#hmmm new trauma unlocked
heartshapedcaskett · 2 years
I have some closure today. But not the good kind. The final funeral was today we had an initial service about a week ago in the town he was living in at the time of his death. My uncle’s ashes were laid to rest today next to my great grandpa. My dad’s hometown where all my family still lives. I’ve cried at the surreality of it all. And the guilt of feeling like I didn’t do enough. But seeing my 95 year old great grandma weep because she out lived her baby; something within me broke. Seeing my mamaw nearly fall out walking to the pews. The whole congregation knew he took his own life. We all wish we could have done more. He was 72. I have been trying really hard to hold it together for everyone around me. Sure I’ve cried or expressed sorrow but I’m over participating and I’m pacing trying to find ways to make myself useful. I feel like everyone’s problems are my fault. I can’t help feeling like I don’t do enough. And this isn’t some sob story or plea for someone to tell me I’m a good person. I’m just not sure what I can do. I feel like everyone’s grief and disappointment is my own.
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For your LB kids characterisation practise exercise- Alec and Max. I need more of them
They can all feel it today, Alec knows. That something has changed in their house.
In their Max.
Something Alec doesn’t know how to fix because he doesn’t know the problem. And because Max won’t tell them.
There’s this issue with happy people; when they’re sad, they don’t like it. They don’t know how to deal with it so they pretend that the sadness doesn’t exist.
Max is their happy kid.
Rafe is bitchy. Ari is a mystery but Max, Max is a golden retriever. He’s the one that keeps their house sane and calm. He’s always reminded Alec of Jace minus the childhood trauma.
But right now, by the way Max is crying his heart out, Alec guesses that there’s something that’s been hurting his kid, his baby, for a very long time.
It strucks the deepest parts of his stomach that he’s missed this.
Rafe is sitting on the couch, his legs upto his knees, like he does when he’s nervous, which happens very, very rarely. Ari is walking back and forth across the room, waiting for Magnus and Max to come out.
“Rafe?” He looks at his older son and asks. “Do you know what’s going on?”
Rafe shakes his head. “No.”
He knows. Alec knows that he knows. Max doesn’t tell Ari his problems, since she’s sick. But when Max is particularly sad, he always goes to Rafe.
Alec’s contemplating all of this—everything that he’s missed when the door unlocks and Magnus comes out.
He looks heartbroken. So, so, sad and tired.
Alec comes up to him and kisses his head before he asks, “Baby? Did he talk?”
Magnus shakes his head.
Alec sighs.
Magnus is the one who deals with the heartbreaks in their house. Max is dating all the time. He has a new boyfriend or a girlfriend every other week and they’d assumed it was just a teenage thing. But Alec thinks that maybe this is bigger than a heartbreak.
He gathers up the courage and finally goes upto Max’s room.
He knocks on the door, “Max, it’s me. Can I come inside?”
There’s a muffled noise, some clattering before he gets a reply. “Hmmm.”
Max’s room is a mess, which is a huge warning sign in itself because Max likes everything clean. Otherwise he gets the ick.
Alec sits on the bed next to his son, who’s huddled up inside a mountain of blankets.
Another warning sign because Max is always running hot. His room is always chilly and he uses the thinnest of blankets.
Alec doesn’t try again. His hands find Max’s hair and he runs his fingers through his hair gently.
Its another half an hour before he hears the words. “Dad?”
“Yeah?” He says softly.
“How would it feel for you if you couldn’t feel what you feel for Bapak?” Max’s voice is small and groggy from all the crying.
The question seems insane and Alec’s not even sure he understood it.
“What do you mean?” He asks. “Like if Bapak and I weren’t together?”
Max shakes his head and another sob leaves his mouth. Alec shifts even closer and finds Max’s hand.
“Max, talk to me. What’s going on?”
“No. Not if you weren’t together—“ Max hiccups. “But if you couldn’t feel it at all.”
“Feel love for Bapak?” He frowns because what the hell does it even mean. How can Alec not feel love for Magnus, it’s inside of him. It’s the reason Alec feels alive most of days.
“Feel love.”
Alec thinks for a second. Max wouldn’t ask him random question in the middle of a breakdown.
He thinks and thinks and thinks.
The answer is the same no matter how long he did.
“I would feel like I am less of myself. Like, I’m not me,” Alec says honestly. “It would feel like something was wrong with me.”
Max sniffles. “That’s how I feel.”
Maybe it’s a heartbreak thing. Maybe Max is feeling unsure about someone he’s dating. Maybe it’s not that big of a deal as Alec’s been thinking.
If Max doesn’t feel love for this person, that’s okay right? He can feel it for the next one? Until he finds his one.
Alec relaxes internally, bends down and kisses Max’s head. “For whom?”
There’s a choked sob. Then another. Then another before Max breaks into tears. “For everyone.”
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mooglesorts · 3 years
hmmm... does it sound like a bird secondary/bird model thing to be, for lack of a better word, territorial?
not necessarily in the sense of, like, getting defensive and driving people off (although if someone gets into My Territory who makes the space unpleasant for me in some way i’ll be distressed and irritated). more like... establishing a home base, i guess? and slowly expanding my comfort zone from there. people, communities, my living space, there will usually be a few that i come back to when i’m too tired or overwhelmed to keep track of everything else. 
when i’m in a discord server that i want to participate in more than in passing, i’ll usually start by camping out in one channel for a while and ignoring all the others. from there, once i’ve gotten to know people who frequent that channel, feel like they’ve gotten to know me, and feel like i’m Established there, i’ll start expanding out into other channels one or two at a time until i’m familiar with the whole server. it deadass took me half a year to branch out from the vent/mature topics channels in my current main server, and then it took months more for me to catch up to the whole server. if i don’t do it this way i’ll be overwhelmed, eventually get bored, and trip off my feeling-left-out-of-a-community sore spots. 
(which is a Thing about using snake secondary to reach out and do new things. sometimes it’s a lot of fun to just go where i feel like and explore! but if a) there’s nothing i can really do without spending money i don’t have, b) i get the side-eye for being Poor and Socially Awkward and Doing Things Weird, c) i don’t happen to be into some anime fandom i don’t care about that everyone else does, and have had zero opportunity to get at least a little invested in it in order to connect with people, d) i get ignored because no one knows me or is invested in the things i contribute; or e) i just plain go past my limits because i didn’t realize going in how much energy i’d be expending on the thing... i get bored, fast. what’s the point? might as well just turn around and go home; at least it’s comfy.)
(badger secondary model?)
i’m prone to homesickness. i’ve gotten a little better about it over the years, and after moving so many times in such short succession, but it’s really hard to let go of My Territory the more memories and familiarity i’ve built there. it’s super rough on me emotionally from anywhere to a few days to a couple weeks, and any time i think about it, but otherwise i adjust pretty fast to my new surroundings. 
