#hey past me... hon... that is YOUR name. people feel uncomfortable when people they hate use their names too.
brambletakato · 1 year
OK PSA TIME. Idk if anybody else struggles with this but.
You have every right to not allow someone to use your chosen name. That is YOUR NAME and your name alone. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, should define how you should use your name except yourself.
If someone using your chosen name makes you uncomfortable, setting boundaries with them does NOT make that chosen name any less of a name.
Boundaries are HEALTHY.
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thatboleyn-girl · 4 years
Hold me as tight as you can and never let go.
TW - ALMOST suicide attempt, mentions of self harm/suicide, Derogatory name calling. 
Just a lil bit of Parrlyn angst and fluff by yours truly. I haven’t written in forever so I apologise in advance for this but, enjoy!
Word Count: 1441 words (ooft)
It was late on a Saturday, after a long night with the Queens, when Catherine Parr got a message from Kitty. 
Kitkat: Meet me in the kitchen. NOW.
Parr groaned and tried her best not to disturb her girlfriend, Anne, who was cuddled up next to her. She tiptoed out of the room and down the stairs to find Kitty standing with her arms crossed, looking more angry than Parr has ever seen the pink-haired girl. 
“Have you seen it?!” Kitty asked, her voice laced with worry.  
“Seen what?” Parr answered, growing more concerned. Kitty unlocked her phone and showed her a video of two jocks from their school, one that Cathy used to be friends with, mocking Anne and her past. Catherine was confused, none of the Queens have ever told anyone, apart from each other, about their past lives, so how could these two possibly know? 
Cathy sighed and handed the phone back to Kitty, “This is so weird of Josh, he’s never one to do something like this. I’ll send him a message, telling him to take it down, he has to? Right?!”
“I don't know, Cath. He’s changed a lot since you guys were friends. How do you think they found out?!” The pink-haired girl asked, trying to keep her voice down to prevent waking the others. 
“I have no idea?! Maybe they overheard a conversation?! We were talking about it earlier this week at lunch, they may have just heard that? And yeah people change, but no one can change that much, right?” Both Catherine and Kitty were surprised when they heard Anne’s voice, “Heard what?” “Hey gorgeous,” Cathy said in a soft voice, “How long have you been standing there?”
“What are you guys talking about?” Anne said, ignoring her girlfriend’s question. 
“Nothing, hon. Go back upstairs, I’ll be back to bed in a second,” Catherine said softly, walking over to give her girlfriend a kiss on the forehead, but Anne wasn’t having it. She ignored Catherine again and walked over to Kat. 
“What’s that video?” Anne asked.
“I don’t think you wanna see it, Annie.”
“Just show me, Kitty,” Anne bit back. Catherine was now shaking as Anne watched the video. Her facial expression changing at least 4 times. 
There was a long, uncomfortable silence after the video finished, “So you lied,” Anne said at Catherine. “Lied? What’d I lie about?” She said as she walked towards Anne. 
“You promised Catherine,” Anne said, her voice getting louder, “You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone! How could you do this to me?!” Anne was yelling now, she was fuming and Catherine didn’t know how to react. 
“What’d I do? You know I haven’t spoken to Josh in years, Annie,” She began but was quickly cut off. “Don’t call me that,” Anne said quietly. 
“Anne, you know I wouldn’t do that to you, I don’t know how they found out and I am so incredibly sorry they did, can I make it up to you?” “How? How could I possibly believe you? You know I find it difficult to trust people and you go and do this!? I can’t believe you,” Anne yelled, so loud that she woke the rest of the house up, the other girls coming down the stairs. 
“I didn’t do anything, Anne. You’re acting like a child, I would never do that to you, I love you so much, you know I wouldn’t hurt you like that.”
“Whatever,” Anne mumbled before grabbing her coat and storming out the door. Catherine burst into tears and sunk to the floor, the girls immediately rushing over to hug her. 
“She hates me, she hates me, I didn’t even do anything, I promised her I’d never hurt her and now I have,” Catherine said in between sobs, the girls hugging her tighter, “I should go after her.”
“Maybe give her some time, love,” Jane said, “She needs some space and she could say stuff she doesn’t mean and hurt you hon, give it a little bit.”
