#home remedies for oily skin & pimples
myfitnessteacher · 11 months
Acne | Acne Treatment | Home Remedies for Acne | 3 Acne Treatment At Home Remedies |
let’s face it acne is not an easy problem, to crack you guys might have tried numerous creams home remedies and maybe even antibiotics but nothing seems to work, this is because they don’t heal only suppress the problem when it comes to issues like acne.
I firmly believe that you don’t just need a remedy but a holistic plan to tap the problem from its root cause which according to ayurveda is aggravated pitta in the blood. so, in this blog we are going to share with you three simple practical steps that will purify your blood balance your hormones naturally and immune you from future breakouts so without any further delay let’s get started. Read More
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htlifestyle · 1 year
Home Remedies for Oily Skin | Homeveda | HT Lifestyle
Are you someone like me who is piling on skincare products to improve the quality of your skin? Have all those fancy skincare products also created a hole in your pocket? If yes, then it’s time to take a look inside your house to get perfect looking healthy skin. We all dream of healthy-looking flawless skin. But owing to all the environmental factors and our own poor habits, healthy-looking skin is like a far-fetched dream. But recently, I met a friend after a really long time and was surprised to see that her skin looked fresh and healthy. No, she was not wearing any makeup. I could not stop so I asked her the reason for it. And here's what she told me. Hi guys, so today in HomeVeda, I will tell you some home remedies my friend shared to keep your skin healthy. This remedy was shared to her by her dadi. And we all know that dadis and home remedies go hand in hand.
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lyfebanana · 1 year
10 Amazing Home Remedies for Acne and Pimples
Acne or pimples are one of the most common skin conditions that occurs when hair follicles are clogged with oil and dead skin cells. Each hair follicle is connected to a sebaceous gland (oil glands), which produces an oily substance called sebum. Sebum can plug up hair follicles, causing the growth of a bacteria known as Propionibacterium acnes, which is normally present on the skin.
Acne can cause painful and generally occur on areas of the skin with a relatively high number of oil glands, including face, neck, back, shoulders, upper part of the chest and even arms.
If left untreated, acne can lead to long-term hyperpigmentation or scarring. There are many products on the market to treat acne but they can take time.
Here are 10 amazing home remedies for acne and pimples that you might want to try.
1. Apple Cider Vinegar Apple cider vinegar contains several organic acids that have been shown to fight many types of bacteria and viruses. Apple cider vinegar can help to dry up the excess oil, reduces red marks and suppress inflammation.
Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar to 3 parts water and apply on the affected skin area with a cotton ball. Leave it on for a few minutes and rinsing with cool water. Repeat this process a few times daily.
2. Honey Honey has antibiotic properties, which help to improve acne. Apply 1 teaspoon of honey on the affected skin areas and leaving it on for 30 minutes.
3. Tea Tree Oil Tea tree oil has the ability to fight bacteria and reduce skin inflammation. Mix 1 part tea tree oil to 9 parts water and apply on the affected skin area with a cotton swab.
4. Ice Ice can reduce swelling, inflammation and redness of acne. Wrapping an ice cube in a paper towel and apply on the acne for a few seconds.
5. Toothpaste Toothpaste has antibacterial properties, which play a vital role in eliminating the bacteria that cause acne. Apply a layer of white toothpaste on the acne and leave it on overnight.
6. Baking Soda Baking soda dries out the acne and also exfoliate the skin to remove excess oil. Mix 1 teaspoon of baking soda with a few drops of water to form a paste. Apply the paste on the acne and let it to dry for a few minutes, then rinsing with warm water. Do this a few times a day.
7. Witch Hazel Witch hazel has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Applying witch hazel to the skin can reduce inflammation and fight bacteria.
Soak 1 tablespoon witch hazel bark and 1 cup water for 30 minutes, then boil the mixture for 10 minutes and let it cool. Apply the mixture on the affected skin area with a cotton ball 1 to 2 times per day.
8. Green Tea Flavonoids and tannins in green tea are known to fight inflammation and kill bacteria. Steep green tea in boiling water for about 3 to 4 minutes and let it cool. Apply the tea on the acne with a cotton ball. Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinsing with cool water and pat dry.
9. Aloe Vera The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties in aloe vera can help to reduce redness and skin irritation. Apply a layer of aloe vera gel on the affected skin area and leave it on for about 10 to 15 minutes.
10. Aspirin Aspirin can dry up acne and reduce the swelling due to accumulated pus. Form a paste by crushing the aspirin tablet and mix with a few drops of water. Apply the paste on the acne and let it dry.
Final Thoughts These home remedies may not work for everyone, but they just might be worth a try.
After you have gotten rid of acne, it’s important to make changes in your skin care routine to prevent breakouts from returning.
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Diet and cure are need constantly.
 My grandchildren is on 1.5 y.old , her body covered with red spots and pimples, they are itching, she is wordiness and nervousness.Doctor  put diagnosis as atopic dermatitis, allergy to  the protein in cow milk, and failure for ferments a digestion system.All  milk products avoided, effect is zero, ointments are not helping, relieving not beginning, disease is keeping, advice to her something, please.
