#he’s a very sweet guy - shy and naïve but so willing to open up to feel comfortable
animazed · 1 year
#what an interesting night#a few days ago a guy randomly messaged me on reddit asking about what I felt the effects of Reddit were on my yiddishkeit#and boy did things go on from there#fast forward to tonight#and basically#ahhhhh I’m too embarrassed to even say it here#but we talked over the phone for a few hours and each of us had a turn for it to get really intense so to speak#he’s a very sweet guy - shy and naïve but so willing to open up to feel comfortable#it’s really interesting#and then there’s me of course who has no shame talking about any subject whatsoever#we have been thinking about each other and really enjoying our phone conversations#tonight I’m feeling a full range of emotions - from curious to intrigued to ‘playful’ and even a bit flirty#to wanting him to feel good and just kind of relaxing together and just enjoying each other’s company#then after I got a bit lonely and then kind of thought of Joey and just got sad#but countered with this crush type thing going on#to wondering if I’m really just a bad influence to all#and how not caring about certain mitzvos makes me a bad Jew and really just unsure of why I have this crazy dichotomy in me#and I’m just not sure but I know I’m lonely and it hasn’t been six months yet but I’m so desperate for a relationship and to feel loved#and of course it doesn’t help that I’m on my period and just read sole sappy love stories cuz it never does#and how my life is just kind of a mess right now and I’m failing the tests Hashem keeps putting in front of me#and I don’t know what to do about it#and it makes me sad#about ALL the situations I’m current in#and I just idk#I wanna go to England#rant#I wanna feel pleasure and just be hugged by someone#why is it so hard to get married and live a Torah life?
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ppersonna · 4 years
little surfer girl - jjk
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little surfer, little one. made my heart come all undone. do you love me, do you surfer girl?- little surfer girl, the beach boys
summary- every summer you watched jeon jungkook turn into a perfect, professional surfer.  every summer, you wanted him more. this summer, you were determined to make him yours.
rating- R/NC17
word count- 9.8k
pairing- jungkook x reader
genre- surfing!au, surfer!jungkook, fluff, smut, tiniest bit of angst in the form of pining and jungkook being bad at talking, background namseok, background vmin
warnings- penetrative sex, oral sex (m/f receiving), slight dirty talk, creampie, cursing, recreational alcohol use (of legal age), public sex, marking, nippleplay, finger sucking
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There was nothing that you loved more than the ocean.  
The smell of sea water, the salty taste, the sand clinging to skin, the warm sun toasting around the edges.  
You loved the call of the birds, swooping up and down the shoreline for scraps of whatever the tourists left.  You loved the sound of the waves crashing against the tall beams supporting the pier.
You loved the sunbathers, the smell of coconut sunscreen, the chiming of bike bells.  The beach was your home, and you loved everything about it.
However, the best part, by far, was Jeon Jungkook.
You loved watching the black-haired boy stroll down the long stretch of sand, clad in either a wetsuit, or just some skin tight board shorts, long surfboard under his arm. 
Sometimes, he would arrive at lunchtime, shoving a burrito into his mouth as he suited up.  Sometimes, he would be there at 6 am, when you arrived to start your shift at the lifeguard station.  Sometimes, he would come right at the edge of evening, sun slowly dying beyond the horizon of the Pacific Ocean. 
Sometimes he came with his friends, Hoseok and Jin.  They would aimlessly roam around on their boards, laughing if one fell and trying to outmaneuver each other, laughter echoing down the expanse of water and sand.
Jeon Jungkook loved the beach as much as you did.  And you worshiped him for it.
You often watched the boy for hours, as he attempted to move through each wave perfectly, gliding against the water like it was glass.  He was graceful, so impeccably poised on the top of each crested wave. 
It wasn’t fair that he could be so perfect in and out of the water.
It wasn’t fair that he rarely gave you a passing glance.
“You’ll catch flies in your mouth if you keep staring at him like that,” Taehyung spoke, saddling up next to you and leaning against the wood of the lifeguard shack.
You shook your head and quickly closed your mouth.  You didn’t know it had opened in amazement as you stared at the lithe surfer.
Taehyung chuckled, rolling his eyes at his best friend.  “You’re ridiculous.”
You elbowed him and turned away from the shoreline, focusing your attention directly on your best friend and most certainly not on the tall, handsome, fit surfer gliding over the waves.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you sniffed. “I was monitoring the shoreline for potential dangers, Kim Taehyung.  That is my job as a lifeguard.”
He laughed again, his low baritone comforting. “Sure, babe,” he sighed. “Definitely not drooling over Jungkook, I believe you.”
Taehyung knew all about the crush you harbored on the surfer ever since you first saw him 3 summers ago at the start of your lifeguard career.  You remembered your first day with your best friend.  
