#his name was. guru laghima
comradekatara · 2 years
what’s everyone’s LEAST favourite colour (by everyone i mean like. just whoever u wanna answer this for lmao not gaang exclusive but it can be!)
aang: he loves all colors! any color can be beautiful in its own way!! ...except for puke green. (because like. ew)
katara: fire nation red. specifically the red of zuko’s gay little outfit. has he considered wearing nicer colors, like a lovely lilac or a baby blue?
sokka: infrared and ultraviolet. the gatekeepers of the visible light spectrum, if you will.
toph: all of them. she has no clue what they are, no matter how much her friends try to explain the concept to her. she wants to fight them.
zuko: he actually agrees with katara that the fire nation colorscheme is too garish and he would rather wear pastel shades of blue and purple, but he can’t just let her win an argument, so he reminds her that if she doesn’t like red it’s because she hates communism and katara is like “oh. damn. you’re right. i didn’t think of that. fuck”
suki: the rusty greyish-brown of the boiling rock prison cells. she thinks they could use some decorating, maybe some cute wallpaper.
mai: she agrees with suki. would prefer yellow wallpaper, specifically. for reasons.
azula: silver, clear, anything shiny or reflective really. she wishes to be surrounded by matte surfaces only, lest she accidentally catch sight of her reflection in an accursed mirror.
ty lee: any color that has “bad vibes”
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charmedreincarnation · 4 months
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So, I was watching ATLA and LOK for the millionth time, and there are so many elements in these shows that I have applied to my life, it's not even funny. This isn’t even really meant to be particularly educating but honestly I could have used atla and lok alone at the beginning of my journey and still come to the same conclusions as I had today. They’re both some of my fav shows since I was a child, and looking back and seeing its influence on me is very nostalgic. Also the live action is getting produced soon so I can’t think of a better time to make this post.
Anyways In Avatar: The Last Airbender," Aang learns about chakras from Guru Pathik. Chakras are like energy points in our body. Each one is linked to a different part of life, such as love, truth, or survival. When Aang clears blockages in these chakras, he can use his Avatar powers better. I had made a post about I will link here but honestly watching the scene in a kids show is more appealing 😭😭
Meditation is used a lot in the Avatar series. It helps characters like Aang to focus, feel calm, and understand themselves better. In real life, meditation does the same thing! It can obviously help reduce stress, improve focus and make us feel happier. In both shows I saw characters use meditation to induce a plethora of things.
Talk to Past Lives: Aang uses meditation to talk to his past lives for advice.
Ask for Help: Aang meditates to ask spirits for help.
Clear Minds: Characters meditate to think clearly and make good decisions.
Astral Projection: Aang and Jinora can travel as spirits, separate from their bodies, and etc
Yin and Yang
Avater uses the Moon (Yin) and Ocean (Yang) spirits to symbolize balance. Yin (Moon spirit) is like the subconscious mind, it's quiet, internal, and creative. Yang (Ocean spirit) can be seen as the conscious mind, it's active, external, and logical.
Just like in Neville Goddard's teachings, both aspects need to work together for balance. In the show, when the Moon spirit is killed, chaos ensues because the balance is disrupted. It's only when the Moon spirit is revived that harmony is restored. This is similar to how our subconscious (inner self) and conscious (outer self) minds need to work together to achieve our desires as we want to experience both of the worlds as they work in unison.
Astral realm and the sprit world
Atla and lok also talks about a spirit world. This is like another dimension filled with spirits and mystical beings. It's similar to what we call the 'astral realm' - so a space beyond the physical world where our consciousness can go. Also Jinora, a character in "The Legend of Korra," has a unique spiritual ability that allows her to astral project. So she can separate her spirit from her physical body and traverse both the physical and spiritual worlds in her spiritual form.
Jinora displays astral projection abilities multiple times. For instance, in Season 2, she uses this skill to guide Korra, who is lost in the spirit world, she also uses it to find and save Kai in seasons 3. Her astral form appears as a glowing butterfly-like spirit, and she used it multiple times to lead her friends to safety.
The Void state
In lok a character named Zaheer learns to fly. He was put in jail for trying to kidnap the Avatar. But he obviously didn't waste time while in jail. Instead, he used it to meditate and try to reach enlightenment. He does this by entering a 'void' state when he meditates. He lets go of all his earthly attachments and desires, and this makes him weightless. His ability to fly is deeply intertwined with his spiritual beliefs and his interpretation of the teachings of Guru Laghima, an ancient Air Nomad.
In the show Guru Laghima, who lived 4,000 years before Zaheer's time, was the first airbender known to have unlocked the ability to fly. According to his teachings, one could achieve flight by "entering the void" - which meant letting go of all earthly attachments and desires to attain true freedom. When his gf dies This emotional event helps him truly let go of his last earthly tether, thus allowing him to "enter the void" and unlock the ability to fly.
Reincarnation and the avatar cycle
I knew the shows were probably based of real life because I’ve seen air nomad clothing, and I know monks are very closely reflected onto the show but really every aspect rings true and is similar to beliefs in Buddhism. This is especially true when looking at the Dalai Lama, who is a spiritual leader in Tibetan Buddhism.
People believe that the Dalai Lama is a new version of Avalokiteśvara or Chenrezig, who is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion. When a Dalai Lama dies, it's believed he comes back to life in a new person. Then, high-ranking lamas look for signs to find this person.
This is like the cycle of the Avatar. When an Avatar dies, they come back to life in a new person from the next nation in a set order (Air, Water, Earth, Fire). The new Avatar is found using different tests, which is much like how the new Dalai Lama is found.
But there are some differences. For example, the Avatar can remember their past lives, but the Dalai Lama usually doesn't say they remember theirs. Also, the Avatar is special because they can control all four elements, which is a fantasy idea and doesn't have a real-life counterpart in Buddhism.
I was researching my a specific Lama and his story was a reflection of Korra’s character. It's interesting to note that both the Dalai Lama and Korra knew from a young age that they were special. In the show, Korra knew she was the Avatar when she was very young. Similarly, the Dalai Lama also recognized his identity at a young age.
Honestly, it's just a really good show to watch. I probably even missed some elements from the show bc I’m more concerned about watching it than learning something. But I love both ATLA and LOK and I've even shifted to LOK and will shift to ATLA as well! I really suggest watching its so good y’all. Byeee
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allgremlinart · 10 months
The Most Underrated Line In All Of ATLA/TLOK And Its Many Worldbuilding Implications - A Ramble
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In S2E7 of TLOK we get this dialogue from Wan and The Aye-Aye Spirit: "There are other Lion Turtles?" "Of course there are - dozens of them!" [timestamp 3:38 in this video]
It's such a quick line it's easy to miss, but there's one thing about it that made a LOT of things click into place for me about the Avatar universe's worldbuilding; the fact that there are (or were) dozens of Lion Turtles. NOT four, with one for each element, like you would assume. Dozens.
What does this mean in terms of the Four Nations? What connections might this have with other previously established lore? Well uhm follow me on this journey. I guess.
Pre-Unifications - A Global Warring States Era?
A warring states era on a wouldn't be nearly as compelling if there were only four Lion Turtles. If this were the case, everything would be perfectly balanced; why would there be disarray, violence, cultural disparity and struggles for power within each elemental group if the world was already perfectly divided into four solid groups? Why would a national identity be in question at all?
But the fact that there are more than one Lion Turtle per element... that means different groups of people being isolated from one another for long periods of time. This means different bodies of identity, regardless of element. Different city states, regional Kings, Queens, fiefdoms, dynastic power struggle, etc etc, before any sort of inherent loyalty the ones element as a national and cultural identity was established.
