#how about this week's g witch episode
kachikirby · 1 year
Kirby: Mysterious Incident on the Pupupu Train! - Chapter 7: Kirby's Great Singing Operation!
Previous Chapter
King Dedede looked like he was about to fall over.
“It won’t end like this! York, I’ll thoroughly question you about your scheme later! You better prepare yourself!”
He rushed out of the dining car. The dumbfounded passengers began to shout.
“A-a-a shooting star!?”
“What’ll happen if we collide with it!?”
“Nothing good! The Pupupu Train will explode!”
During the chaos, Meta Knight approached York.
“A shooting star! Can the self-driving system avoid something like that...!?”
“It... it cannot...!” York staggard, dumbfounded. “To avoid collisions, the train tracks must be changed. It requires advanced calculations and techniques. There’s no way you can do it unless you’re an experienced driver!”
The passengers’ screaming increased.
“Then King Dedede can’t do a thing!”
“Waaaaaaahhh! I wanna go back to Dream Land!”
“We can avoid a collision with an experienced driver? Then we have no choice but to wake him up!” Meta Knight said.
“It’s...useless...!” York repeated the same phrase while trembling. “The effects of the slumbercumbers are very strong! You’ll wake up when the time comes, but until then, you can’t wake up!”
Bonkers grabbed York.
“This is all your fault! It’s all because you smuggled the slumbercumbers...!”
“No, I can’t believe this is happening...!” York cried.
The voices blaming York and the voices screaming mixed to create great chaos in the dining car. It was during all this...
“Everyone, be quiet!” A loud voice echoed.
It was Kirby, who had an unusually sharp expression. Everyone took a breath and looked at him.
“We just need to wake up the driver. If we can do that, we’ll all be saved.”
“Yes...” Meta Knight nodded. “Is there something that can do that, Kirby?”
“...I don’t know whether it’ll work or not, but...” Kirby clenched his fist. “I remembered something from this morning. Bonkers was sound asleep, but when I hummed a little, he immediately woke up.”
Everyone turned their attention to Bonkers. Bonkers spoke with a frown.
“It’s only natural. There’s no way Kirby can sing. If you all heard it too, there’s no way you... could... sleep...”
He then realized.
Kirby nodded. “I’ll sing with all my heart... right next to the driver and the others!”
“What are you saying?”
York shook his head in amazement.
“They shouldn’t wake up from something like singing! No matter how much you yell or shake them, they won’t wake up. That’s the effects of the slumbercumbers...”
“No, it’s a good idea.” Meta Knight said.
The passengers nodded with fascinated expressions. The kind-hearted Waddle Doo and the others said with tearful expressions.
“Uuu... uuu... I feel sorry for the driver and the others...”
“I’ll leave it to you, Kirby.” Meta Knight said.
“Got it! Walky, lend me your strength!”
Kirby turned to Walky and inhaled deeply. Walky panicked.
“Huh? You’re inhaling me? Kirby’s singing power is destructive as is... UAAAAAAAAA!!”
Walky flew through the air and into Kirby’s mouth. Suddenly, he transformed, gaining a pair of headphones on his head and a microphone in his hand.
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“Huh?! Mr. Kirby transformed...?!” York shouted in surprise.
Meta Knight explained.
“When Kirby inhales someone, he can take on that person’s abilities for himself. Because he inhaled Walky, he now has the Mic Copy Ability... wait, Kirby!”
He quickly put a stop to Kirby, who was about to sing at a moment’s notice.
Kirby then said. “I thought I would practice. Everyone, listen...”
“Stop. You don’t need to practice. Hurry to where the driver and the others are and sing in as quiet of a voice as you can.”
“...huh? But if I do that, they won’t wake up.”
“That’s not the case!”
Meta Knight forcefully persuaded Kirby.
“Your singing voice is fine! If you sing in a soft voice, the driver and the others will wake up immediately!”
“Is that so? Ehehe!” Kirby giggled in a shy voice.
“Anyway, get going, Kirby!”
“Got it! I’ll wake them up no matter what!”
Kirby rushed out of the dining car.
Meta Knight then shouted. “Everyone cover your ears and get down on the floor! Kirby’s singing voice will attack without mercy, even from a different vehicle entirely! Protect yourselves!”
The passengers did as they were told and fell to the floor while blocking their ears. Only York continued to stand, dumbfounded.
“What’s wrong, everyone? What are you all doing?”
“You should do the same thing, too! It’s about to get real dangerous!” Captain Vul said while still covering his ears.
“Dangerous? What exactly do you mean?”
York tilted his head in a mystified voice.
Kirby rushed into the room where the driver and other staff members slept. The three of them were sleeping side by side. All of them looked healthy and had calm breathing.
“Just wait, I’ll let you hear a happy song.”
He took a breath and grasped his microphone.
As Meta Knight told him to, he sang in a soft voice. The three bodies twitched in their sleep, and so did their peacefully sleeping faces.
“Oh, they’re moving a bit! They’ve been touched!”
Kirby became more and more enthusiastic. The first stage of the Mic Copy Ability, Megaphone, has been put into effect!
“Ughhhh...” The three staff members let out a painful moan. The strong effects of the slumbercumbers were about to be broken by Kirby’s singing! Kirby himself was having more and more fun. The second stage of the Mic Copy Ability, Desk Microphone, has been put into effect!
“Uu... uuu...!” The three staff members tossed and turned many times over as they broke into a cold sweat.
And finally, the third stage of the Mic Copy Ability, Stand Microphone! Kirby closed his eyes as his body trembled and his voice resounded.
The three staff members shouted as they sprung awake. With an unimaginable singing voice, the effects of the slumbercumbers were shattered.
“S-stop it, stop it...!”
“My...my head is pounding! My ears are ringing!”
“I was having such a wonderful dream... until that dream world was shattered!”
The crew members writhed as they covered their ears.
“Oh, you’re all awake! The power of singing is really amazing!”
Kirby was so happy that he somersaulted, the force of which caused him to drop the ability and caused Walky to roll out.
Walky then said. “Did you do it, Kirby?!”
“Yup! The three of them are awake and conscious!”
“Well then, let’s go quickly now!”
Kirby shook the driver.
“Mr. Driver! Mr. Driver! Come quickly! We have a problem! Come quickly!”
However, the driver clenched his eyes and shook him off.
“D-don’t touch me! Uu... even though I was having such a wonderful dream... let me go back to sleep!”
“You can’t! The Pupupu Train’s in great danger!”
“The Pupupu Train? Who cares about that... I wanna sleep...”
The driver mumbled, but in the blink of an eye, his eyes shot open.
“The Pupupu Train! No, wait, I’m in the middle of driving it! I felt like I just fell asleep... this is bad, this is bad!”
Upon hearing that, the maid and the conductor’s eyes also opened.
“Waah! I’m also on the clock! I carelessly dozed off!”
“I did, too! I wonder how long I was asleep for. I have to quickly go and clean all of the guest rooms!”
It was as if they had no idea what was going on while they were sleeping.
“Then you gotta come quickly! There’s a shooting star nearby and it’s likely to crash into us!” Kirby shouted.
The three staff members became pale.
“We can’t dodge it without the driver! Come quickly!”
“Oh no...!” The driver, still pale, jumped up and rushed to the cab.
Kirby and Walky returned to the dining car. Everyone there was exhausted. The most severely affected was York. His eyes were white, and he fainted.
“What’s wrong with Mr. York?”
Kirby ran up to York, who was laying on the sofa.
“No way... did he also eat the slumbercumbers...!?”
“No...” Meta Knight answered with a soft voice. “He didn’t listen to my advice to cover his ears. Because of that, he received serious damage.”
“Huh? What happened?”
“...it’s nothing. Are the driver and the others awake?”
“Yup! They woke up refreshed!”
The weakened passengers breathed a sigh of relief as they applauded.
“Hurray! You did it, Kirby!”
“We knew you could! Like we knew we could withstand that singing!”
“Shh! Don’t say that!”
The applause grew louder and louder, causing York to wake up.
“U... uu... what was that horrible experience I had...”
York groaned as he woke up while Kirby reported happily about what happened.
“Ah! Mr. York! You’re awake! The driver and the others woke up!”
“...huh? Are you serious?”
“Yup! My song moved them, and they woke up! He’s heading straight for the cab now!”
“Song? Your song...? Uuuu... why... why is my head throbbing...” York uttered while holding his head.
“Has the driver returned to his post?”
“Yup! So did the conductor and maid!”
“That’s good.”
York raised his head and said in a clear voice. “Then everything is already taken care of. His driving skills are the best in my company. That means it’s the best in the galaxy. He can definitely avoid the shooting star!”
The passengers cheered and hugged each other.
“What a relief...! We’re saved!”
“I thought we were doomed!”
Within the cries of rejoicing, the door to the dining car opened and King Dedede entered. He said while staggering.
“That horrible singing voice... that was you, wasn’t it, Kirby! Well, don’t think I couldn’t have managed it on my own strength without the driver!”
He plopped down in a chair and glared at York.
“Now, to continue from earlier, York! I would like to say that I would like to question you about your evildoing...”
The king then looked away.
“We’ll talk about those annoying things later. We should celebrate the fact that we avoided this great disaster. It’s time for a sweets party!”
The passengers cheered with joy.
“Sweets and snacks!”
“Chef Kawasaki! Make a sweet cake!”
“Of course! Thanks to Captain Vul retuning the sugar, I can make lots of planned and even some new cakes!” Chef Kawasaki said with a smile.
There was great applause. However, it was at that moment that the conductor rushed in with a serious expression.
“I have a message from the driver! We’re too late to be able to avoid it!”
The noisy dining car became dead silent.
The conductor shouted painfully.
“The speed of the shooting star is greater than we expected! Collision with the Pupupu Train is imminent...!”
Table of Contents
Next Chapter ->
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animebw · 1 year
So! In order to keep myself from losing my goddamn mind in the aftermath of that G-Witch episode (how are we supposed to wait two weeks for the next episode I swear to fuck), I want to take a second and focus on something this show has done exceptionally well, but that I haven’t really seen talked about at all. Namely, the fact that Suletta is one of the best examples of an overpowered protagonist I’ve ever seen.
And yes, she is canonically overpowered. As long as she has Aerial by her side, she can curb-stomp pretty much every opponent without breaking a sweat. Time and again, she goes up against impossible odds and wipes the floor with them The best duelist at school? Chump. Facing multiple opponents alone and outnumbered? Child’s play. And honestly, I was starting to get annoyed by it around the end of the first season. How are we supposed to believe Suletta’s ever going to be in danger if she’s so ludicrously stronger than everyone else?
And then The Slap happened, and everything turns upside-down.
