#he's a sweet guy i swear
naamahdarling · 1 year
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My blorbo OC is ruining my life.
Face of a devil. Looks untrustworthy. Is actually a good man and very truthful.
He sneezes like a kitten.
He can swim like an otter and juggle magnificently.
He can't do math and reads poorly (dyscalculia, dyslexia).
He likes bad reality TV.
He can't cook, burns water.
Scared of outer space.
Can intimidate, chooses to be kind.
Sex pervert, but in an uplifting and affirming way that leaves you feeling spiritually cleansed.
Painfully romantic.
Zero shame. Embarrassed by nothing.
Deeply flawed asshole from 17-25, recovering asshole from 25-35, thoughtful and kind 35+.
Unfortunate tentacle kink.
Wants to live, wants to live, wants to live.
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sersfandomthings · 23 days
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(referenced from that one shot in the 3.3 interlude quest)
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getinthefuckingjaeger · 3 months
Just as Bucky's favourite thing to do is to pull a smile and laugh from Gale, Gale's most favourite thing to do - he'll even say it rivals flying because it feels so similar - is to make Bucky blush.
Loud, bright, brazen Bucky Egan getting all flushed and bashful, eyes lowered to the ground or to his hands if he's fiddling with something - anything - to avoid Gale's eyes. It feels extra good if Gale can spot the tiniest lipbite before the smallest, sweetest smile finds its way on Bucky's face. Oh, his boy will try to hide his face, but Gale will always catch that smile.
And when Bucky looks up from under his lashes, big doe eyes sparkling in amusement at Gale? Nothing. Nothing beats that fluttering feeling in Gale's chest. Feels like the first time he learns to jump from a fast moving swing. Addictive, exhilarating, rewarding.
Other people can have a little of Bucky's brightness, but the blushes and secret smiles are all Gale's.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 2 months
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Top of head: yes Ears: yes Whiskers: fine Chin: yes but you'll get nibbled Chest: no Back: yes Tail: yes Front feet: sure Back feet: fine Stomach: the floofy stomach is a trap and he is well aware of it (bad idea)
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bittersweet-mojo · 4 months
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First time I remember feeling anything
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charlunday · 10 months
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I would like to issue this as a formal apology for my last drawing.
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momentomori24 · 3 months
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Like, did I really have to scroll through Twitter to find out that this random all knowing dude living behind the pearly gates, heavily implied to possess all the lore and answers to mysteries Matpat has been aiming to solve for years is goddamn SCOTT CAWTHON????
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cobaltfluff · 5 months
fellas is it gay to painstakingly carve your name intertwined with your bestie's name on a Best Friend Stone
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insomniphic · 9 months
“I just want to get to know you better because I care about you, okay?”
He’ll understand.
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adamnsey · 1 year
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coconut530 · 2 months
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sysig · 11 months
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I can’t stop drawing tiny Watchdogs (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Commander Peepers#Watchdog#Newsflash: They are all tiny#They're such perfect spacefillers I swear <3 <3 <3 No hells boxes here#They're all basically just stick figures with eyes in place of the head lol what more could I ask for#Or in the case of Fist Fighters then the obvious lol#Even if I do also already have some stick figures that I enjoy lol - they keep the page on-theme! Very important! Haha#Gave a go to a regular Watchdog to go with my Fist Fighter and hmmm yes this feels attainable lol - just gotta give 'em both names#They are very cute and sweet ♥#An actual full-style(? Full WOY style? Lol) for Peepers and a regular Watchdog!#Although afterwards I looked and I'm. Hm. There's conflicting information out there and I'm not sure what to believe#On the wiki he's listed as being shorter than most other Watchdogs but I did a quick screenshot comparison in The It and he was taller??#Not just taller - his eye was bigger - and I accounted for distance! The regular Watchdog was in front of him by just a few inches!#It's inconsistent enough for me to argue either way honestly#And all that not counting what Wander does to his shoes lol so all in all he's probably Slightly taller than the Watchdogs with his shoes on#Not counting special members like Moose or the Drill Sergeant - and definitely not Westley he's super tiny haha#Honestly surprised Peepers didn't take advantage of their height difference more he's a bit of a bully ♪#Rest abound as being silly little guys :) I do love how they're so easy to draw ''in colour'' haha#Red on black on red on black ♫ I suppose I could add in a yellow but pfsh don't even talk to me about the dark purple/red combo inside lol#Maybe at some point but I like them at full lighting for ease of colours haha#Cutest lads <3 Love 'em
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townie-trait · 3 months
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Breaking! Local 28 year old man not in employment, education, or training.
