#honestly not even sure i should tag this w/ fandom tags lmao
feddy-fagbear · 4 months
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woe, foxy doodle page be upon ye
honestly just a mindless destress thing while i keep adding actual projects to my ever growing list, though at least one of them has a deadline so it WILL be finished :D
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cutemeat · 2 years
no you’re so right for that, op was honestly being rude and probably didn’t expect you to see it (altho i see that they did tag it as sunny so maybe they just don’t care). when i started out, the ppl of this fandom have always been so unapologetically vocal abt their theories and interpretations, and it was so welcoming to me to see that everyone was having fun rambling into the void, knowing that we care enough abt each others’ ideas that even if we don’t always agree, we Get it. like that’s what sunnblr is for, pardon the brainrot but it comes with the territory. you were one of my first (and also only lol) sunny mutuals and i know for a fact i didn’t used to share my thoughts the way i do now before following ppl like you. PLEASE keep rambling, it is good for the soul
thank u Danny!! 🐀💘
it means a lot more to me that I have had that kind of impact where anyone feels more unapologetic n enthusiastic abt talking abt their interests n interpretations n theories! cuz I care so deeply abt that n think (esp cuz this is a space all about enthusiasm n hobbies) it is so fun to hav a place where ppl can do that!! (obv we should be mindful depending on subject matter, but just general rambling abt shit is, as u said, good for the soul 😌😌) U are also just such a creative person n i rlly admire yr style n yr skill u are just so thoughtful and intelligent so u Should be so loud n proud abt those things!! u are such a treasure n ily!!
I hold no grudge against op, cuz i do recognize this kind of thing is just apart of a larger pattern I’ve seen forever since using the internet where a lot of the internet likes to preach abt de-stigmatization n mental health awareness… but unfortunately the internet doesn’t rlly create platforms that are conducive to actually keeping that kind of thing in mind and practicing it effectively. ik that most times (since this is a problem that started in the real world n sure as hell hasnt been solved any better lmao), that unless you are just experiencing palatable symptoms like depression or anxiety… u are opening yrself up to that kind of thing, n i know that just comes with the territory of being mentally ill and havin any public account. im sure its even somewhere in the fine print of the terms n conditions that no one ever reads LOL. i try to brush it off, but it is still hurtful sometimes and so that’s why I left that reply to just explain where i’m coming from and why i left those tags in the first place. cuz again they dont know me and idk them so its not anything personal! but again ik thats sorta the game u play when u post anything yknow? like for all anonymity’s benefits, there are cons like ppl don’t Know i experience manic type symptoms or fixate excessively if they dont know me or follow me, esp when i don’t leave that stuff in my bio anymore or always post abt it so they Don’t Know. and it’s just generally very prevalent to see someone saying Wild Shit n immediately be like ‘wtf?’ n post it without rlly giving it much thought. I mean, I’ve probably done that before myself w/o rlly giving a second thought to what I was doing 😭. so I try not to take it too personally n hope ppl will be sympathetic if they do see the other person’s side of things, at least!
But again I do rlly appreciate u sending this cuz it was still very reassuring and again im rlly happy u feel more inclined to share ur thoughts after following me cuz again u are so thoughtful n passionate n i still love reading ur posts n seeing ur art abt anything u are interested in even when its not Sunny stuff, theres always so much detail in everything u do its incredible! 💖 and dont worry abt me cuz i def dont plan on stopping the rambling myself anytime soon BSJDBDJ
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boolger · 2 months
i was tagged by the sweet @rosieblogstuff !!<3 anyone who wants to answer this too, consider this your tag 🫡💖
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 53! Somehow, haha. Once I'm done w thesis, it will grow for sure!
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
608,326 words! 😳 i stresswrite
3. What fandoms do you write for?
right now its only Macgyver(2016) and Call of Duty! I've made a marvel crossover, but not anything else. Once I'm done with uni and actually have the time to write and see shows without feeling like I should be doing other stuff, I will definitely write for more! I want to write something for stuff like Knives out, Phantom of the Opera, Star wars -- but mainly a ton of Macgyver and call of duty, lol
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? well, they've changed quite recently, since i jumped headfirst into the COD fandom and was welcomed very nicely! So, right now, theyre:
Adventures of 141's bunny (1,502 kudos😳😳)- Call of Duty
Mami's omega (448 kudos) - Call of Duty
The Heron Club (363 kudos) - Call of Duty
Warm water (150 kudos) - Macgyver
A pregnant night (144 kudos) - Macgyver
Im very grateful for each single kudos !!💖🥰
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes, or I try now! It was easier when I was only in the macgyver fandom, since it is much smaller, but now in the Call of Duty fandom, i'm afraid I simply cannot keep up! So if I don’t reply to your comment, I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be rude or anything!👉👈
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
phew, that is one good question, because I honestly don't know. I have a tendency to end things either happy and hopeful like, or dark and like, with the vibe of things just being uncertain but not necersarily angsty? Lmk if im wrong lmao. I think the closest is in A dog needs a garden, but then again, its not really angsty - at least not to the characters. just... dark.🤷‍♀️
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hm. I mean, in my two fics Sir and his good boy and my baby’s got a gun (that I struggle to read myself now bc while I do have a soft spot for them, I hate my writing lol.) I make poor Mac go through a lot of shit, and they both end up on a happy or hopeful note- so those two, I guess? For now, heh.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
mmm, not really. When I do get some questionable comments, I either just answer in a jokingly manner or ignore it. I think I've only deleted one comment, lol. 💀
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
hah, YES. what don't I write. Despite being ace and not really being interested in sex irl, I sure do write a lot of smutty smut. I mostly write kinky stuff, a lot of BDSM ones. A lot of darker stuff too. I mean, out of 53 fics I think maybe 13 ish of them doesn’t have smut in them? So yeah, I write a bunch of smut.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Well, I've only written three (so far) lol. Two of them was just... Angus Macgyver and Jack Dalton having a threesome with a character from a different fandom, LMAO. I've written them having a threesome with Bucky Barnes from marvel and then one with Simon Ghost Riley from Call of Duty. The craziest one technically isn’t a crossover lmao, more just the fact that I made twilight vampires canon in a Macgyver fic I wrote once 💀😂 it’s called this is the skin of a killer, Jack and yes, I find it funny and stupid myself.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I hope not, lol. So no, at least not that I know of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Uh, no, again, not that I know of, lmao.👀
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Mmm, not technically, no. I don't talk often with a lot of fanfic writers, (im shy and idk how to become friends with people) but I do have 2 wonderful sweet friends I met through the macgyver fandom, whom i'm very grateful for and love lots. (They adopted my imposter ass who hadn’t even seen the show) They have managed to deal w my annoying ass for like... almost 2 years, I think and somehow isn't scared away yet. So, what I was going with that is, no, i've not co-written anything, but they do spar a lot with me and we discuss ideas and such, hehe. They've def helped me with a lot of fics.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
That is one good question that I honestly don't know the answer of. I'm pretty open to most ships, as long as they're written well in the fic or the show. (and legal. and not *ncest or pseudo *ncest.)
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
don't call me out like this, I have a lot of WIPS. But honestly? Probably Wet footprints on the wooden floor (Macgyver). A part of me wants to, but its been like 1,5year or so, i think. At this point I would probably just delete it, then rewrite the entire thing and post it again, lol, because I do like the concept.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't know, actually. I like to think I write somewhat interesting plots whenever I'm trying not to just write pure smut. But eh, idk. I think I have an okay sense of humor too? but I am also biased.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Weird sentences! English isn't my first language, Danish is! and the structure of a sentence can be very different in Danish, so sometimes my English sentences ends up weird bc they're translated, lol. I'm working on it and I have definitely become better ver since writing my first fanfic, lol.🤷‍♀️
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I like to read it, but I struggle with writing it! It's hard, especially when you dont speak a certain language. I sometimes go with google translate, but I've tried just writing it like this when its in another language, lol. so ye, fun but hard.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Eh, i mean, I wrote a fanfic or two when I was like 15 or something, but I cannot, for the life of me, remember what for. probably marvel or twilight or something😂
If we go with the boolger account time-line, then it's Macgyver!
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
don't make me choose between my babies. So I shall cheat the system and mention some of my fav.
The many deaths of a phoenix(macgyver), since I like the plot ideas lol, even though I feel stuck with it atm.
Lovers in the garden of Eden (macgyver) (dead dove dont eat) which is def fucked up, not the worst kind I've written but still. It has a special place in my dark, f'ed up heart. 🖤
Do you think I'm broken? (macgyver) bc I tried to voice a lot of my own gender struggles through it lol.
and finally, i am a lil proud of So long as I'm your favorite toy(COD) heh.
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aangsglider · 3 years
Sokka: *gives Suki a kiss without asking her first* People: cool.
Yue: *gives Sokka a kiss without asking him first* People: cool.
Korra: *kisses Mako out of confusion* People: cool.
Aang: *gives Katara a ‘now or never’ kiss and kisses her out of confusion* Those same people: omg perv, pedo, vile disgusting boy!
Oh also this isn’t to demonise Sokka, Yue or Korra because they are fine but you’d never see anyone hating them for those kisses would you? People can’t keep the same energy. Or maybe just grow up and stop trying so hard to demonise Aang. I said it all in the tags really.
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franeridart · 4 years
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Anon said: Are you still into krbk? I noticed you haven't draw them a lot recently (I don't mean to pressure you, I was just wondering)
I still very much am!!! but a convergence of unrelated happenings (my focus being unusually scattered, lack of general motivation, them not having interacted much in the manga lately, my having pulled out of the fandom a little for a bunch of reasons, having gotten into a lot of new things I want to make a lot of stuff for ??) had my output of stuff for them/inspiration related to them die down a lot ): I miss them though, I should fill a page with doodles of them one of these days... well, I haven’t drawn much in genereal lately, so maybe let’s start first with fixing that haha
Anon said: Fun Fact : In smash bros ultimate there are spirits with octopath traveler and they're in pairs and guess what ? Alfyn and Therion are together :3
I KNOW!!!!!! It makes me so emo I’m a bundle of feelings they’re soulmates I tell youuuuuuuuuuu ;;A;; (little inconsequential things making me a mess, what’s new xD) - another fun fact is that h’aanit and ophilia share one too!! and I ship them too!! and cyrus and tressa share one as well, and they’re my brother’s mains in his save! A series of delightful little coincidences haha
Anon said: Will you be drawing more Jujutsu Kaisen? I love your art sm and I would love to see more!!!!