See, what makes season 1′s cliffhanger ending so goddamn powerful isn’t just the sight of our cheerful bumbling protagonist liquifying a living person into red paste in front of her horrified fiance. It’s not just the realization of how deep Prospera’s manipulation has twisted Suletta’s sense of identity. No, the real secret behind The Slap’s brilliance is that it retroactively makes every single moment of Overpowered Suletta fucking terrifying. Suddenly, we realize that her overwhelming strength in battle is a direct result of Prospera’s influence, raising her to be the perfect pawn in her little scheme. The reason she’s able to knock the socks off every single opponent she faces isn’t just Latent Protag Syndrome; it’s because her mother crafted her into a relentless warrior with the strength to destroy any obstacle in the path to her revenge. Suletta’s strength in battle isn’t just overwhelming; it’s dangerous, to herself and everyone around her. And the second she has to unleash that strength in a situation more serious than a no-casualties school sporting match, it becomes instantly, horrifyingly clear that she is in no way ready to grapple with the great responsibility that comes with such great power.
In other words, what first seemed like just a case of another anime protagonist winning every fight because reasons turns on its head and makes that overpowered nature a source of fear, both for the audience and for Miorine. So instead of ending up a boring tension-killer where we’re never afraid for Suletta’s safety, the fact that she’s capable of such force becomes the most critical source of tension and conflict driving her and Miorine’s story in the second season. Suletta being so overpowered is an explicit character flaw, at least as long as Prospera’s claws are in her. Because just because she can punch away any physical threat in her path doesn’t mean she’s not vulnerable in countless other areas. She may be the strongest in a fight, but she has nowhere near the strength of character to deal with the political schemes and emotional burdens that come about as a result of that strength. All that skill on the battlefield doesn’t mean shit when you can’t see how that skill is being manipulated for dark ends, or causing you to take on stress and trauma you have no healthy way of coping with. Suletta can smash her way to victory in any fight, and yet she’s the most vulnerable, least protected person in the entire cast, in no small part thanks to the forces that made her so strong in the first place.
There’s a reason characters like Saitama from One Punch Man and Mob from Mob Psycho 100 are so beloved, despite being so overpowered. ONE knows that in order to make an overpowered character interesting, you need to give them struggles beyond the scope of their powers to fix. Saitama can punch a mountain in half, but he can’t punch his way out of existential ennui; that’s just as much of a struggle for him as any normal person. Mob’s psychic powers can’t solve his emotional turmoil or provide him the perfect path toward maturity; he has to figure that out himself. They are overwhelmingly strong in fights, but the primary conflict of their stories has very little to do with those fights and everything to do with their growth as people. They’re stories about how even being the strongest person alive doesn’t protect you from the challenges of life that everyone on this planet faces, and their journeys to self-actualization are enormously compelling as a result. No one remembers the overpowered exploits of Isekai Harem Protagonist du jour; everyone remembers watching Saitama and Mob slowly find their way forward in life, one simple step at a time.
Suletta, in my eyes, is very much in the same vein. Like Saitama and Mob and all the best overpowered protagonists, her writing understands that being incredibly skilled in one area doesn’t mean you can’t be challenged in others- and in Mob’s case especially, how that incredible skill can actually be the biggest obstacle for the challenge you actually need to overcome. Suletta’s skill in battle is made compelling by her lack of that same skill in other areas, and the ultimate conflict of Gundam Witch is a conflict she cannot punch her way out of. If she’s going to survive this chaos and live happily every after with Miorine, she will need to struggle to overcome her years of conditioning and emotional uncertainty. She will need to struggle just as Mob struggled, just as Saitama struggled, not just to learn the skills she hasn’t developed yet, but to push back against the influence that resulted in her being so freakishly strong in the first place. Suletta is an overpowered protagonist who’s overpowered nature is, itself, the greatest challenge she will have to overcome in order to truly save herself and the people she loves. And I think that’s really damn neat.
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the-eeveekins · 6 months
The 11th Day of G-Witch: Circling Thoughts
Suletta Mercury is a girl so deeply in love. Her expressions in this episode are an absolute treasure.
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Another classic Suletta moment with her now iconic "Suletta... forgetta" line. Once again, she makes the most adorable expressions of happiness over telling a joke to make her friends laugh.
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I still find it very frustrating how this little conversation played a big part in viewers willing to look past all the horrible things Delling has done. Yeah, he's being less abrasive to Miorine here and trying to give her sound business advice, but don't forget this dude is still a fascist dictator.
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The first official mention of the Space Assembly League! Unfortunately, the show didn't take this moment to expand on who and what the SAL is and leaves it frustratingly vague until late in the series despite the major role they end up playing. Missed opportunity here, another thing that makes me wonder if S1 was paced under the assumption of getting more than 2 seasons.
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A new character named Bob! He seems happy, I already like him more than that Guel guy.
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I know this is supposed to be showing the ruined and dire state of Earth, but I absolutely love nature reclamation and really vibe with these scenes, they're so pretty.
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I love the contrast in this interaction between Suletta & Elan to "their" earlier ones. While Suletta is happy to see him for a moment, she's immediately clearly uncomfortable with how close he's getting to her. And whereas before she wouldn't take Miorine into account when dealing with Elan, she's at the forefront of her mind now, worrying what she would think. And you can tell how upset she is over the idea that Miorine isn't taking their engagement seriously and she's just using her. The almost kiss is so frustrating when you consider it sounds like execs made them remove the Sulemio kiss in S2.
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A communication misunderstanding between Suletta & Miorine was inevitable, especially with Miorine's difficulties in communication and Suletta being primed with self-doubt about the legitimacy of their relationship from multiple angles. And while it mostly makes sense, I definitely have problems with how Miorine is written in this scene with regards to Elan. She says it's okay if Suletta dates Elan and even encourages it, which makes sense for Miorine before epiosde 7 when she was worried about pushing Suletta away. But I feel like in the months since then, with Suletta obviously moving closer to her, she would have lost a lot of that insecurity, and especially wouldn't want to push her back towards Elan. The only way those lines really make sense to me is if she happened to catch Elan & Suletta earlier, thought Suletta was still more into him than her, and was lashing out at Suletta out of jealousy. Why else would she bring up Elan unprompted?
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Either way, it was a hard way to end the episode, especially as there was a 2 week wait for the next episode when it aired.
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adracat · 1 year
G Witch 22 thoughts
Banger episode this week! I loved every single minute. My only gripe was that it felt far too short. A pox on these weekly waits. Future binge watchers don't know how good they have it
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Very much enjoyed the doubling down on QZ's destructive power and complete supremacy. No matter how many weapons/ships you have it doesn't matter because Aerial can just override them. It's a good establisher of stakes.
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Mio burrito spotted. She is looking so rough here. Completely unsurprising she won't acknowledge Guel though. He had no sway on her even on her best days. Sorry, my guy. You lack Suletta's magic touch. Only she can play the Mio whisperer now
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DEMI BARDING!! Big fan of that chonky suit after Asticassia ep so glad it's getting more use. I don't even care that I'm being manipulated into buying another kit. Secilia is a real one, glad she sat her butt down so the world didn't implode
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This was a nice moment and gave Suletta closure on 4lan. He was someone she cared for, no matter how brief. That revelation about her list being Prospera's idea was a bit of a shocker tbh. I just thought she constructed it from the media she watched/read. The truth is way worse lmao. I guess it was meant to acclimate her to the school and therefore the dueling games for Aerial? Little did Prospera know that Suletta's dork charm would snare the heart of Delling's daughter immediately.
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This was sudden but a joy to watch. I suppose Guel was tired of being Mio's ineffective secretary lol. But in all seriousness, this was sweet of him to arrange a duel so the lovebirds could be reunited. You've become a solid bro, Guel. Hope nothing dire happens to you.
Btw, I fully expect some fanfic authors to leap on a fencing au now. Pretty please?
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This entire scene was so Utena I couldn't believe it. Well, actually the entire episode was littered with Utena but still. The baring of their mistakes. The acceptance of their faults. GOD this was so amazing.
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I love how far Suletta has come in her development. Such an excellent change of mindset from viewing her time at Asticassia as a mistake to fully believing meeting Miorine was a blessing. She's so confident in her feelings
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THEY'RE SOMEDAY TOGETHERINGGGG I see you Okouchi, giving us rabid Utena fans the good shit. This show is such a great homage in so many ways but this episode takes the cake! (Bit concerned that Suletta didn't verbally promise anything, just smiled fondly. Perhaps wistfully?)
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This gave me such an unpleasant jumpscare though. The deliberate framing with Mio's bare legs followed by catastrophic bedhead freaked me out. I could have done without the Anthy reminder, thank you. Made such a sweet moment feel a bit horrific. I envy those who are oblivious to what I'm talking about
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But this was so very sweet. I was getting misty-eyed. These babies have been through so much yet the truest thing is their love for each other. Their relationship remains the emotional core. Side note: Mio why are you the size of a housecat? Just how small was Notrette even
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I'm glad I was correct in my read that Earth House doesn't truly blame Mio for Earth, only her staunch refusal to seek help. This was a nice little moment as was her brief words to Delling. Sleeping beauty certainly took his sweet time. I do wonder what he makes of this chaos?
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Guel's reservation about Suletta heading to QZ is understandable but as she says, it's her choice. And Mio won't let anyone else decide Suletta's fate as she did before. Her quick death glare at Guel was so funny. Mans can only slap himself into complaince. Even when not engaged to Mio, he still obeys like a loyal sidekick lmao
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Didn't expect this quick Shaddiq convo. I like how he recognizes instantly that Mio is better because of Suletta. It's very in character for him to accept Suletta's importance in Mio's life without resentment. I am wondering at the deal Mio makes with him. What could he possibly do for her? Perhaps it's Earth-related
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At first I thought this was the sweetest thing. I still think it's sweet, but I also find the phrasing incredibly... weird. Not 'I'll always love you?' 'Always be with you'? Instead 'I will always be attached to you'. Could be nothing but it still sounds vaguely ominous. And it's coded in the genetic sequence of her tomatoes all things. The hell were you doing Notrette? Nice nod to mythology here though. Anesidora is an epithet for Demeter, an agricultural goddess, and Pandora. And like Pandora, Notrette unwittingly released evil in the form of QZ and possibly collaborated with Prospera to upload Ericht's biometric signature.
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Aww farmer wives on Earth please! Still don't like Suletta only smiles when Mio declares anything future related. I get the rudest feeling she's not making hard promises because she's too aware of the peril. They look so happy here, so imma ignore the danger signs and just bask in their affection.
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Mio forcing aside her own fear to support Suletta was so good. She was so relieved when Suletta broke Permet 5 alive, bursting into tears afterward. It was rough for me to hear Suletta gasping in pain, so I can't imagine how Mio must've felt. I don't ever want to see people claim she doesn't love Suletta ever again
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I have thoughts on Calibarn's design (Utena spoilers) and place in the plot, but for this review I'll just say it looks neat. I wish it was a bit more unique, but it makes sense they need it to resemble its sibling plus its obvious Vanadis roots. That boom broomstick is super cool though!
