#hopefully tumblr won't fuck this version up too much
queencvbra · 1 year
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ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ❝ — in the end, I'm always the one picking up the pieces. ❞
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specialmoogakii · 2 years
Would Peter adopt a baby(either gender)he found outside his door while living with YN?He's so sweet and would be a great father
Oooh. I love this! I do like when someone doesn't treat Peter as a heartless mf. I still believe that Tumblr Peter's blog is the original one (Don't really like the game version,im sorry- ajudswbwk)
The first thing peter would think about the kid is how they end up here. His house is pretty isolated and surrended by trees. Whoever abandoned this baby in here,somehow they know someone live in this house and that kinda freak out Peter.
(in case he kidnap you,if not,then he just questioned who the fuck is so heartless to leave this baby here)
It depends all on the Y/n. After all,peter want them to feel comfortable in their house (kidnap or not) so if they are not ready to take care of a kid, peter will still help this poor kiddo to find an house. He is not heartless.
But if Y/n do want that baby (whatever is the reason),then Peter will welcome it in their little family. Just like how he wanted. Just him,Y/n, his snake and their new kid. His dream come true.
Peter would start preparing himself to take care of the kids (mostly economically cuz pretty sure he studied how to take care of them beforehand.) So,All Y/n need to do is spending time with the baby while Peter search ways to balance the money and not going bankrupt out of pure excitement.
Thank to the baby arriving in this household,Y/n can finally have freedom to go out; going to the park,seeing people again and hopefully their friends... with peter's approval.
He is absolutely good at taking care of the little rascal and how to entertain them and managing the current baby's need. Of course its doesn't mean Y/n doesn't do anything,y/n can join at anytime and help peter (he defs need it even if he say no).
Peter won't do the same errors his mother did,he would be very attentive and absolutely sweetheart with your kid,treating them the same amount of love as y/n.
The only thing that probably not a good idea is the kid having the snake. They probably think its a toy and it would give peter an heart attack. He know the snake won't hurt them but the other way around.
Even if the baby don't mean it,he would lecture them and teach them how to treat the pet properly.
Overall,im pretty sure Peter is a very active father and totally sweet toward the kid. (Wish i had that)
And Y/n is really lucky cuz now they can finally go out without the need to beg or medical conditions. Y/n love peter but sometimes they can be a little too much.
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inahc3 · 5 months
Writing update
Tl;dr: I'm taking a break from posting new chapters for a month or so. Not gonna stop writing completely, just focusing on RL for a bit.
Longer version:
Here's me the last three-ish weeks:
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(side note: the tumblr gif selector will not give me that gif, wtf, I had to use the android keyboard one.)
Anyways. I've been trying to do too much, while also trying to pace myself, and something's gotta give. RL has been busier than expected, my health hasn't been as good as I'd hoped, every good thing also takes up time and energy, and while I'm not drowning in stuff, I feel like I've been treading water at best.
Several of my favourite fanfics updated in the last few days, I don't think I've read any of them, and when the latest ao3 email came in, I didn't feel happy, I felt overwhelmed. 🫠
So, as much as I want to be writing, and I want to hit that monthly update goal that feels like such a goddamn low bar, I'm gonna take a step back and regroup instead. I suspect I'm the only person who's actually upset by this - after all, when other writers say they might not be able to update for a bit, I always want them to put their health and stuff first, and I'll still be here to celebrate that ao3 email when they're back. So I'm gonna try and take my own advice. 😅
I hope I'll still be able to write a little now and then, I just won't push myself to do any editing, and nothing will be posted. Hopefully I'll have a nice collection of scenes to stitch together once life is quiet enough to come back to it.
I like writing. I like my stories. I want to keep liking them, so I'm gonna take a break before I burn out. (I'm gonna go be sad and grumpy about it for a bit because I really didn't fucking want to need a break. But I'll do it, because I've burnt out enough times to know what I need.)
