#headcanon: charles foster offdensen
toysrguts · 3 months
its 2:20 in the morning i had a vision
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ir0n-moon · 13 days
When Toki was caught hanging out with Rockzo late at night it's pretty obviously implied that Charles was woken up and called into the room to help handle it
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But later in the same episode the guys are hanging out in the hot tub (or playing videogames in Toki's case) while Charles is literally just standing there 🧍‍♂️
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The guys are chatting about freeballing and generally pretty relaxed before Rockzo comes barging in. But Charles is just there
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I know that the logical reason for this is that the scene needed him to be there in order to interact with Rockzo but I like to imagine that this was one of the first, if not the first time, that the guys invited him to "pal around" with them. They asked him to be there. "Well, what exactly do you want me to, uh, do here?". "Nothin', just come hang out with us". They probably suggested he get in the tub with them but he's obviously much too professional for that so he just remained outside... watching
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And the thing is the guys are too stupid to even attempt to make him feel included in their conversation and Charles is both too disinterested and too awkward to try and push it. They cannot even fathom that he might feel left out (he doesn't, but it's still impolite of them). They probably assume he's having as much fun as they are... or straight up forgot that he was even there in the first place 😭
Either that or he's practicing observation like a Montessori teacher. Whichever i find funnier at the moment
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Kloktober, Day 4: Fav. Headcanon(s):
- Charles has a Gear brand - don't ask to see it if you value your life, however.
- Nathan being on the autism spectrum is pretty much implied in canon (por ejemplo, massive anxiety about going to the dentist is very common amongst those with ASD / he didn't speak until he was 5 / his occasional "potato chip kick[s]" because they're clearly a safe food for him), but I would argue that that more than anything else was the biggest contributor to his not graduating high school. I assume the school system (in Florida, no less) had little to no accommodations for students with special learning needs when he was growing up, and so he gradually slipped through the cracks. Nathan clearly is a brilliant lyricist/poet, which could have been an asset to him in English class and such with the right teacher. We also see him utilizing the library at Mordhaus, recording himself reading Shakespeare, and attempting to figure out Dethklok's finances during Charles' hiatus, and even though his predilection for frog dissection probably meant he enjoyed the process vs. showed scientific aptitude, it is worth mentioning here. TL;DR: Nathan has been conditioned to believe he's 'stupid,' but I firmly believe he could have made it through school with the proper resources. Perhaps he could have even gotten a college football scholarship.
- Toki's parents' treatment of him is directly related to their religious / prophetical interpretation of his archetypical role as a bringer of death, the same way that people accused of being witches often get mistreated by their families / communities.
- Skwisgaar's father actually is a god, hence why none of the DNA tests performed on the (many) men who slept with his mom were a match.
- Pickles says in "Fatherklok" that he doesn't know his own dad's first name - I headcanon that his family has no idea what his 'real' name is either.
- Part of Murderface's fascination with the Civil War is genealogical, aka he has ancestors who fought in it, etc. Bonus: I like to think his grandfather's massive stroke didn't occur until after Murderface made it through adolescence and that they had at least a somewhat congenial relationship.
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Stuffed animals I think Dethklok would give each other
Not trying to infantilize, they all get them those fuckin man babies.
Probably cringe but I could care less honestly 😭
Not proofread suck a fart
Pickles gets him a whale. It's a reference to the whale he'll see so maybe next time he can relate it to his stuffed animal and not worry. They also stand for strength, which adds to the overall meaning of getting over fears.
Murderface would get him a lion. He says it's a jab at how much of a perfectionist he needs to be to be proud of his work. They're also just hella fucking brutal. Lions for the win
Skwisgaar would get him some type of fish. It doesn't matter which one, just whichever he finds first. They won't be very big, just little plushies.
Toki would get him a German Shepherd. He thinks it's a cool dog and I like to think it's Nathan's favorite. He would probably get the black ones to match Nathan's hair. He likes how they're actually cute but look brutal.
Charles isn't a big giver, especially with stuffed animals. If he finds one of those brutally cute things like the baphomet plushies he'll get them. Other than that, he's just too busy to look for insanely interesting ones.
