#hmds vesta
kinokoshoujoart · 7 months
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30 days of Harvest Moon day 21 — your otp / candlelight
surprise! i’ve drawn a lot of my otp already, so i wanted to highlight my favorite rarepair!
hmds ruby is implied to be a widow, so… i want the two widows to find love again (with each other)
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godzillin · 2 years
no one asked for this and I’m sure none of my followers care but here’s my opinions on the AWL remake character designs that that been revealed so far
First of all. I’m so fucking pumped for it.
I’ve never played AWL but I played the shit out of HMDS and HMDS cute so I love the Forget-Me-Not Valley folks. HMDS was actually my first harvest moon game so I have a lot of nostalgia for the setting and characters. It’s been too long since we’ve seen them and I’m so happy they’re back.
Okay. Here we go.
She looks the same! She’s so cute as always. I love Nina, her design is literally perfect I would not change a thing, peak character design right here. 10/10
Her apron is gone! And she’s wearing a vest! Maybe I’m biased because I LOVE vesta, but I think she looks great. I do think it’s interesting they yass-ified cody, but Vesta didn’t get the same treatment. Not that it’s a bad thing, in fact I’d prefer it if Cody kept his old design. But it goes to show that strong, masculine characters do fit with the new Story of Seasons art style, so I’m not sure why Cody’s a twink now. More on him later though. 10/10
PANTS! While I do miss her pencil skirt, the pantsuit is cute. I love her tie. Chris reminds me a lot of my mom (they even have the same name) and she dresses just like her. Which is weird because they have totally different jobs. iirc, chris is a sports reporter/commentator which I think she conveys a lot more in the new design than the old one. She looks more athletic while still looking very professional. Her old design was more like a secretary or office worker or teacher. 10/10
HE’S WEARING SOME TIGHT ASS PANTS. And for what? I mean, they’re probably more practical to run in, but geez it’s funny to me. He’s rocking them though, can’t complain. 9/10
Okay, this is the first design choice so far I take issue with. He’s wearing the same clothes as his old design, but something is off. Hugh was a lot chubbier in his older design. I miss his baby fat :( it was cute! And it also gave him a little bit more character, almost like he’s working out all the time to get slim like his dad. I miss his clumsy, dopey look. 6/10
This is another one I have a problem with. He looks exactly the same, which is fine. But they toned down cartoonish aspects of all the other characters (Marlin’s hunch, Gustafa’a nose) and didn’t do this with Galen. He looks extremely out of place. I think the best choice with him would be to give him a more realistic head shape and nose, just so he could fit in standing next to everyone else. He seriously looks like he walked out of a completely different video game. This wasn’t a problem in the original since everyone else looked super stylized then, too, but now he sticks out like a sore thumb. 4/10
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They gave him a bow :) I love it, literally perfect. He is an angel, I’m obsessed. I love his cute little bow. 11/10
I like Marlin’s redesign! I always thought the Elvis look was charming, and Marlin was my bachelor of choice in HMDS cute because I thought he was so handsome. I like that they kept his grumpy resting face and his weirdly shaped eyebrows. I also like that he’s still got a hunch, but it’s less stylized and more realistic now. He looks more put together now, which I like, while still looking like he could be a farmer. My only complaint (and it’s a pretty big one) is… WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS CURLY HAIR. Why did they do him like that? I loved his curls!!! And now it’s brown instead of black?? That’s so weird to me. Mainly though it’s the curls. I miss his curls. Give him his curls back. Please, god. 7/10
Muffy looks the same, except for some minor detailing on her dress. I always thought her original design kinda looked like she was wearing lingerie, LMFAO. I mean look at it, that’s a slip from Victoria’s Secret.
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The new dress is a welcome change, and the cardigan she’s wearing looks more comfortable. I really REALLY like her new design. Muffy was my bachelorette of choice in HMDS, so again, maybe I’m biased. 10/10
Well, she definitely looks older and more age appropriate. I do think it’s interesting they went with her child design as her initial look rather than her dress. If it was my choice, I would have started her in her dress and completely gotten rid of the school-uniform-looking outfit she starts the game in. It’s just a weird decision to me, but like I said, she still looks older now. 9/10
I’m gay. I love women. That’s all.
