#hes just. bats my eyes twirls my hair. he sucks (affectionate) what more can you want in a man
cognitosclowns · 2 years
hi outis, is maizie :] i know its been about a gazillion years but dont worry the worms have rehomed in my brain again. in 4 days time i will be a different girlthing and maybe i will have a new and or different babygirl (looks at ron with the intensity of the sun)
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frenchfrywrites · 2 years
Kinktober day 7: Under-negotiated + praise
warnings: dom amab gn reader, sub Asmo (his genitals are ambiguous), exhibitionism, under-negotiated kink, praise, blowjob
Shopping with Asmodeus is never boring- but it does get tiring. You softly sigh as he calls out your name from the dressing room for what feels like the hundredth time. 
“Oh,” you’re a bit taken aback by his appearance, for this outfit is different from the rest that he's tried on today. He’s wearing a skin tight shirt (absolutely showing off his chest and nipples) and possibly the shortest skirt you’ve ever seen- wait, is that even his size-
“What do you think?” he asks playfully, twirling his hair and giving you a spin. The skirt flutters up and you see a flash of his ass. 
Your mouth feels dry. “Um, good,” you cough awkwardly, “you look good,” Asmo pouts. He steps closer to you, playing with the hem of the skirt,
“Just… good?” you audibly gulp. Any exhaustion that you'd been feeling has swiftly left your body.
“Really good, hot, you look hot,” you stammer. He bats his eyes and looks at you through his lashes,
“Tell me more,” you squeak when his hands rub along your thighs,
“Asmo, we’re in public,” you whisper yell, using all the effort you have to not to get hard right now. You’re in a secluded place, but it’s still a public place all the same. He lets out an unbothered hum,
“I just can’t keep myself away from you,” he whines, but he stops moving his hands, loosens his hold on you, gives you a chance to push him away. Sure, exhibitionism has come up in conversation and dirty talk, but neither of you have brought it up seriously. A jittery excitement blooms across your skin, giving you goosebumps. You suppose now is as best a time as ever,
“We have to be quiet,” you urge nervously, feeling blood rush into your dick as you let down your guard. Asmo lets out a delighted giggle and clings tighter to you, rubbing himself against your skin.
“Please let me suck your cock,” he murmurs affectionately, moving his hands upwards to feel up your groin.
“Yeah,” you rush out, trying to be as quiet as possible. Asmo practically falls to his knees with your permission. 
His hands trace the outline of your cock while he looks up at you adoringly with those pretty orange eyes. You run a hand through his hair, “you really do look great in that outfit,” you tell him softly. Asmo grins, pulling you out of your pants,
“I know,” he whispers mischievously, kissing the shaft of your erect dick. You huff, 
“I’m serious,” you stress as he litters your cock with little kisses. When he finally takes you into his mouth you have to stifle a moan. His mouth is hot and wet, coating you with his saliva as he easily descents down on you. 
“Fuck, you always look so good baby,” you praise, combing your hands through his hair. “Always look good,” you repeat quietly, “my pretty boy,” a soft moan leaves you when he reaches your base and sucks on your cock, ”in whatever outfit you wear, and- hah- when you don’t wear ah-anything,” Asmo has started bobbing his head now, making it harder to speak without gasping or moaning. “I always think you look good, baby,” Asmo pulls off your cock,
“Shut up,” he says like he’s upset, but he’s smiling from cheek to cheek. He licks the pre bubbling at your tip, then sinks back down once again engulfing you in his soft, wet, velvety throat.
“Nngh,” you try your best to keep quiet, but a soft groan escapes you when he sucks and laves his tongue along the length of you.
“Everything okay in there?” A demon worker, you recognize their voice, they'd been so happy to help the famed fashionista Asmodeus around the store, knocks once at the dressing room door. Asmo looks at you expectantly. 
Your heart is pounding like a sledgehammer against your chest, fearing they can hear everything, every suck and slurp that Asmo makes as he gives you head. You tighten your hold on his hair involuntarily, 
“Uh- um- yeah- yes, we’re okay, Asmo’s just a bit indecisive,” you call back. Asmo takes your balls into his hand, fondling them gently, which is so unfair because you have to bite your lip to stop yourself from groaning.
“Aha, I completely understand. Let me know if you need anything,” they stand there for only a moment more but it feels like ages. When they leave you let out the breath you’d been holding, as Asmo pulls off of you
“Close one,” he whispers, barely concealing a giggle. He swallows down your dick again before you can retort. You jerk your hips, losing control as you feel your orgasm steadily approaching. Asmo gurgles, allowing you to use his throat until you’re shooting your cum down into his stomach, achieving the quietest orgasm you’ve ever had.
Asmo swallows and slurps around you, making the most noise in the room, until you drag him off by his hair. 
There’s a string of saliva, connecting his lips to the tip of your dick. It falls onto his chin as he pulls away. You help him to his feet, cleaning off the saliva with your finger then popping said finger into your mouth. Asmo stares, cheeks flushed, mouth parted, rubbing his thighs together. 
“You should definitely get the skirt,” you grin as you tuck yourself back into your pants, delighting in Asmo’s speechlessness.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
Absolute Cheeseball  -  Wally West x Reader
Words: 1.4k
Requested? Yes! From the lovely @officiallydarkgeek!
“Ohhh #28 "are you flirting with me?" "Thank god you finally noticed" with Wally, not because he is subtle but because she thought he flirted with everyone (which he didn't). (Alright I'm gonna stop now thanks and I love you)”
HELLO AGAIN ANGEL CAN I SAY HOW MUCH ILY! These requests are everythingggg. I love Wally ;) I love you ;) what a good day ;) I went for Young Justice Wally because he’s h o t and we can just pretend Dick and Artemis aren’t love interests but good friends... Hope you enjoy!
Wallace Rudolph West. What a confusing kid (flash). You’d successfully moved into Mt. Justice with the team and he’d been a big help making the adjustment. But that didn’t make your feelings for him less confusing. You’d caught him staring at you multiple times not to mention the quick quips about your eyes and how gorgeous they were. But he was a flirt, with everyone. He called everyone babe, though you realized you were the only one whose heart fluttered from it. Not to mention he was affectionate as hell. Constantly slinging an arm around people's shoulders Conner had commented multiple times on how your heart rate sped up when Wally was around. 
But you knew you weren’t special to him. Sure he spent time with you but it was because you were new, and the team was slow to warm up to new people. And he toyed with everyone’s hair; and commented on everyone’s suit. You had to reign in your superhero ego knowing that in this instance you weren’t special. Besides, Robin was totally cute too, and even though he had advanced emotion controlling training he was easy to read, and he wasn’t looking for anything more than a flirt. You assumed it was because of someone back in Gotham. So you each had people you were pining to be with.
