#hold on i need to learn how to make extremely specific game mods
egophiliac · 2 years
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some quick episode 6 doodles while I process...you know. everything.
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writingwithcolor · 3 years
Arab Character Joining Corrupt Superheroes, Police Parallels
Anonymous asked:
I’m writing a story with a Arabian diaspora main character. The story is about corrupt superheroes, and how they affect an oppressed superpowered minority. The main character is one of these superheroes, naively joining them in his teens believing he’s going to help people. Doesn’t help that his parents are having money trouble. Eventually he ends up fighting a superpowered crook, and gets a bystander killed.
1)I know portraying an Arabian character committing violence is a pretty touchy subject, even if accidental. Is there any way I can write this that makes it clear to the reader that the action itself is messed up without the unfortunate implication that Arabs are violent? 
2)A large part of the story is the MC’s parents reaction. They are loving parents, however after this incident happens, they are confused and ashamed. While they still love him, they temporarily cut ties with him. Eventually they reconcile and start to be a family again. In my research (they are diaspora Saudi Arabians), Family is very important and tight-nit. Shame towards the family is to be avoided at all costs. However I’ve also read that disowning a family member rarely ever happens. Is there a way to write this kind of narrative with respect to this aspect of Arabian culture?
Let us begin with some terminology.
- If a person is from Saudi Arabia, they are Saudi Arabian, or more commonly, Saudi. This is their nationality.
- They may or may not be Arab. Arab is an ethnicity. Not all Saudis are Arab. Not all Arabs are Saudi.
- Arabic is a language. Lots of people across the world who are neither Saudi nor Arab speak Arabic.
- Arabian on its own is a word used to refer to a specific breed of horses.
If you are referring to humans, you want to either say "Saudi Arabian" (both words) or “Saudi” to indicate nationality, or "Arab" to indicate ethnicity. If you’re looking to describe your character’s culture, you probably want to call it Saudi culture. (While grammatically correct, talking about “Arab culture” doesn’t make much sense because Arabs are an incredibly diverse ethnic group and there is no such thing as a single monolithic Arab culture).
Now for the first question. In my mind, the issue is less about the character committing violence, and more about the premise of the story and how it mirrors real-life oppressive structures. You have an organized group of superheroes who think they are doing good by fighting “crooks” but in reality are enacting systemic oppression upon a marginalized group. This immediately brings to mind police violence, racial profiling, and the way that policing in North America is used as a tool of white supremacy while glorified in propaganda as a force for good. Essentially, you are telling a story about a character who joins an oppressive policing force, enacts violence upon a marginalized group as a result, and (I’m assuming) eventually realizes that they are not, in fact, the good guys. This is very close to being a “bigoted character learns not to be bigoted” story. I recommend re-examining your premise in light of the real-life parallels and asking yourself whether this is the story you want to tell. 
The issue is compounded by the fact that your character is an Arab teen, who in real life is more likely to be the one facing racial profiling from the police. Taking this character and making him the oppressor in your story makes the already flawed premise even more problematic, especially if the characters in the oppressed group are white.
As for your second question, it seems believable to me that a teen’s parents might reject him if they learned that he committed a crime. However, when the family in question is Arab, you are suddenly feeding into harmful tropes about oppressive and violent Arab parents. You are asking if there is a way to write this respectfully. I believe that there is, but it requires a great deal of care, nuance, and cultural awareness. While it is possible to write a Saudi Arab character grappling with the consequences of violence and familial estrangement in a compelling way, the way your ask is phrased leads me to believe you are not equipped to do it justice. 
- Mod Niki
Think about why Arab people committing violence is a touchy subject, and then think about the general propaganda narrative that came about from the act that made things so touchy. 
It’s going to sound one hell of a lot like what you have here.
Military and police use buckets and buckets of propaganda to continue hooking in young, impressionable teens to commit state-sanctioned colonialism and oppression. That propaganda looks suspiciously like “we have health insurance, we will pay for your education, you just have to do what we tell you even if that means hurting or killing others, but it’s okay because you get to be the hero in the situation.”
Now, propaganda is a very powerful tool. I was taught, in my media classes, that controlling the message means shaping reality. The media is built as a propaganda machine, and when you start to see who owns what media properties you start to see some really disturbing patterns (Rubert Murdoch owns a lot of right-wing sources across America, the UK, and Australia, and he’s too rich to investigate his culpability in spinning terrible narratives found in right-wing publications. He owns the big names).
As Niki said, this situation mirrors police violence and police-sanctioned terrorism. And the very, very unfortunate implications of making the target of police violence be in that wheel. But I want you to look at the media situation that has made the plot happen.
Because even if you swapped out ethnicities, you’d still have a reckoning to do with the American culture that their primary social safety nets involve killing people.
I am not kidding.
Some of the most well-funded unions in the country are police unions. These people have pensions. They have health insurance. It’s damn near impossible to fire them. They get overtime very well mandated, and it’s a known thing among defence lawyers that arrests happen right before a cop’s shift will end so they get the overtime of filing the paperwork. They absolutely go into poor neighbourhoods and recruit based off people needing an escape, and them having the money to provide it.
A similar sentiment is true for the military, except they push for college education a bit more and don’t really have overtime, but they do have deployment bonuses. So the way to get extra pay for yourself is to go out and do colonialism outside the borders. The military doesn’t necessarily like it when the economy is doing well, and don’t like the idea of college being affordable, because they rely so heavily on poverty and fear of college debt to recruit. 
The story you’re telling here goes so far beyond an individual’s actions and instead taps into America’s single biggest cultural investment: that oppressing others makes you a hero. 
The Pentagon funds most military media out there as a propaganda tool, including most superhero movies and a large number of video games. This is in their budget. They will also go so far as to literally commission the games to exist. Part of getting that funding is you cannot critique America’s military, basically at all (the only exception I’ve seen is Ms Marvel, but that’s set in the 90s). This turns any sort of military-using media into a potential propaganda tool.
And the thing is? Even if you fall for that propaganda and were part of the military or the police, you still have to reckon with the fact you put whatever your own desires were above a huge track record of those groups being terrible. You still have to reckon with the fact you didn’t realize they were wrong, and were complicit in a lot of crimes.
This goes very far beyond “the action is terrible” and goes into “the system is rotten to its core, and you chose not to believe it, or to believe you could change what was built with blood.”
“Good” police officers get fired. If you try to question anything, if you try to say this action is wrong, you will absolutely get destroyed. Military’s much the same. You need some degree of buy-in to the concept of white supremacy to sign up for the military or the police, because you need to see their actions as not deal breakers instead of actions that violate multiple international laws. 
In short: you need to see the people being oppressed as deserving of being oppressed to some degree in order to participate with police and the military.
Marginalized people can hold this belief, it happens. But that is a very sticky situation that outsiders shouldn’t touch. 
It’s possible but difficult for you to write a white person having this sort of arc, but it would be extremely challenging to have it not come across as a white guilt story. To not have a socially aware audience roll their eyes at how long it took. You’d definitely not be writing a story with a diverse audience in mind, because you’d mostly appeal to those who saw the propaganda as just fine and not that bad.
This isn’t even getting into the oft-cited adage that boys who bully others become cops, while girls who bully become nurses. And the more police atrocities become mainstream news, the less and less people can convince themselves that becoming a police officer is a good thing.
Which brings me to the point of: how well-documented is this oppression? Is this character walking around in an oppressive situation like, say, pre-social-media where there was no direct access to the oppressed groups and you could close your eyes and look away even if it made national news? Or is this in a media connected world where these oppressed populations have a voice in the narrative?
The former has an angle of the character slowly realizing the horror and it’s slightly more forgivable for their early ignorance. But in any sort of world where there’s access to the people getting hurt? Things get more and more “ignorance is indistinguishable from maliciousness.” And keep in mind, these stories are read in the real world, where police brutality and war crimes go viral, and a lack of knowledge is getting harder and harder to defend as a position.
Media plays a huge role in shaping our perception of what’s happening. Cameras on a situation makes different activism tactics work, as we can see with how activism changed in the 60s and 70s as tv reached the masses. Social media has made it possible for you to look up firsthand accounts of discrimination within seconds. 
This is a factor you are absolutely going to have to consider, when you want to look at how nice your hero is seen by marginalized or otherwise socially-aware people. If there is a way to find out how bad this superhero organization is before you sign a contract with them? Then that doesn’t look particularly good on the “hero”. You’d really have to establish them as super idealistic, super sheltered, super desperate, and/or just swallow the knowledge that they really don’t see anything that happens “over there to those people” as that bad. 
