#hny discourse
dxxth-gxd · 4 months
Hiii I have a question, what's with the "no Kin" tags on your posts? I'm just very confused why you wouldn't want them? (Similar vein, are people who are kin with those characters allowed to reblog the posts?)
Hello! To answer your question, the "no kin" tag is basically for those who may see my edits and say "hey, they edited me/my kin and I don't like that!". I suppose it's more of a preference of mine because I had bad experiences of those who kin people and told me that I did x or y thing wrong in a very bad manner.
(I won't disclose what they are because: 1. I've experienced this years ago, and 2. it is none of anyone else's businesses and I want to move past it.)
As for the rb question, yes! I don't mind if people who kin them reblog it ^^ I'd rather just... They don't use it for their kins, I suppose. I will change that at some point in the future, but for the time being, I'll keep them under a big no to prevent any issues.
As a matter of fact: my next edits/requests will have that changed, so it'll be nice for those who kin specific characters use them :D just be mindful of crediting me if you do. I hope that answers your questions, anon!
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meidozangetsuha · 2 years
ok so one person here showed sentiment in me Going On About This and like two people on discord i showed did too and i found a gif so i’ll go Talk About That Scene so LIKE (also i’m not pulling up the episode right now so let me know if i mix up a fact).
so i think this is like. Rin’s second most controversial scene in this entire anime. literally only episode 15 and the fandom war that followed that’s STILL raging to this day can possibly compare, but holy shit nothing else Rin does makes as much discourse as this scene because this one has both people who hate sessrin and people who love sessrin coming togethee to say “hey what the fuck-”
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this is such a weird scene because i feel like. it is simultaneously misunderstood while also really deservedly called out on how it makes Rin look almost borderline sociopathic regarding the fact she’s talking to her kids about the fact things are literally always gonna kill them and i feel like this is a great example of “there are almost two separate characters named Rin in this show” and this one is endemic of like, a kid that never grew up, the one I don’t really like.
so it’s like this
i UNDERSTAND what this scene is meant to convey. that she’s not afraid because she knows her kids are always gonna come out on top.
the fact is: being Towa and Setsuna kinda sucks and it’s always gonna kinda suck even if things are better now. i’ve talked about how much i LOVE when Jakan refers to them as “Rin’s daughters” and not “Sesshomaru’s daughters,” but the fact is to the world at large outside of their social circles- until they build up their own legends properly, they’ll always primarily be “Someone’s” daughters, and more specifically “Sesshomaru’s daughters.”
there’s always gonna be an entire conga line of pissant demons that are gonna wanna take a shot at them for the sole reason that it’ll give them clout. in Final Act Jaken noted that a lot of demons wanted to take on Sesshomaru when he had no sword because even though he was in a severely weakened state with no weapon it’d STILL give them recognition if they killed him. killing his kids give them clout in some capacity. and even if they weren’t his kids, they’re still hanyou- free game to kill for fun and laughs.
so this scene. like.
the intent to me is clearly that she’s this relaxed because she knows there’s nothing they can’t overcome. there’s no need for Rin to be afraid or show fear because they’ll be safe. i truly believe that’s what this scene is meant to convey- laughing at the very concept that Towa and Setsuna can’t overcome an enemy that would challenge them- they’re their fathers kids, her beautiful and beloved children who along with moroha literally saved the entire world, once in the modern era and now in the sengoku jidai.
so this scene is mean to be her laughing it off and showing joy despite the macabre subject matter. i totally get it, and i think because of that, i’m less harsh on this scene than some others are. but also.
look at her! she looks like she’s a cheerleader at an event or something! it looks joyful! if i was Towa i’d be fucking disturbed beyond words!!! like hey, you just saved the world twice, you had to have a tearful and sad goodbye with your adoptive family maybe forever- and THIS is how your mom talks about things always trying to kill you!? i’d probably ask Moroha, Kagome, and Inuyasha if I could crash at their place for a few days while trying to figure out what the FUCK is my mom’s deal!