Nathan would get him that alien plush from Ikea. I don't know why that was the first thing I thought of, but it was. It's called like Aftonsparv I think. They just both find it chucklesome.
Pickles would get him a wolf. I like to think that he just obsesses over wolves sometimes and Pickles feels the need to add fuel to fire.
Murderface would get him an arctic fox. He likes to say that Skwisgaar is from the North Pole up with "Santy Claus". He also just likes them.
Toki would get him a polar bear. I just think that everyone collectively thinks that Skwisgaar is an arctic man. He's pale and has ice blue eyes so it makes sense to me.
Nathan would get him a bunny because it's his spirit animal. (Ie. The episode they aired Bloodlines, I can never remember the name)
Pickles would get him little sharks. Think Blåhaj and things related. He just thinks they're cute and Toki loves them.
Murderface would get him a tiger. He says it's better because it's like a house cat but metal. Toki would argue that house cats are quite metal, but to no avail.
Skwisgaar would get him big octopuses. He would either say it was the Kraken or Cthulhu. Whichever he felt like it being.
Nathan would get him just that. Pickles. It would be like the Cat v Pickle plushies and if it was a cat he'd just give it to Toki or something. He thinks it's the funniest shit ever
Murderface would get him an orca. They're hella brutal and he thinks it's funny that they're actually dolphins (don't fact check me i'm pretty sure that's true)
Toki is getting him dolphins. They're the shark and dolphin duo and it's so fun. It's a gag at this point, they'll buy each other the ugliest ones.
Skwisgaar would give him a frog. He just think it fits Pickles's vibe and appearance. Not to say he's an ugly frog.
Nathan would get him a pig. At first it seems like a jab at him, but pigs are cute! They're also known to be smart and clean, at least from what a teacher told me once.
Pickles would get him those plushies of his favorite chip bags because they're just so fun. they also crinkle because why wouldn't they.
Toki would get him lions because they're also brutal cats and he thinks he should get the same thing. Also he needs some strength in his life the poor guy.
Skwisgaar would get him a manatee. It's just an ongoing joke since the events of Doublebookedklok. They giggle about it when they get too high sometimes.
He's the gifter this time
He hates when the guys get him things because he thinks they should use their money on "more useful" things.
He'll get Nathan those Baphomet plushies. They don't have to be generally big, but if he sees one he'll get it.
Pickles would get a horse or two from him. Specially the white and black ones, considering those are the most metal horses.
Murderface would get a wrench from this son of a bitch. Not a real one like a stuffed one I hope that was clear. I think they'd both giggle a little bit.
He's also a Toki cat giver. Specifically Calico cats. If he finds one that looks like Really Cool Cat then he'll get it for sentiment.
He'll get Skwisgaar an owl. He thinks it matches him and is majestic like he is, while still kind of creepy. Also spirit animal mention.
That's it I hope you fucks enjoyed <33
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basu-shokikita · 4 months
My headcanons about early Dethklok forming
Nathan, despite having a relatively normal upbringing, rejected ordinariness and uniformity. He didn't want to be like everyone else, he didn't want to be like his parents, even though he loved them very much. He wanted to stand out, to do something with all the brutality he had inside. Not a fucking job or an ordinary girlfriend to have children with, he'd die before being part of that. It was around this frustrating time of his life that he discovered metal and something changed inside him. He had finally found his true calling. He would form the greatest band in the world.
He started going to a bunch shows, to scout for musicians. His priority was the guitar because the chemistry between the singer and guitarist was quintessential to the band. If he didn't have a good guitarist, then he had nothing. Nathan was at some mediocre band's show when he got blindsided by Skwisgaar's talent. Right as the show ended, he went backstage and told Skwisgaar he wanted to him in his band, completely ignoring the outraged reactions of the rest of the band. Skwisgaar asked if he had other people in this so-called band and Nathan said no. Utterly fascinated by Nathan's determination, Skwisgaar decided to take a gamble. He dropped his current band then and there to follow the man.
