#hongou kanata
leenaevilin · 4 years
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[Update] 舞台「あおざくら防衛大学校物語」(butai aozakura bouei daigakkou monogatari)
the show will be running from April 9th, 2020 to April 13th, 2020 (Tokyo) @  三越劇場 (Mitsukoshi Theater) & April 17th, 2020 to April 19th, 2020 (Osaka) @ COOL JAPAN PARK OSAKA WWホール (COOL JAPAN PARK OSAKA WW Hall)
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Hongou Kanata as Kondou Isami (近藤勇美)
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Yuuki Kousei as Harada Tadashi (原田忠)
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Ozawa Ren as Okita Souji (沖田蒼司)
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Kozono Ryoo as Takei Tomoaki (武井寅明)
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Isaka Tatsuya as()
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Kanou Kento as()
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Onuma Shouta as()
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Takasaki Shouta as()
Saori Jin Tanoue Kenta Murakami Wataru Moriya Shun
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animebw · 5 years
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mystical-glider · 4 years
Since Death Come True's release is so close now I thought I'd catch up on news and then this. I saw the band name and died. It's an unexpected collab. A very good theme song.
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Only a day after me typing out a piece for the hime mahjong collab in which i'd sorta begged for Mahjsoul collaboration, by Washizu's will, i was somehow heard.
By Akagi’s will, or something like that, I had a very hard time obtaining Washizu.
Regardless, on the glorious day of September 26th 2021, the collaboration was announced, worth noting this date is generally an important day for Akagi fans.
Later on the 20th of October, there was a simultaneous English and Japanese livestream, the Japanese livestream involving drama actor Hongou Kanata, who played Akagi. The actor who portrayed Washizu in the drama was not present however, perhaps because of disinterest, scheduling conflicts, or because he died three years beforehand. who knows.
These livestreams also showed off a very exciting animated advertisement for the event.
The event itself ran from October 28th to November 16th, 2021.
Apparently hearing the criticisms of the himemaj collab loud and clear, or just simply having the resources to do so, the original voice actors from the anime made a return to voice Akagi and Washizu, even getting the narrator to narrate the advertisement. Ironically though, some didn't realize Hagiwara WAS the voice of Akagi at first. Despite that, I certainly didn’t see any complaints about his voice.
Akagi had lines such as "If you stay near me, you might get hurt by sparks. Are you okay with that?"..... wait a minute, where have I >heard that before?<
Washizu and Akagi also had special lines around holidays that could only heard if you had fully bonded with the character. Washizu’s Valentine day and New Years lines being particularly sweet. :)
There were also costumes that could be purchased which included extra emotes.
There were MANY giveaways, for summon scrolls, physical mahjong sets, and signed boards from the voice actors. Even the narrator got to raffle off an autograph.
The event itself had a story mode with only two parts and two gameplay modes to participate in, and items you could unlock based on conditions met during the event.
“Battle of Darkness”
Following the form of mahjong introduced in Fkmt’s newer series “Yami No Mamiya”, this form of mahjong allowed you to spend points to conceal tiles or to reveal others concealed tiles. Even past the point of the event, it’s returned for a “limited time” and is accessible through the friend mode
“Battle of Clairvoyance”
Following washizu mahjong, this has your standard tiles. this has your standard opaque and glass tiles, glass tiles being projected on to the table for visibility. There was no blood betting and the game was more 4 player than 1v1, but it was still very enjoyable. Sadly this mode did not return after the end of the event.
Both modes were very well received overall, with Battle of Darkness particularly getting a lot of positive feedback.
The story mode however was lacking, only containing two parts that could both be summed up as “washizu and akagi wake up in ichihime’s shrine and then leave”, and people felt that the rewards weren’t great either. There were also people surprised that Akagi and Washizu were the ONLY characters you could get, as many were predicting the lineup would have about 4 characters, but this lines up with the hime mahjong collab.
One twitter user noted "Still not buying jade suck my dick", in immediate response to the event, which does bring up a good point about the absolutely desperate state of mahjsoul's gacha which only hands out tickets to free users on incredibly rare situations, leading to those unprepared for the event in a desperate spot. Even those who spent a lot of time preparing, like me, worry about falling into gambling addiction and overspending. I did decide to prepare by setting a financial limit, but that doesn't change the fact that majsoul still has terrible rates.
