#home interior magazines online
ivsindia · 2 years
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Interior Designing is a career opportunity which is immense and is being highlighted and upgraded eventually. The best part of being an interior architecture designer is to give way to the new ideologies that are befitting society. The students are introduced to industry exposure and are hence taught about marketing strategies and upgraded costing methods, thus making them aware of the trends in running. Since there is high demand of spaces with limited resources due to a global increase of the population and scarcity of space, a career in the interior designing course will enable you to be a part of the solution to the problem.  That is why, degree in Interior Designing is a fascinating career choice today. It is one of the most creative and challenging professions emerging in todays world. As an interior designer, you get chances to work in diverse sectors and varieties of industries. As an interior designer, you work together with people of expertise in different industries. This will provide you with huge exposure to different areas of skills and knowledge and different kinds of people from architects, engineers, business owners, labourers, clients, etc. A degree in Interior Designing can be obtained from any reputed institute affiliated to a recognized University by Interested candidates. Students can plan to go for interior design courses after class 12th. 
Interior decorating is just furnishing a space with things you like. As far as some might be concerned, the stylish of their house is so essential to them that they enroll an expert interior originator to pick furniture, wall-covers, extras, carpets, from there, the sky is the limit. An interior designer is somebody who is employed to plan a space. Exceptional abilities: Interior decorators are about feel. They can deal with errands, for example, choosing variety plans, buying new plan things, organizing furniture designs, and hanging wall workmanship. Consider them a specialist who can assist you with carrying a completely new focus on your current space. Interior design is the workmanship and study of understanding individuals' way of behaving to make utilitarian spaces inside a structure, while interior deorating is the outfitting or embellishing of a space with enriching components to accomplish a specific stylish. So, interior designers might enrich, yet decorators don't plan. A diploma in Interior Decoration can be obtained from any reputed institute affiliated to a recognized University by Interested candidates after 12th only.
Architecture is both the process and the product of sketching, conceiving, planning, designing, and constructing buildings or other structures. Typical responsibilities of architects include supervising the construction process, resolving any planning issues, managing the environmental impact of projects, consulting other design professionals and sticking to financial budgets.  B.Arch (Bachelor of Architecture) is an undergraduate degree in the field of architecture. This five-year full-time programme is a blend of theoretical and practical knowledge for students to learn the art of planning, designing and constructing physical structures of various kinds. Several universities and colleges offer a bachelor's degree in architecture (B. Arch.) and it typically takes 5 years to earn this degree. However, one must leave no stone unturned when preparing to apply for admission into these sought-after universities and colleges for architecture. B.Arch is also done after 12th, but one must appear for NATA exam also for the same.
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northwindow · 2 years
where the heart is
a domestic syllabus [x]
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"lecture on the history of the house" by claire schwartz
poem by american poet claire schwartz, published in poetry magazine and her 2022 collection civil service.
"the house. from cellar to garret. the significance of the hut" by gaston bachelard
the opening chapter to bachelard's seminal work the poetics of space. bachelard theorizes that the house's role as a site of reverie lends it a profound influence on the psyche. coining his own term, topoanalysis, to explore this influence; he surveys different poetic images of houses as representations of mind and soul.
the bedroom: an intimate history by michelle perrot, trans. by lauren elkin
french historian michelle perrot's history of the western bedroom as the site of birth, sex, illness, and death; from the ancient greek kamára to the postmodern bedrooms of today. perrot traces developments in the bedrooms of royalty, families, laborers, women, children, recluses, monks, and travelers. see also "black in bed" by art historian ella ray on the legacy of black bed art and "the bedroom of things" by caitlin blanchfield and farzin lotfi-jam for a discussion of private space through digital images.
rooms by rohan mcdonald
animated short film by illustrator rohan mcdonald featuring interviews with participants about their rooms and homes.
never home alone: from microbes to millipedes, camel crickets, and honeybees, the natural history of where we live by rob dunn
book by biologist rob dunn about the nearly 200,000 other species that live in our homes, from welcome pets to reviled pests. dunn's work researching the ecosystems of houses has illuminated the sheer scope of creatures that thrive there, often unbeknownst to both inhabitants and scientists, as well as the benefits of a biodiverse household.
"human stains" by heather havrilesky
author and "ask polly" columnist heather havrilesky on the endlessness of housework and "the strange gift that laundry brings to our lives."
the midcentury kitchen: america's favorite room from workspace to dreamscape, 1940s-1970s by sarah archer
a visual history of american kitchens, using examples of advertising and deisgn photography to show the evolution of their aesthetics, technology, and cultural ideals. see also sarah archer's episode of you're wrong about on martha stewart.
"full spectrum" and "if these walls could talk, listen, and record" by emily anthes
excerpts from the great indoors by science journalist emily anthes, which investigates the intersections of health and design in indoor spaces. "full spectrum" (republished by next city as "everyone has a basic right to good design") follows an apartment complex designed for autistic adults. "if these walls could talk, listen, and record" (republished by slate as "senior care homes are becoming high-tech medical devices") reports on the promise and limitations of smart home technology for the elderly.
"inside out, or interior space" by rebecca solnit
essay from rebecca solnit's collection of work on place, the encyclopedia of trouble and spaciousness. solnit discusses the pursuit of the "dream home" through decoration and renovation, examining our desire to craft the perfect nest.
windowswap by sonali ranjit and vaishnav balasubramaniam
a collaborative online database of user-submitted videos shot from windows around the world. conceived as a way to "travel" during early phases of the covid-19 pandemic, visitors can shuffle through videos to experience the views from homes in a plethora of different environments.
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mariacallous · 7 months
(JTA) — In synagogues, schools and ordinary streets across Europe, Jews are voicing a similar refrain: They live in a different world from the one they knew before Oct. 7.
That’s not only because Hamas’ attacks in southern Israel killed the most Jewish civilians in one day since the Holocaust. Across Europe, the rate of antisemitic incidents has fueled an atmosphere of fear and motivated some to conceal their Jewish identity.
European governments have made it a point to protect their countries’ Jews from antisemitism in recent decades. The fruits of those efforts are seen in the increased security at Jewish institutions across the continent and the continued public statements by Western leaders meant to call out and condemn hatred against Jews.
But there is a new wrinkle to that arc: a clear, tortured confusion in European governments and police departments about how to distinguish between anger against Israel and antisemitism, between the right to assemble at pro-Palestinian rallies and the crime of hate speech. The debate was punctuated on Monday by the firing of British Home Secretary Suella Braverman, who made a series of divisive remarks about pro-Palestinian demonstrators last week.
A new era?
Over a month into the bloody aftermath of Hamas’ attack on Israeli towns and Israel’s bombardment and siege of the Gaza Strip, antisemitism is soaring far from the scene of the conflict.
France has registered over 1,000 antisemitic acts since Oct. 7, exceeding in weeks the number recorded over the past year, according to Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin. The Community Security Trust, a group that tracks antisemitism in Britain, has reported 1,205 incidents in that time frame — the highest total in a 35-day period since it began recording offenses in 1984. And in Germany, the federal agency RIAS verified 202 antisemitic incidents between Oct. 7-15, up 240% from the same week last year.
The incidents run the gamut: Assaults, threats to Jews and Jewish businesses, damage to Jewish property, hate mail and online abuse.
On Nov. 4, a Jewish woman in Lyon was stabbed in the stomach at her home, while a swastika was found graffitied on her door. French prosecutors have also opened a probe into a viral video that showed a group of youths chanting on the Paris metro: “Fuck the Jews and fuck your mother, long live Palestine, we are Nazis and proud of it.”
Meanwhile, Berlin police are investigating two Molotov cocktails thrown at the Kahal Adass Jisroel synagogue, along with multiple Stars of David marked on apartment buildings. The Oct. 27 cover of the German magazine Der Spiegel, one of the most widely circulated news magazines in Europe, read “Wir Haben Angst” (“We are scared”). One of the four German Jews pictured on the cover is 90-year-old Holocaust survivor Ivar Buterfas-Frankenthal.
Marina Chernivsky is the founder and director of OFEK, a Berlin counseling center that specializes in antisemitic violence and discrimination. The group has struggled to manage a 12-fold increase in requests for psychological counseling since Oct. 7, she told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. In just three weeks, OFEK received 390 requests; its previous record was 370 in an entire year.
“It’s unbelievable,” said Chernivsky. “It’s just one indicator of the situation now, because it’s a very high barrier to decide to call an institution and tell the story and also ask for support. It’s not easy and many people do not do it.”