Okay but for real I’m so glad they got rid of her vest. It was SO UGLY, I hated it so much. She is so cute in the redesign. I think she looks so much better now. 11/10
I really like Rock’s redesign! The new art style really suits him. He didn’t change much clothing-wise (though I do like that his pants come in at the legs now) but I think he looks so much better with more realistic body proportions. I love it! Wouldn’t change a thing. 10/10
I… REALLY LIKE IT. I know I’m in the minority here but I LOVE his redesign. He is so cute. I think a lot of people dislike it because he looks so different in this art style, but really, his key features are the same. He’s wearing the same clothes, has the same hair, same face, etc. The only thing that’s really MISSING is his beard, witch hat, and his giant nose. He still has a pretty big nose, but now it’s, like, actually human sized. I can understand getting upset that he’s missing his beard, but I think he looks charming with stubble. Also, I like his bucket hat a lot. Honestly I love this redesign so much, I think it’s my favorite. If you ask me, this is how you redesign a character. 14/10
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Then there’s the name changes. To put it bluntly, I don’t give a fuck. Molly or Muffy, Matthew or Marlin, they’re still the same characters. Like who cares, man? I only mention this because I’ve been seeing so many people complaining about it.
I wanna write more about my thoughts on the game but I gotta go to bed LMFAO ok goodnight
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babyraccy · 2 years
im just hoping the localizers for hmds/cute made a fucking mistake when they made marlin and vesta siblings, celia vesta's niece and then went ahead and made marlin and celia able to get married 😭😭😭 what the hell
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durotoswrites · 3 years
Snippet from an untitled WIP featuring Vesta from Harvest Moon DS/ A Wonderful Life:
I was nearly twelve pounds when I came into this world.  I suppose a baby my size would have been seen as a spectacle in the city, with rude people asking how I managed to get so large in my approximate nine months in the womb, implying that Ma had already begun not taking care of me properly.  But this was the country – farm country.  Ma proudly showed me off, laughing with delight as I tested out my strong lungs, our neighbors nodding in approval at my energy and sturdiness.
Small and dainty were words that never described me even in my youngest years.  It didn’t matter, though.  There were much more important things in life.
I was named after the goddess of the hearth, home, and family: Vesta.  With such a name I had a lot of responsibility placed on me.  I was taught to work the soil as I toddled out in the fields; my bedtime stories were farmers’ almanacs and seed catalogues.  I came inside at the end of the day covered head to foot in dirt.  It had taken me all day to carefully plant a row of onion sets by myself, oblivious to how crooked the line was when I was finished.  I could hardly stay awake by the time I was done, but, by the gods, I was going to finish it, and I loved every minute of it.