Right now I feel like I want to spend the next ten years drawing these kids, so I sure hope so! But as I said my focus has been very scattered for the past three or so months, so I can’t promise anything ): let’s both enjoy it while it lasts haha
Anon said: You are my emotional support artist. I check back every once and a while and BOOM. Serotonin.
You’re too kind!!!! But thank you, I’m glad I can make you feel better! :D
Anon said: i'm super new to your art (and mha) and i just wanted to say your krbk stuff is just !!!!!!! it makes me so happy and makes my poor jaded heart feel something and it's just all around incredible!!!
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like my way of portraying the kids!!!!
Anon said: I’m about to cry I’ve spent an hour looking though your bnha tag for that lil comic where Kiri hugs Baku and. It. Sent. Me. Back. To. The. Top. I didn’t even get to finish reading it. I’m so upset. So. So. So. Upset.
(samesame) Anon said: I. Found the hug thing. On Pinterest. In. Five. Seconds. I hate life but also it was really cute. Thank you but seriously I hate this website
The saga hahaha sorry anon I couldn’t get to you before you went out of your mind trying to find it, I got the asks in the middle of the night! Glad you could find it, though I’m kinda sad you had to look on pinterest for it (...sad it is on pinterest at all tbh) here it is anyway, if this is the one you were talking about! you really went back in the years for this one huh
Anon said: So for that thing that you made a w h i l e ago where Bakugou ruffles Kirishima’s hair, right? So I imagine Kiri is like w h a t and calls over Mina or Denki or Sero or all of them or something like that and tells them and is freaking out and they’re like “he wasn’t in the right mindset, you know he sleeps at 8:32” and make a joke out of it as Kiri is freaking out. And Kiri is freaking out soooo much as they are crying laughing on the floor at Bakugou’s sleeping schedule.
hahaha I’m sure he must have freaked out on them at some point after that, and bakugou must have done the same (probably with jirou, less likely but more hilarious with todoroki or tokoyami haha) - though, the original idea came from a bigger one where the scene in the comic didn’t bring them anywhere closer to getting together (or figuring out they’re into each other, for the matter lmao idiots) maybe one day I’ll get back on that >:]
Anon said: In your comments, you said “at this point my hands will never forget” and I had a nozaki-kun memory float into my head, imagining him sick and trying to make his deadline xD yes muscle memory
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anon you have no idea how often I think about that hahaha yes, I say my hands won’t forget but we all know that’s exactly how it’ll end at some point lol
Anon said: dang this happens all the time like I follow someone for their bnha content and then like two months after following them I find out they used to make yowapeda content and im just sitting their like dang thats wild because bnha and yowapeda are like the only two animes I watch
ANON!!!! HI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Always so nice to find other ywpd fans!!!!!!!! Sorry I’m not making art for it anymore (for now) but despite my sister insisting I read the manga already I’ve been putting it off......for years lol but it’s on my reading list!! So maybe I’ll get back on it at some point!
Anon said: FRAN!!!!!! i love ur art so much and im trying to buy ur products on redbubble and i geniunely cant decide what to get!!!!! i tired asking my friend but she doesnt know which one either hahahahhahah ig i just wanted to send this because i really appreciate u and u are very talented. im sending u lots of high vibrations and love❤️🧡
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!! It means so much to me that you guys are still buying my stuff (TTATT) I should...........seriously update it..........gomen m(._.)m
Anon said:YES YES YEEES MORE ALFYON ON THE WAYYYYYY 💖💖💖💖💖 They're both the cutest really their ship is the beeest  Try reading some the alfyon fanfics if you have some time, they're really good ! The one i really recommend you is Crismonberries, blackberries by court_court on Ao3 !Your art is the best ever can't wait to see more octopath !!💖💖💖
Anon thank you SO MUCH for suggesting that fic to me I!!!!!!!!!!!! loved it so much I deep-dived into it and spent two straight days reading it it’s such a gem!!!!! ;;; bless you
Anon said: Have you watched Fullmetal Alchemist?
Hell yeah! Only Brotherhood though. I read the manga too tho!!
Anon said: Have you read Noragami? It’s one of my favourite manga, and the anime isn’t half bad either (still waiting for s3 tho lol) anyway it’s really good, concept-wise it’s similar to Soul Eater, I totally recommend
I watched the first season back when it aired! It’s not really my thing though ): feels a bit sad in that very specific way that always ends up just making me miserable as I keep reading............................... sorry
Anon said: I will never not be in love with your art. Everytime I'm feeling down and/or missing the boys I scroll through your krbk tag and it reminds me exactly of why I love them so much and I'm so thankful for that. Your brand of krbks is the one I love the most and honestly thank you so much for all your marvelous art of them and of other things as well because you art is just so pretty and I love seeing your ocs and other fandom art 💕💕💕
Anon I love you......................... ;;;;; thank you so much, you have no idea how much this means to me (oTT^TT)o<3
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unadulteratedkr · 2 years
Random Character Meme
1. Go to https://www.random.org/lists/ and type in 15 different characters from any fandom (they can be in the same fandom) into the empty box
2. Click Randomize under the box and answer the following prompts:
Your rival:
Played 7 Minutes in Heaven with:
Your significant other:
The random person you meet at the bar:
Your boss:
Haunts you:
Drunk singing karaoke with:
Gave you your fave dessert:
Your sibling:
Gave you your first kiss:
Your best friend:
Proposed to you:
I was tagged by the delightful @samirant, and I decided to have FUN
1. My Rival: Sabriel aka Abhorsen
Ohhhh interesting. Okay, so competing moral necromancers is definitely a path I didn’t see for myself, but honestly I’m ready for anything in 2022. Bring it on, Abhorsen.
2. Played 7 Minutes in Heaven with: Elphaba
Listen, 17 year old, closeted Katherine would have died on the spot, but what a way to go.
3. My Significant Other: Ted Lasso
lmao, surprise everyone!!! 😂😂😂😂 It’s actually not a single person on the existing show to win the heart of everyone’s favorite optimistic football coach. It’s ME. 100% chance of me pestering him into an early grave on why Richmond FC hasn’t developed a W-League team.
4. Parent: Gideon Nav
This feels only a little oedipal.
5. The random person you meet at the bar: Keladry of Mindelan
The last birthday I was able to go out with friends, I spent an hour at a karaoke bar making friends with someone’s dog, which makes me feel like this has actually happened already to me and that person WAS Kel.
6. My boss: Galinda aka Glinda the Good
I would most certainly be unemployed within three weeks.
7. Haunts me: George Cooper, Baron of Pirate’s Swoop
So I do a ghost tour as one of my jobs, and there are a lot of stories of ghosts on our tour that aren’t necessarily malicious, they just weren’t ready to stop living life. And I LOVE telling their stories!! I feel like if I were haunted by the King of Tortall’s Spymaster and the former King of the Rogue Court, it’s definitely because George wants me to go around telling people about him stealing the nosehairs off the King when he was sneezing or something like that.
8. Drunk singing Karaoke with: Jaime Lannister
Okay, when and where can I make this happen. Jaime and I are going to be opening with “Does He Love You”, most notably covered by Reba McIntyre and Linda Davis, then transition to “What is this Feeling?” with Jaime playing Glinda, and our grand, drunken finale will have to be “Time of my Life” from Dirty Dancing, complete with Jaime flinging himself into the crowd to do the lift.
9. Gave me my favorite dessert: Roy Kent
I love the idea of Roy taking baking lessons to try and one-up Ted by presenting the best brownies in the world to his significant other.
10. My sibling: Anne Shirley
The only person I know who could out-dramatic myself. My little sister will be horrified 😂
11. Gave me my first kiss: Harrowhawk Nonagesimus
Well, this is awkward. Now having Gideon as my parent is even weirder.
12. My best friend: Eowyn
I’m going to spend so much time telling her how awesome I think she is, and she’s gonna spend so much time telling me to shut the fuck up. Peak friendship 😂
13. Grandparent: Samwise Gamgee
Sam would be the best grandpa. He’d take such good care of his grandkids and we’d never go hungry, and then I could go visit the SHIRE 😭
14. Proposed to me: Brienne of Tarth
IF ONLY. I would have to let her down easily though, because I’m pretty sure the drunk dude who flung himself into her arms at karaoke is like her soulmate or something
15. Ex: Ella of Frell
I bet it’s because I hate the movie adaptation. I bet Ella’s the kind of precocious so-and-so to love being played by Annie Hathaway and refuses to listen to me dragging it for filth.
I know a lot of folks have been tagged in this, so I’m gonna just say YOU. YOU THERE. READING THIS. THIS WAS FUN AND YOU SHOULD DO IT.
