#hijab trend 2023
zjtradeapparel · 11 months
Buy Online Women Hijiab
ZJTradeApparel offers a wide selection of women's hijabs, perfect for those seeking modest and fashionable headscarves. With various styles, colors, and materials, they cater to diverse preferences. 
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invitetoislam92 · 11 months
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Fasting in the Day of Arafa (9th of Dhul Hijja)...
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mylancap1 · 7 months
Selesai semua review untuk episode Cinta Bersegi dengan penampilan 3 girls yang sangat berlibido tinggi, cuma tak sama background & sexual taste masing-masing. Ada yang tanya aku umur dorang. Lupa aku nak bagitau, semua girls tu dalam age yang sangat ranum. Kemuncak sexual bergelora.
Untuk tahun 2023, umur dorang:
BAKHTIAR - 27 y/o
AMIN - 23 y/o
SHAKIRA - 26 y/o
TASNEEM - 27 y/o
FAZRINA - 25 y/o
Dekat sini boleh dah nampak pattern sexual dorang macam mana. Fazrina & Bakhtiar je yang cliche. Lelaki senior sikit, girl junior. Ayra dan Tasneem nampaknya sangat suka layan dick muda. Tasneem especially dapat dick yang sangat-sangat fresh. Fresh bukan kata tak pernah make love sebelum sebab darkside Amin pun banyak. Fresh dalam erti kata berurat, boleh layan berapa round sampai girl puas. Macam tu maskudnya. Sebab tu married 5 bulan dah terus lekat.
Tapi dalam semua tu, ada lagi 1 figura yang selalu aku lenjan. Kalau ada dah fapping Shakira, Tasneem, Fazrina bergilir-gilir sampai lunyai, dick aku akan terbangun dengan mencanak 100% bila aku habiskan dengan woman ni. Selalunya aura MILF susah nak dibendung. Boleh jadi penegang dick yang dah lembik dengan sekelip mata.
Dalam senarai 5 orang kat atas, ada sorang MILF:
DATIN SHIDA - Awal 40 an, mommy kepada Amin & wife kepada VIP.
Umur 40 dia dah dapat son yang married, means dia kahwin sangat awal. Libido yang membuak-buak masa remaja terpaksa dihabiskan dengan marriage. Tapi bila dah masuk sweet 40, semua stabil. Nafsu yang lama terpendam kembali bernyawa. Datin Shida perlukan sexual journey yang paling maximum pada umur macam ni. Betul la research sebut woman umur 40 nafsu dia menggila lebih dari zaman remaja.
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Mommy Shida boleh jadi berada di top 1 berbanding woman lain kalau mood untuk MILF datang, seriously. Dengan muka yang flawless, body dia tak boleh la nak harapkan macam anak dara. Tapi fair enough, montok, gebu, besar dan sangat bernafsu tinggi. Skin dia memang licin dan putih. Nampak juga aura keibuan dia diselindung di sebalik perasaan notty & wild yang membuak-buak.
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Cara dia berjalan, posture masa dia duduk menampakkan dia elite class, sesuai la dengan pangkat dia. Membayangkan macam mana kalau dia dominate partner dekat ranjang. Datin Shida akan kenakan lingerie paling premium dengan bold colors sampaikan sapa-sapa guys pun boleh mencanak naik bila tengok segunung boobs Datin diselimuti bra & panties yang mahal. Dengan sexy perfume, takkan ada sesiapa tak terangsang bila tercium. Damn.
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Dengan hijab yang sengaja dipakai untuk ikut trend, sebenarnya itu lebih menaikkan nafsu aku to be honest. Dia gayakan dekat living room yang 1st class membuatkan aku teringin nak fuck dia dekat sofa luxury yang dia duduk. Mulakan dengan mish position sampai dia dah rasa khayal, lepas tu rangsang dia untuk doggy, then angkat dia untuk dia ride sepuas hati. Bila dia dah hampir nak cum, angkat untuk standing position. Lenjan sepuas hati sampai Datin Shida kejang. Ahhhhh fuck.
