#high&low fujin
simpforchuchu · 10 months
Hi, I was wo during if you can do a part 2 to the sameoka wanted to date the girl in the Todoroki faction. Whenever you have time! Please and thank you 😊
Shoji Sameoka x Oya!TodorokiFaction!reader
Summary: Shoji had not heard from y/n since then. He had met her again with the fight he saw by chance. And events did not turn out as he had anticipated.
a/n: Helloo ! I was planning to write this one for a while and here you are. Hope you like it ❤️🌸
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: Usual hnl fights, blood, knifes, injuries and wounds…
Hcs (part1)
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The young girl spit the blood in her mouth with the metallic taste she felt in her mouth and held her stomach in pain. She never expected the day to end like this.
She fell into this trouble with 5-6 people who cut her way home. She knew they pissed off many schools. But right now, the person in front of her was someone from the past who wanted revenge. And Todoroki wasn't with her.
When she took a few steps back, she fell to the ground with someone kicking her knee. She struggled to regulate her breathing on her hands. She was not weak, but they were outnumbered. Also, the pipe in one of their hands put her at a disadvantage.
She fell facedown on the ground when she got another kick in the stomach. Her whole body was in pain. She opened her eyes with difficulty and looked around. She could hear someone's footsteps approaching her.
As she writhed on the ground in pain, she couldn't resist the person who had stepped on her. The person on her turned her on her back again and grabbed her by the collar and lifted her up. The young girl looked at him angrily.
“Y/n-chan! You're still such a pain in the ass, aren't you?"
Y/n was having trouble breathing. She was face to face with one of Todoroki's old enemies. She knew him, too. If he was alone, she could beat him. But he was a coward.
The young boy set the young girl down hard on the ground. As Y/n groaned in pain, the man gently pulled the hair that had fallen from her face and grinned.
“You are a timid gazelle when your friends are not around, right? You're actually pretty cute-"
She turned her head as the young boy caressed y/n's face.
"Do not touch me!"
The boy grabbed her chin angrily and smiled
“I want to leave a nice gift for Todoroki. And you beauty, you're coming with us."
Y/n knew she didn't have the strength to resist. But she had no intention of going with them without resistance. She was trying to free her arm when the boy in front of her started to lift her off the ground and drag her after him, but she couldn't. When she realized she couldn't save her arm, she kicked the boy's leg with the last of her remaining strength, and took a few steps back as he screamed in pain.
“You think you're smart, don't you? Can you escape? Look around! No one will come to save you!”
Y/n coughed and clutched her stomach, looking at the leader. She was about to answer when a voice was heard. When the two people behind the leader were thrown to the ground, everyone looked at the person who did it.
Y/n was barely standing. Her balance was bad, vision was not good, and her body was also in pain badly. But she immediately recognized the person who threw them to the ground.
Shoji Sameoka…
She hadn't seen Shoji since he came to school.She thought about him often, but she didn't know how to feel. And now she felt that she did not like this coincidence at all.
"Get away from her or I'll kill you."
His voice was rather menacing and cold. Y/n took a few steps back holding her stomach and leaned against the wall behind her. Seeing that she was having trouble standing, Shoji looked at her anxiously for a few seconds, and then looked at the people approaching him.
“Sameoka! What the fuck are you doing here? This fight has nothing to do with you!”
Shoji turned his cold gaze to the leader and offered a mocking smile.
“Didn't she tell you? I am her guardian angel!”
Y/n rolled her eyes at him and the fight started this time between Shoji and them. It wasn't a hard fight for Shoji as Y/n made several of them unable to stand up. But the people in front of them were fighting dirty.
When the leader started to walk to Shoji with the knife he took out of his pocket, y/n saw him and kicked the leader's hand with all her remaining strength. As the blade fell to the ground, the leader angrily turned back to y/n.
Y/n knew she was running out of strength, as she slowly took a few steps back, she tripped and fell to the ground. When the leader wanted to approach her again, it was Shoji who stopped him.
When the fight was completely over, y/n was leaning against a side wall, trying to breathe. She knew she had to go to the hospital, but she also knew that if she did, it would cause big problems. She closed her eyes and tried to calm herself for a while.
When Shoji saw her, he quickly rushed to her side. When the young girl opened her eyes, she was a little startled when she saw the tall boy in front of her. Shoji thought she was scared and took a step back.
"It’s me. I'm just trying to help. Are you okay ?"
Y/n straightened her posture and leaned her head back. Even with her eyes closed, she could feel Shoji looking at her. And she could tell from that worried look that she looked awful.
“Do I believe this is a coincidence or are you following me, Sameoka?”
Shoji rolled his eyes.
“If I had followed you, I would have knocked them all down before they could get any closer to you.”
Y/n stared at the young boy's face for a few seconds with what was said. Then she laughed nervously and tried to stand up.
This boy's gaze and presence made her nervous.
As she tried to get up from the ground, she felt the pain in her stomach and all her bones. She groaned in pain and leaned back against the wall.
“We should go to the hospital.”
Y/n shook her head as Shoji said in a serious tone
"I can not go. If my parents hear about this, they will pick me up from school. Besides, I'm fine, I just need a few minutes."
Shoji was angered by the young girl's careless attitude. He shook his head and spoke
“You are not well. You can't even stand up. Did you see the state of your face?"
Y/n smiled
“I can guess.”
Y/n didn't like the tension and feelings being around Shoji made her feel. She was trying to figure out if her nausea was from nervousness or from kicks to her stomach.
After a few seconds of silence, y/n slowly got up from the ground, ignoring her pain. Shoji was staring at her in horror.
“Thanks for your help. I can not refuse, I would probably be dead if it weren't for you."
Shoji was still staring at her in horror as Y/n spoke softly. He didn't say anything.And Y/n started walking.
It was very difficult to step up. Besides the pain, she was tired and weak. She couldn't even keep her balance.
Shoji was right behind her when she lost her balance after a few steps. He gripped her tightly, pulling her close, and y/n clutched at his jacket. She was trying to stand.
“I can walk.”
Shoji frowned at what she said out of breath.
“No, you cannot walk. You are tired, injured, in pain. Let go of your stubbornness. I will carry you."
Shoji spoke again as Y/n shook her head
Y/n raised her head in a stern tone and looked at the boy holding her. There was more fear than anger on his face. Y/n cursed the feeling of trust she had in him. And she nodded eventually.
Shoji slowly took the young girl in his arms.Every time he hurt her, he got more and more angry. Should have passed there before…
The old junkyard where Shoji and his friends hung out wasn't far away. He was taking Y/n there. She could sleep on the sofa in the cabin inside, after cleaning her wounds.
Y/n had fallen asleep from exhaustion. Every time she felt her head tucked into his chest and her murmurs, Shoji couldn't help the warm feeling inside him. He didn't know when or how it had happened, but he felt that he was head over heels in love with her…
When Shoji entered the parking lot with the young girl in his arms, both of his friends looked at him in shock. Y/n was still unconscious. He was already on his way to the cabin when Fujin and Raijin quickly got up and ran towards him.
"What happened ? Who's this ?"
Shoji walked over to the sofa without saying anything when Fujin asked in surprise. The young girl's face was not fully visible.
The other two stared at him in surprise as Shoji gently laid y/n on the sofa. Neither of them expected to see the girl they had fought a while ago here.
"What the fuck is this, Same?"
Shoji laid the young girl down neatly and covered her with his jacket, which he had taken off. As he started to pull out the first aid supplies from the locker, Raijin angrily grabbed his friend's arm and turned him towards him.
“Say something ! What is this girl doing here?"
Both Fujin and Raijin knew that Shoji liked her. Both were shocked when they found out. Although Fujin was sympathetic, Raijin was uncomfortable with this situation.
Shoji pulled his arm away and took a deep breath. He walked in front of his two friends and bowed respectfully.
"I am sorry. But if you consider me your friend, it's the first time I ask you something. She will stay here.”
Both of his friends were looking at him in shock. They knew it was the first time they had seen Same like this. They realized how serious and nervous he was. Raijin, on the other hand, still hadn't softened much. But he still didn't say anything about this for his friend. He took his jacket and left.
When Shoji looked at the door behind him, Fujin shook his head and patted Shoji's shoulder.
"I'll talk to him, stay with her."
Shoji quietly cleaned the wounds on the young girl's face and arms for a while. He frowned unintentionally every time the young girl flinched when he passed over the wounds with alcohol.
He knew it hurt a lot, he definitely knew. But still, he realized how stubborn she was. She'd probably grab his throat and kill him in the morning if he had secretly taken her to the hospital.
After cleaning the young girl's arms, he draped his jacket tightly over her again. He pulled out a chair and brought it to the edge of the sofa. He watched the sleeping girl for a while in silence.
If it wasn't for Todoroki, would they have a chance? Or would he never know her ?
After thinking for a while, Shoji fell asleep by the young girl's bedside. He had his arms crossed over his chest, and his head was constantly falling while he slept.
After a while, y/n opened her eyes. Her whole body was aching. Looking at the ceiling, she realized after a while that she was in an unfamiliar place. Turning her head to her right, she saw Shoji sleeping on the chair and looked at him in surprise.
She had band-aids on her arms and face. He had cleaned her wounds. She had his jacket on.
Y/n didn't even know what to feel. What happened was very bad. For Tsuji and Shibaman, she didn't know if she could forgive him after what had happened. They were like her brother.
But neither Todoroki nor they would judge her about that. They clearly said that.
Still, some things just didn't feel right.
After thinking for a while, she folded the jacket she was wearing and put it aside, and quietly got up from the sofa, although it was very difficult. She took one last look at Shoji and slowly walked out of the cabin.
When she got out, she was startled by Fujin sitting by the fire. But Fujin, he was as if the past had never happened.
"Is Same still asleep?"
Y/n silently nodded
“Can we talk for a bit y/n-san?”
Y/n didn't know what he wanted to talk about. But if Shoji had brought her here, she could only imagine how annoyed the others were. He nodded and sat down next to the boy by the fire.
“How are you feeling now? Are you better ?"
Although Fujin's question in a soft tone surprised her, she did not show it.
"I'm fine, I can go home."
Fujin slowly nodded and smiled
"You know he likes you, right?"
Y/n silently nodded
“We were quite surprised when he first told us. Raijin didn't like it much. He still doesn’t. I can't say I liked it either. But I think it's the first time Same has felt something like this to someone."
Y/n listened to Fujin in silence for a while. Fujin told her what kind of person Shoji was, how he hid his feelings, how he cared for her.
After they talked for a while, Fujin stood up and turned to y/n.
“I can't tell you anything. Like I couldn't tell him. But he is not like us. He never even wanted that fight to happen. Our fight with Todoroki will continue, but you don't have to get involved. We were wrong that day, I didn’t want you to get hurt. But it was our fault, so give him a chance if you want.”
Fujin didn't wait for y/n to say anything. She didn't have anything to say anyway. Y/n thought outside for a while, then she went inside and was surprised to see that the cabin was empty.
She sat on the sofa for a while. A few minutes later, Shoji came through the door and she let out the breath she was holding and looked at him.
“I had to go to the toilet. Are you ok ?"
When Shoji asked, y/n nodded and stood up. She took the jacket she had put aside and folded it and showed it to him.
"Can I take this ? Promise I'll bring it back."
Shoji nodded in surprise.
“I have to go home now. Thank you for today.”
Shoji shook his head.
“You still look bad. You could get some more sleep.”
Shoji sighed when Y/n said it was okay
“At least let me walk with you. It's too late.”
The young girl slowly nodded her head. She put on his jacket and left the cabin.Shoji followed her too.
Her house was not far away. Y/n used to live in this area. After a fairly quiet walk, she stopped in front of an apartment building and turned to Shoji.
Y/n smiled as the young boy nodded his head. Shoji couldn't help but think how beautiful her smile was
“Your phone?”
"Give me your phone"
Shoji, bewildered, held out his phone and y/n typed something. After dialing her own number, she handed the phone back to him and smiled.
“You can call when you want to get your jacket.I'll bring it where you say."
Shoji stared after her in surprise as Y/n walked towards the apartment without saying a word. Before the young girl entered the building, she turned and smiled.
“Good night Sameoka.”
Shoji just stood there for a few more seconds after Y/n left. He unintentionally smiled and looked at the phone screen.
Y/n didn't know, but Shoji had heard them talking to Fujin. And he felt that his friend was with him. He never thought that what he said would change the young girl's mind, but y/n was full of surprises too…
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy
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hyugaruma · 6 months
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insideliascrazyhead · 8 months
Ebara Commerce High Headcanons
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-uses the defeat Todoroki revenge plan only for entertainement
-owns the actual braincells of the group
-lovingly insults his friends
-actually enjoys tea with no sugar
-chaotic,kinda lazy
-listens to 90s grunge music
-loves thrift shopping
-likes to read but with Fujin and Raijin always creating chaos it´s hard to do so
-has a venus fly trap plant he calls Chompy
-dares his friends to do dumb shit all the time
-he´s the kinda friend that nearly pisses himself laughing when you fall but will help you anyways
-loves to cook
-retired skater boy
-he and Raijin share one braincell.The party braincell
-probably uses energy drinks instead of water to make coffee
-sprays way to much deodorant and parfum
-loves fast and pimped cars
-no impulse control
-anger issues,shortest temper known to history
-hella protective
-uses axe bodyspray
-thinks hot sauce will never freeze cause it´s hot
-sprays grafitti´s
-has three older brothers
-listens to electronic and house music
-hobby dj
-great at pimping cars.repairing?not that much
-all that man eats is candy or what contains thousand tons of sugar
-when he cooks the pot always catches fire
-owns a white fluffy cat he called Bunny
-does Yoga to help with his anger.It doesn´t
-wants to be a tattoo artist specialiced on old school tattoos
-actually wears glasses
-colors Fujin´s hair for him
-snorted chilly powder on a dare once
-forgetful as fuck
-they´re all old childhood friends
-favorite anime is Jujutsu Kaisen and Tokyo Revengers
-scared of Spiders
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enhashoutout · 4 months
Things I noticed while watching High and Low the Worst X again
I was watching High and Low The Worst X while I was on lunch break and then had more realizations and wanted to write about them lol
These are probably nothing new and someone else probably already noticed these but I wanted to make a post about them sooooo
I’ve watched the movie so many times now idk why I just realized the weight of the three scenes I’m about to talk about. But also I feel like I notice something new every time I watch the movies so I'm gonna cut myself some slack.
Amagai being the only character in the movie who genuinely doesn’t have a sense of friendship/comradery with anyone else.
The first time we see the 3 schools alliance meeting is the opening of the movie, and I remember when I first watched the movie I was like "well damn this looks like a solid ass team" only to find out later that they were in fact not really a team lol 😂 but anywaysss
Watching the movie this time I just realized what Fujin says to Amagai in the first scene in the restaurant where the 3 schools are holding their meetings.
Reiji is first to jump up and say "Let's get this brawl started," and Ghandi jumps in telling Amamgai that their troupes and weapons are ready. Shoji laughs and says that weapons are typical Kamasaka behavior which prompts them to jump at him and Fujin, Raijin, and the other Ebara guys jump straight to his defense while Shoji continues sitting. Amagai tells them to "get us more" while tossing the money bundles in their direction.
Every single fuckin character in this scene's facial expressions have me dying because the disbelief on their faces😂
Shoji looking at Amagai like he's full of shit.
Fujin, Raijin, and Ghandi are looking at him like "wtf?"
The background characters are looking at him in disbelief also like I was WHEEZING when I realized this. Back to the characters who are the main focus of this specific camera frame though, Ghandi and Fujin.
