#hopefully there’ll be a season 2
soulless-bex · 1 year
just finished watching parallels and gods what i would give for a second season.
i want to know what happened to little hugo
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ponder-the-orb · 4 months
Preview: Ardently
Preview of my upcoming Gale x F!Tav Act 2 romance fic.
(The smut before the storm)
When the dust of his sacrifice has long since cooled and tales of this adventure are strummed by the city’s bards, he cares not if his involvement boils down to one line. The wizard that made his mistakes have meaning. It’s her version of the story that matters. The one she’ll keep to herself. The one that years in the future, she may find herself thinking of on quieter nights. That amongst the blood and steel and dirt, she’ll remember softer lips, careful hands, the shape of fireside stories told with words long since forgotten. And hopefully, when those memories flicker just right, that she was loved just as the divine- fervently and completely.
Even if the face of the man who’d said it has been worn away.
Gale returns his focus between her thighs, licking with renewed vigour until her exhausted pleasure reverberates like a hymn between the sheets.
There’s one more thing he’d like her to remember, something entirely selfish but it would be a lie to say it’s not driving him just as hard right now. In a month or a season or a year when she takes a new lover, there’ll be that brief moment where her mind will wander, wondering if anyone can bring her to the heights that he did in a single night.
Whether it’s lust or love he scores on her heart, he’ll take it. So that after he finally lets go and their group of ragtag adventurers can head home safely, the sound of his name will only bring her a smile.
(Coming soon)
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lifblogs · 10 months
I heard the ending of season 2 is agonizing. But think of it like this. There’ll hopefully be 3 seasons, right? Which, in a way, makes it a trilogy. Good trilogy arcs tend to have the second installment have the worst ending and usually one that is devaststing. But that’s where the third installment comes in. It’s supposed to fix it, it’s supposed to make it all better. This is how trilogies work. I bet it hurts a lot, and I’m kind of terrified to find out what happened, but this is how they’re supposed to end, and the third installment is supposed to fix it.
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belmottetower · 2 years
Bel's AUgust Challenge — Masterpost
Yesterday was the last day of The Ted Lasso AU-gust Challenge (@ted-lasso-au-gust) and I wanted to share a masterpost of all the fics I wrote for this.
You can find them all in my AUgust Challenge series on AO3 as well the main AUgust Challenge collection along with all the other contributions, but below is a list of links to every one with a brief description and approximate word count.
I did 31 fills in total, because in a moment of madness I decided I was going to do a fic a day for every single prompt. 
It was a choice, it was a bad one, but it’s done now. The current word count for the series is almost 76,000, but this will go up because three of the fills are multi-chapter with only the first chapter posted so far.
There’s a pretty varied range of pairings and ratings and characters focused on, hopefully there’ll be something here for everyone. 
Regarding the basic tagging here — fics marked Canon Universe obviously may involve tropes like soulbonds, de-aging, time loops, elements that make them a Magical Realism AU rather than literally Canonverse. But you know what I mean. Also, the two marked Roy/Keeley + Jamie as opposed to Gen are pre-poly, where the vibe is definitely charged and would end up there down the line, but the story here isn't really about that.
Please do tell me what your favourites were - I would love to know!
#1 Tattoo/Florist: alstroemeria aurea (2k)
Roy’s an introverted florist, Jamie’s a tattoo artist looking for inspiration, and Jamie's weekly purchases have Roy growing more and more curious. Full AU, Roy/Jamie, G.
#2 Soulmates: loving the expanse between them (1.5k)
Sam’s trying to give Rebecca space, but the new telepathic bond between them throws a spanner in the works. Canon Universe, Sam/Rebecca, G.
#3 Role Reversal: lioness rampant (5.5k)
Keeley is the star footballer, Jamie is the model. Roy is still himself. Slightly pre-series, so Roy's still playing. Canon Universe AND Full AU, Keeley/Jamie + future Roy/Jamie, T.
#4 Crime & Punishment: The Pink Paper Job (1k)
Detective Kent is half-heartedly investigating the theft of artefacts "belonging" to Rupert Mannion. The thief leaves a distinct calling card when repatriating the items. Leverage vibes. Full AU, Roy & Keeley & Jamie, T.
#5 Crossover: star struck (3k)
In which Ted Lasso and Starstruck take place in the same London and new friends are made on a date night at a fancy restaurant. Canon Universe, Keeley/Roy/Jamie + Tom/Jessie, G.
#6 Historical: The 18th of November, 1914 (1k)
The year is 1914 and Jamie’s moved from Manchester to London for work. On his day off, he’s handed a poster asking if he’s a fast, fit, fan of football. Full AU AND Canon Universe, Gen, G.
#7 Science Fiction: the final frontier (2k)
A Star Trek AU - Rebecca is the Captain of the USS Richmond, Keeley's her first officer, and the rest of the crew is made up of familiar faces. Full AU, Roy/Jamie, T. 
#8 Adoptive Family: funnier than step brothers (under 1k)
When Isaac’s mum marries Colin’s dad, Isaac is worried it’ll change things. Canon Universe, Colin/Isaac, T.
#9 Reboot/Fresh Start: jeff bridges (7.5k)
Jamie gets a magical do-over of his first season at Richmond. A season 1 redux with a twist. Canon Universe AND Canon Divergent AU, Gen, G.
#10 Espionage: honey trap (1k)
Keeley meets Rebecca early, and helps Rebecca get the evidence she needs to divorce Rupert. Canon Divergent AU, Keeley/Rebecca, T.
#11 Health & Medical: quae prosunt omnibus artes (3.5k)
Hospital setting. Keeley's a children's entertainer, cheering up sick kids on various wards, she meets a gruff surgeon and the junior doctor stuck on rotation with him. Full AU, Keeley & Jamie + Roy/Jamie, M.
#12 Mythology: the exchange of winnings (2.5k)
A Monty Python-esque spin on the Arthurian tale of The Green Knight. Bargains are made and kisses are exchanged. Full AU, Keeley/Roy/Jamie, M.
#13 Infinite Loop: the same, but different (2k)
Ted gets Groundhogged on his first day in London. Beard may or may not be to blame. Canon Universe, Gen, G.
#14 Where It All Went Wrong: one good reason (under 1k)
After the Bye Bye Bye rehearsal ends in disaster, Sam gets the sign to stay that he's been looking for. Canon Divergent AU, Gen, G
#15 Countryside: tho’ her precincts are confin’d (3k)
Keeley's the landlady of a country pub and her bartender Roy keeps bees in the orchard of Rebecca’s estate, where many other familiar faces also work. Full AU, Keeley & Roy + Roy/Jamie, M.
#16 Supernatural: flotsam and jetsam (1k)
A Being Human AU. A werewolf and a vampire move into a house with a resident ghost. No wonder the rent was so low. Full AU, Roy/Keeley + Jamie, M. 
#17 Flatmates/Neighbours: the rookie (2k, chapter 1)
Roy avoided injury in 1.10 and is still a player in season 2. When the topic of Jamie returning Richmond arises, Ted has a condition inspired by an NHL tradition. WIP - more to come. Canon Divergent AU, Roy/Keeley + future Roy/Jamie, T.
#18 Childhood: Bradshaw’s Brew (6.5k)
Roy drinks a dodgy beer he finds under Beard’s desk. The effects are unexpected. Luckily Keeley and Jamie are great babysitters. Canon Universe, Roy/Keeley + Jamie, T.
#19 Horror Movie: final girl #13 (1k)
Horror movie tropes are no match for Jan Maas. Canon Universe, Gen, T.
#20 Roadtrip: International (1k, chapter 1)
It's the summer of 2017 and after attending an England match in Paris, Jamie needs a lift back across the Channel. Roy is happy-ish to oblige. WIP - more to come. Full AU, Roy/Jamie, E.
#21 Underwater: Inverfarigaig (under 1k)
Cryptozoology podcasters Beard and Dani are camping in Scotland to search for the Loch Ness Monster. Full AU, Gen, G.
#22 Fake Married/Dating: Suck, Bang & Blow (1k)
Keeley needs help to get rid of a creep in a bar. Jamie, her new best friend from the bathroom, is happy to oblige. Full AU, Keeley & Jamie + Roy/Jamie, T.
#23 Injured: Caledonian Road (4k)
A meet-cute in a Tube station featuring too-large suitcases, too many stairs, scraped knees and piggybacks from a hot personal trainer. Full AU, Keeley/Jamie, G.
#24 Pets: Mushroom Carbonara and Frank (1k)
Roy, owner of fat little rat dog Frank, is invited by Jamie, owner of rescue greyhound Mushroom Carbonara, to a local dog park social event. Roy's keen, Frank less so. Full AU, Roy/Jamie, G.
#25 We Used To Be: isn't it strange, how people can change (4k)
After karaoke in Liverpool Roy reflects on his casual fling with Rebecca as she watches him leave the club with Keeley. Canon Universe, Roy/Rebecca, E.
#26 Body Swap: gift, mouth (3k, chapter 1)
Jamie gives Roy a well-meaning but somewhat unorthodox birthday present. Hijinks ensue. WIP - more to come. Canon Universe, Roy/Jamie, M.
#27 Food & Beverage: cherries jubilee (4k)
Chef Roy and Man City star Jamie get to know each other better over a four course dinner in a continuation of my Grindr AU from all roads. Canon Divergent AU, Roy/Jamie, M.
#28 University/College: Gap Year (4k)
Jamie retires in 2032. With help from Keeley, Roy, and most of all his mum, he figures out what he wants to do next. Canon Universe, Gen, G.
#29 Superpowers: health and safety (1.5k)
Roy’s a superhero, Jamie’s his cleaner turned boyfriend. Roy gets called in to save the day at a really unfortunate moment. A riff on SuperBob. Full AU, Roy/Jamie, E.
#30 Post-Apocalypse: blue diamond (1k)
After the apocalypse, a rag-tag group of Richmond survivors reminisce about what they miss most. Implied main character death. Canon Universe, Roy/Jamie + past Roy/Keeley, T.
#31 No Football: Over and Out (under 1k)
Baseball coaches Ted and Beard have arrived in the UK to coach professional cricket. Ted has a lot to learn about the sport. Full AU, Gen, G.
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dramacorazon · 1 year
i’ve not really had time to fully flesh out how i feel about alchemy of souls 2 just yet, but i have some thoughts and i want to release them from my brain into the world. 
i’m definitely enjoying season 2. i really like yeong too, however i absolutely agree with the criticisms that she’s kind of become the “damsel in distress” trope. at the same time, i think completely losing all your memories would have a significant impact on your personality, so her acting different to mudeok is understandable. and because she doesn’t remember any of naksu’s past, perhaps this is a more true authentic naksu we’re seeing? without the baggage? and maybe this more delicate version of naksu is a lead up to a better payoff for when she has her powers again. when she does, she’ll have both buyeon’s and naksu’s powers combined which will hopefully give us the badass scenes we’ve all been waiting for.
all of that aside, she is slowly but surely getting her memories back. however, that’s an issue for me: she’s finding out too slowly. 
from what we’ve seen so far, pacing is definitely my main issue with aos 2. part of what made aos 1 so great that everything had room to breathe. for example, the slow burn between mudeok and uk was so excellent. their first kiss wasn’t until ep 14 then their first real kiss was in ep 18. so this season being shorter feels a bit odd. yeong and uk are still having a slow burn of sorts but i can’t fully enjoy it because there’s always a reminder in the back of my mind that there’s only a few episodes left so they’ll get together soon. almost like there’s less anticipation? 
from the preview it looks like yeong is gonna regain her memories in ep 7, which only gives us 3 episodes with a fully conscious buyeon/naksu. this also means uk probably won’t find out until ep 8, maybe even ep 9, and i don’t love that. 
maybe that’s for a selfish reason. we then only get 2 episodes left for them to be back together. personally, my fav thing about mudeok and uk’s relationship in season 1 was their playfulness. in eps 5-6 of aos 2 it seems that’s finally making a comeback. but again, there’s only 4 episodes left to see that. i also loved in aos 1 how they worked together and helped each other, which they’re not really doing this season. i think season 1 uk would have tried to help yeong regain her memories?? it seems a bit out of character that he’s not doing that?? i get uk is in his angsty era (valid tbh) but idk...... 
we’re 6 episodes deep (over halfway) and not much has really happened yet. this would be fine if this season was 20 episodes long, maybe even 16 or 12 if we’re being generous. but it’s not; there’s only 10. we have 4 episodes left to tie up loose ends. it doesn’t seem like they’re gonna be able to do that without it either a. being rushed or b. having a huge cliffhanger (or c. both). 
so there’ll probably be a season 3 with another 10 episodes. tbh there needs to be. but a part of me wishes that they’d just waited and made a season 2 with 20 episodes. i obviously can’t really make a full judgement until the rest of the episodes come out. maybe it’ll all make sense. we’ll see. 
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tadpolesonalgae · 7 months
I love CBMTHY! Your writing is so good, english is not my first language so sometimes I feel a little confused as to what's going on, a little vague for my mind. The same thing happens when I'm watching a jjk fight scene and they explain how cursed energy and rituals work and i'm like- I don't have a clue what's going on but I'm here for it 😂 Still, I'm obssesed with your stories. Have you ever thought of writing a novel? I truly think you have the talent to be a published writer.
‘english is not my first language so sometimes I feel a little confused as to what's going on, a little vague for my mind.’
There’s a great solution! Someone else also experienced this slight problem, and has asked if there could be a short summery for each of the chapters so far just so they know what’s going on! I’m currently up to Part 4 so hopefully there’ll be a full explanation ready by the time the next chapter is ready in case anyone’s struggling to remember what’s happened so far!! 🧡💛
‘The same thing happens when I'm watching a jjk fight scene’
All I got was ‘👏 -> 🕺 -> 👏 -> 💃’
Also season 2 came out??? When??? I’m so out of touch with what’s going on 😭
‘Have you ever thought of writing a novel? I truly think you have the talent to be a published writer.’
Honestly this is so mind-blowing?? Like thank you so much, this is such an insane compliment 🫂
I’ll admit I have thought about it, however I haven’t studied English since high school and I know there are problems with my grammar that I just can’t pick up on at the moment? And also I’d be terrified of losing the joy of writing :/
I love writing fics on here, one, just because it’s fun getting to articulate ideas, and two, it’s amazing getting to interact with other people who have similar interests since I’ve only one other friend who likes acotar 😭
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millhavenn · 1 year
Reddit repost 2—Stranger Things subreddit.
There was a post about them yesterday, but it got locked because people decided to make it about a ship war rather than an appreciation of how great their friendship is.
Really looking forward to seeing them actually work together in season 5, because both should have pretty major roles hopefully. Will understands Vecna like no one else does, and I think that’s going to be key to beating him. And with both Mike’s girlfriend and best friend being important to the fight, there’s no way that Mike can’t be involved.
Hoping we can get a scene with Will being honest with Mike about how he feels, because his character deserves it. There’s a zero percent chance that Mike would be anything other than accepting of him, and Noah Schnapp would no doubt crush the scene, like he did with the van scene in season 4.
The van scene was one of my top 3 favourite scenes this season, because whilst heartbreaking, it perfectly displayed how strong their friendship is. The way Will was able to know how Mike was hurting, put his own feelings aside to recognise how important El was to Mike, and capture how important Mike was to both El and himself was beautiful. He knew how much it hurt him to see Mike in love with El, but he helped his best friend anyway. Unrequited love is hard, but Will powers through it.
