Duodi 12 Germinal an CCXXXII
(Dimanche 31 mars 2024 / Sunday, March 31, 2024)
🇨🇵 Texte en français et en anglais / Text in French and English 🇬🇧/🇺🇲
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Le calendrier républicain, adopté pendant la Révolution française, était une tentative de rompre avec le passé monarchique et catholique en instaurant un système de mesure du temps basé sur les valeurs républicaines et agricoles. Chaque jour du calendrier républicain était dédié à une plante, un animal, un outil ou un événement symbolique, reflétant ainsi les idéaux de la Révolution.
Le mois de Germinal dans le calendrier républicain français représente le renouveau et la vitalité de la nature au printemps. Du 20 mars au 19 avril, Germinal est le mois où la terre se réveille de son sommeil hivernal, où les bourgeons éclosent et où les premières fleurs colorent les paysages. Il incarne le début de la saison des semailles et le travail de la terre, symbolisant ainsi l'espoir et la promesse d'une nouvelle récolte. Germinal rappelle également les idéaux républicains de liberté, d'égalité et de fraternité, en invitant chacun à contribuer à l'essor de la société et à cultiver un avenir meilleur.
La journée du 12 Germinal dans le calendrier républicain français est dédiée au charme, un arbre également connu sous le nom de charme commun. Cet arbre revêt une importance non seulement pour ses caractéristiques botaniques, mais aussi pour son symbolisme culturel et historique.
Le charme, scientifiquement connu sous le nom de Carpinus betulus, est un arbre à feuilles caduques originaire d'Europe et de certaines parties d'Asie. Il se distingue par ses feuilles denses et finement dentelées, ainsi que par son écorce cannelée distinctive, qui ressemble à du tissu musculaire, d'où son nom alternatif de « bois de muscle ». Le charme pousse généralement dans les forêts et les zones boisées, où il forme souvent des peuplements denses.
Sur le plan symbolique, le charme est associé à des qualités telles que la résistance, la longévité et la sagesse. Son bois dur et durable en a fait un matériau prisé pour la construction de meubles, d'outils et même de charpentes. En outre, le charme est souvent considéré comme un symbole de protection et de bonne fortune dans de nombreuses cultures européennes.
En plus de ses feuilles distinctives et de son écorce remarquable, le charme produit également des fleurs discrètes mais élégantes au printemps. Les fleurs du charme sont de petites grappes pendantes, apparaissant avant le feuillage complet de l'arbre. Bien que souvent peu remarquées en raison de leur petite taille et de leur couleur discrète, ces fleurs jouent un rôle essentiel dans la pollinisation et la reproduction de l'arbre. Elles attirent les insectes pollinisateurs, tels que les abeilles et les bourdons, contribuant ainsi à la biodiversité de l'écosystème forestier. Ces fleurs ajoutent une touche de délicatesse à la robustesse de l'arbre, soulignant sa beauté et sa diversité biologique.
En conclusion, la journée du 12 Germinal était l'occasion de célébrer la beauté et la symbolique du charme, tout en rappelant l'importance de préserver notre environnement naturel et de respecter les cycles de la nature.
The Republican calendar, adopted during the French Revolution, was an attempt to break away from the monarchic and Catholic past by establishing a system of time measurement based on republican and agricultural values. Each day of the Republican calendar was dedicated to a plant, an animal, a tool, or a symbolic event, thus reflecting the ideals of the Revolution.
The month of Germinal in the French Republican calendar represents the renewal and vitality of nature in spring. From March 20 to April 19, Germinal is the month when the earth awakens from its winter slumber, when buds burst open, and the first flowers color the landscapes. It embodies the beginning of the sowing season and the work of the land, symbolizing hope and the promise of a new harvest. Germinal also recalls the republican ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity, inviting everyone to contribute to the advancement of society and cultivate a better future.
The day of 12 Germinal in the French Republican calendar is dedicated to the hornbeam tree, also known as the common hornbeam. This tree holds significance not only for its botanical characteristics but also for its cultural and historical symbolism.