After abandoning Snakes n' Barrels, Pickles (like his note indicated) wanted heavier music. So, rather than being hunted by Nathan, Pickles was the one searching for bands to join. But not famous bands, not already established bands, he had already been there. This time, he wanted to join a band from the scratch. A band that was only starting and he could grow with in real time. While going from city to city to find raw, new talent, he saw an ad on the streets and thought Dethklok sounded promising. He was very amused when he walked into some shitty garage and saw Nathan and Skwisgaar standing there like some lost teenagers. When he listened to them play together, though, he knew it. This band was going to make it and he wanted to be there for it.
Now that Dethklok had a guitarist and a drummer, they needed a bassist. Skwisgaar said they could get anyone because you can't hear bass anyway but Nathan disagreed, he wanted to find the perfect bassist for his band. The night before opening auditions, they went to a bar and saw some guy getting into a fight with some pretty tough dudes. At first, they were in awe of this guy's brutality but as the confrontation kept going, they realized he was actually a fucking coward. They were excited to see him get his ass kicked until, when the guy kept shit-talking even though he was about to get destroyed, Nathan realized. Dethklok needed a pathetic and obnoxious quota to achieve ultimate brutality. Not only did they save Murderface but they also got him to join the band before even listening to him play.
Magnus appeared last and introduced himself as this hotshot that knew everything about the industry. They were young and naive and allowed himself to be lead by this so-called pro, though Nathan was always skeptical of Magnus sweet talking. At first, it was nice: he introduced them to people, he knew how to party hard and presented himself as some kind of role model for them, encouraging them to look up to him. As time went by, however, it became increasingly evident that Magnus had never really made it big and was bitter that his time was running out. He grew bossier and meaner because they weren't growing as fast as he expected. By the time Nathan kicks him out of the band, he had already been considering the option and Magnus' outburst just helped him do the final call. Nobody opposed.
Bonus: Charles was one of the people Magnus introduced Dethklok to. However, he saw their true potential unlike Magnus and stayed after he left. If anything, he was glad to be able to manage the band without as many obstructions now (Magnus was pretty difficult to deal with).
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coolblackcherry · 19 days
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My headcanon Hogwarts houses Dethklok
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1trilliongrams · 7 months
I headcanon that Charles is Klokateer #001. He didn’t come up with it, the roadies dubbed him such when they started to call themselves Klokateers.
He saw the opportunity and expanded it into the cult that you see today.
Yes he has the brand. He is a gear.
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kingofpeacows · 9 months
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Transfem Charles Offdensen propaganda
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twigg96 · 10 months
Twiiigg i have an idea, how would Dethklok + Charles react if someone walks in while they're having an intimate moment with their s/o?? Teehee 👁
OMG @gogomeaty 😏 I love this idea! Let's goooo!
Nathan - Despite his outward appearance Nathan is a very gentle lover. He would never take advantage of his partner in anyway. Public sex is not something he has ever thought of in his life and while it's not off the table for him it would need to be discussed in detail with boundaries clearly drawn. But in this instance that never happened. He and his partner were in the supposed privacy of his room. His large calloused hands sweetly caressed their supple thighs as he went to work on them. His mouth doing dirty things that had his partner pulling his hair and moaning so ever lewdly. Just as they were about to get to the good part... the door burst open, Murderface leading the whole band into the room despite the way Nathan scrambled to cover both him and most importantly his partner. "Hey, Nathan... do you think this milk went bad Pickles told me juscht to usche it but-" Murderface went silent staring at the two in shock. "Were you two... FUCKING?!" Pickles laughed elbowing the bassist in the ribs. "Dude, they totally were." Toki was disgusted and ran out of the room while Skwisgaar smirked and winked. "Can I join?" Nathan felt so overwhelmed and embarassed. His whole body felt hot and chest felt tight as he growled. "Get the fuck out NOW!"
Pickles - This man is the king of oral. He is not afraid of using his prowess on his partner whenever and wherever was the most convenient for the both of them. He loved having his partner's legs wrapped around his head squeezing his earrings and gauges into the sides of his head, his tongue ring bringing his partner to bliss over and over again. Pickles had no humility and would go down on his partner in the middle of the living room while they watched a movie. It was during one of these times that the rest of the band came home early from bar hopping and just so happened to see Pickles enoying his partner like they were the last meal he was ever going to get. The redhead didn't even stop. Just held his hand up in acknowledgement as the boys all stared in various forms of disgust and amazement and continued with his ministrations. Nathan was the only one with the good sense to leave on his own accord. But after the others realized that Pickles really wasn't going to stop for anything including them they left feeling violated and a little disturbed.