“Who is that?” You had asked, watching the man shoving at his friends jokingly, and paddling beside them through the water.  Taehyung had only laughed in reply.  “Really?��� He asked, surprised.  “That’s Jeon Jungkook. He’s going professional soon, most likely.”
Your eyes never once left the boy again, always seeking him out along the shoreline, missing him when he took a day off from his practice and training.
Since that day, Taehyung made it a point to tease you about your unrequited crush on the boy, and always in not-so-subtle language told you you deserved better than the fuckboy surfing god.
You weren’t naïve to the fact that wherever Jungkook went, a gaggle of bikini-clad gorgeous women followed.  You weren’t foolish enough not to notice the smirks and winks he shot at them, desperately wishing that it was you.
Taehyung grumbled about the muscled surfer, stating that all he would do is fuck you over and break your heart, and couldn’t you just date someone nice like his cousin Namjoon?
Taehyung seemed to be in such a mood that day, too.
“I still can’t understand what you see in him,” he groused. “Sure, I guess he’s good looking, but he seems like such a player.  Jimin told me he saw him take that Jennie girl behind the cabanas last weekend.”
Your heart sagged, feeling defeated at his words.  Jennie was beautiful.  Tall, thin and gorgeous.  Surely, that was Jungkook’s type.  Jungkook’s type was definitely not lifeguard’s wearing red spandex one-pieces a la Baywatch, without the ample bosom.   Well, maybe some bosom, but nothing compared to the women flocking the young surfer from the shore.
You bit your lip and shrugged at your best friend, ignoring the shot in your heart at imagining Jungkook with someone, anyone, but you.
“He’s nice,” you murmured.  Not that you would really know. The man had spoken four sentences to you in the 3 years you’ve worked as a lifeguard, and most of those were asking about where a trash can was. “And he’s so talented.  He loves the ocean, you can tell,” you sighed, resting your head on your hand as you watched him from the ledge of the lifeguard shack.
Jungkook was especially in the zone that day, eyebrows drawn tight in concentration as he cut through the curve of the tube of water.  He seemed to practice more intently recently, the National Surfing Tournament was quickly approaching.  Jungkook was one of the best surfer’s in the nation and had recently gone professional.  You were sure he was eager to score more branding deals and secure his spot on the international scene.
“Namjoon is nice!  Much nicer!” Taehyung was incensed.  “Passionate too, and not an asshole!” 
Taehyung was determined to set you up with his cousin, Kim Namjoon.  Tae wasn’t wrong, Namjoon was nice.  He was shy, quiet, intelligent and sweet.  He was passionate about physics, math, science, and had earned a full-ride scholarship to the country’s most prestigious scientific university.  
Maybe, if you hadn’t met Jungkook, you’d give Namjoon a shot.  Unfortunately for the elder Kim cousin, no one could compare to Jungkook, regardless of how unlikely it was for him to ever glance your way.  
“Yes, Tae,” you sighed.  “Namjoon is very passionate… about engineering.”
“Hey! Engineering is a respectable profession, unlike professional surfing,” he sneered, as if the word tasted dirty in his mouth.  
You patted the brown-haired boy’s arm and smiled at him, not wanting to upset him further about his beloved cousin.  
“It’s just a stupid crush, Tae, okay?” You reassured.  “It’s not like Jungkook even knows who I am except for the girl who knows where to throw trash away.”
Taehyung nodded and squeezed your arm.  “Anyway, are you going to the tournament pre-party next weekend?” He asked, a shy blush spreading across his cheeks.  “Jimin asked me to go with him.”
The pre-party.  
You had almost forgotten, so focused on the tournament itself and watching Jungkook prepare harder each day.  You almost had his moves memorized by how often you watched.  The tournament pre-party was a few nights before the big day, a way for the surfers, fans and locals alike to party and celebrate.  The entire community of young adults in the area communed on the beach for bonfires, too much alcohol, volleyball, and countless summer frivolities. 
“Oh,” you breathed, eyes zeroing in again on the tall surfer of your affections. You knew it was hopeless to think Jungkook would ask you, but you couldn’t help the ache in your heart that desperately wanted him to. “I forgot.”  
Taehyung’s eyes lit up. “You don’t have anyone to take you?” He asked an ulterior motive on his mind. 
“I had someone in mind…” you sighed.  Jungkook appeared exhausted, finally seated on the surface of his board, panting hard. “But, no, no one has asked me.” 
Taehyung smirked a devious grin. You barely noticed, because of a cute pink-haired lifeguard appearing on the sand below you. 
“Oh, hi Jimin!” You called to the cherubic boy below. “Are you here to see your lover?” 
Jimin and Tae simultaneously turned a deep shade of crimson. Christ, they were perfect for each other. 
“Hi, Jimin,” Tae smiled shyly. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to bring you lunch,” Jimin’s teeth caught his bottom lip anxiously. “You too.” He smiled at you and held up the paper bag, earning a squeak of delight from your best friend as he tugged you down the stairs to greet his crush and receive his treats. 
