#house of Gold
clancysstole · 2 days
Was sitting in a restaurant thinking to myself, "Man, I wish the radio in here would play some t.ø.p" and MINUTES later house of gold comes on. So, like, what kind of black magic was that.
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ohlittlefox · 4 months
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| more from cliquetober ‘23 /
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lizzietoons · 30 days
This is how I feel Tenn imagines Louis and Clem getting together after fighting in episode two.
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WDBWOTV | House of Gold
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Abigail Son, when I grow old, will you buy me a house of gold? And when your father turns to stone, will you take care of me? Marston
and Jack I will make you queen of everything you see, I'll put you on the map, I'll cure you of disease Marston.
AKA thank you sm @red-dead-bisexual
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what they’ll say about us (j.h.s.)
a/n: this is my new hockey AU! i danced and ice skated as a kid but was only ever able to do it recreationally and i know nothing about hockey so this has taken some research but there is still going to be inaccuracies. please bear with me! a lot of this will be explained as the story progresses but in order to understand this story, you need to know that the reader is Bradley Bradshaw’s little sister. Goose lives but Carole dies of cancer when Bradley was 8. Goose left the Navy to care for his kids, but Maverick and Ice stayed & are still in the Navy at the time of this story (me writing Icemav in again lol). also, Charlie had a promising ice skating career that she gave up for her contract work - she ends up re-locating in San Diego to work as a coach. Cyclone is ex-Navy and coaches a hockey team (because I said so). that should be everything; please enjoy!!
summary: (Re-)Meeting Jake Seresin and every moment after. 
touch | main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist | house of gold masterlist 
warnings: food mentions, mentions of depression, parent death, cheating, i did research but i still made shit up anyways
word count: 2,354
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The cool bite of the air around the ice nips at your skin as you push away from the edge of the rink, calling out for your duo partner. He turns, offering you a grin. “Well, if it isn’t my favorite Bradshaw.”
You smirk, accepting his hug as you glide over to him.
Just three months younger than you, you and Tyler had skated in the rink together forever, it seems like. There wasn’t a day since you had started skating in the first place where the two of you hadn’t skated together, whether it was competitive or performative or just for fun. 
Off the rink, the two of you had known each other since you were in diapers practically. Bradley befriending Natasha Trace on the first day of kindergarten had meant the Trace and Bradshaw families were fast friends. 
Tyler had been an ever-present constant. His family had been there since your Mom’s cancer diagnosis, even though you were far too young to remember those years, and everything that came after. It was his family who had suggested you take your ballet training and put it towards something useful when you got diagnosed with depression at just 11. It had been you Tyler had come out to when you were 16. 
As you had gotten older though, as your skills progressed, your coach, Charlotte Blackwood, had pulled you for more solo performances every year. She talked a big game, planting ideas of the Olympics and national titles into your head, much to your father’s dismay. She knew you had the most potential when you stepped out on the ice alone, commanding everyone’s attention to you and you alone. 
Meaning that this year would be the first time in a few years that the two of you would skate a competitive piece together, along with a solo piece. When Charlie had told you the news, calling to schedule the practices, you had been thrilled.
You hadn’t seen Tyler as much as you would’ve liked over the last year, focusing more on your routine that would end up making you one of the highest-ranked skaters in the state of California than you did anything else, including your graduation from high school. 
Charlie always told you to have your eye on the prize, to think long-term, and you knew exactly what long-term she was thinking of.
Charlie didn’t need to know just yet that somewhere eulogy the way your long-term had diverged from hers, a whole new goal on the horizon. 
“How was New York?” You ask, pulling away from him. 
He shrugs. “You know how it is.” 
You laugh, reaching out to nudge his shoulder. “Actually, I don’t know how it is. Never been to New York, remember?” 
He gives a half-shrug as he grins. “Well, maybe you will someday soon. You still thinking about Juilliard?” 