Murderface - William is a very loving and sweet lover. He takes his sex life very seriously and while he may "Brag" about it to his friends. Making wild and unbelievable statements about crazy sex acts he did with his partner, Murderface is incredibly respectful while in the bedroom and would never do anything that would make his partner uncomfortable. Public sex while in theory is hot, is something that gives him hives thinking about. So he personally likes to keep things secluded to the bedroom or somewhere more private if he can help it. If any of the band ever walked in on him mid-fuck he would loose his absolute marbles on them. Screaming profanities would only be the beginning. William would throw whatever sharp object he could reach first at whoever had interrupted them. And it would be up to his partner to keep him from gutting whoever was at the door with his favorite knife. He took his partner's modesty seriously and was an EXTREMELY jealous man after all. There would be no sexy times that night after whoever walked in left (screaming in terror). Instead William and his partner would need to talk. About what just happened. He would need to be assuaged that he was really the only one for them. Cuddles would be a must for him afterwards with his partner allowing him to run his fingers through their hair.
Toki - While he is very proud and prominent with his PDA Toki doesn't actually want to be caught in the act with his partner. Believe it or not he is a rather modest and shy lad when it comes to his sex life and doesn't so much as like to kiss and tell. So if he and his partner were to get freaky in a public place he would take extra procausions to make sure that no one would be able to walk in on them. He would order the gears to stand gaurd at the doors, close the shades so no paparazzi can get shots of his naked back, and even go as far as to place a pen or pencil on the doorframe so that he can hear if it opens during. However things happen. Sometimes he gets distracted and forgets to close the blinds the full way and pictures are taken. Sometimes his bandmates still barge in whether he wants them to or not. He always is a burning mess of embarassment when it happens. Screaming and throwing things is his go to especially if it's just a family member. But if it's the press... he shuts down. It's not until Charles goes out of his way to fix the situation that he starts to relax again.
Skwisgaar - This man lives for sex. Every bit of it, every position, every thrill. He loves on his partner like it's the last day either of them will ever live. However he has standards from past experiences. Public sex is off the table. He has an image to uphold. Quite literaly. He is the fastest guitarist in the world. He can't damage that simply because he's feeling saucy at the dinner table. He will always tease his partner. But never go farther than that in a public space. In the bedroom however... Oh Boy. He is all over them like icing on a cake. That comes back to bite him in the ass sometimes however whenever he forgets to lock his door and poor Toki comes strolling in asking when their next practice session is. Or the gears come in begging for him to go to Charles' office. Skwisgaar doesn't stop however. He has no shame in his own domain. He knows he is doing no wrong in there and refuses to stop until both he and his partner are completely satisfied.
Charles - Poor poor Charles is used to being walked in on by now. He loves his bois more than anything in the world but GOD DAMN does he wish that he locks on his doors were stronger sometimes. Charles is the most dignified man on the face of the earth. He wouldn't be caught dead trying to do anything naughty to his partner out in the open... HOWEVER he has gotten into the habit of being blatantly honest with his man sized sons by telling them when he's planning to get laid so he can maybe have some alone time with his partner. This has seemingly helped... at first. That is until Nathan and Pickles both realized they could use this information to their advantage and sabotoge Charles' sexy time to get whatever they want...
Magnus - He would straight up slice a bitch if they ever walked in of him and his partner fucking. Especially Dethklok lol
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theforbidfruit · 1 year
IMAGINE (Metalocalypse)
Being Charles assistant
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Y/n H Akalitus has been working with Charles Offdensen for a few months, and her ambition, witty yet doormat style personality caught his eye.He likes how he can count on her with schedules, retrieving receipts and calls, making sure the boys are semi on track during meetings and knows when the mood to get serious about the boys safety.
He likes to say stuff like: “Akalitus is my eyes and ears.” “She’s uh my little strong rock.” “My uh butter to my whole wheat bread.” “The best assistant I could uh ever ask for.” But doesn’t says that to her nor anyone except maybe Abigail.