Edit: Ok I didn’t plan on writing this much, it kinda just happened.
Yeah I was in that posts comment section. It is part of the reason why I made this. I wanted to see what exactly caused people to react in such a negative way.
I still don’t know what caused it. But this post is doing incredibly well, and I am glad. It is a very small step to bringing back some sort of calm to this community! Lol
I agree with everything you said. I am hoping and praying that a coming out scene is written into the script for season 5. After everything he has gone through, Will deserves the relief, comfort, and safety that comes with sharing your true identity to the people that will love you unconditionally.
A Mike + Will duo/partnership in season 5 would be AMAZING. I need to see them fucking up a bunch of demo(gorgon/bat/dog)s side-by-side. The two of them saving the world together (or helping to) would be a beautiful way to bring their storylines to a close—they both get their revenge on those that had caused them, and the people they love, pain.
It does not matter if it is platonic or romantic—the final blow should be theirs and I will die on this hill !!
I think the negative reactions come as a result of any perceived implication that their relationship is romantic; as whilst majority of fans are relatively positive towards their friendship, the common consensus around here is that it’s just that, a friendship. And whilst I personally agree with that judgement, the constant desire to turn any mention of their friendship into a ship war is tiring.
Seeing Mike get his hands dirty to defend El and Will from some monsters would be a sight to behold, and it’d be cool to see Mike confront Vecna similar to when he tried to take on Billy in the sauna in season 3.
In regards to the “final blow”, I’m about 99% sure this will still technically go to Eleven. But I don’t think it’ll be as simple as El holding out her hand and screaming whilst everyone cheers her on. There’ll be multiple layers to the fight, which is where the rest of the kids, and the adults will come into it.
That is really sad to me, but yoy are right. Hopefully that mob (sort of) mindset changes. I feel that I would be able to have many lovely discussions (such as this one) with users here if implications of romance were not taken so personal.
And the above applies to both sides.
For anybody wondering, my post is not alluding to a specific dynamic in regards to Mike and Will. Users have been lovely thus far of sharing their own interpretation of their dynamic in a mature, and quite beautiful, way. It makes me happy, and I hope it stays this way, even if for a little longer.
Is that wishful thinking?
Yes!! I say Mike Wheeler should be given a chainsaw in season 5. Nancy/Will teaching him how to shoot a gun would be great, as well. There is a lot of potential in season 5, if they choose to go the apocalyptic route, really.
Oh yeah, definitely. I am sure a bunch of powerless teenagers would not stand a chance against powerful entities, such as Vecna and the Mind Flayer, on their own.
That was a joke on my part, but it would be funny if Will just, like, walks up while Vecna is at his weakest, and hits him on the head with a random chair. Imagine going through all of that evil planning, nearly winning in your attempt to control the world, only to die by a random gay kid. I would cry
You definitely do see a similar mindset with other aspects of show. Whenever there’s a post celebrating Mike and El’s love for each other, you’ll usually find someone going out of their way to tell everyone how “fake” or “toxic” they are together. Like I get that Reddit is a platform for sharing opinions, but sometimes I wonder would it not be easier to just downvote and keep scrolling, rather than offering a factually incorrect assessment? Same thing here for when people suggest Mike has been a bad friend to Will.
Maybe just a healthy dose of optimism.
Honestly as long as we get a decent scene with Will standing up to Vecna, I’ll be happy. The poor kid has spent the past two seasons in the back seat.
TLDR: I agree with you big time, and that should be a mindset everybody has!
It most definitely would be.
I feel that there are people who do want to have proper discussions with others of differing opinions, hence why they do not downvote and move on, but it has become clear that it is not something which is possible in the subreddit. Regardless of your preference towards Mikes relationship with Eleven, or Mikes relationship with Will, you are going to receive an immature response. It is best to ignore.
There is a minority in this situation that does deserve more support than what they are currently being given, however, this does not make them innocent—I would know. I have started and partook in many arguments myself, and now that I look back on them, it was stupid of me to replicate the way I was mistreated onto other people.
Everybody in this subreddit needs to learn how to have a proper discussion before ever considering confronting another individual about their opinion. No one is ever right, and if that cannot be accepted, it takes a simple downvote and scroll to continue with the day.
Mileven, Byler, it is not as big of a deal as people here make it out to be—enjoy your ships in peace, and let others enjoy their ships in peace, too!
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
Tumblr media
Ok...I like What If...?, so I’m excited for Season 2.
I’ve only seen two episodes of X-Men: The Animated Series, so I revival of that doesn’t interest me. Yet. I’ll watch more X-Men: TAS again one day.
I’m very curious about Marvel Zombies, especially since it’s now confirmed to have a TV-MA rating (and hopefully there’ll be less jokes this time).
And you know I’ll always look forward to anything Spider-Man. Though, the more I hear about Spider-Man: Freshman Year, the more it breaks my brain. It was announced to be an origin story for MCU Peter Parker, but it’ll also have multiple suits, the Osborns, Doc Ock as a villain, Peter teaming up with Daredevil and Doctor Strange, and various other characters we’ve never seen before. It’s...confusing. I’m interested, but still confused.
Overall...I’m curious and a little excited. It’s funny. Yesterday, I thought I was getting over Marvel because very little of their confirmed projects captured my interest. And here we are today where their animated projects have my curiosity. Maybe it’s a case of waiting to see what happens. I’ll be game if it’s still good.
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darkershining · 1 year
DarkerShining’s thoughts on Pretty Cure: Delicious Party Pretty Cure
 Hey everyone! Time to talk about Delicious Party Pretty Cure!
A band of thieves known as the Bundoru Gang have stolen the Recipe-Bon from the CooKingdom, and are now trying to steal all foods for themselves by capturing fairies known as Recipeppis. A Cook Fighter from the CooKingdom, Rosemary, is sent to Oishina Town along with three Energy Fairies to try to put a stop to the Bundoru Gang’s evil plans. When Rosemary collapses from hunger while searching the city, one of the energy fairies, Kome-Kome, goes to find help, and eventually comes across a girl named Yui Nagomi.
Yui is a kind-hearted girl who loves food and who fondly remembers her late grandmother’s words of wisdom about food bringing smiles. Yui brings Rosemary to the diner her family runs, and she and Rosemary bond over their mutual love of food. Rosemary learns that Yui can see Recipeppis, and explains to her what they are.
Later that day, while Yui and her childhood friend Takumi Shinada are having lunch, Yui spots another Recipeppi being captured by a member of the Bundoru Gang, a girl around Yui’s age called Gentle. The capture of the Recipeppi causes the taste of the food tied to the Recipeppi to change, to the confusion of the customers. Gentle also creates a monster called an Ubauzo from a nearby frying pan. Rosemary creates a field where he can fight Gentle and the Ubauzo without anyone else getting hurt, but Yui manages to follow them, wanting to help save the Recipeppi.
Rosemary tries to create an opening for Yui to get to safety, but Yui ends up getting caught by the Ubauzo. Gentle tells him to undo the Delicious Field, and she’ll release Yui, but Yui convinces him not to give in to her demands. Yui recalls the first time she saw a Recipeppi, when her grandmother gave her a rice ball to cheer her up. Yui’s love of food and precious memories resonate with Kome-Kome, causing a Heart Cure Watch to appear on Yui’s wrist. Rosemary realizes what it is, and uses his powers to free her from the monster’s grip. However, the source of his power, his Delicious Stone, breaks in the process, leaving him with limited power.
With Kome-Kome’s help, Yui transforms into the rice-themed Cure Precious, and with Rosemary talking her through her first battle, she is able to take down the Ubauzo and free the captured Recipeppi, returning the food affected by its capture to normal.
Yui and Rosemary join forces to protect the Recipeppis in Oishina Town and hopefully retrieve the stolen Recipe-Bon. They are soon joined by two of Yui’s classmates, Kokone Fuwa and Ran Hanamichi, who become Cure Spicy and Cure Yum-Yum. In addition to this, they also receive assistance from the mysterious Black Pepper, who seems to be a Cook Fighter connected to someone from Rosemary’s past.
And I think that’s good enough for a little summary of the first few episodes and the basic premise of the show. After the “Read More, there’ll be spoilers for the entire series.
(previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18)
Yui Nagomi/Cure Precious
Our pink leader Cure of this season is Yui Nagomi. As I mentioned, she’s a kind-hearted 2nd year middle school student who really loves food. She’s also rather athletic, optimistic and somewhat naïve. She can also be somewhat impulsive, which tends to get her into trouble in battles as Cure Precious when she rushes in before a plan to deal with the Ubauzo of the week has been formulated. She also fondly recalls her grandmother’s advice and various words of wisdom, bringing them up whenever her friends are in need of it. Eventually, Yui vows to use her own experiences in life to come up with her own words of wisdom.
I really like Yui. She has a lot of personality traits and such that we’ve seen in other pink Cures, but they still manage to find a way to make her feel different from past pink Cures. Her design is adorable, and I like that while she’s somewhat naïve, she can also be pretty insightful, with one scene I particularly like being a scene where she explains to Kokone and Ran that she tried to imagine how Amane must’ve felt while under the Bundoru Gang’s control by imagining if it happened to her instead, and how trying to put herself in Amane’s shoes strengthened her resolve to rescue her.
I feel like one the main points of Yui’s character arc is her gaining an even better understanding of how her grandmother felt, and later resolving to learn as much as she can from her own experiences and the experiences of those around her so she in the future will be able to share her wisdom in her own words. I like that, and I feel it led to a really great moment for her during the final battle with Godatz.
Kokone Fuwa/Cure Spicy
Next up is the second Cure to join the party, Kokone Fuwa, our blue Cure of this season. Like a few other blue Cures from previous seasons, Kokone is from a wealthy family. She also has a fondness for fashion. She starts out as sort of an introvert, having trouble socializing with others at her school. It doesn’t help that her classmates tend to assume she wouldn’t want to spend time with them or has more important things to do due to her status. Things start to change once Kokone meets Pam-Pam, who quickly takes a liking to her. This leads to Kokone meeting Yui and Rosemary, and later witnessing the summoning of an Ubauzo and meeting Cure Precious.
With Pam-Pam wanting to spend more time with Kokone, Yui decides to try to get know her better. After a few failed attempts to find an oppurtunity to talk to her at school, Yui finally gets to talk to her after helping her move something in order to retrieve one of the school’s rabbits who had managed to get out. Yui suggest they meet up later at either her place or somewhere Kokone likes to visit, leading to them meeting up at the Heart Bakery. Yui finds out that Kokone can also see Recipeppis, and the two share half of their sandwiches with the other. Of course, Gentle interrupts their lunch by capturing the Recipeppis near the bakery, forcing Yui to rush into action.
However, Kokone (with Pam-Pam’s help) follows them, remembering what she witnessed the previous day. Kokone discovers that Yui and Cure Precious are the same person, and Rosemary tries to keep Kokone safe while Cure Precious deals with the Ubauzo. After Pam-Pam explains the situation to her, the group realizes the Ubauzo that Cure Precious is fighting is stronger than previous ones because Gentle used multiple Recipeppis to create it, unlike previous ones that only used one. Kokone chooses to stay and find a way to help Cure Precious rather than escape back to town, her desire to protect her new friend granting her her own Heart Cure Watch, and allowing her to transform into Cure Spicy, who can create barriers.
Kokone is another great character! Her social awkwardness in the beginning makes her quite endearing and I can kind of relate to some of her insecurities in certain situations. Over the course of the series, the influence of Yui and the others help her come out of her shell some more, and finding the courage to be honest about how she feels. It’s really nice seeing Kokone gradually becoming more comfortable around Yui and the others, being more confident and just enjoying herself. Her design is really nice too, having this sort of elegance to it. Also, her shorter hair also makes her stand out compared to other blue Cures, since most of them have long hair.
Ran Hanamichi/Cure Yum-Yum
The next Cure to join the party is Yui’s classmate Ran Hanamichi, a passionate and eccentric girl who runs her own food blog on Curesta. Early episodes show Ran frequently getting her meals interrupted by Gentle snatching up the nearby Recipeppis, due to the fact that Gentle is making use of the blog to find promising targets. When Kokone notices that several locations featured in the blog have been targeted by Gentle, she begins to suspect that there may be a connection and she and Yui head to the ramen shop owned by Ran’s family in search of more clues, around the same time that the third energy fairy, Mem-Mem, has woken up.
Yui, Kokone and Rosemary have a meal at the ramen shop, and Ran is impressed when Yui manages to guess the ingredients used, giving some background information on the efforts her family went through to perfect the taste. They also learn that Ran is also capable of seeing Recipeppis, and explain what they are to her. Mem-Mem is accidentally left behind at the shop, so Ran tries to bring him back to Yui. She discovers along the way that Mem-Mem can speak, a revelation she takes pretty well. The two of them talk to each other for a bit, with Ran agreeing not to tell anyone about him, before Ran eventually meets up again with Yui and returns him.
The next day at school, Ran tries to find information in the school library on Recipeppis. She instead runs into the student council president, Amane, who reveals that she too knows about Recipeppis, and suggests Ran do a special event at her family’s shop to attract Recipeppis since they are drawn to delicious food. Unbeknownst to Ran, this is part of Gentle’s latest plan, who captures multiple Recipeppis at Ran’s shop during the special promotion. While Yui and the others head off to stop Gentle from getting away, Mem-Mem stays behind with Ran and explains what is going on to her. Ran feels bad about unwittingly endangering the captured Recipeppis, but after Mem-Mem comforts her, Ran’s emotions allow them to enter the Delicious Field.
Ran won’t let Gentle get away with messing with her family’s shop, and after some encouraging words from Cure Precious, Ran is ready to do what she can. Mem-Mem is also fired up, and Ran gains her own Heart Cure Watch, becoming the noodle-themed Cure Yum-Yum.
Ran is another great character! I like her design, with some clear chinese influences, particularly in her Cure form. Her personality is also quite fun, with how passionate she is about food and her unique ways of describing the flavors and textures of food. We also see that Ran occasionally deals with some insecurities about how others might see her, since when she was younger some of the other kids at school would call her weird due to the way she talked about food.
I feel like those insecurities of Ran leads to some relatable moments, and part of her character arc is realizing that she doesn’t need to be embarrassed to openly show her interest in food, and that there are those who find her eccentricity to be part of her charm.
Amane Kasai/Gentle/Cure Finale
Next is Amane Kasai, the student council president at the school Yui and her friends go to. When we first meet Amane, it is as a member of the Bundoru Gang known as Gentle. Gentle uses a special device to capture Recipeppis, which causes the taste of the food affected by the Recipeppi to change. Gentle doesn’t seem to be particularly well-respected within the Bundoru Gang, but she still tries her best. She also makes use of her student council president position for a few schemes. In her battles with the Cures, Gentle is shown to have some morals, avoiding harming civilians during fights with the Cures, and being horrified when Narcistor tricks her into powering up an Ubauzo in a way that causes distress to the captured Recipeppi.