Both characters turn to Amagai with the BIGGEST look of disbelief on their faces and Fujin says "You don't trust we can do it huh?"
To which Amagai says "What's the use in trusting you guys?" and goes on a spiel about how being powerful means you trust no one and not even giving them a slight chance. He also goes on to say that being powerful means bringing everyone else down to their knees and tells the other 3 schools "Just shut up and stick with me. I'll show you what it's like to be at the top." Ryo's face when he says this is a whole other conversation for another day.
I'M SORRY BUT THE LOOKS REIJI AND SHOJI GIVE HIM AFTER HIS LITTLE SPIEL HAD ME ROLLING🤣 Like both characters gave him the most judgmental expression and then you got Shoji over here looking away and rolling his eyes PUH-LEASE I AM DEAD🤣
Aside from all of this being extremely funny to me, this plays into my point from above. Yes, all these looks are super funny but it really shows how as "bad" as the other guys are they still run in the same way that Oya and the other S.W.O.R.D gangs do, through friendship and comradery.
Fujin asked "You don't trust we can do it huh?" because Ebara most likely runs on comradery as well. You don't pay someone to do shit for you, they just know to trust each other to get it done. This is a concept that Amagai does not and can not understand because he's been conditioned to believe that the people around him are not worthy of trust or friendship due to his status, they just work for him. As long as he throws money at their feet, they'll do what he wants.
That's like kind of sad actually, the fact that the other "antagonists" of the film still know friendship and he doesn't... I still hate his guts though. We love Ryoki but we don't love his character Amagai.
The way Shoji vs Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he’s working for Amagai
I think everyone can agree that within that 3 school alliance, Shoji Sameoka was the only character with working brain cells (full offense to all the other characters lol no one else in that room had critical thinking skills I swear). From the first meeting we see, the audience can already tell Shoji is the only character who has doubts about this alliance but also questions it; while everyone else has doubts but proceed to just follow Amagai's orders. This eventually leads to Shoji being the one to suggest that Ebara drop out of the alliance because he thinks it’s stupid which then leads to him agreeing to Todoroki’s terms of dropping out of the alliance if Todoroki wins against Fujin and Raijin. I feel like Shoji as a person judges the other characters based on what he knows/hears about them.
We see this when he confronts Suzaki. Shoji asks Suzaki why he would come to Senomon and work under Amagai when he was the one running Nami High. Suzaki tells him to mind his own business. Shoji is asking Suzaki from a place of strength. Based on the dialogue, it seems like Shoji knew Suzaki and Amagai’s reputations before this alliance. I deduce this down to Shoji knowing that Suzaki was the strongest at Nami High and knowing that Amagai isn’t actually physically strong compared to the other characters, he just likes to cause trouble and make others work for him. People fear Amagai not for his strength or skills as a fighter, but simply because he has the money and status to be at the “top”.
This brings me to believe that Shoji was asking why someone as strong as Suzaki would even work under Amagai who is clearly not a match for him strength wise. It seems like Shoji is asking Suzaki why he would be scared of Amagai’s money and work under him when Suzaki is clearly stronger. I think this is because the Ebara guys ranks are based on their strength/who is the strongest (I make this assumption from the fact that Fujin and Raijin are straight up gym bros lol) so Shoji can’t understand why Suzaki is working under someone clearly weaker than him.
Tsukasa’s question is the same….. but also different.
Tsukasa strikes me as someone who really gets to know someone personally to the best of his abilities before he makes his own judgment on them. We see this with Rao in the movie. Tsukasa could’ve taken everyone’s word for it and been like “oh Rao is a big mean monster” but he takes it upon himself to find out who Rao actually is through Mercy. This is how he finds out Rao isn’t actually all that bad like the stories suggests and that Rao fights for good reason (for his siblings). This trait about Tsukasa is why he asks Suzaki why he fights for Amagai but is also why he’s the only one who is able to understand why Suzaki fights for Amagai without a direct answer.
When Tsukasa asks Suzaki why he works for Amagai, he says “why do you work for a guy like him? Does he has some kind of dirt on you?” and Suzaki just keeps quiet. This brings me to believe that Suzaki probably had a reputation for being the strongest at Nani High but also fought people within reason, he didn’t flaunt his strength just because he felt like it.
Tsukasa asked him based off the kind of person he is and not his strength. I'm assuming Ryo fought people within reason and not so much for fun or to assert his dominance over others with his strength, so him working under someone who has as shitty of a personality as Amagai probably threw Tsukasa off a bit.
He is also however able to tell that there is a friendship there even if it isn't great. At the end when Yuken and Todoroki ask why Ryo would work for someone like Amagai, Tsukasa says it's because he means more to Ryo than that. Alluding to the fact that Ryo is doing stuff for Amagai because he sees him as a friend even if everyone else doesn't.
Okay, I'm done now😂 this wasn't as deep as my other analysis because it's not super deep with comparisons or anything like that it was just stuff I noticed while watching the movie again.
I have fics I'm working on for all the S.W.O.R.D leaders and more for Fujio I'm just swamped with assignments and working a little slow
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den-kunn · 11 months
last but not least
I need go know who the writers of the mk lore are, for both timelines. You can't go around tossing new content then don't try to incorporate it correctly
"oh but it's just a fighting game, it doesn't need a coherent stor-" WRONG, CRINGE
yk who thinks that? adults who say "movies targeted towards children shouldn't have good plot", because clearly those fuckers never watched kung fu panda or httyd
so what? just because it has graphics I can see everyone's acne I have to accept a shitty story (and sometimes gameplay)!?? are we not allowed to be entitled to a good, coherent aot levels's of storytelling? should we really settle for something so poor? is the bar THAT LOW? did animators really got traumatized just for their projects to be ruined by a story written by a kid?
"story in a fighting game shouldn't matter that much"
bitch the fuck not, that argument CANNOT be used in mortal kombat anymore after mk11 pulled a STORY DLC. They could've make Fujin, Sheeva, Nightwolf, Sindel and Shang Tsung simple kp characters, but NRS actively decided to work on a STORY to add them to the plot. They could've done what they did in kp2, with Mileena and Rain where they just added random intro dialogues and that's it, but there was a decision to make the characters WORK and make TWO ENDINGS
in summary: please, stop settling for shitty stories. Have high expectations because this is a COMPANY working on a game, not some indie devs that code in their free time because they have to pay rent with two other jobs. Good graphics don't equal good game.
thanks for coming to my other ted talk
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wndbrn · 1 year
* deep dive character sheet .
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NAME: takumi .
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height: 165.1 cm / 5'5 ( a short king 💅🏻 )
strength ★★★☆☆ ( he's a stronk boy )
dexterity ★★★★☆ ( in canon of course his dexterity is relatively high - granted fates doesn't have this as a stat i believe ! he was a sniper, however here and back then there still could be room for improvement . )
health ★★★☆☆ ( takumi's physical health is decent, his mental however is still not. it's a work in progress ! )
energy ★★★☆☆ ( truly depends. he has enough energy for practice and battle even with the lack of sleep he gets due to his nightmares. )
beauty ★★★★☆ ( he's your local pretty boy takumi of course )
style ★★★★☆ ( with oboro's assistance with, he's always stylish. well at least in hoshido. )
hygiene ★★★★☆ ( he's very hygienic and takes great care of his hair ! though it can be somewhat lacking due to battles ; he always bathes after practicing/waking up . )
perception ★★★★☆ ( i would say takumi is hypervigilant regardless of situation. though his perception of situations or others can be off from time to time. )
communication ★★☆☆☆ ( this is literally one of the few things he actually lacks in . he even critiques himself on his lack of communication skills in the dlc lol )
persuasion ★★☆☆☆ ( it's not his strong suit lol )
mediation ★☆☆☆☆ ( do not and i mean do not get him to mediate any situation. he might be able to mediate some like a tiny dispute between hinata and oboro. )
literacy ★★★★★ ( boy reads all the damn time; his reading literacy is great. )
creativity ★☆☆☆☆ ( creativity regarding the arts is practically nonexistent, however he can be creative when playing shogi. )
cooking ★★★☆☆ ( he's an okay cook, i think one of the few dishes he's pretty good at is miso soup - his favorite food. )
tech savvy ★★☆☆☆ ( i say he's rather quick to learn whatever is given to him. )
combat ★★★★★ ( he is able to fujin yumi, one of the few divine weapons and incredibly skilled in the bow. )
survival ★★★☆☆ ( if he gets smacked once or even twice in close combat he's screwed. he's fairly good at keeping a distance, so he can survive the current battle but still land a good hit on the enemy. )
stealth ★★★★☆ ( he's quick and efficient, stealthy too when the occasion calls for it. )
street smarts ★★★☆☆ ( takumi isn't dumb by any means, but i do think he lacks in this department. )
seduction ★☆☆☆☆ ( he can't seduce for SHIT, besides that he's never really even attempted to. during the war and before he had no interest. though this can change ! )
luck ★★★★☆ ( i'd say his luck is decent, most battles tend to go his way. )
handling animals ★★★★☆ ( takumi's great with animals ! i'd say he almost prefers them over people at times. )
pacifying children ★★★☆☆ ( i don't think he's great or bad, he's just average when it comes to consoling any child. including his own, kiragi. )
intelligence ★★★★☆ ( my boy is incredibly intelligent, others have also praised him for his smarts. )
happiness ★★☆☆☆ ( takumi isn't a happy person overall; iago in the fanbook has made a comment on his rather large amount of negative emotions he holds. )
spirituality ★★★☆☆ ( like most people in hoshido, he believes in the dawn dragon. )
confidence ★☆☆☆☆ ( what confidence ? it is something he's working on so it could be higher later on. )
humor ★★★☆☆ ( his humor is kind of dry if i'm going to be honest. he's a kind of serious guy, but can joke around / poke fun from time to time. )
anxiety ★★★★★ ( oh my god his anxiety is so incredibly bad. )
patience ★★☆☆☆ ( it really depends on the situation at hand ? when it comes to dealing with people it can be low, especially with those he doesn't trust. )
passion ★★★★☆ ( he sure is passionate about about proving himself useful lol but outside of that there are other things he's passionate about like archery. )
nice         ☆☆★☆☆ mean ( it's kind of a mixed bag; he nice to friends and family but not so much to nohrians / people who he doesn't deem as trustworthy. he is working on that and definitely gotten way better ! )
brave       ☆★☆☆☆ cowardly ( i'd never call him cowardly, though he himself might. )
pacifist   ☆☆☆★☆ violent ( this boy is willing to fight in a war if need be, and kill most foe's if it secures victory. takumi is not much of a pacifist. )
thoughtful ☆★☆☆☆ impulsive ( azura in his fanbook does say he's pretty considerate lol . i think he's thoughtful to those he cares deeply about. not much of an impulsive person, until it comes his his words. he can be impulsive when he's upset. )
agreeable ☆☆★☆☆ contrary ( it all depends given the circumstance. )
idealistic   ☆☆☆★☆ pragmatic ( he wishes he could be idealistic )
frugal        ☆☆★☆☆ big spender ( honestmeme ... i don't think he really cares about the price of things. )
extrovert   ☆☆☆☆★ introvert ( nintendo literally called him sensitive and shy 😭 not even that during his and sakura's support he makes it clear he HATES big social gatherings. boy is very introverted. )
collected   ☆☆☆★☆ wild ( it's a mix ! takumi can be cool and collected, but his emotions tend to swing rather frequently. he can be explosive. )
ambitious / possessive / stubborn / jealous / decisive / perfectionist
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charisma ★★☆☆☆ ( takumi's somewhat charismatic in the way. he got mikoto to suggest to corrin to sit on the throne lol. )
empathy ★★★☆☆ ( he does have empathy for others, i swear. )
generosity ★★★☆☆ ( generous to the right people ! )
wealth ★★★★☆ ( he is a prince of hoshido after all. )
honest  ☆★☆☆☆ deceptive ( i'd like to think he's honest and rather straightforward. )
leader   ☆☆☆★☆ follower ( takumi can lead his own troop as proved in conquest, but will follow corrin in both birthright and revelation ! )
polite    ☆☆☆★☆  rude ( rude to most strangers and nohrians that he doesn't trust. again though he's gotten so much better. he can be nice i promise ! )
political ☆★☆☆☆ indifferent ( you could say he's political ? he is reading up government to aid hoshido while assisting here. )
higher power ★★★☆☆ ( he does believe in a higher power - the dawn dragon ! he does have some of their blood. )
fate/destiny ★★★★☆ ( corrin and mikoto has proven to him that fate and destiny truly exists. )
magic ★★★★★ ( takumi knows magic exists but he's so bad at it oh my god. )
soulmates ★★★★☆ ( kind of. i think he'd believe more in soulmates if he were to find his own. )
good and evil ★★★★☆ ( i'd say he does believe in good and evil. he makes it pretty clear throughout the game. )
luck ★★★★☆ ( he believes in luck, but he doesn't tend to think luck is the sole reason why he wins, ect. )
family ★★★★★ ( one of the most important things to him. )
friends ★★★★★ ( well he definitely values the friends that he has . though they may be his retainers , he considers hinata and oboro his friends/family. )
love ★★★☆☆ ( it's not a priority for him. there are other things more important. though he won't be opposed to finding love now that the war is over. )
home ★★★★☆ ( home means everything to him like family and friends. )
health ★★★☆☆ ( ehh, takumi does care about his health but not so much while in battle. unless of course he's severely injured. )
praise ★★★☆☆ ( though he may not admit to it, he does like the praise he gets. even if he may find it sometimes embarrassing and hard to believe. )
justice ★★★★★ ( justice is a big driving force for takumi, and he cares deeply for it. )
truth ★★★★☆ ( the truth is something takumi values highly. though sometimes he shy's away from it when it comes to himself. )
power ★★★★☆ ( he's big stronk, but outside of physical strength he does really value this as well. he desperately wants to be strong for ryoma and hoshido. )
fame ★★☆☆☆ ( fame isn't something he cares all that much about, but he does want recognition for his efforts and accomplishments. )
wealth ★★☆☆☆ ( like stated before he's a prince of hoshido, he's never really worried too much about it. )
others' opinions ★★★★☆ ( takumi has admitted he cares about how others view him, and you can certainly see it throughout the entirety of the game. )
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thot-farm · 1 year
WE ARE FINALLY GETTING QUEEN HINOKA. (This gives me hope that we will get King Leo someday.)
She is the wielder of both Fujin Yumi and Raijinto. she is only a 2 ranged unit tho 🫤.
The feh game8 rated her 9.5 and said she is going to have abysmally low def/res.
I'm not that excited to actually use her as a unit, especially since bow Leo exists with dog shit def but high res.
But I am excited to have her just because I love Hinoka.
Sharena trying to make me cry with this intro (it's probably not that sad. I'm just emotional)
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"As a Hoshidan princess, Hinoka fought against Nohr with her siblings. But during the conflict, she lost both her older brother, Ryoma, and her younger brother, Takumi…"
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"Now, she carries on her fallen brothers’ purpose, as well as the heavy weight of being Hoshido’s queen. They say that her dignity and determination inspired Hoshido with renewed hope!"