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Ahhhh mommy... ahh datin. Please belanja more. Boobs MILF tu memang medium paling utama untuk sapa-sapa attack. Shape yang masih solid, tak saggy menunjukkan cara dia jaga body power. Besar sial tetek Datin Shida. Cara layan Datin Shida tips dia jangan gelojoh. Slowly but surely. Long foreplay sangat membantu. Sampai la dia akan minta dan merengek untuk undress semua sexy outfit yang dia pakai.
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Fucking shit. Are you ready to fuck me, mommy? Please... ahhhh
Face 7/10
Muka yang sederhana. Tak terlalu notty, tak terlalu nerdy. Di pertengahan. Maybe banyak diselindungi oleh jiwa keibuan dia. Mommy Shida akan berjiwa sangat lembut di luar dan sangat wild bila di ranjang. Masa tu muka dia akan berubah sangat sexy.
Boobs 8.5/10
Bagi aku, boobs Datin Shida dah kategori sangat perfect. Besar & solid gila. Membulat kalau ada candid baju dia kena tiup angin. Ahhhh, tapi susah gila nak jumpa moment dia belanja kaw kaw. Itu la penyebab markah penuh tak boleh bagi. Kalau tak, confirm full marks.
Butt 7/10
Sama macam boobs. Butt dia sangat padu. Pernah la sekali dua dia belanja butt masa tengah workout di gym. Tapi jarang dia tunjukkan aset tu. Datin memang jenis reserved dekat public. Masa dengan bff or partner baru la jiwa sexy dia automatic datang. Masa tu semua yang tengok butt dia akan terpegun.
Body Cutting 7/10
Above par bagi aku. Boddy cutting MILF tak boleh samakan dengan anak dara. Tapi aku dah rasa body Datin Shida menyerlah. Dia bukan body jenis skinny yang tak rasa apa-apa boleh tengah fuck. Tapi jenis yang kita boleh rasa kemontokan tu. Memang best untuk licking & sucking 1 body.
Sexual Attractiveness 7.5/10
Macam aku cakap Datin tak akan show off benda ni dekat public. Tapi dia jenis suka deep talk. Dia boleh pillow talk pasal sexual journey dia dengan bff masa travel. Masa tu preferences & sexual taste dia nampak sangat high. Masa tu la attractive gila. Dan benda tu dia akan apply masa make love dengan partner. Datin Shida boleh express, ajar & guide orang lain. Tu kelebihan dia.
Elite & social life. So banyak circle dia geng datin. Dorang akan bercerita tentang nafsu masing-masing bila jumpa. Macam mana perfomance partner. Apa lagi yang perlu explore. Moment macam ni memang mengghairahkan sesiapa saja yang terlibat. Kalau dorang rasa daring, dekat situ la vibrator akan berfungsi dan lessy scene akan wujud. Part ni aku akan story pada chapter lain.
Ahhhhh your boobies so nice mommy. Wanna suck them so bad.
So yeahhh,
Siapa yang Datin Shida akan minat untuk share experiences, bagi guide & praktikkan ilmu sexual dia secara hands on?
Dengan menantu dia, Tasneem? Atau dengan kakak menantu dia, Shakira? Atau lebih jauh sikit dekat Fazrina?
Atau lebih wild, direct kepada boys. Bakhtiar... atau damnnnn hot, dengan her own son, Amin?
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By: Armin Navabi
Published: Feb 6, 2023
A protest becomes a revolution when the protesters have hope, determination, and unity. This is why sowing division is a tried and true tactic used by unpopular leaders the world over to cling to power. This has been the Iranian regime’s recipe for survival for the past four decades. They turn different groups against each other by invoking ancient hatred and historical tensions. They do not invent the hate, but they inflame and weaponize it, pitting men against women with religion, ethnicities against each other using the fear of separatist movements, and religious people against secularists with warnings of degeneracy and depravity.