“Where’s ours, Jimin?” A new voice called. 
Three heads whipped around to investigate the voice. It was Kim Seokjin, a teasing grin on his face.  He was flanked by Jung Hoseok, and none other than Jeon Jungkook. You felt as if someone had sucked the air out of you with a vacuum. 
Jimin blushed again, looking out at the men approaching the lifeguard station, dripping wet, half stripped out of their wetsuits, and exhausted. 
“Sorry, Jinnie! I didn’t realize you guys were here.” He hugged Jin with one arm, causing Tae to raise an eyebrow at the exchange. 
Jimin seemed to notice the confusion and hurried to explain. “This is Jin! My neighbor! We grew up together.”  Taehyung visibly relaxed.  “And this is Hoseok and Jungkook, his best friends.”  The boys waved at you two, and you prayed your hair looked decent today. A hand reached up to press down on your tresses, just in case. 
“I’m Taehyung!” Your best friend spoke, happy demeanor quickly re-appearing as he recognized Jin was not a threat. “And this is my best friend, Y/N!” 
You willed your cheeks not to flare red as the men took you in. You wore your standard issue red Speedo swimsuit, accentuating your thicker hips and thighs from years of gymnastics, and clinging to your chest. Fuck, did you look okay?  Your one chance to impress Jungkook and you were wholly unprepared.  Your arms crossed over your chest, hiding your body behind your arms. 
However, you smiled at the men, watching as Jin and Hoseok smirked at you and Jungkook’s face remained impassive. 
“Yeah, I’ve seen you around,” Jungkook added. “You guys are always here.” 
“Well,” you gulped. “Someone’s gotta… guard those lives…” Really? What the fuck kind of joke was that?
It was silent for a beat, before Seokjin burst into uncontrollable laughter. 
“Oh, I like you!” He joked as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders. “A woman after my own heart.” 
Jin’s friends rolled their eyes at the older man’s antics.  Jin was known for his lame jokes, Jimin explained to you.  
“You guys are going to the party next weekend, right?” Jimin asked the male trio, moving to stand near Tae.  Tae grinned at the boy as they linked hands.
The boys exchanged looks with each other.  “Yeah,” Hoseok replied. “I’m taking my boyfriend, Yoongi and Jin is taking our friend June.”
Tae smiled back at the group. “Jimin and I are going together!” He was excited, it was palpable.  The pair were tooth-rotting cute and the rest of the party smiled at how endearing the budding romance was.
“What about you?” Jin asked, peering in your direction. “Who’s lucky enough to take you?”
You flushed and stammered, unable to croak out the words.  
Tae, thankfully, took over. “She forgot about it.  She hasn’t found anyone yet.”
Jin’s face lit up, and he nudged you gently in the ribs. “Jungkook doesn’t have anyone to go with, either! You two should go together!”
Your face flushed immediately, and you shot your eyes to Jungkook, who laughed out loud with a blush on his face.  
“What?!” He yelped. “No, no!” he stammered.  “I uh… I’m going with Jennie!”
You felt your heart rip at the seams, and Taehyung clenched his fist in anger.
Jin narrowed his eyes in suspicion.  “You told us she’s a bad kisser, and that she was rude.”
“No!” Jungkook yelled. “She’s great! It’s fine! Oh, uhh… my mom’s here, gotta go!” He tore off towards the parking lot, leaving you in your dust and broken heart.  
Hoseok lifted a brow and looked at Jin.  “Doesn’t his mom live like… 4 hours away?”
Jin just laughed and shrugged, leaning in to give Jimin a goodbye hug.  “Sorry about that! Jungkook is a little edgy.”
Taehyung grumbled under his breath and Jimin moved to quickly cover it up. 
“It’s fine!” he assuaged.  “No harm!” He chuckled nervously, stealing you a glance.  He could tell by the broken puppy dog eyes on your face that there was certainly harm.
Taehyung was irate.  “Yeah!  She’s going with Kim Namjoon, anyway!”  You whipped your head to him, incredulous and confused. He stared back at you, resolute. 
You groaned, lowering your head to stare at your sandy feet.
“Oh, yeah?” Jin asked, ears perking up. “That delicious-...err… I mean, intelligent engineer guy?”
Taehyung, oblivious to Jin’s careful re-wording, nodded. “Yeah! He’s totally a catch, and he’s lucky to be going with her.”
Jin nodded and smiled at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. “Definitely.”  He chanced a glance at you, and could tell by the look on your face you felt otherwise.  He leaned to your ear and whispered only for you to hear, “If you find out he bats for the other team, will you let me know?”  
Jin was good in your book.  You giggled at the older boy and nodded, before peering back at your best friend’s confused gaze.  