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demonsfate · 1 month
This game is draining af, so you are completely right, I might take a break as well. You can have some fun and then some King, fuckingngbb Law or Eddy will show up with their cheese and ruin it for you lmao. I kinda want to reach Fujin bc I feel I'm getting better and better but I don't know if I'm at that level yet
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It DOES suck because like, I do LOVE Tek! But gosh, it IS draining af. I just dunno if it's Tek8, or if I just do REALLLY suck lol! Either way, I just dunno if I can spend more hundreds of hours to show little improvement! My GOSH. The Kings are driving me wiiiiiilld. Like maybe it's just me, but I betcha anything like 67% of my fights are with Kings. I dunno if that's actually accurate, but it REALLY feels like I am just constantly fighting Kings! And like I'm slightly getting better at breaking throws, but King is just... mostly throws and it's sooo frustrating fighting him. I BEG more Tek players to pick up other characters pls pls pls.
I feel like I'm goin' WILD lately playing. Even when I change up the moves I use with Jin, it feels like people can predict every move I'll do whether it's a mid/high, low, or even a grab. And it just feels like ppl are WAY FASTER about blocking my moves (especially somehow blocking right after they attack and I pull a RA) or just hitting me in general. Like I said, I guess everyone's just better than me but it's driving me WILD. Heck I fought against this Panda that was basically doing nothing but blocking. I keep trying to hit 'em, they block, I go low, they somehow block that, I try to throw, they break the throw. And like, I could block them, too. But it seems that if I just do that, then the timer just runs down and one of us loses bc of that. And when I DO try to attack 'em, they just,,,, always know how to block or counter it. It's just wiiiild.
ALSO LIKE. Maybe I am not that great as Alisa either, but the more I play her... the more I don't really see how she's as cheese as some of the characters? She has a lotta powerful moves, but a lot of them seems to leave you more vulnerable to poking or whatever? But again, maybe I should learn other of her moves and see if I need to shake up my methods. There's this one real powerful move she does where she flies and throws her head in flight whilst ur down. Need to learn that one 'cos oof that does a lotta damage and makes it hard for you to get up LOL.
So far, the only character I seem to be "good" at is Jun despite having spent more time with my other mains technically. Like I still get decent wins with my Jun, and I'm still high in the red ranks. Yet... for some reason, I just can't play the other characters anymore.
ANYWAY, wanted to also use this ask as a chance to pour out some of my frustrations I was having. I do HOPE you get to Fujin soon!! Buuut def should take a break if it gets too stressing. 'cos as you said, this game can get SUPER draining sometimes. It feels like if you even start losing an ounce of your focus, you ain't gonna go far at all in a fight. And the more frustrated you get, the easier it is to lose that focus. I got me my wine finally, so I'm gonna wind down... watch a movie, and hopefully the wine will start affecting me after the movie is finished, and I'll try it again and see if the wine eases me whilst I play. Best of luck to us drained Tekken players!
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mudaship39 · 4 months
Character bio of the Asian Pasifika demigod and Afro Latine Native alien hybrid superhero main character part 15
Charcoal and cherry power armor. 
He/she/they are a seventh, eighth, ninth generation super soldier. Code name as a black ops and spec ops metahuman and superhuman soldier is Dragon 552. Call sign as a demigod and alien hybrid super soldier is Fujin 785. The Mark 10 Mars/Ares Combat Armor is a technologically advanced combat exoskeleton system. This specific customized and upgraded power armor is codenamed Warbringer named after the user being a descendant of a Polynesian god of war. The suit is crimson, gold, silver, & obsidian. The suit also possesses other features that enhance its wearer's already superhuman or supernatural abilities. It is designed to vastly improve the strength, durability, perception, awareness, endurance, stamina, intelligence, dexterity, agility, reflexes, & speed of a metahuman or superhuman super soldier in the field of combat. The power armor suit amplifies and enhances the inherent biotic and psionic abilities of the metahuman and or superhuman user such as telepathy, mind control, teleportation, time travel, time control, force fields, invisibility, & telekinesis. 
The mana is added to the power armor with divine emblems and symbols and alien characters and calligraphy. The mana adds more armor to the power armor and repairs the damage done to the armor like the nanites and nano machines. It is activated with magical runes that are symbiotic with their own divine and alien tattoos on their body as a demigod and alien hybrid.
Power armor is used in Sabotage missions, Reconnaissance missions, Assassination missions, Wetwork missions, Exoatmospheric operation missions, Scouting missions, Sniper operation missions, Threat assessment missions, Survey missions in extreme environments, Alien and human artifact and relic acquisition missions, Pathfinder missions, Intelligence gathering missions, Missions in intel-poor environments, Missions in unfamiliar hostile environments, Paramilitary and clandestine intelligence agencies black ops missions, 
Power armor is used in High Profile Target Acquisition, Combat excursions in isolated frontlines of war, Covert shadowing of a target, Battlefield support, Direct Enemy engagement, Long-range pursuit of targets, Extended solo operations, Shipboard and station defense, Search-and-rescue operations, Combat training exercises, Stealth reconnaissance operations, Classified operations,  Remote operatives engaging in hostile environmental conditions, Deep water discovery and combat in waterfront areas, VIP Security, Microgravity operations, High value target and hostage recovery, Hunter-tracker field application, Recon in unknown environments, Stealth-based recon, Remote expeditions in uncharted space, Operations in inhospitable worlds in a hostile environment, Maritime combat and multi-environment adaptation, Tactical and strategic infiltration. Orbital drop or free-fall combat drops, UAV or drone control, Engineering and explosive ordnance disposal, Infiltration of heavily fortified enemy sites or stealthy infiltration of enemy territory, Aerospace combat, Target acquisition or advanced tracking and targeting acquisitions, Hunter-killer operations, Orbital raids or insertion from low orbit into enemy territory,  Extended operations in exotic and hazardous environments considered too hazardous for standard equipment, terraforming and colonizing (planets, moons, meteors, planetoids, comets, & asteroids) space habitats, EVA or extra-vehicular activity,  Explosive ordnance disposal EOD or to facilitate explosive ordnance disposal, Remote security base detail, Reconfiguring (Subversion, repairing, reconstitution) technology in combat, Defense of non-combat personnel or civilians for general area denial, Close quarters combat or cqc with enemy super soldiers, Urban Combat Operations, Covert Operations or covert ops, Spec ops or special operations, Counter-Intelligence, Biological and chemical containment or securing biologically and chemically contaminated areas, Tactical supremacy and Naval intercept operations, High-altitude insertion ops or Halo Operations and elite threat-detection, Enemy starship boarding and raiding in space, & Airborne infantry operations.
The power armor is the most advanced piece of tactical military hardware in alien or human hands. It is an attempt to create a powered exoskeleton capable of taking full advantage of the physical, mental, & emotional capabilities of a metahuman and superhuman super soldier esp the demigod or alien hybrid user. The powered armor is a highly advanced suit capable of further enhancing the metahuman or superhumans' physical, mental, & emotional performance. The power armor is able to enhance the strength, perception, awareness, endurance, stamina, constitution, durability, intelligence, dexterity, agility, flexibility, & speed of the user. 
The powered armor is commonly personalized by suit art on the power armor and visor art on the power armor helmet. With the power armor later personalized suits of power armor have vinyls, decals, emblems, & graphics on the power armor helmet visor as well as the power armor suit’s torso, chest, back, shoulders, arms, elbows, legs, knees, etc.
It is a bionically and cybernetically enhanced armor which affords its bearer inhuman attributes and destructive power. Each module is individually powered by a set of 3 micro-fusion cores. Except for the main frame which is powered by one singular large fusion core. The suit is also powered by cold fusion cartridges that are inserted into the suit's arms and legs. It is powered by small portable fusion power sources which can be easily replaced. It is powered by gas, electricity, steam, or nuclear power. It has a built-in battery that can be recharged.
The power armor suit comes with accelerated movement, reinforced armor, hydraulic bracers, optimized bracers, kinetic servos, reactive plating, overdrive servos, a sensor array, artificial guidance, active camouflage, a cloaking device, matrix overlay, emergency protocol, core assembly, explosive vents, smart camouflage, force accumulator, mechanical enhancement, optimized servos, a fusion reactor, an internal database, a medical pump, a HUD or heads up display, a head lamp, recon sensors, a targeting hud, virtual interface, heavy plating, motion assist servos, flight, rocket boots, jet pack, sealed suit, thermal coating, explosive shielding, & titanium plating.
When injured the user is healed by stimpacks, first aid kits, medpacks, combat stimulants, pain suppressants, & nanite injections. When the suit is punctured the suit seals itself off while nano machines repair and maintain the armor. Each power suit has intelligent servos that provide compression to reduce bleeding, increase clotting, first aid to heal wounds, pain suppression to reduce pain, & nanites for healing injuries. This controls the built-in medical dispenser (capable of injecting first aid, pain suppressors, & combat stimulant drugs when needed). It is also capable of controlling the heartbeat, blood pressure, & blood sugar of the wearer through a specialized regulator.
The armor is streamlined and sleek than its bulkier and heavier predecessors. The new suits have clean, sleek, pristine, & new look to them as opposed to the dirty, old, faded, & worn look of the old suits. Some suits allowed the helmet and surrounding segments to be removed and replaced allowing a user to simply climb in through the opening in the chest or back cavity. A more involved method consisted of the suit being constructed from prefabricated parts around the user, seemingly sealing the user inside. Unlike the powered exoskeletons that preceded it. The power armor was designed from the ground up as a suit of armor. 
The armor requires training to enter, use, & take off. Spanning over centuries of development it encompassed more than just a powered suit of armor. It is a pioneering effort intended to shatter current technological barriers. With constant drills metahuman and superhuman super soldiers can enter and exit the armor in minutes. 
To pilot a power armor suit, battle walker suits, or mech suit the pilot or user has to first undergo VR simulation training. They then do physical training similar to spec ops and black ops forces of the 21st century or Halo ODST or mass effect N7 training. They then do super soldier training of the near and far future similar to Halo Spartans, Starcraft Ghosts, or Mass Effect Specters. They then do piloting training on how to enter and pilot their suits like Brotherhood of Steel Knights and Paladins, Anthem Freelancers, StarCraft Terran Marines, Titanfall Titans, & Warhammer Space Marines.
More advanced later gen suits were easier to get inside and outside of. This was since it was a more streamlined process. It opened by itself from the back with the help of the power armor’s onboard AI. The earlier and oldest power armor suits were difficult to get inside and outside of. It required a team of trained engineers, inventors, & technicians to fully take off the suit of power armor from power armor. They still use the old and archaic way of taking off the power armor piece by piece with the hydraulic machine and a team of inventors, engineers, mechanics, & technicians but only when maintaining/repairing, upgrading/updating, or customizing the power armor suit. The power armor suit is also stronger in construction than the older generation power armor lines.
The size and bulk of some types of armor before and during World War 3 required frequent training to don efficiently. Depending on a suit's material state and the user's experience it could take three to twenty minutes to suit up. Constant drills allowed super soldiers to complete the task in just one minute during the human and alien contact war.
Its design philosophy would serve as a basis for all future powered armor system designs. However you can remove parts of the armor in emergencies to repair the armor or to customize or upgrade the power armor. Each generation of the power armor is composed of major fundamental components. The power armor integrates the vast majority of the armor's vital hardware systems inside the skintight bodysuit itself. Allowing for more streamlined production and easier implementation of specialized subsystems and armatures.
Through a beacon located on their tech/body/flight suit and combat armor. The power armor can triangulate their position. Through nanites, malleable human and alien smart metal, and nano machines the power armor can collaborate with the onboard ai in the power armor and the ai implanted into their neurological system and synchronize to build the suit around the user. This is if they need the suit but are currently out of it for emergencies. The main character can do this only with the later gen advanced power armor suits not the old archaic suits.
Has an internal grenade launcher system inside the power armor chest. The suit's autoloader is equipped to quickly manufacture and load hundreds of standard 30 mm fragmentation grenade, smoke grenade, flashbang grenade, sleeping gas grenade, electroshock stun grenade, cryogenic freezing grenade, WP, noxious gas grenade, plasma grenade, incendiary explosive grenade, electromagnetic pulse or EMP grenade, small yield nuclear explosive grenade, stasis grenade, hallucinogenic gas grenade, temporal time grenades, quantum void grenades, seeker grenades, etc. 
It has built-in 7.76 mm, 12.7 mm, and 50 caliber medium and heavy triple barrel machine gun ballistic, plasma, hard light, & laser turrets built into the power armors shoulders. It has built-in 30 and 40 mm plasma and hard light rocket launchers and missile silos built into the power armor’s chest.
The power armor suit and power armor helmet is custom made and is fitted plated metal armor over a metal exoskeleton. It is built around the metal exoskeleton worn over a soft skin-tight space suit and metal plated combat armor with a combat helmet with visor. It allows for customization and upgrading. It lets users connect the power armor with their cyberware implants and bionic enhancements. 
It has room for storage of extra supplies of food and water. It has an oxygen tank to breathe in space or underwater. It provides high levels of protection from the harsh conditions of space, high temperatures, the deep ocean, radiated areas, the atmosphere, & space. It protects against the infantry weapons of most possible human and alien threats. It protects against biological, chemical, and radioactive weapons. The suit has a self-contained oxygen supply, environmental control system, & medical supply system. 
In the event of a medical emergency, the armor would burst open to allow medical personnel to access the pilot within. Like other sets of powered armor, it was equipped with waste disposal. The armor came equipped with a self-destruction protocol, that when armed would detonate if anyone attempted to tamper with the armor, destroying everything in a thirty foot radius. It protects against infestation by biological hyper evolution viruses by swarm species such as Zerg or Tyranids. Protects against assimilation by species such as the Borg. Protects against mind control, brainwashing, and indoctrination by species like the Collectors or Reapers. Protects against infestation by biological species like Xenomorphs or Flood. 
The construction of the suit is done in overlapping layers. An interactive holographic computer has also been integrated into the helmet with an intuitive HUD. The armor's shell is composed of a multilayer alloy of remarkable strength and has been augmented with a refractive and absorbing coating capable of dispersing and absorbing a near unlimited amount of ballistic, laser, energy, plasma, & magical weapon strikes. The power armor absorbs and reflects the kinetic energy of incoming ballistic, energy, laser, & plasma projectiles. It can also absorb other damaging forces such as hazardous levels of heat, radiation and microwaves. Effectively making the user temporarily invulnerable. 
Enhanced protection against small and large arms fire. Is immune to most small and large arms fire. Has armor plating that absorbs and redirects ranged weaponry for a few minutes before needing to be recharged. It features special systems to protect its user from the hard light, plasma, laser, energy, & ballistic weapons. Any damage that the armor plating suffers can be repaired by built-in subsystems. These systems are receptive to nanomachines facilitating the repair. Additionally, bypass channels allow certain components to function if routing is compromised by extensive damage.
The suit contains a gel filled layer underneath a thick black and white armored bodysuit. The gel layer regulates temperature. The inner skinsuit is made of a moisture absorbing synthetic material linked to an environment control computer and the occupant's neural mental and emotional interface. The user is healed by nanites and the power armor is repaired by nanomachines. The power armor integrates the vast majority of the armor's vital hardware, cyberware, and firmware systems inside the skintight bodysuit itself. Allowing for more streamlined production and easier implementation of specialized subsystems and armatures.
Sandwiched between the external power armor and the internal padding is a thick armored skin tight titanium nanocomposite bodysuit. The bodysuit is made of a nonrigid titanium-based material, making it very strong and yet very flexible. The combat weave of the tech suit of later generations is thicker and possesses a tighter weave. Thereby giving the user a greater boost to their strength, durability, constitution, endurance, stamina, senses, perception, awareness, intelligence, agility, reflexes, flexibility, & speed. Advanced next gen tech suits headpiece comes with a combat helmet with a more advanced HUD and visor.
