#hoetaek fic
bp-zb1fics · 1 year
hi! i love how you write bp trainee!reader fics and i was like ‘omg imagine jay x g group trainee!reader’ so i came here to request something. i wanted to request jay chang confessing to g group!reader during the boys planet finale, or something a long the lines of that. i wanted to see your take on how he would confess to someone, you can always switch up the plot or even ignore this ask if you don’t want to write it! <3
If this was a movie
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pairing: jay x g group reader
genre: canon, fluff
tw/tags: lots of pining, confessions, a kiss or two, some swears, jay kinda dramatic and very in denial, kamden, matthew, ricky best wingmen, a lil hui vs jay action but not really 
wc: 1731
summary: it’s the sleepover night before the finale and jay has something to tell you.
a/n Hi! First of all thank you so much for this lovely request, it was an utter pleasure to write and I really enjoyed it and I hope you will too! I'm always a sucker for canon fics because it's so fun to take the show we all know and love and hate sometimes bc mnet kinda shady and write about it. I've lifted lines directly from the sleepover segment from episode 12, just be citing my sources. I definitely would have included reader/ mc/ y/n's pov but ended up keeping it to jay's pov for some reason, idk maybe it's like writer brain. If anyone wants a "your pov" version, do let me know~ that would be a fun part 2
Check my pinned for more fics~
Italics mean it’s spoken in English.
Jay tips his head back and exaggerates his cringe, laughing along with everyone at Gunwook stealing Junhyeon’s aegyo. Only he can’t help but let his eyes linger back to you giggling quietly from where you’re leaning against Hoetaek, the elder playing with your hair. 
And even if he knows that Hoetaek is a little more familiar with the former Cube trainees like you and Matthew and Sung Hanbin, he can’t help but feel the smallest twinge of jealousy. He wanted to be close to you like that, to mess with your hair until you pout at him and he can’t help but-
“By all means, keep staring, we might as well get a neon sign that says I LIKE YOU and put it on your head.”
Kamden mumbles from beside him, effectively snapping him out of his maladaptive daydreaming. 
“Oh my god dude, shut up.”
He hisses, still keeping one eye on you as you lean into Hoetaek’s touch. Think positive, Jay. Even if you're also a fellow English speaker, at least you’re far away enough that you probably won’t overhear them. Ricky snickers from his other side.
“You’re so subtle, man.”
He levels them a look. It’s their last night, can’t he get a break?
“It’s our last night Jay, you know, you should tell them.”
Apparently not. 
He looks up and Kamden manages to look even more unimpressed than he usually does, head tilting a little more than 45° for emphasis.
“Nah, it’s cool, besides, they’re definitely not into me.”
Jay deflects, ignoring the sinking feeling that begins to take hold. 
“You don’t know that.”
“I’m pretty sure I do.”
“Just try.”
“You’re being very persistent today, Kam, I dunno, it’s kinda sus.”
Before Kamden can fire back, the whole conversation about memorable first impressions turns around and bites Jay in the ass because the universe loves messing with him.
“So who was your best first impression, Jay-ah?” 
Suddenly everyone’s looking at him expectantly. Kamden and Ricky look like they already know and Jay knows that they know that the answer sitting at the tip of his tongue is just across the room, Hoetaek’s arm around their shoulder. Still, Jay hesitates.
He’s had a crush on you ever since the Star Level test. You had immediately caught his attention walking in. Sure, there were perfect visuals like Jiwoong and Hanbin but you were the most attractive person he’s ever seen. And you were talented, Jay could swear your performance was one of the best but Kamden’s convinced that he’s just biased.
But even though you’re both from G-group, you’ve always ended up in different teams, leaving Jay with not that many opportunities to talk with you. When he does end up around you, he just can’t, defaulting to his usual over the top expressions for laughs. While he’s always thought of himself as a confident person, he just finds himself fumbling around you. It doesn’t help that you seem to stick to Hoetaek or Sung Hanbin or one of your team members. You’re friendly with each other, sure, but nothing more than that. 
Right, back to the question.
“The person I remember the most is Yujin.”
He immediately feels the collective disappointment that emanates from his corner of the room as the rest of the trainees react, Matthew even sitting up to hit him with some bombastic side-eye. He pretends he doesn’t hear Kamden sighs, doing an impression of Yujin which looks more like a possession honestly. The others laugh. Jongwoo’s comment is the crutch he needs to limp away as he holds Yujin in check as competition.
Of course, it wouldn’t be that easy.
“For me, as soon as I heard Jay sing, I felt like I was in trouble.” 
Hoetaek speaks up and Jay forces himself into another exaggerated look of surprise and shoves down the ugly feeling that jumps out at the way you hug one of Hoetaek’s arms. 
“Your competitor?” One of them jokes.
Not just in singing, Jay thinks.
“But you did watch Love Me Right, hyung?” Jongwoo asks. Jay really wants this conversation to move on.
“It was so hard to watch Love Me Right.” He watches as Hoetaek shifts so that you can lean more comfortably.
“That’s not the only thing that’s hard to watch right now.” Ricky breathes out. Now Kamden and Matthew are snickering.
Just smile, Jay. 
“Honestly, I wanted to give up when I saw you, hyung.” He manages to grit out without giving himself away, hopefully. 
Everyone laughs and Jay desperately sends a prayer to the universe to let his pain end. Ironically, it’s Kamden and Matthew who come to his rescue.
“Actually, I’m curious about something. Did I give off an American vibe?”
The conversation swerves towards Matthew’s imitation of Kamden, the apparently routine mispronunciation of Jiwoong’s name and Kamden’s impressive first impression of Ricky’s hair.
By the time they move on to Keita’s first meeting with Zhang Hao, Jay thinks he’s in the clear.
He's not.
Kamden proceeds to smack his arm and he meets eyes with Matthew whose usual bright smile was beginning to border on shit-eating grin territory.
“If you didn’t notice, they’ve been looking at you the whole time we were talking.” Kamden says lowly, Matthew nodding in agreement.
“Nah, you’re capping.”
“No, for real, Kam and I were literally right here giving some top-tier content and all they could see was you.” Matthew insisted.
“That doesn’t mean anything.”
“It definitely means something.” Ricky counters because he was apparently listening in on them the whole time while everyone else watched Jiwoong wax poetry over Hao’s violin playing. Jay shakes his head.
“It really doesn’t.”
Kamden looks like he wants to jump on him and start shaking some sense in. Matthew sighs. Ricky just shrugs and lies back down.
“Ah well, we’ll have to see then. I didn’t let Kam slander my hair and my catchphrase for nothing.”
After having to spectate the absolute trainwreck of awkwardness that is Zhang Hao and Kum Junhyeon, there’s the slightest chill that goes down Jay’s spine that he ignores, figuring it must be the weather.
It was definitely not the weather. He should have run while he still had a chance.
“Actually, there’s another pair I want to see.” Matthew speaks up. Suddenly he feels Kamden and Ricky both watching him like hawks as if he’s going to bolt any second now.
After Matthew names you and him, Jay actually wants to bolt. Kamden and Ricky are extremely helpful in explaining to the others the minimal interactions you two have had as the “least close trainees in G-group.” You look like a deer in headlights as Hoetaek gently shoves you towards the middle of the room, whispering something to you before he goes back to his spot. 
“Wah they’re both so red.” Jay becomes acutely aware of how much his cheeks are burning as he sits across you. You don’t seem to be any better, making eye contact before looking literally anywhere else.
Well, might as well get over it so he can go back and die of embarrassment.
“Uh, the first time I saw you was during the Star Level test. I thought you were very talented.”
Damn, when did Korean become so hard? Maybe it was the way your hands were holding his, can you feel how fast his pulse is racing? Okay Jay, you can do this, just speedrun it.
“And I really liked the song you performed, it really fit your voice. Your stage outfit was also very pr- very noticeable, it made you stand out. And I really wanted to get to know you more but we were in different groups all the time which really sucked and you don’t know how many times I wished you chose Home so we could perform together or the Star Creators would put us both in Over me and I understand, you’re really perfect for the concepts of your songs and it’s crazy how much I like you, seriously so crazy.”
Pin-drop silence. Three things, in order, that Jay realises.
Speedrunning this might not have been the best idea.
Switching to English midway through the conversation is a skill that he didn’t know he was capable of considering his level of Korean would definitely be more byelingual than actual, intelligent multilingual like Matthew.
He might have confessed his feelings to you. No actually, he did. Fuck, now would be a great time to get on the next plane and fly off to the States and cry to Beomhan for a month. Forget debuting, he’d settle for a nice normal life without the evil editing and the screen time robbing and the utter stress of eliminations.
But before Jay can actually bolt, you speak up.
“Uh- uhm…” You look so unsure that it freezes him there, seated in front of you, holding your hands like it’s his last lifeline.
“I really like you too.”
Everyone gasps and begins murmuring quietly.
“Wait, my English is bad, what are they saying?”
“Finally, they’ve confessed, I knew it.”
“Wait who confessed?”
“That was like an American romance movie, wow.”
Then the clapping starts. Jay tears his eyes away from you for one second to look at Kamden in utter disbelief. His co-conspirators don’t miss a beat.
“Congratulations, you finally did it! Thank fuck.”
“Be happy together, you two!”
And because Ricky apparently wasn’t satisfied with the slander he had put himself through.
“Now kiss.”
Which turned into a chant because even the trainees who didn’t speak English fluently knew what they were talking about. Someone even helpfully throws a blanket over Yujin to protect his eyes.
Jay turns back and finds you giggling. While it looks like embarrassment, now he could feel the way your fingers interlocked with his, your eyes flitting to his lips. The chanting becomes background noise as he leans in, pressing his lips against yours firmly.
Fireworks explode in the background as you pull away.
Everyone applauds with the occasional whistling, oohing as Jay tugs you to sit between his legs, Ricky graciously scooting over to make space.
Kamden claps him on the back and Matthew flashes both of you a thumbs up.
God, he loves hates these guys.
As the conversation settles back down and everyone decides to actually sleep, you sneak another kiss before cuddling up to his side.
Jay smiles. Maybe this is a movie.
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jinkoh · 2 years
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See you soon
Hui x female Reader
Tags: hurt/comfort, meeting again, ambiguous (hopeful) ending, college/science? au
word count: ~2,5k
a/n: Happy Hui Discharge Day ♥️ I drabbled this a while ago and thought it was good timing to post it now. (Not really proof read - sorry >_<) It's also a bit of a love confession to ptg and their friendship tbh. I hope you enjoy it~
When Hui first met you, he'd already accepted his scholarship to do his PhD abroad. It wasn't the kind of thing you think about for too long— being able to study at a renown university abroad AND do his PhD— that kind of chance didn't appear so easily. Of course, he'd miss his friends, but he'd only be gone for two years since he'd be able to write the last bits of his doctor's thesis from Korea.
But after meeting you, only four months before his departure, he started to question his decision. Would he have still said yes if he'd known you earlier?
You were new at the faculty, switching over from a different university in order to pursue your research further.
Hui's friend Changgu had immediately adopted you as part of the group and brought you along whenever everyone met up.
Hui wasn't sure how or why, but the two of you hit it off immediately. You just clicked from that first evening you met at the shabby bar everyone always went to. It was embarrassing to admit, but Hui still remembered the scarf you wore and the drinks you ordered, even after all this time.
He was sure there was something more between the two of you. You felt like home and comfort to him, but there was also this tension, they way your gazes lingered a little too long on each other and they way it made his heart flutter.
There was no doubt in his mind that you were feeling the same.
But he didn't make a move and neither did you, the shadow of his approaching departure looming over both of your heads.
He didn't want to leave with painful memories of breaking up, nor did he want to ruin what you had by trying out a long distance relationship. Maybe, if he'd gone to Japan or something. But he would be a continent away, a 16 hours time difference between the two of you. That couldn't work and he'd rather leave like this than to taint the beautiful memories between the two of you.
You seemed to think so too, never crossing the line even if there were a million chances to do so. It was like an unspoken rule between the two of you.
When the time came for him to depart, his friends wanted to see him off at the airport. But he declined, feeling like it would be too painful to bear.
Instead there was a small gathering the evening before he left where he said goodbye to everyone.
Well, almost everyone. He knew it wasn't very mature, but he didn't tell you the date of his departure. You came to the party thinking you had a little longer, thinking you could come to the airport and say goodbye then. Because you trusted Hui to tell you. Why wouldn't he?
The answer was easy, he was scared. The thought of saying goodbye to you was just too terrifying and painful to him.
On the day of his departure, everyone was still scattered over the shared flat, sleeping off the alcohol. Only Shinwon was awake already, since he'd volunteered to be Hui's driver. Hyunggu had also offered, but considering the amount of wine he'd consumed yesterday... Yeah, no, Shinwon was a good choice.