You nod. “Yes, but shush about that in front of my brother. And Charlie. No one knows I’ve been talking to one of their scouts. It’s a surprise.” 
He tilts his head. “Surprise or secret?”
“Secret.” You say, giving him a look. “And we aren’t discussing Juilliard anymore, so quit asking me about it.” 
He sighs, nodding as he accepts your statement. “Speaking of your brother, I heard from Nat that the team’s getting a new co-captain.” 
You raise an eyebrow. 
The accomplishment your brother treasured most in this world was leading his team as their Captain for what would be the third year in a row. The team had done well under him, looking up to him and following his lead, even beating out the rival team for a spot at the regional tournament last year. 
Having to give up that sole responsibility to share with someone else was not something he would take lightly. 
“Brad’s not gonna be thrilled.” You pause, biting your lip as you think through his words again. “Wait, how does Nat even know about that?” 
“Coach Simpson texted their group chat to warn them of their new arrival today. Bradley got the text while he was at my house.” 
You furrow your eyebrows, a pit settling in your stomach at the look in his eyes. “Why do I get the feeling there’s more to this that I’m not gonna like?” 
Tyler offers you a knowing grin, crossing his arms. “Word on the street is that it’s Jake Seresin.” 
The sound of lockers opening and closing echoing through the locker room greets his ears. He takes a deep breath for the storm he’s about to walk into, shouldering the locker room doors open. Simpson’s already waiting for him, glancing up from his watch. 
“Ah, Seresin, you’re right on time.” 
“Hey Coach.” He says, taking a step forward into the locker room as the team takes notice of his presence. “Thanks for having me and letting me join.” 
“Well, I’d be a fool not to take someone of your caliber, kid.” Simpson clears his throat, cutting off the muttered whispers echoing through the row of players. “As you all saw in my text to you earlier today, we are joined by a new co-captain this season. I expect you all to treat him as you would any other player. Bradshaw-” Simpson calls out, waiting for the brunette to meet his eye. “I expect you to behave in the way I demand from my captains. That means no fights on and off the ice. Do we understand?” 
Bradley nods, even as the way his eyes narrow at Jake says otherwise. “Yes Coach.” 
“Good. Any rivalry that the two of you might have had between one another is behind you, do you understand?” 
“Yes Coach.” Both he and Bradley say, pulling themselves up to their full heights. 
Simpson sighs, in a way that signals he probably knows trying to get Jake and Bradley to put their differences behind them is futile. 
“Welcome to the team Jake.” 
Your face dropped. 
Tyler smirks, nodding his head. “Yes. your favorite-” You make a noise of disgust in the back of your throat. “-rival captain has come to join the team this year.” 
You groan, reaching up to rub your temple. “I don’t even know what to say to that.” 
“I’m just not sure what’s going to be worse. The fact that he knew you personally and still kept Robinson’s cheating a secret or the absolute beating your brother is going to give him.” 
“I never should’ve dated Brett.” You mumble. 
He snorts. “Dating someone on the rival team was not one of your smartest decisions, I’ll give you that.”
“I’m not ever going to live it down, am I?” 
He sighs, shaking his head. “’M afraid not.” 
“Okay, you two.” Charlie voice echoes form across the ice. “Sorry I’m running behind, there was a bit of confusion as to who had the ice and for how long today.” 
“’S okay.” Tyler calls out. “Baby Bradshaw and I were just getting caught up on the drama of the new hockey captain.” 
You toss him a withering look while Charlie sighs. “Don’t even mention their new Captain, Trace. You know how I feel about the two of you hanging around Cyclone’s team.” 
“I’m never dating another hockey player ever again, cross my heart hope to die.” You saw, raising a hand. 
“Why would you, after the hell Robinson put you through?” 
“That’s enough Ty. Have you guys warmed up yet? I want to start in on our choreography for the routine as soon as possible.” 
“I warmed up before I got on the ice.” 
“Same here.” 
