shimuran · 1 year
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池袋駅西口。西武側のISPに対していわゆる #HOPEセンター もいろいろ変わっていた。昔は怪しい書店と喫茶店があったところに #星野珈琲 ができていた。やはり西口はひと味違う。#池袋駅 #池袋駅西口 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkfPxB6vlrF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tmmode · 2 years
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とんかつ大吉さんで、ロースかつ定食の上です😋 #とんかつ大吉 #とんかつ #ロースかつ定食上 #晩ごはん #池袋 #池袋駅 #東武hopeセンター #豊島区 #東京都 #東京 (とんかつ 大吉) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdF4ozaPu-Y/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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zero-ek · 4 days
It's M3 day!
I was particularly excited for this one, the releases on the past two were absolutely amazing, and the XFDs for this one also looked very promising. This time around i also took some time to check out some newer artists and see if i vibe with any of them.
First and foremost i want to give appreciation and massive props to ハルちゃん for putting together this behemoth of a roundup playlist, i couldn't check every single video but it was a lifesaver for me to have it at hand.
Ok then, starting with my Big Four™
Oh my gosh...
I could go all day explaining the reasons why i absolutely adore this, but to list the main ones:
First, it's nayuta and i'm madly in love with her by default. Second, look at this art like holy god. Third, i adore her concept albums, in my opinion it's some of the best stuff she puts out, like, the worldbuilding and sheer atmosphere that "Imaginary Arcadia" and "The Girl in the Alleyway..." invoke is nothing short of incredible. Fourth, the composer for this one is RD-Sounds, who y'know, made me ugly cry last month, and also made absolute bangers like LaPri's "Sore wa Sekai..." and Tamu's "Son Joyeux", so i have super high hopes for this. Fifth, i'm into the scenario for this one, i swear i've read like 10 yuri mangas with the same premise, so i'm excited to see whay nayuta does with it.
From the XFD it seems that this one is following up on "Clarity" and leaning heavily on the rock direction, but i think the lyrics are going to be front and center on this one, so i'll see if i can hold out judgement until it comes out proper but i'm soooo absolutely hyped to see what these two came up with!!!
Reject futuristic aesthetics, return to tradition.
I love the diversity on this one, i know that Sennzai is best known for her "burning-down-the-house" songs, but with how unique and captivating her vocals are, i just love seeing all the different directions she takes her songs towards (i really recommend checking out her karaoke streams she sings all sorts of stuff in those).
I'm particularly interested on the instrumentation for this one, i love when songs mesh together traditional instruments with modern composition styles, and Sennzai in particular seems to marry this traditional-but-not-quite theme perfectly, so i'm really excited to see how this one plays out.
(i really want to hear her sing Kalafina's Hyakka Ryouran now)
The Hifumi girls are taking a break from original stuff and putting out a cover collection this time around (apart from their usual commissoned work), and seeing how busy they were last year i don't blame them, get that bag and get some rest!
I'm particularly excited for Tamu's, she's covering "Killer Neuron" and Isekaijoucho's "Dimension" and i particularly want to hear how the latter sounds like in her voice, her vocals do have a similar texture to Ojou's but in a higher register, so i kinda wanna AB the two just to see what it's like.
Also also, the fact that they're covering each other's songs reeeeeeally makes me think that there's gonna be something big with these two coming soon, like the amount of "wink wink" vibes i've been getting from them lately is off the charts.
The fourth and final installment on the "Colours" series. I don't have much to say here because while it pains me to admit, i don't listen to Endorfin a whole lot. I have been making an effort to listen to more of them since Nakucha's first live and also because i really liked "Qulalim Stella", which is also by sky_delta, but i'm gonna have to do a listen-through on the whole series before i can say anything concrete.
As a college student these levels of comfiness are the stuff i fantasize about.
Not gonna lie, i was expecting this one to be much more low energy (in hindsight i don't know why she almost never does that), mainly because of the even-fluffier-than-her-usual-fluffiness visuals, but also because one of the reasons i love Nanahira is because her voice is actually very touching when she sings more calmly (see track 4).
Well, while not totally relaxing, i do like the slower stuff she's been going for lately, since her stuff is usually very upbeat, it's nice how between this and "It's a Message for You" she's been putting more "vibe-y" stuff in between the usual 200bpm madness. Something else that picked my interest on this one is that apparently the physical version comes with a manga, which as an overseas listener is out of my reach but the previews i saw on twitter were very cute, so it made me extra curious.
A back to back yosumi release? What world is this we live in??
Well, while it is a lot less tracks than her previous EP (which was more like an LP) it's still just surprising to see her at all. It could be just me, but i feel like she's been getting out there a lot more lately, like anytime i go on Twitter (which i do very sparingly these days) i see a post of hers, and i don't think that's how it usually was, but then again i'm very forgetful and it could be just normal. Whichever way, good for her, it can only be a good thing.
I really like the instrumentals on these, i know she's closer to the Electronica and EDM scene but dang if the mixing on those guitars and drums isn't just soo satisfying to hear.
Yuuri's got her first album ready! I've been keeping tabs on her since the NaYuri singles and i've been really enjoying her stuff so far. Her vocals are right up my alley, and from the looks of it she's going for that modern chill "slow-pop" vibe, which i also like quite a bit.
Also also, can i just say that for a first album this is incredibly well put together, the visuals are simple but very well made, and the mixing on the tracks is top notch. I noticed she has been getting some work on other albums but i do hope her solo stuff pops off because this is good stuff and i feel like she can make it very far with it!!