A children with atopic dermatitis are constantly checking in dermatologists, and pediatrist and receive supporting cure  as for preventing a recidive a disease answers dermatologist  Kuleshov, and constantly keeping these recommendations:
1.Using hypo-allergy diet with limiting animal fats, sea meal, smoked,spicy, salted and marinades, eggs, nuts, honey.
2. Limiting contact with water and items of household chemicals.
3. In household carrying are elimination/avoiding contact with allergen/activities.
Everyday house cleaning, wetting.
Minimal quantity at home are soft furnitures, carpets.
Using pillows with filling of synthetic materials.
Removing at home a tick dust.
 Avoiding a children skin s contact with woollen  fur fabrics.
At home, removing abundant humidity and sources for mold on the wall.
Avoiding contact with home animals.
Limiting using synthetic washing items.
4.And using for preventing and on acuting time or long time for till 30 days and more on rashes of atopic dermatitis as for medicament cure are creams Bepanthen, Panthenol, or vitamin F99 for two times/day, if doctor allows and cream Protopin for one time/day for 3 months, concrete remedy selecting individually by skin peculiarity, season, climate, time of a day, and patient s preferences.
5.Using for base care a skin softening and moisturizing remedies/Emollients as of lotions, creams, ointments, they are fighting dryness, itch, inflammation skin, and common recommendations by using: Self using, after water procedures by principle to wet-grease, and bathe baby at warm on 27-30 C bath for 5 min with adding for 2 min till procedure ending a oil for bath and apply on wetting skin, and wipe her needing after bath by blotting moves, avoiding friction a softening remedy.
On the colt time a year use softening and moisturizing remedies with a most oily ingredients.
Emollient  as of cream apply for 15 min, or in 15 min after using a anti-inflammatory preparation/in a case more oilyness base a Emollient .
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/5bGIeQz via https://ift.tt/YifrK3L
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ieran22 · 2 years
Home Remedies For Skin
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Even if there are so many skincare and cosmetic goods on the market, home cures are always in style. We offer a great deal. You name it, there is a home cure for it: for dry skin, oily skin, to achieve clear, glowing skin, to get rid of pimples and rashes. We have a wide variety of natural ingredients that work wonders for our skin, such orange zest, cinnamon, and turmeric, that can be found right there in our kitchen cupboards and have been passed down through generations. So, let’s look at some at-home skin treatments you can attempt.
Natural Treatments For Oily Skin
Sebum, a fatty, waxy substance produced by the sebaceous glands found beneath the skin’s surface, is overproduced and leads to oily skin. Sebum moisturizes the skin, so it’s not always a bad thing, but too much of it can clog your pores and result in acne. Home remedies might be your go-to tricks if you’re seeking for ways to control it but don’t want to spend a lot of money on pricey products. Here are five natural treatments for oily skin:
This common culinary item works wonders for the skin. It has natural antibacterial and antiseptic properties as well as being a humectant, which means that it draws out oil from the skin while retaining moisture. Here’s how to put it to use:
· Raw honey is what you require.
· To your skin, apply a thin layer of it.
· Give it 10 to 15 minutes to dry.
· After that, wash it with water.
Multani Mitti (Earth of Fuller) Multani mitti is a mainstay of the natural skincare regimen in India. Since it both nourishes the skin and eliminates excess oil, it is very advantageous for oily skin.
· Take some of it and put it in a dish to make a multani mitti pack. It is easily available in the market in powdered form.
· To make a paste, mix in some rosewater.
· Apply it to your face and neck, then wait a few minutes for it to dry.
· After it has dried, wash it with water.
Aloe Vera
· This is yet another all-natural element that is frequently used to maintain healthy skin, including the control of excess oil.
· You should apply some Aloe Vera gel to your skin and wait a while. It may also be used overnight.
· Use water to clean it, then pat it dry.
· Aloe Vera might trigger an allergic reaction in people with sensitive skin, it should be mentioned. It is always to first try it in a small area.
· Tomatoes contain salicylic acid, which is used to treat acne and is a fantastic natural cleaner. Additionally, it aids in removing the skin’s extra oil.
· Juice from tomatoes, please. Cut a tomato in half to prepare it. Pick one half, crush it, and strain the juice.
· Put some on your neck and face.
· For 10 to 15 minutes, leave it.
· Use water to wash it, then pat it dry.
· Who knew that drinking coffee, which awakens and alerts you, might help your skin get rid of extra oil?
· Add some honey and coffee powder together.
· Gently massage your face and neck after applying this scrub.
· Following that, rinse it with warm water and pat it dry.
Best Home Remedies Book
Natural Treatments For Dry Skin
The primary cause of dry skin is the climate, namely when there is little moisture in the air. Other contributing variables include using a harsh cleaner, taking a hot shower, or having a skin problem. If you don’t have a major medical condition, you can treat dry skin at home using the following methods:
Coconut Oil
Coconut moisturizes and smoothens the skin, making it good for dry skin. Simply use coconut oil after taking a bath or whenever your skin feels dry. Additionally, you don’t need to modify it in any way.
