#heresthefanfiction oc bingo
Hello, I've been sent by the OC Creator Bingo! I am admittedly late, but better late than never!
We don't really have any fandoms in common, but we're not gonna let that stop us.
Which OC is your favorite and why?
If you had to write an AU for your ocs (Coffee shop AU, Western AU, etc), what would it be and why?
What is your favorite fandom to write for and why?
Which one of your fics is your favorite and why?
-@heresthefanfiction / @peopleofthewing
Hi! It's okay. There could be any number of reasons that you are late and they are all valid. Not having fandoms in common will definitely not stop us.
Julie is probably my favorite. She is my first fully realized OC and the first one that I wrote.
My OCs are already in AUs. But for Alyssa, one AU that I've toyed with is Jimmy getting to raise his little girl. Alyssa would actually get to be the daddy's girl that she is at her core and would probably have healthier and happier relationships with her mother, other adults in her life, and her brothers.
Well, so far, I've only written for one fandom - The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai. I'm trying to get into writing the Harry Potter fandom with a crossover AU fic and then a straight AU fic solely for that fandom. So, I guess my answer has to be The Karate Kid/Cobra Kai, even if the experience hasn't always been easy. I got into writing fanfiction because of some of the friends I made in this fandom. Although, with Harry Potter, since it's been around a while and is so big, no one really cares what you write and if they do, it seems easier to curate your experience.
Is This Love? because it was the first story that I ever seriously started writing. I started writing it after a dream and dare to write. It made me love a canon supporting character (and his actor) even more as I crafted his character and my story. My story was one of the first Jimmy-centric stories in the fandom. And most of my stories continue to center around him. I wanted Jimmy to have a romance. Julie and Jimmy are so much fun to write about and are constantly in my head.
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lady-of-the-spirit · 1 year
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Arnafinwe Nárefinda Silmíre OR Sílamîr Feanoriel
Made for @heresthefanfiction for OC Creator Bingo. Hope you like it!
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So I’ve been sent by the OC creator bingo, but I don’t really know that much at all about the Umbrella Academy.
So here’s your chance to ramble about your ocs, the plot, whatever you want!! (And maybe give me a little synopsis lol)
Hello there! Thank you for reaching out!
Long post ahead, so I'll put it under a cut!
Okay, so, first I'll explain the differences between the Magnolia Academy and the Umbrella and Sparrow Academies
The Umbrella and Sparrow Academies both had Reginald being a Terrible Father:tm: that forced the kids into it and essentially treated them like child soldiers/experiments
Meanwhile, the Magnolia Academy have the human version of Grace Hargreeves we saw in season 2 as a mom, who adopted as many kids as she could to keep Reginald from getting them (also one of them is her biological daughter). Becoming superheroes was actually the kids' idea. When they assured her that, yes, this is what they want to do, they know what they're getting into and still want to, she supported them and got them the best training she could. She was already teaching them how to control their powers
(Poppy didn't want to be a part of the superhero aspect so she stayed with her mom in the lab)
The kids weren't experiments. They weren't child soldiers. They weren't numbers. They were still kids that got to have a childhood but also wanted to save the world. Grace made the Magnolia Academy not to control the kids, but to support them in their endeavors
Later on, for example, when Fauna left the Magnolia Academy to become a veterinarian, Grace as well as her siblings fully supported her. Same with when Vanessa wanted to become a lawyer, and Bridget wanted to become a nurse. Meanwhile, Casey, Vincent, Elizabeth, and Sonya, kept doing the whole superhero thing, and Poppy went on to work in the scientific field with her mother
Because of this support system, the family dynamic is a lot closer and, for lack of a better word, healthier, than we see with either set of Hargreeves. Obviously, they love each other, but let's be real here: they're dysfunctional as fuck. This is part of why we love them of course, but it's still a major contrast to the Abernathy siblings
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bibaybe · 9 months
Hi, I’ve been sent by the oc creator bingo!