I have been strong since the day I was born.  It wasn’t as if I was ever given a choice.
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stockstory · 3 years
2월 9일 코스피 코스닥 특징주
오늘의 무료 급등주 , 실시간 주식정보 확인
코스피 특징주
두산밥캣 (241560) 지난해 4분기 실적 호조 및 올해 성장 기대감 등에 강세 ▷하이투자증권은 동사에 대해 지난해 4분기 매출액 1조1,691억원(YoY +4%, QoQ +8%), 영업이익 1,315억원(YoY +37%, QoQ +18%), 지배주주순이익 1,038억원(YoY +149%, QoQ +50%)으로 컨센서스를 영업이익단에서 +20%, 순이익단에서 +75%를 상회했다고 밝힘. 아울러 올해 매출액은 4,130백만 달러로 +13.8% 성장, 영업이익은 401백만 달러로 +20% 성장하는 가이던스를 제시한다고 밝힘. ▷투자의견 : BUY[유지], 목표주가 : 35,000원 → 42,000원[상향] ▷한편, 전일 장 마감 후 지난해 실적 발표, 20년 연결기준 매출액 4.28조원(전년대비 -5.04%), 영업이익 3,938.64억원(전년대비 -17.43%), 순이익 2,474.53억원(전년대비 -9.06%). 2021년 사업연도 연결기준 매출액 4.54조원, 영업이익 4,413억원 전망 공시. 이노션 (214320) 지난해 4분기 영업이익 호조 및 배당 증가 등에 상승 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 4분기 실적 발표. 20년4분기 연결기준 매출액 3,581.06억원(전년동기대비 -0.39%), 영업이익 413.68억원(전년동기대비 +3.81%), 순이익 274.96억원(전년동기대비 +3.75%). 보통주 1주당 1,800원(시가배당율 3.0%) 현금배당(결산배당) 결정(배당기준일:2020-12-31) 공시. ▷이와 관련 신한금융투자는 지난해 4분기 영업이익이 시장 컨센서스를 상회했다며, 해외 부문이 예상대로 호조를 보였다고 밝힘. 아울러 배당의 경우 예상을 크게 상회하는 등 지난해 이익 역성장에도 전년대비 300원 증가한 1,800원으로 결정되었다며, 강한 주주환원 의지를 보여준다고 밝힘. ▷투자의견 : 매수[유지], 목표주가 : 79,000원[유지] 신세계인터내셔날 (031430) 지난해 4분기 컨센서스 상회 분석 및 올해 럭셔리 수요, 내수 회복 기대감 등에 상승 ▷유안타증권은 동사에 대해 지난해 4분기 연결 매출액 및 영업이익이 각각 3,836억원(YoY -3%), 174억원(YoY +20%)을 기록하며 낮아진 컨센서스를 8% 상회했다고 분석. 전분기에 이어 의류와 화장품 모두 럭셔리 수요가 강해진 것이 특징적이라고 언급. ▷아울러 올해 희소성 있는 럭셔리 브랜드의 수요가 성장을 주도할 것으로 예상되는 가운데, 내수 수요 회복(국내 패션, 라이프스타일)과 비디비치의 대중국 수요 회복 등이 기대된다고 밝힘. ▷투자의견 : 매수[유지], 목표주가 : 199,000원 → 220,000원[상향] 롯데쇼핑 (023530) 지난해 4분기 실적 호조에 상승 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 4분기 실적 발표, 20년4분기 연결기준 매출액 3.84조원(전년동기대비 -10.80%), 영업이익 1,815.02억원(전년동기대비 +316.75%), 순손실 4,316.13억원(전년동기대비 적자지속). ▷이와 관련, 교보증권은 동사에 대해 지난해 4분기 당사 추정치 및 컨센서스를 대폭 상회하는 실적을 기록했으며, 이는 지난해 119여개의 부실점포 폐점한 구조조정 효과와 국내 할인점/하이마트 부문 기존점 신장 및 판관비 절감 등 때문이라고 설명. ▷투자의견 : BUY[유지], 목표주가 : 140,000원[유지] ▷한편, 20년 연결기준 매출액 16.07조원(전년대비 -8.77%), 영업이익 3,460.84억원(전년대비 -19.12%), 순손실 6,709.42억원(전년대비 적자지속). 보통주 1주당 2,800원(시가배당율 2.8%) 현금배당(결산배당) 결정(배당기준일:2020-12-31) 공시. 한라홀딩스 (060980) 지난해 호실적 및 올해 실적 가이던스 제시 등에 상승 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 실적 발표. 20년 연결기준 매출액 7,353.71억원(전년대비 -7.89%), 영업이익 903.19억원(전년대비 +19.75%), 순이익 437.87억원(전년대비 +6.63%). 20년4분기 연결기준 매출액 2,371.52억원(전년동기대비 +18.42%), 영업이익 472.75억원(전년동기대비 +160.33%), 순이익 263.92억원(전년동기대비 +107.79%). ▷2021년 사업연도 연결기준 매출액 1.00조원 전망 공시. ▷보통주 1주당 2,000원(시가배당율 5.2%) 현금배당(결산배당) 결정(배당기준일:2020-12-31) 공시. 씨에스윈드 (112610) 167.78억원 규모 WIND TOWER 공급계약 체결에 상승 ▷Vestas Asia Pacific A/S와 167.78억원(최근 매출액대비 2.1%) 규모 공급계약(WIND TOWER) 체결(계약기간:2021-02-08~2021-08-20) 공시. 솔루스첨단소재 (336370) 지난해 4분기 실적 쇼크 분석 등에 하락 ▷NH투자증권은 동사에 대해 지난해 4분기 매출액 701억원(-5% q-q), 영업이익 26억원(-65% q-q)을 기록해 당사 전망치(매출액 719억원, 영업이익 64억원)와 시장 기대치(매출액 822억원, 영업이익 84억원)를 크게 하회했다고 밝힘. ���는 5G용 동박 공급량 감소, 전지박 사업 비용 부담 증가 등이 실적에 부정적 요인으로 작용했기 때문 등으로 분석. ▷투자의견 : HOLD[유지], 목표주가 : 49,000원[유지] ▷한편, 전일 장 마감 후 지난해 실적 발표, 20년 연결기준 매출액 2,901.63억원(전년대비 +314.54%), 영업이익 303.85억원(전년대비 +198.50%), 순손실 114.89억원(전년대비 적자전환). 2021년 사업연도 연결기준 매출액 3,960억원, 영업이익 430억원 전망 공시. 