But now everything has changed. A 22-year-old woman's brutal death at the hands of Iran's morality police has laid waste to 40 years of efforts to divide and conquer. The recent protests — or revolution, as many Iranians insist — began after Mahsa Amini died in police custody after being arrested for her "improper" hijab (head covering) while visiting Tehran from the Kurdistan Province in Iran. As news spread and the people of Iran watched in horror, the same thought crossed their minds: “That could be my daughter.” “That could be my sister.” Against all odds, in a country where division over religion, ethnicity, and gender has been common, many Iranians have put aside their differences and are now united in one goal. Mahsa Amini's murder has brought people from all walks of life into the streets across Iran, demanding the end not merely of the morality police, but of the regime itself. Some loose strands of hair were enough to get Amini killed. They were also enough to bind a divided nation together in solidarity.
I'm not in the mood to talk about the Nobel Prize. https://t.co/8aq9SDhFRT
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Women young and old are tearing off and burning their hijabs in the streets in protest against the Islamic regime. Even those unable to walk are joining the protests, as demonstrated by this woman in a wheelchair chanting, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we are together."
For years, the Islamic Republic has told the people that Iran will be fractured and ultimately torn apart by Arab, Turkish, Baluch, and mainly Kurdish separatist groups if the regime falls. Leveraging Iranians' strong desire to protect their borders, the regime scares people into support by fearmongering about the potential success of Kurdish separatist groups. You may have some disagreements with us, but we are the only thing standing in the way of anarchy. But the spell of such propaganda seems to have broken. Non-Kurdish protesters across Iran now chant in support of Kurdish Iranians, including "Woman, Life, Freedom", a phrase which is Kurdish in origin. This slogan reflects the spirit of the protests and has captured the attention of people worldwide. The fact that this Kurdish chant is shouted across Iran’s ethnic groups highlights the unity among protesters.
The 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, which ushered in the current theocratic regime, also divided people along religious lines. In my childhood, I was introduced to the dichotomy: my friends and family were more liberal-minded and anti-regime, while the very religious pro-regime schools and media attempted to brainwash me. Being religious always seemed to go hand in hand with being pro-regime, and yet, more and more, the devout have been joining the anti-regime ranks for the past few years. These demonstrations have exposed this trend. Among those who have been arrested are some of the most pious, including women who wear the chador (a type of hijab that very religious women wear in Iran). Standing shoulder to shoulder with them are religious men.
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Despite all the laws and regulations that segregate and set them against each other, the men and women of Iran have come together to show the regime that a desire for freedom transcends gender and tradition. We have seen religious men appeal to their fellows by invoking the injustice inflicted on Imam Hussain, the martyred grandson of the Prophet Muhammad revered by Shia Muslims, imploring them to rise and stand against the injustice done to Mahsa. One man shouted that any man who doesn't stand up today is the same as those who betrayed Imam Hussain, and they will not be able to look him in the eyes in the afterlife. Along the same lines, a former TV presenter for the regime reminded people of the upcoming anniversary of the Prophet Muhammad's demise, showing respect for the prophet and demonstrating his religious sentiments, but then warning protesters to be on guard for false flag operations which might take the form of government agents burning the Quran and pulling chadors from women while pretending to be anti-regime protesters. His warning is an obvious indication that he supports the protesters, but he makes it even more explicit when he includes himself among them by saying, "We are fighting for freedom."
One area of concern is over LGBT issues. Contrary to the wishes of the regime, more and more Iranian LGBT activist groups have been springing up in recent years. Still, religious and traditional Iranians lag far behind on LGBT rights, and it remains a polarizing and unpopular issue. In an attempt to build the broadest possible coalition against the regime, some supporters are asking LGBT members to put their LGBT activism on the back burner, including requests that people not protest with rainbow flags [mainly in solidarity protests outside of Iran] and to try to blend in with others so that the regime can't use them to separate religious and traditional protesters from their ranks. The process of political sausage-making is rarely pretty, though it stands to reason that, should the regime fall, a more secular and democratic government would invariably be better for LGBT Iranians.