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mxdotpng · 5 months
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don't even look at me rn man
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wanyinchen-narts · 2 years
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the absolute *chef's kiss*, depth, angst, and clownery of the kakagai dynamic this fic has is beyond insane and amazing and I am not ashamed to say that I have binged it at least 7 times
Now, my lovelies, please read "Sunflower" by cloudynebula and lapifors once more and bask in its utter perfection. But make sure you're in the right headspace for it because it's really heavy and dark tho! Please take care of yourself first <3
*more incoherent babbling in the tags lmaooo*
#kakagai#maito gai#hatake kakashi#might guy#naruto#sha's nart art#fanart of a fanfic#the sunflower fic deserves a tag as far as i'm concerned#go. read. sunflower!!!!#i swear it is the best Gai character study fic!!!#you have no idea on how rare Gai character study fics that actually don't underestimate him are#or something along those lines#its so rare to find gai-centered fics that have his voice down to a tee#and not overdoing the dramatic capitalization to a fucking ridiculous amount; and not having the words YOUTH!!! and SPRINGTIME!!! be used#--in every other sentence LIKE THANK YOU! Its one of my pet peeves i think i just dont like the implication that Gai is an dumb idiot#we need more gai-centered fics!!! he's fucking hilarious as a narrator#like THANK YOU!!!! I imagine Gai to be sweet emotional genuine overwhelming overdramatic over-the-top stubborn and wise#not a fool who only has YOUTH!! and PASSION!! in his dictionary LIKE EXCUSE YOU! Gai's very flowery and poetic; he knows many words :D#and the actual depth of Gai in this fic makes me cry and wail happy tears#and the depicted relationship between Gai and Kakashi is so perfect it makes me cry and wail happy tears even more!!!#like its so perfect and genuine and real and true *more wailing*#LIKE THANK YOU FOR HAVING GAI ACTUALLY OPPOSE AND DISAPPROVE KAKASHI'S ACTIONS IN ANBU#gai walks beside kakashi NOT BEHIND#he aint Kakashi's simp or Kakashi's enabler#he's Kakashi's best friend and eternal rival goddammit!!!#and thats all lmao#whoopsies i went on a tangent
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Birdie, I've got an idea for Valentine's Day! 🖤✨
Jack is asking his uncle Gilgamesh for an advice for Valentine's Day. So he and Gil are baking heart shaped cookies for their loved ones. On Valentine's Day Jack is giving his cookies to Thena because he loves his aunt very much and Phastos is complaining because he doesn't get a single heart shaped cookie.
Hugs and Love🖤✨
"Did you find out who it is?"
"No," Phastos huffed, watching from around the corner as Jack held up a decorated cookie for Gil to examine and certify. "He won't tell me."
"Perhaps it's best left alone," Ben posited from his chair, much more relaxed than his husband. "If he's not ready to tell us, he's not ready. He is only 11, habibi."
"Exactly, he's just a kid," Phastos hissed back at his partner. He looked back into the kitchen, where Jack was trying to sneak another taste of icing. At least Gil had taken seriously that Jack could not eat that much raw egg safely. He could like the cookie dough spoon, that was it. "He's too young for this."
Ben sighed, shutting his book and standing to join his husband. He slid his hand up his back gently, "well, some humans develop those kinds of feelings early. It's probably just a little crush."
"Little crush my ass," Phastos grumbled in response. He looked at Ben, "he's my kid too, and Eternals love...intensely."
Ben simply nodded, knowing very well that every bond the Eternals had tended to span thousands of years.
"Why are you spying on them?"
"F-!" Phastos sucked his lip between his teeth before he could let out a curse that would rattle even his superpowered glass windows. He glared at his sister, "T, I swear to god, okay?"
"What?" the Warrior Eternal merely blinked at him, still soft around the edges from her nap. She looked into the kitchen as well. "They seem to be enjoying themselves. What is the occasion?"
"Valentine's?" Phastos prompted, only to be met with Thena's 'statue face'. He rolled his eyes, "poor Gil, stuck with you for every damn one of 'em."
Thena pursed her lips at her brother before reaching up and pinching his side. "I will have you know, Gilgamesh prefers to take the lead on such occasions. I participate--that is enough for him."
"I'm sure it is," Ben assuaged, eager to get in between the two immortal beings who bickered like children. "Jack asked Gil for help making the cookies just after you went back to your room."
"Hm," Thena tilted her head at the scene. "Gil often makes something for this day; there is no secret to it."
"Well, this time, there was," Phastos muttered darkly, back to spying. He glared as Jack laughed and Gil patted his shoulder. Phastos turned back to Ben, "he knows I'm his dad, right? We can help him with this stuff!"
"Phastos," his husband chided instead of comforted, back to rubbing his back. "This is what it's like for kids to have uncles and aunts. They get to enjoy their company in a way that's different from ours."
"You go ask," Phastos prompted, shoving Thena away from him and in the direction of the kitchen. She glowered at him for it.
"Ask what?" she seethed at him, raising her fist to punch him in return.
Ben slid in between them again, again trying to mediate their typical family squabbles. "Who the cookies are for. He wouldn't tell when Phastos asked."
"Hm," Thena blinked, but accepted conditions. She turned away from Ben and lowered her fist, "Jack?"
