#how i needed to shave my legs. like he wouldnt stop he kept going on abt how everyone would laugh at me + how i needed to do it
most of the time i really don't care but. today i'm feeling a bit sad that i don't think i'll ever be able to tell my dad i'm queer. and i know it's literally so stupid to think about and its not that bad or anything but just. gahhh idk. i'm just a bit angry and sad bc i feel like it would change everything + i'd just let him down. GAHHHHH :) okay anyways back to the main program....
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bioodorange · 3 years
||How I See The Pastas||
© @frozensriracha, for some help with visuals!!
This was originally supposed to be how they looked but I decided to go for mental aspect and explain why as well PLEASE like, reblog and share your thoughts on this in the comments or inbox
Below the desciptions are images i’ve compiled and some art (if you know the creator please tell me so i can credit them) for a visual
dont forget to like reblog and share your thoughts with me, I spent a few days on this so i’d appreciate this
Jeff the Killer
So lets start with the obvious- jeffs pasty white toothpaste lookin skin
But realistically he wouldn’t be completely covered in scars
It would be blotchy, with pink fleshy patches among the burns
He most likely has contracture scars, third degree burns that turn the skin a pale white and tighten the skin
This explains his gaunt features and skin color
Now we have to take into account the vodka that was splashed on him, he’d probably have worse burns there with exposed flesh and damaged nerves
This would result in gnarly exposed skin, a damaged scalp and maybe damage to his teeth and eyes
Realistically, Jeff wouldnt have burned off his eyelids that alone would have resulted in blindness and death
Than his smile, his signatuure mark would probably be more of a gangly bloody scar mess
Pastas heal faster and aren’t really human, he’d have to recut his smile pretty frequently making it pretty jacket up because ltes be honest hes far from clean
ANd than his hait being chard black is very unlikely because as nasty as he is he s h o w e r s
not very frequnetly given his living situation and untreated burns but people can figure out how to wash hait and not much else
also i think its funny he’d shower with a plastic bag on his face to avoid getting soap in his nasty infected scars-
His hair would probably be dry and cut unevenly, more of a dark brown color with blonde undertones
Not to mention his burned scalp, hair probably wouldn’t grow there so he’d have a cool unintentional side shave
Jeff would also be a tall individual, he cant really eat, snacking on things from his victims homes giving him a more skeletal build
His personality and mindest is about as pretty as his face- but he most likely has a very screwed up headspace
Lacking in self care, maturity and sanity its fair to say he’d be a brash and violent person
Fun Fact: While researching this I learned that some versions of the joker had facial scars in the shape of a smile
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Ticci Toby
So tobys age, unlike a lot of pastas, is pretty well agreed on, 19
So unlike when he was first a proxy toby most likely has stronger facial features and facial hair
Because shaving and hygiene isn’t first priority for pastas (gross-)
He stands around 5′7 and has grayish skin
Toby i feel is picky about foods, not only is it hard for him to eat its hard for him to keep food down
He’s malnourished explaining his thin figure and grayish skin
His hait is dark brown and a curlish mess, unkempt but short so it doesn’t get in his way
I’ve always seen him with a small gap in his teeth, because I can
And since toby can’t feel shit I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to eat rocks simply because he fuckin could
So some chipped teeth that are a bit uneven
Along with his CIPA and not eating enough Toby would bruise easily and have lots of scars, from things like cutting his finger on accident or getting mauled by a racoon
I wouldn’t be surpised if some of his joints were a bit screwed up, because whenever theyd beak or fracture he wouldn’t notice, this would probably happen a lot causing them to not heal correctly
One of tobys habits is nailbiting but he cant te;; when too far is too far
His fingers may be abit odd looking, knobby and discolored nails because of how exetreme his habit is
Would most likely have bandages around his fingers frequently to prevent the habit
So theres a lot of debate about tobys cheek was it the CIPA or the car accident, I beileve the accident because his other cheek is completely fine, theres damage from the OUTSIDE to inside and considering his sister died in the accident its unlikely he survived unscathed
Fun Fact: only a small handful of people have ever been diagnosed with CIPA, less than 500 (documented) cases around the world
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Bloody Painter
So Helen is often seen as quiet emo painter boy 
but uh no <3
Personaly i beileve he suffers from narcisistic personality disorder, exetreme importance and that he is always victorious and gets what he wants
This sporuts from the constant heavy invalidation from classmates, toxic friends and neglect from his parents
He doesn’t hang out with people because he doesn’’t lie them its because they never let him in the past and he beileves he’s better than them
But this also links to deep rooted insecurity and social anxiety/being inept completely
Him being nice is basically so you like him, he wants validation amd admiration not love
Unlike the other pastas he’d be a more clean well kept one a helthy figure and some tattoos bevause he can
I beileve he lives in socity, finding hus victims in girls and men alike who fall for his charm
he uses hhis skill and ordinary appearance to blend in on the streets
From his behavior helen most likely keeps his hair a bit shorter and clean
He always looks his best
Has chapped, and picked at lips because of his anxieties
Aswell as his breakdowns- his identity is completely in his head, he is very unsure of who he is and takes the delusions in his mind as reality
Unrelated but paino fingers-
And finally in order for his art to be as perfect and amazing as him, he has to be apart of it
Thus using his own blood in his pieces and the body parts of those he admires
Covers his scars with clean bandgaes
But his paintings turn brown and dry out, he’s always in need of a new medium
Is most likely anemic from all the blood he looses and has a paler skintone
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ahh yes finally someone who knows what self care is-
helen, i love you buddy but you need to stop 
But anyway natalie has a stronger, athletic build
She often chases her victims and gets in altercations, relying on strength most  of the time
on that same note, this would defintelty cause many scars on natalie
Wether it was a bite mark or scars from a kitchen knife, shes got lots of scars
A few even on her face
Now, for the clock in her eye that thing is like holding her skull together at this point, realistically
She is probably delicate and cares for it becaise 1) it hurts 2) if it gets screwed up that could cause a lot of problems
natalie would be a smart person, I wouldn’t be surprused if she had a few other stray stitches or bandgaes wrapped around a fresh wound
For more visual-ish things uh m u l l e t (credit: @cum-looking-sock-mf in a chat like 4 months ago)
She has one, fight me on it
but also thick and curlish hair so I also riase you
just y e s
I can also see her getting tattoos over certain scars on her arm, just to make them look not so ugly
I feel like clockwork wishes things worked out better
Wishes for another chance but knows she’ll never get one
Thus her taking goof care of herself
Natalie throws herseld into her “work”, keeping her body in shape and killing people
Its a way to avoid her life and that it is- a huge, sad mess
Shes an outgoing impulsive individual, confident but questions her actions
She’s also unstable- protective and loyal but explosive and strong 
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Jane the Killer
Jane is the final one, im sorry I couldn’t do more theres a photo limit and I wanna bash my head into the wall
Now a main different between her and jeff is she had surgery and lie treatment
Janes skin is still greatly scarred but it is greatly healed
She takes care of it and had skin grafts
Her face is disfigured, a scarred smile and burns around
But unlike Jeff she doesn’t recarve the cut so its a cleaner line and a lot healthier
Janes hair took a rather long time to grow back, but it did! 