Regardless, when it launched we went for it. I managed to get both akagi and washizu with a few decorations (after spending 9 free scrolls and a 50$ gift card, that I specifically got FOR the event, Good lord.) and then ended up spending a little extra to get Washizu’s bonus outfit.
Also, due to the fact the Akagi collaboration overlapped with Halloween, Majsoul’s original Halloween event was pushed to november immediately after the end of the Akagi collab.
>Patreon if you want to join an exclusive discord, get weekly updates on cool findings, and see articles and Videos early<
>Mega archive of various promostuff related images, not all fkmt specific!<
>and a bonus, here’s a video of me immediately pulling Akagi in a washizu summoning circle<
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Fullmetal Alchemist Bonus Manga Details Revealed
Fullmetal Alchemist Bonus Manga Details Revealed
The official website for the Live-Action film adaptation for Fullmetal Alchemist has revealed details for the special manga that will be given out to those who view the film in theaters.  The new chapter is titled, “Fullmetal Alchemist 0,” will feature the events soon after Ed is qualified to become a State Alchemist. This manga will be special release since it will make the first new manga that 
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satoshi-mochida · 4 years
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Izanagi Games will host a Death Come True presentation on February 6 from 20:30 to 21:00 JST at Shinjuku Wald 9 in Tokyo, the company announced. It will be live streamed on YouTube.
The event will feature the following presenters:
Producer: Shinsuke Umeda
Scenario & Game Director: Kazutaka Kodaka
Movie Director: Hayato Andou
Kanata Hongou (portrays Makoto Karaki)
Chiaki Kuriyiama (portrays Akane Sachimura)
Win Morisaki (portrays Nozomu Kuji)
Yuki Kaji (portrays Hotel Concierge)
Chihiro Yamamoto (portrays Nene Kurushima)
Izanagi Games will invite 70 users to attend via a Twitter campaign. Users who follow @DeathComeTrue and retweet this tweet will be entered in a lottery to attend. Winners will also go home with a Death Come True original tote bag.
Death Come True is a full motion video game directed and written by Danganronpa creator Kazutaka Kodaka. It is due out for PlayStation 4, Switch, PC, iOS, and Android in 2020 in multiple languages.
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my-yuujin · 5 years
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news article :www.excite.co.jp/news/article/Jisin_1781329/
Ryusoulger’s Kishida Tatsuya’s Dream is Fukuda Yuuichi and “The Story of Ishikawa Ryou”
“Because of my age, I thought it was impossible for me (to win the audition). Therefore, when it was decided, it really felt like a miracle. I still have that video of my younger self wearing a red cloak like a hero. The closet at my house also still has Super Sentai characters stickers I put on it when I was a child. I’m always told by my parents, “You have to earnestly answer the feelings of those children who admire Sentai, so they will love Sentai as much as you did.”
That was a little story from Kishida Tatsuya(27). Kishida is appearing in the currently running Super Sentai Series “Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger” (TV Asahi) and playing the silent character Banba/Ryusoul Black. This is the 43rd title of the series, and is also attracting a great deal of attention as the first title to broadcast in Japan’s new era, Reiwa.
“In contrast to the previous series, Kaito Sentai Lupinranger VS Keisatsu Sentai Patranger which had the unusual pattern with seven members from two different groups, this time, the series is back with “Royal Road” theme. Moreover, the motifs are “dinosaurs and sword”. So, I think, this would be popular among children. In that sense, I honestly feel that I’m so lucky to get involved in this new series. From those children fans, I’ve got not only fan letters, but also other stuffs like origami or illustrations. I’m so happy to the point I want to send replies to them all.”
Kishida is also very popular for “Que Bom Dance”, the ending song for Ryusoulger. Not only his solo dance video on YouTube hits 110,000 views, but the other video which he dances with Obara Yuito (17) who plays Ryusoul Green/Towa, also almost hits 520,000 views. In the comment section, some said ‘His dance looks so nimble’ and ‘The way he dances is so mature’.