London police received reports of 657 antisemitic and 230 Islamophobic incidents between Oct.1 and Nov. 1, a significant jump in both categories. On Nov. 2, staff at London’s Wiener Holocaust Library — the world’s oldest Holocaust library and research center — found graffiti that read “Gaza” across their building’s sign.
In Italy’s capital, four Holocaust memorial plaques were found blackened with a torch and spray paint last week. The bronze blocks, called “pietre d’inciampo” or “stumbling stones” in Rome, are embedded on the sidewalk in front of apartment buildings where Jews were rounded up from the Nazi-occupied city and sent to Auschwitz in 1944. They show the names of the Jews who lived there and the dates when they were born, deported and murdered.
Milan officials are also investigating dozens of antisemitic incidents, including death threats graffitied in a hospital, a bakery and a nightclub. At a recent Milan rally, some protestors chanted, “Open the borders so we can kill the Zionists.”
Spain and Portugal have seen their share of synagogue graffiti, too. In Melilla, a Spanish enclave on the North African coast, a group of protestors gathered in front of a synagogue and burned an Israeli flag.
In the Netherlands, the number of antisemitic incidents reported to a leading Dutch-Jewish watchdog is up 818% from the monthly average of the past three years. This figure only includes interpersonal incidents, such as threats, verbal and physical abuse and direct messages, not general antisemitic statements on social media.
“We see lots of incidents at schools, where Jewish or Israeli kids are being attacked because of what’s going on in Israel and Gaza,” CIDI director Naomi Mestrum told JTA. “One kid was threatened with a knife and hit with a bottle, while the other kids were swearing, ‘kankerjood’ — in Dutch, that means ‘cancer Jew.’”
The Dutch Jewish Weekly changed its delivery packaging from transparent plastic to an anonymous white envelope after Oct. 7, according to editor-in-chief Esther Voet, because subscribers were anxious about their neighbors finding out they were Jewish. Their requests follow a pattern of fear among Jews taking measures to hide their identity in Europe, from removing or camouflaging their mezuzahs to taking off their kippahs in public and avoiding speaking Hebrew on the street. One Syrian Jewish refugee in the Netherlands told JTA he no longer sleeps in his own apartment after his window was defaced with a swastika.
Although antisemitism typically flares in Europe when there is fighting in Israel and the Palestinian territories, tracking groups in France, Britain, Germany and the Netherlands all report that European Jews are living in a new landscape.
“We’ve never seen this before, both this increase in numbers and the threatening types of incidents,” CIDI researcher and policy advisor Hans Wallage told JTA. “I also hear from the Jewish community that they’ve never experienced this before, and they’re very afraid and anxious for the future.”
The free speech debate
In the face of this crescendo, European governments have been conflicted over how to crack down on antisemitism without inhibiting free speech.
In France, Darmanin attempted to impose a blanket ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations, declaring them “likely to generate disturbances to public order.” Vincent Brengarth, a lawyer for the Palestine Action Committee, called this order a “serious attack on freedom of expression.” The ban has since been overturned by France’s top administrative court, although local authorities can still block protests on a case-by-case basis.
London’s Metropolitan police have been open about their difficulty in determining which protest chants are lawful and which could incite violence. In a bulletin on Oct. 20, they discussed the popular chant “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” which has various interpretations. Some activists say it means that Palestinians should be free of Israeli occupation, with rights and dignity equal to Israelis. Critics, including Israeli leaders and Jewish groups such as the Anti-Defamation League, say the chant calls for a Palestinian entity that has eliminated Jews and Israelis between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.
“While we can envisage scenarios where chanting these words could be unlawful, such as outside a synagogue or Jewish school, or directly at a Jewish person or group intended to intimidate, it is likely that its use in a wider protest setting… would not be an offense and would not result in arrests,” said the Metropolitan police.
Meanwhile, the British government is divided. Ahead of a massive pro-Palestinian rally in London on Saturday, Suella Braverman wrote an op-ed calling the protestors “hate marchers” and accusing the police of being overly lenient with them. In a letter to senior police officers last month, the former home secretary argued that waving a Palestinian flag and chanting “From the river to the sea” should both be considered as possible criminal offenses.
Britain’s Labour party, just a few years removed from a longstanding antisemitism scandal, is similarly divided. Party leader Keir Starmer has shown a zero-tolerance policy for anything he sees as approaching hate speech against Jews. Labour parliament member Andy McDonald was suspended, pending an investigation, after the party alleged that he made “deeply offensive” comments at a rally on Oct. 29. He said in the speech: “We will not rest until we have justice. Until all people, Israelis and Palestinians, between the river and the sea, can live in peaceful liberty.”
Although Germany’s constitution protects freedom of expression, opinion and assembly, various local authorities have imposed bans on pro-Palestinian protests — including Hamburg, the second-largest city. In some places, resistance to these orders has led to clashes between protestors and riot police. Berlin’s education senator Katharina Guenther-Wuensch has allowed schools to ban the keffiyeh, a symbol of Palestinian solidarity, along with the phrase “Free Palestine.”
Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, has said he believes that protest bans are “definitely justified” to prevent “anti-Israel, aggressive and antisemitic” actions.
But some vocal opponents of the protest bans are Jews. In an open letter published in the German newspaper Die Tageszeitung and the New York-based magazine N+1, over 100 Jewish artists, writers and scholars in Germany said the suppression of pro-Palestinian rallies did not make them feel safer.
The group noted the surge in violent intimidation against German Jews and expressed fear that “the atmosphere in Germany has become more dangerous — for Jews and Muslims alike — than at any time in the nation’s recent history.” However, they denounced bans on nonviolent protest, saying these restrictions often come with brutality to immigrants and minorities and can escalate instead of preventing violence.
“As Jews, we reject this pretext for racist violence and express full solidarity with our Arab, Muslim, and particularly our Palestinian neighbors,” said the letter. “What frightens us is the prevailing atmosphere of racism and xenophobia in Germany, hand in hand with a constraining and paternalistic philo-Semitism. We reject in particular the conflation of anti-Semitism and any criticism of the state of Israel.”
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Werecats/Cat Hybrids Intro
Lion (she/her)
Poetic, romantic, and usually calm and patient. She loves summer, citrus, gold, tarot, and sun-shaped trinkets~! She also loves keeping fancy goldfish, with a particular passion for researching different species being developed, as well as the anatomy and lineage of them. In her free time, she does like to help Clouded Leopard with more whimsical jewelry designs.
Tiger (she/her)
Outgoing, bold, energetic, life of the party. Never a dull moment. She loves shooting the shit and playing basketball with the neighborhood guys. She also helps Clouded Leopard with her business, both in day-to-day tasks of making items and packing them out to ship. Generally more of a househusband💕
Clouded Leopard (she/her)
Adventurous, teasing, with a passion for alternate fashion, even running a business making clothes and jewelry. What exactly she does all day outside the business is a mystery, but she has an uncanny sixth sense about where interesting things are happening and will show up "out of nowhere."
Snow Leopard (she/her)
Extremely organized and health-conscious, maybe a bit neurotic;;; She loves her routines and her job, as well as occasionally hanging out with her coworkers. She loves organizing things and decorating, as well as having collections of various items; namely, decorative knives. She also loves softball and baseball, both watching and playing, as well as watching sports in general.
Housecat (he/him)
Bastard man with two braincells. Doesn't quite realize what a small cat he is (literally and figuratively). Causes a lot of chaos; half the time it's intentional and half the time he's really just fucking around and finding out. He’s much more capable than he lets on, but the others enjoy coddling him too much to call him on it often.
Lion and Tiger are wives, and often wear complementary jewelry, Lion with dainty gold, sun-themed jewelry, and Tiger with silver and pewter jewelry usually shaped like stars. Clouded Leopard and Snow Leopard were childhood friends, and are also each others' primary partners. The werecats live just outside a big city, and they started as roommates to rent out a house together (Lion and Snow Leopard met at work and hit it off). The two couples figured out early on that the others were werecats like them, and were incredibly relieved at how well they all got along from the start. From there, things evolved, and they became a rarely seen Quad polycule.
Then one day Housecat just kinda showed up. The Quad thought he was amusing and decided to let him stick around, and now he's wormed his way into their hearts too. They spoil him rotten and he contributes to the household only in cuddles and and cuteness. He causes more chaos than anything else, but they can't stay mad at that cute face of his.
All of the werecats help model for Clouded Leopard's online shop. Snow Leopard and Lion love meditating and napping together. Tiger and Lion love watching Lion's fish swim around in their tanks together.