“Great. Take a couple laps you two, and then we’ll be getting into the skills.” 
The two of you push off, skating away from her. 
“Well, you excited to be back? Even with Juillard on the mind?” 
“I said we weren’t talking about that anymore. As of this moment, forget I ever even told you about it. But yes, I’m excited to be back on the ice. Never stops feeling like home.” 
He claps Javy on the shoulder as he walks past. “Good to see you Machado.”
The man squints at him as he walks past. “Saw you last night, Jake.” 
He chuckles, shaking his head as he steps over the bench in between Javy and another player known by the nickname Fritz. “That you did Machado.” 
Javy shrugs, standing up as he pulls his locker open. “That happens when you live together. You know, you see one another.” 
He pushes the man’s shoulder as Javy laughs. He pulls the locker next to Javy open after Javy gives him an affirming nod from the questioning look Jake shoots him. 
“Don’t worry, we’ll get you a plaque with your name on it soon enough. Then everyone will know exactly which locker belongs to the esteemed Jake ‘Hangman’-” 
Both he and Javy turn, facing Bradshaw. Bradley’s drawn up to his full height, eyes dark, voice firm. Fritz mumbles something under his breath, earning him a nasty look from the brunette. 
“Yes Bradshaw?” He says, forcing a sickly sweet smile. It’s polite, but it’s fake, and everyone in the locker room knows it. “How may I help you?” 
“Don’t get too comfortable here, Seresin. You’ll be out of here before you can say boo.” 
He cocks his head. “Is that a threat?” 
“It’s a promise.” 
“Ay, Charlie! You were supposed to be off the ice fifteen minutes ago!” Cyclone shouts as you skate past. You pause, slowing down as you turn to see the approaching hockey team. 
She narrows her eyes, skating over to the edge of the rink. “We have it for another fifteen minutes. I checked.” 
“That’s not possible.” 
She tilts her head. “Can’t help it if you got your ice times mixed up Coach.” 
“Bradley.” You hiss. Your brother turns his head away from the normal occurrence of the two coaches bickering to where you’re standing on the ice. “Are you still driving me home after practice?” 
He nods. “Yes, because Dad’s having dinner with Ice and Slider tonight, remember?” 
You nod. “Yeah, I vaguely remember him telling me that.” 
He shakes his head. “Jesus, I think you need to pay attention more when Dad talks to you.” 
“I don’t think it’s a matter of paying attention. Dad really only communicates with me via group chat.” 
“You’re so dramatic, you know that right?” 
“Baby Bradshaw.” A voice calls from behind your brothers shoulder, the boys moving to reveal Jake Seresin. Bradley half-turns, giving Jake a look that would put him six feet under. Jake doesn’t seem to care too much, his gaze burning you as he holds eye contact. “Good to see you again.” He says, offering you the charming smile he offers any girl he’s trying to woo. 
You would recognize the mega-watt smile from anywhere, memories of him flashing it to girls who was trying to bed at after-game celebrations you shouldn’t have been at in the first place flashing through your mind. 
“Funny Seresin, can’t say the same about you.” 
His hand flies up to his heart. “Ooo, you wound me baby. Dost thou really hate me so much?” 
“Hey!” Charlie calls, catching your attention. She snaps towards the ice where Tyler is practicing his triple quad jump. “Go.” 
You sigh, skating away from the ice. Distantly, you hear Reuben chuckle. 
“Man Seresin, if you’re gonna survive on this team, the first and foremost thing you need to know is to stay away from Bradley Bradshaw’s baby sister.”
You yawn, tucking your knees up to your chest as you realize your phone is about to die. A quick glance up to the rink tells you that they are deep into a play, and even if they got off the ice at that exact second, it’ll be at least another half hour before Bradley’s ready to leave. 
You click the device off, slipping it into the side pocket of your bag as you curl further up into yourself. A dying phone was a problem that could not be solved without a phone charger and you were straight out of luck there, having left yours on the floor of your bedroom this morning. 