It soon becomes apparent that Gentle/Amane isn’t fighting the Cures willingly, having been brainwashed by the Bundoru Gang into aiding them in their evil plans. Over the course of the battles with the Cures, the brainwashing gradually starts to wear off as Amane begins fighting from within. The Cures begin catching on that something is wrong, and eventually discover the truth when Amane is briefly freed from the Bundoru Gang’s control, only for Narcistor to drag her back to their hideout to have Godatz put her back under their control, this time strengthening the control to the point of Gentle being more ruthless and at risk of losing her original self.
Luckily, their next battle has the Cures figuring out how to free Amane from the Bundoru Gang for good, and Amane spends the next few episodes recovering at her house. After recovering, Amane still feels guilty for the things she did while she was under the Bundoru Gang’s control. A Recipeppi that Amane had a close friendship with since early childhood, the Parfait Recipeppi, asks the Cures and the Energy Fairies to help make Amane feel better.
Amane considers quitting as student council president, much to the confusion of her friend Moe, who is concerned for her. A special stone made from Hoka-Hoka hearts energy reacts to Amane, so Rosemary tells her to hold onto it while the rest of the Cures deal with the Ubauzo of the week. When Amane later learns that this special stone might allow her to become a Pretty Cure, she initially turns it down, feeling she doesn’t deserve it. However, when the Parfait Recipeppi is captured, Amane follows the Cures outside, where she is captured by Narcistor, who still refers to her as Gentle.
While the Motto Ubauzo uses Amane as a human shield, Amane feels the Cures shouldn’t waste their efforts trying to save her. However, after Cure Precious manages to eventually get through to her with some words of encouragement, allowing Amane to find the resolve to make people smile once more. The energy crystal forms into the Heart Fruits Pendant, allowing Amane to become the dessert-themed Cure Finale.
After joining the Cures, Amane is much more cheerful and has a strong sense of justice. Being at least a year older than the other three Cures and a bit more mature, she takes on sort of a big sister role for the other Cures. She also still has some stuff to work through from her time controlled by the Bundoru Gang, particularly in regards to Narcistor.
I really like Amane. Her various designs as herself, Gentle and Cure Finale are pretty great. Watching everything she goes through as Gentle really makes you want to see her become a Pretty Cure and get back at the villains.
There’s one thing about her situation that stands out to me when I think about and compare her to other Cures who were in a similar predicament prior to joining their respective teams. Ellen from Suite Pretty Cure and Towa from Go! Princess Pretty Cure were both from other dimensions, but Amane is just a regular girl who lives in Oishina Town just like the rest of the Cures. It was fully explained how Amane ended up with the Bundoru Gang, or why, but based on the fact that Narcistor only completed his Recipeppi detector after Amane was freed from the Bundoru Gang, it may have simply been because Amane could see Recipeppis?
If so, then the scenario that Yui described in which she ended up in Amane’s position instead could possibly have happened had things played out a little differently. Any of the Cures could’ve ended up as the Bundoru Gang’s puppet if they were unlucky. I guess the reason it likely ended up being Amane was because of a card given out to advertise her family’s shop had a drawing on it that Amane drew of a Recipeppi.
Anyways, I guess that’s mostly speculation on my end.
Takumi Shinada/Black Pepper
Next up is one of the Cures’ allies, namely Yui’s childhood friend, Takumi Shinada. Takumi is a seemingly ordinary young boy who can be rather blunt, but is always looking out for his friends, particularly Yui, who he has a crush on. When he first meets Rosemary, he notes that something about him seems familiar, even though they have never met before. After Yui becomes a Pretty Cure, Takumi starts to suspect that something is up. He does ask Yui about it, but while he wants to trust her, he still can’t shake off the feeling that she might be in danger.
When he witnesses Rosemary bringing Yui into the Delicious Field and her battle against an Ubauzo, he wonders what to do while holding onto a Delicious Stone he got from his father. When he discovers that Yui chose to fight to protect the Recipeppis, he makes up his mind to fight alongside her and keep her safe. Using the power of the Delicious Stone, Takumi becomes Black Pepper, a Cook Fighter with great healing powers and the ability to fight just as well as the Cures.
Takumi keeps his identity a secret from Yui and the other Cures, trying to maintain a cool and collected demenour when interacting with the Cures, although when interacting with Cure Precious he tends to easily get flustered.
I really like Takumi, particularly when he as Black Pepper gets all adorkable around Cure Precious. I do wish he’d gotten more interactions with the rest of the Cures besides Yui. Since his identity isn’t revealed to them until near the end of the show, he doesn’t really get to take part in any of their meetings discussing info about the Bundoru Gang, CooKingdom and such either. Still, he’s a great guy who manages to help the Cures out of a pinch on several occasions. I like Black Pepper’s outfit too. Looks cool.
Next up, Rosemary. He’s a Cook Fighter from the CooKingdom who arrives with the Energy Fairies in search of the Recipe-Bon. However, due to his Delicious Stone breaking in an early battle, he for the most part ends up having to take on a support role with his limited power, bringing up the Delicious Field where the Cures can fight the Ubauzos without having to worry about hurting bystanders, as well as being the main strategist of the group. Rosemary looks out for the Cures’ well-being, and is there to give them advice when needed. He also loves fashion, and he can be rather emotional at times. He also makes sure to report any important information to the CooKingdom.
I really like Rosemary. He’s a great support character, helping the Cures figure out how to beat the various Ubauzo they fight, and even occasionally getting to directly aid them in battle despite his limited power. While other teams of Cures have had adult allies, it’s rare to see them take part in battle. I also like how he’s like a supportive older brother of sorts to the Cures, giving them advice and support. And while he doesn’t interact with Takumi as much, I like how Rosemary has clearly caught on to Takumi’s crush on Yui, and on occasion even helps set up a nice moment between them. And of course, Rosemary’s character design is really great.
The Energy Fairies
Next up, the fairy mascots. We return to the format of having the mascots help enable the Cures’ transformations by sharing their energy with them. Each of the initial three Cures is paired with one, except Amane who has a different transformation trinket.
We’ll start with Yui’s partner, Kome-Kome. This pink fox-like fairy is the youngest of the Energy Fairies, but also possibly the strongest of the three. She quickly grows attached to Yui, and gains the ability to shapeshift into a human form, albeit one with fox ears and a tail. As the series goes on, Kome-Kome’s human form gradually gets older as Kome-Kome learns important lessons and matures, until she’s close to Yui’s age. As she matures, Kome-Kome also gains access to several new powers, including granting the Cures energy for a group finishing move, teleportation between worlds and even time travel, although that last one can only be used once in her lifetime.
Kome-Kome is adorable, both as a fox and a human, with her human form only getting cuter as she gets older. I like how the events leading up to her gaining the ability to grant the Cures their new finishing move has her interacting with and bonding more with the other three Cures besides Yui. Also, unlike most of the other fairy mascots in the “baby fairy raised by the Cures” category that Kome-Kome also fits into, none of her powers are sought out the villains for one reason or another. Just an observation I made.
Up next is Pam-Pam, Kokone’s partner. This puppy-like fairy has a lady-like personality and can be a bit prideful. She grows attached to Kokone, and has a tendency to secretly follow her to school to make sure she’s doing well. The final episode also shows that she can use her powers to make things more stylish.
Pam-Pam is also really cute, and I like how she in some ways almost comes across as the leader of the Energy Fairies, with Kome-Kome being just a kid and Mem-Mem having a more laid-back demenour. Whenever there’s exposition to share from the Energy Fairies, she’s usually the one to give it and she clearly takes pride in the knowledge she has.
The last Energy Fairy is Mem-Mem, a yellow dragon-like fairy with a laid-back demenour. He is inspired by Ran’s passion, quickly bonding with her and becoming her partner. He can also breathe fire, and possesses a kind of fortune telling ability, although he doesn’t use the latter unless there’s an emergency due to it being very energy consuming.
Mem-Mem’s pretty cool too. I like how the usually laid-back dragon tends to get fired up from Ran’s passion, and he also occasionally gets to use his fire breath for practical uses, like helping out with cooking and stuff like that.
The Recipeppis
Before moving on to the villains, I may as well dedicate a small section to the Recipeppis, the other type of fairy introduced in this series. The Recipeppis are tiny food-based fairies based around various dishes, who are drawn to the happiness of those who enjoy those dishes. Most people are unable to see them, but some children can. The Bundoru Gang is out to capture the Recipeppis in order to activate the Recipe-Bon and gain control of all of the food in the world. In addition, a Recipeppi being captured usually affects the dish they are based around in some way, like with the ones Gentle capture causing the taste to change. I’ll talk more about the other effects when I discuss each member of the Bundoru Gang.
One particular Recipeppi that plays a slightly bigger role is the Parfait Recipeppi. Amane befriended it when she was younger, and after Amane recovers from her time brainwashed as Gentle, the Parfait Recipeppi reaches out to the Cures to help cheer her friend up. The Parfait Recipeppi is shown to be much more pushy and somewhat snarky compared to other Recipeppis while urging the Energy Fairies to translate her explanation of the situation to the Cures and finding a way to help Amane. The Parfait Recipeppi cares deeply about Amane, and is able to quickly pick up on if something is bothering her.
The Parfait Recipeppi is cute, I guess. While it doesn’t play as big a part as the Energy Fairies, it’s nice that Amane also has a partner of sorts that looks out for her. The Recipeppis in general are sort of interesting, with the implications of how their emotional state can affect the dishes they’re based off of and such.
The Villains
Okay, now it’s time to talk about the villains of this season. This time around, our villains are a group of thieves known as the Bundoru Gang. Their hideout is located in another dimension, with the group using portals to travel. As such, it can’t be easily located by those investigating their theft of the Recipe-Bon. Their ultimate goal is to capture enough Recipeppis to activate the Recipe-Bon, which in turn will allow them to gain control over all the world’s food.
Since I’ve already talked about Gentle, let’s talk about the third villain introduced, and second one to fight the Cures, Narcistor. As his name implies, Narcistor is quite the narcissist. He’s very confident, and plays off most of his defeats as him just toying with the Cures. He does have a talent for tinkering with machines and inventing things, though, creating various gadgets for the Bundoru Gang, such as a device that can detect Recipeppis, stronger containers for capturing Recipeppis, and even robots. When Narcistor captures a Recipeppi, people forget any memory they associate with that particular dish.
Narcistor has a particularly strong rivalry with Amane, going out of his way to constantly remind her of her time as Gentle. However, after several losses to the Cures, Godatz eventually loses his patience with him, and has him expelled from the Bundoru Gang. After Narcistor’s final defeat against the Cures, he is arrested and taken to jail in the CooKingdom. However, the people have trouble getting him to reflect on his actions due to him being a picky eater. In fact, part of his reason for joining the Bundoru Gang was because he couldn’t enjoy food as easily as everyone else, as he also couldn’t eat anything hot, for some reason.
When mini-Spiritor robots are later sent to Narcistor’s jail cell to silence him before he can leak any info about the Bundoru Gang to the CooKingdom, Narcistor manages to use the oppurtunity to capture one of the robots and use parts of it to make a device that can allow him to change his size, using it to shrink himself down so he can escape from jail. He makes his way to Oishina Town, where Secretor pursues him.
Narcistor tries to hide at the school the Cures attend, disguising himself as a teacher. He happens to be called over by Amane’s brothers and some of her friends, who are planning a surprise for her, but are having trouble getting the remote they need for it to work. Narcistor is initially uninterested in helping them, but when Amane’s brothers suggest he doesn’t know how to fix it either, Narcistor accepts the challenge and quickly fixes the remote. Amane’s friend, Moe, gives him a candy apple as thanks for helping them. Narcistor is initially uninterested in accepting the gift, but after they urge him to at least try one bite, he does so, and finds himself actually enjoying it, to his surprise. Unbeknownst to him, Amane happened to witness this, and she was also the one who made the candy apple.
When Secretor finally catches up to Narcistor and captures him, taking his size changing device from him, the Cures end up helping him, with him helping them win the battle and take the device back. He allows himself to be sent back to prison, figuring he’ll be safer in there, with Amane giving him a candy apple to enjoy while he reflects on his actions.
Narcistor’s a good villain. He’s great with machines, creating some pretty cool stuff, and his attitude, particularly towards Amane, makes it satisfying when he’s finally defeated. His design is great too. I wish they went into a little more detail on his backstory and issues with food. In the end, he’s starting to find some foods he enjoys, like apples and strawberries, at least. Guess he likes fruit.
Next up, I’ll talk about Spiritor, a robot that Narcistor created. Despite who his creator is, and the fact that Narcistor programmed his dislike of food into Spiritor, Spiritor is surprisingly nice. His first episode shows him having a poor sense of direction, ending in the location where the Cures are on a trip mostly by accident. Spiritor also ends up helping out the Cures with a few tasks before learning who they are. When Spiritor captures Recipeppis, he causes the food to take on a strange, blocky appearance.
Spiritor only has a few fights against the Cures, during which he begins to question why they’re fighting so hard to protect food when his programming indicates that food isn’t a good thing. Before he can have a proper character arc, though, he is deactivated and the Delicious Stone powering him is used for a different purpose. However, Secretor later reactivates him, albeit reprogramming him to make him easier to command. After this, Spiritor’s contributions to the Bundoru Gang are mostly off-screen, with him being sent off to places other than Oishina Town to capture Recipeppis, since the Heart Cure Watches can only detect captured Recipeppis within a certain distance.
During the final battle, Spiritor and the mini-Spiritor robots are sent into the CooKingdom to capture the royals and the Cook Fighters, bringing them to the dungeon. Spiritor is ultimately stopped when Narcistor tricks him into coming over to his jail cell by offering to fix his radio, allowing Narcistor to deactivate Spiritor once more, and by extension, the mini-Spiritor robots. Spiritor and the mini-Spiritors are later seen serving food at the CooKingdom during the big celebration at the end, with Spiritor having been reprogrammed once more to be able to understand the enjoyment of food.
I really liked Spiritor and his sort of goofy personality and design, and it is sort of a shame that he didn’t get a proper character arc. Sending him to other countries and such to capture Recipeppis was really clever, though. Most villains in the various Pretty Cure series never think to travel somewhere other than the Cures’ hometown to carry out their plans, and the few times they do go somewhere else, the Cures tend to be there on a trip or something anyways. Well, I’m glad Spiritor at least got a happy ending.
Next is Secretor, second-in-command to Godatz, a perfectionist who tends to boss around the other villains until she herself has to step up and fight the Cures. She also tends to get annoyed by the other villains, making comments about them to herself. She is also shown to keep up with current trends, and is shown to admire certain celebrities, including Kokone’s mother, Hatsuko. When Secretor captures Recipeppis, her power goes a step further than the other villains by making not only memories of a particular dish disappear, but every trace of its existence.
From what we can tell, Secretor mistakenly believed the reason her loved ones left her was because she couldn’t cook well, but judging from her flashback the real reason was that her frustration with not getting it perfect the first time eventually ended up alienating those close to her. This drove her to join the Bundoru Gang, in the belief that Godatz would help her become perfect.
I really like Secretor, particularly whenever her goofier side emerges. Good design, especially once her hair is let down. I especially like her moments towards the end of the show, learning her backstory and her anguish upon realizing she was just another disposable pawn to Godatz, initially trying to reject the Cures’ attempts at patching up her wounds from the battle. And then there’s her interactions with Hatsuko, seeing her get all flustered and opening up to Hatsuko about her problems when she learns that the person she admired isn’t perfect at cooking either. She also shows up near the end of the final battle, to tell the Cures the information they need to finish the battle against Godatz.