“I thought it would be interesting if Banba could dance nimbly,” said Kishida. He himself confessed that he never learned dancing professionally. “It’s just that I’ve been living with good motor skills,” he said while laughing. “I can generally dance after seeing the video two or three times.”
“I’m a fan of Michael Jackson,” he added. “1992 was the year when I was just born, but I watched his live in 1992 and thought it was so creative and futuristic for its era. I love dancing since junior high school. Back in my school years, I learned and was even able to do Moonwalk Dance. I also joined the cheerleader group for my junior high school’s sport festival. Wearing Michael Jackson hat, I led everyone doing Michael Jackson dance.”
Recently this year, in July, Kishida was invited in a talk show program, “A-studio” (TBS), as one of Hongou Kanata (28)’s best friends. The two attended different universities, but they worked their graduation project together as two friends with the same interests.
About Hongou, Kishida revealed, “He has a unique sense in illustrating. He even made me a smartphone case with Ryusoul Black theme.” He remembers when they went for a trip, Hongou planned to make it  resembling a variety program. He brought along four cameras, and was able to finish working on the video on the next day. “Even behind the scenes, he is someone who has tremendous talents,” praised Kishida.
Kishida also has this story with Suda Masaki (26), who also, just like him, has played in a tokusatsu show.
“When I happened to have no work, I sometimes stayed in Suda’s house. We would do things like drawing graffiti on clothes or shoes that Suda doesn’t wear anymore. Also, Suda is currently working on his song. At first, he worked and consulted his music with me. Even though, I soon ended up disbanding, Suda stayed and is now singing on big stages. Akaneiro no Yuuhi from Fujifabric is one of the songs he used to learn together with me.”
Being such beloved actor, last year, Kishida had celebrated his 10th anniversary. But when he was 22 years old, there was a time when he slowed down in acting, and went into golf instead. “Golf is said to be a fair sport for gentlemen, but it’s not fair at all,” he said. “But thanks to that, I became able to exhibit less emotions on surface. I play in Ryusoulger after I’m into golf. I think it’s really good timing for me.”
When he was asked, whether he wanted to appear in a golf-related work someday? This is his answer.
“When playing in drama “Kyou Kara Ore wa”(Nippon TV), Fukuda Yuichi-san (51) and I always talked about golfing. Fukuda-san was also aiming to be a professional. When I asked him if he wanted to make a golf-themed drama or movie, he said, “I love golf too much, to the point I don’t want to make it!” But I think a “story about Ishikawa” (T/N: Ishikawa Ryou, Japanese pro golfer) would be a good idea. I’m able to copy his swing, so of course, the lead role would be played by me. That’s right! I will ask Fukuda-san to make it! (laughs) Now I have a new dream to make true!”
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[November] J-Actors Birthday Calendar
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♪ November 1st
◎ Hashimoto Taito 橋本汰斗 1991
◎ Ochi Yuuki 越智友己 1990
◎ Shirasu Jin 白洲迅 1992
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♪ November 2nd
◎ Menjou Kentarou 校條拳太朗 1990
◎ Mizue Kenta 水江建太 1995
◎ Ryusei 1994
◎ Takane Masaki 高根正樹 1993
◎ Tomita Masanori 冨田昌則 1972
◎ Yoshida Shougo 吉田翔吾 1992
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♪ November 3rd
◎ Sakiyama Tsubasa 崎山つばさ 1989
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♪ November 4th
◎ Matsukawa Daisuke 松川大祐 1997
◎ Nakashima Daichi 中島大地 1988
