#hire front-end website developers
encantotek · 1 month
Web Design for Generation Z: Crafting an Optimal UX for the Digital Natives
Gen Z’s are our cohorts that were born between 1997 and 2012. These people have never seen a world without digitization and are thus highly driven by technology. They are constantly scrolling the web for almost all of their needs. Their era is the one with fast internet connectivity so businesses cannot afford to market themselves with obsolete web designing to these young folk. So, you need some innovation-driven web design and web application development services that empower you to create applications that are on par with the desires of your folk. Also, read along the blog to know the various ways of creating user experiences that resonate. 
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Way to Craft Optimal UX for the Digital Natives
Leverage the Smartphones
Mobile is the dearest gadget to Gen Z. They are found to scroll through their smartphones all day long for their various needs. This ultimate preference of the generation should be leveraged by the marketers to their utmost benefit.
Thus, ensure you have a mobile-first website with optimal site speed, UI/UX design, and touch. Thus, the applications should be tested on mobile screens first, and the development of accelerated mobile pages should be ensured.  
Further, utilize mobile analytics to understand client engagement. Also, consider the development of applications that pre-cache site data, as they positively impact mobile performance and user experience.
Snackable Visual Content is the New Trend
Gen Z’s have short attention spans and a high propensity towards visuals. Thus, marketers should create content in line with their engagement style. Thus, a webpage with a striking image and minimal text is likely to outperform one with too much informational content.
Also, to improve engagement chunk information into bite-sized, scannable sections using subheads, lists, and whitespace. Include video content and interactive elements like quizzes or calculators.
Develop an aesthetic looking website with glossier and playful colors. Also, create product hype by using stylized product photography and colorful, eye-catching accents across the website. You can also choose to pair graphics and stats for effective visual storytelling.   
Personalize and Customize the Experience
Gen Z is always up for personalization and customization. Thus, the creation of customized landing pages based on visitor data and browsing history can go a long way in boosting the user experience on your website.
Also, try integrating interactive features like live chat to boost human connection and utilize pop-ups to recommend relevant products and content. Further, consider adding prompts to encourage the visitor to create wish lists, set style preferences, or serve tailored product suggestions. Use quizzes and surveys to collect data for personalization.
Hire Professional Website Developers Now
So, now that you know the different ways to optimize your web applications and mobile applications for Gen Z, leverage this knowledge for the best of your business. Also, hire front-end website developers and back-end website developers, who have their hands on the nerves of the industry, to develop a website that stands firmly against the competition. If you are struggling to find one, contact Encanto Technologies now. It empowers you to hire website developers who strive to cater to your business’s unique needs. So do not delay to ace application development with Encanto Technologies now.
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stark-edge · 2 months
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Transform Your Online Presence with Expert Website Development | Stark Edge
Looking to elevate your online presence? Stark Edge offers professional website development services tailored to meet your specific business needs. From sleek designs to seamless functionality, our experts can build a website that captivates your audience and drives tangible results for your business.
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Unlocking Success: How to Hire the Perfect Web Developer for Your Project
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Want to know how to hire the perfect web developer for your project? Explore key factors to consider and gain essential tips and insights. Read now!
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oliviachows · 1 year
The Benefits of having a Website These Days.
If you're thinking about getting a website for your business, consider these advantages. You can expand your customer base, differentiate your company from the competition, and cultivate lasting relationships with your clients. Additionally, you can speed up and simplify your pages' navigation.
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A successful website necessitates teamwork.
Teamwork is a great way to boost productivity and efficiency. It can also boost morale among workers. Teams that work together are more likely to be motivated and to help the business.
People from diverse backgrounds make the best teams, which can help you solve problems you might not have thought of on your own. You can also learn from other people and improve your skills through teamwork.
While there are numerous methods for improving teamwork, you should ensure that you adhere to a few fundamental guidelines. These include learning how to resolve conflict, receiving objective feedback, and establishing common goals and norms.
In the end, it is up to you to determine the most effective method for managing your team. You need to be able to communicate effectively and keep your promises.
You can reach a wide audience.
A website that is well-designed and implemented can do wonders for your company. It is the most effective strategy for attracting new customers and retaining existing ones. Additionally, it is a less expensive alternative to a physical storefront.
There are numerous methods for improving the customer experience. A website can make life easier for both the business and the customer by giving them access to a variety of product information quickly and easily and giving them the ability to make requests. Additionally, having a website can decrease the number of phone calls you receive from customers and boost employee productivity.
Making a buzz about your products and services is one of the best uses for a well-designed website. You can reward your most devoted clients with special offers.
Page speed can be improved.
In the digital age, page speed is one of the most crucial aspects of website development. This is because page speed has an impact on your conversion rates, user experience, and search engine optimization. Visitors to your website are likely to leave if it takes a long time to load. Additionally, they will have a negative perception of your brand. Improving your website's page speed is an essential part of its development, regardless of whether it is used for e-commerce or not.
Using an online speed test to identify a slow page is the most effective method. There are a number of free services available online that offer trustworthy performance reports. The average of the results can then be used to estimate your page speed.
Can build strong connections with customers.
You can connect with customers well through website development, which is now a good way to increase sales. If done correctly, you can establish your company's brand identity, establish an online presence, and even increase employee productivity. It can also give you a platform for two-way communication, which is important for making sure customers are happy.
Companies are scrambling to find ways to attract more customers as people spend less and less time online. You can keep up with the competition by providing a website that is simple to use and offers users useful information. However, it is essential to ensure that design is not sacrificed for functionality.
While a good website has many advantages, its success will be determined by its quality. For instance, a website that is pleasing to the eye will enhance the image of your brand and attract more visitors. Customers will also have an easier time finding relevant information on a well-designed website, which will improve their overall experience.
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evanesdust · 11 months
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🔽 story below the cut 🔽
Stiles checked himself in the mirror for what was probably the fifth time in as many minutes. He thought he looked okay with his hair falling on the right side of messy and his clothes perfectly pressed. At least his hands no longer shook as they had nearly two weeks ago when he'd gone on his first date with Derek.
Considering it had been his first date ever, it wasn't exactly a surprise. Though part of him knew he shouldn't have been nervous at all. It hadn't exactly been a traditional first date, after all. Most people didn't have to hire someone as if it were a job. To pick them up and take them to a nice restaurant.
But Stiles had.
It was embarrassing being twenty-one and never having gone on a date. It hadn't really been intentional. Stiles had just never really been interested in anyone during high school, and apparently, no one had been interested in him either. At least not enough to ask him out, anyway.
And then, in college, Stiles had been so focused on school that a love life was out of the question.
But now…
Now Stiles wanted that experience. And at first, he hadn't exactly been sure what he should do. Asking his friends or coworkers how to ask someone out would have been embarrassing, and it wasn't as if anyone was knocking down his door for a date. So for shits and giggles—and after a drink or five—he went to the one place that always answered his questions.
After wading through dating site after dating site, he'd stumbled upon Derek Hale's website for a rental boyfriend. Well, it was a little more complex than that. Still, a date was one of the experiences Derek offered, and Stiles jumped on the opportunity without a second thought.
That had been a couple of weeks ago, and their date had gone…well, it had been a little awkward if Stiles were being completely honest. He'd been a mess of nerves all day, only getting worse the closer it got for Derek to pick him up. He almost canceled a couple of times. Almost messaged that he would just meet Derek at the restaurant instead to give himself much-needed extra time, but then Derek was there, knocking on his front door.
He'd looked so good in dark jeans and a henley. And flowers! The man had brought him flowers, which made Stiles swoon. He hadn't known what to expect when Derek showed up, but his smile had been bright, putting Stiles at ease a little. Especially since Derek hadn't acted like it was a job. It was as if they were truly on a first date.
So, Stiles supposed it kind of made sense that the night had been awkward then—at least from what he'd heard of first dates.
They'd sat through a stilted dinner where Derek, who was apparently an incredibly patient person, had pretty much led the conversation as he tried to calm Stiles's nerves. It hadn't worked. Stiles had been too much in his head because—Christ!—Derek was gorgeous. And nice. And sweet. And charming. And so fucking far out of Stiles's league.
By the time the date was over and Derek had dropped him off, Stiles had been sure that Derek would ask him to forget his website ever existed. To never contact him again, but he hadn't.
In fact, Derek had surprised Stiles by cupping his cheek and whispering, 'I hope I'll see you again,' which was the only reason Stiles went to his website a few days later and set up another date.
And another.
And another after that.
All of which had gone infinitely better. Of course, they had. Derek was a great guy, and once Stiles got over all his nerves, it was as if they'd known each other their whole lives. Naturally, Stiles developed a bit of a crush. Just a small one. It wasn't as if he'd started planning their wedding or anything.
(Spring, in the preserve, surrounded by friends and family.)
God, this was a disaster.
But before Stiles could think any more about how this whole thing would only end in heartbreak, the familiar purr of Derek's Camaro pulled him out of his thoughts. With one last deep breath, Stiles patted his pockets, ensuring he had his phone, wallet, and keys. He did, so he headed out the front door, locking up behind him.
"Hey," he said, sliding into the Camaro and sinking into the now familiar leather seats. Seriously, Stiles loved Derek's car. Sorry, Roscoe. Not that Stiles didn't love his Jeep, but the Camaro was all sleek and sexy. Soft leather, cool to the touch. For now, at least. In a few weeks, when the temperatures warmed, it would definitely be a different story. Not that Stiles would have to worry about that because there was no way he could afford these dates for much longer.
But anyway!
His mind flitted back, trying to figure out what he had been thinking about before his thoughts devolved into leather and heat.
Oh yes! The Camaro and how it was Derek's, and fuck. Now all Stiles could think about was Derek bending him over the hood and—
Stiles blew out a breath because he absolutely could not let his mind wander into NSFW territory. Derek was a werewolf. An alpha at that, with a keen sense of smell. Though Stiles knew it wouldn't be the first time Derek was subjected to the scent of his arousal, Derek had always been gentlemanly enough not to mention it. Still, it would be impolite to make Derek's car smell like that for however long it took to dissipate.
So Stiles rolled his window down a bit, hoping whatever scents were coming off him would drift away with the wind.
Derek gave him a soft smile, reaching over and squeezing his hand. Always so affectionate, but it was what Stiles had paid for, so he tried not to read into it. Derek made it difficult, though. No one was that good an actor, so sometimes—sometimes—Stiles couldn't help but wonder if maybe Derek liked him, too.
"I hope you like what I have planned," Derek said, removing his hand to shift the car into reverse.
Stiles instantly missed the warmth. "I'm sure I will."
So far, there hadn't been a single date he didn't enjoy—including the first one. Of course, those had all been dinners and this was a lunch date. Derek had talked him into it when he called after Stiles had booked his time. Derek almost seemed a little shy when he asked if they could do something a little different.
"Do I get any hints?" Stiles asked, taking Derek's hand when he reached over again.
Derek shook his head, but having grown up in Beacon Hills, Stiles recognized when Derek left the main road and turned off down a familiar trail. One that led to lookout point, a popular hangout spot when Stiles was in high school. Nowadays, kids had other interests and probably didn't know about the spot or its view of the town below.
"I haven't been up here in a few years," Stiles said when Derek parked. The area was a bit more overgrown, and the path leading up to the peak was in dire need of maintenance, but he still recognized it.
Derek gave him a smile before climbing out of the Camaro, practically sprinting around the hood to open the passenger door. Stiles took his hand, letting Derek help him out of the car, and he couldn't help but smile at the gesture. It was something Derek did every time they went out.
It really was too bad this was all fake because Derek was the best boyfriend. Not that Stiles had anything to compare it to.
"I thought you might like it," Derek told him as he pushed the seat forward and reached into the back. Half a second later, he popped back up with a picnic basket and blanket. "I come up here every once in a while."
The excitement in his voice made Stiles feel slightly less exposed, as if Derek actually liked him and was sharing something special. For the moment, Stiles could pretend this was an actual date, a real one, and he could bask in the sunshine and the view and Derek's company.
"It's quiet," Derek continued, taking Stiles's hand and leading him up the path to the cliff. "Beautiful."
Stiles stared out over the town, nodding in agreement. It really was beautiful up here, and he almost wished it were later so they could watch the sun dip below the horizon. He could imagine the moon shining above them and the stars twinkling while they sat with their legs dangling off the cliff, the distant lights in town blinking on.
But the afternoon sun beat down on them where they settled on a patch of grass. Well, on the blanket Derek brought.
"So, what made you decide on a picnic?" Stiles asked, smiling as he met Derek's gaze.
Derek set the basket between them, opening it and pulling out two sandwiches, a bag of chips, a container of fresh fruit, and two sodas. Dr. Pepper. It was Stiles's favorite.
"Well, the dates we've been going on have been great, don't get me wrong." Derek handed a sandwich and soda can to Stiles. "But there's more to dating than just going to dinner. I figure, next time—if you want, that is—we could check out a museum or the observatory. We could also go to the beach."