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scar map for ray! and also freckles, technically. shes gotten MOST of them from different fanfics i've put her in (she plays y/n sometimes, especially in shit like creepypasta or undertale, etc) im gonna put some close ups under the cut as well as explanations from where they came from kinda :) (tw for semi-detailed talks of various injuries and maybe body horror and/or gore? also self harm a lil bit)
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lets start from the back! a couple of these i'll talk about in the front, but lets see what i can get to here :)
the big sun one is technically a tattoo, Lue has one too! it was just for fun :)
uhhh the one right down the middle is from a time someone dragged a knife down her back? i dont remember if this happened in a fic, but it happened regardless from one of her crazy adventures.
the ones on her shoulder blades(?) are from the multiple fics where the reader has wings and has them cut or ripped off- and if not that its from when she's shapeshifted wings for herself? i posted a lil comic about that once you should be able to check her tag or something. but yeah! somethin' like that.
the big one on her lower back is from an onward fic where she fell through the floor and got like. stabbed by a giant plank of wood, and i distinctly remember this one because it was one of the first times i'd used the idea that she can ''recharge'' or heal in sunlight :)
the little scratches- any little scratches honestly- are either from various fights shes been in, animals that have attacked her, or maybe even just herself, honestly lmao, shes usually careful but her claws are sharp haha
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rspeaking of, the one on hr
uhhh the big one on her chest! she got that one from the multiple times shes been stabbed in the chest (thats. SUCH a common place of injury in fanfic actually??) the most recent i think is from [this sans/reader fic] that i've been reading for the past while its rlly good u should check it out :)
the one down the middle (from her chest to below her belly button? u cant see it too well cuz of the chest one but its from this one really gorey creepy ass MTT/reader on ao3 where the y/n was like. disected??? idk but she got her HEART ripped out and shit, it was weird, but it stuck w/ me so its been one of her scars for however long
the one under her left boob is another stab wound from... i think? tmnt? i forget if it was tmnt or creepypasta, but im pretty sure creepypasta usually does stuff lower.
speaking of, the one on her right side is from a couple different times she was stabbed in creepypasta (mostly by jeff, probably) it doubles as where she was hurt by the wood in the onward thing
the one on her right shoulder and the two scratches are from her own lil adventures, especially the one on her shoulder its another one of those common injury scar things.
you can only kind of see it but the little one on her left side is from where she had one of her kidneys stolen by eyeless jack in creepypasta, because of course thats happened before, cmon now. its regenerated by now, but the scar persists none the less.
the one her thigh and the one on her shoulder are both from creepypasta fics, both were jeff x readers i think? the one on her shoulder she got at the same time she was stabbed in the side i think, it was from this scene were fuckin, jeff was goin' nutts and attacked her or something? and the one on her thigh was just another common-injury scar from that fandom idk
uhh the two bite marks were from when she was attacked by either one of the creepypastas that have sharp teeth or it was some kind of monster from somwhere idk they aren't from fics i dont think tho
and then the self harm scars is because of how often the author writes y/n as depressed (usually as a vent or something) and therefore the y/n may cut and its usually hurt/comfort or something similar. i figure a few are from herself too, because of common injury OR because she was kind of experimenting with pain and getting hurt and sharp things when she was first getting used to haveing a Body and the likes
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and then these three!
the mouth one is from a jeff x reader where jeff cuts a smile in the reader's face. i didn't wanna give her the full smile because of recognizability, but i figured she could have little ones at the corner of her mouth instead.
the one around her leg is from a bear trap, it wasn't in a fic i just figure yeah she probably got caught in one at some point, thats just a ray thing to do
aaand the last one is from [aNOTHER jeff x reader] by @/littlebitoffanfic (they're work is just really good anyway) where the reader gets hurt and the jeff feels guilty ands its this angsty hurt/comfort, but yknow
thats it!! that was really long. either way if you read all this and wanna know more about certain specific ones lmk! i dont remember what all the fics were that she got her scars from- especially because some of them happened multiple times, but i tried to link them if i could remember what they were. either way, yeah :)
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ectolemonades · 3 years
Fic Writer Review
@floralflowerpower tagged me!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Only Danny Phantom on ao3 at least, I will not reveal what past fandoms I have written fic for back in my deviantart days
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Okay considering I only have four fics I'm just gonna put them in order of kudos jwndflke
Local Barista Danny Fenton
Let's Make a Deal
What A Stupid Child
The singular prompt I managed to do for Going Angst Week
5. Which of your fic do you want more attention for?
Uhh tbh maybe Let's Make a Deal or the Going Angst Week prompt I did? LMaD was the first phic I ever wrote based on louroalka's demon au and honestly only want it to get more attention because that au is INCREDIBLE, the Going Angst Week one I'm just proud of how I wrote it even though it's really short haha
I'm really grateful for any attention my fics get tho! I know none of my fics are huge deals or anything, but I can't put into words how happy it makes me that so many people enjoyed my fic based on my Barista Danny AU!
6. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I always try to! I have a couple sitting in my inbox rn just because I'm super forgetful, but I want people to know that I'm acknowledging them and the fact that they decided to read/interact w my work means a lot to me
7. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Local Barista Danny Fenton because they were out of oat milk 😔✊🏼
8. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you’ve written?
I do! Back in the day The Bestie tumblr user Kateh @kirinda-ondo and I wrote some BONKERS and absolutely hilarious crossovers of stuff we were into, and we haven't really written anything lately (we kinda started plotting a rly interesting crossover tho) we have v silly conversations and crossover our favs
Not a fic tho but I did cross He-Man and DP in a doodle for Kateh's birthday yesterday because Orko and Danny would absolutely be besties and u can't change my mind
9. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Not yet and pls be nice to me I am sensitive
10. Do you write smut? if so what kind?
I don't
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't but anyone is more than welcome to!
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Definitely back in the day w Kateh
13. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Me x Actually Allowing People To Read My Writing
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I started writing a lightly angsty ghost hunger fic at one point, I got writer's block right around when I was trying to wrap it up and edit it and tbh just haven't gotten back to it and idk if I will
I got bold w it and threw in Clockwork and Jazz and I think I gave myself anxiety on writing them in-character lmao
Love reading ghost hunger au just maybe not writing it idk
15. What are your writing strengths?
Active voice and I've been told I'm pretty good with "show, don't tell" and capturing emotions
Definitely active voice though, as a journalist that shit is drilled into my head and when I see passive voice an alarm sounds in my head even though I do not personally give that much of a shit
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Tenses, and the actually sharing it with people part gives me so much anxiety
In my creative writing class when I had to share my fiction piece (which I posted to my main blog if anyone wants to read!), I was messaging Kateh throughout my entire class/critique because I was so nervous I was on the verge of tears lmao
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I think it's fantastic when it adds to the character or is important in some way! I feel there should definitely be some sort of research done to be sure things are being used correctly as well
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I didn't realize this question was coming up I guess I'll reveal now it was Sonic the Hedgehog back in my dA days
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Probably Local Barista Danny Fenton, I love telling funny work stories and it seems to have made people who read it happy!
20. What fic are you most proud of?
I really can't pick a fav because I'm really really proud of all my fics!
Tagging @amabsis and @omegasmileyface but y'all don't have to do it if you don't want to!!
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missfaber · 5 years
author interview
I was tagged by @orangeflavoryawp, thank you so much! 
I already know I’m going to enjoy this way too much, writing is such a lonely endeavor and I just love talking about it, sooo... I apologize in advance for rambling. 
name: Madeline/Maddie 
fandoms: this is complicated because there’s fandoms I very much consider myself a part of because they’re just a huge part of my life, even though I don’t contribute content to them, and then there’s fandoms I do create content for. So idk where the line is drawn! 
fandoms I contribute/ have contributed to: Avatar the Last Airbender, Game of Thrones, Merlin BBC, Once Upon a Time, Legend of Korra
fandoms I haven’t contributed to but are so dear to me: Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings (my two favorite things ironically lol), and lots more 
where you post: AO3, used to be ff.net and livejournal too
most popular one shot: by kudos, it’s as if death itself was undone (zutara, atla: katara wakes up to azula in their house and wants to find out a) why she is welcome b) why zuko is acting so weird) 
most popular multichapter: by kudos, it’s soldier, go bravely on (jonsa + gendrya, got, complete, rewrite of the last episode of got with sweetness and angst and action, and may i say some common sense?)
favorite story you wrote: fuck omg this is difficult lol! because I both criticize and love all my stories in equal measure, I honestly don’t write anything that i don’t love, that doesn’t give me butterflies / actual chest pain (from angst). I feel like I’m being asked to choose a favorite child lol. so I’ll try to justify these picks somehow... 
closest to my heart: soldier, go bravely on (also mentioned above). this is the fic that brought me back to writing fic, and to tumblr even! I was on hiatus (that I didn’t know was a hiatus because I had no intention of coming back) for six years before writing this fic. I wrote it so quickly after the got finale, it was such a passionate and fevered few days and it just sucked me back in to everything I used to love as a teenager. It was also a nice stretch out of my comfort zone, because of the dialogue (which was so tightly planned it’s ridiculous, I wrote the whole fic as a screenplay type thing first to make sure there wasn’t a single dialogue word not needed) and tv-episode style. It’s also such a wish-fulfillment fic that I can’t read certain parts without getting a bit teary. for all those reasons and more, this fic will always be so special to me. 
most proud of: wolf, circle north (jonsa, got, alternate season 7 & 8). this is the longest fic I’ve ever attempted and the number I’ve hours I’ve sunk into it is astounding and i should be ashamed.  It’s going to be obscenely long (my outline is 70+ chapters) and when I pull it off, best believe it’s going into a bound book so I can look at how thicc it is and be like, “I did that!” lol. The range of POVs is one of the most challenging but most rewarding part of this fic, and why I’m so proud of it. This is another wish-fulfillment fic for me, not just because it’s another fix-it fic but because I have been writing bits and pieces of this fic for about three years. I kept thinking of jonsa scenarios and little scenes I would have loved to see after season 6 and writing them in a little secret doc, just for me, as I never thought I’d write fic again. After writing “soldier” i had already broken my hiatus and I realized this fic was an actual possibility, so I put it out into the world. I couldn’t be more happy that I did that. Not only did it give me the chance to be in such an excellent, lovely fandom, but the feedback I get is so validating after having this be my secret little project for so long.  