If nothing else it was fun flirting with Robin, especially on slow days. He was watching some medical drama with Wally and you plopped down on the couch right next to Robin, a little closer than is normal. “Hm, why do all the doctors sleep with each other? Do they even take care of patients?” Wally interrupted Robin, “because babe it’s fake ya know - made up?” he winked at you, and you stuck out your tongue, ignoring the butterflies twirling around your gut. Focussing more on Robin you rested your head on his shoulder, “so Robin do you have a secret identity or did Bats erase it. It can’t be as dumb as Wallace so you’re in good company!” Robin snorted and Wally sat up in his chair. “Yeah bird brain tell her your not-so-stupid name” he looked intrigued. “Well it’s a secret” Robin huffed. You didn’t want to upset him so you moved on, grabbing his hand by his wrist, holding it up to yours. “You have way bigger hands than me look!” you flattened your palm against his, grinning into Robin’s shoulder.
What you didn’t notice was Wally literally vibrating with jealousy. I mean what was Robin giving you that he wasn’t? He helped you move in, used all his famous moves on you, and tried telling you about all the things he liked about you, and yet emotionally stunted bird brain was getting the girl? Letting a little jealousy take over he zipped next to you, pulling your hand on to his.
“Ha look mine’s bigger” you barely registered Wally crossing the living room and nestling next to you. He hand was larger, he could bend his fingertips over your hand when you were palm to palm. “Congratulations Wallace you have the bigger hand but the dumber name” you teased Wally and noticed him lightly shaking, you’d clearly hit an insecurity or something. “Yeah really? Cuz his name’s Dick!” Wally blurted out. Dick jumped up angrily “what the hell dude? Secret identity much?” he glared at Wally who looked sheepish. “Sorry sorry, can I talk to you for a minute man?” before you could ask what was happening Wally zoomed off with Dick - it is a pretty lame name.
“Dude Wallster what is going on with you?” Dick narrowed his eyes at his best friend who was awkwardly rubbing his neck. “Erm, I kinda like Y/N and she’s all over you and I got kinda upset” Wally shrugged his shoulders and Dick tried to hold in a laugh. “Dude what are you on, I’m with Babs and Y/N totally doesn’t like me she’s into you dude” Wally looked up hopefully, and the two moved towards Dick’s room to plan.
A day later you and M'gann were baking when Wally and Dick came to join. More like watch. They sat at the counter make fun of you while you questioned your ability to cook. Wally couldn’t stop laughing “Y/N, babe, you’ve gotten more flour on you than in the bowl!” and you scrunched your nose at him, blowing some flour on his face. Eventually, after making fun of you, Dick and Wally got up and began to help. The first batch of cookies were being decorated by Dick and M'gann while you and Wally worked on the second batch.
“See this is why I watch the medical dramas, surgery and cooking are like the same thing! And I’m an expert!” Wally puffed out his chest while you giggled. To say you were close was an understatement. Wally would stand on one side of you then press against you to reach something from a cupboard or lean to grab the sugar with his face just inches from yours. You were intoxicated by his cologne, trying not to melt into his embrace. At one point you complained about being tired from stirring when Wally reached around either side of you, essentially trapping you in his arms and took the whisk from you. His breath was tickling the skin between your neck and shoulder, making you inhale quick breaths, trying to focus on the cookie dough. 
M'gann mind linked you should we leave? You and Wally are doing more than cooking over there! And you mind-yelled back No! We’re just baking I wouldn’t be surprised to see you and Robin doing the same thing! You heard M'gann laugh lightly No Y/N he’s definitely flirting with you. And you got a little flustered, forgetting about the mind link. “No! he flirts with everyone not just me!” and you saw Wally’s gaze snap up from the cookies to you. Dick grabbed M'gann saying “oh wow hear that? Someone needs our help better go!” and the two of them basically ran out of the kitchen. 
You stepped back, bracing yourself on the cabinets. “You aren’t flirting with me are you?” asking for confirmation. And Wally blushed “Uh, yeah I am. Are you just now noticing?” and your heart basically stopped. “No you aren’t you act this way with everyone! Right?” and again Wally shook his head “nope! Only got eyes for you Y/N!” you tried to let the words absorb into your love-shocked brain. “Only me?” you whispered, slowly leaning towards Wally who was closing the distance between the two of you. “Only you babe” he answered before bringing his lips down on to yours. 
Pulling apart he didn’t let you out of his embrace. “You do like me right? Cuz you were all over Rob yesterday and it kinda sucked” he admitted. “You jealous KF? You haven’t even asked me out yet!” you teased and he blushed. “Oh! Yea. Maybe tonight I can run you somewhere cool! You ever wanted to see Star City stars?” and you couldn’t help but grin “sounds perfect Wally”. Both a grinning mess Wally’s hand fell to your chin, tilting your head up so he could capture your lips in another kiss. 
“I bet I kiss better than Dick!” Wally winked at you. “Hm should I go find out?” you pretended to walk out of the kitchen when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his chest. “Mhm nope. You’re gonna have to trust me on that one” and you laughed at how jealous he really was. You played with the fabric of his shirt. “So you really couldn’t tell I’ve been flirting with you for weeks?” he still looked shocked, “I thought my game was good!” and you rolled your eyes, “I thought you were using your ‘game’ on everyone! Didn’t think I was that special” you admitted as he toyed with strands of your hair. “Funny cuz I think you’re the most unique, special girl in the world” at that you couldn’t help but blush. “Save it for our date cheeseball” you poked his chest. “Well if you couldn’t tell I was flirting then I’ve gotta up the frequency and quality!” he grinned as you rolled your eyes. “Fine fine, now can we please go watch the sunset or something cheesy?” and he kissed you on the cheek before saying “Okay! I’ll be ready in a flash!” and you closed your eyes, trying to remove the horrible one-liner from your memory. “Gonna be a lot more of those huh” you whispered to yourself with a full heart for your flirt. 
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vinylhazza · 5 years
ethan being sick and begging you to suck him off because he wants you to take his pain away temporarily
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“i’m dying this is what’s happening my life is ending and i haven’t planned my funeral or beat the last level on my batman game,” ethan is groaning from the his side of the bed, pathetic and small under the heap of covers on top of his limp body. you wanted to cuddle but you needed to tidy up the room just a bit or you would surely go insane from the clothes strung all over the wooden floor, bed, and chair.
it’s never messy in his room but he’s a sick mopy mess so you thought you would help out knowing how annoying and whiny men get when they are sick. hence ethan’s over dramatic testament.
so you’re bustling around picking up cups and making little comments here and there:
“a banana peel ethan? really?”
“you haven’t even worn these shorts yet why are they on the floor?”