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hislittleraincloud · 11 days
Flirting aside, your love for language is admirable. Makes me want to actually apply myself and learn more than English. Until then, google translate (though not nearly as reliable as understanding myself) is my friend.
Might try and take a few classes though, see if being able to speak or write in multiple languages gives me some of that charm you've got. But then again, maybe the charm is entirely your own? I mean, I gotta say, you're oddly... is there even a word for it? I guess the closest would be intriguing. Something to be proud of for someone I've never seen before.
I guess I can't just crush on you in your inbox and not sign off, huh? Especially if I plan to hopefully make you smile with these occasional asks in the future.
-😇 anon, if you haven't got one yet. (😇 because this is the most well behaved I've been in a minute, my self restraint really is umatched)
Am I supposed to be crushing on someone that only exists to me on Tumblr? I dunno.
Will I continue to do it anyway? Yes!
I have loved languages for as long as I could remember. My parents were hideously selfish and self-absorbed, so they didn't care to teach me Spanish (my grandmother's language) or Thai (my mother's language). Ask them why they didn't and they'll make up some excuse or blame it on me, misgendering me in the process ("[Tor] didn't want to learn" is more than likely something my father would say, and I can tell you that that was 1000000000% bullshit, because I loved learning Spanish from my grandmother, aunt, and Sesame Street). Learned plenty of dirty and swear words in Thai from my mother, though. 🙄
Yet I was forced and expected to learn French, Italian, and German on my fucking own at 11 years old bc we were moving to France (and would be visiting Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, and Spain...ETA: He didn have us learn any Dutch bc we didn't stay too long). Father handed me a pile of travel phrase books and told me to learn them (though in addition to the French, Italian, German, Spanish (for my mother again...always for her) phrase books I made him buy me a Romanian one, because I wanted to learn "Dracula's tongue" 💀 I was a weird ass child).
I took to French easily enough since it was the main one father had us focus on (and I even tagged along to my mother's classes...I did better than her, she got mad and stopped bringing me to them). Ma amavo la lingua italiana e oggi la amo ancora di più, anche se sono più brava in francese. I would much rather have lived in Italy than fricking France. It was about this time that I was also interested in Russian, since I had a huge crush on Maxmillian Schell from Peter the Great:
(You can tell what my tastes were even at 11 and 12 years old... 🫠)
But, Father said it would be too much/too difficult and we weren't going to Russia, so he didn't buy me any of those phrase books. 😓
I've collected several of my favorites in French, but I do have other non-English books as well (particularly the Potter books... I've got the whole series in French but am still collecting the Italian versions, as they were hard to find; I won't put $ in her pocket anymore, so anything I do pick up is second hand, and I have them because it's an easy way to refresh). I also have copies of Lolita in Russian and Hebrew. (Definitely not the same. The gorgeous English that Nabokov used does not necessarily translate well at all.)
Reading is how I learned. Reading the phrase books, then être jeté aux loups en France...et en Italie, en Allemagne, en Suisse, etc. Je devais survivre seule, comme je l'avais fait pendant 12 ans.
You could take a class, or you can start small on your own. Duolingo gets a bad rap, but if you're curious about a language other than English, Duo is a pretty cool toy to start out with. Bored out of my mind, I tried it out a little over ten years ago, starting with dansk. Jeg begyndte at lære dansk, men det var for nemt. At the same time (after zipping through the first few Danish lessons), I tried Irish and took to that somehow (and annoyed the Hell out of my ex, who still lived with me at the time, by speaking nothing but Irish to her...I wanted her gone since she was just using me for the cheap rent and never, ever cleaned up after herself or the dogs/cats that were hers). The speed of my lessons went by real quick bc I seemed to have a natural ability to figure out how a language works (shifting from SVO to VSO wasn't that hard for me...though I had/still have some confusion with SOV languages like Turkish, I still got by okay whilst in Istanbul).