"You ready to go?" He asked, his voice hushed in order not to wake Wooseok who was asleep on the floor of the living room.
Hui glanced at his suitcases again and then took a last look at the flat. It'd be weird not to live here anymore.
Shinwon looked at him and shook his head in amusement. "Don't be so dramatic, it's not like you'll never come back here."
Hui shrugged. "What if you decide to give up the flat until I'm back?"
Shinwon shrugged. "Nah. Even if everyone moves out, I'm sure at least Wooseok and I will hold the fort."
Hui had to chuckle at that. He could imagine it pretty well, though it would be good if someone stuck around to do the dishes...
"Okay. Let's go then."
"You sure you don't wanna wake the others and say goodbye again?"
"Nah, it's okay. We said goodbye yesterday."
"Who said goodbye?" A sleepy voice came from the hallway, accompanied by shuffling steps. Changgu looked up at the two of them, rubbing at his eyes sleepily. "Are you leaving, hyung?"
"Yeah, it's time."
Changgu nodded slowly, before shuffling closer and hugging Hui tightly. "Take care," he mumbled. "And have a safe flight."
Changgu put so much weight on Hui's shoulder, it almost felt as if he was going to fall asleep on him.
"I will," Hui replied, hugging him back tightly before trying to pry him off, which only succeeded with Shinwon's help.
The drive to the airport went by way too fast. Hui told Shinwon he could just leave after dropping him off, but Shinwon stuck around. He said it was to help with the luggage but Hui knew him better than that. He simply didn't want to say goodbye yet. Maybe that was also the reason why he volunteered to drive in the first place.
It was almost time to say goodbye, Shinwon and him hugged around the twelth time now. Both of them had cried and maybe it would have been embarrassing in front of someone else, but they didn't worry about keeping face.
Just when Shinwon decided it was time to go for real, an angry voice sounded through the airport.
Hui flinched and turned around to see you walking towards him with angry steps, your eyes and nose red from crying.
"Why the fuck didn't you tell me?"
Hui stared at you in confusion. "Uh, I—how?"
At that moment Changgu walked up behind her awkwardly. "Sorry, hyung, I accidentally told her..."
Both Shinwon and Changgu said goodbye (again) and left in order to give the two of you some privacy before Hui had to leave.
"Did you really think you could leave without saying goodbye?"
He shrugged, looking at the ground. "Maybe?"
"Why would you do that?!" instead of angry you sounded mostly hurt now, your voice thick with tears.
"I just- I didn't want to say goodbye." He sniffed too.
"Then let's not say goodbye. Let's just say see you soon?"
"Soon," he let out a breathy chuckle. "Sounds good."
“You have to bring back some souvenirs for me.”
“Of course.”
“I heard they have tasty chocolate over there.”
“I’ll try it.”
You wiped your eyes. "I'm really, really going to miss you," you said, stepping closer to hug him.
He was taken off guard for a moment. Sure, you had hugged before, but never like this. Not for so long, not so closely.
He hesitantly raised his arms to hug you back, wrapping you tightly in his arms. "Me too."
You stayed like this for a while, sniffing into each other's shoulders.
"You know," you mumbled after a while. "The people around us will probably think we are dating since we're making such a scene."
 "If we dated I'd say all the romantic stuff." He chuckled, but the smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "You have to wait for me. Don't look at someone else. Don't fall for someone else." He tried to make it sound like a joke, but he felt as if his voice betrayed him.
If only he could say these things for real, if only he'd taken the leap and asked you out.
But now it was too late, that was not the kind of question you ask minutes before leaving for two whole years.
So he just laughed, sad and bitter before he raised his voice again. "Let's stay in touch, yeah?"
You didn't stay in touch though, and maybe both of you had known that the moment he'd turned around to go to his gate.
He wanted to text you or call you or even write you a letter. But he didn't know what to say. He knew what he wanted to say. I love you. I miss you.
But he couldn't do that so he said nothing at all.
You didn't contact him either, so any update he had about you, like how you got a job at the university's new research project, was something he'd heard from Changgu.
He was busy with his thesis, having to work day and night, but that's how he liked it. He didn't want to waste this opportunity, even more so since it felt as if he'd given up so much to be here.
It was a good way to distract himself too, thoughts of you hunting him in every calm moment.
Hui tried his best to keep himself busy, always working on something, being with someone, going somewhere. But despite his best efforts his thoughts came back to you ever so often.
He kept buying small souvenirs that reminded him of you, knowing full well he'd probably never get to give them to you. But he simply couldn't help himself.
When the time came to go back to Korea, he had mixed feelings about it. He would miss the friends he'd made in America, but even more than that he had missed his friends from Korea, had missed you.
But what if things had changed while he was gone, what if he'd come back just to see that everyone moved on without him?
There was no use thinking about it too much though. He would have to just let it happen.
Hongseok had offered to pick him up from the airport and somehow, the way he'd asked so naturally like "Hyung, when do you land? I'll pick you up." had given Hui a bit of comfort. As if even if things had changed between him and you, at least his friends were still the same.
The moment he stepped out of the door after picking up his luggage, he wasn't just greeted by Hongseok though. Instead, the whole gang was waiting there for him, holding up cheesy posters with his name and welcome home written on them. It was ridiculous and maybe someone else would have been embarrassed (well, Hyunggu clearly was) but Hui loved it. He loved it so much, it almost moved him to tears.
As he scanned over the familiar faces with a big smile, he quickly noticed that it wasn't exactly the whole gang. You weren't there. But what did he expect after two years of radio silence?
The guys had driven to the airport in two cars, since they obviously couldn't all fit into one, and somehow it warmed Hui's heart that they'd gone through the trouble for that.
Yanan, Wooseok and Yuto drove back with Shinwon while Hyunggu, Jinho, Changgu and Hui squeezed into Hongseok's car.
On the way back to flat he was quickly updated about this and that, though since he'd stayed in touch with everyone there wasn't really that much to update each other on.
It was a fun ride though and it made him feel as if he'd never been gone at all. Hyunggu connected his phone to the bluetooth speaker of the car, having Jinho immediately cringe at the music choices, while Hongseok started to sing along and Changgu just laughed at their antics.
Truly, this was what home felt like.
Things at the flat had changed a little, but just like Shinwon predicted, he was holding the fort.
Hongseok had moved in with his girlfriend by now (to no ones surprise since they'd been dating for years now) and Jinho got himself a little closer to his workplace. Changgu and Yanan had also moved out and were sharing a small apartment now.
But everyone else was still living in the flat.
"Honestly though," Hyunggu said with a roll of his eyes. "Everyone is here so much, I don't know why they even bothered to move. I think they should still pay rent."
One perk though, was that everyone had a little more space now, getting to have their own rooms instead of sharing with someone else.
Hui got used to being back really quickly. Just as Hyunggu had said, the guys were still coming around the flat a lot and he also got to see some of them at the faculty often.
The only person he hadn't seen yet was you but he felt like he couldn't ask about you either.
The souvenirs he'd bought for you were still sitting in his room, kept safe in a small box on his shelf.
Almost a month after his return, there was a small gathering from the people working at the faculty to celebrate one of his professors getting a prize for a research he'd published.
Since Hui was well liked among everyone, they also took it as a chance to celebrate his return to Korea.
Of course, you were there too.
You didn't sit next to him, but Hui couldn't stop glancing at you from time to time. You never met his gaze though.
"So, how was America?"  one of the professors asked, while pouring Hui another drink. "I'm sure you left behind a lot of broken hearts, huh?"
Hui chuckled awkwardly, finding the topic a little uncomfortable. "Ah, uhm, actually-" he started, but then he saw you getting up at the other table, excusing yourself to take a smoke.
"Sorry, if you'll excuse me for a moment," Hui quickly mumbled and went out after you.
You were leaning against the wall of the building, eyes closed.
"You don't smoke." Hui said when he stepped outside and you raised your head to look at him.
"Maybe I started." You said with a shrug. "Two years are a long time."
Somehow the thought of you changing and becoming someone else, even if it was only small aspects of you, hurt him.
"Did you?"
He felt himself breathe out in relief before he leaned against the wall next to you.
"You didn't text me," you said after a while.
"No." Hui nibbled at his lower lip, a nervous habit he hadn't been able to shake. "You didn't either."
You let out a bitter laugh. "No, I didn't." And then, a little quieter: "But I wanted to."
Hui's head shot up at your words, looking at you with big eyes.
You met his gaze then, swallowing thickly before you replied. "Every day."
"Me too."
It was silent for a while, both of you unsure what to say. Maybe both of you had been idiots for not staying in touch.
But maybe it wasn't too late to pick things back up?
"So, how was it?" you eventually broke the silence.
"Well it--," Hui interrupted himself. "Do you really want to talk about that?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. But we have to start somewhere right?"
The word echoed in Hui's head like some kind of spell. Maybe the two of you really had a chance.
It didn't have to be as lovers, you didn't have to start dating.
Just the prospect of having you in his life  again was enough.
Hui smiled. "The chocolate over there tastes terrible."
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diverseinsertknet · 1 year
Navigation by K-pop Group Names N-S
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Look for the reader insert fic you want at DiverseInsertKNet with links organized by Group Names N through S below. This list will regularly add groups and idols as more stories are reblogged to the network. Entries without a link are currently in the queue and waiting to be published. Desktop/web browser users- the original version of this post on DiverseInsertKNet will always be the most up to date.
Our navigation page has links to groups with other names listed alphabetically as well as fanfic labeled by Gender and other kinds of diversity.
K-pop Group Names N-S
NCT- Dong Sicheng, Huang Renjun, Jeong Jaehyun, Jung Sungchan, Kim Dongyoung, Kim Jungwoo, Lee Donghyuck, Lee Jeno, Mark Lee, Lee Taeyong, Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul, Liu Yangyang, Moon Taeil, Na Jaemin, Nakamoto Yuta, Osaki Shotaro, Park Jisung, Qian Kun, Johnny Suh, Wong Kunhang, Xiao Dejun, Zhong Chenle
NewJeans- Danielle Marsh
ONEUS- Kim Gunhak, Lee Keonhee, Lee Seoho, Yeo Hwanwoong
ONEWE- Kanghyun Gu, Jin Yonghoon, Ju Harin, Lee Giuk, Son Dongmyeong
P1Harmony- Choi Jiung, Yoon Keeho
Pentagon- Adachi Yuto, Go Shinwon, Jo Jinho, Jung Wooseok, Kang Hyunggu, Kim Hyojong, Lee Hoetaek, Yan An, Yang Hongseok, Yeo Changgu
Red Velvet- Bae Juhyun
RIIZE- Hong Seunghan, Jung Sungchan, Lee Chanyoung, Lee Sohee, Osaki Shotaro, Park Wonbin, Song Eunseok
Seventeen- Boo Seungkwan, Choi Seungcheol, Hansol Vernon Chwe, Jeon Wonwoo, Joshua Hong, Kim Mingyu, Kwon Soonyoung, Lee Chan, Lee Jihoon, Lee Seokmin, Wen Junhui, Xu Minghao, Yoon Jeonghan
SF9- Baek Juho, Kim Inseong, Kim Seokwoo, Kim Youngkyun, Lee Jaeyoon, Yoo Taeyang
SHINee- Choi Minho, Kim Kibum, Lee Taemin
Stray Kids- Bang Chan, Han Jisung, Hwang Hyunjin, Kim Seungmin, Lee Felix, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Yang Jeongin
Super Junior- Park Jeongsu
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yuthoe · 1 year
Fatigued (PENTAGON: Hui)
after a quick look at my last fic post, i realized that it's been a little more than a year since i last posted any original thing from me lmaooo
i still have an unfinished vampire!wonho fic but i keep getting stuck cuz writing smut is haaaard. so since i have downtime from our workshop i decided to finish this, so i'm sorry if it seems like the ending is rushed. this one is still super tame compared to the others i have mapped out (as far as angst goes, this is not the heaviest one lol) so i hope y'all look out for those
PAIRING: Hui (Lee Hoetaek) x gn!reader. GENRE: fic, general, angst. WARNINGS: vampire!au—contains mentions of blood. WORD COUNT: 1,697.
Hoetaek closes the door to his apartment quietly, slinging the strap of his crossbody off his shoulder and carefully setting it on the floor of the entryway before toeing off his shoes. In his other hand he holds a rectangular insulated bag, small enough to not be conspicuous, but big enough to fit his refills if they’re packed right.
It’s the first time he’s come home to his apartment in a week, cooped up in his studio composing songs, fixing demos, struggling with lyrics. It was only the notification from his phone reminding him of his appointment at the hospital that got him to get up and fix the clutter around the room.
Now he tiredly carries the insulated bag into the kitchen, propping the fridge door open with his leg and opening the zip of the bag carefully.