“okay that’s it, this is the last cup i better find in here or i’m gonna flip”
and he would be laughing at your irritated voice and try and kiss it away for you but he’s so fucking sick he can’t even find he energy to pay attention. you sound like his mother and he hates it but he feels like he literally can’t move. he’s been stumbling around the house sneezing his soul out at every 10 second periods that the energy has drained away from him and leave him to be a stiff lump under the covers. all he’s good for at this point is whining.
he wants to cuddle. he wants to cuddle so bad, but his best friend at the moment is a pale blue box of tissues that are half empty from him blowing his face off for so long. his nose his red, itchy, and sore and his cheeks are puffy and pale. he doesn’t look good. perfect to you as always but to anyone else he probably looks like death. but when you hear his statement you are whipping around.
“e baby you aren’t dying you’re just sick quit being a whiner,” you smile softly at him, stepping close and leaning onto the bed to kiss his cheek despite his quiet warnings that he is a walking sickness machine.
“but i ammmm i just want some lovin’ but i’m tired” he’s mumbling, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear gently. his tone is suggestive and he’s fiddling with the necklace he got you for christmas, sparkling against his face from the light of the lamp. he couldn’t handle the natural light from his window - moaning that it was too bright and was just mother nature mocking his headache.
“bubba you’re a little too tired to do anything aren’t you? you can’t even move,” you’re trying to be rational but it’s hard because you would never turn down any sexual moment with ethan even if he is sick. he was the one denying all the attention all day and warning you away like he had the plague.
“yeah but maybe you could...give me a little somethin for my troubles?” he smirks with hopeful puppy dogs eyes, now moving to twirl a lock of your hair around his finger.
“a little something for your troubles huh?” a sly smile is cast across your face at the look in his eyes, honestly excited because he hasn’t even let you touch him except for him spooning you during the night since the day he got sick. you have been having to beg to even lay against his chest when he naps. he loves his girl, just doesn’t wanna get you sick. and honestly you wanted to help him out cause it might help you out too, seeing him all worked up again. “such an inconvinence isn’t it?” you mutter with a teasing gleam.
he’s nodding with his bottom lip out in a pout, brown eyes gleaming up just drinking in all the sympathy he can get so he feels a little better. he still can’t breathe that well but when the cover finally drops and the cold air hits the skin that was showing just under his hoodie, he’s sucking in a breath and clutching your hand - wanting you to help him but hating the cold so so much.
ethan watches as your bat his hand away with a giggle, assuring him he’ll be warm in no time. you quickly remove his joggers with urgent fingers, wanting to get the show on the road seeming as you were just as eager to have him in your mouth as he was to be in it.
he hoped you knew how much he appreciates you doing this when he’s been so yucky and gross. but you would never think of ethan in any other way than your honey - he was just a bit sick that’s all.
he complies by lifting his hips when you tug at the band of his boxers, knowing he’s rock hard and being slightly impressed that he got that worked up just by the thought of you sucking him off but knowing it’s been a few days and that seems to be a lot when it came to you guys. he normally can’t keep his greedy hands off of you.
he watches with a ghost of a smile as you tug the boxers down so he springs free and all the way down to his feet and toss them to the end of the bed.
“make you feel all better,” you whisper absentmindedly, knowing it’s not going to fix the virus persay but it’s gonna make him feel better for a little while and get his body amped up for a bit.
“thank you swee- h-holy shit okay,” he’s overwhelmed already by your warm hand that comes to wrap around him. his voice is shaky and little coming from such a big man.
“holy shii- okay that’s-“ he breathes when he feels your hot palm circle around him, squeezing lightly. his voice is gravely but he gets the point across well. you’re smoothing some of his precum that oozed from the tip down his base, alluringly clutching his dick and smirking at the fact it is much more smooth and wet and easier to rub.
your movements are slow at first, wanting to ease him into it and give him a slow burn so it would last longer for him because he just looks so excited. it’s a slow up, down, and twist of your wrist with heavy eye contact. you’re thumbing the slit quickly back and forth making his cock jump in your hands and his body jolted with a gutteral moan, drawn out and heavy.
“fuck that felt good baby”, he’s admitting through quivering lips. he really looks like he might cry with how good you’re already making him feel.
you were taking your time. it was honestly because you were nervous and excited to get him in your mouth at the same time. it just seemed like everytime you saw him bare he got bigger. you would never tell him that he already had a massive ego. you always tease him about being small and it usually gets him into an angry possessive sex mood and you love it too much to ruin it with admitting he’s actually massive. he knows it anyway. when you usually say these things he fucks you against every surface of the house and he didn’t give a damn WHO was in the house, just that you know his dick is the only one you’re ever going to need.
he did look quite cute laying down all snuggled in his hoodie, the neckline just low enough to show his mouth. you could’ve giggled but he kept twitching in your hand and making it hard to concentrate. his girth his heavy in your palm, so fucking hard so fast.
he’s looking at you with timid eyes, tucking fringe back when you lean down to give his tip a sweet kiss. the sight of your hot plump lips laying against the tip affectionately, passionately, almost like you loved it, sent another moan ripping through him quickly.
your eyes closed and your lips envelope him after waiting so long to get him as hard as he could get, so tight and wet. you’re twirling your tongue and rolling it on him.
“roll your tongue on me- yes yes like that keep doing that- oh,” he’s whimpering and clutching your hair in his hand, slipping the the hoodie higher over his stomach from started to sweat and getting too hot.
you’re suckling on his cock like a pacifier, wide doe eyes blinking at him under long eyelashes. he groaned and his hips threatened to buck. you know he’s completely not concerned about how sick he is at this point, just about your warm wet mouth working on him. your pussy is clenching and pulsing, craving him being up inside you. but you want to just ease him into this and if you would have him inside you at this point you would just ride him until you black out so that wouldn’t be the best option.
he’s panting heavily when you take a hard lick against the head of his dick, tonguing the slit and swirling it for added torture. your hand wraps around his base once more.
you’re rubbing him up and down fast, spreading spit over his length to make your hands that much smoother against him.
“this making you feel better bubba?” your voice is thick and sweet like honey, dripping with seduction.
“yes,” he swallows hard, voice tiny and desperate. he’s all but massaging your scalp as you sink down on his dick repeatedly.
you speed up to a steady pace, twisting one hand to meet your mouth on the way down, focusing on his erratic breathing and the gasps and whimpers he would let escape from his slack mouth. focused on the tightening of his stomach and hand in your hair.
“shiittt- mhm im gonna cum,” he warns you urgently, lifting his hips into your mouth to face fuck you gently with the energy he had left.
