacky
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spiralatlas · 7 years
Pax 2017 Panels day 1
Today was an unrivaled success. I didn’t break anything.
Western Dating Sims: Beyond Tsunderdome
Are we having fun: Playing games critically
The State of Queer in games
Western Dating Sims: Beyond Tsunderdome
Barbara Kerr https://ms45.itch.io/ Jack Crnjanin Pritika Sachdev Cassiel Kelner localiser, translates from Japanese to English Shakari former insomniac now indie Jess Zammit games critic Queerly represent me
Not a competition between Western and Japanese dating sims, both are good. But there are trends.(The panel talked a bit about Japanese games too anyway)
Main difference: more established genre in Japan, less accepted in the West.
Basic framework: generic main character. Selection of different kinds of love interests, often very tropey. Situations range from mundane to fantastical.
Kenka Bancho Otome  Dating sim where you are crossdressing as your brother at a fighting school and have to beat the boys to get them to respect. (Not available in English but checking the spelling lead me to an anime adaptation on Crunchyroll, no idea if it’s any good)
Often don't have much family, no mention of that background.
Freshman and Sophomore cute have f/f. (Couldn’t find links for these, sadly)
Saying exactly what somebody wants to hear until they kiss you- is that bad?
Everyone showered DAO characters with gifts.
Desire in the west to mirror the complexity of real relationships.
Examples mentioned: Cute Demon Crashers, Lady Killer In A Bind.
Strategic dating is good:
choose a character you will definitely like
clear differentiation between characters
 learn how to interact with people
Kindness Coins: dating sims are safe. I can't be hurt, if I get scared I can shut it down. Safe space. Explore sex, relationships, communication.
Counterpoint: Strategic dating is bad:
replicates shitty real life behaviour "I was nice to you, you should date me", like blaming FPS for violence
Not much fun for the developer
Complex games justify complex mechanics
Tusks: gay orc dating sim. Can enable NPC autonomy. harder than he expected.
Queer relationships (Queer and gay used as synonyms a lot this panel :/) Producing your own games allows you to reflect yourself Coming Out On Top: straight dev, lots of consultation. A bit tropey in parts but not too bad. Tusks: complex variables & approval w queer orcs Lady Killer In A Bind BDSM safety warnings in loading screens The Crown and The Flame it's good to be the queen. Pixelberry just lets you bang anybody. Kind of have to pay to follow the f/f path fully in some games.
Further recs:
Astoria Fate's Kiss: greek gods and mythological figures. Equal partnership with Hades. Medusa's story is full of queer characters, often you feel like the only queer character in a game, normalises it. Alex is non binary.
Brooktown High cheesy typical highschool game. Can be a boy or girl but have to be m/f. A bit dated, so bad that it's good. PSP game.
Pixelberry Choices: can date m or f, choose stuff about PC.
Dream Daddy is a very straight gay game but fun.
Date or Die.  
A game about dating Japanese warlords that may or may not be Destiny’s Princess
The Arcana
Paris the City of Love
Fire Emblem: Fates
Great Personality
There was a liveplay of part of Dream Daddy. The audience voted overhwhelmingly to talk to Damien first.
Are we having fun: Playing games critically
Rami Ismail: @tha_rami Alayna Cole: @AlynaMCole Dakoda Barker: @JiroJames David Hollingworth: @CPTHollingworth Jess Zammit: zammitjess
Distinction between playing for work and fun?
We do this because we like games, except for the games we do in fact hate.
Rami: Started making games before he started playing, modding code in simple ways in QBASIC (this is also how I got started).
Alayna: Being paid in neocoins to make people's profiles. Didn't realise until after highschool that coding skills could be used to make games.
(And then I stopped keeping track of who said what)
Took a while to realise it could actually be a job.
Having been a critic changes the experience, doesn't make it less fun just different. Same with reading or watching tv when you're a writer.
Yonder the cloud catcher chronicles: playing to review took away from her enjoyment because she had to get a review done quickly when it's supposed to be played in a slow, relaxing way.
As a creator he’s looking for shortcuts and tricks. Walks back and forth to test out where he thinks a loading point is. "Did you see that cool action scene?" vs "Did you see that cool slow zoom??"
Played intro area of Mario Odyssey. This is so good I’m angry, time to pack up the games industry.
"I wish I could do that"
Used to be a rule never to give 10/10. Now they do it if they just really love a game.
Have to put a game down to play the next one, it’s frustrating.
Criticism doesn't have to be finding flaws but can be figuring out how it works. Creator’s job is to trick the player into believing that the world of the game is real and the plot is important.
What does it mean to you to play games critically?
Looking at the game means looking at the creator. What are they trying to do or say? How do they execute it? Even AAA games have a group of humans behind them.