The blood bags are carefully packed into the container—enough for around two weeks. Hoetaek doesn't need to feed often (he's gotten a good handle on his thirst throughout the decades), but he still regulates his feeding times so he doesn’t burn through them all in one sitting. Before he holed himself up in the studio, he made a point to stock his body up on nutrients so he didn’t have to bring any bags to clutter up the mini-fridge there.
Hoetaek sighs, blinks hard a few times to clear the daze out of his eyes so he can store the bags properly at the back of the fridge, but giving up quickly. He’s dizzy, sleepy, bone-tired, and frankly a little smelly from working non-stop these past few days. Before he passes out from exhaustion, he decides to just dump the refills onto the only empty space near the front of the fridge. A nice, hot shower and a soak in the bath is in order.
He dumps the now empty bag on the countertop and makes a quick stop to the bedroom to fetch his towel, before heading to the bathroom. Along the way, he taps on his phone with one hand, typing out a quick text to you. 
Hey, honey. I'm back at the apartment. Gonna take a quick shower, but you can come in anytime. 
Hoetaek leaves his phone on the counter top, and inch by inch relaxes as he settles into his bath time routine.
The bath is steamy when he finishes an hour later, refreshed and ready to take a much-deserved break. He whistles as he pads barefoot to the bedroom to change into the soft and comfy pajamas you gave him recently. When he finally finishes dressing and doing his minimal skincare routine, he steps out to the living area and sees you seated on the small couch.
“Oh, hi, babe! Didn’t hear you come in.” A lie. He heard it loud and clear when his phone buzzed on the counter midway through his shower; heard the quiet thud of the door and the lock fastening on the latch when you came in; heard the shuffling of your feet as you walked around the apartment in your house slippers; heard you rifling through the kitchen and the fridge looking for food or something to make a light meal with because he knows you like cooking for him after he’s had a tough day at work.
Cat’s out of the bag, as far as Hoetaek is concerned—you definitely saw the blood bags in the refrigerator. He is just delaying the inevitable at this point, refusing to acknowledge that he knows about your discovery and the worried and suspicious look on your face as you sit in silence.
“Yeah, I got in around fifteen minutes ago,” you say. He notes the way you twiddle your thumbs in your lap, looking away quickly to make a beeline to the kitchenette. It’s clean, just the way he left it an hour before, with no signs of anyone attempting to cook anything. Hoetaek figures you were too shaken by what you saw and gave up trying to whip something up and pretend everything is fine.
It is with a quiet resignation that he reaches into a cupboard for an opaque mug and rummages in the fridge for a blood bag, keeping his back towards you to hide him unscrewing the stopper and squeezing out the thick liquid into the mug. “Are you hungry? We can get something delivered,” he calls out, drowning out the sloshing sounds of the blood pouring out from the bag. Once he’s filled the mug almost to the rim, he screws the cap back on with practiced ease, licking his fingertips clean before stowing it back in the fridge, just on top of the pile.
Hoetaek hears you stand and pad all the way to the counter separating the kitchen from the living area as he looks for a reusable straw in one of the drawers, plopping it in the mug. “No, I’m good,” you say. The sweet taste of A-positive soaks his tongue as he takes a sip and he sighs in relief. He takes another drag through the straw before turning to face you, that worried look still on your pretty face. “Just…”
Your nails nervously tap on the faux-marble countertop. “Are you okay, Hoetaek? Are you sick or something?”
He holds the cooling mug tightly in both hands, shrugs. “What do you mean?”
You worry your bottom lip between your teeth. “I… I saw blood bags. In the fridge.” And then you start rambling. “I was just looking for something to cook for you because I know you’ve been at the studio working the whole week and figured you might want a salad or noodles or something. I didn’t mean to see—they were just there and I thought it was a pile of, I don’t know berry flavored jelly, I guess? But then I flipped one over and realized it’s blood and it had the label and everything, so I freaked out because how did you get that much blood and what are you gonna use all of it for?? Now, I’m concerned and worried and just a little bit freaked out about this whole thing.” Your fingers continued tapping a staccato rhythm as you talked, and finally still when you stop to catch a breath.
The mug almost falls out of Hoetaek’s hands as he regards you with shining eyes. He’d been lying to you, keeping such a big part of himself a secret from you for years. He can tell himself that he did it to protect you, to keep you away from the uglier side of him, but that’s not the whole truth. The fact of the matter is, Hoetaek is just scared; he is scared that you’ll just run off when the truth comes to light and he doesn’t think he can handle that.
The vampire sets the mug down on the counter next to the refrigerator, the contents well out of your sight, before standing in front of you. He lets the marble island between you act as a barrier, even as he takes both your hands in his. His thumbs smooth across your skin, teeth biting at his lip as he tries to find the right words.
“Babe… Thank you for worrying,” he finally starts. “But you didn’t need to. I’m not sick, although I know you get concerned that I’m too pale sometimes, but that’s just because I’m cooped up in the studio a lot.” He chuckles, and sees a corner of your mouth twitch upwards. He takes a deep breath before continuing. “We’ve been together for almost three years. And considering that I plan to get on your nerves for the foreseeable future, I suppose I need to be straight with you.
“I’m…” He takes a deep breath. “Well, to put it simply, I’m not human. I’m a vampire and I drink blood. I was born in the late 1890s, but I’ve been 30 for around eighty years or so.” He watches your face, looking for any sign of disgust or apprehension in the lines on your forehead. “I know this is a lot, and I’m not expecting you to stay after finding out about all this. If you need a break—from me—I completely understand.”
Hoetaek squeezes your hands and is about to release them, but you tighten your grip.
“You…” Hui’s brows knit as he watches you struggle to find words. “I don’t know what to say.”
“You don’t have to say anything,” he replies quickly. “Take all the time you need.”
“No, it’s… I’m okay with it, I think?” You keep his hands in yours as you round the corner of the island to stand beside him. “I don’t mind that you’re a vampire, at least. I know I have questions, but I just don’t know how to word them properly, I guess?” The heat of your palms travels up as you drag them along his arms, across his shoulders, and stop to gently hold his cheeks. “I still love you, if that’s what you’re worried about,” you say. “I have no reason to stop loving you, Hoetaek.”
He squeezes your hands, knuckles white. “But…,” he whispers, voice breaking. “I’m not like you, I’m not human—I’m different… Does that not scare you?”
You look square in his eyes, searching for something in them, and then you slowly shake your head. “No. You’re you, and as far as I’m concerned, the only different thing here is that you apparently drink blood straight out of the bag. You don’t feel different, you don’t look or sound different. So you’re still my Hoetaek, right?”
Hoetaek thinks he could cry. It never crossed his mind that you would turn him away after baring himself—you have no bad bone in your body. But hearing you say so confidently that you still love him, that he’s still yours… made his long dormant heart almost beat again.
He surges forward and wraps his arms around your waist, buries his nose into your neck. (He is definitely not crying.) “I love you,” he whispers. “I love you so much.”
Hoetaek feels your head rest against his, your arms embracing him so gently, so carefully. “I love you, too. Always.”
9 notes · View notes
blizzardfluffykpop · 6 months
Snow Fight
Summary: It’ll be your first Christmas in a new town. You’ve had no real success in making friends with anyone so far, even with the effort you’ve been putting into it. But it wasn’t until snowballs started raining down upon you that you garner some. 
Fluff, Strangers to ?? au
Word Count: 1,988
Shinwon X Reader
[Features! The rest of OT10]
Not Requested
Bonus Christmas Eve fic
[A/n: Ever since you told me that Christmas is celebrated on the Holy Evening, the 24th in your country. I just had to finish and publish this for you today, @jinkoh - I hope you enjoy it, even if you’ve already seen the draft. Have a wonderful evening! 🥺💖 Alternatively titled: New Friends]
You were new to town and getting used to everything, trying to join in on events and make new friends. But today, your goal was to explore more of this place. You’re walking through the town square. When you hear someone scream, “Snowball fight!” You gasped and tried to duck and cover, but the rain of snowballs was already upon you. You quickly build a little snow shield and make some snowballs. You throw some at the other people. When someone slides beside you and under your snow shield. He asks, “Teammates?” As his shoulder is hit by a snowball, “Yeah!” You quickly agree and build the snow shield out a little wider. 
He has a great swing, so you begin making the snowballs solely so he can throw them at them. He is quick, grabbing one and throwing it before ducking back down to prevent getting hit. You're both making an impact on your opponents. You can hear their yells every time your teammate hits them. He looks at you and goes, “I'm going to make a break for it and cover them in snowballs.” You both look at each other in determination. And you tell him, “Go for it!” As he goes for it, you shout, “I’ll cover you!” He takes the snowballs in his arms and rushes at them. You do your best to make and throw snowballs at the blurry enemies. 
He returns to the snow fort, drenched in snowflakes, and you laugh, which makes him laugh too. He slides beside you again to be covered by the shield. You make a few snowballs before joining in and throwing them at your more visible enemies. He makes snowball pyramids supplying you with all the snow he can get his hands on as you pelt them. As you both get into the groove of it again, someone on the other side calls, "Truce!" You both smirk at each other before agreeing to a truce, knowing you've won. He stands up, and you follow, and he says, “We make a great team!” You laugh, and he puts his mitt-covered hand out, “I’m Shinwon.” You smile and put your gloved hand in his, “I’m (Y/n).” You both shake, “You want to meet the menaces who started the snowball fight?” You agree, and on your way to the 'menaces', you tell him that you’re new to town and that this is the most fun you’ve had since moving in. He couldn’t help but grin, “I hope to continue to make living here fun for you.” You blush, surely from the cold wind. 
He introduces you to his friends who started the snowball fight. “Everyone, this is (Y/n). They’re new to town. Let’s show them around!” Hyunggu goes, “Oh, we should take them to our pizza joint.” Everyone agrees and looks at you, hoping you’ll approve, and you do. They lead the way, and Shinwon stays back with you. When they talk amongst themselves, they actively include you in their conversations. They turn the corner, and Shinwon tells you, “It’s just like a few more buildings down from the corner, but this place has the best pizza.” You smile, “Really?” He nods, “Yeah, we started going here in high school when they first opened. And we haven’t gone back to any chain pizza places since.” You nod, and Jinho pitches into the conversation, “Yeah, they make everything fresh and get all the ingredients at the market.” 
Hyunggu cheers, “We’re here!” And the door chimes as Hoetaek opens it, “After you kids.” You whisper, “Is everyone younger than him?” Jinho shakes his head, “All but me.” You laugh and walk in; the scent of tomato sauce, grease, and fresh herbs hitting you all at once. You realize why they love it with the checkered floors and general ambiance. It was perfect. You can’t see through the nine men ahead of you but assume they’re leading you to their table. Shinwon pats the chair next to him and squints at Hyunggu, who nearly sits down in it. He puts his hands up and lets you slide into the seat. You laugh, and Hyunggu sits beside you instead. You take a minute to put the rest of the names to their faces before looking over the menu. 
After another minute, the waiter comes over. And goes, “Why do you guys always come on my shift?” Hoetaek smirks, “Because we love you.” You read his name tag, “Hyojong.” And Shinwon tells you softly, “When he’s not working, he’s sitting here with us.” You nod, and the waiter catches you sitting in the middle, “Oh? Who’s this?” You smile, “I’m (Y/n). I got caught in their snowball fight.” Hyojong laughs, “Really?” You nod, and Shinwon points to you two, “We won.” He blinks, “The eight of you lost to two?” Changgu looks down and groans, “Don’t remind us.” Yanan sighs, “They pelted us.” Shinwon and you chuckle, and Hyojong shakes his head before looking back at you, “Alright, I know what these geezers want. What would you like?” You smile and tell him, and he nods, “I’ll be back in twenty?” You all agree, and Hoetaek asks, “When’s your break?” He looks over at the clock, “Whenever I want it… When I come back, I’ll pull up a chair. It’s a slow day.” They all agree, and he leaves, and everyone starts conversing.
Whenever you got shy and didn’t know what to say, Shinwon would ask you small questions like, “What’s your favorite vegetable?” And you laughed as you told him, and he smiled, “I love potatoes.” You grin, and he makes sure that whenever you clam up, he assures you that you are welcome to have input. It made you feel secure in such a big group. And when he isn’t looking, you take in all his features, finding him more attractive by the minute. While the rest of them were handsome and funny as well. No one held a candle to his light.
Twenty minutes later, Hyojong pops back out, and Yuto cheers, “Pizza!” Which makes you all cheer for it. Hyojong pulls up a chair and sits at the end of the table. Shinwon holds out his glass of pop, “To new friends!” You smile, and everyone cheers, “To new friends!” as you clink your glasses together before taking a sip of pop. You dig in, and Hongseok goes, “Parmesan pass down?” Jinho grabs it and hands it over to Shinwon, who hands it to you, and you pass it across to Wooseok, who passes it to Hongseok, who passes it around the table. It makes its way back to you again, and you use it before passing it to Shinwon again. 