“give me all of it bubba,” low voice pushing him further to that place. you look up at his face once more and moan around him when you notice color had come back to his face, rosy cheeks to match his rosy nose.
you knew what was coming and you were prepared to catch it all. you hummed around him and with that he yelled out, finishing in your mouth in hot spurts shooting onto your tongue. it just keeps coming. he’s letting go so hard his thighs are quivering, his head is thrown back, mouth open, moaning loud, eyes watering, totally gone.
you suction your lips when you come up, keeping all of it inside and taking his face in your hand, making him look as you swallow. that has him shooting a little more from the tip, kind of embarrassed at this point that he came that hard but feeling so good and warm he doesn’t care.
“fuck you’re too good to me,” he chuckles, a drunk dazed looking smile coming to his face. you laugh lightly, lowering yourself down to have him wrap his big arms around you. you have to take the crap you picked up to the kitchen but you’re honestly horny as fuck so you might have to fix your own situation before you can even think about continuing to clean.
“you deserve it bubba,” you mutter, kissing and sucking on his neck, pulling the covers back up to cover his lower half and over your shoulders. his breathing is becoming heavy, the blood flowing through him easier now he feels like. he’s sleepy and your lips on his neck feel so good that he’s slipping into sleep again. so thankful for his angel.
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o-holynight · 5 years
Sucking Too Hard on Your Lollipop
Title: Sucking Too Hard on Your Lollipop || The Good Kinda Love pt 2
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word count: 1,550
Summary: Your relationship with Joe has gotten more serious. But you still have to be careful around your friends.
Tags: smut, friends-to-lovers, secret relationship, blowjobs, fingering, LOLLIPOP SUCKING
[A/N]: PART TWO! Once again, thank you to @lovehelpmewrite for aiding in the conception of this beautiful baby. We have a part three in mind already, but I’ll let this one soak in first...
Part 1: here!
Another day, another movie marathon. This time it was at Joe’s house. In these rare stretches of time when all four of the boys were in between production, you all took as many opportunities to hang out together as you possibly could.
You and Joe had been secretly seeing each other for about a week now. There was hardly a moment when the two of you weren’t attached at the lips, but you hadn’t done that much else. And of course you couldn’t do anything while hanging out with your friends. But because you were both fairly affectionate people to begin with, it wasn’t odd to anyone when you had your legs draped over Joe’s lap while lounging on the couch. And it wasn’t odd to anyone when he dragged his fingers up and down your shins absentmindedly, just wanting some form of contact. In fact no one seemed to notice when you dug the heel of your foot into his lap, right where it made him tense up slightly.
He looked over at you with a warning glance. You knew that if you acted up, you could get caught...but that’s what made it fun. He grabbed your ankle firmly to keep it from moving further.
You blinked your eyes innocently, batting your lashes. That’s when you got an idea. “Hey, anybody need any drinks, snacks?” you asked, hopping up off of the couch and swatting Joe’s legs off of the coffee table so you could pass.
“Sure, yeah, I’ll take a beer,” Ben said, not tearing his eyes from the screen.
“Me too,” Gwil chimed in.
“I’m good,” Rami said, “Unless you’re hiding chips in there somewhere.” To which the rest of the boys nodded interestedly.
“I’ll see what I can do.” you said, taking note of their orders. “Joe you wanna help? It is your kitchen after all.”
Joe hopped up and followed you into the kitchen, just out of sight of the others. He looked over his shoulder to make sure that they were otherwise occupied, then pushed you up against the counter, bending down to whisper in your ear. “Quit fuckin’ teasing me like that, you wouldn’t want everyone to find out we’re together by having me cum in my jeans, would you?”
“Of course not, baby. I won’t lay another hand--or foot--on you. Promise.” You smirked and pushed away from him to grab a bag of chips from the cupboard while he grabbed a few beers from the fridge. You glanced through the cabinet before closing it, when your eyes landed on an assorted bag of candy. Bingo. Just like you remembered, you reached into the bag and pulled out a cherry Blow-Pop. A sweet red orb of sugar wrapped around a chewing gum center. If you couldn’t touch Joe, you had to tease him through other means.
The two of you walked back into the tv room and passed out the beers and set the bag of chips on the table. Hands immediately descended onto the crisps the moment it hit the table, and you relaxed back into the cushions of the couch, pulling out your secret weapon.
The crinkling of the wrapper drew some attention towards you, but no one seemed interested for more than a moment...except for Joe. He was certainly intrigued by the way you took the large red candy into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it languidly before removing it, the smallest ribbon of saliva trailing from your lips.
He exhaled raggedly, shaking his head ever so slightly, knowing exactly what you were playing at. He grabbed harder at his beer bottle as you took the lollipop back into your mouth, spreading your lips by pushing it through them slowly.
Your eyes were so locked in on each other as you licked the lollipop that you barely noticed when Rami said, “Aw man, Blow-Pops? I didn’t know you had those!”
“What? Oh, s-sorry Rami, last one.” you managed to get out, licking your lips after taking the lollipop out of your mouth to respond.
He nodded slowly, going back to his chips.
You blushed a bit as you stuck the lollipop back in your mouth, dragging it across your tongue once, twice, three times. Joe took a long swig of his beer and tugged at the thighs of his jeans, pulling them down slightly, giving him slightly more room in the crotch.
You smirk at his fidgetiness, knowing he was growing hard in his pants. Sticking the lollipop into your cheek, you stand up, making sure to graze Joe’s knee with your hand as you pass by him and the rest of the boys to go to the bathroom. Slipping through Joe’s bedroom and into the en suite, you pull out your phone, quickly dialing Joe’s number.
Joe’s phone buzzed on the coffee table, making a considerable amount of noise, causing the guys to look over at it.
“Ohh, guys, it’s HER,” Ben said, noticing the familiar contact in Joe’s phone.
Joe was hesitant to answer, as he didn’t know what shenanigans you were up to.
“Well go on then, answer it, ya big SUB.” Ben nudged Joe’s arm.
“Yeah, and put it on speaker, mate,” Gwil chuckled.
“You fuckin’ wish, nice try.” Joe said, standing up to take the call, holding his beer carefully in front of his crotch, trying to hide himself as best he could. “Hey, what’s up?” Joe asked, walking into the hallway.
“Come to the bathroom.” you said, taking the lollipop out of your mouth with an audible pop.
“Why, something wrong?” he asked, setting his beer down and lowering his voice, worried that you might have gotten sick, or gotten your period or something.
“Yeah, something’s wrong. The fact that I’m sucking this lollipop and not your cock.” you said, twirling the candy around in your mouth.
“Fuck,” he breathed into the phone, and hung up, walking into his room. He tossed the phone onto his bed and opened his bathroom door, to see you sitting atop the counter, swinging your feet, awaiting him.