I feel out of the three villains who chose to do what they did, and weren’t either mind controlled or a robot following their programming, Secretor has made the most progress on her redemption by the end, as we see her in jail eagerly studying up on different recipes in hopes of working with Hatsuko once she has served her time, working on improving herself not for the sake of perfection, but because she’s found a goal she wants to pursue in the future. She even gives Narcistor some advice in her critical tone, acknowledging he does have talent and see if maybe he can make use of it for cooking as well.
Finally, our big bad of the season, Godatz. His identity is for most of the series a mystery, with him communicating with the other villains via a hologram that doesn’t show what he looks like. As the show goes on, it becomes clear that there might be someone in the CooKingdom who is secretly aiding the Bundoru Gang. This is eventually revealed to be none other than Fennel, another Cook Fighter. Throughout the series, Fennel mainly seemed like another Cook Fighter with a more serious and stoic personality than Rosemary, who Rosemary would frequently report happenings and new info learned to.
Once you learn that Fennel is Godatz, you’re sure to see these interactions in a different light, particularly Fennel’s reaction when Cinnamon is brought up. You see, when Fennel was younger, he greatly admired his master, Ginger, and hoped to become his successor and gain control over both of the special Delicious Stones. However, when Ginger started training a second pupil, a boy named Cinnamon, Ginger grew jealous, culiminating in Fennel stealing the Recipe-Bon and framing Cinnamon for it, resulting in Cinnamon being banished from the CooKingdom. With the main competition removed, Fennel believed he’d get both special Delicious Stones, but instead he only received one, with Rosemary getting the other, as the king believed having both was too dangerous.
This only made Fennel more resentful, believing that surely he could handle both if Cinnamon was deemed able to. And so, over time, Fennel began working on his plans to prove how great he was by taking control of all food in the world, and refusing to share it unless the people obeyed him.
So, yeah. Fennel being Godatz was a twist I didn’t see coming, although I probably should’ve. I mean, once it became clear that Godatz had to be connected to the CooKingdom (and the red herring they presented us with had been cleared of all suspicion), then Fennel was really the only major character it could possibly be. Fennel proves to be quite ruthless once he shows his true colors too, trying to kill the Cures, and attacking Black Pepper after Cure Precious talks him down from getting revenge for what Fennel did to his dad.
I think he works well as a villain. With the show’s themes about gratitude and sharing, it makes sense that our villain would be a selfish man seeking to take everything for himself. I also like the simple, but effective nature of his plan of stealing all the food in the world and refusing to share it unless people obey him. His design as both Fennel and Godatz are pretty good too. If I were to do a ranking of Pretty Cure big bads, I guess Fennel might be placed somewhere in the middle? He’s not the best villain, but at least there’s more to him than the big bads who fall into the “generic doomsday villain” category.
Other Characters
All right, time to talk about the other noteworthy characters. As usual, I’ll start with the families of the Cures.
First up, Yui’s parents. Yui’s mother Akiho runs the Nagomi Diner, while Yui’s father Hikaru spends most of the series out of town working as a fisherman alongside Takumi’s father. Akiho is shown to be quite kind and energetic, supporting her daughter and her friends. She also bonds with Rosemary over a mutual interest in cosmetology, and in episode 23 she gives Kokone’s mother Hatsuko some advice on how she can try reconnecting with her daughter. When Hikaru returns home for Christmas near the end of the series, we see he is also quite energetic and excited to put his skills to use to make some dishes out of some of the fish he brought home.
During the time travel episode, we see Hikaru visting the diner in hopes of seeing Akiho, only to find she was away studying to be a chef at the time. He still stuck around for Ginger’s surprise party.
I like them, they’re nice people. I particularly liked how Akiho helped give Hatsuko advice on how to get closer to Kokone. Not much else to say about them.
Then there’s Yone, Yui’s late grandmother. In flashbacks, we see she was quite kind to Yui, and had many words of wisdom, most of them having food metaphors in them due to Yone’s love and talent for cooking. Yui fondly recalls her advice and frequently brings up one of her words of wisdom when trying to help her friends figure out what to do. When Yui and the others travel back in time, Yui gets the chance to talk with Yone for the first time in years, and finds out more about Yone’s mindset, and the importance of passing things on to the next generation. Yone is also the narrator of the series, often cheering Yui on and encouraging her to surpass her. She also came up with the design for the lucky cat statues seen all around Oishina Town.
I like Yone. Even though she’s been dead for years by the time the series starts, she still has a strong presence throughout the series. It’s also really sweet how she as the narrator makes it clear she’s watching over Yui and her friends from the afterlife.
Next up, Kokone’s parents, Shouhei and Hatsuko. Both are well known, running a fancy restaurant, and Hatsuko being known as the “genius taster”, being in charge of the ingredients used at the restaurant. Because both are busy with work, they don’t get to spend much time with Kokone. In addition, Kokone misunderstanding a comment her aunt made about not being selfish when she was little left her afraid to speak her mind. When her parents finally have the oppurtunity to spend some time with her, they realize just how distant their relationship has become, and both parents seek out advice from others on how to try to reconnect with their daughter.
They eventually have a proper conversation while eating some donut holes, with Kokone finally opening up and realizing she was worrying for nothing. When her parents are later offered a special work oppurtunity by Princess Maira of Isuki Island, they can sense that Kokone is troubled over having to make the decision of whether to go with them to Isuki Island to help them develop the new signature dish, or to stay with her friends, wishing to do both. After helping her open up once more, they work out a compromise, having Hatsuko travel to Isuki Island while Kokone and Shouhei stay behind and help with the development of the dish over video call.
After Hatsuko returns home to Oishina Town for Christmas, she and Shouhei trust Kokone’s judgement and let Secretor stay at their house to recover from a battle with Godatz. Hatsuko manages to get Secretor to open up to her, since Secretor already admires Hatsuko and learns that even the “genius taster” is not perfect.
I really like Kokone’s parents and their arc about reconnecting with Kokone. It’s nice seeing them putting in the effort to be closer with their daughter, and doing what they can to make sure she’s happy.
I’d also like to talk about Todoroki, the Fuwa family’s butler, who looks after Kokone while her parents are away at work. Todoroki seems to understand Kokone well, in one episode bringing her to a local park to talk after an event at school didn’t turn out the way she hoped. He tells her the story of how he used to get so absorbed in his work a few years back to the point where he’d forget to eat. While visiting the same park one day, he was hungry and decided to try one of the hot dogs at a nearby cart on a whim. He was so impressed by the high quality of the presentation and taste, giving him a new appreciation for food. He even runs his own blog talking about the different foods he tries around town in his spare time.
Another episode has Todoroki giving Kokone advice when she tries to overcome her dislike of green peppers in order to be a good role model for Kome-Kome. Todoroki tells her it’s okay to take it slow, and suggests she try researching more about green peppers to gain a deeper understanding of them. Later on, Todoroki is seen helping Kokone and the others advertise Rosemary’s fried noodle stand, and it is shown during the Christmas party at the Nagomi Diner that he knows some magic tricks.
I really like Todoroki. It’s really sweet how he looks out for Kokone, and how he relates the story of how he learned the importance of taking breaks once in a while and enjoying food.
Next is Ran’s parents, Koshinosuke and Tsurune, who run the Panda Hut. Like Ran, they’re very passionate about their noodles, having spent quite a bit of time and effort into perfecting their recipe. Koshinosuke is usually calm, but can get excited about his work. Episode 36 also suggests he might be a bit camera shy, getting nervous while trying to speak during an interview when a TV crew visiting Oishina Town stops by the Panda Hut. Tsurune is also a kind, dedicated parent, and is usually on the same wave length as her husband when they’re working.
They seem like good people, but I don’t have much to say about them since I feel we don’t really get to know them that well.
Ran also has two younger siblings, Rin and Run. Two energetic little kids who look up to their older sister, and befriend Kome-Kome. When they innocently ask Kome-Kome about her tail and ears, Kome-Kome ends up getting somewhat self-conscious about them even though neither of them said anything bad about them. Rin also seems quite observant when Kome-Kome mentions her full name, wondering if the “Second” part of her name implies the existence of a Kome-Kome the First. After Ran has a talk with Kome-Kome helping her get over her concerns about her appearance, Rin is delighted to try on the accessories that Ran made in the likeness of Kome-Kome’s tail and ears, and the kids don’t question it when Kome-Kome undergoes another age-up when meeting with her again.
So, yeah. Rin and Run are adorable, and I like their friendship with Kome-Kome and how they that way manage to play a small, but still important role in the next step of Kome-Kome’s character arc.
Next up, Amane’s family. There’s her parents, Shuichi and Botan, first making their appearance during the event marking the end of Amane’s term as student council president, with Rosemary wanting to ask them if they remember anything about Ginger, having met him before. Their younger selves are also present in the time travel episode at Ginger’s farewell party. I don’t have much to say about these two because we barely learn anything else about them, so let’s move on to Amane’s brothers.
Amane has two older brothers, Mitsuki and Yuan. They are twins, and clearly care about their younger sister. Yuan seems to be the more hot-blooded of the two, being into karate, while Mitsuki is more relaxed. While it is not known if they had noticed anything was off about Amane while she was under the Bundoru Gang’s control, they look after her while she recovers from her ordeal and express her gratitude to the other Cures for their concern about Amane.
An episode taking place during their birthday reveals that when the two of them were younger, they nearly got into a big fight over what flavor their birthday cake should be as they had different preferences, with their parents solving the problem simply by making it a tradition to bake two cakes for each of their preferences.
I like these two. They have nice designs, and I like how they sometimes get to be involved in some of the Cures’ activities. I guess it would’ve been nice if we got to know them a little better, but I guess there’s some justification since it is mentioned that Amane usually won’t talk to them about her problems.
Next up, Takumi’s parents. At first glance, they may seem pretty normal. Takumi’s mother An runs a guest house, while her husband Monpei is out working as a fisherman alongside Yui’s dad. However, we soon discover that there’s more to Monpei’s story. Monpei is actually a former Cook Fighter named Cinnamon, who wound up in Oishina Town after he was banished from the CooKingdom for supposedly stealing the Recipe-Bon. Cinnamon/Monpei was around 19 when this happened, and An was about 23 when she first came across Monpei, hungry and tired. She made whitebait rice for him, and hired him to work at the guest house. One day, Monpei tried to quit and leave, presumably planning to return to the CooKingdom, but by that point he had grown to love her and so decided to stay with her. They later got married and had Takumi. At some point Monpei also told An about his background.
Shortly before leaving on his current fishing trip with Yui’s dad, Monpei discovered that Takumi had found his old Delicious Stone, which reacted to Takumi. Realizing that the stone had chosen Takumi, Monpei chose to entrust it to him and told him about the CooKingdom. At some point during work, Monpei met Princess Maira, and mentioned to her how much she resembled Yui, later leading to Maira wanting to meet Yui herself when she visited Oishina Town. He also gave Maira a lucky cat from Oishina Town.
As Rosemary and the Cures try to look into Ginger, An is eventually alerted to their activities, and informs Monpei via video call that someone in town knows about his past shortly before Monpei and Yui’s dad return to Oishina Town to spend Christmas with their families. After returning to town, Monpei meets with Rosemary, and they exchange information. Rosemary, having learned Cinnamon was framed for the theft of the Recipe-Bon over the course of his adventure with the Cures, apologizes for not believing in his innocence. Rosemary also learns that Cinnamon is Takumi’s father, and that Takumi is Black Pepper.
Cinnamon knows how to repair Rosemary’s Delicious Stone, and brings both Rosemary and Takumi along to have it fixed. Monpei initially wants Takumi to return his Delicious Stone since he’s not an official Cook Fighter, but decides to let him keep it after Rosemary tells him of how helpful Takumi has been to the Cures. While heading to a cave to have Rosemary’s stone fixed, Monpei realizes that someone may have tampered with Rosemary’s Delicious Stone, explaining why it broke so quickly. He manages to repair the stone, and the three of them return in time to save the Cures from Fennel after he reveals himself as Godatz.
Cinnamon finally realizes it was Fennel who framed him all those years ago, and he, Rosemary and Black Pepper join the Cures in fighting Godatz. They put up a good fight, but Godatz eventually overpowers them and escapes, with Black Pepper, Cure Precious and Rosemary pursuing him. Cinnamon is injured during the battle, but tells the Cures not to worry too much, since he still has his healing powers and will recover quickly. Cinnamon and Black Pepper later show up again to help the Cures out during the final confrontation with Godatz.
After Godatz’ defeat, Cinnamon joins the group when they head to the CooKingdom to receive their thanks for saving all food and take part in the celebration. The king apologizes to him for wrongfully banishing him, and offers to let him have a Delicious Stone once more, while understanding that he will stay on Earth with his wife and son.
I really liked Cinnamon and An’s story. I like how Cinnamon after his banishment from the CooKingdom was able to meet someone and start a new life in Oishina Town. Seeing him put his powers to good use once he returns to Oishina Town in the last few episodes is also really cool, helping fix Rosemary’s Delicious Stone and putting up a good fight against Godatz, doing his best to protect the Cures and Takumi as well. And of course, I’m glad he was able to prove his innocence, and now presumably being allowed to visit the CooKingdom whenever he wants, while continuing to live with his family in Oishina Town.
While on the subject of the CooKingdom, let’s talk about the CooKing and CooQueen. The CooKing is very short compared to most of the other human characters, including the CooQueen, who towers over him. Both are nice people, staying in regular contact with Rosemary and the Cures, keeping each other updated on new developments. Over the course of the show, they start to catch on that someone in the CooKingdom might be helping out the Bundoru Gang, as they are able to sneak into the kingdom without much difficulty on more than one occasion.
I don’t think I have too much to say about these two. They’re fine as characters, ruling the other world the Cures help protect. I guess the height difference between them is kind of funny, while never really being commented on. It also is kind of neat seeing them, particularly the somewhat goofy king, catch on to there potentially being a traitor within the CooKingdom, even if they fail to work out who it is before it is too late and Godatz has them and the Cook Fighters thrown into the dungeon.
Still on the subject of the CooKingdom, let’s talk about Cerfuil, one of the newest Cook Fighters, who the Cures meet during their first visit to the CooKingdom. Cerfuil looks up to the Cures and is training to become a Cook Fighter, but is having some trouble with her final exam as she is somewhat easily frightened. After some advice and encouragement from the Cures, she tries to find the resolve to overcome her fear. When an Ubauzo appears, she is initially too scared to act, but when the Cures struggle to deal with it, she ends up mustering up the courage to help them out. With this act of courage, she finally earns herself her own Delicious Stone, gifted to her by Fennel, allowing her to help fight the Ubauzo. Now finally a Cook Fighter, Cerfuil continues her training.
Cerfuil is adorable. It was really nice seeing her find her courage and come to the Cures’ aid. And while it doesn’t get much focus due to everything else going on during the final episodes, it’s clear that Fennel’s betrayal of the CooKingdom must’ve come as a shock to her, since he gifted her her Delicious Stone and likely taught her a lot.