(the exception here is when i, well... avoid going out and exploring snake-style, because i don’t want to get attached and then deal with the grief of leaving it behind later on. housing instability trauma sucks, and i’m still struggling to figure out how to deal with that.)
part of that might be having stayed in one place for most of my growing up, but it’s like... pretty easy for me to designate a new place as a home base even if i still miss the old one? idk. even when i have nothing left there, i still think of everywhere i’ve intentionally planted my flag as One of My Places.
it often takes me a long time to get comfortable with interacting with someone on a regular, friendly basis the closer the space i get to know them in. a lot of people who are now good friends of mine i had to build up my comfort levels with for years. there’s usually a moment of like... ‘oh okay this is our Friendship Unlocked Moment. the dam is broken,’ and even if we go long periods of time without talking a lot in private i don’t feel anxious and suffocated when we do. sometimes the Friendship Unlocked moment is one thing that happens all at once, and sometimes it’s several things over a long period of time until the scale tips for good. this is one reason i get cagey about initiating those friendship moments too directly sometimes, just because i know i might need to pull back and have space for a while again for the friendship to develop, and i don’t want to hurt people’s feelings.
weirdly enough, though, this process tends to be circumvented a lot the more distance there is between me and another person while i’m getting to know them? if i had gotten into the shc community by joining a server i would be way more shy, anxious, and wary, but when most of my potential-friendship-moments interactions with people take place on tumblr where it’s easier to get some space if i need to, it makes it way less uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing to point and go ‘friend! :D’ i’d probably be fine with exchanging discords with most of the people i’ve met on here at this point. 
it’s like the difference between meeting people and making friends at a hobby group where you meet once a week, and making friends by having to invite them over to your house every day. 
i’m very much the kind of person who will stick close with the friend who invited me to a party, lmao, or if i’m tagging along on a trip but don’t want to be there (or don’t want to deal with the hassle of finding them again if i wander off). sometimes i’ll jump right into a new situation and start making friends, but i get anxiety pretty easily about making people feel snubbed or left out if i don’t have the time or energy to engage with everything, so often i’ll just fall back on one or two options i’m most familiar with and let everything else pass me by. i used to be the kind of kid/teenager who’d stick so close behind people on public outings that i’d constantly be bumping into them by accident. (once again, if i didn’t want to be there, wasn’t allowed to go do my own thing, or was--in hindsight--dissociating.)
just... hm. thoughts? to me this sounds like either snakey, badgery rapidfire bird, or birdy, badgery snake who uses the other two to cover for social awkwardness/feelings of alienation/lack of time or energy/depression from my burned snake. or shit, maybe it’s badger all along, who knows.
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brightmalcolm · 4 years
Maybe the guy that does his psych evaluation will be his new therapist? He said he specializes in trauma that hasn’t been dealt with or whatever.
hmmm maybe...kind of a sad way to find a new therapist lol but maybe malcolm will think he can help him unlock more memories? 
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kiki-wiccan · 4 years
Little Shop of Wonders? Stanislav had heard of it. He never paid a visit, given he felt a bit out of place in a space designated for the Magika. Besides, he had never held an affinity towards plants and crystals. "You seem to make friends everywhere you go, Miss Kiki. I’m impressed.” This was not necessarily a lie. Continuing to give his full attention towards the wiccan. Though the shop seemed lovely, the vampire couldn't recall a time he'd visited--he'd never held an affinity towards plants, let alone crystals--and though Kiki's offer was a pleasantry, Stanislav couldn't make a promise. Much akin to the piano. "Perhaps I might have to visit; though that would rely upon diligence on my part. I'd hate to interrupt your work." Observing Kiki's face, it seemed the vampire had struck a sensitive nerve. The air grew somber, reflecting the current mood. So it seemed the two had a tendency to unknowingly sting the other with their questions; a reminder of why Stanislav preferred to keep things professional. As Kiki explained her lack of studies, it became apparent that during their first encounter, the wiccan had mentioned the population of her town being less than accepting of supernaturals and the occult. Deducing the current information Stanislav knew of Kiki, there seemed to be underlying correlation. She was certainly human--he could hear her heart beat. Felt her warmth when they touched. Whatever could she be? "My apologies, Miss Kiki. That is unfortunate, though not everyone has a linear path." He decided to leave it at that, understanding that pressing on would lead to more harm than good. Despite his insistence at keeping Kiki at an arm's length, he wasn't needlessly cruel. "You seem to have an interest in the arts. Is there any particular reason?" Once again, a general question; a question that could be seen as casual.
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“Oh you wouldn’t interrupt me working I usually chat with customers who come in. The good thing about the shop is that it isn’t really crowded. When it’s empty I find myself looking through spell books that catch my eye, since I work there I can ready without paying” she winked, even though for a human she couldn’t do magic without spells which normal took time setting up. She was in hopes that once Elidi helped her unlock her wand that she’d have magic more easily at her fingertips. She pondered on his next question. “I suppose I’ve always leaned more towards the creative side....I used to draw and craft a lot. I actually haven’t drawn at all since I left college.” The last of the drawings she had done were based on all her traumas which were in a sketchbook, packed away in a box hidden in her closet back at her apartment. She hadn’t felt the urge to draw or pick up a penicil since. “I used to draw out my dreams a lot! It was fun bringing them to life on paper and it was relaxing too....hmmm maybe I’ll draw out that one dream I had of us in the flower field.” Though it would be hard pulling out her old drawing stuff she did suppose now that she’s in a new place she can start over and that includes in her artwork. She could design more happier things now that she was out of her own personal hell. “I also enjoyed acting because I found it fun to pretend to be a whole different person with a whole different life and situations. It was fun acting out things and playing pretend. Just like with dreams when you act a lot of things are possible. Of course dreams are better by a long shot butttt that’s besides the point.”
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flintsjohn · 5 years
hi it’s not even 8am and i’ve just finished watching so here’s thoughts on roswell for the finale! please do come yell at me, we can survive the hiatus together. spoilers ahead.
let’s start with the easy things! i knew noah was gonna die but i’m still kinda :///// at the whole “let’s make the moc evil and kill him” thing. im bitter. they made him awful and im bitter.
a-HA! listen i don’t like max. i still don’t. i didn’t through the whole ep. AND I LITERALLY. KNEW THEY WERE GONNA DO THAT. from the moment i read carina’s interview being like “they asked a million times if we were sure” i was like HMMM ARE THEY GONNA and they DID. that was ballsy, i give em that. im also probably like the only person who actually rejoiced in seeing him dead but hey, yall know they’re gonna at least try to bring him back so (theory is that either michael or isobel will unlock the healing power and bring him back)
ho ho ho they’re gonna unlock more powers!!! that last isobel scene was sexsie. also apparently max is thor? also evil aliens are coming? some time?