Even as everyone eats, it’s still loud, everyone chatting away freely, and you can’t help but feel at home. As you eat and talk, you find your place and talk more freely with them. You didn’t see it, but Shinwon smiled proudly as you happily conversed with his friends. When he realized you were standing in the line of snowball fire, he swooped in, so you weren’t facing the snow devils alone. But as you worked together to win against them, he couldn’t help but feel his heartbeat faster. And the fact that you get along with his friends so well, he knew his heart had the right idea. 
As you finish eating, you all split the payments, “Don’t you dare tip me, you weirdos.” And you can see their smirks as they place the money on the table and rush out. Hoetaek wiggles his fingers at him, and Wooseok sticks out his tongue, “Oh well! Already did!” He shakes his head at them, and you both tell each other it was nice meeting the other. And you all head outside of the building. While everyone is talking outside the building, Yuto tells you, “They’re the kindest bunch, but they’re the worst. But I’m sure you’ll understand what I mean soon enough.” You grin, “I hope so.” 
You all laugh as you see Hyunggu visibly shiver, and Hoetaek scolds, “You should have worn a warmer coat!” As he shakes his head at him, Hyunggu pouts, “I dress for the occasion, not for the weather!” You all laugh, and Yanan asks, “You’ll hang out with us again, right?” You smile, “Yeah.” And everyone lets out a little cheer. And you smile as you let out a small “Yay!” And they grin, and Jinho goes, after a beat of silence, “I’d love to stand outside in the cold with you guys, but I do have to get home.” The others agree with his notion, and they all start parting and telling you that it was nice to meet you. 
As Hyunggu speeds home, you ask, “I thought he was wearing a warm coat?” Shinwon says, “No, I think he just met up with the other side when the snowball fight was coming to an end.” You nod, “Oh, that makes sense.” Shinwon waits for the last of them to clear the turn before he asks, “You want to get hot cocoa with me?” You smile, “I’d love to.” He smiles and walks you across the street to the cafe one building up the road. He opens the door for you and follows you up to the counter. He goes, “Two hot cocoas, please.” Before you can pay for yours, he’s already purchased both. “Don’t worry, I work here. I get them for like a dollar each.” You shake your head, still feeling dizzy from the whole ordeal. It all happened so fast. And his glimmering smile was the cherry on top. Something you didn’t know you needed to see before. But now that you've seen it, you can't get enough of it.
You wait for your hot cocoa in another line when he asks, “So, where do you live around here?” You smile and tell him the apartment building, “I do too!” You blink, “Really?” He nods, “Room 1211.” You gasp, “No way! I live on the other side of the hall, in 1210!”  He gasps, “It is a small world, after all.” You laugh, “It is.” That’s when both of your hot cocoas are served, “Would you mind if we walk home together?” You shake your head, “No, I’d love to walk home with you.” He smiles, and you both walk to your apartment building, learning more about each other as you do, like how he likes to play the guitar and sometimes the piano. You make mental notes in your head of what he says, and he attentively listens to everything you tell him. 
As you take your last sip of hot cocoa outside your apartment building, you dump your paper cups in the trash can. When you make it up to your floor level, you both slowly walk to your apartment, not wanting the day to end. When you reach your door, you have to hold back your pout. You slowly put your hand into your pocket and find your keys. You sigh, “I guess this is where we part?” He hums, “Yeah…” With all the bravery you could muster up, you ask, “Do you want to go out with me sometime again?” He smiles, “I’d love to.” He looks at his phone, “Are you free tomorrow?” He puts it away as you nod. And he says, “Let’s go ice skating.” You smile, think about your schedule, and ask, “Does 5 pm work for you?” He agrees, “I’ll wait for you outside your door.” You smile and unlock your door, “It’s a date.” And he grins, agreeing, “It’s a date.” You enter your apartment and hold back the scream but slide against the door excitedly. You hear his little cheer outside and can't stop smiling. Thinking to yourself, tomorrow and every following day in this new town will be a new adventure and make it worth moving here. 
0 notes
milkybonya · 3 years
order 004 for anon: large coconut milk tea (In THE DaRk by BOBBy) with regular tapioca pearls and fresh taro
Warnings: food mentions
Pairing: idol!Hui x delivery worker!reader
Summary: you deliver food to cube ent. and end up becoming friends with Hui, an idol who's at the peak of his career... but he finds himself falling for you even as his songs rise on the charts :")
Word count: like maybe 3k?
[a/n]: i love this request because i love this song and writing it while listening to the song on loop in the dark of my room just made me so happy? also i put wayyyy more effort into this than necessary and it turned out super long >.< i'm so sorry anonnie i hope you like itttt ahhh
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Shine, you shine on my existence
Sure, Hui was an idol with a life of his own - especially now, during Shine promotions, that his group, PENTAGON, was blowing up. Yet he never failed to make time for you, because you were the light of his life.
As a hardworking idol who was always cooped up in his studio and skipping meals, his members encouraged him to at least order food. He was reluctant but eventually agreed, not wanting to make them worry.
That's where you came in: a delivery worker at a local restaurant not too far from Cube entertainment, Hui's company. A lot of people ordered from your restaurant to Cube, so you weren't surprised when a new order flashed on the iPad screen at your workplace.
"We've got another delivery, [y/n]," the worker at the front told you with a smile, walking to the back to tell the cooks what to prepare.
You tapped your feet against the ground, awaiting the order. Once it was prepared, you carefully placed it in your delivery bag, fastened it to your bike and off you went, wearing a helmet of course.
The gentle breeze was enough to cheer you up and give you energy, despite the scene around you being full of traffic and slightly bleak.
Once you arrived, the guards let you in without even checking your workplace ID this time, recognizing you as a trusted delivery person.
You made your way up to the floor listed on the order, roaming through countless hallways until you finally found the right room. Judging by the area and the doors, it seemed to be full of studios.
The person who ordered this must be working hard, you thought to yourself.
Suddenly, you got an urge to leave a note, wishing the person well. You took out a scrap piece of paper and a pen that you always had handy, your heart racing and your hands shaking at the thought of doing this. You were excited at the idea of the person being happy to see such a cheerful note...
I hope you enjoy this meal and that it gives you enough energy to keep working hard :) Go for it!
After neatly placing the food and note at the door, you knocked and walked away, not wanting to bother the person. Even though you didn't turn your back, you heard the door open a few seconds later.
"Thank you!" a voice echoed through the hall.
You turned quickly to say ‘you’re welcome’ in response and caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a young idol hard at work. His hair was messy and he had dark circles under his eyes, but his mismatches clothes and bright smile were quite cute.
You thought that would be the last you’d see of him, but from that day onwards, he always ordered food from your restaurant at the same time: 2:09pm. Why so specific? You weren’t sure, but that’s how it was, and you being the only delivery worker at your restaurant meant that it would always be you taking the food to him.
The second time you went, you were surprised to see a note waiting on the door for you.
Thank you for your cheerful message... I’ll do my best to work harder!
It made you smile and you decided to leave another note with his order, this time just asking him what his favourite side dishes were so you could tell the cooks to put more of those in next time. Instead of him leaving a note for you with the response, though, Hui decided to text you this time so he wouldn't have to wait for you to make another delivery before you could see his response.
Unknown: This is Hui! Ah, I ordered food from you at 2:09pm? I'm not really picky on side dishes, but one of my members likes kimchi, so could you make sure to leave more of that for me?
You: sure, of course! but how did you get my number?
Hardworking Hui: Ah, sorry! It was on the app since you're the delivery worker... for me to contact you in case you get lost? I'm sorry!
You: No, that's okay! i just wanted to be sure ^^
So after that day, you made sure Hui always got extra kimchi with his order. He would always greet you at the door of his studio, quickly asking about your day and how you were doing. Truthfully, he actually wanted to ask you to come inside so he could talk with you some more, because the two of you would always get an interesting conversation going before you declared you had to leave.
Since he was too shy to ask you in person, he texted you, instead.
Hardworking Hui: could you get the rest of the day off after delivering my order today?
You: why?
Hardworking Hui: so you can eat with me? if that's okay? or just take an hour off!
You: ...
You: Only if you pay for my food :P
Hardworking Hui: deal
So that day, you asked your manager for the hour off from 2:30pm to 3:30pm. She agreed, knowing that you always work hard and deserve a break.
Showing up to Hui's studio with his usual order and some food for yourself in your hands, you knocked a little nervously this time, knowing that this wouldn't just be a delivery, but a whole... hang out? Type of thing?
Hui had made sure to clean his studio to the best of his ability, making sure that there was another comfy chair for you to sit on and that the room didn't smell bad or anything. He lit a couple of candles and vacuumed the place so there would be no dust. When you knocked on the door, he jumped out of his seat with excitement, immediately opening it.
"Hi! Come in," he said, holding the door open so you could step inside. Seeing the cosy, dimly lit space left you in awe.
"It's so cool to see where you've been working away for all this time," you said, sitting down on a chair and putting the food down.
"Yeah... sometimes I get tired of it, but it's home," Hui said, sitting on his studio chair and opening up the food.
"Ah... where's the kimchi?" Hui asked, pointing at all the dishes.
"Oh, I'm so sorry, I told the cook to include my favourite side dish too, but he must have just replaced the kimchi with this instead, I'm so sorry!"
Hui laughed, shaking his head.
"It's completely fine!" he said, handing you your favourite side dish.
As the two of you began eating, you were able to get to know each other more as you spoke and asked each other questions. Even though it was a little silly asking for each other's favourite colours and seasons, it was a lot of fun, and the two of you turned out to have a lot in common.
Tears are erased by my emotions / Add, add colour to the world
After that day, you weren't just a delivery worker for Hui, and he wasn't just a customer to you. The two of you became close friends, attending the concerts of your favourite artists together. Hui would joke and say that he was attending for work reasons, trying to gain musical inspiration, while you had no real reason to be there. You'd slap his shoulder lightly, telling him to watch his words while he'd laugh at your reaction.
Even though his work was stressful at times, it was days like those that seemed to make him cry in reverse, if that was even possible? You showed up and turned his world around, adding colour onto his black and white canvas.
His members even told him that he seemed more cheerful and energetic despite still working hard in the studio, and Hui even told you that his songwriting process seemed to be running more smoothly.
"I'm so glad we became friends," he told you, leaning his head on your shoulder one day as the two of you sat on a park bench. You smiled, strongly agreeing with him in your own heart.
But do you remember when I mentioned Shine promotions at the beginning of this? Well, let's skip forward to that point.
By then, you had seen Hui and his group perform quite a few times, whether it was at concerts, music shows or even on the TV at your home. You were incredibly proud of him and wanted nothing but for him to succeed.
Every time Hui found you in the crowd at any of his live performances, he'd feel some kind of crazy adrenaline rush as all of his tiredness just seemed to magically disappear. He'd perform as if rent was due just because you gave him the energy to do so.
"Was [y/n] watching us again?" Hyunggu asked backstage after another performance for Shine ended safely.
"Yeah, I saw them there!" Hongseok confirmed.
"Plus, you can tell by the way Hui is acting," Yuto laughed, nodding towards Hui who was frantically texting you asking you if you'd left completely.
You told him you were still at the venue, and he begged you to come backstage. When you arrived, you greeted all of the Pentaboys, who adored you almost as much as Hui did, before joining Hui at his makeup table. You greeted the makeup artist too, out of respect, before asking Hui why he needed to see you so urgently.
"We might win today... I just wanted you to be by my side as good luck," he explained, a clearly worried expression on his face.
It was a shock to you that despite Shine doing so well on the charts, Pentagon still had not gotten their first win, but you knew they were an amazing group, regardless.
What you doing now? What's your plan now?
You placed your hand on top of Hui's, which rested on his own thigh.
"Hui, I know you haven't been getting all the wins you've been expecting, but we can't deny that this song is absolutely a bop and you have all been killing it!" you told him with a smile.
You couldn't tell whether or not your words had any sort of effect on him because he was looking down, but you hoped they at least didn't make him feel worse.
The rest of the Pentaboys cheered hearing your words though, feeling energized at your honest observation.
Hui was looking down because his stomach was tied in knots at the feeling of your hand on his. It was something he'd never felt before... butterflies? He tried to shrug it off but he couldn't stop wondering about your intentions... did you place your hand over his for a reason? What were you trying to tell him? What were you planning?
Inside my brain, after making a place for you / You make it impossible for me to sleep
That night, Hui still couldn't stop thinking about your simple gesture. You didn't mean anything by it, right? It was just a friend comforting a friend... the two of you had been friends for a while now, so why was he thinking into this so much?
As feelings of sleepiness took over, he drowsily wondered what it would be like to hold your hand rather than to just have his hand underneath yours. What would it be like to be held by you?