보통주 1주당 10원(시가배당율 0.0%), 종류주 1주당 11원(시가배당율 0.1%) 현금배당(결산배당) 결정(배당기준일:2020-12-31) 공시. CJ제일제당 (097950) 지난해 4분기 실적 기대치 하회 분석 등에 하락 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 4분기 실적 발표. 20년4분기 연결기준 매출액 6.15조원(전년동기대비 +3.18%), 영업이익 2,966.16억원(전년동기대비 +9.94%), 순이익 321.92억원(전년동기대비 -65.57%). ▷이와 관련 한국투자증권은 지난해 4분기 영업이익이 컨센서스를 9% 하회했다고 밝힘. 아울러 영업외비용이 2,699억원에 달해 세전이익이 적자전환했다며, 이는 사료 사업부문의 부실을 선제적으로 반영한 121억원의 기타대손상각비와 셀렉타와 삼해상사의 영업권 손실 등 2,626억원의 기타 비용에 기인한다고 분석. ▷다만, 중국 돼지 사육두수 회복세로 사료첨가제 판매량(Q) 증가 및 P(판가) 상승세가 이어지며 바이오 부문 호실적이 연내 지속될 것으로 전망. ▷투자의견 : 매수[유지], 목표주가 : 580,000원[유지]
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  국전약품 (307750) 코로나19 치료 후보물질 나파모스타트 제조 관련 특허 취득 소식에 급등 ▷동사는 언론을 통해 코로나19 치료 후보물질 주원료인 나파모스타트 제조 관련 한국 특허를 출원했다고 밝힘. 이와 관련, 동사는 기존 공정을 개선해 나파모스타트의 물적 특성인 낮은 결합력을 개선하고 그 중간체를 차별화된 제조법으로 합성해 고품질의 나파모스타트를 생산하는 제조 방법을 확보했다고 밝힘. 특허 정식 명칭은 ‘나파모스타트 메실산염 및 그 중간체의 제조 방법에 관한 것’으로 알려짐. ▷이에 대해 동사 홍종호 대표이사는 "나파모스타트가 기존 표준 치료제보다 효과가 뛰어나다는 연구 결과에 따라, 회사는 해당 물질이 코로나19 치료제의 주원료가 될 것으로 판단하고, 제약 바이오 기업의 수요에 따라 충분히 공급할 수 있도록 선제적 대응 중"이라고 밝힘. 자안 (221610) MP한강 주식 인수 관련 MOU 체결에 급등 ▷전일 장 마감 후 동사는 MP그룹과, MP한강 주식인수와 관련해 보통주 17,426,961주를 250억원에 인수하는 내용의 인수양해각서(MOU)를 체결했다고 공시. 이러한 소식에 동사가 MP한강 인수를 통해 여성색조 화장품 시장에 본격 진출할 것이란 기대감이 부각되면서 동사의 주가가 급등세를 기록중. ▷한편, MP그룹이 MP한강 보유주식 매각을 통해 유동성을 확보할 것이란 기대감에 MP그룹의 주가는 상승세를 기록중이며, MP한강의 주가는 하락세를 기록중. 대한그린파워 (060900) 상장폐지 루머 일축 속 급등 ▷전일 장 마감 후 내부결산시점 관리종목지정 사유 발생 공시. 이와 관련, 동사 관계자는 "지난 사업연도 내부결산 결과 상반기에 집중된 바이오중유사업 적자로 인해 4년 연속 영업손실 및 법인세비용차감전계속사업 손실에 해당돼 관리종목 지정이 예상된다며, 일부 유튜버들을 중심으로 제기되면서 퍼지고 있는 상장폐지에 대한 루머는 터무니없이 부풀려진 것이며 상장폐지 사유는 존재하지 않는다"고 밝힘. 아프리카TV (067160) 구조적 성장 기대감 등에 강세 ▷교보증권은 동사에 대해 지난해 코로나19 확산으로 직격탄을 맞았던 광고 사업이 4분기 138억원(+59.7% yoy)으로 급증하며 고성장의 신호탄을 쏘아 올렸다고 분석. 특히, 4Q20 콘텐츠형 광고는 게임사 광고 수요 집중과 연말 성수기 효과가 겹치며 폭발적인 매출 상승을 시현했다고 밝���. ▷아울러 이 같은 호실적이 일회성 요인이 아닌 다양한 광고주들로부터 수주한 결과로 구조적 성장의 초입으로 해석된다고 밝힘. 이에 플랫폼 매출 및 광고 매출 고성장세에 따라 올해 매출액 및 영업이익은 각각 2,400억원(+21.6% yoy), 678억원(+36.1% yoy)을 기록할 것으로 전망. ▷투자의견 : 매수[유지], 목표주가 : 77,000원 → 100,000원[상향] GH신소재 (130500) 50억원 규모 엔브이에이치플로어시스템(주) 매트사업부 양수 결정에 강세 ▷전일 장 마감 후 매트사업부문 영역확대를 통한 경쟁력 강화를 목적으로 엔브이에이치플로어시스템(주)의 매트사업부를 50억원에 양수키로 결정(양수기준일:2021-04-01) 공시. 녹십자셀 (031390) 메소텔린 특이적인 키메라 항원 수용체 및 이를 발현하는 T 세포 관련 특허 취득에 강세 ▷메소텔린 특이적인 키메라 항원 수용체 및 이를 발현하는 T 세포 관련 특허 취득 공시. ▷이와 관련, 동사는 인간 유래 메소텔린 특이적인 scFv를 포함하는 키메라 항원 수용체를 발현하는 T 세포를 동소이식 췌장암 마우스모델에 투여했을 때, 표적 특이적으로 이동하여 완전관해(CR)의 높은 치료효능을 나타냈으며 8주 이상 100% 항암활성을 유지하여 높은 지속성을 나타냈다고 설명. 이어 인간 유래 메소텔린 특이적인 scFv를 포함하는 키메라 항원 수용체를 발현하는 T 세포를 이용하여 고형암에 우수한 항암 효과를 가지는 CAR-T 치료제를 개발 중에 있다고 밝힘. 에스코넥 (096630) 삼성전자 신규 VR 헤드셋 출시 기대감에 상승 ▷언론에 따르면 삼성전자가 이르면 올해 새로운 VR 헤드셋(HMD, 헤드마운트디스플레이)을 출시할 것으로 알려짐. 지난해 10월 美 특허청에 ‘갤럭시 스페이스’라는 VR 헤드셋 브랜드로 추정되는 상표를 등록했으며, 지난달에는 세계지식재산권기구(WIPO)의 부속기관인 헤이그국제디자인시스템에 혼합현실(MR) 헤드셋과 컨트롤러 관련 특허를 등록한 것으로 알려짐. 이러한 소식에 과거 삼성전자 ‘기어 VR’에 금속 부품을 납품한 바 있는 동사의 주가가 상승세를 기록중. 서울반도체 (046890) 올해 실적 성장 기대감에 상승 ▷하나금융투자는 동사에 대해 올해 매출액과 영업이익이 각각 1조3,727억원(전년대비 +19%), 974억원(전년대비 +64%)을 기록할 것으로 전망. 매출액은 역대 최대를 기록할 전망이고, 영업이익은 2017년 최고 영업이익이었던 981억원에 근접할 것으로 전망. 