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I enjoyed Prospera's muted reaction here. She's surprised by Calibarn but not intimidated or angry. I'm sure she has complete faith in Eri's ability to handle this hurdle and her daughter's commitment to the plan. She must know Eri loves Suletta, but assumes it ultimately won't change a thing. For now, at least.
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You know, I expected Lauda to lose it but I didn't expect him to be this stupid lol. You can't even use the damn GUND format idiot, you really think you'll beat your brother? I can't believe I gave him even the slightest bit of credit. Easily the worst character in the show. I hope Guel crushes him (and he doesn't get Guel killed in the process)
Petra deserves better 2023!
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Ah and Eri peeks her GUND ghost form out to say hello before clashing with Suletta. This is an incredible shot, love the visuals as always. If it goes full Utena as I suspect, we'll see Eri break/override Calibarn. The name of a holy sword bashing at the Gwitch Rose Gate doesn't bode well. What that means for Suletta is anyone's guess, but I have faith she'll live. I fully expect her to get assistance of some kind. After all, the show has been telling us all along that working together is far better than struggling alone!
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pencil-peach · 7 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 10
Wow! If you're reading this, you've reached Part "Eleven" ("Onze" in Portuguese, "Ju ichi (十一)" in Japanese) of my attempt to document and transcribe all the onscreen text in G Witch! (Although at this point, it's more like an episode by episode analysis of the series as well...)
<< Click Here to go to Part Ten! (Dez) (Ju)
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Sit back, grab a drink, and join me under the cut! Because...after all..
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Delling is going to die.
There's actually not any legible text for a good bit of the episode's opening, so I thought I'd take some time to talk about an interesting Text Related Thing !
For a long time, I was trying to figure out if there was any method to the naming convention behind Asticassia's Student IDs. After I spent an embarrassing amount of time thinking about it, I realized I had never actually gone through the official website to check... and as it turns out, the convention is in fact stated right there !
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The ID has 3 parts to it: The Student's year of admission, their department, and their personal id number.
Year of Admission: "K" denotes a Third-year student "L" denotes a Second-year "M" denotes a First Year
Department: "P" denotes the Piloting department. "M" denotes the Mechanical department "S" denotes the Management Strategy Department
Personal ID: It's a bit tough to denote exactly what the website means when it says "The personal number is determined by the hierarchy of the recommending companies," but my best guess is that it has to do with the rank of the company that submitted the student. (But is also probably affected by, like, the order of admission...)
So, for example, Miorine's ID is LS001. So: L - Second Year S - Management Strategy Student 001 - Considering her dad is President of the Entire Group, it makes sense that her personal number is 001.
Guel - KP001: K - Third Year P - Piloting Department Student 001 - As we discussed before, Jeturk Heavy Machinery was ranked #1 in the group when the story starts, so again, it makes sense that Guel's personal number is also 001. (This also shows that Personal Numbers aren't strictly unique across the whole student body, but within the combinations of Admission Year + Department)
Interestingly, Elan Ceres is KP002 and Shaddiq is KP003, despite how when the story starts, Grassley is rank 2 and Peil is rank 3 within the group. This could mean that maybe the companies were swapped when the two were admitted and ID's can't be changed, or that Elan was just admitted before Shaddiq.
Lauda is KP013, but since he was also definitely admitted by Jeturk, he might have just been admitted a little bit after Guel for some reason, maybe? Don't think too hard about it.
But knowing this tells us some other interesting things too!
For example, with the exception of Lilique, Suletta, and Chuchu, all the Earth House students have ID numbers in the 200s. (Except for Norea and Sophie but they don't count) Martin: KS229 Aliya: KM237 Till: KM231 Nika: LM236 Nuno: LM238 Ojelo: LM232 Suletta: LP041 Lilique: MS119 Chuchu: MP039
If I may make an assumption, this might be because a lot of the Earthian students didn't enroll with the recommendation of a company. (Aliya mentions in the 1st Drama CD that she and her family didn't know much of anything about Asticassia, and she enrolled to the school on her own.)
Running with this assumption, Chuchu might be so high up (at 039) because we do know for a fact that the people that sent her to the school are Mobile Craft Operators. She might have used the mobile craft company her family works for as her recommendation.
Lilique is unknowable. Forgive me.
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On the board at Earth House, we can see the to do list Lilique has written for business to take care of. TEXT: This week's online meeting schedule New applicants for investments Prepare budget sheet Final Adjustment of GUND prosthetics by operation test AERIAL repair status Ideas for increasing PV views
As we can see in the scene, the students are actually hard at work taking care of the things on the list. Lilique is in an online VOICE ONLY meeting, Aliya and Martin are working on the budget sheet, Ojelo, Chuchu, Nika, Suletta, and Nuno are working on the operation test, and Till and Miorine are checking on AERIAL (among other things)
Another cute touch is that before the founding of the company, the symbol on the back of the board was the Earth House Emblem, and now it's the GUND-ARM logo
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God help me I don't know why of all the colors on god's green earth that they chose a light ass blue on white ass legs but Kaori Seki (Monitor/Graphics Designer) gives their toughest text to their silliest warrior. (me) My BEST Guess for what this says is: GUND MONITORING SYSTEM 01
I'm reasonably confident in GUND, SYSTEM, and 01, but i can only make out about half of "Monitoring." Considering the nature of the tests they're running on the legs, and how Ojelo says he's established a connection with them, I'm gonna go ahead with believing that I'm reasonably accurate with my reading.
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The Tilting Tables also say GUND PROSTHETIC LEG MONITORING SYSTEM (and also READY.) So I think I'm right.
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The tables' displays also change to 100%: NO ABNORMALITY when Suletta steps on them.
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Here we get a peak at Suletta's wish list. Do your best to fill it all out Suletta...! We also see that, accurately, "Share accessories" is in fact after "Tell a joke"
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Off topic, but something that's only funny to me is that, when Suletta shows Nika the Cool-san and Hot-san Keychains, the word she says is (accurately) translated as "Keychains," but the word she actually says is "キーホルダー" (Kii Horudaa) which literally translates to "Key Holder"
Suletta is called The Key to unlocking the door for Aerial, and she's also the Holder at Asticassia. She's literally a Key Holder herself! Ho Ho Ho!
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Something we hear about every so often but never really get a broader look into is how Grassley appears to be swamped in a succession race, most likely because Sarius is concerned he might die soon and needs to leave the company to a worthy heir when that happens. Shaddiq was leading that race, and that's most likely why the position of Acting CEO fell to him when Sarius "disappeared."
Also there's something about how everything at Plant Quetta only happened because Sarius erroneously told his son about Jeturk's plan because he thought he could trust him.
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I will do my best to also document all of Norea's drawings that we see. I...think this one is a dead moth...? M....Maybe....? (Please correct me)
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TEXT: GUEST: MIORINE REMBRAN GUND-ARM INC. COMPANY REPRESENTATVE What she says during this interview is as follows: "One strength of GUND treatment is that it can extract the user's intentions from comprehensive biological data. Thanks to this strength, we believe we can enable you to physically adapt to the space environment."
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Okay now it's time to talk about this fucking scene. I think about this fucking scene all the time.
Okay so first of all, it's an intentional allusion to El4n's habit of silently appearing out of nowhere. But something is very immediately and tangibly off about it this time. Firstly, whenever El4n would appear, he would always be approaching Suletta when he makes himself known. He never just stood and waited for her to show up.
Secondly, whenever El4n would appear, his appearance would swiftly be accompanied with the track Tell Me More About You, which is a calming piano piece that leads with El4n's main motif.
(Funnily enough, "Tell Me More About You" plays more often for El4n's appearances in the show than his actual theme, aptly titled "Elan Ceres." From what I can tell, this song only plays when Suletta brings Elan out of the destroyed Pharact and they have their moment.)
The song usually starts playing almost immediately as soon as El4n appears on screen, if not before. (It even plays when Original Elan is pretending to be him at the Incubation Party.) But in 5lan's initial confrontation with Suletta, there is NO music. NONE. There's not even background ambiance. It is DEAD silent for a MINUTE.
Up until Suletta tells El4n she can't date him because of Miorine, to which he responds that it's okay because "that's all a lie, isn't it?" At Which the song My Depression cuts in, which is a distorted, unsettling arrangement of El4n's motif.
AND THEN, when 5lan continues to come onto her and she shoves him and runs away, we cut to a shot of Original Elan talking to one of the Peil Witches (Nugen) about "That new enhanced person," stating out loud that the Elan we just saw ISN'T El4n.
This scene literally drives me crazy because it is utterly perfect in its execution but it feels like it came directly from an alternate version of the story where we as the audience didn't ALREADY KNOW El4n had been killed. LIKE, AM I CRAZY??????
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Anyway, we are shown the same data sheet for 5lan that we saw for El4n in Episode 6. Not much to be said here, the DECISION CRITERIA is Rank A, the graph is empty, and his test results all show "NO ABNORMALITY" , presumably because 5lan hasn't piloted the Pharact yet. We unfortunately don't get a closer look at the EEG section in this shot either.
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Not text, but we can see that on the greenhouse monitor, Miorine is looking at a mockup of the Prosthetic Legs. She's probably looking over the results of the operation test from earlier. And thus, we have reached the end. My final gift to you:
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In a scene where Miorine is unintentionally hurting someone she loves by emulating her father's worst traits, it's fitting that she's physically copying him as well, hm?
Episode 11. >>
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The Hypocrisy of the Spacians (or, why worries about Kessler Syndrome are bullshit)
So, a number of things happened in the latest episode of G-Witch. A number of them were, uh, traumatizing. For both the cast and the viewers. To keep myself distracted, I'm going to focus on a little detail mentioned in episode 12. (Spoilers under cut!)
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Specifically, this line. Now, a lot of people have pointed out it's perfectly reasonable to ban kinetic space weaponry in favor of lasers; lasers don't leave behind any bullets or casings that can drift through space until they hit something and cause a Kessler Syndrome. And this is reasonable- until you look deeper.
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Norea here immediately points out the first layer of hypocrisy (the Spacian military-industrial complex being more than happy to pollute Earth while at the same time worrying about the pollution of space). But there's something more that undermines the kinetic weapons ban and it's stated reasoning entirely, that being that guns aren't the only thing that leaves behind space debris.
Every laser that misses and hits a building or asteroid or whatever, every limb of an enemy MS that's sheared off, all that sends little shards and particulates of material flying off into space, where they'll keep flying until they hit something, normally at high velocity.
For an example, let's look at the Vim/Bob fight in they very same episode:
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The elder Jeturk is more than happy to shear off limbs and leave them drifting, not to mention his using very fucking physical cluster munitions. (How are ordinary guns banned but cluster bombs aren't?! Or is this a case of Vim's money allowing him to get away with flaunting the rules? Either way, more Spacian hypocrisy.)