All of the above is more than possible. And they’d still be seen as complicit no matter what justification you gave, because they are.
Does this mean all corrupt organization stories are off limits? No. The reason these stories have such deep cultural resonance right now is because of the propaganda I outlined above. 
But you as the author are going to have to examine your own engagement with the propaganda narrative and do your own private reckoning so your own sense of guilt and compliance doesn’t bleed through the narrative too strongly, so you can tell a good story instead of an overt message story that’s you working out your own feelings.
By all means, write a story where police and the military are taken down, where propaganda is weaponized and the media is controlled (because that’s sure as hell the modern world). 
But know that stories where the hero discovers the corruption already have a ticking clock because we, in the real world, are slowly being faced with a mountain of apathy instead of ignorance. The knowledge of oppression is out there so much that marginalized people are tired of the ignorance defence. 
As the saying goes, “privilege is the ability to ignore the oppression of others.” 
Propaganda, centralized media, and strategic cultural investment made it possible for police and the military to have a chokehold on their public perception. But that’s changing. The chokehold is starting to fade, people are starting to question their beliefs. 
The past year has shown that knowledge isn’t the issue; it’s white supremacy. People don’t want to believe that any of this is that bad. People want to believe that oppression is justified, that if people just followed the law they’d be fine. They don’t want to question themselves. And marginalized people are tired of these narratives where, suddenly, people snap out of it. Because there was so much evidence to show it was bad, but it was only when you do one of the worst crimes imaginable that you realize this is bad? It’s only when it becomes personal that things are worth looking at critically?
No. And you need to examine where you are in processing your own complicity before writing a story where you’ve swapped around the ethnicities to try and distance yourself from the problem, where in the end you made the target the oppressor.
~Mod Lesya
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skaiatemple · 4 years
July 23rd is the Festival of Heart!
If you follow as a practitioner of Pop Culture Paganism, a user of Homestuck inspired Chaos Magic, or just want to use your favorite series to inspire you throughout the year, Skaia Temple is your resource center!
Whether you want to just celebrate it on the day, use it as a date for empowered energy, integrate it into your more mundane celebrations, or just appreciate your favorite characters and concepts this month, we have suggestions for whatever path you want to take with us!
Read below the cut for a condensed idea & resource list for this month of Heart!
Aspect Centered
Celebrate the Aspect in all its glory if you’re all about on celebrating the Festivals for exactly what they represent: The Aspect and all the traits associated with it.
“Forging an identity is extremely important to the Heart-bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent narrative of their own story.”
Heart is about the Self, the Soul. If Life is about self care, Heart is about caring for the self. It’s often discouraged to be selfish about our own needs, but sometimes its just what we might need or deserve. If Blood is about community, Heart is about finding out who you are in it.
Sometimes the strongest weapon we can have is being ourselves completely unabashedly. Whether this means holding your own in conflict, or keeping yourself steady when nothing else is so. We need to be able to have a grasp on ourselves to truly understand how and why we need to grow.
Maybe there’s some facets of your personality you suppress for some reason that you need to learn to let loose, maybe you can find a new or more genuine way to express yourself, or maybe all you need to do is let those around you know that its you who knows yourself best.
This month is for being yourself.
Magical Inspiration
If you want to use Homestuck concepts more abstractly and need some ideas for what brands of magic would work best for the season, if you have an Aspect or character-themed spell, feel free to send it in so it can be added to this section!
Shadow work during Doom was more about making peace with yourself, but doing it during Heart season would be more about wielding it like a sword. Or shitty katana- Another side of it could be glamour magic, both for confidence or just when you need someone to see a specific facet of yourself for any reason. The main idea for now is to make sure your inside feelings match your outside actions.
Love and Romance also arent out of place for something about self-nourishment. Here is a Nepeta themed Romantic Luck spell for the occasion as well!
Integration Route
For people in the broom closet who are too timid or anxious to celebrate the Festivals openly- you can always integrate the Aspects traits to fit in with the more common trends and holidays of the month. Not even Hussie is is Homestuck God, no one will mind!
Appropriately, there are no major traditional holidays in this season, at least not in America. Maybe you could look up some minor holidays and find some that resonate with you and set forth celebrating them unabashedly and with full force- or maybe you could just make it a month where you celebrate You. Make the whole Heart season your Unbirthday Month. (In the event that your birthday is within this season, Happy Birthday! And I hope you have a even happier Unbirthday pt2)
The start of August marks Lammas, celebrating summer harvests, specifically grains- doesn't baking heartshaped bread sound pawsitively adorapurr?
Fandom Driven
For if you’re not all about spirituality or routine and just want to enjoy going all-out with a beloved story & characters, you can honor the ones of this month by driving full-throttle on the fandom bandwagon.
Heart is the Aspect for the Leijons. Some very underappreciated girls who never seem to catch a break. They’re strong beautiful ladies whose voices often go unheard through fear, manipulation, or ill timing to be able to speak out in all of their unique, creative, colorful glory. They show all the best parts of the Heart Aspect, pure timid selves who need only the chance and support to be able to shine brightly light everyone deserves to get to. Look at them and keep in mind that you deserve to express yourself in every way you want to.
It’s also the Aspect for the infamous Dirk Strider, and however you feel about whatever iteration of this walking identity crisis, he too embodies his Aspect strongly. He’s on a constant search to find his self and purpose, and so shows us the darker side of when we might try to change everyone else around us to better fit the picture we’ve painstakingly made to justify who we’re trying to be. Be it admiration, pity, or mouth frothing rage, look at Dirk and remember that whatever path we walk, we should be able to find one that allows us to walk in pace with everyone else that we so care about, and that has to be done with empathy, not anxiety and micromanaging. Stan Dirk.
Draw art, write fic, post analysis’ and/or callout posts for these big bright (inwardly and/or outwardly) characters this season!
We hope you got some ideas for activities you can do with your friends or otherwise use to inspire and better yourself this month. Everyone plays the game of life differently, and everyones beliefs are their own. Celebrate yourself as you see fit, and Thanks for Playing with Us.
~Mod Bee
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reconditarmonia · 3 years
Dear Chocolate Box 2021 Author
Hi! Thank you for writing for me! I’m reconditarmonia here and on AO3. I have anon messaging off, but mods can contact me with any questions.
Elsinore | Fullmetal Alchemist | The Locked Tomb | Motherland: Fort Salem | Simoun
General likes:
– Relationships that aren’t built on romance or attraction. They can be romantic or sexual as well, but my favorite ships are all ones where it would still be interesting or compelling if the romantic component never materialized.
– Loyalty kink! Trust, affectionate or loving use of titles, gestures of loyalty, replacing one’s situational or ethical judgment with someone else’s, risking oneself (physically or otherwise) for someone else, not doing so on their orders. Can be commander-subordinate or comrades-in-arms.
– Heists, or other stories where there’s a lot of planning and then we see how the plan goes.
– Femslash, complicated or intense relationships between women, and female-centric gen. Women doing “male” stuff (possibly while crossdressing).
– Stories whose emotional climax or resolution isn’t the sex scene, if there is one.
– Uniforms/costumes/clothing.
– Stories, history, and performance. What gets told and how, what doesn’t get told or written down, behavior in a society where everyone’s consuming media and aware of its tropes, how people create their personas and script their own lines.
General DNW: rape/dubcon, torture, other creative gore; unrequested AUs, including “same setting, different rules” AUs such as soulmates/soulbonds; PWP; food sex; embarrassment; focus on pregnancy; Christmas/Christian themes; focus on unrequested canon or non-canon ships; unrequested trans versions of characters.
Smut Likes: clothing, uniforms, sexual tension, breasts, manual sex, cunnilingus, grinding, informal d/s elements, intensity.
Requesting fic; open to art treats!
Fandom: Elsinore
Relationship(s): Hamlet & Ophelia; Hamlet & Horatio & Ophelia; Bernardo & Hamlet & Laertes & Ophelia
I found the friendships in this game, and the different ways that characters can reconcile or try to find a way forward together, to be really sweet and moving, and I'd love to read something that focused on those relationships of trust and support. I like how important Ophelia and Horatio's counsel and friendship is in timelines where Hamlet becomes king; I like Hamlet regretting how he behaved towards Ophelia and striving to live through his depression and find out what it is that he wants, not what everyone else wants of him; I like seeing childhood friends Bernardo and Laertes and Ophelia and Hamlet, whose growing-up has stretched them so far apart, taking time to catch up and enjoy each other's company a little.
