#house speaker nancy pelosi
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House Republicans on Wednesday released a report focused on security failures at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, highlighting well-documented breakdowns in intelligence sharing, Capitol security and coordination between various law enforcement agencies that responded that day.
Their primary recommendation centers around reforming the US Capitol Police Board and bolstering congressional oversight of the Capitol Police force – two issues that were identified by lawmakers of both parties in the wake of the January 6 attack.
But the GOP report is silent on other efforts to disrupt the transfer of presidential power after the 2020 election and selective in its criticism of political leaders and their culpability in the security breakdowns on January 6. The report resurfaces largely unfounded allegations to cast blame on Democrats like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi while glossing over former President Donald Trump’s own role.
Republicans cast the report as a rebuttal to the House Select Committee’s investigation into January 6 as they are set to take control of the chamber and endeavor to take back the narrative. Republican lawmakers have said the security failures are paramount and that the Select Committee overstepped its mandate in its 17-month probe.
The Democratic-led Select Committee had planned to release its final report on Wednesday but has delayed the rollout until Thursday. An executive summary released on Monday lays blame for the insurrection squarely on Trump.
The GOP report comes from the five Republicans who House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy initially appointed to serve on the Select Committee before deciding members of his party would not participate.
It includes a timeline of events that occurred on January 6, making no mention of the fact that Trump waited hours before calling on the rioters to leave the US Capitol that day and omitting incendiary remarks he made at the rally preceding the attack.
Instead, the report paints Trump as only encouraging his supporters at the White House Ellipse to march to the US Capitol and demonstrate “peacefully,” noticeably omitting other parts of the speech, including when he encouraged rally goers to “fight like hell.”
Similarly, the timeline includes a tweet Trump sent after the Capitol had been breached, saying: “Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!”
Missing from the report is Trump’s tweet in which he eventually told the rioters to leave the Capitol – several hours after the deadly riot began.
The House Select Committee has revealed testimony from several former White House officials saying Trump repeatedly refused to call off the rioters despite being asked to do so by a number of his closest advisers.
The GOP report also doesn’t address Trump’s claim that he issued a directive prior to January 6 to deploy thousands of National Guard troops to the Capitol that day.
Trump’s former Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, in an interview with the Select Committee, denied Trump gave him formal orders authorizing the deployment of National Guard troops to the Capitol on January 6.
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yemme · 2 years
You show up to peoples house... America has taken political threats as a joke.  The FBI has been relaxing.  Back in the day you made a peep they would be on your doorstep.  We are in different times where the right wing is unstable.  The Republican threats are getting out of control and is being disregarded as a joke.  Who has to die for Congress to take action. Even after January 6th... no security.  Security for family members need to be extended.  The government steals enough tax dollars that it shouldn’t be an issue. 
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thejewishlink · 1 year
Pelosi won’t seek leadership role, plans to stay in Congress
Pelosi won’t seek leadership role, plans to stay in Congress
By LISA MASCARO WASHINGTON (AP) — House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she will not seek a leadership position in the new Congress, a pivotal realignment making way for a new generation of leaders after Democrats lost control of the House to Republicans in the midterm elections. Pelosi announced in a spirited speech on the House floor that she will step aside after leading Democrats for…
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2glassesofchianti · 1 year
I don't know what's funnier, the fact that it took McCarthy 15 votes to clinch the gavel or the fact that this is the most attention he will ever have as speaker of the house.
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tomorrowusa · 7 months
Steve Scalise has withdrawn from the House Speaker race. Gym Jordan is back in the race despite the fact that he lost the last time the GOP caucus chose a candidate.
CNN spoke with GOP former Rep. Fred Upton. He basically said that he was relieved to be back in Michigan with his wife and grandkids these days.
House Republicans are meeting again on Friday afternoon. But a number of them have already stated that they would not support Gym Jordan for Speaker.
Journalist David Gregory told CNN that he expects Democrats to eventually jump in and try to work out a solution; the total GOP House shitstorm reflects badly on Congress as a whole and there's work to be done with multiple crises around the world and at home.
Republicans are simply unable to govern. At the heart of all this is Donald Trump having hijacked the party for his own purposes.
Don't let people spew bothsiderism to you about Democrats and Republicans in the House. Whether people agree with her or not, the House was infinitely better managed by Nancy Pelosi for eight years than it was by Kevin McCarthy for eight months.
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designingmonkey · 7 months
There are times I wish Nancy Pelosi were still Speaker… if she were still Speaker the Democrats would be a silent block of granite with the words “No Comment” etched on it but there would be a lovely recycled Jar with Kevin McCarthy’s balls in them.