She has a slightly long pixie cut a bit choppy but she doesn’t mind
Her wife definetely cuts it for her and you can fight me over that
I can see Jane having a lot of facial trauma, scars around her nose and cheeks
She was young when she started killing and went for the over the person, pin them down kill which didn’t work out
She switched to a silenced pistol after awhile, you know like a smart person
Janes arms and legs are in alright condition where most of the burn trauma is on her back
She has a leaner but healthy figure but like boobs-
Like clockwork and Helen she takes care of herself
She doesn’t kill as frequently, going after a few of jeffs victims before him and is of course, actively hunting him down
Her eyes are a pale green and she wears makeip to fill in her eyebrows because those bitches take a long time to grow back
fun fact: jeff has no eyebrows, fight me
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wolferals · 4 years
arón piper imagine
🌼@bbaronpiper and I wanted to try something and got some basic keywords for a story and both of us wrote our own interpretation! A so seen little project🌼 hope you like it🌸
and check out her story as well TROUBLE
also check out her writings, shes amazing! @bbaronpiper
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friday july 12th 2019
„Have you ever considered becoming a vegan officer?" you asked the tall handsome cop who sitting in front of you.
He looked at you in disbelief before speaking up:"Y/n, its one thing being a proud vegan but its another thing to carry out violet actions against Mr. Rodriguez. You overreacted and you have to deal with the consequences."
You scoffed and leaned back against your chair.
„And how long is that going to take here?"
He slowly lifted himself up from the wooden chair and turned to you once again, saying:"Apologize to him and maybe he wont sue you."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
He was the one who had provoked you by pushing you out of the way, making you fall. You had just asked him what that had been for and he had responded:"Get out of the way little girl. Maybe go to school instead of protesting against something you cant stop. Maybe eating some meat wouldnt harm you."
And yes maybe you had overreacted by kicking him in his left leg. But how were you supposed to know he had just had surgery?
When you had heard about the protest against animal cruelty in the middle of Madrid you had immediately called your best friend to tell her to make some signs.
And that said friend was now hiding somewhere, just as the cops had arrived she left you alone and ran.
In that very moment you could've screamed but you were too busy trying to hide. But they caught you eventually, thats why you were here.
„Alright Ms. Y/l/n, we only need your personal details and then you can go. You will receive a letter from us in the next week."
You looked up and listened to the police man talking to you. Then you grabbed your bag that's been sitting on the floor throughout this time and walked outside.
„Alright, sit down." An older woman ordered you.
You unwillingly sat down on another chair in the main area of the police station.
There were two other people you noticed. A young girl, maybe around the age of 11 who had probably lost her parents in the city. And a rather damaged boy your age, perhaps a little bit older, who had scars in his face.
Your gaze fell to his hand that had bleeding knuckles.
He noticed your stare and looked at you.
He didnt look very charming you figured. He looked pretty serious and was probably one of those guys that got into fights on the regular or maybe even did drugs.
„Full name." the unpleasant female cop yelled at you.
You looked at her and then took a deep breath. Your parents would kill you, but you had no choice, you were already in deep shit.
„Y/n (y/m/n) y/l/n)" you spoke and looked to the ground.
The lady mustered you and eventually wrote down the information.
„Birthday", „Place of birth" , „family status (parents names and birthdays)"  and other personal information followed. You unwillingly answered each time.
Great, now you were officially fucked.
„Wait here." She said after she slammed the „questionnaire" on the front desk where a young woman took it and started typing something on her computer.
So you just sat there for what felt like an eternity until another police officer entered the room and grabbed a chair to sit in front of the guy with the bruises.
„Alright. So, beating up teenagers is now cool or why did you do it?" he asked him while leaning back.
The guy just laughed and then replied:"First of all, they are not teenagers, they are over 18. And second, this fucker wanted to rob me. I just defended myself."
You listened interested until they both looked at you, making you look away rapidly.
„So you're saying that this boy who is about 5'6 wanted to rob a man who already has a criminal record?"
The guy nodded and added:"I know how this sounds but look what he did to me! The guy can do karate. I just hit back to run away."
The officer took a long breath in before answering:"Well too bad you got caught and are already very well known here Arón."
The guy suddenly looked very mad again and leaned towards the old police man.
„I didnt fucking start this!"
The man got up, put the chair back to its original position and said:"I'll get the report ready Mr Piper."
The guy cursed and then leaned back against the wall.
You were looking at his face. The bruises you had noticed before looked very fresh, there was still some liquid blood in them. But in general he was quite handsome. He had a sharp jaw, a very chiseled face structure and a shaved head. He looked like a criminal, judging from how the criminals on tv look like.
„Qué??" he then asked, making you snap out of your thoughts.
„Uh nothing." you replied and coughed.
You turned your face away from him.
„First time in trouble huh?" he asked and you could hear the grin in his tone.
You looked back at him, looked him up and down and replied sassy:"Duh."
He chuckled at you.
Then he spoke:"Welcome to the real world."
You had to laugh at his word choice. Next he sat up right.
„Did you beat him up?" you then asked out of curiosity.
„Arón" stared right into your eyes and eventually stated:"Did you kick the man out of nowhere?"
You responded with a small laugh. „Yeah." he just claimed and looked around.
„I'm fucked." you mumbled after a couple of seconds.
You could feel him looking at you. „Nah the first time isnt as bad. Plus, you just kicked someone, you didnt kill anyone."
Your head shot around. „Ah someone knows his way around huh?"
Arón chuckled again. „Nah. Not yet." he smiled.
You noticed a little gap between his front teeth. He didnt look as dangerous when he smiled.
„You know I'm good at assuming things about people. And you dont seem like a killer girl." he suddenly said.
You smiled and scanned his face secretly.
„What do I seem like then?"
He grinned and the next thing he did was stare you up and down for a bit. Until he finally spoke:"Rich girl, who lives with her parents. She likes to say what she thinks and sometimes gets into fights because of that. But she's never been arrested before so mommy and daddy are going to ground you for that."
You scoffed at him.
But he wasn't completely wrong.
„Well. Okay." was all you could say. He was pretty right about his statement.
After sitting in the hall for a little, the old officer finally came back and handed you your ID.
„You can go."
You got up and grabbed your bag with your left hand.
„Hey princess, tell mommy and daddy I'm sorry for their criminal daughter." you heard Aróns voice as you wanted to leave the police station.
„Ha ha very funny." you replied and faked a smile that turned into a frown.
„Hey girly, can I crash at your mansion some time?" he yelled after you.
„Sure. But I wont tell you where I live." you grinned and looked at his expression.
He looked chill despite the fact that he was in trouble like you had been.
„Dont worry, I'll find you."
You nodded unbelieving and then finally kept walking.
Now you had to explain to your parents why you were late, and why you were expecting a letter from the police. Fuck.
You somehow managed to tell your parents exactly how it happened without being yelled at. They believed that it wasn't completely only your fault yet they werent happy about the fact that you ended up at the police. But on the other hand you had never had any problems with the law before and you were usually a good girl, so they werent worried as much as expected. You hadnt told them about the lawsuit yet though. That was a future problem.
As it was now the next day you were just at home, finishing some assignments for your second year of college that would start next week.