So, futurefic in one of the timelines where everything doesn't go to shit? A timeline that we don't see? (There is something narratively interesting to me in Permanence/Passion in that the entire plot of Hamlet ends up as a distant backstory to someone's full life; I don't know how compatible that idea is with these requests, but if you want to write any of these groups fucking off to Italy or Constantinople or London and living until the Elsinore pressure-cooker is a distant memory, I'd be just as happy with that as with fic about them building some kind of future together still in Denmark, trying to make it better for its people and to hold on to who they are as individuals, and friends, beyond their roles.) If you want to write Hamlet/Ophelia, Hamlet/Horatio, or for that matter Horatio/Bernardo as shippy, I'm fine with that, but I don't want a focus on the romantic aspects of their relationship.
Fandom-Specific DNW: death of requested characters within the timeline being explored, or focus on death of requested characters. These characters die in this game a lot and I don't need you to pretend entirely that it's not a time loop game, but I would like them to be happy. If you write the Bernardo & Hamlet & Laertes & Ophelia request, I'm fine with either or both names/pronouns for Bernardo|Katherine, but I don't want to read a story focused on their gender or coming-out. Please don't include Peter Quince as a character (you do not need to retcon, you know, the existence of the time loop).
Fandom: Fullmetal Alchemist
Relationship(s): Maria Ross/Olivier Mira Armstrong
I'll admit: I am a shallow, shallow person who loves the heartwarming and id-satisfying Briggs loyalty-kink complex (The watch! Buccaneer handing Olivier a clean pair of gloves after she kills Raven! Constant and deeply sincere saluting! Olivier’s explanation of why she wants Miles around and her lack of patience for anyone’s shit) but would like an f/f manifestation of it for actual shipping. Post-canon or AU where Maria is assigned to Briggs, or works for Olivier in Central? Does Maria foil a plot against Olivier, or Olivier save Maria's life in battle? Does Olivier order Maria into a firefight? Hit me.
Fandom-Specific DNW: Olivier/men, even mentioned.
Fandom: The Locked Tomb
Relationship(s): Abigail Pent & Dulcinea Septimus; Gideon the First & Matthias Nonius
Dulcie and Nonius were two of my favorite additions to the cast in Harrow the Ninth (and Dulcie in "Doctor Sex" via letter). I loved everything we learned about Dulcie - her wit, her quick thinking in a pinch when confronted by Cytherea and her secret to Harrow. I found her "The only thing preventing me from being exactly who I wanted..." speech both genuinely moving and very funny, and I love her thirst for revenge. What else might she and Abigail Pent, "independent research? it isn't even my birthday!" daredevil spirit-talker par excellence who has just conjured up a ghost out of an epic poem, get up to after Harrow's bubble collapses? Or what were they up to when they weren't on screen in Harrow's dream, putting together this whole, well, play?
Nonius's arrival, entire scene, and departure to fight the Beast made me very, very happy on levels I have trouble explaining. It was so heartwarming?! Because it was impossible, and because poetry won, and because they went off to do the best they could...I don't know, exactly. I'd love to read either more about his mysterious past with Gideon the First, or about their second encounter as allies (throw in Marta, Ortus and Pro if you like as well!)
Fandom-Specific Exception: to my unrequested ships DNW, Dulcie/Cam & Dulcie/Pal. I love their three strand thing.
Fandom: Motherland: Fort Salem
Relationship(s): Abigail Bellweather/Raelle Collar
I fell hard for this show and Abigail/Raelle is the ship I’m most excited about - they get off to a bad start for all kinds of personal history reasons and have problems with each other, but when it gets down to the wire Abigail would do anything for Raelle and is very gung-ho about having Raelle’s unconventional but extremely powerful magic under her leadership, regardless of Raelle being a loose cannon. She told her she loved her!! <3 And by the end, Raelle also clearly knows what Abigail's going through (like when she talks her down in "Citydrop"), respects her leadership, and cares deeply about her and wants to protect her in return. I love that loyalty dynamic, and their competence as fighters/witches.
Physical combat, strength in general, magical strength, ability to work magic together, knowledge of the magical canon vs. out-of-the-box techniques...what parts of their skills and their bond could be challenged in the weird dimension that the end of season 1 leaves them in? Or when they get back home and new challenges await? (In my head, the decision not to send them to War College is not revoked; the unit becomes some kind of special-forces secret strike team rather than cannon fodder.) Maybe something where Raelle goes/has gone into a fight as a berserker-type for Abigail and then comes back to her, or where Abigail protects/has protected her soldier (her girl!! I love her protectiveness of Raelle towards the other cadets, imagine it in a battle!)? Or an arranged marriage AU where it's usual for witch soldiers to marry to combine their magic power or something...
I would also be up for smut for them, especially something d/s-y where the loyalty-kinky dynamic of Raelle being Abigail's weapon, at her command, is echoed in sex!
Fandom-Specific DNW: sex solely for magical purposes without an emotional connection (sex for magical purposes is fine), focus on Raylla (I don't need you to retcon it, but please don't dwell either on Raelle still having feelings for Scylla or on her getting over Scylla for Abigail), Scylla bashing, Abigail/Adil (I would prefer to imagine, if he is mentioned in the fic, that they’re just friends).
Fandom: Simoun
Relationship(s): Aer/Neviril; Aer/Neviril & Neviril/Paraietta; Aer/Neviril/Paraietta; Aer & Floef & Neviril & Paraietta & Rodoreamon & Vyuraf
Aer, and Aer/Neviril, really grew on me on my recent rewatch. I appreciated her more as the determined bit-of-a-loose-cannon, who grows into a respected role in the choir, than the manic pixie this time, and noted Neviril's comments about how she was drawn to Aer's determination. (I've written a lot more about what I love and am interested in about Neviril and the show in general, her journey of figuring out what it means to her exactly to lead an air force, here.) I'd love to know what happens to them post-canon - what is the "new world" and their travel in it like? It's an escape for them, sure, but what are they escaping to, not just from? Are there problems there, too?
I'd also be up for a poly situation where Neviril is involved with both Aer and Paraietta, her long-loyal second-in-command whom she's blessed and forgiven, as a V where they're friends or as a triangle where Aer and Paraietta are also involved (I don't quite know what that leg of the triangle would look like but I do like how they work together in battle even when they're shown as having personal issues.)
If Neviril and Aer make it back to the main world when war is brewing again, as at the end of the series, but their old cohort can't fly anymore, what do they see their role as being? Does Neviril see herself as a leader for peace, for war, for something else? How do they interact with their former squadmates, whether as part of a more plotty piece or not?
I could be interested in explicit fic for this canon, as an option - the series is, on some level, about the contrast between the reality and physicality of their bodies and the general perception of what they do (which even in its non-spiritual military capacity is removed from a connection to their bodies via the Simoun aircraft), about becoming an adult, and of course about gender.
Fandom-Specific DNW: I'm not really interested in Kaim and Alty and would prefer for them not to appear or for their backstory to come up. I would also not like to see pre-timeskip Dominuura/Limone.
0 notes
callsignbaphomet · 5 years
Quick Tips for New Players pt. 2
You can roll through roars. Each monster type has different timing and will require a bit of practice to get it right but once you do it'll make fights a cakewalk.
To be fair you actually CAN roll through some lesser attacks but it takes practice to get the frames right. No, this isn't like Dark Souls where rolling through everything makes you invulnerable. Take some time to see which attacks you can safely roll through.
Every monster attack is heavily telegraphed and if you pay attention you can completely avoid all their attacks. For example right before Rathian does her air flip to hit you with her tail she will crouch lower, her roar will be a guttural growl and then she'll jump.
Every monster except for Bazelguese and Deviljho (correct if wrong) sticks to a certain path and area. As you get familiarized with the game you'll learn where they hang out and which camps to spawn in.
Gunlance users and HBG users. For the love of all that is sane please be considerate of your partners! When a Gunlance user uses Wyvern's Fire or an HBG user fires cluster bombs it sends your partner's flying. Not only will it prevent someone from attacking a monster and doing more damage to it it will also stagger a player and will prevent them from evading an attack and that could cause them to cart. The fault is all yours. So be mindful of cluster bombs and Wyvern's Fire. Don't be that person that spams that shit without regard.
Flashpods are only effective three times during the fight on tempered monsters. It's best to save them for when the monster is limping away to its nest where things can get super risky and hectic. Looking at you, Kushala.
Make use of the training room. It's fantastic! Spend some time labbing a weapon and get a feel for it. Also any items you use there will not be consumed so go ahead and test out a build and use some demon juice or powder or what have you to see how much damage you're doing.