“hey moroha uh. my mom kinda... cheered and laughed when talking about things wanting to kill me? think i can like. crash here for a few days or something? think the old guy who gives you bounties would let me stay at his place a few days if i agree to do some work for him?”
like. here’s how i think it should’ve been. and i’m just one western fan with no stakes in anything but like... i kind of imagine something that would’ve been significantly less controversial would’ve been her still smiling at the beginning when giving them gifts, and then her expression getting more serious when talking about the unpleasant stuff, like this:
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and putting on like, a serious face about it. because yeah, it sucks. they can’t JUST live in peace. there’s always gonna be these assholes that are always gonna try to kill them. just because the most dangerous conflict (God willing) in Kirinmaru and the Grim Comet has ended doesn’t mean there won’t be danger- they’re going to be in danger for literally the rest of their lives, and she gets serious when talking about that to her only kids...
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... but they’re both gonna be ok. she smiles again when expressing that. we’re not gonna pretend it doesn’t fucking suck. but they’re always gonna be ok. she has nothing less than complete confidence that they’re always gonna rise above and against everything that tries to harm them. she’s not fucking borderline cheering about it, but she has so much confidence in that, it’s not an opinion to her, it’s a fact.
so she smiles not only knowing her kids are OK, they’re gonna be OK even if things does, but to assure them that they’ll always be ok in the end. at most, there’s a little laugh at it all- “You really are your father’s children, you know? You inherited his power... you’ll be OK no matter what!”
and i feel like that would’ve conveyed what this scene was TRYING To do while also not making Rin seem borderline sociopathic about this fact and treating it like a game little kids are playing or a complete and absolute disregard for her children’s safety just so she can gush about her husband, the husband that Towa literally JUST confided in with her mother that she kind of. resents him a bit for not helping them out (WHICH IF THERE’S A CONTINUATION I WANNA SEE HAPPEN MORE)
i get this scene. i really do. so i’m not as hard on it as others are. but also holy fuck what the FUCK was the animation and voice acting direction with this scene? what the fuck? it would’ve been EASY to make it better!
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loveyou-x3000 · 3 years
I heard sessrins are angry about the manga though. Theyre saying he made moroha steal Setsuna from towa.
He as in the mangaka?
There is a huge difference in the girls' backstory here—SPOILERS BELOW—and, honestly, it's a drastic improvement narratively and for the characters.
The brief idea is that one night about a year after all the kids were born (Moroha being older than the twins in the manga), InuYasha showed up at Kaede's house with a ~mystery acquaintance of his father~ (Riku) and tells her that he, Kagome, Rin, and the babies are all leaving.
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Years later, Kaede finds Moroha and Setsuna abandoned in a flaming wreck. Towa and all the adults are missing.
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So Kaede takes them in, of course. And the girls grow up together—which makes sense! It gets rid of unnecessary trauma and side characters like the wolf lady, and condenses the plot while also giving Setsuna and Moroha a reason to be close to each other. It's a strong plot! It makes sense!
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And it gives Towa an existing group to insert herself in, the same way Miroku was added to InuYasha, Shippo, and Kagome's tight-knit group. Riku is also set up as a villain or suspicious character correctly, and Sesshomaru doesn't attack InuYasha for no reason—in fact, he trusts him, and it builds off of where they were at the end of the original series.
Just because Moroha and Setsuna are given an existing bond doesn't mean she's "taken" from her sister. It means the narrative can focus on building their relationship solely instead of each of the girls having to build to relationships with each other.
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sweepingtree · 2 years
Ayuuria said hogosha is a guardian who protects and Sesshomaru relationship with Rin is a grey area according to Narita and Rumiko
She has made a proper definition before and if she chooses to change the definition now for whatever reason, that's on her. I don't care. There is a dictionary definition for hogosha that is clear and unarguable. Believe what you will.
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no-signs-no-lights · 3 years
The scene of Rin in the futon after giving birth. You can see how tall she is. The shadowing of her body under the blanket shows that she is basically the same height of kogame
Her features are as mature as Kagome's too.