Here's one i ran into by chance, this actually popped up on my Twitter feed because the illustration is by an artist i follow, so i decided to check it out. I can't place it but i feel like i've seen the front girl, NoiR, before, like her design and name feel very familiar to me but i can't tell from where.
I'm not completely sold on the songs just yet, but i do think it might be worth keeping up with the group, they seem to have been at it for a while now and it could be interesting to see where this goes.
I absolutely love the vibes on this! Both of their voices are very gentle and easy on the ears, and they seem to have a very good grasp on how to blend them together. Not only that, but the instrumentals are also very well recorded and mixed, and go perfectly with their vocal profile.
I couldn't check both of them out in detail, but it seems that this is a very new unit, so i'm gonna keep an eye out to see what else they do.
And... that's it, again, i didn't check the whole playlist, so i definitely missed a few. But for my first time actually sifting through XFDs this extensively, i'm surprised not a whole lot caught my attention, considering i usually find something to like on pretty much anything. A lot of it was just instrumentals, or they had vocals that didn't particularly speak to me all that much.
Also, while i knew that male utaites are the minority in events like Comiket, i'm surprised that i didn't come across any looking through these, though, seeing the amount of kawaii pop in there i can see why they wouldn't find much of an audience there.
(also also the handful of ai generated album artworks there was a major bleh)
Well, while i did enjoy a couple of the albums, it wasn't particularly worth scanning the whole playlist for them, so i'm not that sure that i'll be as inclined to do another XFD deep dive on next M3. I did check out the XFD's from other big utaites that i don't follow (like Risa Yuzuki or Wotoha) and i liked it, but i'm still not super sold on them either.
I suppose i'll be sticking with the utaites/composers i already know for the time being. Now to wait for all of these to come out on streaming...
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yuriamiyazono · 6 months
<M3-2023秋> 開催:10月29日(日)東京流通センター
【新譜】Full Vocal EP『ELECTROPIA E.P.』
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作編曲家、歌手Yuria Miyazono(MUSIRISCA)の2019年以来、4年半ぶりとなるオリジナルNew EPは造語多重コーラス×エレクトロ×エスニック×ポップ!
01.  ELECTROPIA 02.  Mother Machine 03.  The Roots 04.  Sailing Hope [Later release]※ 05.  CLUB Ark [Later release]※ 06.  Ancient Song [Later release]※ 07.  ELECTROPIA - Instrumental 08.  The Roots - Instrumental ※本作品のパッケージ版はDLカード(CONCA)+A5オリジナルクリアファイルセットとなります ※Track4〜Track6は2023年11月,12月に順次配信開始予定です 
DLカード(CONCA) セット
A5オリジナルクリアファイル /A5ジャケットカード(メタリックカラー)/歌詞カード/早期購入特典楽譜(ELECTROPIA造語歌詞入りVocal楽譜)
Full Vocal mini album『FEAST -饗宴-』
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仕様 : CD-Rコピー / 三つ折り紙ジャケット /
価格 : ¥1,400
Original Sound Track『Musique de la NAGNOMA』
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仕様 : CDプレス / 三つ折り紙ジャケット / キャップ
価格 : CD版 ¥1,500
2nd full album『Forest in the Mist』(M3-2018春リリース)
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- 正しく生きたいと願う時 いくつの矛盾を知るだろう-
仕様 : CDプレス / 8pフルカラーブックレット / ジュエルケース
価格 : CD版 ¥1,600
1st full album『Nocte』
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仕様 : プレスCD / 16pフルカラーブックレット/ジュエルケース
価格 : ¥1,600
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saakanava · 1 year
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Kennedy Space Center💫 I'm pleasure to visit there, because I hoped to become an astronaut when I was elementary school student🧑‍🚀 #kennedy #kennedyspacecenter #florida #rocket #skylover #sky #eveningsky #travel #travellover #travelgram #ケネディ宇宙センター #ロケット #空 #夕方の空 #空が好き #空が好きな人と繋がりたい #アメリカ #旅行が好き #海外旅行 #海外生活 #海外在住 #海外移住 #tflers #follow #instagood #saakanava #sääkanava #サカナバ #さかなば (at Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClPqKrOrTQZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rabbworld · 4 months
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開場 玉村町文化センター 小ホール
日時 2024/2/18(日) 11:00開演 10:30開場
住所 群馬県佐波郡玉村町福島325
整理券配布 1/13(土) 9:00〜 文化センター窓口にて
「おばあちゃんの あんでくれた えりまき」
作 西本鶏介 絵 藤井りん /kindle Amazon
も含めた、Bartok Galleryの電子絵本出版組織next coachの作品を数点上映・演奏・朗読します。
🔸「next coach デジタル絵本 イラスト展」
「藤井りん Art Work展」
next coachデジタル絵本イラスト展では、上映作品のイラストを展示する予定です。
My digital picture book will be screened!
I created all the flyer designs and illustrations.
It's my first time trying this, so I'm both excited and nervous.
I hope everyone can enjoy it as much as possible🎻🎨
⚪️バイオリン 松本花菜
  玉村町立図書館 職員
  群馬県立女子大学 奥西ゼミ
  next coach
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keikoshiga · 5 months
フィンランド FINLAND 2023
フィンランド民謡「我が故郷スオミ Kotimaani ompi Suomi」と「カレリアの丘 Karjalan kunnailla」を収録!