The next day, with more promotions ahead, you made sure to send Hui a text of good luck. You wouldn't be able to watch from the live audience that day, since you had work and deliveries to carry out, but you still wanted him to know that you were thinking of him.
Hui couldn't stop staring at your message of good luck for the whole day, pressing his finger on the heart emoji that you added at the end of your message.
"Hui hyung, are you reading something?" Wooseok asked the leader, sitting beside him on the sofa in the waiting room.
"Huh? N-no," Hui quickly said with a laugh, tucking his phone away.
"You've been staring at your phone all day... what is it, is it a fun webtoon?"
"No, no! Don't worry about it," Hui laughed, ruffling the tall boy's hair.
Wooseok whined, yelling about how the stylist just did his hair. Meanwhile, Hui's heart was racing. Why had he been staring at your text message all day?
You: I'm thinking of you today, Hui! Go get em, good luck <3
Are you thinking of me in this dawn? / I wish there was a continuous portal from my room to yours
Again, that night, Hui couldn't stop thinking about you. This time, it was about the message you'd sent him. He still had it open and was staring at it. He wondered if, when you said you were thinking of him, did that mean you were thinking of him right then and there too? At the same time when he was thinking about you?
Were your sleepless thoughts filled with him, just like his were filled with you-?
Ring ring. Ring ring.
He'd been staring at your text and holding his phone so tightly that he accidentally pressed the call icon next to your name.
"Hello?" you answered sleepily. It was 3am and you had been asleep.
"H-hello? [y/n]?"
"Yes, Hui, what is it?"
"I uh..."
He desperately tried to think of an excuse for calling you, any reason-
"I wish there was a portal that went directly from my room to yours."
Really, Hui? Was that the best thing you could think of?
His heart raced and he smiled as he heard your laugh on the other end. He didn't realize he'd balled his other hand into a fist until your laughter made him calm down.
"What are you saying, Hui?"
"I miss you..." he mumbled.
Despite being sleepy, his words still made you nervous. Your heart raced and you wondered what he was trying to tell you.
"I m-miss you too," you croaked out.
"Really?" Hui asked you, sitting up in bed.
"Yeah, really," you said, laughing. It wasn't a lie, either. You'd been watching all of his performances on your phone that day while working, almost falling off your bike because you were that invested. In him.
"Do you wanna meet up now?"
"Now?" you spluttered.
"Yeah... by the Han River?"
You paused for a while before answering.
"Let's do it."
Even if I breathe in the cold air / It feels sweet, so sweet
"AHHH IT'S SO COOOOLD!" Hui yelled into the night air, rubbing his arms and running around in circles beside you.
"Here, take my coat," you said, but instead just wrapping your arms around him.
Hui tensed up, wondering if your arm that was wrapped around his chest could feel his heartbeat.
"W-what are you doing?" he asked.
"Providing you with warmth," you said.
You also felt butterflies stirring within you, realizing that maybe you saw Hui as more than just a friend. Yet you shrugged it off, telling yourself that Hui was an idol and you were just a delivery worker.
You can't know my pathetic feelings / Even if I've confessed a hundred times inside my brain / I'm invisible to you
Hui stayed quiet, closing his eyes tightly and enjoying the feeling of being in your arms on this cold night. He knew this embrace wouldn't last and that maybe it wouldn't happen again, because in his mind, he was invisible to you. Just a friend who you goofed around with, but all of your jokes made his heart rush.
The two of you ran around the grassy banks of Han River together, laughing into the night and chasing each other like kids. Each time Hui caught up to you, he'd wrap his small frame around you so tightly that it made you lose your breath. You told yourself it was just because you were running so hard, but it was definitely something else.
As the sun was beginning to rise and the two of you were finally in your homes, trying to get some sleep, Hui imagined what it would be like to confess to you. What if he confessed right there and then when you hugged him by the Han River? What if he told you how much he likes you and... what if you felt the same? What if you cupped his cheeks in your hands and kissed him right there as the river reflected the starlight from the sky...? What if Hui would drop his phone in shock but would kiss you back more passionately?
No, Hui. No.
If I ever want you to feel the same / That must be greedy, that'd probably be a chance to peek into heaven / 'Cause you are angel
There was no way any of that would ever happen. There was no way you would ever like him back, at least for Hui. You were way too good for him, an angel on this planet full of demons and sinners.
Little did he know that you were also squinting at the sun, struggling to get some sleep as you thought of the way Hui would press his face into your chest every time he caught up to you at the Han River as you chased each other for fun. His bright smile and gentle laughter made your heart feel like the Han River itself, gently flowing along but filled with such a refreshing feeling.
After another week of intense Shine promotions, Hui feeling all sorts of emotions as Shine continued to soar while his feelings for you also grew, it became unbearable. The two of you would talk late into the night, whether it was sending texts because Hui was busy working or whether it was phone calls. Hui thought about you every second of every day and always missed you a ton.
Please know that I like you / I just want to be there for the rest of your life
Hui asked you to meet him in his studio one evening, as he knew your work schedule and knew that you were free. You agreed, slightly confused as to how he was making time to meet with you despite being so busy.
"Hui, I'm here!" you sang, opening the door to his studio and finding him sitting there in his chair, looking especially cute as his hair was slightly ruffled and he wore a big, comfy hoodie.
"[y/n], I have to tell you something," he said, with a slightly sad smile.
"Yeah, what is it?"
You grew worried, but decided not to make a fuss over anything just yet.
"So, for some time now.... well, of course we've been good friends, and I don't want this to ruin that if you don't feel the same..."
He sighed mid-sentence.
"Gosh, I don't know why I'm rambling," he said with a laugh.
You instinctively laughed along.
"Well, [y/n]. I like you... a lot. I know it's pathetic for me to feel this way when I don't even deserve you, but-"
"You like me?" you cut him off.
Hui nodded in response, looking slightly red now.
Nervous and absolutely bewildered, you starting laughing to yourself, making Hui worry if he'd said something wrong.
"Hui, I... I like you too, what the hell?! And here I was thinking I was pathetic!"
"You're not pathetic at all!" Hui said, grinning widely and bright red in the face upon hearing your answer to his confession.
Both of you nervously smiled at each other for some time before Hui broke the silence.
"I know... it may be hard to date me... well no, it will be hard to date me since I'm an idol, but I promise I'll give this my everything. It's a given, because of how much I like you and how lucky I am for you to even date me-"
"I never said I was dating you," you joked.
"What?" Hui asked in shock.
"I'm joking! Hui, it's okay. We'll get through these difficulties together, whatever they may be," you said, holding half of his face in your right hand, stroking his cheek with your thumb.
Hui leaned into your touch, closing his eyes.
"You're right," he said, before turning his face and pressing his lips to your hand.
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littleshopofk-pop · 3 years
## pentagon masterlist
S — smut F — fluff A — angst C — crack
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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nothing to see here … yet
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› roommates kinktober '21 day 8 [S]
full masterlist
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yutoda-fics · 6 years
New pentagon fic blog!
Hey everyone! I have a few pentagon oneshots written that I'll be posting on here and I will continue to write for pentagon here and there. Im not a full time blog but I will try to post as inspiration strikes.
I have a Yuto smut im posting first and a Yanan fluff I'm posting as soon as I get it written. Feel free to send some ideas for inspiration and I'll update when I can! Thank you for understanding!
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sunflowersoonyoung · 2 years
in the end, he was there | hui
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w.c ↠ 3.8k
pairing ↠ hui x fem!reader
genre/s ↠ fluff, angst, heartbreak, friends to lovers au!, childhood friend!hui, neighbour!hui, pining, infidelity, featuring hongseok, smut, soft dom!hui, overstimulation, petting, v intimate and loving sex, virgin!reader, virgin!hui.
description ↠ he meant a lot to you, as something more than just friends, and so watching him date someone else was world-shattering. despite everything that happened between you both, in the end, he was there for you.
warning/s ↠ lots of heartbreak, difficult emotions, tears, jealousy and angst, suggestive themes, hongseok cheats on the reader, unprotected sex, hui is dangerously sweet ;-;
a/n ↠ as I began to write this fic, I started falling deeply in love with it. I wanted to write something sad, and yet something that showed off Hui’s softness. what came out of it is perhaps the most beautiful relationship I've written. although, I feel like I have to apologise, dear anon, because I realised you requested minor pining/jealousy, and I feel like this is pretty major. I hope you enjoy this regardless~
requested by anon
It was a humid summer’s day when you first met Lee Hoetaek.
You were at the age of attending primary school, and you had followed your mother into the front yard, as children often do. You were sitting on the grass watching her tend to the garden.
You turned your head to find whoever had called out to you, meeting eyes with a young boy peering at you through the fence separating your house and your neighbour’s.
He had the brightest, biggest grin you had ever seen. Beneath his attention, you quickly grew shy, managing a smile and a small wave.
A friendship blossomed between you and your neighbour, especially once you learned each other’s name and discovered you were of the same age. You learned to associate him with those nostalgic summer afternoons when the sky was a brilliant shade of royal blue, afternoons in which you would run bare-footed with him across the blistering bitumen roads.
Hoetaek was something special, a source of warmth in your life. He would always hold your hand, always greeting you with overwhelming excitement and that impossibly large smile.
One evening, as you both laid on the dry grass of his front yard, watching as puffs of cottony clouds drifted by, he took your hand and intertwined his fingers with yours, turning on his side to stare at you directly.
“I’d like to be friends with you forever, (F/n),” Hoetaek said with surprising maturity, “is that okay?”
You thought it was quite silly that he was asking for permission. You had already assumed that was going to happen because, at that age, you did not have a firm grasp of what forever meant, except that it sounded incredible with him.
“Isn’t that obvious?” You replied with a grin.
That was the first time Hoetaek had made your heart flutter, though you would not realise that until years later.
The memories of primary school seemed to fade and evanesce the moment you began to attend high school. Hoetaek changed, although not in a bad way. He mellowed out, losing much of that goofy glint in his eyes. But there were still shards of his younger self left behind.
Hoetaek was still physically and verbally affectionate. He frequently reminded you that he loved you, and you had memorised how he felt to embrace. As a result, you often dealt with questions asking if you were dating him, much to your embarrassment.
And every day without fail, you left and returned home with Hoetaek at your side. You had only rare moments without him, and in those moments, you were plagued by thoughts of him.
One evening, it clicked.
Hoetaek had accompanied you to your front gate, the sun setting against your backs. Marmalade light painted his tan skin, catching in his tresses of raven hair. The moment you turned to face him, to bid him goodbye, he called to you, “I love you, (F/n)!” And you realised it.
You were in love with him.
It cascaded over you like a warm shower. Everything began to glow vivid colours, streaking together like a rainbow. Hoetaek’s pleasant smile as he sent you off was suddenly the most beautiful smile on this planet.
Everything changed from that day onwards.
Every small gesture he initiated, every slight touch, made you startled and flustered. You could hide it, for now, but your feelings were veiled thinly, and that veil would soon be torn, and then he would know. He understood you well, after all. Better than you understood yourself.
And eventually, he noticed. Just like you dreaded.
You were seated close to each other in the schoolyard, sharing your lunch break, when Hoetaek rested his head upon your shoulder. He had caught you off guard, and it had stunned you. You went rigid beneath him.
Hoetaek lifted his head, peering at you blankly, surprise gradually seeping onto his expression.
“Are you okay? What’s wrong? Do you … not want me to do that?”
“Sorry,” you hastily responded, feigning a smile through your nerves, “I didn’t mean to flinch.”
Hoetaek’s thought process reflected on his face. He silently realised something - that he should not touch you so casually. That it was wrong. That your relationship, under his control, had grown inappropriate for mere friends.
None of this was true, but your reaction had whispered these anxieties into his ear, and soon he was corrupt with doubt.
Distance began to grow like unwanted weeds between you both without the physical closeness. It was tragic; it made you feel ill. Seeing Hoetaek less frequently made the world turn grey. You wept the first morning he did not wait for you at your front gate.
Hoetaek was afraid, afraid of feeling you freeze beneath him again out of what he thought was discomfort. And you were afraid of him discovering your true feelings for him, and so you would only watch as he was swept away from you like he was being carried away by the tide.
One day, months later, he came to you, and your hopes rose upon seeing his wide grin once more. Was he coming back to you?
“I met this girl, Seungyeon,” he began, and dread settled into the crooks of your body like cold snow, “I finally asked her out today, and she said yes! Do you want to meet her?”
No, you thought, that’s the last thing I would like to do. You had to wrestle back tears, biting your bottom lip urgently just to shock you out of your deep despair. It barely worked, and even then, you were masking to hide the remainders.
“I’m happy for you, ‘Taek. I’ll meet her.”
It was a somewhat bitter smile that you left him with, and he acted as if he did not notice it. Perhaps he did see it but was not saying anything.