Stiles's heart flipped in his chest despite knowing Derek was just securing future dates with a client, but damn. He wanted that. He wanted to walk through the museum, fingers tangled with Derek's. Wanted Derek pressed behind him at the observatory, pointing up to the sky as he called out the different constellations. Wanted to stroll the beach, arms locked. With Derek.
"That sounds good. And this all looks great," Stiles said, eyes locked on the food in front of him. A feeling of contentment mixed with apprehension squeezed his chest.
This was all fake. Stiles just needed to keep reminding himself of that.
"Thanks." Derek wore a shy smile as he unwrapped his sandwich. "It's not much, but I hope you like it."
Like it?
Stiles loved it. He took one bite of the sandwich and moaned. Actually, to call it a sandwich was a travesty. The French bread was buttery and sweet. Warm like it was freshly baked. Whatever sauce Derek used (vinegar or oil or something) was perfection with the lunch meat, three different kinds from what Stiles could tell. He'd have to ask later after he was done devouring everything. There was even lettuce and red onions, and Stiles hated red onions.
"S'good," he mumbled around a mouthful. He'd be embarrassed if he weren't so busy stuffing his mouth with deliciousness. And Derek even got kettle chips, another of Stiles's favorites.
Derek's soft laughter filled the air. "Glad you like it."
Stiles swallowed and flashed a grin in Derek's direction. His words almost sounded relieved, as if he'd been worried, though there was no reason to. Stiles took a few more bites of his sandwich, popped some chips into his mouth, then chugged the soda.
The last thing he wanted was to blurt out something dumb. Like telling Derek that he had a crush on him. Because that would lead to word vomit about Derek being perfect and how Stiles wanted to have his babies. Which wasn't even a possibility considering he was a guy and lacked certain parts, but he'd been reading omegaverse stories lately, and fuck, he wished those kinds of omegas were real because he was sure he'd be one.
He could be Derek's omega. He'd go into heat and Derek would help him through it. And, oh yeah, throw in an accidental pregnancy because it was fiction. Fictional romance for that guaranteed happy ending.
Sweeping pieces of grass from the blanket, Stiles stared at the ground and barely resisted the urge to smack his forehead. Barely. Honestly, the only reason he didn't was because Derek would probably think he was certifiable. God, how long had he been daydreaming? Because when Stiles snuck a peek at Derek, he was looking at him with concern, eyebrows drawn in and forehead creased.
"Ah," Stiles brushed his hair out of his eyes, laughing nervously. "Sorry about that. Kind of got lost in my head there for a second."
The corners of Derek's mouth twitched. He placed a hand on Stiles's arm, the warmth of it instantly calming him. "That's alright. I think we all get a little lost in our thoughts sometimes."
Stiles nodded, smiling softly because Derek never made him feel weird or stupid for his awkwardness like others had in the past. He never gave Stiles funny looks or scoffed at him. Never said anything negative. In fact, he always seemed to know the right thing to say, putting Stiles at ease.
Derek pulled his hand away, returning to his sandwich, and Stiles managed to finish his food, taking his time as they talked and laughed, the conversation growing more and more natural as it always did. Work, friends, family, and ordinary things that came up in everyday life. But thankfully, Derek hadn't asked what Stiles had been thinking about. That was something Stiles would never be able to explain.
Minutes turned into hours as they talked, and as the sun started to dip below the horizon, Derek suggested they stay for the sunset. Stiles eagerly agreed despite the allotted time for their date being over because fucking duh. More time with Derek. Totally worth whatever added cost Derek charged him.
After packing up, they settled on the cliffside, feet brushing the edge where it dropped off since Derek wouldn't let him get any closer. The sky glowed bright orange and pale pink, and they were both hypnotized, their eyes glued to the spectacle before them.
Stiles exhaled, the corners of his lips tugging up, feeling content and peaceful. He glanced at Derek, who was wearing the same smile, his gaze on the horizon. Stiles's stomach fluttered as if a million butterflies had taken flight within. This was something he could get used to. Him and Derek. He wanted to stay here, sitting side by side for hours, watching the days end and night take over. But reality pulled him from his musings, reminding him that this was Derek's job.
So he looked back over the town, the lights already twinkling against the backdrop of the ever-darkening sky, a few stars already peeking out. He took in a deep breath, just savoring the moment.
"It's so beautiful," he said, unable to contain the awe.
Derek nodded, turning toward him, and Stiles couldn't help but meet his gaze.
"Yeah…beautiful," Derek whispered.
Stiles's heart slammed in his chest when Derek's eyes moved to his lips, and he subconsciously licked them. He felt like a struck match, with everything bursting into flames inside him. Heat rushed through his veins, and Stiles swore electricity sparked between them.
Derek's eyes shifted back to his, darkening with something that made Stiles forget how to breathe. It was as if a million volts were running through his body.
What was happening here?
The night air seemed to hum with anticipation, and Stiles knew Derek could feel it, too, with the rapid rise and fall of his chest. He knew Derek could feel the current between them, and it was getting strongerstrongerstronger.
Everything was. Derek's gaze, the smoldering heat, the thunder of their heartbeats.
It was too much.
Stiles cleared his throat, his palms slick with sweat.
"We should head back," he said, breaking the trance.
Derek blinked, nodding, though Stiles swore he could sense disappointment emanating from him. But Derek didn't say a word as they got up, gathered the basket and blanket, and headed back to the Camaro.
A twenty-minute car ride had never felt so long. The drive was quiet, the silence between them uncomfortable and awkward in a way Stiles hadn't experienced before. Not even their first date. He hated it. But when they got back to Stiles's house, Derek pulled into the driveway and parked as he always did, getting out to walk Stiles to his door.
Stiles's hands shook as he took his keys from his pocket to unlock his front door. "I—"
His words died as he glanced back at Derek and was met by those dark, burning eyes. He swallowed thickly, his entire body tense as Derek just looked at him. Then without warning, Derek surged forward, cupping his face and kissing him.
Derek. Was. Kissing. Him.
Stiles gasped in surprise, his eyes closing on instinct. He melted into Derek, into the warmth and electricity coursing through his veins and singing in his ears. He could barely believe this was happening. His heart raced and his breath came out in pants.
Derek pulled away, gazing down at him.
Stiles's mind whirled, trying to process what had happened. Derek had never kissed him before. It wasn't an option for their dates as far as he knew, and Stiles knew he should speak, but Derek beat him to it.
"I couldn't help myself," Derek breathed, brushing his knuckles down the side of Stiles's face. "I've been wanting to do that since our first date."
Stiles could only lick his lips, chest heaving because holy fuck. That kiss. His first kiss. And for that, he regretted not saying anything because Derek gave him a brief nod, then spun around and jogged back to his Camaro, leaving Stiles standing there wide-eyed and stunned.
It took a few moments for Stiles to regain his composure, and when he did, he realized Derek was still sitting in the driveway. So he gave a half-wave, like an idiot, but Derek only arched a brow in a way that told him he wasn't leaving until Stiles was safely inside his house.
As much as Stiles wanted to roll his eyes because he wasn't a child, he unlocked his door and went inside. Before he closed the door, though, he made it a point to shoo Derek away, which earned him a grin.
Things couldn't be too bad if Derek grinned, right?
Stiles closed the door and locked it behind him, a dopey smile spreading across his face as he leaned against the cool wood grain. He could still feel Derek's lips ghosting over his, still feel the fire surging through his veins, and couldn't stop thinking about the look on Derek's face. The intensity in his eyes; it made his stomach flip.
Something was different. Very different.
And so, once again, Stiles had to wonder…could Derek like him, too?
Sunlight filtered through his bedroom curtains as Stiles jolted awake with a sharp inhale. He lowered his arms from their position over his head and dragged his palms slowly down his face, willing his brain to function.
His head hurt. His chest hurt. Stiles couldn't breathe through his nose, and he was warm. Too warm. His entire body ached as he rolled to his side and hacked up a lung. An inhumane noise escaped him as he tried to sit up, followed by another coughing fit. Stiles had no idea who the fuck got him sick, but he hoped they stepped on a fucking Lego.
The doorbell chimed, and Stiles groaned.
That must have been what had woken him, but who could it be? His dad had already stopped by that morning, plus he had an afternoon shift at the station, so it wouldn't be him. He knew it couldn't be Lydia because she wouldn't chance catching whatever ailment he had. Though she might have sent something to help him get better—chicken noodle soup or medicine.
That was more likely, honestly. And Stiles couldn't let the delivery person or the groceries just sit there, so he dragged himself out of bed. Literally. He had damn near no strength, so the only thing that kept him upright was using the bedposts and then the dresser for support. The walls were also great at making sure he didn't fall flat on his face as he padded down the hall, considering his legs were so damn weak.
Seriously, he hated being sick.
A cough? Fine, he could deal with that. A runny nose? Yeah, that sucked, but oh well. Tissues were his best friend then. But the all-over body aches because he couldn't stop shivering? The figurative elephant sitting on his chest when he tried to breathe? No thanks. That was a whole lot of fuck that shit.
By the time Stiles got to the door, he really, truly hoped it was a delivery from Lydia and not the mailman or something. If this was one of those door-to-door people trying to sell him on lawn maintenance, he might commit murder.
He'd fail, considering he couldn't move an inch without leaning against something, but it was the thought that counted.
His name was muffled through the door, but Stiles would recognize that voice anywhere.
Shit. What time was it? They were supposed to go out again today, but Stiles had canceled since he was sick. Right? Shit, he hoped he'd actually canceled and didn't do something like forget to send the message. Honestly, that would be his fucking luck right now.
"Stiles?" Derek said again, sounding worried.
Which made sense because, honestly, it had probably been a good ten minutes since Stiles crawled out of bed and shuffled like a zombie to the door. And now he was kind of just standing there, staring at said door now, while he wondered what the hell he was supposed to be doing.
Oh, right. Opening the door.
God, why was that so hard right now?
Stiles flipped the lock and turned the knob, but holy crap, it took all his strength to open the door. The effort made him double over, coughing again.
Warmth enveloped him as he was lifted, and Stiles instinctively curled into it. Against Derek's chest. Stiles barely had a chance to appreciate being in Derek's arms before he was carefully set down on the couch.
He closed his eyes, groaning as he shivered. Fuck, it was freezing. All he wanted was to curl back up into Derek's warmth, but then Derek covered him with the blanket that had been thrown over the armrest. So Stiles curled in on himself, basking in the warmth of his blanket burrito as Derek walked into the kitchen.
Stiles had no idea what Derek was doing, but he recognized the sounds of rustling bags, his kitchen cabinets being opened and closed, and what was either a pot or pan being put on the stove.
It was kind of weird, but even though they barely knew each other, Stiles felt instantly at ease with Derek in his space. Which was funny because Derek had never even been in his house before, but there he was, puttering around the kitchen as if he belonged.
Maybe. Stiles wasn't exactly watching him because it hurt to open his eyes. But Derek generally seemed comfortable in any space whenever they were together. Ever since their picnic two weeks ago, they no longer limited themselves to dinner. They had yet to go to a museum or the observatory, but they'd gone hiking and to the movies. They'd gone to a concert one day and kayaking on the lake another. Derek had even taken Stiles to cheer on the local baseball team.
They weren't the Mets, but Stiles had fun regardless.
So much fun and Stiles couldn't help but feel like he'd missed out on so much by not dating before. But at the same time, he wasn't sure he would have wanted to experience any of that with someone other than Derek.
It was Derek that made it fun. His laugh, his smile. His kisses—because that was a thing they did now.
The soft feel of Derek's hand brushed Stiles's forehead, and Stiles managed to crack one eye open.
Derek slid his palm to Stiles's cheek, his brows drawn tight as he stared into Stiles's eyes.
"Hey," Derek said, his voice quiet and full of worry.
"Hey," Stiles croaked, his throat so dry.
Derek looped an arm behind Stiles's back, helping him sit up before holding out a glass of water. "Here, drink this."
Stiles took a sip as it was held to his lips, and he couldn't help the way his body flushed at the caring gesture. Hopefully, Derek wouldn't be able to tell the difference considering Stiles always had rosy cheeks when he was sick.
"Thank you," Stiles whispered before he turned away, hunching over to cough into the crook of his arm. Derek might be a werewolf and immune to human illnesses, but it would still be rude to cough in his face.
God, his chest hurt.
"When was the last time you took medicine?" Derek asked when Stiles's coughing fit seemed to be done. The joke was on Derek, though, because as soon as Stiles tried to answer, he was sent into another one.
Derek rubbed his back and Stiles slowly sat back up when he was done.
"Thanks. And um, I don't know. After I texted you, canceling our date. I did text you, right?" Stiles asked, even though if Derek was here, he obviously hadn't.
Which made him feel like shit.
Until Derek answered, "Yes, you did. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I brought some soup. It's heating up on the stove. And I got you some medicine, too."
He handed over a CVS bag, and when Stiles opened it, his eyes widened. Inside was just about every type of medicine he could ever need. Pain relievers, decongestants, antihistamines, cough suppressants, and expectorants. There were even throat drops, Kleenex, and one of those sinus rinse kits.