「音の和」をテーマに全国でライブ活動を展開している夫婦ユニット、音の和music 川原一紗さん◎藤川潤司さんの最新CDアルバム『こもりうた3〜世界のうた 日本のうた〜』に、フィンランド民謡「我が故郷スオミ Kotimaani ompi Suomi」と「カレリアの丘 Karjalan kunnailla」のアレンジとピアノ演奏で参加いたしました。
"Otonowa music " ◎ Kazusa Kawahara & Junji Fujikawa's latest CD album "Komori Uta 3 ~Songs of the World, Songs of Japan~" , I participated in the arrangement and piano performance of the Finnish folk songs "Kotimaani ompi Suomi" and "Karjalan kunnailla".
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川原一紗さんは、2009年にリリースした志娥慶香 作詞作曲の「みずのうた」 を歌ってくださったシンガーソングライター。再び作品づくりでご一緒できて、とっても嬉しかった!ありがとうございます。
2023年12月6日(水)。CD発売記念コンサートが熊本市の男女参画センターはあもにい多目的ホールにて開催され、CDに収録されているフィンランド民謡「我が故郷スオミ Kotimaani ompi Suomi」と「カレリアの丘 Karjalan kunnailla」を演奏させていただきました。そして、「みずのうた」も初のトリオ編成で!ゲストダンサーの寺本豊さんを交えての渾身の完全即興も、お客様と手拍子とともに、生きる力と喜び溢れた一期一会の瞬間でした。
December 6, 2023. A CD release commemorative concert was held at the Kumamoto City, where they performed the Finnish folk songs "Kotimaani ompi Suomi" and "Karjalan kunnailla" from the CD. The improvised performance with guest dancer Yutaka Teramoto, accompanied by the applause of the audience, was a once-in-a-lifetime moment full of joy and zest for life.
Kazusa Kawahara sang with Finnish and Japanese lyrics, and Junji Fujikawa played various percussion and ethnic whistles to depict the great nature of Finland. Finnish folk songs are still relatively unfamiliar in Japan, but when audience heard them for the first time, they were moved by the beautiful and sad melodies and the Finnish spirit of thinking about nature and their homeland.
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Photo by 五十嵐えみ
It's my pleasure to be able to share Finnish music and culture with you in this way. I haven't been able to visit Finland in the past few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, so my desire to go there has only gotten stronger.
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You can listen to it for free on streaming services such as YouTube and Spotify, so we hope you enjoy it.
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studiesinthisworld · 9 months
We went to fishing crayfish at the nature center in our city.
It was hot today.
The fishing area was near the center where were very cool inside and kids were just us.
K went out to fishing for three times and K got more than five crayfish. K did great.
K は午前中3回釣りに挑戦しに行き、5匹以上釣った。とてもよくやった。
N was a bit tired, N wanted to stay inside the center and enjoyed coloring, making a taketombo which is a bamboo propeller toy and decolating a necklace.
N finished N's activity one by one.
At the last, N was crying because N couldn't catch any crayfish and said N will try again two days later.
A wanted me to catch crayfish first, then A's dad joined us and A wanted to catch crayfish by himself.
At the rest time inside the center, A watched documentaries about each creatures we can see at the nature center a lot.
Then A chose making a necklace with a purple string and colored a beetle with looking a picture book because A wanted to color like a real one.
They enjoyed the nature center very much.
I thought some people were there, but only two or there adults were there and they took distance with us. We will try to go there two days later as N said.
I hope the typhoon No.6 won't come over here.
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kansai-studies · 10 months
Kansai Studies 2023 新リサーチャーを迎え始動
English is below.
2020年度に新ディレクターチームでKYOTO EXPERIMENT のディレクションを引き継ぐことになった際に、それはそれはたくさん話し合い(今もですが)、パフォーマンス作品を上演するプログラムShowsの他にこのKansai StudiesとSuper Knowledge for the Future (SKF)というふたつのプログラムを新設しました。
今日の「国際舞台芸術祭」とはどういったものがいいのだろうか、KYOTO EXPERIMENTはこれからどういうフェスティバルになれるのだろうかと考えた際に、これまでのように国際的に話題のアーティストや作品をきちんと紹介することは大事だけど、同時にそのフェスティバルがどういう土地・土台で行われているのかとということをより考え、反映できることがいいのではないかと考えました。
つまりこのフェスティバルが京都で行われているということに意味がないといけない。そのためにはもっとこの土地に着目し、どういう風に街やその文化が成り立っているのかフェスティバルとして知る必要があると考えました。そういった問題意識と好奇心から立ち上がったのがこのKansai Studiesです。
今村 達紀「路上の園芸とグラフィティなどについて」
谷 竜一「まだ詩になっていない場所をさがす」
野咲 タラ「各地域における農耕牛の記憶について」
迎 英里子「関西にある水場を埋めてできた土地についてのリサーチ」
山田 淳也「慰霊の文化についてのリサーチ」 (敬称略、五十音順)
KYOTO EXPERIMENT 共同ディレクター(川崎陽子、塚原悠也、ジュリエット・ナップ)
Kansai Studies 2023 Commences with New Researchers
Upon taking over direction for Kyoto Experiment as the new Director Team in 2020, we engaged in countless discussions (still ongoing) and decided to introduce two programs alongside the performance-focused Shows program: Kansai Studies and Super Knowledge for the Future (SKF).
When we thought about the question of what an international performing arts festival should be and envisioned the future of Kyoto Experiment, we knew it was important to continue presenting artists and works of international acclaim. However, we also believed in the significance of examining and reflecting on the unique region and roots of the festival’s location. 
In other words, our aim was to find purpose in holding this festival in Kyoto. To achieve this, we felt it was important to turn our attention to the land and gain an understanding, as a festival, of how the city and culture developed. From this awareness and curiosity emerged Kansai Studies.
