herpsandbirds · 1 month
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Spiny Weevil (Heilus freyreissi), family Curculionidae, Choco region of Ecuador
photograph by Javier Aznar González de Rueda (@javier_aznar_photography)
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abluehappyface · 10 months
I see you like marbles. Have you ever watched the Marble Olympics?? https://youtu.be/AiNxh59hk5w
I have and I LOVE them! I'm not as caught up on the newest stuff, but I have seen and love many of the games! I especially love how the "people" in the audience are just other marbles lmao
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rwbyazre · 8 months
In which year of their school are Vionn and Ciara currently in?
They are in the year above AZRE, so they are in their final year of the academy like CRMN.
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ketsuppia · 4 months
Vent postauksen positiivinen käännös :)
Sain soviteltua että menen mummolaan nyt viikonloppuna, ei se sama ole kun kotiin mutta kelpaa, sovittiin kans että koiruli jää sitten sinne ensviikoks kun meen käymään koulussa ja lähen sinne reissuun, eli saan ne kolme päivää ma-ke olla ihan rauhassa ja valmistautua torstain reissuun.
Ollaan taas myöskin bestiksiä koirulini kanssa, saatiin nukuttua yks yö tosi hyvin ja ruokakin maistu hyvin molemmille seuraavana päivänä :3 jos miul ois häntä se heilus iha samalla lain kun pikku neitinki
Kyl tää tästä!!
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thatlittledandere · 6 months
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En oo ikinä tajunnu englantia puhuvien juttuja Christmas elfistä koska ei siellä mikään Legolas heilu...
Joulu-Legolas........ uus hittituote
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chicago-geniza · 10 months
Thinking about the incredible innovative potential of pejorative neologisms (read a post po polsku about Lukasz Sakowski in the Daily Mail that proclaimed "Srakowski w Daily Heilu" and went "holy shit")
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nightmarist · 1 year
DnD Session Update!
First Update | Previous Update
Xehara’s player wasn’t able to make it, BUT it was a good opportunity to showcase potential side effects of the items the players reaped from the vault of the previous temple.
As they continued to search the temple of the Elk God, they were able to learn a few things:
Sigurd Helvega is the name of the High Priest of this temple, and the seals and signatures used for the temple match the seals and signatures from a pile of letters they stole from Sigurd in the first session. This also confirms for them Sigurd is at least 500 years old as of the destruction of this temple.
They search around and collect a few small things, looting the cabinets and treasure. Ivan stole an elk robe pin from a corpse. Tahir the Jackal started stealing bones from the corpses.
They returned to the central foyer and looted the pockets of a corpse. It had a small ledger with short hand names and numbers. They were able to discern this was more like a log book of movement and rooms, indicating priests’ quarters in addition to being a collection of time cards. They couldn’t figure out the short hand but they did assume correctly that Sigurd must have a room here. They also found a flask in his pocket. It was pretty, silver with gold embossed leaves and a round lid top. Sniffing it they found it was just straight alcohol.
They entered a gold filigree gate into the Sanctuary, where two ground doors flanked a statue of the Elk god, a pair of stairs flanked the statue with two more doors, and a final upstairs door on the right balcony. They went into the left ground door. This was a large office area with one big wooden desk overgrown with vines and leaves from a broken window on the left side, a smaller pair of desks on the right, a door in the far right corner on the right wall, a door straight ahead, but otherwise nothing of particular more besides more boring paperwork and some statues.
They checked the right wall door, it led directly into the room on the other side of the deer statue. Nothing of particular note, it was another office space but with more small desks, indicating the room they were just in was likely the High Priest’s. Both offices had a door on the north wall.
They wanted to enter the one from the high priest office assuming (correctly) it could be Sigurd’s. It was locked however and the only door they’ve encountered so far with handles. Everything else were simple swinging doors. All doors at this point has been described as being decorated with organic leaf filigree but this one has the image of a deer indicating it’s greater importance. Tork thought the lacquered door was too pretty to tear down. He rolled very high to knock the handle off the door rather cleanly and opened it that way.