"I, uh…" Derek rubbed the back of his neck, his black t-shirt stretching across his chest at the movement. "I wasn't sure what to get, so I asked one of the pharmacists. But then they mentioned being careful in case you had allergies to certain medicine, so I just grabbed a bunch of different things. I'm not entirely sure they were supposed to sell all of this to me because their machine kept making noises, and they had to have someone come override something, but yeah. Anyway. There should be something in there you could use."
There was a slight blush over his cheeks and even the tips of his ears were tinged pink. Oh fuck, Derek was adorable.
"Thank you," Stiles said, not bothering to hide the awe he felt that Derek would go to so much trouble. "You didn't have to do all this."
"I just hated the thought of you being sick."
Before Stiles could respond, Derek got up and returned to the kitchen. Stiles stared after him, his chest aching for a different reason now. He was falling for Derek.
Literally, too, as he threw himself back down on the couch, the bag of medicine still in his lap. He covered his head with the blanket as he tried to drown out his thoughts. Except naturally, he couldn't since they were in his head which was also under the blanket.
He wasn't sure how much time had passed since Derek went back into the kitchen, probably mere seconds, but soon his face was exposed again as Derek peeled back the blanket.
Stiles refused to open his eyes until a washcloth rubbed over his forehead, wiping away the sweat.
"You should take something," Derek whispered, taking the bag from Stiles's lap.
All Stiles could do was nod since he didn't trust himself to speak. With his luck, his brain-to-mouth filter would fail and he'd blurt out a marriage proposal—or beg Derek to date him for real. Okay, maybe not either of those, but he might ask if there was a chance Derek liked him, too, which was just as bad.
And Stiles wasn't ready to experience the sting of that rejection just yet. Because as much as he wondered if Derek actually liked him, the truth was that Derek was paid to go on those dates with him. Not to mention, he genuinely seemed like a nice guy, and Stiles didn't want to take Derek's kindness as anything more than just that.
Plus, if he remembered the contract correctly since this was a last-minute cancellation, he was being charged the full amount of the date anyway.
"Which one…?" Derek seemed unsure as he looked in the bag because, of course, he was. He was a werewolf and clearly didn't know anything about human illnesses. Proven by the fact that he'd probably bought out the store.
Stiles should ask him for the receipt to pay him back.
What he did instead was point to the package of Sudafed, which Derek promptly opened, handing him two pills. Stiles propped himself up on an elbow, then popped them in his mouth and picked up the glass of water on the coffee table to swallow them down.
Derek took the glass when he was done and felt his forehead again.
"You shouldn't get too close to me," Stiles groaned even as he leaned into Derek's touch.
"I can't get sick." Derek looked at him with a fond expression as he brushed away the hair that had fallen over Stiles's eyes. Then he dug in the bag again and pulled out a jar of Vaporub. "So this might seem weird, but when I was at the store, this sweet older lady suggested I try this. She swore by it."
Stiles furrowed his brows in confusion as Derek reached down, pulling the blanket away from Stiles's feet. Gently, he lifted one foot, took Stiles's sock off, and opened the jar. The strong scent of menthol filled Stiles's senses as Derek spread a thin layer on the sole of his foot before covering it with a sock again.
"A little old lady told you this would work?" Stiles asked as Derek repeated the process on his other foot. How the hell was Vaporub on the bottom of his feet supposed to help his cold or whatever this was? But Stiles wasn't about to question it when he wanted to groan at how good the inadvertent foot massage was. Or maybe it was the fact that Derek was also taking his pain. Stiles recognized it as black tendrils snaked up Derek's arm.
Derek nodded. "Said she does this when she's sick and did it with all her kids when they were younger, and they'd always feel better the next day."
"Well, I already feel like I can breathe better." To prove his point, Stiles inhaled deeply, letting out a deep sigh when he didn't start coughing.
Only he spoke too soon. Stiles doubled over to cough, though he had to admit that his chest didn't hurt as bad now.
"Just rest," Derek told him, making sure Stiles was tucked back under the blanket. "The soup should be warm now. I'll go make you a bowl."
Derek disappeared into the kitchen again, and Stiles thought about how this was—despite everything—one of the best moments of his life. So it wasn't really a surprise that he couldn't help but think it had to mean something that Derek would go to all this trouble and expense to make sure he was okay.
Stiles watched Derek move around the kitchen, pulling a bowl down from the cabinets and grabbing a spoon from the drawer, and smiled. If only he were brave enough to ask Derek what this was, but he didn't want this moment potentially ruined, so he stayed quiet.
"I hope this is alright," Derek said as he walked back into the living room.
Stiles sat up, and between the meds and Derek taking his pain, moving didn't hurt anymore.
Derek took the spot beside him, placing a throw pillow on Stiles's lap before handing him the bowl of warm soup.
Stiles's cheeks flushed as he smiled down at the bowl for a second. It looked and smelled delicious. "Did you make this? Like homemade?"
"Yeah. My friend, Erica...she said that chicken noodle soup would be good if you're sick. So she sent me her mom's recipe."
Stiles brought the bowl up and inhaled. His mouth watered immediately, and he wanted to devour it, but he didn't. Instead, he carefully sipped the soup, the savory and salty flavor of the broth rushing over his tongue. A moan slipped free, but he couldn't be bothered to be embarrassed by it because it was seriously so good. And soon, it was all gone—even all the vegetables, which Stiles tended to avoid.
"Do you want more?" Derek asked him, taking the bowl from him when he was done.
Stiles shook his head. He probably could inhale another bowl, but he was starting to feel sleepy again. Derek could probably tell by the way his eyes drooped. "No. At least not right now. And thank you. That was delicious."
"You're welcome," Derek said with a soft smile. "I'm glad you liked it. Next date, we should stay in and I'll cook you dinner."
"That sounds good." And it really did. Probably too good, considering he was already too hopeful that Derek actually liked him more than just a client.
Stiles yawned, too tired to talk himself out of leaning against Derek.
"C'mon." Derek looped an arm around his back. "You'll rest better in your bed. Do you want me to help you there?"
Stiles nodded, relaxing as Derek lifted him up. He pointed down the hall with the intention of telling Derek where his room was but must have dozed off because the next thing he knew, Derek was tucking him into bed. With a deep and contented sigh, he reached out, grabbing Derek's hand.
It felt wrong to ask him to stay, especially when Derek was paid to be here. But Stiles also didn't want him to go yet.
Derek ducked his head, and for a moment, Stiles worried that he overstepped, but then Derek kicked off his shoes. He set his phone, wallet, and keys on the nightstand and climbed into bed beside him.
Stiles couldn't help the small smile spreading across his face as Derek draped an arm across his waist, dragging him close. Derek's breath was warm against the back of his neck, and the heavy weight of Derek's arm was comforting despite never having someone in his bed before.
Derek's warmth and presence lulled Stiles to sleep and filled his dreams with all the possibilities of what could be.
"So when do I get to meet this boyfriend of yours?" Lydia asked as they waited in line for popcorn and drinks.
Stiles turned to look at her and couldn't shy away from her green eyes as they bore into him. He groaned internally, hating himself a little for mentioning Derek at all. But he'd needed something to tell Lydia since he wasn't hanging out with her as often. Because duh. She was his best friend, so obviously she noticed when he was suddenly always busy. "He's not my boyfriend."
Lydia raised a perfectly plucked brow, her expression screaming that she knew he was hiding something and wouldn't let him get away with it. She tossed her fiery-red hair over her shoulder. As Stiles followed the movement, he froze at the sight of Derek walking through the entrance of the movie theater.
Oh shit. Oh fuck.
Stiles moved a little to the left, trying to hide behind the display case that held the candy.
Derek was arm-in-arm with a gorgeous woman. Her blonde hair fell in perfect waves over her shoulder as she laughed at something Derek said. She poked a perfectly manicured nail into Derek's shoulder, a gesture that spoke of familiarity. Especially when Derek snapped his teeth at her.
Was she a friend or…a girlfriend?
She couldn't be a client. They seemed way too comfortable with each other. Then again, Derek was the type of person that could make someone feel like they'd known each other their whole lives. So maybe this person, this gorgeous woman with cherry-red lips, was a client.
Maybe the way Derek treated Stiles wasn't anything special at all?
Stiles's stomach dropped out as he thought about how Derek had cared for him when he was sick. As he thought about their dates since then. How Derek held him close when they walked through the museum, talking about all the exhibits. How Derek had insisted on taking him to the zoo when Stiles said he hadn't been since before his mom had died. How Derek had taken him to the local raceway and let Stiles beat him in go-karts.
How Derek still took his breath away with every kiss at the end of every date.
A wicked pain lanced through his chest, and Stiles wanted to double over. He needed air but also couldn't—wouldn't—dare bring attention to himself right now. So instead, he focused on Lydia.
"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" she asked.
Stiles shook his head, unwilling to talk. Not that he could have if he tried. What would he say anyway? He'd have to explain that the guy he said he was dating was actually paid to do so. Fuck, he should have kept his mouth shut about Derek to begin with.
"I—" Stiles's voice caught in his throat, and he knew she was waiting for an answer, but when he looked up, Derek was staring right at him. His head was cocked to the side, brows furrowed in concern.
"Stiles." Lydia nudged him a little, pushing him forward as the line moved. "Seriously, what is going on with you right now?"
"It's nothing," he finally said, tearing his gaze from Derek and his maybe-date.
Thank God Lydia wasn't the kind of supernatural creature with enhanced senses or she'd call him out on his blatant lie. Actually, she'd call him out anyway because she had the freakish talent of knowing when he was bullshitting.
Stiles glanced back at where he'd seen Derek, but he wasn't there anymore. His date was, except maybe she hadn't been his date because she was leaning against some other guy now. He swallowed thickly, his throat clicking, and chanced a look at Lydia. "It's really nothing."
He turned away, desperately trying to ignore the pain in his chest. Thankfully, it was their turn at the counter, so he ordered their drinks and a large tub of popcorn, but then the hairs on the back of his neck stood before he could pay. A prickly awareness washed over him as a familiar warmth pressed against his back.
"Could you add another large soda to that?" Derek's breath fanned against his neck as he reached past Stiles, handing his card to the concession attendant.
Stiles turned his head, looking over his shoulder. His heart thumped wildly at how close Derek was.
"I… You…" He faltered when he felt the warmth of Derek's hand on his back. What was he doing here?
The attendant rang them out, slid three large cups across the counter, and stepped away to get their popcorn.
Derek gave Stiles a soft smile. "Hi."
Stiles nodded, unable to speak past the lump in his throat. Derek was here. Standing next to him. Why?
"You must be Derek," Lydia said, reminding Stiles she was there. 
Derek turned to her, though he kept his hand on the small of Stiles's back. "I am. And you must be Lydia. Stiles talks about you all the time."
The attendant returned with their popcorn, interrupting their greetings, and Stiles grabbed the tub, scurrying away. It wasn't often that he didn't know what to say, but he wasn't sure what the fuck was going on right now.
Why was Derek here with them and not with the woman he'd come in with?
Derek quickly caught up to him and gestured to the soda machine. "They don't have Dr. Pepper so what would you like to drink?"
The reminder that Derek knew Stiles's soda preference actually hurt a little. A lot. Why did he have to be so good at his job and make Stiles forget that this was all fake? It was so unfair.
"Pepsi," was all Stiles said before popping popcorn into his mouth. He had to remind himself to chew so he didn't choke.
Derek nodded, his expression filled with concern again as he filled their drinks. When he was done, he handed Stiles his. Stiles accepted it, not realizing that his hand was shaking until he tried to take a sip of his soda and almost spilled it all over himself.
"You okay?" Derek reached out, steadying his hand. "Should I not have come over?"
Before he could answer, Lydia thrust a handful of napkins at him, her eyes bouncing between them as she helped Stiles clean up the small mess he'd made.
"Let me take this," she said, taking the tub of popcorn from him.
Stiles nodded absently, eyes not leaving Derek's. "Sorry, I guess I'm just surprised to see you."
The corners of Derek's lips twitched. "Same. But my pack wanted to see a movie, and we"—he gestured between them—"didn't have anything planned, so I figured why not."
Derek came here with his pack? So that blonde woman wasn't a date?
"Are you seeing the same movie as us?" Lydia asked when Stiles didn't say anything.
Derek chuckled. "I am now."
The adamance in his voice made Stiles laugh, finally breaking him from his melancholy state. "I guess you are."
"But only if you want me here," Derek said, leaning closer and dropping his voice.
Stiles nodded because he absolutely did, despite how awkward it kind of was. So they headed into the theater, quickly finding their seats.
"So what are we seeing?" Derek asked, taking Stiles's hand and threading their fingers together.
Stiles leaned in and whispered, "Spider-Man," as the lights went down and the previews started playing.
Derek nodded as if he'd expected that answer. Which was fair. Stiles had talked about wanting to see it the last time they went out. Derek squeezed his hand lightly, and Stiles couldn't deny the way his heart did somersaults behind his rib cage. Or the way his stomach swooped.