And that's before we get into what happens to defeated combants; the mandatory post-kill explosion. That explosion doesn't atomize the defeated mobile suit to take care of resulting space debris, it just sends that space debris flying in every direction, making it all the harder to clean up. Here's a couple shots of Vim's MS blowing up:
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Look at how the Dilanza Sol visibly bulges outwards before the explosion completes, and the debris field left behind afterwards. A few weeks, years, decades, I dunno how long, but one day those little Dilanza Sol bits are going to drift into just the right position to ruin some freighter's day.
Now, one could argue that all this is just Vim's flaunting of the rules, or a result of Benerit Group being confronted with someone who doesn't obey the laws of war anyway. Problem is, they left behind plenty of space debris in other conflicts. Look at the aftermath of the Vanadis Incident:
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Or, hell, the duel between Suletta and El4n, may he rest in peace.
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Benerit Group and it's subsidiaries are more than okay with leaving behind fields of space debris from all sorts of sources, as long as those sources aren't guns. Even fore something as petty as a duel among students.
In conclusion, the ban on physical weaponry in the Ad Stella timeline isn't out of any genuine sense of care for the cleanliness of space, or worries about a Kessler Syndrome. The true reason is most likely moral grandstanding, similar to Imperial Germany kvetching about American shotguns in WW1. Alternatively, it could be as simple was wanting to deny what I assume are cheap, easy to manufacture weapons that could prove comparable to lasers to the poors/revolutionaries/poor revolutionaries most likely to buy and/or make them. Either way, the hypocrisy of the Spacian military-industrial complex is on full display here. The solar system of the Ad Stella timeline won't see someone fully dedicated to keep space clean and safe until the military industrial complex is dismantled- preferably in favor of a dictatorship of the proletariat that incentivized to care about the safety of freighter crews and so forth, instead of the corporatocracy incentivized to care about profit, damn everything else.
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multitrackdrifting · 11 months
Well I didn't write my thoughts on the last ep cause I was playing FF16 but I'll explain why I didn't like the ending (despite loving a lot of the episode) under the cut
There's a lot of ways you can end a political sci-fi story (which Mobile Suit Gundam tends to be) and some of the worst ways it can end is a bleak "and nothing got better" and that often is the resolution for a lot of them, but it's not that bad when it's clear that the isolated conflict would just be covered up and whatever amidst the conclusion of that story. The very grounded and "realistic" stories in UC might fall into this kind of area.
I am of the opinion that more often than not it's bad practice to criticise what isn't there, that is unless you have a legitimate reason to feel that way. In this case, I feel that they brought up the earth subplots and kind of just used to thrust the story forward without actually having anything meaningful to say about Earthian emancipation or even validate that the companies in the story made that place a fucking hell hole in any meaningful fashion. You hear about a lot of the going-ons from people from Earth for sure, but you barely have it in your periphery for the majority of the season except for about 3-ish episodes.
My greatest fear as I've expressed to many friends and other people I talk to about G-Witch is that they would hand-wave all the problems away with a time skip and sadly we got literally this exact thing.
The spectacle and wonder of the family conflict tying up nicely & the canon lesbian relationship is pretty heavily overshadowed for me by the complete dismissal of the very subplot threads they opened in order to describe just how bonkers the Benerit group is/was.
OF course, I am labouring under the assumption that there is no season 3, and IBO didn't even announce theirs till like 4 months after Season 1 ended on a massive cliffhanger but this story did not end on one.
There's no seething and spiteful earth orphan in the epilogue, or any inclination that the story will in-fact continue and that leaves me feeling all the way wrong about how they handled this especially since I have to wait half a year potentially to find out if they plan to make more (which I imagine they will if not specifically to sell more Gunpla).
Of course, you might say that "oh this is a more personal Gundam story" and I don't even really feel like that's a good explanation of why the ending almost feels antithetical to the story itself like, yeah Benerit got dissolved and all was well and eveyrone became friends which is acceptable in your average shounen story but this pretty much felt like an ass-pull in some ways especially when you take in that they neglected to do anything with Earth except => guel gets kidnapped and goes to earth and briefly helps orphans and guerillas => miorine accidentally helps stage a false flag attack and pretty much nothing else?
Like that kind of irks me in the same way that playing FF14 Stormblood and there being almost nothing about Ala Mhigo irks me.
Of course, I am happy that SuleMio is a happy family not just with Prospera, but all of her daughers including Eri.
It's just... way too neat? I seldom call something an ass-pull but hand-waving that Earth is still in strife and barely any consequences were faced by the broader corporations outside of the dissolution of Benerit would be a compelling point if, like Hathaway, it had something to stand on top of (which is that in UC, fucking nothing ever changes, Unicorn happens and Hathaway's Mafty Uprising still happens in spite of Banagher's wager on possibility lmao)
I dunno, I feel happy that they're happy but really upset that they really just dumpstered everything to do with Earth and it just swept so many of the real questions that the very story we watched each week implied it would even try to answer.
I'm really hard to annoy, I love meathead shounen, I love serious and nuanced political writing in anime (e.g. MSG UC & Eighty-Six) but it's not the space magic that annoys me, I'd be a hypocrite to love Gundam Unicorn and hate it here - it's how they just time-skipped everything to a neat and tidy conclusion.
Of course, maybe a S3 announcement (which I have firmly held is probably coming) would change my mind, but yeah this was a great episode but a terrible finale.
Honestly, I even felt irked by the fact that Suletta accepts her mothers choice so plainly and I get it - the parental bonds thing is somehting I don't take for granted, anyone who has had complicated feelings about their own parents understands how a person can come to be like "you've hurt me and the people around me, and yet I still care for you" - I get it! But I really do not like how inconsistent it feels to be cleaning up the bodies of her classmates one episode and kinda shrugging everything she did off in a time-skip but this critique specifically is down to the jarring pacing that others had been complaining to this point - I suppose I am guilty of getting caught up in the spectacle but I almost snapped my neck at how hard this ending veered off
Of course, the natural commentary for this will be "selling off Benerit's assets and aiding Earth is a functional and practical way to help Earth" except that it almost feels like it comes out of nowhere due to the lightspeed pacing of this finale.
They really fumbled writing Earth in this story - yeah, there are nice subtleties in the ending but it still feels way too rushed and jarring for me to like actually find it enjoyable. Bodies don't make a good gundam ending (see: Gundam Unicorn), and space magic doesn't make it bad either (also Gundam UC lol), they just brushed off way too much.
The "incremental change" argument holds decent weight if there was any explicit inclination to continue the story from the time-skip (which I would like to see, preferrably with an Earthian protagonist at the centre of their emancipation struggles).
It was indeed nice to see the Earth girls integrated into Miorine's company, and Sabina does comment that they're not sure if it will amount to what they want - and Mio, far more mature than her younger self, steps towards that future bravely and that's cool.
I like the characterisation of the ending - but yeah, how they kinda just blitz the Earth stuff does not sit right with me.
I did like seeing all the kids being friends & being together after all they've been through, and that is a nice way to tie-up the story, but the way they kinda just use that to justify why they barely explain the rest is wild.
Course, I know I'm probably in the minority here - but pacing doomposters were right - this was a pretty abysmal ending because of how little time they had to work with.
I loved every single episode of this season, except the ending. Loved the first half of the episode, but the latter half is just way too neat and that's not because it needs bodies or something - it really does just feel like "and then it got marginally better".
I know the ending itself explicitly acknowledges that nothing may change, but as I said previously, that only works if you have something to lean on which this story does not since it's unclear if it's even going to get another season.
Systemic change, in reality, is quite incrimental and often feels infinitismally small - and that notion might be more compelling in this bittersweet epilogue if the story had taken more pains to actually explore the earthian-spacian conflict.
Yes, they discuss conflict-sharing/war-partitioning on the different segments of Earth, but they do nothing with it at all other than laud it around as a talking point without making the viewer ever face it except when Prospera attacks Earth. I feel like so much of the Earth-side of the story is left in the abstract, and do not argue to me that it's in the subtleties of Earth house and the things that they say.
I felt like the fella in Plato's cave hearing about something and the only time I actually felt the human side of that story from the people that live on Earth was when Guel was a prisoner of war for an episode and when Miorine has to face the disappointed people who realise they're being attacked.
I had faith the ending would not go "and then it got better", and I know many people will hate that I choose to take that interpretation, but that is pretty much the summation of my feelings about how rapidly they pushed this aside. I love this series, I ahve been gassing this series every single week since like episode 3 - but this ending was unsatisfying - it's not enough to make me hate the series but yeah, I wish we had something more substantive to look toward with future stories or more time spent stressing the "other side" of this conflict.
Yeah, the Benerit group at large is on trial on TV, and there's signs that the world will change & we see future generations of kids on Earth, but I don't think it hit quite right for me. It's not a lack of grit, it's just like, you're enjoying the payoff without the adequate build-up and I feel like I'm possibly not alone in thinking this.
Earth was just a bargaining chip and an elusive idea in this season, and I really do not like that so much was left in the abstract. You can "subtext" anything into existence, but no amount of referential dialogue is going to make up for the lack of a grounded and meaningful representation of their struggle since Sophie and Norea got axed (I did not mind this at the time), and they portrayed every other Earth character outside of Gund-arm as a villain.
I really feel like this aspect of how the story was structured was ultimately quite disappointing and thus, I am annoyed at the resulting payoff.
The romance side of things was cute, and I thoroughly enjoy how thing were tied up with them - especially that Suletta loved her family despite everything (this does not boggle my mind).
But yeah my gripes with the lack of idk time to talk about Earth actually boggles my mind beyond belief.
It's incredibly difficult to feel the actual weight of "yeah Benerit was dissolved and assets redistributed lol" while being presented with next to zero context for what that means and what it could mean. Way too much is left to the imagination and while that's fine in certain kinds of stories, in one wherey ou barely even grapple with the Earth context that you've described to this point it's kind of bonkers.
Yes, I get a lot of people will feel catharsis with this ending because what they're watching for and what I am watching for may be different - that's perfectly okay, but I'm not gonna act like ti didn't disappoint me that we got the most explicit form of a hand-wave (a time skip) to end out an otherwise fantastically written series.
I do not like that one bit and I do not apologise for believing that either.
Here's another scorching take: the next season should focus on Earth, not how the Samayas heal as a family - there might be room for both, but with how neglected Earth felt maybe it's time for a POV change in this world bc they really did FA with that.
In conclusion, I sitll like the show, but this ending was really unfulfilling. I know that winning a battle is not winning the war, but the story took pretty much no pains to eloquently depict the struggles of Earth properly this season despite me thinking that the vast majority of episodes were absolutely fantastic in spite of that.
I think Suletta, Mio and Guel were quite well-written and most of the supporting cast too, but this flaw in the narrative structure is insanely glaring for me and call that pretentious if you want but I genuinely believe what I said here
Edit: I guess, the ending just doesn't say anything super daring that that's pretty disappointing.
Edit 2: I completely forgot to go on a rant but, that the use of a WMD (space laser) was not even a point of intrigue for a future conflict is also wild.