It was a large master bedroom, an ornate canopy bed lay on the left hand wall in front of a beautiful stained glass window. A wardrobe directly north, two large and well worn trunks on the right hand wall, three paintings on the wall above the trunks, and the wall where the door they came from had two more paintings. There was a large, round bowl about 35 inches in diameter full of a waxy substance. Above it was a beautifully ornate candle Chandelier with some stalactites of wax that had dripped down over time.
Do you know how long it took out of character them to realize the bowl-table was for catching candle wax. Do you. It was laughable. We did in fact laugh about it.
Anyway, Tahir looked at the middle painting on the right wall. It was labeled “Sigurd Helvega” but it was tipped to shreds, impossible to piece together. He could tell it was once a portrait but that’s all.
Ivan tried Detect Magic. Nothing besides their own equipment gave off magic. Tork looked at the two paintings in the south wall. They were portraits of the swordsman and archer from the pre ious temple, but with first and last names different from what the plaques at the previous temple had. Razvra Zhiat, and Asa Heilung. He looked at the other two paintings near “the beauty and the beast” painting (what they dubbed sigurds torn portrait). The angel from the temple was a portrait there, named Eloise Starsguard, and a landscape impressionist painting of a meadow with a village.
They all thought Sigurd was arrogant for putting his portrait not only with sacred hero-gods, but his was even slightly larger than theirs. Oh, so close….
Ivan looked in the wardrobe. It was plain, but had three sets of clothes left in the bulk. Two priest robes, one with a tippet embroidered with a pair of elk - he took the tippet as a collector of religious iconography. A third set of clothing that looked more like light armor, or traveling clothes, embroidered with some elk symbology. He discerned it was probably a special pilgrimage outfit.
On the other half of the wardrobe he found a long sword with an ornate scabbard, a short bow, and ten arrows in a quiver. There was an empty slot for a staff.
The drawers were disheveled as if they were taken from in a hurry. More letters buried in them, as if trying to be hidden. He took the letters but didn’t examine them yet.
Tahir took the bow and arrows. Ivan took the sword.
Tahir wanted to check out the bed, see if there was anything hidden. He rolled a 1. He noticed the bed was a very nice quality, extremely soft down with silk sheets and down pillows. He got distracted by how nice it was sitting on it.
Tork checked out the trunks but they both locked, each having a keyhole. He asked Hank the Haoma to look around. Hank sniffed around and came to the bed Tahir was just chilling on, admiring the thread count.
Tork got mad at Tahir for not looking around. He flipped the bed over so hard the key flung somewhere in the room. They did Eventually find the key and opened the chests. One was a trunk full of healers supplies. Mostly empty or rotten herbs, but a great many and well protected glass vials, beakers, tubes, distillation tools and other things they couldn’t perfectly place but obvious it was a healer and/or alchemists large travel kit. The other had documents. They found three land deeds, each with star charts for each season to be able to find the locations, and crude drawings of landmarks to find them. Several more letters, mostly clothes, this was likely used for actual travel.
They collected the deeds to look at later. They exited and went back to the sanctuary with the elk statue. They went upstairs to the right door flanking the elk. It was a large mostly empty room, four pillars and the walls on either side had stairs like staggers as if for sitting or standing. A thin door to the immediate right. Directly in front was an altar space with used candles and old braziers. The altar had the image of the elk god in human form.
They opened the door and found it was a simple closet. It had incense, candles, two extra braziers, a few statues, and a small barrel. Ivan popped the top cork and discovered it was wine. Everyone had a swig. They took two sets of 50ft rope and shoved it in their bag of holding.
They went to the matching left door upstairs and discovered a replica of the same room, but it was different. The altar was toppled over and the statue of the elk god’s deer form was broken in pieces. There were large streaks of something dark coming from the altar place. Ivan detected no magic, but could smell it wasn’t blood. Tahir was going to lick it, but rolled a nat20 for perception. Before locking it he could smell the stench of old rot, and decided it wasn’t worth risking his health.
Tork assumed it was the black blight they’ve encountered before.
In this room, Xehara started clutching his throat. Ivan noticed the necklace Xehara got from the vault was reacting and while previously it had dropped binational Magic attached to it, it now had necromancy attached yo it before Xehara passed out. Tork swaddled him and carried him on his chest.