most formative: Coffee & Cigarettes, (merthur, merlin bbc) I’m ashamed to list this and the merthurs reading this 100% want to kill me for having the audacity because it’s incomplete and hasn’t been updated since 2013 when there’s only one chapter left so what’s my excuse?  I call this the most formative for me because until I published this I didn’t really have a fic that people followed and liked, eagerly awaited updates for, and commented regularly on. I was writing a lot of one-shots and atla stuff on tumblr (I used to RP lmao I was like 15 ok?) This was the first time I experienced so many fic-life things, like being excited to get AO3 emails, etc. This was the first time I started to really focus on character which is so important to me now, my writing is completely character driven. Not to mention Merlin and Arthur’s dumbassery and sheer attraction and denial is just... *chef’s kiss* 
guiltiest pleasure: my recent foray into nedsei, who am I??? one more word and you won’t survive, just international hate sex
story you were most nervous to post: ummm idk I’m usually excited not nervous, since for me fic writing is just fun, I write things I’d enjoy reading and that I’m proud of. I read my own fics more than anyone else does, I guarantee it. am I a narcissist? who knows I guess I’ll say “soldier” again because I hadn’t posted fic in six years.
how you choose your titles: wow the hardest part of fic writing for me!!!!! thanks!!!!! lol. Okay so for my work titles, which are always terrible and I literally regret them immediately after posting, it’s usually just some words I play around with and string together that are somewhat thematic and related to the work... they’re always terrible lmao, I hate making titles. I mean, look at “soldier, go bravely on” and “wolf, circle north” for god’s sake, I hate them lmao. But I have to pick a title to post, so!!! For chapter titles and one-shots I’ll usually go with a song lyric, and especially for my chapter titles I spend so long seeking out the perfect one that reflects some thematic or emotional content of the chapter somehow. I’m very proud of my chapter titles for wolf, circle north. I have a doc on my scrivener just for chapter titles that I created in the very early stages of writing it, where I just dumped HUNDREDS of song lyrics that I thought I might use. Then by them I wrote some scenarios where they could work. here’s a screenshot:
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It’s so helpful now. Sometimes posting an update will take an hour more than necessary because of me going through that doc, finding the perfect lyric. 
do you outline: OH, DO I OUTLINE... Hell Yeah, I outline. I couldn’t live without outlining. I love outlining. My outlines have outlines. I’m a planner centric, calendar centric, bullet-journal bitch so of course I love outlining. In all seriousness though: I write out of chronological order. I feel my writing is best when I write the scene I’m in the mood to write- unfortunately this scene could be ten chapters down the line from the chapter I’m gonna post next. This is the biggest reason outlining is necessary for me. If I didn’t have an outline, my story would be a non-post-able mess. 
I wasn’t kidding when I said my outlines have outlines. For wolf, circle north I have, um, a few. Character/location centric outlines where I bullet every scene that needs to happen for that plot to happen cohesively (these were all more or less completed before I even started writing the fic), then a “loose” outline that I copy everything from the other outlines into for some semblance of chronological order, then a Polished Final Outline that I write from. I know that sounds psychotic. It’s how my brain works. Some photo evidence/explanation:
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And here’s a screengrab of my Final Outline, this is pretty much how it is all the way down- The POV character is italicized in the front, I talk to myself a lot in there, let myself get carried away, will sometimes write out whole segments of the scene if they come to me while outlining. Spoilers for chapters 1-3 of w,cn I guess!!!
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Then, because scrivener is awesome, I get to see this outline in the corkboard view (I input every scene as a card) and so I get to see every part of my outline as a Synopsis on the right hand side of the doc where I’m writing the scene:
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The POV and status tags (which are completely customizable) on the lower right are helpful too. This post is just a scrivener ad. 
complete: 9 works 
in progress: 4 works
coming soon / not yet started: I have so many fics in the works, I’m an indulgent person so if an idea comes to me I usually go with it for a time. I’ve had a very not-serious Jonsa PLL AU I’ve been writing on and off since summer. I have three different fairytale AUs (also jonsas) I’ve been working on and one time travel AU for @sunbeamsandmoonrays. I can’t say when or if any of these will see the light of day, because my priority is my WIPs and my original writing. But the most prevalent are my Halloween fics (one jonsa, one gendrya, one merthur) which I really want to be able to put out this month, but only if I meet some other goals. I’m trying to rein in my indulgent ass, ya’ll. 
do you accept prompts: no. sorry! but I do workshop ideas with friends, for example the nedsei fic happened that way by talking with @flibbertigiblet. But I don’t take writing prompts in my inbox. 
upcoming story you are most excited to write: my halloween merthur fic. it’s witchy, sassy, and I’m so excited to get back into the heads of these characters.
Tagging! @uchihabat @anniebibananie @noqueenbutthequeeninthenorth @sailorshadzter @vivilove-jonsa and any other lovely writer soul who wants to do this!
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dcarhcarts · 5 years
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This.....is the 1000th post on this blog, and I definitely waited until that could be true to post it, and that’s honestly? Very fitting. Seriously, you guys are a m a z i n g and I have literally never done a milestone before so I can’t tell you what it’s supposed to look like?? But we’ve somehow Miraculously (tm) managed to reach 100 followers and - anyway, this is going to be me very unprofessionally gushing about everyone because....I love you all and you’re all amazing aaaaaa. I’m??? Literally so blessed to have made friends and write with all of you. Y’all with multiple blogs, I’m only tagging once so I don’t spam your feed ok? And - as usual, this is going to get Long, because everything I do gets Long apparently. I tried to do it chronologically but IDK how well it worked oops.
@ccrrupticn  / D!!!! you are?? literally the reason I made this blog?? Without you, this thing would n o t mcfreaking exist omg!! You’re such an amazing writer (seriously, you manage so many muses and you give them all such distinct voices??? witchcraft???) and also so ???ridiculously kind! I love gushing to you about our Kids and you’re honestly A Saint (tm) for dealing with all of my blog construction/life related breakdowns, my crazy crossover headcanons and crashing into your inbox rambling about musicals <3 I miss talking to you so hmu whenever you come back if you want!!
@personnages /  Lynna!! You’re like an Actual Angel. I think you were the first person!! who talked to me??  And You were So Nice and Welcoming that you literally soothed half of my fears coming into rpc like immediately?? You basically helped me figure out how diminutives work and you’re responsible for me adding at least 3 of my muses and I cannot tell you how much I love you and every time you pop onto my dash/feed/discord/etc, it just makes me happy inside <3 Definitely 100000% will follow you to every blog (if you’ll have me lmao) regardless of fandom!! i’m super excited about all of our ship/friendship roulettes and you’re just an absolute joy to talk to.
@nikolacvnas / LYDIA goodness you are a W O N D E R. Probably the best? Historically based blog I’ve ever encountered, and definitely one of my favorite parts of the Anastasia rpc!! The care and research and attention to detail that goes into your portrayals are a s t o n i s h i n g? Your Tatya is divine, your Maria is So Lovely and I Cry For Joy that you write Dima honestly. I’d been eyeing your blog for a little bit before I made my own - and I was honestly a little scared of you when we started cause you are a GODDESS and I am a potato, but then we talked??? and you’re hilarious and a ridiculously kind person and I love you? And of course, I love your dog (the cutest in the universe).
@mythostold / LESLIE~  Different blog, same story~ Man, I’ve been following you since maybe day two of this blog being active? No matter which fandom you end up in and which muse you write, you have such!! good!!! takes!!! For one, I love reading your meta posts??? Like you’re just so incredibly passionate about your muses?? And your writing style is so good aaaaaaa it’s so atmospheric. And on top of all of that - you’re??? such a sweet and incredible??? person??? And I love talking to you boo <3 
@lifeawoke  /  NAT BBYSWEET <3 <3 <3  I have told the story of how I did a victory dance when you followed me to d e a t h probably but it’s t r u e your writing is amazing and your blog is amazing and y o u are amazing! You are the Natasha to my Sonya, and literally every time you send me a musing I’m like immediate-goofy-grin-heart-eyes???? It’s honestly a crime we don’t have more threads but like you’re an absolute joy to talk to and meme with and I adore you/your portrayal of beautiful bratty Natasha even if she drives my Sonya up the wall <3 You are Definitely the Funny Mutual lololol I crack up so much talking to you <3
@valianceearned / CARP you’re an amazing person/writer and holy h e c k am I impressed by your OCs!! They’re all so well thought out and developed? Your bios are so detailed and so much love and care is put into all of your characters. And your writing is so Lovely and it’s also very aesthetically lovely like holy heck the amount of work you put into both the content and the formatting? I am agog, I am aghast!! 
@gearsandlevers / Callie!!!!! YOU ROUND ALL THE CORNERS I STRAIGHTEN THE CURVES!! love your kids so much. Your Violet is a delightfully clever and likeable kid, your Evan might have literally walked off the stage two seconds ago, and you’ve put so much thought into your cinnabon stoner Henry. Your dialogue is amazing and I love our headcanon sessions lobbing ideas back and forth with you!! 
@spareisms / HEY MAGGIE GUESS WHAT YOU’RE WORTH MELTING FOR!!  You’re like the sweetest person alive??? How are you an Actual Real Life Disney Princess?? Your Anna is so well characterized and multi layered and I love how she an be so flawed but so brave and just how human she is. I’m very excited for your Anne Shirley too!! You’re a great writer (and a super sweet person aaaa) and I love you!! 
@gcneralvaganov /  Deanna, I have just one question: How? Have we only known each other for like 2 months???? It feels like my dash would literally be incomplete without you??  You play such deeply complex and incredibly flawed muses with such a great depth of respect and humanity. I love all of our AUs (we.....probably have a dozen by now), our long fix-canon tangents, and....look the inevitable conclusion to this whole thing is that we should....basically just write Anastasia tbh???  You’re incredibly funny and kind and talented and I’m so glad I yeeted myself into your IMs that first time 2 months ago! I love you, I love your muses, (Dima and Anya love their Dumb Boyfriend), and I love writing with you! 
@ncvaflows / ALEXA YOU ABSOLUTE LEGEND YOU. You??? Unlocked Ultimate AU Mode Ro and it’s like I c a n ‘ t stop?? First off, I cannot believe we literally own the same books and like the same barbie movies. How are we not literally the same person??  (Maybe w e ’ r e Anneliese and Erika lmao). Honestly from day 1 you’ve been so welcoming and lovely and I’m so glad we crashed into each other’s IMs yelling at top volume about random ya lit/movies/aus!! I adore literally all of your OCs (is everyone a b s o l u t e l y sure they’re not canon??? hmmmmm a Mystery)???? In the words of Li Shang, “You WRITE GOOD????” Anyway you’re amazing and I love you <3
@curtainrisen / Rebekah, dude, you’re a wonder. Your muses??? So diverse, and your voices for them? Super on the nose and amazing. I love your Helene and how human she is, and I really gotta toss more of my kids at you (Super excited for Duke!!). You’re real chill to meme with and I love talking/writing with you!!