Of course he would have her tag along with the band whenever Charles is too busy to watch them. He has her phone number on speed dial when he needs to check up on her and the band-but mostly her. He has her name marked as “Little rock” on his dethphone.
One time when Y/n is getting ready to go home. She dropped some paperwork on Charles desk and tells him to have a good night. He stopped her right before she was heading to the door. “I see that you have tomorrow off. Any uh special plans or errands you doing? Just checking.” “ oh w-well I was gonna to to this book fair to meet this author and get my book signed.” She sheepishly replied, twiddling her thumbs. “Oh that sounds uh nice. You know uh I’m free too and uh Abigail is mostly gonna keep the guys busy. I was wondering uh if I could join too?”
Then there was a pause. “Kinda uh want to see the selection of books you know.” Akalitus smiled at him and nods. “Sure you can come!”
{I’m Sorry La Squadra! Metalocalypse is flooding my head lol I’ll come back to you!}
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ir0n-moon · 1 year
Hug/touch starved headcanons
sorry these might get a little sad
Nathan received plenty of hugs from his mom during his childhood. Even now as an adult she'll often try to go in for a hug. Nathan only accepts if none of the guys are around to see. His dad strikes me as the kind of guy who can't bring himself to show physical affection due to toxic masculinity, but I figure he did hug him once or twice when Nathan was a lil kid.
Pickles was never hugged by his parents, and only receives manipulative and uncomfortable hugs from Seth whenever he's gonna ask for money or shit. He only felt the warmth of an authentic hug for the first time in his life from one of his bandmates during his S'n'B days, and though it was fueled by a mutual drug-induced haze, it was still as authentic as it got. He only felt that kind of warmth and honesty again while hugging Nathan during Roy's funeral.
Skwisgaar very rarely received hugs from his mom as a kid, and probably even began to decline them after he found her with those men. He does get hugs and cuddles from his neverending amount of groupies, but none of them are given out of genuine love and connection.
Murderface was only ever held tenderly by his mom a couple of times before his dad murdered her. After that, his grandparents never hugged him. The most genuine physical connection he's had was when he and Skwisgaar cuddled in bed with Pickles while Toki was at camp.
Toki was never hugged by either of his parents. Not once. When he joined Dethklok he did try to hug the guys once, but none of them ever hugged him back (if they even let him get that close to begin with). Any hugs he gets from groupies he does appreciate, but it's a similar scenario to Skwisgaar's. They're not genuine affection hugs.
We don't know a lot about Charles' canon family other than the "my father had strong hands" line, which could mean plenty of different things. If we go with the simplest possible explanation of him growing up in a relatively normal family, my guess is he got a relatively normal amount of hugs as a kid, and even in college he likely had close friends and partners who gave him actual hugs. He gets a lot less hugs since starting to work for Dethklok, however. Pickles was the first of the boys to ever give him a hug (even if it was an awkward drunken hug during their post-Melmord partying). Toki was the second one, when he found them after they'd run away.
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halloweenbrainrot · 11 months
Best to worst
Skwisgaar: the. Absolute GOD of Personal hygiene brushes his teeth 3 times a day, spends hour's and thousands of dollars on products for his hair, he bathes in exclusively in bubble baths one a day. He uses expensive face mask, Skwisgaar is a pretty pretty princess and he will take care of himself as one
Charles: he is a very clean and professional man, he showers regularly, apples the appropriate amount of deodorant, he always smells very plesent and takes fine care to he sure he dosnt stink
Toki: growing up he didn't have much access to stuff to keep him clean, so it was a culture shock when skwisgaar forced him to take care of himself, he showers...when he remembers... he really trys, but forgets most of the time he constantly forgets to change his underwear , wash his hands brush his teeth A+ for effort C- for Execution.
Nathen: he's a slob. My man is a absolutely peice of work he always smells like strong earthy B.O he and toki are on about the same level but the difference is toki trys, nathen is just contempt to live in his messy ways of showing once a week he sprays himself of colone and calls it a day
Pickles: he got dreadlocks to avoid cleaning his hair, pickes smells like a pickle. weed cheap booze, he's never sober enough to shower or bath, dosnt care enough to brush he's teeth, he is just a gross little man
Murderface: do I have to say anything?