They left the room for the final door on the upper level right wall. It was another office, but it was completely ripped apart. However, what set it apart from all the others was that there was no external damage, not from broken stones or trees like the others, this was destroyed by someone looking for something. They pieced together it wasn’t just some random looters; things of value were still there. Whoever did this was looking for something specific.
Ivan detected magic from a large bell that had been cut from its rope, detecting abjuración but very faintly. He discerned with arcana and religion that it was likely a protective magic that when rung would protect the area or its people, and discerned it likely only had one final ring left by the way its magic was so faded in his vision.
He tried to pick it up by himself, nat 1’ing a strength check. He toppled over and the bell rang, releasing a magic, protective aura around all of them. Tork shook his head and called Ivan an idiot, lifting the bell like it was nothing with one hand. He kept the bell.
Outside, they plotted together their findings.
Tork knows how to read astronomy maps and star charts and was able to figure out the previous temple where the elk god’s corpse was is the general location of one of the deeds in Sigurd’s name. The three statues in that place, the swordsman, archer, and angel were portraits in his room. There was also a statue of Sigurd himself at that temple.
He asked Ivan about the Godkiller. Ivan recited the legend (here). Tork thinks Sigurd has something to do with the Godkiller but isn’t sure how exactly they connect.
The previous temple also had a pentagram lock with five crystal keys corresponding to locations on the world map via a riddle referencing the first pantheon’s origin myth. He matched the three deeds to the general locations to three of the keys, one of which is where Ivan came from. Ivan’s home city has a holy catacomb dedicated to an angel, a demon, and an alchemist who are said to have created the first vampires with alchemy. He can’t quite figure out the connection beyond that.
The dead god temple had statues of a female angel, Sigurd, a male swordsman, and a female archer. Ivan knows for a fact they share the angel as part of their pantheon but the descriptions of the demon and alchemist vary too widely to connect them to the swordsman or Sigurd, let alone the archer woman isn’t part of his pantheon at all.
Tork thinks the black blight is connected somehow to Sigurd, and Sigurd somehow to the Godkiller. Sigurd owns property near three locations of the five crystal keys. Two are confirmed to be temples. The Godkiller is associated with necromancy, vampires, the color teal, herbalism, and alchemy.
I think that’s everything. Tork’s player took a lot of notes so I’ll double check with what I confirmed for him and update when necessary.
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pitkospuulaiturit · 1 year
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https://www.pitkospuu.com/post/pukkilaituri Pukkilaituri on hyväksi koettu perinteinen laiturimalli, jonka voi kohtalaisen helposti korjata talveksi rannalle. Mikäli jäät aiheuttavat aina keväisin rannassa kiinteälle laiturille vahinkoa, on pukkilaituri silloin hyvä vaihtoehto. Pukkilaituri on myös vakaa koska se ei heilu allokossa ponttoonilaiturin tapaan, vaan on pinnan päällä vakaana asetetussa korkeudessa. Pukkilaituri on hyvä ratkaisu myös silloin kun rannan pohja on normaalia kovempi ja tolppia ei pystytä nuijimaan pohjaan kiinni. Laiturin pukit ovat vakaat ja voidaan rakentaa pohjan muotoja mukaillen mikäli pohja ei ole tasainen. Tällöin on hyvä syksyllä merkata tarkkaan mikä pukkiteline on mihin elementtiin ja kumpaan päätyyn. Aloita nyt ja ota yhteyttä Pitkospuun nettisivun alaosassa olevalla yhteydenottolomakkeella, sähköpostilla, tai puhelimitse - toteutetaan teidän tarpeisiin sopiva pukkilaituri avaimet käteen asennettuna! email: info (a) pitkospuu.com puh.: O4O-5464996 #pukkilaituri #pukkilaiturit #saimaa #päijänne #puula #näsijärvi #keitele #inari #pielinen #oulujärvi #pihlajavesi #orivesi #haukivesi #kallavesi #puruvesi #pyhäselkä #saaristo #tammisaari #hanko #turku
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fyrirastreika · 1 year
Fólk lifir ekki heilu lífi, ekki nokkrum árum, nokkrum mánuðum, nokkrum dögum, heldur nokkrum augnablikum!