It was challenging to launch the program during a pandemic. However, over the course of these three years since 2020, we have successfully presented research on the water of the Kyoto and Kansai area, as well as the food culture of the region, using okonomiyaki as a departure point. The third year of the program marked the completion of a theater piece based on this research.
In 2023, our fourth year, we aimed to further broaden the festival’s engagement by holding an open call. We are pleased to announce the five selected researchers and their diverse themes of exploration.
Tatsunori Imamura “Street Gardening and Graffiti”
Ryuichi Tani “Finding Places Which are Not Yet Poems”
Tara Nosaki “Memories of Agricultural Cattle in Various Regions”
Eriko Mukai “Research on Reclaimed Land in Kansai”
Junya Yamada “Research on the Culture of Memorials and Monuments for the Dead”
We are excited to move forward with these research members.
Recently, we held our first meeting at Kyoto Art Center, where we got to know the researchers and the contents of their research. Already, we have witnessed a fruitful exchange of information, for which every member indeed has an excellent eye.
We hope you stay tuned for various exciting updates on our website, as their research progresses.
Kyoto Experiment Co-directors (Yoko Kawasaki, Yuya Tsukahara, Juliet Knapp)
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ernesto2904 · 1 year
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Hospital day! I hope everything are ok! (em 川口市立医療センター) https://www.instagram.com/p/CplpTToPVbh/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bymyboom-blog · 1 year
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キャンピングカーで「Yakult presents 25th Anniversary MISIA THE GREAT HOPEに行って来ました。横浜アリーナ初日は何とセンター前から2列目!左側、翌日はセンター18列目! 友達のサックス🎷明男ちゃん!ドラム🥁トモくん更にギターのサトシくん🎸バッチリ見えて手を振って貰っちゃいました😀 勿論MISIAが一番近くで手を振ってくれました最幸! #Misia #misiaライブ #misiaと愉快な仲間たち #横浜アリーナ #最幸 @misia.singer @akiochanda @tomogorilladrums @satoshiguitar @harutigerigawa (横浜アリーナ (Yokohama Arena)) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co4l9lGPLKs/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sarahalainn · 2 years
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The Diva Dance 👽Live
そんな Only One を大事に
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10周年記念サライブ in Osaka
後 #One ヶ月
Diva Danceをはじめ、
そして、今しかできないことを思いっきり表現して行きたいOne 👽☺️
Realistically, I realise I won’t be able to perform, especially vocal works forever. Diva Dance is a fine example
Looking forward to evolving
Whilst embracing the now
Hope you can witness this journey with me ☺️👽
SARAH ÀLAINN 10th Anniversary~One
◾️9月7日(水) 北海道:Kitara大ホール 
開場 14:15 / 開演 15:00
▪️ 9月25日(日) 宮崎|メディキット県民文化センター 演劇ホール開場
14:45 / 開演 15:30
▪️10月1日(土) 岡山市民会館
開場 14:30 / 開演 15:30
▪️10月14日(金) 神戸文化ホール 大ホール
開場 17:00 / 開演 18:00
▪️10月15日(土) 広島:広島国際会議場 フェニックスホール
開場 17:00 / 開演 18:00
▪️10月18日(火) 福岡:福岡国際会議場 メインホール
開場 18:00 / 開演 19:00
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gexepehafuj · 2 years
Yamaha ls2000 service pdf mode d'emploi
 YAMAHA LS2000 SERVICE PDF MODE D'EMPLOI >>Download (Telecharger) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  YAMAHA LS2000 SERVICE PDF MODE D'EMPLOI >> Lire en ligne bit.do/fSmfG
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soulrock715 · 2 years
ラストアイドル ラストライブ 
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34break a leg
何を残したいって言うんだ? (永遠じゃない)たった一度きりの人生だけど捨てたもんじゃないってことさ
そう ようやく 今になってわかった気がするよ
君の胸で泣かせてくれ 今日まで生きててよかった
なんて素敵な世界だろう 温もりに僕は包まれてる
ずっと探していた 生きがいはそこにあった
これが幸せなんだ 気づかせてくれてありがとう』
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38バンドワゴン(strings ver)

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0 notes
DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE CHARACTER SONG Tower Records Tokuten Drama CD ”The Sakamaki’s Commemorative General Hospital・24 hours ~The Emergency and Critical Sucking* Center of Love and Trust~
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Original title: 密着!逆巻記念総合病院・24時~愛と信頼の究明吸求センター~
Source: DDIABOLIK LOVERS MORE CHARACTER SONG Tower Records Tokuten Drama CD ”The Sakamaki’s Commemorative General Hospital・24 hours ~The Emergency and Critical Sucking* Center of Love and Trust~” [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Katsuyuki Konishi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Hirakawa Daisuke, Kondou Takashi & Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: This has to be the most difficult drama CD I’ve translated since the birth of this blog back in 2019. Carla’s dialogue can be tricky because he uses a lot of big & facy words but since I had a Classical Japanese course at university, I can somewhat handle it. Meanwhile this CD just bombards you with a bunch of medical terms which I barely even know what they mean in English (or my native language), let alone in Japanese. :’’) The concept of the CD is pretty funny but it was a bit difficult to enjoy the humor when I had to pause every 10 seconds to look up a bunch of different words. I tried my best though so I hope you guys will enjoy the end result. Also if any of you fellow translators have any suggestions/feedback, hit me up! I might even revisit this one in the future to see if there’s certain parts I can fix or improve on, but for now I’m done with these crazy doctors. xD
Subaru: You suddenly collapsed and by the time you regained consciousness, you found yourself in an ambulance, huh? ...Heh. Seems like you can still come up with excuses. Let’s see...’Level of consciousness: good’...