Olive Oil
· Olive oil is another excellent choice for dry skin.
· To make a scrub, combine sugar and olive oil.
· Apply it and gently massage it into your face and neck.
· Use water to wash it off.
Petroleum glycerin
In the winter, this is commonly utilized. It moisturizes the skin from the inside out as well as on the surface. Applying petroleum jelly to the dry skin or dry spots is what you need to do.
This traditional breakfast food is effective in curing dry skin. Oatmeal and honey can be used to provide an exfoliant:
· Add some honey to some porridge. If you want to thin out the consistency, you can also add extra water.
· Apply it to your face and neck and gently massage.
· Use water to wash it off.
Natural Treatments For Clear Skin
Although both oily and dry skin can have their share of challenges, combination skin is not immune to these concerns. Our skin is exposed to heat and pollution throughout the day. A bad diet also has an impact. Our skin becomes drab and pallid when the pores fill with debris. Who doesn’t want skin that is clear? Here are some natural cures that could be useful:
This tropical fruit eliminates dead skin cells when applied on the skin and has antibacterial characteristics. Here’s how to put it to use:
· Mash one-half of a ripe papaya.
· Make a paste out of it by mixing in some honey.
· Apply it to your neck and face, then wait 10 to 15 minutes.
· Use water to wash it, then pat it dry.
The benefits of turmeric for the skin are well known to all of us. Because of this, Indian ladies and grooms use it prior to marriage to enhance their attractiveness. It aids in reducing skin pigmentation, acne, and other skin-related problems.
This evergreen tropical plant is renowned for having antiviral and antibacterial effects. It is especially helpful for skin that is oily and prone to acne. To apply it:
· Make a paste by combining yogurt with half a teaspoon of neem powder.
· Apply it on your face, then wait a while.
· Use water to wash it off.
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Home Remedies For Acne
Probably the most frequent skincare issue is acne. Many people receive medical care for it. However, if you want to look into some natural and DIY methods, here are some acne home remedies:
Cinnamon with honey
Both cinnamon and honey have antibacterial qualities and aid in reducing inflammation, both of which contribute to acne. This makes them a great combination to combat this widespread skincare problem.
· To make a paste, combine two teaspoons of honey with some cinnamon.
· Apply it to your skin and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes.
· After that, wash it with water.
Leaf tea
· We are all aware of green tea’s positive health effects. Many people think that using it on the skin will fight acne.
· When the water is boiling, add some green tea and let it cool.
· Use a cotton ball to clean your face.
· After letting it dry, clean it with water.
Aloe Vera
Many skincare treatments employ this tropical herb. Although it is typically used to treat inflammation, rashes, and wounds, it is also used to treat acne.
· Aloe Vera gel should be applied to the face and left on for a while.
· Clean it with water.
Foods For Skin Health
You can use these home treatments to combat certain problems, but your skin also requires hydration from within. You must eat meals that nourish it and keep it in good health. The following items should be a part of your diet if you want to have good skin:
· Tomatoes
· Broccoli
· Carrot
· Spinach
· Peas
· Avocado
· Kiwi
· Berries
· Grapes
· Beans
· Lentils
· Nuts
· Dark chocolate
· Yogurt
· Green tea
· Water
Add these foods to your diet for skin that is healthy. Do not forget that a balanced diet is essential for a healthy body and skin, and that in order to look beautiful on the outside, you must be healthy on the inside.
Common Skin Conditions
Despite the fact that some skin-related conditions can be addressed at home. And you may improve the health of your skin by consuming certain meals. However, some skin conditions may need that you visit a doctor.
· Acne
· Blister
· Hives
· Wart
· Dermatitis
· Eczema
· Melanoma
· Melasma
· Moles
· Lupus
· Ringworm
· Rosacea
· Psoriasis
Even while there are skin cures for acne, you should always contact a doctor if the problem doesn’t go away. The other skin conditions described above are significant ones, and you should consult a dermatologist very away.
If you want to give your skin a break from chemical products and are looking for natural solutions, home remedies are fantastic. Additionally, they are inexpensive, simple to use, and their materials are easily found in the market. You should, however, make sure that you aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients before attempting these. Using them on a smaller region first, then applying them to your face and neck, is an excellent strategy. Once you are certain, you can start to enjoy the wonderful effects of these treatments.
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weeeujrjr · 2 months
How to get rid of pimple scars naturally(100% Effective)
Every woman wants clear and flawless skin naturally but due to acne problems, it's not possible sometimes, firstly it's important to know why we get pimple scars very often, as a study reveals that when your body makes too much collagen as it tries to heal the skin and underlying tissue, you see a raised pimple scar. When squeezing, popping, or picking acne increases your risk of developing an acne scar. Not every acne breakout causes a scar.
While acne scars can fade away, they rarely go away on their own.