But Duo is really just a starting point. There's also Memrise (which is okay...they recently cut off our access to 'community created courses' on the app...that means I can't refresh my Georgian Alphabet (გამარჯობაjo! LOL That's all I remember of that one, I'm trying to stick with the Latin Alphabet ones, though Russian and Ukrainian Cyrillic is 🔥 and I can read it) or any of the smaller languages that I found on there, I have to go to the website for that). Clozemaster is a really neat little tool too, and as far as I can see, they make up for the Memrise deficits with their rarer languages:
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(Finished the easy reviews, but I have a lot to keep going on some of these, and I need to combine some Duo with this for the alphabets; I'm just a starter in Greek. I love Catalan** since it's the language of my ancestors, but I also love the other regional languages like Occitan and Piemontèis, and they're fairly easy if you already know French and Spanish. Yes, my streak is only a day on this bc I'm BUSY WRITING 😭 but normally I'll go in and play around if I'm bored. Euskara (Basque) can suck my ass, though. (ETA again: The Russian course does have sound, I must've had my sound down LOL) Oo! And the Clozemaster Italian course has dirty phrases. 👹 Lastly, one thing I rlly like about Cloze is its interface and sounds. It's all 8 bit and has 8 bit gaming sounds when you finish your section/review. VERY retro, A+++)
The great thing is that all of these are free, though Duo's free can be annoying if you lose a lot of hearts/make a lot of mistakes. All three are great aids, but if you're just picking up one language, a class is cool too. You can find language classes on YouTube, or on the Open Culture page that lists almost 50 free places where you can learn a language. I also suggest immersion in the language that you want to learn. Watch your favorite shows dubbed in it, so you can learn how to pronounce/inflect things correctly (and so you can have a good laugh at the bad voice actor casting that sometimes happens). Listen to the radio and read newspapers in your target lang. It's all FREE, young Jedi. Free knowledge for the taking. You just gotta pick it up.
I think if I weren't writing, I'd still be immersed in language sharpening/learning (and drawing, probably). I suppose that's part of what incensed me about Teacher Boy's shitty reblog, since the OP's post mentioned languages. One never stops learning about the world and its people/cultures. I may hate people (like Wednesday does), but I do like to know how they think/why. I'm also imperfect, so if/when I have mistakes in the written language part, it's probably me mixing up rules or forgetting accents/where they go.
Christ this is long. 🫠
The charm thing, well...
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I'm just a writer. A weird one, who tends to be the first and only for many people and things. I sure wish I could share my other accomplishments here, but one of my bigger ones has my real name attached to it and through that I can get stalked (not afraid of you per se, but it would be really annoying if those who hate me harassed me...I have senior/elderly dogs that need their peace). I will say that the accomplishment I'm thinking of would change each and every 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ person on this Hellsite's perception of me, regardless of my writing.
Now it's my turn to be mysterious. 🌚
Hi. Hello. Bonjour. Bounjou. Cerea. Ciao. Hola. Bom dia. Hallo. Salut. Hej. HEI! прибет. Halò. Mora duit. გამარჯობაjo. Non lo so. Mi stai già impressionando con la tua eloquenza, ed è piacevole vedere questa positività nella mia Inbox. 🫴🏽🎀💕🫠✨
**ETA 2: Speaking of Catalan, something interesting popped up on my Google feed re: prenatal exposure to multiple languages: Babies in the womb exposed to two languages hear speech differently when born. Maybe I had an advantage, since my mother spoke English and Thai when I was in there.
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jimmycartersufo · 2 months
this is me having the Tuesday foh museum employee version of Sunday scaries. I love using tumblr as a sort of diary right now especially when writing my hand causes pain!
the last two weeks of work have been especially rough and this week I have some tough stuff to get through that I'm nervous about but it'll be OK. I just struggled with the unknown. time always moves too quickly this time of year and I'm desperate to hold on to my days off because I am so burnt out. the problem is when you're in between those biweekly checks and you're broke as hell but also it's been pouring down rain. I can't help but feel bad and guilty when I do nothing. I didn't do just nothing, I took care of my mom today and I've rested a lot but it still feels weird and bad.