HELL, even Sango in the recent episodes where she's supposed to be in her THIRTIES looks the same.
It's the animation 🙄 but they can't get it through their heads.
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sexysilverstrider · 3 years
man the mob mentality in the western fandom is SO funny
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voxvulpina · 2 years
Hello, fellow anti-sessrinner here and I have a bone to pick with the way you worded one of your answers in your last couple of asks, this sentence right here: “You can't expect a 10 year old to look at a romanticised portrayal of a grown man getting with a 14 year old or of siblings screwing or whatever sick shit proshippers are into.”
You do realize anti Sessrins are not like regular antis and run the gamut from your standard fandom antis to outright proshippers don’t you? I happen to be the latter of the (same sex and consensual adults only) of the two and I resent the fact that my shipping preferences are being put in the same category as the outright criminal lolicons and pedos. First of all there is absolutely a group of us out there (me and my friends in particular) who are caught in the middle of general shipping discourse. We’re generally pro-ship in most ways on a variety of subjects such as dubcon, non-con, toxic dynamics and yes, incest, but we absolutely draw the line at ships that depict pedophilia and/or child grooming and hate that we’re being associated with the loli and shots crowd. The difference between our ships and theirs is that at least our ships are actually legal and are between two adults with an equal power dynamic while they’re consuming literal child porn.
Also shipping problematic content such as incest and whatnot at least has nothing to say about what type of person you are, someone with maybe a weird and little gross fetish to most regular people okay, but as soon as you touch anything with a child in it you’re automatically a pedo suspect, and me and my kind would prefer not being lumped in with the actual criminals thanks.
The proshipping vs anti debates aren’t so black and white like either side makes it out to be, there absolutely are some of those stuck in the middle who feel like we don’t completely belong in either side. Running in proship circles means we risk having to see child porn and being associated with pedos when a lot of us are just proship for anything and everything that’s NOT pedo/grooming content.
Regardless all of us anti-sessrins are here for one thing and one thing only: We believe fiction affects reality when it comes to the minds of impressionable young children and don’t want the romantization of pedophilic grooming dynamics being normalized and aimed at their age demographic This shit is actually very serious and dangerous so let’s not muddy the issue with talk of petty general shipping politics.
Also FYI, the hardest of hardcore of the raisins have come after Inucest shippers as well (I’m not personally one, my brother/brother ships lie in other fandoms but I do have friends of mine who have been attacked) remember that 10k stalk list that put people on it for simply headcanoning Sesshomaru as gay? Like it or not we’re all in this together as a fandom against Sessrin and Yashahime as a whole.
Look, Anon, nothing you've written changes the fact that incest - yes, fictional incest too - is sick and gross. Let's imagine for a second that, instead of taking the pedo route with SessRin, HNY had gone with InuSess. I'm pretty sure we HNY Antis would be exactly where we are now, protesting about young viewers being made to watch a positive depiction of an incestuous relationship.
As far as I'm aware, the entire reason Antis in this fandom have no issue with InuSess shippers is that they KNOW their ship is problematic. They don't pretend otherwise and tag it accordingly. Antis in this fandom, myself included, aren't that fussed with what people support in fanon, as long as we're not jumpscared or made to run headlong into problematic content. People can absolutely ship InuSess or whatever, but please don't ask me to pretend it's not gross. You really resent the fact I called sibling incest "sick"? I mean, isn't it? You disagree on the fact that incestuous relationships are sick? You said "at least they're legal", but I believe intimate sibling relationships are in fact a criminal offence in most places ☠️
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chit-a-to · 2 years
So this is the continuation post of my previous ask regarding the allegation of whitewashing in Shiori's portrayal in HNY. As we all know that antis have brought it up many times before since the episode was first released. But several days ago, between 10th to 12th February, a discourse on twitter about it was happening again. It was, in my opinion, one of the worst discourse I have, not-so-accidentally, involved in because several antis that spoke up about the problem (including me) are native, dark-skinned Asians yet our arguments were shot down by non-Asians, saying that we're the racist one because we're stirring problems when there is none. So, in favor of trying to understand what did they exactly mean, I summed up yesterday's discourse to see their arguments as objectively as possible.
