#headship and submission
gospelborn · 10 months
Men and Women in Creation
14 Points from Genesis that emphasize male-female differentiation  What does it mean to be a man? What does it mean to be a woman? While it seems that this discussion is a fruitless endeavor that results in people only stating their personal preferences, we do find an objective perspective given to us in the first three chapters of Genesis that demonstrate the essential equality of men and…
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preacherpollard · 1 month
1 Corinthians: That There Be No Divisions Among You (XVI)
Unity And Gender Roles (11:1-16) Neal Pollard A church prone to division will suffer symptoms in just about every way such can be measured. Corinth seemed to take pride in all the wrong things–who baptized them, how much knowledge they had, what spiritual gifts they possessed, how much money they had, and, apparently, who, by gender, was in charge or had responsibility for church leadership.…
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kdmiller55 · 2 years
The Priority of the Gospel
The Priority of the Gospel
1 First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, 2 for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. 3 This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, 4 who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 5 For there…
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4umilivu · 2 years
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soumuchforthat · 9 months
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with evanatsu week 2023 starting up, here are my submissions for the first three days <3
the first two are for day 1, aka summer/princess
the third one is for day 2, duty/ambition
for day 3, tattoo/headship, i wrote a oneshot called 'fate in vain', which you can read here: x (HEAVY SPOILERS FOR UMINEKO)
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under-the-eye · 17 days
Chastity Shearer has officially joined the family by becoming Mrs. Adam Loomis!
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We held the ceremony at the Parish, officiated by Chastity’s father, the Pastor. A blizzard raged outside, but inside we warmed each other with the strength of our love and devotion to the Watcher’s holy design for us. Both of them had saved their first kisses for the altar, but that didn’t stop them from pouring out their passion when Adam was finally given permission to kiss his bride!
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The vows were beautiful. Chastity swore to be meek and submissive to Adam as her headship, and Adam vowed to lead and protect her as his helpmeet. They made such a lovely couple under the wedding arch– Chastity usually wears her hair naturally, but Adam requested she straighten it for the wedding, and isn’t she the picture of beauty?
(A/N Yes Adam is That Guy)
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We are so happy to welcome Chastity into our family. I pray that the Watcher gives them many, many blessings!
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And another surprise at the wedding– Isla is expecting her first blessing! I’m going to be a grandmother!!
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How do your respond to the claim that Christianity is misogynistic? Not only does it state that wives must submit to husbands, but there are several verses that appear to dehumanize women and relegate women to a subordinate/auxiliary role. What is your interpretation of the intersection of feminism and the Bible, if there is one?
1) I am not a feminist
2) Women were elevated and dignified by Christ. He regularly interacted with women in ways no man of the day would. He treated them as equals, teaching and instructing them. The first person to preach the gospel was a woman, Mary Magdalene. Christ was followed and attended to by women unto the foot of the cross where only one male apostle remained. Women and other marginalized people flocked to Christianity because of this. Because God affirmed their dignity and worth
When the Bible tells women to submit to their husbands, this is because the family mirrors the church.
The husband models Christ, dying and serving and living for the church, while the wife models the church (Catholics often use the phrase “Holy Mother Church”). And the church is called to obey and listen to Christ, because Christ has given up even his own life for the church.
And through the mystical love between Jesus and the Church, people enter into faith. And through the love between a man and wife, they have children.
Men take on a burden I do not envy. They are responsible for their families. To protect them. To care for them. It is a position of responsibility.
Now, when they say “wives submit to your husbands” it does not mean “do whatever he says when he says or you’re a horrible wife, and you can’t question him ever”
A wives submission to her husband is an acknowledgement of his headship and spiritual responsibility to the family. It’s a woman saying that she trusts this man with her life, and trusts that he will provide and protect. It is entirely out of love. A woman submits to her husband in the fact she has allowed him to take responsibility for the family they will have through marriage.
This does not mean she is not his equal in dignity. A good husband does not make big decisions without consulting or confiding in his wife. They communicate and work together.
People often use and misinterpret those verses as to justify a man taking control over his wife, or that she is his object, or somehow less than him. When in reality, Biblical marriage, when done correctly, calls for far more sacrifice and responsibility on the part of the husband.
It’s ok that men are called to lead, and called to the priesthood, and other things that women are not. Women are called to other, equally important roles. This complimentary difference between men and women is by design, and that’s ok. Women are not less because of it.
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apilgrimpassingby · 11 months
How To Identify A Porn Addict Pretending To Be A Traditional Man
(This list is verbatim from @branwenferchllyr - again, halfway between feminist and tradfem - by DM, hence the very conversational sound of the language. Thanks Branwen, and I assume it's okay to share it. My comments are in italics).