I'm almost back to being in the green for my sick time. I used up all my sick time and my boss had payroll give me negative sick time which was a life saver. I miss my boss so much. everything has gone to shit without her. but she deserves so much better. clearly. anyway, in a couple weeks I'll start to see actual sick time build up again. and on July 1 I'll get more pto 🤡 but thankfully at least Juneteenth falls on a Wednesday so we will have a three day weekend. The museum won't pay it's workers more or respect their security dept (which is historically and systematically Black) but they will do land acknowledgements if they happen to put up a work by a Native person (aka no permanent land acknowledgement lol) and they'll give us Juneteenth off with pay. oh and back of house gets more pto than foh but I'm not here to list alllllll of my complaints rn. but we as a team are counting down the days so we can have a three day weekend. like yeah holiday pay on a day we already have off (every gov holiday that falls on a Monday) but would rather have a floating holiday for more pto. abyway I should hopefully have some sick time built up in a couple months to take a day off for rest.
falling behind on chores again. desp need to spring clean dust because ofc I have to be a maximalist autistic. still need to wash my beach combing finds from a few weeks ago. still need to hang stuff up. the most I can do is pick up a little. do a load of laundry but share the labor with my husband because we don't have the capacity for either or alone. do dishes maybe. make breakfast, lunch, and John makes dinner. take care of mom which is hard sometimes but more than anythjng it has to be done and I can trick my brain into not being an asshole about it. make the bed but in a more "lazy" way. take care of myself and stick to my barely there routine. medicine with alarms, brush teeth, set out the clothes I want to wear at least a day ahead but two days if possible. shower when it's been too long. lotion on my face and my arms and my legs if I can tolerate it. drink water. try and keep my salt levels up. stretches even if it's in bed. my daily puzzles. learn something new (read an article and or a wiki page).
at least tomorrow we get paid. I have to save money for when we go to an Orioles game soon. need to figure out when and how and where we are viewing the eclipse. grocery shopping. taking care of mom if dad is working late/in traffic. look over what bills are do this check. thankfully we get paid I think three times this month? JK it's may we get three paychecks but thankfully I get paid the week of my mom's birthday!!!!!!
I work on late shift this month. bad because no extra money but good because I am so fucking exhausted. I'm basically a sorta manager without all the manager roles and Def not the pay. but that's basically what I am now. thinking about it makes me sick. I goofed up somewhere to end up here with this responsibility. but also it was happenstance. I understand that. and that I have been masking so well for so long.
it's autism awareness day. I am autistic. I am finally feeling right with that. it's been over a year now, and I've spent that time reflecting on my life and the way I am. I was lucky that my sister has been in programs and I basically knew a guy that knew a guy that knew a guy. but I don't have like, a therapist or anthring to guide me through the realities of hey you're autistic and this is why you think and do xyz. I wish I listened to autistic friends years ago that said hey you're autistic and I was like no not me, I don't do this thing but the thing is a lot of those things I didn't think I did I literally did not understand the questioning which is funny. I can't really think of a good example but like you read a question like do you struggle to make eye contact and irs like yes but only in certain circumstances like when I don't know someone but you don't have the way to answer with nuances so you just say no. not the best example but it's like that. what's so interesting about being diagnosed late is you start to kind a breakdown the safety nets of masking and then it seems like you're faking because you're doing all this stuff not in private anymore, like you're regressing or something and it's like no I was just playing a role.