“C’mere,” you said, beckoning him. Joe approached you, putting a hand on either side of your hips, bracing himself against the counter. “Be a dear and hold this…” you said, slinking off of the counter, and placing the lollipop into Joe’s mouth for safe keeping, as your mouth was about to be preoccupied.
You slid down between his legs, undoing his pants and pushing them down his thighs. You palmed his hard dick through his underwear, the lollipop stifling his moans. Reaching down into his waistband, you freed his cock, licking a stripe up the underside of his shaft. This was the first time you guys have ever been this close. You wanted to savor every moment of it, but you had to be speedy, as to not raise suspicions with the rest of the boys. Damn that movie had better be entertaining. You kitten-licked the very tip of his dick, teasing ever so slightly before taking him fully into your mouth. His dick twitched in your mouth, he was already so close from all the teasing. Your lips pumping up and down on him, your tongue dragging across the underside of his head, he could barely contain himself. When you pulled away and cupped his balls, you looked up at him. “You can cum for me baby, mmm, so eager for my mouth. Do it.” and with that you took him down again, going faster and faster trying to bring him over the edge.
He let a cry escape his throat as he came, biting down on the lollipop, shattering it, breaking through to the chewing gum center. You swallowed everything he had to give you, and wiped your mouth before tucking him back into his pants. You stood up and grabbed the stick from his mouth, pouting when the stick you removed was empty, and Joe had a blissed-out grin on his face, chewing the gum cockily.
“Let me make you feel good too baby, I’ll be quick I swear,” he whispered, kissing you as he lifted you back up onto the counter. You let the lollipop stick fall into the trash beside the toilet, and grabbed ahold of Joe’s hair, right above the nape of his neck.
You let him spread your thighs, and he made quick work of pushing your panties aside, running his fingers through your folds and getting his digits wet and ready. His thumb came down on your clit, rubbing fast small circles as he dug his middle two fingers deep inside of you. Joe pumped in and out of you, the muscles in his forearms rippling as he worked. He hooked his middle finger against your inner wall, making you gasp against his mouth. He chuckled, repeating his motions to get the same reaction out of you, until you clenched around his fingers, digging your nails into his arm, and whimpering into his mouth as the two of you kissed through your climax.
When you separated, he removed his fingers and licked them clean, before chewing the gum from before and blowing a pitiful bubble. “You’re a dork.”
“Yeah...but I’m your dork.” Joe said, planting a kiss on your still-smiling lips.
I’m tagging people who expressed at least somewhat of an interest in part 1:
@godyouredull @toger-raylor @painthatiusedto @totallynerdstuff @rogermeddowstaylorr @misskvegas @queen-irl-af @princessleiaqueen @icantgetnorelief @ramimalekedd @katiesobsession @okkgray @jubel-raised-you-from-perdition  @ramibaby @drbrianmayy @lelifesaver @allkinds-oftrash @borhapmusings @mjssjngyouu @rogerina-deacon @babemazzello @deakmedowndeaky @perfumefromparis @hardcoredisneynerd @sevenseasofdeacy @callingallgirlsinhotspace @icantgetnoreliefficrecs @m0etenchandon @witchy-little-chicken @eekwhatthefreak @anotheronebitesthedeacon @angeleyestaylor @rami-sunflower-malek @secretpieexpertbasketball @qwerty-q-01 @queen-in-funerland 
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headoverhiddles · 5 years
You Really Got Me - Tom Berenger x Reader [Smut]
Synopsis: Your boyfriend surprises you by coming home early. 
Notes: Tom is such a daddy! If you don’t know him (he’s Barnes from Platoon, you’ve seen him on my blog before) search him up, or talk to me or @tats-kisses-and-horror about him. UNF. Also, this persona of him in the fic is based on his character from ‘The Substitute’ Shale (WATCH THAT), but I just kept his name Tom in this. 
Warnings: A little bdsm! 
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You turn the stove off, picking up your pot of tea and pouring a little. Leaning against the kitchen counter and sighing into your steaming cup, you finally feel the tension in your shoulders melt away. You had only gotten home about ten minutes ago. 
You didn't like being in the place much without your boyfriend. He always made you feel warm, safe, and protected. You imagine his strong arms wrapped around you from behind, rocking you back and forth. You imagine him reaching forward to tilt your chin sideways, so he could steal a kiss. This would lead to you turning around, and--
Your attention shifts as you hear a noise from the other side of the apartment. You frown, and set your cup down, wandering out into your living room.
No answer. You take another few steps, and a creeping sense of dread fills you. If nobody was in the place but you, and someone broke in... Tom was miles away.
"Okay. Whoever you are... I've got a scrub brush, and I am prepared to use it!"
"I wouldn't mess with you." You scream, and turn around, thwacking into the bare, damp chest of your boyfriend. You relax instantly in his arms, and he chuckles. "Hey, you're okay. You're okay! ‘S just me."
"I didn't know you were home!"
"I was in the shower."
"You could have been a killer! We live in a bad fucking neighborhood, god...” You run a hand through your hair. 
"You obviously know how to defend yourself," he nods toward the scrub brush, which you drop with a huff. You then start to take notice of his muscles. He sees you staring, and smirks.
"Missed me, huh?" 
You bite your lip. "You have no idea."
He drops his towel, and picks you up bridal style, walking you to the bedroom. 
“Well. Guess we’ll have to make up for it.” He drops you on the bed, and holds up a finger. He heads back into the bathroom, and you wait for him, biting your lip.
He comes back out, and smiles at you. He's got tight navy boxers on, that outline his cock just right, and he's forgone a shirt. You slide off the bed and settle at the foot of it, and he sits on the edge, the two of you slipping into your favorite casual position.
"Tell me, what’d you do while I was gone?” he whispers, starting to massage your back, “Did you touch that pussy thinking of me?”
“Yeah,” you mumble, already feeling yourself get wet, “Every night.”
“Every night... shit, you must’ve missed me, babygirl. Hm, yeah.”
“My fingers weren’t enough,” you moan, “I wanted to feel you on top of me. In me. Fucking me.”
“Fucking you rough, like you deserve, hm?” he whispers, deepening his massage. You groan, leaning back and looking up at him upside down. 
“Have I told you lately that I love you?" he asks with a fond smile, stroking your cheek. You rest your head back between his legs, and grin up at him.
"Tell me again?"
"Alright," he cups his hands around your face from above, "I love you. I love you..." he starts to smooth his hand down your back, and he undoes your bra with gentle fingers, "I love you."
You turn around, and look up at him with eyes that beg for much more. His eyes drop down to where your nipples are hard against the fabric of your sleep tank, and he looks further down, to where your small sleeping shorts barely cover anything. 
“You want me to fuck you good, honey?” he murmurs, thumb rubbing circles around your nipple. You nod, desire filling you. 