Fake, fake, fake, he reminded himself.
As the movie played, Stiles snuck glances at Derek, smiling at how the light illuminated his handsome face. Derek was mesmerizing as he sat there studying every detail of the movie, and Stiles was helplessly drawn to him.
By the time the movie was over, Stiles didn't even feel bad that he hadn't watched a single second of it, too focused on Derek the entire time. Which sucked because he liked Spider-Man, but he'd just come back another day.
They walked out of the auditorium in silence. Well, Stiles was silent. Derek and Lydia chatted like they were old friends. It was kind of nice. Stiles leaned into Derek as they walked, and though he knew Derek originally hadn't come here for him, he still couldn't help the contentment that washed over him. This felt real. Like they actually belonged here.
"Did you ride together?" Derek asked as they exited the theater.
Lydia nodded. "I drove us. But if you wouldn't mind, I actually need to run to the store before I head home, so Stiles could use a ride."
Oh, that sneaky bitch. Stiles loved her. And maybe Derek, too, because he insisted on walking Lydia to her car, watching her drive away, before leading Stiles to the Camaro.
As always, Derek opened the passenger door for Stiles. Such a gentleman. And only after they were both seated and buckled did Stiles remember that Derek's pack was at the theater, so he asked, "What about your pack? Did you guys not ride together?"
He'd almost completely forgotten about them. Oops.
"No," Derek told him, pulling out of the parking spot. "Well, Erica rode with me since we were both home. The others came straight from work but met us here, so she can get a ride back with them."
Stiles nodded, looking up at the darkening sky. Way too dark for the time of day it was.
"Looks like it's gonna rain," he said right before thunder rumbled in the distance and raindrops started to fall, taptaptapping against the window.
By the time they arrived at Stiles's house, it was a torrential downpour.
"Should we make a run for it?" Derek asked, turning his car off.
Stiles watched as lightning raced across the sky, followed by thunder that made him jump. "I would say that you don't need to walk me to my door, but maybe you should stay? Wait for the rain to stop before heading home?"
"I'd walk you regardless. But yes, I'll stay." Derek's words were laced with…something. As if he meant more than what he was saying.
Before Stiles could think about it any further, Derek was already outside, racing around the hood of the Camaro. Stiles opened his door and jumped out, slamming it shut behind him. He would apologize for it later, but icy droplets pelted his skin right now, so he ran. Derek was right beside him, splashing through the puddles on the walkway as they ran for the house. They were utterly and completely drenched to the bones when they crashed through the front door, laughing as they collapsed against it.
"Fuck. We should get out of these wet clothes," Stiles said, panting for breath as his teeth chattered. Some days he was sure his house was trying to freeze him to death. He had one of those smart thermostats and it would randomly turn the temperature down on him.
Derek nodded, his eyes flaring with heat. "Yeah, we should."
Stiles shuddered at the intensity of his gaze. It was as if Derek were devouring his body without even touching him. Stiles's nipples tightened, and his cock grew hard. Shit. He couldn't go there, so Stiles ducked his head, breaking the spell. "Alright. C'mon. I'll get you some dry clothes."
"Yeah," Derek seemed to shake himself out of his trance, too. "That'd be great."
Stiles nodded before leading Derek to his room. Inside, he turned on the bedroom light before grabbing sweatpants and a T-shirt from his dresser that he thought might fit Derek.
"Here you go," he said as the thunder and lightning outside echoed through the house. Crap, he hoped the batteries in his flashlights weren't dead in case the power went out. "You can change in the bathroom."
Derek smiled as he took the clothes. He looked so good standing there, dripping wet—his clothes clinging to him like a second skin. "Thanks."
Stiles nodded as Derek walked away. He noticed that Derek didn't bother to close the bathroom door behind himself. The light came on, and Stiles watched as Derek stripped off his shirt, muscles rippling. There was a large tattoo on his back, some type of symbol that Stiles wanted to trace with his tongue. He should look away. He should find some clothes for himself and change before Derek came back out.
Instead, he stood there, transfixed, as Derek undid the button on his pants. Heat rushed through him as he met Derek's gaze in the mirror. Stiles swallowed, uncomfortably aware that he was standing there ogling Derek like a creep. Still, he couldn't tear his eyes away.
Then Derek did the unexpected: he spun around and closed the distance between them until he was right in front of Stiles. Until Stiles could feel the heat radiating off Derek's body. Could see the flecks of gold in his eyes.
"Stiles," Derek said, his voice a deep rumble of warning. His pants hung dangerously low on his hips, showing off that delicious V-cut and coarse hair that dipped below the band of his boxer briefs.
Stiles held his breath, knowing he should move. That he should do something. Say something. But he was powerless, his body responding to Derek's without conscious thought.
Derek cradled his neck with one hand, caressing his skin with his palm. Stiles arched into his calloused touch and closed his eyes. Everything felt so much better with Derek so close.
"Look at me." Derek's thumb rubbed over Stiles's Adam's apple. "Please."
Stiles opened his eyes, unprepared for the sight of Derek's eyes. They were crimson, and his pupils were blown so wide that there was barely a hint of red left.
"Tell me you want this," Derek whispered, and Stiles knew he should say no. Not only because this was his first time, but if they went there, it changed things. Didn't it? This wouldn't be fake anymore. It couldn't. Not to Stiles. And it might break him if this didn't mean as much to Derek as it did to him.
But the words wouldn't come. All Stiles could do was stand there and breathe in Derek's scent.
Derek leaned in, his lips hovering just above Stiles's. "Tell me you want this."
"Yes." Stiles nodded, his heart racing. "I want this."
His words were followed by a clap of thunder and, with it, the slow burn of electricity arcing between them. Derek's mouth descended onto his, and Stiles parted his lips, welcoming Derek's tongue with a low groan. Sparks of pleasure surged through him as Derek's tongue explored every inch of his mouth.
Sweet mother of all that was holy; there was nothing better than kissing Derek. No one could tell him otherwise. Not to mention that Stiles's cock was practically burning a hole in the front of his pants, trying to escape. Why was he still wearing clothes?
Off. He needed them off—now. Stiles needed neither of them to be wearing clothes anymore because all he wanted was Derek's warm body pressing against his own with nothing in between.
"Derek," Stiles breathed when Derek broke the kiss.
Derek's lips trailed down Stiles's neck, and Stiles moaned at the sting of Derek's fangs nipping gently at the crook of his neck.
"Derek," Stiles breathed again, tilting his head back in encouragement as he humped against Derek's leg. Yes, he was that desperate for any little bit of friction.
Derek walked him backward, gripping the hem of Stiles's shirt and drawing it over his head. He tossed it to the side, and it landed on the ground with a wet plop. Then came his jeans, which were a little more difficult, but by the time Stiles fell back on his bed, he was naked.
Stiles scooted back on the mattress, watching as Derek shoved down his own pants and underwear, and then he was naked too.
Gloriously and deliciously naked.
The mattress dipped as Derek climbed onto the bed. He straddled Stiles's hips, and Stiles let out a low, guttural groan when Derek grabbed both of his hands and held them above his head before fastening his mouth onto Stiles's once again.
Apparently, Stiles wasn't the only one out of control.
Derek's lips were soft and inviting, a contrast to his need, which was demanding and hard. Not that Stiles minded at all. He had no idea what he was doing. All he knew was that he wanted moremoremore. So he lifted his hips, seeking friction, and as Derek ground down against him, Stiles could feel every ridge and contour of his body. Of his cock.
Their kiss deepened, and the sensations grew more intense, washing through Stiles like waves. Derek's mouth left his to trail slow, hard kisses along Stiles's jaw, kisses that felt desperate but also like he was trying to hold back. Stiles whined, arching his back. Derek met his gaze. The intensity of it grabbed Stiles's breath. It was a look of pure desire, making Stiles feel alive. It made him aware of every touch and taste of Derek, of his body. His scent.
Derek's lips explored him, and Stiles allowed it, all the while stifling his groans. His desperation. Derek was killing him in the best way, especially when he ran his fingers across Stiles's nipples. Derek leaned forward but not to lick his nipple as Stiles thought he would. Instead, Derek placed his mouth over Stiles's nipple and sucked. He sucked the tight bud into his mouth—hard—teeth nipping into Stiles's flesh. Stiles plunged his hands into Derek's hair, panting as he squirmed against the assault.
Who knew his nipples were so sensitive? Certainly not him.
Stiles closed his eyes and dropped his head back against the mattress, letting out a sound that was unintelligible even to himself. This was torture. Sweet, sweet torture and Stiles wanted more. He clamped his mouth shut as Derek slid further down his body.
Oh shit.
Oh fuck.
Lightning rods zapped up Stiles's legs as Derek's breath ghosted over his cock. It twitched, begging for attention, but Derek didn't stop there. Instead, he moved even further down, kissing Stiles's legs and thighs. Which was somehow even more erotic since it tickled his skin and made every hair stand on end.
"Turn over," Derek said, his voice low and rough.
Stiles quickly complied, flailing as he flipped over. He'd be embarrassed, except he was sure Derek would appreciate his enthusiasm. And then Stiles was on his stomach, breathing heavily as he waited for Derek to do something. Anything.
He gasped when Derek pulled his cheeks apart, and Stiles held his breath.
One second. Two seconds. Three—
Stiles inhaled sharply as Derek lifted his hips, pressed his face between Stiles's legs, and licked his hole. Holy shit.
Especially when Derek's tongue slid inside.
Was this supposed to feel this good? Shouldn't he feel embarrassed about having someone licking his asshole? He wasn't. He couldn't be when it felt so good. In fact, Stiles spread his legs even wider, arching his back as he silently begged for more. Derek apparently knew exactly what Stiles wanted because he thrust his tongue inside again, doing little swirls and licks as he worked Stiles's sensitive nerves.
Stiles was wild with need, and it took all of his willpower not to hump the bed. He gripped the sheets as the pleasure built. And built and built and built. And Derek moaned against him, sounding as if he was enjoying himself just as much. 
"Lube?" Derek muttered against him, as if he couldn't bring himself to pull away for even a second.
Stiles swatted a hand out, flailing around to reach the nightstand. He flung the drawer open so hard that its contents spilled to the floor when it slid out. The bed shifted as Derek leaned over the side, and then the lube was tossed onto the mattress beside Stiles. The telltale sound of the lube cap opening made Stiles's dick leak like some kind of Pavlovian response, and then Derek's finger was there, rubbing against his hole.
"Have you ever touched yourself here?" Derek asked, his voice husky with desire.
"Y-yeah." Stiles ran his tongue over his lower lip before raking it with his teeth. "I-I imagined it was you."
Derek groaned, biting Stiles's ass cheek. "Did you like it?"
"God, yes," he hissed just as Derek pushed his finger in. It was so much better than when Stiles fingered himself. It was even better than his dildo. As he relaxed—moaning and mumbling incoherently—Derek added a second finger and eventually a third, rubbing against Stiles's prostate with every skilled thrust of his hand. Derek worked him open with strong fingers, pressing open-mouth kisses on the swell of Stiles's ass.
"Oh, fuck." Stiles knew Derek could sense his desperation. That he wanted more. Needed it.
When Derek removed his fingers, Stiles let out an unmanly whimper. He tried to cover it with a grunt, but Derek chuckled.
"One second." Derek caressed his back before pulling away, and Stiles immediately missed his touch.
He looked over his shoulder, frowning when Derek got off the bed and marched to the bathroom, though now Stiles had a great view of his back, ass, and muscular thighs. "What are you doing?"
"Getting a condom," Derek said, bending over and digging in his pants pocket.
"Do we need one?" Stiles knew that werewolves didn't carry diseases, and if they were doing this, then Stiles wanted to feel all of him. No barriers.
The cords of muscle on Derek's back, shoulders, and arms shifted as he stood. Stiles wanted to nibble on them. He also wanted to run his fingers through the coarse hair on Derek's chest, across Derek's stomach, and through the patch of hair just below his navel.
When Derek faced him again, Stiles's mouth went dry because holy fucking shit. Derek's dick was huge. It was long and thick and uncut and mouthwateringly perfect, but how the fuck it was supposed to fit inside him?
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from it as it bobbed in the air. Stiles kind of wanted to pout, but before he could, Derek was there, hovering over him. The heat of his body was as calming and comforting as it was intimidating with the reality of what was about to happen crashing over him. But then Derek cradled his face and kissed him as he lazily rocked against him, that monster cock sliding against his hole.
The kiss was hungry but soft. Demanding yet gentle. Stiles knew deep down that he'd already fallen hard for Derek, and even though he knew the chances of Derek being there to catch him were slim to none, he didn't care anymore. Not right now.
He wanted this. Needed it.
Stiles's breath hitched when Derek pulled away, and he groaned when Derek kissed the small of his back. His heart couldn't take such an intimate gesture.
"Are you ready?" Derek asked breathlessly, and Stiles heard the lube cap pop open again.