“You don’t know Anne like I do. When she gets like this I get so scared she’ll…” Cathy hesitated. 
“She’ll what?” Anna asked. 
“Hurt herself,” Cathy said in a small voice, “That’s what they were saying in the video, they were blaming her trauma and abuse on her and saying it’s her fault for being a slut and she still believes that, how could I be so stupid for someone else to find out!”
“Honey, don’t beat yourself up over this, it is not your fault. You don’t know how they could’ve possibly found out, do you maybe wanna have a snack? Watch a film with me and Kitty? And the others if they’re up for it? If she’s not back by then we can go looking for her, how does that sound?” Jane said in a soft voice. She was as worried as Catherine, but she wanted to keep calm as she didn’t want to frighten the girl. Catherine nodded her head, wiping away her tears.
An hour or so passed and there was still no sign of Anne, Jane, Kitty and Cathy had all tried to call her but they all went straight to voicemail. Catherine had decided she’d had enough of this waiting game and, much to the dismay of Jane, went out to find Anne. 
“Where could she possibly be?” Catherine said to herself softly as she went to all of her and Anne’s favourite places. She wasn’t in the library, not at her parents house, not on campus at school. Catherine had almost given up hope when she remembered the one place Anne loved the most. There was this nature trail that the couple walked often on the weekends before their lives got too busy with finishing their final year of school. Anne would always sit on the edge of the bridge where you could see the calming water pass along the stream, and all of the creatures that lived inside. She wasted no time and started running to get there as soon as she could. Before it was too late.
When she arrived she saw a silhouette of a girl, looking extremely similar to her brown-haired girlfriend, “Anne?!” She called out… no response. She tried again, but got the same reaction. She ran up to the bridge when she saw Anne stand up and walk closer to the edge. 
Luckily, Catherine got there just in time to push Anne over, onto the bridge, before she fell off the edge, “What the hell were you thinking Annie,” Catherine began, bringing her now crying girlfriend into her arms, “You could’ve gotten yourself killed, sweetheart.”
“That was the point,” Anne said quietly, hugging Catherine closer, regretting everything she had said and done leading up to this moment. 
“Annie, I’m begging you, please don’t ever do this again, I can’t bare to see you like this. I thought you were dead, we all did.”
“I didn’t think you cared anymore. I’m so sorry Cathy I don’t know why I didn’t believe you.”
“Of course I care, Bo-bo. You’re safe now, okay? I’ve got you and I’m not going to let anything happen to you, alright? I love you, so much, you know that don’t you? I will bash those douchebags skulls in for making you feel like this, I just feel so awful.”
“You’re cute when you’re angry,” Anne said softly before placing a soft kiss to Cathy’s lips, “I love you too, I’m sorry.” “You have nothing to be sorry for, my love. Let’s go back to the dorm, the others are worried sick.”
Anne and Catherine took their time walking home. No words were exchanged the entire time, but both girls could feel the love in the air. Once they arrived home, Jane and Kitty immediately wrapped Anne in a massive hug, bought blankets and hot chocolates and the four of them sat and talked for a while, while Aragon and Cleaves were upstairs sleeping. 
After a few hours, the four all went off to bed. Once Cathy and Anne got into bed, Anne burst into tears again. 
“Annie? What’s wrong?” Catherine asked, wrapping Anne in a tighter embrace. “Stay. Please. Just hold me as tight as you can and never let go,” Anne said softly. 
Catherine moved so Anne’s head was resting on her chest and she could hear her heartbeat, “Hear that? I’m alive and I am right here, okay? You are going to be okay and everything will be fine, I promise. I am not going anywhere, anytime soon.”
“What’d I do to deserve you, Catherine Parr.”
“Existing is more than enough, Anne Boleyn.”
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buriednurbckyrd · 6 years
Valentine’s Day Do-Over
Sequel to Lose Control Bucky wants to give you a good V-Day after learning of a dark cloud hanging over the day in your past.  (Also available on AO3)
Valentine's day: one of the most polarizing days of the year.  People seemed to either love it or hate it.  Bucky was trying to figure out which category Y/N fell in, but she was irritatingly vague about the whole thing whenever he tried to casually broach the subject.  He was still nervous about navigating their relationship, and the thought of doing anything that would disappoint or upset her was unbearable.  Just when he thought he was at his wits end, he caved and went to the one person that knew Y/N better than he did.  