You had taken a shower after dinner and then went to your room to watch a show before heading to bed.
To be honest, you had almost forgotten about the whole lawsuit thing when you went to bed that night. It got late, you got stuck with the newest season of your favorite show and actually fell asleep at around 1:30.
A loud noise woke you from your sleep and you sat up right, looking around all confused.
Your room was completely dark besides the streetlights from outside your window.
You heard the knock again and a shockwave went right through your body. Where did it come from? The house was all silent since your parents' bedroom was downstairs and your sister was sleeping at her boyfriends' almost every night.
Slowly you made your way threw the hallway checking where the noise came from. Your first thought was that it was probably the neighbors cat in the backyard or something but then you realized the bangs came from the bathroom.
You grabbed the first thing near you which was a vase that had been standing on a little table in the hallway.
Eventually you walked to the bathroom and turned on the light.
You got scared immediately as you saw a face in front of the window.
After looking at the person you realized it was the guy from the police station. You closed the bathroom door and unlocked the window.
„What the fuck are you doing here?" you whisper yelled.
The guy climbed into the room. He was wearing a black hoodie with some dark grey sweatpants and a black beanie. „You said i could sleep here if I found you. And i did."
You were actually creeped out. So you just stared at him until your confidence came back. „How did you fucking find my house?" you asked and pushed him back a little bit. He grinned and leaned against the sink. „I stole the paper with your information."
Your eyes widened. „You what??" you asked him in disbelief. „You're welcome. Now they got nothing against you. For the police you dont exist."
You didnt know if you should thank him for it or hit him in the face for doing such a stupid thing. What if the police thought you stole it? „So where can i sleep then?" he asked you and took a look around. His bruises were still visible but now looked a lot more clean and healed.
„Uh." you stuttered and thought about his question.
„My parents are right downstairs. You cant just sneak in here and expect me to offer you my bed. I dont know you, you could be a psycho!" He laughed at you and stepped closer to you. You were intimidated because you couldnt step back any farther. Your back was already touching the wall next to the bathtub.
„I wont hurt you, I just need a place to sleep." You looked right into his eyes that were only inches away from yours.
He was so close he could probably hear your heart pound. It was about to jump out of your chest. You then offered him to sleep on the small couch in your room, if he promised to disappear before your parents found out.
So you passed him a blanket and two pillows and finally turned off the light the second time this night.
„Goodnight." you automatically whispered. You heard a little chuckle from the other side of the room before he whispered back a quiet:"Gracias."
When you woke up a couple of hours later your room was lightened by the sun. You rubbed your eyes and sat up. You almost had a little heart attack when you saw someone laying on your couch. But then you remember what happened only 4 hours before. The guy who's name you werent sure about -was it Arón?- was sleeping peacefully, his closed eyes facing you. You noticed he had taken off his shirt. You didnt see his stomach but you could see his naked, muscular arms over the blanket. And you saw some tattoos on them. And a small tattoo on his chest.
He looked quite cute when he was sleeping.
You then checked your phone and thought about what you'd do today until you heard footsteps coming upstairs.
Your mom! She always says goodbye before work. Its like a mother-daughter tradition because once when you were a kid and she didnt say bye you had a panic attack because you thought something happened to her. You jumped up from the bed towards the couch.
„Wake up! Wake up! You gotta hide, my mom's coming!" you shook him to wake him up. He replied with a raspy groan and eventually opened his eyes.
„Huh?" he asked confused looking at you. -„Hide! My mom!" You whispered and waited for him to get in the closet.
But since he took so long realizing what was going on, it happened what had to happen.
Your mom was standing in your room, staring at both of you. You in your oversized shirt and no pants and this strange boy shirtless. You were fucked.
„Uhh y/n?" she asked and looked at you in confusion.
You were all staring each other down until Arón spoke up:"Mrs. Y/l/n, im so sorry. My name is Arón, I'm your daughters boyfriend." He shook her hand smiling. Your mother on the other hand looked confused as hell. Just as you. Did he just call himself your boyfriend?
„Oh. I didnt know she had a boyfriend." Your mom replied and then actually chuckled. She laughed! She wasnt mad?
„I have to go to work now but nice to meet you Arón. See you later honey, i think we have to talk."
She said after none of you said anything.
„Likewise" Arón spoke before your mom left your room and closed the door.
„What the hell?" you yelled at him and lightly punched him in the chest.
„I had no choice. What do you want me to do? Say that I broke in here because we met at the police station?"
You ran your hand through your hair and then said:"Please go. I'm in enough trouble already. Please leave."
He nodded, then grabbed his sweater and put it back on.
„Can i sleep here tonight too? I dont really know where to go." he asked while picking up his things.
You rolled your eyes but nodded softly.
„Thank you!" He smiled and came up to you.
„Sure." you replied and crossed your arms.
He opened the door to your room and whispered a „see you tonight" before finally leaving your house.
You didnt really trust this guy. Something about him was off but you didnt know quite yet what it was.
Arón's been crashing at your place for a week now and a lot of weird things happened inbetween. You only saw him at night when he climbed through your bedroom or the bathroom window. Then you usually went to bed and in the morning he left. You never knew where he went and you also didnt know why he couldnt sleep at his parents'.
Your mom and dad had both talked to him before and actually believed he was your boyfriend. Around them he acted like an angel but you knew he wasnt. I mean, he's never insulted you or been rude but he certainly wasnt an example of a good guy.
One night as you were sleeping, him laying on your couch, you were woken by someones voice talking in your room.
Arón was walking around your carpet, speaking into his phone loudly.
„Whats up?" you whispered and looked at him all sleepy.
He showed you he needed a second and kept discussion in spanish.
He was pretty loud and you were worried your parents might wake up from his voice. And he seemed mad, almost aggressive.
He then hung up and before you knew, he slammed his phone on the wall. It broke immediately, shocking you intensely.
„Jeez what the fuck!" you spoke and got up from the bed.
Arón in the meantime put on his jacked and wanted to walk out of the room but you chased him, trying not to make too much noise walking downstairs.
„Where are you going?" you asked.
„I need to see someone before this certain person wakes your parents." he boldly spoke and opened the front door.
You were only wearing shorts and a top and it was chilly outside. But you were far too concerned to grab a jacket.
You closed the door behind you and ran after him.
„Y/n go to bed." he then ordered as he kept walking.
„No i need to know whats happening."
He scoffed at you and finally stopped as you both reached a person standing around the corner.
Aron was just standing there staring at the dark dressed man.
You were right behind him, carefully taking a look.
„Arón." the guy finally spoke and came up to you both, grabbing aron by the jacket.
„What do you want?" arón asked the man, sounding as if he was about to rip his head off.
„Needed to see you little brother." the guy replied and then noticed you hiding behind Aróns back.
„Oh got yourself a girlfriend huh?" he grinned and walked around him to get closer to you.
„Hey you." he smiled and reached out to touch you but you backed off and mustered him.
„She's hot." the guy then said and turned around to arón again.
„What the fuck are you doing here Juan?" Arón finally spoke up. „Taking you home. Mom is worried about you."
Aron laughed fake before claiming:"Oh really?"
Juan stepped right in front of Aron and looked at him.
„I like your new haircut brother. You look like a prisoner."