I was perusing your oc masterlist and fell in love with Bay Ackerman, so tell me everything and anything about them!
help its been literal months and i'm only just now answering this... embarrassed
masquerades as the child of triton until the mark of athena, when an ocean monster outs them as being poseidon's child. idk what kind of monster tho just yet
best friend is a shark they named seagull, nicknamed gully, after baby seagull got lost in the triton's palace and accidentally wandered into their wing, which was off limits except for specific people/animals
dead name is sally and hates it for a long time bc it's yet another reminder of what they are to poseidon
has a lot of bubbling resentment towards percy bc they know that they were even more of a mistake to poseidon - triton never hid anything from them after bay found out about their true parentage, mostly bc he didn't care enough to spare their feelings, so bay knows the whole story - even about poseidon offering to build a castle for sally and percy. they feel like their the jacked up replacement for the true family poseidon wanted, especially when poseidon never tries to get close to them
spends most nights sleeping under the stars, especially when they're on the argo 2. they spent almost all of their life trapped in one wing of a castle - they crave being outside and in wider spaces. they're rarely ever in their cabin
leo and bay are the epitome of 'he fell first, they fell harder'. leo is into bay from the moment they meet, but bay is so busy learning about the surface world and learning how socializing with people other than their family works, they don't even really notice themselves falling for leo until probably the house of hades? but then it hits
struggles with fighting above water a lot for most of the first book - they've been training under the ocean and knows how to use a dagger better than most, but fighting under water is different than fighting above the surface and they have to learn how to readjust to the differences
has a rough relationship with triton - poseidon forced triton to send his daughter, evangeline, away so bay would be his child to the outside world, in case rumors ever started. triton sent her to chb to make sure she would be safe, but held it against bay since he couldn't take it out on his father
aaaah i can't think of anything else atm but feel free to send specific questions!! much better with specific questions lmao
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enchanted--roses · 1 year
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-- OC Creator Bingo 2023 --
For @heresthefanfiction
Emily Grant & Samuel Grant
Hope you like them!
Forever Tag: 💠@fiercefray​ 💠@foxesandmagic💠 @valdrinors​ 💠@ochub​ 💠@ocappreciationtag​💠@fanficanatic-tw​ 💠@robertdowneyhiddlesbatch   💠@chickensarentcheap​ (wanna be on any of my taglist? ask me!)
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fleet-admiral-hiba · 1 year
Hi, I’ve been sent by the OC Creator Bingo!
Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about the fandoms you’re in, but, I’m open to learning all about them!
• What’s your favorite thing about writing for these fandoms?
• What made you chose these fandoms over others?
• I’m unsure if you have ocs, but if you do, what’s your favorite trait that each one has?
Hello there.
So, I was always into One piece, so I think it was more of a question of reading something I craved than anything. Why did I chose this fandom? Well, One piece characters have profound emotions and backgrounds, that makes them grey. In other animes, sometimes you have black and white characters, here you have the possibility to explore the psyche and decide if you support one character instead of another
What's my favourite thing about the fandom? Well, there are some genuine people who you can have a conversation with, and It is a pretty nice fandom( for what I've seen at least)
Dorian is pretty loyal and committed to his husband; Johann isn't afraid to be his own person; Jaydon is pretty much the life of the party while being able to stand up for himself; Ekaterina is pretty much a very dedicated scholar, always ready to learn more and more; Yuji is obsessed with art and tattoos.
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bardic-tales · 11 months
Hi, the OC Creator Bingo sent me (admittedly late but better late than never)!
As a huge fan of fantasy novels, your original story caught my eye.
So, infodump about it! Give me a plot summary, main characters and your favorite thing about it!
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Hello. I apologize with how late this is. I've been very busy, lately. Thank you so much for your interest in Cold as Ice. Between the worldbuilding and 6 drafts, I've been working on it since 2009. It's my favorite WIP I ever worked on and really tests my abilities as an author.
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“Six nobles. One crown prince. An evil machination they cannot allow to come to pass.” - Cold as Ice
For Vaene Arturis, the Crown Prince of the Olessa Empire, life has been cruel. His son and wife were assassinated by the Wraith, the most proficient shadow-blade in all of the Olessan Empire. He has few people he trusts, and he keeps most people at an emotional distance.
For Cyras Covelli, family is a luxury. Something you never take for granted. As an orphan, she was taken in by the Duke of Avis Niccolo Napoli and thrust into a life at court to further the Duke’s machinations. She learned that most look out for themselves.