A bodysuit or skintight tech suit is a polymer light-refracting nano-fiber suit covering the body. It is worn under combat armor and a combat armor helmet. The tech suit and combat armor is worn while inside the power armor. Carbon fiber forms part of the tech and body suit. The suit can be outfitted onto super soldiers via servos. The suit has numerous functions, small but vital  to the safety and survival of the wearer. It also serves as another layer of protection against ballistics, laser, energy, plasma, and hard light weapons. 
The form-fitting tech suit is interwoven with an advanced circuitry system that covers the entire body including the neck and head. Its temperature regulation system could shield the wearer from heat detection equipment with an adjustable temperature setting. Many components of the titanium bodysuit are conspicuously fashioned after the shape of human and alien musculature for alien and human metahuman and superhuman super soldiers. 
Most suits are black, blue, and/or gray in color. In fact, each techsuit is custom-made for the super soldier that wears it. Some models have portions of the bodysuit share their color with the external armor plating. The body suit of the main character is black and red like the crimson, silver, gold, & obsidian power armor outside. 
Certain squads or individual operatives are outfitted with customized tech suits that contain a host of undisclosed improvements or modifications to fit particular mission parameters or operator’s needs. These polymuscle exoskeletons cannot be worn by unaugmented personnel. As many of the techsuit's medical and environmental control systems require invasive access to bionic implants and cybernetic implants. 
The techsuit is comfortable to wear for extended periods of time and constitutes the base of super soldier's service uniform. Though it provides limited ability enhancement without access to external power. When paired with the compact fusion reactor and generators in a power armor cuirass the full capabilities of the techsuit are unlocked. It contains channels and distribution webbing for regenerative hard light, energy, laser, plasma shielding and force fields.  
The exoskeleton musculature can operate at full power. Further increasing the wearer's strength, intelligence, constitution, durability, endurance, stamina, awareness, perception, agility, flexibility, reflexes, & speed. It is laced with a form of psi-sensitive artificial muscle fiber which augments their natural stats and traits. The suit helps super soldiers channel their natural superhuman powers and abilities. 
The combat helmet acts as a chemical agent mask and the tech suit provides nuclear, biological, chemical shielding by absorbing dangerous elements and rendering them inert. The suit itself is designed to withstand the cold vacuum of space. The suit itself is capable of surviving decompression. While its mask allows the super soldier to breathe for a time in environments without oxygen such as the deep ocean or vacuum of space.
Perhaps the most well known function of the suit is its cloaking ability. All later next gen tech suits feature a personal cloaking device, allowing the super soldier to render him/herself invisible with active camouflage that bends light around the user. Works against most electronic scanning. 
The tech suit is a lightweight yet extremely durable and strong design that is essentially mesh armor with molded and reinforced joints. The heaviest of these suits provides protection comparable to combat armor and yet weighs little more than a pilot suit.
The tech suit also has smart camouflage that replicates the pattern and texture of any surface it comes into contact with. The stealth abilities are aided by coolant systems woven into its lining, rendering its user invisible to most infrared sensors. It boasts optimizations that enable permanent cloaking. The tactical tech suit allows agents to remain cloaked indefinitely. 
The suit is outfitted with a personal hard light, plasma, laser, & energy shield and force field generator. It has a vital signs monitor. Each suit has intelligent servos that provide compression to reduce bleeding, increase clotting, first aid to heal wounds, pain suppression to reduce pain, & nanites for healing injuries.
The suit possesses a combat helmet. The helmet shares the rest of its functions with the smaller headpiece. This includes a comms system. 
It has an electromagnetic spectrum vision system that sees throughout the vision spectrum. It has a HUD system capable of showing a holographic 4d map display. It has a microscopic, binocular, & nanoscopic zoom function. This is for increased sight range and target acquisition. The helmet visor also enhances sight, and includes an automated targeting system for sniping. Passive and active scans can be carried out, displayed on an automated wrist computer unit. Such scans can designate affiliation of a target, alert a super soldier to hazardous terrain, scan important objectives, & pick up living and/or moving targets.
The suit provides limited protection against small arms and large arms fire and full life support. The helmet HUD provides the super soldier information on his/her/their health status, the amount of shields and force fields available, a camouflage or stealth meter, and a weapon meter. Therefore informing the soldier of how much ammunition is available for his/her equipped weapon. 
This body-suit is a black, form-fitting suit of polymer body armor, able to deflect small-caliber rounds. The suit is equipped with cooling and heating units that mask the infrared signature of the wearer. It also is for creating a comfortable environment. The helmet has encrypted communications gear, a HUD, electromagnetic spectrum sensors, active sonar, & motion detectors. The whole suit is fully sealed and gas tight making them wearable in a vacuum when equipped with an oxygen tank.
The tech suit is an interwoven weave to produce a dense material. It becomes momentarily rigid when hit. Spreading force across a larger area, thereby reducing the damage. The body suit also disperses heat rapidly, giving reasonable protection against laser, energy, & plasma weapons. The material is psychically sensitive, automatically reacting to the wearer's movements and thoughts to maintain a glove-tight fit as they move and fight. The tech suit also contains additional features.
The battle suit is a sealed system, capable of extra vehicular activity for a near unlimited amount of time or operations in dangerous situations such as underwater, in the vacuum of space, in radioactive areas, in deserts or jungles with extreme heat, or arctic tundra with extreme cold. The suit can reflect or absorb the electromagnetic spectrum including radio waves, gamma waves, & microwaves to make the user invisible for a short time to enemies. It is hardened against EMPs, radiation, & microwaves. It has filters that are completely effective at removing toxins, germs, radiation, bacteria, poison, & viruses. The power suit is effective against small arms and large arms. The suit is configured to provide full life support in vacuum or hostile environments and give shielding against radiation, biological, & chemical.
The power armor is a powerful and extremely versatile set of tactical power armor. The visor of the power armor allows the super soldier to sense the entire electromagnetic spectrum. The battle suit's greatest advantage, however, is a super dense optical computer memory. 
Rather than simply being worn, the power armor integrates with the user. Power armor is an advanced form of powered combat armor. It is a completely enclosed suit of combat armor. Each suit possesses a full suite of life-support functions for operation in hostile environments. Life support functions include pain suppressors, combat stimulants, first aid, etc. Power armor is fully sealed, isolating the wearer from the outside environment and protecting them from chemical and/or biological weapons and toxic atmospheres. It also commonly includes numerous auxiliary systems. 
Reverse engineered from alien and human technology leading to drastically enhanced combat and physical, intellectual, & emotional performance. Allowing the operator to execute superhuman feats. The power armor suit enhances and channels the metahuman and superhuman powers of the alien or human wearer. The functionality of the battle armor system is unprecedented. Like its predecessors it is backwards compatible through hardware, software, and firmware upgrades.
The power armor multiplies the strength, perception, endurance, stamina, constitution, durability, intelligence, senses, flexibility, reflexes, agility, & speed, of its wearer significantly more than the older generation suit models. The suit consists of a series of overlapping segmented  plates providing flexibility, agility, speed, and protection. It’s a powered suit of high-grade armor that increases the wearer’s protection. It also increases the user’s strength, perception, endurance, stamina, durability, intelligence, flexibility, agility, & speed. 
Rather than being a traditional suit of body armor the battle suit works on a biomechanical level. Allowing for direct user-controlled movement. As the powered armor allows for ample spare carrying capacity it comes equipped with many useful gadgets built in. Complete suits of power armor suits and power armor helmets are fully-sealed and pressurized. Allowing the wearer to survive airless conditions such as hard vacuum or underwater for extended periods of time. Many suits of power armor also incorporate supplemental systems.
Had the ability to link a super soldier and several simple dumb AIs and a few smart advanced artificial intelligences together to provide the soldier instant real time intel in the field, along with other functions.
While also doubling as a platform capable of handling an advanced smart human or alien artificial intelligence network. It requires the use of an interface with the AI for full synchronization with the pilot. This revolutionary solid-based crystalline layer forms a network within the suit's frame of proper size and capability of housing the types of smart alien and human artificial intelligences. Artificial Intelligence can be delivered to the suit via a data crystal chip storage device no bigger than a smartphone. 
Each human or alien being has a molecular fiber network called the nervous system within their brain. All alien superhuman and human metahuman super soldiers are given a neural interface. In addition, the power armor features integration with artificial intelligences, ranging from advanced smart AIs to simpler dumb AIs.
These AIs integrate, prioritize, and even subtly alter the torrent of data and sensory overrides fed to the power armor's user, simplifying the chaos of the battlefield and reducing confusion. These AIs also handle mundane administrative tasks on behalf of the human or alien super soldier. The typical suit of power armor suits and mech suits carries around a dozen or so of these simple AIs and a few complex AIs.
Some suits are also capable of taking over. Being controlled remotely or autonomously if the wearer becomes incapacitated. The power armor suit comes with advanced alien and human artificial intelligences.  Often, the suit's computer is an Artificial Intelligence capable of acting as mission control. Also controlling the systems the wearer can't pay attention to in the heat of combat. Some suits of power armor are explicitly made to be adaptive armor capable of great versatility and effectively repairing, customizing, and upgrading themselves.
The visor of the power armor comes in obsidian, crimson, sapphire, emerald, silver, amethyst, & or gold. Lights flicker on the visor system on the interior of the visor's rim illuminating dark areas. A blast shield can be lowered over the visor to block out too much sunlight. The power armor helmet visor itself may be lowered or raised. The visor can also be polarized or unpolarized at the user's discretion. Though it will automatically un-polarize based on the intensity of light hitting it.
The power armor helmet incorporates its own communications equipment. Allowing for hands-free voice and/or video communications over a wide range of frequencies. The visor of the combat armor helmet is capable of  microscopic, nanoscopic, & binocular vision function integrated into the visor. Allowing the user of the combat armor to "tag" enemy units, ammunition, and vehicles for future reference and engagement. This information can also be relayed onto allied units. The binoculars also magnify distant sound, enabling the user to hear the lightest of sounds from far away. 
It records audio and visual with a camera within the helmet's brim. The helmet is also issued with an optics device that aids the user in relaying images, audio, and video to teammates, subordinates, other squads, or high command. It also has a communicator in it. Has an ocular integration optics device attached to the helmet. So scope or red dot sight on their ranged weapons can be smart-linked to the user's HUD, active sonar, & motion tracker.
The power armor helmet provides excellent protection against small arms fire and small explosive attacks. The helmet is also essential in providing the user the ability to perform EVA. It has an advanced HUD or heads up display. It also provides a Heads-up display, giving the wearer information including a targeting reticle, weapon information, ammo capacity, & a detailed health readout. The newest version of the combat helmet integrates with the user's standard neural interface to provide more tactical data to the HUD. Along with this state-of-the-art equipment, the helmet is also equipped with its own thermal imaging, electronic scanners, and motion sensors. There are also several external optical modules that can be attached to the combat helmet used by squad leaders or an optical/integration module which enhances smart-linking capabilities and communication systems. 
HUD: A Heads-Up Display (HUD) is built into the visor. Its features include microscopic vision, binocular vision, heat vision, night vision, x ray vision, & uv vision. It has a a navigation mode which superimposes a holographic 3d and 4d map of surrounding terrain and pinpoints prominent features. It is capable of displaying the amount of ammunition in a soldier's equipped main and secondary weapon and grenades. Has a motion sensor and active sonar to detect allies and enemies on the map. It has a data system which, with the appropriate link, can let the user 'see and hear’ to video, audio, and data feeds.
Integrated communication system for field coordination. With an enhanced portable comm system. Are augmented with a communication array for short and long range comms. These automatically connect to signal boosters located vehicles  for better long-range communications.
Highly modular, customizable, and upgradeable. It used a modular construction allowing the suit to be outfitted with a wide variety of weaponry, shields, force fields, and additional armor.
Modular, durable, techno polymer, hardened carbon reinforced, bulletproof, fireproof, waterproof, anti explosive, anti corrosive acid proof, dustproof, anti shock shockproof, biofeedback system, aerodynamic, sonic chamber, anti impact, foam padding, heart monitor, carbon fiber, dual layer reactive, smoke filter, composite plating, polycarbonate, modified ABS, EPS liner, noise canceling, hardened plastic, reinforced, breathable liner, integrated ventilation, active ventilation system, micro plate mesh, thermoregulation, tactical, modular, assault, full face helmet made out of tungsten, steel, & titanium with a bulletproof fiberglass visor, polycarbonate, anti glare, anti reflective lenses, anti fog, tinted, anti shrapnel, scratch resistant, polarized, titanium reinforced, laminated glass, multifunctional holographic info, panoramic, contrast adjuster, image enhancer, & 10K resolution visor. Comes with built in headset, built in microphone, built in 3.0 Hi Res speakers, has 16x digital zoom binoculars, and built in camera.
It has active camouflage. It has smart camouflage. It has plasma shields, hard light shields, force fields, and energy shields. It comes with advanced plasma shields, advanced hard light shields, and advanced reflective force fields. 
It has plating on the face, neck, chest, back, arms, & legs. The powered armor is built around an exoskeleton combined with a supplemental system that acts as artificial muscle. Mimicking the wearer's own movements in a sort of purely mechanical and neurological synchronization. As a result it negates its own perceived weight and allows the wearer to carry thick, bulky armor plating without being encumbered. The wearer gains effective superhuman strength, stamina, endurance, durability, agility, flexibility, reflexes, accuracy, dexterity, speed, etc. 
An oxygen supply allows the user to survive almost indefinitely underwater and in outer space. The filters and ventilation system also allows them the ability to resist most airborne toxins and radiation. It also provides protection against environmental hazards that can't really be resisted or dodged by being a self-contained environment. Allowing the user to exist comfortably in space, deep underwater, surrounded by radiation, or in other areas that would kill unprotected humans or aliens. The armor features a survival mode that can keep the occupant alive for at least six months in the vacuum of space with no food, water, or other things vital to life aside from the suit's oxygen supply. 
The upper back section of the suit houses a series of rubber tubes. These run through the jointed areas of the suit. Protecting wires and distributing coolant. These tubes make up the bulk of an efficient liquid cooling system. It is assisted by four sets of high-speed turbines. These turbines vent the heat generated by the suit's power supply and the temperature buildup in harsh atmospheric conditions.
The power armor suit suppresses the user’s noise allowing them to sneak past enemies when crouched or crawling. This is possible by noise dampening in the power armor legs and boots. It can also slip past mines after certain upgrades. Mufflers which reduce the amount of noise the suit makes and the user's heat signature. 
It has enhanced fall boots in case of drop deployment. It utilizes a slow-fall system that allows the armor to drop from great distances. It has gravity boots that magnetize to metal surfaces such as ships, satellites, & stations when operating in space. The suit also contains a magnet system within its boots that allows its wearer to stay attached to a metal surface in zero gravity environments such as on a ship, satellite, or station in space. It can be toggled on or off by the wearer.
Reactive systems installed directly linked to the power armor’s neural interface. They amplify the wearer's reaction time by connecting directly to the thoughts and emotions of the wearer. Making it much easier to control and allowing for the super soldier to be both more efficient in combat. It also gives them a higher survival rate in combat thanks to faster reflexes, mobility, flexibility, & speed.
In order to boost the wearer's mobility, speed, flexibility, & reflexes power armor suits have a jetpack on their back for flying. They also have built-in thrusters on their power armor boots that allow them to glide at least for short distances or via rocket-assisted jumps. This gives them good mobility and speed without sacrificing protection. 