Next up, Ginger. When he’s first brought up, we learn that he was a former mentor to Rosemary and Fennel. And as we learn more about him in the following episodes, he starts to look more and more suspicious, as we learn that he headed to Oishina Town twenty years ago, and nobody knows why. In addition, Pam-Pam and Mem-Mem accompanied him, but neither of them remember why they went there either. Eventually, the Cures and Rosemary decide to make use of Kome-Kome’s one-time time travel ability to go back to twenty years ago to get their answers.
Once we meet him, though, it becomes clear that he’s just kind of a goofy nice guy in a cat hood. Turns out, his reasons for going to Oishina Town was to set up a Hoka-Hoka Hearts Accumulator in order to make sure people will still be able to have access to food in case a big crisis occurs in the future. He is able to accomplish this with the help of the Energy Fairies, including Kome-Kome the First, who ends up sacrificing himself in order to ensure that it will work, also leading to the birth of Kome-Kome the Second.
In the end, as Godatz’ sets his plans into motion, Ginger’s plans end up paying off as the Hoka-Hoka Hearts Accumulator not only helps provide food for everyone after all the Recipeppis have been caught, but even allows the lucky cat statues which are linked to it to aid the Cures in battle.
I ended up really liking how things played out with Ginger. How he initially seems like a strong contender for the true identity of Godatz, whose hologram also had sort of a cat motif, and all the increasingly suspicious things we learn in the episodes leading up to the time travel episode. Then we learn that Ginger had good intentions all along, and in the end, his plan ends up paying off big time. Getting to meet Kome-Kome the First was also really cool, and how his small role ends up having a big impact since his sacrifice was what allowed Ginger to get the Hoka-Hoka Hearts Accumulator set up properly. While Ginger knew a crisis might unfold, I don’t know if he had any idea that Fennel might go down the wrong path without his guidance or anything along those lines. Might’ve been interesting to have explored Ginger’s feelings about that, assuming he at least had some suspicions about it before he passed away.
Well, that’s all of the CooKingdom characters, just a few more notable side characters left to talk about. One of them is Princess Maira of Isuki Island. She bears a strong resemblence to Yui, and has a reputation for having a lovely smile. When we first meet Maira, however, she has been feeling rather low-spiried due to the stress of all her responsibilities and also the fact that her cousin Sanza has recently cast doubt on her ability to rule and seeks to take control of the kingdom for himself. After meeting Monpei and receiving one of Oishina Town’s signature lucky cats, she comes to visit Oishina Town. Encoutering Amane, she learns that Amane knows Yui, and having heard of her from Monpei, asks to meet her to see for herself if the resemblence is really that strong.
Naturally, this leads to Yui deciding to switch places with Maira for a day when she learns that Maira has been too busy during her visit of Oishina Town to be able to take her time to sample the local foods. Entrusted with Maira’s notebook, Yui learns how Maira puts in the effort to do her research and take notes on everything. Spending the day with Yui’s friends, Maira is able to relax for a little bit. Things take an unexpected turn when Yui and the people accompanying her while disguised as Maira are kidnapped by people hired by Sanza to prevent Maira from getting to a speech she’s scheduled to do at a certain time. Yui manages to contact the other Cures and alert them to the situation, having them escort Maira to the location while she manages to free herself and with Kome-Kome’s help transforms and helps free the rest of the royal staff.
After putting a stop to Sanza’s plans, Yui and Maira switch back. Maira’s butler, Genma, reveals that he figured out that Maira and Yui had swapped places, but kept it to himself because while spending time with Yui, he came to realize how Maira really felt and apologized for not noticing sooner. With the two reaching an understanding, and the Cures having helped her realize where her strengths lie as a princess, Maira is able to find her own confidence and is able to give her speech without any problems.
After her visit to Oishina Town, Princess Maira stays in touch with Yui and the others via video call, and later hires Kokone’s parents to help develop a new signature dish for Isuki Island in hopes of drawing in more tourists and show them what makes Isuki Island special.
I like Princess Maira. It was nice seeing her and Genma reaching an understanding, and Yui defending her against Sanza’s claims that she isn’t fit to be the ruler by pointing out the effort Maira puts into researching things ahead of time. It’s also nice how she remains sort of involved in the plot after her debut episode.
There are a few more minor characters left, but I don’t have much to say about most of them, so I think the last characters I’ll talk about are Matasaboro Asai, and his grandson, Kosuke. Matasaboro is introduced as an old friend of Yui’s grandmother Yone, and he also met Ginger at one point, leading to Rosemary asking him for information regarding why Ginger was in Oishina Town all those years ago. Matasaboro was also a professional chef back in the day, and he and Yone developed at least one recipe together. Matasaboro wants to teach his grandson to properly appreciate food while he is still able to cook properly, and seems to expect him to join the family business as a chef when he grows up.
However, due to this, there’s a bit of conflict between Matasaboro and Kosuke, since Kosuke is more interested in baseball, but feels he can’t be open with his grandfather about said interest. Kosuke develops a bit of a crush on Yui when she listens to him and offers to bring her friends together to play baseball with him to cheer him up. After the game, Yui and Rosemary are able to get Kosuke to open up more, with him admitting that he does appreciate his grandfather’s cooking, while Takumi talks to Matasaboro and helps him realize that maybe he was being a bit too strict with Kosuke.
After the two of them apologize to each other and reconcile, Matasaboro offers to let Yui observe while he prepares udon so she can learn how her grandmother used to make it, since Yui had difficulty replicating the recipe earlier in the episode.
I liked the episode with these two, since it leads to learning more about Yone and Matasaboro is also the one to first bring up Ginger, leading to Rosemary and the Cures’ investigation into why Ginger went to Oishina Town in the first place. So, I guess another character with a small role, but who end up setting up another major plot point. I also like how both of them have valid points on what they each want, and manage to reach an understanding in the end.
Like I said, there are a few more minor characters, like the other students Kokone befriends in her class, the eccentric and cheerful gourmet reporter Hanna Tatemoto, who visits Oishina Town in one episode and helps Ran gain even more confidence in her own eccentric charms, as well as a few other one-off characters like townspeople or other classmates. However, I don’t think I have enough to say about most of these, so let’s move on.
Overall Thoughts
So, overall I really enjoyed this series. The animation is nice, with some really nice character designs. The transformation sequences are animated well, especially Cure Finale’s. The themes of food, gratitude and sharing are executed well enough, and like I mentioned before, I like how fitting it is that the main villain is someone selfish who seeks to take everything for himself. I feel like the Cures each had their own character arc, and I think Kokone and Ran’s arcs were especially well done.
I like how the Cures also had a few male allies fighting alongside and supporting them in Black Pepper and Rosemary. I also liked the concept of the Delicious Field, allowing them to fight without having to worry about civilians getting caught up in their battles. Although, I guess I can see why some might find get a little tired of seeing the characters fight in the same location in every episode. It didn’t bother me personally, though. I suppose it would’ve been neat if the Delicious Field could like, take on the appearance of a few different locations that it could cycle between, or something. I also like how the Heart Cure Watches helps quickly alert the Cures to when a Recipeppi is captured, allowing them to quickly get into action.
I know the series ended up having a few episodes cut due to some sort of hacking incident during its production, and I don’t know how much that affected things, but I think the end result is still good. I mean, there are a few plot points they could’ve expanded on, like how Amane ended up being brainwashed by the Bundoru Gang, or the backstories of Narcistor and Secretor, for instance. Not sure if the answers to any of those would’ve been in the cut episodes, though.
And, as I mentioned earlier, I also would’ve liked to see Takumi interact more with the other Cures besides Yui, see what kind of friendships and interesting dynamics could develop there. There were also some minor characters I would’ve liked to see more of and get to know better, such as Ran and Amane’s parents.
But despite some flaws and missed oppurtunities, it was still an enjoyable experience. The tone of this particular series is fairly light-hearted for the most part, but of course, it gets a bit darker once we near the climax of the story, with Godatz showing his ruthlessness when he reveals himself and straight up tries to kill the Cures on the spot, and his plan to keep all the world’s food to himself and declare that he will only share enough for the people to survive if they obey him. The villains being clever enough to send Spiritor to other countries to capture Recipeppis was also a clever move, not only doing something most villains in other Pretty Cure series don’t think to do, but also taking advantage of a previously established weakness of the Heart Cure Watches in that they can only receive a Recipeppi’s SOS signal from a certain distance.
The final battle with Godatz has some great moments, with Rosemary finally being able to fight with his full power again, Cinnamon and Black Pepper joining the fight, Ginger’s plan with the Hoka-Hoka Hearts Accumulator paying off and all those lucky cats coming to the aid of the Cures, even with Godatz trying to have them locked away too. The animation during the final fight was pretty amazing too. And Cure Precious gets to show how much she’s grown as she tries reaching out to Fennel using her own words, and not one of her grandmother’s sayings. Narcistor helping out by tricking Spiritor into getting close enough for him to turn him off and release the captured Cook Fighters and royals from the dungeon, and Secretor helping the Cures figure out that they need to separate Fennel’s Delicious Stone from the one he made as Godatz to stop his out-of-control monster form.
And after Godatz is defeated, we get some great moments during the final episode too. The CooKing apologizing to Cinnamon for wrongfully banishing him, the Cures and Black Pepper being thanked for all their hard work, the big celebration. Pam-Pam and Mem-Mem getting their own human forms after the events of the final battle, which both look adorable. Rosemary telling the Cures about how he always admired the Cures spoken of in the legends, but after fighting alongside them, thinks they are even more amazing than the legends. The Cures in turn thanking him for all his help and reflecting on how each of them have grown. And of course, we can’t forget what it possibly one of the silliest uses of a Pretty Cure finishing move ever seen: Using it to light the candles on a huge cake.
Yeah, the last few episodes has some really great moments. In the end, the Cures part ways with Rosemary and the Energy Fairies, but we see in the montage at the end that they stay in contact regularly via video chat and occasionally visit each other. And of course, the question of how Yui and Takumi’s relationship will develop is left ambiguous, because that’s how these things tend to go in Pretty Cure series.
So, to sum up my feelings, I thought this series was pretty good. Not one of the best ones, but still an enjoyable series with interesting characters, some decent twists and a pretty solid ending, in my opinion. And I’m really looking forward to checking out Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure. Decided to hold off on it until I had finished writing this thing, so I’ve got a little bit of catching up to do. I’ll be sure to share my thoughts on each episode as I catch up on that. From what little I’ve seen about it while trying to avoid spoilers, I’m certainly intrigued.
Well, that’s about it for my thoughts on Delicious Party Pretty Cure. Expect to start seeing my thoughts on the first few episodes of Hirogaru Sky! Pretty Cure in the near future!
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ciaomichaella · 1 year
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2 games in, 2 wins in the books for @teamniklasedin 👏 My #Swedish #Icevengers defeated Team Ramsfjell 5-4 in the neighborly Nordic battle yesterday. I was hoping the featured game on YareTV tonight would be Edin v Gushue since both have 2-0 records so far, but alas, the featured game will be Carruthers v Flasch. I acknowledge my bias & hope that my Swedes ultimately win the #GSOC title come Sunday (or at the very least continue to fend off Team Gushue’s chase at the Pinty’s Cup). Canadians have long held lack of Olympic gold and the GSOC drought against Team Edin & nothing would make me happier than for them to win the Pinty’s Cup at the end of the season (after they win another Worlds gold for my birthday) 😜 . . Commentators during the Koe v Retornaz game were full of praise for 🐐 @niklasedin calling the #Bionik #comeback kid a medical marvel. Hopefully there’ll be plenty of updates and glimpses at the #curling #GOAT in action during tonight’s game 🙏🤞 . . 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 #NiklasEdin #OskarEriksson #RasmusWranå #ChristofferSundgren #TeamEdin #CurlingMachine #Sweden #EdinForTheWin #athlete #olympian #sports #wintersports #olympicchampion #olympicgoldmedalist #worldchampion #europeanchampion #HardlineNation #IBELIEVEEDINWILLWIN 🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪🥌💙💛🇸🇪 . . 📸 GSOC https://www.instagram.com/p/CnVTKu7vlJK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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justinewt · 1 year
Fire And Forget - THE 100 REWRITE Chapter Eighteen
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Summary: Despite Lexa’s influence on Clarke’s behavior, Michelle returned alongside her childhood best friend. The princess and the soldier dynamic could resume but there was still things Clarke was keeping from everyone else and hopefully it wouldn’t shatter the trust Michelle had in her. 
Words: 6.1k
Warnings: The 100 season 2 spoilers (episode 12 “Rubicon”, episode 13 “Resurrection” & episode 16 “Blood Must Have Blood - Part 2”), missile, explosion, fire, wounds, blood, pain, drill, restrains, a bit of fluff
Michelle was by Clarke as they stepped in the room, arms crossed. She was still thinking about their sort of power grab last night. They made it clear to Abby that she might have been named Chancellor, but it didn’t mean anything to them. Clarke was no longer answerable to her, and the Grounders chose who they supported. The fact that Kane then chose to convince Abby to trust Clarke had surprised Michelle, but she greatly appreciated it. When the worst of this conflict would be over, she could perhaps finally decide to take a step towards him. Raven was standing in front of a transparent board with a plan of the facility inside Mount Weather, every floor was drawn. They had yet to hear from their inside man which was the reason behind Clarke and Michelle’s visit.
“Has he checked in yet?” Clarke asked as soon as she walked through the door. Raven replied in the negative and looked over her shoulder at the Grounder behind Clarke.
“Worried someone’s gonna take a shot at you inside the Ark?” She turned her back to them and Clarke dismissed the rider. He solemnly nodded and walked out.
“Lexa’s orders.” She precised but Raven couldn’t care less and she just shrugged as she looked at the board. Michelle and Clarke glanced at each other, and their eyes turned to the radio. “He’s late. What if something’s happened to him?”
“He’ll be fine.” Raven retorted. Clarke nodded, trying to calm herself down and looked around the room, seeing a plan on the table and another board full of writings and drawings.
“You’ve been busy. Why are you focusing on the dam?” Michelle spoke as she and Clarke approached, curious. Clarke turned to Raven.
“I told you acid fog was our priority?”
“Until Bellamy gets eyes on their dispersal system… there’s only so much I can do.”
“Fine. Tell me about the dam.” Clarke requested. “Can we cut off their power?”
“Maybe. I’m still playing with a few things.” She explained while Clarke walked around. The latter grabbed the device to control the Reapers and activated it, instantly getting Raven and Michelle’s attention to her.
“How many of these have you made?”
“Only two so far, but—”
“Two? That’s not enough.” Clarke cut her off, putting down the device with a thump. She didn’t like her lack of effiency on this. Michelle stood by, not wanting to take a step into this argument; she was only by Clarke’s side as her friend and advisor, like when they were at the small camp, they had built around the drop ship. She wasn’t a leader and she didn’t want all these responsibilities to weight on her shoulders so she was fine with her position. “There’ll be Reapers everywhere.”
“High-frequency tone generators don’t grow on trees, Clarke.” Raven stepped toward her. “Wick is scrounging for parts.”
“Raven… I am about to leave for Tondc, where Lexa and the heads of all 12 grounder clans are waiting for me to tell them we’re a go.” She replied anxiously. “Only we’re not a go because they still have acid fog and we only have two tone generators.”