@heartlosttravelers / Tor!! I love that you stan Raoul de Chagny So Hard ( the pure cinnamon roll boy deserves it honestly) and you’re super cool and great to talk to! All your muses are a m a z i n g and I always love the read when you pop up on my dash! 
@damerusse / Marie!! You’re hella chill. Your memes???? 10000000% actually legendary. Meming with you cracks me The Heck Up. Lily is forever the puppy dealer, that is all, thank you, gnight. Ok for real though - your Lily is pretty Legendary too and you really got all that Spark and Fire right down. You’re amazing, and I love stalking your threads on my dash!  
@lionhvrted / Fortune, my buddy my pal, we really be Out Here making Jane Austen plots even m o r e rom-com. Like. How did we manage that??? We might be literally magical lmao. We don’t have a ton of stuff going on at the moment but I love our dumb pining kids and I love the justice and humanity you give to your Caroline, and Fitzy loves his (future) wife.
@guvernantka / P R U E I already love our Exasperated Big Sis / Annoying Lil Sis / LITERALLY WHO EVEN ARE YOU YOU SMELLY DUMBASS LIL BRO IN LAW dynamic. You have the Best Sense of Humor (tm) and I’m always catching you when it’s like 12 in the morning here so I’m always cracking up silently in bed trying not to wake my roommies up. 
@anastcsie / I LOVE OUR ANGRY SMOL AND DIRTY TOL YOUNG-BUT-OLD MARRIED COUPLE AND THEIR OLDEST DAUGHTER NAMED MARIA ALREADY.  I love your Anya and how feisty and fiery she is (Dima, needless to say, loves his wife) and I love how chill (and hilarious!!) you are as a person. We do have a tendency to turn into angst monsters 24/7 but honestly that’s half the fun!! 
@asundrop / Polly!!!! ok so I know we haven’t really done anything w/ Raps (yet muahaha) BUT b o y was I hella excited when I found someone willing to yell about CDrama with me??? Thank you for being the Eternally Stoic/Always Annoyed Ancient God to my Tiny Dumb Fox Princess?? I love them and I love you (you’re hella cool) so there! 
@moretreasurewithin / KAAAATE goodness it’s only been a couple of days but I’m So Comfortable talking to you already? You’re just honestly really amazingly kind and I love screaming about Anastasia with you. We gotta get more going but I love your Dima and Maria Already (tm) and I love your sense of humor (here’s to torturing Dima with ties!!) and I can’t wait to get to know you better!
@annastrxng / AAAA somehow I managed to chat with you and then?? We never got anything going and it’s definitely mostly my fault cause of that High Anxiety (and also the fact that I got Immediately Busy) but you are literally So Nice and The Most Understanding and super great to talk to!! I hope we get something going in the future!! 
@soulcrossed / ROSE we have the same name I keep forgetting this lmao BUT ANYWAY. All your muses?? Amazing. You gotta throw more of them at me. Your Sophie?? Are you Actually Diana Wynn Jones in disguise?? I love our crazy au/headcanon sessions and I love/hate that you’re The Worst Enabler and I’m inevitably going to end up with the other two Hatter sisters on this blog lmao. 
@alonecour / @steeledstark / @professor-of-predators / @sclskinn / @dulcettc / @volaticoux / @frxncaise / @argelfrasterr / @i-wrote-myway / @zharptiitsa / @villainsfall / @anyaromanovarp / @agoodandloyalrussian / @aliquisinter 
AND EVERY ONE OF Y’ALL AMAZING PEOPLE OUT THERE I’M ADMIRING SILENTLY FROM AFAR EVEN NOW BECAUSE I CHICKENED OUT OF TAGGING YOU LAST MINUTE CAUSE WHAT IF YOU’RE LIKE “LMAO WHO IS THIS WEIRDO TAGGING ME??” (p.s. this is 100000% permission to slide into my IMs/like a plotting call/etc. I honestly think y’all are hella cool and probably love you already)
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oodlyenough · 5 years
she-ra s3 thoughts ftr
i know it’s not the show’s fault netflix is forcing them to release weird batches of episodes. but OMG the result of that sure was a boring, listless s2 and an extremely tight s3 huh. s3 was awesome
it screws the pacing a bit... scorpia and catra for eg had an interesting arc across s2-3 but it would have worked better in one season
another unfortunate consequence is fans of other characters barely even saw them in s3... but... i dunno how to get around that. if it had been all one season like it was obviously designed, they would’ve had a decent amount of screentime to start. it wouldn’t have made sense to interrupt a tight 6-episode arc to shove in a filler episode
but the upswing was that there were six solid episodes and i wasn’t bored in any of them
i’m a casual enough fan that some of the lore gets lost on me, so like... definitely lost track of whatever’s going on with micah and shadow-weaver and all that backstory lol 
likewise i only kind-of remember what was up with mara, cutting of etheria? people thought it was bad? my main memory of it was that mara was a gay disaster for madam razz? but unlike with micah and shadow-weaver i’m super interested in it regardless lol. more mara!! my main disappointment in the finale was that adora saw her in the flesh (sorta) and they didn’t speak. i assume it will happen later but i wanted it nooooow
also she’s got the same va as amara in borderlands 3 lol 
(side note though was mara-version she-ra white and blonde as well?? i can’t remember if we’ve seen her. yikes if so)
looking back i think i expected more from adora re: wanting to open the portal to go “home”. she very nobly immediately gave that up. i guess that’s why she’s the hero... but... would’ve been interested to see more conflict there. i assume it will return though w “hordak prime”
which, btw, what the fuck & lmao @ that 
entrapta/hordak....... woof. not here for it. deeply uncomfortable with it. why is this happening.
LOVED adora’s gay amazement at huntara lmaooooo. huntara sweetie i’m sorry these teenagers ruined your hook up with that bartender goat lady
also liked goat kyle
can’t honestly say i ever found angella anything other than tedious so... her sacrifice didn’t hit me. also as soon as glimmer in like ep 2 or whatever it was said “you’ll ALWAYS be there to lecture me”, or whatever, i was like oh she dead
sucks for glimmer though. and she’s absolutely definitely going to be manipulated and abused by shadowweaver before that whole thing wraps up. lol every time the “heroes” teleport in their Sinister Shadow Cloud i’m like hmmm totally innocent
that entire sequence with shadow weaver, where glimmer was half-in half-out of shadow, and eventually stepped fully into the shadow, was EXTREMELY on-the-nose directing ... but also should assuage the fears of anyone who thinks shadow weaver is totally our friend now and got a redemption arc while catra didn’t. shadow weaver is still awful and is gonna do something awful very soon. just wait.
“you made me this and now YOU get to be a good guy?” - the writers aren’t dumb, they know what this is, they’re not like, unknowingly redeeming the abuser first or whatever. it’s gonna be bad. 
catra once again too gay to function
i mostly see a lot of handwringing in the tag about how catra is irredeemable now, she’s too far gone, unheard of!!, etc, and i don’t really think any of that is true. i still feel like this show couldn’t be telegraphing a redemption arc for catra more clearly if it tried, even before you take into account noelle stevenson’s general... like... body of work. 
same with catradora. it was inevitable that they reach a point where even adora has given up, and i think that is necessary for them to ever reach a point where they come back together. if catra’s going to be redeemed (which again i think is almost inevitable, much like shadow weaver inevitably betraying the rebellion), it needs to be because catra wants it, not because adora or even scorpia were nice to her a few times. adora making catra take responsibility for herself is important in the long run. it would be significantly less meaningful if, after being asked five times, on the sixth time of “run away with me” catra was just like “yeah aight” 
there’s supposed to be what, four seasons total, which netflix will probably split into eight? this is season 3 of 8? not even the halfway mark. of course catra’s got a long ways to go. she’s very close to rock bottom now (if not already there) without anyone -- including scorpia and adora -- looking out for her. i think that’s where we’ll see her for the next season or two before she starts to climb out of it
i mean if people wanna bail on the ship bc it’s too #problematic or w/e like fine (although i gotta lol @ the fandom deciding catra’s iredeemable now but loving entrapta and hordak) but if you’re worried bc you think the show just quashed your ship or doomed your fave to a life of evil misery.... i really don’t think that’s the case 
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PSA- How It All Went Down On February 10th
Today is the one year anniversary of when I got into Def Leppard, and how everything on this blog came to be becuase of today. Below is the entire story of how I came across Leppard, and how this blog came about. 
Happy one year!
Let me get one thing clear- I definitely grew up on Def Leppard in one way or another.
My dad’s been a huge fan since ‘83, so of course, I heard their music growing up. However, I didn’t exactly know it was them that I was hearing- I just always heard their name from my dad. I kept my own taste in music, and never paid attention to them (since I didn’t exactly know who they were).
So, the road to my current state of Leppard-loving actually began at the beginning of my sophomore year (fall 2016). For some reason I "rediscovered" Sugar (as in I never knew the title or the artist of it but always heard it as a kid) and started listening to it a lot. A lot.
During my sophomore year, I transitioned my music taste into classic rock. I don’t remember how this happened, but it was for the best.
 At the end of my sophomore year, I "rediscovered" Animal (same scenario) and started listening to it a lot, but never listened to any other song by them voluntarily. 
In the summer following this (summer 2017), whenever we burned a fire on our deck, we would always play Weird Al/ Electric Amish (stuff like that) when we were out there late at night. Eventually, one night in July, I was out of ideas of what to play so I asked my dad (a huge DL fan) what I should put on and of course he simply says "Def Leppard." I asked him what song and said to just pick one, so I thought, “oh god I don't really know any of their songs and I don’t know what he likes, what should I pick? Okay, I’ll pick one I don’t know. Let's just pick the first one that comes up that I don't know" and it just so happens that that one was Hysteria, and I put it on and immediately my dad goes "Ahh.. you had to pick this one...” and tilts his head back, looking up at the sky.
