#hey coral
emili-a-a · 2 years
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Some of my bujo from april ~
I refuse to believe that it's almost june, mainly because I have exams in a few weeks time that I am very unprepared for and I feel like I don't have enough time to revise all the content for, which then in itself is making me less productive. We'll see how it goes...
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nerdie-b · 2 years
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✿ 25.10.2022 ✿
First year of college recap:
Okay, this is SUPER late because I finished my first year in July and I'm already in the middle of my second year lmao. I had thought about doing this shortly after finishing first year but my sem holiday was one (1) day and second year has just NOT been kind to me 🥲
First year had many ups and downs, LOTS of downs; academically it was okay but mentally it was terrible lol. How do you make friends in college 🤣
During first sem my mental state was SHITE, second sem was okay but I'd gained a stalker the minute I'd started it + I got covid towards the end ✌🏼
3rd sem has turned out to be a bit better. I'm participating in a bunch of conferences and club activities that we couldn't participate in while we were in our first year. People keep saying that I need to enjoy my college years because they don't come back, well guess what!! Thank god they don't because I have nothing to look back on! So far at least, but I don't see this changing in the future either.
I could go on and on about how the college experience has been nothing but a scam, but I'll spare you all from my negativity and self-pity.
I hope you all are doing well 🫶🏼 slay those assignments and mid terms and whatnot, and happy halloween in advance!! 🎃🦇
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kivaember · 1 month
thoughts on endings...
FoR represents "destroying the unknown that you don't understand and thus are afraid of". The Institute, specifically Nagai and later Walter, didn't really understand the Coral for what it actually was, and only assumed Bad Things Would Happen when it reached a certain density. They caused the Fires, they destroyed Rubicon, and the Coral's only crime was to just Exist in the way it did: alien and difficult to understand.
LoR is "leaping into the unknown in blind faith and hoping for something better". Even after ousting the corpos and PCA from rubicon, there's no real assurance that that's everything done and dusted. The PCA can come back, the corpos can come back, whatever passes for Earth gov can come back, now that the Coral is confirmed to be there in profitable levels. You're taking a leap of faith that this is the right thing to do.
AIE is "there's a gas leak in your cockpit and you're tripping balls".
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skyratt · 16 days
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"i can't have killed them all for nothing."
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lab-gr0wn-lambs · 5 months
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Carl-centric episodes evoke such a strong emotion in me that I can't quite articulate. He's just a kid. Growing up at the end of the world. It's all so desolate and hopeless. But also so.. Free. Finding a bag of roller skates, dropped by someone who was just eaten alive. Driving a car for the first time only to run over a monster. Eating a whole can of pudding on a rooftop, overlooking a barren suburb where he once would've laughed with friends, gone to school, had homework. Where he would have been told ''get down from there!'' and ''you're grounded!''. Where he would have been told ''I'm proud of you'' and 'you're going to do great things''...
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linddzz · 8 months
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Spawning gorgonian corals (look for the little floating dots for a mix of coral egg bundles and zooplankton having an egg feast)
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pbear · 8 months
Okay, I have to ask it
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grimmed · 8 months
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i decided to put my own lil twist on crimson coral cookie and i like how it turned out ! :D
her pallete uses so much reddish pink lmaoo but its ok i love her
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poppysplace-edits · 3 months
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honami mochizuki icons in her image color with stars as a surprise gift for @mangocitrusart :3 ftu w/ credit!
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cowsaresushi-coral · 7 months
with how much i talk about gabriel and how much ao3 i fking devour, youd think i'd maybe write a fic or something?
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emili-a-a · 2 years
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I have developed an addiction to drawing stars everywhere and I'm genuinely struggling to stop. Evidence of this is most noticeable in my journal lol
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bereft-of-frogs · 5 months
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Jules. Jules, buddy, I’ll be real with you, I am struggling to finish this book, reminding me of the book I’d rather be reading when I’m 60 pages from the finish line is not the move
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Vauge AC6 x Worm crossover coalescing in my brain, feel free to steal anything from it you like but it's not terribly original. Suicide/body horror warning.
So like. Ok. Taylor, somehow acquires Coral (running idea is that a tinker with a device the grabs random items from potential futures grabs a vital of Coral, ends deems it useless to anyone but Blasto and chucks it in... idk, the woods? Before getting got by the 9 when they came the guitar time because Manequin be mankillin.)
Taylor acquired mystery Vial, superhero fantasy ensues so she keeps holding off it with the hope that it might be like those old superhero comics from before Capes. Where random ass Chemical(tm) grants powers. The Emma shit happens, and instead of triggering, over new years break she Drinks it, justifying to herself that she wants to test the theory. (She doesn't, she knows damn well better, just wants to die.)
The Coral, in a dose that would OD even Rummy is DEFINITELY going to kill her, before Danny finds her and gets her to the hospital. Docs are trying their best, but can't do much more than make her die slower till Panacea gets there. She recognizes Coral is organic but to her surprise her power just goes "idk it's some kinda entry being but also organic. I can't work with this!"
She's freaked out, but also refuses to let this girl die because then she's not a Hero and therefore not a good person. So she starts allowing Taylors biology in a desperate bid to save her, effectively just doing enough to keep it from killing her ah giving places for the Coral to exist. The Coral obliges and Panacea eases up thinking she's saved her (probably feeling the first dose of endorphins in years as her power applauds her actually using it creatively, if less destructive than it wanted.)
Taylor now stable has her body subtly altered by the Coral that's there, now that it won't instakill her, basically making Taylor a Gen 1 augmented human. She wakes up, contexts to the Coral network very crudely, and gets like, inundated with memories, thoughts, and this from myriad people because fuck you Coral can communicate faster than light, abs FTL is time travel. Therefore it can communicate with the past and future. Most notably she gets a lot of Cinder Carla (onown doser, honestly a lot of her wngineers and techs too)shoved in her brain, so all sorts of designs from RaD are just floating around without all the technical knowhow to use them maximally.
Taylor, thinking this if just, how tinkers work, thinks she is a tinker (she isn't, it's run of the mill superscience not clarketech/paracausal madness, totally mass,prpducable and comprehensible by basic humies.) On top of this her immune system has basically been replaced by Coral since it can kill basically any bacteria, so her body is a breeding ground for the stuff that she uses to Kickstart Coral tech.
Something something, Administrative AI she makes named Cueball. (In universe she used the stock unity ball as his avatar and never changed it. Out of universe DESTROY... NINE-BALL.) Something something Squealer makes the world's worst AC, something something Coral is unpredictable because it exists in some sort of atemporal state, so the Entities can only predict what it can do after they've seen an example, allowing her to actually make her mechs and do this shit unordered. Something something, using Cueball to sell hyperefficient internal combustion engines to suffering countries at very reasonable rates, and working at a computer store to steal broken electronics. (It's circuit city, they beat out best buy HARD on bet cause it makes me laugh.)
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nectarinn3 · 2 years
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drops this to the wings of fire coral discourse crowd
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musingmycelium · 2 years
im launching coral island im unstoppable im going to do so many fun things
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blackpoolhistory · 1 year
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Blackpool's Central train station in 1966 when it was a Bingo hall before finally being demolished to make way for the Coral Island amusements which opened in 1984.
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