Arón didnt reply, he clenched his fist as if he was about to hit.
„If you keep going like that, you will be soon." Juan added and smiled at him.
„Fuck off im not coming home." arón mumbled and wanted to step back but Juan grabbed his arm and answered:"You. Are coming with me. Because I say so."
Aron freed his arm and yelled:"Get out of my life."
You just watched as they were yelling at each other. The reason for Aróns stubbornness wasnt quite clear for you until he said one specific thing:"Mom and Dad dont want me back! All they want was you. You're the only son they ever wanted."
He was jealous of his big brother.
What you figured out from their conversation, Juan was a troublemaker himself but then started studying and was now about to be a lawyer. Apparently their parents had always supported him, even though he used to be in deep shit often times. Arón kept claiming that he was „nothing to their parents".
At some point the situation escalated and Juan grabbed Aron rather harshly and Aron pushed him back. Which made Juan fall to the ground, hitting his head on the concrete.
Juan looked even more furious than Aron then.
He got up again and basically jumped arón.
You felt useless, watching those brothers fight in the middle of the streets.
But suddenly you decided to do something.
You went up to them and jumped on Arons back to make him stop.
„Stop this shit before someone calls the cops!" you tried to calm them down.
But Aron was so furious he threw you right off.
You landed on your back rather harshly, moaning out in pain. It had been really fucking painful.
He didnt even notice that he had hurt you, they kept yelling at each other until you heard police sirens getting closer.
Juan seemed to notice as well and let go of Aron.
„You know what, fuck you! You're useless to this family. Come back after achieving something!" Juan yelled and just disappeared between the streetlights and the bushes.
„Fuck." Aron cursed and finally turned around to you.
„Run!" he then said as the police car turned around the corner.
You got up in pain and grabbed his reached out hand.
„Faster!" he told you and pulled you with him as he was running super fast. You almost stumbled over your own feet.
„Where?" you just asked and concentrated on running as fast as you could.
Usually you hated running but right now it felt good. Free kind of. You had never run from the cops, especially not with a known criminal who wasnt as bad as you thought.
„Fuck, run faster." he yelled but you couldnt go any faster.
Eventually he let go of you to make you jump into a bush.
The cops were right behind you but didnt seem to notice you hiding, they ran past you after Aron.
And aron on the other hand did something you hasnt expected. He stopped running.
He turned around and put his hands up in the air.
What the fuck was he doing?
The police reached him and put him in a secure grip in a fast motion. He couldve gotten away easily if he hadnt stopped!
They grabbed him by the arm and pulled him through the alley of trees towards the police car.
You looked him straight in the eyes as they walked past you. He inconspicuously smiled at you.
What was he doing?
As they sat him in the police car you slowly got out of the bush.
So you just stood there. They couldve seen you but you didnt care, you just wanted to see what was happening.
Some of your neighbors were outside looking as well.
Before the car took off you felt your phone vibrate in your back pocket.
Who would text you at 3am?
You took it and opened the message.
You started to smile and looked up to see him smiling at you from the police car.
Arón:"Can I crash again when I get out?"
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A Night To Remember - Peter Parker X Reader
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A/N: Yes, the title of this fic is named after that one song from High School Musical. Fight me. My first fic! Terrifying. Extra terrifying because I have never written anything in the second person. There should probably be a lot more description but oh well. Hope y'all enjoy tho!!! Feedback is appreciated!!!!!!!! Word Count: 5k, which sounds like a fuckton, but I still feel like I need to establish the relationship more lolllllll... Warnings: None. Poorly defined relationships. Cliché as FUCK. Genre: 5% angst, but becomes so fluffy you could cuddle it.
Synopsis: Tonight is prom, and you have taken a day off from Avenger duty to pretend to be a normal girl for once. You even have a date. It seems like for once you might be able to have the prom you have always dreamed about. But when the night goes sour, you find yourself alone, and realise that this will be a night to remember, but not for the reason you think...
Every girl gets a chance to go to prom. Even an Avenger.
By the fading light of the sun, you twisted and turned in front of your bedroom mirror, attempting to check that you had shaved every hair from your legs without having to walk across the room to the light switch. A quick glance at the clock on the wall told you that you had approximately half an hour before you were being picked up. 
Half an hour. That definitely was not as much time as you thought you had.
Your eyes darted to your bedroom floor, where you could hear a distinct thumping.
"Y/N! Turn that music down!"
You cringed, remembering that your mother had a business call that night. "Sorry, Mom!"
You reached for the remote control that was blasting Beyoncé through your speakers and turned the volume down, resting it on your dressing table as you hummed to the tune of Love On Top. There were several finishing touches that needed to be made.
The first one was another spritz of setting spray, if only to reassure your fear that your makeup would start to slide down your face mid-dance. The second was picking up the necklace that your grandmother had given you for your eighteenth and draping it around your neck, adjusting it a few times to make sure it rested in the centre of your collarbone. The final touch was your shoes, but just staring at the stiletto heels made your feet ache, so you decided to wait until the last second to put those on. 
The sensation that you had become a 'normal teenager' again was a strange one. For once, school was not taking the backseat to tangling with criminals and defending your city on a day-to-day basis. The Avengers had offered to take care of anything that came up while you were at prom - Bucky "I think I would look good wearing your super-suit, to be honest" Barnes leading the charge - and a small part of you wondered what you would have been doing tonight if that offer wasn't there. 
But today, you could just put on some music and a pretty dress and pretend, even only for a few hours, that you were just like every other kid in that room.
You even had a date.
That was the most remarkable thing. With all the time you had dodged your friends and your responsibilities at school you didn't think that anyone had noticed you existed, but you walked into AP Physics one day to find an elaborate bouquet of flowers at your desk. As you admired them, you hadn't noticed the presence behind you until you turned around to find Jordan, your lab partner, holding a posterboard with PROM? written on it in large red letters. He had clearly walked straight off the football pitch, as he was breathing heavily and his hair was wet, but the smile on his face was genuine. 
He was way out of your league. He was ridiculously out of your league. 
The overwhelming fact that the most popular boy in your school had asked you to prom was screaming in your brain as you squeaked, "Yes!"
He laughed, and the students around you applauded politely as he confirmed he would pick you up at 7. That was a month or so ago, and now you looked at the clock again and realised that you had ten minutes.
When you stood up, the train of your floor-length dress tumbled off your lap, swishing as you walked towards the bed to pick up your clutch bag. You twirled a few times for good measure, admiring the way the fabric of the dress rippled as you made yourself slightly dizzy, though whether it was from the spinning or the excitement building in your stomach you couldn't tell.
Was it vanity or self-confidence that you couldn't stop looking at yourself in the mirror?
Thank God for Pepper, you thought, thinking back to your first attempt at choosing a dress. At the first opportunity, you had gone to the mall for an afternoon to pick out the perfect prom outfit. The one small flaw with that problem was that your sense of style was much more sophisticated in your head than it turned out to be in real life. The fuschia, ruffled dress you brought back to the compound - without trying it on - made you look like a cross between grandmother from the 1960s and one of Cinderella's ugly sisters.
You remembered running up to the nearest guest bedroom and trying it on, only to see Peter in the doorway, giggling. 