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bellamer · 2 months
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Drew Pickles and Dillanne. Pickles was hard as fuck to draw and I am terrible at drawing kids so like Dillanne didn’t come out perfect either but there
More things about her and her relationship I guess:
- When Dillanne was born, Charles searched for her other father and found him in hopes of convincing Pickles to give her to him, making the other father sign an NDA and then paying him off to take care of the problem (it took forever for him to warm up to her since he kinda has a job to make sure accidental babies can’t stick around) . Only to find out that her other father had been killed a week after sleeping with Pickles when a Duncan Hills Coffeehouse was struck by a massive earthquake that killed everyone inside. The man also had no other relatives they could pawn her off to.
- When she gets older she develops kiddie glaucoma at around five and instead of letting her straight up smoke like Pickles did as a kid, Charles manages to convince Pickles to let her ingest just a little tiny bit of an edible that’s just enough to lower her eye pressure because for some reason Dethklok’s scientists can’t find a cure for glaucoma.
- When Dethklok is drinking and partying, when she’s not with her Klokateer nannies, she likes to sit in Charles’ office because it’s quiet. He’ll give her a coloring book, some graham crackers and a juice and just let her sit there because she stays quiet
- When she’s older she gets home schooled for security and safety reasons because who knows what dark organization is going to try to kidnap her or something.
- When she was one, she once managed to wander outside towards a pack of yard wolves and when Pickles’ noticed she was gone and had made her way outside, he saw red stuff on the grass and he thought his daughter had been mauled to death by the yard wolves but no, the yard wolves were being friendly with her and the red stuff was a jelly packet she had grabbed from the kitchen and the yard wolves were licking it off of her.
- She’s used as another reason by Pickles’ parents as to why he’s a failure since, he’s a single parent because, in his mom’s words “At least Sethy is married and raising his child in a two parent household !” when Seth is always out drinking and partying in Australia and Amber barely looks up from her phone to pay attention to the kid. And even though Pickles dotes on his daughter Molly still considers him a failure because he’s a single parent.
- Her favorite uncle is Skwisgaar because, in her words, “Uncle Skwis looks like a princess”. Skwisgaar absolutely hates it but cant say no to her when she asks to play Princesses. He reluctantly agrees but only if he gets to be a Queen instead of a princess
- Toki is her second favorite uncle because he always has toys in his room and is willing to play with her.
- Nathan is her third favorite uncle because he’s tall and lets her ride on his shoulders. It got her to stop crying when Pickles was hungover and she ran away from her nannies and bumped into him. Now it’s just their thing.
- Murderface and her have a strained relationship because he absolutely doesn’t care for kids at all but one time when things got a little too rowdy at a meet and greet (she was there because her assigned nanny was violently decimated at that nights concert) unruly fan broke through security and managed to touch her and Murderface was the one to punch the fan in the face and get her away. So he cares a little.
- Despite the older family members issues, she’s actually pretty chill with Seth’s kid, who I have decided to name Cody. At family gathers she and Cody don’t have issues despite her grandparents treating him better than her because in all honesty, Cody doesn’t care for his Grandma’s constant doting and finds it annoying.
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Why no, my asexual Charles Offdensen headcanon hasn’t escaped notice that there’s a Motörhead song called “Ace Of Spades” 😂
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quiddityg · 7 months
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Day 4: favorite headcanon
I don't rlly have any super favorite headcannons? So I just kinda tossed some general headcannons I have for each character lawlz
More about each character cause some of the headcannons are rlly vague lawlz
Hes on the Aromantic spectrum, where although he wants a romantic relationship, hes never rlly comfortable in relationships. Hes heteromantic though, where any romantic feelings he may have are only for women, and he generally find women way more attractive than men, but he still has those moments where he finds a guy rlly sexually attractive (cough cough pickles)
Also hes so autism coded it's like not even funny. He probably has the worst sensory issues when he eats chips and gets all that residue on his fingers.
Transgender!!!! I like to think he got top surgery as soon as money started rolling in for the band, and he probably also got bottom surgery also so he can fuck groupies without having to worry about them outing him or smth. That or hes a classic strap on man, which would also be super real of him.