“Well, we better go!  Looks like we’ve been ditched for some… mom time,” he motioned towards the parking lot that Jungkook fled to and gazed back at Hoseok.  “Let’s head out?”
Hoseok nodded, and you murmured your farewells to both, and laughed silently as Jin winked at you.
“I can’t believe it,” Taehyung kicked at the sand after the duo left.  “What an asshole! He was so rude! I knew he wasn’t good enough for you.”  
You had momentarily forgotten about the rejection, too caught up in Jin’s obvious interest in your apparent new date to the party.   Right.  The new date because Jungkook couldn’t even fathom you on his arm; it was laughable to him.  Ouch.
Jimin approached you and wrapped you in his arms. “Sorry, love,” he murmured as his date kicked angrily at the sand, cursing Jeon Jungkook’s name.  “He really is an idiot.”
Taehyung put himself back together and hugged the two of you tight.  “Joonie will be excited to take you,” he replied with a grin wide on his face.  
You groaned. “Can’t wait.”
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“Jeon Jungkook, what the hell is wrong with you!?” Kim Seokjin shrieked as he walked into the parking lot and found the surfer sitting on the edge at a soft thatch of grass, surfboard haphazardly laid next to him.  
Jungkook winced, knowing the lecture would come from his oldest friend.  
“I’m sorry!” he started, looking up at the man with pleading eyes. “I just-... I don’t-...” he was at a loss for words, unable to explain his behavior.
He sighed and looked back down at his feet.  Why had he reacted so negatively?  He barely even knew the girl, but had been so overwhelmed by the sight of her in her red swimsuit and cute braided hair, and Jin suddenly;y suggesting they go to the party together.  He was flustered.
“I don’t even know her! I think I asked her once about a fucking trashcan!  Why would she want to go with someone she doesn’t know?” He complained.  
Jin rolled his eyes and crossed his arms, the picture of motherly scorn. “You could have gotten to know her on the fucking DATE!” he snapped. ��Instead, you laughed in the poor girl’s face!  She looked like a kicked puppy.”
Jungkook winced and rubbed at his ocean-burned eyes, feeling a headache beginning in his temples.  “I’m sorry!” he exasperated. “I’ll apologize sometime! I’ll ask her to go with me!” 
Jungkook supposed he really wouldn’t mind having the lifeguard on his arm at the party.  She filled out her swimsuit nicely and had a gorgeous smile. She was shy, it seemed, but he supposed that wasn’t so bad. He mentally kicked himself for reacting so harshly.  
“Too late,” Hoseok chimed in. “She’s going with Kim Namjoon.”
At the name, Jungkook snapped his eyes to Jin, who huffed.  “If he falls in love with her and not me at this party, I’m shoving your surfboard up your ass.”
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Spending your days at the lifeguard shack was easier said than done after Jungkook’s blatant rejection.  Your eyes followed him constantly, watching as he practiced each turn, tube ride, and off-the-lip. He practiced constantly, nearly 7 hours a day.  He only took breaks to come to shore to eat and drink water and occasionally scurry off to the bathroom.  You desperately wanted to turn away, the sight of him at all causing your heart to clench. But you were powerless, utterly unable to avoid the magnetism that was Jeon Jungkook.
Your shifts switched between partnering with Jimin and Taehyung, both trying to do anything in their power to lift your spirits.  Taehyung chattered away between how excited he was to go with Jimin, and how great it would be to see you and Namjoon together.  Jimin avoided any topic of Jungkook or Namjoon and simply discussed what you would wear to the party and flicked through various websites on his phone with you to determine.  
Jimin yipped with excitement.  “Look at this one,” he swooned, shoving his phone under your nose.  “You’d look so good!”
You glanced at the screen, a golden bikini top in the frame.  It cupped the model’s chest nicely, allowing ample cleavage, and wrapping around the neck with a halter tie.  It was beautiful, shimmery and trendy.  
“I dunno,” you sighed. “Can I pull that off?”
Jimin smirked.  “I’m sure Namjoon could pull it off you.”
“Oh god,” you snorted. “Not you too! Plus, I think Seokjin likes him.”  
Jimin hummed. “Well, I think you should still get it.  Wear it with a cute tight skirt!” His face was lit up. You couldn’t deny the boy.  “Plus, you’ll make stupid Jungkook regret his decision.”
Your face fell at the name.  Jimin internally slapped himself for bringing him up. 
“I’m sorry, bub,” he whispered, taking your hand in his.  “He really is an idiot for what he did to you.”
You smiled at Jimin, willing yourself not to cry at work.  “Thanks, Jimin,” you sighed.  “It’s okay.  I’ll buy it!  It will look great.”  You mostly bought it to ensure Jimin didn’t feel too guilty, but also because it would likely make your tits look great, and you could use some revenge on the surfer.