Every weapon is capable of inflicting status effects (poison, paralysis, sleep, blast) it's just that some have an easier time doing it and with more consistency. For ranged weapons the best option is the Light Bowgun. For bladed weapons it's the Dual Blades. But even the painfully slow Great Sword can inflict ailments.
Speaking of ailments. Every time you poison, sleep, paralyze or add blast to a monster its resistances to that ailment go up. It doesn't mean you won't be able to do it again, it just means each time it gets a status effect it'll take more hits than the last time to get the effect. There are ways to make it easier like charms or decorations or you can eat for Felyne Specialist at the canteen.
Speaking of the canteen, if you scroll all the way to page 4 you'll have 6 slots to make your own menu. This allows you to save menus that have Food Skills you wanna make use of during a quest. Oh and FYI the "daily" skills ain't daily. They change every time you spawn back into Astera. I have no idea why they chose daily.
You can cancel any healing or buffing in case you need to get the fuck outta dodge or avoid an attack. Just roll. If you do it early enough the item won't be consumed.
When you heal using a potion or mega potion your character wipes their mouth. You can cancel that animation by rolling as soon as your health bar has recovered. Ain't much but it sure as shit could save your ass.
Lance users please stop "running over" your partners when y'all are attacking a monster. See #5 for reasons why you should cut that shit out. Now!
Low Rank and early High Rank players should definitely take advantage of festivals. Not only because of the events but because during festivals, up in the Gathering Hub, the canteen will have a special platter which is guaranteed to give you more health and stamina. You can only get it up at the Gathering Hub.
Do not throw away, sell or trade decorations when you start out in High Rank. Every decoration is useful and you never know how you'll change your playstyle in the future. Some of these are extremely hard to come by so keep them. Once you've established yourself a little better and are holding about 500 Palico Rally decos then you can trade them.
Hold off on trading Gleaming Stones at the smelder. I highly suggest you augment your armor first. I know it's tempting but these are a bit of a pain to come across and you REALLY will need augmented armors for end game and especially for when Iceborne drops.
Augmentation is unlocked the very second you get you hands on a Hero Streamstone or a Sullied Streamstone. Just do some tempered investigations, either threat level 2 or 3. Chances of getting one or the other are strictly RNG based. There is no way to know if you'll get it. Just keep at it and eventually one will drop.
The Siege of Kulve Taroth is super fun and can be done as soon as you're done with the main storyline. Not only do you get some really neat weapons but you can also make KT's Alpha, Beta and Gamma armors (I suggest the Beta and Gamma). Once you crafted the armor you want I suggest selling all of her materials for Zenny (the game's currency). You always end up with a bunch of materials and they sell for high easily netting you over a million. Just don't sell her gems.
With the exception of KT you should never sell any monster materials especially hard to come by pieces like tails and gems and plates. You never know which weapon or charm or armor piece you may need in the future.
If you wanna join a quest I highly advice you avoid any that have been ongoing for more than 8 minutes. Once the quest hits 10 minutes and you join you won't get any rewards. Unless you don't care for getting rewards, in that case join whenever the heck you want.
Deviation is the recoil or kick from each trigger pull. Recoil allows you to move as you shoot. All rapid fire ammo (the ammo with a white arrow pointing up) benefits from this. 3 Recoil Suppressor mods are mandatory for rapid fire ammo. You only really wanna do this for LBG. No matter how high the Deviation is it's super quick to adjust to and frankly after a few quests you won't even notice it. The wording in this game can be frustratingly confusing.
Insect Glaive users should also upgrade their kinsects along with the Glaive. Make sure you pair up the right kinsect with the right Glaive for maximum efficiency. Imma save you a lot of time and headaches. Grancathar III, Whispervesp III, and Pseudocath III are the best ones. All the others really suck. The kinsect from the Final Fantasy questline is absolute shit until you upgrade it.
If you're looking to hunt a specific monster with other players just hit Join a Quest, Respond to SOS and scroll down to Target and choose the monster you need. Some are easier to get than others but keep trying.
If you're going to join Low Rank quests don't be that asshole that never actually helps and just wants to show off. Actually help the host. Debuffing yourself is stupid as fuck.
It may feel a little intimidating at first but the hud has all the information you need. Pay close attention to it especially during a quest.
When you hover over a quest all the information about it is laid out right in front of you. It will tell you the time limit, reward, small monsters in the area, will say if it's a slaying, hunting or capturing quest so be sure to read everything carefully so you're prepared.
As you hunt monsters your Hunter's Notes get updated. Check back every once in a while to see what new info it has to offer.
Yeah, the game autosaves frequently but it's never a bad thing to manually save. I've had the game freeze and crash on me while I tried to join a game.
I highly suggest you get very well acquainted with the dive dodge. It will save your life! Remember, it can be done while running AWAY from a monster but it has to be within reach.
Some attacks will knock you down and if you don't press any buttons you'll just lay there for a few seconds. This can be super useful to avoid a fast follow up attack as NOTHING will touch you while you lay there. As you get familiar with the monsters and their attacks you'll learn when to get up and run and when to just lay there for a few seconds longer so that the attack completely whiffs.
HBG users, yeah you can put shield mods. In fact, it's kind of a really good idea to do so because putting away that weapon is painfully slow. However, you only really need just 1. Literally 1 is enough.
There can only be three monsters per map. Every time one leaves the area it's replaced by another. Do keep an eye on this HR as the missing monster can be replaced by Deviljho or Bazelguese.
Adamant Pills cure Guard Down.
Demon Powder, Might Seed, Adamant Seed and Hardshell Powder last for 3 minutes. Adamant Pill and Might Pill last for 20 seconds. Armorskin, Mega Armorskin, Mega Demondrug and Demondrug last until quest completed or you faint. Dash Juice lasts for 4 minutes. Also Might and Adamant Seeds, Adamant and Might Pills cancel each other out so you can only consume one or the other, can't eat both a seed and a pill.
Your buffs and debuffs show up next to your name on the screen. You can tell when a buff is about to go out when it starts rapidly blinking. Same for the powered up Kinsects. When they're about to go out they'll blink rapidly.
When you mount a monster quickly avert your eyes to the top right corner of the screen the game itself will tell you when to brace, attack or move. Don't look at anything else! Eventually you'll learn when to do what but it's just safer to watch the commands.
Your character doesn't level up in the traditional sense, your gear does. A level 29 could have far better gear and builds than a level 49. Don't let the Hunter Rank fool you.
Kelbi horns are fantastic items to have. Find a Kelbi with big horns and smack it in the face with a blunt attack, for example the shield of the Sword and Shield, to make the horns fall off.
Wanna talk to one person in particular in the session. Press options, triangle, hover over their name, click on chat, open the chat option and type.
Listen, no Elder Dragon in MHW (pre Iceborne) is weak to the dragon element. None. Taking a weapon with dragon element into an ED fight is just going to prolong the fight. You can get the Elder Seal effect by the dragon pods that they drop themselves. If you have the space for it the Elderseal decoration can up the effect of these pods. Dragon element weapons against Elder Dragons = horrible idea.
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monstersdownthepath · 5 years
Spiritual Spotlight: Ydajisk, the Mother of Tongues
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Chaotic Neutral Protean Cantor of Language Evolution, Lost Words, and Slang
Domains: Chaos, Knowledge, Rune, Trickery Subdomains*: Protean, Thought, Language, Innuendo
Concordance of Rivals, pg. 21
Obedience: Recite, copy, or graffiti a text in a dead or self-created language in a public place, regardless of whether any others understand the meaning, and provide no translation. Benefit: Gain a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against language-based effects.
(*IMPORTANT NOTE: The Subdomains are my best guess; Subdomains are not listed in Concordance of Rivals)
A step above Ssila’s Obedience in that, while it requires your act to be seen publicly, you can still stealth it by simply using graffiti in a public place so you’re not as likely to be arrested or seen as a menace.
Canon dead languages in Pathfinder include Ancient Osirion, Azlanti, and the ever-popular Thassilonian (the language of the Runelords), by the way, and studying any of those three languages is an automatic +1 to your character’s Cool Points if you manage to work it into their character concept. A DM may make it a little more difficult for you to acquire them, as dead languages are difficult to resurrect with mere points in Linguistics, but you can just cheat and have it be part of your character’s backstory. Anything can happen in your backstory!