We know the Avatar world was not always divided into Four Nations. In Chapter 21 of The Rise Of Kyoshi we learn that Guru Laghima - a name you'll recognize from TLOK S3 - was from an era when the Four Nations had not yet been formed. We also know from Zaheer that he lived about 4,000 years before the events of TLOK (for context, thats about 6,000 years after Wan became the first Avatar).
There's further confirmation of this in Smoke And Shadow, where we learn about the first Firelord and the Fire Nation's unification wars.
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However there's implications of this even in the original series; it's not some sloppy ret-con from the books and comics, it fits. Think Omashu:
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In S2E2 of ATLA we get the story of Oma and Shu - and we learn that they come from "warring villages." Now why exactly would their villages be warring if The Earth Kingdom already existed? Why the need for a power struggle? Why is it not presented as a civil insurrection or civil war, but as a conflict between two distinct groups of people? The answer is that the "Earth Kingdom" as we conceptualize it did not exist. I'd go further and say that we can assume that after Omashu was established it became a powerful regional kingdom, and created strong sphere of cultural influence. Think about it - Bumi is King Of Omashu. King. NOT the Earth King, King Of The Earth Kingdom, but still King Of Omashu.
[Now there's some debate about where Omashu's founding sits on the timeline but to me it HAS to be post-Wan, probably very nearly immediately post-Wan. The line that calls them the "first earthbenders" and that they "learned earthbending from the badger moles" has caused some to question if they fit in with the "Lion Turtles bestowed bending" lore, but to me it fits pretty easily. The Lion Turtles may have bestowed the power but the actual technique was learned from the badger moles and dragons and blah blah blah.]
I also find this line from Jianzhu in The Rise Of Kyoshi very illuminating:
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VINDICATION !! And Jianzhu's moaning over the cultural diversity within his country brings me to the second part of this post...
FC Yee And Gene Luen Yang Accidentally (?) Make Avatar's Cultural Mish Mash Make More Sense
Avatar's cultural gumbo of visuals has always been a little hard to parse. If you follow @atlaculture then you know it'd be kind of fruitless to try and apply any one single ethnicity/culture to one nation. A common, and very valid, criticism of Avatar is the pan-asian approach it takes to worldbuilding. I'm not here to defend that lol. I think people who dislike Avatar on that basis are well within their rights to do so, and I also think it's important to enjoy things critically.
HOWEVER, from a worldbuilding perspective, the mish mash becomes easier to swallow when you think of it in terms of multiple groups of people being unified into different nation states over a very long period of time and slowly intertwining their cultures into a single(ish) identity.
Take the Fire Nation for example: in FC Yee's The Shadow Of Kyoshi we learn that the government was much more decentralized and the country was controlled by different clans, like the Saowon and Keosho, who had individual spheres of influence and strong senses of identity. It makes me think about Mai and Ty Lee
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They're both Fire Nation nobles and they both live in the Fire Nation capital - but their styles/clothes are completely different. Now, obviously that can be boiled down to personality-based character design but. There's a wide discrepancy between Mai's Edo Japan inspired hair and Ty Lee's Thai inspired performance outfit, and a little retroactive canon about them being part of different but powerful clans .. ? Yeah. That'd be fun, at the very least.
I could go on about this... was there a Water Lion Turtle at the north AND the south? How did the airbenders transition from relatively sedentary life on a Lion Turtle to nomadism? etc etc etc BUT in conclusion: TLOK and the comics have some very fun worldbuilding implications snuck in there !! Which makes up for a lot in my opinion. Personally I'd KILL for an Avatar series set in the warring states/unification period... I think that could be insanely cool...idk. The End. For Now.
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silima · 1 year
ur the only person i know of who cares abt the red lotus. im wondering if you’ve ever drawn xai bau? or if you have thoughts on him in general?
this is embarrassing cuz i have tried to draw him but i absolutely can't find the drawing lol rip. i've never been able to come up with a design that i'm totally satisfied with, though, mostly because whenever i try to imagine him my brain just pulls up, like, long-haired zaheer with a slightly cooler beard. i think xai bau is a really COOL character but one that's pretty hard for me to come up w/ headcanons for 🤔 like he founded this very cool and dangerous bad guy squad (obviously my favorite characters) and he’s got an location in the spirit world named after him (which is super cool altho i have to wonder if anyone outside of the red lotus actually calls it that lol) but there’s so little to go on as to what he was actually like.
i've seen basically two different interpretations of xai bau--one that he, like, actively helped form the red lotus organization, stuck around long enough to meet zaheer &co, and was to some extent a mentor figure to them (especially towards zaheer), and the other is your idea that they never actually met and it was his writings that inspired the red lotus from a distance. it's a cool idea that i never considered before and it makes sense—i like the idea that he and Zaheer might’ve had a mentor-mentee relationship at some point, because it’s fun, but the way zaheer talks about him and guru laghima is pretty similar, as if they’re both "historical" figures that he never actually met in person. (also i just think it's super super funny if xai bau dated katara.) i do like the idea that he had enough direct involvement in the red lotus's formation to properly be considered its founder though, even if it was maybe toward the end of his life or something. like maybe he never met zaheer but did meet other, older members as the organization was forming—probably other frustrated WL members and possibly some new recruits as well. but he’s got so little info in canon that you can take him all sorts of directions and still come up with something fun
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aanglican · 3 months
natla s1e1 reaction liveblog ^.^
“in partnership with nickelodeon”
the earthbender from the trailer yassss come on prequel
they didnt know he was an earthbender huhhh
sozin BITCH
“we arent the real target” OH
not the fire sages watching sozin burn a man alive
why the fuck is it kyoshi narrating -_-
that random ass “aang” in the intro
aang is flying…. your ass will never be guru laghima!!!
“there may come a day when you wish you spent more time with your teachers” 😩
SKY BISONNNN + “all of them”
this female airbender is so pretty
the last comet festival before 0 AG was a hundred years ago
“i don’t want the power” “which is why you’ll be a great avatar” “cant you just pretend im still your friend?” “you’ll always be my friend” 😮‍💨😮‍💨🥹🥹🥹
gordon cormier THESPIAN
the fooking comet……..
“monks dont even trust me to feed the baby bison and im supposed to save the world??”
i understand why people said there’s a lot of exposition in this pilot now
these fuckass fire nation bitches GO AWAY
“brothers and sisters we’re under attack”
okayyyy choreo
these firebenders dont feel like they’re superpowered at all aside from when they’re blasting at the buildings hmmm
poor babies :(
they burned my girl alive in her own tornado
not sozin doing an amon walk
the southern water tribe YASSSSS
not katara being in the old fire nation ship
i’ll never understand why fc yee chose wolf cove as the name for the village. wolf what? this place is weird.
“if dad were here—” “but hes not here. i am!” 🫥
zuko here (and he is polluting the skies and seas)
zuko drawing fanart
why do statues and statuettes with the image of the avatars all glow when aang awakens? that was never explained in the cartoons and it only happened once (?)
LMAO whose uncle is this
this michael goi ahs: murder house ass camera angle lol
aang thinking the southerners know what a sky bison looks like aw :( cus 100 years ago was just yesterday for him
this whale bone architecture slayssss but why is this longhouse so huge
not gran gran stealing katara’s lines 😮‍💨
“ass” word dropped!!! okayy TV-14!!!
this big ass ship omg no wonder the fire nation was polluting all the damn lands. they needed that metal.
poor babies holding rocks trying to fight off the firebenders :(((
girl i am not rocking with this dialogue just yet hold on….