The pink-haired boy happily clicked the ‘buy’ button, and you entered your card information, thankful that the package would arrive a few days before the party.
You and Jimin settled into an easy conversation, discussing his and Taehyung’s date.  The lithe little lifeguard regaled you with his grand romantic gestures that he planned to surprise Taehyung and officially ask him to be his boyfriend.  It was cute, and your best friend definitely deserved the adoration.  But it was acutely making your heart clench in jealousy and sadness.  
You glanced at your watch, noting the time.  “Hey, I’m going to go walk down the and do shore checks,” you smiled as you grabbed your long white life preserver and slipped ray bans on your eyes.  Jimin nodded and spritzed you with sunblock before you made your way out the door.  
The walk down the shore was a practiced one.  Your eyes scanned over the surface of the water, trained to spot anything wrong or dangerous.  You knelt down to apply a band-aid to a little boy’s scraped knee and picked up trash that a seagull would surely choke on.    It was easy to busy yourself with minimal tasks and keeping an active eye for danger on the horizon. 
The distractions were very welcome, and your mind flittered comfortably around and never landed on the topic of a certain tall, fit surfer. 
Until he was standing right in front of you, your body colliding into his.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed. “Sorry!” You stood and dusted off; you had fallen directly onto the sand on your ass.  You looked at the large person standing in front of you and felt your heart sink.
“I was calling your name for like...4 minutes,” he said amused. “Aren’t lifeguards supposed to be paying attention?”
You blushed and crossed your arms over your chest, huffing. “What do you want?”
Okay, you were a little short, a little rude.  But the man laughed at the idea of being seen with you!  He deserved at least a little of it.
Jungkook blanched at the tone of your voice. “I’m- uh,” he struggled to find words. “I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry.” He nibbled at his lip.  “About the other day.  And for knocking you over just now.”
You crossed your arms tighter against your chest and lifted your sunglasses up your face to rest on your head.  “You were an asshole,” you mumbled.
He rubbed at the back of his neck anxiously. “I know, yeah,” he swallowed harshly.  “I guess they caught me off guard and didn’t know what to say.  Are you still going alone?”
You paused, unsure how to respond.  To tell him about your fake date with Namjoon, or not.
“No,” you sighed.  “I’m going with Kim Namjoon.”
Jungkook scoffed. “That nerd!?” You felt your eyes narrow.  Only you got to call Namjoon a nerd, maybe Seokjin too, but not Jungkook, and not in that tone. “I wanted to ask you if you would go with me.  Jennie’s already got someone else.”
“Oh, so I’m the second choice now?” You lifted an eyebrow, and he hurried to explain.
“No! Well, yeah!” He was fucking up, he knew it. “But not in a bad way!” God, Jungkook wished he could punch himself out cold so he could stop this train wreck.  He felt like such an idiot.
“How is it not a bad way, Jungkook?” You asked, annoyance and hurt rising steadily. 
“Nevermind! It’s fine,” he huffed, angry at himself and allowing it to come out on you. “I was just thinking you’d be eager to ditch the dweeb and be the lucky lady on my arm.”
How in the world did he think that was okay to say?  You glared at him for a moment.
“You’re a fucking asshole,” you bit. “I’m the lucky one!? You should feel lucky that I even listened to your shit apology, let alone entertain the thought of going to the party with you!”
You continued your rant and Jungkook wished the earth would swallow him.  Why was it so hard to talk to you like a normal fucking human?
“Namjoon is polite, and sweet and smart and not a fucking bully who thinks he’s better than everyone!” you yelled, aware that passersby were watching the scene unfold.  A lifeguard yelling at a professional surfer, how charming. “And he’s the lucky one because I’m fucking great!”
“So you can have your fucking apology and go to the party alone, you absolute asswipe!” With that, you turned around and stormed back to the lifeguard tower, stewing in your mixed anger and grief.
You were suddenly very grateful to wear that golden bikini, eager to rub just exactly what Jungkook lost out on in his face.
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The weekend of the party came quickly, far quicker than you were ready for.  As much as you enjoyed Namjoon’s company, it was still a little awkward.  Even more so now that you knew Seokjin, your newest friend, held a candle for the tall genius.
Taehyung sat on your bed as you finished applying makeup, a bronzy yet natural look.  Taehyung wore short shorts and a tank, showing off his impossibly toned and tanned arms and thighs.  He looked fantastic and knew that Jimin would salivate at the sight.  
“You look incredible, bubby,” Tae smiled as he stood behind you and helped secure the necklace you were fumbling with.  “Namjoon is a lucky man.”
You flushed, not wanting to burst Taehyung’s bubble regarding your platonic feelings towards his cousin. “Thanks, Taetae.”
You glanced at your finished look in the long mirror as Tae stood behind you and rubbed your shoulders. The golden bikini top wrapped around your body seamlessly, lifting your breasts with ample cleavage and complimenting your lifeguard tan.  