You can also go the route of just making up a language. It has to be consistent, but you don’t have to go all out and present your DM with a journal filled with runes that help them decipher what you’ve written; you can just say it’s being consistent! And it’s yet another way to get Cool Points for your character, having them write journals or a diary in their own unbreakable code. Ydajisk requires their followers to deliberately not provide a translation for anything they create, leaving others to puzzle over the strange sounds coming out of this person’s mouth or wonder if the new paint all over city hall is an occult symbol or harmless vandalism. It’s also a pretty easy Obedience to hide, if you don’t want people knowing who you work for, since you can get away with translating an existing document into another language. It’ll make you look eccentric, but in a charming way.
The benefit is, sadly, rather poor. Many of the most dangerous spells in existence don’t rely on language, and this spell really only protects you from the seldom-seen Litany spells. It DOES work on Suggestion, though, which is commonly used and devastating if used right, but all in all this benefit is too narrow to matter in 99% of cases.
Boons are gained slowly, gained at levels 12, 16, and 20. Servants of the Monitors, though, can enter the Proctor Prestige Class as early as level 8. If entered as early as possible, you can earn your Boons at levels 10, 14, and 16. You MUST take the Monitor Obedience feat, NOT Deific Obedience. Monitors grant only a single set of Boons. 
Boon 1: Sibilant. Gain Aphasia 3/day, Sonic Scream 2/day, or Tongues 1/day.
Nice! Tongues has almost unrivaled utility if you’re trying the diplomatic route in unknown territory, allowing you to speak and understand any spoken language. You can slap it on the party face if you’re not already the Diplomancer, and it can last for hours at a time at higher levels! Since you’re in the business of learning languages, though, you may end up the party polyglot in due time anyway, reducing its usefulness as you put more and more ranks into Linguistics. If you don’t plan on following through on that, though, it can be useful to carry Tongues around with you... Unless you plan on going into combat.
Sonic Scream’s damage is way too low to consider once you advance past level 4, coming in at 4d4 and halving each time it’s used (up to three times per cast). If it didn’t eat your standard actions to use it might have been worth picking, but as it is, using your standard action to deal 2d4 or 1d4 damage is abysmal. Plus, there’s the fact that Sonic Scream prevents you from casting any other spell with verbal components until you use all three of its charges, so casting it just to deal with a swarm of tiny foes will see you creamed by any of the survivors as your ability to fight back is severely limited.
Aphasia is a spell very few people look at, understandably so. It’s a compulsion and mind-affecting spell and is only level 1, meaning its DC is 11+Cha, pathetically low unless boosted via feats or other spells. However, it’s also basically a Save-Or-Suck if used on an enemy spellcaster because, among other things, it keeps the victim from using any spells with verbal components. It also prevents them from communicating with their own allies and ruins their coordination, so there’s rare moments when hitting someone who’s not a caster also works, such as versus enemies with some form of rallying ability, or the power to inspire themselves or their allies with words alone. Slapping it on a dimwitted creature that relies on orders from another entity to function also works.
It’s a hilarious spell to have, is what I’m saying, but it requires some pretty heavy investment if you want to keep it useful at higher levels.
Boon 2: Burning Tongue. 3/day as a standard action, you can transform your mouth into a serpentine maw with a tongue of roiling energy. This grants you a ranged touch attack that targets a single creature within 30 feet. The attack deals 8d6 points of Sonic damage and renders the target confused for 1d4 rounds. In addition, a creature hit by this attack must succeed at a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Cha mod) or it is unable to communicate through any spoken or written language for a number of hours equal to your Wisdom modifier. 
Oooooohhhhh, now this is a REAL nice power. A beefy 8d6 Sonic damage--one of the least-resisted elements in the game!--on a ranged touch attack, so not even a mountain of armor can protect against it! And, you will likely realize, a confusion effect stapled onto it that hits automatically. No saving throw to avoid or shrug off the effect early, it’s an automatic confusion for 1d4 rounds and only immunity to mind-affecting effects will protect you from it! It really doesn’t matter who you slap with this, because it’s ALL equally hilarious. People under the effects of Confusion have a 1/4 chance of acting normally, wasting their turn doing nothing, hitting themselves, or hitting the closest available target.
That’s a four-sided coin flip each turn and, with only 1d4 rounds to its effect, there’s a chance they won’t be inconvenienced by the confusion at all... But that’s still 8d6 damage you knocked their nose in with, and since you can do it 3/day you can just hit them again next round! The only unfortunate limiter to this power is its 30ft range, requiring you to get within slapping distance of about 84% of all Pathfinder’s nasties, a dangerous place to be if you’re not a melee character.
I do like the touch that you get a snake mouth while using the power, though. I wonder if you can perform the transformation even when you’ve got no more uses of this ability for extra Intimidation points.
Boon 3: Screams of the Deep. As a standard action a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier (min 1), you can cast either Power Word Blind, Power Word Kill, Power Word Stun, or Word of Chaos as a spell-like ability, treating your character level as your caster level. You cannot use the same spell-like twice in a row. The saving throw DC, when applicable, is equal to 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Cha modifier.
hold on let me
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Why, Ydajisk, if you wanted my hand in marriage you needed only to ask. You didn’t need to do this for me!
Some deities are content with giving you a level 9 spell as their final Boon, while most of the Monitors are often too busy to provide you with such power. The Mother of Tongues, however, says “No, MY flock deserves the best” and hands you two level 7 spells, a level 8 spell, AND a level 9 spell on a silver platter. Not only that, but they’re GOOD level 7/8/9 spells! Really hope you didn’t dump Charisma, buddy, because if you did you’re really missing out.
Barbatos may finally have some competition in the Best Boons Ever bracket, though I’ll admit that an obedient Pit Fiend is still more flexible than the Power Word spells. They can only affect one creature at a time, are mind-affecting and compulsion effects (Death is also a death effect, obviously), and require the victim to be below certain HP thresholds, but they offer no saving throw and their effects can often end a battle as soon as they’re cast. Word of Chaos is the unique one here, affecting everyone within a 40ft burst of you and blasting non-Chaotic entities in the radius with pure chaos energy, potentially killing anything too low on the totem pole for you to deal with while crippling everyone who’s more on your level.
Unfortunately, Word of Chaos has zero effect on creatures with more hit dice than you have caster levels, so using it to crunch the boss of a given adventure is a no-go. Extremely effective for wiping out their low-level backup, though... unless, of course, they’re Chaotic. And watch out for non-Chaotic allies you may have, because Word of Chaos doesn’t differentiate between friend and foe.
The only real “weakness” of this Boon is that you can’t use the same word twice in a row, but this isn’t a huge impediment. Its Cha-per-day restriction isn’t much of a restriction when you consider that other deities who hand you the Power Word spells (such as Orcus, off the top of my head) limit you to 3 or 1 a day, whereas a Charisma-based caster can rattle off lethal words up to ten times a day if they have a bunch of Cha-boosting magic items. The power of this Boon lays in the fact that it specifically doesn’t fall into the “save this for later” trap by giving you the option to use it on smaller mobs with how many times per day you can throw it out, potentially saving you way more resources later.
A real good Boon! 11/10! And Ydajisk is a pretty good god to serve, because they’re just a weird book collector! 12/10!
You can read more about them here.
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speedyfox891 · 3 years
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ilvatu · 4 years
Pokemon, What is Cheating? (Hacked vs. Cloned)
Been playing quite a bit of Pokemon Sword/Shield lately and they have just released the first content pack the Isle of Armour. It’s more of the same if you liked the core game, and adds not a huge amount of additional game, but a new “Wild Area” to explore, as well as a huge number of (new/old/additional) Pokemon to the game. I’ve enjoyed it, but I could see how some people could be disappointed with the additional content. 
ANYWAY, playing the games long enough to do more than simply beat them means you have higher goals in mind. Catch ‘em all? Sure, gotta complete that Pokedex. But also? Get a good team, or an ideal team. Which on some level or another will require you to breed for stats/abilities, feed them bottle caps, mints, and perfect IVs and EVs. Not  to mention shiny Pokemon, which are just extremely rare Pokemon with an alternative color palate. 
Naturally it would be easier to trade for some of these mons than acquire them yourself. How can you be sure the Pokemon you receive is legitimate? What is legitimate? 
Hacking mons into your game is a thing. Hilarious even, when you consider twitch.tv/oakslab is a thing. Oakslab will generate any mon you want and trade it to you, for free. So, this is clearly cheating. I don’t have a problem with it, if people want to use it. I have. Hold it against me if you want. It is what it is. 
The problem is when people who want to play the game “”legitimately”” want to acquire Pokemon from other people in a trade. The lengths they will go through to ensure the Pokemon is legit, and how other questionable methods are somehow ok is where I’m stumped. Because fabricating a mon into the game is wrong, but having someone clone one that they found legitimately and then give you the clone is morally superior to hacking. 