Subaru: ーー Ah! Who cares ‘bout this crap! Let’s just get goin’ already!
They push the stretcher towards the hospital.
Reiji: ...Excuse me! You intern over there! Has the emergency case patient still not arrived? 
Ayato: Aah...? Not my problem! I could hear an ambulance earlier so I’m sure they’ll get here sooner or later. ーー Anyway, I have a proper name being ‘Ayato-sama’, you know? Don’t go around callin’ me shit like ‘you intern’...! You Four-Eyes!
Reiji: ...! I cannot believe you would use such a tone against me, who is not only your instructor but also the supervisor of this Emergency and Critical Care Center (1)! You might end up regretting that decision later.
Subaru enters the room with the stretcher.
Subaru: Oi! I’ve got an emergency case! Imma leave her here, ‘kay? Now she’s your problem!
Ayato: ...!? Oi! What kind of caregiver crashes the stretcher with the patient still on it against the wall like that!? You bastard!
Subaru: Ah!? Like I care! It’s not my fault you’re not even competent enough to catch it in time! You useless intern!
Ayato: Aah...!? Say that one more time!? 
Reiji: ...!? You two! When an emergency case patient arrives, your first priority should be to call me, the doctor! How many times do I have to tell you that!? 
Subaru: Shut up! I actually went through the trouble to take her all the way here, so you should be thankful!
Reiji: ...Excuse me, miss! Are you okay? My apologies for the immediate turmoil. As their supervisor, my subordinates’ inappropriate behavior is my responsibility. I am surgeon Sakamaki of this Emergency Care Center. 
Now that I have been assigned as your physician in charge, you can rest assured. All you need to do is remain on the stretcher and heed my every order. Well then, let me get straight to the examination. 
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: Oh dear...? Your complexion appears to be very pale. I suspect a severe case of anemia. ーー You intern over there!
Ayato: You bastard...Reiji!! How many times do I have to tell you that my name is Ayato-sama!?
Reiji: In case a patient with severe anemia is brought in, what is the first step one must take according to our Center’s manual? Answer me. 
Ayato: Aah...? ...What an obvious question.
Ayato walks up to you.
Ayato: Gotta start by checkin’ the patient from head to toe to look for any open injuries. Hehehe...
Reiji: Mmh. Excellent. Well then, first determine the location of the wound before proceeding to take measures to stop the bleeding at once. 
Ayato: You heard him, right? Hehehe...
Ayato: Oi! You loser! Hand me the scissors!
Subaru: Who are you callin’ a loser!? Do you have a death wish, huh!?
Subaru throws a pair of scissors at him.
Ayato: ...Woah, that was close. The fuck are you doin’...!? What if it hit the patient!? 
Ayato: Come on...Better sit still, ‘kay? Who knows when my hand might slip...Hehehe...
*Snip snip*
Reiji: My sincere apologies. While I would rather not have to cut a lady’s clothes with a pair of scissors, until we discover where you are losing blood, we cannot let you get up and move.
Ayato: Hahaha...You’re lookin’ mighty fine like that. I’ll make sure to inspect every nook and cranny of your body.
*Snip snip*
Ayato: ...Oi...Are you trying to cover yourself up by turnin’ ‘round like that? That kind of defeats the purpose though, don’t you think? 
Ayato: This side is up next...No point in tryin’ to twist your body...Hehe...
*Snip snip*
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Hmー...Doesn’t seem like you have any obvious injuries. ...Geez, borin’.
Reiji: Excuse me!? What do you mean with ‘boring’? If there are no injuries visible on the outside, this means that the situation may be more severe than we initially assumed! It means that we are dealing with an internal bleeding. Worst case scenario, the patient could pass away before the source of the bleeding is located. Pull yourself together!
Ayato: Yeah, yeah...I know. Guess I’ll record an ECG to monitor her heart now that her chest area is exposed anyway.
*Tap tap tap*
Ayato: Anyway, you...Hehehe...You’re as flat as a board, hehe... Honestly, it makes my job a lot easier so thanks.
Reiji: You caregiver over there! I want you to go report to CT unit right away. Tell them we have an emergency case at the outward emergency ward who needs immediate examination!
Subaru: Oh shut up! Like I give a damn! Do it yourself!
Laito: Nfu~ Could I be the person you are looking for, Dr. Sakamaki~?
Ayato: ...!? Fuck! Where did you crawl out from!? You perverted lab technician!
Laito: How rude! I was so kind to come check up on the situation because I could hear an ambulance?
Ayato: You’re lyin’ out the ass! I bet you only came to look ‘cause you heard the patient’s a chick!
Laito: Nfu~ Don’t ask questions you already know the answer to.
Laito: Anyway...Your face is sheer white! Are you cold, perhaps? I guess that makes sense considering how much of your skin has been exposed. Shall I help warm you up~?
Reiji: Haah...What nonsense are you lot spouting? This is not the time nor place for jokes! ...You lab technician! If you have the time for ridiculous chit-chat, use it to examine the patient instead!
Laito: Yeah, yeah, I know~ ...Geez, I really can’t deal with how demanding the Sakamaki duo at the emergency unit is...~ That being saidーー I’ll make sure to examine your body from head to toe! It’d be bad if you’d still be losing your precious blood as we speak, right? Nfu~ 
...Well then, I’ll start by rubbing this jelly all over your body, okay?
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Aah...Don’t move! If I don’t apply this gel, the inside of your tummy won’t show up on the monitor, you see?
Laito puts the gel on your stomach.
Subaru: ...Oi. You went a little overboard with that stuff, don’t you think? There’s a tower of gel sittin’ on top of her stomach.
Ayato: You just wanted to rub it on her, you pervert!