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atletasudando · 2 years
Giovani dos Santos ganó las 10 Millas de Vitoria
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El veterano fondista brasileño Giovani dos Santos, de 41 años, conquistó una de las pruebas de ruta de mayor tradición en Brasil y la más importante del estado de Espírito Santo: Diez Milals Garoto. Fue la 31a. edición, que ha retornado al calendario nacional después de dos años de interrupción por la pandemia. Giovani cubrió los 16,09 km. en 48m.21s. mientras que la etíope Mestawut Trunet fue la vencedora en la clasificación femenina con 56m.45s. Giovani fue escoltado por el keniata Vetus Chemjoy con 48m32s, quedando tercero Gilmar Silvestre Lopes con 48m.58s. El podio femenino quedó para las etíopes ya que Fantu Gelasa erminó 2a en 56m48s. y Yadeny Welteh, tercera con 57m32s. La mejor brasileña fue Amanda de Oliveira en el cuarto lugar con 58m52s. "Ahora me voy a preparar para la San Silvestre, quiero llegar al podio" declaró Giovani. Esta 31a. edición de las Diez Millas Garoto en Vitoria reunió 16 mil atletas. Se largara en Praia de Camburi (Vitoria9 coin llegada frente a la fábrica de chocolates Garoto, en Vila Velha. Todos los campeones 1989 – Delmir Alves dos Santos (RJ),50min28s/ Nerci Freitas Costa (RJ),1h04min19s 1990 – Severino J. da Silva (SP),46min42s/ Sônia Márcia Rodrigues (MG),56min42s 1991 – Luís Antônio dos Santos (RJ), 45min49s/ Silvana Pereira (SC), 53min06s 1992 – Delmir Alves dos Santos (RJ), 50min95s/ Viviany Anderson (MG), 1h0min48s 1993 – Luís Antônio dos Santos (RJ), 47min45s/ Silvana Pereira (SC), 56min48s 1994 – Tomix Alves da Costa (MG) - 48min25s/ Silvana Pereira (SC), 57min35s 1995 – Adalberto B. Garcia (SP), 47min21s/ Viviany Anderson (MG), 56min24s 1996 – Delmir Alves dos Santos (SP), 48min04s/ Maria de L. da Silva (BA), 56min18s 1997 – Ronaldo da Costa (MG), 47min21s/ Risoneide Wanderley (SP), 56min43s 1998 – John M. Gwako (Quênia), 47min19s/ Márcia Narloch (RJ), 55min41s 1999 – John M. Gwako (Quênia), 47min23s/ Viviany Anderson Oliveira (MG), 55min41s 2000 – Joseph Waweru (Quênia), 47min24s/ Márcia Narloch (RJ), 55min52s 2002 – Marílson Gomes dos Santos (DF), 47min41s/ Márcia Narloch (RJ), 55min10s 2003 – Valdenor Pereira dos Santos (PI), 48 min 58 s/ Márcia Narloch (RJ), 56min01s 2004 – Marílson Gomes dos Santos (DF), 47min53s/ Márcia Narloch (RJ), 56min25s 2005 – Franck Caldeira (MG), 48min23s/ Márcia Narloch (RJ), 56min20s 2006 – Marílson Gomes dos Santos (DF),47min39s/ Lucélia Peres (MG), 55mim23s 2007 – Clodoaldo G da Silva (DF), 48min44s/ Edinalva Laureano da Silva (PB), 55min49s 2008 – Willian Gomes (MG), 48min39s/ Nancy Jepkosgei Kipron (Quênia), 56min24s 2009 – Franck Caldeira (MG), 47min58s/ Meseret Heilu (Etiópia), 56min05s 2010 – Marílson Gomes dos Santos (RJ), 47min45s/ Eunice Kirwa (Quênia), 55min11s 2011 – Kimutai Kiplimo (Quênia), 48min05s/ Eunice Jepkirui Kirwa(Quênia), 55min43s 2012 – Joseph Aperumoi (Quênia), 47min01s/ Rumokol Chepkanan(Quênia), 54min13s 2013 – Edwin Kipsang Rotich (Quênia), 47min00s/ Nancy Kipron(Quênia), 55min16s 2014 – Leul Gerbresilase Aleme (Etiópia), 47min18s/ Delvine Meringor (Quênia), 57min08s 2015 – Edwin Kipsang Rotich (Quênia), 47min42s/Delvine Meringor (Quênia), 54min50s 2016 – Joseph Aperumoi (Quênia), 47min29s/Consolata Cherotich (Quênia), 59min49s 2017 – Belete Tola (Etiópia), 48min14s/Esther Kakuri (Quênia), 57min40s 2018 – Wellington Bezerra da Silva (Brasil), 48min55s/Esther Kakuri (Quênia), 57min18s 2019 – Geofry Kipchumba (Quênia), 48min18s/Viola Chemos (Uganda), 59min39s 2022 – Giovani dos Santo (Brasil), 48min21/Mestawut Trunet (Etiópia), 56min45 Read the full article