These acne scars appear after the pimple breakout clears, these scars come in different shapes and sizes.
Now in this informative article, you get to know how to get rid of pimple scars naturally.
Types Of Acne Scars
Depressed And Raised Acne Scars
 Most people get depressed acne scars and these depressed acne scars also have different categories as mentioned here,
Depressed Acne Scars(Ice pick scars, Rolling scars, Boxcar Scars, Raised Acne Scars).
Raised Acne Scars(Hypertrophic scars, keloid, papular scars).
Acne scars can be itchy or painful, this is most likely to occur if you have raised acne scars. But it's not scary to have scars on your face permanently, it can be curable naturally by different precautions and by changing daily lifestyle habits.
Scars may slightly fade naturally over time, but they will likely not completely disappear without treatment. This is more beneficial and effective if you take home remedies to cure acne scars naturally, it may help you to heal deeply. As it is historically proven that our ancestors cured many diseases by using home remedies earlier and surely it may be an effective solution to get rid of scars permanently, one should use home remedies before going to any dermatologist. In this article, we are going to share many home remedies that sound very useful for curing scars naturally.
Some Natural Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Naturally
Apple cider vinegar-apple cider vinegar is very useful for our whole body. It helps us to detox our body naturally. Using diluted apple cider vinegar may help reduce the appearance of acne scars.
Turmeric Powder- As we all know turmeric has many properties of healing any antiseptic that occurs in our body, it has anti-inflammatory properties and can be great for reducing bacterial growth, it also helps in skin regeneration.
Coconut Oil- A study reveals that coconut oil moisturizes your skin and prevents acne scars. But this is to be noted that if you have oily skin you must avoid the use of coconut oil because it may worsen the situation. Use cold-pressed oil in this situation.
Tea Tree Oil- This oil is derived from a tea tree that belongs to Australia and contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Applying tea tree oil on the skin may help to reduce the bumps and reduce scars.
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molianno · 3 months
What are some effective home remedies for acne-prone skin?
Simple and Effective Method: Wet a cotton pad with rubbing alcohol every night and apply it to the affected areas for five minutes. Then, apply Adapalene gel to whiteheads and blackheads (apply at night, as it can cause photosensitivity). For pimples with pus, apply Fusidic acid (avoid excessive use, only apply to specific spots). Remember to moisturize regularly.
Additionally, prioritize getting enough sleep, maintaining a regular schedule, and avoiding oily and fried foods and late nights (which support liver function, detoxification, and metabolism).
With the colder weather, it's essential to moisturize more to prevent acne. Avoid going out in windy conditions without any skincare, as it can lead to more blackheads and increased oil production (your sebaceous glands sense dryness and overproduce oil to moisturize your skin). When selecting products, pay attention to the ingredients. Avoid glycerin-heavy products if you're prone to acne, as they can clog pores. Instead, opt for hydrating and easily absorbable products.
Just pay attention to these factors, and your skin will naturally improve. Additionally, engage in regular exercise. Keep going, beautiful!
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drbasilshomeo · 6 months
pimple homeopathic treatment | homeopathy treatment
No More Popping and Picking – Homeopathy Heals Pimples from Within”
Pimples and acne are an annoying and often painful skin condition that affects teenagers and adults alike. For those seeking a gentler approach, homeopathy offers a safe, natural, and holistic treatment.
Homeopathy is a system of alternative medicine developed over 200 years ago. It works on the principle that “like cures like” – substances that cause certain symptoms in healthy people can cure those same symptoms in someone who is ill. Homeopathy uses extremely diluted preparations of plants, minerals, or animal products that help stimulate the body’s natural healing response.
In the case of acne, there are many homeopathic remedies that can help treat breakouts and restore balance to oily, inflamed skin. Homeopathic medicines for pimples are matched to an individual based on their specific symptoms – this personalized approach is what makes homeopathy so effective. 
Homeopathic treatments for pimples boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, balance hormones, and normalize oil production – getting to the root of acne rather than just treating superficial symptoms.
Homeopathic pimple treatment offers a safe, gentle option for clearer skin. 
What are pimples?
A pimple forms when dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria clog up a pore (or hair follicle) on the skin. This causes the pore to become inflamed and swell up, creating a red bump. Pimples often occur on the face, back, chest, neck, shoulders and upper arms. There are different types of pimples that can form. Some common examples are whiteheads which remain under the skin, blackheads which open up and appear dark in color, and painful red bumps called papules and pustules. Some factors like hormones, genetics, greasy skin products, and stress can trigger excess oil production in pores leading to pimple outbreaks. Teenagers tend to get pimples more frequently due to puberty and hormonal activity. However, pimples can afflict people of all ages. While usually harmless, pimples can cause emotional distress and sometimes lead to scarring if they are squeezed, picked at, or popped incorrectly.
What are the causes for developing pimples?