Rami cheerfully ruined games for everyone eg FIFA goalies perform worst at the end to give more last minute wins. Every game with percentages is lying. If you are told it's 50% accuracy people expect not to lose more than one time in a row. Humans think stuff is "fair" when it's in their favour.
"It's a platformer where you shoot things...about love." How is that mechanic making you feel love?
Bad games can be informative. Earth Defense Force. Defending cities from giant ants. "I want ants. 1000!" "That can't work with the frame rate" "AND LASERS."
Every bit of a game is controlled. Someone chose every detail to be the way it is. Ask why it is the way it is.
Good to question the choices people see as default. "Did you notice every character is a white dude?" Things that are considered important vs things that are just made "the default"
Is there a conflict as both critic and developer? Even the positive feedback made him feel bad, he just focused on any negative aspect. Conscious as a reviewer of not attacking the developer themselves. Still write spiteful humourous reviews, but avoid attacking developer, know there are things they can do better.
Giving feedback is hard. Rather than questioning intent, help them achieve their intent better.
By the time you get most negative feedback, you know about the flaws, have heard about it all before. Let people be angry for three weeks, then fix. Half the time they end up fine with it.
People who play a game a lot will say it's too easy, if you listen to them you’ll make a game that puts off new players.
A player might say "this weapon is too strong" but they mean "the boss is too easy" or "you get the weapon too early". Listen, but not too hard.
Multiplayer game, teams supposed to be balanced, but one team kept winning. Turned out one had louder guns, made them more aggressive so they won.  FEEDBACK IS HARD.
Who you are giving the feedback to makes a big difference. A student, a friend, a developer you want to help, asked to write a snarky review.
Games CAN be fun, but expecting them to be JUST that is reductive. Games can let you feel something, find catharsis.
We are affected by everything we engage with.
Games are part of a wider industry. Pays peoples wages, needs to be looked at critically.
Even if it's just fun for you, someone else might have a different experience from the same game. I won't tell you what games are for you and you don’t tell me what games are for me.
If you're at PAX you spent money to be here, you care.
"just" for fun implies “fun” is not a great value.
Knowing his game helped someone in hospital deal with pain.
If you want to be a good game maker, play lots of games and see how they're made. Keeping a journal of every game he plays.
If you are playing a game and feel something, figure out why.
When giving a student a game, give them a challenge like "explain X to me", so they have guidance, a direction to go in.
Thinking critically in a fun way: fun to write reviews when you're angry. Critical isn't negative, just more active.
You can't force players to engage in any specific way, just make the game and let them do their thing.
Some players will get really angry anyway so just make your game.
Hype can work against you as a reviewer, makes it hard to be objective if the game disappointed you. Can also be hard to say you loved a game if everyone else hated it.
Balance frustration with a sense of achievement. Frustration is a tool, as is a grind. The “random” drops aren’t entirely random: if you haven't gotten anything good in a while it'll give you something nice, and if you get a good drop too early it gets held back. Testing, see how people feel. If people aren't complaining you're doing something wrong. If everyone complains about all classes it's balanced.
Nanojam 3.0: Wacky Live Game Design
Jason Imms, Rami Ismail, Paul Verhoeven, Leonie Yue, Maize Wallin, Lucy Morris
So a little before this started my body went NOPE NOPE NAP TIME, and while I did manage to drag myself in near the end I wasn’t up to taking notes. I had a great time though, it was hilarious. The panel got given silly ideas for games and brainstormed them together, while an artist drew illustrations.
The State of Queer in games
Ashton McAllen @acegiak Saf Davidson @wanderlustin Charlie Francis kennedy @CharliethGfish Alayna Cole @alynamcole queerly represent me Jess Zammit @zammitjess David Hollingworth @cpthollingworth
What have the panelists played in 2017 that was really good queer rep:
Horizon Zero Dawn subtle, sidequests, feels very natural
Tacoma lesbian couple part of the main cast. Very cute, positive and real.
Miss Fisher's Murder Mystery has cute background f/f couple.
Life is Strange Before the Storm isn't very gay yet but is going to be.
Mighty Games added queer couple to the background of Charming Rooms, support for marriage equality in update in Shooty Skies. Good place to work, big "Vote Yes" sign on the window.
Dream Daddy: lets you choose your previous partner and how child was born, cool as an adopted person. (Also makes it easier to play trans character)
Pyre: choose pronouns
Lady Killer In A Bind lets you skip sex scenes, has an option in the menu you can change at any time. 
Night in the Woods. Background m/m couple.
Little moments that people enjoyed:
Heartstruck app dating sim (you ate the daughter of a president) LI actually SAYS she is bi. (not sure if the same as Lovestruck?)
Hacknet Labyrinths: Incidental queer content is good, rather than PLOT TWIST THEY'RE TRANS.