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lenmiscate · 4 years
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. . . . #andromedan #Heilu #arcturian #blueavian #reptilian #Draconian #Capellian #Bellatrix #lenmiscate #Dinonoid #feline #iguanoid #ancient #antarian #Insectoids #Galacticconfederation #sirians #Meditation #ufo #alien #Abduction #Guardians #alphacenturians #Altairians #pleiadians #Asthar #Procyonians (The home of those who travel through time) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9SEOoyn85L/?igshid=1b76z6oxinhdo
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ecuadorlife · 5 years
Weevil, Heilus sp., Curculionidae
Weevil, Heilus sp., Curculionidae by Andreas Kay Via Flickr: from Ecuador: www.youtube.com/AndreasKay
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rwbyazre · 1 year
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AZRE AESTHETICSㅤ•ㅤTEAM CLVR. ↳ㅤciara o'connor. lavender anu. vionn hei - lu. rhiannon o'gormain.
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triunfo-di-sablika · 3 years
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Den temp’i guera no tin misa e dicho ta bisa pero den un temporada di un pandemia misa si ta presente sin hasi muchu falta. Podise no tur ora por drenta den un iglesia i sinta riba banki pa skucha palabra di dios pero otro formanan moderno pa hiba e mensahe serka nan fielnan no a para nunka. Sklabitut pa esnan sklabisa tambe tabata un pandemia, for di kumisamentu di siglo 16 spañonan a trese nan saserdotenan katoliko pa pasifika e indigenonan i Afrikanonan sklabisa.
Na Korsou tambe e proseso di kolonisashon a bai sam sam ku konkista e mente dje Kaketieu i pretunan sklabisa. E mishon pa sivilisa un poblashon pretu bou di sklabitut i despues di 1863 den un forma suavisa tabata dirihi riba e meta pa tene nan mansu pa sigura e fortuna horta di e minoria blanku. Iglesia katoliko tambe tabata un ladron pa motibu a horta e poder religioso, spiritual Afrikano for di un pueblo pretu. Iglesia katoliko a para wak i hopi biaha yuda e elite blanku horta e fortuna, e prosperidat ku e pretunan na Korsou a traha. Awe den 2021 esaki no a kambia.
Despues di abolishon e pueblo pretu no a buska un reprasaya rasial i no ta tin un matansa di makamba i hudieu sefardim ku a sklabisa nan i roba tur rikesa for di nan. Niun lider protestant, hudieu, katoliko a keda asesina pa motibu di renkor rasial hustifika. Kolonialismo ulandes, e sistema katoliko i religiosidat kristian a soru ku un direktor di banko hudieu por hunga doño di plaka di YDK pretu. Mandatarionan makamba por kana den kaya i ni sikiera haña un webu putri tira den nan kara. E mente kolektivo a keda trose te den perfekshon ku e opresornan no mester teme pa nan bida pa e malisia ku nan ta hasi.
Despues di 400 aña iglesia katoliko no por a krea un lider pretu na Korsou i otro islanan pa bira obispu. Esei ta un testimonio bibu ku e religion tei pa mancha i blancha mente i spiritu di hende pretu. ‘Niun hende’ no por a sali i kritika, kuestiona ku argumentonan solido pakiko ya pa 20 aña kaba Luis Secco por keda obispu aki. Skriptura sigur no ta bisa ku Korsou Aruba St. Martin, Saba, Statia, Boneiru lo keda bou di un liderasgo blanku katoliko pa eternidat. Iglesia Santa Famia tin un pastor makamba den kurason di Otrobanda. Enbes di bai dilanti i krea pastornan YDK ta bai atras i degenera. Kontrali na otro religionnan kristian na Korsou ku mayoria si tin lidernan di Korsou mes.