Pimples are usually the result of several factors at play at the same time: oil production, bacteria, clogged pores, and inflammation. During puberty, hormone surges prompt the sebaceous glands in the skin to produce more oil or sebum. Dead skin cells and oil can then accumulate and plug the opening of hair follicles in the skin, forming comedones (whiteheads and blackheads). The naturally occurring skin bacteria, Propionibacterium acnes, lives on everyo$ne’s skin and feeds on the excess sebum, triggering inflammation and redness. This bacteria overgrowth, combined with the clogged follicles, leads to the development of pimples – including papules (red bumps), pustules (puss-filled lesions), cysts, and nodules in more severe cases. Outside of hormonal activity, other factors that contribute to pimples include excessive oil-based cosmetic products, high humidity, sweating, genetics, stress, and skin irritation or manipulation (popping pimples).
 Prevention and home management 
Use a gentle cleanser twice a day. Avoid harsh soaps and scrubs that can irritate skin. Wash with lukewarm water and pat skin dry gently with a clean towel.
Avoid picking or popping pimples as this can spread bacteria and lead to more inflammation and possibly scarring.
Use an oil-free, non-comedogenic moisturizer. Hydrating skin helps balance oil production. Look for products labeled non-comedogenic or oil-free so they won’t clog pores.
Apply a clay mask 1-2 times per week to draw out impurities from pores. Rinse completely and moisturize after.
Protect skin from sun exposure which can worsen breakouts. Use an oil-free sunscreen labeled non-comedogenic.
Avoid oily or greasy hair products that could transfer to skin and clog pores. Tie hair back if needed.
Watch diet and limit dairy, sugary and high glycemic foods which may exacerbate acne.
Be consistent with treatments and allow 4-6 weeks to better control breakouts
Homeopathy treatment for pimples
Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to prevent pimples without just suppressing symptoms. Constitutional remedies look to correct internal imbalances, strengthening immunity against recurrent breakouts. Medicines like Calcarea carbonica work well for those prone to pimples around puberty or menstruation when hormonal shifts are at play. Silicea boosts expulsion of pus to prevent scarring from cystic bumps. Topical creams with ingredients like tea tree oil, calendula, and Echinacea act as antiseptics protecting pores from infection. Lifestyle measures are also key – avoiding oil-based cosmetics, maintaining a consistent cleansing routine, not over-washing or touching the face, managing stress, and eating a balanced anti-inflammatory diet. Guidance from a homeopathic practitioner helps determine each individual’s ideal regimen based on their temperament and unique triggers. As pimples result from multiple factors, constitutional homeopathic care for pimplea combined with healthy skin and lifestyle habits can best prevent recurring issues for clearer, calmer complexions without harsh chemicals. The natural approach aims to get to the root, not just superficially suppress eruptions when they occur. With individualized solutions, homeopathy provides lasting blemish relief.
Homeopathy offers the integrative solution many acne-sufferers have been searching for – working with the body’s natural healing wisdom for clear, healthy skin from the inside out. It provides supportive care with minimal risk that conventional treatments lack. So for those wishing to say goodbye to problem skin struggles holistically– homeopathy empowers you to pursue the balanced, centered life you deserve.
To know more about homeopathy treatment for pimples please contact us, 
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr. Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram 
WhatsApp- + 96895511267
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fyhnkaspersen00 · 6 months
Eliminate Your Acne Problems With These Steps
Acne can be the bane of many adults. Adult acne has many solutions on the market but rather than listing general preventative measures, they simply sell their product as a single cure-all. This article will help indicate, what some believe, to be the major factors involved in the production of acne. Most acne medications and even the pimples themselves, can make skin dry and tight. Acne-prone skin needs to be moisturized, you just need to get the proper moisturizers. Avoid anything that has oil or alcohol in them, as these can irritate the already compromised skin. Look for Methylation , even natural lotions and creams that are made for acne-prone or very sensitive skin. Make a mask of egg whites. Egg whites have been known to prevent acne in some instances. Try making a facial mask out of egg whites. Leave it on for fifteen to twenty minutes before washing it off. Alternatively, you can apply egg whites directly to pimples. This will often greatly reduce redness and swelling. You may also be intolerant of certain foods so be aware of this; if you notice you start to break out after you eat chocolate then don't eat chocolate for a while to see if this reduces your amount of acne. Each person is different, and you have to find what works for you.Remember that you are what you eat. In addition, try drinking more water and eating healthier foods as all of this will promote a healthy body. To avoid getting acne, you should drink a lot of water. Drinking enough water allows you to sweat: sweating helps clean up your pores and get rid of the oil that causes your skin to break out. Make sure you drink at least eight glasses of water a day, especially in the summertime. If you get acne easily, prevent the acne bacteria from spreading. This means washing your clothes and pillow cases regularly, but also avoiding contact with people who also have acne. Do not share a towel with anyone, and if you date someone with acne make sure to wash your