“Wanna get rough with you, daddy.” 
He lets out a sigh, and you put your hands on his thighs, leaning forward tentatively. He puts his thumb between your lips, and you suck it in, batting your eyelashes. He then relaxes back, watching you suck his finger. He gives a gentle nod, and you move down, bringing your lips to tease his bulge through his boxers. You lick along the outline, mouthing around the head and letting the fabric drag against it. You pull back to admire your work, and see you've soaked the boxers through. You go back in, and feel him harden with every little lick... but he's content to take it slow. Just slow, nice and slow.
Where Tom can last forever like this, you lack such control, and it becomes too much for you. You reach into his underwear, pulling him out and licking your lips.
“Good girl. That’s a good girl.” He strokes your chin with his thumb again, and you lick all the way to the base, coming back up and swallowing him.
With a soft moan from you, you feel his hands thread through your hair, gently guiding you, and it's almost like a dance, him moving your head with almost no effort at all, you sucking him slowly, so slowly. His muscular forearms flex.
"I’m close, angel," he drawls, “Why don’t you come up here so daddy can make you feel good?” You pop off. You get up, and slide on top of him on the bed, letting his large arms wrap all the way around you.
"Oh no," he smiles, eyes glinting like they do when he’s ready to conquer, "I'm on top tonight."
You grin in excitement, toes curling, and he holds one hand above your head as you wrap your legs around his back, and guide him to you. He pushes in with one swift move, and you feel the desire blossom even more through your belly. Heat surges as he snaps his hips back, getting a deep rhythm going, every time he thrusts in feeling like he's going deeper, stretching you wider.
"Baby," you moan, "Baby, will you...?" You blink up at him with doe eyes, and move his other hand that's on your breast up to your neck. He closes his fingers, and nods.
"You know the safe word, hun?"
He tightens his fingers, and you gasp, barely gasping out: "Harder, daddy." He takes this to heart, and goes a little bit faster, shaking the bed with every pounding thrust he gives you. 
“You’re so good. So tight.” He turns you over, so he’s fucking you doggy style. “That’s it. You can take it. Can you take it?”
You nod, pushing back against him and arching your back. His fingers rub your clit in careful circles, pleasuring you just how you like it. Tom knows every little button on your body, how to turn you on, make you weak for him. 
He tugs your hair back, pulling your head up and leaning forward to growl in your ear. “I said, can you take it?”
“Uh huh,” you whine, mouth falling open. He puts his finger to your lips, and you suck it fervently, before he goes back to choking you, stretching you, filling you hard and rough. 
The bed protests, but you’re near screaming. Everything feels so good, so fucking good. 
His fingers tighten a little, and you feel lightheaded, heightening everything you feel. He’s got so much power over you, fucking you like this, his hands wrapped around you. 
You pat his arm behind you, and whisper you want to turn around. He goes back in once you’re on your back, and chest to chest, he drives in each thrust with a low groan, so turned on by you. 
“S...slap me?” you moan out, breasts flattened by his chest. He moans as well, and knows you both are aware of the safe word, and when this can be stopped. He grabs your chin, and points a finger in your face. 
“Little whore couldn’t wait for me to get home and fuck her nice, right?” he growls, slapping you across the side of the face. You moan loudly, more wetness coating him. He nods. “That’s what I thought. Should’ve made it clear daddy’s the only one who can make you come. And when he’s gone, well...” He slaps you again, and you cry out his name, “Guess you’re shit out of luck waiting!” 
Pleasure spreading through your body, you feel your orgasm approach, and hug him from beneath, digging your nails into his muscular back. He then pulls out, and turns you over easily, arching your back and holding your head back by your hair as he starts to fuck you from behind.
"Oh-oh-oh god... I'm gonna--" you wheeze, airy and aroused from the choking, "I need to, I'm coming, daddy, I'm coming!"
He groans, and hugs you tight, snapping his hips up in sheer determination to keep his own orgasm at bay until you’re finished. "I gotcha. Come on, sweetie, I gotcha, come for daddy, fuck his cock good."
You grind down, crying out loudly, and he also moans your name, spilling inside of you. Your orgasm lasts longer than usual as he keeps thrusting, rubbing against your clit every time, and you feel his spending dripping out of you and down onto the bed sheets.
He looks down between you, and notices this.
"Tomorrow's laundry day, I guess," he smirks, and you kick him lightly in the rib to get on top. Tom lets out a playful 'oof' and rolls over so you're laying on him. He wraps you up again, blankets covering your bare back, and he strokes your hair away from your eyes.
"I needed that," you whisper against his lips, "Touching myself while you were gone just wasn't the same."
"Careful," he says, "You're gonna get me hard again."
"Is that a promise, daddy?" you ask, and kiss him. He smiles against your lips, and twirls your hair affectionately. 
“Just so we’re clear... you can touch yourself all you want when I’m gone. Lord knows I did thinking of you,” he bites your bottom lip, and you giggle. 
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headoverjojo · 5 years
Can I get that cupcake scenario for Doppio ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) (I’ve started something with this scenario and everyone’s horny for kissy cupcake times lmao)
It seems that now cupcake scenarios have become my trademark 😂😂
Doppio’s s/o doing cupcakes and, well, things happen
(Under the cut for slightly NSFWish hints at the end!)
You had finally managed to obtain a free day from work, the first since months, and you wanted to finally relax a bit. Work was stressful and it would have been perfect if also your boyfriend had a free day, but, unfortunately, it didn’t happen. He apologized more times, staring at you with big, sad eyes, before kissing your lips and leaving to accomplish the tasks that his mysterious Boss always entrusted to him.
So, since you were alone, you decided that it wasn’t worth to stay more than usual in bed or to chill on the couch, not without Doppio’s head on your lap or his arms around your middle. You pondered a bit about what to do, deciding, finally, to make cupcakes. You both loved cupcakes and it would have been a beautiful surprise for him! You, then, searched for all the ingredients and the items you needed, putting on an apron, and started cooking.
Soon the pretty and still raw cupcakes were sealed in the oven and, while they placidly cooked, you prepared your famous cherry frosting that your boyfriend loved so much, both for its wonderful taste and for its colour that almost matched his magenta aesthetic.
Right when you were about to frost the cupcakes now cold enough to be decorated, you heard a rummaging of keys and, few seconds later, the door opened. You smiled when you heard Doppio’s voice from the hall and you went to greet him with a sweet kiss, before going back to the cupcakes and letting him change clothes.
Soon, you felt his presence near you and you smiled, turning your face to watch him. He was observing the steady and accurate movements of your hands, amazed by how you could make soft and definite twirls of frosting without batting an eyelash. It was art!