“Ah, V-Day,” Natasha tapped her chin thoughtfully.  “Here's the thing, Barnes, Y/N is at her core, a hopeless romantic.”  
“So I should plan something?”  He asked.  
“Well...”  She looked uncomfortable.  “To be honest I'm torn between loyalty to my best friend, and the desire to finally see her have the Valentine's day she wants and deserves.”
“I don't follow, why would there be a question of loyalty?”  Natasha sighed and sat down, motioning for Bucky to join her.  
“A few years ago she was seeing someone,” she began as he took a seat.  “It was going well, and he asked her out for a typical Valentine's date night.  She was so excited, but he called her half an hour before he was supposed to pick her up and canceled.”  
“Why?”  She let out another long sigh.
“He told her that there was a work emergency.  Of course she was disappointed, but she understood.  I thought it would be nice to go out anyway, since she was already dressed up, so I called up the restaurant and used Tony's name to get us a table.  It's amazing how fast a supposedly booked restaurant will find room when there's a billionaire involved.” Bucky began to suspect how the story was going to end and felt ill. “So we get there, dressed to nines and ready to enjoy a fancy dinner thanks to Tony's credit card and who do we see when we walk in?”  
“Do I even have to guess?”  Natasha shook her head sadly.
“That asshole is wrapped around another woman in a very un-work related way.  If the whole thing hadn't been so infuriating I might have laughed at the cliché of it all.”
“Bastard.” Bucky growled and clenched his fist so hard his knuckles popped.  
“I could have twisted his arrogant little head right off his neck, but Y/N just gives the hostess that charming smile of hers and before I know it she's pulling me back outside like nothing happened.”  Natasha picked up a throw pillow and punched it.  “The worst part of the whole thing is that she was sure she deserved it.  Of course she'd never say that.”  
“No, she wouldn't...”  Bucky said quietly, almost to himself.  It was something he knew all too well about her.  Even before their relationship had turned romantic he would find himself fuming when she let people get away with treating her badly.  And if anyone confronted her about it she would just shrug as if it was just the way things were.  “What did she do?”  
“Nothing.  We came back here and she went to bed.  A few days later she leaves for a few hours and when she comes back she raids Tony's liquor stash and gets spectacularly drunk without any explanation.  Steve and I had to help her to her room and she finally cracked.”  She paused and looked at him seriously.  “I'm still not sure I should be telling you all this.”
“I'm not sure I want to hear it, but maybe I need to so I can understand her better.” Natasha closed her eyes and took a deep breath.  
“While we were putting her in bed she started crying...”
“I'm sorry.” Y/N sobbed.  “I'm sorry I'm such a mess.”  Steve tugged her shoes off of her feet and smiled gently at her.  
“It's okay, sweetheart, everyone has bad days.  You don't need to apologize.”  
“I can take it from here, Cap,”  Natasha told him.  “Thanks for the help.”  
“No problem,” he looked over at the crying woman with worry.  “I've never seen her break down like this before.”  He whispered.  
“Neither have I, she doesn't really drink.  And I can't remember the last time she was this upset.”  
“Maybe she'll talk to you.  Call me if you need anything.”  Natasha thanked him again and shut the door behind him.  She walked over to her sniffling friend and helped her out of her clothes and into some pajamas.  
“Alright hon,” she said, handing Y/N a bottle of water.  “Drink some of that and tell me what happened.  Where did you disappear to?”  
“I went to see him.”  Y/N said miserably.  “I just wanted to know why.” Natasha swallowed down her anger, knowing it would only upset her friend more.  “She answered the door.  Laughed at me.  Told me he was done playing with the pitiful fat girl...”
Natasha's voice trailed off.  Bucky felt an ache in his chest, too many emotions swirling inside for him to process.  “She spent the rest of the night sick and miserable, but after sleeping off one hell of a hangover she never brought it up again.  If I tried to talk to her about it, she'd change the subject.”
“I know you didn't just let him get away with it, even if Y/N wouldn't do anything.” She smirked.    