Perhaps he was already absorbed in his girlfriend.
The latter soon revealed itself to be the truth. You would meet Seungyeon, a girl who seemed perfectly nice and yet you hated her with all of your being.
You had to observe them. Hoetaek treated her the same way he had treated you. He would hold her hand, kiss her knuckles, draw her closer to him to share his warmth with her. Watching them made you feel like throwing up. You could feel the blood rushing from your face to your churning stomach, and you quickly excused yourself.
You stumbled through the empty school corridors as if intoxicated. Your legs were swiftly bleeding strength, and before you reached the bathroom, you collapsed onto the cold floor and began to cry.
“Are you okay?”
Amidst the fog of your depression came a gentle voice, a subtle hand on your shoulder. You looked up, knowing you were a mess, but it was too late to hide it now.
A boy was leaning over you; his eyebrows scrunched with concern. He offered you a hand, and you took it.
Hongseok was like a bandaid, temporarily covering up a wound that bled endlessly. He knew that was his purpose and dutifully performed it for reasons you could not understand.
You could not definitively recall when you first started dating him. Perhaps it was when he first took you in his arms or when he first kissed away your tears.
Years passed by.
You and Hoetaek took separate paths because you could no longer emotionally withstand being on the same path as him. Although Hongseok eased the pain, there was a constant feeling as if you were incomplete. Hongseok knew it, too, but he was kind enough to stay.
It was your final year of high school. Each of you had grown into adults, although you were yet to adjust to it. Your emotions surrounding your ex-best friend were hardly as jagged as when you were younger, but they were still a sore point.
One morning you rose for classes, dressed lazily and clasping a thermos of hot coffee between your fingers, as you had done so since the beginning of your frantic senior year. You opened the front door to greet the cold morning - instead meeting a familiar gaze.
“(F/n),” Hoetaek managed a small smile upon hearing his name from your lips, “I-I broke up with Seungyeon. Last week. I don’t know what’s wrong with me, but I realised something wasn’t right. I missed you.”
He looked fatigued, dark half-moons beneath his eyes, his face fraught with anxiety. You could not help but match his worried expression, frowning out of concern, forgetting that you were heartbroken over him.
You tried to return his smile, although due to the mood, it came out crooked, “I missed you too, ‘Taek.”
“I mean, I missed you. I missed your smile. You’re the reason that I broke up with Seungyeon.”
Upon hearing those words, it felt as if your world came crashing around you. The castle you had built to protect your hidden feelings crumbled to dust, leaving you bare and vulnerable. You were unsure what expression you were currently making, but it was certainly bittersweet. All of a sudden, your love for Hongseok seemed small and naive.
“‘Taek…I-I’m sorry, I’m seeing Hongseok.”
Hoetaek tried to force a smile, but it disintegrated into sobs. It was the most pained look you had ever seen him make, a terrible, regret-filled expression that made tears burn in your own eyes. You could only wrap him in your arms and embrace him tightly.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated, and in a whirlwind of movement, he tore away from you and disappeared back through your front gate as if to save himself further embarrassment, and you could only watch his retreating back.
You stood frozen for a moment, trying to sort through what seemed like an immense storm of emotions and discovering you were unable to. Instead, you forced yourself to walk to school, all the whilst distracted by your thoughts.
Hoetaek was seared into your mind. That desperation, that rampant exhaustion that doused him from head to toe, the tears that paved a way down his cheeks. He was suffering, and the only way to relieve him was to go to him as more than a friend. However, after all these years he had spent at your side, it would be cruel to betray Hongseok like that.
You immediately found Hongseok, and to his credit, he knew something was wrong within moments.
You were honest with him as you cried on his shoulder, ignoring the sound of the school bell.
“I’m confused,” you mumbled, and Hongseok smiled, unbothered, “I know.”
You were wrought with guilt. You loved Hongseok, but that was nothing compared to how you loved Hoetaek. Your love for Hoetaek was as large as the universe, stretching further than you could describe with words.
Hongseok had known that the moment he had met you, and so the end of your relationship was inevitable.
It came only a few months later.
You were traversing the campus, searching for him to bid him a final goodbye before the weekend began. You turned a corner, and there he was. With another girl.
His face was angled away from you as he tucked hair behind her ear, leaning forwards and kissing her.
He jolted away from her, turning to face you, guilt leaking over his features.
“(F/n), I…” he seemed to be struggling for words, so you concluded things for him, “I guess it’s over, isn’t it?”
Hongseok breathed for a moment, hesitating, chewing on his cheek.
“You know it never really started, don’t you? This relationship was just a distraction for you from Hoetaek.”
You somehow arrived home despite hardly remembering the walk.
His words should have stung. They were true and biting, and yet you felt nothing. Not even shock or sadness. Like a cut that should have bled, but didn't.
You simply left, not even shedding a tear for the unfortunate ending of a five-year relationship.
For a while, you simply drifted, numb and cold. Without Hongseok, you had to face things with Hoetaek. You could no longer pretend to ignore the matter with the forced pretence that you were already with someone. Because of that realisation, you left home the moment the sun set.
You wandered over to Hoetaek’s house. The same place it had been almost a decade earlier when you had first become acquainted with him.
You hesitated for just a moment before knocking. Hoetaek emerged, wearing sweatpants and a loose t-shirt. His hair was soft and bouncy, as if he had showered just hours earlier. He scanned you, his surprise melting into concern.
“(F/n)? Are you okay?”
You didn't know how to answer that, your mouth opening and closing as you searched for a response. Hoetaek smiled, soothing your hollow distress.
“Come in,” He offered, “it’s just me home.”
He led you through his house. It looked hardly different from when you were last here, and the familiarity put you at ease. He had you sit on the sofa before reclining in the armchair nearby. For a while, there was only silence as he stared at you, attempting to decipher your endless sea of emotions.
“Did something happen?” Hoetaek inquired slowly, treading carefully, “was it Hongseok?”
You were still numb as you finally responded, “yeah but, I don’t even feel that upset about it. He’s dating another girl, I think; I caught them together.”
Hoetaek furrowed his brow.
“You don’t feel upset about it?”
“I…no. It’s like I was waiting for something to happen, for an excuse to end the relationship.”
You erupted into tears unexpectedly. You did not even know why you did, but they were burning and almost relieving.
Before you knew it, Hoetaek had stood and guided you into his arms. It was just like the old days when you would trip and graze a knee, and he would hold you. Except now, the reason behind your tears was far more complex, and his embrace was secure and adult.
It did not take long for you to stop crying, but you refused to let go, and so did Hoetaek. When he finally withdrew, he hovered over you, his palm smoothing over your cheek. You recognised that look in his eyes but were suddenly too flustered to register it, not until he finally bridged the gap between you.
It was as if the world had collided with you when Hoetaek finally kissed you.
Nothing mattered anymore. Hongseok’s infidelity, your broken heart, the years that you had suffered watching Hoetaek date someone else. All of that felt a lifetime away as you kissed him.
Things quickly grew heated, which was unsurprising. It was a hot and dizzying kiss, overflowing with desperation. Hoetaek straddled your hips, pressing you against the back of the couch. You were both breathless when he stopped, staring at you through these dark, syrupy irises, pupils blown with lust and passion.
“Can I take you to bed?” He asked. There was no hesitation, no wavering of his confidence. He knew your answer before you gave it.
“Please,” you gasped, “I need you.”
Hoetaek drew his arms around you, carrying you to bed with your legs crossed behind his back. You clung to him tightly, your heart fluttering. He had always made you feel like a princess.
He laid you across his mattress carefully, as if you were fragile. You had been in his bedroom many times, but today there was something different in the air. It gave everything this surreal haze, thick and electric against your skin.
Hoetaek kneeled over you and removed his shirt, tossing it onto his bedroom floor. You took a moment to admire the ruts of his abs, obviously staring at his beautiful olive skin and his deep collarbones.
“‘Taek,” you mumbled, overwhelmed all of a sudden with shyness.
“Shush,” he replied, caging you between his arms, “let me make you feel good.”
Hoetaek kissed you again, slowly warming you up once more. His palms left your face, feeling over your waist, boldly grasping past your breasts and ending up between your legs. He pinched your inner thigh, a wordless warning that that was where he was headed with his intentions.
“Can I?” He broached the question politely, knowing it would cross a line that neither of you could return from. You nodded, swallowing nervously.
Hoetaek observed your face as he sunk his hand beneath the waistband of your shorts, finally making contact with your pussy, his fingers ghosting over the crest of your folds. You gasped and buried your teeth in your bottom lip.
“Wow, you’re pretty,” Hoetaek murmured, his eyes crinkling as he smiled. He slowly rolled his fingertip against your clit, maintaining eye contact the entire time.
“Does that feel good?” He hummed, although it was clear that it did. You were already raising your back from the mattress.
“It feels amazing,” you groaned, reaching up and intertwining your fingers with his hair, dragging him back down into a kiss and flitting your tongue across his lips. Hoetaek grinned, returning the favour.
He tasted sweet, utilising the sheer power of his kiss to eat up the noises that were swelling up in your chest. He was intensifying, losing the gentle grace he initially had treated you with. Soon his fingers were firm and fast, rubbing tight circles that shocked you with pleasure.
“‘Taek, I’m close,” you breathed. Hoetaek interlaced his fingers with yours, holding your hand as you came. Waves of pleasure washed over you, made easier to handle by the fluttering kisses he trailed across your jaw.
Surprisingly, he did not relent.
“Hoetaek, th-that’s-,” you hiccuped a sob of pleasure, realising you were hurtling towards a second orgasm, and he was adamant on bringing you there.
“Do it for me again, (F/n), come for me again. I know you can do it.”
And that you did, cumming far harder than the first time, writhing beneath Hoetaek. Beneath the buzzing of your ears, you could hear him chuckling softly.
“Do you want to keep going?” You heard him ask, your eyes fluttering open to catch a glimpse of his beautiful smile. The orgasm had overloaded your bloodstream with endorphins, amplifying that feeling of love and endearment.
“Of course,” you answered, “I want to feel you inside me.”
“Okay. Stand up with me.”
Hoetaek offered you a hand paired with a warm grin, helping you onto your feet. You stood shakily, still reeling from the overstimulation. He held you close, his arms slung around your waist.
“Take this off,” he tugged at your shirt, and you simpered shyly, pulling your t-shirt over your head. Hoetaek reached around and unclasped your bra as well, letting it slip away, revealing the peaks of your breasts.
Hoetaek remained wordless, but his face told you everything. Encouraged by the awe that painted his features, you dropped your shorts and your underwear onto the carpet, baring yourself in your entirety to the man you so dearly loved.
Now you reached for Hoetaek’s pants, glancing up at him for permission. He smiled keenly at you, and so you dragged the sweats down his legs. You made embarrassed eye contact with his cock, straining against the confines of his grey boxers, before removing those as well.
Hoetaek looked glorious, made of stretches of tan skin, toned muscles, and sharp edges. The evening light filtered through his bedroom blinds, colouring him a shade of warm orange. Last of all, but certainly not least, was his cock. Lengthy rather than girthy, but not lacking thickness either, with a soft, pearly pink tip that glistened in the light.
You realised you were holding your breath, releasing it in a heavy sigh.
“‘Taek, you’re gorgeous,” you mumbled dazedly, mesmerised. He could pursue a career as a male model, you thought.
He laughed, his fingers trickling down your bare collarbones, pinching your nipples teasingly, “I could say the same thing to you.”
Hoetaek rested his hands on your hips, and you kissed him. It was intimate, your nude bodies brushing against one another’s, warm even whilst bare of clothing. He pushed you back down horizontally on his bedding, raising your thighs at a ninety-degree angle. His cock rested on your lower belly.
“Are you ready?” He hummed, swirling his thumb over the tip of his cock in a circular motion.
You were more than ready; you were desperate. You needed him. The walls of your pussy were aching with emptiness.
Hoetaek nodded, his chest rising and falling erratically as his nerves began to sink in. As he aligned himself with your entrance, his hand was trembling, and so you reached down and assisted him.
Slowly, carefully, he pushed inside of you.
“Ah!” You both exclaimed simultaneously, and Hoetaek panicked visibly, “are you okay? Did that hurt?”
Hoetaek drew back his hips and worked his cock in and out of you, slowly, measuredly increasing his pace. It felt incredible, and you had to lean against him, wanting him deeper inside of you.
You shook your head feverishly.
“No, please, fuck me, ‘Taek.”
As he fucked you faster, the effort was discernable on his face. Sweat was gathering on his forehead in glassy beads, rolling down his face and catching in his fringe. He furrowed his brow, groaning with each thrust. He started to become rough, pleasure shocking through your core and across your skin.
“Hoetaek,” you pleaded, reaching for him for support. He found your hands, “I know, sweetheart. I’m getting close.”