He then told me the story of the first time it was played for the rest of the band (which isn’t 100% true, but this is just what he knew) he said that one of the guitarists (it was actually Phil and Sav) played what they had so far for the rest of the band around a campfire like we were doing (which turned out to be some of Sav and Phil's Irish friends).
But it felt really cool being out there with this song playing, and it was the first time I had ever heard it, too. Hysteria was my favorite song within a week. But, still, I could probably only name 3 or 4 DL songs at this point (I apparently did know more, but none by name). Those 3 or 4 DL songs kinda defined that summer for me, funny enough.
October of 2017: I don't exactly know how it happened, (I think I heard it on the radio) but I rediscovered Photograph (I actually knew this one by name) and became OBSESSED WITH IT FOR ALL OF NOVEMBER. Making music videos in my head, writing it into my NaNoWriMo novel, listening to it whenever I could, just wow- I love it. That's when it became my favorite song of all time (and it still is- tied with Hysteria).
It's January of 2018 now, and I'm still cooing over Photograph and Sugar and Hysteria and Animal, then January 14th, 2018 comes around- I almost meet Rick by accident, then a week or so later I'm watching the Metal Mayhem block on MTVC...
A video ends, it fades to black, and then suddenly I hear that "pck......" pluck of a string that echoes away and my heart jumps- “IT'S PHOTOGRAPH OHMYGODOHMYGOD...!!” 
It occurred to me right then and there that I had never seen the music video before (or even considered that there may have been one)
It had ALSO occurred to me that I had never once actually looked at a picture of the band. I'd never seen their faces. 
So I’ve got a favorite song I’ve been obsessed with for a solid two months, I discover its music video, and look at the band who sings it for the first time- and who starts singing my absolute favorite song of all time but an absolutely daSHING young man in a Union Jack tank top and a white scarf.
And then he hit me out of nowhere and I actually said to myself "God... the lead singer's actually kinda cute... like... really cute..." followed by an "oh no" shortly after because I knew I'd eventually fall madly in love with this simply adorable man who sings my favorite song, and I’d remember that that is what started it all (but that's not what started it all. It was simply an “I’ve been down this road before and this is typically how it starts.” I was more shocked than anything that my dad’s favorite band had a pretty cute lead singer- like how was that possible?) I was now, however, teetering on the edge of falling into an obsession... anything could set me off. 
And it finally did- on February 10th, 2018. My dad was taking me to a drama club rehearsal, and Bringin On the Heartbreak came on the radio. My dad turned it up and went "Yes! Old Leppard!" and at the chorus I went "WHAT'S THIS SONG CALLED I THINK I'VE HEARD IT BEFORE"
It was just the chorus I remembered, not exact words, but it just sounded all familiar, the melody of their forces, the screaming of the words, I'm pretty sure I heard it a really long time ago. And thus, it had begun. I went home, I found it on our iCloud and downloaded it.
Then I remembered my dad saying something when he was drunk about how "I nEED ROCK. LIKE ROCK. I'M TALKING LIKE- PYROMANIA. TWICE."
So I thought "I really really like a small handfull of Def Leppard’s songs. I think I should listen to them more. I'll listen to Pyromania- twice." (I’d heard of the album beforehand but never listened to it- or had I?). So I did one day. I listened to it. Twice. And BOOM; there were at least 4 songs on there right off the bat I most definitely recognized. Turns out I did know a ton of songs by Def Leppard- I just didn’t know it was them.
And of course I looked into them a bit more, hearing about all their popular stuff, listening to all of Hysteria, FINALLY looking up that handsome son of a bitch's name (Joe), finding out that one of the main composers of my favorite song went and died before I was born (Steve), and finding their more popular songs, and listening to all albums soon enough. 
I kept going back to tumblr to find pics of them and such, but there weren’t a lot. There wasn’t much on here at all about them. Whatever I did find, though, I reblogged. I was straight up obsessed within days. That week was crazy for my old tumblr. 
However, at the end of the week, on Feb 18th, only a week after it all began, I accidentally deleted my tumblr account (long story, don’t ask). I was honestly devastated because I had it for almost 4 years and all that history was now gone in the blink of an eye. Within the hour, I restarted and created a new tumblr account. I was lost on here and didn’t know where to begin, or get back on my feet. For one thing, I got my old url back ( @mccoys-killer-queen ) and immediately made my background the same pic of the guys as it was before to kind of trick myself into thinking nothing had changed.
I was wrong, and that was a good thing.
I got back into a fresh new blog, and started going around to people and asking them to spread the word on what happened and to hopefully get most of my followers back.
To this day I don’t remember all of them, and that’s been a good thing so far.
While I was doing this, I started talking to @raised-on-radio (whom I had only become mutuals with about a week earlier), 
“thinking about legit starting a def leppard blog tho” I said in the tags of a post I reblogged. She sent it back to me saying that I totally should (thanks, by the way!). And while I wasn’t totally serious about it at the time, I thanked her for the support so early on.
The next day- literally- the next day (Feb 19th), I messaged her and said that I couldn’t help myself, and made a DL blog (you’re looking at it right now). I’d never had a sideblog before, but within a week, I really enjoyed it (and obviously, I still do). Upon looking at this dead/sleeping fandom on tumblr, I realized right away it needed some sort of revival- to become like other fandoms in the modern day. There was no fanfic (on tumblr at least), there were no memes (oh heLL NO there was not), there wasn’t much circulation of posts, and it just felt dead- which I KNEW it wasn’t. It was very far from it.
Over the next month or so, it seemed now that I was involved with the fandom, it was starting to awaken in some ways. There were people actually posting content, more people were making blogs, memes got involved (I’m taking the credit for that, lmao, it seemed no one else posted memes except me and @stupidpicturesofdefleppard ). I don’t want to say I caused this awakening, but it just seems that it happened around the time I got involved with everything. A divine coincidence.
The year that followed was amazing in so many different ways. In a year, I went from not even looking at a photo of the guys and not even knowing their names, to interacting/having one of them and their official twitter interact with me on Twitter a few times, to meeting one of them in person (and putting my arm around him and having him call me ‘darling’), to having a year long obsession that’s still going strong, to knowing much more songs by them than any other artist, to knowing more facts and history about them than anything else, to being able to recognize them if given the slightest detail, and to being absolutely in love with every member and everything Def Leppard has done (not in that order!)
One year later, here we are! The past 365 days since I first heard Bringin’ On The Heartbreak in my dad’s car has been one hell of a story that’s taken me months to completely type out, and I can’t thank everyone enough for somehow making me gain 364 followers in the past year for something I never thought would get off the ground! If I told myself a year ago that I’d be where I am now, I don’t know what I’d think of it. I’d think it absolutely crazy- which it is!
But I wouldn’t change a thing about the last 365 days, that’s for damn sure. 
Rock on, guys!
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avntures · 6 years
repost, not reblog !
name / nickname: libby 
age: twenty, less than a month away from twenty-one (???????)
height: 5′7″ ish
nationality: scottish, but if u mean where i was born, english
favorite fruit: raspberries or dried mango if that counts
favorite season: winter
favorite scents: oh boy... the smell of the ocean and fresh air
favorite color(s): pink
favorite animals: dogs or otters
tea, coffee, hot cocoa: ooh hot cocoa 
average hours of sleep: 7 - 8, but also sometimes 5 - 6
when my blog was created: roughly summer of 2017??  i think??
random fact: i've cried in a museum because i was overwhelmed at how old everything was and i probably will again
favorite food: my dad’s cabbage pasta
favorite tv show: the good place, doctor who
favorite movie: the emperor’s new groove, mamma mia!
favorite vine: you don’t need to wear mAKEUP BLUHBLUHBLUHBLUh like.... i don’t need to wipe my ass either, but it is like, a preference of mine,
sexuality: lesbian
pronouns: she / her
favorite book series: shades of magic, six of crows, gentleman bastards,, probably forgetting some
favorite video game(s): i’ve never really played them tbh (i’d like to when i get some time/money tho!)
muse type: minor charas w little page time / ones fucked over by bad fanon / i know i have got Types but also a lot of my current muses don’t fit that so honestly man idk
last time i cried: a week and a half ago in paris lmao
what i should be doing: studying for my visual test that’s in exactly one (1) week
why did you create this blog: i want to play So Many Muses y’all
favorite fandoms: i go between them a lot but ig one of my faves to write in / with is tlot, even if that’s technically within the g.rishaverse itself.  i love fairytale-esque settings and all the muses r so easy to fit into fantasy-adjacent verses or even modern aus, it’s very flexible 
tagged by: @oflegendaries thank u <33 tagging:  @fatesrolled @khuviin @khayinaat @masavenvares @sunsummoncd + anyone who wants to!
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fcrensis · 6 years
aka, things i’ve always wanted to ask people / have people ask me. please remember to repost rather than reblog!  happy munday ~ !!
what types of genres do you gravitate towards ?
in general ?? horror, for sure, in any sort of media ; though my tension in writing could use some ( a hell of a lot of ) work, writing horror characters is so much FUN. i actually came to the d:bh fandom from dead by daylight, where i wrote one of the killers, “ the wraith ”. i legitimately miss writing him because he was ?? SO FUN WOW i got to portray this horrifying, monstrous being, manipulated to kill over and over and over again and all the turmoil that came with becoming a predator. my best friend also had this cool horror storyline that i made a character for. his name was gilad, and he was a youth pastor, also indoctrinated into a nasty cult with demonic beliefs and child sacrifices and fucking hell we really need to write that some day.
what types of genres do you gravitate away from ?  
uh anything historical, usually, even fantasy history like game of thrones. it just doesn’t really interest me. saying that, fantasy just plain doesn’t interest me most of the time honestly, one of my favourite books is fantasy but nothing else of it has ever really been my thing !! i’m also USUALLY not a huge fan of anything that’s too much like real life. real life plots and au’s can be fun sometimes but not all the time ; i love a good fuckin barista thread now and again but i couldn’t write it for everything.
what types of characters do you most often play / enjoy ?   