Laito: Ah, geezー Shut up already! This is my job, so let me focus.
He continues to apply the gel.
Laito: Look? It’s all slimy and slippery...~ Your fair skin...Aah...
Laito: Hm? What? Does it tickle? Nfu~ You don’t need to hold back. Go ahead and let out your voice~
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Oh dear~? Is it just my imagination, or have your cheeks got a little more color to them now? Or did you perhaps get a little excited from having me rub this stuff on you?
ー You deny it.
Laito: Fufu~ No need to hide it...I welcome lewd emergency patients like you with open arms! Okay, Bitch-chan...~?
Ayato: ...So? What are the results of the echography? 
Laito: Unfortunately, not the results we expected. Bitch-chan has nothing but fresh, perfectly working organs inside of her, she basically couldn’t be any healthier.
Ayato: Che...The fuck? So we were wrong?
Reiji: In that case, I suppose the only possiblity left is a gastrointestinal hemorrhage. We have no other choice but to do an emergency endoscopy​.
Subaru: Haah!? You’re still doin’ more tests!? Just lemme go to bed already!
Reiji: This is your job. Do not complain. Go wake up the physician on call. Also prepare a room for the endoscopy.
Subaru: Who cares!? Can’t we just leave that for tomorrow and have the people from the day shift handle it!? I’m goin’ home and hittin’ the hay!
Reiji: I see. ...Listen carefully. If you choose to leave now, you will not be compensated for your night shift.
Subaru: Haah!? ...Excuse me? Don’t give me that crap! I’ve been doin’ all of your stupid jobs like goin’ along with the ambulance and shit!
Reiji: If you want your money, then shut up and fulfill your duty!
Subaru: ...Ah, fuck! This work environment is toxic as hell!
Subaru: For the millionth time...Everything has been prepped already but we can’t get started without you!
*Beepー beepー*
Subaru: Ahー God! Every single motherfucker here...! I seriously don’t give a damn anymore! I wouldn’t take this job even if they paid me double the regular amount for it!
Ayato: Oi...We’re still not gettin’ started with the endoscopy? Geez, who’s the physician on call tonight?
Subaru: Che...Take a guess. It’s obviously the gastroenterologist Mukami Yuma.
Ayato: Heh, that guy, huh? No point in waiting for that that quack doctor. ーー Oi, let’s just get this show started. You don’t mind, do you, Chichinashi?
Yuma enters the room.
Yuma: Pwaaah...Oi, where’s the emergency patient?
Yuma: The fuck? Interns should know their place and don’t act off their own accord!
He pushes Ayato out of the way.
Yuma: This room used for endoscopies is basically my turf as a gastroenterologist. Don’t be enterin’ it without my permission!
Ayato: Excuse me!? It’s your fault for takin’ a fuckin’ eternity! Fuck off!
Yuma: ...!! ...Aah? So this chick on top of the stretcher is our emergency case?
Yuma approaches you.
Yuma: They’ve put ya on this thing and been pushin’ ya from one room in the hospital to the other, huh? Kinda reminds me of a sow bein’ sold off during an auction on the marketplace. Hehe. ...Why the fuck is yer face white as snow? Yer hella tiny and skinny too. I bet ya have a very one-sided diet, don’t ya? 
Ayato: Heh...Well, that’s why she has no tits either. Hehehe...
Yuma: Heehー...Oh well, whatever. Oi, you caregiver over here. Go ahead and take her back to Mr. Surgeon I-Know-It-All. 
Subaru: ...Aah? What do you mean!?
Yuma: No point in wastin’ time on an endoscopy. She’ll get better just by eatin’ a balanced, nutritious diet.
Yuma: Oi, I’m talking to ya! Do ya understand, Sow!?
You nod.
Yuma: ...Imma head back to bed then. Pwaah...God, stop wakin’ me up over every single lil’ thing... ーー Oi!! Caregiver! Ya better make sure my fiberscope-chan ya took out of the shelf without my permission find its way back in there!
Yuma leaves.
Subaru: Haah...!? You’re not gonna do the endoscopy!? You’ve gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me...!!
The doors close.
Reiji: ...So? Did he ultimately leave without doing the examination? He is a disgrace to all physicians in this world. In the end, I suppose we only have a small amount of doctors on duty to work with, so there is little we can do. This case remains unsolved as well. It simply cannot be helped. 
...Well then, I suggest we have her hospitalized for a while so we can observe her progress. For now, we will draw her blood in two hours and monitor her very closely. 
*Beep・ beep ・beep・ beep*
Subaru: Fuck...In the end I’m stuck here until mornin’...Why do I have to deal with this shit!? 
*Beep・ beep ・beep・ beep*
Subaru: Besides, the monitor is keeping track of anythin’, so why do I have to keep an eye on her as well...!? Fuck!
Subaru walks over to your bed and pulls the curtain aside. 
Subaru: Uwah...!? 
Laito: ...!! Geez, Subaru-kun! Don’t give me a heart attack by suddenly moving the curtain aside!
Subaru: That’s what I’d like to ask you! What are you doing here!? 
Laito: What do you mean? I’m conducting research~ That’s my job as a lab technician after all~ Right, Bitch-chan~!?
Subaru: ...Don’t be takin’ her blood as you please! She’s hospitalized for anemia, remember!? 
Laito: I’m not just doing as I please! Didn’t you hear doctor Reiji earlier when he said we should draw her blood after two hours and examine it? So I’m only following his orders.
Subaru: Oi...Is that really all you’re doin’?
Laito: Of course!
Subaru: Then why do you have blood all around your mouth, huh?