지난해 코로나19로 인해 일부 중국 업체들이 구조조정 되었고 이에 따라 동사의 점유율이 확대되었다며, 상반기는 노트북, 모니터, 태블릿 등의 매출 호조와 하반기에는 미니LED 매출 가세로 유의미한 외형성장이 있을 것으로 전망. ▷투자의견 : BUY[유지], 목표주가 : 25,000원 → 28,000원[상향] 동원개발 (013120) 지난해 영업이익 호조 등에 상승 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 실적 발표, 20년 개별기준 매출액 6,313억원(전년대비 -1.76%), 영업이익 1,883.86억원(전년대비 +77.54%), 순이익 1,450.76억원(전년대비 +71.28%). 보통주 1주당 185원(시가배당율 3.85%) 현금배당(결산배당) 결정(배당기준일:2020-12-31) 공시. 클리노믹스 (352770) 미국법인 자체 개발 코로나19 진단키트 美 FDA 긴급사용승인 소식에 상승 ▷전일 언론에 따르면 동사의 미국법인인 CLINOMICS USA, INC가 지난해 美 FDA에 긴급사용승인을 신청한 코로나19 바이러스 진단키트(TrioDX)가 현지시간 2월5일 승인을 받은 것으로 알려짐. TrioDX는 동사 미국법인이 자체 개발했으며, 실시간 유전자 증폭(RT-PCR) 방식으로 경쟁사 대비 정확도가 높고 검사비용은 낮은 것으로 알려짐. 엠플러스 (259630) 지난해 실적 호조에 소폭 상승 ▷20년 연결기준 매출액 1,585.40억원(전년대비 +51.94%), 영업이익 100.46억원(전년대비 +266.93%), 순이익 58.49억원(전년대비 +191.42%). 디지탈옵틱 (106520) 최대주주 노블바이오와 반려동물 코로나19 진단 검체키트 상용화 추진 소식에 소폭 상승 ▷동사는 언론을 통해 최대주주인 노블바이오와 반려동물용 코로나19 진단 검체 채취키트 상용화에 나선다고 밝힘. ▷동사 관계자는 "코로나19 진단의 필수제품인 검체 채취용 스왑의 세계1위 생산업체인 노블바이오의 기술력을 기반으로 반려동물 전용 코로나19 진단 검체키트 상용화가 빠른 시일 내 가능할 것"이라며, "반려동물은 코로나19에 걸려도 사람에게 전파할 가능성은 낮지만 예방을위해 반려동물도 코로나19 진단이 필요하며, 반려동물 채취키트의 수요도 지속적으로 늘어날 것"이라고 설명. 이어 "반려동물 전용 코로나19 진단 검체 채취키트와 더불어 편리성과 정확성을 높인 타액 채취키트도 개발하고 있어 신규 검체 채취키트 상용화를 통해 관련 수주가 확대될 것으로 전망된다"고 밝힘. 씨젠 (096530) 회계처리기준 위반에 따른 임원의 해임권고 조치에 하락 ▷회계처리기준 위반에 따른 임원의 해임권고 조치 공시. 이와 관련, 증권선물위원회는 동사가 실제 주문량을 초과하는 과도한 물량의 제품을 대리점으로 임의반출하고 이를 전부 매출로 인식함으로써 매출액, 매출원가 및 관련 자산 등을 과대 또는 과소 계상했다고 밝힘. 이에 과징금, 감사인지정 3년, 담당임원 해임권고 및 직무정지 6개월 등을 조치했다고 밝힘. 삼진 (032750) 지난해 실적 부진에 하락 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 실적 발표. 20년 연결기준 매출액 1,292.34억원(전년대비 -4.43%), 영업이익 115.32억원(전년대비 -1.81%), 순이익 61.63억원(전년대비 -49.02%). ▷한편, 보통주 1주당 200원(시가배당율 1.8%) 현금배당(결산배당) 결정(배당기준일:2020-12-31) 공시. 컴투스 (078340) 지난해 실적 부진에 하락 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 실적 발표, 20년 연결기준 매출액 5,088.75억원(전년대비 +8.43%), 영업이익 1,128.80억원(전년대비 -10.37%), 순이익 752.65억원(전년대비 -31.32%). 20년4분기 연결기준 매출액 1,348.20억원(전년동기대비 +11.17%), 영업이익 248.34억원(전년동기대비 -22.84%), 순손실 27.43억원(전년동기대비 적자전환). ▷한편, 보통주 1주당 1,500원(시가배당율 1.0%) 현금배당(결산배당) 결정(배당기준일:2020-12-31) 공시. 이미지스 (115610) 관리종목지정 우려에 급락 ▷전일 장 마감 후 지난해 실적 발표. 별도기준 매출액 178.56억원(전년대비 +0.28%), 영업손실 36.78억원(전년대비 적자지속), 순손실 37.41억원(전년대비 적자지속). ▷이에 최근 4사업연도 연속 영업손실 발생에 따른 관리종목지정 우려 사유로 전일 시간외거래에서 거래가 정지됐으며, 금일 재개 후 급락세를 기록중. 원바이오젠 (307280) 스팩합병 첫날 급락 ▷금일 교보8호스팩과의 합병을 통해 코스닥시장에 상장한 동사의 주가는 급락세를 기록중임. 동사는 의료용품(창상피복제) 및 기타 의약 관련 제품 제조업체로 소듐 히알루론산 알지네이트를 이용한 폴리우레탄 폼드레싱재, 하이드로 콜로이드 드레싱재, 반투과성 필름 드레싱재 등을 주력을 개발 및 생산중임.
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automaticvr · 6 years
In this episode, Marcelo talks to CEO and Co-Founder of JanusVR, James McCrae about Janus VR, Janus Markup Language, WebVR.VR standars, AR and the future of immersive technologies. Please visit our sponsor of this episode, VeeR VR, and thank them for supporting this podcast. You can learn more about them at HowToCreateVR.com/veervr QUESTIONS ASKED: - Tell us about your background. - How did you get into VR as a user? What was your first experience like? - What’s your favorite VR experience as of today and why? - Give us an overview of JanusVR. - Who is the target audience for JML and JanusVR? - What is the relationship between what you’re doing and WebVR? - As a