Just keep reading but please brace yourself because this one is gonna be long af 😂😂
1. So we all know that Shiori's skin getting gradually lighter in HNY is a problem that antis have brought up multiple times. Of course the assumption that would arise is that she got whitewashed remembering that colorism is still a huge problem in Japan, no, East Asia, hell it's prevalent in the whole Asia continent!
Here I added more comparison how she used to look like vs now in HNY vs her human form. Please judge for yourself whether she got "whitewashed" or not.
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2. Sunrise bootlickers The opposed party chimed in, saying that her dark skin is a demonic trait she inherited from her father. That's why during her human day when she looses her youki, she'll loose her dark skin, too, replaced with fair/pale skin tone that came from her mother.
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3. After hearing their reasoning, at this point all antis involved in the discourse stated that it's sort of wrong to assume that Shiori's dark skin is just a demonic trait because it can be implied as if no full human in Inuyasha universe would have darker skin tone. Her tanned skin can also be seen as the representation of indigenous Japanese that have naturally dark skin color. Therefore, linking Shiori's dark skin as a mere demonic trait that will disappear once a year is rather harmful because it implies that a darker tone is not a normal skin tone in Japan. It indicates a possibility of colorism that occurs in the studio that creates anime Inuyasha and HNY for there is a favoritism of lighter skin tone over the darker one.
4. However, pro-light skin Shiori once again reaffirmed their arguments that it is not racist nor colorist. More so because everyone's born with different skin color.
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5. Someone pointed out that Towa and Setsuna, as hanyou, also show changes in skin color during human night making them resemble their demon father more, or not, idk what exactly this person wants to say 😭😭
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6. Also not racist because "human" in Japanese all have light skin tone.
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7. From these tweets, I gathered that this person believed that antis saying "associating Shiori's dark skin as just a demonic trait is a bad thing" means antis are stereotyping Shiori's father as a bad demon (but please CMIIW though ✌).
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8. You may want to read this person's statements first and then analyse by yourself what exactly the message that did this person want to convey. In my case, after a long thought, I assumed that this person argue that the skin tone diversity is within Shiori's body herself. If antis don't like her fair skin, then that means we're the racist/colorist one. Furthermore, any POC that have problem with it is having a color complex.
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(And I'm sorry but for me the most insulting part is that s/he said that no Latam POC have that problem because they aren't self-conscious like Asian/non-Latam POC. Feels like s/he invalidates the struggle and discrimination that we grew up with :) But, thanks to this person, I now understand the perspective of Sunrise supporters, why they think that antis are actually the racist/colorist one, not HNY directors. Nope. Could never be them, right? 😉
9. This one is a special shoutout to user TrapMagician for pointing out that Shiori is a black person, therefore other POC, including the tanned-skin Asians, are not allowed to say that there is a colorism problem with Shiori's character 😂😂👏👏👏👏
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10. This is another honorary mention to TrapMagician for pointing out that one of the biggest anime studio (back then) was having a limited color palette, that's why Shiori's skin tone is getting "upgraded" now 😂😂👏👏
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Conclusion? I let you readers to make your own conclusion. If by the end of this post you still think that Shiori's getting whitewashed, then you're with antis! But if you changed your mind, okay then 😁
One more slot for picture I reserved for this, compilation of "endearment term" from Sunrise stan to anyone that opposed with them 🤣🤣
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shinidamachu · 3 years
I feel like there would have been less discourse had they kept inukag in the background and keep the happy ending. I keep seeing other ppl say "YOU ONLY HATE HNY CAUSE INUKAG OR MORHA ISNT MAIN".