After her husband is assassinated by the Wraith and she is appointed Stewardess of the kingdom, Cyras learns that taking risks is paramount to her happiness. Risks like working closely with the Crown Prince and placing the Olessan Empire’s interest above her own.
But to save the empire, Cyras needs to turn her back on Niccolo and go against the dark secret that the Duke of Avis and his supporters are hiding.
Main Characters:
There are at least eight main characters, but I'll focus on Stewardess Cyras Giovanna Teresa Covelli da Lucci. Cyras is the main protagonist in Cold as Ice. She is a widowed noblewoman who originally sought to overthrow the Arturis family when she realized how corrupted Emperor Graeme Sextus Arturis. To that end, she agrees with a plan her foster father has been planning since Graeme has been showing signs of dementia. Her foster father is afraid that Graeme will spill secrets, and so is the The Penumbral Society.
Cyras often describes herself as a self-made woman. Although she was forced to marry the Steward of Olessan Empire when she was young, she refused to let fate or society force her how to act. She educated herself in the ways of the men and created a reputation for herself. Because of this, she has remained at the top of society through manipulation and refuses to let her guard down.
She is not interested in love, and when Cold as Ice starts, she does not believe that love really exists. It is a manufactured idea that men use to ensnare women. That is why her feeling of love and affection for the Crowned Prince takes her completely by surprise.
As a letter writer, Cyras is very shrewd. She developed the ability to lift phrases out of people's letters and use their own words against them. This is shown when she intercepted a letter that Catrina Raspanti wrote to her own brother, a letter that Vaene Arturis -- Catrina's betrothed -- knew nothing about.
Favorite Thing:
I think my favorite thing is how Cold as Ice evolved. A very early draft of it was actual a fan fiction set in the Assassin's Creed universe. It was canon x oc, and she was paired with Ezio Auditore.
Looking back, it hardly resembles the fan fiction while certain elements remain. There is still an assassin organization, but they are not the heroes in this.
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shrinkthisviolet · 11 months
Hi, I've been sent by the OC Creator Bingo! I am very late but that's okay.
We've got one (1) fandom in common, so I'm just gonna go with that lol.
What was the inspiration behind creating Lucy Skywalker?
How do she and Luke meet?
What makes Obi-Wan decide to raise Lucy instead of finding her another home like he did for Luke and Leia?
What is your favorite fandom to write for and why?
Who was the first OC you ever created and are they still active?
-@heresthefanfiction / @peopleofthewing
Hi, so glad you dropped by! I’m always up for talking about my OCs:
Honestly I’ve always had the concept for a Skywalker triplet floating nebulously in my head, but it’s the Kenobi show that really nailed down Lucy as a raised Kenobi for me. Obi-Wan’s dynamic with Leia inspired me 😂
She and Luke meet in this fic, as little kids!
They do consider sending her to the Naberries, but as this fic mentions…the Naberries still live on Naboo, Palpatine’s home planet, and Palpatine is no doubt watching them very closely. It wouldn’t be safe…whereas raising two Force-strong Skywalker kids on Tatooine is risky, but safer because of how overlooked Tatooine is.
Favorite fandom to write for…currently it’s the Flash, but most of the time it’s Star Wars!
My first OC was a Warrior Cats OC, years and years ago 😂 not active anymore
Thank you again!
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random-writerings · 1 year
Hi, I’ve been sent by the OC Creator Bingo!
Listen, I got unreasonably excited when I saw Narnia on your masterlist. So, do you have any Narnia ocs and if so tell me everything about them!!
Hi Bingo friend! This ask is so perfectly timed it's spooky. I was just chatting with someone the other day about how rare Narnia OCs are. And I also get unreasonably excited when I see Narnia on someone's masterlist! :)
I do have an old Narnia OC that I've been reworking recently. I might be rambling on a bit so I'll put the details under the cut.
She doesn't have a name yet but she's a nymph who falls in love with Edmund during the Golden Age (and of course becomes best friends with his siblings). After they disappear, she never gives up hope that they'll come back.