“Hey, we’ll be ready. We will.” Raven softened her voice and tried to reassure Clarke about all this. Michelle didn’t like Raven very much because of everything that happened with Finn but she had come to the conclusion that she wasn’t a bad person, or someone deserving of her hate either. She took a step to get closer to them and put a hand on her best friend’s shoulder. All three of them looked at each other, silently assuring themselves that they would indeed be ready in time and after a second of silence, they heard Bellamy’s voice come from the radio. They quickly walked to the radio and Clarke grabbed the transmitter to talk to him.
“Bellamy, you’re late. Every three hours means every three hours.” Clarke stated.
“Are you through?” He ignored her comments.
“Have you found the source of the acid fog?”
“No, that’s gonna have to wait.”
“What? No.” She exclaimed. “Nothing is more important than that.”
“Our friends are.” He retorted. “They’ve started taking them from the dorm… one at a time, every few hours.”
“Taking them where?” Raven bent over, approaching her face to the transmitter.
“I don’t know. We tried to follow them, but they went to a classified level.” She looked at her plan of Mount Weather drawn on the board right behind her. “Maya borrowed the schematics of the vent system from her boss… and we’re still trying to find a way in. Anything?”  Maya’s voice could be heard in the background but she spoke to Bellamy in such a low tone they couldn’t make out the words but they understood Raven had asked for a walkie talkie. It didn’t matter anyway. Raven, Clarke and Michelle all stood in front of the board, staring at it carefully.
“We’re going to make him mobile so he can talk to us from anywhere.” Clarke nodded before addressing Bellamy again.
“Bellamy, you have to find them.”
“That’s the plan.”
“If you don’t, all of this is for nothing.” She put back the transmitter and turned around, at the surprise of both Raven and Michelle, who thought Tondc was her next destination. She passed the doorway and Michelle let her arms fall to her side, glancing at Raven before quickly following Clarke outside, wondering where she was off to instead of the Grounders’ village. She caught up to her in the hallway and put her hand on her shoulder.
“Where are you going?”
“To see my mom, and Kane.” She declared and Michelle simply nodded, joining her hands in her back and walking beside her, the Grounder in charge of protecting Clarke right after them. The automatic doors to the meeting room opened at their arrival and Clarke didn’t waste any time, addressing them right away. “Plans have changed. I’m staying here.”
“Command is expecting you.” Kane said, rolling up a paper.
“Our people inside Mount Weather are in trouble. I’m not going anywhere till I know they’re okay.”
“And what can you do for them from here?” He wondered.
“You’ll go to Tondc in my place. Lexa respects you. You and Michelle.” At the mention of her name, Michelle didn’t try to hide her surprise, letting go of her hands. She wondered if sending her with her father to Tondc was because she trusted them to do this for her, and also to give an opportunity to do something this important together, to bond or something. Maybe she was thinking too much, and Clarke didn’t have that many reasons behind her new decision. She was about to leave the room and walk away but Kane grabbed her arms. The Grounder instantly pulled out a large knife, reminding Michelle of the Machete that slashed her hand less than a couple months ago. She instinctively peeped at her scar and clenched her fist as she looked up.
“Put it away.” Clarke ordered and the man obliged. She faced Kane.
“Clarke, being a good leader means knowing which battles to fight.”
“And which to delegate, I know. Please. I need you and Michelle to go to Tondc.”
“Fine. I’ll go.” After Kane agreed, Clarke turned to Michelle to know her answer and the latter nodded. She wasn't about to argue on this, and maybe deep down, she wanted this opportunity to do something with her father. She realized because of her pain and anger, she had been harsh with him, too harsh. She took a step towards the doors, which opened as Abby walked in and for a second, Kane and Michelle looked at each other.
“What is it?” Abby asked.
“Kane will explain.” She gave her the cold shoulder, delegating to Kane the explanation of the situation.
“Perhaps your mother should go.” He proposed. “She is still the chancellor, after all.”
“Which is why she’s needed here.” Clarke retorted before leaving the room, followed by the Grounder. Michelle watched her disappear as the doors closed behind her. Abby walked up to them.
“Heavy lies the crown.”
“She shouldn’t be wearing the crown, and you shouldn’t be backing her up.” Michelle sighed and rolled her eyes at her comments. She was allowed to say what she liked but in the meantime, Clarke was the one making decisions and taking actions. Kane swiftly smirked and looked down at a transparent sheet she held in her hands. Michelle followed his gaze.
“What is that?”
“A note.” She handed it to him and, curious, Michelle stepped near him to look at it. “Thelonious is gone. He told Sinclair to wait two days before giving that to us.”
“The city of light.” Kane and Michelle read these words almost simultaneously, glancing at each other. Michelle had kept it to herself that she had seen Jaha leave with Murphy, when she pretended she had spent the whole afternoon with Murphy while he was on work detail. She lied about it to Abby.
“Says he’s coming back to save us. Again.” Kane added.
“He took 12 people, 12 guns. Michelle, Murphy’s gone too.” Kane looked at his daughter. “Exactly two days ago, you told me you were with him all afternoon. He was already gone by then. Did you know about this?”
“No.” She could see Abby doubted the reliability of her word. Michelle sighed again. “I didn’t know about this. And yeah, I wasn’t with Murphy. I heard him and Jaha. He asked him to go to Wells’ grave with him. I figured he had his city of light thing in mind.”
“It’s all right.” Kane said, calming emerging tensions. He put a comforting hand on Michelle’s shoulder as he spoke to Abby. “You can’t go after him. We can’t spare the men.
“Don’t worry. Clarke wouldn’t let me even if I wanted to.” She shot up her eyebrows. Kane handed the note back to her, letting his hand slide off his daughter’s shoulder as he turned to the table. Michelle would have preferred sticking with Clarke, but she had to admit to herself that she was already starting to appreciate being with her father and the fact that he wasn’t getting mad at her, or Clarke, like Abby was definitely helped her accept this new situation.
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Not long after Kane and Michelle had arrived there, Clarke joined them. Octavia rushed to meet with Clarke and Michelle followed her, glancing at her father as she walked away. Clarke was getting off her horse as they approached.
“Clarke, you made it.” Octavia said.
“I need you to take me to Lexa.” Her urgency to go see the commander of the Grounders alerted both Octavia and Michelle. The latter frowned as Clarke was stopped in her tracks by Indra’s second.
“What’s wrong?” The answer they got was a mere lie; it was obvious that something was up. Michelle didn’t really understand why she would keep it to herself, but she was clearly not going to tell them what was wrong, so she remained silent, glancing at her in confusion as they walked into the village, leading Clarke to where Lexa was. On the way, Octavia kept asking about Bellamy, wondering if he had managed to get rid of the acid fog but Clarke was being evasive with her answers. Michelle was starting to get a little suspicious of Clarke’s behavior, feeling that something was off, especially with the way she was picking up her walking pace. She wouldn’t tell them what was wrong, but she seemed in quite a hurry. Michelle didn’t need her to say anything about Bellamy, she could tell something had happened on his end, whether it impacted him or them. She was just surprised that Clarke would remain quiet on the matter, whatever it might be, instead of sharing the piece of information that she had. Followed by the Grounder assigned to Clarke’s side, they arrived in front of Lexa. Michelle glanced at the other people around, Indra was next to Octavia and Kane walked up to them from behind Lexa.
“Clarke of the Sky People has honored us with her presence.”
“I’m sorry I’m late, commander.” She apologized quietly.
“You made good time.” Kane spoke. “I assume the kids at Mount Weather are okay.”
“For now.” She nodded, letting out a sigh as she looked back at Lexa. Michelle was observing her friend from the corner of her eyes, knowing she wasn’t telling them everything. She wondered when she would let them in on this. Her next enquiry made Michelle frown slightly. “Can we talk in private?”
“Yes. This way.” Lexa seemed to understand there was some urgent matter to discuss and she led her away, the Grounder following the two of them. Octavia and Michelle watched them walk away, taking a few steps forward, closer to Kane. None of them knew what was going on. Michelle figured it had to be something regarding Bellamy, or his undercover mission inside Mount Weather. Either something bad had happened there, or something bad was yet to happen and she didn’t like the fact that she was so clueless and couldn’t know which of her assumptions were correct. She clenched her jaw, thinking that she should have stayed at Camp Jaha with her and Raven by the radio and she would have known what was up. She didn’t like knowing there was something her best friend was keeping from them, but not having any answers. Indra eventually sent Octavia to watch duty to keep an eye on the edges of the forest. For the next ten minutes or so, Kane and Michelle stood there. While her father talked with other Grounders near them, she stared at the door Clarke and Lexa had entered through. She stayed with her father as night fell and neither Lexa nor Clarke was to be seen anywhere around camp which sent Abby looking for his daughter. Michelle was looking around in confusion and turned around when she heard Indra addressing Kane and her.
“Where’s the commander? Where’s Clarke?” She enquired in a low voice, almost like a whisper.
“I don’t know.” Kane replied, frowning and Michelle simply shrugged, having no idea where either of them could be.
“Last time we saw them, they were heading downstairs.” She added, motioning for the door with her chin.
“They’re not there now.” At Indra’s statement, Kane and Michelle glanced at each other. They were confused already and now, growing worried about them.
“We should search the woods.” Kane declared.
“I agree.”
“I’ll tell the others. Come on.” As he turned around, about to walk away, he nodded at Michelle to follow him, putting a hand on her shoulder. She went with him, clinging on the gun entrusted to her. She was somehow getting more and more convinced that something was going to happen and the disappearance of the commander and Clarke had given her a hint even though she wasn’t sure of anything, and she didn’t like that. Being beside her father helped her keep a cool head. She was getting more accepting of him as her dad and wondered what her mom would think of her right now. Quickly dismissing this thought, she accompanied him, still kind of looking around a bit wary. While he was talking with someone, Michelle squinted her eyes as she noticed a sort of flaming light growing in the sky, as if it was approaching their position. She parted her lips, grabbing her father's arm to draw his attention to what she had seen when an explosion occured and a wave of heat and fire brushed her off. She didn't even have time to realize what was happening and was pushed against her father, tightening her grip of his arm, barely letting out a gasp at the hit. She could feel her gun falling, sliding off her body while everything just went black instantly.
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An excruciating pain shot throughout her whole body as she opened her eyes with difficulty, coughing. Every inspiration felt like breathing fire. Her throat was dry and sore, and she could barely move, softly rolling her head to the side. Michelle moaned in pain. She thought for a second that she was dead as someone called out to her. Her ears were buzzing, and her vision was blurry. She took a breath, and coughed hoarsely, making her wince. Her name was said again, and she realized the buzzing sound was toning down. Michelle blinked, looking to the side. Less than a couple feet away from her was her father. He was trying to pull on a metal bar to alert the surface that they were there.
“Dad…” Her voice was raspy. She reached out her arm to him, to grab his hand but she couldn’t and she grew frustrated, keeping on trying to the point she attempted to get on her side and let out a cry of pain. It took her a second to understand where it was coming from but now, she had regained her senses enough to realize it was her leg and forehead, that were hurting. Her thigh felt warm, which made her wonder if she was bleeding out and she rolled on her back, a tear rolling down her temple. Gulping, she tried to cry for help, but nothing came out of her mouth. With a shaky hand, she touched her head and felt something thick and sticky, as if her hair was covered in gel. She winced, looking at her fingers, covered in blood. She started wondering if she was going to die, closing her eyes when she heard a familiar voice nearby; it was Abby’s.
“Michelle? Marcus?” She got to them, a flashlight in her hand. “I’m here. It’s okay.”
“Abby?” She took his hand from the bar he was pulling on. He slowly extended his fingers towards Michelle, to bring Abby’s attention to her. The latter was looking at the beam across his leg and saw his gesture. He spoke softly. “Help her.”
“Okay.” She nodded, turning to the young woman. The latter called out Abby’s name upon seeing her face in her field of vision. Abby gave her a reassuring smile, telling her it was going to be okay as she took a closer look to the wound to her head. She tore a small piece of fabric from her T-shirt and put it in Michelle’s hand, instructing her to hold it in place. She then moved to her leg. A few rubbles were blocking it. She carefully removed one to see if there was any major injury before pursuing. Michelle had no idea what she saw but she kept taking the rubbles off her leg. She heard Abby grunt as the doctor pushed the debris aside. She felt her hands on her leg and tried to straighten up to see what she was doing but Abby turned to her. “No, no, stay down. Don’t hurt yourself.”
“What is it?” Michelle reluctantly obeyed and lied still, holding the piece of cloth to her head. Her other arm still stretched out towards her father. He tried to get his hand closer to hers and managed to go as far as touching the tip of her fingers.
“You’re gonna be okay. The rubbles scratched your old arrow wound but it’s okay. You’ll be okay.” Michelle then watched her return her attention to Kane’s leg. “You’re bleeding, but not bad. Can you move your toes?”
“Yeah.” He breathed out.
“Good. I don’t think anything’s broken. You’re both lucky.” Kane chuckled, glancing at Michelle. “I’m gonna get you out of here.” She gritted her teeth, grunting as she tried to lift the beam off his leg and eventually let out a yell, unable to move it an inch. Michelle’s torso was heaving with her labored breathing, her eyes closing. She felt like she had barely blinked for a second and Abby called out her name. With the urgency in her voice, she didn’t have to think for long to understand that she had almost lost consciousness again. “Michelle, try keeping your eyes open and firmly press the cloth on your head.” Michelle let out a heavy sigh, nodding.
“That could be Clarke.” Kane supposed upon hearing a woman sob in the distance. Abby blatantly ignored it.
“I’m not leaving you here.” She hissed before trying again to free his leg, grunting loudly. She busied herself with this arduous task, grabbing a large bar and tried to pry the beam up when blood quirted. Kane screamed in pain and Michelle got worried but was too stunned and tired to really react. “Your femoral artery is lacerated. The weight of the beam is the only thing keeping you alive.”
“Heh. Hell of a bandage.” He groaned.
“I’ll figure it out.” She assured.
“Abby. Just… go find your daughter.”
“If I can get a tourniquet around your lef, it buys us more time.” She ignored his second mention of Clarke and it instantly got Michelle wondering if the thing her friend had been keeping from them when she got to Tondc was the explosion that occurred in the village. She couldn’t believe she would leave them all here to die. It had to be Lexa who decided it.
“Go find Clarke.”
“She’s not here.” She declared. Kane looked at her, confused. “She’s… fine. Lexa too.” Michelle felt her eyes closing on their own and the last thing she heard was the sound of rubbles creaking above them, followed by screams. They caved in on them, but she passed out before she could make any sound. When she opened her eyes, hearing muffled voices around her, she groaned. It felt like only a few seconds had passed since she lost consciousness. Her arm was stuck under rubbles, along with both her legs this time and the blood-soaked cloth was still in her hand. She could move her fingers and toes, but all three limbs had gone numb.
“Dad.” Michelle mumbled, still not completely awake.  
“I’m right here, Michelle… I’m here…” He replied fatinly, his voice dropping. His eyes closed. Abby gradually rose her voice, trying to get him to wake up but he was too far gone. She crawled out of the large rubbles blocking her and tied a cable she got her hands on around his thighs. Michelle watched her, her eyes half opened, unable to react or really comprehend what was going on. A short moment latter, chatters from outside reached their ears. Rubbles rumbled and dust fell on their faces. Michelle closed her eyes, coughing hoarsely, moaning in pain because of her sore throat.
