#helluva boss blizo
hazbin-helluva-itch · 2 months
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I just now noticed that their tails are tied together and then tied to the ball with a chain. This looks extremely painful, considering that a tail is an extension of the spine.
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cherrisbomb · 6 days
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finished the ep and immediately had to make this
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fever-dreamer97 · 2 years
The Gravity Falls Effect
That cartoon where you think its just all gonna be for shits and giggles…
But psych bitch, it’s actually a carefully plotted out TV show that you’ll now emotionally sell your soul to just to have your heart smashed into pieces OVER AND OVER AGAIN-
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mars-wuz-herez · 1 month
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This fucking KILLED ME
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spicylove4ever · 9 months
About Helluva Boss: OOPS.
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They say info-dumpings are bad... but this was a shock of pure drama and I loved it.
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I used to not like Fizz at all, but thanks to this chapter not only he has my sympathy (the backstory) but my respect, since everyone who sees through Striker and can get under his skin does.
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Sooooooooooo..... does this means Striker is not going to work for Crimson?
I hope so. I.M.P. can't exactly afford all their enemies to start an union.
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1111mango · 4 months
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My favourite duo <3 Posted this on twitter and like people don't care so I present my now favourite drawing of mine :3
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jasybear · 8 months
Does anyone know where i can download Brandon Rogers game Showtime Shenanigans? I cant find it on app stores and i dont know what random sites i can trust. Also i have a samsung device
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inu-jiru · 1 year
After giving it some more thought, I can say with confidence that Seeing Stars is worse than this new episode, if only because of Loona. If anything, this episode makes Loona’s behavior in Seeing Stars worse because Blitzo, as flawed as he is, spent 5 years planning for Loona to get her damn Hellbies shots so SHE won’t catch some shit and die, just for Loona to be like “dads screw up tee hee” and kick him in the balls, like bffr
Hmm funny how we haven’t seen the greatest dad in the world Stolas do that tho 🤔
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thebunniesgrim · 6 months
These Helluva characters that feel the same to me 
I've been work shopping this since the Mammon episode came out. I just want other opinions on this so I can confirm if I'm crazy or if others see it too. Keep in mind this is how I see the characters and my opinion. I'm glad to see what you all think as well :)
Blizto and Mammon are the same character. Moxxie and Fizz share a good amount of qualities that are very similar and so do Millie and Asmodeus. Idk it seems like they feel the same sometimes. You would think Stolas, Biltz, Fizz and Asmodeus would have the most in common because they’re supposed to be parallels  
But let me explain 
Were we go  
Mammon and Blizto  
(I already when over this in another post so here's what I said)  
They are practically the same character given what the show tells us. What Blitzo does to Moxxie is the same thing Mammon does to fizz only cranked up to nine. Mammon says things that make Fizz worry I.e. “ready to reclaim your win another year... I saw your competition and it's pretty stiff, right? You are going to have try extra hard” remember in “The Harvest Moon Festival” ep where Blizto says “now just remember your rep with the in laws is on the line here so, no pressure at all you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life” he totally did that on purpose. How about when Mammon calls Fizz a “a bit chungo”? blitzo in seeing stars “you know it wouldn’t kill ya to put a salad in your body every now and then” and he says it meaner. He even encourages Loona to also call moxxie fat so while it’s still Loona doing it Blizto not telling her to chill out or something and there by condoning it, but he has the nerve to clutch his stupid little pearls (also blitzo isn't Wareing his mom little necklace thing in the Mammon ep) when Mammon does the same thing. Mammon says sexually charged stuff to Fizz that is very obviously making him uncomfortable but disregards it like its nothing? “they’ll want a piece of you they can home and fuck! Don’t you want that Fizzy? to be fucked?” Then Fizz said no, and he disregarded it. Blizto in Murder Family, Harvest Moon, Truth seekers, Ex's and Ohs when he makes a big deal about someone having sex with both Moxxie and Millie and then making a big deal at the fact that he, Moxxie and Millie have had sex with the same person also maybe Ozzie's when he says he watches the M&M get it on but it's hard to gaze if Moxxie’s reaction was surprise, disgust or both. Mammon calls Fizz a “a stupid little [HONK]” Blizto calls Moxxie “a fucking disgrace” in Unhappy Campers but to be fair I make it an active effort to forget that ep is canon so. Mammon puts Fizz in a situation he can't handle, which leads to a panic attack. Blizo in the first ep Murder Family where Moxxie doesn’t want to kill Martha because he doesn’t want to kill a mother and ruin a family and is openly hesitant and uncomfortable about it causing him to have a small panic and mess up the mission at first. Mammon tells fizz to get his shit together with the underlying threat of firing, terminating, or worse. Murder family Blitzo says “But if you ever pull a stunt like this again, I will fuck you and your wife”. Both Blizto and Mammon are openly sexist  treat Fizz and Moxxie all buddy buddy when they do stuff, they want but when they don’t comply or might do something they don’t like they get mean or aggressive. They only main differences is that Moxxie can talk back to Blizto in a way and fizz can't and Fizz gets to quit and escape his horrible boss.