liz.....my girl........im love u..........so much. she’s??? such a badass?????? also the scene with maria was the cutest thing can we get more bestie moments please
kyle!! I LOVE KYLE!! i love love love the fact that he is moving towards a darker place but they still kept him good at his core. AND MANES HAD IT COMING but im glad kyle didn’t kill bc you know... he’d have had to live with that.
michael........my boy...............my baby baby boy..........................CAN HE STOP CRYING? CAN HE? CAN WE STOP DOING THAT? im a little. meh. about the hand healing thing bc they......literally just cancelled his disability which. hm. but the guitar.......my boy........peaceful........cry
all that being said. he’s still an asshole for standing alex up like that. im love :( alex :( im sad. im so proud of alex for the journey he’s been through, like how hard must that have been for him? UGH i love him and im salty that we didn’t get more of him in the finale :(
BUT ANYWAY. that scene in the trailer i am CRY binch. 
ok and last thing. listen. i’m upset about how they pulled the michael/maria thing in this ep, but i’m not mad they did it. i’m upset that after michael and alex literally being this close to kissing and michael promising they would talk he just went ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and went to maria. BUT. this being only the ending of season one, i’m not upset they went with m/m. they literally have been telling us for multiple eps that maria is uhhh the easy way out, for lack of better words. she’s something new and fresh and doesn’t come with all the trauma that michael has SAID is inherent to his relationship with alex. we know it is. we know how hard it is for both of them. my hope was genuinely that they wouldn’t put michael in a relationship at all by the end of the season, bc i honestly don’t think it’s what he needs right now, but i understand the choice of being like “this is new. it might be good. let’s see where it leads us.” AT THE SAME TIME i think they’ll HAVE to talk. i mean all of them. literally, all three of them, sit the fuck down and talk it out. i hope we’ll get that in s2, or even just.... you know, clear the air in pairs or sth, without the petty remarks, because otherwise it’ll probably just get messier and messier, which is really the only thing im afraid of when it comes to the three of them :/ but anyway! i look forward to malex’s journey in s2 as friends. LET THE SLOWBURN BEGIN YALL
while we’re on the subject, the first scene we get of m/m in s2 better be michael explaining everything bc i am DONE with maria not knowing!!!!! also wtf is the necklace thing about!!!! i wanna know!!!!!!!
ok last last thing. PLEASE. i beg all of you (i mean i have the right mutuals, but you never know who needs to hear this). don’t go screaming for queerbaiting in the wake of this. a) this is the end of s1 (and half a season, if we’re honest), not an endgame. there’s time. give them time. b) it will NEVER be queerbaiting in ANY CASE. i’ve said this before and i’ll say it again a million times but michael and alex are BOTH STILL QUEER. THEY ARE. IT’S CANON. their relationship is CANON and it always will be, even if michael stays with maria forever. people change and move on, even if they still love each other! it doesn’t take away the fact that they’ve been together, and it doesn’t change any of their sexualities, so please don’t be assholes (and ESPECIALLY don’t harass carina/the writers/the actors please).
come share s2 theories with me!!! because we ARE getting a s2, or i’ll riot after the finale ending like this ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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nerdylittleshit · 6 years
Thoughts about Spn 13x12
Great Episode. Many things to love. And also very meta-ish? Like, there were several moments where I looked at my screen and just thought “I see what you did there”. Definitely lot of things worth a second look, discussion and speculation. So, without further rambling, let’s get to it.
There is no I in Team
Especially if there is no team to begin with. I bet these are the moments where Cas admitted to himself that Crowley wasn’t that bad after all. I love that Cas didn’t even consider for a single moment to work together with Lucifer, that he only used him to break out (and only after he learned that Mary was in danger) and stabbed him at the first opportunity he got. Also, apparently Cas’s new superpower is to sit and wait and annoy everyone around him long enough until he gets where he wants to (I mean this worked for me as a teenager as well).
What this episode proved is that Lucifer without his power is a useless character. His one defining characteristic is that he is one of the most powerful and therefore dangerous beings, who just looks down on everyone. Take his power away there is not much left besides a man who hates everyone, and that is just pathetic. And to contrast this, we have Cas, who is a fully flashed character, who is above all things kind, and loyal and devoted. What is so special about Cas is not his powers or the fact that he is an angel, but who he is, as a person. Lucifer is not a person. And to further contrast this Cas tells him about Jack, about the things he likes, about the good in him. He never mentions Jack’s powers, the only thing he has in common with his father. Only time will tell how Jack will react to his father however. Still, all Lucifer talked about was the absence of his powers and the only time Cas talked for a longer time it was about Jack, the person, not the Nephilim.
I have seen a few complains about the Casmodeus-plot or rather people feeling like it had no use, now that Cas is free and will be reunited with the brothers. I have to admit I wasn’t invested in the Casmodeus-plot and had no real desire to see him further interacting with Sam and Dean. We already had this storyline with Casifer. If anything it is about time they set up a safe-word to make sure Cas is really Cas in the future. I think the purpose of Casmodeus was to explain Cas’s absence and at the same time to find a reason why Sam and Dean are not worried about him. It is possible though Yockey simply thought it was a stupid idea to begin with. I mean Lucifer says that shapeshifting wasn’t one of the powers he gave to Asmodeus, which might be Yockey’s way of saying it was entirely Bucklemming’s idea. And really, they could have explained Cas’s absence with him actually looking for Jack. The random demon says they have plans for Cas however, so there might be a reason why he had to be Asmodeus’s prisoner. I also thought that it was odd that Sam and Dean hadn’t filled in Cas at this point. Why wouldn’t they tell Cas that Jack is missing, especially when Cas(modeus) called every day and asked about him?
There were also a few shout-outs to the audience: Cas being called a pretty boy, Lucifer bringing up the nurture vs nature debate and Cas saying that Jack looks nothing like Lucifer (because he looks like Cas).
The queen is dead, long live the queen
Y’ALL, ROWENA IS BACK! I know I said that before, but ever since her storyline is no longer tied to Crowley’s she has become such an interesting, layered, complex character. She has been around for such a long time and every time we see her we learn a bit more about her, but there is still so much left to explore.
Speaking of Crowley though, Rowena of course greets the Winchesters the same way her son did (“Hello boys”), which might mean she is gonna replace his role in the narrative. And to be honest she is the only character that I would allow to do that. Also, we finally see someone mourn Crowley. For all the hate between Rowena and her son, I always doubted they actually wanted to see each other dead, even though they tried to kill each other. Crowley was the only link left to Rowena’s past, to the woman she was before she became a witch, to her humanity. She doesn’t care that he died as a hero, because it means he is still dead, still not with her, because the only way she can love is in a selfish way. (I wonder if she tries to bring him back from the dead?)