Criminal Case Pacific Bay: Background f/f in a hidden object game.
Recs from audience:
Overwatch made Tracer a lesbian, but only in extended content. In that case not so bad because of the nature of the game. All back stories are extended content (compare to harry Potter). She has a line in the game where she mentions her girlfriend.
Tides of Torment Numenara: 2 body types and 3 pronouns.
Stumbling blocks and salt:
Mass Effect Andromeda: had trans character tell you her deadname. At least they fixed it.
Where are the explicitly ace and bi characters??
Lost phone turns out to be owned by trans woman, feels really vouyeuristic, inspiration porn. No agency or voice.
Why isn't there more incidental queerness??? So easy!!
Don't rec stuff to us JUST because it's queer if it's not something we'd enjoy. 
Only representation is aliens and robots.
Even in most games with incidental queerness it's a tiny drop in a sea of heteronormativity.
South Park lets you pick your gender etc and you get attacked for whatever it is. The fact it happens to cis people won't make it less awful for trans characters. Game designers need to talk to people with diverse POVs and have diverse teams.
Why not 3 body types, or sliders? Saints Row is the bar.
Encountered none as a reviewer of AAA games over 2017 (was playing as a dude in Mass Effect Andromeda and got bored before encountering any queer content)
Can make Shelob a sexy woman but not add queerness to Tolkein??
Annoyed that it's SO notable that a character has a gender neutral pronoun option.
As a trans person I am escaping my shitty life as a trans person, I don't need that in a game.
List of demands:
Gender neutral pronoun options if there’s a gender/pronoun choice. Charlie will help you.
Bisexual anything.
Asexual humans.
Robots having sex.
Incidental queers.
Explicitly non binary characters, not necessarily androgynous.
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lantsovluck · 7 years
Under the Tree (High School!Riverparents AU) part 2
part 1
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I’m a disaster. I’ll try to get more parts up more regularly from now on. Also this is VERY heavily FP x Alice content (and I also feel like it’s very dialogue heavy sorry)
Warnings: swearing, underage drinking
Word count: 1555
“Holy shit.” I whispered underneath my breath as I pulled up to Hiram’s house. I looked to the girls and all of them had the same awestruck expression on their faces.
“He lives here?” Mary asked, her eyes wide.
“I always knew he had money, but I had no idea he had money.” I said, my eyes moving over to the cars lining the driveway. If I sold one of those cars I could pay for my college tuition! I thought to myself as the five of us stepped out of my station wagon. As we approached the front door, I heard another car pull up to the driveway, and I turned my head to see who it was.
“They actually came.” I whispered at the sight of FP Jones and Fred Andrews stepping out of Fred’s car.
“Well, well, well! What do we have here?” Hiram approached us from the front door, his eyes trained on Hermione.
“I believe you have seven guests arriving for a party.” Hermione replied with a smug smile on her lips.
“Sev-” Hiram looked puzzled until he saw Fred and FP approach from behind us. “Oh, yes. Seven! Well come on inside.” Hiram stepped aside and gestured for us to enter the house.
 I didn’t think it was possible to be more impressed by the Lodge residence, but the grand foyer proved me wrong. It was decorated tastefully with assumably one of a kind paintings hung neatly on the wall.
“Well I sure do feel out of place.” FP whispered in my ear from behind.
“That makes two of us.” I responded before following my friends deeper into the mansion. I stuck close to Hermione as we found our way to the drinks.
“This is by far the fanciest party I’ve been to since I’ve been in high school.” Hermione stated as we surveyed the drink selection. “There’s not even any cheap gas station beer. I’ve seen my dad drink this stuff, he doesn’t just drink anything, either.” Just what I needed, another thing to make me feel out of place.
 It would have been refreshing to crack open a cold one with the girls finally have something to drink to take the edge off of the party, but as the driver I couldn’t drink anything. Eventually I was left near the drinks table alone as my friends mingled with the upper class. I couldn’t help but feel as if most of the partygoers were judging me, so I chose to stick to the outer edges of the party. Luckily, a fellow southsider was lurking along the back wall as well.
“Great party.” FP commented, leaning against the wall next to me.
“Oh yeah. Best party ever.” I responded sarcastically.
“You know, I can’t even pronounce the name of some of those drinks. I swear, it’s not even a word!” I laughed as FP took another sip of his beer.
“Maybe it’s a rich people thing. They think because they have money they can just make up their own words and those below them will use them because they secretly long to fit in with the bourgeoisie.” I suggest.
“See! There’s another one. Is that even a word? Because I don’t think it is.”
“Well, if you paid attention in world history you would know that it is a word.” I smiled, turning my eyes from my friends who were dancing to FP, who was already looking at me.