Laito: Mm...Hm? Eh? Huh? ...Ahaha~! You’re right! Geez, I’m busted! Even though we promised it’d be our little secret, right, Bitch-chan?
I mean, while drawing her blood, it was giving off such a delicious scent, I decided I would have a little taste while I was at it~
Laito: ...!!
Subaru: Quit the bullshit, you bastard! Do you have any idea what’ll happen if this comes to light...!? 
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Oh come on, just keep your lips sealed and have a little taste as well.
Laito: Here, 
Subaru: Mmhーー Mmphーー!?
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: See? Isn’t it good? Nfu~ Now we’re partners in crime~ Fufu~
Ayato walks up to the bed. 
Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi...! You’re still alive and kickin’, right!? 
He opens the curtain as well.
Ayato: Wai...Oi! What are you fuckers doin’...!? 
Subaru: Mmhーー Mmphーー!! Mm, mmh...!!
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: Haah...What now!?
Ayato: Oi, third-rate Caregiver and peverted Lab Technician...I was wonderin’ why I couldn’t spot the two of you ‘round anywhere, but what are you up to over here...!? 
Laito: What do you mean? It was Doctor Reiji who told us to examine her blood! Right, Subaru-kun?
Subaru: Ah...Y-Yeah. We’re only followin’ the rules of the center...
Ayato: So what!? This patient has been assigned to Yours Truly! Don’t be pullin’ shit behind my back!
*Sniff sniff*
Ayato: ...Anyway, where is this sweet scent comin’ from? This wouldn’t happen durin’ a standard blood test!
Ayato: Don’t tell me...You fuckers didn’t go ahead and suck her blood before I got the chance, did you? If you did, I’m never lettin’ it slide...I’ll kill both of you, right here, right now!
Ayato, Laito and Subaru are fighting in the patient’s room, making a mess.
Yuma bursts into the room.
Yuma: Oi, ya shitheads!! The fuck are ya doin’ in the hospital room in the middle of the night!? 
He hits them on the head.
Ayato: Ow...!!
Yuma: Idiot...!
Laito: Ah...!
Subaru: ...Why me too!?
Yuma: Ahーah...The room’s a freakin’ mess...Look, if ya guys wanna call this yer job, then at least try and think of yer patients a lil’! Tsk...God...
Yuma: Come on, take a look! This Sow looks even worse than she did before! ...Oi, come here for a sec!
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Ya wanna know what I’m doin’? I need to need to check yer eye lids.
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: Hm...Ah...Hm, hm, hm...I see...This might be a lil’ risky. Oh well, guess I have no other choice but to treat ya now. I expect ya shitsheads to wait there patiently and not move. Don’t ya dare make her anemia any worse than it already is.
Yuma walks away to get his tools.
Ayato: Treatment? You’re gonna start a blood transfusion now? What a drag...Honestly, just give the damn transfusion bag to me! I’m hella thirsty from havin’ to work till this late at night!
Subaru: Oi...You don’t expect us to stay by her bedside and keep an eye on things until the blood transfusion is complete, right? How many hours will that take...!?
Laito: Eeeh~~!? It’d be such a shame to mix Bitch-chan’s delicious blood with someone else’s...!
Yuma returns.
*Rustle rustle*
Yuma: ...Oi. I’m givin’ ya a special treatment just for today, ‘kay?
Laito: Hey...This...
Subaru: What kind of joke is this...? 
Yuma: Can’t ya tell? This is the spinach I got from my own personal garden this mornin’. It’s perfect for someone sufferin’ from anemia so shut yer damn mouth and eat up!
Yuma: Come on! It’s time for yer treatment, Sow! I’ll feed ya so get yer ass over here and open yer mouth!
*Rustle rustle*
Subaru: Haah...? Oi!! You’ve gotta be shittin’ me! If anemia could be cured with somethin’ as easy as spinach, there wouldn’t be a need for this kinda facility in the first place...!?
Laito: I mean, I won’t complain if it means that we get to suck her blood all we want once she eats this. Nfu~
Yuma: Hah...! ‘Course! Why do ya think I even doubled the amount of spinach I’m growin’ in my garden!? ーー ‘Cause I’m gonna present this theory at the next medical conference!
Ayato: Haah...? For real? Then lemme join in on your research as well!
Reiji arrives to the scene.
Reiji: What are you lot doing...!? 
Laito: Ah-aah~ We’re busted! You guys were making way too much of ruckus!
Reiji: I cannot believe people who are considered to be specialists in the field of emergency care would have the audacity to make a fuss by the patient’s bed in the middle of the night! I will personally ensure that director Karlheinz hears about your misconducts and punishes the lot of you severly! Brace yourself!
Ayato: Excuse me!?
Laito: Eh!?
Yuma: Aah!?
Subaru: Haah!?
Reiji: Hah! I suppose you should consider yourself lucky if you do not get laid off. ーー Excuse me, miss. Is  everything alright?
You ask Reiji what is going on. 
Reiji: ...!? Fufu...Fufufufu...Ahahaha! ...I see. So you have found out. The true identity hidden behind our unit. Exactly. This is not your every day medical facility. This Emergency and Critical Care Center of Karlheinz’ General Hospital which is famous for treating patients with symptoms of anemia is actually a research institution erected by the council of Vampires to combat the blood scarcity.
...You must be rather surprised, no? No wonder your complexion has been so pale this whole time. You poor little thing. However, we have a set rule here. While I do pity you, I am afraid that we cannot let discharge you from our hospital now. You found out that all of the workers employed at this center are actually Vampires after all.
Laito: Nfu~ You heard the guy.
Subaru: It’s better to just give up.