That aint it. I hate it cause it ruined the happy ending for. The twins could have been main without the ruining inukags story. It makes everythimg inukag went through all for nought. I talked with my sister who favors sessh0maru and sessr1n and even she said "what's the point iof defeating naraku and making it look like they'll have a good life if your just going to ruin it". She doesn't like hny lol.
Now when i watch final act ending it makes me sad instead of giving me happy feels.
Well, that's just it, isn't it?
They wanted to have their cake and eat it too. The intention had always been to make a sᴇssʜᴏᴍᴀʀᴜ show, focused on his relationship with ʀɪɴ and their kids, because Inuyasha already had his and sᴇssʜᴏᴍᴀʀᴜ was a popular character.
But even so, they had to drag Inukag along because they knew sᴇssʜᴏᴍᴀʀᴜ alone, no matter how loved by the audience, wouldn't be enough to catch the interested of the fandom, who has always been pretty drawn to the Inuyasha and Kagome love story.
To solve this problem, they deus ex machina Inukag away, so they could still be a part of the story without actually being a part of the story. That way, they can focus on sᴇssʜᴏᴍᴀʀᴜ and his family while using Inukag and Moroha to keep us hostage.
They didn't want or had to. They needed to, for marketing purposes. The twins could have been main characters without ruining Inuyasha and Kagome's happy ending, but if Moroha wasn't involved, if Inukag wasn't thrown into the mix, a lot of people wouldn't have bothered to watch. Myself included.
If they kept Inukag out of it altogether, there would have been less discourse, but only because there would be way less people watching it. Besides, the discourse would have just shifted to something else instead, because Inuyasha and Kagome were hardly the main issue here.
Sure, they were done dirty. Of course, every Inukag shipper has pointed that out. But to say "you only hate ʏᴀsʜᴀʜɪᴍᴇ because Inuyasha, Kagome and Moroha aren't main characters" is a cover up to the real problem at hand: ʏᴀsʜᴀʜɪᴍᴇ displays grooming and pedophilia in a good light. To children. The lack of plot, the terrible characterization and poor animation were minor issues.
With Inuasha and Kagome out of the way, they would certainly find a different excuse to "explain" our hatred towards this show because they refuse to admit the cold hard truth and just want a "gotcha" to try and shut us up.
Don't forget those are the same people that went from "sᴇssʜᴏᴍᴀʀᴜ gave ʀɪɴ courting gifts and proposed to her" to "I only ship adult ʀɪɴ" to "actually, the age of consent is..." so discourse would be hard to avoid or even tone down. People would have found a way.
It sucks that you feel sad watching the original show now. A lot of people do, but nothing really changed for me? I don't know if it's because I dropped ʏᴀsʜᴀʜɪᴍᴇ on episode four or because I was never into sᴇssʜᴏᴍᴀʀᴜ to begin with, but give it time. Maybe you'll feel different in the future.
If not, there are lots of other amazing medias out there just waiting for you to discover them.
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ukyou-kuonji · 3 years
Can’t believe Inuyasha predicted an accurate representation of HnY discourse in 2021
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bakusaigaa · 3 years
Wait. I know that the next gen anime is the big deal (and for a good reason, wtf is even going on over there.), but did the cd drama do something similar on a smaller scale?? Bruh, I didn't even know that there was a cd drama in the first place! Wow I'm out of the loop. Sure is a good month trying to get back into IY!/s. Seriously. Making Sesshomaru a groomer? Pairing him with his own adopted daughter? Making it so that Kagome and Inuyasha can't raise their own daughter? What a shitshow.
welcome back to the fandom! it’s a mess, so be careful where you step. 🙃
from what i understand (and there are ppl in the fandom who can probably speak better than i on this), the drama cd was a parody of sorts and NOT canon. shippers used it for a long time to say sessr*n was canon but it was never official. and even though HNY has now shown rin as the mother (you’ll find some decent theories still contesting this but as of now it’s pretty clear so think of that what you will), the drama cd is still not canon. i believe katsuyuki sumisawa, the dude who worked on some IY movies and is a big part of HNY, produced and/or wrote the cd drama. so it makes sense that his sessr*n pairing would have gone over into HNY, though it wasn’t in the movies he worked on. the drama cd still isn’t canon, despite everything that has happened. if anything it’s a fanfic with a production budget. i don’t even see sessr*nners use it as a “source” that much anymore, especially now that they’ve got this crap in HNY. ppl are arguing that HNY isn’t canon either. whether or not you agree with that, the drama cd remains non-canon. it never was.