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
Mc-ratt-y had to beg his own party 15 times before he could get a position and now this little rat thinks he can on the mighty Chinese nation and the great CPC? Delusional at best, suicidal at worse,the declining empire can barely sustain its proxy war in the failed state of Ukraine and wants to fight a rising power? Only a delusional rat could think so.
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🇺🇸 Ieri, 7 gennaio, Kevin McCarthy è stato eletto Presidente della Camera dei Rappresentanti degli Stati Uniti, in sostituzione di Nancy Pelosi 🤪
🤮 Cambia la figura, "cambia" il partito politico in quanto McCarthy è del Partito Repubblicano mentre Nancy Pelosi è iscritta al Partito Democratico, ma la sostanza, la politica, la visione imperialista non cambia, e soprattutto non cambia la posizione fortemente anti-cinese ⚔️
🇺🇸|⚔️|🇨🇳 Così come Nancy Pelosi presenta un lungo curriculum di azioni anti-cinesi, molte delle quali estremamente ridicole, come quelle accadute nel 1991 a Pechino, anche McCarthy prova un fervente odio verso la Cina e verso il Socialismo, tanto che alla Camera, durante il suo discorso, ha affermato che tratterà il "tema dell'Ascesa del Partito Comunista Cinese" 🚩
😵‍💫 D'altronde, gli Stati Uniti giustificano le loro spese folli per l'imperialismo tramite la creazione di presunte "minacce" provenienti da altri paesi - ecco il principale problema per gli USA: la Cina. Non la povertà dilagante, in enorme crescita 📈
🔎 Non è una novità, chiunque applichi il Materialismo Storico e il Materialismo Dialettico sa bene che tra Partito Democratico e Partito Repubblicano non c'è alcuna differenza sostanziale: possono litigare e litigare su temi di importanza minore, ma sui temi fondamentali la pensano ugualmente.
🤡 La gigantesca quantità di reazionari che, per qualche regione, segue la Federazione Russa e pensa che il Partito Repubblicano o Trump possano significare la "vittoria della pace" può festeggiare per qualche ora l'elezione dell'ennesimo imperialista anti-comunista, ma questi individui dimenticano il fatto che gli USA, con un Democratico o un Repubblicano, non cambiano nella loro essenza 🇺🇸
🇺🇸|🇺🇦|🇹🇼 Togliere denaro e armi a Zelensky (che poi, questa gente ha letto il Budget per la Difesa degli USA per il 2023 in relazione all'Ucraina? Si può trovare il documento sul telegram del colletivo) e al suo Regime mantenuto in piedi artificialmente - per gli USA - non significa la pace, ma semplicemente dirottare quel denaro e quelle armi al regime-fantoccio d Taiwan.
🫣 Tuttavia, è normale che gli imperialisti statunitensi siano così aggressivi verso la Cina: sono spaventati, terrorizzati, ogni giorno che passa si avvicina sempre di più il superamento della Cina sul loro paese. La Cina li ha sorpassati tecnologicamente, a livello infrastrutturale, è in piena ascesa, mentre il sanguinario impero statunitense è in declino.
📄 Per chi volesse approfondire diversi temi, da Nancy Pelosi ai tentativi di Rivoluzione Colorata perpetrati dagli USA in Cina dal 1989 ad oggi, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Rivoluzione Colorata - Cenni Storici, Hong Kong, NED e Ruolo dei Media: I, II, III, IV, V.
🔺Gli USA forniranno fino a 12 miliardi di dollari in sovvenzioni, aiuti e prestiti al regime-fantoccio di Taiwan per l'acquisto di armi statunitensi.
📰 Qualche "reminder" per la componente reazionaria che segue la Russia, principalmente i "trumpisti":
🔺Trump propone una "NATO araba" per scontrarsi con l'Iran.
🔺Trump infligge nuove sanzioni a Cuba.
💭 Oggi, queste persone si sono trasformate in pro-Iran, grazie alla cooperazione (che esisteva pure ai tempi di Trump) russo-iraniana, e mantengono questa "visione" imbarazzante "pro-Trump" e "pro-Iran" - chi ha fatto assassinare Qasem Soleimani? 🇮🇷
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇺🇸 Yesterday, January 7, Kevin McCarthy was elected Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, replacing Nancy Pelosi 🤪
🤮 The figure changes, the political party "changes" as McCarthy is from the Republican Party while Nancy Pelosi is a member of the Democratic Party, but the substance, the politics, the imperialist vision does not change, and above all the strongly anti-Chinese position does not change ⚔️
🇺🇸|⚔️|🇨🇳 Just as Nancy Pelosi presents a long record of anti-Chinese actions, many of them extremely ridiculous, such as those that took place in 1991 in Beijing, McCarthy too feels a fervent hatred towards China and towards Socialism, much who in the House, during his speech, stated that he will deal with the "theme of the Rise of the Communist Party of China" 🚩
😵‍💫 On the other hand, the US justifies its spending spree for imperialism by creating alleged "threats" from other countries - here's the main problem for the US: China. Not rampant poverty, growing enormously 📈
🔎 It's nothing new, anyone who applies Historical Materialism and Dialectical Materialism knows well that there is no substantial difference between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party: they can argue and quarrel on issues of minor importance, but on fundamental issues they think anyway.