“Well, if you paid attention at school maybe you would know that southsiders aren’t generally accepted at Lodge parties.” FP stared directly into my eyes as he spoke. “Then maybe neither of us would be uncomfortably trying to conversate to distract ourselves from the inevitable discomfort found at rich boy parties.” I held FP’s gaze as I thought over his words.
“I’d hardly call this an uncomfortable conversation, and I’d also like to point out that at least one quarter of those words are probably fake rich people words.” I smiled causing FP to chuckle to himself.
“You’re something else, Alice.” FP’s eyes began to wander down from my eyes to my lips and I could feel my heart beating faster.
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” I responded, trying to keep my cool. FP started to lean forward and I closed my eyes, waiting for what would happen next when Hiram Lodge started yelling, causing both of us to jump apart.
“Hey! You step away from her!” Hiram shouted. I shifted my eyes to see Fred talking to Hermione, who was wearing a deep blush as she hid her face from all the bystanders.
“I’m sorry?” Fred asked as Hiram drunkenly stumbled toward the two of them. I felt FP tense next to me.
“Hermione is a woman of standards! She would never settle for someone like…” Hiram made a face of disgust. “You.” as soon as the word left his mouth FP was practically running towards his best friend. As FP stepped between Hiram and Fred, I maneuvered my way through the crowd to Hermione, who was frozen as she stared at the drunken boy who was threatening her new friend.
“I think you’ve had enough to drink, Hiram.” FP said, standing protectively between the boys.
“Move out of the way, snake.” Hiram said, trying to push his way past him to Fred.
“No, I think I’ll stay right here.” FP said as he pushed Hiram back. The move caused a gasp to break through the crowd. The way Hiram reacted, you would have thought that FP just punched him in the face.
“I’m gonna give you one more chance to move out of my way, friend.” Hiram stressed the last word, lacing it with a venom that I had never heard before.
“Who you calling friend, jackass?” FP said, taking a menacing step toward his opponent.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I must have used too complex of a sentence. I said move.” Hiram sneered, but I could see the fear in his eyes.
“I think we should just leave.” I interjected, stepping closer to the boys.
“That sounds like a good plan, Alice.” FP said, tearing his gaze from Hiram’s and slapping his hand on Fred’s shoulder. “Let’s go, Fred.”
“Yeah, run away!” Hiram shouted after them.
“Oh, grow up.” Hermione rolled her eyes as she and I followed Fred and FP out the door.
“Guess I could have driven, since we’re already leaving early.” Hermione tried to lighten the mood, and I chuckled as we walked down to my car.
“What the hell happened?” Amelia shouted from the front door, jogging down the driveway flanked by Mary and Maria.
“Oh you know, drunk rich boy looking for a fight.” FP responded from his seat in Fred’s car. I looked over at him and he just shook his head before the two best friends disappeared into the night.
“Was he fighting over you?” Maria asked Hermione.
“They didn’t actually fight!” Hermione protested.
“Well if it wasn’t for FP they were about to start throwing punches!” Mary exclaimed, causing Hermione to hide her head in her hands.
“Can we not talk about this right now?” Hermione requested.
“Okay, not right now. But we fully expect a full report at lunch on Monday!” Maria said before the five of us got into my car and began to drive home.
 After dropping off all of the girls at their houses, I made my lonely drive home. As I drove home I thought about FP and our almost-kiss.
“What could that mean?” I wondered aloud. “Was is because he was drunk? Was it just the moment?” I racked my brain for every possible explanation but couldn’t find one that made sense to me. As I pulled into my driveway, my confusion was intensified by the sight of FP Jones on my porch. I turned off my car and slowly got out of the driver’s seat.
“What are you doing here?” I asked, walking slowly towards him.
“Honestly, I have no idea.” He replied, stuffing his hands into the front pockets of his jeans. We just stood there in silence as we stared at each other, waiting for the other to speak.
“I guess I want to thank you.” FP said.
“Thank me for…” I trailed off.
“You kinda saved my ass back there. Thank you.”
“Well, you’re welcome. I didn’t want to be perpetually banned from rich boy parties, so I couldn’t let you blow that for me.” I smiled and he laughed. It felt good to make him laugh.
“Oh yeah, I’m sorry. I was so careless, I didn’t even think about you and your future party plans.”
“It’s okay, everything worked out. Just be more careful next time.”
“Next time?” FP’s face changed to one of confusion.
“You kinda saved the night for me. So if I ever get dragged to a mansion party, expect an invitation.” I smiled before walking up the steps to my front door.
“Just be ready for me to ask you how to pronounce everything.” FP joked and I smiled.
“I think that’s a price I’m willing to pay.” I smiled. “Goodnight, FP.”
“Goodnight, Alice.”
I took one last glance at FP before I opened the door and stepped inside. I sighed as I closed the door.
Boy am I in some deep shit now.
Please let me know what you think!
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