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♪ November 5th
◎ Nakajima Takuto 中島拓斗 1994
◎ Taniguchi Masashi 谷口賢志 1977
◎ Tawada Hideya 多和田任益 1993
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♪ November 6th
◎ Kento 健人 1993
◎ Sunaga Fuuta 須永風汰 1992
◎ Watanabe Daisuke 渡辺大輔 1982
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♪ November 7th
◎ Hagiya Keigo 萩谷慧悟 1996
◎ Nasuda Yuudai 奈須田雄大 1994
◎ Tsukamoto Takuya 塚本拓弥 1975
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♪ November 8th
◎ Shimotsuki Yukari 霜月紫
◎ Shirakashi Judai 白柏寿大 1993
◎ Tominaga Yuuya 富永勇也 1994
◎ Yamaki Takanori 八巻貴紀 1992
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♪ November 9th
◎ Hayashi Akihiro 林明寛 1987
◎ Kido Yuuya 木戸邑弥 1992
◎ Ogasawara Hiroaki 小笠原大晃 1982
◎ Ookuchi Kengo 大口兼悟 1981
◎ Yamaguchi Kei 山口渓 1996
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♪ November 10th
◎ Ayuba Shuri 阿由葉朱凌 2004
◎ Kikuchi Shuuji 菊池修司 1995
◎ Machida Naoki 町田尚規 1992
◎ Yabuki Takuya 矢吹卓也 1986
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♪ November 11th
◎ Chiba Kouta 千葉冴太 1997
Kiyama Ryuu 輝山立 1992
◎ Yasukawa Junpei 安川純平 1992
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♪ November 12th
◎ Ikegami Shouma 池上翔馬 1984
◎ Mikami Shun 三上俊 1981
◎ Takasaki Shungo 高崎俊吾 1992
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♪ November 13th
◎ Ishida Shuusaku 石田周作 1985
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♪ November 14th
◎ Oono Takurou 大野拓朗 1988
◎ Taka 1993
◎ Yamauchi Keisuke 山内圭輔 1991
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♪ November 15th
◎ Hongou Kanata 本郷奏多 1990
◎ Iizumi Manabu 飯泉学 1986
◎ Zaiki Takuma 財木琢磨 1992
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♪ November 16th
◎ Arata Makkenyuu 新田真剣佑 1996
◎ Nagayama Takashi 永山たかし 1978
◎ Yata Yuusuke 矢田悠祐 1990
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♪ November 17th
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♪ November 18th
◎ Hirano Masafumi 平野雅史 1985
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♪ November 19th
◎ Yuuki Kazuya 結城伽寿也 1993
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♪ November 20th
◎ Aomine Yuuki 青峰佑樹 1991
◎ Matsuda Gaku 松田岳 1992
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♪ November 21st
◎ Ishii Mark 石井マーク 1991
◎ Yokoyama Masafumi 横山真史 1986
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♪ November 22nd
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♪ November 23rd
◎ Date Kouji 伊達幸志 1987
◎ Ichinose Ryuu 一ノ瀬竜 1997
◎ Iwanaga Hiroaki 岩永洋昭 1979
◎ Kako Rion 加古臨王 1980
◎ Sadamoto Fuuma 定本楓馬 1995
◎ Soejima Kazuki 副島和樹 1993
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♪ November 24th
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♪ November 25th
◎ Itou Sumiya 伊藤澄也 1993
◎ Shitara Ginga 設楽銀河 2002
◎ Yoneyama Yuuta 米山雄太 1981
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♪ November 26th
◎ Atae Shinjirou 與真司郎 1988
◎ Izawa Yuuki 井澤勇貴 1992
◎ Miki Takafumi 三木崇史 1985
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♪ November 27th
◎ Hayashi Shuuji 林修司 1979
◎ Tsuji Ryou 辻諒
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♪ November 28th
◎ Kanegae Kou 鐘ヶ江洸 1992
◎ Matsumura Taiichirou 松村泰一郎 1986
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♪ November 29th
◎ Furuta Kazuki 古田一紀 1995
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♪ November 30th
◎ Yuasa Masayuki 湯浅雅恭 1993
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milouhamada46-blog · 6 years
Calon pacar Hiro
Jadi ini yang jadi pacar Hiro nanti?. Ga tau, dia ngingetin gue sama Helga pataki (Hey Arnold) tapi bedanya Karmi ini lebih lembut, tapi ada sisi dinginnya. Ia selalu jutek sama Hiro casual, tapi selalu naksir sama Hiro versi baju armor.