His grip on your hands grew iron-like, his breathing coming out ragged, and so was yours; you wanted him to cum, to throw his head back and release a desperate cry.
And finally, he did, in precisely the same way you had just been fantasising about, pulling out of you all at once and spurting strings of hot semen all over your stomach.
You just stared at each other, somewhat out of disbelief. Finally, Hoetaek broke the short silence, laughing sheepishly.
“I wasn’t too rough, was I?”
“Mm, I liked it,” you smiled.
Hoetaek laughed again, this time freely, the pleasant sound bouncing around the still room, and he leaned over you to kiss you - uncaring that he was currently grazing against the mess he had made on your chest.
“Do you want to have a shower together?” He inquired; a silly question, really. He hardly needed to ask.
You locked your fingers with his, submersed in a strange and fuzzy nostalgic feeling as if you had been dating him for years and this was just another evening together.
And really, things were the same as before, but also different. This was where you were always supposed to end up with Hoetaek, with or without Seungyeon and Hongseok as distractions along the way.
You pressed a kiss to his cheek, replying whilst dizzied with unlimited enthusiasm for the future to come, “yeah. Let’s go.”
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
i know a lot of people don’t ask for him but i really want to see something for hui. i know everybody says he’s “old” and stuff but he’s just soo fine. I’m requesting a long spicy and suggestive one shot of him with fem!reader. I’m fine with smut aswell. You don’t have to do it if you aren’t comfortable. thank you for your time!
Me and you under
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pairing: hui x reader
pronouns: none used but reader is slightly fem-coded (calling hui oppa)
genre: heavily suggestive/smut, fluff sprinklings
tw/tags: teasing, light d/s dynamics, oppa kink, kisses, making out, oral (reader receiving), fingering, non-explicit description of sex, lots of noises
wc: 1383
summary: everyone knows hoetaek is sweet on you but only you know how sweet he can be when the doors are closed.
a/n this took a little longer to write than expected because my condition hasn't been good but tysm anon for requesting! As a casual fan of pentagon, I can definitely agree that hui is a fine, fine man. Happy reading!
To most people, Hoetaek was a perfect sweetheart. 
Your doting boyfriend sported pea coats that always almost ended up draped over your shoulders with coos of “Aish, my jagi needs to bring a warmer jacket next time.” (Spoiler: you never do). And his wire-rimmed glasses that would constantly slip off his nose, leaving you to fuss and push them back up for him. 
He didn’t even need to be prompted to do aegyo to cheer you up or get you to smile. Seriously, this grown man. But you loved him for it. You couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. 
Because Hoetaek was the perfect sweetheart and completely soft for you but in the privacy of your bedroom, in moments when he felt a little restless, when you got a little needy, he became someone else entirely.
“Ah, ah, ah don’t be shy with me now.” He murmured.
His voice, which you absolutely adored, would drop just a little lower and take on a sing-songy quality that had you hooked on every word.
The first few buttons of his shirt have come loose, courtesy of yours truly, and you’re treated to the way the veins on his neck become prominent, how his adam’s apple bobs, his collarbones sharp and chest heaving slightly. You feel a little crazy, wanting to reach up and touch. But you can’t.
“You’ll behave for me right?” His breath ghosts against your ear, dragging his lips against these sensitive shell ever so lightly.
You inhale sharply and nod. He chuckles, keeping you pinned against the mattress. Hoetaek wasn’t particularly physically imposing but there was a certain glint in his eyes that made you feel small in all the right ways. 
“Words, jagi.” You both know he isn’t asking. It’s a demand, quiet and firm and boiling hot in your stomach.
Hoetaek can play the game for hours. And it doesn’t help at all that the way he looks at you leaves you breathless, words almost like air when you manage to produce some.
“Yes,” you exhale shakily as the look in his eyes grows darker. 
Then he smiles, not the cotton-candy sweet kind that you get from him on a regular day, no. It’s almost too sweet, saccharine and sharp around the edges. 
He leans forward, soft and deadly like a viper about to strike and coos condescendingly.
“Let’s try that again, shall we jagi? Will. You. Behave. For. Me?”
Each word he drags out, voice hitting you like a mallet wrapped in plush cloth, tender and dull but impactful. You can’t control how your breath hitches.
“Yes, yes.” Every limb goes pliant as he looms over you.
Hoetaek firmly grasps your chin so that you’re forced to look at his face as he presses further.
“Yes, what jagi?”
He watches as you weigh it out in your mind, letting the game drag out longer and giving into him. Well, he’s feeling a little impatient today.
Without warning, he drags a knee up, stopping short between the apex of your thighs. You get a little frantic but don’t buck down to meet it. Good. He’s not really in the mood to punish you today.
Rather he continues to hold your chin, letting his thumb drag over your lips.
“Say it,” he says almost like he’s taunting you. “You’re not getting anything till you say it. Address me properly, jagi.”
You look at him through your eyelashes, eyes just a little wet as you let your lips form the words.
“Yes oppa”
Hoetaek brings his knee all the way up, relishing in the way you gasp as he grinds it in. His hand abandons your chin to bury fingers into your hair while the other grips at your side, stroking teasingly over your hip bone. 
“That’s right, jagi. Very good.”
He presses his body closer and you can feel him, hot and heavy and firm against you. His lips latch onto your neck, tongue trailing heat up and down your skin. You whimper.
You feel him smile against your skin. Kisses are pressed against spots that have you shivering. Hands encircle your wrists and press them firmly to the sheets. Finally, he claims your lips, your mind going completely blank. He tastes like a sweet addiction, melting into your bones and pulling them apart.
When he pulls away, you can’t help but whine, his eyes dance playfully but the glint remains. You know what you need to do.
“Oppa please.”
He soothes your pleas with soft lips, the corners quirking upwards as he pulls his knee away and you whine again. Hands squeeze your wrists once more as if warning them to stay in place before they move downwards to spread your thighs.
Your clothes fall to the floor, leaving you bare save for one of his oversized sweaters. He presses a kiss on your hip before mouth going lower and lower until his breath is warm against the place where you want his mouth the most, quiet, needy noises escaping you.
He can’t help but run a few fingers between your thighs. You’re wet and messy and wanting for him. A few strokes has you keening, trying your best not to jerk forward. You can only watch as he pops those fingers into his mouth, staring at you hungrily as he hums around them.
You can only spread your legs further as if to entice him to take his fill. He doesn’t react, warm, wet fingers coming to tease where you’re most sensitive. 
“Now tell oppa where you want him, hmm?”
He stifles a laugh when you look at him incredulously before your cheeks tint even more and you quietly say it.
“Hmmm, I didn’t quite hear that, jagi.”
You say it again, louder and just a little more frantic in your desperation.
“Want oppa’s mouth on my…”
That’ll have to do for now, Hoetaek decides, unable to summon enough patience to wait for you to ask for it exactly how he wants it. You’re too tempting, all pliant and nearly bare beneath him.
The strangled sound you make still manages to echo through the whole room as he puts his mouth on you.
His tongue is criminal, lapping over places that blur your vision and leaving you wanting more. Your hips can’t stay still anymore, twitching nearly uncontrollably in a valiant effort to not suffocate him. Sometimes he stills, just humming and sending vibrations up your spine that drive you mad. His fingers sink into you, one, two, three, your eyes wet with tears as ecstasy begins to take hold.
Before you know it, you’re hovering in a haze of pleasure, creeping your way towards sweet, sweet release. The sounds that he rips out of you grow frantic, nearly begging. He knows your body well, much to your satisfaction and despair. There are some days where Hoetaek nearly tortures you, bringing you to the tipping point and drawing you back before you can fall over. 
Luckily today is not one of those days. He finishes you off and you yell, his mouth flooded by your sweetness, smearing it over his lips and chin as he works you through. Your legs are shaky with exertion but you still call out for him to take his own pleasure.
Hoetaek won’t lie and say that he didn’t tremble a little as he sinks into you, watching in awe as you throw your head back and call out for him. He’s the desperate one now, torn between dragging it out while you’re sensitive or chasing his end after having his pants grow tortuously tight while he pleasured you. The latter prevails after you look at him with wet eyes, legs wrapping around his waist and pulling him into you. 
His own groans are almost musical, pitch rising as he spills himself. Hoetaek is always so gentle with you in the aftermath. Hands guiding you into the shower to rinse off, a soft towel to wipe you clean.
Moments like this are your favourite, resting your head against his chest as he hums something softly while carding fingers through your hair. Skin against skin, you’ve never felt closer. Before you know it, you’re drifting off, his voice a soft echo at the back of your mind, letting you know how much he loves you.
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jinkoh · 2 years
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Back in time
Hui x Reader
Tags: angst, hurt/comfort, ambiguous/open ending, exes to ?, mentions of alcohol and food, SFW
word count: ~2,2k
anon requested: hii i saw you reblogged the prompts with the bed sharing? are your requests are open again now? maybe you can write something for hui or wooseok maybe :) any prompt you like :)
a/n: i was in the mood for something painful I guess? I hope you like it~ Not proofread, sorry
Inspired by a prompt from this post:
24) Because we’re too caught up in the past to remember that we broke up.
It’d been a while since Hui and you had broken up. Not long enough for all wounds to be healed and your broken hearts to be mended, but at least the thought of the other didn’t make you burst out in tears anymore. That was something, right?
Hui hadn’t seen you in a week or two, but there was only so long he could go before getting confronted with you again.
Sharing a friends group was great when you were dating, but once you broke up it felt like you and everyone around you had to constantly worry about stepping on a landmine. It was exhausting.
When Changgu asked if Hui was going to come to the birthday party of that girl from your faculty he agreed easily. He even offered up his place to pregame in the hopes of restoring at least a little normality within his friends group.
“Uh.” Wooseok suddenly looked uncomfortable. “We sorta planned to go with y/n, but we could split up or-”
“It’s fine,” Hui insisted. “Just bring y/n along.”
“...Are you sure?”
He wasn't. But he just needed things to be normal again. He didn’t want his friends to feel weird, he didn’t want them to omit your name from the conversation in order not to hurt him and he was tired of the awkward silence that came with it.
But now that you were standing at his doorstep, fidgeting awkwardly while Wooseok and Yuto made their way in, he started to regret it. Even if the break up didn’t hurt as badly anymore, it still hurt.
“Hey,” he said, awkwardly lifting his hand in a wave.
“Hey,” you replied.
“Come in?”
You visibly swallowed. “Thanks.”
And that was that. You came inside, and sat down in his living room between Wooseok and Hyunggu which just so happened to be the furthest possible away from Hui. Maybe that was for the best though.
The two of you didn’t talk again until everyone left for the birthday party, and once you’ve reached it it was even easier to avoid each other, with all the drunk people around.
It was fine though, Hui was fine. His heart didn’t ache at the thought of you at his doorstep, fidgeting awkwardly as if you weren’t sure you were allowed to come in, when just a few months ago you even had a spare key to his apartment.
He didn’t think of the way you hadn’t dared to get yourself a glass from the kitchen, even though you knew better than anyone where he kept them and had instead timidly asked Wooseok to get you one.
He wasn’t bitter about you not sparing him another glance all night, while he couldn’t take his eyes off you.
No, really. Hui was fine.
He tried his best to distract himself the rest of the night, drinking maybe a little more than he should have, but who was going to scold him for it?
Around 1 a.m he decided it was time to go. He said goodbye to Changgu and asked him to forward the message before making his way to the hallway.
He came to a sudden halt when he saw you standing by the front door, looking through the jackets and bags hanging on the coat hooks on the wall, Hyunggu beside you.
“I can’t find it! It’s not here!” You sounded completely stressed.
“Did you even have it with you?” Hyunggu asked, his voice a little calmer, as he searched the bags and jacket that were, due to the lack of space, piled up on the floor beneath the hooks.
“Of course I had it with me!” You almost sounded offended. “I remember locking my door after I left my apartment. And my keys are in my bag but my bag is not here! What if someone took it?”
Hyunggu seemed to think for a second. “If you definitely had it with you when you left home but it isn’t here, did you maybe….?”
You looked at Hyunggu in shock. “No, no, no that can’t be.”
“Are you sure?”
“... I’m not. But I can’t- No.”
“Well you need your keys and your phone back, so…”
Hui decided it was as good a moment as any to join the conversation, so he drew attention to himself by clearing his throat.
Both you and Hyunggu looked at him in surprise, before something like a smile appeared on Hyunggu’s face. “That’s what I call timing.”
“Did you forget your bag at my place?” Hui cut to the chase.
“...Maybe? I’m not sure. But.. Yeah, probably.”
“I was about to leave, do you want to come along to take a look?”
You visibly hesitated, throwing a quick glance at Hyunggu before looking back to Hui. “...Sure.”