You wore a short and tight, high-waisted denim skirt and simple sandals you could easily slip off once in the sand.  It different from the 70s vibe of your normal lifeguard outfit.  Your hair fell down in curls, rather than held up in braids or a bun, and makeup adorned your tanned features. Not bad, you smirked.
Taehyung hugged you from behind, but jumped as the doorbell rang. 
“Oh! That's Joonie!”  He quickly scuttled away.
You took a deep breath, summoned every ounce of courage and walked out to meet your date. 
Namjoon smiled kindly at you, wearing a sensible pair of knee-length jean shorts and a designer tee.  
“You look amazing!” he smiled as you grabbed a sweater in case it got too cold. A bikini only gave so much coverage against wind. 
“Thanks Joon,” you replied. “You too.”
Tae sighed as if watching a romantic movie. “Oh my sweet little lovebirds,” you rolled your eyes. “Go have fun!  Namjoon, you take care of her!” He wagged his finger in his cousin's face. “I know where you live!” 
You and Namjoon laughed at his antics. 
“Okay bub, that’s enough,” you hugged your best friend. “Go get your man.” 
He kissed both your cheeks and hugged his tall cousin. “Hopefully by the end of tonight, he will be my man.” He winked before slipping out the door. 
“He’s too much, sometimes,” Namjoon chuckled. You nodded as you opened the front door for him. 
“Don’t blame me, he’s your cousin,” you teased, and the pair of you left towards the beach. 
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You heard the music of the party before you saw it.  You and Namjoon had been chatting easily as you walked the few blocks to the beach.  His conversation helped quell the anxiety growing in your stomach.  Jungkook would be there.  You were still so mad at him, and yet still undeniably attracted to the popular surfer.  It frustrated you he gave you every reason not to like him and still, your brain resisted.
“Wow, it looks wild,” Namjoon breathed as you approached the crowd.  There were groups of people everywhere, each in various states of beachwear and undress.  
You nodded, eyes peering around for any familiar face.  You quickly spotted Jin with his date, a cute and petite brunette, along with Hoseok and Yoongi.  Thankfully, Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.  Jin and his crowd quickly made their way towards you.  
“My princess!” He exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around you.  He tucked his lips by your ear and whispered, “So, you think I got a chance?” You turned to smile at him and shrugged. 
“He didn’t seem to care about my tits,” you surmised.  Not that it meant he was gay, but since Seokjin seemed to grasp at straws, so did you.
“How unfair to you!” he faux-gasped.  “You could see these puppies from space!” He patted your shoulders and looked at the tall genius.  
Namjoon’s eyes were glued to Seokjin, transfixed.  Jin stuck his hand out towards him. 
“Hi, I’m Seokjin.  But you can call me Jin,” he mewled, eyes giving off blatant ‘come hither’ vibes.  
Namjoon licked his lips and slowly extended his own hand.  “Namjoon,” he replied.
Jin grinned. “I know,” he teased. “You’re the local Einstein.”
Namjoon flushed, and you nudged Jin, asking to take it easy on the boy.  
Within a blink, Tae and Jimin joined your group, hands clasped together and giddy smiles on their faces.  Namjoon arched an eyebrow at his cousin and Tae merely smiled, one that spoke volumes of love for the pink-haired lifeguard.
“Where’s Jungkook?” Tae growled as he took stock of who was present.  Hoseok awkwardly coughed.
“He’s uh,” Hoseok started. “Coming late.”
You pursed your lips, ignoring the fast beat of your heart.  Namjoon was still engaged in a staring contest with Seokjin and you smiled at Jin’s date, June.  “Do you want to go with me to get a drink, June?” You asked, feeling awkward that the girl’s date was openly flirting with yours.
She nodded appreciatively and walked with you towards the beer garden.  “Sorry about the boys,” you murmured.  “It’s a little awkward when your date partners flirt with each other.”
June giggled and grabbed a cold cup of beer.
“I don’t mind,” she smiled behind the foam.  “Jin is one of my best friends.  I’m gay, my girlfriend is just out-of-town so I agreed to come with him.”
You sighed a breath of relief. “Oh thank god, I was worried you would kill me or Namjoon.”
June giggled, she was adorable, and shook her head.  “No way.  Do you know how many times I’ve had to listen to Jin wax poetic about him?  I started to get a crush on him!” she teased.
June was easy to talk to, and you found yourself throwing back a beer and grasping at another before she asked if you wanted to head back towards the group.
“June! Hey!” a voice called out, causing you both to turn around.  The source of the voice was none other than Jungkook.
“Oh,” he faltered as he took in your body, your outfit.  Fuck, you looked good.  He willed himself not to pop a boner, especially since you were less than pleased with him. “Hey,” his cheeks were flaring red. 