“lord of uh snow and ice” okay i take it back
“it can’t be” u thought u were gonna get an old ass man to beat huh
iroh and aang scene ouuuu
“the drive to conquer … is peace and unity” ouuuu iroh telling on his old self or what?
zuko flop
not katara realizing she can do shit with water lmao that quick tho???
“flameheads” new slur for firebenders dropped
they fucked up yangchen’s shrine real bad ouuu
gyatso reaction INCOMINGGGG
avatar state babeyyyyyyy
aang let go baby this isnt you ;(
zuko chill bro
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nessandaus · 1 year
Not really an AU but, I've been thinking about my idea for an ATLA/avatar story.
Set during the time of (young) Guru Laghima, it would follow the story of the Avatar and her older sister. They are from the earth tribes, and have to flee their home after a strong, nonbending general calling himself the King of Earth and his army kill their parents.
The older sister, Sisi, is a 13 year old (at the beginning of the story) earth bender whose family had a stronger connection to the spirits than most. Sisi had been learning wood carving from her mother and earthbending construction from her father when the army destroyed their lives. She eventually grows into the person who invented the bending and solstice locks scattered through the various temples around the world, a feat which earns her the name "Lockbender".
The avatar, Mimi, is 6 at the start of their story, only just starting to learn earthbending. She is found out as the avatar because she liked to play with fire as well, able to make the fire and rocks around her dance from a young age. As she and her sister slowly travel the world, Mimi masters earthbending, then the other elements.
Laghima is a young, cocky, 16 year old airbender in the beginning, out on a nomadic voyage to learn about the world and the spirits that inhabit it. He finds the young sisters and likes to travel with them as he learns from the various places they visit.
Cheeks is Mimi's animal companion, an Iguanaparrot who they found injured. She likes to eat berries and carrots, and she picks up words to parrot relatively easily (and then just says "Berries please berries please" over and over)
The first book, Earth, is mostly slice of life of them travelling and becoming friends for 10 years until Mimi is a master earth bender and ready to learn other elements. Laghima is on and off, visiting temples and meditating with spirits a lot more than his companions. He also makes sure the two young girls are safe from danger, scouting and making sure they avoid the growing Earth army. The finale is them fleeing the Earth Kingdom, as the Earth King is crowned in the newly built Ba Sing Se.
The Second book, Fire, the companions enter the fire kingdom, and Mimi begins her fire training. Sisi, in barter for their stay, starts putting her construction and woodcarving abilities to work, helping to build and reinforce the temples, and gaining her name of Lockbender. Laghima meditates at all the temples, and floats for the first time. This book ends with Mimi being declared a master of firebending in only two years, and Cheeks picking up some fire related swear words.
Book 3, Air, the companions go to the Western Air Temple. As Mimi works on air bending and struggles to get past some blocks, Sisi works on improving the integrity of the upside down buildings. Laghima is made Mimi's part time teacher and is recognized as a Guru by his people. He hasn't yet mastered the state of mind for permanent floating, though is consistently floating with meditation. During this time, they also visit the other air temples regularly so Sisi can check the construction and install the giant airbending locks. It takes Mimi 3 years to master airbending. This season ends with the Earth king finding out about the avatar, and quietly dispatching a team to find and capture her, as the Earth Avatar is one of his citizens and therefore should listen to him.
Book 4, Water. The companions, still with Laghima, head towards the small southern water tribe to learn water bending. On the way, they instead discover some other water benders, a young new tribe in the middle of a swamp. Mimi starts to learn water bending from the swamp benders, and Laghima communes with the (while younger, still large and old) banyan grove tree, and finally learns what he needs to be weightless always. Sisi meets a swamp bender girl named Rocha who decides to join the companions (they're gay, Harold). A short bit through the book, they pick up travel to the Southern water tribe to complete Sisi's training, having gained all they could from the swamp. In the meanwhile, the earth king's team are getting ever closer. With half the book left, they complete the water training, the fastest of the elements, and are captured by the earth king's forces.
then plot, plot plot, it ends with Sisi sacrificing herself so Roche, Laghima and Mimi can escape. Mimi is a quiet avatar who spends the rest of her years trying to protect others from war. Laghima becomes the wise floating guru we hear about. Roche holds the memory of her wife dear, and retires to the banyan grove swamp where she spends years strengthening the spirit of the tree.
It's revealed also that the writer of this history is an old Mimi, with Cheeks also looking a bit grey on her shoulder (parrots live forever), looking out upon a peaceful Western Air Temple. With a small lock designed by her sister on the outside of the journal.
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fyregrayfong · 3 years
In These Arms | Chapter 15: The Red Lotus 
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CW: Blood and violent fighting
Lin looks over the injured men and women resting while you and Su check on the officers. Kuvira helps Tonraq down and walks him over to the injured as you bring over medical supplies. “Your arm is pretty beat up” you comment as you hand Kuvira the bandages “It could’ve been worse”. “Hold on, Kuvira you got him?” you look over at her and she nods as you excuse yourself to help bandage another officer’s ankle.
“You look pretty beat up, y/n” Iris voices out nearby as you turn your back away from her and focus on the ankle “Nothing I haven’t dealt with before. I’m fine” you mutter as you hear a shrieking noise and turn toward the sound. What the fuck is that god awful noise . Su stands up and points to the sky and your eyes follow her glance “Caw! Caw! Caw! Caw!” Lin turns around and looks up “Caw! Caw!” a baby bison rapidly descends down to the ground “Caw! Caw!”
The bison lands and skids along the grass, exhausted. Bolin is thrown off from the crash landing. The poor calf whines and Asami gets off as well. The four adults, you included, run up to the group and you grab hold of Asami “You good?” you ask as you check her over, and she nods.
Mako and Lin help Tenzin disembark from the calf's back while Su helps Bolin up as the kid airbender starts to talk “Hey, everybody. There's something I gotta tell you.”
Lin cuts him off and looks at the teens “How did you guys make it out of that temple alive?”
“It was all Bolin. I thought we were done for. Then out of nowhere, he lavabends!” Mako looks over at Tonraq then at Bolin
“Well would you look at that!” you smirk as Su rests a hand on Bolin's shoulder “I knew you had the potential for something big. You just had to believe in yourself.” Bolin smiles widely at Su,
“You're right. Being moments from death was a pretty good motivator too. Of course, we never would have made it back without Kai.”
Kai smiles “Glad I could help. So anyway-“
“--Did Zaheer get away with Korra?” Tenzin interrupts and you notice Kai frowning, you purse your lips but continue on listening to the conversation.
“I'm afraid so.” Lin laments and Su remarks as everyone turns to her “Apparently, he can fly now.
The crew and Tenzin, Asami, and Bolin raise their eyebrows with surprise “What?”
“Are you sure?”
Lin looks over at Tenzin “I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't seen it for myself.”
“I thought the ability to fly was impossible or just some story.” you look at Tenzin,
“I've heard the legends about Guru Laghima's ability to fly. But I never imagined they were true.” Tenzin looks down, worried about Zaheer’s new ability.
“So what's our next move?” Tonraq asks around the group and no one says anything, unsure on how to proceed.
Kai gets off his bison and walks up to the adults “I have an idea.”
Lin sharply talks to Kai “Not right now, kid! We need to figure out where Zaheer took Korra.”
“--And find the airbenders.” Tenzin adds to which Kai is not amused.
You slightly lean over at Kai and whisper “if you want them to listen you gotta say it with your chest, kid” Kai looks at you and nods then irritably yells out “That's what I've been trying to tell you! I know where the airbenders are, and I bet it's where Korra is too!”