The hornbeam, scientifically known as Carpinus betulus, is a deciduous tree native to Europe and certain parts of Asia. It is distinguished by its dense, finely-toothed leaves and distinctive fluted bark, which resembles muscle tissue, hence its alternative name of "musclewood". The hornbeam typically grows in forests and wooded areas, where it often forms dense stands.
Symbolically, the hornbeam is associated with qualities such as resilience, longevity, and wisdom. Its hard and durable wood has made it a prized material for constructing furniture, tools, and even timber frames. Additionally, the hornbeam is often regarded as a symbol of protection and good fortune in many European cultures.
In addition to its distinctive leaves and remarkable bark, the hornbeam also produces discreet yet elegant flowers in spring. Hornbeam flowers are small, pendulous clusters of greenish color, appearing before the tree's foliage fully emerges. Although often overlooked due to their small size and subtle color, these flowers play an essential role in pollination and tree reproduction. They attract pollinating insects, such as bees and bumblebees, thereby contributing to the biodiversity of the forest ecosystem. These flowers add a touch of delicacy to the tree's robustness, underscoring its beauty and biological diversity.
In conclusion, the day of 12 Germinal was an opportunity to celebrate the beauty and symbolism of the hornbeam, while also reminding us of the importance of preserving our natural environment and respecting the cycles of nature.
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theslymarauders · 10 months
I went to Harry Potter world today! I went into Ollivander's and the clerk there helped me to find a wand--but really the wand chose me 😌 My wand is made of hornbeam wood with a dragon heartstring core, 13 in, and reasonably pliant. I love it!!! I got my robes today as well, and now I'm all ready for classes.
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Trees love each other
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vox-anglosphere · 2 years
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Opened in 1848 the Crimple Valley Viaduct has stood the test of time
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coffeenuts · 2 years
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hornbeam, Sony A99II, Sigma 105 mm Macro by Pawel Barmuta https://flic.kr/p/2nj5nLL
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elefteriamantzorou · 2 years
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Carpinus betulus, growing wild in Greece. Read more below about the plant! Learn more about our online courses on herbal medicine & aromatherapy in jointheflow.net Discover my books on bodywork and more: amzn.to/3xhaNey The herbal tea is administered for the treatment of tracheobronchitis, spastic and chronic nasopharyngitis, tracheitis, cough, diarrhea, sore throat, rheumatic pain, flu, hemorrhoids and headache. Also, it is used from people who suffer from mental and physical fatigue and stress. Many studies are under way, in order to prove the antitumor properties of the plant, which are attributed to the contained pheophorbide. It is a deciduous small to medium-size tree reaching heights of 15–25 metres (49–82 ft), rarely 30 m (98 ft), and often has a fluted and crooked trunk. The bark is smooth and greenish-grey, even in old trees. The buds, unlike those of the beech, are 10 mm (0.39 in) long at the most, and pressed close to the twig. The leaves are alternate, 4–9 cm (1.6–3.5 in) long, with prominent veins giving a distinctive corrugated texture, and a serrated margin. #hornbeam #Carpinusbetulus #forestbathing #Betulaceae #ethnobotany #planthealing  #phytochemistry #plantchemistry #herbcrafting #herbalcrafting #healingherbs #apothecary #healingherbs #medicinalplants #greekherbs #myherbalstudies #herbalistsofinstagram #botany #botanicalmedicine #wildfood #wildfoodlove #foraging #survivalskills #primitiveskills #herbaleducation #eatweeds Text source: http://mediplantepirus.med.uoi.gr/    &   Wikipedia (at Βλαχοκερασιά Αρκαδίας) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfQlpZPoygp/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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anenglishwoodcomstuff · 3 months
Hornbeam #tree
Young Carpinus betulus exhibiting marcescence – holding on to its leaves. Picture taken December 6. #trees #plants #plant #nature #naturephotography #woods
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teepeecider · 5 months
Planted a couple years back the hornbeam saplings are starting to look like a hedge. This just before I gave the hedge a light trim. Plan is to let it grow to 6 feet tall and act as a windbreak at the orchard. Hornbeam is good to work with in hedging or pleached #orchard #cider
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reddirttown · 5 months
Language of Flowers: Hornbeam
For every day, there is a flower in the language of flowers. The flower for today, November 19, is Hornbeam, which signifies extravagance. Image above from Wikipedia. Hornbeams are hardwood trees in the flowering plant genus Carpinus in the birch family. Hornbeams yield a very hard timber, giving rise to the common name “ironwood”. The tree is sometimes called musclewood because the trunk and…
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dinobxt · 7 months
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vlifestyle · 8 months
Fiori di Bach: come combattere la sindrome da rientro con la floriterapia
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Un brusco ritorno alla realtà: così viene vissuto, dalla maggior parte di noi, il passaggio obbligatorio dalla sdraio in spiaggia alla sedia in ufficio. La sindrome da rientro che gli americani chiamano "holiday blues" è un disagio che genera disturbi quali ansia, insonnia, nervosismo, leggera depressione e sensazione di pesantezza. Per fortuna dura poco, il tempo necessario per riabituarsi alla routine. Il problema, però, non va sottovalutato specialmente nelle persone predisposte a cali d'umore: in questi casi può essere prezioso l'aiuto della fitoterapia, che agisce sugli stati d'animo riportandoli in equilibrio.  