sesshomaru’s character has been tarnished because of this sequel, as well as the majority of the other original characters from IY. and the next generation of heroes aren’t treated any better. they are victims of poor writing, inconsistent design, shoddy animation, and an overall plot that is so unnecessarily convoluted and poorly presented that it frustrates both new fans and long-time IY fans alike. and this sequel has turned a little girl that found a father/protector-like figure into his teenage bride, throwing his own character development and her potential to become her own person out the window.
there’s a lot of discourse going on in the fandom right now, with a lot of it getting pretty toxic. that being said, there are a ton of great people on here who combat the toxicity with theories, memes, and all kinds of stuff. i encourage you to stick with those ppl rather than diving into the toxic stuff, especially if the discourse makes you upset or sad. or walk away from the fandom altogether if it’s bothering you. but there are still a lot of ppl in the fandom creating great content via art, gifs, writing, memes, thoughts, and all other kinds of things. HNY sucks, to be sure. if it impacts how you feel about the original series then you’re not alone. if you’re able to ignore it and let the original series stand on its own, you’re not alone there either. whatever you think, i hope you’re able to navigate the fandom with ease and find what works for you.
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meidozangetsuha · 2 years
You have plenty of salt despite how much you genuinely like Yashahime so... how about this: got any salt regarding Rin in particular?
this is JUST my take feel free to disagree but i feel like there's lowkey
two Rins in this same show, that we see in S2. these are almost two separate characters but both are married to Sesshomaru, both were in the tree, and both are the parents of the twins
and like. i REALLY like one of these Rins
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(sorry about this horrible awful quality i'm on my work computer and don't wanna go take screenshots properly so i'm just using really old shitty phone pics i took a long time ago)
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LIKE. I REALLY LIKE THIS RIN. i like the Rin that literally held a fucking decomposing virus sword to her neck and outright told her husband "if it'll keep our kids safe then don't hesitate to cut off my head" or when KNOWING she couldn't do SHIT against Kirinmaru like... literally at MOST buying her kids like, three more seconds to live (and i might be REALLY generous with three seconds, just because i like Rin) knowing that Kirinmaru would just instantly slaughter her but still be willing to do that because she's a mom and that's her precious family she loves with all her heart
and then we get to shit like, "i can't hug you yet even though running up to you and hugging you before you could even Not Hug Me Back would've been what was most ic for me," stupid-ass bullshit, generally being extremely passive (which makes sense in some capacity considering she can't fight) and just kind of once again feeling like a character who only really follows around what Sesshomaru does and says
(i know that scene in the last episode is. VERY infamous and kind of well-deserved but like while i do agree that it was NOT the right art and voice acting direction i UNDERSTAND what it was TRYING to accomplish which i think is kind of in-line with the Rin i really like so i'm not as harsh on it as others even though it was given incredibly poor direction in how to be executed which is creating discourse about it To This Day)
like, i KNOW this was a filler episode, but remember that one episode where Jaken was poisoned and Rin, this little kid, completely on her own basically went into demon territory and risked her life just to get the herbs that would save Jaken? (correct me if i'm wrong about this one i THINK this is how it went it's been like over a year since i saw the movie) the kid that in third movie wanted to try to bodyblock Setsuna no Takemaru from being able to reach Kagome because even though Kagome was stronger than her, she wanted to protect someone she cared about?