The biggest emotional depth about this episode was that it acknowledged Rowena’s abuse at the hands off Lucifer and with that Sam’s shared trauma as well. Which was such a huge thing, and honestly the conversation between Sam and Rowena in the car was the best part of the episode for me. 11x10 was the turning point in Rowena’s story, because it was back then when she revealed to Crowley why she hated him, because her son was a constant reminder of his father using her and that love was nothing more than a weakness. And then moments later Lucifer killed her and I remember how angry I was after the episode because just as Rowena’s was revealed as a victim of abuse she died of the hands of yet another abuser. And not only once, but twice, admitting that Lucifer showed her his true face. Rowena is scared and she is scared all the time, which is paralyzing for someone as powerful and powerhungry as her. She believes the only way to end this fear is to kill Lucifer, once and for all.
Sam of course can relate. He has seen Lucifer’s real face as well, which creates a certain kind of intimacy between these two. And just as Rowena Sam can’t outrun his abuser. After his time in hell Lucifer first returned as Hallucifer in season 7 and later from the cage wearing one of his best friends and invading his home in season 11 (and next week he will learn that Lucifer is back once again). And yet Sam knows that nothing they will do to Lucifer will make the fear and the feeling of being helpless ever disappear. And despite Sam caring around this trauma for eight years, I don’t remember it has ever been addressed so directly. In the end Sam gives Rowena the page to unlock her power nevertheless, hoping she (and maybe he as well) will find some peace with it (also glad they didn’t keep that a secret for too long).  
So what does that mean for the future? For one thing I am sure Lucifer has to die. Either through Rowena or Rowena and Sam together or Lucifer sacrifices himself as part of a redemption arc. Honestly though, after this episode and the painful reminder who Lucifer truly is I doubt he will get a redemption arc (another “no, thank you” from Yockey to Bucklemming?). Also, we learned that all this time Rowena wasn’t even operating on full power. With Rowena having all her magic back she could become the real big bad in the end. Though I would rather have it if after she kills Lucifer she realizes that all that power doesn’t bring her happiness and lets her magic go and becomes human again.  Also, that whole scene where she gets her powers back? Kudos to both Ruth and Amanda Tapping. That was such a huge powerful feminist scene. And were her eyes blue in the end or purple? Her magic has always been purple, so that would make sense, and so far we have only seen blue eyes with angels. Hmmm.
Sibling mirrors
Say what you want about Jamie and Jennie but I really liked their clothes/style. Anyway, they were meant as one big dark mirror for the Winchesters, trying to bring back their dead mother, and willing to kill everyone around them for it (at least flower guy died smiling). This is the same as Sam releasing the Darkness in order to save Dean from the MoC or Dean threating Kaia in order to save Mary. None of these things have been portrayed as positive however and in the end the sisters kill each other, which is enough of a statement for the brother’s codepency.
So, let’s talk about the love spell a bit, because Yockey did manage to sneak in a lot of Destiel stuff. First they mention that a true love’s kiss can wake you up, and obviously fandom has been giddy about the idea of Cas saving Dean from the spell through a kiss. Then we have Dean coming back, telling Sam it is time to call Cas, and the very next thing he says is that he is in love. Ahem. Dean wants Jaime to move in, because this is big time, and well who already has a room in the bunker? Cas of course. Dean calls Jaime his soulmate and talks about cosmic fate, both terms that have been used in a million fan fiction. Dean acting under a love spell is basically how most people imagine Dean to act once Destiel finally becomes canon. And isn’t it great that the only time we see Dean kissing a women this season is through a love spell, resulting in literary false love? Like the only way Dean is even remotely interested in anyway is through a spell. Because he is of course already in love. Also bless Rowena for asking about the fifth base (I had to look this up though, poor sheltered girl that I am).
So let’s talk a moment about Sam. I love that they continue to address his depression, that they have finally fully acknowledged his trauma caused by Lucifer and him opening up to Dean. For as much as the first half the season focussed on Dean’s grief I hope we get the same attention for Sam now. Despite being around for 12,5 years Sam at times still feels like a blank page and in some ways to fault is with the writers who seem to focus more on Dean than Sam. So, I’m all in for more of Sam’s struggle. Here he admits that his way of coping was to come up with a plan: helping Jack and through that being able to save Mary. Now both Jack and Mary are gone, there is no plan B and the MoL library is as useless as usual (seriously the only helpful book in there is the Grimoire and seeing that AU!Kevin used a spell to open the rift I wonder of Rowena could help them saving Mary and Jack). Without his plan Sam has nothing left to distract him, to shield him from the pain he is going through. Sam looked at a horrible situation and tried to make the best out of it, looking at the options he still had. Dean mourned different; he was in no state to even begin to hope or to form a plan. Dean drowned in his pain until Cas come back, until he had his win, and only after he was able to function again. Sam however had ignored said pain until Jack was gone as well, and now it is crushing him. Obviously I want Sam to get better as well, but for now I love that the show explores his emotional journey and I hope we see a bit more of it in the upcoming episodes.
Until next week, when my review will look like this: DANNEEL! DANNEEL! DANNEEL!!!!!
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bolbianddolanhouse · 4 years
BNHA self insert AU [Book 3]
New? Read here! Then here!
Chapter 6: What’s More Manly Than This? Just Guys Being Dudes!
Not gonna lie chief....I’m excited for once to be training with my mom on something that’s unrelated to quirks! I really want to know how she does things, what makes her tick.
“Okay Iwata, sit across from me” instructed mom as she sat on the grass in the backyard “today, we’re going to tap into stamina. It’s not as easy as it sounds, in fact, it’s not my favorite thing about the quirk BUT it comes in clutch.”
I sit down comfortably, still kinda full from breakfast “I’m ready to learn!” I responded eagerly.
“I like to hear it!” she giggled “Okay, it starts with mentality. Telekinesis takes a lot of brain power, but the stamina enhances it so there’s no lagging and you can focus on multiple things.” She sat up straight and closed her eyes “I unlocked this stamina when I was a child, my sister was about to body slam me in the living room, the fear triggered me to stop her mid-air. Before I struggled to float more than two inches off the ground and to see that made me realize the potential of my quirk.” She floated off the ground, along with a few other things laying around the yard “The stamina allows me to sense things with my telekinesis, my thinking is sharp and lets me continue the fight beyond what my body can sustain.”
“Is that what’s going to happen to me?”
“Well, that’s the thing, I don’t know!” she opened her eyes “Everyone is different. My mom’s muscles strengthen and it heightens her other quirk, not her telekinesis. My aunt Imelda’s trigger is anger and she creates invisible walls. OH! And my cousin Julie needed to get on blockers because she gets unstable when she triggers it.”
“Oh” I said, feeling a little nervous.
“But I will say, male telekinesis users are rare” Mom stated “3 out of 5 girls in Latin America have telekinesis, 1 in 30 boys in the same demographic. Nobody in my family on either side has a male telekinesis user! To think I birthed two in one generation is a miracle” she say proudly “If only everyone else knew.”
“Your family doesn’t know about me?” I was surprised to hear that.