“Six months later he married that woman.  Huge, tacky society nonsense, with a very expensive and lavish honeymoon planned.  It was such a shame that he showed up to the airport only to find he's on the no fly list and the whole thing had to be canceled.  I hear his new bride really let him have it and they had to be escorted out of the airport by security.” Natasha shrugged.  “I never claimed to be nice.  Y/N has all the sweetness in this friendship.”  Bucky laughed.  
“I'd say that was a pretty light punishment for you.  Still, I bet it was pretty humiliating.  But what should I do?  Does Y/N hate Valentine's day because of that idiot?”
“I wouldn't say she hates it, but I just think she doesn't expect anyone to make a fuss over her.”  Bucky mulled the new information over in his head. Y/N's indifference made a lot more sense to him after hearing Natasha's story.
“Thanks, Natasha,” he said, getting up.  “I'll figure something out.”  
Y/N called out a greeting as she walked into Tony's workshop.  He wasn't working on anything yet, so the deafening music he usually had playing was absent.  
“Hey, T.  I braved the crappy weather and surprisingly packed cafe so I picked up your favorite.”  She placed a large to go cup next to him.  
“Don't know what I'd do without you, sweetheart.”  Tony took a long sip of hot coffee.  “Oh yeah, that's the stuff that makes life worth living.” He raised an eyebrow when she took a seat at his table and pulled her laptop out of her bag.  Y/N looked up as she opened it.
“What?  I thought I'd enjoy my coffee and check my email.  I told you the cafe was packed.”  
“Not that I don't enjoy your company, but why here?  Why not just go to your office?”
“Because then it's like I'm working.  If I'm in here, then it doesn't feel like I've started my day before I'm ready to.”  She gulped down some of her drink and clicked away at her keyboard.  
“So you haven't been to your office at all yet?”  Y/N paused at her typing.  
“No?  Are you trying to get rid of me, Tony?”  He scratched the back of his head.
“Liar.  If you don't want me here, just say so.”  Y/N snapped her computer shut and tucked it under her arm.  Tony darted in front of her and held his hands up.  
“Hey, I don't not want you in here.  Really.”
“Okay…  Well I'm already half way into my storm out, if I don't finish it it'll be so lame.”  Tony laughed and kissed her forehead.  
“As someone that appreciates a good storm out, I won't stand in your way.  Thank you for the coffee.”  
“You're welcome. Now please slam the door behind me.”  He laughed and let the door shut hard in her wake before pulling his phone out of his pocket. She's on her way to her office, he typed out and hit 'send'.  
Y/N switched her coffee into her other hand, wishing she had just put her computer back into her bag like a normal person.  She tightened her arm against it to keep it from slipping out of her hold and punched in the security code to unlock her office and lab space.  As she walked inside she flipped the light switch with her elbow and set her things down on a desk with relief. As she propped her door open she spotted something brightly colored out of the corner of her eye and gasped when she turned to look.  A bouquet of red, white, and pink carnations sat on her main lab table in a simple glass vase.  With a smile she buried her nose into the petals and inhaled the light, sweet scent.  She plucked the card off the plastic stick.
I know you like these more than roses.  I got you flowers because I like you more than anyone else, but I think you already knew that.  I love you, Doll. -Bucky
“Oh, Bucky...” she sighed happily.
“Happy Valentine's day.”  Y/N whirled around in surprise.  Bucky stood in the doorway, looking a little awkward, but he was grinning.  
“These are beautiful, thank you.”  She threw herself into his arms, giggling when his hands slid down to her butt.  “You sir, are incorrigible.”  
“I can't help myself.  You're my best girl, and you have the best ass.”  He leaned down and kissed her.  
“Mmm, I don't know what's got you all frisky today, but I like it.”  
“I was hoping you wouldn't mind ditching work for the day.”  Y/N draped her arms around his neck.  
“I could be persuaded.  What would I be doing instead?”  Bucky pulled a pink foil wrapped chocolate heart out of his pocket.  
“Being my valentine?”  Y/N felt her heart melt inside her chest and settle into her stomach.
“As long as you'll be mine right back.” she replied.
Bucky had a quiet day planned.  He called dibs on the theater room and had a stack of Y/N's favorite movies waiting for them to watch, thanks to Natasha's help.  He hadn't seen most of the films, and it was one of their favorite things to do together.  