face often and help them get rid of their acne. Eating healthy is a good way to prevent acne. Meanwhile, it hasn't been scientifically proven that eating a lot of chocolate or oily food, can increase your chance of acne. To make sure you have a clear and healthy complexion, try to eat less oily and fatty foods. Drinking less coffee and drinks with caffeine, is another way to reduce your chance of acne development. An individual who is battling acne should never go to bed with makeup on. Even a small amount of makeup can clog your pores, harbor bacteria and leave your skin in need of extra exfoliation. Washing your makeup off on a nightly basis will keep your skin healthy, fresh and clean. Often foods will be the culprit of the acne that you have on your skin. If you notice that a specific food is causing your acne, try to limit it as much as possible. Ice cream, milk, cheese and other dairy products have been shown to increase acne. Apply hydrocortisone to your skin to get rid of pimples. The next time you get a pimple, put a heat compress on it. Do several cycles of these heat compresses. Afterwards, take hydrocortisone cream and put it on the bump. This should reduce swelling and redness. It may even get rid of the pimple entirely. Salicylic acid, when used regularly can better prepare your skin to battle the blockages that lead to pimples. It is a fairly inexpensive agent which removes the outer most layer of skin, along with all the pore clogging sediment that accumulates on it. Add salicylic acid to your daily routine to improve the overall process of cellular regeneration. One of the best and widely known home remedies to treat acne is Salicylic Acid. It will quickly reduce the redness of the pimple, and it will promote quick healing. Also, it is inexpensive, and you do not need to use that much of it. A small tube will last for a long time. Listed above, by avoiding fats and other greasy foods, you may cut down on the amount of acne produced. Not of all these tips work for everyone. Hopefully, this article will help you to reduce the amount of acne or prevent further acne damage, such as scarring, in the future.
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herbalproducts23 · 8 months
Unlock Radiant Beauty with Lotus Herbals Facial Kit for Women
In the contemporary, fast-paced international world, self-care has become a crucial part of a female's day-by-day routine. Among the diverse self-care practices, skincare holds a particular vicinity, and the proper facial kit can paint wonders to decorate one's splendor regimen. In this text, we can discover the sector of facial kits for women, focusing on the brilliant offerings from Lotus Herbals. With more than a few merchandise designed to cater to exclusive pores, skin sorts, and issues, Lotus Herbals Facial Kits have won sizable recognition among ladies searching for that perfect glow.
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Revitalize Your Skin with Lotus Herbals Facial Kits
Lotus Herbals, a relied-on name within the beauty enterprise, has been providing herbal skin care solutions for many years. Their facial kits for women are a testament to their commitment to harnessing the energy of nature to enhance one's beauty. These kits are cautiously curated to offer a holistic skin care level, addressing many concerns, from dullness and dryness to blemishes and getting older.
Lotus Herbals Radiant Platinum Cellular Anti-Ageing Facial Kit: As the years pass, the signs of getting old become greater. This facial package is a boon for women fighting these symptoms efficiently. It includes a chain of products infused with the goodness of platinum colloidal, which stimulates cellular renewal, resulting in less attackable, extra-younger-searching pores and skin. With its effective anti-growing older houses, this kit is a cross-to answer for mature pores and skin.
Lotus Herbals Whiteglow Insta Glow four 1 Facial Kit: This facial kit is a game-changer for women looking for an instant glow. Enriched with the extracts of milk enzymes and mulberry, it no longer the simplest lightens your skin but improves its texture, making it smoother and extra radiant. The four-step package includes a purifier, exfoliator, massage crème, and masks, ensuring a complete skincare routine in the consolation of your property.
Nourish and Hydrate Your Skin with Lotus Herbals Facial Kits
Proper hydration and nourishment are vital for preserving wholesome and younger-searching pores and skin. Lotus Herbals is familiar with this, and their variety of facial kits for ladies includes alternatives that deeply moisturize and nourish the pores and skin.
Lotus Herbals Radiant Diamond Cellular Radiance 1 Facial Kit: This facial kit is a spa remedy at home, enriched with the benefits of diamond dirt. Diamond dirt is thought for its exfoliating homes, supporting getting rid of dead pores and skin cells and revealing a radiant complexion underneath. The kit accommodates a cleanser, exfoliator, rubdown crème, and masks designed to keep your skin searching and feeling revitalized.
Lotus Herbals Tea Tree Clarifying Face Pack: This facial package is a savior for those with oily or pimple-prone pores and skin. Tea tree oil, regarded for its antibacterial properties, helps combat acne and blemishes efficiently. 
Lotus Herbals gives a range of facial kits for women that cater to numerous skin care needs. Whether you are combating the symptoms of growing older, looking for an on-the-spot glow, or addressing precise concerns like zits or pigmentation, Lotus Herbals has a facial package tailored for you. So, why wait? Unlock your radiant beauty with Lotus Herbals Facial Kits and enjoy the transformation firsthand. Incorporate these kits into your skincare routine, and permit the magic of Lotus Herbals to shine through, making your skin glow with health and vitality. Embrace the beauty of nature with Lotus Herbals, your trusted associate in skin care.