All he could do was nod. He bit his bottom lip and tried not to tense when he felt the much-too-large blunt head of Derek's cock against his hole. Forget about catching his breath—Stiles forgot how to breathe entirely. He fisted the sheets with one hand while slamming the other against the headboard as Derek slowly pushed in.
A bright sting of pain blended with an intense pressure that carried the promise of pleasure beneath it. It was overwhelming.
"I'll go slow," Derek promised, pressing kisses against the back of Stiles's neck. And though that was probably supposed to be comforting, Stiles couldn't help but tense up. "I need you to relax, or it'll hurt."
Stiles nodded, blowing out a breath as he tried to relax. "How far in are you?"
"Just the tip." Derek didn't push in any further. Instead, he started massaging Stiles's ass and lower back, and Stiles could tell Derek was taking his pain. He sucked in a breath as Derek squirted more lube into his crease, and it worked enough for Derek to slide in a bit more.
Derek groaned, and the sound went straight to Stiles's cock. The poor thing was so fucking confused right now. It didn't know whether to be turned on or go flaccid when the sting of the stretch made Stiles's arousal waver. Derek was so much bigger than his fingers or even the one dildo Stiles had purchased, but he knew it would be worth it as soon as—
"Oh, fuck!" Stiles cried out as Derek's cock brushed against his prostate. His chest rose and fell in shallow pants. His face and skin burned as he dropped his head, biting his bottom lip. His ass still ached a little, but this time it was an exquisite agony that made his cock throb and leak all over his sheets. "Fucking…shit…fuckfuck."
Stiles would worry about what the neighbors could hear if it weren't for the thunderstorm. God, he really hoped the thunderstorm drowned out his moans. Who would have guessed he could be so loud?
"You have no idea how good you look right now," Derek said with a throaty growl. "Does it still hurt?"
Yes, but Stiles shook his head vigorously. "Fuck no. I want more."
Derek rolled his hips in small, shallow thrusts, and that stretch and burn quickly gave way to how perfectly filled Stiles felt when Derek was finally fully seated. His hole probably looked obscene stretched around Derek's cock. When Derek tested out a bigger thrust, it was so fucking good. Heat built inside of Stiles as Derek picked up the pace, and then Derek shifted a little, tilting Stiles's hips. When he pushed back in, Stiles's entire body lit up like the fourth of July.
It was too much.
It wasn't enough.
Derek clutched his hips. Hard. His nails dug half-moons into Stiles's skin, and God, Stiles hoped they left bruises. He wanted Derek's marks all over him. The bed creaked as they rocked in perfect rhythm, punctuated by Derek's growls, repeating the same word over and over again.
"Yes!" Stiles cried out in answer.
Derek's cock dragged against that spot inside Stiles that sent small shocks of intense pleasure throughout his body again and again. His toes curled and his balls drew up tight as Derek reached around him, stroking Stiles's cock in time with his thrusts, which grew frantic and needy.
Stiles's whole body was on the precipice of euphoria until he finally let go, his body tightening and giving in simultaneously as his orgasm shot through him.
Derek turned his head, finding Stiles's lips and kissing him, hot and insistent. This was it. No one else would ever compare to Derek or this moment, and Stiles couldn't help but moan into Derek's mouth when his hole stretched even more as Derek's knot swelled. It caught on his rim a few times before Derek couldn't pull out anymore.
"So perfect. You look so good on my knot. Made for it. Made for me." Derek growled, grinding against him until Stiles shouted his name, somehow coming again.
It was everything he ever wanted but also more than he could ever dream of. So good, so perfect, and he felt amazing—panting hard and completely out of breath while his whole body tingled with pleasure.
"Mine," Derek said again, shuddering above him as he came, his cock pulsing, before collapsing against Stiles's back.
I'm all yours, Stiles wished he could say, but he couldn't. Wouldn't. It would be admitting way too much now that his mind was clearing.
Unable to support both their weights after such an intense orgasm, Stiles fell in a heap onto the mattress. Right into the wet spot under him, but Stiles didn't care. Not when his entire body was buzzing.
Derek maneuvered them to their sides and ran his hand down Stiles's side. His voice was quiet as he asked, "Did I hurt you?"
"No." Stiles shook his head. "I mean, I'm a little sore, but that was…" Indescribable. Incredible. He honestly never realized it would be like this. That a moment could be so perfect.
"So it was good?"
It was strange hearing something that sounded like uncertainty coming from Derek, who always seemed so sure of himself.
"So good," Stiles assured him. "Better than good. Seriously, ten out of ten, would do again. I'd high-five you, but I can't feel my arms. I'm not even sure I can feel my face."
Derek's huff of laughter against the back of his neck made Stiles shudder. "You're ridiculous sometimes."
"I know. But yes, being completely serious. That was amazing," Stiles said, even though he was a mess right now, all sticky and sweaty. He clenched automatically as he pictured his hole stretched over Derek's knot, and it sent a shiver down his spine.
Derek made a pained sound and gripped Stiles's hips to still him. "Keep doing that and my knot won't go down any time soon."
"How long until it does?" Stiles asked, relaxing against Derek's chest.
Derek kissed his shoulder as he hugged Stiles close. "I'm not sure. I've never knotted anyone before."
"Never?" Stiles's eyes widened in surprise. There was no way that Derek had never knotted anyone before. Why wouldn't he? Stiles had heard stories that made it sound like the best thing ever—that sex was so much better because of it. "Really?"
Derek nodded against the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. I probably should have asked first, but it just felt right with you. Magical. I don't really know how to explain it. I just know that you're mine."
Derek's words made him feel all sorts of warm and fuzzy inside—and so incredibly special. He couldn't help but believe him.
"Yours," Stiles said, closing his eyes and leaning into Derek's embrace, which felt too good. He wanted to stay in Derek's arms forever, though he still had plenty of questions about what had just happened and what Derek had said. But they would have to wait. For now, he wanted to just enjoy this moment. Though it didn't take long before Stiles felt his consciousness begin to slip.
"Tired," he murmured, and Derek kissed the back of his head.
"Go ahead and sleep. I'll clean us up once my knot goes down."
Stiles nodded, or at least, he thought he did as Derek's steady breathing and heartbeat lulled him into a deep sleep.
As he closed his eyes, Stiles couldn't help but wonder if this was what love felt like. But that thought was quickly forgotten as sleep overtook him, and his mind drifted into pleasant dreams of him and Derek and their future.
Stiles woke up achingly hard—not an uncommon occurrence since meeting Derek. However, the ache in his ass was uncommon. Though it was a pleasant ache. A satisfying reminder of last night. The thought of Derek's knot made Stiles's cock throb and his hole clench. He ground against the mattress, moaning into his pillow at the friction.
An arm tightened around his waist, and a gruff voice growled in his ear, "God, you smell so good."
Part of Stiles had been worried he'd wake up to an empty bed. That Derek would have taken off in the middle of the night. Sure, Derek had practically claimed him last night. Had said Stiles was his, but it could have been said in the heat of the moment. They were knotted together, after all. Stiles wouldn't have held it against him, so needless to say, it was a pleasant surprise that Derek was still there, pressed against him.
Lust spiked through Stiles's body and he turned in Derek's arms, brushing his fingers over Derek's cheeks and neck, just taking a moment to study him. Sunlight trickled in through the curtains, casting a golden glow over Derek's face. His eyes were still shut, black lashes framing his sharp cheekbones. God, he was so beautiful.
Stiles trailed his fingers down Derek's neck and chest to his hip, smirking when Derek's dick twitched. His breath quickened as his chest filled with nervous excitement when he grabbed the lube that was still beside him, squirting some into his palm. His own cock jumped in anticipation as he wrapped his hand around Derek's.
"What are you doing?" Derek asked, his voice rough with sleep. When he finally opened his eyes, they bore through Stiles with an intensity that stole his breath.
"I didn't really get to touch you last night," Stiles whispered, staring between them as Derek bucked into his fist.
Derek chuckled, the vibration of it humming through Stiles's body. He gripped Stiles's ass and rolled to his back, pulling Stiles over him until their chests were flush.
Warmth pooled in Stiles's belly as Derek leaned up, running his tongue along Stiles's bottom lip, igniting the fire already raging between them.
Derek drew back, their lips still brushing, and murmured, "Why don't you let me take care of you."
Though Stiles had wanted to take care of Derek, to bring him pleasure, he whispered, "Yes," without hesitation.
Derek leaned in again, caressing Stiles's tongue with gentle strokes. Stiles soared, lost in the heat and emotion between them. When Derek pulled back, his eyes were shining with what Stiles thought might be love. His heart tripped over itself.
Could this be real?
Derek brushed his lips against Stiles's forehead, leaving a soft, tender kiss.
"I've got you," he said, lining up their cocks and wrapping a hand around both of them, giving Stiles that sweet, delicious friction that made him tremble.
Stiles's heart pounded as they rocked together, and the room filled with moans and heavy breathing.
"I-I really wanna suck you off," he panted when Derek twisted his wrist. Stiles wasn't sure why or how he was talking, considering he couldn't even think right now. Not when the pressure teetered on the edge of pleasure-pain.
Derek pulled Stiles in by the back of his neck with his other hand, kissing him again. "Next time."
As they kissed, Stiles ran his fingers along Derek's neck with a featherlight touch, writhing when Derek trailed his fingers down his back.
"Oh, fu—" Stiles started, but Derek swallowed his groan with a passionate sweep of his tongue. More ridiculous sounds rose from his throat, escaping in the form of whimpers and moans that would be downright embarrassing if he cared at all. But how could he when—
"I love the sounds you make," Derek said, panting when he broke the kiss.
And Stiles wasn't sure how much longer he could hold out. It felt too good. His body was like a live wire—all coiled, sparking energy. But surprisingly, it wasn't Stiles who snapped first.
Derek's body went taut, and his curses filled the room. A tendon stood out on the side of his neck that Stiles wanted to nibble on. Fuck, Derek looked so good when he came. There was something about the way his eyes rolled to the back of his head before setting a hard glare at the ceiling as if it had personally offended him that really turned Stiles on.
He kept thrusting, digging his fingers into Derek's shoulders, clinging to him for dear life as he chased his own release.
"Come on, Stiles," Derek urged, tightening his grip on Stiles's cock. "Let me see you come."
The order sent shockwaves through Stiles, and he jerked forward. With his head thrown back, Stiles cried out Derek's name as his dick pulsed rhythmically between them.
"God, you feel so good," Derek mumbled against his shoulder when Stiles collapsed against him, boneless and content.
Stiles smiled softly, still panting as he nodded. Words were lost to him, and all he could do was hum his approval of a great orgasm as his nerve endings tingled and his body twitched. Goosebumps erupted along his skin at every puff of Derek's breath against the side of his neck.
"Well, that was the best way to wake up," Derek said, panting. "What did you say last night? Ten of ten, would do again?"
Stiles snorted, falling to the side but tangling their legs together. He could stay wrapped up in Derek for days. For forever. "Absolutely."
Before Derek could wipe his hand off on the sheets or get up to clean himself, Stiles grabbed it and brought it up to his mouth. He flushed as he licked a stripe up Derek's palm. "Mmm…not as bad as I'd thought it'd be."
"Jesus Christ." Derek growled before crushing their lips together again. "You have no idea," he muttered against Stiles's lips, "how incredible you are. I don't know how I was lucky enough to find you. That I get to have you."
There it was again. Those words.
Stiles sighed and pressed their foreheads together. His heart beat erratically as he asked, "So this is real? You really want me?"
"I meant what I said last night." Derek pulled back and tilted Stiles's chin up with two fingers, searching his eyes. His lips curved into a slow, gentle smile. "You're mine, Stiles. I want to be with you. For real."
Stiles shivered at Derek's words. So what Derek had said last night hadn't been a fluke. It wasn't just a declaration in the heat of the moment. Derek really wanted him. Wanted them to be together. Stiles's heart felt like it was about to burst with happiness. He trailed featherlight kisses against Derek's skin and closed his eyes, feeling like nothing could touch this moment.
No fear, no doubts. Just them. Together.
"I want you, too. I'm yours," Stiles whispered, and Derek exhaled, nodding before dropping his forehead to Stiles's shoulder. Stiles ran his hands through Derek's hair, scratching lightly at his scalp, and they stayed like that for what felt like a lifetime, yet still wasn't long enough.
"Happy anniversary," Derek said, rubbing his cheek against the top of Stiles's head as they watched the sun dip below the horizon. They were on the cliffside at lookout point again. Their spot, as Derek liked to call it. Like a slow explosion, red, orange, and yellow radiated across the sky, fading out as it turned purple-blue.
Stiles smiled. "Anniversary?"
As far as he knew, their anniversary wasn't for a few weeks. It had been just over a year since he'd found Derek's website. Since they met and had their first fake date. Some days he still couldn't believe how things had worked out. It had never been part of Stiles's plan to get a rental boyfriend just to experience a first date. Nor had it been part of his plan to stumble upon Derek's page and hire him for a few hours every week. And Stiles definitely hadn't meant to actually start falling for the guy.