Lion and SL both work at the same place, an interior design company, and they respect each others' work but often butt heads when collaborating on the same project (or trying to decide on how their shared house should look).
Lion prefers more colorful, whimsical, and maximalistic styles, and SL prefers neutral colors and minimalist decoration. In terms of their shared house, CL is also more maximalistic like Lion, but more gothic in specific taste. Housecat aligns most closely with CL in terms of taste, but doesn't care too much about how their place is decorated. Tiger's idea of decoration is posters and magazine cutouts of scantily-clad women on the wall with some home workout equipment scattered around on the floor, and she gets the garage as her workout room to live out that dream.
The other werecats sometimes use Tiger's workout equipment too (except CL and Housecat, who don't like working out— although Housecat will sometimes hang out in the garage to watch the others work out or look at the posters).
You probably met Lion and SL first, through their job, and that's where their infatuation with you starts.
Tiger is the tallest, broadest, and most muscular of the group. Surprisingly, human form Housecat is the next tallest, but lanky. After that, SL is the next tallest, with Lion being just an inch or so shorter. CL is the shortest and daintiest of the group, coming in at around 5’2”.
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minevn · 10 months
(I'm sorry for the mistakes) What do LI do in life?
Minato: Minato has been helping his grandparent's out at the shop ever since he moved in with them! It first started with getting things ready in the displays and helping his grandma get orders ready. Then on the weekends Minato would get fishing lessons from his grandfather until eventually he was the one who got most of the fish and delivered them to where they needed to be.
Haruto: Haruto is a CEO of his mothers interior design company that was handed down to him in her will. Haruto and his mother are both clean freaks who enjoy nicely decorated homes. Haruto enjoys his job, he likes what the job entails. Honestly, he's not even sure what job he would do if not interior decorating, no job is cleaner in his eyes.
Jun: Jun is college student majoring in fashion and in her free time is an influencer. She wants to make beautiful, trendy outfits for everyone to wear! She enjoys doing silly little challenges and showing off her designs online. She'll lose her mind if she finds out you watch her and if she see's you wearing her designs.
Hoshi: Hoshi works as a cook in his dad's restaurant with his dad. Hoshi honestly doesn't have any aspirations, nothing that he's ever been like "Oooo! I wanna be that! That's my dream!" He's tried many other things, but nothing too appealing for a life long aspiration. He's pretty fine with being a cook, he likes it enough.
Habiki: Habiki works as a host for his dad's restaurant(At least in the beginning) and he hates it. Unlike his younger twin who has no dream, Habiki does have a dream. They want to go on stage and play the violin, they want to make beautiful music for everyone, mainly themself.
Kage: Kage is a job-hopper, they can never keep a job too long and don't really have any jobs they want. They try to find night shift jobs or jobs where they can stay inside. Currently, in game they work at the graveyard, making sure that no one is digging up bodies or anything, often cleaning the graves as well.
Kei: Kei is a hacker, legally and illegally. He has his own little cyber security business that helps with stopping hackers from hacking your computer. But he often hacks into places like he shouldn't, places that contain confidential info that is only supposed to be seen by few eyes. He enjoys his job and studies for a bunch of other things as well :3
Yani: Yani's a coder, for video games. She makes the characters, the music, the backgrounds, everything. She does a few other side jobs, but never keeps jobs long, things like cashier at a convenience store. Yani also enjoys animating and has a fairly large following on her animation channel. She also take's commissions. She doesn't buy a lot of things so has quite a bit of money saved up.
Aki: Aki is a model. She often helps Jun model outfits, but she'll model any kind of outfit. She often makes it on covers of magazines and has a ton of fans, helps get Jun some exposure! Sometimes her job can be really stressful with obsessed fan and high, unrealistic expectations.
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usnatarchives · 2 years
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Happy World CAT Day! By Miriam Kleiman, Public Affairs. Shoutout to Simba, Sparky and Wilma!
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Canadian Lynx kittens, Dept. of the Interior. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Conservation Training Center, NARA ID 166710834.
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Coast Guard kitten rescued at Tarawa in WW2, NARA ID 205583021
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U.S. Tank Corps WWII Poster, NARA ID 512447.
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Herbie the cat sits on top his house in front of the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum. ca. 1996. See Hoover Heads blog: Herbie the Cat.
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Cats Aboard Coast Guard Vessel, NARA ID 205591644.
More online:
National (Patriotic) KITTEN Day!
Happy National Cat Day!
Happy #National Black Cat Day!
“Historical Cats” AOTUS blog by former Archivist David S. Ferriero
Buddies: Soldiers and Animals in World War II, Prologue Magazine
Who'll Bell the Cat? Docs Teach
Historical Pets Who Were Great at Working from Home, JFK Library blog
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jenifersohowe · 3 months
#infrastructure #architecture #architecturelovers #architectural #architecturedesign #design #designs #construction #constructionequipment #constructionindustry #constructionlife #constructionproject #project #projects #industry #industrynews #industryleaders #interiordesign #interior #exterior #exteriordesign #goverment #govermentjob #governor #realestate #realestateagent #realestateinvesting #realestatetips #realestateinvestor #realestatelife #realestateinvestment #realestatemarket #realestateadvice #stockmarket #stocks #stockmarketlive #stockmarketnews #stockmarketinvesting #stockmarketeducation #stocktrading #exchange #trade #trading #tradingstrategy #tradingtips #marketing #investing #investment #investmentproperty #realestatemarketing #businessnews #business #businessleadership #businessowner #entrepreneur #entrepreneurship #influencer #influencermarketing #building #wonder #worldwonders #destination #home #homemade #homedecor #homedesign #equipment #machine #machinery #medicaldevice #medical #house #modelhouse #model #homeworkout #workout #fitness #sportscars #sportbike #sports #sport #cardesign #modelcars #cruise #cruiseship #cruiseblogger #airplane #airlines #airlinesnews #airways #worldnews #worldnewstoday #world #worldwide #knowlege #property #properties #propertyinvestment #propertymanagement #propertymarket #online #onlinestore #onlinebusiness #onlineshopping #shopping #shoppingvlog #tv #tvnews #tv9 #tvshow #tv9newslive #tvnet #tvnetwork #local #localnews #localbusiness #localnewstoday #localmatch #policy #fairplay #justice #equality #humanrights #copyrights #copyright #legal #legacy #legaladvice #legaleducation #legalnews #legalknowlege #worldknowlege #worldknowlegetv #global #amazon #apple #yahoo #yahoofinance #yahoonews #bloomberg #washingtonpost #newyorktimes #vogue #magazine #magazin #latimes #forbes #peoplemagazine #people #public #publicnews #publictv #adventure #ad #reels #reelfb #reelsinstagram #vlog #blogger #life #lifestyle #lifestylevlog #lifehacks #lifequotes #lifechanging #lifemotivation #family #familyvlog #peoplevlogs #peopleblogs #designlovers #pattern #patterndesign #professional #leadership #leader #leadershipdevelopement #CEO #ceomindset #industrial #industrialdesign #industrialtechniques #digitalart #digitaldrawing #digitalmarketingagency #digitalartist #digital #digitalmarketing #digitalnews #media #mediaonenews #medianews #socialmedia #social #socialmediamarketing #socialnews #socialjustice #socialexperiment #socialmediatips #socialwork #socialscience #socialnetwork #networkmarketing #network #networking #civilrights #civilengineering #civil #civilservices #civilization #tech #technology #technews #texas #texasnews #texasrealestate #texasholdem #texasliving #road #roadtrip #bridge #austin #austintexas #austinnews #houston #houstontexas #houstontexans #houstonastrosnews #houstonnews #dallas #dallastexas #dallastx #fortworth #fortworthrealestate #dallasfortworth #elpaso #elpasotx #elpasorealestate #sanantonio #sanantonioblogger #abcnews #nbc #nbcnews #bbc #bbcnews #cbs #cbsnews #cbs_broadcasting #cbsnews #foxnews #cnn #cnnbrasil #cnnnews #usa #america #americavlog #usavlogs #unitedstates #americanews #americatv #insurance #credit #stockexchange #highlight #quality #standard #runningmachine #hollywoodnews #geniusnews #skills #production #productionhouse #manufacturing #finance #finances #financenews #celebritynews #musicindustrynews #filmindustrynews #science #education #educational #maintenance #service #engineering #engine #engineer #qualityeducation #qualityassurance #qualitytime #giveaway #craft #collection #list #series #measurement #influencer #influencermarketing #investmentnews #homesweethome #apartment #law #rules #statement #capital #capitaltv #capitalnews #subcribe #suburban #metro #metropolitan #metrotv #city #citynews #channel #24news #onlinenews #topnews #congress #congressional #technical #structure #sculpture #career #job #selfcare #healthcare #senate #resident #citizen #citizentv #citiesskylines #vehicle #transport #transportation #portal
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kcyars520 · 11 months
Keke Palmer Is the Internet’s Sweetheart
But the multi-hyphenate is more than just the Queen of Meme.