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    I fiori di Bach
La sindrome da rientro si può combattere con la floriterapia, la cura con i fiori ideata dal dottor Bach. I fiori di Bach sono 38 e agiscono sul comportamento. Armonizzano gli stati d'animo entrando in risonanza con il campo energetico individuale, ristabilendo così il dialogo tra anima e personalità. In genere, non si prende mai un fiore singolo, ma si compone un mix di 4/5 fiori fino a un massimo di 8. È consigliato cambiare mix periodicamente, in quanto l'equilibrio degli stati d'animo porta ad andare in profondità, scoprendo altre emozioni per le quali serviranno altri fiori.
Quando ricominciare è faticoso
Quando si torna a casa dopo una vacanza, l'unica cosa che si tende fare è rimandare. Si entra in uno stato mentale per cui ci si sveglia al mattino senza forze. Hornbeam è il rimedio adatto a contrastare questo tipo di atteggiamento. Infatti, viene chiamato il rimedio della "sindrome del lunedì mattina". Dona positività e ottimismo, agisce da spinta per riprendere le attività con vigore e determinazione.
Per ritrovate interesse
In alcuni casi, pare che l'unico modo per sfuggire e sopportare la delusione, quella sorta di scoraggiamento inevitabile che emerge appena si ritorna in contatto con la quotidianità, sia di prendere le distanze dalle nostre emozioni. In altre parole, si cade in uno stato di apatia generale, di quella voglia di nulla che fa galleggiare annoiati e rassegnati nell'esistenza. Il rimedio specifico in questi casi è Wild Rose, che riconnette con la propria motivazione interiore. Prendendolo, si affronta ogni giorno con ritrovato interesse e si è in grado di abbandonarsi con gioia a ciò che la vita ci offre.
Quando si sente il peso della responsabilità
Pensare di riprendere in mano la gestione della propria vita, fatta di scadenze, appuntamenti da rispettare e scadenze da pagare, può destabilizzare e portare a uno stato di leggera depressione che rende Impensabile e faticoso l'andare avanti. In questi casi, Elm è il rimedio indicato: aiuta a fronteggiare la sensazione di non avere abbastanza forza per riuscire in tutto quello che si deve e che si vuole fare. Restituisce la sicurezza in sé e la consapevolezza di essere di nuovi capaci.   Read the full article
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infinitespain · 8 months
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recyclark · 11 months
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Toronto Contemporary Landscape Inspiration for a sizable, modern backyard with stone landscaping and a fire pit in the summer.
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webofinfluence · 1 year
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Notopia: Waterhole Times with Co-operative and Regular Drinkers books, reproduction, rice glue, scissors, knife and time 660 x 552 x 18 mm inc. frame #notopia #tomjohnsonart #appropriation #worksonpaper #framed #theframeisntreal #collageart #photocopies #reproduction #coati #buffalo #kodama #korok #oak #yellowhammer #smallbirds #hornbeam #waterhole #wateringhole #collage #greyhounds #riders #aloof #oldpainting #artonpaper #thisisaphysicalobject https://www.instagram.com/p/CorXZu3IkHB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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