Apakah nanti karmiro akan se-overrated hiccstrid porsinya? Atau hanya selewat love interest semacam naruhina?
But well, ini lumayan langkah bagus, gua suka karakteristiknya! Kalo gua jadi shipper, belum tau juga sih😂😂 tapi jujur, rasanya agak gimana gitu sama hirogo atau pairing crossover yg fotonya gua post kemaren.
Dan doi juga ngingetin gua sama Abigail Callaghan.
But well, i still cannot accept it.. kaget! Banget! Dari awal pengumuman voice actor Big Hero 6 the series, pandangan gw tertuju dengan nama Haley Tju, aktris kelahiran 01 dan ga menutup kemungkinan dia mengisi suarai "pacar" Hiro. Dan dari situ udah merasa, duh.. siap ga ya? Skeptis dan sekarang kaget!
Pas adegan gambar Hiro, kok TS bayangin ntu Hongo Kanata ya 😂
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leenaevilin · 5 years
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[Announcement] TEAM NACS SOLO PROJECT 戸次重幸「MONSTER MATES」(team nacs solo project totsugi shigeyuki ~ monster mates)
the DVD/Blu-Ray will be released October 2nd, 2019☆ ☆ ☆
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Kingdom Live-Action Film Sells One Million Tickets in Nine Days
To the packed crowds at the stage greeting event held at the Shinjuku Wald 9 theater in Tokyo on Sunday, it was reported that the live-action film adaptation of Yasuhisa Hara's historical adventure manga Kingdom had already sold one million tickets and earned 1.4 billion yen just in nine days since its release in Japan on April 19.
   The Shinsuke Sato (I Am A Hero, Bleach)-directed adaptation opened in 341 theaters across Japan and ranked second in its opening weekend box office with a huge 526 million yen, then made a 690 million yen from its first Friday through Sunday. 
  Even though he is still 24, Kento Yamazaki, who is cast as the film's protagonist Shin / Li Xin, is a veteran of live-action film adaptations of popular Japanese manga, such as Kyo, Koi wo Hajimemasu (2012), L DK (2014), Heroine Shikkaku (2015), Orange (2015), Wolf Girl and Black Prince
(2016), Your Lie in April (2016), One Week Friends (2017), JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond Is
Unbreakable Chapter I (2017), Psychic Kusuo: The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (2017), and the upcoming
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2019). Kingdom is expected to become one of the most successful films
in his acting career.
  Yamazaki said at the event, "The cast and staff created the film with great heat and passion, so I am
delighted to know a craze for the film has been been spreading. It has become a very special film for me.
I hope the heat will grow more from now on. Thank you so much today." 
    The event's video reports (via: Cinema Today)
            International version trailer
   Poster visual 
Ri Shin: Kento Yamazaki (Kusuo Saiki in The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) 
Ei Sei/Hyou: Ryo Yoshizawa (Ryusei Sakuta / Kamen Rider Meteor in Kamen Rider Fourze) 
Yo Tanwa: Masami Nagasawa (Tae Shimura in Gintama)
Karyo Ten: Kanna Hashimoto (Kagura in Gintama) 
Seikyo: Kanata Hongou (Ryoma Echizen in The Prince of Tennis) 
Heki: Shinnosuke Mitsushima (Morio in Napping Princess) 
Shoheikun: Masahiro Takashima (Gunhed, Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II) 
Tou: Jun Kaname (Makoto Hikawa/Kamen Rider G3 in Kamen Rider Agito)
Ouki: Takao Ohsawa (The Wolfman in Wolf Children)
      Source: Cinema Today
  (c) Yasuhisa Hara/Shueihsa (c)2019 Movie "Kingdom" Production Committee
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theanimeshontimes · 7 years
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Live-Action Fullmetal Alchemist Film's Trailer, Posters Show More Cast in Costume (Updated)
The live-action film will open in Japan on December 1.
Fumihiko Sori (live-action Ping Pong) is directing the film. On adapting the source material, Sori said, "I want to create a style that follows the original manga as much as possible. The cast is entirely Japanese, but the cultural background is Europe. However, it's a style that doesn't represent a specific race or country." Regarding the faithfulness of the adaptation, which has characters of non-Japanese ethnicity, the director said, "There will never be a scene in which a character says something that would identify him/her as Japanese."