Mako looks at Kai and frowns “Well, why didn't you say something?”
Kai frowns and gives a frustrated sigh.
“I mean you guys never gave him a chance. Kept talking over the poor boy” you purse your lips as everyone glares at you and you fold your arms shrugging.
“Where are they? How did you find them?” Kai turns his attention to Tenzin as the baby bison walks up to Kai “After I got blasted out of the sky, I woke up on the side of the mountain where this little fellow found me.” Kai rests a hand on the calf's head and the baby bison whinnies and Kai kneels down to stroke its snout “I tried to sneak back into the temple to see if I could rescue everyone, and that's when I saw the airship leaving. I followed it to some caves a few miles from here. That giant lady met up with some people who took the airbenders into the caves.”
“Was it Ghazan and Ming- Hua?” Lin asked, listening to the young airbender.
“No, there were four more of them. Didn't look familiar.” He stands up and looks at her,
“Must be more Red Lotus members than we thought.” Mako looks over at the group then down to the ground.
“I couldn't fight them all on my own. So I came back here, hoping you guys would show up.” Kai looks at the group “Smart thinking” you gave him a nod then turn your head to Lin
“We need to get to those caves.” Lin remarks and you look over in the direction Kai had mentioned seeing the other airbenders being held,
Kai shrugs “How? I don't think we can all fit on my bison.”
You, Tenzin, Mako, and Lin look at Kai as a shadow passes by overhead and you all look up as a grunt from an air bison is heard. You recognize Oogi circling the sky and Tenzin calls for him “Oogi!”
Oogi lands on the ground in front of his owner and takes a step forward.
Tenzin rests a hand on Oogi's head, and the bison grunts again “I'm glad to see you too, old friend.” He rubs his hand affectionately over Oogi's fur.
“Well no better time than the present. Let’s go there now,” you suggest, and everyone agrees. You earth launch yourself and Asami onto the saddle first. Lin and Su climb in after as you help Tenzin sit down as the rest of the crew get in while Asami holds the reins atop of Oogi’s head. Bolin climbs up Oogi's tail into the saddle - Mako is on the ground looking up at the saddle.
Kuvira walks up to the bison and speaks to Su “I want to come with you.”
Su shakes her head “No, Kuvira. Stay with the injured. We'll be back for you once we have the Avatar.”
Kuvira nods and walks away. Kai climbs on to his baby bison and the calf purrs. Mako walks over to Kai and they exchange some words.
You stay upfront near Asami and Tenzin “You got the reins, ‘Sami?”
“Yeah, I’ve flown Oogi before remember”
“Uh…right. I forgot” you rub your forehead as you move to the back of the saddle and Mako climbs up. Soon Kai takes off with Asami tailing behind him and flies in the direction he last saw the airbenders.
You lean back against the saddle as you fix up your metal forearm sleeves, bending out the dents.
“How are you holding up?” Lin whispers to you and you look down at the chest plate and bend out the dent at your side “I’m good, I just want to get korra and the airbenders out safe” you grit your teeth as you fix the plate trying not to focus on the bruises underneath before leaning back against the saddle.
“I hope Opal is okay” Su looks out towards the view of the mountain ridges
“Since they have Korra now, she and the rest of the airbenders should be fine. They got who they wanted.” You look over at Su before looking away.
Kai comes up beside the saddle “The place where I saw them taking the airbenders is around here.”
“That's gotta be where they took Korra.”
He points to a mountain where there are five airbender statues carved into the side. The statue in the middle is the biggest.
“That's it! Down there, Lefty.”
Lefty moos and flies down. Oogi follows soon after and the two bison land in front of an opening in the mountain. You grab onto the saddle and hop down, you look up and watch Lin slide down Oogi’s tail. Tonraq and Bolin support Tenzin as he gets down from the saddle. Tenzin groans in pain as he holds onto Oogi for support. Su walks towards him.
You start toward the opening and look up at the largest statue as Asami walks up beside you “I don’t know what Zaheer is planning against Korra but…”
“We’re going to stop him and get Korra back, y/n” Asami looks at you and you nod at her “That thing charged up?” you look at the glove and Asami powers it up with blue electric waves sparking out, “Always” Asami sports a determined look.
“Ready?” Su looks at the both of you and receives a nod, the group starts running into the opening of the secret Red Lotus hideout.
As Su and Lin make quick work of digging into the cave the voice of a Red Lotus guard comes from behind the last piece of earth “Hey! What do you think you're doing?” there’s a muffled noise as Lin and Su send a chunk of rock from the side, knocking the guard out cold when he collides against the wall. “Saving them” you glare at the guard in a defensive stance as another one runs forward before looking to the side at your group of intruders. The guard bends the two slabs of rock behind him towards them. Su bends up a protective wall of earth and the projectiles collide with it, making the top half crumble. You and Asami leap over the remains of the wall and she ducks as the guard sends another slab at her while you check for any guards more coming. Asami reaches up to grab the guard's arm and proceeds to electrocute his back as she brings him down to the floor. “All clear” you state walking back and the rescue team relaxes when the guard falls unconscious and Su looks to the side locating her daughter “Mom!” Opal is happy to see her mom as Su runs to her daughter and rests her hands on Opal’s shoulders “Oh, honey, I’m so glad you’re safe” she embraces her daughter.
Bolin runs up and roughly shoves Su away, hugging Opal as well “Me too”.
Su sits up and glares at Bolin as Asami starts unlocking people’s cuffs. You eyes find and rush over to check up on an unconscious Kya and Bumi, reviewing Kya’s injuries as Lin helps to support Bumi. Broken bones, bad bruises, overall badly injured…shit, they both look like they fell from a high place. “Kya…” you call out to her softly trying to wake her up as you lift her head a bit, putting your hand on the back of her neck “y/n?” she weakly responds as she opens her eyes “Hey, you guys found us.. Took you long enough” she smiles weakly coughs turning her head towards you. “Yeah…we’re here. Can you walk?”  
“My leg…” she says weakly
“It’s okay….don’t worry. We got you now” You look around and grab a bender “Hey what’s your name?”
“Hi, Otaku, can you help me support Kya?” another female airbender offers her aid as well and you help them support Kya before checking up on Bumi. Asami unlocks the remaining cuff on Jinora’s wrist and the girl rubs them when it's off. Asami walks away, revealing Kai in the background. Jinora runs to Kai “You’re alive!” she throws her arms around Kai “I can’t believe it!”
you turn your attention back to Kya and notice her leg looks more messed up then you thought whispering to the two airbenders to not let Kya put too much weight on that leg. You greet the kids and Opal before helping Lin support Bumi “I see you had a lot of fun, Commander”,
“Ha! I’ve had better, Captain” he coughs weakly trying to laugh, but his face can’t hide the pain and tiredness.
“Hey Commander, stay with us” you shake him softly.
“We have to get these two out of here now.” Lin cast a glance to Bumi “They don’t look so good”
Bumi coughs weakly “What are you talking about?” he punches his arm in the air “I feel great” he coughs weakly again.
Tonraq addresses the rest of the team “You guys get everyone out of here. I'll search for Korra.”
Mako and Bolin step forward “We're going with you.”