“A movie day?”  Y/N looked around at the set up.  
“I thought it would be fun.”  he said a little nervously.  Maybe it wasn't enough and she expected more.  
“I love it, Bucky.  It's perfect.”  She hugged him.  “Can I go change into something comfy, though?”  Bucky cleared his throat and pulled away.  
“Actually, I um, got something for you.”  He handed her a clumsily wrapped package.  
“What's this?”  She carefully tore the paper open.  “Oh!  You thought of everything!” It was a pair of fleece pajama pants covered in a heart pattern.    
“You like them, they aren't too cheesy?”  Y/N shimmied out of her jeans and pulled them on.  
“I love them, they're adorable,” she kissed his cheek.  “Just like my amazing boyfriend.  I have something for you too, actually.” she said a little shyly.
“You can give it to me later, right now it's about you, okay?”  Y/N felt a lump catch in her throat and blinked back some tears before nodding.  She couldn't trust her voice for a moment, overwhelmed by everything Bucky had already done for her.  
The two of them settled in, deciding to begin with The Princess Bride, cuddling on one of the oversized sofas.  Bucky found himself in his favorite spot, reclining against Y/N while she ran her fingers through his hair, it never failed to relax him.  There were a few moments during their viewing that he found himself nearly nodding off, her touch soothing him to the point of being drowsy, so he finally and reluctantly shifted.  
“I have more chocolate.”  He said, offering more of the foil covered hearts.  He unwrapped one for himself and popped it in his mouth.  
“I think it's cute you went and got Valentine's stuff,” she giggled after biting into one of the candies.  “I'm kind of glad you didn't get those conversation hearts, they always tasted like chalk to me.”
“I remember those from when I was a kid, I always thought they were gross too.”  He put his arm around her and she nestled against his side.  
Several hours and movies later, Bucky decided he was hungry for food that wasn't chocolate or heart shaped.  They were both too comfortable to want to go out for dinner so Bucky suggested they order a pizza.  
“Actually, why don't you let me cook you dinner?  I picked up a couple of steaks yesterday when I went shopping.  Plus I can give you your gift.” Y/N stood up and pulled him to his feet.    
“You don't have to cook for me, and I can wait for my present, Doll.  I wanted this day to be for you.”  She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him with wide, innocent eyes.  
“And I've had a wonderful day.  From those beautiful flowers, to a whole day watching my favorite movies, just being with you and not worrying about work…  But you're my Valentine too, and I want to give you something because I love you.”  Bucky smiled.  
“Okay, I guess you make a fair point.  But using that look on me is cheating, you know I can't resist it.”  
“It's not my fault you're powerless against me.  Maybe I'll start calling you The Winter Softie.”  Bucky growled and kissed her hard, nipping at her lips and making her giggle.  “James!  If you want food you have to stop manhandling me!”  
“Maybe I changed my mind and I want to skip right to dessert.” He ran his lips over her jaw and he could practically hear her resolve crumbling.
“You're playing really dirty, you know that right?”  
“I can't get enough of you, Doll.”  He murmured.  
“The feeling is very mutual, but I really want to cook you a nice dinner. I didn't just happen to buy all the ingredients, I kind of planned on surprising you tonight.”
“Huh?” He stepped back.  “I thought you weren't into the whole Valentine's day thing.”  Y/N looked at him in confusion.  
“If you thought I wasn't into it, why did you plan all of this?”  
“So you wouldn't hate it anymore?”
“Who said I hated Valentine's day?”  Crap.  
“Uh… Well you kept blowing it off whenever I asked you about it, never giving me any kind of idea whether or not you wanted to do anything. So I um, asked Natasha for advice.”  When she only continued to stare at him, Bucky swallowed and continued.  “She told me what happened a few years ago.”  Y/N sighed and sat down on the couch, resting her forehead against the palm of her hand.  “Please don't be mad.”
“I'm not mad, Bucky.  I should have just given you a straight answer.  I'm not thrilled that Natasha told you about that, but I'm not angry.” She lifted her head up and Bucky wanted to kick himself when he saw tears in her eyes.  
“But you're upset, and that's the one thing I never wanted to do.”  He crouched down in front of her and cupped her hands in his.  “Don't let some idiot that didn't know what he had ruin something for you.”