“Interesting?” you asked, smiling again when his arms enveloped your waist and his chin rested on your shoulder, his eyes still on your hands. He hummed, nuzzling affectionately his face in your neck.
“A lot. I’d like to have your steady hands, tesoro.” he replied, making you smile again. You turned your face a little, pecking his freckled cheek and, then, taking his hands in yours, guiding them around the sach-à-poche and bringing your hands on top of his ones.
“Then let me show you how to do it, what do you think?” you proposed, with a smile, guiding his hands and squeezing lightly the sach-à-poche. In few seconds, you had frosted the cupcake: a little botched, if compared to the other perfect cupcakes, but nonetheless really pretty. He pressed his lips on your cheek, in a loud and good kiss that made you giggle like a teenager.
“It was amazing! Could I try again?” he asked, enthusiastic. You just smiled and picked another sach-à-poche, filling it and handing it to him, making place for him at your side.
“Let’s work together.” you said, meeting his firm and smiling nod. The more you worked, however, the more you found yourselves joking and playfully smearing the frosting on your nose and lips. Doppio chuckled, lapping the frosting from your nose, humming in approval.
“Cherry frosting? Delicious!” you felt your cheeks warming at his compliment. So, to fight your shyness, you spread more frosting on his lip and nose, chuckling at the funny faces he was doing without, however, stopping you.
“Y/N!!” he exclaimed, whining and making you chuckle again. “It’ll take ages to clean it all away…!” you brought him down to you, kissing him and, meanwhile, cleaning his lips from the frosting.
“Do you like my cleaning way, darling?” you asked, with a satisfied smile when you saw him gulping. He slightly hummed, keeping you closer, one hand on the small of your back and the other interwaved in your locks. He was always so sweet and often forgetful that, sometimes, you forgot about the intensity of his eyes, when he was focused on something -or, even better, you-. He almost seemed a different person.
“Show me more about this cleaning way.” he replied, sealing your lips off with his own, licking away the frosting that you had on your lips. You always loved the way he kissed you, when he could focus on the action, so deep and intense to make your toes curl and your heart flutter. You sank your fingers in his magenta locks, lightly pulling his hair and making him grunt on your lips. His fingers tightened their grip on your hip and hair, almost painfully, but you were so lost in the kiss to not even notice it.
His lips slowly made their way down your jaw, nibbling and sucking your tender flesh slightly soiled with frosting. You closed your eyes, to better enjoy his ministrations, deliciously pressed between his body and the kitchen counter. Your hands never left his hair and undid his braid, letting his hair down on his shoulders and relishing in their softness. He growled again against your skin, making you shiver when the vibrations reverberated on your throat and down to your core.
He, however, didn’t go further. He couldn’t, not in that exposed room: he was a bit paranoid and valued safety and secrecy above everything, aside from you. He couldn’t bear even the thought of putting you in danger or exposing you to eyes different from his own. He lifted his face to return his lips to yours, softly grazing them with his hot breath.
“What do you want me to do?” he murmured, making you shiver again. He was always like this, when he was turned on: he wanted you to say aloud what you wanted him to do, to hear the desire in your voice. You smiled a little, surrendering immediately.
“I want you to pick me up and to carry me to our bedroom.” you whispered, making him smile; his eyes, even if darkened with lust, were soft and full of adoration for you, the only living being whom he accepted near him.
“And then?” you giggled, when he picked you up, apparently without efforts, and you circled his neck with your arms, nuzzling your still smeared nose on his.
“I’ll tell you more in bedroom.” you replied, smashing your lips on his, making him finally lose all the little cool left in him. He carried you to your bedroom, never leaving your lips. In your dazed state, you thought that you should have cooked cupcakes more often, if that was the effect on him. Sweets and spicy hours at the same time?
You really couldn’t have asked for more.
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hellomissmabel · 7 years
The whole package
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Pairing: Lane Tucker x plus size!reader
Warnings: There’s partial nudity but it’s not gonna hurt you. For a Lance Tucker fic, this is surprisingly safe.
Word count: 1.789
Summary: One more tournament and Lance is ready to settle down and quit professional gymnastics. He loves Y/N and has been thinking about their future for a while now. But Lance isn’t very good at planning and one lazy Saturday morning, when he’s chilling in bed with his girl, he makes an impromptu decision.
A/N: I’ve posted a masterlist with all upcoming plus size!reader fics. I keep getting new ideas, so this masterlist will be updated as the ideas come and go. There will always be an announcement post. If you want on the tag list, please comment on the announcement post of send me an ask!
This is the sequel to Good at worshipping (Lance Tucker x plus size!reader)
Inspired by this post by @thatawkwardtinyperson and by a conversation I had earlier with @winterboobaer. This one’s for you, @hollycornish!
All plus size fics can be found here
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It’s been a couple weeks since Lance left professional gymnastics behind him. It was a tough decision given he’s the self-proclaimed “God of gymnastics” and Lance was adamant you’d accompany him on his final tournament. Unfortunately the germs got to you first so you couldn’t attend, but Lance made sure you wouldn’t miss a minute of it. It started as he was getting ready in his dressing room and a cheeky thought popped into his mind. He instantly grabbed his phone, walking over to the bathroom mirror. With great concentration, he took a selfie of his divinely sculpted body, adding a little message for you before pressing send.
You looked down at your beeping phone with great excitement. Only as soon as you opened his new text message, your face fell in frustration. Lance, every the asshole, had written a complimentary “Are you horny yet?” to go with the picture of his muscled torso.
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With his phone in hand, he live streamed himself and the entire games up until the point it was his moment to shine and he passed on the phone to one of his crew members. He won his last gold that day and announced to the world that he was retiring. When the reporters asked for a reason why, he made quick work of his reply.
“Because I’m in love,” Lance commented and you’re pretty sure that same day the whole world forgave Lance for his past mistakes.
It’s safe to say life’s been good to the both of you. Lance is now coaching promising young Americans to their own gold medal and you’re still drawing tattoo designs at Body Cult, only thanks to Lance’s winnings you were able to buy the place from Frankie. Your former boss got an interesting business proposal in Los Angeles and didn’t know what to do with the shop. He could’ve passed it on to his brother Archie, but Archie isn’t as artistic as you. So you came to an agreement and now you’re your own boss.
And being your own boss has its perks. It means you can take Saturday mornings off and sleep in with your boyfriend, Lance, who cancelled his morning practice for you. You’re on your stomach, leaning on your elbows, your mind warped into an imaginary world as you’re rereading your favourite book. You’re just wearing panties and no top, this September’s Indian summer in combination with Lance’s hot-blooded company providing you with enough warmth during the night.