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Photo: Micaiah Carter
Keke Palmer grips the false lashes on her eyelids with two fingers and slowly peels them off her skin. She’s had a long day, and it’s nearly 7 p.m.
The sun in the window behind her is blaring over a palm tree without any sign of eventually making its descent somewhere behind the horizon. And yet, Palmer has endured multiple flight delays from Las Vegas to Los Angeles, had a glamorous hours-long photo shoot, found herself at the center of Twitter discourse about her relationship, and still made it home in time to feed her new baby his early-dinner bottle. “Yup, he’s asleep,” she says, looking over playfully at her 4-month-old son, Leo.
About that discourse: Palmer’s motherhood recently became an uninvited topic of conversation online. Last Wednesday, while she was photographed and interviewed for this cover, a video circulated of Palmer, clad in a sheer black dress with a bodysuit underneath, getting serenaded by Usher at one of his Las Vegas residency concerts. Darius Daulton Jackson, the father of her child, saw the video and tweeted his criticisms of Palmer for her outfit choice, later doubling down on his stance when her fans swarmed his replies. While on set and by the time we spoke, Palmer hadn’t yet engaged, but internet bystanders rallied around her, forming a sort of virtual shield attempting to protect her and, in turn, shunning him.
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Interior Ridley Dress, available at interior.nyc.Van Cleef & Arpels Folie des Prés Ring featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold and Lotus Between the Finger Ring featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold, available at vancleefarpels.com.Photo: Micaiah Carter
Even though the 29-year-old actor and producer finds herself in an entirely different life stage from me, it’s impossible to shake the feeling that we grew up together or that we have some sort of shared history. Not in a traditional sense, of course, considering she’s been a movie star since the tender age of 10, but by way of having a front-row seat to her organic matriculation through life, from project to project. She starred as a strong-willed spelling-bee champ in Akeelah and the Bee, a double-Dutch savant on the Disney Channel movie Jump In!, and a teen fashion executive on True Jackson, VP, and many of us who were once precocious little girls watched a young Palmer on the screen with awe as she evolved into the powerhouse we know her as today. By the time she was getting Oscar buzz for roles in more grown-up fare, like Lorene Scafaria’s Hustlers (based on a true story originally reported in this magazine) and Jordan Peele’s Nope (a New York Times critic’s pick that won her widespread acclaim and an invitation to the Academy this summer), we became acquainted with Palmer in her role as a serious, well-adjusted, fully fledged actor. And, of course, along the way was her music career, which she’s still working on, anchored by her song “Bottoms Up,” a pivotal moment in the Zeitgeist for teenage girls everywhere. (She released a sequel of sorts to the track last year.)
In the same way we’ve come to know her, she feels as though she’s come to know us: “I do feel like America’s little sister, little cousin. I feel very much so related to everybody,” she tells me. “I’m like that second cousin that you see every two years at the family reunion.”
Now, as she branches off into newer, more experimental ventures with KeyTV, an avenue for Palmer to support other young creatives of color, and her podcast, Baby, This Is Keke Palmer, on which she has interviewed guests like Vice-President Kamala Harris (Palmer asked her to clarify both if she does have a silk press and what policies should be developed to deal with the maternal mortality crisis), John Stamos, and fellow child stars Aly and AJ Michalka, Palmer is entering her “big boss era,” as she’s dubbed it.
Online, Palmer is generally unafraid to discuss potentially taboo topics, like acne and breast milk, while also finding ways to inject humor into whatever she’s speaking about. From “Sorry to this man” to “You know it’s your girlllll,” she has kept the culture quenched with a steady stream of delightful sound bites, which inevitably become endearing memes. Admittedly, as a self-described citizen of the internet, she loves this too: “When people see themselves in me enough to repost a meme or use a GIF, it really humanizes me in a way that I think sometimes feels lost in my life,” she says. “So I really do feel appreciative of being a meme.”
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Philosophy di Lorenzo Serafini Black Eco Leather Skirt and Cropped Long Sleeve Top, available at Neiman Marcus. Alexander McQueen Punk Ankle Strap Pump, available at alexandermcqueen.com. Van Cleef & Arpels A Cheval Earrings featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold and Folie des Prés Pendant featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold, available at vancleefarpels.com. Photo: Micaiah Carter
There are a lot of moms hyping you up online right now, defending your integrity. What’s something you would say to them?
Do you, new moms. Do you. Girl, if there’s one person on this earth that loves you for sure, it’s that baby. Be happy, because there’s no love like it. Somebody loving you like that, hell, who cares?
You just had a baby, you host a podcast, and you also started a production company called KeyTV. Tell me what that’s about.
I came from a very traditional space in entertainment, and it was very hard for me to create my own narrative and help get the work that I ended up getting as I’ve continued to evolve as a creator. Because of the internet, I was able to produce and create my own content and make a financial career that invests back into itself. It helps to keep the creativity going, especially when you think about brands and sponsorships. Not a lot of Black creatives get those same opportunities. KeyTV is an opportunity; it’s a way to bridge the gap and feed more eyes back to the work of BIPOC creators, and using my brand as a launchpad. It is inspired a lot by AwesomenessTV.
Let’s talk about Baby, This Is Keke Palmer, your podcast. What made you want to flip the table and start a podcast? Why did you want to be on the other side of an interview? 
I started hosting stuff when I was about 17 or 18. It came from me being a curious person. This was when Twitter started really kind of becoming a thing and you only had so many characters. I wanted a forum where we could discuss the things we’re talking about online with one another. That made me want to have my own talk show that I did shortly on BET for a season. From that moment on, I was always looking for an opportunity. I wanted to bridge the gap between millennial and Gen-Z audiences. That’s always fun for me.
What excites you about talking to somebody you’ve never met before?
That everything is going to be a surprise! I genuinely am so jazzed about life at all times. On regular daytime talk television, you have only a few minutes to really talk about a few things. On a podcast, you can go from talking about aliens to talking about all types of weird stuff. Just from the simple fact that a podcast has no limit.
Which guest has surprised you the most?
When we think about the Black Eyed Peas, we think inspired, fun, wholesome but cool, worldly music that makes people feel good. When I was interviewing Will.i.am., it was just so incredible because that’s in every aspect of what he does, whether it’s in technology or music, because he wants to transfer his mentality.
Who is your dream podcast guest?
I absolutely would love to talk to Taylor Swift. And Nicki Minaj. Both for similar reasons. I would totally do it at the same time because it would be a big boss conversation, Ms. Lady. I think they’re both Sagittariuses and I’m a Sag moon. They’re not afraid to talk about the business, the music industry, and the things that people don’t understand. Nicki Minaj has spoken to the things that she’s trying to overcome and how they’re able to get in certain rooms or awards or conversations, etc. She’s very much so wanting to gun for some old ways of things being done.
And it’s the same thing with Taylor Swift when it was coming to owning her masters and just … I’ve also talked a lot about my experience in the music industry, but I just think it’s really cool when you can sit down with your peers and you can discuss the real deal that goes on behind the scenes with the industry.
To hear from us three women would be great. Obviously, I can name a whole list of people that have done similar things. We could talk about Master P., we could talk about Tyler Perry, we could talk about Beyoncé, the list goes on. But those are just two that most recently had spoken about these things. We could have a really good deep conversation and unpacking lyrics because Nicki writes down, and so does Ms. Swift. It’s giving astral projection, it’s giving lucid dreaming.
So when you’re being interviewed now, do you, ahem, judge the interviewer’s questions from a different lens?
I don’t want to say judge, but I definitely try to figure out where we can go. I’m always willing to go somewhere. When I’m talking to people, I’m obviously giving them the respect of knowing whatever their boundaries are. But when they’re answering, I’m thinking, Well, where else would they want this to lead to?Another thing I’ve learned is that pre-conversations are really awesome because you can talk to that person about where their headspace is, what kind of things are most important to them right now.
Well, then let me backtrack a little bit, because we didn’t get to have much of a pre-conversation. What’s your mental headspace and what’s important to you today?