But he had, and he didn't regret a single second of it.
"This was our first date," Derek whispered, taking Stiles's hand.
Stiles pulled back and tilted his head to look at Derek, raising a brow in question. "Babe…our anniversary is in three weeks."
"Babe…" It was so quiet here that Derek's voice carried on the wind. "Today is one year since our first date."
"I mean, if you wanna get technical about it, the anniversary of our first date was like a week ago, but I don't count that. And our first official date was to that diner the morning after we first slept together."
"I don't count either of those as our first date," Derek told him, a smile on his stupidly handsome face. It made his eyes crinkle in the corners and his dimples pop. "One year ago today, I brought you up here for our first real date."
Stiles thought back, and sure enough, coming to lookout point had been the first date Derek had planned for them. Granted, it was while Stiles had been paying him; then again, Derek had also reversed all those charges. Every single last one of them. Derek said taking Stiles's money felt wrong when it had never been a job for him. When it had always felt like more.
"That was the night you kissed me." Stiles smiled at the memory.
Derek nodded. "I liked you, Stiles. A lot. From the moment we met, I knew that you were special. I wanted you. This." He gestured between them. "Which was why I asked if I could plan that date."
A warmth spread through Stiles's chest as it always did whenever Derek talked about his feelings for him. He blinked away the sting of happy tears and looked back out at the view, sighing in contentment. "Alright then, happy anniversary."
Derek squeezed his hand in response.
The wind blew around them, bringing with it a little bit of coolness as the night grew darker, but Stiles wanted to stay in this moment forever.
Derek kept his gaze fixed on the horizon. "I've been thinking…"
There was something in the way he said it that had Stiles's heart skipping a beat in anticipation, excitement, and suspense. His brows knit together in curiosity. "You have? About what?"
Derek was silent for a few moments, watching as the stars appeared in the sky. And then he pressed something into Stiles's palm and said, "I love you. I think I fell in love with you the moment we met, and I fall in love with you more and more each day."
Stiles turned his hand over and gasped as he stared down at the matte black band embedded with six sparkling diamonds. His heart thumpthumpthumped wildly, a staccato rhythm he knew Derek could hear.
"I love you, too. Derek, I…" Stiles met his gaze and swallowed hard as his emotions threatened to choke him. They'd talked about marriage a few times; of course, they had. It was something they both wanted. In fact, Stiles often joked about proposing and making a big production out of it, but really this was perfect. Just him and Derek at their spot, watching the sunset.
Derek pulled him in by the back of his neck and kissed him softly. When he broke the kiss, he pressed their foreheads together. His breath fanned across Stiles's face as he asked, "Will you marry me?"
Tears pooled in Stiles's eyes. He held Derek's gaze and, without a beat of hesitation, answered, "Yes."
A beautiful smile split Derek's handsome face, and for a few moments, they just looked at each other as they took in the enormity of what had just happened. They just got engaged. Derek was his fiancé and they were going to get married!
Derek leaned in to kiss him again and Stiles melted. The kiss was gentle and sweet and lingered with the promise of a beautiful future.
When they finally broke apart, Stiles giggled—an actual fucking school girl-type giggle. He was happier and lighter than he ever thought possible. "We're engaged."
Derek's lips quirked up. "We are." He pulled Stiles in for a hug and whispered into his ear, "You make me so happy, Stiles."
And that was the moment Stiles knew, without a doubt, that he was the luckiest guy in the world.
The sky was nearly black now, with the stars shining brightly and the moon casting an almost ethereal glow over the night. Stiles reached up, wiping the tears from his eyes, and took one final look around.
This place. This moment. It was perfection, and Stiles would hold it in his heart forever.
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izicodes · 1 year
Tips for Landing Your First Entry-Level Developer Job | Resources ✨
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I saw a tweet by @reactive_dude on Twitter where he talked about tips for junior developers landing their first jobs and I thought I would share them here as well, it might help someone. I think these are handy, especially the projects and open-source tips. I also read through the comments and added some of the tips from there to the list. Enjoy!
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Have an active LinkedIn account
Add as many recruiters to your LinkedIn network as you can
To add recruiters on LinkedIn: introduce yourself in 1-2 sentences, and say you're open for entry-level jobs, there is no need to overthink this step
Most recruiters will accept your network request even without reading your message
Build 1-2 strong projects where you use/build CRUD APIs - For example a real-time chat app, an app with auth where you can log in and manage recipes/notes/tasks/whatever...
If you're a front-end dev, there are a lot of free APIs available, you can make use of these and build client apps
Make it easy to check your projects and code
This means open source on GitHub and one-click access to your project (without a complicated login/registration process)
Make a huge effort to make your resume as polished and professional as possible.
Build a portfolio website
Apply to as many jobs as possible, as soon as they're listed
Don't feel bad about rejections or if you're not getting any responses
Contribute to open source/build your own projects in public daily
More than building CRUD projects, you should show off your contribution to open-source. Whether it's a small package or a utility website for a framework that they use - stuff like that stands out more than another Student Management System.
Don't shoot too high, apply with local companies
Fully remote international companies usually hire only experience developers
Network with developers who can help you get hired in their company
If possible, attend local meetups/conferences/events to network with other devs
Share your progress and projects online!
>> Link to the tweet!
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Other related resources I've posted...
[LINK] - Coding advice for beginners
[LINK] - Career Services for Web Development (and in more tech roles)
[LINK] - Tips and advice for job seekers in Tech
[LINK] - 20 key points on becoming a Junior Full-Stack Web Developer
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kittydesade · 2 months
I'm very sorry. Six months ago you commented on a Gordon Ramsey accessibility post that your job to help make websites accessible. How do I get that job? I would love that so much. I'm sure you've answered this before but I can't find it.
I, too, am sure I've answered this before, but I can't remember where and I'm not about to brave the Tumblr search feature to go looking, so you and @the0dd0ne get a twofer.
Hi, I'm not a bot, and I was wondering if I could ask you a weird career question? I saw your addition on that "Accessibility Nightmares" post where you mentioned it's your actual job to email websites about their lack of accessibility and what they need to do to make it accessible, and can I ask how you got into that? I got injured on the job and need to make a huge career change, and that type of work has always been really interesting to me, but I don't even know where to start to get into it! Also feel free to ignore this lol I know it's out of left field.
(This is actually the third question I've got on this, so no, not that out of left field.)
So the first thing to understand is that it's actually pretty hard to get into digital accessibility because there just aren't that many companies doing it. As far as I know from company meetings there aren't that many schools teaching it as a part of their core web development curriculum. It's just not that common to think about it as part of web development. Which is vastly irritating.
I started mucking around with the web when there was first a web to muck around on, but when the pandemic hit and my Mom suggested (in a hilarious twist of circumstances) that I go to one of those Learn to Code boot camps to get a certificate that said I actually knew my shit so I could get a job in web development. A number of these boot camps also have job placement programs and pipeline agreements with certain companies. and in a nutshell that's how I got into it. The company sent my boot camp a letter saying "we need N warm bodies" and they sent the company a list of names, I got interviewed, I got hired as a contractor, and after a couple years of good work for them I got invited to interview for a permanent position, which I got.
These days due to the state of the everything, there are probably 10-50 programmers for every open development position, depending on language and job type and company. It's a rough field out there and I got very, very lucky in my timing. But if you want to try it, the boot camp to job pipeline is probably your best bet. Ask the boot camp recruiters if they have connections to accessibility firms. If they don't, you can always try asking if they have connections to web development/site packaging firms and then check if the firms have an accessibility department. Tell the recruiter up front what you're looking to work in, and keep in mind that the recruiter's job is to convince you to give the boot camp your money. (Mine was $12k USD.)
For resources to study in the meantime, there's the A11y Project which has discussions, videos, articles, posts, etc about digital accessibility, a lot of good information. You can also look at the resources for the CPACC exam, I don't recommend taking it unless you have a few hundred USD to burn but you can definitely study up on the Body of Knowledge, which is a free PDF to download. And there is, in fact, an accessibility job board, although I don't have any experience with applying for any of these jobs cold.
The languages I use most in my job are HTML and jQuery, and I passively use (meaning I read and interpret but don't actually program in) JavaScript and CSS. This is mainly because we work with client sites and there's only so much of the client code we can touch; if there's a problem in the client code we can't touch we have to write it up and tell them to fix it. If you end up in house for some large brand you may end up working in more web development languages, but a lot of accessibility can be handled by basic HTML attributes called ARIA attributes (and roles) and there's the documentation on that. Another tool to have is your soft skills: communication, specificity of language, writing up good descriptions of what code does what so you can explain exactly what needs to be fixed where and why. You might also want to look at documentation on what makes good alt text, where it's needed, what kind of labels are standard, etc. I think you can find that in the A11y Project pages, but honestly I just learned it on the job working with senior developers.
It's a hard time to get into software development at all, let alone a niche field like web accessibility. But Europe is about to have a digital accessibility law come into effect in July of next year (that encompasses more than just the web, that's just my area of expertise) and the US is making slow but steady strides in requiring digital accessibility as well, so there are jobs out there and there might be companies hiring to capitalize on the need. There will definitely always be companies putting off conforming to regulations until the last possible minute, and then needing services and specialists. So study up, practice, and good luck!
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alica-tech · 1 year
a guide on behavioral interviews💼
ok i've got a behavioral interview coming up so decided to make this quick guide on how i prepare for these if it helps anyone else trying to land internships or full-time jobs in the tech industry!
the process
1. ⭐ Introduction (10-15 min)
The interviewer wants to know more about you, your career goals, skills, and how you align w/ the company's mission.
Like a compelling essay, you want a strong hook or opening statement. The first question asked is often "Tell me about yourself" and this should be a brief elevator pitch (30 seconds) that highlights your current status (student, major, study area), your relevant experience, why you're interested in the company/why you're a good fit for the company, and what you're looking for (in a job). Practice this in front of a mirror if you have to!
Doing company research is really important for the whole interview! You want to look informed and interested. You can use sites such as:
Twitter Linkedin Glassdoor company website (blogs/news/about/careers page) any press releases/news articles to find info about what the company is focused on or what they care about most.
Find things that are genuinely interesting to *you* and write it down on a separate notepad to remember it
Review the job posting you applied to and review where you meet their expectations (your strengths) and be aware of your weaknesses (be ready to answer like "I'm working on improving my..." or "I hope this company can give me more experience in..")
Top questions: Tell me about yourself, why do you want to work for us, what are your strengths? Why should we hire you?
2. ⭐ Situational Questions (15-30 min)
This is where you use the STAR method to craft your responses to questions about your communication, work ethic, and collaboration style
STAR: Situation, Task, Action, Result
Here's a guide + sample questions that you can encounter in any type of interview!
Also, prepare 5-6 solid situations that you can use to anchor your STAR responses. These can come from your resume, where each project can be something you can tie back to another soft/technical skill the company is looking for.
For example, for my hackathon experiences, i can relate it to any collaboration / communication / time crunch / meeting deadlines question. for my research experience, i can relate it to analytical skills / experimental / problem-solving questions.
For me, I put all my projects/experiences on a google doc, and then I write additional bullet points on things I did, problems I solved, challenges, skills I gained, etc. It's kind of like a super expanded resume. It's a great reference at a glance! Reflecting on your experiences/projects is very important as well, whether large or small.
3. ⭐ Closing (5 - 10 min)
This is your opportunity to end on a strong note, re-iterating what makes you a good fit for the company and asking questions that show you've done your research on the role/company!
What are good questions? Questions that aren't easily answerable on the company site, questions that will help YOU make a decision if you want to work for them
Here's some good ones: What is your current work from home / hybrid / in-person policies? What are the most exciting challenges facing your company in the next 6 months? What's the next step in the interview process / when can I expect follow-up? Is there support for junior / entry-level developers (such as mentorship)? How does the company support work-life balance? Can you share any recent projects / initiatives the company has taken on that you're excited about?
Here's some to AVOID: Avoid asking about salary / benefits unless you absolutely need this information before moving forward, Avoid asking questions you can google easily or know by reading the job description, avoid questions that are clearly outside of your interviewers area of expertise
phew, maybe i shouldve broken this into multiple posts, for now this is a quick overview, hope this helps!
additional (free) resources:
interviewbit - variety of questions listed for behaviorals
tech interview handbook - more details on preparing for STAR and example responses
handshake blog post - list of questions you can ask at the end of any interview
exponent's blog post - FAANG interviewing, focusing on company values, finding peer-to-peer mock interviews
pramp.com - practice mock interviews with peers
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shraviya · 9 months
Incredible High-paying Career Paths for Web Designers
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In today's digital age, web design has become an exciting and changing field with many options. There's a big demand for web designers who can make websites that look good and are easy to use. If you recently finished learning web design, great job! You're starting an exciting journey. In this blog post, we'll talk about all the different jobs you can do after learning web design.
Web Designer:
Make websites that look good and are easy to use.