This man is totally bi, he doesnt rlly have any major preference, but just goes for women more often.
I also like to think hed got ADHD but thats also me projecting like a madman cause mwehehe
I like to think he's pansexual but like, kinda doesnt rlly realize it? Like, he generally finds all sorts of people attractive, but doesnt elly act on anything, especially with other men cause he thinks it's too gay or something. All around he doesnt have a preference, and his attraction to people isnt bound by their gender.
I also like to think hes nonbinary, in the sense where he doesnt consider himself to be innately masculine or feminine at his core. That being said, hes like never heard of nonbinary people before, and hes comfortable enough as is, and knows who he is that he doesnt rlly care to put labels onto himself in that way. If he cared about pronouns, hed probably go by he/they/she
Hes also totally autistic, maybe audhd but idk
I'm sorry, I cant see him as anything else but straight. I mean, I could see him fooling around with other guys, but I dont think he would have any real sexual attraction to them, it would just be for fun. (I know skwistok shippers are not happy with me about this but IM SORRY I JUST CANT SEE HIM DOIN THATT)
That being said, I also kinda see him falling under the aromantic spectrum, specifically where he may experience minor amounts of romantic attraction, but sees no real importance in either engaging in it, or being in a romantic relationship in general.
The dyslexia bit is kinda canon knowing how he has music dyslexia with sheet music, but I also like to think he struggles with reading in general. That being said, hes probably rlly good at counting knowing how amazing he is at guitar.
How I see him, hes a closeted bisexual, and I mean CLOSETED!! Hes probably entirely oblivious about everyone elses queer identities and sees his attraction to men as an aberration of sorts. I also like to think he may find men more attractive, but would never admit it as long as he lives.
I fought demons here cause I legit see Charles as just, gay. BUT, after some thought I was like, erm, maybe he would take interest in some women?? So I just said he was bi with a major preference for men.
I also see Charles falling under the asexual spectrum, specifically where he does experience minimal sexual attraction, and isnt against having sex, but he doesnt see any importance it and is way too fucking busy. He has better things to do, basically.
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z0mbyw00f · 1 year
no one asked but here are my metalocalypse headcannons:
gay trans man - he/they/it
he goes for walks outside when he has an extra minute
#1 abba listener in secret
sometimes he works himself so hard he falls asleep at his desk :(
he sees toki, mf, and skwis as his kids
his love language is touch so hes super cuddly when he's not busy working
if his partner gave him one of their shirts he would wear it to bed
his favorite holiday is thanksgiving
his favorite color is scarlet
he can get flustered easily if he's a little tipsy
the dad friend
bisexual nonbinary person - they/he/she
likes birdwatching and has several birdfeeders outside his window
even though he's dark and brutal he LOVES hello kitty/sanrio- he collects memorabilia
the mom friend
his favorite color is lavender but lavender isn't brutal :/
bisexual trans man - he/him
volunteers at a daycare on the weekends (sober ofc)
the "cool mom" friend
cringe culture is dead mentality- likes whatever tf he wants to
has a lot of catlike mannerisms- the big stretches, naps curled in a ball, ect
gay demisexual man- he/him
collects toys and stuffed animals
he loves trains! he has lots of model trains
actually believes the duolingo owl will come after him if he doesn't do his daily practice
regresses when he gets too stressed out- Charles helps him
his favorite color is powder blue
he loves insects- he has pinned bugs hanging on his walls
goes to animal shelters whenever he can to play with all the cats
pansexual nonbinary person - he/she/they
takes his haircare VERY seriously, even teaching the other guys proper care
he hand-raises all his wolves and lets them sleep in his bed while they're pups
his room is monochrome because he misses the snow of Sweden
he bakes sugar-free desserts for Toki
likes building guitars as much as playing them
collects vintage adult films
likes camping out in the woods
gay bear - he/him
textbook car guy
forces everyone in Mordhaus to watch NASCAR with him
does war reenactments
likes woodworking
his favorite food is biscuts and gravy
contrary to popular belief, he reads in his spare time
makes those shitty roblox car crash videos
he takes meticulous care of his cars as if they were his children
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