“Nope, only my immediate family does” she sighed “Oh but the things my aunts would do if you knew about you and Tensei! They’d do everything for you and treat you like royalty!” she chuckled “They did that when I was born, I was the only one in my generation that was born with telekinesis. I was spoiled by my aunts and uncles.”
“So what you’re saying is that I might not like what happens?” 
“Yea, but only one way to find out” she threw a rubber ball in my face, getting me off guard “I’m gonna have to break you just a little, sorry in advance.”
Giving me no time to react, she came at me freakishly fast. While her strikes and sneak attacks were erratic and nearly impossible to dodge, I was starting to feel my mind overwhelm. My mind started to cloud and spin, like the beginnings of a tornado. What tipped me over the edge was when mom’s hand went for my face, for whatever reason, my head went to a dark place. I grabbed her by the wrist and put it in a vice, I felt a second wind of power and suddenly the cloudiness cleared. It was like everything was firing off at once and had no way of controlling it.
“Iwata!” mom’s voice broke through to me “Can you hear me?”
“Yes! Mom? Help!” I cried out, unable to loosen my vice on her “I can’t stop!”
“Do your breathing exercises, try to calm yourself” she calmly spoke “Don’t focus on your hand, only your breathing.”
I closed my eyes and did the exercise “Breathe in...hold....out for 10....breathe in...hold....out for 10.”
“Good, keep it steady” she encouraged me until I finally let go of her “How do you feel?”
“Scared, I didn’t have control over myself” I uttered, then I looked at her wrist “Mom! Your arm!” I took a closer look at what I did “I- I hurt you”. Tears were welling up in my eyes as I saw my engine mark on her arm that almost broke her skin.
“Hey, don’t worry about me” Mom covered the mark with her other hand to get me refocused “I’ll heal and this isn’t the worst thing to happen to me. Walk me through your experience.”
I wasn’t convinced that I didn’t do a bad thing to her “I felt the fog in my head when I got overwhelmed and your hand coming for my face triggered me.”
“What thoughts came up when you saw my hand?” she asked “How would you describe it?”
“My mind went somewhere...dark” I admitted “Like something out of a horror movie when the white teenagers go in the basement.”
“Oh my sweet baby” she brought me in for a hug “I feared it might of been that.”
“What do you mean?”
She took a deep breath “It’s rooted in trauma, because your quirk activated on that night.”
Pause this shit! Okay.... flash back time! When I was about 5 years old, back in the old house, somebody broke in. I didn’t know what was going on but I was grabbed by my dad and taken to the twin’s nursery. All of us were in there, except for mom. We were told to stay put and be quiet, but listening to the sound of fighting and things breaking in the living room was too much for me. So I ran out of the nursery to get my mom, I knew I couldn’t do anything to help but I wanted my mommy so badly. At the top of the stairs, I saw the scene that I relive in my nightmares; My mom was badly beaten on the ground as the home intruder was about to finish my mom. I screamed for the bad guy to get away from my mom, but then he dashed toward me. Before he could reach me, I held my arms out and my telekinesis activated and I threw them down the stairs. Mom finished the job but my memory is hazy from that but all I know is that if I didn’t step in, she wouldn’t be here. After that incident, I was going from doctor to doctor and put in therapy. I couldn’t sleep well unless my mom was in the same bed as me and I woke up next to her. I was scared of this new quirk, I was scared of losing my mom...I was scared to be alone.
I got over my anxiety of losing my mom and I controlled my quirk better...but, I still get the nightmares of that night. That event made me resent having quirks and all the evils in the world. I put it in my head that you can hurt me all you want, but you don’t hurt my family ESPECIALLY my mom! I vowed to never hurt the people I care about, if I do, then I’m no better than a villain. That event shaped my fate and I’ve given up a normal life when I was a child...this is my purpose and I shall live up to what I put in my mind!
...flash back end! Unpause this shit!
“Is that a bad thing?” I asked, pressing my chin on her chest.
“I- can’t say” her voice cracked “if this is really your trigger, then you relive those repressed traumatic feelings every time.”
That shit hurted, hearing my mom lose her cool. I had to say something to put her at ease.
“Then I guess that’s how it’s gonna be” I made eye contact with her “I want to get stronger and control this ability. I promised myself that I’d become stronger and protect my family. And I won’t stop now” I broke the hug “Please, teach me more.”
Mom stood there for a moment, tears falling as she looked at me, but snapped out of it “Okay then, onto the next part.” She wiped her tears and continued.
Over the course of a month, I mastered activating my stamina. And it payed off in the classroom! I can use more weaponry without using my arms, I figured out how to enhance my engines with it, AND (my favorite part of it all!) I’m crushing it in the hero course. It’s amazing how everything is falling together...it’s late April at this point. Beizu has been tweaking the device a bit more and we’re fast approaching the sports festival.
-Friday, Hero class-
“...And Iida-kun, since you’re a dual enrolled student, you have the option to do the sports festival or not” announced Mineta sensei “It won’t affect your grade or anything, it’s more for scouting than anything really.”
“Hmmm, in that case” I didn’t hesitate “I will not participate this year.”
The class roared with confusion, clearly not liking my answer.
“Bro! What do you mean no?!” yelled Gon as he shot up from his seat “You’ve been on the gains with me! Plus you moved up in the class rank! You have to duke it out with us!”
“You’d get tons of offers Iida-kun” added Kage-san “why refuse?”
“Well, I’m focusing more on my agent stuff this year” I defended myself “they have something similar, so I’m not worried about not getting noticed. Besides, my uncle is going to be there personally to scout and he’s just gonna do the thing where he offers one to me because I’m his ‘favorite’ nephew.”
“Wait, who’s your uncle?” asked a different classmate.
“Former Ingenium” I responded “He might be out of commission but he runs his agency and refuses to retire!” I chuckled “Good for him though, he worked hard to start up back in the day. Also I’d rather that offer go to one you guys, he already knows what I can do.”
“Fair enough, thank you Iida-kun” sensei said as he wrote on his notes “And that’s all the business we had to take care of! Time to go into this educational video.”
I didn’t pay much attention to the video. I was much more excited for after school activities! It’s Beizu’s birthday and that means it’s sleepover time at his place! I got him the perfect gift and I’m ready to sleep in and eat way too much pizza. It’s the ritual we’ve been doing since we were babies and I wouldn’t have it any other way! Once the bell rang, I just shoved all my things in my bag and sped off to meet with Beizu. I kept my duffle bag with him and we giddily waited for his mom to pick us up.
“Hello boys, how was school?” asked his mom once we hopped in.
“It was good!” we said in unison.
“Ready for your festivities I assume?” she questioned as she drove out of the parking lot.
We nodded vigorously and couldn’t sit still the whole ride to his house. We immediately washed up to get into our jammies.
“Oh shit, almost forgot to text my mom that I’m here” I said after putting on my sleepytime sweater.