They also have built in rocket boosters in the power armor suit’s knees and elbows to punch, kick, elbow, or knee enemies faster. It has a jetpack on the back of the armor and the armor’s power armor boots for hovering or flight. The suit's motors are also located in the chest, back, arms, & legs powering the servos that allow for the power armor suit's enhanced movement. Has a heavily reinforced frame. The servos enable a wearer to dash up steep mountainous slopes and safely land from tall heights from tall buildings. The legs are piston-powered, allowing the user to make long jumps. 
This system functions as a self-destruct mechanism in order to prevent a dead super soldier's armor from being compromised by hostiles. It is activated by a series of digits that only the user knows. It is activated by inputting the code into their power armor wrist mounted computer. When engaged, it produces a reactor overload that burns everything within a fifty meter radius, then produces a large nuclear blast from overloading the fusion reactor cores.
It has numerous clips, belts, and holsters for the attachment of additional weapons and ammunition. The power armor features very small, yet powerful magnets placed on the legs, waist, and back of the suit that are used to hold any equipment, any primary weapons,  secondary weapons, weapon ammo, & grenades with a magnetic property. 
Strapped to the power armor are primary and secondary weapons. Weapons bigger meant for super soldiers in power armor that are a lot bigger than the weapons meant for regular soldiers in only combat armor. This means the weapon calibers, the magazines, & the weapons itself are bigger too. Meaning more powerful weapons, more damage per second, more dangerous weapon status effects on enemies, much more firepower, more accuracy, more fire modes, higher rate of fire, more weapon customization, more weapon upgrades, more stability, less recoil, more range of sight or scope magnification, faster reload time, faster weapon swapping, and bigger magazine capacity with weapons meant for power armor. 
Strapped to the power armor with magnets are primary weapons such as an assault rifle (with a scope and a grenade launcher), a bolt-action sniper rifle with scope, a pump-action combat shotgun (with drum magazine and red dot sight), a medium machine gun (with grip, drum magazine, and red dot sight), an electromagnetic Gauss rifle with scope, a fusion rifle with scope, a semi automatic combat shotgun, a semi automatic marksman rifle with scope, a particle beam rifle, a rail gun, a zero point energy rifle, & or a ten shot lever action repeating rifle with red dot sight. 
Special weapons are also a flame thrower, a flechette rifle with scope, a triple barrel Gatling gun with red dot sight, a homing heat seeking rocket launcher with red dot sight, metal bolt rifle, a crystal shard rifle, spike rifle with red dot sight, a six shot revolver action grenade launcher with red dot sight, a Tesla cannon, or a guided missile launcher with scope. These special weapons aren’t always readily available and only come from orbital weapon supply drops.
Strapped to the power armor with magnets are secondary weapons such as two regular pistols, two machine pistols, two heavy pistols, a light machine gun (with red dot sight, drum magazine, and grip), a regular submachine gun (with drum magazine, grip, and red dot sight), two six shot regular revolver, a six shot heavy revolver, a pulse rifle with red dot sight, a spike pistol, a ray gun, & a metal bolt gun.
These primary and secondary weapons fire anti personnel, anti tank, anti material, anti shield, force field negating, antimatter, & armor piercing rounds. These primary and secondary weapons fire ballistic, laser, plasma, energy, & or hard light smart rounds that track and seek targets. These rounds cause a status effect when they hit enemies such as explosive incineration bullets that burn enemies, cryogenic ice bullets that freeze enemies, lightning electroshock bullets that electrocute enemies, acidic corrosive bullets that melt enemies, ion rounds that vaporize enemies, & or temporal rounds that slow down enemies. 
All primary and secondary weapons come with a compensator, a muzzle break, advanced rifling, heat sinks, a silencer or suppressor, extended magazines, dual magazines, drum magazines, a variable zoom scope, a red dot sight optic, a autofocus sight, a red laser sight, a hybrid sight (of a magnifier attached with a red dot sight), a holographic sight, iron sights, electromagnetic spectrum optics, a reflex sight, a extended barrel, a foregrip, a muzzle flash guard, a hard light combat knife bayonet, a recoil suppressor, rapid fire, & or a extendable stock attachments if applicable. These attachments were built into the primary and secondary weapons themselves. Back then these attachments had to be attached to the weapons by a rail system of the weapons themselves.
The primary and secondary have more than just the usual single shot, three round burst, & full auto mode as weapons meant for power armor.
Strapped to the power armor with magnets are also primary and secondary melee weapons. Such as primary weapons of a two handed hard light longsword, a two handed hard light (halberd, glaive spear, yari, pike, lance, stave, or halberd) spear, a two handed (sabre, scimitar, machete) broadsword, a two handed zero gravity sledgehammer, a two handed plasma war club, a two handed hard light battle ax (a yue axe, a parashu axe, a Dane axe, a pole axe, a ono axe, a Shepard’s axe, or a battle axe), a bojutsu bo staff, a two handed war scythe with a hard light blade and a plasma blade, or a two handed hard light (odachi, claymore, zweihander) greatsword. 
Such as as secondary weapons of dual wield short (katana, gladius, kopis, spatha, cutlass, xiphos, or wakizashi) swords, dual wield hard light combat (kabar, tanto, bowie, navaja, jambiya, peshkabz, kard, facón, balisong, kabutowari, or kukri) knives, a plasma kunai, dual wield assassination energy (karambit, sai, kris, or yoroi-dōshi daggers), dual wield plasma short axes, dual wield plasma tonfa, dual wield hard light escrima sticks, dual wield plasma nunchucks, & or a one handed short handle warhammer. 
They have special melee weapons of 40 mm Plasma Rocket Propelled Explosive Throwing Hard Light Javelin with Diamond Tipped Spikes, plasma throwing axes, plasma shurikens, and energy throwing knives 
For loadouts:
They can take a two handed sledgehammer and one handed short handle warhammer. 
They can take a two handed battle axe and two dual wield short axes. 
They can take a two handed great sword or long sword and dual wield short swords 
They can take a two handed spear and a throwing javelin 
They can take a bojutsu bo staff, tonfas, & escrima sticks or nunchucks 
Strapped to the power armor by magnets are also a compound metal bow and a plasma crossbow with red dot sight. Hard light, aluminum, carbon fiber, & alien metal fusion metal compound bow with scope . Comes with three sheaves or quivers full of arrows of up to 70 metal arrows in each quiver strapped  to their back. A legendary rarity weapon. Comes with scope and red dot laser sight. Shoots advanced diamond tipped armor piercing, anti tank, anti materiel, anti shield, force field negating, & anti personnel metal arrows. Shoots ballistic arrows, energy arrows, hard light arrows, plasma arrows, magical arcane arrows, scorching fire arrows, cryogenic frost arrows, electroshock lightning arrows, corroding acid arrows, radioactive irradiated arrows, anti gravity arrows, toxic poison arrows, drenching water arrow, flare arrow, tear gas grenade arrows, nonlethal blunt arrow, splitting arrow (arrow that splits into five smaller arrows mid flight to target), capture net arrow (spring loaded net inside arrow captures target upon impact), anti magic arrow, necrotic death arrows, stalker tracker arrow (tracks enemies), flashbang grenade arrow, flashlight arrow (a ray of light to light a dark area), smoke grenade arrow, harpoon arrow, WP Grenade arrow, grappling hook arrow, sleeping gas grenade arrow, concussive blast arrow, banshee’s sonic scream arrow (releases a powerful sonic scream that rivals a banshee scream), EMP arrow, & explosive incineration arrows. Can triple notch three to five arrows in one attack. The user can notch up to 3 to five arrows at once when firing the bow depending on the user's dexterity. In the hands of a skilled archer this bow is capable of firing advanced metal arrows at targets up to 260 meters while still retaining lethal power.
Firepower upgrade: Alternates redundant magnetic streams on the back of the power armor. Overriding regulated load out limitations and allowing a super soldier to carry three primary weapons and three secondary weapons simultaneously. This package is considered imperative for super soldiers who prefer longer-ranged or heavier firepower over close-range speed and versatility.
Grenade upgrade. Manipulates energy placement systems which allows armor software to automatically transfer conclusive force from explosions sustained during combat. When used with it passively disperses receiving energy, allowing them to take less damage while increasing damage for targets. Alters grenade performance, increasing blast radius of the user. Has refractive coating to help disperse heat from explosive attacks. Also decreasing grenade damage received by the user. 
Ordinance upgrade. This allows users to call in ordnance or artillery more often. The upgrade is often utilized by super soldiers during requisition-dense, support-heavy combat in situations where the deployment of ordnance can be intermittent and scarce. 
Gunner upgrade. Increases how long a mounted portable heavy weapon (like a 50 caliber Gatling gun, a rail gun, a portable mini positron rifle, a 7.62 mm Heavy Machine Gun, or a Missile Launcher) can fire before overheating. It also increases the user’s movement speed carrying a heavy weapon when a weapon is detached from its turret.
Stealth upgrade. Decreases user visibility in enemy electromagnetic spectrum vision and also increases lethality in assassinations. A largely nominal software upgrade that decreases user movement noise and visibility. 
Shielding upgrade. Had enhanced plasma, laser, energy, & hard light shielding capabilities. Reinforces hard light, laser, energy, & plasma shield and force field emitters by means of a modifying bypass of standard performance regulators. Had faster recharge time on the suits' hard light, laser, energy, & plasma shield system so that the human or alien super soldier does not have to remain in cover for an extended period of time while the shields recharge and the suits ballistic plate repairs with nanites. Allowing a higher shield and force field recharge rate after taking damage.
Mobility upgrade. Allows super soldiers to modify and bypass muscle control actuators, which allow high-intensity mobility in flying, swimming, & sprinting without severely damaging their bodies. This allows users to gain unprecedented endurance and stamina in moving at their own discretion. Sprint module for increased speed. Jump jets for hovering, gliding, & flight
The power armor suits are equipped with an array of shoulder and boot thrusters, increasing a super soldier's mobility in the field and presumably in vacuum environments like space or zero gravity installations. It alleviates overheating of a back mounted jetpack and boosts speed and mobility. Alone the thrusters are still powerful enough to allow the user to hover in mid-air or glide for short distances when activated in a stabilizing arrangement. Maneuvering Thrusters for microgravity.
Grenadier upgrade. Increases the user’s grenade-carrying capacity. Restructures the standard magnetic hardpoints on the user's suit system. Effectively increasing the total grenade capacity for all personnel. The package affects both domestic and exotic grenades, including human and alien ones.
Structural support: Supports the user's body improving the gunner's aim and accuracy and lessens weapon recoil. It has stabilization servos to provide steadier aim in combat. Stability and recoil upgrade. Increases aiming stability when being fired upon. It can decrease the felt recoil by 30% to 70 % of a ballistic, laser, energy, or plasma ranged weapon depending on the power of the weapon. Lessens weapon recoil. Overall it makes the user flinch less when under fire thus allowing a steady aim on target. 
The amount of support that the suit provides is greatly increased. Increasing his/her/their strength, intelligence, perception, awareness, senses, durability, constitution, endurance, stamina, reflexes, agility, and speed. 
Ammo upgrade. Overrides the capacity and safety protocols of the power armor, allowing a super soldier to exceed normal ammunition-carrying parameters. The upgrade is recommended for encounters which require excessive ammo usage.
Synchronization. Synchronization between the power armor suit and the super soldier user. This allows the user to jump higher, run faster, think faster, dodge farther, or hit harder than a super soldier could previously.
Pressure seal. The pressure seal is a vital component to the power armor system. As it keeps the system airtight even underwater or in space. The seal is very strong and will only break under extreme pressure such as in a high velocity impact or when the suit has been over pressurized.
Dexterity upgrade. Reload upgrade. Auto magazine reloaders for faster reloading. Quick draw weapon holsters. Circumvents overlock and mobility systems. Temporarily allowing the bypass of fine-control movement to obtain quicker reloading times and weapon swapping. Upgrades which enhance movement have increased in popularity for operations with intense close quarters firefights which demand swift weapon versatility.
Compact fusion reactors: Had more compact and efficient fusion reactor cores to aid the main fusion reactor core. The small fusion reactors are the most essential part of the power armor system, as they provide power to all equipment on the armor. The reactors are built into the suit and allow for nearly unlimited movement. The main fusion reactor is installed at the back of the torso carapace.
Mobility upgrade. Allows super soldiers to modify and bypass muscle control actuators, which allow high-intensity mobility in flying, swimming, & sprinting without severely damaging their bodies. This allows users to gain unprecedented endurance and stamina in moving at their own discretion. The power armor suit has a built-in mobility module that allows the user to run, fly, or swim at faster speeds by overriding safety protocols. 
The suit, using the jetpack on its back and thrusters on its arms, legs, & feet, can run faster than any terrestrial creature living or extinct, even fast enough to run across water while on colonized and terraformed worlds such as moons, planetoids, asteroids, comets, & planets. The suit, using the jetpack on its back and thrusters on its arms, legs, & feet, can fly while on colonized and terraformed worlds fast enough to break past the speed of sound. The suit, using the jetpack on its back and thrusters on its arms, legs, & feet, can fly faster than the speed of light while in space. The suit using turbines on its back and its arms, legs, & feet can swim faster than any aquatic creature extinct or alive.
Sensor upgrade. It is utilized by stealth operatives and infiltration specialists to provide heightened locational intelligence of all nearby enemies.
Sniping upgrade. Facilitates minor adjustments in the power armor suit HUD distributed display mechanics. Allowing the integration of a motion sensor into scoped weapons. Thus, it provides a super soldier with advanced motion sensors and sonar data while sighting an enemy. This upgrade is often relied upon by super soldiers who engage in sniper operations or long-range combat.
Has faded scars from his/her/their super soldier augmentations and enchantments. Has scars from software implants, firmware implants, cyber ware implants, cybernetic implants, & bionic implants. Has faded scars from experimentation done on them since they were a demigod and alien hybrid child to young adult to make them into a metahuman and superhuman child soldier. Despite the super soldier program and child soldier indoctrination as well as brainwashing, conditioning, and mind control to fight for the Terran dominion empire or hegemony they didn’t lose their emotions or become unfeeling or stoic despite the trauma.
The main character as a super soldier doesn’t have accelerated aging. The super soldiers still have their supernaturally long superhuman lifespans as metahuman and superhuman humanoids. All of the super soldiers weren’t sterilized or made infertile. So they can still have children with each other or others.
Other than armor. The power armor suit has a force field, plasma shield, and hard light shield that can withstand a certain threshold of force from ballistic, laser, plasma, and or hard light melee or ranged weaponry. The shields can recharge but they have to be out of combat and it takes awhile to replenish. That’s when the armor itself takes damage. Armor can be repaired by nanites in battle or by a machine when back at base.
The powered armor is able to assimilate any technological upgrade into its system regardless of the upgrade's origins. These assimilation abilities are unlimited.
Air strike: Calls in heavy munitions from a star fighter around the user
Air conditioner which channels heat away from the body of the power armor. With liquid cooling systems.
Healing field: Appropriates armor system functions in order to heal the user and repair the armor.
Advanced Shielding: nuclear, biological, chemical shielding.
Overcharged Shields: Alien technology that strengthens the user's plasma, laser, hard light, and energy shielding system and force field systems.
Full life support. Lockdown System: Used to stabilize wounded soldiers and/or prevent a shorted-out suit from misfiring. 
Proximity mines: Deploys five mines that lock onto hostiles. 
Drone: An explosive homing drone
Aural Directional Enhancers: Help clarify the source of external and transmitted sounds.  Is equipped with cameras and audio recorders, which allow them to record combat situations.