I’m going to take a step back for a minute and walk through the exposure I had to this issue. I’ll try to say what I know about the websites, streams, and/or communities involved. 
So, my goal was to have a perfect team. There may be no such thing, but I had a list of mons that I wanted and I wanted to see how good I could get it. I had the mons I wanted, but their stats and abilities were not ideal. There are two ways to get a Pokemon's stats perfect. You can improve an existing Pokemon or you can breed a better one. You can use a bottle cap on an existing Pokemon in order to “hyper train” that stat to be perfect. You can also use items like mints to get their nature adjusted. But the ability the Pokemon has is stuck. You need to have the ability you want as there is no way to change it.
The other way, through, breeding can be more time consuming but over the long term can result in consistently amazing Pokemon.  In order to fix this issue on my own I would need to repeatedly breed Pokemon together in order to get the result I need. I wanted to choose this path, mostly because I felt the long-term benefit would result in an easier or faster way to get new mons the way I wanted faster. 
Enter Ditto. The Pokemon that can breed with everything. Every Pokemon can breed with a Ditto, even Pokemon that can’t typically breed with each other, or gender-less Pokemon. I did have a Ditto, but its stats suffered from the same issue my other mons did. They were trash. Also, Ditto cannot breed with other Dittos. Apparently this would result in a gravy train so rich that even the developers thought it shouldn’t be possible. Also, if you breed a Pokemon that has been hyper trained, it’s hyper trained stats do not transfer. It will pass on its original shitty stats. The only way to get a perfect Ditto is to catch one or trade for one. Each Pokemon has six stats with 31 possibilities. Finding a Ditto in the wild with perfect stats would be (1/31)^6 or 1 in 887,503,681. Terrible fucking odds. 
Subnote: you can find Dittos with good stats yourself via max raid battles, but manipulating the spawns for them seems just as cheaty as any of the methods I am about to go over, but would likely result in still costing a greater amount of time. 
So at this point I was like “fuck it.” I’m going to try to find someone on the internet to trade me one. Just get one good Ditto from an outside source and then I can breed to my heart’s content. To Google. I found two sources of Pokemon at this point, which I will go over in turn. The first was a Subreddit which boiled down to “we’ll give you a Ditto of your choice, once every 48 hours.” I had to install Pokemon Home on my phone and Switch, but I did receive three perfect Dittos this way. I also learned about natures, which is why I got three Dittos. Op success.
I also discovered Oak’s lab, which I went over in some detail before. But through Oakslab I had my first exposure to Pokemon Showdown and the community there. Specifically the “Wifi” community, which is going to consist of the real meat of this post. In order to request a Pokemon from the Oakslab stream, you have to first export one you made using Showdown’s Teambuilder. I did this, got my mon, sweet. Also Showdown’s Teambuilder is a fun tool that lets me screw around with stats and stuff. Very useful as a tool for theory crafting. 
My other thought is that I could just be lazy. Get a Pokemon via Oakslab, breed it with a Ditto, and take the resulting Pokemon which would have all of my trainer info on it. Would that Pokemon be legal? Hell no, but there’s no way to prove otherwise, right? Oh how wrong I am. I have done this method of breeding what I want a few times. I don’t care, and nobody I ever play with will likely ever notice. But holy fuck is this community insane about what is and is not cheating. 
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So the MOTD of the Wifi chat room for Pokemon Showdown is what sparked me to write this. Not just the dichotomy of writing in bold letters about how hacked Pokemon are the devil, while at the same time having an approved list of “cloners,” but for having one of the most through and detailed proof requirements that I have seen of any game. Even Goldeneye “Elite” mods like Goose don’t have proof requirements this detailed. And that dude is really fucking into busting the balls of proof requirements on a number of games, not just Goldeneye.
The proof requirements are insane, but they essentially want you to create a video that shows you catching the Pokemon, and then going and viewing its stats and other info. They also want you to use an out-of-game tool to publish your seed and time of day and stuff. Like, in order to prove that your Pokemon isn’t hacked you have to prove that you have the ability to hack Pokemon. 
BUT, clones are OK and christian. Here are a list of people who can do it for you.
Of course, any issue found with a mon you have here results in a ban. They have no other method of control and couldn’t possibly understand why people wouldn’t keep a cache videos of every mon they’ve ever caught ever. 
Its more of a whitelist thing, I’d guess. Like, your mon might not be illegal, but if you don’t have direct evidence of it’s legality then you can’t trade it. 
I suppose if you want to keep your game completely legitimate that is the same as me choosing to use hacked Pokemon. It wouldn’t be right for me to claim that I have a real one and then give them my genned Oakslab stuff. But at the same time having someone clone a shiny mon from someone else so you can both have one is ok. Everyone should be allowed to play the game how they see fit, I just think that it’s insanity that they think that this sort of proof is sufficient and yet easy for laypeople to compile. 
This all flies in the face of the existence of Oakslab, which churns out hacked Pokemon as fast as it can, and it has almost a thousand people waiting in line to get theirs during peak times for EU. 
It also flies in the face of Showdown in general. A website where you can just use a tool to make any team you want and battle with it in a simulator with other people as much as you want. A battle simulator for a game they have no affiliation with. 
Lastly, it flies in the face of the base game. There is specifically a rule in Wifi that says that if you received a Pokemon through GTS (Pokemon Home strangers donating mons to you) or if you received one through a “Surprise Trade” or through the game trading system, that they are likely hacked and prohibited from trade. In other words, they acknowledge that people in-game are handing out hacked mons willy-nilly and that if you participate in these systems you are likely acquiring hacked Pokemon. 
I did receive a shiny Magikarp in surprise trade recently which I suspect is legitimate. I will be using it as if it were. It has me thinking though, that it might be hacked. It doesn’t bother me so much, but I know that I could not trade this on their website because I cannot prove its legitimacy. 
I am trying to withhold judgement as much as I can here. My issue isn’t really with the people who want hacked Pokemon, or the people who want to only acquire legitimate mons. My real gripe is with the people who run Showdown seem to be determining morality for people. They are dominating the grey area between copying Pokemon games, and what is morally allowed to be traded. Why is a cloned Pokemon ok but a hacked one not? What difference is it if you used in-game mechanics to achieve the same result? 
As long as people are straight forward about how they acquired whatever they trade I wouldn’t have an issue with it. The Pokemon giveaways subreddit doesn’t have an issue with how you acquired it as long as you disclose it. They have tags for legit, cloned, and hacked. It should be up to the user to determine what is acceptable to them. 
I will end by saying that doing cheats or immoral things like duping Pokemon has been possible since Gen 1 Red/Blue days.Pulling the link cable before the trade was done, or abusing missingno for unlimited master balls or other items. I don’t really see this as any better than cloning or Oakslab. Back then we didn’t even have gamefaqs, or if we did we weren’t old enough to ask our parents to dial in to AOL. It was this underground thing. A friend of a friend showed you how to do it, and then you could show your friends. It was all fun and games until someone’s save got corrupted. 
Final thought is that it bothers me that people who operate a website that exists in a legal grey area are very quick to pass judgement on the way other people want to play their game. Maybe it makes the most sense, but maybe don’t throw stones in glass houses is all I’m saying. 
0 notes
blueyarcanine-blog · 7 years
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Our pointed out Madden Mobile 17 techniques are more than adequate to turn into a much better player in quick time. You need to have to know that Madden Mobile is quite especially game in The United States of America. In-Box Messaging - You will easily encounter many exciting live events which genuinely make it challenging to focus in the suitable path ought to you comply with Madden NFL mobile.
The game is connectable with Facebook to let for much more social attributes, although players can also generate anonymous accounts. You'll be in a position to get the specific quantity of XP Boost whereas fiddling with XP increase like 5-10%, nonetheless if you employ the net madden nfl mobile hack tool it will boost it by a lot.
Consequently, I warn you against applications such as Madden NFL Mobile hack, simply because absolutely nothing ever good can outcome. There is frequent question among the soccer crazy folks, how to pick the cheats for madden mobile. Verify the version of the game you are playing, and you have to decide on the hack accordingly.
Our servers are constantly working 24×7 to create you coins and cash, Even if its 2 AM in the morning, No Difficulty just use on the web tool and get away with your coins and cash instantly. This signifies that if you ever have a problem with that mobile phone, the manufacturer will refuse to sort it out as you have tampered with the operating system of the telephone.
If you want to beat them at their own game, you would like to use our hack tool. For Madden NFL, that is prepared to unharness August twenty third, Ea Sports exact same it really is transferral in a completely new comment group and technique. That stated, obtaining alternated Madden NFL 17 and Madden NFL 17 in the Lapse of a handful of minutes, I comprehend that the prior game felt accelerated, which I attribute to a smaller count of animations.