The walk back to his place was quiet at first, the air tense between the two of you. But maybe it was the late hour or the alcohol in both of your systems but it soon loosened up, a nostalgic conversation spreading between the two of you.
“Ah, it’s been so long since I last walked home at night. These days I always take the bus,” you exclaimed eventually, taking a deep breath of the night air. “I missed this.”
“Yeah, me too.”
“What do you mean? You’re always walking home after parties though?”
Hui shrugged with a small smile. “I just haven’t been to parties recently.”
“Me either,” you automatically replied, making Hui chuckle.
“You have, though? Did you forget we share the same circle of friends?” He shook his head fondly.
“I don’t know why I said that,” you laughed as well before you added “I’ve probably been to too many, honestly.”
“Isn’t it fine if you’re having fun?”
You shrugged, looking at him through the dark. “It hasn’t been that fun. I’ve just had so much time to fill suddenly.”
He nodded slowly, thinking back on all the times the two of you spent huddled up on his couch or cooking in your kitchen or cuddling in bed. It’s not that you did a lot of exciting activities all the time. But you didn’t need to make fancy plans or go to fancy places. As long as you were together, even chilling on the couch felt special.
“I know what you mean.”
It got quiet again, until you walked past a convenience store in Hui’s neighborhood. He had loved going there because it always made him recall that time last summer, when you’d gotten a sudden desire for ice cream in the middle of the night. The both of you went to the store in your pajamas, buying way too much ice cream for two people to handle on their own. You sat on the swings of the local playground, swinging back and forth slowly as you ate the ice cream that melted too quickly. It hadn’t been that special. But somehow it was a memory Hui had always held dear. Maybe it was how you seemingly couldn’t stop laughing that night, the sparkling of your eyes still engrained in Hui’s brain.
Hui hadn’t gone to that convenience store since the break up.
“You know,” you suddenly broke the silence, making Hui lift his gaze from the store. “I suddenly really crave ice cream.”
When he looked at you, he was met with a nostalgic smile and somehow it was comforting that he wasn’t the only one holding on to that memory.
“Let’s get some then.”
Just like back then, you were sitting on the swings, eating popsicles as you swayed back and forth. They didn’t melt as quickly now, the cold autumn breeze making you both shiver.
It felt like you traveled back in time and just for the night it seemed like both of you were able to forget that this wasn’t your reality anymore. He wasn’t supposed to look at you fondly as you tried to get rid of the ice cream in the corner of your mouth. Nor was he supposed to feel warm and fuzzy every time you laughed.
Most of all he wasn’t supposed to hold your hand when you finally made your way back to his place.
But you didn’t call him out on it. Instead you intertwined your fingers with his the way you did a zillion times before.
“Oh, thank god,” you exclaimed in relief when you finally reunited with your bag.
“Good thing it was here,” Hui smiled softly, but he felt a little sullen at the prospect of having you leave again already.
“Yeah. I’m glad.” You nodded slowly. “It’s so late now though.”
“I don’t think the buses are still running.”
“Guess a cab it is… My wallet won’t be amused.”
“Just stay over,” Hui suggested. And of course a small tiny voice somewhere at the back of his mind tried to tell him that it isn’t a good idea. But he couldn’t let you go just yet, he couldn’t let go of this parallel universe where you hadn’t broken up and that only existed for tonight. 
You hesitated for a moment but then you set your bag down and slipped out of your coat. “Okay.”
Things were different now than just a few hours ago. You weren’t behaving like a stranger in his home this time. Instead, you naturally borrowed a shirt from his closet to sleep in like you’d always done. When the two of you were standing next to each other in front of the bathroom sink brushing your teeth, Hui had truly forgotten about the break up. Everything just came so naturally. You fit right back into his life as if you had never left.
You crawled into bed with him because it didn’t even occur to either of you that you could possibly sleep on the couch instead. Why would you?
Your bodies weren’t touching, but knowing that you were there in his bed and feeling the heat your body radiated made Hui feel like home.
The two of you quietly rambled on about this and that, recounting memories from last summer, talking about your friends and family and whatever else came to mind.
“I think,” you eventually mumbled, your voice already thick with sleep. “We should probably get some rest.”
Hui chuckled softly. “Yeah, I’m tired too.”
“Sleep well.”
“Sleep well,” Hui responded. “I love you,” he added because that’s what he always did.
Usually, you’d say it back now. But you didn’t.
Instead, heavy silence hung over the both of you as the realization came crashing in that things weren’t as they always were. You’d broken up. He wasn’t supposed to say I love you anymore.
He still did love you. But he wasn’t supposed to say it.
He knew he had to say or do something, but he didn’t know what. Should he take it back? Apologize? Everything felt wrong. 
You didn’t speak up either.
He slowly turned his head to you, hoping to catch a glimpse of you through the darkness of his room. You were just laying there, staring up at the ceiling, your eyes reflecting the little light of the room. They looked teary.
Hui swallowed. Even breathing felt like too much.
You tensed up, maybe having noticed his gaze, before you screwed your eyes shut and covered your mouth.
Hui knew this face, he knew it well. He’d seen you cry too many times, especially at the end, when it’d become clearer and clearer that things were going to end.
He’d hoped he’d never have to see it again. It shattered his heart, and he so badly wanted to pull you into his arms and comfort you. But was that still allowed?
You tried so hard to stay quiet, your hand covering your mouth tightly. But despite that, a sob escaped between your fingers. And because the cat was already out of the bag then, it got harder to hold back. So you cried in the darkness, your sobs filling the heavy silence.
It was impossible to bear. Hui didn’t know when he’d started crying as well, but tears were rolling down his cheeks and staining the pillow. A strangled whine escaped his throat. He couldn’t do this.  The rules of what was and wasn’t allowed after breaking up didn’t matter anymore. He couldn’t just lie there in silence and watch you fall apart.
He inched closer before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. He held you so tightly, as if you could disappear any moment, one of his hands at the back of your head as the other drew slow patterns on your back. 
The two of you stayed quiet, just crying into each other’s embrace. There was something comforting about it, something healing about sharing your pain like this.
You cried until there were no more tears left. And even then, you were still holding each other close. Neither of you was willing to let go; you simply couldn’t risk losing the other again.
So you stayed close, clinging onto each other until you drifted off to sleep.
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bp-zb1fics · 1 year
Started: 30.04.2023
Last updated: 09.06.2023
Total fics: 30
Zerobaseone (Zb1)
Kim Jiwoong
writing soon~
Sung Hanbin
-> you do like me? - student council pres bin x vp reader
-> a little crazy - overprotective bf bin x s/o reader
Zhang Hao
-> a real kiss - jealous zhang hao x reader ft. jiwoong
Seok Matthew
-> easy to love (cananda oppa?) - finale seokmae x secret s/o reader
-> because it’s your birthday - bf seokmae x reader (suggestive)
-> no, it's not lasik - uni seokmae x foreign student reader
Kim Taerae
-> thinking about - bf taerae x reader (suggestive)
-> tall & handsome & will take care of you - intimidating ricky x childhood friend reader
_> tall & handsome & wants birthday kisses - childhood friends ricky x reader
Kim Gyuvin
-> the perils of asking you out - pining gyuvin x male reader ft. protective younger brother gunwook
Park Gunwook
-> the perils of confessing to you - gunwook x crush male reader
Han Yujin
-> Shy, shy, shy - new student yujin & class president male reader
-> Shy, shy, shy pt. 2 - friends yujin & male reader
Boys Planet
Lee Hoetaek
-> me and you under - bf hui x reader (18+)
Lee Seunghwan
-> smells like cowards - seunghwan x crush reader
-> so pretty - flirty won x reader
Chen Kuan Jui
-> it was only just a dream - bf jui x g group reader
Wang Zihao
-> sunbaenim - zihao x college sunbae reader
Jay Chang
-> if this was a movie - jay x g group reader
-> tonight i'll take you away - over me jay x makeup artist reader (18+)
Na Kamden
my heart keeps on - finale kam x ldr secret s/o reader
Park Hanbin
-> give me a kiss~ - bf phanbin x g group reader
-> perfectionist - phanbin x s/o reader (suggestive)
Lee Jeonghyeon
-> ridiculous but you're mine~ - bf leejeong x reader (suggestive)
-> doll~ - bf leejeong x reader (18+)
-> tied up in the mirror~ - over me leejeong x reader (18+)
-> fill your heart with me - bridgerton au leejeong x fem reader
-> so without meaning - highschool au leejeong x reader
Kum Junhyeon
-> yelling - bf junhyeon x bp trainee reader
-> you didn’t have to say it like that - finale aftermath junhyeon x s/o reader
156 notes · View notes
bp-zb1fics · 1 year
hey could you make some one shots w kum junhyeon where he says something mean to reader but then he regret it at the end
You didn’t have to say it like that
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pairing: kum junhyeon x s/o reader
pronouns: none used
genre: canon au, angst ish, fluff, hurt-comfort
tw/tags: junhyeon confession flashback, bp finale aftermath, intrusive thoughts, junhyeon going through it, harsh words, giving space, apologies, cuddling
wc: 729
summary: your boyfriend has many words to say and sometimes some of them hurt.
a/n last lil drabble before I take a smol break to work on finals 😭 ~ pls love, appreciate and enjoy!
check my pinned for more fics!
You know Junhyeon talks a lot. Maybe a little too much sometimes. The words just flow out until some of them end up tangled in others, switching places, creating completely new meanings. You know this because that’s how he confessed to you.
“I know me really like you, will I go out with you?”
You stare for a second. Then, you laugh.
“Well, I hope you will.”
It takes him about a minute of celebrating before he realises exactly what he had said.
Everyone you told was amazed that you understood him so fast.
After the finale, he’s the quietest you’ve ever seen him. Sure, he’s smiling, handing out his enthusiastic congratulations to the debut members, greeting the other trainees. But as soon as the cameras are off and he joins you backstage, Junhyeon shuts off.
It isn’t the good kind of silence either. More like something uncomfortable is buried underneath his skin, emanating from him in an oddly dark dejected way. He moves mechanically, following behind as you unlock the door. It’s late and he just sits there. You sit with him.
“How are you feeling?” You venture tentatively, a little unsure of how to navigate around this Junhyeon. You’ve seen him angry, sad, tired, deliriously happy and downright silly but this seemed like something else entirely.
“I dunno, just tired I guess.”
“You’ve worked hard. You should rest.”
He laughs humorlessly.
“That’s what all of them told me. You’ve worked hard, Junhyeon-ah. You’lll get there, Junhyeon-ah. You did your best. Is this my best? Okay, maybe with my rank, I shouldn’t expect anything but I was close. I could’ve made it. But I didn’t, and I should have expected that but-”
He’s breathing so hard that you’re a little worried.
“They told me to prepare myself. Hoetaek-hyung, Jongwoo-hyung, even Kamden-hyung and Seungeonie were ready for it. So how come I wasn’t, huh? How could I even expect to-”
“Hyeoni, I-”
“No. You don’t get it. Just, just don’t say anything.” 
His voice is quiet and fierce and ice cold and he’s never spoken to you that way. And it hurt, honestly, it did.
Of course, you didn’t get it. You were just another member of the audience, looking at what was happening from the outside. Maybe dating Junhyeon gave you a little more to work with than an average person but you still watched through the screen as they edited these boys down into characters and fit them into specific shelves for applause. You watched. Junhyeon lived that.
So no, you really didn’t get it. But he didn’t have to say it that way. He’s upset, angry, sad, frightfully so because he put months of work into this program and while not everyone got to stand in the spotlight in the end, he’s told you how addicting it is once you get a taste.
You don’t say anything. You get up and go take a shower. Maybe you let a few tears flow while the water’s running, to soothe the sharp ache in your chest. The shower goes until your skin is pink from the heat and tender to touch. You get dressed, do your skincare, dry your hair and go to bed, resisting the urge to check on your boyfriend again.
Junhyeon slips in beside you when you’re dozing off, hair haphazardly dried, skin as pink as yours.
“I’m sorry.” He murmurs. “I shouldn’t have said those things.”
“You weren’t wrong,” you whisper back.
“I still shouldn’t have said it that way.” he tells you. “I was frustrated and mad at myself and I took it out on you.”
“It’s fine, I think. Just let me know if you’re feeling like that and you want to talk and you just want me to listen.”
“Okay.” He agrees. “I’m sorry again.”
You open your arms and he slips between them, letting you hold him.
“It will be fine.” He says both to you and to himself. “The company said they’ve got plans for us too if we don't make it.”
“That’s the spirit.”
Your eyes are so heavy, all too soothed by the smell of his shampoo and how warm he is.
“I get the whole week off, I think. We should do something tomorrow.”
“Okay, Hyeoni.”
He gives you a quick kiss before relaxing into the sheets.
“Goodnight Hyeoni”
“Dream of me~”
Maybe you will.
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