🤡 The gigantic amount of reactionaries who, for some regions, follow the Russian Federation and think that the Republican Party or Trump can mean the "victory of peace" can celebrate for a few hours the election of yet another anti-communist imperialist, but these individuals forget the fact that the USA, with a Democrat or a Republican, does not change in its essence 🇺🇸
🇺🇸|🇺🇦|🇹🇼 Taking money and weapons away from Zelensky (besides, have these people read the US Defense Budget for 2023 in relation to Ukraine? You can find the document in the collective telegram) and his Regime maintained artificially - for the US - does not mean peace, but simply divert that money and weapons to the puppet regime in Taiwan.
🫣 However, it is normal for the US imperialists to be so aggressive towards China: they are scared, terrified, with each passing day China's overthrow of their country is getting closer and closer. China has surpassed them technologically, infrastructurally, is on the rise, while the bloodthirsty US empire is in decline.
📄 For those wishing to delve into different themes, from Nancy Pelosi to the attempts of the Color Revolution perpetrated by the USA in China from 1989 to today, can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺Colored Revolution - History, Hong Kong, NED and Role of Media: I, II, III, IV, V.
🔺 The US will provide up to $12 billion in grants, aid and loans to Taiwan's puppet regime for the purchase of US weapons.
📰 A few "reminders" for the reactionary component following Russia, mainly the "Trumpists":
🔺Trump proposes an "Arab NATO" to clash with Iran.
🔺Trump imposes new sanctions on Cuba.
💭 Today, these people have turned pro-Iran, thanks to Russian-Iranian cooperation (which also existed in Trump's time), and they maintain this embarrassing "pro-Trump" and "pro-Iran" "view" - who has had Qasem Soleimani assassinated? 🇮🇷
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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madamspeaker · 3 months
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The Super Bowl (11th February, 2024)
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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she will not seek a leadership position in the new Congress, making way for a new generation to steer the party after Democrats lost control of the House to Republicans in the midterm elections.
Pelosi announced in a spirited speech on the House floor that she will step aside after leading Democrats for nearly 20 years and in the aftermath of the brutal attack on her husband, Paul, last month in their San Francisco home.
The California Democrat, who rose to become the nation’s only woman to wield the speaker’s gavel, said she would remain in Congress as the representative from San Francisco, a position she has held for 35 years, when the new Congress convenes in January.
“I will not seek reelection to Democratic leadership in the next Congress,” she said. “For me, the hour has come for a new generation to lead the Democratic caucus that I so deeply respect.”
Now, she said, “we must move boldly into the future.”
Pelosi received a standing ovation after her remarks, and lawmakers and guests one by one went up to offer her hugs, many taking selfies of a moment in history. President Joe Biden spoke with Pelosi in the morning and congratulated her on her historic tenure as Speaker of the House.
“History will note she is the most consequential Speaker of the House of Representatives in our history,” Biden said in a statement, noting her ability to win unity from her caucus and her “absolute dignity.”
It’s an unusual choice for a party leader to stay on after withdrawing from congressional leadership but Pelosi has long defied convention in pursuing power in Washington.
During her remarks, Pelosi recapped her career, from seeing the Capitol the first time as a young girl with her father — a former congressman and mayor — to serving as Speaker alongside U.S. presidents and doing “the people’s work.”
“Every day I am in awe of the majestic miracle that is American democracy,” she said.
Democrats cheered Pelosi as she arrived in the chamber at noon. On short notice, lawmakers filled the House, at least on the Democratic side, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer joined. He later joined a throng of lawmakers and hugged and kissed Pelosi on the cheek.
The Speaker’s Gallery filled with Pelosi staff and guest. Some Republicans, including some newly elected members, also attended, though House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, who’s seeking the speakership in the new Congress, did not.
Earlier, Pelosi noted in a statement after The Associated Press called control of the chamber that, in the next Congress, House Democrats will have “strong leverage over a scant Republican majority.”
Pelosi was twice elected to the speakership and has led Democrats through consequential moments, including passage of the Affordable Care Act with President Barack Obama and the impeachments of President Donald Trump.
Her decision Thursday paves the way for House Democratic leadership elections next month when Democrats reorganize as the minority party for the new Congress.