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healthtipslive · 9 months
5 Excellent Home Remedies For Blackheads
Blackheads are a universal problem. In fact, they are more constant and annoying than the regular pimples that come and go. Caused due to a clogged hair follicle with a mix of bacteria and dirt, blackheads are a challenge to deal with when left uncared for a long time. People with oily skin tone are more prone to suffer with blackheads, as there is a constant secretion of sebum. More dietary caution and care should also be exercised to get rid of blackheads.
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Skincare home remedies: 6 DIY scrubs and face packs to pamper your skin and scalp during monsoon
Come rains and you encounter frustrating skin issues like stubborn pimples, irritating eruptions, or painful rashes. And if you have oily skin, the challenges get worse. The list of skin woes during rainy days seems never-ending, but fret not! There are effective measures you can follow to take care of your skin and keep it clean and hydrated. Adopting a proper skincare routine and adding DIY scrubs and masks and face packs using natural products can help alleviate these concerns and maintain healthy, glowing skin throughout the rainy season.
Ayurveda suggests that including natural products like herbs, fruits, and vegetables in your skincare routine is highly beneficial to maintain healthy and radiant skin during the rainy season. Says Dr Gita Ramesh, Joint Managing Director of the Kairali Ayurvedic Group, "An increase in humidity levels during this time can give rise to common skin issues such as fungal infections, rashes, and clogged pores. By adding herbal products into your skincare regimen, you can effectively address these concerns and promote healthy skin throughout the season."
Herbal products like neem, tulsi, turmeric, hibiscus flowers, etc possess antibacterial properties that help combat infections and acne. Adds Dr Ramesh, "Establishing a consistent skincare routine is essential, as regular use of natural products can greatly contribute to the overall health of your skin. By blending the antimicrobial properties of neem, the exfoliating effects of hibiscus and fenugreek, and the brightening benefits of turmeric, you can effectively cleanse your skin and manage excess oil during monsoon. Besides, adding fruits, vegetables, and flowers into your skincare routine can provide essential hydration and nourishment, leaving your skin refreshed and revitalised."
You can create your own homemade scrubs, face packs, and masks with these simple DIY ideas.
Cinnamon yogurt hair mask: Combine 1/2 cup of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon of dried mango powder, and 1 tablespoon of honey in a bowl. Thoroughly mix these ingredients to create a fine paste. Apply the paste to your hair roots and scalp, ensuring even coverage. Allow the mask to sit for 30 minutes to provide nourishment to the scalp, stimulate hair growth, and enhance hair shine. Rinse your hair with shampoo and conditioner to remove the mask. Incorporating this homemade hair mask into your routine can contribute to healthier, lustrous hair.
Neem face mask: Take 8-10 fresh neem leaves, 2 teaspoons of sandalwood powder, 1/4 cup of cucumber pulp, 1 teaspoon of curd, and 1 teaspoon of honey. Begin by grinding the neem leaves into a fine paste. Then, mix the neem paste with sandalwood powder and cucumber pulp until well combined. Add honey to the mixture and continue mixing until it forms a soft paste. Apply this paste to your face and neck, ensuring even coverage. Allow it to dry for 15-20 minutes. Finally, rinse off the pack with cold water and gently pat your face dry. This natural face mask can be beneficial in preventing acne and promoting clearer skin during the summer season.
Lemon-aloe vera face pack: Make a smooth paste by mixing 4 tablespoons of lemon juice, 1/2 cup of gram flour, and 1/2 teaspoon of aloe vera gel. Apply the paste evenly on your face and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Once the time is up, rinse off the paste with water. This method can effectively help in reducing oiliness and leave your skin feeling refreshed.
Oatmeal face scrub: For effective exfoliation and removal of dead skin, prepare a scrub using oatmeal powder and sugar. Create a soft paste by combining 1/2 cup of rice flour and 4 teaspoons of sugar, adding milk, curd, or water as needed to achieve the desired consistency. Apply the paste onto your face using a brush or your fingers, ensuring even coverage. Scrub gently in a circular motion for 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off with water. This gentle exfoliating treatment will leave your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Hibiscus-neem scrub: Take a pinch of turmeric powder, a handful of fresh neem leaves, 2 hibiscus flowers, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 2 tablespoons of yogurt. Grind the neem leaves and hibiscus flowers to form a paste. In a bowl, combine the neem and hibiscus paste with turmeric powder, honey, and yogurt, ensuring a smooth consistency. Apply the scrub to your face, gently massaging it in circular motions, paying extra attention to oily or acne-prone areas. Allow the scrub to sit on your skin for 10-15 minutes, letting the ingredients work their magic. Rinse off the scrub using lukewarm water, followed by a splash of cold water to close your pores. Gently pat your face dry and follow up with a moisturiser to retain hydration.