When the Telmarines invade Narnia, she leads the Narnian army against them. Eventually her tree (which her life/magic is connected to) is cut down by the Telmarines and she's weakened. She dies in battle, killed by one of Caspian’s ancestors. When she reaches Aslan’s Country, she asks him if the Pevensies will ever return. He promises her they will someday. She decides that it's her duty to protect Narnia until they return and she asks him to send her back to Narnia. He warns her it'll be a long time until they come back but she's willing to wait (she never got to properly say goodbye after all). Aslan then connects her life/magic to Narnia itself (rather than one specific tree) and grants her an extended life. She becomes sort of a myth among Narnians because no one except Aslan has ever been resurrected. She continues to protect Narnia as best she can but by the time the Pevensies return, Narnia is dying and she's weak. Obviously she grows stronger once Aslan returns and she is relieved of the burden of ruling the kingdom when Caspian becomes King of Narnia (but she has to stick around to make sure he does a good job).
The details of PC and VOTDT are a bit fuzzy. I vaguely remember an idea that my OC was captured by Miraz after the attack on the castle and then brought to the Stone Table because he wanted her to watch her people die or something. I also had an idea that she would leave Narnia with Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace at the end of VOTDT but I'm not sure if I'll keep that. Like I said, this is an old OC and I didn't write any of my ideas down so I'm trying to remember stuff as well as rework other stuff, so sorry if this is a bit vague. :)
Also, your Narnia OC Emmeline sounds awesome! I can't wait to read her story. :)
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OC Creator Bingo 2023
Robin Wood for @heresthefanfiction
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dancingsunflowers-ocs · 11 months
Hello, I've been sent by the OC Creator Bingo (better late than never)!
We've got a couple fandoms in common, so I figured I'd start there!
What inspired you to create Pansy Littlefoot?
If you had to pick one AU to write for Pansy and Sam (Coffee Shop AU, Western AU, etc), what would it be and why?
What is Leah Sinclair's worst fear?
What is Leah's proudest moment?
-@heresthefanfiction / @peopleofthewing
Thank you so much for the asks @heresthefanfiction!! 💕 (DEFINITELY better late than never, seeing how SUPER LATE this reply to you is 😂) I’m so sorry for the late reply, but I’ve thought this would also the perfect opportunity to introduce my faceclaim change for Leah!! 💕
I’ve created Pansy, because I’ve never seen an OC who’s a love interest for Sam, and I’ve thought that he deserved one, as he’s such a sweet character who’s also very brave.
I would definitely like to write a modern au, which is also a coffee shop au, where Pansy is a school teacher and Sam is a florist and they would meet in a coffee shop and develop a friendship which slowly develops into a romantic relationship where they go on coffee shop dates with each other.
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Leah’s worst fear is losing any of her loved ones, when she couldn’t save them, especially when her grief pushes her to seek revenge. The thought of being forced to choose between saving her city or saving the life of one of her loved ones, makes her feel sick, as she can’t bare the thought.
Leah’s proudest moment was when she saved an orphaned boy from a world disaster involving a super villain, and whilst she originally didn’t want children, due to her past, she forms a bond with the young boy, in which she and Peter eventually adopt him, especially as she knows that Peter wanted a family of his own, when they both graduate college.
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cecexwrites · 11 months
Hello, I've been sent by the OC Creator Bingo! I am admittedly late, but better late than never!
I feel like most people ask about fandom ocs, so I'm going to ask about your original story!
Who are the main characters?
What is the main conflict they have to work against?
What inspired you to come up with/write this story?
What is your favorite thing about it?
so there are a tooooon of main characters in the series but I will start with book one which remains unnamed because I am a loser. But for the sake of Clarity I will call it Project Lone Wolf.
The main characters are Shelby Novak (Who generally goes by her last name) and Aiden Lancaster.
There are a couple of conflicts. One being Aiden's amnesia. He doesn't know anything about his past or who attacked him. The other conflict being that the Alpha in the town assumes that it was Novak (Because of reasons) and they have to prove it wasn't or else face the consequences.
It was inspired by an RP that an old friend and I had like... 7 years ago or something.
The fake science! I enjoy making up supernatural science.
Thanks for the questions!
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ginger-grimm · 11 months
Hi, I've been sent by the OC Creator Bingo! I am admittedly late, but better late than never!
We don't really seem to have any fandoms in common, but that doesn't mean we can't talk ocs!
What is your favorite fandom to write for and why?
Who is your favorite oc and why?
What was the first fandom you made an oc for and is that oc still active?