developer, why would I pick JML over A-Frame or React360? - What is your ultimate goal with JML? - What is your opinion on VR development standards? - Does JML support AR? - Do you think there will eventually be one HMD that will handle VR, AR, and MR? - Do you think companies should be competing or working together today? - What are some the best use cases for JML? - Can you integrate JML with back-end services like S3 or databases? - Is JML responsive? - Do you have a client for the Oculus Go? - Is there integration between JML and Unity or Unreal? - Do you guys have an editor like Unity? - What is Vesta and do we have to host our JML VR experiences in Vesta? - Describe what you would like VR to be like in 5 years. VR EXPERIENCES: - store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/611670/ - store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/611660/ - www.beatsaber.com/ LINKS: - janusvr.com/ - https://ift.tt/ZXWvhF - twitter.com/officialjanusvr?lang=en - howtocreatevr.com/ - howtocreatevr.com/itunes - howtocreatevr.com/soundcloud - howtocreatevr.com/youtube - howtocreatevr.com/meetup
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automaticar · 6 years
In this episode, Marcelo talks to CEO and Co-Founder of JanusVR, James McCrae about Janus VR, Janus Markup Language, WebVR.VR standars, AR and the future of immersive technologies. Please visit our sponsor of this episode, VeeR VR, and thank them for supporting this podcast. You can learn more about them at HowToCreateVR.com/veervr QUESTIONS ASKED: - Tell us about your background. - How did you get into VR as a user? What was your first experience like? - What’s your favorite VR experience as of today and why? - Give us an overview of JanusVR. - Who is the target audience for JML and JanusVR? - What is the relationship between what you’re doing and WebVR? - As a developer, why would I pick JML over A-Frame or React360? - What is your ultimate goal with JML? - What is your opinion on VR development standards? - Does JML support AR? - Do you think there will eventually be one HMD that will handle VR, AR, and MR? - Do you think companies should be competing or working together today? - What are some the best use cases for JML? - Can you integrate JML with back-end services like S3 or databases? - Is JML responsive? - Do you have a client for the Oculus Go? - Is there integration between JML and Unity or Unreal? - Do you guys have an editor like Unity? - What is Vesta and do we have to host our JML VR experiences in Vesta? - Describe what you would like VR to be like in 5 years. VR EXPERIENCES: - store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/611670/ - store.steampowered.com/agecheck/app/611660/ - www.beatsaber.com/ LINKS: - janusvr.com/ - https://ift.tt/ZXWvhF - twitter.com/officialjanusvr?lang=en - howtocreatevr.com/ - howtocreatevr.com/itunes - howtocreatevr.com/soundcloud - howtocreatevr.com/youtube - howtocreatevr.com/meetup
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durotoswrites · 2 years
I know there's not much to work with, but if you're still doing these, could you do a character analysis for Skye?