زیبایی ببینید: مردها شعار میدن زن، زندگی، آزادی زنان جواب میدن مرد، میهن، آبادی. امروز دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شیراز#مهسا_امینی pic.twitter.com/1tdp3Yqm7Q
The central theme of the uprising has been putting aside differences and uniting against the regime. In a moment that perfectly captures the message of unity, you can hear men chant “Woman, Life, Freedom” and the women respond “Man, Nation, Prosperity.” No matter the class, religion, ethnicity, or gender, Iranians are standing together. It's your turn to stand with them. Use the English and Persian hashtags, #MahsaAmini and #مهسا_امینی to bring attention to what's happening in Iran. Lend your voice to the chorus to cast down repressive theocracy. Today, we are all Mahsa.
Funny how people who are actually oppressed aren't competing against each other for oppression points.
The universality and unanimity of this revolution might be one of the most remarkable things of all. Feminists are being asked to put away the man-hate slogans, LGBT people are being asked to put away the rainbow flags, because those will factionalize the movement, put men and more conservative religious types off-side, and create opportunities for the regime to divide and conquer. And they are. Because those are fights for another day. It's Iran, together, against the regime.
"Be with the people, one hand and one form with the rest."
Iran is a country that will be free.
Remember the Women's March in the US in 2017? Its most memorable symbol was a woman in a hijab, it featured a pro-Sharia Islamist among its most vocal representatives, and it descended into endless episodes of Intersectional madness, such as the pussyhat fiasco, which resulted in a furore, an apology and the deletion of the knitting pattern when feminists and Gender Studies professors insisted it wasn't sufficiently inclusive to women with penises. And also racism. Somehow. 🤡 When you're privileged and free, and your oppression is imaginary, the fight to the bottom is a mad scramble.
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nicabsworld · 5 months
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dbmrmarkett · 2 months
Islamic Clothing Market Size, Share, Trends, Industry Growth and Competitive Outlook
Global Islamic Clothing Market study by Data Bridge Market Research provides details about the market dynamics affecting this market, Market scope, Market segmentation and overlays shadow upon the leading market players highlighting the favourable competitive landscape and trends prevailing over the years.
All the market insights of large-scale Islamic Clothing market research report will lead to actionable ideas and better decision-making. This market report also takes into consideration the drivers and restraints for the Islamic Clothing market that are derived from SWOT analysis. Businesses can surely go with this industry analysis report for logical decision making and superior management of marketing of goods and services. The universal Islamic Clothing report is generated with a nice combination of advanced industry insights, practical solutions, talent solutions and the use of latest technology which gives an excellent user experience.
Data Bridge Market Research analyses that the islamic clothing market is expected to reach USD 122.73 billion by 2030, which is USD 78.77 billion in 2022, registering a CAGR of 5.70% during the forecast period of 2023 to 2030. In addition to the market insights such as market value, growth rate, market segments, geographical coverage, market players, and market scenario, the market report curated by the Data Bridge Market Research team includes in-depth expert analysis, import/export analysis, pricing analysis, production consumption analysis, and consumer behaviour.   
Access Full 350 Pages PDF Report @
Islamic clothing is any type of clothing such as abayas and hijabs, prayer outfits, burkha and naqaab, thobes and jubbas, sportswear and many other which is mainly designed to fullfill the religious rules of Islam. Islamic clothes are generally loose-fitting clothes and cover the whole body, except for the head, hands and feet. Islamic clothing is often decorated and brightly coloured with embroidery or patterns.
Some of the major players operating in the islamic clothing market are:
H&M (Sweden)
MANGO (Spain)
Tommy Hilfiger Licensing, LLC. (U.S.)
Lu’an Jiaodian Clothing Co.,Ltd (China)
Table of Content:
Part 01: Executive Summary
Part 02: Scope of the Report
Part 03: Global Islamic Clothing Market Landscape
Part 04: Global Islamic Clothing Market Sizing
Part 05: Global Islamic Clothing Market Segmentation By Product
Part 06: Five Forces Analysis
Part 07: Customer Landscape
Part 08: Geographic Landscape
Part 09: Decision Framework
Part 10: Drivers and Challenges
Part 11: Market Trends
Part 12: Vendor Landscape
Part 13: Vendor Analysis
Key takeaways from the Islamic Clothing Market report:
Detailed considerate of Islamic Clothing Market-particular drivers, Trends, constraints, Restraints, Opportunities and major micro markets.