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comradeyurika · 1 year
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This week's episode of G Witch sees everything falling apart for all of the characters, but none more than Guel, who we're seeing for the first time since he unwittingly killed his own father at the end of last season. He's now a prisoner of Dawn of Fold, and is sitting around wracked with guilt over what he did. Olcott believes Guel could be used as a hostage, but the audience understands better than that.
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When the raid begins on Dawn of Fold, Guel takes action after he's been left behind, trying in what will ultimately be failed attempt to save Seethia's life. Seethia for her part doesn't understand this; she hates Guel simply because he was brought back while her father lost his life in the attack. Guel has been an object of hate, but now he's trying to save her life, and he can't really even articulate exactly why he's doing it. But he's doing something under his own volition now, rather than simply because his father or the company or the school are making him do it. It's an important step forward in his rebirth as a man who will be capable of living his own life.
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As the attack rages on, more and more people lose their lives. Before this episode, most of these people were faceless characters to us, just agents of a group who had been villain coded in their actions. But here we see them fighting and laying down their lives to protect their families and comrades. It's an excellent reframing, the sort of thing that Gundam has historically been good at.
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Guel gets a taste first hand about what actual war looks like here. He has seen it a bit at the end of last season, but only from the perspective inside a cockpit; now he is forced to see just how much damage a mobile suit can inflict on a person. It's nothing like the school duels that he was so proficient at at all. And then the final gut punch happens; he was not fast enough to save Seethia. She dies in his arms, and Guel is unable to accomplish anything. Now will come the hardest challenge he has faced yet: figuring out what to do with the life he still has and putting it to the best use possible.
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anthurak · 1 year
So at this point I am really expecting/hoping that we get a true ‘second-season’/full-50-episodes of Witch From Mercury. Because right now I just don’t see how the show can wrap up in a truly meaningful/satisfying manner in just four/five more episodes.
Now yes, the plot of the show could be conceivably wrapped up in that time; if we see Prospera finally reveal her big evil plan next episode, we might be able to see Suletta get her meaningful resolution, reunite/reconcile with Miorine and Aerial, and have a big final conflict against Prospera without things feeling too rushed.
But in terms of character/relationship arcs and broader narrative themes, no I simply do NOT think we have enough time left this season to explore and resolve those in an actually satisfying way.
To use G-Witch’s main relationship as an example; while we do have enough time for Suletta and Miorine to reunite and have a big love confession on a surface-level, I don’t believe we have enough time to show these two fully reconciling in a satisfying manner. Miorine lied to Suletta, she HURT Suletta, all in a horribly misguided attempt to keep Suletta safe. Suletta and Miorine reuniting and having a big love confession should really only be the START of the process of repairing their relationship, not the end. Given the care and nuance with which the show has explored Suletta’s and Miorine’s relationship up to now, I frankly can’t imagine them concluding their arc with some basic ‘they said I-love-you and had a big-damn-kiss so everything is fine now’ routine. Now sure, I can imagine (and frankly HOPE) those things happening, it’s just that Suletta and Miorine also need TIME to really repair their relationship and the show to explore that. Something I think the show can only do with a full second season.
And basically everything I just said ALSO applies to Suletta and Aerial. Because Aerial lied to and HURT Suletta just as much as Miorine did and for basically the same exact reasons. So I have to imagine the show needs time for Suletta and her sister to really repair their relationship as well. Again, given how the show has both explored its relationships and provided a deconstructive lens to typical relationship tropes, I can’t imagine it would wrap up this arc and conflict so easily.
THEN there are the broader narrative themes the show has brought up. For example, the theme of the death of childhood innocence and naiveté explored not just through Suletta and Miorine, but also through Guel, Shaddiq, Elan 5 and effectively EVERY kid-character in the show. Particularly after this latest episode, I simply do not see how the show can really explore the fallout from this event and its effect on these characters in just another four/five episodes. It’s the sort of thing that really needs TIME, both screen-time and in-universe time, for our characters to recognize and come to grips with.
Or just think about the conflict with Earth and everything that’s been setup there. Do you really think the show can resolve that in just a few episodes? What we saw last week really feels like only the START of a long-brewing conflict between the people of Earth and Space. Something that is NOT going to be resolved simply by stopping whatever evil scheme Prospera is doing. This really feels like the setup for a conflict next season, rather than something to be actually resolved this season.
And speaking of shitty parents, remember Delling? Dude’s been in a coma for literally the entire season. At this point, even if he were to wake up next episode, it’s hard to imagine there being enough time for him to do much more than have like one meaningful conversation with Miorine and then get killed off in dramatic, redemptive fashion as some ‘he was complicated but he always loved you’ bit. Which I think we can all agree would be MASSIVELY unsatisfying as a conclusion to Miorine’s conflict with her father.
Finally, just look at everything on this list, plus a bunch more I wasn’t able to cover, and ask yourself: How the hell is the show supposed to resolve even half of this in a satisfying manner over the course of, at most, FIVE EPISODES? Simply put, I firmly believe the writers have set up plot and character points that can only be resolved in a true following season after this one.
Now that’s not to say I don’t think there won’t be any resolution by the end of this season. Rather, I think we’ll be resolving a few key conflicts set up this season while still leaving a lot for what’s to come. Like I definitely expect(/hope) we’ll see Suletta and Miorine reunite, plus Aerial as well, and get some kind of reconciliation/love-confession, but again something that is clearly only the start of them repairing their relationship.
And the same thing goes with the other main characters like Guel, Shaddiq, Elan 5 and the members of Earth House. They’ll reach some form of resolution, but one that sets them on an arc for the rest of the series. Like maybe Guel has a massive blow up with his brother that may end with Lauda dead and Guel forced to take over the company. Maybe El5n kills and replaces Elan Prime and seizes control of Piel Tech. Maybe Shaddiq manages to escape and begin to establish himself as the head of a full-on Anti-Spacian rebellion. And there of course there is whatever Prospera is plotting.
As I’ve stated in a previous post, I’m starting to think we’re headed for an end of Gundam 00’s first season situation. We definitely seem to be headed to a situation wherein the Benerit Group is dissolved/broken-up/destroyed in a similar situation to what happens with Celestial Being, both at the hands of Government forces. And it seems that, just like Ribbons Almark in 00, Prospera is manipulating these events for her own ends. Meaning that I think we’re likely to see Asticassia attacked and outright destroyed at the end of the season, with Suletta, Miorine and Aerial only barely escaping with their lives and the fates of their friends unknown. Leading us into a whole new status quo for the following season.
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mahoushoujotechsupport · 11 months
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episode 7 - shall we gundam. probably my 2nd fav episode of the 1st cour right after ep 11
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we start off with peil ceos admitting to vim and sarius that yes pharact is a gundam and oh no oops we did something illegal. that call out on vim, i wonder if it's about his initial assassination attempt on delling and like... how is his shit just being broadcast out to everyone?
after showing that perhaps he has a stronger moral compass, sarius seems to be on board with peil and jeturk on something needed to be done with regards to delling
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cut to the OP and we finally have our first OP change with the lfrith ur and thorn ominuosly silhouetted behind delling
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in sulemio relationship development, we now have suletta actively helping miorine grow tomatoes
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cute development only to go straight into suletta being worried about where the hell elan went after he stood her up and of course mio does not want to hear about that
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so she defaults to talking about how the only thing she cares about is leaving to earth, which we all know as the audience that she very well could have done that weeks/months ago but didn't. cut to framing of a green tomato along with ripe tomatoes
i wonder if that's something they ever talked about. i feel like post-series sulemio would likely be the type of couple to share everything no matter how uncomfortable so yeah eventually it'd have come to light and we'd just have heart eyes suletta while apologizing or something
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mio has a heart of gold looking back on this episode lmao like yeah suletta just wanted to see what the fuck happened but for mio this is someone who in her mind suletta is interested in
she makes it clear when the incubation party invites get sent out that they don't have to go (read: she doesn't want to go) and suletta seizes this as an opportunity to play detective and find out what in the world happened
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thank you g witch for not turning this specific scene into stereotypical tsundere gets offended someone subtley said they have small boobs
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oh shit lmao i am just now noticing that's the yoasobi collab demi trainer
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miorine could've just had suletta go find elan herself, but she's going to help too
also no screenshot because i didnt want to reach the post image limit too soon but i like the scene before this one to really show off how much miorine hates the business world as she's explaining the incubation party to nika. the compliment she gets over being the top business student just completely disgusts her lmao
so like mannnn, how much of a gay baby was she for suletta that she just threw all that out the window and took on a whole ass company just to save suletta and her mobile suit
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yeah yeah we know mio's tsun attitude is all a front because of the awful upbringing she's had but seeing it front and center like this is so depressing. like how much shit did she have to deal with from these rich fucks that at this point she can just wave them off like it's no big deal
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so we find out here finally that miorine and shaddiq have a history, so to speak. to her, he's still really nothing because lets face it he never stepped up to the plate to so much as help her not deal with all the shit she's had on her plate throughout the years. i'm certain she wouldn't have married him, but i am sure miorine would be much more content with her life at the time suletta showed up if shaddiq had had been the friend he thought of himself as and actually acted as her shield. but *green tomato being snipped imagery* too little, too late
his comment here too is pretty insightful and if you don't know any better and take it as face value you'd think miorine is selfish but nah. who in the world would she have to help when no one's ever seen her as her own person and she's literally a prize to be won. and of course shaddiq as continues to be the case throughout series acknowledges its all thanks to suletta being suletta
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at some point miorine must have looked back at this interaction and just absolutely fucking hated the trajectory her life took lmao
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we're going to be a family
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interesting that even though she's got the mask on, she pretty much immediately went to take a seat to continue their talk
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one of the most interesting things to me about the initial meeting between miorine and prospera is prospera literally telling miorine to check her privilege lmao and like while she may be right that miorine is afforded all these things by virtue of being delling's daughter, it doesn't at all make everything he's done go away and it doesn't remove the actual neglect and trauma miorine's gone through
i remember reading posts about this scene and people just going off about evil, manipulative prospera but i think miorine literally had to internalize the fact that she has privilege despite the fact that yes she is also still subjected to forms of abuse. realizing that she can take that privilege and use it to her advantage is what lets the rest of the episode unfold. i'd also like to think that her looking more deeply and meaningfully into the privileges afforded to her as the daughter of the benerit group allowed her to later make an earnest attempt and becoming a true bridge between earthians and spacians
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i honestly don't remember if we're supposed to know what he's referring to here or if this is just the introductory scene for the dawn of fold subplot lmao
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oh suletta you're falling for it again
interesting to note that as peil ceos start their presentation, the frame pans to sarius clearly keeping an eye on delling for his reaction
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evil evil ass shit for the space libertarians to just gang up on a clearly super naive teenager lol
also i'm pretty sure i'm gonna end up going past image limit so will likely need to have a part 2 for this episode
so to be continued in part for episode 7 because there's just too many good things here lol
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themagnusbane · 1 year
GAP The Series Episode 11 Thoughts
So, did I cancel all my Saturday appointments for the next two weeks, so I can see watch the last few episodes of this beloved series, the minute they drop? Yes. Yes I did. Do I feel guilty about this choice, even a little bit?