Yuma: Be a good girl and listen to what we say, ‘kay?
Ayato: You realize the situation you’re in, right? ...There’s fear in your eyes, hehehe. Resistance is futile. 
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Wha...!? Bitch! What are you doin’...!? 
You make a run for it.
Ayato: Don’t run, you littleーー!! Chichinashi...!
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: ...Bitch-chan? ...Hey, Bitch-chan!
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Ah...You finally woke up!
You mumble something about spinach. 
Ayato: ...Eh? What do you mean, spinach?
Laito: Eh? Hospital? Treatment? No, no, you’re at the nurse’s office at school! You suddenly fainted during P.E., remember?
Ayato: Geezー You gave us a real scare...
Reiji: Oh dear? She woke up?
Laito: Yeah, just now.
Reiji: That is a relief. The doctor said that she is showing slight symptoms of anemia and should probably head home and rest. I suppose we shall escort her back then. 
Yuma: Oi, Sow...!
Subaru: Fuck...Why me...?
Yuma: Hey! I heard ya collapsed from anemia! I harvested this stuff just now so I brought some with me for ya! Hey, show her the goods!
Subaru: Why am I out here helpin’ this dude harvest his damn spinach...!? Fuck off!
Yuma: Aah...? ‘Cause ya just so happened to pass by, duh! ーー Oi, Sow! If ya finish this whole load, your anemia will be cured in noーー
You turn pale.
Laito: ...Hm? What’s wrong, Bitch-chan?
Ayato: ...!? O-Oi! Chichinashi! Get a grip!
Reiji: Oh dear? Could it be she lost consciousness again...?
Yuma: Haah...!? The fuck...!? Was she so happy with my spinach, it made her faint?
Subaru: As if, you big idiot!
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) This word is in the title of the CD as well and it’s a language pun on 救命救急センター which is read as ‘kyuu-mei kyuukyuu sentā’ but the first ‘kyuu’ of ‘kyuu-kyuu’ (emergency care) is replaced by the character 吸 which can also be read as ‘kyuu’ and means ‘to suck (blood)’. 
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towansureshon · 3 years
アイドルがアイドルに恋しちゃだめですか?/Aidoru ga aidoru ni koi shicha damedesuka?/Should an idol fall in love with another idol?
Died there for a couple of months, very sorry
It at least felt like a couple of months
I’d like to eventually translate the text in the video, so expect that eventually!
I want to know your favorite color
I’m a genuine girlish boy (TN:basically a crossdresser/...trap)
I’m sorry for any misunderstandings I’ve caused
But I have a reason for dressing this way
I’ll be in your care, thank you very much
Why do you only glare at me?
I may be wearing pink but I’m supporting you
I love the you that’s dancing in the center 
As your skirt flutters, you wink
I also love the you that’s awkward 
An unbeatable color
That’s why
Hey, let me just guess, hey!?
I/You tried too hard and ended up isolated  (TN:here it isn’t fully clear in which person their talking, from context I’d say it’s the girl speaking, but I did’nt want to risk it)
No one listens to what I/you tell them either
Left on read? Blocked!? Turning off all my calls !!?
I’m starting to get worried
On a work managed by you yourself
I’m wearing pink so please rely on me
The you that laughs is very cute
A prank on your relaxed cheeks
The you that turns red is very cute
A color that can’t be left alone
A • se • cret • se • cret • con • ver • sa • tion
A • lo • ve • that • does • n’t • chan • ge,• I • see, • I • get • it
If that happens between two people it’s a reason to celebrate
Could it be that in this position I’m the love Cupid
I love the you that’s in love
It suits you two
The you that turns red is very cute
A color that’s cheering you on
I love the you that’s dancing in the center 
As your skirt flutters, you wink
I love the you that’s respectable
An unbeatable color
That’s why
Hey, let me just guess, hey!?
English along the Japanese
I want to know your favorite color
I’m a genuine girlish boy (TN:basically a crossdresser/...trap)
I’m sorry for any misunderstandings I’ve caused
But I have a reason for dressing this way
I’ll be in your care, thank you very much
Why do you only glare at me?
I may be wearing pink but I’m supporting you
センター踊る 君が好き
I love the you that’s dancing in the center 
As your skirt flutters, you wink
ぎこちない 君も好き
I also love the you that’s awkward 
An unbeatable color
That’s why
ねぇ 単推しさせて ねぇ!?
Hey, let me just guess, hey!?
I/You tried too hard and ended up isolated (TN:here it isn’t fully clear in which person their talking, from context I’d say it’s the girl speaking, but I did’nt want to risk it)
No one listens to what I/you tell them either
Left on read? Blocked!? Turning off all my calls !!?
I’m starting to get worried
On a work managed by you yourself
I’m wearing pink so please rely on me
笑ってる 君が可愛い
The you that laughs is very cute
A prank on your relaxed cheeks
The you that turns red is very cute
A color that can’t be left alone
A • se • cret • se • cret • con • ver • sa • tion
A • lo • ve • that • does • n’t • chan • ge,• I • see, • I • get • it
If that happens between two people it’s a reason to celebrate
Could it be that in this position I’m the love Cupid
I love the you that’s in love
It suits you two
The you that turns red is very cute
A color that’s cheering you on
センター踊る 君が好き
I love the you that’s dancing in the center 
As your skirt flutters, you wink
尊敬できる 君が好き
I love the you that’s respectable
An unbeatable color
That’s why
ねぇ 単推しさせて ねぇ!?
Hey, let me just guess, hey!?
Hope that wasn’t too bad... I really wanted to mess around with the words in this one but I held back for a more accurate translation...
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