Comprehensive valuation of all prospects and threat in the
In depth study of industry strategies for growth of the Islamic Clothing Market-leading players.
Islamic Clothing Market latest innovations and major procedures.
Favorable dip inside Vigorous high-tech and market latest trends remarkable the Market.
Conclusive study about the growth conspiracy of Islamic Clothing Market for forthcoming years.
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religionmarket · 3 months
Navigating the Sacred Realm: Exploring Diverse Markets of Faith and Spirituality
The Religion Market is a multifaceted domain that intersects spirituality, culture, and commerce, catering to the diverse needs of individuals worldwide. It encompasses various segments, including the trade of religious products, faith-based tourism, and broader engagements with religious and spiritual practices.
Religious Products Market:
Estimated at US$59.7 billion in 2023 and expected to reach US$127.8 billion by 2032, this market encompasses products used for religious rituals, celebrations, and personal faith expression.
Key segments: Clothing (e.g., hijabs, cassocks), religious texts and imagery, prayer beads, statues, incense, candles, ritualistic items, and decorative ornaments.
Drivers: Rising disposable incomes, growing religious populations, and increasing online accessibility for purchasing products.
Trends: Personalization, ethical sourcing, and eco-friendly materials gaining traction.
Faith-Based Tourism Market:
Valued at US$181.5 billion in 2023 and projected to reach US$270.4 billion by 2030, this market caters to religious travel for pilgrimages, retreats, and cultural immersion.
Popular destinations: Mecca, Jerusalem, Vatican City, Varanasi, Lourdes, Mount Athos, Bodh Gaya.
Motivations: Spiritual fulfillment, cultural exploration, connecting with religious communities, family bonding.
Trends: Experiential travel, sustainable practices, niche and personalized itineraries gaining popularity.
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Religious and Spiritual Market (Broader Term):
Encompasses all goods and services related to religious and spiritual practices, including the above two markets and additional segments like:
Religious education: Tuition, books, supplies.
Faith-based charities and organizations: Donations, fundraising activities.
Religious media and entertainment: Books, music, TV channels, streaming services.
Spiritual wellness products and services: Yoga retreats, meditation apps, mindfulness workshops.
This broader market is difficult to quantify due to its diverse nature and overlapping segments.
Religious Tourism Market (Narrower Focus):
Refers specifically to tourism associated with religious pilgrimages and visits to sacred sites.
Often overlaps with the Faith-Based Tourism market but may exclude culturally significant sites not explicitly considered "religious."
Spiritual & Devotional Products Industry:
Focuses on products used for personal spiritual practices and devotional activities, not necessarily tied to organized religion.
Products: Yoga mats, meditation cushions, crystals, essential oils, singing bowls, devotional music, spiritual texts.
Drivers: Growing interest in mindfulness, well-being, and alternative spiritual practices.
Trends: Focus on ethical sourcing, personalization, and products promoting sustainability and social responsibility.
Conclusion: A Dynamic Intersection of Faith and Commerce
In conclusion, the Religion Market weaves a tapestry that intertwines belief and commerce. From tangible expressions of faith in religious products to transformative experiences in faith-based tourism, this market remains dynamic, reflecting the interconnected nature of global belief systems. As individuals seek spiritual fulfillment and communities find unity, the Religion Market continues to evolve, embracing the rich diversity of human spirituality.
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blogeternal · 1 year
Stay Ahead of the Fashion Game with Trend Outfits Hijabers 2023
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Stay ahead of the fashion game with Trend Outfits Hijabers 2023! This exclusive collection is designed to empower and inspire Muslim women to express their personal style while staying true to their faith. With a keen eye for the latest trends and a commitment to modest fashion, Trend Outfits Hijabers offers a wide range of stylish hijabs, abayas, dresses, and accessories that will elevate your wardrobe. Whether you're looking for casual everyday wear or elegant formal attire, this collection has got you covered. Embrace your individuality and make a fashion statement with Trend Outfits Hijabers 2023. Don't miss out on the hottest styles of the season!