“What do you want on the pizza?” asked Beizu, looking down on his phone “I’m ordering it online.”
I stopped my text “Uhhhhhhh”
“AND DON’T SAY NONE PIZZA, LEFT BEEF AGAIN!” scolded Beizu “I won’t fall for that again!”
I chortled remembering “It was hilarious! The pizza place had to call to make sure we input the information correctly” I wheezed breathlessly “then the lady was all like ‘the beef won’t stick on the bread without the sauce and cheese’!”
“That’s why! Every year it’s the scandal of the none pizza, left beef” Beizu groaned “Just say what you want or I’m just getting 3 green pepper pizzas!”
“Ugh fine!” I cringed at the idea of bell peppers “Get the Meat’za Treat’za and the Hawaiian with extra pineapple.” I finish my text and flop onto his bed “Hey, I have an idea!”
“Hm? What is it?” Beizu responded as he clicked away on his phone.
“Lets look at our 5 year old selves building a pillow fort.”
Beizu stopped his clicking and turned to face me with that twinkle in his eye “Hell yea! I’ll get the cube!”
As he opened his desk drawer, his mom called out to us “Boys? Is there anything you want from the store?”
Beizu slammed his draw closed “Yea! Some juice!”
“Also some almond milk!” I requested.
“Okay, I’ll be back soon with everything!” She responded “Don’t get too rowdy while I’m gone!”
Beizu waited until his mom drove out into the street to open his drawer again “That was close!”
“Why did you close your drawer like that?” 
“Mom doesn’t know that I’m working on this” he said, taking out the device “I’m scared that if she finds out, she’ll flip and deconstruct it.”
“True, I didn’t think about that” I changed the subject “But lets see our 5 year old selves!”
He input the day and the scene changed to 12 years in the past. In this room, all the tech stuff on the walls disappeared and were blank again. We saw our little bodies trying to build a fort out of bedding.
“aaaand done!” squeaked little Beizu, putting on the final pillow “Inside! Hurry!” little me huffed and little Beizu followed. “Hugs!” little Beizu tackled, knocking down our fort in the process “Oh no!” Little me giggled “We’re trapped! But it’s okay because we’re both under here.” “You’re my bestest friend Iwa!” “You’re my bestest friend Bei!” “Boys, pizzas here!” Our little heads popped up from the pile of pillows and blankets “PIZZA!” We clawed out of the pile and ran straight into the door “Owie!”
“We were a so dumb!” I laughed at the little boys wincing in pain.
“But we were so cute” Beizu fawned “I remember this was the birthday that your mom finally let you sleepover!”
“Yup, we were both super excited and I almost peed my pants when preschool was over for the day” I laughed at my memory “glad to see that we at least learned how to build better forts.”
The hologram fizzled and all the tech stuff reappeared on the walls. Beizu puts the device on his desk “Put those skills to the test!” he walked over to his closet to have all these pillows fall out once he opened it “I got more pillows.”
We built and perfected our fort, out doing ourselves from last year. We had our usual fun of nesting ourselves in the fort with our pillows and snacks while watching youtube videos. This time around, we shut off everything after midnight and just talked.
“Hm?” I responded as I move to my side.
Beizu was tracing the piston on my palm with his finger “When we graduate and get jobs, do you think we’ll be drift apart?”
“I don’t think we will” I look at him “I meant it back then when I said you’re my bestest friend, I always want to be around you.”
“Then, if we’re not in serious relationships by then” he paused for a bit “do- do you want to live together?”
“Sure, I’m down” I think about it for a bit “If you don’t mind me hoarding up the bathroom with my personal care.”
“Deal!” Beizu laughed “But that makes me happy that we’ll always be together. I really can’t imagine life without you.” 
“I can’t imagine it any other way” I hold his hand, then I remembered something “unrelated question, who’s your crush?”
He turned red “Um, I uhhhh can’t tell you.”
“Aww why not?!” I whined “You said you’d tell me.”
“That was then, it hasn’t changed but I’m a little shy” he admitted “But I will say that they’re amazing, handsome and caring. Sometimes they say dumb things and I just want to kiss them to shut them up.”
“Oh you’re into dudes?” I asked “Didn’t expect that.”
“But they’re the only guy I’ll ever feel like this toward” Beizu clarified “I kind of wish they’d make the first move so I don’t live with the rejection. I don’t know what I’ll do if they reject me!”
I brought him in for a hug “Don’t worry about, if they don’t feel the same, then it’s their loss! I’ll be on stand by to beat his ass.”
Beizu started laughing “I believe it” he snuggled up to me “you’re like one of those big teddy bears at department stores, soft and snuggly.”
“That reminds me!” I float my bag toward me “I got you a gift, here.”
He opened the box and gasped “It’s one of those teddy bears with the small head! I love them!”
“Thought you might” I beamed at his reaction “You share those memes with the bear and figured you’d like the real thing.”
“I do! But what should I name them?” Beizu looked at the bear’s little face “it has to be fitting.”
I blurted out “Shamwow”
“Like the infomercial product?” Beizu questioned “Why?”
I shrugged “I dunno, feel weird giving pets or stuffed animals people names.”
Beizu thought about it “Yeah you right” he held the bear up “Shamwow McHeadinson it is!”
“I love it!” I laughed at the name, then I felt Beizu snuggle up with me again “still want to squeeze me instead?”
“It’s like we’re a family now” he pointed out “This is our son.”
“Then who’s the mom?” I asked, playing along.
“Uhhh....shit, didn’t think that through” Beizu furrowed his eyebrows “Guess we’ll take turns being the...mom?”
“We need a third person to be mom” I suggested “I’m not responsible enough to be a mom, but I’d be more than happy to be the protector!”
“And I’m too focused on my projects to be a mom!” sighed Beizu “But I’m down to be the bread winner!” He put the bear between us “Two Dads, Mom and a baby with a small head.”
“Sounds like the title of an American sitcom” I snort-laughed “But could you imagine? Us part of a polyamory partner-hood? The third person would have to be on a whole other level to have us in the mix.”
“Would you be down?” Beizu curiously asked “Like, lets say, we both like the same person and we don’t feel like making the other choose sides. So we just all date each other?”
I put some thought into it “Hmm, if we were in that situation sure, I’d hate to be divided against you” I put my arm around him “I’d never want to deny you of happiness and love, I want you to have it all, even if I don’t have any.”
“Love triangles are for anime and young adult novels!” Beizu said as he fixed himself to lay more comfortably on me “You’re warm and comfy” he yawned “I’m just gonna sleep here.”
I pulled a few pillows to support my body for this sleeping position “Then I won’t move so you can sleep” I say as I put my arm around him “Nighty night Bei.”
“Good night Iwa” he responded sleepily “I love you.”
“I love you too” I closed my eyes so I could sleep too. 