GOSH ,, my character type changes pretty often. a couple years ago i was writing a lot of heroes ( like steve rogers and peter parker, i wrote a lot of marvel characters ) but when i dipped into the DC fandom, i picked up jason todd, who is absolutely an anti-hero. and that was sort of a stepping stone for me writing the more villainous and angry, troubled characters which is sort of still where i’m at ?? so melissa and connor are SUPER challenging for me right now and it’s a lot of fun trying to balance my need to make them fucking assholes and my common sense telling me not to do that.
what types of characters do you seldom play ?    
children, i guess. i have a couple of oc’s under the age of 18 who i have barely used, and before the dead by daylight fandom i was writing ernest vega in dream daddy, but generally i’m sort of weird about writing teenagers and children because i am ,, 20 years old, i don’t know what the fuck kids are like now. i also have never in my life written a maternal character. melissa’s sort of there, but it’s these brief mentions and references and not a defining trait.
any pairing tropes you particularly enjoy ? ( e.g. opposites attract / anguished declaration of love / etc )    
UH yeah, polar opposites ??? listen, in real life, i don’t think anybody who was totally different to me personality-wise would be a good fit, but in writing ? fuck yeah. give me the rough, moody character falling madly in love with the soft one. give me two characters who should be enemies coming to the horrifying realisation that they’re developing feelings for one another. i’m all fucking for it.
any platonic tropes you particularly enjoy ?    
found family is so important to me and i would DIE for hank & connor. i’ve had a lot of found family plots with friends and i am so emotional about every single one of them, be it a sibling relationship or parental.
any antagonistic tropes you particularly enjoy ?    
listen . . . i don’t know what an antagonistic trope is so i’m going to guess and you’re gonna all pretend i’m totally right.
i guess i’m pretty into characters being manipulated and finding out they’re being manipulated, trying to come to terms with that and address what’s happening and what they’ve done and being angry at the injustice.
what are your preferred thread types ? ( novela / para / banter / etc ? )    
oh man, it really depends on my muse. i struggle to write things that are super short, so i do like at least one good sized paragraph, but i prefer to have different lengths of threads !! like, sometimes, i really want to write something long, something more around the 700-1000 word length, but i don’t want that for EVERY thread. shorter things are amazing. they’re a good respite when i don’t feel like dedicating that much energy to something. 300 words is around my usual minimum but i can go shorter !! <3
what are your favorite types of interactions ? ( fluff / angst / smut / etc ? )   
i love both fluff AND angst. what i want at the time really depends on how i’m feeling, though !! like a few days ago i was super into angst and right now i just don’t really have the muse so my angst threads are on temp hold ( except for this one i’ve owed for a week lmao ) while i focus on less violent stuff. i love my characters loving and being loved, but at the same time sometimes i just want them to suffer in some sort of way.
i don’t like smut, though. i can’t write it. i honestly don’t know why, i’ve always been really awkward about it and i feel like, you know, you can’t moderate who reads it if you post it publicly and if i DID write smut, i wouldn’t want underage people getting at it.
what’s on your wishlist ?  what sorts of threads / plots / relationships are you craving right now ?    
me : give a serious answer me to me : literally anything w gavin give me BIG BRO GABIN
i don’t have anything super specific in mind except i ,, did a few days ago want to do an angst thread with connor where something happens ( i.e. hank dies ) and he just decides that he’s done, pulls out his thirium pump and unfortunately has it put back in before shutdown. so i would be open to discussing that w somebody for in a couple days when i inevitably wanna do angst again.
for melissa i !! really just want her to open up to somebody. tell them what happened to her and why she can’t let androids in her space. i also really want an android to TRY to get in her space. befriend her, androids. please.
i also wanna write the fuckin wraith again so if anybody wants to interact w an unwilling executioner trying to hold onto the last of his humanity hit me the fuck up
tagged by . . . @isolationtender a BABE an ANGEL melissa’s fuckign gorlfriend
tagging . . . okay none of you actually have to do this totally feel free to ignore but @detidgaf @lostxdetective @hcpesalive @ethereal-myth  ( hi guys it’s deviiancies )
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franeridart · 6 years
Happy 1000th post to one off my absolute favorite artists on Tumblr!
This is it!!! The 1k post on this blog!!! It’s me finally getting my ass into gear and answering the asks in my inbox!!! As good charm in hope of not waiting so long from now on hahaha thank you so so much, by the way!!!! :D
THANK YOU FOR EVERY KIND WORD AND ESPECIALLY ABOUT THE TODOROKI ONES HOLY SMOKES!!! I don’t draw him much sadly but he’s super fun and comfortable to draw for me, it’s nice to know he also comes out well!!!
Anon said:So like,,, I really miss your bokuroo ;^; Will you ever post with them again???
I haven’t taken a vow that forces me to never draw them again, so, possibly! At the moment posting for the haikyuu fandom is giving me more sad feelings than anything else though, so I can’t promise that’s gonna be any time soon, I’m sorry 
Anon said:bruhh i listened to that chiodos song under ur halo, and that one by memphis may fire that was w that bakugo art that was called not enough and uhhhhh ur music taste is dope care to share some more songs?
SURE I’m glad you liked those! Everything by Memphis is A+ and I love it so if you haven’t you should check out more stuff by them ( No Ordinary Love is super nice, That’s Just Life is very dear to me and so is Divinity, Speechless is… my otp song for every otp ever tbh) -  Bring Me The Horizon is my fav post-hardcore band and both MMF and Chiodos are that genre so if you don’t know them give them a try! (Blasphemy, Run and Doomed are between my faves out of the latest album, and since you liked Under Your Halo you’re probably gonna like Follow You too) the album right before is amazing too if you’re okay with less melodic stuff, but the further back you go with BMtH the harder to listen to they get, just a heads up - Sleeping With Sirens are on the softer side of post-hardcore lately, Fly, Left Alone, Trouble, Fire and Empire To Ashes are some great ones, between the many, and, uhhhh, at this point I might have recced Nothing More a hundred times but let’s make it a hundred and one, try Funny Little Creatures, Do You Really Want It and Go To War out of the newest album! If you’re into punk and female voices you should check out Tonight Alive too, Jenna has one of my two fav female voices in rock right now (Crack My Heart and Temple are the latest two songs out!) and since I always rec stuff but I never rec anything by my favorite band ever, you ever heard of Alter Bridge? They’re more towards hard-rock/alternative metal, but check out Blackbird, Fortress, I Know It Hurts, Cradle To The Grave and Broken Wings just to make it one for every album I really, really adore this band and everything they ever made
Anon said:I adore all of your art, especially your bnha art!!! I had so many of your drawings saved to my drafts before I read the manga and was really looking forward to catching up so I could look at them all!! They’re all fantastic
AHHH THANK YOU!!! This made me smile lots, I’m so glad you like them!!!
Anon said:What’s coming up? Fluffy, dorky or angsty? (I’m talking about your next work XD just to be sure) Have a great day my friend!
LMAO this was about this one right? I’m sort of a fool honestly cause as I drew it it… didn’t feel actually all that angsty to me? I mean, obviously it doesn’t come after anything happy, but they’re working things out! Making an effort! Loving each other enough to try and understand each other better!! I drew it as something positive but in hindsight I should have expected the reactions lmao so I honestly dunno, I feel like telling you it’s most probably gonna be something happy but as it seems I angst without even realizing, lately #rip
@not-enough-kaneki​ said:Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications! 😊
!!!!! my cats!!!! tea and coffee!!! Bakugou and Kirishima and Bakugou-and-Kirishima and the squad!!!! not having an headache!!!!!! the sound of ocean waves and the sun on winter days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! new music I like!!!!!! nice asks and lovely tags under my art!!!! that’s more than five things but a lot of stuff makes me happy tbh !!!
Anon said:one of my favorite parts (i love every bit of it) of the holiday pic you drew of the squad, is they each have their own personal mug. 10/10
I didn’t think you’d be able to notice Mina’s!!! I’m glad it was visible, I thought I had made it disappear into the background hahaha thank you!!!
Anon said:i just went through your entire kiribaku tag and, honestly, gay (also ur art is soooo good and pure and thank u so much for all the content u make for bnha 💖💖)
It is very gay, isn’t it? The other day I was going through my old stuff and I think I might have slowly turned them mushier oh my hahaha I’m glad you like my stuff, by the way!! Thank you so so so so much!!!!!!!!
Anon said:Thank you for sharing the beautiful Bakusquad Christmas! It’s very colorful and warm & it gives me such a comforting feeling! I love looking at all the details! Kami & Sero’s ribbons, everyone’s mugs, the decorations, all so cute! Especially Mina’s bulletin board with the photos, charms of the boys, & the little alien dude (?) Each time I look at it, I see other cute details!! Sorry to bother you, but thanks again for sharing your art with us! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas!!!!!
It’s not a bother at all!!! Thank you so so much for looking at it long enough to notice all those details!!!!
Anon said:You are so good at giving advice omg
I wouldn’t say I’m especially good at it, I just say what was useful to me lol but thank you! It’s a nice thing to be told
Anon said:Dude, your bakusquad drawings are awesome! Keep up the great work!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!! I’m super glad you like them!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:The new chapter made me think about Bakugou dealing with his squad as babies all over again. Toddlers would probably be worse.
Depends?? Actually??? Like, at least toddlers aren’t gonna steal his gauntlets and tell him he’s lame and punch him just for the hell of it and be a bunch of smartasses and assholes like. Compared to this bunch of baby-Bakugous he has to deal with in the new arc maybe the squad as toddlers would actually be refreshing lol
Anon said:Um I have a very real crush on ila? Can we please know more about her??