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outfitfashions · 1 year
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zjtradeapparel · 11 months
Embrace Elegance and Modesty with Muslim Hijabs: Shop at zjtradeapparel
Welcome to zjtradeapparel.com, your premier destination for high-quality Muslim hijabs. In this presentation, we will explore the significance of hijabs in the Islamic faith and highlight the diverse range of Muslim hijabs available on our website. Whether you're looking for traditional or modern styles, zjtradeapparel.com offers an extensive collection to suit your needs.
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5elifestyle · 1 year
Trend Outfit Hijbaers 2023
The trend for hijab fashion in 2023 is set to be bold and stylish, as seen in the upcoming trend outfit hijbaers. These outfits feature vibrant colors, unique prints, and modern silhouettes, all while maintaining modesty and elegance. From flowy maxi dresses to tailored suits, hijbaers offer a range of options for Muslim women to express their personal style while staying true to their faith. Whether you're dressing up for a special occasion or keeping it casual, the hijbaer trend is sure to elevate your wardrobe in 2023. Find inspiration and ideas for your own trend outfit hijbaers at 5elifestyle.com
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nawraaekspor · 1 year
MODEL TERBARU, Call 0811-163-386, Hijab Fashion Muslim Women's Style
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Klik https://wa.me/62811163386, #Hijabfashionmalaysia, #Hijabfashionmagazine, #Hijabfashionmodel, #Hijabfashionmodern, #Hijabfashionmarket
NAWRAA HIJAB PT COLOUMBUS PUTRA UTAMA Jl. Tawangmangu No.20 Perum Bumi Bekasi Baru RT 09 RW 08 Kel. Pengasinan Kec. Rawalumbu Kota Bekasi 17115
(Dekat Sma Negeri 13 Bekasi / Pasar Burung Bekasi)
Langsung Owner 0815-9237-466, Melayani Seluruh Indonesia, Dicari Reseller Wilayah Seluruh Indonesia, Melayani Ekspor Ke Seluruh Dunia
Instagram: www.instagram.com/nawraa.indonesia Tik-Tok: tiktok.com/@nawraa.indonesia Ecommerce: www.nawraa.com
Style Muslimah Simple, Hijab Fashion Style 2023, Muslimah Fashion Style, Style Hijab Remaja Kekinian, Style Pakaian Berhijab Simple, Fashion Muslimah Casual, Hijab Style, Trend Fashion Hijab Remaja 2023
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gosulsel · 1 year
Digelar, Trend Hijab Moslem Fashion 2023 Jadi Ajang Desainer Lokal Unjuk Gigi - Gosulsel
MAKASSAR, GOSULSEL.COM - Trend hijab Road to Indonesia Moslem Fashion Expo kembali digelar ditahun 2023 ini. Fashion show yang menampilkan sejumlah busana muslim berlangsung di Hotel Claro Makassar pada tanggal 7 hingga 16 April. Event fashion show tersebut diinisiasi oleh Artpro Organizer...