“You didn't upset me.  I'm not even really crying because of him either. I wouldn't let him have that much power over me.  Yeah, what happened was very hurtful.  Yeah, I had to cry about it and feel really shitty.  And maybe for a few years I wanted to hate this day because it reminded me of a time when I didn't feel great about myself.  Then you came along and I started thinking that maybe it is just a silly holiday that doesn't mean a whole lot, but there's nothing wrong with celebrating it.  I thought it was important to you, because you kept bringing it up.”
“I just wanted to make this your Valentine's day memory.  Instead of what happened before.  I just wanted you to be happy.”  Bucky said quietly.  
“You make me happy every day, Buck.  I'm sorry if I made you think otherwise.  It's hard for me, to let someone in, you know?  I hardly think about that guy, but I guess I carry that baggage around with me, even if I don't realize I do.”  
“You make me happy every day, too.”  He told her, wiping a tear away with his thumb.  Y/N smiled and kissed his lips gently.  
“Can I cook you dinner now that I ruined Valentine's day?”  Bucky laughed.
“You didn't ruin anything, and yes.”  He took her hand and pulled her up.  “Give me a hint about my present?”
“There's two parts, actually.  First part is… something that you wear.”  
“Give me a better hint.”  She giggled.  
“It's a new motorcycle jacket.  I saw it and I started to fantasize how you'd look in it so...”  They got on the elevator to go up to her floor.  Bucky backed her into the wall, caging her between his arms.
“And part two?”  He asked, his gaze on her nearly predatory.  
“Something…I wear.”  Bucky's fingers crept under her shirt.  
“Oh, Doll, you know I want to know more.”  She ran her hands up his chest and gripped his shirt.  
“Something I won't be wearing for very long.”  The elevator doors opened and he pulled her out, taking long strides towards her private rooms.  
“We're definitely having dessert first.”  Y/N laughed, blissfully happy that she'd finally had a Valentine's day worth remembering.
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7pastmidnight · 7 years
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Past Curfew- Chapter 1
author: 7pastmidnight 
summary: senior in hs moving into a new town
genre: horror, thriller, mystery, romance, 18+
warning: smut in later chapters
note: this is my first long fic, so please don’t be too harsh in judgement! i will try to release one chapter a week~ all members will be present along with other JYP artists for added characters. there will be lots of texting dialog throughout the story so I used italics to symbolize it~  I tried to type this quickly so i apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.  I hope you all enjoy it^^
italics = texting
y/a/n your aunts name, 
y/a/l/n your aunts last name
y/u/n your uncles name
    Things have taken a turn for the worst. Everything happened so quickly. It’s been less than a month since your dad divorced your mom and kicked her out along with you. Despite feeling bad for your mom, knowing him, it’s not surprising that he would pull such a stunt. He gave both of you a week to pack everything and find a new place. Your mom decided to move in with her sister in Calistoga, a tiny place about 80 miles north out of your hometown, San Francisco. You have a lot of mixed emotions, you feel a small sense of relief for your mom, but you don’t want to leave your childhood friend Jeongyeon. You lived your whole life with her… you couldn’t imagine her out of the picture like that, especially since you both just started senior year. You send her a text. Everything is packed up, we’re about to drive up there now ☹  You are standing outside the house near your moms car. You look back and take in the thought that, this will probably be the last time you will ever be there. Your mom walks out of the front door with one large box in her hands. She crams the box in the back of her white hatchback without even taking one look back at the house. She says, “Come on honey get in the car.”
  You take one last good look at the house before you turn around and get in the passenger seat. Your mom turns on the ignition and starts driving down the long gravel driveway. You pull out your phone to look at Jeongyeons reply. Take me with you ☹
  My mom said she would take me to visit you sometime since its not that far away. Maybe when I visit I’ll hide in your house lol
  We could totally get away with it too! My mom would let you live here. What is even in Calistoga anyway? Sounds lame
Idk literally nothing. It’s way more rural than San Francisco that’s for sure
  Hey I gotta go I have to get ready for school. Good luck! Text me when you get to your aunts!!