"What is wrong with it?" You cried, exasperated, as your best friend attempted to control himself. You noticed that he kept his distance, possibly because of the fact that you looked like you would murder him if he dared to insult the dress. And with your martial arts training, it was more than possible.
"Well..." he began, scratching the back of his head as his voice trailed off. "It's not that there's anything wrong with it, it's just..."
"You don't even like prom, so your opinion doesn't count," you said, sticking your tongue out as you continued to stare in the mirror. Did it look more ridiculous the longer you looked?
He shrugged. "Well, I'm not going to win prom king or queen, I don't want to drink the punch, especially if there's alcohol in it, you know the stoners will be doing drugs in the corner and get it shut down, and Ned isn't going either, so I wouldn't have anyon-"
"Shhhh, Peter. Can't you just get caught up in the shallow and superficial magic of prom, even for one night? Jordan has asked me to prom, this is going to be the best night of my life."
If you had been looking at him instead of debating if the dress was the one, you would have seen him wince and smile wistfully at you.
"I hope it is, Y/N." 
Thankfully for both of you, Pepper appeared to call the two of you to dinner. She took one look at the dress and ordered you to take it off.
"Really, Y/N?" She sighed, shaking her head. "I think if you took that home your mother would have a heart attack." 
Ignoring your feeble protests, she insisted on taking you shopping, which was - admittedly - much better for your prom prospects than if you had attempted to choose a dress alone. 
And now you were wearing a midnight blue ballgown - a new colour you had learned, courtesy of the dressmaker - with a lace bodice and tiny sequins that shifted in the light, somehow making it look as though you were wearing constellations. 
It made you look sophisticated. It made you look mature. It made you so much more confident.
Somehow it seemed as though your dreams of a perfect prom were coming true. You had an incredibly attractive date, a dress that made you feel like you were floating, and for once you didn't have to worry about being summoned to stop a bank robbery twelve times a night.
Deep down, you recognised the superficiality of it all. You knew there were much more important things to do in life, but there was just something about prom that made you want to forget all about it. 
You couldn't help but miss Peter, though. When you had said goodbye afterschool the feeling of guilt was unmistakeable.
"You sure you don't want to stay home and have a movie marathon with me? Ned will be there, we were going to get popcorn, and-"
You cut him off gently, but firmly. "After tonight I will have plenty of time for movie marathons, I promise."
"Okay," he smiled at you, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Send me loads of pictures!"
"I will!" You called, speeding up so you could catch your bus before it pulled off. You took a moment just to imagine what would have happened if you had turned up to prom with Peter and Ned instead of with Jordan. You would have had a lot of fun, but it definitely wouldn’t have lived up to the image of prom that you had in your head.
For every image in your head of slow dancing with Jordan, another one appeared of you sitting with your friends, devouring the buffet and laughing at everyone who was taking the night way too seriously.
You felt like you were betraying him, but the thought of one perfect moment was too tempting to let go. Well, that was what you told yourself every time your heart ached.
A knock at the door made you jump and the fantasy immediately fell away.
"The lab is going to call me back any minute, are you..." Your mother let out a soft gasp as she saw you standing in front of the mirror. "My god, Y/N, you look gorgeous." 
You blushed, staring down at the floor as your mother came to adjust the pins in your hair. "You're my mother, you're supposed to say that." 
"Okay, don't believe me." She said, folding her arms and fixing you with one of those mother knows best looks. "But every single person at that prom will agree with me." 
But what about the people who aren't at prom? What about the person who isn’t at prom? You thought, and then caught yourself. 
You hadn't noticed that your mother was waiting for you to approve the changes she had made to your hair until she cleared her throat. You also hadn't noticed that you were standing there with a wistful smile on your face until you made eye contact with yourself in the mirror.
"Sorry Mom, thank you." 
"Do I need to stay home tonight to keep an eye on you?" She said, raising her eyebrows. "How much trouble are you going to get yourself into with that smile?"
You laughed. "Don't I get into enough trouble on a daily basis?" 
She rolled her eyes, playfully smacking you on the arm. "This is different, and you know it." Taking your arm, you could see the pride in her face as she spoke, eyes brimming with tears. "You look so grown up." 
"I'll send you as many pictures as I can," you promised.
The sound of her phone buzzing made your mother groan, smiling apologetically as she looked at the screen. "It's Martin."
She mouthed have fun as she walked out talking about thorium and the methodology of various experimental techniques and other things you had elected that you would not understand a long time ago.
An alarm on your phone alerted you to the fact that you had five minutes until you were supposed to be being picked up, so you sat on your bed, strapping each heel on your feet and touching up your lipstick one last time as you heard the door slam beneath you, signaling the fact that your mother had left for work.
Standing at the top of the stairs made you aware of a new problem. How were you going to walk down the stairs in these heels? You settled for taking it one step at a time, clinging to the banister like a cat to the rim of a bathtub. Eventually, face slightly flushed, you were standing in front of the front door.
Where you remained for a further half an hour.
The realm of "Oh, he must just be late," had passed about ten minutes ago. You were pacing up and down your living room, pressing the dial button on your friends' numbers with increasing frustration when they all went to voicemail. The excitement in your stomach had long vanished, though there was something still in there. A kind of creeping dread that gave you shivers the longer the agonising minutes ticked by. 
Your mind was racing through everything that could have possibly happened to make Jordan late. Maybe his car broke down. Maybe he was on his way and his phone was out of battery. No, that one is a lie, you sighed. It was prom, everyone would want to be using their phones to take as many pictures as physically possible. 
Or maybe, the dread in your stomach whispered, maybe he forgot about you.
Maybe it's worse. Maybe he's injured or caught up in the kind of mess you would be taking care of any other night.
Fifteen minutes prior you would have brushed those intrusive thoughts off with a laugh. You knew him well, of course he wouldn't forget about you. 
But now, as the time inched closer to 7pm and the beginning of prom, it didn't seem funny anymore. 
You got up from where you were perched on the edge of the couch to pace back and forth on the floor, having discarded your heels by the door long ago. If you weren't going to get a ride, how were you going to get to prom? Your mom was at work, your friends either together or with their own dates, and you couldn't exactly walk to the Avengers compound to ask them for help, they were definitely busy. The more you thought about having to call a taxi - which would be expensive - or call someone else - who would you call? - the more your stomach sank and the more the idea of prom seemed less appealing. 
Your phone buzzed from the coffee table and you almost tripped over in attempts to reach it. The knot in your stomach twisted tighter when you saw it was an Instagram notification.
New Post from _jordan._
Torturously slow, you entered your password and the sound of the phone unlocking filled the otherwise silent room. In the stark light of the phone screen, you could feel your eyes filling with tears as you took in the image in front of you.
Jordan stood in the centre with a winning smile, arms around another girl with a matching grin. 
He did forget about me. As soon as you thought the words, they repeated over and over in your mind. Stumbling backwards, you caught your leg on the arm of the couch, physical pain blending into the emotional as you stood alone in your living room fighting tears. He replaced me. With every repetition it was like the knife was twisting deeper. 
You knew that you hadn't had time to see anyone at school as much in the past few months, but hell, you were coming to terms with being a literal superhero.
Not that they knew that. 