“Me too” you step up as Lin gives you a look as you notice Jinora step forward “You don't have to search for her. I know exactly where she's being held.” The four of you turn to listen as she explains “we’ll run and talk. I’ll bring Jinora back once we’re almost to Korra’s location. You can wait for us here” you look at Pema before taking off with the small team. Once Mako, Bolin, and Tonraq get close to Korra you grab Jinora “come on, let’s get you back.” you look at Jinora “but, I can help!” she protests as you rest your hand on her shoulder, “I know, but you need to take care of the airbenders. Your dad...he’s injured so I need you, Meelo, and Ikki to lead them out to safety.” she looks at Korra’s direction then back to you and nods “Okay, I can return on my own. You join them” she looks at you with determination, “you sure? I can escort you back”
Jinora shakes her head “there’s no time. Save Korra, y/n!” she yells as she scooters back to the others.
The four of you run up to an opening at the side of the cave and see Korra yell out a battle cry as she breathes fire out of her mouth. “What have they done to her?” you look on with concern at the scene. You’ve never seen Korra like this while in the Avatar state. Tonraq calls out to his daughter “Korra!” She ignores him and sends out streams of fire toward Zaheer and he dodges, flying up into a hole in the ceiling. Korra propels herself from the ground by blasting fire from the soles of her feet and chases after him. “We have to help her!” Bolin quickly steps in front of the water tribe chief “Look out!” he bends a protective wall of earth as rock collides against it. You look over and see Ghazan then kick up some rocks and punch them at him. “You help Korra. We got this” Mako looks at Tonraq who nods and starts running after Korra and Zaheer.
Mako punches fire and dodges a small piece of ice that flies over his shoulder. You roll over to the side and send a wave of rocks at the waterbender. Ming-Hua avoids the fire and earth and jumps up, swinging the crystals on the ceiling with her water arms. Mako chases after the armless waterbender as you assess the situation with Bolin. Bolin bends a rock at Ghazan who punches it into dust. Bolin sends over another boulder again and Ghazan raises a wall of earth to protect himself. He then bends the wall to Bolin who cuts it clean in half. As he does so, Ghazan charges and tackles Bolin by the waist, causing them to roll along the ground. Bolin throws the older lavabender off and when Ghazan lands, he quickly sends two slabs of rock towards Bolin. The teen dodges the first one and punches the second one into dust.
An ice shard comes within an inch of hitting your face and you look back at Ming-Hua who has a smug grin on her face, “Oops”. Your eyes narrow and you grit your teeth as she tries attacking you again and you jump up to avoid it. At the same time you bend a chunk of earth with you and send it at her. Ming-Hua uses a water-whip to cut through the slab. You land on the ground and send two boulders at her - she dodges and sends a tendril at you turning the tip into an ice shard. You quickly jump to the side as she attacks and Mako sends a flame over to melt the ice. Looking over at Mako, the waterbender uses that quick second wrap her water arm around your neck gripping tightly as she pulls you up from the ground. “Let me go, you bitch!” you spat out as you bend a dagger out and try cutting the water while Mako fights her trying to break the hold she has on you. “Sure” she smirks and throws you across the cave - you hit the ground rolling then fall into a crevice below, landing face first in some water. You push yourself up groaning as you blink your eyes trying to adjust your vision to the darkness, your clothes drenched. Standing up you sense it’s an underground cave filled with water, the only way back is up through the crevice.
The splash catches Ming-Hua’s attention and she swings herself away with her water arms and Mako runs after her, shooting fire as he chases the waterbender. Ming-Hua starts bobbing and weaving behind a small pillar of rock as she intercepts the flames and they evaporate. She scurries backwards and trips, falling and rolling onto a small ledge below. She sits up as Mako stands at the top in a bending position. He has Ming-Hua backed up against a wall.
“You have no water. It's over.”
“Not yet.” she gives him an evil smirk
You look up and hear Ming-Hua and Mako’s voices and your eyes widen. If she comes down here we’re fucked. You bend a protective wall to hide behind as you hear someone jump down into the crevice followed by a fire shot. Mako lands down and you call out to him “Mako” he turns and you look around in the dark against each other's back. He bends a stream of fire from his hands to illuminate the area. “She’s here somewhere” you whisper as you try to use what little sight you have despite the fire. Sensing danger behind him, Mako turns around, you sense him leave your back and you turn in his direction and see Ming-Hua above the water with multiple water appendages on each arm.
“Now it's over!” she screams launching at the both of you.
She swings forward, Mako immediately extinguishes his fire and the both of you run to avoid the attack. Ming-Hua has encased the lower half of her body in water and she continuously whips her numerous water arms at the both of you. “Get out of the water!” Mako orders as he starts running toward the various stalactites and stalagmites. You run towards a wall before having to backflip to avoid a tendril, then jump on a pillar. The firebender rolls backwards behind another pillar and dashes off to the side. You shoot your cable to the ceiling and hang, pulling yourself up until your palms touch the ceiling. You bend the earth to encase around your arms as you hang on. Mako starts climbing and supporting his weight in between two columns of earth. Everything is happening so fast but the next string of events seemed to happen in slow motion. Mako begins to shoot lightning at the water with one arm. Ming-Hua makes a last ditch attempt to stop Mako and sends tendrils at him with a sharp ice shard. You look up at your arm before bending the earth off and scaling down and get in front of Mako. Kicking the ice off two of them before you feel a piercing sensation entering the left side of your abdomen. Your hand starts to go to the spot, but the entire cavern lights up and you cover your eyes instead. Ming-Hua screams from the electrocution and soon everything goes still, you let go of the cable and jump down to the water, recoiling your cable. Mako joins you as the both of you look shocked at what’s left of the scorched Ming-Hua.
“Let’s go” you mutter as you tilt your head over to the crevice opening and launch the both of you up to the surface.
You jog over toward Bolin but feel a dull pain and trip down, Mako kneels down to help you up “y/n”.
“Go, I’m fine. Help Bolin,” you groan as you look up and see Ghazan bend up a chunk of earth gets knocked back by fire hitting the rock and he is thrown backwards. Mako gets in a bending stance and he runs at the other man, propelling himself off the ground with firebending and passes over Ghazan's head to join his brother. You push yourself up and head over to the brothers once the pain passes. Ghazan bends up a chunk of earth but Mako quickly cuts it with fire. Mako lands on the ground as the three of you send a barrage of earth and fire to the lavabender. Ghazan bends up a small chunk of earth but is soon overpowered by the constant attacks. Bolin sends a rock hurtling at him and it makes contact as Ghazan stumbles backwards. He stands up as you three flank him from a distance.
“There’s three of us and one of you” you yell as you bring your fists up to your face,
“Give up, Ghazan! You can't win!” Bolin yells down at the lavabender.
“I'm never going back to prison. If I'm going down today, you're coming with me!” He turns around to face the group then punches the ground beneath him. The cavern shakes as rocks fall and the ground quakes underneath you, you look at the boys and the floor gives out from under you. You reach out to them as you fall and Bolin manages to grab your hand. Ghazan smirks and reaches for your leg, the burning sensation spreading from where the palm of his hand holds on. You yell out in pain as you try to kick him in the face while Mako sends lightning at him causing him to let go. They both pull you up while dodging the rocks falling from the ceiling. Ghazan shoves his hands down and lava drips down in an attempt to collapse the floor underneath him. Rocks start to fall down from above, “Hang on!” Bolin yells and you ground yourself as Bolin bends a platform of earth and slides the three of you up a slope of flash cooled lava. Reaching safety, you notice a Red Lotus motif on the wall breaking up and disintegrating. The area continues to collapse. Once it’s safe you three glance at each other before turning away and running off.