After having my baby, I’ve just gotten so much more powerful. I’m just so strengthened in a crazy way. Strutting my stuff, enjoying. I’ll be honest, I think before I even had the baby, I was really actually quite self-conscious. In a way that you would expect, considering the kind of work that I do as a public figure. Always trying to be on point with my body and always trying to make sure I’m taking care of this and that. There’s a lot of physical attention. Being slim and being fit in a particular way was always something that I was gunning for. After having the baby, my body got so much bigger and I started getting fluff in areas I never had before.
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Givenchy 3/4 Sleeve Sweater Front Crystal Chain and Embroidered Midi Skirt, available at givenchy.com. Van Cleef & Arpels A Cheval Earrings featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold and Brume de Saphir Bracelet featuring sapphires and diamonds set in 18K white gold, available at vancleefarpels.com. Photo: Micaiah Carter
Obviously I don’t know you like that, but when I see you from the outside, you have always seemed like a woman and a girl who’s always stood in her own power. Sometimes women are expected to shrink, and I feel like when I see you, I don’t see a woman who shrinks.
I think it’s important to say that both things can be true, which I’m sure you know. I’m ready to talk to you, you are also very confident, but both things can be true. I speak to my insecurities and it actually makes me feel more confident. Because I’m not trying to hide. When I really talked about my skin issues and stuff like that, it was really for me.
As I confront my issues head-on and I’m like, “Well, I feel terrible about this,” or, “This ain’t work for me,” I turn it into a joke, but I don’t ignore it. I try not to hide it. Confident people, it’s not that they’re not insecure, it’s that they just accept the fact that they’re going to have some insecurities, work on them when they can, and love themselves. Because at the end of the day, what else are you going to do? Hate yourself for who you’re not?
This is a weird question, but what would you say your brain looks like, sounds like, and smells like?
Not Jeffrey Dahmer, girl! The inside of my brain smells like vanilla or something warm and cuddly. It smells like something safe. It’s like, Hey, we are here for you. What does it look like? Colorful, shit is like synapses are going, you know what I mean? There are some gray spots. There are definitely some gray spots, but most of all, it’s neons, sparkling, it’s electric. Almost like when you have a PC gaming computer and all the colors that are going on in there. That’s how my brain is. What does it sound like? Shit, Jordin Sparks, “One step at a time, there’s no need to rush.” I’m always in some type of coming-of-age comedy.
I want to walk inside your brain, that sounds nice. On the flip side, you’ve got a lot going on in your life. You’re acting, you’re singing, you have a podcast, you’re a new mom, you’re keeping the culture consistently quenched with delightful sound bites and memes. How do you stay grounded and at peace?
My family, my friends, my loved ones. Keke Palmer’s who I am, but it’s almost like Spider-Man. I’m Peter Parker at the end of the day, and at some point, I have to take the suit off. It’s still me, I’m still there. It’s still Keke and there’s no LaurenShe was born Lauren Keyana Palmer. without Keke. There’s no Keke without Lauren. But it’s just one aspect of who I am. We all have cultural aspects of ourselves that we sometimes bring out more or less than others.
When it comes to being able to get balance in my life, it’s taking off that suit, taking off the Keke Palmer side of myself and putting her to rest. Giving her an opportunity to recharge and relax and also know that the other side of me that maybe isn’t that jazzed up all the time, has a place, is needed, is valued, and able to just breathe. It’s really awesome.
Do you ever wish that you could just be Lauren or Keke part two, Keke without the visibility?
Sure, sure. Yeah, absolutely. Sometimes I feel like I would love a little bit of more anonymity, or at least a version that wasn’t so chaotic. We live in a particular generation where the fame thing is a little bit too much. The way that celebrities are idolized. Popularity to some degree is fine. It’s normal. It could be expected, especially if you’re a public servant or someone that’s a public figure. But now it’s the desire and the goal as opposed to being the aftereffect of being good at something or being known for something. It’s just being known to be known.
Fame used to be a little bit more mayorlike, and now it’s almost gone to some type of godlike vibe. That can be quite dangerous and a lot of pressure. I don’t think any human should be that adored. I’m happy when people say that I’m their role model or I inspire them or whatever. I think the basis of anything I’m trying to do is to lead you to you, toward you. You can rock with me. You can buy into my stuff, you can support me. Obviously, that’s my career. But never do I ever want somebody to think they need to be like me. If they want to be like me in any regard, hopefully it’s to be authentically themselves. Hopefully that is the biggest message that they’re receiving.
When you said mayorlike, I pictured you in a little top hat.
Walking around, Mayor Keke, “Hello there. You know it’s your girl.”
Speaking of “You know it’s your girl,” which was a viral clip taken from your Met Gala red carpet interview with Megan Thee Stallion, how does it feel to consistently become a meme?
I felt like that was a hit movie. “Sorry to this man,” I could not have predicted the “sorry to this man” reaction. It’s crazy, but cool and dope at the same time. It’s randomized how that happens. But it’s a very humbling thing because sometimes as an entertainer, people do not have a safe space for you to be relatable. You probably live a drastically different life than them. But at the end of the day, outside of whatever our daily life activities could be, I’m still going to work. I’m still trying my best, I’m still trying to make it in this workaholic country we’re in, we both got 24 hours and we both just trying to get it done.
And so we all are the same. When people see themselves in me enough to repost a meme or use a GIF, it humanizes me in a way that I think sometimes feels lost in my life. I really do feel appreciative of being a meme. Because what they’re saying is, She’s like me, or they relate to it. It doesn’t get any better than that.
You don’t try to go viral? It just comes naturally, basically?
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Nili Lotan Cami Gown, available at nililotan.com.Van Cleef & ArpelsVintage Alhambra 20 Motif Necklace set in 18K white gold and Socrate Pendant featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold, available at vancleefarpels.com. Photo: Micaiah Carter
What keeps you authentic when you are in the public eye? Especially when it could be so much easier, and so many others have gone the route of, Here’s my public persona and I’m going to do everything and be perfect. What is your motivation to be you?
There is such a thing as privacy. I’m not showing y’all my ass at night. I’m a human being. I have things that make me just a normal person. I’m flawed. I definitely try to put my best foot forward. But again, because I don’t like the idealism and I don’t like the kind of era that we are in with fame, I definitely self-deprecate, point to my flaws, constantly say I’m not perfect because I really don’t want people putting me to this unbelievable standard. I don’t live to be a celebrity. I live to do what I love, to share love, to give something positive to the world. Being under a magnifying glass for all of my life, it was kind of a surrender to realizing no matter what I do, it’s never going to be enough, so that’s okay. Let me at least be me.
Are you really online? Do you consume social media? And if so, what does a late-night scrolling sesh look like for you? For me, I’m doing YouTube deep dives of a couple that cosplays like they live in the 1800s. 
I’m always looking at weird stuff too. I’m looking at TikTok. I can get crossed in a conspiracy theory. I can be looking at some new articles online and just all types of random stuff. I’m definitely 100 percent like an internet person. I guess that’s a personality trait. A lot of my friends that I’ve met, even as kids, were online. Through chat or MySpace. I’ll see somebody’s page online or I’ll check somebody’s life out and I’m like, I want that person to be my friend. I feel like online literally gives us the opportunity to see in other people’s worlds, to reach things that we otherwise didn’t get to reach. I really do use it as a tool and I really respect it. Especially growing up, being in the entertainment industry, being homeschooled, not having a real school, I really was appreciative of online.
Now that you made me think of it, somebody else that I would love to talk to would be Tom from MySpace. What he created really helped my life because I didn’t have any other way to be friends. I might be a celebrity, but in my mind, in my world, I felt like an outcast. I turned to the internet where I could create space for me, and build my world and have friends and feel like I was normal. It all feels very full circle, me being a meme queen. The internet is a place that I’ve always loved and adored and felt like I could be myself, and in a way, that is a space that was not always given to me in real life. That’s why we all played The Sims too.
Do you think the human race is better or worse off with social media?
I think it’s better, but not when you don’t use it right. When I was talking to Will.i.am about it, he was definitely like, “Yo, I would much rather be in a world where there’s AI and all this kind of stuff than in a world that it’s not.” With the internet, the problem is that it’s extremely powerful and it can be used in bad ways and people have used it in bad ways, and that’s what scares us. But when we use it in good ways, man, we’re able to really do some incredible things.
You recently interviewed Vice-President Kamala Harris and asked her about her silk press. You also used the phrase “poop on a stick” in the interview, which knocked me on my knees. What does podcast prep before you start the conversation look like for you?