today for dinner I had chicken nuggets and heinz pickle ketchup and we watched a video about being in wdw on 9/11 and I was like oh
rigut now I'm trying to follow my night routine but I'm so anxious to sleep. I did sleep in really late today after sleeping poorly and then getting up to take care of mom in the morning. I woke up just before noon after going back to bed about nine???? so I'm not very tired. I'm going to go figure out my lunch for tomorrow so I don't worry about it in the am and then I'm going to check the laundry and if it's dry enough get my favorite pair of undies (tomboyx boy shorts) and my favorite pants (green!!) and find a top and then make the bed comfy and then I'm gonna use my new neck massager even though I've probably used it too much today and I hope to find a nice wiki article to read :)))))))
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mathieubellamont · 2 years
A kind of partial goodbye -
made a new account and probably won't be back on more than maybe once a year if that, thank you for everything
Long version:
Oh oof so. I've really needed to remake my tumblr for a while and due to some personal reasons I caved and did, expecting to be able to join this blog on my new account as a member, like with my art blog. I. Apparently cannot! Now I won't be permanently gone, I don't intend to abandon this account but.... I won't be logging in again unless it's to post on this account and, I'll be honest, two main reasons are going to make this supremely rare. A) I already only rarely post on this account lmfaO, and B) for a few months now I've actually been completely avoiding TES games. I've promised I'm not going to play any TES games other than oblivion, morrowind, and ESO because Skyrim (and Dragon Age, and I'm betting any money the next TES game which I shouldn't be buying) are really bad for my connection to reality - the catch is I don't play morrowind, lost interest in ESO, and my oblivion, love of my life, is just..... broken even when redownloaded from fresh. I literally can't play it physically. Which means I'm not going to have much of a use for this blog, am I.
I actually have had a TES aesthetics blog for a while now that's been a wip so I haven't shared, but it's really the only thing I can take with me to the new blog (I'm still not up for linking personals on this blog) so I'll still be around there - @lakeilinalta - but that'll probably be about it, if I continue using it
Dunno how long it'll be til I post again so, you know, sad as fuck I may not get to see this blogs decade anniversary in... Two years? One year? And again it's not a permanent absolute leaving Deleting Bye but.... This blog already was barely used so oof.
So, teveryone who's followed me since around the beginning or recently alike, hey, thank you! Running this blog was literally the most positive social media experience I have ever had bar maybe only my formative years growing up on deviantart, making art and stories with friends and sharing memes and staying up all night on call when I was a baby teenager a decade ago, which was fan-fuckin-tastic and, as I said, formative to my existence so that'll have to come first... But honestly my years here were formative too, and even with barely being on this blog it's followed me growing up into adulthood and yall are a bigger part of the experience of running it than I an it ever could be, so sincerely, thank you.
To everyone who's never gotten a reply from me/to everyone who was the last to reply in a conversation: I'm so sorry, I do that to literally every single person, not a single instance of this was ever personal - serious when I say not a single person, I know who's in there and..... Its never been personal. To everyone I used to be friends with/otherwise here and drifted from (or didn't bloody reply to LMFAO), yall are cool AF, stay funky, sorry I had to leave yall hanging but none of you ever did anything wrong so remember that
Hopefully I'll be on in my usual Every Few Months manner but I really can't guarantee it BC I changed blogs before I started this one way back when, thinking it'd be temporary, and never looked back so..... Yall stay safe out there. Thanks for being such a positive force in my life ✌️
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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When I seen these that Left Eye line automatically came to mine (my phone is on 20% btw so if all of a sudden you don't hear from me it's because it died ) but remember the no scrubs line "TBoz and all my senoritas are steppin on your Filas but you don't hear me though "
Would you wear some Fila kicks though baby? This all white we could customize em 😍😍😍, that would be rawwww, this would be nice for our outside picnics 😍:
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Tumblr messing up, this looks like soft denim , you like it baby? I could see you wearing it 😍, we can get real "weird" with this baby:
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Like some roleplaying and stuff, my lioness 😍😍😍😍, my phone is on 1% so it's about to die, I will be home hopefully in 1 hour or 1 1/2, l love you so much 😘😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋💋, we soaring , and floating blisss 😍😍😍,
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Tumblr messing up , timeless beauty 😍😍😍😍😍🖤🖤🖤🖤, tumblr messing up, you are so beautiful 😍😍😍🖤🖤, swoons 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 kissing your lips 😘😘😘😘😘, when I get home we can look at some more games and stuff ...board games..electronics..etc
Back 🖤🖤🖤, I missed you so much !!!! 😘😘😘😘, lemme see your face baby, lemme see your body , I won't let no one get in the way and I know you won't either , we on top, we doing our thing , you're not stupid, you're not dumb.. etc etc and neither you or I are with the bullshit from anyone , andddd most important we riding and rolling, happy af , you want me to say more in regards to you? Cause I will. You done with these MFers . You want them to leave you tf alone. You not with this ugly ass bitch prancing around tryna be a cheap /raggedy ass version of you , Hating on everything that's said about you. Talking shit on her spam account about you. Taking orders from this other ape looking ass nigga telling her to try to infest you more and shit. Tryna give her manipulative ass pep talks and shit. Bitch over there tryna talk like you and shit LMFAOOOO bitch over there tryna show skin but she looks disgusting af lmfao , tryna pose like you and shit but she looks like a mother fucking REJECT (tumblr messing up) tryna make shit about her when it never was about her, that hating ass bitch (tumblr messing up) then gone get mad and shit talking about her anger punching a wall LMFAOOOOO like someone should be scared of her ugly ass or something lmfaoooo from manipulation too 😩 like you said baby how can someone get mad when you not taking their shit ?!? She probably always secretly hated you , and wanted to disrupt shit in your life , manipulate..etc and this ugly ass MFer Eric tryna say shit to her and shit tryna lure and shit , with his parasitic ass as well, tryna be like me , read what I say and shit lmfaoooo pathetic tryna manipulate and shit , putting on an act and shit , fake af , I know you are not with her shit , his shit or no one else's shit , I know you don't want to be bothered with them , you want them out of your life , you are disgusted by them, you are done with them I know that, you don't want nothing to do with them in any kind of way , and that's that, I know that, and deep down they know that too , that bitch always talking about you ain't shit well for you to be "ain't shit" she sure is trying to bust her funky little ass trying to be like you , and trying to compete with you , and jealous af of you , wanna try so hard to steal your shine but you ain't shit?!?? Lmfaooo always trying to make herself appear big but she weak af , her and him. If you ain't shit then why tf she try to act like you so bad? Why tf she acts so pathetic , talking about attention seekers but she but the person tryna throw her little monkey ass all up in people's face ? Lmfaoooo and her attention is infestion , cause that's how much ain't shit she is , tryna take other people's shit cause she don't have her own shit at all little worthless piece of shit , wanna put bad shit in the air and try to mess up your birthday and shit with their funky ass energy and shit then wanna prance around shit NAH , that buck stops here, we ain't with that bullshit and we coming through driving MFers away , why should we dim our light for MFers that don't even know how to sustain their own? Lmfao , wanna try to infest and shit , wanna try to slither and shit we going even harder , we shining even brighter, it just makes us more determined to continue doing us cause that's fate and the universe has our back , and they will pay for all that they're doing , you seen what happened before , and that bitches grandmother died and I'm not going to laugh at that that's not funny , but I said that the universe will do things to make her suffer , and things will happen to Eric too, ppl shouldn't play around with the universe or sacred ppl , that butch Eric wanna lurk around and shit ain't no one playing with that nigga , naw he can't do what he wants or that bitch either or anyone else , Tumblr messing up, you not with that shit and neither am I, you were dodging them , ignoring them and you still are , and you are going to do even more against them ,
and you especially gone do something major against Eric for that skit he did the other day/shit he tryna pull ,