Awo lidernan pretu kristian no ta un garantia ku hustisia lo keda sirbi pa nan komunidatnan. Pero e ta un komienso si pa dirihi nan mes destino enbes di un iglesia katoliko ku ta keda paga pa gobiernu i ku tin ku sera smoel pa tur e inhustisia ku ta sosode pa e elite, ulanda i gobiernu ku huntu ta soru ku na fin di luna e saserdotenan por kobra nan sen.
Den revelashon 2;2 e angel ta bedei ku e pueblo no por soporta malhende, i ku nan a kita e maskarada dje apostelnan falsu. Pueblo a ripara ku tur e lidernan religioso ku tin Hesukristu den nan boka ta hende ku sed pa poder ku ta biba di mentira. Aki na Korsou i Karibe no a yega na e fase ainda ku ta pone nan sanka blo sunu den kaya.
Resurekshon di un rebeldia pa liberashon dje pueblo aki ta nifika ku e lidernan kristian tin ku muri i nanse di nobo i kuminsa krusifika kapitalismo krioyo i kolonialismo ulandes. Un mishon di sivilisa nan mes konsenshi ku ta kasi imposibel paso nan a kurti den mira e sistema kapitalista i kolonial komo un alabansa sagrado. Ku o sin krisis di corona nan no por otro di baila ku satanas ku ta orkestra e maldat i sufrimentu pa nan por hunga dios chiki, salbado di bida di hende i drai ku e tiki poder ku nan tin ku nan skolnan, radio, e grip den nan iglesianan pa sigui manipula bida di hende. Maldat ku ta aparese komo bondat mester di maldat pa mantene e poder.
Si nan fe tabata asina bibu e ora ei pakiko tabata heilu asina tantu durante elekshon pa duna konseho di voto pa partidonan ku tabata kontra matrimonio di hende di mesun sekso? Un histeria i konseho pa voto tabata ousente pa bisa ku no mester vota pa partidonan ku ta hermentnan politiko pa kapitalismo krioyo i kolonialismo ulandes. E simpel motibu ta ku e ora ei ta un partido so por a duna bendishon pa vota pa nan. Un berdat marga ku niun hende ke papia di dje. Kapitalismo, kolonialismo e rais di tur e malestar na Korsou i den mundu lokual nan hesukristu a bringa kontra di dje no mester keda klaba na e krus mas haltu segun e lidernan kristian.
Nan mester di miseria pa nan grupo kristian chikitu por biba den prosperidat. Tesei ta henter e wega. E ta un adikshon diaboliko, pero e siguidonan di satanas tambe un dia tin ku muri i e reino di shelu ku nan di nan lo drenta su porta lo ta duru duru sera. Si e hesukristu di nan lo resusita e lo gara nan sanka i benta nan den un fiernu di eternidat. Pero na Korsou nos gusta biba den un mundu di engaño keriendo ku asina nos lo risibi bida eterno.
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norsereadalong · 4 years
Norse Readalong 2020 Schedule
This schedule is based on the Hermann Palsson translation. Chapters may be broken up differently in other translations, so the beginning and end lines of each chapter are quoted in English and Icelandic to help keep everyone on the same page in terms of starting and stopping points.
Week 1 - 9/28 - Chapters 1-6
There was a great chieftain in Norway called Ketil Flat-Nose....There is no need to record here the settlements of people who do not come into our story.
Ketill flatnefur hét einn ágætur hersir í Noregi....Á þessum tímum byggðist allur Breiðafjörður og þarf hér ekki að segja frá þeirra manna landnámum er eigi koma við þessa sögu.
Week 2 - 10/5 - Chapters 7-13
A man called Geirrod took possession of land between Thor’s River and Langdale, and made his home at Eyr...All of this only served to aggravate the bad feeling between Bork and Snorri.
Geirröður hét maður er nam land inn frá Þórsá til Langadals og bjó á Eyri....Af þessu óx mjög óþokki með þeim Berki og Snorra.