“We’ve got three survivors.” It was a familiar voice, but Michelle didn’t know who had spoken until Octavia’s face appeared from above. “Abby. Michelle. Kane.” She named the three of them for the people outside as she climbed down the rubbles to get to them.
“We’re gonna be okay.” Abby smiled shakily at Kane and Michelle. Kane and Michelle were put on stretchers and one after the other, they were carried outside the collapsed building. Michelle saw people move quickly around her and her father. The faces were blurring into each other as they were put on the ground and covered with blankets. She called out to her mom in a whisper when she saw her bent over her. Callie smiled at her. Michelle closed her eyes, sighing softly as her mother caressed her hair but in a second, the feeling of her comforting touch was gone. She weakly opened her eyes, rolling her head towards her father. He was passed out. She looked at him, slipping her hand out of under her blanket and held his. In the background, she could hear Lexa’s voice as she gave a speech but she couldn’t make out the words and just closed her eyes, her face turned to Kane. She was exhausted. Abby shouted before kneeling by Kane and Michelle’s stretchers. The latter placed their hands under the blanket to keep them warm. Michelle had never thought she would actually need him to be her father. After tonight especially, she wanted him to be. She felt bad for lashing out at him and speaking such harsh words, repeatedly pushing him away but now, she felt more ready to accept him into her life as her dad. A moment later, she was resting her eyes and felt people lift their stretchers off the ground. Her hand slipped from under the blanket, hanging from the edge of her gurney, raindrops falling on her face.
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Michelle was pushed forward by a soldier, she glanced over her shoulder despite the black bag slung over her head. She could only guess where they were taking her and the others but her sole guess was definitely the right one. Emerson had brought them into Mount Weather. It had been a few days already, since the missile exploded in Tondc and Kane and Michelle found themselves tuck under the rubbles and because they were caught by surprise by Emerson and some other Mount Weather guards, blinded, handcuffed and forcefully dragged here. Michelle knew they were walking down a maze of corridors and she feared for what was going to happen to them once they would reach their destination. She kept walking, looking forward, knowing the person walking before her was her dad. Since the explosion, their relationship had taken a leap forward, and it was really good news. She had been so afraid of losing him too, it made her realize she indeed wanted him in her life, unlike what she told him, she needed him. She needed her dad. He was the only parent she had left. They were pushed through a doorway. Michelle looked around without moving her head, feeling more people around them. The sound of a piercing drill along with grunting and screaming reaching her ears didn’t reassure her one bit as to what was going to happen. She knew what they were doing to their people in the facility that was Mount Weather and knowing it could happen to her made her feel anxious.
“On their knees.” Someone ordered and they were, one by one, pushed down. Michelle felt a hit on her shoulder and fell to her knees, fearing what she was going to see once they would take the bags off her head.
“Did we take any losses?” A man came in, talking in a calm voice in front of them. Michelle raised her head towards the direction the voice was coming from, having no idea who this new person was. What she knew on the other hand was that his interlocutor was Emerson.
“Not as many as they did, sir, but I’m afraid I’m the only left who’s been cured. Some of the kids are still missing.” He informed. “If you’d like I can take a team in hazmats, we’ll sweep the other levels.”
“No. No more wasted lives. In 48 hours, we will all be on the ground.” He sounded overly confident that this was what would happen but knowing Clarke and the others were still somewhere out there, he shouldn’t get ahead of himself. He then requested their hoods were taken off and when Nate’s dad called out to his son upon seeing him, Michelle heard him get hit by a gun and Nate grunting, yelling at them. They took off the hood on her head and she looked around. Their friends and peers were cuffed to the walls, their arms stretched above their heads and someone was strapped to a table, blood all over. By the time they could see, the drill had been put down and the person in gloves and suit as gathering the bone marrow and blood in a large syringe. This was what awaiting every single one of them if Clarke, Bellamy and the others couldn’t end the Mountain men. Michelle quickly glanced at her father, frowning, with fear in her eyes and he didn’t seem much reassured either. He was shocked.
“What is wrong with you people?”
“Where’s my daughter?” Abby enquired.
“She’s talking about Clarke.” Emerson told the man who was apparently in charge of the place. The latter approached Abby.
“I’m sorry it had to come to this.” Abby was perturbed, looking around as the drilling resumed. Michelle stared into the void, wondering if Clarke had gotten to Bellamy by now or if they killed her. It couldn’t be. There was no way they caught her. Michelle frowned, looking down, sickened by the drill and the screams. A couple guards pulled them up and one after the other, they were cuffed to the wall, their arms up. Michelle was right in between Abby and her father, and she couldn’t get her widened eyes off the man they butchered on that table.
“He’s dead.” A man stated.
“It’s okay. We’ve already got the marrow.” Another said.
“Guards, we need another one.” The body was carried off the table and disposed off. Michelle was fidgeting with her hands, nervously moving them around, the handcuffs hurting her wrists.
“She’s next.” A guard looked at Raven. Wick started protesting, asking them to take him instead of her but they couldn’t care less about what he had to say. He yelled and Raven violently fought back, struggling but they hit her with a shock baton multiple times to stun her. They then carried her to the table, and restrained her legs, arms and around her neck. Raven stayed still until a man bent over, near her head and she bit him fiercely. He hadn’t had the time to tie the strap around her wrist and she started struggling against them as they tried to hold her down, ultimately using the shock baton on her until she stopped fighting. She slightly drooled from the mouth, staring into the void. She came back to herself and looked at the man holding the drill, trying not to scream but she couldn’t fight it. Chills ran down Michelle's spine as she watched Raven scream until she was too exhausted and in pain that she looked about to pass out.
“Take that one off the table.” The man in charge, named Cage, waved at Raven.
“Sir, we’re not done—”
“Now.” He cut him off. While the other men put Raven to the side, on a stretcher, Cage turned towards Kane, Michelle and Abby, poiting his finger at them, picking one. He was about to point at Abby, but Michelle felt his eyes shift to her. Knowing that she was going to be next, her heart dropped to her stomach and she widened her eyes even more. “And put her on it.”
“No. No, no, no.” Two guards uncuffed her, holding her arms tightly as she tried to fight them off, her father trying to plead with Cage, begging them while Michelle struggled and screamed. She grunted when they used a shock baton on her stomach for a few seconds. Her breathing sharpened as she dropped her head forward.
“No one has to die for bone marrow. We can donate it.” Kane yelled as they forcefully put her on the table. Like Raven, she was moving so much they had to strike her multiple times so she would be stunned enough to strap her down and start. Her father was angrily yelling, still trying to convince Cage to let Michelle go, assuring they could donate it to them with Abby’s help. Michelle was coming back to her and looked at Cage who was staring down at her. She got his eyes off him, looking at the man holding the drill when the sound started, and her face distorted with fear. She hadn’t even realized but they had cut a rectangle into her jeans already. When she felt the drill piercing through her skin and into her bone, she cried out. In a blink of an eye, the pain became so unbearable that she screamed at the top of her lungs for what seemed like an eternity, and like Raven, until she was too exhausted to scream anymore and just lied there, numb. She was so close to passing out from the pain, that she didn’t even realize another of them was brought into the room. After a moment, Michelle weakly looked around, hearing an alarm wailing. Mountain mean started gasping and coughing, falling to the floor. A minute later, Michelle tried looking to the door they came through when someone slammed it open and saw Octavia bursting in.
“Hey, get the keys from the guard.” Kane showed the dead man. She ran to the body, got the keys and freed Kane first. He came running to his daughter.
“Dad.” She said faintly as he untied her. He then put a hand in her back and helped her sit up. She winced at the pain that shot in her leg. Abby was wrapping a clean cloth around her leg. Once she was done, she helped her pass her leg over the edge when Clarke arrived, catching her attention. Michelle was relieved to see her and looked at the two hugging. She turned her head to her dad and drew him into a hug, burying her head in his neck. He didn’t even need to think about it and hugged her in returm, a hand behind her head. They stayed like this for a whole minute before Clarke approached and Michelle saw her. Kane stepped aside and the two childhood best friends hugged each other tightly. Clarke whispered in her ear, apologizing for everything and even though Michelle had felt betrayed, she could feel her apologizes were sincere. She was truly sorry, and she forgave her. After he went to talk to Bellamy, her father came back and carried her in his arms to a stretcher. They walked all night to get back to Camp Jaha and all night, Kane walked by the stretcher and held Michelle’s hand. They had never been this close since after she understood he was actually important to her and her life.
The day had already risen when they arrived at the gates of the camp. People chattering around them. Two camp guards carried her stretcher. She looked up at her dad and he felt her gaze, tenderly looking back at her. It was clear in his eyes that he was so concerned about her. Jackson jogged to them, a bag in his hands. The never ending battle with Mount Weather had actually come to an end. It was a huge relief. The guards put her to the ground and all three, Abby, Kane and Jackson kneeled around her. She was feeling much better than a few hours prior and the bleeding had stopped but if she dared move too much, pain would shoot through her leg. She always won the jackpot in terms of injuries. Hand slashed, bruised back, gets an arrow shot in her thigh, a head wound and now someone drilled into her femur. It hadn’t even been more than a couple months since they landed on earth. While Jackson and Abby were quickly checking her wound, Michelle noticed Clarke still standing outside the camp’s grounds, Bellamy by her side. She always could tell when something was up with her; they had known each other since they were newborns. She was her sister. Michelle gritted her teeth, trying to sit up, arguing with the three adults around her that she wanted to go to Clarke. She was so relentless with her attempts at getting up, without caring about whether she was going to hurt herself even more, Kane gave in and helped her, carrying her. As they approached, Clarke and Bellamy hugged. Kane helped Michelle stand and she hoped on one leg. Bellamy saw her and nodded at Kane as he provided Michelle with support so she could stand in front of Clarke. She already had tears in her eyes, knowing she was leaving them because of what happened at Mount Weather. Michelle wrapped her arms around her.
“May we meet again.” She said softly.
“May we meet again.” With a shaky voice, she replied before breaking the hug and turned around. Holding onto Bellamy, she watched Clarke walk away and her heart ached. She glanced at Bellamy and he was just as hurt. When Kane called out to his daughter, asking her if she was ready to come back in, and Bellamy caught her off guard, carrying her himself and she just looked at him in confusion for a second. They both had had to let go off Clarke just then and they had this common pain.  
[To be continued…]  
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Published (12/16/2022) by Andrea
Taglist: @cathrin2405​ @kika64
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yardtrust · 2 years
Embleme mastodonte bo2 zombie
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Embleme mastodonte bo2 zombie mods#
Embleme mastodonte bo2 zombie series#
Some in the post’s comments are even against them returning, claiming that these custom emblems are a “double edged sword,” with some choosing to create inappropriate images. Read more: Black Ops Cold War Standoff map change causes big debate.Of course, the custom emblems from previous Black Ops games were fairly controversial, as players would often create things a little too explicit. The argument is that these season pass emblems aren’t creative enough for players to express themselves, wanting more for player identification and customization. This means that players are given emblems in the season passes, which can be various things. Read more: JGOD explains which Warzone barrels you should be using for Cold War Assault Riflesīlack Ops Cold War has taken on a seasonal format with its integration with Warzone.Reddit user AllergicToAnime put a post up expressing the wish for custom emblems to return while also giving their reasons.
Embleme mastodonte bo2 zombie series#
One thing Treyarch is yet to bring back to the series is the infamous custom emblems, which allowed players to create their own individual emblems to show off. xd.Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has done a pretty good job at making people feel nostalgic about previous Treyarch titles, but some players are now asking for the classic custom emblem system.įrom r emastered maps to classic weapons, Treyarch’s latest Call of Duty has stayed true to its Black Ops roots, giving players who are familiar with the franchise a sense of comfortability. However they come way too quickly, anything before round 40 or 50 shouldn't be THAT hard jeez. Bosses weren't as good as bo1 & 2, just keep spawning more and more, which I understand why, it's to make it harder the higher in rounds you go so things aren't so easy as in the first black ops games. I absolutely LOVED the maps and weapons, but hated the extensive easter eggs you had to do in order to do basic things such as pack-a-punch. Both multiplayer and zombies felt worse than before. No but seriously, I felt like bo3 wasn't as good as the first 2 by a longshot. Why I said that I hope bo4 doesn't flop is because I truly don't, duh. I'd love to see Five, Buried, Die Rise, Call of The Dead & Mob of The Dead. (Anything beyond this is my own opinion and isn't important)Īlso while i've mentioned it, I personally hope that treyarch will continue to remaster old maps they've done for bonus dlc's such as the one we got on Bo3, Zombie Chronicles.
Embleme mastodonte bo2 zombie mods#
There aren't that many mods yet sadly, but there are some amazing ones released that'll guarantee more fun on classic treyarch maps, custom zombies or/and multiplayer! Anyway, hopefully this will help you get custom maps (this collection will be updated) easily without having to go through 1200+ maps in the workshop. Would also love to see some of my favorite WaW maps come to bo3. Hopefully in the future there'll be more creators who can and are willing to work on a map for a longer period of time to make it epic. So far there isn't that many, only something near 150 custom maps that're even worth looking at(in-game). This is a collection of, what I personally believe, are the best Custom Zombies & Mods in the whole workshop.
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garyalvarez · 2 years
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Just cashed season 1, hella hilarious! 🧁🤣 Hopefully there’ll be a season 2… #thisfool (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cijr5KTOTYY-rbPR5EU6puHNxNRcw1R47TYgFY0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lallouette · 2 years
This is what happens when I mainline season 2 in two days. Vaguely pre-canon, Flint has a realization about attitudes among pirates. ~700 words, this does veer off into angst toward the end:
He was up on deck, double checking the direction of the winds that would put them in the path of the Bountiful, when he heard some kind of commotion down in the crew’s quarters. Shouting, and the unmistakable sound of punches landing. It sounded like there were enough men involved that he should probably help break it up. 
“Stay at your tasks,” he told the men on the deck, when he saw their eyes flick toward the quarters. He sighed. Sometimes he did miss Navy discipline.
By the time he got down to the crew quarters, Mr. Gates was standing amidst a group of men bearing the aftereffects of a fight. Most of the men were clustered together, making it obvious who the actual combatants were. A man whose name Flint didn’t remember leaned heavily against the hull of the ship, while on the other side of Gates, Harrison, the cooper, stood with his arm slung over Mitchell’s shoulders. Mitchell’s shirt was untucked, Harrison’s breeches unlaced as if they’d dressed in a hurry. 
“What’s going on down here?” He looked at Gates, hoping those assembled wouldn’t all start talking at once. 
“Them two —“ the man leaning on the hull wheezed, pointing at Harrison and Mitchell. “Them two —“
Gates cut him off. “Mr. Beasley here —“ he gestured at the man who’d just spoken, “started a fight with Mr. Harrison and Mr. Mitchell, and it would seem the rest of the crew objected.” 
“And what provoked him to start a fight?” 
“It would seem he came across Harrison and Mitchell in a, well, compromising position.” 
Gate’s voice faded into the background. He looked again at the two men standing together. Harrison was leaning against Mitchell perhaps more than was necessary, even here, in front of the crew. He caught Flint looking and stared back at him defiantly. 