Joining the rest of the team you’re forced to shield your eyes from the wind. You try to look for a reason for the sudden wind and see  Jinora and the airbenders controlling a massive tornado with Jinora in the eye of the twister as she moves her arms around in a circle before she pushes her hands forward. As the twister moves, you feel a sharp pain in your abdomen. You place your hand there feeling dizzy “Boys…” you weakly call out getting their attention before falling on your knees. “y/n!” Bolin looks at you and notices your face looking pale as Mako notices you holding on to your abdomen. “She’s hurt” Mako helps you up as Bolin puts your arm around his shoulder “Stay awake, y/n” Mako looks at you as you try to keep your eyes open while they walk you toward the group. They set you down gently besides Bumi and Kya as Asami rushes over “Y/n! What happened?!” Asami yells as watches you go in and out of consciousness. Lin turns around at the sudden noise behind her and sees you, her eyes widen and a pit forms her stomach.
“I don’t know. We were running out of the cave when y/n collapsed” Mako stammers out as Lin kneels beside you “Where’s Ghazan and Ming-hua?” she barks out while she sits by your side and Asami puts your head on her lap as the brothers stand over you.
“Taken down”
You feel woozy like if your blood pressure is dropping as you blink trying to focus on Lin as she calls out to you, “y/n, focus, talk to me”.
You slowly blink then slowly turn your head over to her and give her a small smile “Hi” you whisper then try to sit up but Asami keeps you down “You’re hurt” her eyes watered. You look confused at first then realize the pain hitting again, wincing, “My abdomen..” you untuck your tunic and lift the drenched clothing up to reveal the stab wound. “I guess that chest plate didn’t really help, Chief” you let out a weak laugh then cough out in pain.
“Shit…” Lin looks and immediately applies direct pressure on the wound “When did this happen?” she looks at the brothers but you speak “10 minutes?…” you wince at the pressure “Mung-hua...she was coming at Mako. I intervened, wasn’t fast enough” you grimace as you cough.
“You’re losing a lot of blood” Lin’s voice full of worry as she looks at the wound and you look down to see it for the first time “Put it back in then” you quip as you try to breathe and go to laugh but the pain gets worse and you wince. Lin looks at you in disbelief at how you’re trying to crack a joke at a time like this. “This isn’t the time for your wisecracks” she snaps at you and you put your hand over the one she has over your wound, “It's good to find humor in dark moments sometimes.” you smirk as you look up at the sky  “How did you not feel this?” Asami asks you - when you don’t answer she looks up and notices you starting to close your eyes. Asami looks at Lin and tells her something but you don’t quite hear.
You were starting to feel a weird need to close your eyes and go to sleep. A temptation to just close your eyes and let go. But your mind and heart rushes to Lin - you’d never want to leave her, not when you just got her. You open your eyes up more as you fight hard to stay awake.
“y/n, stay with me” Lin calls out and you didn’t seem to hear, she thinks your hearing is starting to fade  “What?” you blink trying to focus. Asami repeats the question “Adrenaline.” you try to talk but you start to feel weak and tired and you wince, looking over at Asami who has tears in her eyes, “I’ll be okay, ‘Sami” you whisper as you tuck some hair behind her ear then look at Lin, “Lin… I’m sorry”
Lin shakes her head “You’re fine. You’re strong and you’ll pull through. You’re not quitting on me”.
Your eyes well up but you refuse to give in to the tears “I’m not quitting”
Turning your head over to Mako “Mako, how much for you to pry Chief’s hand off of me”
“I’m not doing that. You’re going to be okay, y/n. There’s no exit wound so it’s probably not that deep”
Kya regains consciousness and looks out at the scene beside her and musters enough energy to scoot over beside Lin assessing the situation “I can probably bend the water out of their clothes and use it to stop the bleeding” she speaks weakly as she looks at you then Lin. You shake your head “No, save your energy for Korra” you look at Kya and she gives you pleading eyes, “You’re the one who needs help right now, y/n”.
“Hey...I’m fine it’s just a scratch. All in a day’s work..” you smile weakly looking at the two older women as Kya rolls her eyes “You sound just as bad as Lin” she smirks back as she starts bending the water out of your clothes. Lin scoffs as she applies more pressure on the wound to prevent you bleeding out in the meantime. You bite your lip, fighting back a groan “I thought you were fine” Lin quips and you curl your lips up as Kya gives Lin a nod to move her hand. She brings your hand down with her and doesn’t let go. While Kya starts to heal you “I was until you did that, chief” you laugh but cough out in pain again then notice Korra coming to the surface. “Look - Zaheer!” you mutter as Lin looks over then looks at you conflicted. “Go, Kya’s got me. I’m feeling better. Take the bastard down, Chief” you urge her, and she looks at you with concern “I got her too, Lin” Asami looks at her and she nods heading to the scene. Korra slams Zaheer into the earth and she’s laid out on the ground as well. Lin and Su encase Zaheer in a rock pyramid pulling him upright.
Feeling concerned about your injury you exhale “I’m fine right?” you look over at Kya and she just nods not looking at you or Asami “Yeah, you’re fine. You’re going to be okay. I stopped the bleeding. It cut through a piece of your liver, but it’s fine. That’s the best I can do for right now.”
“You truly are quite the master healer” you smirk as you sigh in relief “Don’t spend all your energy. Korra might need you” you grab Asami’s hand and try to sit up as Kya nods “You can’t fight, one hit and that wound opens back up. You’re not completely healed.”
“Thanks for saving me yet again” you smile as you hold on the wound while Asami helps you back to your feet but you feel weak and Kya step in and help as well. “No need” she takes your hand and you both support each other with Asami’s help. Asami notices Korra, whose eyes are open in the Avatar state. Tonraq picks her up in his arms and your eyes soften at the weakened Korra. Asami looks worried for Korra and you nudge her to get close to Korra, “Go” you whisper to her and Asami “I can’t leave you”
“It’s okay, Kya and I got each other” you whisper back and Asami relents and slowly walks towards the scene.
“Korra, sweetheart” he looks down at his daughter, resting a hand on her face “It’s me, your Dad. Please hang on” Korra looks over at Tonraq and reaches out to touch him but her hand drops and she falls unconscious. Your throat tightens as you watch the scene in front of you, your eyes tearing up. Tonraq laces his fingers with hers and tears form in his eyes. A deep chuckle is heard and everyone looks over at Zaheer who has started laughing like a mad man. You glare at Zaheer and ball your fists bending a dagger out of your sleeve and try to walk towards him but Kya stops you shaking her head. “The bastard hurt Korra” you try to reason with Kya as she stumbles a bit. She looks at you as you fight back the angry tears forming in your eyes “Don’t stoop to his level. You are not a killer, y/n. He’ll be dealt with. ” she reasons back in a hushed tone as you support her. Kya’s eyes also show great concern with the young avatar she’s seen grow and helped raise.
“What are you laughing about?” Lin casts a dirty look at him as he turns his head to look at the Chief “You’re too late!” he smiles full of glee “The poison’s been in her system too long. The Red Lotus has won.”
Poison….Zaheer poisoned Korra.
Jinora walks up toward the Beifong sisters “You can save her. The poison is metallic” both sisters look at one another surprised by the revelation and Su quickly runs towards Korra. She drops to her knees at Korra’s side and her hands rest on her forehead and shoulder and she concentrates on the metallic poison in Korra’s body. Su starts to bend pulling movements from Korra’s legs and goes up her body. The sound of liquid can be heard and everyone around watches with a mix of worry and hope that Su can save Korra in time. She keeps pulling the poison up Korra’s body until she moves her hand above Korra’s head and the teenager opens her eyes. The metallic liquid is pulled out of her mouth and Korra coughs. Su bends the poison to the ground and it falls down in blobs. Korra opens her eyes and comes out of the Avatar State turning to look at her dad.