To think that Beizu and I are so close that we can cuddle and say soft things. All without crossing the line of friendship! He’s more than that to me, he’s part of my family. I can’t wait to live with him later down the line, all that talk about after graduation plans got me motivated to get stronger.
The weekend was going great until dad had to do some work related thing on his day off, so I had to go back home Saturday night. Mom had some agent work that came up too, so Uncle Jin had to portal me home to tend to the brats. Yeah they’re old enough to not have a baby sitter BUT they shouldn’t be left alone like that.
“I’m home you shits” I announced myself in.
“Welcome home!” responded Hanaka “we’re in the living room!”
I walk into the area and see the twins and Nikita “You too Nikita?”
“Everyone got called into action” sighed Tensei, sitting at the dining room “All of our friends are here.”
Before I could groan, Hanaka’s friends tumbled down the stairs.
“How was that?” chirped the girl with the bird head.
“Nya! You’re squishing me!” snarled the other girl with paws for hands.
“Needs landing work” Hanaka responded, then turned to me “We’re practicing stair surfing for a stunt.”
“Nya! We’re going to attempt to stair surf on a mattress down the spiral staircase at school!” said the girl “No cap!”
“I’m telling you guys that it’s not gonna work!” stressfully groaned Tensei “now shut up! I have to do research for my next debate!”
“You’re no fun!” huffed the girls.
“Does it look like I care about your little stunt?!” retorted Tensei “At least I know I’m gonna pass elementary school without a misconduct record!”
“Okay settle down!” I demanded the room “It’s late for y'all niños, so if you already ate, go to bed! I’ll be staying up in the living room” I point to the stairs “If I hear a single peep after midnight, Ima give you a powpow.”
That last part made everyone scramble upstairs. Sometimes being part latino has it’s perks. But I took my things to my room and found that Tensei’s friends were already asleep on his side of the room. Looks like staying up downstairs was the right move. I head back downstairs to make myself an iced coffee and heat up some leftovers, like the gremlin I am! 
I don’t know how long my parents are going to be gone, it’s been a long time since the last one of these things. Last time I was like 10 but Lili was the one in charge. Since our parents and their friends are in hero careers, emergencies spring up often and sometimes both of our parents are called in. When that happens, usually their friends get called up too, so they drop off their kids at our house since our house is protected by it’s own system that my mom created. It’s a system not sold by her company! She says it may not even be legal to sell on the security market and that just makes me both laugh and be in awe by her innovation. 
“Iwata, what would you like to do?” asked the robo dog, awaiting command.
“Oh uhhh, can you check the surroundings of the house?”
“Scanning now......all clear.”
“Put up the level 2 security shields” I say before taking a sip of my iced coffee, feeling particularly mischievous.
The screams of the children followed “AHHHH WHAT THE HELL?!”
Then there was immediate silence...good! Level 2 on this security system blocks any and all internet connection in case of hackers or transmission locating by an intruder. Yeah, mom thinks of everything! But my little stunt didn’t make me feel any better from leaving the birthday festivities early. We had planned a whole night of binge watching Steven Universe and talk about our feelings! 
Yea, it’s a classic cartoon but I grew up watching it because my mom has all the episodes and movies saved in the family media library. She’d put it on when she had to have some time to herself and didn’t want to deal with our asses. It was the only times we’d stop and watch something as kids, all four of us on the couch. We’d play ‘Crystal Gems’ in the backyard sometimes, I’d get stuck being Garnet only because Tensei didn’t have a quirk like Steven...so he’d be Steven by default. But low-key, all of us wanted to be Steven! Lili was Pearl and Hanaka was Amethyst, and if Beizu was over, he’d be Peridot. Good times....good times.
Time ticked on, it was nearly 4am when our parents came back. Mom deactivated the shields and entered the house with the other parents.
“Welcome home” I greeted my parents “And glad to see everyone is alright. Your kids are all upstairs, asleep.”
“Thank you for taking care of things Iwata” thanked my dad “Sorry that you had to pull away from the birthday festivities, I know how important they are to you and Beizu.”
“It all good” I said before yawning “He understands that I’m the oldest and the twins can’t do this on their own.” I noticed that everyone was still in costume “Hm? You’re still in your hero fit.”
“Yes, that’s because we all changed at home” he explained “We all work at different agencies, it would be inconvenient to go change at work then fight.”
“Oh, fair I guess” I look around for Mom “Where’s mom? Is she okay?”
“She’s a bit under stress at the moment” he looked at the stairs leading to her office “Wish I could tell her to calm down and sleep it off, but she wants answers to what we just saw.”
I didn’t pry for more answers “Hope she finds what she’s looking for” I yawned again “I’m going to bed.”
“Sleep well” Dad said as I turned to the stairs.
“Same to you!”
-Chapter 6, End-
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A Mindful Approach to Overeating
It’s only called overeating when referring to someone overweight. Think about it. If we are talking about someone who has is athletic, they have a healthy appetite. If someone with a small frame eats in a same way, we think he or she likes to eat and has a fast metabolism. Instead of judging them, we wonder how they get away with it.
Hmmm. If you are versed in mindfulness you may know that a thoughtful approach is everything. So I will pose these rhetorical questions:
If ‘ overeating ‘ is eating too much, why is it only referred to as so when certain people do it?
If the reason why we don’t judge slim/athletic people for their eating habits is because they exude the appearance of managing it, why not just teach overweight people to do the same?
Don’t deny. Don’t shame. Learn, Manage, Adjust, Incorporate.
The Genuine Joy From Good Food
It’s really OK to like to eat. The shame referenced also includes the shame we put on ourselves.  In certain instances, overeating is a symptom of something deeper. And that will be addressed. Or, you can speak to someone about that. Generally, however, liking to eat isn’t too different from enjoying intimacy or even shopping. These are desires we learn to manage, not judge.
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Add To Your Eating Skill Set, Don’t Radically Change Them
Well Portioned Meal. Moderate Calories, High Protein, Moderate Fat, Moderate Carbs
People like what they like. I believe this condition is called being human. When acting on what we like no longer serves us in the way we need, then we introduce new patterns, skills, and behaviors. For Example
You have a sweet tooth. OK. Mindfully plan to eat your sweets in proper portion sizes and not on top of heavy meals. It’s called a concession.
  You like to eat a lot aka have a huge appetite. Cool. Break your meals into smaller, more frequent portions. Fix a big plate. Then eat a little now, a little more later, and then more later. That is called mindfully pacing yourself.  and workout more.
Do you like your burgers and pizza? No prob. Eat the burger without the 1,000 additional Calories from the fries and drink. Eat 2 slices of pizza in one sitting. Over-eat overtime. #Insulinregulation.
Planning to smash because of a special occasion? Absolutely. Just don’t do it as a habit. But when it happens, train harder before and after. Try the Post Thanksgiving Cleanse Approach afterwards.