“. . . ridiculous. If you want to continue on with this crew, you’d do well to learn to mind your own fucking business.” He realized, with some surprise, that Gates was chastising Beasley, not Mitchell or Harrison. 
He realized he’d just been standing there while Gates passed judgement. “All of you, as you were,” Flint said loudly to the rest of the men gathered. They started to disperse, grumbling and casting nasty glances at Beasley. 
“Are we free to go?” Mitchell asked, a challenge in his voice. 
“Go on. Just make sure you’re not going to be interrupted if you’re going to have a go, alright?” 
They turned away. Flint released a breath that he hated himself for holding. 
He caught Gates before he turned away. “Mr. Gates? A word, if you would?” 
Gates caught up with him as he left the quarters. He didn’t say anything until they were back up on deck, away from curious onlookers.
“Is this something we should be concerned about?” 
“I wouldn’t think so. Beasley’s fresh off the Navy ship, you know how they are about that sort of thing.” He almost laughed. Gates had no idea how familiar he was with the Navy’s reprisal against that sort of thing. “Hopefully the others don’t go after him again.” 
Flint kept his face as neutral as possible. “I was a bit surprised the others backed Harrison and Mitchell.” 
Gates shrugged. “It’s no secret. They made it very clear they came on as a pair or not at all, and anyone who’s been in close quarters can have no doubt as to what the reason may be.” 
“Even so.” 
“The men know and like Mitchell and Harrison. It’s the way of things on most crews. There’ll be one or two pairs, and everyone lets them be for the most part, especially if they’re well liked.” Gates hesitated. “Does it bother you?”
“No,” Flint said, more forcefully than he meant, “No. I don’t care what the men do as long as it doesn’t interfere with the running of the ship.” 
“It can work in our favor, actually. They fight harder if they’re tied to someone on the ship. And it makes for at least two men who aren’t as desperate to get back to shore.”
Flint made himself laugh. Gates patted him on the shoulder. “Now, I should probably go make sure the crews not going to murder Mr. Beasley.” 
He walked away. Flint waited a few seconds, and then he let the wall crumble. 
These men didn’t care that two of their number were sharing a bed. Not only that, they were willing to stand up for their right to do so. Harrison had been secure in his position, had looked him in the eyes and dared him to tell him he was wrong. 
That’s what it looked like to live without shame. Thomas would —-
The familiar pain bloomed beneath his ribs. Thomas wouldn’t, because he was dead. All that was left now was to avenge him. 
He put Captain Flint back on and went to go face his crew. 
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owaowabetch · 3 years
Minecraft pt. 1 (Sykkuno x F!Reader)
Oneshot (maybe part of a series??? idk we’ll see): Even though you’ve never played minecraft, you still manage to build a great house with your basement buddy. Friendship with a hint of romance. This is season 1 of the OTV ftb server (Pre-relationship; part of Uh-oh & Impasta)
“Ok guys, so today’s stream is going to be a lil different” You chat to your stream “We are going to be playing Minecraft with the OTV gang and other people we’ve played among us with!” Waiting for Minecraft to load on your pc, you continued on chatting “We will be playing GTA later on in the stream, we have a few jobs lined up with some people, so hopefully we get a lot of money from that” 
You minimized your face cam into a corner as your character appeared in a random spawn area near quite a few people. You saw multiple boxy players run around and hitting each other. So, you walked around picking up flowers  and with the help of some members of your chat, you managed to collect wood.
“OH! HEY Y/N!!” A loud crunchy voice yelled terribly into your ear causing you to cringe visible and immediately start hitting them with the wood in your hand.
“Your mic is dank man” You continue hitting them, which turned out to be Leslie and she starts to hit you back with a laugh. You guess her flowered hand overpowered your wood and hungry state, because you died and respawned to where you first showed up.
“Ah fuck” You complained before another boxy figure showed up infront of you and you recognized the blue shirt and green striped scarf, so you cheered. “Sykkuno!”
“Hey, Y/N!” His character moved his head up and down “What happened? How did you die?”
“Leslie’s mike was..crunchy?? And then she killed me!” You jump around
Sykkuno laughs “What? I’m surprised mobs havent got you. I’ve been killed many times by them” and in comedic fashion poki ran by screaming for help as she was being chased by a giant spider. You both watched as she would turn and hit it before continuing on her run.
It killed her. She puffed into smoke and in her place was a grave.
You both laugh as Sykkuno gasps out her name and you both run to her grave.
“Is this part of the mod? Or is it part of minecraft” You ask crouching on her grave and read her name.
He jumped around you with an answer “ Uh no it’s a mod that abe put in. If you break it the stuff you died with will spawn out”
“Oh” Continuing the crouch and uncrouch “What now?”
“Well i was going to find some of my graves, but I’m gunna find wood to make tools and find food” He answered and with that you decided to follow him
You collect the fruit from the near by trees and kill some of the animals with an axe that Sykkuno made you. Along the way you collected flowers and wood.
“We should find a house before it gets dark and more mobs come and kill us” Sykkuno walks to you then throws a stack of wood on the floor “Or maybe you build us a house. I’m not good at that type of thing”
You stare into your cam and do the debbie ryan “Oh my god, living together?” You pick up the stack of wood and start building a small house “Is that good?”
“Ya, that’s great! I’ll put the door down and I got us some beds, so we now have a spawn point. So when we die we just end up here” He explains doing so
Nodding along to what he said, you start putting the flowers you collected around the house before entering the house. He put the beds down next to each other. Making sure to mute yourself, you do the finger point and with a ‘tch’ sound you smile “ Oh my God Chat! Our beds are next to each other !?! How crazy. Heehee”  
The house was lit up with torches. “Click on the bed” He tells you and you do so. Your characters laid there side by side and your chat was hearing you make embarrassing noises. “Chat better not be telling him how embarrassing I’m being please. This is a desparate plea for you guys not to tell him!! Like Im joking guys please” With a laugh, your character gets off the bed and you walk out.
“Oh!” In Sykkuno’s hand was a flower “I noticed you picking up flowers and I know that [Flower/Name] is your favorite, so i picked some up for you”
You can’t stop the smile that appears on your face nor the flush on your cheeks “You are so fucking cute”
“Wha-?” You interrupt him “This is so sweet, honestly Sy.”
He throws them on the ground “It’s no problem. Just saw them and remembered how much you liked them “ and you pick them up, putting them at the entrance of the door “I love it!!! Thank You Sykkuno!!”
He hums and jumps around. You check chat, when a donation comes in telling you to check it, and read that he was purposefully was looking for the flowers because he knows how much you would’ve loved them. You don’t believe them at first, telling them that while he is nice, going around looking for a flower doesn’t seem like a productive thing to do. So, someone from your chat sent a clip of him telling his viewers that he was looking for your favorite flower to give to you. His excuse was that this as your first time playing minecraft, so he wanted you to enjoy it and thought it would be a great present until he can find diamonds.
“Guys! No!! That is so sweet!” You cry out blushing even further
“Hey guys!” A voice called out. A voice you immediately recognized to be Liliy’s “Come look at my house!” Looking up you see her stood further up from the both of you. She started making her way down and gasped “Are those [F/N]!?! Where did you find these! The look so pretty!”
“Yea” You jumping once more “Aren’t they cool?”
“YES! Can I have one?” She asked standing next to them “Is this your house? I love the flowers around them”
“I guess this is where we live now” You respond
“Both?” Lily questioned “You and Sykkuno are living together!?!”
“Yea! He actually gave me the [F/N]s, so you can’t..have them..” You respond to her awkwardly
Lily turns to Sykkuno and hits his character “You fucking simp”
He gasps “Lily” but she ignores him “I’ll take a different flower as a housewarming gift. Now follow me!”
“Y/N, why don’t you go see it while I gather up more materials” Sykkuno told you
You follow her up the small mountain? And there laid her pink house and you gasped “There is pink wood!?!”
“Yea, you just need pink dye. I have a bunch left if you want some” She offered you
“I don’t know if Sykkuno would want to live in a pink house” You enter her house and notice chests and peak into them
“He’d want what you want so just go for it.” She places the flower she took from your house next to hers. “Those chests belong to other people, but here’s mine.” She hits the chest in her house “I think i have like 20 of the pink wood left, so you can just take the rest”
You took the stack from her chest “Awesome! Your house is nice! It’s big too! I’d have to remake our house into something bigger”
“Yea, it’s kinda ugly since it isn’t pink” She tells you causing you to laugh
“It was a last minute thing to hid in during the night” Holding the pink wood in your hand “I’ll probably look up some building tips and stuff later to make a cool place, but thanks Lily!”
You hung out in her house talking with people as they came and went as Lily went to find more flowers to surround her house in. Though someone interesting came in, wearing the generic steve skin with a slightly creepy face.
“Hey Miyoung!” Lily called from out her house
“Hi Lily” She responded “I’m just letting you know I’m putting a death trap in your home. Please don’t tell the victims”
You snorted in amusement “Can I help with that?”
She moves towards you in her crouched state, so you respond in kind. You both just stared at each other in your crouched position circling each other “Okay, so I have a bucket of oil, so I want to dig a hole in the ground and push people into it”
Nodding your head “Clean, my chat was telling me that there is a trapped door, so why not put one on the ground above it and just have people walk in it?”
“We should also put a sign down there, so as they’re slowly sinking to their death, there’ll be a sign that mocks them” Nodding her characters head “I have some signs already, I’ll make the trapped door”
Taking a shovel from your hotbar, you dig a hole 6 blocks down, digging the other side as you make your way down. You then walk to the other side and start to make your way up.
“You should leave an open space for the sign, maybe 2 blocks open?” Miyoung tells you as she eyes you from above. You jump out of the hole you created and shovel 2 dirt blocks. She places a sign down and covers it up with a wood plank that matches the floor of Lily’s house “Wait I need to put the oil down”
So, she breaks the floor once more and jumps in to put the oil in before making her way back up. “I just put RIP on the sign, I think it’ll help them realize that they will die, so..”
“Alright clean clean” You jump around and watch as she places a trap door on the floor above it and placing a sign in front of it.
“We should probably look for victims” Miyoung tells you
You make your character swing their arm around towards the chests in Lily’s home “Well people have stuff in here, so maybe we should wait for someone to come in to grab something and lure them”
“Sounds good” She says and as she says this Sykkuno comes barging in.
“Hey y/n!” He cheers “Oh hey Miyoung! Lily told me that she has a bucket in her chest that she’ll let me borrow. So, I’m just trying to find her chest. Don’t mind me” He rifles through them “Can’t seem to find them “
You open the trap door and look at him before he turns to you two “Oh is it in here?” and down he goes. “Oh!? IS THIS A TRAP”
You start giggling as he starts to panic laugh “y/n? miyoung? Help!”
You both just crouch above him and stare as he slowly sinks “Guys, any help? please? y/n?”
Miyoung just closes the trap door and walks away and in the little chat says that Sykkuno died in due to [Sticky Dipping], so you type in an apology as you make your way back towards the house. You meet him and apologize to him once again.
“It’s no problem. It was actually kind of funny, but check in the chest I have in the house. I got some more stuff for you for the house” He tells you  “I’m gunna go back to get my stuff and the bucket, so i’ll catch you later!”
“Alright, see ya Sy!” You cheer back to him and make your way into the house.”Alright chat, let’s see what he gave us! I’m not reading what you guys, say so no spoilers~”
You open the wooden box and inside were more pink wood planks, glass, stairs, torches, other house materials to make building easier, and some more of your favorite flowers.
You feel your chest tighten as the butterflies appear in your stomach. You smile largely and giddy, opening and closing your mouth trying to gather the words to express how you felt, you were pleasantly surprised by the things he left you.
You wanted to squeal at how nice he is. It is hard to come across a genuinely nice guy that wanted nothing but friendship with you. So, it was easy to fall for Sykkuno; but it was hard to admit to yourself your growing feelings for him, because love is scary and being in love with your friend is even scarier. Once those feelings come out, you can’t take them back and things just become different. So, it is safe to say that you’ll be keeping them to yourself.
“By the way” Sykkuno starts causing you to jump in real life, as you were sat pondering to yourself “The server is making a town square a few blocks away, so why don’t we move the house there?”
You start collecting the items in your inventory “Yea! Are you going to need help carrying the rest of the stuff there?”
He starts breaking the items in your old home “If you have the room for some that’ll be great! yea!”
Once you both gathered the things you wanted to take, you guys bound towards where the Town Square was being made.
“Oh! By the way, can I request you build a basement for me in our house?” Sykkuno asks
The thought of him referring to the house as ‘ours’ made you smile “Yea, but can I ask why you want one?”
“Don’t worry. I won’t build anything that’ll blow up our house” Sykkuno dodges the question
‘Our’ house. Maybe one day that can be a real life possibility. You couldn’t contain the smile growing on your face even further. Maybe one day you’ll have the courage to tell him how you feel.
As you start building near Leslie’s house, a thought suddenly pops into your head ‘Sykkuno there is a girl into you’
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amethyst-wind-uk · 3 years
Arcane (season 1?) was amazing.
Spoilers below.
Great acting, great writing, great animation. Just an amazing job from top to bottom.
Was it perfect? Of course not (No way Jayce never-been-in-a-fight-in-his-life Talis is moving fast enough to avoid getting very stabbed by the Shimmer’d-up factory defenders, considering Vi had to work to keep up with them and she wasn’t lugging around a hammer bigger than he is), but it was very good.
Not sure how I feel about Jinx’s final descent into anarchy being implied to be at least partly due to the doctor saving her life with Shimmer. I think she was pretty well on her way already. Not sure it was needed.
The Ekko-Jinx fight on the bridge, short as it was, was one of the best choreographed and animated scenes across all nine episodes. Same with both Vi-Sevika fights.
Viktor’s storyline is tragic in so many ways, especially how he was the one who basically saved Jayce, and was equally (arguably more) responsible for Hex-Tech, only for Jayce to get all the credit because Viktor is a cripple from the undercity. Even until the end, he (Viktor) seemed to hold onto his humanity longer than Jayce did.
I’m sure there’ll be the usual cries of “too much, too soon” with how close Vi and Caitlyn got over the last five episodes, but I think they did really well to showcase each having their moments of triumph and failure. Caitlyn provided planning and strong deductive work, while Vi displayed real world experience and opened Caitlyn’s eyes to where her assumptions didn’t match up with reality. Vi going to Jayce after the council hearing was good as it displayed how Caitlyn’s good intentions (starting to believe in doing more for the undercity) were clouding her eyes to the fact that Silco was still a very real threat who shouldn’t be appeased or bargained with.
Hopefully... HOPEFULLY, people don’t sexualise Jinx as much after this series, as seeing what is a misunderstood child go through a hell of a lot of trauma, only to develop into a very unhinged young woman should make it harder for people to just see her original outfit’s abundance of shown skin and immediately start thinking with their crotches. Hopefully. She’s in so many ways still very much a child. Look elsewhere, guys.
“Here’s to the new us.” is a hell of a line to herald one half of a formerly inseparable pair doing something huge, that they know the other half will never understand or accept. And Ella Purnell absolutely smashed the delivery.
I’ll be happy if they announce a season 2, but I had a lot of fun even if they don’t (they probably will, though, considering Mel’s mother [now that’s a MILF] showed up to warn of dangers further afield of Piltover in the second-to-last episode, and her daughter probably died at the end of the season finale).
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