#ArtproOrganizer #IndonesiaMoslemFashionExpo #IndonesianFashionChamberIFC
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READY STOK 0896-1855-6038, Arrafi Hijab Terbaru Ejamas Store Nguntoronadi Wonogiri
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turisiancom · 2 years
TURISIAN.com – Muslim Fashion Week terbesar bakal berlangsung di BSD City Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD City Tangerang, Banten. Inilah saat yang tepat bagi hijabers untuk mengetahui trend fashion muslim terkini. Termasuk sobat Turisian yang pengen kepoin, apa saja busana muslim yang sedang banyak peminatnya. Muslim Fashion Week (JMFW) yang dikemas dalam gelaran Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI) ke-37 tersebut jadwalnya berlangsung pada 20—22 Oktober 2022. Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan menegaskan penyelenggaraan JMFW ini sangat mendukung industri fesyen muslim Indonesia. BACA JUGA: Pameran Keris Terbesar Indonesia MAS 2022 Dapat Antusiasme Pengunjung Kegiatan menjadi bagian dalam mewujudkan cita-cita Indonesia sebagai kiblat fesyen muslim dunia. “Sepanjang penyelenggaraan JMFW 2023 akan ada berbagai peragaan busana. Termasuk, gelar wicara yang menampilkan karya para desainer unggulan yang berkualitas dari Indonesia,” kata Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan seperti dikutip Turisian.com dari laman resminya, Selasa 20 September 2022. Menurut Zulkifil, selain itu, ada beragam produk aksesori dan kosmetik pendukung. Ia menyebut, perhelatan JMFW 2023 merupakan program Kementerian Perdagangan dalam mendukung industri unggulan Indonesia. Khususnya fesyen dan produk penunjangnya. BACA JUGA: Pameran Food, Hotel and Tourism Bali Tahun Ini Lebih Akbar Statistik mencatat, bisnis fesyen muslim Indonesia tumbuh sangat masif. Sebagai salah satu negara dengan penduduk muslim terbesar di dunia, Indonesia ingin mengambil peran strategis. Terutama, dalam mempromosikan produk-produk unggulan lokal di bidang fesyen dan aksesoris. “JMFW menjadi bentuk dukungan pemerintah dan Kadin Indonesia pada sektor unggulan ini. Dengan perputaran transaksi yang besar dan membawa manfaat untuk pelakunya, ini menjadi momentum agar dapat dimanfaatkan dengan baik,” tambahnya. BACA JUGA: Ingin Dapat Tiket KA Bisnis Rp 70 Ribu, Datang ke Pameran Ini Minat Pelaku Usaha Sampai saat ini, tercatat ratusan peserta telah memastikan diri menjadi bagian dari TEI-37. Ini bisa memberikan peluang, guna memperluas pasar tujuan ekspor bagi produk unggulannya. Jumlah tersebut akan terus meningkat, mengingat antusiasme pelaku usaha dalam memanfaatkan momentum pemulihan ekonomi pascapandemi. “Di tahun ini, kami menargetkan transaksi yang dicatat dalam TEI bisa meningkat,” imbuh Mendag Zulkifli Hasan. BACA JUGA: Produk Perlengkapan Mancing Ludes di Pameran INDOFEST 2022, Peminatnya Banyak Wanita Untuk mendukung target ini, Kementerian Perdagangan bersama para pemangku kepentingan terkait melakukan promosi dan sosialisasi. Utamana, dalam upaya  mempromosikan keberadaan TEI ke-37 dan JMFW 2023 yang jadi satu rangkaian. BACA JUGA: Yuk Kunjungi Pameran Penunggang Gelombang di Yogyakarta! Selain itu, TEI ke-37 akan menampilkan sektor-sektor utama, antara lain manufaktur, perawatan kesehatan dan kecantikan, makanan dan minuman, peralatan medis, perabotan dan dekorasi rumah, serta layanan digital. Kementerian Perdagangan juga berkoordinasi dengan 132 kantor perwakilan Indonesia di luar negeri. Ada, 24 Atase Perdagangan yang berintegrasi dengan Kedutaan Besar Indonesia negara sahabat. Kemudian ikut juga  19 Indonesia Trade Promotion Center, 1 Kantor Dagang dan Ekonomi Indonesia (KDEI), serta 1 Konsul Perdagangan Indonesia di Hongkong dalam menghadirkan buyer. ***
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halallifemagazine · 3 years
It seems as if the style industry has finally reached an area where current trends can coexist modestly – where one needn't be rejected for the opposite . Large clothing brands like Dolce and Gabbana, ASOS, and H&M have expanded their reach to supply Muslim women modest clothing lines. The modest apparel industry is worth approximately $283bn and therefore the global Islamic apparel industry is estimated to succeed in $361bn by 2023, proving it's an especially lucrative marketplace for brands to take a position in. However, I sometimes find it difficult to believe that some modest fashion campaigns are truly complying to the term they market themselves under. By combining ideology and commerciality, are they commodifying components of identity for profit?