ok new stuff
Moxxie and Fizzarolli 
Moxxie and Fizzarolii have a lot in common such as being into music and overall performance. Fizz, I think he is supposed to be a comedian (he’s a jester) but from all the performances he puts on is mostly singing so. They both like supporting new talent Fizz and the deft kid. Moxxie and the mixtape guy from seeing stars “you made this?... Millie! We need money to pay this talented artist... These artists put their hearts and souls into their work.” They both can be very awkward at times Fizz in Mammons Magnificent Musical Mid-Season Special ft. Fizzarolli (MMMMSfF) “Haha ignores him, Sir. He’s uh like this all the time” and moxxie in Harvest moon festal when Millies's dad talks about the flaming twister and moxxie awkwardly chuckles and says, “oh crumbs...” and they both seem to have a need to be good at what they do. Fizz and his performances saying he needs the pageant gig and Moxxie with being a good assassin his constant want to be stronger like in harvest moon. They both get called fat, and they both have a powerhouse SO. Both get wrapped up in their heads and won’t listen to reason if it means they get to prove themselves to a sucky boss or their own ego. I.e. the entirety of Unhappy Campers and the beginning of western energy when Moxxie must kill the pig thing and MMMMSfF when Fizz won't listen to Ozzie when he tells him “yo maybe not this year?” about the pageant. they both have exceedingly more screen time and character development than their SO. Both are kind of weak physically speaking Fizz can't fight and Moxxie can't really hold his own very often and needs back up when it comes to hand to hand combat.  disregards they’re significant other’s worries for them I.e. when Asmodeus was worried about Fizz going to the Greed ring knowing something bad could happen to Fizz given his fame and flashy personality and when Asmodeus doesn’t want Fizz to go to the pageant because it takes a physical and emotional toll on Fizz. Millie when she’s worried about Moxxie entering the Pain Games, when Millie is worried moxxie is getting carried away with mission in Unhappy Campers. They need to be reassured Fizz when he says he sorry to Ozzie for getting kidnapped and Ozzie say she should need to apologize for it and when Ozzie says he loves fizz flaws and all alsothat he doesn’t need to be Mammon's cash bitch. Moxxie when Millie tells him doesn’t need to prove he’s strong to her parents, doesn’t need to hide his past from her. Damzel in destress  
Millie and Asmodeus  
Not a lot to say about them because they don’t get a lot of screen time and are often pushed to the side for the more popular SO. Seemingly perfect significant others who are only there to boot the other party of the relationship.  ambiguous flaws such as Millie being hellhound racist and doesn't do/say anything about blizto/Loona/anybody abusing moxxie. Ozzie, a deadly sin who couldn't save is boyfriend from a villain who is 30000x weaker than him and blizto saved him and seemingly a little processive and kind of smothery. Comparatively to Moxxie and Fizz we know very little about them. The moral support and all around good/normal one. Being comply indifferent to Blizto despite how he treats/treaded Moxxie and Fizz. I understand blizto and Fizz made up, but wouldn't you still be a little skeptical of the guy who disabled your boyfriend even a little? even if it was on accident? Also, wouldn’t you want to speak to your so called friend and boss about how he treats your husband?  
Is it just me? Fizz and Ozzie feel like the gay version of Moxxie and Millie. I feel like I have a sold case with Blizto and Mammon and Millie and Asmodeus, but I don’t know  
what do you think?
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razzi467 · 7 months
do you have a video for asmodeus or art of him cause he looks really cool as a character ❤️ Sorry if it’s too much to ask
ooo OK so I was thinking of doing asmodeus but t never got to it so why not? I got chu I will also post one of my favorite songs from helluva boss as well in my next post
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This is so fucking cute I don’t GIVE A DAMN IF THEY ARE HYPOCRITES !!! They love each other and thats all that matters 💜💙 they are such a good couple. Unlike FUCKING BLIZO WHO IS Afraid TO SHOW THAT HE LIKES STOLAS and stoles who is to forward with how he feels about bliz. But it’s all the same cause I still love them even though they have some problems. this master piece was made by :SINFUL jam on deviant art they have a tone of amazing art. I totally didn’t turn this to my wallpaper….whaaaat? I didn’t…. I like Alastor a little bit more but I’m an over all helluva boss and hazbin hotel fan 100%
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k1ra0nloose · 3 months
Actually at this point I don't think we need to be paid in cold hard cash
Maybe capri sun tho. Man, I love capri sun.
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Take the Capri sun
Also kinda unrelated but whenever you ask m to pay you guys I feel like blizo from helluva boss
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aprosin · 6 days
spoilers for the EP.8 of Full Moon from Helluva Boss
love the little song introduction, not the duo singing but them singing
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aslo Blizo can cook :D
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the B plot was alright, poor the sheep angel :(
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aslo its funny visual gag that they left out Loona and put in actual fursuit
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actual children learn about the other side of hell
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and the meat part
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I keep saying out "let them kiss to show how they truly feel for Blizo but the way Blitzo expressed out
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looks familiar to a certain beginning part
but man, I thought they going to break into a song or Stolas shout at Blizo to leave but he just teleport Blizo out of place
over the ep was worth-ish
its very good and funny moments but its alright
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wolf-of-the-woods · 1 year
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Everyones favorite sassy assassin from Hell, Blitzø!
I absolutely love this character because he can go from a complete asshole to protective and caring.
You can shop this drawing on my redbubble store!
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seeyabythemarina · 1 year
No Octavia Suffering
We are all fine with stolas cheating on stella but hate that ocavia was hurt by it
Stolas didnt cheat till after octavia was 18. When octavia leave for collage stella abuse ramps up not needing to hide it anymore. When stella decides to throw a raised an egg and its gone to collage party is went blitzo and stolas remeet. Stolas been considering suicide sents octavia an adult and doesn't need him anymore. Meeting blizo was the happiest he's ever felt since octavia left. Deal with helluva boss with no octavia stress since she be gone and wouldn't have to here the yelling. Not to mention no working about octavia custody battle.
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swagmiraclecollective · 6 months
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chaoticbauer · 3 years
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what i immediately thought of
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