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And we kick things off directly where we left off. With Sam coming to see her grandmother, wearing those gorgeous pearls in the house that is as cold and empty as her soul! Urgh. Why can't she just accidentally fall down those stairs??? It would be doing us all a favour!!! But no. Sam has to sit there, looking uncomfortable AF whilst dishonourable Grandmother sits there, talking about wedding dates with I-hope-he-soon-becomes-roadkill Kirk! And I am SCREAMING with all the frustration Sam is feeling right now. Urgh!!! This woman stays being the worst!!!!
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2. Honestly, I really NEED Sam to at some point, to tell Dishonorable grandmother that since she "likes" Kirk so much, and believes that he is the only one capable of creating a perfect family and life with the woman he chooses to marry, then grandma should marry him herself. Kirk with his ingratiating ass probably won't say "no", and grandma can experience that perfect family and life that she so desperately wants, for herself!
3. Good on Sam!! Ask her the questions. It's so easy for grandma to give orders, and Sam obeys cuz she loves the old witch. But what about the other way round? From what position is Dishonorable grandmother giving all these orders disguised as "advice"?
4. Aaaaaaand of course she's claiming that she does so because she "loves" Sam. Is it really love, when you're not actually listening to what your granddaughter wants? Is it love when you're running roughshod over her wishes and forcing her to a life of unwanted heterosexuality with a backstabbing piece of shit like Kirk? Someone who's already shown very little regard for Sam's wishes, and shown that he's quite capable of going behind her back to arrange a deal with a rival company without telling her because somewhere in that big brain of his that he doesn't use, he thinks that Sam would for some reason be happy to be led by the nose to a decision she didn't ask for, and certainly doesn't want? Is that what love looks like to you Dishonourable liar? What a fucking lie!!!!
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5. Of course all she cares about is reputation. Not the happiness of her grandchildren. It's why one left home and never looked back. And while the second one is dead. And now you have dearest Sam, buckling under all the weight and expectations that Dishonorable grandmother has put on her poor shoulders and I really wish I could enter this show and scream at her grandmother on her behalf.
6. Atta girl! Call her out Sam! Call her out for her homophobia and her shitty parenting! Let her see that she's already lost two grandchildren, and she's about to lose a third. Of course, she can always make the decision to adopt Kirk and have him as her grandson. With the way he jumps to her commands like the spineless lapdog he is, he definitely fits all the criteria she wants in a grandchild.
7. And now she's trying to emotionally manipulate Sam into going along with her wishes; which I totally expected, because truly there's no level Dishonourable grandmother wouldn't sink to, to get her wishes. It is clear that she has plotted out a course for her grandchildren's lives, and just one step outside of those coloured lines, has her losing her shit. Which is infuriating. Children do not exist to help you find fulfillment or to live out your dreams for you. They are independent beings, here in this world to have their own experiences, live their lives and chart their own course. Your job as a parent/guardian is to give them the tools and knowledge they need to survive in the world, and then let them go, to go live their lives and make those choices. And all you can do is hope that they make the right ones. All of this just further reiterates how horrible of a parental figure Dishonourable grandmother truly is, and that the only reason her granddaughters turned out to be decent, is because they are by their own nature, good people. Grandmother though... She is absolute trash. Gods I hate this woman so much!!
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8. And this is why we push for marriage equality and queer people to be allowed to marry. Because if you live in a country where you do not have that protection, your partner can't legally be allowed to do anything for you. They can't sign forms. They can't make medical decisions on your behalf. They can't do shit. And because of the heteronormative, patriarchal society that a lot of us live in, that power is instead given to relatives who are often homophobic and don't have your best interests at heart. Add to the pain of being the partner who can't do anything for the one you love, because society insists on its bullshit and loves is so attached to the concept of heterosexuality, and they've put that power in the hands of everybody else but you, and FUCK!!! I am screaming in rage and pain because Ice doesn't deserve this. Song doesn't deserve this. We don't deserve this. FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!
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9. This fucking bitch. This failed excuse of a parental figure. This absolute waste of fucking space. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING???? Your granddaughter is in the ICU, dying!!! There is a consent form that needs YOUR signature so the doctors can operate on her to save her life. But all your brain can think of is to attack her lover? Seriously???? SERIOUSLY??? Trash. Absolute fucking trash. What in the rage-inducing bullshit of a behaviour is this????? Why are you not asking about Song right now??? How is it her fault that your granddaughter was involved in an accident you witch!!! The person who's to blame for the emotional state Song was in, is YOU! You Blame-shifting-energy-sucking-vampire-masquerading as a grandmother bitch!
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10. A part of me wonders if Dishonourable grandmother really lacks any form of self-awareness. The fact that even after all this time, she is so quick to remove herself from the role SHE played in Song's death is infuriating to me. The reason why Song is dead isn't because she was gay you failed excuse of a parent! It's because you were toxic as fuck, and in separating from you, the parental figure who was meant to show her unconditional love, but instead wanted neat little dolls whose lives you could dictate, turned on her. YOU are the reason she is dead. Not Ice. Not her being gay. YOU!!!! And I swear, if this show tries to hurt Sam in any way, to get this witch to get her head out of her FUCKING ass to see how much she is killing the one granddaughter she has left, I WILL FUCKING SCREAM!!!!!
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11. This emotional manipulation of "everything I do is for you. I've raised you since you were a kid. Won't you do this for me" is taking some many pages out of the abusive parent textbook, and Sam is so vulnerable, I just know she is buying this bullshit and URGH!!! I AM SO PISSED!!!! She's deliberately mixing her false concern with the homophobia to disguise the fact that what she really wants is to control you. Don't fall for it Sam. DO NOT LISTEN TO HER!!!!
12. Fuck! Now she's hiding from Mon. Grandmother's toxin has gotten to her. Fuck!! What's the use of having a spouse who will "protect you" when they can't ensure your joy, or protect your peace? All you will be in that marriage is miserable. You deserve better Sam. You deserve better. My poor baby.
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13. Sam really does have the best friends. Look at them in Mon's house, comforting her girl. Mon my darling. There is so much you do not know about Dishonourable grandmother. Your mother has more honour in her little pinky that that witch has in her entire body.
14 But I am thankful to Idol Factory for giving me some TeeYuki fluff to help with the pain. Look at my secondary ship being so sweet. Tee keeps asking Yuki to get her things, to help preserve Sam's privacy so it's only Mon they are revealing all these secrets about Sam's family life to, and I am happy that they are respecting Sam's privacy whilst also giving us hints of TeeYuki's relationship in the same breath. And Yuki sweetheart. I don't blame you. If Tee asks me to go get water for the baby, I'm bringing a full-on tank for her! If she asks me to cut fruits, I'm bringing in the whole fucking orchard. My queen deserves ONLY the best. And she's getting it. Tee. Mommy. Have mercy. Please.
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15. Awwwww. Look at our brave Mon, still going back to ring the doorbell. She's like "I will never give up on us Khun Sam", and I LOVE THAT!!!! I love LOVE that from the start of the show, we have established that Mon is quite stubborn, and has never given up even when Sam was being an absolute bitch to her! That tenacity is going to serve you well now Mon. You will need to tap into that and hold on with your bloody fingers, cuz Dishonourable grandmother will try pulling Sam over to on Comphet shenanigans. Resist!! Be the stubborn lovable Mon that we all know. DO NOT GIVE UP ON OUR GIRL!!!
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16. Their interlocked fingers!!! Be still my heart!! I know there's a ton of pain coming over the next episode and a half (until we get our happy ending in episode 12), so I'm holding onto this moment of sweetness to tide me over!!!
17. I knew she was going to say she would marry Kirk. Like, we all saw the trailer. We saw her in the wedding dress. We KNEW this was coming. But shit! This still FUCKING HURTS!!! Mon's face is killing me. Looking at the pain. All that pain!!!! Becky's acting in this scene. Her tears. Sam's powerlessness. This scene is breaking my heart. Smashing it into smithereens. My poor babies. Fuuuuuuuuuck. Have I said it enough today? But I really REALLY hate that fucking grandmother. Dishonourable witch!
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18. I can't deal with this!!! Like, don't get me wrong. I'm grateful that this is happening in episode 11. Cuz we know we only have to deal with this for one episode and that we will get our happy ending in the next episode. But shit. This hurts. This fucking hurts. My heart!!!
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19. And now, they are saying their "i love you's" and having their goodbye sex. And this fucking hurts. This fucking hurts so much. Even down to the doggy pet name. Why does this show want to break me. I can't handle this. I can't handle this. Someone send help. FUck!!!!!!!!!!!
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20. Hold up. I think my brain is only just catching up to this. But hold up. Did Mon just agree to be Sam's side-piece? Like Sam is going to marry Kirk, but still be secretly dating Mon? Cuz um... My girl Mon deserves better than to be the other woman. If there should be any othering in this drama, it should be Kirk. And by that I mean he should other himself out of the room, out of the picture, out of the fucking drama. Damn twat!
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21. Aaaaaand it's fucking Kirk at the door. Urgh! His face. I really really hate seeing his face. Why do I have to suffer this injustice. Fucking Kirk!!!
22. Self-righteous deceitful prick! You are not sorry that she has to leave the company. Don't come with your bullshit lies. You know that Sam won't give you the time of the day with Mon around, and you're trying everything to keep our two girls apart. I see right through your deceitful little face!!! You can't lie to me.
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23. Urgh!!! Will it be other people that will see Mon as a home wrecker, or are you talking about yourself Kirk? Because the person who is wrecking a home filled with love right now, is you!!! And I know, I already mentioned earlier that my girl Mon, deserves better than being a side-piece, but I don't want this shit coming from Kirk. You have no room to talk, or leg to stand on. Fuck you. And fuck off!
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24. The soft tones with which Kirk is making this statement and asking that Mon stay away from Sam; him having the audacity to say that if not for Mon, he and Sam would already be married, is grating on my nerves. Keep fucking yourself Kirk. Piece of shit!!!
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25. I briefly interrupt our moment of pain to make this very important announcement: Neung is sooooo fine!!! I swear, the amount of face candy that Gap's served us through these many episodes.Add the fact that I have a weakness for older artistic women, who work with their hands and are quite good at their craft and I've been swooning ever since. That smile as she gets for Mon's number????
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26. Neung straight out calling Dishonourable grandmother a witch! I knew I loved her for a reason. She has zero fucks to give about that woman, and I desperately need Sam to get to that point before the show ends. But I doubt if this show is going to address that. They're probably going to have Sam reconcile with Dishonourable grandmother at some point, and try and mend the rift between her and Neung. When that happens, y'all can bet, I will be watching my TV, seething at the screen!