You could probably sleep, the practice running into the late hours as you waited for your brother to finish up. You close your eyes, the sound soft of the whistles and hockey sticks a comforting noise, a familiar one you welcome as you begin to doze off.
“Hey.” A voice calls, and you yawn again as you blink, clearing the sleep from your eyes. You look up to see your coach pulling her car keys from her bag. “You’re not home yet?” 
You shake your head, stretching out your legs. “No, not yet. Simpson kept them late. Again.” 
“And your Dad?” 
“He went to dinner with Uncle Ice and Sli. You know how it is.” She nods, frowning slightly as she glanced at the time on her watch. 
“They’re still out at- 11:33?” 
You shrug. “I didn’t think to ask. I’ve waited later for Brad.” 
You would’ve asked had you not already known he wouldn’t have responded.
She sighs. “Well, I’ll drive you home, okay? It’s late and I know you have ballet early in the morning.” 
You nod, grabbing the bag of gear from the bench it was resting on as you waved a hand to your brother. He caught the movement, raising a hand back, before he focused in on practice, zeroing in on the play. 
“You haven’t had dinner yet, have you?” 
You shake your head as Charlie holds the door of the rink open for you. “No. I think Brad and I were just gonna eat leftovers or something when we got back to the house.” 
“Well, how about we stop at McDonald’s on the way to the house?” 
You raise an eyebrow at your coach. “Oh, it’s a McDonald’s night, now is it?”
She offers you a soft smile. “Why not? It is the first practice of the season. Might as well reward yourself before the hard work begins.”
You don’t miss the fact that Jake’s eyes are on you the whole time. 
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echo-stimmingrose · 4 months
What do you mean that 'house of gold' by twenty ones pilots lyric is "become someone" You're telling me it's not "decap someone" HUH!?!? I've been listening to this song for years!
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static-scribblez · 9 months
Thinking abt the “This little game of ours” episode of Litwtc
I remember that one part where they find that Karl Marx/Will Wood fanfic and either Chris or Will brought up that one Danny Gonzalez x Drew Gooden fanfic and how they would want to read fanfic of themselves getting shipped, and now I’m just imagining someone rewriting the entirety of that ‘House of Gold’ fic and then replacing Danny and Drew with Chris and Will and everyone else with random litwtc/prescription characters 💀
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lostinthewiind · 2 months
Me? Thinking about updating my Band of Brothers fanfiction that I haven't touched in 4 years?
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pantaloonwarrior · 1 year
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inksplashgirl · 2 months
a letter to twenty one pilots
Dear twenty one pilots,
Thank you.
You gave a voice to the cuts in my brain when I didn’t know what they were trying to say.
I was less alone when I had Migraine and Kitchen Sink to hold my depression.
I owe you my life, for leaching the loneliness from mental illness and teaching me not to let my demons win.
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letsoulswander · 17 days
the frantic strumming in "house of gold" is so funny because it almost perfectly neutralizes how immediately that song makes me relax
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came to me in a dream
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twenty one pilots + house | home albums: Vessel | Blurryface House of Gold // Stressed Out // Ride // The Judge // Hometown
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beginnerblueglass · 6 months
Oh no I just had a flashback to the time a woman at church overheard me and my siblings talking about twenty one pilots and she asked what our favourite songs were, because she wanted to look them up.
And one of the songs I recommended to her was House of Gold.
And the next week she came up to me with the most disturbed look on her face.
“So I looked up that song you told me about, House of Gold, and I watched the music video”
Oh no what have I done?
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house of gold masterlist
updated February 11th, 2023
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playlist | pinterest board 
main storyline:
note: this story contains discussion of depression, violence, physical injuries, and other dark themes that may upsetting or distressing for the reader
story description
what they’ll say about us
rewrite the stars
i will love you either way
heart like yours
slipping through my fingers
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