EMP Blasts: Detonates an EMP which interferes with all electronic equipment within the radius of the pulse detonation.
Teleportation: Allows near-instantaneous transport over short and long distances. 
Gravity Generation: The suit is compatible with gravity accelerators for use on space platforms or zero gravity space missions. 
Shoulder and/or chest mounted illuminators with red, yellow, green, white, purple, or blue lights.
Hologram: Creates a holographic projection of the user that can draw enemy fire.
Active camouflage: Affords the wearer near-invisibility by bending light around the user in addition to scrambling nearby motion detectors. 
An integrated resupply unit for stimpacks, medpacks, drugs, and nanotechnology.
Auto sentry: An automated support siege sentry medium machine gun with four barrels used to suppress enemy combatants.
They can move at a cruising speed of 40 kilometers per hour, and can run at a top speed of 60 kilometers per hour that is without armor. They can run 180 km per hour in armor.
Stationary shield: A temporary stationary shield reverse-engineered from alien technology that protects users from ballistic, plasma, laser, and energy weapons for a few minutes. 
Munition module. Several munitions bandoliers, hardened ammo pouches, utility packs, and hardened grenade pouches were strapped to the chest, shoulders, arms, hips, & legs of power armor to increase weapon ammo storage and grenade storage.
Tactical assault module. There were heavily-armored armor module kit attachments that adds a supplemental armor plateses to the helmet, chest, neck, back, shoulders, wrists, arms, hands, waist, hips, legs, & feet of power armor 
The armor has armored plating designed to minimize its impact on the wearer's agility, speed, flexibility, & mobility.
Shield and forcefield improvement module. The module itself is an armored housing that improves the wearer's hard light, plasma, laser, & energy shielding and force fields. It was designed to provide additional protection against hard light, energy, laser, or plasma based weaponry.
He/she/they wore charcoal and ruby military class heavy assault Iuyamian combat armor and power armor that were both made out of alien metal materials stronger than Wakandan vibranium the metal that made up the suit of the Black Panther (T’challa), adamantium the metal that made the metal claws of Wolverine (James Howlett Logan) and Sabertooth (Victor Creed), & nth metal. 
The Iuyamian armor tempered with celestial steel and stellar titanium had a gorget (that protects the chest), a bevor (protecting the lower face, neck, chin, & throat) a breastplate or chestplate (that protects the chest), backplate, pauldrons (that protect the shoulders), plackart (that protected the lower half of the torso), cuirass (that protected the front of the torso), culet (that protects the small of back and the buttocks), couters (that protects the elbows), poleyns (that protected the knees), faulds (to protect the waist and hips), gauntlets (that protect the forearms to the hands), gardbraces (to protect the armpits), vambraces (that protect the elbow to the forearm), sabatons (that protect the feet), cuisses (to protect the thighs), tassat (that protect the groin, upper thighs, & pelvis), & greaves (that covered from the shin to the knee). 
The power armor helmet was designed with a sharper temple, with a metallic shine, a full curved ridge, a definite brow, a prominent muzzle, & a solitary dark cambion glowing visor with two eye holes. The power armor helmet was also designed with a dark umber and dark scarlet color, a faintly more skeletal look, & it had distinct cheeks. The power armor helmet had claw marks going above its left eye to the bottom of its left cheek. This is to break enemy troop morale and to intimidate and scare enemy officers when on missions. 
The claw marks were from a female were-human who is someone who is powerful as King Shark, Wolverine, Beast, Sabertooth, Juggernaut, Orca, Killer Croc, The Shark, Gorilla Grodd, Copperhead, Monsieur Mallah, Manbat, Bane, & Cheetah combined. This dangerous were-human was armed with gauntlets with serrated diamond tipped metal claws made of a metal stronger than nth metal coated in element x. Cardinal Changeling barely defeated her in their Hybrid/Chimera or Beast/Feral/Primal form. Instead of repairing it, Scarlet Shapeshifer kept the claw marks as proof of their battle out of respect. 
The power armor helmet was designed with numerous Iuyamian marks on the face, the power armor helmet had lines of Iuyamian characters on both cheeks and temple, the power armor helmet was decorated with countless Iuyamian symbols, the power armor helmet had unique Iuyamian writing on both brows and the muzzle, the power armor helmet had organic cybernetic and natural bionic elements (these organic cybernetic and natural bionic elements were on its temple, on its snout, & and on both cheeks), the power armor helmet had two shining cardinal lines going down the two right and left eye holes of his/her/their dark fire brick glowing visor, & finally the power armor helmet had bizarre sophisticated patterns around the jaw area making it distantly look like a face. All of this gave his/her/their power armor helmet a menacing and remarkable look that motivated allies and petrified enemies.
The power armor was customized, upgraded and updated many times to go from worthless, common, uncommon, unique, exotic, rare, epic, legendary, arcane, to even mythical rarity. 
0 notes
freyayuki · 2 years
Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia Dimensions’ End Transcendence Tier 5
The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 5 Lufenia quests just started in the Dissidia Final Fantasy (#ad): Opera Omnia (DFFOO) mobile game.
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Lufenia quests are Level 200 while Lufenia+ ones are Level 250. They’re currently the hardest kind of fight in the game. If you bring a char equipped with a Burst or BT weapon to a Transcendence battle, the entire party’s stats will be enhanced.
Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 5, Crucible 2 Lufenia Quest
The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 5, Crucible 2 Lufenia Quest has 1 wave with 2 enemies known as the Lunatic Cavaliers. 
As part of the mission requirements, you need to win within 65 turns and you need to have a Yellow Crystal char in your party. The Lufenia orbs will show up once the enemies drop down to 79% HP. The count is maxed at 15. There are 2 ways to increase the orbs:
if the enemies take elemental weakness damage, then the orbs will be increased by 1
if the enemies take wind elemental weakness damage, then the orbs will be increased by 2
So just bring a wind enchanter and problem solved, right? Wrong. Because the catch is that these Lunatic Cavaliers are immune to elemental resist down debuffs which means you can’t make them weak to the wind element by applying a wind resist down debuff. 
Currently, there are only 2 chars in the game who can make enemies weak to wind without applying a debuff:
Bartz Klauser (from Final Fantasy V) - he has a wind imperil aura
Vaan (from Final Fantasy XII) - he has a wind imperil aura too but only for his own attacks, most of which are single target
Bartz can’t enchant the party with wind though unless his Burst has been upgraded to Burst+ 3/3. However, his base Call can be used to deal with the orbs. But since it only provides a wind imperil aura, you still need to enchant the party with wind. 
Fujin (from Final Fantasy VIII) can be used for this either as a Call or in the main party. Her damage is very low though so if she’s in the main party, she needs to be accompanied by very strong DPS to compensate for her low damage output. Bartz can also work in the main party even without his BT+. If he’s accompanied by strong chars, he can even work without being fully built.
I do have Bartz fully built, including his LD and BT and High Armor (HA) except haven’t upgraded his BT to BT+. Not sure yet if I’ll actually Green his Burst. For now, I’m leaning towards no. 
Also have Fujin with her LD and all of her Summon Boards have been completed but I’m missing most of her Character Enhancement Boards (only got the tiles needed to get her LD extension) and haven’t even bothered to get her HA. 
For this fight though, my initial try was with Zidane Tribal (from Final Fantasy IX), Rude (from Final Fantasy VII), and Fujin with Pandemonium as my summon. My Calls were Sephiroth’s (from Final Fantasy VII), Bartz’s, and Cid Raines’s (from Final Fantasy XIII).
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My Zidane is fully built and MLB, including his LD and HA. Unfortunately, don’t have his BT. Rude’s fully built and MLB, including his LD, all of his Summon Boards and 3 of his Character Enhancement Boards. Missing his LD Board and don’t have his HA. 
Went with this team since I wanted to see if I could get the win without having Bartz in my main party as well as not having a BT user for the stats boost. This way, I could save Bartz for a future Transcendence Tier.
At first, things seemed to be going pretty well. In the beginning, there was no orb to worry about and Zidane was dealing very good damage. Even Fujin and Rude were doing well enough although they didn’t have their HAs and they were more of a support than a DPS.
IIRC, the enemies only got to move like once or twice before Zidane managed to delete their turns into oblivion. As long as the overhead buff from his LD was up, he can delete an enemy’s turn every time he breaks them.
Wasn’t able to bring both Cavaliers down to 79% HP at the same time. Decided to wait for both orbs to show up before using Bartz’s regular Call. Because of that, the orb that showed up first nearly went off, especially since I had to wait for Rude’s turn before I could use Bartz’s Call. 
Thankfully, managed to activate Bartz’s regular Call in time. It was very close though because the orb was down to 2 when I used Bartz’s Call. Then it went down to 1. 
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With Bartz’s regular Call active, was finally able to start increasing the orbs. It didn’t take long before the orbs were at their max counts. Zidane’s very fast and he tends to take a lot of turns, especially since he gets a free turn if he manages to break an enemy. So just had him steal and take all the turns and deal as much damage as possible while Bartz’s Call was up. 
Too bad this couldn’t last forever. Eventually, Bartz’s regular Call ran out so the orbs started ticking down again. When the Cavaliers dropped below 49% HP, Fujin started dealing 1 BRV damage. 
Rude did slightly better and at least he was able to battery the party even if it wasn’t by much. Zidane was still doing fine but it wasn’t enough. He needed more support and auras. And with him taking so many turns, he was also close to running out of skills. 
Summoned Pandemonium although the enemies weren’t about to move anytime soon just for more damage but it wasn’t enough. Decided to just quit the fight by turn 48. By then, the bosses still had 40% and 36% HP.  
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I wonder if this team would fare better if I had Zidane’s BT and if Fujin and Rude were more built such as having their HAs and all of their Boards. Don’t want to spend the resources for these though.  
For my next try, I went in with Cid Raines, Rude, and Fujin with Pandemonium as my summon. My Calls were Gabranth’s (Noah fon Ronsenburg from Final Fantasy XII), Bartz’s, and Sephiroth’s.
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My Raines is fully built and MLB, including his LD. All of his Boards have been completed. His High Armor’s been Realized to 0/3. He’s really good. He can launch with basically all of his moves. He can battery the party with some of them. He even has some turn manipulation.
Raines dealt a lot of damage but even he couldn’t carry Rude and Fujin on his own. As the fight went on, both Rude and Fujin started dealing less and less damage to the point wherein they were hitting for 1 BRV. It was pathetic.
And, once again, the orbs were the main problem here. Once the duration of Bartz’s regular Call runs out, I no longer have a way to increase the orbs. So this is basically a damage race without Bartz in the main party. Need to be able to be fast enough to outrace the orbs. 
It’s like they’re the actual bosses of this stage because the Cavaliers didn’t seem that dangerous at all. They got to move a few times on this run since I no longer had Zidane to delete their turns and Raines alone wasn’t enough to keep them from taking a turn.
They didn’t really do much though. If I didn’t have to deal with the orbs, this fight would be pretty easy. As it was, had to quit again by turn 26 when the Cavaliers still had 45% and 43% HP. 
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For my next try, decided to drop Fujin and replace her with Aphmau (from Final Fantasy XI). 
Kept Rude since he fulfills the “use a Yellow Crystal char” mission, and I didn’t think I’d want to use him in a future Transcendence Tier, especially since I didn’t want to bother spending the points needed to max out his LD Board. 
Still went with Raines as my DPS and Pandemonium as my summon. My Calls were Sephiroth’s, Fujin’s, and Bartz’s.
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Aphmau is fully built and MLB, including her LD. She has her Bloom Stone and all of her Summon Boards have been completed. She doesn’t have her High Armor though and I only unlocked a few tiles from her Character Enhancement Boards, specifically the ones that would give me her LD extension passive.
Things went very well at first. Everyone was dealing pretty good damage, especially Cid. When the orbs showed up, used Bartz’s and Fujin’s regular Calls. Had Aphmau use her LD, Victory Smite, and chose to have her give its Tactical Switch buff to Raines.
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As long as the aforementioned buff was up, Raines gets another turn every time Aphmau moves. Aphmau has 2 instant turns whenever she has her special overhead buff. 
Cid can move another char’s turn to right after his own using Cavalry Rush. With his LD, Heavenly Fist, he can get both his allies to move right after him. 
So just took advantage of this turn manipulation and got Aphmau and Cid to keep on passing their turns to each other. This meant that Rude rarely got to move so the effects of Bartz’s regular Call could last longer.
Unfortunately, since Aphmau also got to move a lot, the effects of Fujin’s regular Call was quick to end. Waited until the orbs were at an all-time low before activating Fujin’s LD Call. 
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Just tried to deal as much damage as possible so I could end the fight already before I ran out of ways to increase the orbs. Being able to launch the enemies really helped a lot, especially because, as the HP of the Cavaliers got lower, they also got really high resistance to BRV damage. 
Was really missing the regular Calls I bring to counter this (such as Gabranth’s, Jack’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) and Kurasame’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0)).
It got to the point wherein everyone was dealing 1 BRV damage. Sadly, this included Cid. Was horrified, especially since he actually has his HA at 0/3. 
Thankfully though, his BRV damage while in the air wasn’t neutered at all so really had to rely on launching to put a dent on the HP bars of the enemies. 
The batteries from Aphmau and Rude helped too although they didn’t give much, especially as the fight went on.
Summoned Pandemonium when the Cavaliers were down to 13% HP. Initiated more launches for more damage because relying on anyone’s skills right now was absolutely not an option since they were all dealing 1 BRV damage which also translated to only dealing a few hundred HP worth of damage unless they already had some brave beforehand. 
Used the last of Aphmau’s LD before the summon ended so I could get Raines to move again. She still has 4 uses of each of her base abilities since I mostly used her LD, her HP+ and BRV+ attacks and her Ex. 
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Managed to initiate another launch so when the summon ended, the enemies were down to 5% and 1% HP. It was Rude’s turn. He still has plenty of skills left since he rarely got to move. 
IIRC, used his LD, Combination Arts, which initiated a launch, bringing one of the bosses down to 3% HP although only Raines got to participate in it. The fact that he had a lot of brave to dump during the launch helped.
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It was Raines’s turn now. He has 1 more use of Heavenly Fist, 5 uses of Ruinga Storm, and 3 uses of Cavalry Rush. Used his HP Attack (Heavenly Fist), launching the boss with 3% HP and managing to finish him off.
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There was only one Cavalier left now. He only had 1% HP and Raines had more than enough brave to finish him off and end the fight already. 
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However, I opted to use Sephiroth’s LD Call and had him be the one to deal the killing blow, ending the fight on turn 31. 
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Got the score and all the other mission requirements which got me the Perfect for this Crucible. Glad to get the win. This fight was - well, I don’t really hate it. The bosses weren’t a problem at all. 
The orbs were the real issue here. I dislike how you only have a few options for dealing with them. Sure, Bartz works even as a Call and even without being fully built but still. 
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On the other hand though, am pleased that I managed to make this team work and that I was able to get the win even without having a BT char in my party. 
Yeah, Raines is really OP, especially when paired with Aphmau. Their comp even has a name - “CidMau”. At the moment, have no plans of repeating this stage. Don’t mind locking Rude and Aphmau here, especially considering they’re not even fully built. Can only hope that I won’t be needing Raines for a future Tier.
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Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 5, Crucible 1 Lufenia Quest
The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 5, Crucible 1 Lufenia Quest has 1 wave with 2 Lunatic Heavy Gunner enemies. 
As part of the mission requirements, you need to win within 60 turns and you need to have a Green Crystal char in your party. 