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27. You go Neung! Call your baby sis and talk some sense into her. Don't let her fall into Dishonourable grandmother's clutches. Give her gorgeous tush the push she needs to walk away from the woman!!!
28. Fuck!!! Mon's packing up all her pink dresses. My heart. This pain!!!! And all the flashbacks!!! Gap!!!!!! Why do you hurt me so???? Why are you breaking me? Do you feed off my pain??? Do my tears make you happy????
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29. Aaaaaand she's all packed up and leaving. Sam!! Where are you? Your girl's leaving!!
30. Ha! She made it home. Not like it would help anything though. You're choosing to follow your grandmother and marry Kirk the human trash heap. Mon's going to leave. It will break both your hearts, but you need to choose YOU. Not your grandmother, and her bullshit words and manipulations. You need to choose YOUR happiness. YOUR safety. YOUR Joy. YOUR love. I hope Sam realizes it early enough. I don't want to have to wait till the last 5mins of episode 12 before we get our happy ending. Cuz that shit would hurt!!!!
31. Mon's not saying it, but her eyes are doing that Meredith thing; asking Sam to choose her, and I am in so much pain!!!!
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32. I know Sam's saying that she's going to find a solution for them, and fight back. But with Dishonourable grandmother, and human trash heap Kirk, my expectations are low. Cuz I don't think those two will give up without a fight. And Sam's too vulnerable to their bullshit to resist.
33. Ha!!! She's calling the calvary! That's actually a pretty smart move on her part. She knows that she will fold like a wet noodle in front of her grandmother and Kirk. But Neung? Neung will give as good as she gets. And she's spent enough time away from their grandmother to be able to pull it off. But honestly, I hope both Sam and Neung both tell her Dishonourable grandmother the truth, and let her know of the consequences of the bullshit she keeps pulling: that she would end up alone. In that big empty house. With Kirk as company. Which honestly, when you think about it, is exactly what she deserves.
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34. Dishonourable grandmother asking if Sam wants her dead
Everyone who is currently watching this show, and especially this episode:
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35. And of course she's having heart palpitations. Sam. Don't fall for it. She's trying to manipulate you into doing what she wants. It's all part of her plan. Resist it! Don't fall for her, or human trash heap Kirk's face guilt tripping face! Stand strong!!!
36. Thank God! Neung is here!!! Help Sam resist. Don't let her fall for the bullshit that Dishonourable grandmother is saying. Come save your sister. Hurry!!! She's starting to fall for the tears and bullshit.
37. And look at that entrance!!! YESSSSSSS NEUNG!!! CALL HER OUT!!! CALL HER OUT ON THE BULLSHIT!!!!!
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38. Also, anyone else noticed how Dishonourable grandmother suddenly got all "better" and wasn't looking as weak or frail the minute Neung walked in, and called out her ass???? Fucking lying bitch!!! Keep calling her out Neung. Be the voice for the audience!!!!
39. Sam girl. Neung is trying to help you. Her words might be harsh, but she's saying the truth. Your grandmother is trying to take advantage of your soft heart and love for her. Listen to your sister!!!
40. The verbal lashing!!! The verbal lashing that Neung is giving Dishonourable grandmother is EVERYTHING I WANTED!!! EVERYTHING!!! Oh my God!!! I didn't think this show was going to question to what extent filial piety turns into abuse, and how our elders can in turn wield it as a tool to have us cater to their selfish whims. Neung my heart. Keep going. EVISCERATE HER!!! SPEAK ALL THAT TRUTH!!! Break that house of cards, made of emotional manipulation that Dishonorable grandmother has built. Have it come crashing down!! Some truths are hard to swallow, but please shove them down her selfish throat!!!
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41. I love that Neung is the catalyst. The turning point that Sam needs to make her decision. She's the one that walked away, stay away, and thrived on her own terms. Song didn't get that chance because she was killed just before she could. But Neung, who represents what it means to walk away from the wealth, and privilege and prestige that their grandmother holds, being on one side of the divide, and her grandmother being on the other side, is such a nice contrast. And of course, grandmother is trying to hold Sam back by stating that she would cut her off. But let's be honest. What exactly would Sam be losing if she does that? Sam's built her own business outside of her grandmother, so it's not like she needs the woman's money. The one thing that her grandmother can offer her is the love of an older relative, which she wasn't giving her anyway. Sam, honey. Walk away. WALK AWAY!!!
42. You can hear the pain in Neung's voice. She's so desperate to save Sam; to get her to walk away from their grandmother. I think a part of that is rooted in the guilt she feels. That she left her siblings with her, and Song died, whilst Sam became this girl, so terrified to grasp her happiness with her two hands if it would displease their grandmother. She so wants Sam to choose herself. To choose her own happiness, and love. And I am rooting for all three of them (Sam, Mon and Neung). I'm hoping that Sam makes the right choice. But with how deep grandmother's sunk her talons into my girl, I doubt if she would break free this episode. But still, I can't stop hoping because fuck! THIS EPISODE IS PAIN!!!!!
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43. OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!! She did it!! She actually walked away from Dishonourable grandmother and chose her own happiness, and love with Mon? OMG!!! OMG!!! Sam!!! My girl. My brilliant, brilliant girl. She did it! She did it!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!
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44. Neung is so proud. I'm so proud. She did it!!! Our baby girl did it!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!
Aaaaaaaaand I just saw the preview for episode 12. What. The. FUCK?!!!!!!!!!
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smokestarrules · 1 year
Ofc its called Calibran im flipping losing it
And i havent looked at your blog so i dunno if somesomes already told you of it tbh most of what youd wanna know about the Tempest is in the sulemio fic A Lament for Caliban by AdraCat
Mio is good at explaining stuff
You know what's funny is that I've actually read that fic--I found it when I did my deep-dive into the g-witch ao3 a few weeks ago--and literally when watching this new episode I had the thought; Wow, I bet that one ao3 author is happy right about now. because I remembered how much they spoke about Caliban. That's awesome.
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niratheraven · 11 months
I thought I'd share my overall thoughts on G Witch here. This is going to have lots of spoilers for it and other Gundam shows so BEWARE SPOILERS
I haven't been this exited watching a Gundam show since I watched Turn A a few years ago. Waiting with anticipation every week for Sunday to watch a new episode and loving it when it aired felt amazing. Few pieces of media do that for me. I liked the finale. I don't feel that strong about it. I'm happy that the girls had a gayly married ending. Sure I wish we had more, but I would say the same for Turn A, and many other media I've enjoyed. Now, do I think it was a good Gundam show? When I was thinking about this 20 minutes ago in the shower, I asked my self "What is a Gundam show?". Therefore I came up with 3 arguments about what defines Gundam.
Gundam is a show that depicts the disparity between the rich and the poor + giant robots in space. Every Gundam show has a major conflict that drives the characters into action, whether it is Zeon against the Earth federation, or Celestial Being against the world, and in G witch Earth against the space corporations. In the end it's always the big players play with their expensive space toys and the rest suffers because of it. The difference between those and G witch is that the characters are not fighting for one side or the other. We see attempts by Miorine to partially resolve it but in the end the show depicts only the resolution of their personal conflict. UC Gundam never resolved its conflict fully either, but the characters managed to get to the end of their current war while fighting for either side. A new war would always start in the next series. Now, is G witch a lesser Gundam for not depicting fully this major conflict? Maybe, if Gundam was just that. Some could argue that that is just a small part of Gundam, instead they could say:
Gundam is a Shakespearean drama with homoerotic tones written by a jaded director + giant robots in space. The grand conflicts, the revenge plots, the mysterious characters, you can see the Shakespeare influence in Tomino's work who also is a big fan of stage plays and the like. G witch fits somewhat well in that context, but we do get a proper gay relationship between the main characters + Utena references. While this categorization works for Tomino's Gundam, it doesn't feel the same for other Gundam shows, where many of the original drama of Gundam became just a point of reference. The revenge plots and the conflicts became Gundam tropes. The original Gundam became the inspiration for most of what followed it. The context of Gundam's creation was doomed to be lost by the following series in the franchise. And that context being:
Gundam is a toy commercial. The reason why Gundam exists in the first place was to sell toys. That is how a lot of art is created. Someone with more money than they could imagine wants to spend it by hiring artist to create for them. It has been like that since the birth of civilization and it still continues to be. Of course the political drama that Tomino created is appreciated beyond the original scope of the production companies, but Gundam still managed to sell those toys... well not at first, but later it certainly did. G witch has excelled in that department. It managed to create a compelling story that got a lot of people into the franchise and into gunpla. Model sales records asside, G Witch isn't going to be remembered by the fans as the Gundam with the most toys sold. What we will remember is this being the first gundam with a fem protagonist who is also in a gay relationship throughout it. One of the main criticisms of the show echoed throughout the web is that it's not enough. It's not enough episodes, it's not enough conflict, or world building, it's not enough GAY!!! I think one of the shows biggest weaknesses it's also one of its strengths. Its subtlety. The show is very subtle in many of its aspects, like the conflict Earth-space, but the most important one, the relationship between Miorine and Suletta. Their relationship develops in subtle ways. We see a hug, a hand holding, or a conversation between the two in the garden or their rooms. We never see the romantic development fully, but it's implied that it is happening off screen. That would definitely leave an audience starved for more lgbtq+ representation to want more. But, considering the context of THIS particular Gundam's creation, it's a miracle we even got what we did. A while ago I heard about the film Suzume by Makoto Shinkai, who has made quite a name for himself with films like Your Name etc etc. In an interview he mentioned how he wanted to have a fem love interest for the main girl protagonist, but that was not to be because of objections by the producers. And if that happened to a big name director, what about G witch? I don't know what this series went through to even get made, but I can't imagine it had it easy. That thought makes me appreciate its subtlety while also wanting for more. Overall, I loved the show, even if it is not perfect, even if I wanted more out of it.
Also also, I wanted to add in regard to what is a Gundam show, Mobile Fighter G Gundam broke all the rules of previous Gundam, it was so outlandish that it had a poor reception by Gundam fans of the era, but went to be appreciated as one of the best in the franchise. So who's to say what makes a good Gundam? Certainly not its "fans".
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the-eeveekins · 5 months
The 22nd Day of G-Witch: What We Can Do Now
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It's been 2 weeks since the attack and Suletta is still working hard to help her fellow students.
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I'm not going to lie, I feel like we as a fandom collectively willed Petra's survival through a week of huffing nothing but hopium that she somehow survived.
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Miorine's complete breakdown through this episode is as difficult to watch as it is frustrating. She blames herself for the incidents on Earth (started by Prospera and made worse by Benerit security forces) and the school (in this case she probably correctly assumes that Shaddiq started the attack in response to Guel charging in). And while Prospera and Guel were working for her, it's still frustrating seeing her take the guilt and blame for their actions squarely on her shoulders. I imagine this isn't helped by the fact that she's come to realize that she was being strung along and manipulated by Prospera, and she walked right into it willingly.