You couldn't count the number of times you and your friends had excitedly sat down to lunch in the cafeteria to discuss how you were all going to prom together. The number of times that you had talked about the music they would play, the decorations that would cover the gym, the boys that you would take - although the identity of those boys had changed what seemed like hundreds of times over the years. 
You felt like such an idiot. He was a football player, had pretty much every girl at school wrapped around his finger. Why would he ever choose you? Clearly he wouldn't, if there was the option to replace you for a pretty cheerleader in a mermaid tail dress.
Your grip on your phone was so tight that you had left the impression of its edge on your palm, but you didn't notice until the notification sound went off again. 
Spiderboi: Are you ready yet??? Has he picked you up? Spiderboi: I wanna see your dress!!!
The sound that came out of your mouth was almost a laugh. Your fingers danced over the keys, typing the first words of ten different replies, then deleting them with a sigh.
Y/N: not rly feeling prom anymore
His reply was almost instantaneous, and it grounded you a little. You moved from where you had been stood aimlessly in the middle of the living room to the windowsill, leaning against it as you typed.
Spiderboi: What? Spiderboi: Why??? I thought you were looking forward to prom Spiderboi: It is literally all you have been talking about for WEEKS
His innocent response threatened to provoke a fresh wave of tears, but you sniffed and held them back as you sent Peter a screenshot of the Instagram post, deciding that in this case no words was the best way to communicate.
You stared at it, the image practically burning itself into your brain as the label underneath the picture went from Sent to Delivered to Read. Within seconds, your phone started buzzing and you picked it up.
He must be able to hear your shallow breathing on the other end of the line. You could feel the flutter of your heartbeat in your chest but you forced yourself to focus on breathing in and out.
"Y/N... I'm so sorry. That's so shitty of him. So unbelievably and massively shitty of him."
"It's fi-" You began, but sighed, realising there was no point in pretending. "I just didn't think he would actually do that to me." The betrayal in your voice was evident even to you.
"I'm sure the rest of them didn't forget about you," he reasoned, and you were forced to admit that he was probably right. "You said that you weren't going to go to the pre-prom because of Jordan, weren't you?"
Yes. "I'm so stupid. I am so so stupid."
"You're not stupid." 
"Peter, I am. I've literally lost count of the amount of times I've nearly died, and I am sat here crying because I've been stood up at prom by some fuckboy."
There was a silence on the other end of the phone, then a tentative, "I... I bet you look beautiful." 
Despite everything, you blushed, and you felt the corners of your mouth lifting up. Trust Peter to find a way to break you out of your spiral, even if it was only for a few seconds.
Why were you blushing?
"Thank you," you said in a small voice, wondering if Peter would still think you looked beautiful if he could actually see you. Your mascara had run down your cheeks in two ashen stripes, your hair had been pulled out of its meticulous styling from all the times that you had run your hands through it, and your lipstick was peeling off from biting your lip so much. If you were going to prom as a glam version of No Face from Spirited Away, you would have fit right in.
The silences between his responses were getting longer and longer, and you felt a twinge in the pit of your stomach when you realised that he was distracted by something. Of course, you then felt incredibly guilty for demanding his undivided attention, especially when it was you who had ditched him tonight. But, he was the only person that had bothered to answer you and if he left you would be back to being alone.
"Hey, Y/N, I'm so sorry but I have to go." And there it was. He didn't sound apologetic though; you could swear that there was a touch of something that sounded like excitement in his hurried words. "Mr Stark sent for me... he said it was important.”
A mission. It must be.
"It's...it's okay, Peter. I'm sure you're busy."
What else could you say? 
Don’t go. Let me come with you.
“Message me, okay? I'll reply when I get the chance. Sorry, Y/N, I really am."
"Bye, Peter," you said just as the phone clicked with the sound of him hanging up, leaving you back where you were in the first place. 
Should you go to prom? Did you even want to go to prom at this point?
The immediate answer was of course not, but the petty part of you imagined walking into prom looking better than you ever had and decking Jordan on sight. You played with the fantasy for a few minutes, replaying it over and over in your mind until it gave you some sort of satisfaction.
When you focused on yourself in the reflection of the window, you saw someone who, sure, might look like a mess at that point, but there was a new kind of resigned determination in your eyes that no matter what, you were going to enjoy your damn prom as much as you could. Fuck him.  
And that started with doing your hair and makeup again.  
You rushed upstairs and sat down at your dresser. The therapeutic power of putting makeup on was incredible, and twenty minutes of concealing, bronzing and highlighting had calmed you down enough that you were singing to your music. You were going to be late to prom, of course, but you wouldn't be crying anymore. 
Your phone was going off with continuous Instagram notifications, so you decided to turn it off and sacrifice responding to a possible message from Peter for not dying a little inside every time you saw photos of your friends singing karaoke in a limo or posing outside your school. 
You weren't going to be pathetic, you had decided that, but the loneliness was the thing that threatened to dismantle your newfound positivity. Would you even enjoy yourself if you went to prom? 
Your date had ditched you for another girl. Surely that story had circulated around the school by now. Most people wouldn't see you as determined. They'd see you as embarrassed and sad.  
You put your head in your hands, indecisive yet again, startled when there was a sharp rapping on your front door. 
You scowled as you ran down the stairs, imagining opening the door to a confused delivery guy in a dress fit for a masquerade ball.
You stared at the floor as you opened the door, eyes unfocused. "I'm sorry, I-" 
Your words died in your throat
He was stood in the corridor of your apartment complex in a black tuxedo, holding a small bouquet of roses with a soft smile on his face. His eyes widened at the sight of you, taking in every inch of your outfit, and he must realise that you were doing the same to him.
Somehow, seeing him dressed to the nines was doing something to you. You didn't feel like you were looking at your best friend.
"Peter..." you said, keeping one hand on the doorframe as you struggled to form sentences. 
What came out was, "what are you doing here?" But you would have been lying if you said you didn't have an idea.
He stopped fiddling with the cufflinks on his suit jacket and looked up at you bashfully, clearing his throat. "I didn't want you to be alone." 
You could practically feel your heart melting. Fuck Jordan. Fuck him, the cocky shit. Right here was your favourite person, your superhero. And no, this time it wasn't Spider-Man coming to your rescue, it was Peter Parker, and he was still the hero you needed. 
Perhaps not the hero you deserved, though.
"Peter, you hate prom," you began, "you've told me you didn't want to go so many times..."
He visibly squirmed, and then looked down at the floor. "I would have gone if it was with you."  
And with those words, all your struggles, your worries and your petty revenge evaporated and you practically flew into Peter's arms, knocking the beautiful flowers out of his hand.  
"You are the best," You murmured in his ear, to which he simply smiled and said, "I couldn't stand seeing him fuck you over like that."
You frowned. What the fuck were you doing? Hastily you untangled your arms from around his neck and took a step backwards, smoothing your dress down as your face flushed. 
You didn't deserve this. You had spent months taking Peter for granted as you raved about some shallow asshole, and he had made the selfless decision to save you when you deserved to sit at home. The guilt gnawed at you, and looking up at his confused face made your stomach constrict tighter.
Say something. 