Skye, the elusive, self-proclaimed Phantom-Thief.  Exclusive to Harvest Moon DS Cute as a special bachelor.  Oh, don’t worry - I have some thoughts on him, hehe.
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How I feel about this character:
Harvest Moon DS was one of the first titles I played, and I was so eager to play it on release day on my chunky blue DS.  All glitches aside, I think it’s a wonderful game.  My previous game being the original for the SNES, I loved all the new features.  I was tickled to find a copy of HMDS Cute at a pawn shop for a few dollars, as I heard that they had fixed a lot of the bugs and had a few new features.
One of those being a special bachelor.  (Technically there are special bachelors, but Mason is a completely different story.)
I remember starting both of my files - one as Pony and one as Claire.  Being a veteran to HMDS, I already had plans on how I wanted to differ the farms.  Pony was going to focus on livestock, while Claire grew crops.  I had already played as Claire in MFoMT, so I was eager to start my file as Pony and marry the special bachelor, Skye!
I knew very little about him other than his appearance and that he was an exclusive character.  I loved the cast of Forget-Me-Not Valley, so I was so stoked to have a new face show up.
But then he opened his mouth to speak.
I quickly learned that Skye was not my type AT ALL.  Using eloquent words and flaunting his pretty-boy looks, he smooth-talked people out of their hard earned goods.  He fancied himself the Prince of the Stars and often talked about how mysterious he was.
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(No, Skye, I really don’t.)
His events were very different than the rest of the marriage candidates in the game.  Skye would leave a note at a location, stating he would steal something, and then he would attack the proprietors with his “Chick Beam” (more thoughts on that later) and make off with the goods, not without casting a flirtation at the main character on his way out.
I’m aware the whole elusive phantom thief trope is a thing, and it feels like an odd mix in a small farming community like Forget-Me-Not of all places.  The only place that really seems to have anything expensive in it would be Romana’s mansion - other than that, these are just humble people living in the middle of a small farming community.  I doubt Griffin was raking in the cash at the Blue Bar, so it felt strange to rob him, unless Skye was really that desperate for a drink.  I can imagine Vesta being a little more wealthy, selling seeds to other farms in the area (including Mineral Town in my headcanons), but I still can’t figure out why Marlin didn’t/couldn’t go after him, as he wouldn’t be affected by the Chick Beam?  Anyway, I felt that a lot of the thief scenes felt a bit forced and that the main character was living one of the episodes of the cheesy weekly specials they show on the in-game television.
Skye does open up to the main character briefly during his blue heart scene, confessing his love of experimenting with making different kinds of curry, but he has trouble getting it to taste just right.  You can suggest that he isn’t cooking with enough love, which he finds amusing, but he seems to take to heart.  It seems like we’re going to finally get to see a more vulnerable side of Skye…
That is, until his final heart scene.  The whole town decides to work together to catch Skye and stop him once and for all.  Honestly, it’s pretty neat to see so many characters in one scene together who usually don’t interact working together as a team.  I love how Rock is leading the team, eager to be the one to catch the thief.
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Skye obviously doesn’t want to get run out of town and bumps into the main character.
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If we agree, he tells the MC she looks pretty in his usual overly flowery way and leaves her to deal with the mess of betraying all the townsfolk.
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Lying to all of the townspeople that I had been befriending up until then really left a sour taste in my mouth.  It really felt like I had to pick between him or the rest of the town. And it was at that point where I realized every single heart event revolved around Skye getting what he wanted by using others, including the main character.