It’s different each time. I have support with my producing team. I always script out the top halves of my show. And then the other halves of them are obviously just conversation, but I have bullet points or CliffsNotes of what I want to discuss and talk to whoever I’m having on with me that may not be the actual interview guest, whether it’s my mom or whether it’s Darius or whether it’s Max. We’ll kind of discuss what our POVs are. That way we all know that we have some unique perspective on the topic. When it comes to the interviewee, as much as I have questions that I want to ask them, I also listen and just try to see where their conversation would take us.
Anyone you’ve been nervous to record with?
I was nervous for Kamala.
Who wouldn’t be?
For Madam VP, I was definitely nervous because I wanted to give respect to what she’s trying to do and have a conversation about it while at the same time humanizing the conversation because there’s a huge disconnect, in my opinion, with our generation in the government. It’s beyond just getting people to vote. There’s a bigger flaw where we don’t believe in the system. It’s how to get people to believe that there’s a reason to support our public servants and actually believe that they’re going to be good at their job or they’re going to be worth us listening to. It’s about asking important questions, but also, are you a person in there?
We need to see that these people are real. We need to know why they wanted to get into these positions. A lot of this is starting to look like a joke and has been a joke and looks like a reality show and it just seems like a big money grab and it just doesn’t seem real. But there’s no way to work in any system of anything and be perfectly perfect or do something that’s totally agreeable.
The point is to get to a place where we can at least feel like somebody is human and touchable and real, that they can be reached even if they are working within a system that is clearly flawed and corrupt. We need them to speak to that. I was happy when I was talking to Kamala, Madam VP, excuse me, about this topic. She was saying to me that she knows that people don’t believe, and that’s why she’s doing it. She knows what she’s working against. I wanted that interview to be something that we felt was real so we can actually be engaged. Because right now, honey, it’s giving, like, stale news variety show.
I listened to another episode where you talked about being a child star and you said if you weren’t an entertainer, you may have gone into politics. Would you ever go into politics now?
I don’t know what role I would play.
Well, let’s think about it. What is the president’s job, really? Because he can’t change no laws for real. I mean, they can, but it’s like they really aren’t the ones that are doing that work. If the president’s job is to be a figurehead, speak to the issues, encourage the people, represent them and create a positive democracy and good morale, then, yeah, I mean, I could. This is the concept of politics I love because it’s being a public servant. Child, sign me up. I love being a public servant. I love being serviceable.
I know a lot of people don’t think about entertainment as that, but, I mean, I am still doing a service. I’m literally tapping and singing and dancing for you to laugh and enjoy. I’m trying to serve you, for sure. That’s something I’ve already been doing all my life. So in that regard, yes, the part of politics that makes things difficult is feeling like that I believe in what I’m doing and that I can actually believe that I can get something done. If I was going to ever go into politics, it would be because I really believed that I could fix some shit or figure something out. So I think that’s what it would really take is for me to feel like I could actually be useful.
Would you consider yourself America’s sweetheart?
Girl, that is crazy as hell.
Come on.
If that is what the people think, I’m truly gagged and gooped because, wow. I don’t even know what that entails, truly, what that really means. But, by golly, if you all feel like I’m America’s sweetheart, I’m fucking here for that shit all day and night. I appreciate it because it feels like a term of endearment. But what do I think? If I were to declare myself, I do feel like America’s little sister, little cousin.
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Roland Mouret Strapless Velvet Mini Dress, available at rolandmouret.com. Van Cleef & Arpels Folie des Prés Ring featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold, Lotus Between the Finger Ring featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold, and A Cheval Earrings featuring diamonds set in 18K white gold, all available at vancleefarpels.com. Photo: Micaiah Carter
Like a lot of people in their late 20s, I feel like I grew up with you, and whatever project you were involved with seemed to mirror whatever life stage I was going through at the time. What was child stardom like for you, and what was it like to have so many eyes on you at such a young age?
Honestly speaking, initially it was traumatic when I really experienced it, like after I did True Jackson, VP. And then I got used to it and I tried to kind of control it a little bit more by setting boundaries for myself and being a little bit more realistic about what I needed from the people that would be around me. Fame is a lot. People think that they want it, but it’s intense. It could be fun and cool in certain times if it can possibly help you get quicker dinner reservations. But a good job will do that. You know, you don’t have to be famous. You just have to network.
I don’t know why anybody wants it. It’s a lot to have a lot of attention on you all the time. It gives you a lot of anxiety. It’s nerve-racking. You’re looking over your shoulder all the time. Is somebody going to try and humiliate me or use me for clicks or likes or, you know, whatever? Not everybody can handle it. It’s just a dangerous game.
Time for a few rapid-fire questions. Do you think aliens exist?
Would you ever explore the deep sea?
What would your last meal be? You can have multiple courses or just one bite of something and then move on. It can be anything. Multiple things.
A charcuterie board. I always needed a charcuterie board. I need to start off with a charcuterie board and a nice tall glass of wine. Then, I’d like to take it to a big pizza. From Little Italy in New York. A particular pizza place called Little Italy’s in New York. There’s one right across the street from Papaya Dog.It’s the sauce that they do that makes it what it is. If this is the last meal, I don’t need it to be fancy, I just need it to be good. And, lastly, some snickerdoodle cookies. We got to make it feel like home again.
What do you think happens when we die?
I think we go to nothing. And, I mean that so happily, not in a sad way. I feel like, before we come to our human bodies, we already are in a utopia. The reason why it’s a utopia is because it’s like everything and nothing at the same time. We’re beholden to nothing, we have no attachments, we’re completely and utterly free, and we know in whatever this energy space is that we are all interconnected. So there’s such a freedom and such a happiness. It’s not necessarily we’re riding roller coasters and stuff. We don’t need those things. The happiness and joy is purely innately within us as a spiritual being.
And then I think we come here and we put this suit on, and the suit is actually what makes life really hard, because what comes with humanity and being a human person, as opposed to being an animal, or a rock, or something like that, is our very heightened consciousness and awareness that is sometimes competitive with our spiritual thing that doesn’t actually need words, or language, or actions to just be and understand. And we confuse ourselves when we’re down here.
I think, when we die, we realize, Oh my gosh. It wasn’t that deep. I was always going to be okay. Everything was always going to be all right. Because, this world, this experience is everything and nothing at the same time. It’s so nothingness that it became everything. I think that’s odd. But, I mean, I grew up Catholic. I believe in Jesus. I believe in all the shits. But at the same time, I also feel like some things are like a mixture of spirituality and metaphysical stuff. I go down on the loops. But I be in church too. I’m everywhere with it.
If you could live forever, would you? Absolutely not. No, there’s nothing about that that sounds good. No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
That sounds crazy. I want to have a nice, good long life. I don’t want to be that grandma that’s holding on for dear life and her body falling apart. Let me go looking fine and sexy in my sleep naturally. I don’t want my body to be just turned inside out and I’m like, “I’m still here, kids.” No. Unplug me if I’m falling apart.
What is the most interesting thing in your bag right now?
The truth is, I only carry around one bag. And it’s the mommy bag. And you know what it has in there? My pump, my nipple cream, some contacts, and some prenatal vitamins, post-prenatal lactation supplements.
What is the question that keeps you up at night?
What is this about? I always ask myself, What’s the reason? What is the reason for this all?
That’s beautiful. Can you spell pulchritude?
Of course I can. P-U-L-C-H-R-I-T-U-D-E. Pulchritude?
What does the future look like? What does it look like five years from now, or even in the next few months?
I’m going to continue to be killing these fashions, honey. Continue to expand. I can’t really say exactly what it’s going to be, because I feel like I’m even surprised sometimes about where I end up. But definitely more hosting, and acting, and all that stuff. A lot more stuff behind the scenes too. I really do love producing, and I love helping put stuff together and support people. With KeyTV, we made a short film with a kid from L.A. Film School, supported him with a production crew, and collaborated from different perspectives. I was grateful. To be close in age with him was awesome, too. I’m in a unique vantage point to be able to communicate, and talk, and relate, but also have wisdom that is granted only through the experience that I’ve had.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Photography by Micaiah Carter
Fashion Director Jessica Willis
Hair by Keshaun Williamson
Makeup by Sheika Daley
Manicure by Vanessa Sanchez McCullough
Set Design by Ali Gallagher
Tailoring by Susie Kourinian
Production by Petty Cash Production
Sent from my iPhone
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alankaram1 · 1 year
Small side tables: The perfect solution for small spaces
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How Can I Choose a Great Interior Designer for My Project?
(a). Choose Expert Interior Designers in the Bay Area for Your Project.
You would rather be sure of the outcome than feel sorry or regret after some juvenile designer handles your remodel plans. An expert is eager to deliver value from the start. They have the expertise to deliver on time and on schedule without unnecessarily revising finish dates due to incompetence.