Pelosi’s leadership team, with Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland and Democratic Whip James Clyburn of South Carolina, has long moved as a triumvirate. All now in their 80s, the three House Democratic leaders have faced restless colleagues eager for them to step aside and allow a new generation to take charge.
Hoyer said after Pelosi’s remarks that “it is the time for a new generation of leaders” and that he will also step down from leadership but stay in Congress. Clyburn, the highest-ranking Black American in Congress, has said he expects to stay in Congress next year and hopes to remain at the leadership table.
Democratic Reps. Hakeem Jeffries of New York, Katherine Clark of Massachusetts and Pete Aguilar of California have similarly moved as a trio, all working toward becoming the next generation of leaders. Jeffries could make history if he enters the race to become the nation’s first Black speaker of the House.
After Pelosi spoke, Clyburn released a statement saying he looks forward “to doing whatever I can to assist our new generation of Democratic Leaders, which I hope to be Hakeem Jeffries, Katherine Clark and Pete Aguilar.”
One idea circulating on Capitol Hill was that Pelosi and the others could emerge as emeritus leaders as they pass the baton to new Democrats.
First elected in 1987, Pelosi has been a pivotal figure in American politics, long ridiculed by Republicans as a San Francisco liberal while steadily rising as a skilled legislator and fundraising powerhouse. Her own Democratic colleagues have intermittently appreciated but also feared her powerful brand of leadership.
Pelosi first became speaker in 2007, saying she had cracked the “marble ceiling,” after Democrats swept to power in the 2006 midterm elections in a backlash to then-President George W. Bush and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
When she was poised in 2018 to return as speaker, in the Trump era, she vowed “to show the power of the gavel.”
Pelosi has repeatedly withstood leadership challenges over the years and had suggested in 2018 she would serve four more years as leader. But she had not discussed those plans more recently.
Typically unsentimental, Pelosi let show a rare moment of emotion on the eve of the midterm elections as she held back tears discussing the grave assault on her husband of nearly 60 years.
Paul Pelosi suffered a fractured skull after an intruder broke into their home in the middle the night seeking the Democratic leader. The intruder’s question — “Where is Nancy?” — echoed the chants of the pro-Trump rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, as they hunted for Pelosi and tried to stop Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s election victory over Trump.
David DePape is being held without bail on attempted murder and other charges in what authorities said was a political attack. Police said DePape broke in and woke up Paul Pelosi, and the two struggled over a hammer before DePape struck the 82-year-old on the head.
Paul Pelosi was hospitalized for a week but is expected to recover, though his wife has said it will be a long haul. At the time, Pelosi would not discuss her political plans but would only disclose that the attack on her husband would affect her decision.
Historians have noted that other consequential political figures had careers later as rank-and-file members of Congress, including John Quincy Adams, the former president, who went on to serve for nearly 18 years in Congress.
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uselectionnews · 7 months
"How a California tribe won their ancestral land back and saved endangered salmon," by Izzie Ramirez in Vox.
"‘We’ve Been Shaken Out of This Fantasy’: How the Left Sees the War in Israel," by Alexander Burns in Politico.
"This war isn't like Israel's earlier wars," by Michael Oren in The Atlantic.
"Lawrence Summers, Ted Cruz criticize Harvard for student statement blaming Israel," by Andrew Zhang in Politico.
"Hamas’s Attack Confounds Middle East Experts," by Isabel Fattal in The Atlantic.
"Benjamin Netanyahu failed Israel," by Zack Beauchamp in Vox.
"Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Promises to Spoil the Election," by John Hendrickson in The Atlantic.
"The Roots of Today’s Authoritarianism Come From a 19th Century Supreme Court Ruling," by Sheryll Cashin in Politico.
"Matt Gaetz is Half Right," by Lee Drutman in The Atlantic.
"The inside story of how Newsom picked Butler for Senate," by Christopher Cadelago and Melanie Mason in Politico.
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thejewishlink · 2 years
China Military Posts Missile Strike Video As Taiwan Preps For Pelosi Arrival
China Military Posts Missile Strike Video As Taiwan Preps For Pelosi Arrival
China’s military posted ominous video of missile strikes, troops hurriedly grabbing their weapons and jet fighters taking off from airfields today, one day ahead of an expected visit to Taiwan by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Taiwanese media outlets reported that Pelosi (D-Calif.) would arrive on Tuesday night local time after visiting Malaysia on the second leg of her ongoing Asia trip, making…
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battlestariroh · 1 year
Kevin McCarthy rn
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[caption: this is where I’d put my speaker’s gavel IF I HAD ONE!!!]
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Jeffrey Hakeem
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angelx1992 · 1 year
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