that bitch knows he has no business being around you with his crooked ass and I dare his ugly monkey looking ass to pop up and say something since he wanna act all tough and shit I'm tired of being disrespected and shit , I'm not with the bullshit , for months MFers tried to disrespect me, tried to hurt me, tried to cause harm, tried to attack , yes I'm mad I have a right to be mad and want to kill them , they deserve to die and they will, I have a right to urge you to do more against them I know you want to anyways and you have to look at things from my perspective for a moment , they used to use you as a weapon to harm me , they used to manipulate you and trigger your illness , infest your energy , and I had to "keep calm" I had to "not get mad" all this hurt and sadness inside of me from that alone, it's not just the things they're trying to do to you and have done to you , we are in this together , and you know that and I know that you know that , but for one second I want you to think about things from my perspective to understand why I get mad, they shouldn't be around to swarm in the first place cause see what happened they try to create havoc and shit then try to capitalize off of it (and I know you want them out of your house ASAP) I know you were avenging for me , it's that sometimes I reach out to you and tell you to reach out to me more ..etc bc in that moment I need a more love, which isn't a problems cause you want that from me too , I know that things are coming together in our lives and that great things are happening, we are happy ..etc you are against them, you know they're not right, you are done with them and don't want them in your life ,I want you to reach out to me , you haven't in days , I wanna see you, I wanna hear from you, this isn't fair to me , I don't deserve this , I been through a lot too and yes I'm strong af but please don't knock me for having a break down , I stand back up quick af cause I'm strong af
No one can stand a second in my shoes baby , I don't do reckless stuff, I don't have any vices , I don't drink, I don't party ..etc and I been through so much much in my life and I'm still standing and haven't resorted to anything , I'm strong af , sometimes it's healthy to scream, sometimes it's healthy to just let your thoughts run wild for a sec (not react on them of course) I never thoughts you weren't on my side, I got you and you got me , the universe got us too, for almost a week I haven't heard from you baby , I feel you and understand you, I know you are dealing with a lot in general and I got your back baby, we good, no worries , nothing is wrong in regards to us , I said I don't deserve this, you don't either, we don't deserve this , it's not fair to us , and I want you to reach out to me baby , I got you, I see your vision/our vision, I support you , just like you support me , and I love us just being in our own world away from every one and everything , I love our love , it's perfect af, I been right here showing you love and everything and around 3-3oclock you usually post saying something or say something when I get home (not implying that anything is wrong ) Tumblr messing up , I just can't wait to see /hear from you 😍😍😍😍, I love how addicted we are to each other 😍😍😍😍, did you think I wanted you to leave me alone? That's not true, I want the opposite, I can't get enough of you (Tumblr messing up) I love you so much 😍🖤, from the bottom of my heart , I love when you reach out to me , and all the ways you do (tumblr messing up) I love having you around (Tumblr messing up) I love that we want to be around each other 24/7 , us lounging and everything , i love us so much , we're raw af 😭 and perfect af 😭😍😍😍 in every way 😍🖤, Tumblr messing up, I love what we do, what we plan to do, the big tings a gwaan, all the things we have in store (Tumblr messing up) ..etc etc
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Tumblr messing up , so beautiful 😍😍😍😍, inside and out 😍😍😍, sits you on my lap 😍😍😍🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗, we are out of this world 😍, Tumblr messing up, I got my blankie wraps us up in it 😍😍😍, we drifting and soaring up into space 🚀😍, what games should we look up first? The board games or the electronic? Maybe more electric joints 😍(Tumblr messing up) maybe we should get done handheld joints 😍oh wow some Tetris 😍
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Tumblr messing up, this is nice too:
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It supposed to have 150 games on it , I wonder do they still have gameboys available to purchase , that would be cool, they have emulators that can be put on the phone (I think I showed you it before) this has over 600 games on it :
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This seems interesting right baby? Can hook it right up to the tv (i don't know why it was in the handheld section thoooo lol ) Tumblr messing up , this looks like a little mini arcade : I gotta make another post for the images
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