(b). Select Designers with Clear Communication Channels and Strategies.
Communication reveals to you the exact nature, cost, and duration of your project. A professional, after a virtual site visit or evaluation, can immediately know the costs relative to your budget. That helps set all plans in motion faster with clarity.  
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(c). References, Reviews and Projects Accomplished.
Premium contractors are thorough and have established credibility as pragmatic and professional. The online reviews and references by satisfied clients, together with successful projects completed, attest to their skill and competence.
(d). Budget-Friendly and Fast Project Completion.
Whether it is exterior, interior, or dressing and styling design services, access to these services is possible as they are affordable. Making a project plan possible.  
How Can You Choose Favorite Long-Lasting Interior Design and Décor?
- Consult your Local Home Interior Designers in the Bay Area.
A local expert can have vital information and provide useful tips and guidance on how to carry out a long-term house remodel.
- Track the Interior Design Themes on Social and Online Platforms.
There are several resources, websites, social channels, and platforms to educate and guide. However, remember that interior design must always resonate with you to be relevant and replicable.
- Read Up Publications Like magazines, Newspapers, and other Sources.
There are monthly publications on latest interior design trends. What’s great about interior décor is that small reorganizations have an impact on both feel and look.
- Learn from Friends, Public Spaces, and Interior Design Showrooms.
There is a lot to gather from friends or even well-designed public spaces in offices, malls, and other centers. Besides, showrooms can have mini-displays of furniture combinations, accessory additions, color coordination, etc.
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Ending: Finally, modern interior decoration services in the Bay Area are the simplest and quickest way to completely transform your home. Whether it's trending kitchen remodeling or the finest bathroom remodeling that leaves you transfixed, you can count on the best interior design services in the Bay Area.
For more info:-
interior designer fremont
remodel interior designer bay area
interior design digital
remodeling bathroom bay area
Source URL:- https://sites.google.com/view/bathroom-remodeling-in-bay-/home
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dannnijay · 1 year
Coffee tables - Time for a break?
Coffee tables take many shapes and forms but, generally speaking, a coffee table is considered to be a fairly small, low sitting table that would typically be the centrepiece of the common waiting room, lounge, or family room. Visit here to see more other living room furniture deals today. Coffee tables take many shapes and forms but, generally speaking, a coffee table is considered to be a fairly small, low sitting table that would typically be the centrepiece of the common waiting room, lounge, or family room. Coffee tables are utilitarian, in that they are normally used to store remote-controls, for the entertainment suite, books and magazines, and fittingly, are a great place to set down snacks or one's coffee mug when entertaining guests. However, as the centre-piece, contemporary coffee tables are also usually chosen to suit the style and match the existing interior-decoration of one's home to add to the overall effect. A wide range of quality Coffee Tables in a range of styles and materials including wood, glass or marble. Browse online at https://www.thelargecoffeetables.com
Accordingly, it is easy to find a very wide variety of modern coffee tables in different sizes, colours, shapes, fashions, and construction materials. Glass coffee tables are quite popular and if kept free of dust, add a pleasing aspect to the room. If combined with a stainless-steel or chromed frame, a glass-top coffee table will help to add to an overall clean, sleek, modern feel in a room.
Art-deco style tables are still readily available too as something of a relic from the 80s that is one style that seems to be diminishing in popularity as we now approach the end of the noughties. Even still, one can still find lopsided pastel-coloured plastic blobs and planes that appear to be stretched straight from some work, serving as coffee tables. Due to their diminishing popularity and simple construction, they tend to be cheaper these days. It should be noted that it is possible to find more tasteful designs built around similar themes.
If you are after a more classical look in your coffee tables then you probably want to be looking at wooden construction. On the cheaper end of the scale you can find new tables made from plastic imitation-wood, or veneer-covered chipboardî coffee tables, but these can have a somewhat tacky appearance and will tend to be poorer in quality.
If you are willing to spend big money, anywhere upwards of £200 for this small article of furniture, then you can find good quality solid wooden coffee tables that can really set a room off. With supplies of good timber and the loss of most of the world's old-growth forests, the only place one can find beautiful coffee tables made from solid wood (with the exception of pine) for less than about £1000, is at an antique furniture store.
If your pockets aren't quite that deep do not despair! If you're prepared to put some work in the best option is to look around for something you like at second-hand stores. For bargain prices one can find beautiful coffee tables in need of sanding down, staining, possibly some filling or new fasteners, and a couple of coats of clear varnish. The end result can be quite stunning, rendering a stick of furniture into a centrepiece that any homeowner would be proud of.
With the nature of business today the cost of producing complex hand-crafted mosaic coffee tables, either made with inlays of slices of wood with alternating patterned shades, or ceramic-tile based table top surfaces, has become prohibitive. One may still purchase machine manufactured tables like this, with a less pleasing effect, or one could import such furniture from places like Pakistan and India at great expense. Once again real masterpieces in need of a little attention can be sourced at second-hand stores and the like, rewarding industrious home-improvement enthusiasts with coffee tables of outstanding quality and appeal.
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ivsindia · 2 years
Master Bathroom Modern Design
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We see some really impressive Modern bathroom designs on our undertaking to carry incredible new home plans to the majority, and feel now is the ideal time to put them first . Unique bathtubs, sleek vanity units and modern toilet designs come in all shapes and sizes, to suit spaces and budgets both large and small. Aside from the essential facilities, bathrooms can be accessorised with chic dispensers and storage. There are other ways to design modern bathrooms -:
Make a nursery in bathroom. We won’t have to possess a nursery; a living wall can place any room in contact with nature. A bay window floods the one here with sunbeam. An upward nursery can be formed anyplace in the room. They are particularly valuable for masking an unpredictable molded design or backing sections.
However focused lighting gives an emotional impact as well.
Put a bed of stones underneath the bath to interface the style with a nursery background - whether it be a living wall, a restroom yard, or an exquisite view.
We can utilize stones to effectively and economically characterize an improvised washroom patio; basically plant a couple of pots in it. Putting the plants by the window is smart, so they get a lot of normal daylight to develop.
Add a cut of interest with differentiating floor medicines and wall tiles. It's to be expected to choose more than one style of tile for washroom to characterize a shower floor or a raised stage. Cut tiles or sheets on the inclining to hold fast out space.
Open up a main washroom to be important for the room. The joined area will make a more great measured suite. Protection draperies can be drawn across at whatever point required.
Feature those edges. Driven strips have many, numerous applications, yet none so famous right now as the edge lighting track. Light up each edge of raised floor, dropped roof, shower wall and vanity reflect. Driven border lighting can cause colossal volumes to seem weightless, as though drifting just very somewhat over the ground.
Add a little shine to wet wall. The additional sheen will give a look of luxury to the entire room. Group with some marble accents to take the pattern very good quality.
Screen the scene. Beautiful screens permit tempting looks at picturesque perspectives to channel through, while as yet keeping a degree of security. Coordinate dull metal screens with substantial washroom stylistic are for a solid tasteful.
Balance a cutting edge ceiling fixture over the bath - or set wet tub under a great focal installation.
Fabricate a neoclassical washroom mix. Consolidate present day washroom furniture plans with traditional contacts, as exquisite crystal fixtures and mosaic works of art. Remember to add delightful roof coving, corbels and cover
Design a mixed current washroom. Arrange an assortment of explanation pieces that are each lovely by their own doing, regardless of whether they're not really 'coordinating'. Pack in a fake patio. Not to stress, the plants can impart the shower work space to us. 
Make it downpour! Envision carrying out of the bed and under that precipitation showerhead - it would be very much a wake up. It's convenient having the storeroom standing right on the opposite side of the glass shower screen as well.
One more main restroom with stroll in wardrobe with  a tub as well.
A joined wet region doesn't need to mean an over shower. Many plans presently put the shower and a different shower unit next to each other behind a solitary sprinkle screen, or up on a stage together to make plumbing and seepage more straightforward. Carry garden components inside the space to make it a totally normal progress; utilize indoor plants, stone components, wood grain elements and rock flooring. Introduce one end to the other sliding entryways and let the breeze blow through. An assertion washroom sink spigot takes care of business.
We as a whole invest a ton of energy in our bathrooms, so it's just correct that we ought to make them into a basically flawless spot to be. One of a kind baths, smooth vanity units and current toilet plans come in all shapes and sizes, to suit spaces and financial plans both huge and little. Beside the fundamental offices, restrooms can be embellished with stylish allocators and capacity. Lighting is an essential piece of the riddle while planning a washroom retreat as well, as light can completely change the state of mind of a space.