His chest is lain across your legs, one arm lazily slung over your bum as he keeps himself busy on his phone with the other. He’s wearing his sunglasses indoors even though the curtains pretty much break all the light falling from the windows. But Lance is extra as fuck and doesn’t care how it makes him look.
“Baby?,” Lance asks you as he gently runs his palm over your ass cheeks.
“Yes, Lance?,” you hum softly, putting your book down and craning your body so your eyes lock with your boyfriend’s.
He gives your skin a slight pinch, showing the picture on his phone to you. “What do you think of this one?”
Rolling your eyes at Lance, you chuckle at the photograph of yet another tattoo. “Haven’t you got enough tattoos already?” You eye the full sleeve inked on his left arm and point towards the matching tattoos on his ribcage.
Lance sighs exasperatingly, scrolling on his phone with his eyebrows raised in concentration, slightly annoyed with you. You’re the tattoo artist, you’re supposed to endorse his tattoo endeavours. “Or this one?”
It’s not necessarily the design you don’t like, but more the fact that he’s looking up the work of other tattoo artists first without consulting you about it. You’re an artist and in the art business, whether it’s tattoos or paintings or lyrics, it’s not-done to copy another artist’s designs. So if your asshole wants a new tattoo, he should just come to you with his ideas. But you’re too shy to actually call him out on it.
So instead, you go with this. “It’s alright,” you reply dryly with a mild shrug.
“It’s alright?,” Lance heaves out with a light groan, taking off his sunglasses. “You call this alright?”
“Yep,” you reply casually, popping the ‘p’ just to push his buttons a little more.
“Baby,” Lance coos in a sultry tone, sensing you’re holding something back from him. “What’s going on with you?”
Playing with the delicate white lace of your underwear, he hooks his fingers underneath the fabric and pulls a little at it, grinning cockily at you. “I really want another tattoo, Y/N, and I want you to do the handiwork again,” he flirts with you. “I promise I’ll reward you plenty.”
Suddenly he releases the fabric of your underwear and it snaps against your skin, causing you to yelp softly and bat his hands away. To soothe the slight sting, he continues to caress your cheeks, massaging the plump flesh with the palms of his soft hands.
“I have no doubt about that,” you whisper seductively before your tone loses its sweet tenor and turns hard. “I’ll gladly give you another tattoo, but not that one or the other one before that.”
Lance gives you a puzzled look, pressing his lips to your bum. “Okay, then I’ll keep looking until I find one you like,” he concludes with a final nib to your skin, sucking a light mark on your ass before slapping it lightly to emphasise his words.
“No, Lance,” you finally snap at him even though you don’t want to get angry with him. “Don’t you get it?” You turn around and sit up, pushing him away when he tries to crawl up to you. “I don’t want to give you a tattoo that’s drawn by another artist.”
You pry his phone out of his hands and toss it on the pillows behind you, out of his reach. “Who did that sleeve for you?,” you ask with raised eyebrows as you gesture to his arm. “I drew every single twist and twirl. By. Hand.”
Lance instantly understands where you’re going with this and sits cross-legged in front of you, his knees touching yours and his hands reaching out to take yours in his. “I love every twist and every twirl you designed for me, baby.” He searches your eyes for forgiveness, squeezing your hands affectionately. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I’m an asshole, you know that. But I’m – “
“Yeah, yeah, you’re an asshole but you’re my asshole,” you interrupt him softly, casting your eyes downwards. “I’m sorry, too, Lance. I’m just –“
This time it’s Lance’s turn to interrupt you, releasing one of your hands to gently lift up your chin, guiding your eyes back to his. “You’re just very shy and very insecure. About your art, your body,… even sometimes about us.” You look into his eyes and push back some of his messy bedhead hair out of his eyes. “Well, you know what, baby? I’m insecure too.”
Snorting at his surprising confession, you bite your lower lip. “I’m serious, Y/N!,” he retorts with a playful chuckle.
“You know I don’t care about sizes and all that bullshit. You can have size X at Calvin Klein and size Y at Armani. And the word plus size is just a marketing technique, Y/N. I love your curves, I adore your love handles and your cellulite and you are just such a stunning woman. You get me rock hard with just one sway of those damn hips…”
His comment makes you laugh a little and you smile tenderly at your boyfriend. “You are an insanely talented artist and people come from very far to get their tattoos drawn by you. I’m the living proof of that!”
Dramatically, he gestures towards where the tattoo of his gold medal peaks out of his boxer briefs, then towards the matching tattoos he got with you on his ribcage and lastly he runs his hand down his left arm, his full tattoo sleeve.
“And yes, I’m insecure too. But do you know what I’m insecure about?”
You shake your head no and he leans in to press a chaste kiss to your lips, or so you think. Instead his lips hover over yours and he leaves your hanging as he slants his lips across yours teasingly slow, whispering against them at a tantalising rhythm.
“I’m insecure about my body now I’m not competing professionally anymore. I’m worried that I might not stay in shape. But luckily I’ve got you to keep me fit.”
You chuckle warmly at his tongue-in-cheek remark and he squeezes your thigh, pecking your lips in a tender kiss. “I’m also very insecure about us, baby. Because, as you know, you’re too good person and I don’t deserve you.”
Another loving kiss in between words and he’s got your mind reeling. “But you’ve stuck with me for so long, I’m thinking you might actually really love me.”
“Of course I love you, Lance!,” you tell him straightaway, blurring all his insecurities by pressing your lips to his hard in a searing kiss. “I love you so much, so very much.”
“Then let’s make it official,” he mumbles to yours lips before engaging them in a second, passionate kiss. “I want a set of wedding rings tattooed on my body. I don’t care where, just as long as you do them.”
“Wedding rings?,” you squeak in sincere astonishment. “Wh- What – Are you – Are you proposing?”
“Do you want me to propose?,” he counteracts your jumbled statement with a classic, lopsided grin.
“Hell yes I want you to, Tucker,” you heave out in a sharp exhale, “It’s about time!”
He grins wickedly at you, softly laying you down onto the bed as he moves on top. “Then this is me proposing. I don’t have any rings yet, but I’ll make quick work of it. First thing Monday morning,” he promises as he ghosts his lips over your pulse point. “But that wedding ring tattoo…”
He stops his ministrations just as he reaches your sweet spot, that particular sensitive part of your neck that turns you into putty in his hands. “You’re taking me to the shop after breakfast and you’re drawing them.”
You lean your forehead to Lance’s, cupping his face in your hands. “O-Okay,” you croak out through the happy tears tingling your eyes. “You want me to do the tattoo as well?”
Lance wets his lips, holding his bottom lip captive between his teeth as he nods darkly. “Absolutely. The whole package.”
His fingertips dance over the swells of your breasts and down the valley of your belly button, breathing heavily against your lips. “So you’ll marry me?”
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