An obsession with female submission, subservience, male 'headship', men having authority over women. Sure, there are just fundamentalist/traditionalist Christians who believe those things without being porn addicts, but they don't talk about it as much as the LARPers do, and when they do they tend to have much more nuanced opinions on it. There was a study done a while ago in which it was found that people who watch a lot of porn are less likely to believe in women's rights, autonomy etc. I'd honestly really like a link to that study or details of date, results and methodology, so I can bring it up in discussion.
So porn addicts objectify women, we know this, so here's something I've picked up on on the fetishy blogs: they'll reblog pictures where you can't see women's faces, zooming in on just their body parts. Typically it'll be the very small waists of women in 1650s dresses. Women wearing aprons from the neck down. A lot of the 1950s pinup stuff in general. Again, there are people (usually women) who just like the aesthetics/the fashion etc, but usually when it's a man reblogging pictures like that it rings alarm bells to me because of how I've seen them talk about these pictures before.
Some people have their follow lists and likes visible. Take a look at who they're following and what posts they're liking. There's a guy on here I was told about, @atraditionalgent, who follows a lot of the 'female inferiority' kinksters and likes their posts, whilst masquerading as a gentleman. If you want the evidence, Branwen has the screenshots of his now-hidden follows and I assume she'll provide them if you ask her for them.
Here's another big one: they spend a lot of their time reblogging posts about what a traditional woman should do... but not what a traditional man should do.
Oh, also anything to do with domestic discipline.
Oh, also another big telltale sign, which I saw @atraditionalgent do: they will capitalise the H for Him and the M for Man, in contrast with not doing the same for women. Which, considering they claim to be Christians, is deeply sacrilegious and hubristic. At least he's not claiming to be Christian.
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gospelborn · 2 years
Husband and Wife in Christ (Eph 5:22-33)
Husband and Wife in Christ (Eph 5:22-33)
The following is an unedited sermon manuscript; for an explanation of my sermon manuscripts, click here. No sermon audio available *Originally preached August 22nd, 2021* Throughout the Bible God depicts His relationship with His people in many different ways: like a Father and a son; like a King and His subjects; like a friend. One way God often presents His relationship with His people,…
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What do you think motivates George to pursue Shannon, sure it's a power trip for him but how does benefit his plans to steal the headship from Jessica ?
The answer is pretty simple actually: lust misconstrued as love. Pretty, submissive Rose Furniture Shannon is the reward he's separated for himself for all of his future hardwork. Doesn't he apply himself to his father's company? To the Ushiromiya Family? Surely, a simple prize like Shannon isn't asking for much?
I really don't think the Shannon thing is that complicated to George. He's probably not aware of her "magic" status since the only Furniture to separate themself is Kanon. She's a pretty servant girl he's supposedly dating. Maybe he considers her a breath of fresh air? She's not tangled up with Family Drama (to his knowledge. I think she's so deep in it she's drowning.)
-- Rose, the Revolutionary Witch
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yieldfruit · 1 year
Q. What should I be looking for in a wife?
A. The most important personal relationship that a man can have, outside of his spiritual relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ, is his relationship with his wife. In the process of looking for a wife, the highest principle is to look for a woman with a personal faith in Jesus Christ. The Apostle Paul tells us not to be "unequally yoked" with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14). Unless a man and woman are in full agreement on this most crucial issue, a godly and fulfilling marriage cannot take place.
However, marrying a fellow believer does not guarantee the full experience of being "equally yoked." The fact that a woman is a Christian does not mean she is necessarily a good match for you spiritually. Does she have the same spiritual goals as you? Does she have the same doctrinal beliefs? Does she have the same passion for God? The qualities of a potential wife are crucially important. Far too many men marry for emotional or physical attraction alone, and that can be a recipe for failure.
What are some godly qualities a man can look for in a wife? Scripture gives us some principles we can use to create a picture of a godly woman. She should first be surrendered in her own spiritual relationship with the Lord. The apostle Paul tells the wife that she is to submit to her husband as unto the Lord (Ephesians 5:22-24). If a woman is not surrendered to the Lord, she will not likely see submission to her husband as necessary to her own spiritual well-being. We cannot fulfill the expectations of anyone else without first allowing God to fill us with Himself. A woman with God at the center of her life is a good candidate for a wife.