Work with clients to understand what they want their website to look like.
Design how the website will look, including picking colors and fonts.
Create pictures and graphics to make the website look nice.
Use computer programs like Adobe Photoshop, Sketch, or Figma to design things.
Learn about the latest design trends to make modern and good-looking websites.
Front-End Developer:
Turn web design ideas into working websites using code like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Make sure websites work well on different devices and screens.
Add fun things like buttons that change when you click them.
Work with web designers to make their ideas real.
Find and fix problems with how websites look and work.
Keep up-to-date with new tools and ways to build websites.
UI/UX Designer:
Focus on making websites and apps that are easy for people to understand and use.
Talk to users and test websites to learn how to make them better.
Draw pictures and models of websites before they're built to see how they'll work.
Work closely with people who make websites to make sure they look like the designs.
Think about who will use the website and how they will use it.
Try to make sure websites are easy to use and look nice for everyone.
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Graphic Designer:
Make pictures and designs for things like logos, posters, and ads.
Use computer programs like Adobe Illustrator and InDesign to create pictures.
Work with marketing teams to show what a brand wants to say with pictures.
Understand things like colors, fonts, and how things should look on a page.
Keep a collection of your best design work to show to others.
Change designs to look good both on computers and when they're printed.
E-commerce Specialist:
Make and make better websites where people can buy things online.
Make sure it's easy for people to find and buy things on the website.
Make sure it's safe for people to pay for things online.
Use tools like Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento to help make online stores.
Look at how people use the website to sell more things.
Keep up with what's new in online shopping.
Digital Marketer:
Make things like pictures and ads that look good and get people's attention online.
Make things for social media, emails, and online ads.
Work with other people in marketing to make sure the pictures match what they want to say.
Use tools to see how the things you make do online and make choices based on what you learn.
Make sure the pictures look good on different places online and on phones and computers.
Learn about new ways to do marketing online.
CMS Specialist:
Change and keep up websites that use special programs, like WordPress or Joomla.
Change how websites look and work to match what the owner wants.
Make sure websites are safe and work well.
Teach people how to use the special program to make websites.
Fix problems with the special program.
Learn about the updates and extras for the special program.
Work for yourself and make websites for people.
Choose when you work and how much you charge.
Make a lot of different kinds of websites for different people.
Tell people about your work online and meet other people in the same job.
Do everything for your work, like talking to people, making websites, and getting paid.
Keep getting better at your work and get more people to hire you.
Web Design Educator/Trainer:
Teach other people how to make websites.
Make plans and materials to help people learn how to design.
Teach classes and workshops, or teach people on the internet.
Help people learn and give them feedback.
Keep up with new ways to teach and new things in web design.
Encourage and help new designers learn.
Start your own company that makes websites.
Build a team of people who design, build, and manage websites.
Talk to people who want websites and make a plan for how to make them.
Make a brand and a way to tell people about your company.
Do different kinds of websites for big and small companies.
Try to be creative and make the best websites.
User Testing and Research:
Be an expert in seeing if websites are easy to use.
Ask people and look at how they use websites to see if they're good or need to be better.
Make reports and ideas for making websites easier to use.
Work with designers and builders to make websites better.
Tell people why it's important to make websites that anyone can use.
Teach people how to make websites that work for everyone.
Mobile App Designer:
Design how apps on phones and tablets look and work.
Make sure app designs work well when you touch the screen.
Work with people who make apps to make sure the designs work.
Keep up with how to design apps for different kinds of phones.
Think about how people use apps and make them easy to use.
Test and change app designs based on what people say.
Art Director:
Be the boss of art and design projects and tell the team what to do.
Watch over how ads, campaigns, or design projects look.
Lead a team of designers and give them advice.
Talk to people who want art and design work to understand what they want.
Make sure designs match what a brand is saying and how it looks.
Keep high standards for how designs look and how creative they are.
Web Accessibility Specialist:
Be an expert in making websites work for people with disabilities.
Follow rules for making websites easy to use for everyone, like WCAG.
Check if websites are easy to use for people with disabilities.
Suggest changes to make websites better for everyone.
Work with designers and builders to make websites more accessible.
Tell people why it's important to make websites that everyone can use.
Finishing web design is like getting a key to many opportunities. You can make great websites, make things look good, and create your own path online.
But here's the trick: It's not just about making things look nice. It's about making things work and making them helpful. As a web designer, you're a digital magician who combines art and usefulness.
So, as you start in this field, remember that you're not just a web designer; you're a digital creator. Embrace challenges, stay curious, and keep being creative. Your canvas is the internet, and your tools are your skills. Paint your digital future and make it fantastic. If you want to start your web design journey, I recommend ACTE Institution because they offer training, job placement, and certification. Have a great day!
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blueberry-lemon · 3 months
Small Teams
Something I've realized more now as I've gotten older is that people generally overestimate how much a small indie team can get done when working on a big project like a game or a website.
And two factors that come to mind that are obstacles for small teams are:
The "front end" and "back end" type stuff is separate and when you have to spend a month working on more behind-the-scenes "back end" stuff, people wonder why you aren't adding more forward-facing features or content
Everything in life can really bring everything to a screeching halt. "My dog is sick", "I had a death in the family", "I was traveling last week", "I'm struggling with depression," "I got sick yesterday", "I'm having trouble sorting my taxes", "My car got a flat tire on Monday." These things can bring development down to a crawl and there's really nothing that can be done if hiring more people isn't possible. If your team has like 5 people, there's not a lot of room for people who can pick up tasks when someone is out of commission.
So really, best case scenario is that expectations should be set that users/players don't expect a constant river's flow of new updates. It's really hard to live up to expectation, especially expectations that are usually set from bigger teams.
(or sometimes the expectation of pace is set when the project first starts and motivation is sky-high and the creator or creators are working day-and-night obsessively)
And it also sucks that people generally want "transparency" on these things, therefore you might be obligated to actually share to the public that your grandma died or whatever to justify why you're going slow. It's like you're asking your users for forgiveness.
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tobyblogger · 11 months
Five Nights at Prototype Fredbears
I’ve been browsing for FNaF fangames on a website called Gamejolt. If you don’t know what that is, it’s a website where, as the website suggests, they have games and other stuff too, arranged by realms, communities, and posts.
A lot of the games on this website are action, horror, adventure, and, of course, fangame-based. However, a lot of people seem to tackle the FNaF-related ones.
I’m one of those people.
This is where I made the greatest mistake of my entire life. Instead of downloading the game I wanted on Gamejolt, I thought it was the smartest idea to download it on a different website. It was like Gamejolt, but odd.
What was the game I wanted to play? Well, there’s a specific FNaF fangame that nobody really pays attention to. The game is called Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear’s (which is also on Gamejolt); it’s like any other FNaF fangame; however, it has the style as if the game was created in 2014 or 2015. It’s oddly charming and makes me think of the good days of the series.
I hit the download button and started playing; the exe file automatically started downloading. I didn’t need to unzip a file or anything; the download automatically gave me the game without me doing anything. I opened the game, and it gave me a warning about it having flashing lights, jumpscares, and loud noises. I continued, and it took me straight to the menu. The static scared me pretty badly, but this allows me to see if the game works.
One thing I noticed is how Prototype Fredbear, the yellow bear for a split second, had his pupils missing, and I screenshotted it to see what was over his body; there were cracks on the front portions of the face and torso, and it was clear that it was updated at V.4.0, but for some reason, the color on the four didn’t match the 0 and the letter V.
Anyway, I pressed the new game button, and it took me to the newspaper, telling me that Fredbears had been built and it was hiring. So far, everything seemed to be working, and I also noticed something in the last paragraph of the newspaper: a black bear? Not unusual, as it’s probably referring to Shadow Fredbear as mentioned in the character section of the game's description.
My night was loaded, and I was brought into the office. While I was there, I instantly noticed a bug: the doors weren’t properly attached. While that detail didn’t matter, it seemed like the developer who created this game tried to fix it, but he wasn’t successful, or that the doors were intentionally made like that; nonetheless, the game worked fine, I checked the cameras and closed the doors as soon as the main animatronics reached my door.
As I was doing these things, I noticed the power going down, so I had to be careful. As I was checking the cameras, I noticed Bonnet sitting on Prototype Fredbear’s shoulder. I chuckled a bit, as that was a pretty cute detail, even for a game like this.
My joy was cut short as, when I came back to the camera again, Prototype Fredbear was looking directly at the camera with his pupils missing, exactly like the menu at the beginning of the game. I did nothing but stare into the bear’s eyes.
The night then ended, and I went to sleep, turning off the game. What happened in my dream was disturbing. I was giving food to my cat, which was normal at first, but when I checked the windows while I washed some dishes, I saw him, Prototype Fredbear, with those cracks and those empty eyes.
He was just staring at me in the eyes; there’s no doubt that this is some sort of hallucination or some guy pretending to be a furry by cosplaying as an animatronic.
I washed my face in the sink, and he was gone when I looked back. As I went outside, I noticed that the gate was open, swinging back and forth. I immediately ran inside and noticed my cat was missing. I noticed something that would make me cry and vomit in fear.
In my room, in front of my desktop, my cat was lying on the ground with a chunk of his body missing and bitten off. I got up and went on my phone to call the police, but there was no connection, even though I swear I remember having a good connection.
Losing hope and staring at my cat’s body, I backed up, and there was the yellow giant bear behind me. I noticed my kitchen knife in his hand, and when I tried to grab it from him, he struck me with the knife and slashed a wound on my waist.
Luckily, I woke up, and due to my curiosity, I had to finish this game.
I was playing and playing until I got a custom night unlocked. At first, my main goal was to look for the secret character, Shadow Fredbear; however, it’s not anymore, and I won’t try 20/20/20/20 mode as before I played this game, I watched a gameplay where Beemanz (a staff member for the game as of now and a good friend of the creator of this game) played this game and completed the mode; he certainly got a sweet ending though.
I won’t be getting that ending; I set everybody except for Prototype Fredbear to zero, and lord, if the game wasn't creepier than it was. Also, one thing I would like to point out is that this ending isn’t present in the real game, you know, the one on the Gamejolt page.
If I remember correctly, Lolbit, Bonnet, Springbonnie, and the other bear, Springfreddy, weren’t turned on, but in this case, they were turned on and started moving.
During this, the bathroom camera was turned on.
The odd part about this game is the animatronics appearing in places where they shouldn’t; while it didn’t seem out of the ordinary, it seemed odd. For example, if you played the actual game, you would normally see Springbonnie hanging or floating in the parts and service room, right? Instead, Prototype Fredbear is seen instead, and where is Springbonnie? He took Prototype Fredbear’s role, and Prototype Fredbear took Springbonnie’s role.
The camera began glitching out, and it showed some pretty questionable stuff; they were clearly taken from BestGore (the website that is now closed, luckily), and yeah, that’s pretty much the only detail I will go into without going into unnecessary detail; some of the violent images being shown were also looking as if they were in the game itself.
Something clearly changed.
I checked the bathroom camera, and there was something inside one of the stalls—a mutilated body of a person stuffed into the toilet. On the ground, there was, yes, as you guessed, blood mixed with feces and urine; the body was clearly photoshopped on the toilet; and the bathroom itself was clearly a stock photo and didn’t look anything like the rest of the game, as the main game is made with the source filmmaker, a movie-making software published by Valve (you know, the company that made pretty good games like Half-Life, Team Fortress, Garry’s Mod, and Left 4 Dead).
I mean, yeah, sure, the other cameras still looked like the same style that the creator made them, but the animatronic poses were replaced with a different character and were clearly slapped on top of the original animatronics in Photoshop.
The audio in the background was devouring the original ambiance, which is taken directly from Five Nights at Wario’s 3, the audio was branches and leaves being crushed and sounds of grass being stepped on; the sound got closer and closer.
The audio cut off, and the audio went back to the original ambiance. I wanted the night to end, so I waited for the animatronics to attack me. For some reason, the AI got pretty broken, and the animatronics refused to attack; all they were doing was staring at the cameras, taunting me.
I flipped down the camera, and I finally encountered Shadow Fredbear, the secret antagonist.
Shadow Fredbear sat next to the door in the pose of Golden Freddy and killed me; however, there was an extended version of the scream; it was like Shadow Fredbear’s regular scream in the original game, but the screaming got louder and louder, and there were sounds of footsteps; the footsteps sounded like they were in my house, but when I looked behind me, there was nothing there. 
It didn’t only take me to the game over screen, but it also played two clips related to the main antagonist of the game, The first one was a yellowish grizzly bear; the clip was playing over and over, and the bear was getting his head cut off over and over. 
The next clip was also a yellowish bear getting grinded up, and it ended with a screenshot that never appeared in the game; it was a photo of Prototype Fredbear, Lolbit, Bonnet, and Springbonnie staring into the camera. Prototype Fredbear and Springbonnie both had no pupils, and Lolbit’s pupils were missing; however, Bonnet seemed normal.