Name Your Inner Fat Kid
Fat Kid At Heart
You aren’t changing who you are or what you like. Not even judging it. This is a negotiation with your inner fat kid. Acknowledge that adolescent, address him/her, and then learn to work with that person. I call my own unchecked food comfort person a ‘fat kid at heart’. It’s on the lighter side, and nostalgic because I grew up chubby :-). (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
Short, Personal Story of My Departed Father Who Was A Human Vacuum
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Always Fit
Still Fit
  My father departed early in life (2008, the year of my massive weight gain). I can see him in Heaven with limitless food at his disposal. He simply loved to eat. He was a food vacuum. His plates were piled high and nothing was wasted. He even ate what we didn’t.
Yet he managed to straddle the fence between a smaller yet muscular and toned frame. He never gained weight. No fat. My dad worked out 5 days per week, focused on fiber/lean protein and eating at the right times (mindfulness). No-one ever accused my father of overeating. He just liked to eat. Instead of taking on the overeating moniker, he was just Donnie.
Yours truly, on the other hand, had a completely different story line.
My mother’s approach for me was to lose weight any way I could. Because that’s what she did. That’s all she knew at that time. She, as well, should not be the recipient of judgement.
I didn’t learn and understand the concept of eating habit management vs.  perpetual dieting until I was a young adult.
Point? On occasion I eat all 15 wings with extra ranch at once. Then, I sneak fries when he isn’t looking.  That is overeating in my own book. I have found a way to balance that with my weight maintenance goals:
The Portion, Protein and Carb approach
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 5 Steps to Tackling Overeating
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STEP 1: Address Your Overeating, But Without Judgement
If you are aware of or have practiced mindfulness, then you know judgement and shame are automatic, but never productive. Disappointment, sure. You over-ate. OK. It probably felt good at the time. You continue to do it and now face weight and health issues. OK. Well, today you are going to try something different to work on that. Shame will not fix or reverse what has already happened.
Mindfulness. Coming from someone who weighed well over 300 lbs., the downward spiral of beating yourself up is way worse than that from an instance of overeating. You can bounce back quick from a meal. Beating yourself up creates an internal dialogue and reality that makes preventing it from happening again next to impossible. If you can compassionately sit with where you were when it occurred, and try to understand what was happening internally, you can unlock some pretty powerful and useful information.
2. Objectively Observe Why You Overeat
Rest the superficial thoughts and judgments of what’s wrong so that you can clearly observe what is. You may discover truths such as:
Weight loss is something you should do but you just aren’t that into it. Hopefully it isn’t health dependent in this case
You are engaging in multiple distracting behaviors, like overeating, sex, drinking, drugs, shopping  to cover up unresolved pain or trauma
Common: You’ve temporarily lost the ability to find balance in your eating habits. After becoming accustomed to failed, crash diets:  You are either eating too little to make up for eating too much, or eating too much because eating too little creates feelings of being starved.
You’re searching for something. Maybe to fill a void. In these instances, enough is never really enough
 You keep putting it off till Monday, so you get the craving out on the weekend. Then you feel you messed up at some point Monday, say oh well, smash, and try again Tuesday. This continues for a week
Your genuinely have this intense food craving; and your mind finds anyway to justify eating. You almost feel helpless and have severe remorse, shame, and regret after giving in.
STEP 2: Release the Energy Drain From Trying to Cure Overeating
Overeating is not a disease, nor is it something to be ashamed of. You can like to eat, even a lot. As stated above, overeating is an imbalance of what you like to do vs. what you want to accomplish. You probably have already experienced this, but trying to cure what and how you like to eat 90% of the time is an epic failure. Try managing it. Balancing it. This is taboo so I will be more specific:
Attempted Cure for Overeating: If I fix lines A-F of issues in my life, my desire to eat so much will just go away. If I become a vegetarian for 6 months, I will lose my weight. Doesn’t usually work out that way
Helping Yourself to Overcome Overeating: I know we are ordering a large pizza today. Can you help make sure I only eat slices in 1 sitting?  I want to lower my carb intake, but not feel starved. Can we buy less bread, sweets, starches and fix meals with more lean poultry for a while? These are encouraging  and supportive tactics.
In true, “Being Mary Jane” fashion, I have even posted sticky notes to remind me in the late hours what I’m working towards. As an African American male, I will say that level self-help would likely be judged and shamed by some friends and family. Self-help and vulnerability isn’t huge in my demographic. Well, it’s my weight, my body, my health, my life. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "trimmingthefa-20"; amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; amzn_assoc_ad_type = "smart"; amzn_assoc_marketplace = "amazon"; amzn_assoc_region = "US"; amzn_assoc_title = "Top 4 Compassionate Approach Books in My Audible Library"; amzn_assoc_asins = "159285849X,1592408419,081298580X,1592403352"; amzn_assoc_linkid = "75e1f89f713091ea2f1487659f60b03c";
Regarding cures, I am not suggesting that their aren’t underlying issues that could lead to overeating or that they shouldn’t be addressed. But while you are sorting out the deep stuff, what are you going to do about your current eating habits? Believe it or not, eating mindfully is a form of therapy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
STEP 3: Just Say No When You’re in Those Moments
You graciously spent your time and energy reading this article just to be afforded the most cliché’ of advice? Say No. Here’s why. The energy diverted from dejection, judgement, and trying to find easy/magic fixes can be diverted to strengthening will power. more specifically, your ability to impose your will on yourself.
Sorry, that is what it will ultimately take. How has the Google search for, ‘ways to eat less’ worked out for you? If you have come to terms with that fact that you love ice-cream at night, stopped judging it, and been mindful of what is going on internally when indulging in it, then you can be present when it’s time to say NO.
Instances of utilized will power builds momentum. Have you have pockets of successful dieting and exercise in your life’s timeline? It was probably tough at first, but once you got going, it was downhill (as far as effort required) from there. I assure you, there was no magic solution or prescription.  The need exceeded the desire, and will power came to the surface.
STEP 4: Incline Your Mind to How You Feel After Giving into Temptation
  Overeating for me doesn’t have just physical ramifications. Especially when it is egregious. They are mental, physiological, emotional, economical, social, even spiritual. I feel so much shame, guilt, dejection and hopelessness that I spiral. Into do nothing call off debilitating shame feel good eating.
When You/I incline the mind to the gravity of these horrible consequences, in the moment of choice practical decision-making becomes more tangible. We still have children living within us. It may take a child multiple times to realize something is painful before they stop doing it. But, eventually they learn, and adapt.
Being present with how you when falling off the wagon (overeating), and afterward provides incredible insight. Chances are you feel really good while falling and sh*tty afterwards. The goal here is to be more mindful of how you feel post relapse. No judgement. Just memory. It helps when the next opportunity arises to overeat arises if you are mindful of the cascading consequences after.
  How Mindfulness is the Key to Finally Overcome Overeating A Mindful Approach to Overeating It's only called overeating when referring to someone overweight. Think about it.
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