#housing recession
bighermie · 2 years
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youjustgotlawyered · 2 years
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Millennials right now:
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liajayeger1 · 2 years
Is the US Economy in a Recession?
Is the US Economy in a Recession?
Is the US Economy in a Recession? In the event that there wasn’t such a huge amount on the line, you could expect that Americans’ steady notice of being in a downturn had turned into a kind of loopy parlor game for the policymaking in-swarm. From Europe’s top controllers who foresee that the nation will before long be in a profound downturn, to America’s more determined market watchers and the…
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disneytva · 3 months
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Disney Channel Japan had an adorable event for it's 20th anniversary where they gave several items showcasing the best of the best over the 20 years of the network
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thankstothe · 5 months
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armenelols · 9 months
Idril hearing Ulmo's warning and heading it. Idril building a secret path out of Gondolin, an escape route for the survivors. Idril making sure there would be survivors.
Eärendil, searching for Valinor when so many others have failed, the ban be damned. Eärendil reaching Valinor. Giving up the silmaril — it's just a piece of rock, after all, no matter how pretty it is. When banned from Arda, still managing to show up in time to slay fucking Ancalagon. In some versions, killing Ungoliant. Ungoliant. Guiding the lost as a star of hope.
Elros, whose life had been a mess and who still grabbed it firmly with both hands and didn't let go. Didn't waver. Elros, who knew nothing but war, leading his people to peace; Elros following his father's star and doing his goddamn best to be a good king. Building a realm, preserving lost cultures, starting new ones. The hands of the king are the hands of a healer, and Elros made sure to be that to his people.
Elrond, who keeps losing everything, but never loses kindness. Elrond, who is an unbreakable rock in the middle of a wild current, who will always be there, in good times and in bad. Elrond, standing by Gil-galad's side during his reign; Elrond, helping the refugees of Eregion, and every weary traveller who wanders to his home, Elrond making his home a place of rest and healing. Elrond, of whom everyone knows his doors are open, and he is a well of knowledge, and he will share it to make the world a better place.
What I am saying is, getting shit done runs in the family.
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mycolourfullworld · 6 months
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tomorrowusa · 5 days
Dr. Anthony Fauci voluntarily testified before a House committee and debunked MAGA Republican conspiracy theories regarding the COVID-19 pandemic.
While Donald Trump and his lickspittles were telling Americans to drink bleach, take useless malaria pills, stick ultraviolet lights up their butts, and eat horse paste, Dr. Fauci headed an effort to develop vaccines for COVID-19.
A reminder to people with short memories who view the Trump administration as some sort of bucolic paradise: The last quarter of that administration included the worst government response to an infectious disease outbreak since 1920. Trumpsters who want us to ignore Trump's horribly botched response to the pandemic are like cruise-liner enthusiasts who want us to ignore the last 2% of the voyage of the Titanic.
Economic activity ground to a halt in 2020 as the US slid into a recession. I took this picture of a sign at a dollar store which had been completely closed for almost two months.
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The whole Trump clan was disdainful of the sacrifices hundreds of millions of Americans were making.
Why has the U.S. COVID-19 response been so bad? Jared Kushner, Vanity Fair suggests.
At Times Square Jared and Ivanka's contemptuousness was made into an ad before Election Day.
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If you are looking for the Original Sin of Trump's pandemic response, it was on January 22nd when he basically told CNBC's Joe Kernen that COVID-19 was nothing to worry about.
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Of course it wasn't "just fine".
Trump did not declare a state of emergency for seven weeks. That gave the virus plenty of time for it to spread throughout the US.
Republicans know that their Dear Leader totally mishandled the pandemic response. That's why they repeatedly try to make Dr. Fauci a type of scapegoat for Trump's horrendous incompetence. Dr. Fauci has spent his entire career fighting disease. Donald Trump has spent his entire career narcissistically promoting himself.
Harry Truman had a sign on his desk saying: "The Buck Stops Here!" If Trump had a sign on his Oval Office desk (which he seldom used except for photo ops) it would be: "It's Everybody's Fault But Mine!"
Don't be hesitant to remind people of how awful 2020 was. And point the finger of blame at the orange blob who was responsible for the catastrophe.
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
I think we as adults should be allowed to play pretend the way kids do. Just saying.
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teabutmakeitazure · 2 months
"you don't have sufficient experience for the internship"
damn so i should have been working instead of being submerged in the womb in 2004
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adriles · 28 days
me and my cousins are all headed to anatolia to obliterate the city of ilion once and for all
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brenpthetoonman · 1 year
As Black History Month draws to a close, I made a little something to celebrate proud black voices and how hard they fought for equal rights and how much they made history and shaped this country for the better.
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Contemporary Apartments, 1982
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nimblermortal · 3 months
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Sorry, Nonny, this has been sitting in my inbox for ages. Kept a record of the blogs in question when I first saw this, but uhh I don't believe in chain mail so I'll just tag 'em at the end if they wanna.
Rule in exchange: Anyone who wants can consider this an ask from me in their inbox, BUT you gotta tag me in your answer so I can read it.
I've taken up spinning lately, very desultorily, because I don't have enough projects. The results are NOT usable except a) very popular with cats and b) Cosimo (Havanese puppy) disemboweled my bigger ball. Do recommend as a pet toy, and recommend puppies if you want to start over with over-spun yarn. Start over from cleaning and carding, I mean.
I'm working on my third gallon of blood for the Red Cross. They desperately want me to get closer ASAP, but I've got a gaping wound in my back and I need my blood right now. It hurts to not give in and give blood.
When I was itty I wanted to be a dog so bad I made my family serve me meals under the table and sat among their legs trying to eat without my hands. This lasted roughly between the ages of 3 and 8.
@raven-6-10 @jazzhandsmcleg @lukiyu @hello-delicious-tea @ionlywanttoreadforever @starfishlikestoread @that-gay-jedi
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thankstothe · 3 months
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House MD is a DISASTER | EXPLAINED 💥💥💥part 1
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clonehub · 2 years
Jedi Knights refusing to have padawans in the same way that young adults in awful, hostile places refuse to have children.
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