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How do I design the interior of my house?
When it comes to interior design, most of us want to create a space that is both comfortable and stylish. But where do you start when it comes to designing your interior? From colours and furniture placement to accent pieces, there are so many details to consider. However, with some creative planning and research, you can design the perfect home that reflects your style and personality. In this blog post, we will explore the steps for creating an interior design plan and give you tips on how to create a beautiful living space in your home.
Define your style
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Your home’s interior should reflect your personal style. After all, you are the one who will be living there! Whether you prefer a more traditional décor or something more modern, there are endless possibilities when it comes to designing the perfect space for you and your family.
Before you get started, it is important to sit down and really think about what kind of style you are going for. Do some research and look at different design magazines and websites for inspiration. Once you have a good idea of what you want, start planning out each room.
Think about how you want the room to function and what kind of furniture and décor would best suit that purpose. For example, if you want your living room to be a relaxing space where you can unwind after a long day, choose Customized Furniture Online and soothing colors. On the other hand, if you want your kitchen to be a vibrant gathering space for family and friends, opt for bright colors and fun accents.
Most importantly, don’t be afraid to experiment! Have fun with it and let your personality shine through in your design choices.
Identify your inspirations
Designing the interior of your home can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be! One of the best ways to approach designing your home's interior is to start by identifying your inspirations. What style do you love? What colors make you happy? What type of furniture do you envision in your space? Once you have a good idea of what you're drawn to, the design process will become much easier.
If you're not sure where to start, take a look at some popular design magazines or search for inspiration online. There are endless resources available to help you find the perfect style for your home. Once you've gathered some ideas, it's time to start putting them together into a cohesive design. Start by creating a mood board with all of your favourite images and colours. This will help you visualise your overall design scheme and see how different elements work together. Then, begin selecting pieces for your space. Consider proportions and scale when choosing Customised Furniture Online in Noida and always keep functionality in mind. Last but not least, don't forget the details! Add personal touches like artwork, Pillows, throws, and accessories to really make your space feel like yours.
Gather your materials
You'll need a few things before you get started designing the interior of your house. First, you'll need to gather some inspiration. Look through magazines, online, and anywhere else you can find ideas for your project. Once you have an idea of what you want, start making a list of materials you'll need. This might include paint, wallpaper, furniture, window treatments, flooring, and more. If you're not sure where to start, consult with a professional interior designer. They can help you figure out what materials you need and how to get started on your project.
Plan your space
When it comes to designing the interior of your home, one of the most important things to consider is the layout and flow of your space. This will ensure that your home is both functional and stylish. Here are a few tips on how to plan your space:
- First, consider how you want to use each room in your home. This will help you determine the appropriate furniture and décor for each space.
- Once you have an idea of the function of each room, start planning the layout. This includes placement of furniture, focal points, and traffic flow.
- Pay attention to detail when selecting furnishings and décor for each room. This will help create a cohesive look throughout your home.
- Finally, don’t forget about lighting! Proper lighting can make a big difference in the overall feel of a space.
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10 Tips for Hiring Interior Designers in Trivandrum
Even though we are decently equipped to design the interiors of our home, a professional interior designer can do it better. They have the training and the experience to make a place beautiful yet fully functional. This is the most important aspect of interior designing– to make a space look good without having to sacrifice functionality. Not every interior designer will be the right fit for you. Following tips can help you to find the interior designer that you are looking for.
Budget is one of the most important things you have to look into even before hiring a designer. It is important to hire a designer within your budget. You have to consider how much you will be able to spend as opposed to what you want to spend. Set up a realistic budget. Consider your monthly income and then decide on how much you can afford to spend on interior designing. If you do not have enough, it is better to start a savings plan and look for more affordable interior designing services. Once the project starts and progresses, you should keep track of the expenses. You should also compare the prices of different designers.
2. Timeframe
Once you have sorted out the budget planning, you have to see how much time you can set aside for your interior designing project. You have to be reasonable with the timeframe as interior designing is a laborious task. Hiring a designer itself will take a lot of time and planning. You will also have to find a place you can temporarily move to. You have to keep in mind that the project can take from few days to months.
3. Type of Designer
You have to decide if you want to hire somebody online or if you want to hire somebody to come to your house. For this, you will have to see where you want their help. If you want to make changes to the layout of your room, you will have to reconsider lighting, plumbing, electrical rewiring etc. For such works, you will need a designer to review your space. They can help you with the layout and even find you good contractors for these services.
4. Decide On Your Style
Before you start your project, you have to see what kind of style you want or how you want your house to look. If you are just redecorating one room, you will have to use the rest of the house as a reference so that it does not look out of place. You can also collect ideas from photos in magazines, Instagram, etc. Once you have a fair idea, you can help your designer understand what it is that you want. You can also find your style from one piece of furniture or article that you want to incorporate in your design. This can be a painting, carpet, etc. You can then build around this single element.
5. Organize Your Ideas
It is always better to organize your ideas and inspiration. You can have a folder where you can save your favorite styles, color tones, the kind of finish you want, furniture, materials, fabrics, layouts etc.
If you are hiring a designer from VC InteriorsTrivandrum you can rest assured. We have references and credentials that is proof of our experience and training in this industry. You can avoid having it do unnecessary and time-consuming planning if you give us your project. We offer a wide variety of services such as automation in homes, design consultation, site measurement and assessment, space planning, smart home appliances, design concept, smart kitchen appliances, invisible grills, smart lighting, purchasing and procurement of resources, and project management.
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stemdesignblog · 2 years
Buy Luxury Home Décor Products online with Stem Design
Selecting the right home decorative items can make your dream of an attractive home come true. One particular thing you should do before searching is the fact that makes a list of what all you need making sure that shopping at a home decor store is often easier.
There are the plans before shopping:
Picking out Your Style: There is a tremendous variety, of designs, kinds, and colors obtainable in home decorative items. You'll be able to get overwhelmed with the choices.
Make a decision over a theme: You'll be able to select your home decor by looking around at your friend’s and families’ homes and reading interior design magazines. You are able to get ideas from television shows that focus on interior design or from any hotel that you simply may perhaps visit. Nature and travel might be inspirational as well to come to a decision on the style you wish to display in your home.
The luxury home decor carries a different charm and aura which is visible at the first sight. Once you are happy with the quality, you can trust the brand and can blindly order it online.
Stem Design is an Online Luxury Home Decor Store having a vast collection of Home Decor items, Home Decor Accessories, and many more.
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topbeds123 · 4 days
The Ultimate Guide To The Best Chesterfield Beds and Luxury Beds Online
The Chesterfield beds have taken the interior decor by storm. From top interior design magazine covers to interior design accounts on Instagram, these beds are everywhere. So, what makes these beds special and why should one buy them?
For one, these beds are all about aesthetics. They appear great and add a touch of luxury. The buttoned headboard attracts attention and is in synchronized with classic good taste. It creates the ideal comforting, cozy, and welcoming ambience that is perfect for relaxation. The best chesterfield beds is that they can be integrated seamlessly into any form of decor. Whether a person is opting for a traditional look, classy or wish to create a luxurious contemporary vibe, these beds are the way to go about.
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How To Buy Chesterfield Beds?
1. Choose the Size
A person should pay close attention to proportion and scale. One doesn’t wish to have a bed that’s too small or big for their bedroom. Some people make a common mistake while buying beds is that they forget to opt for the height of the headboard.
If the headboard is too high, it can make low-ceiling rooms appear a bit cramped. So, make sure a person should take the bed height into consideration before buying a bed.
2. Determine Storage Space
Does a person have a low storage space around the house? If yes, then opt for a bed with built-in storage space. These beds are functional and convenient. The extra storage space is easy to access and ideal to keep one’s room organized and tidy at all times.
3. Customize the Bed Frame
The headboard is the elucidating feature, which is why all beds have chesterfield design headboards. Irrespective of the fact that there’s still room for customization.
From the style and size of the buttons to the fabric and color-one can customize their chesterfield bed to ensure it perfectly fits in their bedroom and goes well with their interior design. It is recommended to buy one’s chesterfield beds from a company that provides custom bed frames to make sure one gets the ideal bed.
At last, owing to their classic versatility and aesthetic appeal, these beds are currently the most in demand after style in the world. One may prefer to buy the best luxury bed online that goes well with all kinds of their home decor and appears absolutely appealing in all settings. However, one should make sure they buy their chesterfield bed from a reliable company to ensure unmatched durability and quality.
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