“Dad? You’re... alive” she says weakly as she gives a small smile. Tonraq, relieved his daughter has woken up hugs her tightly “I’m here for you. I’m never going to let you go”. You smile fondly in the background until Zaheer starts yelling “No!” he starts to become unhinged “You don’t understand. The revolution has already begun. Chaos is the natural order of all--”
You watch as Bolin takes his shoe off and balls up his sock and shoves it into Zaheer’s mouth causing his voice to become muffled. You look at Bolin smiling in amusement and a bit of disgust that Zaheer now has a used sock in his mouth. Lin and Opal on the other hand look purely disgusted by the action.
Bolin looks proud and smirks pointing over at Zaheer “You see what I did there? I put a sock in it.”
You bring your hand up and pinch your nose “literally” kind of embarrassed by the boy.
“Classic Bolin” Opal looks at Zaheer as she dryly responds to her boyfriend.
“I do what I do” he smiles as he puts his shoe back on.
You cough covering your mouth as you wince as your stomach flexes, Lin looks at you then walks over to Tonraq putting a hand on his shoulder “We should move Korra somewhere safer.”
Lin and Su helped the injured climb up onto Oogi’s saddle, Tonraq holding onto Korra, Bumi and Kya supporting each other, Asami sitting between you and Korra as she watched the both of you. The Beifong sisters made room for you to lay down with your head on Opal’s lap, Su let Lin take a spot next to you Lin didn’t think about the gesture but took it. You were going in and out of consciousness “one of the officers is a healer, y/n will be okay” Su assured Opal but it was meant to be more for Lin, “You have to stay awake y/n” Opal cupped your cheek and your eyes fluttered open and you give her a soft smile “I’m trying honey”. Kai led the group back to Laghima’s peak to meet up with Kuvira and the rest of the Zaofu guards. Once the injured are set onto cots in the bunk rooms, the pilot set a course to Republic City. Bolin and Opal help you to one of the beds and Opal calls her mom for help to bend off the chest plate. “Hey y/n?” Bolin hesitantly speaks and you look over at him “yeah Bo?” you say weakly and look at the younger brother as he tries to formulate his words. “Thanks….for saving my brother”. You inhale deeply as you feel your throat tighten a bit but give him a nod “anything for you boys. Mako would’ve done fine without me. I was reckless.” you give him a small smirk
“I’m sure Mako will be equally appreciative as I am, just hang in there, okay?” Bolin spoke with such gentleness with a slight concern and you give him a nod “I’m not going anywhere. Who else is going to make sure you kids don’t end up in trouble” you smile as you grit your teeth as a sharp pain hits your side. Opal rushes out the room and calls for the healer, Koda, to evaluate your injuries. Closing your eyes once you feel the relief from the healing session, but wince a bit but once the new bandages are placed. Koda excuses herself and you thank her. Looking up to see Su is now with Opal giving them a soft smile, “Hi…” you notice Opal tearing up and you nod her over opening your arms. She walks up and hugs you and you rub her back. “I’m okay, Opal. barely a scratch” you whisper as Opal lets out a disbelief laugh “That’s more than a scratch. I saw the wound just now”.
“Eh looks worse then it is. The worst is over” you chuckle a bit as you groan a bit at the sudden discomfort causing Opal to pull back. You assure her it wasn’t her as she sits back as Su steps forward, “How are you feeling?” Su takes a seat beside you as she rests a hand on top of yours as Opal scoots back.
“The adrenaline definitely wore off so I’m starting to feel it all.” you smile then frown a bit “It happened so fast. I felt something, but didn’t think much of it. It wasn’t until we made it outside that the pain came rushing in.”
“You’ll be back on your feet soon” Su looks at you smiling softly as Opal holds your hand. You look around then at the two of them “Wait where is everyone? Kya and Bumi? How’s Korra?”. They exchange a glance before Su speaks “Koda is healing them as best as she can at least until we arrive in Republic city. Korra...she took a great toll. She’s completely worn out. Tonraq and Asami are with her.”
You nod as you sigh looking up at the ceiling “I’m surprised she lasted that long with that poison in her body” you look back down before you hesitantly ask “Where’s Chief? How’s Lin?”
Su raises her eyebrow but answers your question “She’s fine just minor scuffs and bruises from the fight with P’li. She, Mako and Bolin are guarding Zaheer. “
You nod in understanding “Good, that guy deserves to rot in prison for what he’s done” you sneered as you turned your head looking upset. Su takes a couple of moments to gather her thoughts before she speaks and your ears perk up “I...we want to thank you...it was reckless but for you to step in front of Lin like that...” you interrupt Su,
“--I told you I would protect your family.” you don’t look at her as you look away.
“You’re part of our family too, y/n” Opal cuts in and rests her hand on top of yours and Su’s. Su agrees with her daughter - “We might not be blood, but you have a family with us. We all love and care for you, y/n.” Su gently smiles and you tear up nodding “Thank you”. The three of you share a smile before Su taps your hand gently.
“We’ll let you rest” Su and Opal stand up and you nod as they head out the room.
Lin made sure everyone in the bunk was asleep or busy before she walked over, but noticed someone seated beside you. She was going to walk away, but her eyes narrowed, noticing the Zaofu guard armor and stepped in. Iris had taken a step closer to you, asleep, contemplating whether or not to take your hand taking a seat on a nearby chair. Lin stepped further in once she notice Iris placing her palm on your sleeping face. Lin balled her fists feeling tired of this pathetic woman, she slowly stomped her way over composing herself, "If my memory serves me correctly... y/n stated that you have no reason to touch them"
Iris let go of your hand and stood up at attention "Chief Beifong, I-"
"I don't need to hear your reasons. Get out." Lin sneered as her eyes narrowed at the graying firebender who's eyes had widened by the demand "I just wanted to check up on y/n..." Iris's voice slightly pleading with the Chief of Police.
"The last thing Captain y/n needs is stress and from the last interaction I witnessed. That's all you are, a stressor. I won't say it again." Lin's voice lowers as she stands over Iris and watches as Iris looks back at you before backing down "I'm not going to stop" Iris looks at Lin, testing the Chief looking her in the eyes ``What is that supposed to mean?" Iris keeps her eyes on the Chief but says nothing and walks out of the room. Lin looked back at you and took a seat beside your cot.
She watched you sleep, taking in the wounds on your body. She wondered why you didn’t take your metal sleeves off as she softly brushed her hand down your arms and bent the sleeves off you herself. She set them beside you and even though the healer on the team checked you she wanted to see herself. She was careful to check on you noticing the bruises on your arms, your left arm in a sling with bandages on your left shoulder, side, then found bruising around your neck, probably from Ming-Hua. Lin traced her fingers on your hand before intertwining your hand with hers. She watched as your chest rising and falling with every breath with your left arm laid on your middle. She didn’t want to wake you, but she had to check up on you. Lin looked around and saw everyone was still asleep then scooted closer towards you and sighed. She didn’t understand the emotions she was feeling. She has dealt with officers getting stabbed while on the job, herself included. But having to see you being walked out and then the wound bleeding and your face getting pale. She did get worried. Lin shook those thoughts away, you’re sitting right next to her. She’s safe and alive, you’re touching her, holding her hand. Lin leans over towards you and moves a couple of loose strands of hair out of your face. Lin is tough but when it comes to her emotions and putting those to words, she has no experience. Despite the lack of confidence, she tries to formulate her emotions, settling to tell you while you’re asleep, she whispers “I look at you and my heart is open to the future. For years, I didn’t think I’d be open to the possibility of a relationship like this again. You fill the cracks and crevices others have created and take away the years of loneliness I’ve felt”. Lin looks over you for a couple more minutes until sleep starts to overcome her and she dozes off on the chair, not letting go of your hand.