"I don't deserve this," you began, playing with the fabric of your skirt as you refused to meet his eyes. Your voice hushed to a whisper. "I was shallow, I got excited by a guy that could offer me popularity and I took you for granted. You don't have to do this for me, Peter."  
You finally gained the courage to look into his eyes, and what you found there only confused you more. The softness in his face hadn't gone away, he didn't look upset, he didn't look like he was about to walk away. If anything, he looked content. 
Now it was his turn to stare at the floor. His breathing was shaky, like he was steeling himself up for something. 
You started to say his name again, but were cut off when he looked up at you with an urgency that came out of nowhere. Words came out of his mouth at a million miles an hour.
"Y/N, you're my best friend... no, you're more than that. It is always you who is there for me, you put up with everything I throw at you. I would never want to run a mission without you at this point." 
As he rambled you felt a tightness in the pit of your stomach, and you met his gaze with shining eyes.
"So yeah, I let you get excited when Jordan asked you to prom, because you looked so happy. I let you get excited when I was dying inside because..." He muttered something you couldn't hear, going an even deeper shade of red.
You inched towards him, trying to get him to look you in the eye. It was like trying to comfort a startled puppy. "Because...?" You said, gently.
"Because I wish it could have been me." 
You couldn't say anything. Your mouth was open in shock, and try as you might, you had lost the capability of speech. 
He looked up at you with something like panic in his features. "Please... just let me keep going, I have to say this before I go crazy keeping it from you."  
You made no attempts to stop him.
“The truth is… I wish I could be the type of guy that could take you to prom. So badly. I want your mom to take cute pictures of us... and I want to spin you around on the dancefloor and I want to do one of those cute promposals that you watch on YouTube all the time."
You could feel tears start to form in your eyes.
"Tonight, Y/N, God, you look beautiful. I want to tell you that you look like magic because that's how you make me feel when I'm around you. You make my life so much fun, and I don't want to ruin that, but I want you to know that if I had the chance... I would want to be with you every second of every day."
His voice trailed off, and he started to run his fingers through his hair. You felt like you were looking at him for the first time.
"I am so blind."
"What?" He choked out, taking a step back so there were a few inches between you.
Time seemed to elongate, every millisecond you spent staring into his gorgeous eyes felt like an eternity. 
Your gaze drifted down to his lips, causing you to subconsciously bite your own.
There were so many things that you could say.
So you decided instead to softly press your lips to his. Instinctively your eyes closed, and you kissed him with all the things that you weren't able to say. It wasn't what your first kiss had imagined, not fireworks or epiphanies. It felt like you had just turned the key into your home, or curled up by a fireplace. He tasted of warmth, of safety. 
The lunacy of what you just did hit you when the two of you pulled away and Peter's eyes were wide with shock.
Silence filled the room for what seemed like years as you gazed into each other's eyes. 
What the fuck was that? "God, Peter, I am so sorry, that probably wasn't what you-"
He cut you off with another kiss, deeper and more insistent. His fingers tangled themselves in your hair as your arms fell naturally around his neck.
You weren't sure where this desire had come from, but you suddenly started to see your memories in a different way. Your terror that Peter had been injured during a mission wasn't just because he was your best friend. The fury when Liz Allen had broken his heart wasn't just because he deserved better. Your intense feelings of loneliness whenever he left you wasn't just because there was no one else around.
You had been kidding yourself for what must have been months.
When you pulled apart he was smiling like a kid on Christmas morning, and you couldn't help but grin back. His happiness was infectious.
"Are we actually going to go to prom?" 
"It's up to you," he smiled, kissing your hand as you giggled. "But I think there is no way that you can look this good and we don't show anyone." 
"Besides, I want to show this Jordan that he has fucked up, and he has fucked up hard."  
A/N: So... I had a fantasy for an alternate ending to this fic where Peter and Y/N show up to prom and they have to suit up and save the day because something goes down. Let me know if that's something y'all would be interested in! Also let me know what you think of this mess!
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thefandomimagine · 7 years
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So I made a one shot during class because that what every teenage fan girl does in history class. It’s a Y/N x Steve fluffy to the max one shot. Some misspelled words but I hope you like!
I walk around the house feeling the cold stone tiles underneath my feet, the soft titter tatters filling the room along with the soft snores of the dog Rylie sleeping in the living room.
I place the knives on the side of the forks after contemplating if it looked good. Then it hit me, I don’t look good.
I look at myself in the spoon to see a rat nest on my head and me in Steves sweat pants and red tee shirt. I groan and run to the bedroom and then slow down remembering to keep it slow like the doctor said.
I open the door and wildly look around for a shirt and something to cover my legs, and I end up choosing a grey loose shirt and dark pine green skirt that reaches just bellow the knees.
I then pull and tug at my tangled hair in its bun and brush it out and put it into a pony tail with a bow on top just to surprise him.
I then notice that I didn’t shave my legs and I rummage through the coverts and find tights, slipping those on raggedly and running out of the bed room back to the kitchen noticing the small little bag that has mg fate sealed for only a couple more hours.
I shut off the stove and walk towards the bag and open it and look at the contents in the bag, a baby onsie and the stick that changed my and his life.
Is he going to panic and leave or stay and be happy is the question. He has been talking about our future and how he wanted us to have kids but later because of who he is, but that if we were to have one how tough it would be on me.
At home stuck with the baby and him on missions like usual. Though I wouldn’t mind having someone at home. It wouldn’t be tough, he basically pays all the bills and has extra money left over, and I just collecting extra money with my job as a twelfth grade school teacher, my students wouldnt mind helping a big bellied women as myself around the school.
And maternity leave is a option, and also taking a break on work to be a stay at home mom wouldn’t be bad either. And pepper could babysit whilst I’m at school.
I know she wouldn’t mind at all.
Over all, I just hope he doesn’t think of this the wrong way.
I place the bag back in its hiding spot and hide it better than before, then I walk to the stove and look down at the chicken parmesan I made for my little avenger.
Just as I start making the dishes look fancy I hear a knock at the door. I place the finishing touches on the plate and walk towards the door and look through the peep hole to see my star spangled banner smiling down at his feet like the goof he is.
I unlocked the door and open it slowly peeping at my grinning husband.
“Hello Gorgeous”
And I giggle softly as a heat starts to cover my cheeks. I open the door fully as he scoops me up into a warm and heart longing embrace.
“I missed you” I whisper softly as he scatters butterfly kisses on my neck and shoulder.
“I missed you too doll”
And we pull away and I let him officially in, helping him with his backpack. The dog gets up and runs towards Steve and kisses him.
“I missed you too boy”
And I grab the plate and place it on the dining room table getting both of my boys attention.
“Rylie your food is already served so don’t you even think about it”
I warn and he runs to his bowl and eats the gormé food Steve insisted me to buy because it has the correct things a dog needs even though he found it in a commercial. Stating a man’s best friend needs the best.
“What is this?” He asks chuckling.
“I made dinner so sit”
And he shakes his head. “You’re too cute”
And he walks himself to the seat as I place the plate in front of him like a good wife would do in the 1930’s.
“What is this all about? Usually you wouldn’t be all dolled up and make me dinner when I get home on a mission”
And I raise a eyebrow. “Can’t I not make you dinner and be all dolled up or is that illegal?” I tease.