What is your favorite fic that you've written and why?
-@heresthefanfiction / @peopleofthewing
No worries, thank you for the questions!
Honestly, good question. I really enjoy writing for Stranger Things because the events that take place usually do so in the span of a week, so there's so much that you can add in the times you don't see. And, additionally, I really like it because the writers have so many neglected characters where you get to put your own spin on them. I also still enjoy writing for Teen Wolf a lot because I have a whole separate universe built in there at this point.
I couldn't possibly choose a favorite OC as a whole because there are just so many of them. But one of my all-time favorites has got to be my Riverdale OC Teddy Green. He's just such a great character who lights up any scene I put him in (not to toot my own horn but he is one of my masterpieces for sure). He's so soft and tuned in to people's feelings and so stupid but in a fun way.
Marlow Stilinski is my first OC and she is active anytime I remember her and sort of get a bit of a Teen Wolf obsession again. She really is my first baby ever and thusly has gone through like ten different iterations already. She is very much still active.
Again, tough question because honestly no fic of my mine has actually ever been totally finished on paper. But the Baby Werecoyote Saga will always have a place in my heart because it is the first time I ever ventured into writing fanfiction and it started me on this path. All the characters in it make me so happy and I do believe it helped me better my writing over the years.
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supermarine-silvally · 11 months
Hi, I've been sent by the OC Creator Bingo!
We don't appear to have any fandoms in common, but that won't stop me from talking about ocs lol.
What was the first fandom you made an oc for?
What oc of yours is your current favorite and why?
What is your favorite fandom to write for and why?
What is your favorite fandom to read fanfic for?
-@heresthefanfiction / @peopleofthewing
Hi! I'm always down to talk OCs for whatever fandom :D I actually have plenty more OCs, but I've really only posted here about the ones I've written fic about. Most exist just as concepts haha
What was the first fandom you made an oc for?
Hmm, probably Indiana Jones? I was obsessed with the Indiana Jones movies when I was like 10 and I had an OC for that series that I really loved-- And now that the 5th movie is coming out, I'm probably gonna revive her, just need to find a good faceclaim!
What oc of yours is your current favorite and why?
Miss Iryna Oleksandrivna Kovalenko of My Hero Academia :D She's such a headstrong little firecracker and so much fun to write, both in her "canon" universe and in the multitude of AUs I have for her. She's one of my more developed OCs so I really know her character inside and out, plus I just really love my design for her.
What is your favorite fandom to write for and why?
Out of the ones I'm currently active in, I'd say Hunter x Hunter-- it's a relatively older anime and the fans are quite chill in comparison to other, more popular shonen fandoms. I've been pleasantly surprised by the amount of people who have actually given my fic a chance, considering there isn't a huge incentive to read OC fics if you're not into making OCs yourself.
What is your favorite fandom to read fanfic for?
It really depends on what I'm looking for! I'll read any OC content even if I'm not familiar with the fandom just because I enjoy OCs, but outside of OC stuff I'm currently mostly into reading Hunter x Hunter fics!
Thanks for the questions!! :D
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enchanted--roses · 11 months
Hello, I've been sent by the oc creator bingo, admittedly late, but better late than never!
I know you were on my bingo card last year, and I'm pretty sure we talked about your Jurassic OC, Katarina Frost. I remember loving her and her backstory!
So, anything new with her in the last year?
Just saw this ask in my inbox.
I remember that we did talk about Katarina last year.
I have to admit that sadly I don’t have that many new things about her, but here some head canon I had following the last movie.
Between the second and third movie, Katarina and Owen got married in a small ceremony with Maisie as the only guest and Rosa and Shep acting as witnesses. Owen will promise a real wedding when they will be able to do one.
When they meet up with the original trio, Malcom and Allan get into overprotective uncle mode and as they prepare themselves to rip Owen to shreds they got attacked and have to postpone their interrogation.
After everything, Allan and Malcom will finally have their conversation with Owen and the latter will ask Katarina in marriage again.
Resulting in the marriage they should have had the first time with their family and friend there.
For now that it’s everything I have new for her.
Thanks for the ask
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heresthefanfiction · 2 years
Here's my gift for @ocfairygodmother for the OC Creator Bingo! I hope you like it, I really love Tia and had so much fun making this!
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