We never find out why Skye is robbing people, either.  I got the feeling that Skye’s overly confident air was a bit of a defense mechanism, but we never really see him drop the “act”, even after marriage.  So maybe that’s just the way he is?  It felt a little hollow, and I would’ve liked to see a more down-to-earth Skye who realizes he doesn’t have to get by from stealing.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Sorry, I don’t have any. 😓 I feel that Skye needs to get his life together and realize that he can’t get by on his charm alone to get whatever he wants.  And since we are given so little about his actual character, it’s really hard to tell who he would be compatible with.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
No one in Forget-Me-Not Valley, for sure!  They all are eager to run him out, as he is constantly trying to steal from their businesses.
Perhaps Skye and Gourmet could talk curry recipes together, as they both really like it.  Maybe Gourmet could give him tips to get that perfect flavor.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Skye’s behavior raises a lot of red flags for me.  My biggest complaint is if you choose to propose to him, he plans on coming to your house to steal your blue feather.
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It’s a bit of an “if I can’t have you, no one can” mentality, and I find it really uncomfy.  Just as he steals objects, he plans on “stealing” the main character’s heart.
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Skye’s “Chick Beam” leaves girls literally paralyzed and he continues to have conversations with them, whether they want him to or not.  If this ability really works, it’s kinda scary when you think of how it can be abused.  Red flags all around.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish they had elaborated on Skye a bit.  A lotta bit. 
Yeah, I get he’s mysterious, but what is he doing in a small town like this?  Why not go somewhere with more valuables - is he currently hiding from a theft that ended badly?  Why did he choose to become a thief?  What is he saving his money for?  What is the “Chick Beam” and does it truly work?  Is he human, or does he possess similar powers to the Witch Princess?  We honestly know so little from him outside of this “mysterious air” he puts on as a security blanket, and I don’t really feel like he removes that after marriage, either.
Outward appearances are very important to Skye.  He presents himself in fashionable clothing and speaks in honeyed words.  Whether this is for him to work his charisma to steal more easily, we’re not entirely sure.  Maybe he just came from a wealthy family that dresses and speaks that way, although my gut points to the first reason.
Skye might not be my favorite character in the series, but he definitely stands out and leaves the player with a lot more questions than answers.  And unanswered questions are fun for headcanons!
Thank you so much for the ask!  Skye does have a bit of intrigue to him and there’s a lot of blanks for the player to fill in for themselves.  Definitely makes you think a bit! ;)
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durotoswrites · 2 years
old english: harvest moon edition!
So, when I got this ask, I thought you were asking for a mini fic written in old English... XD I had this idea of Elli meeting up with Pete and doing something scandalous.
"Mine eyes doth caught a view of her bare ankle as she sat across from me with her chaperone. Such a coquettish gesture! Such brazenness!"
But now realizing it was probably the Cafe Asks...
Old English : You’re stranded on an island, who do you bring with you?
Alright, so my mind is immediately going to a few characters in particular. I'm going to want to be with someone who is a decent companion, but also someone that can help keep us alive. It's too hard to pick just one, so I formed a crew (Top 5 List in no particular order):
Greg HM64: The guy is used to living in the great outdoors. He's a great fisherman, very kind and seems like he'd have a lot of stories to tell. Likely knows how to forage and build shelters, and he's very resourceful. Great choice.
Gotz FoMT: He'd be able to help build shelter, and he's very strong and has foraging knowledge. He patrols the mountain to keep it safe. He's very quiet, and he's notorious in FoMT for randomly dropping friendship points down to zero and refusing to work, likely due to PTSD/grief over his family. I dunno if I would wanna put him through that, but if we were in a group, it could work out.
Ralph PoOT: As a ranger, again, he'd have knowledge of how to deal with wild animals and know basic first aid and survival skills. I haven't unlocked many friendship events, but I have heard that he's willing to put himself between you and a bear, so he's got guts. Seems a little quiet, but could open up and be good company. Another top choice.
Vesta HMDS: Strong, resourceful, and never wasteful. She'd be a good natural leader, and is very levelheaded. If we had to stay at the island for the long haul, she could help the group grow seeds of the fruits/vegetables we find there. Overall, she seems kindhearted, and I feel that we'd manage well together.
Cliff HM64: Another character familiar to living outside. Would be able to find clean water, shelter, food, and has a falcon companion to boot. Access to foraged goods, small game (at the very least we see he is capable of catching rabbits), and fish. He has severe trust issues with people in general, however. Would he be able to trust me enough to work together? I honestly love this character because I see so much of myself in him. It would take a gentle approach, and I've been wanting to learn falconry for years, so.... another top pick, haha.
I'd love to hear other people's answers to this question, too! Who would be your crew on a stranded island?
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