The Lufenia orbs will appear at battle start and they’ll never disappear. To increase them, the enemies must take an “attack triggered by effect decrease”. Basically, the orbs will increase if the enemies receive an attack while the duration of a debuff, buff, or special effect decreases. 
The enemies are weak to magical attacks while they resist melee and ranged moves. Incidentally, the best char who can deal with the orbs here is Ace (from Final Fantasy Type-0), a magical DPS who also fulfills the “use a Green Crystal char” mission. 
He can inflict a trap debuff that triggers and deals damage after every turn once it’s been activated. Other possible options for dealing with the orb include Celes Chere (from Final Fantasy VI) and even Porom (from Final Fantasy IV).
Was able to get Ace’s LD so I Purpled him (he was only at Ex+ 0/3 before) and even bought his High Armor and Bloom Stone as well as completed all of his Boards. I know an LD-only Ace could work on this Crucible. But I’m planning to go for his Burst though so didn’t want to do this fight until then.
After what feels like a very long wait, finally have Ace’s Burst. I talk more about this in another post but decided to go all-in on building him. So now he has the following: 
perfect Artifacts - triple ATK 108 with Spiral’s End Boost★★ (Raises ATK by 5% with 3 cards in stock)
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High Armor upgraded to Blue
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Burst upgraded to Green or Burst+
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Ace is equipped with the following Spheres:
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Aeris or Aerith Gainsborough’s (from Final Fantasy VII) HP Magic Attack Up A Sphere
While HP is at least 80% of MAX: • Raises own MAG ATK by 15% *Does not stack with same sphere
Papalymo Totolymo’s (from Final Fantasy XIV) Break Hit Magic Attack Up Longer A Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises own MAG ATK by 15% for 6 turns *Does not stack with same sphere
Queen’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0) Break Hit Attack Boost All Shorter D Sphere
When inflicting Break or attacking target afflicted with Break: • Raises party’s MAX BRV, ATK by 5% for 3 turns
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I thought a fully built Ace should be able to carry 2 not-fully built chars through this Crucible so I decided to team him up with Deuce (from Final Fantasy Type-0) and Amidatelion (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers). 
Brought the The Brothers as my summon. My Calls were Raines’s, Sephiroth’s, and Kurasame Susaya’s (from Final Fantasy Type-0).
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Deuce is a support whose specialty is buffing chars that deal magical damage. She has decent enough auras and buffs. She can heal with her LD. Mine’s at Ex+ 3/3. All of her Summon Boards have been completed but I only finished her LD Board and she doesn’t even have her High Armor.
Amidatelion’s claim to fame is being able to delete the turns of enemies with their LD and second skill. IIRC, so far, the only other chars who can do this are Zidane Tribal (from Final Fantasy IX) while the overhead buff from his LD is active and if he breaks an enemy and Ultimecia (from Final Fantasy VIII) but only via her Burst effect. 
By bringing Amidatelion, was hoping for a no-boss turn fight. Mine’s at Ex+ 3/3 with all of their Summon Boards completed. Finished their Character Enhancement Boards, all except for their LD Boards. They’re currently at Crystal Level 75 and Level 80. They’re also missing their High Armor. 
Initially, started the fight by applying Kurasame’s and Sephiroth’s base Calls. The turn order was pretty bad though. Since I wasn’t letting the enemies move, Ace needed at least 2 turns in order to start dealing with the Lufenia orbs (3 if I didn’t want to waste his free skill after using his LD). 
Ideally, I start with his LD to apply his debuff. His HP Attack+ (Blind Stud Turn) can instantly activate his trap debuff. So because I was trying to be efficient with Ace, needed 3 turns for him to start dealing with the obs. His allies got to move before him though. Using my Calls just made things worse. The orbs kept ticking down until they were at 2. 
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Welp, this was not working out so decided to restart the fight. Was more mindful of the orbs this time. Only used my debuff-inflicting Calls after Ace’s trap had been activated and the orbs were going up instead of down. 
After Ace’s traps were active on both enemies, activated his finishing Burst+ ability, VB Type 100, for the damage and party-wide BT+ effect.
Neither Deuce nor Amidatelion batteried much but since Ace’s trap effect batteries the party as well, there was still plenty of battery to be had anyway. 
Ace’s damage was really the only one worth talking about although Deuce and Amidatelion did contribute to this fight with their buffs and auras, however unexceptional they might have been.
Deuce can heal although this turned out to not be necessary at all since neither of the Heavy Gunners ever got to move. Just spammed her skills whenever she got to move. 
In the screenshot below, she was able to get way over 99999 brave although she doesn’t have her High Armor thanks to Ace’s BT+ effect. I guess her magical auras and support also helped to up Ace’s damage.
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Aside from the turn deletes, Amidatelion also provided a few framed debuffs. Also just spammed their skills, especially their Crystal Idol LD and Megaflare, which are the abilities that can delete the turns of the enemies. 
Thanks to Amidatelion, the Heavy Gunners weren’t able to move at all and everyone was free to just attack and attack some more.
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One turn before Ace’s BT+ effect was about to end, decided to activate his Burst+ mode already. By then, the bosses were down to 27% and 18% HP.
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Had Ace use Raines’s LD Call before activating his BT+ mode which meant that all of his moves launched the enemies although Deuce and Amidatelion didn’t always have a lot of brave to dump during these launches. 
Ace’s BT+ effect ended during his Burst+ mode which triggered his We Are Right Here attack. 
In short, there was a whole lot of damage to be had during Ace’s Burst+ mode, so much so that, by the time he was about to cast VB Type 100 again, the bosses were down to 4% and 5% HP.
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Right after the finishing Burst ended and the total HP damage dealt screen showed up, quickly got the Victory screen because, yup, the fight’s over. Got the score and all the other mission requirements by turn 28. 
It happened so fast that I wasn’t able to get a screenshot of the total HP damage that Ace was able to dish out during his BT+ mode but it was a lot. IIRC, it was either 5 or 6 million+.  
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Welp, having a Burst+ char really turned this fight into a cake walk. Didn’t even get to use my summon, and my chars still have plenty of skills left so could have kept going if needed. 
Really super pleased with Ace. Absolutely no regrets at all about going all-in on him. He did so well that I almost wish I didn’t have to lock him on Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 5. Maybe he could have helped me on a higher Tier or something. 
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But, well, who else was I gonna use here, especially since he’s the best char to deal with the orbs here? As soon as I got his traps going, was able to basically just ignore the orbs. 
Deuce and Amidatelion did help Ace and I don’t mind leaving them locked on this fight. I highly doubt either would work on a higher Tier unless heavily carried like they basically were here. 
Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 5, Reckoning Lufenia+ Quest
The Dimensions’ End: Transcendence, Tier 5, Reckoning Lufenia+ Quest has 1 wave with 3 enemies. To be more precise, there’s one main boss, the Lunatic Royal Mummy, and his 2 add-ons, the Lunatic Royal Mini Mummies. 
The mission requirements include winning within 70 turns and taking 15k or less HP damage. The Lufenia orb will appear at quest start and it cannot be canceled. To increase it, the enemy's BRV must be less than 10k after his turn.
The main gimmick of this fight is that the add-ons must be at or below 49% HP before the Lunatic Royal Mummy’s HP drops down to 79%, 49%, and 29% HP otherwise it's game over. This is because at the aforementioned HP percentage thresholds, the Royal Mummy will sacrifice his add-ons. 
Before they go, the adds will do an attack that depends on their current HP. If they have less than or equal to 49% HP, they’ll just recover from break then do a single target BRV + HP attack. 
But if their HP is greater than or equal to 50%, then they’ll recover from break, remove all of their target’s buffs (including silver-framed ones) then KO said target. Afterwards, the Royal Mini Mummies will immediately be revived with full HP.
For this fight, the only thing I knew for sure was that I was gonna be using Ace and Raines. The only question was which support should I bring to go with them? Amidatelion seemed nice for the turn deletes but they can’t heal. 
This is a Lufenia+ fight so didn’t think it’d be possible to keep the enemies from moving, especially since there are 3 of them. So I figured it was better to bring a healer, just in case. 
I first tried the fight with Rude as my healer and support and also brought in Keiss’s (from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers) Call. Keiss’s Call inflicts a debuff that batteries the party based on damage dealt during a launch. My other 2 Calls were Sephiroth’s and Kurasame’s. Nearly as soon as the fight began, I felt like I could use more debuffs so I quit.
Dropped Keiss’s Call and brought in Gabranth’s instead. Also decided to drop Rude and replace him with Deuce. I thought Deuce might be better since at least I actually completed her LD Board. 
Plus, both Ace and Raines are magical attackers so they can benefit from Deuce’s magical-based auras and buffs. Brought Pandemonium as my summon since was expecting to be able to launch a lot with Raines on the team.
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The orb was basically a non-issue. Just needed to make sure the Mini Mummies were below 49% HP before taking down the Royal Mummy’s HP to the 79%, 49%, and 29% HP percentage thresholds. 
Ace and Raines dealt a lot of damage while Deuce supported them the best she can. Activated Ace’s BT+ finisher as soon as his traps were up and active.
One of the more annoying things about these enemies though was that they love dealing HP damage. And, apparently, they can also inflict debuffs, one of which is HP poison which really sucks because it lasts so long and Deuce could hardly keep up with the healing with her LD and HP Regen buff.
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It got to the point wherein was basically forced to summon Pandemonium already because the HP poison debuff brought Ace’s HP down to 1 and I wouldn’t be able to get Deuce to heal him before the enemies moved. 
By then the main boss was down to 73% HP and he’d just resummoned his add-ons so they still had plenty of HP left.
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Thankfully, was able to get Ace back to full health by the time the summon ended. Unfortunately, he and everyone else lost some HP again a few turns later. Argh! Eff these enemies and their freaking HP attacks. Very annoying. These Mummies move way too much. 
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Kept going. Thought things were going well enough, all things considered. Actually managed to get the main Mummy down to 39% HP. But then one of the enemies attacked, managed to break Deuce then proceeded to one-shot KO her. Eff! So frustrating.
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Sigh. Now have to do this again. Ah, well. Maybe Deuce wasn’t the best support for this fight anyway. Might have been better off with Rude. He doesn’t have an HP Regen buff but he can heal with basically all of his skills so that should help. 
But then I thought, what if the enemies just didn’t get to move that often? Then I wouldn’t have to worry too much about needing to heal my chars. 
So instead of Rude, decided to bring in Aphmau for her combo with Cid. Plus, she can heal with her upgraded BRV+ attack although it isn’t by much.
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Haven’t gotten to use Aphmau much even after getting her LD other than for this Tier’s Crucible 2 so I forgot that she actually offers party-wide debuff immunity. This was very welcome though so now my chars don’t have to deal with the HP poison and all the other debuffs the enemies like throwing at them.
Aphmau still dealt crappy damage. As the fight continued, she started hitting for 1 BRV damage and dealing equally crappy HP attacks unless she’s been batteried by Ace’s traps and Raines’s skills beforehand. But her turn manipulation via her LD was very helpful.
Activated Ace’s BT+ finisher after setting up his traps. Although I had Aphmau and Raines to manipulate the turn order, the enemies still got to move more than a few times so my chars still took HP damage. 
Also had to deal with the damage from the Royal Mini Mummies sacrificing themselves. IIRC, there was also a time wherein the main boss did an ALL attack even though he wasn’t even set to move yet.
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Whenever my chars took HP damage, just had Aphmau spam her HP Attack++ (Mnejing) to get everyone back to full health. This is limited to 2 uses though before it disappears. 
Afterwards, I’d need to cast her Ex or her LD to get her overhead buff again which would let me use this move twice again. 
In the screenshot below, you can see how the turn order got rather crazy sometimes with all the enemies being able to move back-to-back-to-back. This really made me glad I had Aphmau and Raines. Just had them keep on passing their turns to each other while Ace stood there and provided his BT+ effect.
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Sometimes, his traps would be active too and they’d go off on every enemy after every turn, batterying the party and damaging all the Mummies. 
Unfortunately, didn’t get to play as optimally as possible since there were times wherein the duration of Ace’s traps had ended already and I should have reapplied them again but I wasn’t able to because Raines and Aphmau just kept on passing their turns to each other.
When the main Mummy was down to 17% HP, activated Ace’s Burst+ mode already. Probably should have done it earlier. Whoops. Like I said, didn’t get to play as optimally as I wanted. Didn’t really seem to matter though. This team FTW! LOL.
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By the time Ace was about to cast VB Type 100, his finishing Burst+ move, the Royal Mummy was down to 10% HP. Was able to take a screenshot this time. Ace dealt around 5.7 million+ total HP damage during his BT+ mode.
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By turn 34, the main boss only had 4% HP left while his add-ons had 30% and 45% HP remaining. It was Aphmau’s turn. She has 0 uses of her LD and 4 uses of each of her base skills left. 
Basically used her LD, Victory Smite, whenever the buff it gave to Raines ran out. Only occasionally used either one of her skills. Tried to cast her Ex whenever it was up. If her overhead buff was active, then I used her special HP+ and BRV+ moves.  
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By turn 36, the main boss only had 1% HP left. His add-ons had 16% and 19% HP left. It was Raines’s turn. He still has 1 more use of his LD, Heavenly Fist, 3 uses of Ruinga Storm, and 2 uses of Cavalry Rush. Made sure all his buffs were always active by casting the appropriate ability before said buff ran out. 
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I thought I’d still need to deal with the add-ons after finishing off the boss so I’d have a bit more time to get Aphmau back to full health. Was surprised when, right after the Royal Mummy fell, his allies joined him and I was suddenly getting the Victory screen already. 
Welp, so much for having more time. Didn’t even get to use my summon yet. And barely got to benefit a second time from Ace’s BT+ effect. Really should have activated his Burst+ mode much earlier.
Not complaining since I was able to get the score and all the other mission requirements which got me the Perfect but I did end up with 531 HP lost thanks to being unable to heal Aphmau. Ah, well. It’s fine.
Very pleased with this team. Raines and Ace were really super special awesome as always. Aphmau helped with her healing and utility even if her damage is utterly laughable and not worth talking about at all. Having Ace and Raines more than made up for her lack of damage anyway. 
Once again, I can only hope that I won’t be needing either of these guys for future Transcendence Tiers since I’d rather not repeat these quests even if this one in particular wasn’t that hard, all things considered.   
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So far, haven’t had to redo a fight to free up a char, and I would have liked to keep it that way. 
However, at the moment, I’m actually eying Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 3 and wondering which chars I could put there to replace the ones that I’ve already locked in there. 
See, have 2 chars in there that I’d like to free up, not just because I heard they’ll be good for a future Transcendence fight (IIRC, it’s either 9 or 10 or something) but because I want to use them on that higher Tier instead. 
The chars I’m talking about are Galuf Halm Baldesion (from Final Fantasy V) and Sephiroth (from Final Fantasy VII). Both have perfect Arts, triple real Spheres, and their armors have been upgraded to Blue. 
They’re fully built and MLB, including their LDs, and, in Sephi’s case, he also has his BT weapon. When the aforementioned Transcendence Tier shows up, the 2 will get upgraded and reworked. They’ll also be Awakened to Crystal Level 90 and Level 90. 
And, for Seph, his BT will also become Realizable and upgradable to BT+. Definitely want to Green him like Ace so I don’t want him to stay on Tier 3 forever but I don’t know yet who can replace him and Galuf. 
Need to think about this some more. Have plenty of time since it’s gonna be a long while before the Global or English version of DFFOO gets Tier 9 anyway which is too bad ‘cause I’m really looking forward to Galuf’s and Sephi’s reworks. Also can’t wait for Seph’s BT to become BT+. Want to Green it now, damn it. LOL.  