He smiles lovingly as I place my food in front of me.
As we eat I try to ask him questions to loosen my nervousness. He answers them and asks me what I’ve been doing and I tell him about my says at home.
It’s time.
I smile and look at him dead in the eyes.
“Close your eyes”
“I have a gift. Now close them!
And be chuckles and shuts them. I get out of my seat and grab the bag from its hiding place and take a deep breath hoping for the best.
I walk towards him and place the bag where the plate was and place my hands on his shoulders.
“Open them”
I say and he opens his eyes too see the yellow bag. He looks back at me and I motion to open he bag.
As he opens it a single tear comes out of my eye afraid, that he’d leave me.
As he takes out the wrapped stick I suck in a quick ragged breath I could only hear. Everything stops. It’s just me, him, the test and the slobbering dog.
He unraps it and just stares at it.
“S-Steve?” I stutter out and he gets up slowly, and I back up.
He turns to me and looks down at the test still.
“You’re pregnant?”
“4 months. I found out a month ago when I kept having morning sickness and sudden urge for watermelon even though I hate it”
And he chuckles as a grin grows on his face.
He looks up and hugs me in a embrace, kissing my head several times. I feeling the tears soaking in my hair.
“Youre pregnant!” He says again whisper shouting. I smile into his shirt and look up at him pressing lips on his.
This is amazing.
Extra part:
I hug Pepper as she squeals in excitement.
Me and Steve decided to tell the avengers that we were pregnant which ended up with Clint asking if Steve could produce babies. And I’d that was the reason why he ate all of Thor’s poptarts.
And then Thor got fussy.
And Tony started to instigate a fight. Saying that he was on his man period so that he wouldn’t be able to produce children.
And then Peter started to get swirmy and awkward knowing where this all would lead to.
Wanda being Wanda seperate the three of them, and Natasha pulled Tony by the ear to a corner and gave him time out.
And Pietro. He was Perfect. For once.
And where was bruce for all of this? In the kitchen.
Eating Thor’s pop tarts.
It’s already as if I have children. Hopefully this one isn’t like the others…..
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fakingagrin-blog · 7 years
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@thefandomimagine... I may have written a one shot on this. I hope you don't mind! - I walk around the house feeling the cold stone tiles underneath my feet, the soft titter tatters filling the room along with the soft snores of the dog Rylie sleeping in the living room. I place the knives on the side of the forks after contemplating if it looked good. Then it hit me, I don't look good. I look at myself in the spoon to see a rat nest on my head and me in Steves sweat pants and red tee shirt. I groan and run to the bedroom and then slow down remembering to keep it slow like the doctor said. I open the door and wildly look around for a shirt and something to cover my legs, and I end up choosing a grey loose shirt and dark pine green skirt that reaches just bellow the knees. I then pull and tug at my tangled hair in its bun and brush it out and put it into a pony tail with a bow on top just to surprise him. I then notice that I didn't shave my legs and I rummage through the coverts and find tights, slipping those on raggedly and running out of the bed room back to the kitchen noticing the small little bag that has mg fate sealed for only a couple more hours. I shut off the stove and walk towards the bag and open it and look at the contents in the bag, a baby onsie and the stick that changed my and his life. Is he going to panic and leave or stay and be happy is the question. He has been talking about our future and how he wanted us to have kids but later because of who he is, but that if we were to have one how tough it would be on me. At home stuck with the baby and him on missions like usual. Though I wouldn't mind having someone at home. It wouldn't be tough, he basically pays all the bills and has extra money left over, and I just collecting extra money with my job as a twelfth grade school teacher, my students wouldnt mind helping a big bellied women as myself around the school. And maternity leave is a option, and also taking a break on work to be a stay at home mom wouldn't be bad either. And pepper could babysit whilst I'm at school. I know she wouldn't mind at all. Over all, I just hope he doesn't think of this the wrong way. I place the bag back in its hiding spot and hide it better than before, then I walk to the stove and look down at the chicken parmesan I made for my little avenger. Just as I start making the dishes look fancy I hear a knock at the door. I place the finishing touches on the plate and walk towards the door and look through the peep hole to see my star spangled banner smiling down at his feet like the goof he is. I unlocked the door and open it slowly peeping at my grinning husband. "Hello Gorgeous" And I giggle softly as a heat starts to cover my cheeks. I open the door fully as he scoops me up into a warm and heart longing embrace. "I missed you" I whisper softly as he scatters butterfly kisses on my neck and shoulder. "I missed you too doll" And we pull away and I let him officially in, helping him with his backpack. The dog gets up and runs towards Steve and kisses him. "I missed you too boy" And I grab the plate and place it on the dining room table getting both of my boys attention. "Rylie your food is already served so don't you even think about it" I warn and he runs to his bowl and eats the gormé food Steve insisted me to buy because it has the correct things a dog needs even though he found it in a commercial. Stating a man's best friend needs the best. "What is this?" He asks chuckling. "I made dinner so sit" And he shakes his head. "You're too cute" And he walks himself to the seat as I place the plate in front of him like a good wife would do in the 1930's. "What is this all about? Usually you wouldn't be all dolled up and make me dinner when I get home on a mission" And I raise a eyebrow. "Can't I not make you dinner and be all dolled up or is that illegal?" I tease. He smiles lovingly as I place my food in front of me. As we eat I try to ask him questions to loosen my nervousness. He answers them and asks me what I've been doing and I tell him about my says at home. It's time. I smile and look at him dead in the eyes. "Close your eyes" "Why?" "I have a gift. Now close them! And be chuckles and shuts them. I get out of my seat and grab the bag from its hiding place and take a deep breath hoping for the best. I walk towards him and place the bag where the plate was and place my hands on his shoulders. "Open them" I say and he opens his eyes too see the yellow bag. He looks back at me and I motion to open he bag. As he opens it a single tear comes out of my eye afraid, that he'd leave me. As he takes out the wrapped stick I suck in a quick ragged breath I could only hear. Everything stops. It's just me, him, the test and the slobbering dog. He unraps it and just stares at it. "S-Steve?" I stutter out and he gets up slowly, and I back up. He turns to me and looks down at the test still. "You're pregnant?" "4 months. I found out a month ago when I kept having morning sickness and sudden urge for watermelon even though I hate it" And he chuckles as a grin grows on his face. He looks up and hugs me in a embrace, kissing my head several times. I feeling the tears soaking in my hair. "Youre pregnant!" He says again whisper shouting. I smile into his shirt and look up at him pressing lips on his. This is amazing. Extra part: I hug Pepper as she squeals in excitement. Me and Steve decided to tell the avengers that we were pregnant which ended up with Clint asking if Steve could produce babies. And I'd that was the reason why he ate all of Thor's poptarts. And then Thor got fussy. And Tony started to instigate a fight. Saying that he was on his man period so that he wouldn't be able to produce children. And then Peter started to get swirmy and awkward knowing where this all would lead to. Wanda being Wanda seperate the three of them, and Natasha pulled Tony by the ear to a corner and gave him time out. And Pietro. He was Perfect. For once. And where was bruce for all of this? In the kitchen. Eating Thor's pop tarts. It's already as if I have children. Hopefully this one isn't like the others.....
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