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You know what doesn't help Miorine's mindset? Shaddiq basically telling her that he decided to resort to terrorism because she turned him down, thus preventing his "peaceful" takeover of the Benerit Group. Another person's actions who she now feels guilty for.
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Tomatoes are a symbol of love in G-Witch. And in this case, the tomatoes they grew together is the love nurtured between Miorine and Suletta. Even through everything, Suletta has kept tending to that love, and is now sharing it with everyone in the school. She still keeps Miorine in her heart.
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It's great that we got closure to the little arc between Nika and Martin that started in episode 12, but this really should have been the conversation between Nika and Chuchu that was mentioned in the last episode but happened off-screen. I feel like the staff lost sight of their priorities a bit on this one.
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Time for the first plot point that really got screwed up by the pacing/writing, and takes me back to something I talked about in episode 16.
Prospera makes a big deal that with a new President, her plans for Quiet Zero will be ruined, so she needs Miorine to run for president and win so that those can proceed smoothly. Now obviously the SAL catching onto her pushed her plans up and she had to deploy Quiet Zero before finishing it, but the events in this episode call into question if she ever really needed Miorine (or anyone for that matter) to become president to finish QZ, except maybe to buy her some time. She clearly bails after Earth and goes straight to QZ, erasing all data on the project in the process, and it's fairly clear that at no point does Miorine, as the new President, hand control of the project over to her. So she never needed Miorine to be president, she always had access to Quiet Zero itself. At best Prospera did need Miorine to become president to buy more time to finish the amplifiers (since unlike anyone else, she could count on Miorine staying out of her way as part of their deal), but it's made pretty clear later that taking them by force was on the table anyway.
So the episode really kind of just makes it look like Prospera never actually needed Miorine to be president in any way, shape or form for her Quiet Zero plans. And she only had Miorine run for the position so Prospera could use the opportunity to stain her hands with blood for no reason other than revenge against the Rembran family.
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Suletta is incredibly strong. She loves her mother so much, and to just...talk about how she's not her mother's "real" daughter, that she's only a repli-child, and that no matter what, she doesn't think the mother she loves will actually listen to her because of that cannot be easy. But she does it all with a melancholic look and a smile on her face.
I would love to know how common repli-children are in Ad Stella. None of her friends seem to react to the fact that she's basically a clone, or make a big deal out of it. And Suletta, by now at least, seems to have accepted that fact of her existence and made peace with it. So it makes me wonder if it's not a rare or unheard of practice.
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Suletta is also just incredibly brave. Not only has she gained a new motto to live by, one she came up with on her own, but she also wants to speak to her mother and sister one more time, no matter what. And even though she knows Eri has shielded her from Data Storms all her life, even though she knows she's being asked to a pilot a Gundam that has fewer protections from Data Storms than others, she still wants to move forward and talk to her family once more. Even if that means piloting a "monster" that will probably kill her to do it.
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The Quiet Zero reveal is definitely a highlight of S2, especially the absolutely haunting and beautiful song composed by Takashi Ohmama for it. We very quickly see how overwhelmingly powerful Prospera and Ericht have become with Quiet Zero, and even before Ericht activated the override and destroyed them like fish in a barrel, the Gundnodes were absolutely tearing through an entire fleet of professional soldiers with ease.
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Once again, Chuchu proves to be Suletta's closest friend and strongest ally. Knowing that Suletta could be walking to her death, and knowing that it's an incredibly dangerous situation, she still vows to make sure all of Earth House will be there to support her, so she's not alone. I love Chuchu.
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I actually really appreciate that even though he was doing what he had to do to survive, Elan still makes a point to apologize to Suletta for being a creep towards her and trying to assault her. It does come across as being genuine because he does so without being prompted and he could have just tried to excuse it away as him needing to do what he needed to to survive if he had been questioned.
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Fuck you, Lauda. You don't deserve the Schwarzette or the screentime.
I actually really hated this episode when I first watched it. I stumbled across the early leaks for the episode and was already pretty upset about certain things in them and I ended up just being pissed off the entire episode once I realized the leaks were real. I still have issues with it, but I've softened on it considerably since, especially Suletta's role. But this was absolutely the first episode where wasting time on episode 15 really did a number on the pacing and I started to have my doubts about if the show could pull off a satisfying conclusion.
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Still thinking about it a week later. My train of thought while I was watching G-Witch episode 12 was basically "Ah, yes, Guel has unwittingly killed his dad, now we're going full Gundam! Oh, but despite the earlier panic-moment with Mom Gendo killing those guys, the plot has carefully arranged so that Suletta herself hasn't killed anyone. I guess they're saving that trauma for later! Oh there's a post-credits scene." And then ...
Okay, look, this is my first time watching a Gundam, but I had plenty of fair warning from others. Aerial giving that dude the solar system's most breathtaking low-five was startling, but not really a surprise. Before Suletta climbed out of Aerial, I fully expected that this would be the big "oh crap" moment for her, I thought Suletta would be just as shocked as Miorine, if not moreso. Like Suletta just you-know-how-it-is-with-spaghetti'd an entire dude! She reduced a person to handmade ketchup! Why wouldn't she react by going all Shinji-shaped? It was all within expected parameters.
I was not expecting for Suletta to go "whoopsie I'm so clumsy" while covered in the remains of a human being she'd just swatted like a bug with her giant robot, and her complete non-reaction to all this -- and the fact that she apparently didn't even notice Miorine's reaction -- is the part that made me go "JESUS SHIT."
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pencil-peach · 8 months
G Witch Onscreen Text: Episode 9
We have now reached part TEN of my ongoing project to transcribe and discuss all of the onscreen text in G Witch! Because I like writing!!! We have reached Episode 9, "If I Could Take One More Step Towards You."
<<Click Here to go back to Episode 8 (That post actually goes rather in depth into Duel Statistics. You should check it out if you happen to be interested in. Duel Statistics.)
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The Beginning of the End. (Of the season.)
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In the opening flashback, we see Guel winning yet another Duel, and at that point in time, he now has 8 wins. Ireesha says that he's probably done about 5 duels that month. With this information it's like. Utterly Impossible to determine how long ago before the story proper this scene takes place in, but here:
The Holder is required to do at least one duel every two weeks if there are available challengers. Guel had 28 wins by the time the show starts, so if we assume that Guel did that bare minimum, (which he definitely did not do) 20 duels would take about 40 weeks, or around 9 and so months. So that's the absolute MAXIMUM amount of time possible between this flashback and the show proper.
This doesn't really tell us anything at all, but yknow. I had fun. And isn't that what it's all about?
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THIS BUSINESS TRANSFER AGREEMENT [the 'Agreement'] shall be governed by space front customary law and inter-front commercial treaties.
The agreement is entered into as of this date written below, by and between GUND-ARM, Inc ["Seller"] and Grassley Research and Development ["Buyer"]
WHEREAS, Seller desires to sell, and Buye* desires to purchase, substantially, all of Seller's assets and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into this Agreement for the purpose of setting forth their mutual rights and obligations with respect to the foregoing.
Shaddiq Zenelli
Grassley M&D Company Representative SHADDIQ ZENELLI
____________________ GUND-ARM, Inc Company Representative MIORINE REMBRAN ____________________ DATE
*(The word here is supposed to be Buyer, but it's actually misspelled like that on that agreement. Oopsie!)
Lots of LEGAL stuff....hochi mama....
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One day I will make a post examining how Belmeria is meant to be a dark reflection of Nika. Just you wait.
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And I COULD say SOMETHING about how the last time Guel sees Suletta before he runs away she's running ahead of him down the LIGHTED PATH and he CAN'T FOLLOW but I have to save that for the GUEL ANALYSIS SERIES!!! (Which I will return to...wait for me md-guel....wait for me...)
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Anyway, back to a relevant detail, in the scene where Shaddiq talks to Miorine to convince her to call off the duel, Miorine has gathered a bunch of tomatoes and laid them out like this.
She's actually using them to plan out a battle strategy for the Grassley duel. The 2 tomatoes on the bottom are Suletta and Chuchu, and the 6 tomatoes at the top are the Grassley Pilots.
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Shaddiq's Michaelis (Left) and the Grassley Girls' Beguir - Pente's (Middle) are actually both successors built from the Beguir Beu (Right) used in the prologue. (That's why they can use Anti-GUND Format Equipment such as the 'Antidote')
When you look at them side by side, it's pretty clear, but if this fact slips by you, you really miss out on the sharp difference in Prospera's behavior watching this duel compared to all the previous duels. Before, she showed unwavering confidence and faith that Suletta and Aerial could stop any opponent, but in this duel, when we see her, she's silent. She's not smiling. In a very real way, she's looking at the Mobile Suit that took her husband away from her.
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And when Aerial overcomes the power of the Antidote, she sheds a tear
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This was probably the biggest obstacle standing between the completion of Quiet Zero, and now that it's been overcome, the path has never been clearer.
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Anyway, during the Role Call of all the Grassley girls, Sabina is shown to specifically be incredibly popular with women. Which I mean....can't blame em..
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During this scene, we can see that the Team Battle title card has a slightly different UI, adding the respective Team Name of the Commander. Miorine never officially joins Earth House, but since all the members currently in the fight are, they probably just chose that.
We also see that the official color coding of Earth House is Cyan.
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Here we see that in a Team Duel, the "Team Leader" and the "Commander" are two different positions, and can be held by two different people. The Team Leader fights in the duel, while the Commander is who will be awarded the victory or defeat depending on the outcome of the battle.
We also see in this shot that Chuchu's Demi Trainer is registered in Asticassia as "CHUCHU'S DEMI TRAINER"
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When Aerial first goes offline due to the Antidote, this warning flashes across Suletta's helmet at first. It's [???] MODE but I can't read the first part. Gomen :( My best guess is that it's an Error message for a sort of Assisted Piloting Mode that Suletta had been using up to this point.
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Then the warning switches to MANUAL MODE, which is what Suletta interprets as Aerial saying she needs to continue the fight by herself.
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We can't see it fully, but Miorine's name appears on the winner's screen. So only the Team's Commander receives the victory in a Team Battle.
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TEXT: AGREEMENT No. 2030-23 GUND ARM INC. Grassley M&D
Each party submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of the BENERIT enterprise entrusted court, and agrees not to commence any legal action regarding or related to the subject matter of this agreement in any other court.
This seems like the end of the agreement.
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Any way here's a comparison of Miorine and Delling's cursive. If Father Daughter Cursive Comparisons is something you're interested in. Miorine has cute handwriting.
That's all for this episode!! Woohooo!! For your final gift...
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FUCK you. I'm symbolizing you as an unripe green tomato to represent the potential love we could have shared that never blossomed due to our respective personal ambitions being at odds with each other. Yeah and its permanent. BITCH.
Click here to go to episode TEN. FUCKER. >>
OR click here to go to the MASTERPOST.
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