I’m ??? so happy you like her!!!!! I don’t wanna say too much about her cause until I draw her in comics I won’t be too sure about who she really is, but she’s!! a pianist, very tall and sorta insecure about her physical appearance, very soft spoken, incredibly gay, scared of sensory deprivation of any kind. Her full name is Ilaria! Dav calls her Aria, which means air in Italian~ they’re pretty good friends, I have a comic about that I’ve been meaning to draw…
Anon said:So, you like KiriBaku with songs, so what do you think of You Had Me At Hello by A Day to Remember? Particularly the lines, “What have I gotten into this time around, I know that I had sworn I’d never trust anyone again, but I didn’t have to. You had me at hello. I’ve never seen a smile that can light a room like yours, it’s simply radiant, I feel more with every day that goes by.”
s o f t…………. ;; also incredibly fitting considering Bakugou decided Kirishima was his new favorite hero the second time he spoke to him, like, god bless I love those two s o m u ch this one I’m listening to it right now and having feelings (is it Baku to Kiri? Kiri to Baku? why not both for double the feels)
Anon said:Hey Fran!! Have you been keeping up with haikyuu? If so what do you think about the Miya twins? (Personally I think they’re pretty okay, they’re funny when they interact with each other. My favorite of the two is Osamu haha)
I don’t mind them! My fav out of Inari is Kita tho, have to admit - that said I have… sort of been ready for this game to be over for months, now………………
Anon said:Okay but imagine….. Kirishima with freckles
I’ve drawn that, now and again!!! the latest one was this one, and another one I remember is this one :D I’ve been liking the idea of him with freckles even more since it’s become official his hair isn’t naturally red? So now and again I add them in, even though they’re usually not much noticeable haha I do so with Bakugou too from time to time, actually… and the rest of the squad… I just… love freckles a lot… haha
Anon said:Love the squad, love the squad kisses.
HECK YES the goal is to draw at least one smooch for every couple sooner or later !!!
Anon said:I hadn’t even realize that I stuck around for a whole year OwO, anyways, congratulations! Your art style has improved much more than you think, especially since you’ve gotten more into coloring ^o^ I noticed that you’ve also been doing more complicated poses too, so, it’s the little stuff that counts ♥️👍 Hope to see more spontaneous art next year, love you Fran!
THANK YOU SO MUCH I love you lots too??? honestly??? This ask means the whole world to me, I really can’t see much improvement after all but knowing you can DOES help a whole damn lot
Anon said:So I came across this fanfic where Uraraka and Todoroki were a thing. I’m personally not a fan of this rare pair, but the whole scenario was the cutest thing ever. Todoroki basically asks Uraraka to help him confess to Midoriya, but in the process falls in love with her instead.
Awwww that sounds cute! Can’t say I have any particular feelings about the ship, but I am up for Todoroki with nearly anyone so why not!
Anon said:Bro bro bro I’m sorry if this is the wrong channel to go through or something but holy shit I just spent hours going through your entire tumblr and your. Art. And. Concepts. I… can’t??? DUDE YOU’RE AMAZING AND YOUR TATTOO AU!! I?? Just thank you so much for all the awesome work you do honestly made my entire fuckin week with your blog, you are WICKED GOOD AND FUNNY AF. That’s all I got go on with your day you talented ass fiend
I’M CRYING!!! OH MY GOD THANK YOU!!!!!!! I’m gonna pick this ask and frame it right on top of my desk!! The heck!!!!!!
Anon said:Why is Bakugou such a fuckin meme
The real question is why is everyone in class 1A a meme. How do they even keep up. How much of the shit they say on a day to day basis is actually just catchphrases from other 1A kids repeated over and over again. How much of the deadpan ridiculous shit Todoroki says has become an inside-joke. How many 1A kids move and talk like Iida just for the hell of it. How often do they yell DIE at inanimate stuff when it pisses them off. How much stuff is defined as manly even though it has nothing to do with manliness. Do they say “going wheey” instead of “frying one’s brain”. Can anyone outside of 1A even understand them when they speak at this point.
Anon said:You are amazing human bean and I love you 💖 Keep being great ✨👏
Thank you??? ;O; I’ll do my best!!!
Anon said:Just annonly passing by to tell you I F'ing love your take on Ashido And the Kids XD … Way to much fluff And laugh for my heart
THANK YOU!!! I’m happy I can make you laugh!!!! :D :D :D
Anon said:I love you god bless you and your art! THANK YOU!
Anon said:Hi! I absolutely /adore/ your BakuKiriKami art! I was wondering if you had any headcanons about them/what inspires you to draw them?
More than headcanons for them I have an incredible amount of scenarios I’d like to see them in! And when they’re compact, complete things I usually draw them, which is what inspires me really haha that, and seeing them interact in the manga! Lately I’ve been really drawn to Bakugou and Kaminari’s friendship, actually, so the romantic stuff has fallen in the background while my mind is preoccupied with thinking about them as platonic good pals ahhhhhhh as soon as I’ll work through it I’ll probably get back to drawing them as romantics, that’s just how my mind works lol
Anon said:I love the casual clothes you design for MHA characters! And I really enjoy reading your headcanons-always creative and fun! Is there anything you’d add to anyone’s hero costumes in class 1-A (something that might prove useful/practical for them, or something you’d add just for the heck of it)? Sorry if this is a stupid question or if you’ve answered a similar question before. Thanks for your time!
It’s not a stupid question, don’t worry!! But I generally like to leave myself in Horikoshi’s hands for this sort of stuff, since I both enjoy the costumes as they are AND don’t want to be disappointed in case what I hope for doesn’t actually happen - that said, I’ve mentioned before that I’d really like Aoyama to get redirectors for his laser on his palms and for Kaminari to get a close combat weapon, since with the quirk he has anything metal would actually work wonders for him! He mentioned a sword, but I rest my case that tonfas would be cool, I really want him to use tonfas. A “costume” I don’t understand is Hagakure’s, by the way - would be nice if she got an actual costume and also I don’t really get why she’d wear gloves at all?? Mirio’s costume was made using his hair, I really want her to get something similar! That’s about it tho, I haven’t really thought much about anyone else in that sense~ 
Anon said:Hello! A few weeks ago I asked about the bracelets you drew for Baku & Kiri. (That art is so beautiful!!) I was wondering if there’s a story behind them; such as, did one of them buy the pair, or did they pick them out together? I’m sorry if it’s a dumb question and if I’m bothering you.
THIS ASK I had lost it, thank you so much for sending it my way again! Actually, Kirishima bought it for himself and Bakugou - I mean to draw a small thing for it, be patient with me while I try to get my ass into gear for it ;O;
Anon said:It’s been a while since you’ve done any BakuKiriKami, do you still like that ship?
I do - as I said a few answers above this one, I’m just finding myself weirdly invested in a platonic relationship between Bakugou and Kaminari at the moment, and also Bakushima stole my focus and soul, but I do still like the ship a whole damn lot, definitely still my fav ot3 in the manga~
Anon said:I love your drawings so much, they always make my day seeing them. But I gotta say that kiri with his hair down is my weakness. He just looks so pure, the cuteness factor goes through the roof.
Thank you???? The Kiri thing is true for canon Kiri too, I’m glad I can bring it in my art!!! Mostly cause when I draw him with his hair down I’m never really sure what the hell I’m doing, I’ll be honest with you lmao
Anon said:hello, holy fUCKin shit how are you this damn good at drawing? like, fuck? thank you, bless you, have a nice day
THANK YOU! And all I do is draw, really lmao I wouldn’t say I’m all that good, definitely not anywhere near the artists I admire, but since all I can do is draw as long as I keep doing that I guess I’ll get there, sooner or later hahaha
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seorikkun · 6 years
!!Rules: answer 20 questions then tag 20 followers you wanna get to know better!  i was tagged by @transmanrichardstrand
Name: ri!!
Nickname: ri, riles, riri, momma ri, mom, mother
Height: 5′2/5′3
Nationality: american!
Favourite fruit: i fuck w/ watermelon and apples exclusively
Favourite season: spring !!!
Favourite smell: lemon scented ANYTHING
Favourite colour: baby blue or pink
Favourite animal: bunnies, tigers, foxes, bears
Tea, Coffee or Hot cocoa: hot cocoa all the way
Average hours of sleep: uuuuuu i rarely sleep tbh .... 5-8 hours??
Dogs or Cats: either or !! i am more hesitant around cats tho ,,
Favourite fictional character: aaa thats a tough question .... idk :((
Dream trips: japan/sk!! i also wanna go to new york, italy, and france!
When was my blog created: it was created like 7 years ago why am i here still
Number of followers: like 1000 but nobody talks to me gshjsg almost all my followers are inactive
Random fact: eleanor roosevelt was queer
Fav Food: PASTA
Fav TV Show: uuu i dont watch TV anymore but i suppose one show i watched recently and really liked was perfect wife!
Fav Movie: uuuu i dunno! i dont rly like movies
Fav Vine: road work ahead? u h YEA i sure H O P E it does!
Sexuality: bisexual!
Gender: female!
Fav Book Series: god idk ... i dont rly read book series anymore
Fav Video Game: i LOV portal, terraria, catherine, amnesia: memories, and pokemon
Fav Subject in School: english !!! or art !!
Fav Fandom: without a doubt i love all the starlights !! y’all are so kind to me :(
Fav Superhero: wonder woman!!!
Girls or Guys: ...Why must ... u hurt me this way... but honestly speaking ive lived a lot of my life forcing myself to assume im straight so i typically have crushes on guys more ... but i literally love girls because theyre decent human beings and usually are all beautiful ghsjghsg
Celebrity Crush: hakyeon or wonsik from vixx !! duuh ,,, thems my boys
When’s the last time you cried?: i cried like .... a few weeks ago when i was visiting w/ kil,,, that was a time
Hair color: brrrrown
Eye Color: brrrown
What should I be doing right now? Not this lmao ....
tag 20 people: i dont even know 20 people but i’ll at least tag @tkwn and @skinofflikelightning if u guys dont wanna do it that’s cool lmao
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