The screen immediately cuts back to the main menu, and it froze and crashed. Now, after I turned off this game, I was processing and trying to figure out the theory of what happened here.
After the creator, Joseph, made the game, somebody downloaded the regular game, broke into the MFA file, and started editing the source code, mixing up the AI, and finding videos from BestGore (which might’ve been taken from other gore sites) to sneak into the game. Maybe there’s a chance that the hacker is responsible for the murders; the person might’ve taken photos of the murders and snuck them into the game.
I uninstalled the game, and the nightmares haven’t occurred since.
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quickway-infosystems1 · 11 months
Top WordPress Development Companies in 2023
Want to create an online persona for yourself or your company? Well, the best way to go forward is with a brand-new website that can showcase your company, its offerings, and what you stand for. Websites created by the top WordPress development companies reach far and wide to target audiences around the world and attract lots of organic traffic, increasing the business’ sales and revenue.
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You know that you need to build a website, and you decide to make it on WordPress. But you may not know much about WordPress, and there are many individual developers and agencies available for WordPress development.
These are enough to confuse you when you are to select a WordPress development company, but as you have reached this blog, do not worry.
We will tell you how you can hire a WordPress development company in India for your business. Stay tuned as we will start our discussion with a brief on WordPress.
1. QuickWay InfoSystems
In the world of WordPress, they are one of the top WordPress development companies. They offer services around the globe, which is the most important thing. QWI is a well-known Software Development company, with Services such as Web Development, Android App Development, iOS App Development, CMS Development, React Native App Development, & other servides too.
They provide high-quality, standard coding services that are convenient for clients.
They have more than 7+ years of experience with WordPress. They have completed over 500+ projects in different industries such as entertainment, art, music, marketplace development, and the Restaurants industry.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, UI/UX Design, Front-end Development, Microsoft Development.
2. Seahawk Media
Having worked with over 100+ brands and managed WordPress for them, Seahawk has delivered exceptional WordPress services. It is trusted by top web hosts for its dedicated retention and support services that prevent customer churn.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Custom Web design, WordPress White Label, Maintenance & Support, Migration Services, SEO & Marketing
3. MultiDots
They are a top WordPress developer and support content producers as well as digital agencies in reaching their goals.
Multidots has developed multi-platform WordPress solutions and advanced WordPress technology for global corporate brands such as Storyful (NewsCorp Venture), Accenture, and MIT.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, WordPress Migration, WordPress VIP Migration
4. Krify
Krify is a leading WordPress development company that can help transform your business by offering innovative, high-quality, and cost-effective website development services. With a team of expert developers, designers, and project managers, Krify can provide you with bespoke software solutions that cater to your unique needs.
Expertise In: WordPress Website Development, WordPress Migration, eCommerce WordPress website development, informative website development, PHP Website Development.
5. Uplers
Uplers has well-known website development professionals, and their current customers only trust them since they offer their customers fantastic jobs developing websites. More than 500 agencies are available to serve their offerings.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Hubspot Development, SEO Services, SEM Services, Email Marketing.
6. rtCamp Solutions
rtCamp Solutions is a reliable corporate WordPress solution. Millions of people reach out to them every day through their unique engineering solutions for Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and household brands.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Digital Publishing, Digital Marketing, eCommerce Development.
7. ColorWhistle
ColorWhistle offers the best digital agency services. They are focused on creating best-in-class solutions to benefit your website in many ways and help you outperform the competition.
Expertise In: WordPress Development, Web Design Services, Web Development Services, Digital Marketing Services.
8. Elsner Technologies
Elsner Technologies is a company that develops software for web and mobile. The company is known for its ability to provide 100% customized technical solutions, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and a track record of 100% year after year.
Expertise In: Web Development, Mobile App Development, Cloud Computing, Enterprise Application Development.
9. Hidden Brains
Hidden Brains, a leading WordPress development company, is located in India. They offer easy-to-use WordPress solutions that are easy to configure, publish, and manage. Hidden Brains has created WordPress websites for clients from 39 different industries around the globe. Its greatest asset is its work. Their clients span more than 200 countries.
Expertise In: Web Application Development, Mobile Application Development, UI/UX Design, Front-end Development, Microsoft Development.
10. IndiaNIC
It is one of the first companies to offer offshore web and mobile app development services. With web and mobile as its core strengths, it has assisted clients in designing and developing numerous attractive stores, as well as bringing them to market via effective and engaging websites.
Expertise In: Custom Web Development, Mobile App Development These 2 are their main services
Building a WordPress website can be daunting, no matter how important it is to your business's growth or to drawing attention to a worthy cause. Hire WordPress developers who can help you shine with fresh ideas and technical expertise. There are many companies available to meet your needs and budget.
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shefamarketing · 2 years
Digital Marketing with the All Practical results: Your Options
How can you recognize a reliable digital marketing firm? Cultural appropriateness, digital marketing services, and customer testimonials are just a few of the numerous factors to consider. In addition, we talk about how you go about finding and hiring the best digital marketing agency.
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When it's practical and necessary, include the agency's employees in your team. Since they will have access to the same background knowledge and information you have, they will be better able to manage your company. The finest outcomes may be expected from doing so. You know you've discovered a great partner when they want to learn as much as you do, when they want to be an equal partner in your business, and when they have driven stewards of your company. The digital marketing agency website is essential here.
Essential Factors to Think About When Choosing a Digital Marketing Firm
Specialization and "full-service" one-size-fits-all agencies sometimes conflict with one another regarding the agency's ability to offer several services depending on the needs of the customer at present or based on a larger, complete plan. Even though a company excels in many areas, you should pay special attention to the following areas:
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Differences Between Web Design and User Experience Design
In the field of web design, some companies specialize in the more subjective and art-focused area of front-end development. In contrast, others place a greater emphasis on user experience (UX) design, creating more practical and user-centered designs that are frequently supported by user research, heatmap data, and artificial intelligence.
Last Words
In most cases, a design firm's website will indicate the kind of designs they specialize in. You can find the best results from the best digital marketing agency social media. If, for instance, the homepage of a design firm is dripping in glitz and glamour, you can usually anticipate the types of designs they specialize in. UX design agencies emphasize outcomes, KPIs, and analytics more than your company's marketing team and executives. These kinds of initiatives are what will make a difference for your business and its consumers and users.
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nickelfoxsblog · 1 year
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rashikasolanki · 1 year
5 Reasons Why ReactJS has Become the Best Front-End JavaScript Library 
In today's digital world, front-end developers must be up-to-date on the latest tools and technologies. ReactJS is one of the most renowned and broadly used JavaScript libraries as the web continues to evolve. ReactJS is a library that helps developers create dynamic user interfaces with ease and speed. The major 5 reasons why you need to Hire ReactJS Developers and how it becomes the best front-end JavaScript library. 
You'll probably get a long list of responses if you ask a web developer why they prefer ReactJS. There are too many to cover here. Here are some of React's key attributes and advantages so you can learn more about what makes it so popular.
Reasons to Choose ReactJS Library
Faster Development Time 
React allows for faster development time as it shortens the amount of code needed for complex tasks. It helps developers to work on multiple projects simultaneously and decreases overall development time. Its component-based structure allows developers to reuse code across different projects, reducing development time.  
Open Source 
React is open source which means it can be easily customised without cost or hassle. It makes it easier for developers to add new features, improve performance, and fix bugs quickly and efficiently. Plus, with an active community of contributors constantly adding new features or improving existing ones, there are always new possibilities when using React. 
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The above stats show how the ReactJS graph rapidly exceeded and became popular among other libraries. 
One of the main advantages of React is that its learning curve isn't very steep compared to other JavaScript libraries like Angular or Vue. Its relatively simple structure means developers don't need much experience to start working with it effectively. Plenty of tutorials are available online, so even beginners can get started with React quickly and easily. 
SEO Friendly 
Search engine optimisation (SEO) has become increasingly important as more businesses move their operations online. Fortunately, React was designed from the ground up with SEO in mind, so search engines have no problem crawling through its pages which helps boost rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).  
Systematic Development Tools
A wide range of effective and user-friendly designing, development, and debugging tools are available with ReactJS. ReactJS offers developer tools that are compatible with Firefox and Chrome browsers. They enable developers to track the hierarchy of different components and aid in code inspection in the V-DOM.
As per the above information, you can see why ReactJS is currently one of the best front-end JavaScript libraries available today. Its component-based structure makes coding easier than ever, while its SEO-friendly design ensures your website will rank well in SERPs regardless of how tech-savvy you are. Its open-source nature means customising your website won't cost a fortune, either! So if you're looking for a reliable front-end JavaScript library, look no further than React!
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909hold · 1 year
Website Developer Vs Website Designer: How Are the Two Different?
Consumers These Days Think That an Aesthetically Pleasing Web Design Website Can Make a Business Appear More Professional and Credible.
Instead Of Building a Website Yourself, Engage Professionals to Help You Set Up a Website for Your Business. 909 Holdings Best Digital Marketing Agency in the World Will Help to Promote Your Business & Leads. However, The Issue Is Who Should You Hire Between a Website Developer and a Website Designer.
What Do Web Developers Do? Who Are They?
A Website Developer Is an Expert in Programming. They use HTML, PHP, Javascript, CSS, Python, SQL, Ruby, Jquery, C#, And Many Other Coding Languages to Build Websites from The Ground Up. It Turns Web Design Ideas and Concepts Created by Website Designers into Reality.
To Guarantee That the Website Will Not Crash Due to The Number of People Visiting and Browsing The Web Pages, It Is The Job Of The Website Developer To Keep The Main Structure Of The Website Fully Functional.
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That's When Web Maintenance Will Come in Handy, Which Will Happen After the Website Development Process and After the Website Is Already Live.
Types Of Web Developers
Every Web Developer's Job Is Different. Their Functions Ultimately Depend on Their Parts of Website Development, Such as Front-End, Back-End, And Full-Stack.
Below Are the Different Types of Website Developers and Their Roles in Website Building.
Front End
A Front-End Website Developer's Job Is to Program the Website's Visual Elements, Which Are the Features That Visitors Will See as They Browse Through Web Pages. Since Their Role Is Most Likely to Overlap with Web Designers, Front-End Website Developers Collaborate with Them Simultaneously.
As Its Name Suggests, Back-End Website Developers Are Programmers Who Work Behind the Scenes of Website Creation, And Their Main Job Is to Guarantee That the Entire Website Will Function Properly.
The Back-End Website Developer Will Check That the Coding Connects the Website to The Web Server And That Data Flows Without Interruption, To Guarantee That The Customer's Transaction Will Proceed Correctly.
Full Stack
On The Other Hand, This Type of Website Developer Is a Jack of All Trades. This Means That They Can Do the Work of Front-End and Back-End Website Developers.
What Do Web Designers Do? Who Are They?
Unlike A Website Developer, A Web Designer Is Someone Who Can Make a Website Look Aesthetically Appealing. The Nature of Their Work Mostly Involves Improving the Appearance And Overall Layout Of The Website While Ensuring That It Will Be User-Friendly.
Since A Business's Website Has Something to Do with Its Brand Image, A Website Designer Often Meets with The Client to Discuss the Overall Look and Feel of The Website.
Later, A Website Designer Would Use Adobe XD, Illustrator, Dream Weaver, And Sketch to Illustrate the Web Design Layout with The Agreed Color Scheme, Font Style, And Features.
Types Of Web Designers
When It Comes to Designing a Website, Web Designers Usually Have a Lot of Expertise. Knowing The Difference Between the Types of Web Designers Will Help You Determine Which One You Should Hire to Build Your Business Website.
● User Experience (UX)
A UX Web Designer's Role is to Figure Out How Users Will Experience Interacting with The Elements and Features of a Website.
As Much as Possible, They Will Try to Visualize the Overall User Experience from The Moment They Visit a Website, Browse Web Pages and Make a Purchase.
A UX Web Designer Will Begin His Work by Creating a Chart for The User Pathway and Planning the Information Architecture. Before They Can Do Any of This, They Will Do Research to Learn More About Their Client's Business Industry.
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● User Interface (UI)
A UI Web Designer Focuses on Creating the Look of a Website and Its Web Pages Using User Journey Maps Provided by A UX Web Designer.
They'll Be the Ones Organizing Page Layouts, Choosing Color Schemes, Customizing Typography, And Creating Interactive Interface Elements Such as Scrollers, Buttons, Toggles, And Drop-Down Menus. All Of These Will Help Make a Website Aesthetically Appealing and Encourage Visitors to Stay Longer.
● Visual Designer
Like Full-Stack Website Developers, Visual Designers Are Also a Jack of All Trades; They Can Work on UX And UI Aspects of Website Development. A Visual Designer Is Always Guaranteed to Find a Balance Between an Aesthetically Pleasing Web Design and A Well-Functioning Website.
What Is the Difference Between a Web Developer and a Web Designer?
The Roles of a Website Designer and Website Developer Differ in Many Ways, But They Are Both Essential to Website Building. Reach Out To 909 Holdings for The Best Digital Marketing Agency.
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