Paul also gives some character traits for a woman in his instructions about leaders in the church. "In the same way, their wives are to be women worthy of respect, not malicious talkers but temperate and trustworthy in everything." (1 Timothy 3:11). In other words, this is a woman who is not overly proud, knows when to speak and when to be silent, and is able to take her place beside her husband in confidence. She is a woman whose first focus is upon her relationship with the Lord and her own spiritual growth.
The responsibilities of marriage are greater for the husband, for God’s order places him as the head of his wife and his family. This headship is modeled after the relationship between Christ and the church (Ephesians 5:25-33). It is a relationship grounded in love. Just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself for it, the husband is to love his wife as he does his own body. Therefore, a man’s personal spiritual relationship with the Lord is of supreme importance in the success of his marriage and his family. Willing sacrifice and the strength to choose to be a servant to the betterment of his marriage are the marks of a maturing spiritual man who honors God. Wisely choosing a wife based upon biblical qualities is important, but of equal importance is a man’s own ongoing spiritual growth and his surrender to God’s will in his life. A man who is seeking to be the man God wants him to be will be able to help his wife be the woman God desires her to be and will be able to build the marriage into the union God, he, and his wife desire it to be.
Source: https://www.gotquestions.org/wife-looking.html
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clarkes-and-god · 1 year
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Esther's Instagram (@blessed.mommy): My baby boy is a MARRIED MAN! Seeing two young people bound together eternally under the kingdom of God is such a magical thing to watch! May Markus be a successful provider and headship of their family, both spiritually and physically, and Mallory be a submissive and useful helpmeet. They will be staying in our family home so Markus can help provide for his younger siblings and act as headship to us all. Swipe for more beautiful photos!
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First dance! So adorable, and Mallory's dress looks so beautiful. We made it modest with just a simple nude undershirt!
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The bridal party, plus the cutest little ringbearer!
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religion trauma is very real and ruins lives, as a 13 years old teenager girl i feel inferior to men even tho i'm still a child and not even a woman, the female submission and obedience, the men are the "intelligent" ones and women emotional ones, the you need to pop babies after babies out of your vagina, the do everything for him, the weaker sex. christian mothers and their "i'm happy i have a son not a daughter" it hurts deeply.
Religious trauma is very real, but in my experience many of the people who aim religious trauma were simply made to attend church as children and didn’t like it.
As for the things you’ve mentioned, I hope you can take comfort in the fact that none of that is biblical. People take versus mentioning women submitting and decided that it means all women must submit to all men, and that submission means something totally different from what it means biblically. Wives are called to submit to the headship do their husbands, as the church submits to the headship of Christ. To say that women are inferior to men, would imply that Christ is inferior or God the Father. Which is heretical and unbiblical.
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kweza · 2 years
What is your take on women submitting to men from a biblical perspective? I take it as I am only to submit to my husband, because he is the head of our house. Of course there is the mutual submission to fellow believers but I feel like there is almost a different definition/better word for that form of submission if that makes sense? Like, no other man is equal to my husband in my perspective and they should be in a separate category from him.
from a biblical standpoint, marriage is a covenant that mirrors the relationship between Christ and the Church
> husbands must exhibit a sacrificial love for their wives like Christ did for His Church
> wives must submit to the headship of their husbands like the Church submits to Christ
that doesn't mean all women submit to all men. that's not what we're called to do.
so yes your husband is in another category entirely. he's the one you were united with before God when you made your wedding vows, not every other men on the planet. you are one flesh with him, belonging to one another.
a wife's submission is 'earned' through the covenant of marriage, it's not to be freely given to anyone for being male by default.
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thefundiesaga · 1 year
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Henson Family Blog
Dearest friends , our duty as parents is to train our children in the LORD’s image . Our dear Asher stopped by yesterday to share some news with us . He has been working away on his fixer upper house and now that it’s near completion , he feels God has revealed to him that his relationship is of the truest kind. Sarai in his words is a true proverbs 31 women. She is meek , submissive and follows his view on  modesty. She also supports the LORDs image that men are the headship and a women role is to rise the children in a GOD fearing role. With Asher having celebrated his birthday and Sarai also just turned 18, he feels that God has led him to become a headship.  
Blessings to you all , Courtney Henson
AN: nothing says a fundie marriage like  proverbs 31 statement :) Also Courtney stop already !
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blehfundiesims · 1 year
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Allison's pov: My husband Oliver has been they BEST when I comes to caring for Asher he always jumps to care for him whenever he makes a noise. It's important that I praise him for these as it goes above and beyond for a headship, (my father probably changed a diaper 3 times in my whole life) remember lady's it's important to praise your headship through compliments and watcherly submission least he stray.
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