The film stars Ryōsuke Yamada (Hey! Say! JUMP member and live-action Assassination Classroom's Nagisa) as Edward Elric, Tsubasa Honda (live-action Blue Spring Ride's Futaba) as Winry Rockbell, and Dean Fujioka (live-action Happy Marriage!?) as Roy Mustang. Other cast members include:
Fumiyo Kohinata as General Hakuro
Ryuta Sato as Maes Hughes
Misako Renbutsu as Riza Hawkeye
Natsuna as Maria Ross
Natsuki Harada as Gracia Hughes
Yo Oizumi as Shou Tucker
Jun Kunimura as Doctor Marco
Yasuko Matsuyuki as Lust
Kanata Hongou as Envy
Shinji Uchiyama as Gluttony
Kenjiro Ishimaru as Father Cornello
Hi, thanks for reading! @theanimeshontimes is your #1 source of anime, manga, live action, videos game and con news! Basically everything an Otaku lives for! Come check us out, dont just like and re-blog but follow! We promise to never disappoint
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yourgamecheats · 4 years
FMV mystery Death Come True launches in Japan in June
FMV mystery Death Come True launches in Japan in June
Izanagi Games has revealed a price and release date for Death Come True, the mystery adventure game developed by Danganronpa creator Kazutaka Kodaka. The peculiar FMV title will launch in Japan in June, for the budget price of ¥1,900 (or roughly $20).
Death Come True is the story of a panicked, amnesiac young man, (Kanata Hongou) who awakens in a fancy hotel to discover he is wanted for murder.…
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fighterxaos · 7 years
Live-Action Fullmetal Alchemist English Subtitled Preview Streamed In preparation for the world premiere of the live-action film adaptation of the Full Metal Alchemist 
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otakunews01 · 7 years
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Kaiji Creator's Akagi Mahjong Manga Gets New Live-Action Miniseries in 2018
The staff of the live-action television adaptation of Nobuyuki Fukumoto's Akagi mahjong manga announced on Thursday that production on a new series has been green-lit for next year. The new miniseries will run for three episodes. The new series is titled Akagi: Washizu Mahjong Kanketsu-hen (Akagi: Washizu Mahjong Concluding Chapter).
The show will star:
Kanata Hongou as Shigeru Akagi
Masahiko Tsugawa as Iwao Washizu
Yōji Tanaka as Takeshi Ōgi
Satoshi Jinbo as Yasuoka
Hitoshi Iwamoto and Mitsuru Kubota are directing and producing the series, and Mitsuru Tanabe is the scriptwriter.
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satoshi-mochida · 5 years
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Izanagi Games confirmed a 2020 release window in Japan and introduced the main character for Death Come True, its newly announced full motion video game directed and written by Danganronpa creator Kazutaka Kodaka. Platforms are still to be announced.
Kanata Hongou (pictured above) will portray main character Makoto Karaki. Kanata Hongou also portrayed Danganronpa series protagonist Makoto Naegi in the stage adaption of the game, as well as Ryota Mitarai in the anime Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak High School. Here is the description of the character from the official website:
When Makoto Karaki wakes up in a hotel, he seemed to have lost his memory. He has no recollection of who he is or why he is in the hotel. By watching the news on TV, he learns that he is wanted for a series of murders.
Izanagi Games describes Death Come True as Japan’s first-ever “interactive content” that combines movie and game, where the story develops based on the player’s choices and there are several possible endings. Here is the company’s summary of the game:
The setting is a certain hotel. The protagonist Makoto Karaki (portrayed by Kanata Hongou) is wanted for a series of murders. But he has no memory at all. Under such circumstances, he has the miraculous ability to “Time Leap” and return to the past when he dies. As a criminal on the run, he will have to ask himself who he can trust and question the true nature of his own character. Through repeated decisions and death, aim to discover the truth.
The next character reveal for Death Come True will be announced via the official website on December 13 at midnight PT / 3:00 a.m. ET / 17:00 JST.
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