You must’ve dropped off to sleep after talking to Su and Opal from the pain relief medication, because suddenly  you’re waking up to something squeezing your hand. You open your eyes and turn your head and see a sleeping Lin sitting beside you. Her fingers slowly trace over yours so as to lull herself to sleep. Your eyes soften as you rub Lin’s hand and pull her hand softly to your lips kissing it gently “Lin?” you whisper to her. Lin doesn’t budge so you let go and put your hand on the cot to push yourself up and wince a bit. You moving about causes Lin to stir and wake up “y/n, what are you doing?” she sits up quickly and helps you but you dismiss her attempts and lay back down and blink, focusing in the dark room. “How long have I been out?” you look around as Lin rubs her eyes “A couple of hours”
“C’mere” you pull Lin to you and she looks around to make sure everyone is still asleep before she climbs into the cot beside you.
“First you jump in front of me and almost get blown up by that third eyed freak then you get yourself stabbed” Lin huffs but wraps her arms around you and holds you tight, her voice muffled by the nape of your neck. You put your arms around her "Take my heroics actions minimize them why don't you" you quip before you tuck some of her hair behind her ear “I couldn’t let her get to you or let Mako get hurt. I did the same thing you would’ve done.” you softly speak to her not to waken up anyone as you hold onto her just as tight. “It’s different when it’s you getting hurt...” she breathes out into your neck as you tighten your hold on her. Your eyes widen and you stiffen up a bit then run your free hand down her back “I’m sorry, but you understand better than anyone on the why.” you whisper back giving her neck a light peck.
She pulls back and reaches her hand up to cup your cheek. “Doesn’t help your case.”
“It’s just a scratch” you try to sound convincing as you kiss the palm of her hand, she rolls her eyes. “Just a scratch, my ass”,
You smirk letting out a soft chuckle as you run your hand down to grab her ass “I could do that” Lin grabs your hand and stops you, giving you a glare.
“I’m alive, Beifong” you offer her a smile and kiss her palm again.
“Not for long” she says gruffly as your mouth gapes open
“Lin Beifong, you wouldn’t...that’s murder” your eyes widen,
“I would and I can get away with it too” she quips back as she shuts your mouth, causing you to smile more. You kiss her forehead as she runs her hand across the small of your back as you do the same to her. “Ah yes I forgot you’re Chief of Police Beifong” you chuckle before softening a bit, and change the subject “How’s Korra?”
“She’s asleep. Tonraq is staying with her and so is Asami. Kya gave Korra a bit of a healing session but it wasn’t much success due to her condition.”
“Is Tenzin going to call Katara to come to Republic City? You should ask Asami to offer an airship to get her. She’ll get there faster” you suggest as she nods “Asami offered, but Katara wouldn’t be able to handle the trip…”
Your brows furrow “Then maybe you should take Korra to the south pole”
“Republic City is on the way, the injured will be healed there. Then considering how the recovery goes there we’ll call for Katara.” Lin explained as you sit up a bit to adjust yourself, the motion causing you to wince.
“Good” you adjust a bit as Lin pushes back but you pull her closer “What about Zaheer?”
“Mako, Bolin, and some of the Zaofu guards are guarding him. Uncle Zuko and Raiko are making preparations to make a prison impossible for him to escape.”
You let out a breath and nod. Lin looks around and starts to get up, you grab her wrist “Lin...”. Lin gives you a look, “I need to...”
“--I know...don’t let him out of your sights.” you kiss the back of her hand before she sits up leaning over you and give each other a slow kiss cupping her cheek  ending it with one, two, three kisses before she gets out of the cot and heads out the room. Not before giving you another glance as you settle back down on the cot closing your eyes.
You couldn’t help but feel guilty that because of your encouragement, Korra sacrificed herself - you feel somewhat responsible. You take a deep breath as you look up at the metal frame of the bunk above you and think of how lucky it is that everyone made it out somewhat alive.
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bookthief626 · 3 years
It's really uncomfortable to watch LOK season 3 when they introduced not just one but two villians with Muslim names. Like really? You had to choose Zaheer and Ghazan specifically? I can't help but feel like such things are intentional and a way to influence people into thinking Muslims are always the "bad guy".
Funny how to they got mentality of a terrorist right though. Zaheer keeps mentioning Guru Laghima's quotes/peoms etc and twists their meaning to fit his agenda and justify his actions which is exactly what terrorists do.
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comradekatara · 2 months
Ik you went into the whole stupid "nonbenders are oppressed" thing in lok in one of the asks I sent you, but it keeps on making me think about how much I wish i got to see mako and bolin's mixed earth kingdom fire nation heritage play a role in the story. Maybe if lok had the themes of atla it could go into how the two are treated differently for Mako looking more fire nation and bolin looking more earth kingdom. I think it'd be interesting if Korra keeps on hearing Amon's followers yell on the streets about how benders oppress everyone but then notice how Bolin gets treated significantly better when he pretends to be a non-bender fire national/lean into his fire nation heritage by ignoring his bending compared to when he is openly an earthbender which directly ties him to his earth kingdom heritage.
right!!! i am literally always saying this. like it’s sooo weird how lok does not understand what it means to be mixed in any meaningful capacity. neither with the kataangs nor with mako and bolin, they’re each just largely tied to the element they bend with no consideration given to the other half of their heritage. bumi doesn’t consider himself an air nomad until he magically gains airbending, despite his father literally being the only air nomad currently in existence. instead of trying to preserve his familial heritage, he completely undermines all of aang and katara’s cultural values and joins the fucking military. kya doesn’t seem to give a shit about air nomad culture either, seeing as she doesn’t even know guru laghima’s name (and he’s the wisest air nomad who ever lived!). despite apparently being an independent free spirit who values her freedom, she seems 100% affiliated with her mother’s heritage, because waterbender. even though the values of community and tradition kind of conflict with her whole “you can’t tie me down” attitude, so. um. and they never once explore how the value of, for example, hunting as an important cultural tradition in the water tribes may conflict with the value of vegetarianism and doing no harm to any living organism. these are interesting tensions that could have been explored!! but instead, tenzin is merely an air nomad who takes after his father both culturally and physically, kya is a waterbender who takes after her mother, and bumi is a…..cosmopolitan, and nobody likes him.
as for mako and bolin, they don’t even get the privilege of being the children of the avatar and the chief of the southern water tribe (i said what i said), so being mixed race in the neocolonial cesspit that is republic city would be bound to cause some tensions. but instead of actually addressing what the ramifications and complex colonial dynamics of inter/multiracial family structures in a postwar society that is nonetheless still struggling to contend with a century’s worth of global imperialism and the lingering trauma of that violence would be, they kind of just….ignore it. yes, mako is a firebender who takes after his fire nation mother, and bolin is an earthbender who takes after his earth kingdom father, and they live in a city that was once earth kingdom land that now functions as a neocolony of the fire nation, but also, the police force are all earthbenders, and there isn’t any sort of lingering racial/colonial tensions in this city whatsoever! you know how mako and bolin were orphaned as children and forced to live on the street and dumpster dive for food and eventually did labor for a gang because they had no other means of survival? are we going to question or implicate the systems that enabled those abject conditions? no, of course not. look at mako fumble two gorgeous, ridiculously privileged girls! look at bolin do the charleston! isn’t republic city FUN???
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