“Hi Kook!” June exclaimed, hugging the muscular boy. Not that you were looking at his muscles.  “Where’s Jennie?”
Your head tilted, confused at the statement.  Jungkook was actively aware of your body language.  He coughed in order to relieve the tension in his throat.
“She’s just,” he didn’t know where to begin. “With some friends at the moment.”
You sucked at your teeth.  “Glad you found someone to go with after all, Jungkook. I would hate for you to have to resort to your second choice.”  
You spun around and stormed back towards your friends, leaving June and Kook in your wake.  
You avoided Jungkook for much of the night.  You danced with your friends, roasted marshmallows with Namjoon, did shots with Jimin and Tae, and walked down the shore towards the lifeguard booth you worked at regularly with your date.
“So,” you smiled at him. “Seems like you hit it off with Seokjin.”
Namjoon’s cheeks bloomed red. “Well, sure, yeah,” he gasped.  “He’s… nice.”
You elbowed the man gently. “Joonie, it’s okay.  You like him.”  
Namjoon paused and looked at you before gazing back at his feet.
“I’m so sorry. I know you like me, and Tae always talks about your crush on me, but I’m… I’m gay.  You’re beautiful and all, but I just don’t see you that way.”
You spluttered, laughing with confusion.  
“What!? Tae told you what!? Oh, my god,” you laughed. “I thought you were gay, Joon!  And I love you as a friend, but I don’t have a crush on you.”
He looked relieved, eyes now locked on yours.  “What? Really?” He gasped, then frowned.  “I’m going to fucking kill him.”
You hugged him tight.  “He was so desperate to see us get together he didn’t see the obvious,” you sighed after you pulled away. “Seokjin likes you too.  You should go to him.  The girl he’s with isn’t his girlfriend. It’s his lesbian best friend.”  You laughed at the incredulity of the circumstances of the night.
Namjoon held you tight and smiled. “Sorry,” he mumbled awkwardly. “I’m glad we came together though, I enjoy being with you.  As friends.” He added.  
You quickly nodded and agreed. “Now go suck his dick! I can walk myself home.” 
Joon blushed again. It was easy to get that reaction out of him.  He kissed your hands and turned back towards the party, seeking the older man.
You ambled towards the lifeguard station, quickly hopping up to sit on the weather-worn wood planks and watch the waves roll in.  It was nice to step away from the party, from the crowds and noise.  Being at the ocean at night reminded you of how much you loved it, how you felt as if it rushed through your veins.  
“I see you’re lost in your own thoughts again,” a familiar voice called.  You quickly snapped at the intruder.  Jungkook.  Of course, you couldn’t escape him.  You wanted him near and wanted him gone all at once.
“I was calling your name again, and you didn’t hear me.  Maybe you should see a doctor,” he teased as he hopped up next to you on the shack porch.  
You grumbled.  “What are you doing out here?” You asked. “Aren’t you like the life of the party? Where’s Jennie?”
He frowned and looked out at the water. “Making out with her ex.”
Oh, yikes.  You felt bad for him, regardless of if he deserved it or not.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.  
“I’m tired of the party.  Everyone wants to talk to me about the money and the fame from my sponsorships.  No one asks me how I’m feeling about the competition.”
You bit your lip, allowing Jungkook to continue.
“It gets old, I guess.  Girls always wanting to talk about my sponsorship deals, and if I’ve met any Olympians,” he chuckled darkly.  “Sorry, I sort of dumped that on you.”
You shook your head, staring at the object of your affections.  “I get it,” you agreed. “If it’s any consolation, I think you’ll do great at the tournament.”  You bit your lip, afraid to continue the compliment.  “I’ve watched you, you know.  You’re really good.”
“Just really good?” he teased.  You poked him in the stomach in retort.
“Yes, Jungkook, you’re really good.  You’re the best for a reason.”  Your face returned to a thoughtful look.  “Are you nervous?”
Jungkook nodded. “Yeah, I am.  I’m scared to disappoint anyone.  My friends, my family, my coach…” he trailed off. “I guess I’m more scared of disappointing them than I am about losing.”
“You’re not scared of losing?”
“Not really, no.” He let his legs sway in the open air.  “If it came down to it, I’d rather lose than disappoint them somehow.  But the two seem to be tied together. I can’t lose without making them upset.”
“Do you love what you do?” The question was simple, but held such significance to Jungkook.  He looked at you, amazed at the sincerity in your face and questions.  God, he could kiss you right now.
“I used to,” he spoke after a beat of staring at your lips. “I liked it when I could do it how I wanted.  When I could just surf for fun, and maybe for a prize here and there.  But now, I’m expected to win. All the time. Never make your hobby into your job,” he sighed.
You let your hand rest on his thigh. “You can be in charge of your life, Jungkook,” you murmured.  “You’re an adult. You can lose if you want to.  You could quit all together. What anyone else wants for you isn’t as important as what you want for you.”