i feel like ONE of the Rins in HNY is absolutely that little girl grown up and now a mother and still having that fire in her she's had her entire life and the other is. really just kind of there to follow Sesshomaru around. i really love one of these Rins a lot and the other Rin i'm. kinda apathetic about. i know there's only realistically so much she COULD have done being the one normal person among all these fighters with powers but STILL i feel like we only got to see that Rin in like, glimpses, which is a shame bc i REALLY like that Rin that has the biggest balls of pretty much everyone in this entire franchise
and that is my Rin salt ty for coming to my ted talk i need to make rp icons of Rin at some point that's unrelated to anything but i should go icon Rin one day
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loveyou-x3000 · 3 years
The presentation of SessRin and story structure in Yashahime's manga feels like the mangaka took the anime, set it on fire, and started new.
At least she looks like an adult now and Sesshomaru is about 1000x less of a creep.
Still weirded out about the needless panty shots in his character sheets, but when presented with the lesser of two evils... I can't deny it's an improvement.
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point-less-ness · 3 years
All of you learn to respect the tags.
A good majority of you complain about having your tag infiltrated by others who are just looking to “cause trouble” and aren’t respectful.
Most of you are doing the same thing right now with the “Hanyou no Yashahime” tag. If you have any discourse with it, that’s fine. Tag it under a “hny rant”. Is that so hard? No, it’s not.
Second of all, not everyone has watched episode 15 yet. Tag your spoilers correctly, and/or title your posts for right now with (for ex.) “episode 15 rant.”
Even if you enjoy or are displeased with Yashahime, don’t ruin the show for others.
Off that, if you’re being one of those people who is harassing/threatening/bullying someone over the show, shame on you. Know that sooner or later karma will get you for being a terrible person. And don’t be surprised if said person is hostile back to you (like on Tumblr where one can reply back immediately).
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trashahime · 3 years
In a way, Sessrin did win.
They won the fandom at least. It's become almost impossible to have any fandom wide discourse about HNY on any of the major social media platforms unless you are willing to adhere to the "facts" of the 20 year timeline and that Rin is the mom.
They like to mock and ridicule anyone who wants to discuss theories that go against their "facts". Sometimes they even try to actively shut these conversations down.
I don't think they realize they are shooting themselves in the foot by doing this. In some of these notRin!mama theories, I've been led to clues and hints that suggest Rin actually may be the mom.
Right now their best proof is based on out of show context. And as I said in another post, I think that's Sunrise fucking with them.
But they have more in the show itself. And I don't think they know it. At least, I don't see anyone posting about it. I kind feel like they'd be shoving it in anti's faces if they did because some of it is very compelling. Certainly more than Christmas tree hair and the twins frolicking in the forest.
Right now, Kagura is still "winning" but there's a lot for Rin too. I am very opposed to Sessrin being canon but I've never been in denial that she could be the mom. So when I see something pointing to Rin, I don't ignore it.
And they might have found it too if they read opposing theories with an open mind instead of dismissing them. Their war against antis is one thing but they do it to everyone. I've seen them tear down and invade posts that have nothing to do with timelines or babymamas but might contradict their "facts". It really pisses me off how they are succeeding in stifling these discussions amongst fans who don't care about any babymama nonsense.
Honestly, I haven't posted my mama!Rin evidence mostly out of spite. Why just give it to them when they want to ridicule the posts that led me to it?
But, I am conflicted because I really love putting together kind of absurd but kind of compelling theories and sharing them with the world. I still need to deep drive into some non-HNY resources that I think will absolutely be referenced in regards to Rin's story whether or she is mom. Then I'll decide.
Right now I say let them find it themselves.
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no-signs-no-lights · 3 years
Ah sess age is confirmed. In an interview about him, ruminko said in human years he is at least 19. Oh interesting enough, it’s the same interview where Ruminko talks about his and Rins relationship. She never said they were father/daughter but companions. Funny that.
I honestly don't know where the whole father/daughter bullshit even came from??
Maybe it's cuz I'm from Latam but I never heard that shit until I arrived to the English fandom???
Why do Americans always claim their headcanons to be official????
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