Week 3 - 10/12 - Chapters 14-18
In the spring at the District Assembly, Snorri demanded his inheritance from Bork....He married Thorgrima Witch-Face, and their sons were Orn and Val, both sturdy fellows.
Á vorþingi um sumarið heimti Snorri föðurarf sinn af Berki....Þeirra synir voru þeir Örn og Valur, drengilegir menn.
Week 4 - 10/19 - Chapters 19-24
Thorarin spent the night at home in Mavahlid....The following year he set out to colonize Greenland, fourteen years before Christianity was adopted by law in Iceland.
Eina nótt var Þórarinn heima í Mávahlíð....En það var fjórtán vetrum fyrir kristni lögtekna á Íslandi.
Week 5 - 10/26 - Chapters 25-29
Now to come back to Vermund and Thorarin the Black, they made landfall in Norway north of Trondheim Fjord and sailed up to Trondheim....People considered Bjorn a great warrior and the bravest of men in any dangerous situation.
Nú er að segja frá þeim Vermundi og Þórarni svarta að þeir komu af hafi norður við Þrándheimsmynni og héldu inn í Þrándheim....Og meðan Pálna-Tóki lifði var Björn með honum og þótti hinn besti drengur og hinn hraustasti í öllum mannraunum.
Week 6 - 11/2 - Chapters 30-34
Now we come back to Thorolf Twist-Foot, who was getting very old....You can still see traces of the wall.
Nú skal segja frá Þórólfi bægifót....Lét Arnkell síðan leggja garð um þveran höfðann fyrir ofan dysina svo hávan að eigi komst yfir nema fugl fljúgandi og sér enn þess merki. Lá Þórólfur þar kyrr alla stund meðan Arnkell lifði.
Week 7 - 11/9 - Chapters 35-41
Snorri the Priest had ignored Thorolf’s protests and continued to use Krakaness Wood, but Arnkel soon made it clear that in his opinion Snorri had no legal right to it....So when they rode back home, they had more or less come to terms.
Snorri goði lét vinna Krákunesskóg allt að einu þó að Þórólfur bægifótur hefði um vandað en það fannst á Arnkatli goða að honum þótti eigi að lögum farið hafa heimildartakan á skóginum....Og voru allir kallaðir sáttir er heim riðu.
Week 8 - 11/16 - Chapters 42-45
That summer a ship put in at Hraunhaven Mouth, and another at Dogadur Ness....Thorleif Kimbi walked with a wooden leg for the rest of his life.
Þetta sumar kom skip í Hraunhafnarós en annað í Dögurðarnes....Þorleifur kimbi gekk alla stund síðan við tréfót.
Week 9 - 11/23 - Break
While it pains me to be US-centric, the couple of times we’ve tried to push through on American Thanksgiving, participation has been basically nil. If you’d like, use this week to catch up or read ahead.
Week 10 - 11/30 - Chapters 46-51
Steinthor of Eyr and his men rowed to the boat-shed at Bakki and hauled the boat ashore....They had an easy journey and got back safely.
Þá er þeir Steinþór af Eyri koma til nausta á Bakka settu þeir þar upp skip sitt....og tókst þeim allt greitt um sína ferð og komu með öllu heilu heim.
Week 11 - 12/7 - Chapters 52-58
The farm at Frodriver had a large living room with a bed-closet behind it, as was usual in those days....Three of Ospak’s men were killed in the fight and one of Thorir’s, while a good many on either side were wounded.
Að Fróðá var eldaskáli mikill og lokrekkja innar af eldaskálanum sem þá var siður....Á þeim fundi féllu þrír menn af Óspaki en einn af Þóri en margir urðu sárir af hvorumtveggjum.
Week 12 - 12/14 - Chapters 59-65 (End!)
Snorri the Priest took over the case against Ospak and his men from Alf the Short....And so we end this story about the people of Thor’s Ness, Eyr, and Altafjord.
Snorri goði tók við málum Álfs hins litla öllum á hendur þeim Óspaki....Og lýkur þar sögu Þórsnesinga, Eyrbyggja og Álftfirðinga.
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Solfeggio – Frequenz – Heilungs Musik – 174 Hz & 285 Hz – Schnelle Heilu...
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