#hhhhhhhh feeling Insane rn
adoremiya · 1 year
feeling cute, might delete my tumblr and start new again
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narwhalandchill · 3 months
ok one thing i am Absolutely certain of is that something is Up with misha and im far from the only one
the fact that literally No character acknowledges his presence beyond us and clockie (who, mind you, isnt seen by anyone else either). how his dialogue as a visitor to the express has him likening it to feeling the way "home" does. the fucking keyhole eyes and the keyhole door motifs in the dreamscape Especially a childs dream (and whos a child in the penacony cast???)
and just honest to fuck the ENTIRETY of a childs dream like. mikhail. when misha is a diminutive of the name. the voices you hear during the story segment in the map DEFINITELY include mishas. they describe it as a dream that is created from the memories of a child yet its also the map that contains the most references to the watchmaker including that room which seems like his workshop or sth??
his interest in the astral express and the new gacha destruction LC literally depicting him receiving a ticket to the express (from his grandpa too whos prolly the mikhail n also the watchmaker) combined with the fact our invitation to penacony was using the EXPRESS distress call genuinely makes me feel like it could be him behind that hidden message
n then i just saw a comment that wondered whether hes the fucking nilou to penaconys "dream". and like. it would be so fucking wild but also adds up so well?? Or maybe im insane but listen.
penaconys dream is falling apart its sinking back into the depths of a much more chaotic, dangerous memory space. the way the dream samsara in genshin 2.0 story worked was that it depended on the "dreamer" never becoming aware of the fact that theyre dreaming. and what question does the distress call slash invitation carry? one thats pondering the meaning of dreaming. one that i can VERY well believe to be coming from someone whos literally been dreaming for aeons know How long slowly becoming aware and asking Why. Why does life slumber?
if misha has been created as or made into the lynchpin of penaconys dream holding it all together but for some reason has begun rousing from his slumber and gotten close enough to awareness that he IS dreaming that its beginning to affect the stability of the dreamscape. and he has some sort of vague memories (or maybe inherited ones thru his 'grandpa' who might well be just the watchmaker that Created him) of the express. wouldnt it make complete sense for the first thing in his mind to call for the express?
and even things like "death" too? if misha is the dreamer and waking up and hes fucking terrified and confused and disoriented. Yet its still his dream that makes up the entirety of the dreamscape. its not at all unrealistic on the level of just the idea itself that his creeping existential dread of who he even is and if hes even real outside of this dream hes now been forced into being aware of. begins to take the shape of an actual death incarnate in the memory zone. bc isnt that what it is to discover you yourself might just be a part of a dream - and a dream that could fall apart any moment if you wake up. That he might be already dead - or never even have existed in reality at all. like sheesh kid id be spawning nightmarish horrors into my dreamscape too
then i also just rly feel like. the watchmaker equals a nameless equals mikhail equals mishas grandfather but also the creator of penaconys dream but also possibly either the creator of misha or maybe misha himself being not only a diminutive of mikhail in name but Literally . as in a fragment of the watchmaker left behind in the dreamscape as the dreamer holding it all together. the LITERAL watchmakers legacy. like hhhhhhhh i cant stop thinking about thiss
if aventurines trying to take back penacony for the IPC does it mean hes literally trying to wake misha up to destroy the dream (tho he might be unaware of this being the final step as of rn himself)?? and the familys interest is obviously in forcing the dreamer to slumber eternally. but the one thing neither party might foresee is misha himself taking action too. which hes Already done if it was him behind those invites too
+ acherons comments when u first meet her? about the dream being doomed to fall apart in the end. it feels prophetic. ppl have theorized shes an emanator of terminus the finality which could mean she experiences linear time in reverse the same as her aeon. literally traveling from the end to the beginning in a predestined path. so if thats true then its almost guaranteed she wasnt making a hypothetical comment about the dream being destroyed.
she mightve seen it happen already.
man what the hell is going on in this planet😭😭
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1095fm · 3 years
NAME:  mia (me-uh)
PRONOUNS: she/her
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION: i usually prefer im’s first, then once i get comfy, ill typically give out my discord!!!
NAME OF MUSE(s): HHHHHHHH too many, here’s a list 
RP EXPERIENCE/HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?): i have been rping since i was 11-12!!! which is insane to me bc i’m 24 now. 
PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED: omg so freaking many. i started on myspace, then moved to roleplayer.me, did a little thing on FB, then moved to tumblr and just recently gave tweeter a try. i been around the block /: 
BEST EXPERIENCE: we made a group of hunger games rpers on facebook that actually picked up so much traction to locals. i played katniss, and we started at the release of hunger games. we would post ic interactions, ic statuses, but had a blast interacting with fans. by the end of it all, my katniss page had just hit a million likes. i deleted the page circa de 2016 bc my friends would see it when i would switch from it to my actual facebook, and i got paranoid. some of my friends also liked the page, but had no idea it was me. i would see it on my personal timeline and just ??? it also just kind of turned into us running fan accounts. the peeta account is still up and it has 314k likes, and that was after being 6 months in, and having to remake the page. it was a wild time. best experience but definitely glad its over. 
RP PET PEEVES/DEALBREAKERS: i value the time that i have to give, bc i mostly have to make the time, so my biggest pet peeve is when it feels like its being taken advantage, not appreciated, or i’m being rushed. reminders are okay, but if messages are excessive + pushing for a response, it makes me lose all muse for the thread anyways. 
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT: i'll do any of it tbh. i’m a huge fan of creating a wave of feelings, so i try to have threads that are simultaneously fluff/angst, but sometimes, i do be just cravin some of that sweet shit <3 i’m not that experienced in smut, so id prefer to do that over discord to save myself from embarrassment lmao. 
PLOTS OR MEMES: i prefer memes for muses who are just meeting for the first time, but if we want them to have a prior connection, then i prefer to plot!
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES: im one of those people who will work REALLY hard to keep it at a paragraph, and four replies in, somehow have an actual novel. 
BEST TIME TO WRITE: my days off, and mid day in pst! i work very early mornings and am still getting my sleeping schedule straight, so im a lil sporadic rn. 
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S): i’m a lot like one of children and a little like all of them. they all share at least one trait+interest with me. 
tagged by: @jupitcr
tagging: @neverafters @mortalis @viraegos  @scrunchie @telledstories and whoever is reading this <3
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that-gay-computer · 6 years
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