   You look outside at the scenery passing by. You suddenly feel a rush of nostalgia, taking everything in like you’re seeing it for the last time. You can hear your mom softly crying to herself over the music coming from the radio. You know it’s hard on her but you’re not sure how to help so you just leave her be. It was only a little after 7 am, the sun is barely starting to rise. You end up falling asleep on the car ride over to your aunts.
    You wake up about an hour later as your mom pulls up to the front driveway of your aunts. You forgot how huge her rustic estate was. You can see your aunt sitting on a chair on her front patio with her yorkie sitting on her lap. Your mom parks right in front of the stairs leading up to the front porch and your aunt walks down to greet you.
   “Glad you guys made it away from that asshole.” She then turns to you and says, “Sorry you had to hear that hon.” You give a slight shrug and walk over to give her a hug. She hugs you tight and lets you go. Then she looks over to your mom and says, “come here you too.”
   As she lets her go and asks, “Have you all eaten yet? I made some breakfast for you and waffles. “Ooh I love waffles.”
   “Oh no sweetie I meant for us and the dog, waffles, that’s his name.” You look down at the little puffball sniffing at your feet. You let out a small chuckle, “that’s cute.” You look up at your mom and she’s hardly smiling. She looks so exhausted. You walk towards the trunk to start unpacking. “Hold on eat breakfast first while it’s still hot. Come on inside.”  Your mom takes the lead and walks in front of you up the stairs. You look around at the scenery and it’s just what you expected… there is absolutely nothing around you except for the two neighboring houses. You must admit though; the autumn scenery is refreshing compared to the city you were used to. You take out your phone to send pictures to Jeongyeon. As you are taking photos you see from a far a guy leaving one of the neighboring houses wearing a black baseball cap, carrying a backpack. You don’t really think much of it at the time and walk inside.
   You take a step inside and walk down the hallway that leads to the living room. She has some family photos on the wall including picture of her with your uncle. You walk into a wide-open living room with high ceilings. Everything looks so clean and untouched it almost makes you uncomfortable. You find your way to the kitchen where your mom and aunt are sitting down at the table drinking some coffee. You take a seat and help yourself to some eggs and turkey bacon on the table. Your aunt looks to you and says, “Once you’re done eating I’ll take you to the high school to get enrolled, let’s give your mom some time to rest.”
               “Okay, that sounds fine.”
“Are you excited to go to a new school?” Your aunt asked.
“Not really… I hope the school year will go by quickly.”
“Maybe you’ll see some cute boys at school… some better than your dad…”
“y/a/n…” your mom quietly snaps.
“Sorry, I’m just trying to give y/n something to look forward to.”
“How have you been holding up since…?” My mom quietly asked.
  “Since y/u/n died?” she chuckles a bit and says, “I’ll admit it’s been a little lonely, but I’ve been having fun spending his money!” What a typical thing for your aunt to say you think to yourself.
   “That’s how I got little waffles here! I named her after your uncle’s favorite food.” She pauses and says, “I’m actually really glad you’re here. It’s a big house, we need some people besides me waffles and Carol to fill it up.”
“I’m sorry who?”, your mom asks.
   OH I forgot to mention Carol? She’s my maid. She comes up during the weekend to clean the house. I don’t know if you can tell but it looks nice in here because of her. Although I mainly hired her so I could have someone to talk about local gossip with.”, your aunt chuckles.That explains why everything looks uncomfortably clean, you think to yourself.
  “Carol will normally stay here during the weekend. When she’s not cleaning she spends time hanging out at some of the local areas around here. She lives in the city, so I think she likes to get away from it sometimes. I let her stay in a room upstairs until she leaves on Monday mornings. Although I don’t think she’ll be happy to clean up after two more people.” Your aunt chuckles.
Your mom asks, “How long have you had a maid?”
    You quietly keep eating your breakfast as you’re ignoring your mom and aunts banter. You look at your phone to see that Jeongyeon replied. It looks like it sucks there. Miss you at school ☹  btw whos that guy in the pic? He looks kinda creepy How would you know who that guy was? You literally just got here. You assume a neighbor maybe? Still, you felt bad. You and Jeongyeon didn’t really have any other friends than each other, you feel like you practically left her there by herself. Not really knowing what to say you put your phone back in your pocket and stare down at the crumbs on the blue flower trimmed plate you just ate from. Your aunt snaps you out of your trance. “Are you ready hon?”