Here at we have the largest on the internet repository of cheats for Madden Mobile 17 on the net. Madden NFL is associate degree American football sports game supported the National league and printed by Ea Sports for the PlayStation four, PlayStation three, Xbox A single and Xbox 360.
It enables you to play many events and be the show your pro talents in your mobile. There is no require to install any added computer software for our cheats that make your technique cumbersome. You do not need to have to waste numerous hour of grinding the game just to make a little quantity of coins.
Cease Mobile Quarterback - To be capable to avoid cellular QB, you may be necessary to use the defensive configuration getting four defenders on the line. With limitless coins you can make sure that you can get the 15 most feared elite players of the NFL which could have a extremely large effect on your group.
You may well be shocked what Madden Mobile wants to provide, especially if you have observed previous offerings in this series underwhelming. Pick the quantity of madden mobile coin hack and money you would like to enhance the account. Our hack tools are built with simplicity and intuitiveness in thoughts, you do not require to have any technical or programming information to use our hacks, and we continually update them to make confident that they usually perform.
This is undesirable When you get into it you enter your email and then you enter how a lot coins and funds you want and stuff. You can do something from altering gameplay to hacking the amount of coins your account has. Supplying an chance for players to play in a season of 16 games where they compete ahead of advancing to post-season, Madden mobile NFL will undoubtedly maintain you occupied.
Madden Mobile individuals realize that to be capable to have the potential to acquire the prime players of the game with each other with the greatest figures You will need a lot of coins. If you consider that you have to cross a certain level and get the access of the next one particular but do not have adequate madden mobile coins and cash in your account, then taking the help of the cheats is important.
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mw4m-blog · 7 years
Clash Royale Hack - Clash Royale Gem Hack - Clash Royale Hack 2017
Free Article Spinner Online - No Sign Up Needed! Clash Royale Mod Apk Download To Get Unlimited Gems Free of charge Newest Hack Do you want to download clash royale mod apk free for android to get unlimited gems.  Welcome to our newest project the Clash Royale Cheats on the web website from where you can produce limitless resources to your Clash Royale account any time you want to. This is your ideal opportunity to get numerous Gems even limitless of them to your account or you can send them to your friend's account to make a massive surprise when they log in and see the extremely massive quantity of gems they have and don't know from where they came! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4O8SRymn6Ps It's that great and that addictive that you just cannot cease playing it. The game was first soft launched on iOS in January and a month later on Android, with only a few nations getting access to it, each these platforms received global release as of March 2 2016. Also a lot of instances we concentrate on our personal decks and our personal strategy and we do not even realize what the opponent is attempting to do. Clash Royale is like a chess match, you have to know and realize your opponent in order to consistently win. As we described earlier, you can use Clash Royale Hack technique to gain an unlimited number of jewels and gold. If you want to use online cheat Clash Royale, the 1st issue that you should do is going to the site that provides these online cheats or hack tools. This kind of hack tool performs on-line and does not call for you to download or install the hack tool initial. Other than the standard gameplay components of Clash Royale, there is also the addictive nature of collectible card games, which come in the kind of new units and spells which can be utilized on the battlefield. It indicates that you will be in a position to save far more time if you use these on-line cheats or hack tools. Since it is server side all you require to do is open the hack exactly where your clash royale game is installed. Every Clash Royale players struggle with very same problems… They don't have adequate amount of sources to play the game efficiently. The on the internet hack tool can be utilized to produce limitless numbers of elixirs that you can additional use to get new cards in your Clash Royale gaming platform. Uns ist es gelungen ein Schlupfloch im Quellcode von Clash Royale zu finden und diesen auszunutzen um Gold und Gems an Accounts zu versenden. You can procure unlimited amount of Gems by employing this Clash Royale hack, which will let you unlock chests, acquire various cards, and much far more. We have been continually maintaining our generator hack tool updated with the most recent version. Clash Royale is a multiplayer duel battle game where you are defending your castles and kingdom with your deck of cards. Even if you are using a rooted ios or android device, our cheat will constantly operate. That is why this hack tool makes use of proxies, and frequent updates, to prevent the developers from tracking you down and consequentially locking you out of this wonderful virtual expertise. So right here it is…….. we have upload an ultimate 5 killer ideas and tricks to construct a potent clash royale deck”pdf file which you can see by clicking the hyperlink below. SuperCell is the developer behind the Super grossing games like clash of clans, hay day and boom beach, etc. After you have requested just how considerably of a specific resource you want, it will proceed to make use of a reputable gem glitch, depending on which a single it is you're seeking for. This feels like it is in the early phases of being the following marvel like Clash of Clans Free. http://clashroyaleshack.com The script works on the internet so you can access our gaming servers by means of any browser of any device to hack your game for gems & gold for your royale household. Clash Royale is an addictive game with the perfect blend of combat, cards, spells, the excellent and the negative, excellent graphics and perceptive controls. Our clash royale on the internet hack generator performs for every single Clash Royale stage iOS or Android. That is very crucial since a lot of bots are attempting to use our server and it might cause the server to fall. Our suggestion is to have a cheat aid system as a reserve if the hack aid program is not updated. Utilizing the Clash Royale Hack On the web, makes it possible for you to generate limitless free gems and gold to develop up your in game stock. Just hold following our exact directions for free of charge limitless gems utilizing our very best clash royale cheats utilizing online generator. As a side note, this does not invole any Clash Royale apk mod, every modify made by this tool is permanent. Combine that with with higher end cheat protection and you get a game that is almost not possible to hack. Most of you may be pondering about rewards of this hack tool or how it can serve you for your Clash Royale gaming platform. Now, you may be questioning why it is I am telling you all about this Clash Royale gold hack, even far more so if you believe of me as a selfish individual who desires all of this to myself. You will be able to get limitless Free of charge Gold and Gems so that you can buy what ever you would see in the app can access this tool straight from your browser no matter which platform you use. Overall Clash Royale is a straightforward and entertaining to play game comprising of enough elements to make it intriguing and which are effortless and fast to learn and master. Benutze unseren Clash Royale Juwelen Hack und zahle nie wieder Geld für Juwelen.
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jenniferasberryus · 4 years
Top 10 Most Addicting Online Games
Every year a flood of new games enter our libraries and some manage to become entries we can’t stop going back to. Even years after they’ve been released, we can’t rip ourselves away! These are the games that regularly give us reasons to keep playing be it because of excellent developer support, post-release content, or regular patches to the base formula that only seem to keep improving the product or changing it in interesting ways. To prove they can stand the test of time, our entries were all released before 2019 and have continued to be successful for years. So join us in celebrating the Top 10 Most Addicting Online Games. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=the-most-addictive-online-games&captions=true"] Click through the gallery above, or scroll down the page for the full list!
10. Overwatch
Remember when Bastion had his own shield barrier in the beta? Or when D.va took damage from her own ultimate? Or how about when Symmetra had a dynamic mobile shield barrier similar to Sigma’s current one? And let’s never forget when Mercy could resurrect her entire team at once… Overwatch is ever-evolving. It’s a true paradigm of modern hero-based first-person shooters that are made up of addictive gameplay, numerous play styles, and backed by a community that supports the game and keeps it alive. [widget path="global/article/imagegallery" parameters="albumSlug=overwatch-2-maps&captions=true"] From subreddits to discords, to community-content, and patch notes overview videos from the lovable Jeff Kaplan, the Overwatch community is an ecosystem that continues to redefine the hero-shooter genre. We can’t wait to see how the upcoming Overwatch 2 builds upon the existing Overwatch foundation, but whenever it does release, rest assured it will be a very different game compared to now and that really excites us and keeps us wanting to play.
- Armando Torres, Syndication
9. Destiny 2
On September 6th, 2017 Destiny 2 launched and while it seemed to be an upgrade in many respects, fans felt the systems nearly perfected with the original just didn’t translate into Destiny 2. PVP teams became larger, there was an odd mod-based power level chase, and the Raid only had a single big-boss damage encounter. It was good but faltered in the endgame. Fast forward to 2019 and Bungie has made vast improvements to that original sandbox and continues to do so with their latest release Destiny 2 Shadowkeep that brings back a 3v3 PVP mode, infuses some much-needed narrative into the overall experience, and builds upon the excellent PVE changes that started with Forsaken in 2018 and continued here with a new armor system. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/10/09/destiny-2-shadowkeep-review"]   It seems they’re building a playstyle that lends to builds, weapon pairings, and balance. There’s no arguing that Destiny has had its ups and downs through development, but Bungie has also done a tremendous job trying to find that sweet spot as they poke and prod the engine into a place the community is happy with. With regular updates, cross-save, and especially since they’ve gone free-to-play it’s not surprising that Destiny 2 was the number 1 paid, and free game on Steam this October. Destiny 2’s future looks brighter than ever, especially with a team as committed to getting it right as Bungie.