Phastos kissed Ben's temple, "good save."
"Aunt Thena, you're up!" he turned in his chair, getting up on his knees and leaning against the back of it to beam at her. "Did you have a nice sleep?"
"It was lovely," she smiled down at her precious human nephew. She tilted her head, admiring the bounty behind him. "You have been making confections."
"Uncle Gil!"
"It's okay buddy, it wasn't like we were gonna be able to keep 'em secret for long," Gil chuckled as he stood from his chair. He wrapped his arm around Thena's waist, pressing his forehead to hers. "Get some rest?"
"I did," she promised her own partner and husband as he leaned in for a kiss.
Both Eternals parted, glaring at their agitated brother briefly. Thena looked down at Jack, who was nibbling on his little lip. "Who shall receive your hard work, Jack?"
"Well," the boy fidgeted, his expression shy. His fathers held hands behind his uncle and aunt, but Jack stood from the chair and took Thena's hand. He pulled gently, guiding her to sit where he had been. He turned the plate, on which he had arranged all the heart shaped cookies into one big heart shape. "They're for you, Aunt Thena."
Thena blinked at the platter of cookies. They were all frosted, with varying degrees of colour and skill. They were soft, white sugar cookies with red icing on them. "Me?"
"Of course," Phastos huffed behind them, but was shushed by Ben.
"Valentine's is kinda cringe, but it doesn't have to be for, like, love-stuff," Jack shrugged. "At least that's what they said at school. They said we could do something for our favourite person."
"My own son," Phastos continued to lament.
"So," Jack looked up at Gil, who nodded for him to keep going. "I asked Uncle Gil if he would help me make some cookies for you. But I cracked the eggs perfect! And I decorated all of these ones."
Thena smiled, picking up one of the more grotesque, early experiments. She took a bite, smiling as she chewed the soft, buttery cookie. "They're perfect."
"Really?" Jack lit up.
"Partake in your spoils," she said as she handed him one. "Thank you, Jack. I daresay you are my favourite as well."
"Hey Jack," Phastos inched forward as his son wolfed down one of his own cookies. "Are any of those for your old man, maybe?"
Jack just stared. "You can ask Aunt Thena."
Phastos glared at her , though. "T, remember-"
"Ben may have some."
"Oh, come on!"
Gilgamesh stood aside, laughing at Thena's innate desire to be petty with their brother. He slapped the back of Phastos' shoulder as Ben did sneak in to steal one for himself. "I mean you should've seen that coming, man."
"You guys are married," Jack gesticulated, pointing at the two couples in front of him respectively. "You got each other stuff for today, right? You don't need me to do anything."
Phastos continued to pout about how his own child made his sister cookies but none for him. But Ben smiled, "that's right, we did get each other gifts for today. It was very nice of you to make something for your Aunt Thena, Jack."
Thena moved from the chair to let Jack sit again, "but I shall need help eating all these. Jack, if you would be so kind...?"
"Sure!" It didn't take much to convince him.
Ben led Phastos into the living room to nurse his wounds, while Gil pulled Thena to his side again, further up the table. She sighed as he pressed his lips to her cheek, "is this what you did all afternoon?"
"Yep," Gil whispered. "I think he waited for you to have a nap so he could surprise you."
"It's rather sweet," she smiled at the image of her nephew enjoying a few more cookies. She looked down at this plate, decorated significantly differently. "And these?"
"For you," her lover confirmed, holding one up to display the meticulous design he'd made. "It's Australia!"
It looked like a smear of dirt in a sea of blue.
"Don't worry, I made my own preparations for today," he whispered before nipping at her ear, promising fun more than just some cookies.
"Hm," Thena purred, allowing him to kiss behind her ear and down her neck in their small window of privacy. "You do love this particular occasion."
"Damn right I do," he said against the soft skin of her shoulder, just inside the collar of her dress. "An excuse to lavish my wife with gifts and attention? And make love like wild animals-"
Gil sighed as he pulled away from her to also glare at Phastos, "what, dude?--don't you also have lavishing to do?"
"Not in the kitchen I don't," Phastos snapped with his hands on his hips. "None of us are having a romantic time until 9 o'clock anyway."
That was Jack's bed time.
"So we're gonna go out for a nice family dinner instead," he declared firmly, as if it were a mission order, and not an invitation to a nice restaurant. He slapped his coat over his arm, "and you two are gonna behave!"
"We always behave," Gil rolled his eyes, following Phastos into the living room and front hall to also retrieve his and Thena's coats.
"Nuh-uh, no, I mean it Gil," Phastos snapped in his brother's face as they both glared at each other amidst helping their partners into their own coats. "No ooey-gooey eyes, no playing footsies under the table, no sneakin' off to the bathroom."
"What if he has to go?" Jack asked much more innocently as he retrieved his own coat. He smiled as Thena held it out for him the same way Gil had done for her.
"That's not-" Phastos sighed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. "Okay, never mind, family dinner, let's go."
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