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fuorausa · 11 months
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sanjayrithik · 1 year
How to Get Rid of Acne: 10 Realistic Remedies You Can Do at Home - Skin Hospital In Karur
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Dear Friends, Hi and hope you are all fine and doing good. Now I am here to tell you 10 incredible tips on how you can treat acne and pimples if you have them and suffer a lot or if you are the person having clear and glowing skin and to prevent acne and pimples. Guys, trust me, they are just awesome hacks that are still being untold as secrets. So, don’t tell anybody and just keep it to yourself. HaHa…! And before getting into the stuff, if you are struggling with very high acne that is more than moderate and much severe, then please don;t waste your time as you are supposed to book an appointment with the Skin Hospital In Karur as they can only help you to quickly get rid of them. 
Okay! Now, it’s time to reveal those simple hacks or tips you can do at home itself to get rid of acne.
Regularly exfoliate lightly.
Do some exercise regularly and sweat a lot.
Consume more water content foods.
Say NO to oily foods and fast foods.
Avoid sweets with artificial sugar.
Enjoy the sun, but stay away from sunbeds.
Don't take more than one shower every day.
Drink plenty of water everyday.
Use mineral-based makeup or go makeup-free.
Remove makeup before going to bed.
I hope this will make you notice a drastic improvement on your skin with acne - free journey. But before starting your journey, Get to know the Causes Of Acne And Its Impact On Skin. As I already told you, these hacks may not work for you in a quick case if you are struggling with acne that is more severe and aggressive. In that case, consultation with the best skin doctor is highly recommended. Book an appointment with Sanjay Rithik Hospital, i.e, the Skin Hospital In Karur.
Visit our website: www.sanjayrithikhospital.com and contact us :+91 89030 09723, +91 75983 23022
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evolindia · 1 year
All Skin Type Face Wash | Best Charcoal Face Wash | Best Aloe Vera Gel - Evol India
Finding Best face wash suitable for all skin types :-
When it comes to skincare, the first and most important product is face wash. They are supposed to clean and remove dust, oil, and impurities from the skin to make it fresh and rejuvenated. However, not all face washes are suitable for all skin types. Indian market is flooded with a number of options for all skin type face wash, each having different ingredients and chemicals claiming to cater to specific needs. Choosing the correct face wash for all skin types is necessary so as to maintain a healthy and glowing skin. Right face wash is the one that cleanses your skin without drying or stripping it off its natural oils.
All skin type face washes are a safe option to choose as many people are unaware of their skin type. Different members from the same family may have different skin types and in Indian households, many a times, members of the family share products instead of buying each for everyone. Look for Face wash for every skin type that are made with mild surfactants and natural ingredients to ensure gentle cleansing experience. Whereas, if you buy oil-absorbing face wash for oily skin, they won’t be suitable for people with dry skin.
Best Charcoal Face Wash- Charcoal face washes are excellent for removing impurities and toxins from the skin and is one of the best home remedies to treat acne and pimples. It helps in reducing acne without any side effects. Charcoal face wash from Evol India is one the best as it contains activated charcoal, which has exceptional detoxifying properties. It also helps in lightening skin tone, controls oil secretion and removes abundance oil from pores.
Best Aloe vera gel- Yes, you read it right, Aloe vera gel can be used as a face wash too. Aloe vera has been used for centuries for its medicinal and skincare properties. Aloe vera gel can help cleanse the skin, remove excess oil, and hydrate. Evol’s Aloe vera is enriched with vitamin E is an excellent choice to use aloe vera independently or as face wash. It is highly rich in antioxidants that are essential for lowering inflammation, prevent skin damage and restore skin’s natural health. It is also known to fight the damaging effects of pollution and UV rays on the skin.
How to use Evol’s Aloe vera gel as a face wash:
Start by rinsing your face with normal temperature water.
Take a small amount of aloe vera gel and apply it on your damp face
Slowly and gently massage your face with gel in circular motions, paying more attention to areas with makeup, oil or dirt.
Massage for 2-3 minutes so that the gel penetrates into the skin.
Rinse your face with lukewarm water and pat your face dry with a clean towel.
Skincare starts with choosing the right face wash and then moving on to other products. Two best face washes suitable for all skin types are Evol’s Charcoal face wash and Aloe vera gel. Charcoal face wash will help control excess oil and prevent breakouts. Whereas,  Aloe vera gel is also suitable for people with highly sensitive skin as it will help soothe your skin. 
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certaintalething · 1 year
Beauty Women related Skin.......
The blog I am going to write is related to women.
Nowadays everyone wants to look young for a long time and at the same time keep the skin glowing, for this there are many ways available in the market.
Uses cosmetics, which is harmful.
Today I am going to tell you many home remedies, which will prove to be a panacea for you, just a little hard work. I’ll tell you one by one.
But before that it is very important to know what are the different types of skin and what is your skin type.
1. Normal skin 2. Dry skin 3. Oily skin and last 4. mixed skin.
1. Normal Skin-: This skin is attractiveness, freshness and redness.
2. Dry skin :- It is dry and dry and wrinkles fall on it quickly.
3. Oily skin :- It is smooth, porous. Pimples and pimples arise on this.
4. Combination skin: – In this type of skin, both dry and oily qualities are found. For its care, mixed measures of dry and oily skin are adopted.
Remaining in a while……..
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