- Destin Legarie, Senior Features Producer
8. Fortnite
While we understand that Fortnite has reached market saturation and you’re probably tired of hearing about it there’s no denying that it’s been a phenomena that has made the career of several streamers and regularly brings in huge views on platforms like Twitch and Mixer. The craze may have stabilized, but that doesn’t mean Epic has slowed down their incredible in-game events like the Blackhole that shut servers down for a few days, kicked off season 2 and had children crying in their parent's arms. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/10/23/7-million-people-watched-the-end-of-fortnite-event"] The regular tweaks and partnerships keep giving players a reason to sign on, be that for the chance to play as Batman to explore Gotham, or to become Thanos and wreak havoc on the world. PUBG, Apex, Call of Duty, and Escape from Tarkov are all doing interesting things in their corner of the Battle Royale genre but for the time being Fortnite remains king.
- Destin Legarie, Senior Features Producer
7. Rainbow Six Siege
If you would have told me in 2015 that Rainbow Six Siege would be on bestseller lists for the next 4 years I wouldn’t have believed you. However here we are and it’s not as surprising as you might think. With constant updates, tweaks to the operators, and huge championships featuring new reveals every year, Ubisoft has managed to keep the game feeling fresh with each patch. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/08/26/rainbow-six-siege-operation-ember-rise-exclusive-details-raleigh-major-recap-more"] In the last year, I’ve found myself gravitating back toward Siege and having a great time learning to be a better player via the plethora of fan-made strategy videos that often manage to blend information with a bit of blunderous fun as creators poke fun at themselves (and the rest of us) for the ways we all made mistakes when starting out. Not only is there a community out there of inviting people willing to teach you the best ways to breach, but even as you’re learning you find yourself improving even when learning simple tactics like camera placement or creating a rotate between points. With the Operator grand total being brought to 52 as of last month with the addition of Kali and Wamai Rainbow Six Siege shows no signs of stopping anytime soon.
- Destin Legarie, Senior Features Producer
6. CS:GO
Even though Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was released on August 21, 2012, it still holds a strong reign over the competitive first-person shooter genre. While known for its competitive game mode in the esports scene, CS:GO offers casual and competitive game modes that invite a wide range of players. There is also a wide range of esports tournaments and leagues that operate all year round, which means players wanting to get into the true competitive scene of CS:GO have plenty of opportunities to do so. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2018/12/07/counter-strike-global-offensive-is-now-free-to-play-battle-royale-mode-added"] While this is an older FPS title with no other games to match its content (Rainbow Six Siege being the closest game in similarity), CS:GO focuses on challenging players on pure skill and strategy. Teamwork is heavily important in the standard competitive matches and mastering specific spray patterns of each weapon available is critical to becoming a top player. Whether players are looking to get into competitive play and test their skills or hop into a quick game of free-for-all or other casual game modes, CS:GO offers plenty of content for anyone to jump into. Valve has been working on updates this year to this beloved FPS title which further make CS:GO still one of the best FPS games out on the market.
- Stella Chung, Associate Gameplay Producer
5. Hearthstone
While the competitive landscape for Hearthstone may be getting old for those of us who have played for 5 years, it's actually the other modes in Hearthstone that keep the game great in 2019. Over time Hearthstone has amassed a surprisingly large single-player experience. From Dungeon Runs to Puzzle Lab, Hearthstone is nearing 10 unique single-player experiences that offer fresh alternatives to its standard gameplay. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/11/01/hearthstone-descent-of-dragons-cinematic-trailer"] If you are the type who still prefers the competitive side of things, the newly announced Hearthstone Battlegrounds auto battler mode has captured the attention of the games most prominent players and appears to have introduced a much-needed change to the competitive landscape.
- Tate Fiebing, Senior Product Manager
4. League of Legends
League of Legends continues to fulfill the niche of being one of the most accessible games to the greater PC audience, while also having the depth of play to keep players coming back for more. Critically a Free-to-Play first model, anyone with a half-decent computer could download the game and play one of the distinct 146 champions in 5v5 combat. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/11/25/league-of-legends-aphelios-the-weapon-of-the-faithful-champion-trailer"] It’s a game where teamwork, skill expression, and game knowledge all work hand in hand to try to capture victory. The League community also remains extremely vibrant – the game developers do a great job tweaking the game every so often to prevent the meta from being stale. Because of this, you’re always feeling like you are playing something ‘new’, while yet still fundamentally sound.
- Kevin Kwan, Campaign Manager
3. DOTA 2
Dota 2 is a satisfyingly complex game; not only are there well over a hundred heroes with unique abilities to learn (with about two heroes added each year), there also tons of items and creative ways to use both to achieve the ultimate goal of destroying the enemy team's ancient. No one playstyle is absolute either, and the freedom to play creatively keeps Dota 2 engaging even if you're not interested in learning all of its heroes and roles. Constant updates and seasonal events are helpful in retaining player interest too. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2018/10/11/is-dota-2-really-harder-than-league-of-legends-esports-mashup-episode-2"] These updates aren't just for balance, though. There have been several game-changing updates since Dota 2 first came out of beta in 2013, and the latest massive patch that altered some fundamentals of the game is one of the most exciting yet. With so much constantly changing in the meta and an interesting professional scene to help interpret those changes, it's fun to keep coming back to DOTA 2.
- Miranda Sanchez, Senior Editor
2. Final Fantasy XIV
Final Fantasy XIV Game Director Yoshi-P and his team at Square Enix not only dropped one of their best expansions yet with Shadowbringers this year, but they were able to introduce a slew of big quality of life updates that improve the experiences for new and old players. Jobs were changed significantly to make combat easier and features like the Trust System are geared towards players who like a single player experience. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/10/18/final-fantasy-xiv-patch-51-vows-of-virtue-deeds-of-cruelty-trailer"] Aside from the typical patches you see with every MMO, Final Fantasy XIV was able to add in a new unique job, a Final Fantasy XV crossover event, and new post game content in collaboration with Nier Automata this year. From Square Enix’s livestream updates to community fan events, Final Fantasy XIV is a great contender for the best ongoing game of the year.
- Mike Mamon, Syndication Editor
1. World of Warcraft
With over fifteen years of content updates spanning across seven expansion packs, there’s no denying that World of Warcraft is one of the largest and most popular MMORPGs out there. Before WoW came out, MMORPGs had a certain kind of gameplay formula that was quite daunting for a lot of people who were interested in the MMO genre, but the idea of hardcore grinding didn’t sit quite well with a vast majority of folks. [ignvideo url="https://www.ign.com/videos/2019/11/01/world-of-warcraft-exploring-the-shadowlands-gameplay-trailer"] Then came WoW, which was Blizzard’s answer to create an MMORPG world set in the Warcraft universe that managed to take the old formula and transform it into something that was more accessible to all types of players. And it worked! Nowadays, WoW is played by millions of people who have fallen in love with its world, characters, lore, gameplay systems and its fantastic raids that have all been built up over these past fifteen years. Plus, with WoW: Classic being a gateway for folks who crave Blizzard’s first (more hardcore) version of the game, there’s a version of WoW for every kind of player — past, and present.
- Eric Sapp, Editorial Designer
Note: Narrowing this down to 10 entries was incredibly difficult so there we wanted to let you know about a few games that were incredibly close to making the list. GTA Online  always has someone watching the NoPixel mod community's latest role-playing antics, and Magic the Gathering Arena is starting to give Hearthstone a run for its money. There are plenty more excellent games that could make this a Top 20 like Diablo 3, Path of Exile, Warframe, Star Citizen, or RocketLeague all of which have created amazing communities that keep their game worlds exciting, interesting, and hopefully here to stay.
So do you feel like we got it right or wrong? Let’s talk about it in the comments below, and tell us what should be swapped out and replaced with your favorite and why. [poilib element="accentDivider"] Destin Legarie is a Senior Features Producer at IGN. You can follow him on Twitter or watch him stream on Twitch. from IGN Video Games https://www.ign.com/articles/2020/01/09/top-10-most-addicting-online-games via IFTTT from The Fax Fox https://thefaxfox.blogspot.com/2020/01/top-10-most-addicting-online-games.html
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