So, how ‘bout you? Which characters did you use to clear Dimensions’ End: Transcendence Tier 5? What do you think about the Lufenia quests in this Tier? Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions by leaving a comment below or by reblogging this post.
screenshots are from my Dissidia Final Fantasy: Opera Omnia game account
0 notes
theelderhazelnut · 2 years
Mortal Kombat 11: Ombra's Game Mechanics
I was inspired by @chadillacboseman , @neonneurons , @roofgeese to do this, and used their templates.
Warning: blood and gore, obviously
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Character sheet on the bottom is by @takiisieju
Johnny Cage Announcer Nicknames
Iconic jaw
Small melee weapons she creates with her power.
Fighting Style
Krav Maga
Black shirt and black, bulletproof vest
Black overcoat
Black trousers
Black knee-high boots
Low ponytail
Leather, fingerless gloves
Iron jaw
Customizable Options:
Starting the glove is like this. The others have different details (including length), but all are basically fingerless, dark colored and have protecting features on them. The last option is their bare hands.
The default option is a rifle with black, dark gray and gold color theme to which a long, slightly hooked blade is connected. The rest of the options depict gothic patterns on its body, and a variety of cold and dark color palettes.
The starting option is a solid silver one with vertical lines on either side of her lips. The other options provide different shape of lines and colors (black, golden, shades of gray).
I’m the boss: Ombra is sitting on a cathedral-like chair. At first, the audience see the back of the chair, then the chair turns around, showing Ombra glaring at the opponent.
Weapon Destroyer: Ombra walks in with a revolver and a dagger in her hands. First, she distorts the gun, then when she talks second, she distorts the dagger.
Augen auf*: Ombra make their way out of a small crowd of Metalrealmers while they're also on their guards, and when the focus is on the opponent, the viewer can see the Metalrealmers slowly leaving the area.
Smile at me: The viewer sees a butcher axe partially penetrated into the ground as Ombra picks it up, bringing it up to their neck, and when they respond they trace two of their fingers on the blade.
End of round taunts
Dark laugh as she reloads her gunblade.
Adjusts her sleeves.
"Don’t make me enslave you.”
”Once again?”
"Burn." (Against Scorpion)
"Pardon me." (Against Gizem)
"Nothing will be the same." (Against Fujin and Raiden)
"What's a god to a non-believer?" (Against Cetrion)
Kombat Kharacteristics
Mid range and their attacks are mostly heavy and slow.
Special Abilities
Virulent - Ombra stabs the opponent across their abdomen, then shoots them in the face.
Fiendish - Ombra aims the opponent, but then suddenly, the blade swings open.
Cruor - Ombra throws several daggers at the opponent.
Catch me - She dodges the opponent's punches or kicks, and if she has enough energy, she can dodge the opponent's combo.
Watch it - Large bars of iron falls on the opponent's head.
Like a prank - Ombra creates iron plate with each of her hands and slams the opponent's head from both sides.
Fatal Blow
Eigengrau - Ombra shoots an iron ball at the opponent to stun them. She aims their abdomen, and the blade swings open, cutting through their genitals to their stomach. This attack causes them to fly. Then a huge iron bar falls down on their chest, pinning them to the ground. At last, she stands above them and shoots their face.
After lunch - Ombra walks to an oven on which there's a kettle. They pour some tea in a Turkish-Persian type of glass (special for tea) while they put it on a saucer. Then Ombra leans on the side of the oven, and drink their tea with a sugar loaf.
Evanescence - Ombra grabs the opponent's wrist and drags them so they'll turn around. Cutting their throat is the final move as the opponent falls on their knees then stomach, drowning in their blood.
Keres - Ombra stabs her opponent twice in the stomach in opposite directions with her, and once across their chest from down to up, cutting off their head and tearing their chest.
Rase - A large iron bar falls on the opponent's head, cutting their body in half.
Acrasia - Ombra creates iron plate with each of her hands and slams the opponent's head from both sides, exploding their head.
End of brutalities:
Ombra puts her hands in her pockets, holding her head up proudly.
"A lesson for the rest.
Ombra puts her gunblade on her shoulder.
"Falkus was right."
No face, no name - [close] Ombra breaks the opponent's jaw with her hands before taking a few steps back. Then an iron wall emerges behind their back. As they lean on the wall because of pain, a cresset comes out of the wall, penetrating their stomach. It goes back in then pierces their chest, and then their throat. Finally, when the opponent is groaning and slowly attempts to walk away, the cresset penetrates their head, destroying their face.
Castigate - [mid] Ombra gestures to the opponent to turn around. As they do so she uses her gunblade as if it's a tennis rocket and slams the opponents head with its butt, causing their eyeballs to pop out. After they fall on the ground, Ombra shakes her feet a bit to turn the outer soles of her boots into iron. Then she steps on the opponent and stabs them several times with her boots. With the final stab blood splatters everywhere.
Fists up - Looking down, Ombra turns around and walks in the opposite direction as a number of Metalrealmers rush towards the opponent. The camera is on Ombra.
You needn't a break - She leans on one leg to intensely charge her gunblade before spinning it. First she twirls and with the second spin the movement slows down.
Iron forger - Ombra creates six iron columns with nearly 5 or 6 meters height in two rows in front of her. She pushes the two first columns using the energy of her hands, so they fall like dominoes. As the last column falls, the screen shakes a bit along with a thunderous sound. The camera will be at the end of the rows.
All but the reason why - Ombra slowly kneels down, looking somewhat disturbed. Then she looks up at the camera with a grin.
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simpforchuchu · 11 months
POV : You are Tsuji&Shibaman’s best friend and dating Shoji after the big fight…
Your Insta 🌟
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Liked by tsuji,shoji and 212 others
Y/n Enemies to lovers… Btw yes he can smile :’) #/firstanniversary
|| shoji You dont have to remind me the past every time…
--》y/n No, it is still crazy
--》shoji …
--》y/n 😔♥️
--》shoji ♥️
|| todoroki It was a big shock for everyone… but happy anniversary y/n-chan
--》y/n thanks bro 🥰
|| tsuji 😒😒
--》y/n shut up
|| shibaman 🤢🤢
--》y/n dONT
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Liked by odajima,shibaman and 202 others
Y/n Tsuji and Shibaman was so annoying so i went to fishing with them 😍 @/odajima @/todoroki
|| shidaken i dont believe that he caught that fish
--》odajima i did ?
--》y/n actually…
--》odajima I caught it?
--》todoroki y/n did…
--》shidaken 🙂🙂🙂
--》odajima im gonna find you two tomorrow🙂
--》y/n i didn’t even say anything
|| shibaman you are the annoying one in this friendship
--》y/n not today 😉
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Liked by shoji,fujin and 200 others
Y/n Fujin-san sent me this pic 😭😭 I miss my baby🥺🥺❤️❤️
|| shoji i miss you too ❤️❤️
--》y/n then come over 😭😭
--》shoji omw baby
--》fujin bro comes to fights always late…
|| tsuji we are coming too
--》y/n nO
--》tsuji we will see
--》y/n TSUJI NO
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Liked by fujio,todoroki and 224 others
Y/n just before pouring 1 liter of water on him… HAPPY B-DAY SHIBA 😭❤️
|| shibaman i hate you ❤️
--》y/n no you don’t ❤️
|| tsuji I had a hard time with him to not throw you into the river that day…
--》y/n 🤩🤩
--》shibaman you are the devil herself
--》y/n 💅🏻💅🏻
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Liked by fujin,tsukasa and 205 others
Y/n An amazing evening 🥺❤️
|| shoji My everyday is amazing with you love ❤️
--》y/n 😭❤️
|| tsukasa are those idiots still ruining your dates?
--》y/n No, i dont tell anyone the locations anymore
--》fujio poor y/n…
--》y/n :(
--》tsuji the person she is dating is our enemy ??
--》y/n old enemy*
--》shibaman your old enemy*
--》y/n if you shut up i’ll give you 50 dolars
--》tsuji deal
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Liked by shoji,todoroki and 203 others
Y/n I should never have let him dye his hair red 😭😭 HE LOOKS GORGEOUS 😍
|| shoji you are the one gorgeous baby ❤️
--》y/n shut up
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Liked by tsuji ,fujio and 218 others
Y/n they were being jealous… ❤️
|| tsuji 😊❤️
--》shibaman nice pic sis ❤️
--》y/n yeah yeah whatever
--》shoji it really looks cool
--》tsuji no it doesn’t.
--》y/n 😩😩😩
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Liked by shoji,shibaman and 199 others
Y/n has been waiting for me at least 2 hours… but still wants to come shopping with me 😭❤️
|| shoji im not bored baby, don’t worry ❤️
--》y/n 😭❤️
|| tsuji if he doesn’t, you can call us ;)
--》y/n 🥰🥰
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Liked by shoji,todoroki and 208 others
Y/n Just left them alone for 5 minutes to buy drinks with Shiba and when we came back they were arguing... again.
|| tsuji he started…
--》y/n 😒😒😒
--》todoroki they are like kids i know…
--》fujin Same is the most mature among us
--》todoroki now i can understand better…
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Liked by shoji,yasushi and 216 others
Y/n love you like a love song ❤️
|| shoji ❤️
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @ninamarie1994 @thatpoindexterpixy
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hyugaruma · 5 months
For the matchup
I'm an INTJ-A .I'm 5'11.5 so I appear to be quite intimidating. I'm also an introvert so I never start a conversation but if someone talks to me I talk to them respectfully. If someone starts a conversation about a topic I know I can talk for hours about it. I treat people as they treat me .I hate hypocrites.My hobbies are learning new languages,martials arts, learning about niche topics. I watch a lot of documentaries about ancient aliens,vice and different parts of world.
I'm an Indian and I'm doing electrical engineering.
Thanks for the request, and thanks sm for your patience :-))
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I match you with… Kazami “Fujin” Jin!
Fujin is the type to act without thinking, so he would do well with a partner who can act as the more thoughtful, rational side that he tends to lack. He would have zero problem with your height, in fact, he’d love it. He’d also love that you practice martial arts, because he appreciates someone who takes care of their body and fitness. Also, he would like that you could protect yourself if need be (not that he isn’t more than happy to do the protecting, though). He’s someone who is upfront and honest about his thoughts and intentions, and also dislikes hypocrisy.
Alternate Matches: Shida “Shidaken” Kenzo, Hirai
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insideliascrazyhead · 8 months
Fujin:You're nearly in the middle of nowhere!You can scream and nobody hears you,so isolated.Nobody comes to help you!
Shibaman totally done with their bullshit:Nobody would wanna come to help you anyways you little bitch!
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shaolin-spin-doctor · 2 years
Got any morrreeee revenant!Lao hcs?
of COURSE anon i have way too many so have an assortment of random hcs 
He was never a fan of chilly climates, but now that he's dead?? His dislike for them has increased TENFOLD. As if the terrible feeling of cold seeping into his bones wasn't enough, his revenant body is unable to compensate for the low temperature and becomes incredibly sluggish as a result. He now has to put on a thousand layers of clothing to even begin being as functional as he is in regular climates, which makes him look absolutely ridiculous and is also super inconvenient and he hates it
He initially intended to keep his hair short, as he considered himself a failure and didn't want to let it get long out of respect for his family. Both Kung Jin and Fujin had to convince him that no, he isn't shameful at all, and if anything the Kung ancestors would be incredibly proud of him for managing to go back to the right path despite everything. It took a while, but eventually he was comfortable enough to grow it out again.
The staff at the Special Forces’ high security division love him. It turns out that having a revenant locked up in your facility isn’t a common occurence, and it also turns out that gossiping about it right outside said revenant’s cell during watch duty means he’ll drop into the conversation at some point. Sure, the protocol says not to engage with high risk prisoners, but he’s pretty much neutralized and also seems like a pretty chill dude... And so the guards kind of just. Began chatting with him from time to time and they all got to know each other. And even after he was declared no longer a threat and let go he’ll have people greet him in a friendly manner everytime he goes back from time to time
The scar in his right eyebrow is from a wound deliberately inflicted by Quan Chi as punishment for questioning him at some point. Even though the mark it left behind is kind of small, the magical nature of the cut made it incredibly agonizing at the time, and he still has nightmares about it.
He used to go too far during training and injured himself quite frequently a little while after learning how to appear human. He was used to his revenant body’s insane resistance, so he tried to push himself way harder than he actually could and either ended up losing focus and reverting to his revenant form or straight up getting hurt. It took a while for him to get used to his new limits (a bit longer than it should have since he refused to acknowledge he just couldn’t handle certain things without Quan Chi’s magic) but he managed to calm down eventually and stop beating himself up both literally AND figuratively
Since Takeda can’t read revenants’ minds quite yet, he basically kidnaps Lao every once in a while and asks him to be his practice dummy to hone his telepathic skills. It hasn’t paid off that much, mainly because these sessions often devolve into them just hanging out with each other and talking about things instead of Actual Training
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katzkinder · 2 years
what did you think of the poll comic and who did you vote for? the results surprised me 🤔
I loved it aaaand I split my votes between Sakuya and Iduna lol. Half of the days I voted for my boy and the other half I voted for my girl 💕 I even gave two of the postcard with them chosen as my selection, but I didn’t send them in, of course. Jpn fans have my boy’s back ;3
I’m so happy Freya and Iduna ranked as high as they did! To be perfectly honest, I’m not confident in their popularity lol. I know I love them, and I know the jpn fandom like them, but I’m also aware that they were up against a lot of characters with strong personalities, and especially in a series like servamp which appeals mostly to fujin, I didn’t have any high hopes about it. The fact they not only appeared in the comic at all, but also Iduna made it into the top 20?? Had me jumping for joy! I also think Strike’s way of including so many characters while being kind to themselves this time around was also very clever xD Not only that, but it shows the strength of their sense of character design. Even with such simple outlines, it’s very easy to tell who’s who, regardless of whether you can read what’s being said or not. Like Freya’s just a pair of angy brows but I instantly knew it was her LMAO. So cute! I’m also very happy that Iori, Youtarou, and Inner Sloth made full appearances, especially Iori! I know his fans have been eager to see him again… I’ve been holding out hope, too! Fingers crossed there’s a miracle in store… (also, I wonder if Sloth didn’t loan Iori the candle he’s holding? What a nice guy lol, I guess he’s happy to appear again… I really am grateful that Strike drew those three. Everyone else that’s only an outline were people who already had their big moments or are going to have them soon, like Ildio)
What else, what else… OH. MISONO SAYING HE’LL TAKE OVER AS PROTAG. I’m sorry Misono, I love you bunches, but you would NOT survive the bullshit Mahiru goes through lololol. I’m hoping this means he’ll be the focus for a good few chapters going forward, though… His story hasn’t been significantly developed since volume 4, so I think it’s high time Misono gets to shine again. Meanwhile, Mahiru can take a break and hang out with Sakuya in gagland. Those two looked so cute and happy to be ranked next to each other and it warmed my heart~
As for the total results, I was also REALLY shocked. I didn’t expect Lawless to win the Web ranking… And I was so surprised that Tsurugi was so low?! I thought he’d be in top five for sure… Same with Mahiru? He BARELY made top ten and I was so ????? about it lololol. But, again, there’s that strong personality thing… Speaking of strong personalities, Sakuya being the only one who didn’t tease Mahiru about his ranking was \(//∇//)\ True friend and true love~!
Thanks for the ask! It was fun to get my thoughts all down
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