      “As ready as I’ll ever be.” You reply to Jeongyeon saying idfk who that guy is, he looks shady, but I think he’s my aunts neighbor. UGHHHH I’m about to go enroll into my new school. I haven’t even seen it yet but I already know I’m gonna hate it. But the truth is you are a little excited. You never really made friends at your old high school, maybe this time would be different. You say goodbye to your mom and follow your aunt down the hallway out the front door. The sun is fully out now blinding your tired eyes. You get in your aunt’s white suburban Cadillac. Your uncle must’ve had a lot saved up.
   You two drive down a long winding road before you hit the center of the town. You see a grocery store, a library, a park with a large beautiful fountain in the center. The school is far from your aunts, you’re used to school being in walking distance. At a stop light, you see a sign on a telephone pole “MISSING KIM WONPIL”. The guy looks like he’s about your age too. You sarcastically mumble to yourself, “Oh that’s a good sign. I can’t wait to live around here.”
    “Oh the kids around here can be a little crazy since there’s not a lot for them to do to keep them entertained. It’s probably just a prank since October is around the corner.”
“I can’t wait to meet them all…” you reply very sarcastically.
    You two pull up to the school, it’s kind of large considering this is a small town. You don’t see anyone wondering around the grassy and shady front courtyard. You take that as a sign of relief, that must mean class has started already… you weren’t ready to communicate with anyone just yet. Just as you were about to open the car door this loud black dodge charger quickly pulls up in the space next to you, forcing you to shut the door to avoid getting hit. “WHAT THE FUCK?” you think to yourself, you glare out your aunt’s window to give the driver a mean look, but you were taken aback. This handsome, well built, man with blonde slicked back hair and aviator shades gets out of the car and smirks at you. “UGHHH WHAT A JERK” you think to yourself, but then you hear your aunt say, “oh hi Jackson!” what the fuck?? Your aunt knows this guy?? “WHY?” you think to yourself.
   Jackson yells, “Hey Mrs. y/a/l/n I’m running late for class but I’ll talk to you later! Hope you’ve been well.” He runs into the front doors of the school. You get out of the car and look at your aunt with a puzzled look.
“How do you know that guy??? You ask.
  “Oh, when your uncle first died he helped me with lawn work before I hired help. He’s a good kid, just a little wild sometimes.”
    You couldn’t imagine a guy like that helping your aunt, but you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.  You and your aunt make way up the stairs leading to the front entrance of the school. You walk in expecting for the entrance to be a little extravagant, but you were a little disappointed. This school just looked normal.  Navy colored lockers on both sides of the hallway. No students in the hallway, but there were some missing signs of that kid you saw plastered on the walls. They’re kind of taking it far if it really is a prank. The office was up on your left. Suddenly you felt nervous. You take a deep breath and follow your aunt inside.
    There was an older lady with short red hair wearing gold rimmed reading glasses, typing away eyes glued to a computer. Next to this lady was a young man, he was probably a student aid. You blankly stared at him while he was reading some paperwork. He was wearing a black and white stripped shirt, had slightly messy black hair and big ears. He looked up at you and gave you a gentle smile. Shocked, you turn around and observe the room pretending like you weren’t just staring. There’s hallway behind her desk. You guessed that down the hall were the offices of the principals or counselors. Your aunt walks up to the counter, and says “excuse me?”
   The woman looks up from the screen, “oh my goodness I’m so sorry! I didn’t even notice you walked in! You’re here to enroll y/n right?”
“Yes ma’am we are.” You aunt replied calmly.
   “Here, take a seat.” You take a seat in one of the two chairs facing the desk. You feel super nervous now. You really don’t want to be here.
   “I’m so sorry about that! Here if you could start filling out this paperwork Mrs. y/a/l/n.”
   You start to pull your phone out of your pocket to see if Jeongyeon has replied. You’re not entirely sure why you have to be here for this part.
    “y/n, would you like a tour around the school?” the woman behind the desk asked.
    Before you could answer she says, “Jinyoung, could you show y/n around the school?”
    “Sure…”, he says shyly. He stands up and says, “come on follow me.”, he says in a calm tone.
You get up and nervously glare at your aunt before you walk out into the hall.
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