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Whilst doing research for a piece of writing i used to be writing about the increase of Modest Fashion for Heroica.co, I constantly saw myself analysing the brands i used to be watching on my browser. I saw myself questioning the authenticity of the label ‘modest’. i used to be asking myself: are they living up to their advertising or are they getting to take advantage of the expansion of this viable and trending market? Are fashion giants developing clothing items organically or are these pieces simply a part of token statements for diversity and representation? These are all important questions that has got to be asked when approaching the subject of the growing modest apparel industry .
It is firstly crucial to broadly define what modest fashion is. It means to decorate oneself in less figure-hugging and skin-revealing clothing. Women of varied cultural and non secular backgrounds or alternatively, those with no affiliation to a spiritual or ethnic objective, can prefer to dress more conservatively. Specifically, the growing modest apparel industry has hugely impacted Muslim women, with brands often targeting their pieces and advertising directly towards them.
E-commerce giant Pretty Little Thing recently launched a ‘Modest Clothing’ line, championing diversity and representation under their ethos ‘EveryBodyinPLT’, introducing models like Billy Marsal, a Black Muslim plus sized hijabi to be at the forefront of this campaign. Although this is often an exciting and important trajectory, it must be fulfilled during a truly legitimate manner. they are doing offer maxi dresses and sleeve abayas, however some pieces advertised under the modest category verge on the more revealing side, yet are styled to seem modest, on a hijab-wearing model. Undoubtedly, representation is crucial, however, by simply modelling clothing on a hijabi model, these pieces cannot necessarily be categorised as modest when the merchandise may be a sleeveless low-cut top, and therefore the back of a dress features a slit revealing the model’s legs. it's questionable on whether a decent dress that has been modelled on a hijab-wearing model with leggings is that the most authentically modest sort of clothing or representation. is that this false advertising simply to interact the Muslim consumer? Or is it how of showing how certain items are often altered to suit a Muslim idea of modesty?
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This question of authenticity has been an extended on-going debate from the first beginnings of the rising industry within the West. In 2015 when Mango launched its first ever Ramadan clothing campaign, it had been hit with some criticising remarks regarding the commercialisation of a sacred month for profit. Ultimately this growth must be perceived beyond a fundamentally consumer level to also encompass how the event has been an enormous breakthrough for representation and acceptance of Muslim women within the West. Previously, the buyer market was majorly centralised within the Middle East , but I now check out western cities like London as multicultural, vibrant and innovative spaces of fashion for the fashionable Muslim woman. as an example , the 2017 London Modest Fashion Week aimed to level the cliches and oppressive labels surrounding this sort of dress, instead highlighting the sweetness of modesty, whilst showcasing and promoting a number of the world’s leading modest fashion designers. one among their key aims was to transition the term of modest fashion into just fashion!
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Although modest everyday clothing could also be considerably easier to seek out now, high-quality conservative swimwear may be a lot harder to get . they're often ill-designed, with the fabric easily becoming waterlogged, dragging, and ballooning. This weighs the swimmer down and limits their speed. After extensive research was conducted by studying how sharks swim, and consulting basketball jersey manufacturers, Nike were committed to use this research in their production of effective swimwear pieces.
They specially designed their ‘Victory Swim’ collection to avoid unwanted effects caused by the surplus material through a gill-like mesh, a sleeve , and water-resistant nylon. the road was put into action following a search trip in 2018 to South Asia. Many of the Nike designers observed how these women couldn't participate in swimming thanks to the danger of drowning in their clothing. Because they were held back by their dress, most girls had not learnt the essential skill of swimming. Nike produced this innovative collection with the target of Muslim women engaging with a sport like swimming whilst still being observant of their dress. this is often a sort of organic design, instead of a token statement of modesty.
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