Jungkook let the idea roll in his mind. He stared at you, unused to talking so frankly and freely about his life and career and dreams, let alone with a girl he was attracted to.
“I want to kiss you,” he spoke, quiet and confident.  Your eyes widened.
“You do?”
He nodded, not allowing any anxiety to roll through him or let him make an ass of himself again. “I do.”
Your heart was beating ten times too fast.  It felt as if it might launch out of your chest cavity.
“Okay,” you breathed. “I want you to kiss me.”
Jungkook leaned forward and pressed his warm lips to yours.  He tasted like the ocean, salty and earthy.  He tasted like beer, bitter and sharp.  He tasted like what you imagined was the essence of Jungkook, warm and sweet.  
He let his hand rest on your cheek, thumb caressing your cheek as his fingers wound through your hair.  He deepened the kiss, tongue swirling into the cavern of your mouth to seek purchase. He wanted you, all of you.
You sighed against his lips, allowing his tongue to explore your mouth as you returned the favor.  You each made small, slight and tiny gasps.  Jungkook pressed towards you, laying you down on the hard wood of the lifeguard deck as he continued kissing you, fingers combing through your hair.
“I’m sorry I was an ass,” he whispered. “I promise I’m not that big of an asshole, you just get me so flustered.”
You giggled against his lips, pulling him in for another deep caress of your tongue.  “I forgive you, as long as you keep that promise.”
Jungkook moved his fingers towards your bikini top, dipping into your cleavage.  “I almost passed out when I saw you in this,” he admitted, resting his forehead against yours. 
You didn’t need to reply, as Jungkook began kissing the tops of your breasts, sucking gently on the skin of your cleavage.  He was definitely leaving marks, and you hoped your work swimsuit would cover the evidence.  
You moaned under his touch, sighing as he pulled the top down further to expose your hardened nipples.  At the feel of his tongue on one nub, you jolted up, aware of your surroundings.
“Wait! Stop!” You gasped.  Jungkook pulled away quickly, eyes boring into yours with confusion.  
“What’s wrong?”
“Not out here!” You begged, dragging him into the interior of the lifeguard’s shack.  It was measly, with a desk, a chair and a long padded bench, but it would have to work.
Jungkook’s concern melted away and a cocky smile spread across his lips.  
“You wanna fuck at work, huh? Kinky.”
You kissed him hard again, ignoring his teasing comments.  He quickly untied the top completely and threw it to the ground and allowed himself to revel in the feel of your naked breasts.  He easily pressed you down to sit on the bench and stood before you.  
“Okay, I know I was joking before about fucking at work, but this is actually really hot,” he groaned at the sight of you, tits out and lips puffy from his kissing.   
He knelt in front of you and buried his face in your tits, licking and sucking at the sensitive skin. 
You jerked and arched your back into him, allowing your head to bob back. 
“Ohhhh, fuck,” you sighed as he tugged on a nipple harshly. “So good.” 
Jungkook was encouraged and sucked harder, lifting his fingers to your other nub to twist and pinch and pull. The high whine that left your lips shot straight to his cock. 
“Fuck, babe,” he breathed. “You’re so responsive.”  He marveled at you, the way the moon shone on your naked body.  His hand moved from your breast to your skirt and tugged the denim up. 
He hissed at the sight of your bare pussy, no underwear in sight.  
“Shit, fuck,” he took a steadying breath to ground himself. “That was so unexpected and so fucking hot.”
You blushed. “Panty lines,” you offered as a response. 
“Fuck yeah, panty lines,” he wheezed, knowing his words made no sense and watched your cunt slick your thighs.  
He let a finger drag up and down your slit, ripping a loud moan from your throat.  Jungkook was about to finger you. Jungkook, the man you had been in love with for three summers was about to eat you out.  This must be a dream, right?
“So pretty,” he cooed, eyes glued to your slippery cunt. “Wanna eat you up.”
“Please, yes, fuck,” you babbled. “Please Kook, I want you so bad.”  
He smirked and leaned forward and pressed his tongue against your clit, one quick flick against the bud. He pulled back and savored the taste on his tongue. “Mmm, perfect.”
You cried at the loss of sensation, pussy clenching around nothing and nearly screaming in need for the surfer to please you. Your legs spread wantonly, tits out and skirt hiked up around your waist.  It was filthy. You fucking loved it. 
Jungkook easily slipped two fingers into your tight heat and dropped his jaw in a groan at the feel of your silky wet walls sucking his fingers.  You keened your approval and gasped for more. He was staring at the way you took his fingers, hypnotized by the push and pull of your channel. 
“Fuck, I could probably cum just from watching this,” he breathed. “I’ve never been so turned on by fingering someone before.” 
Your breathing was heavy, panting harshly as you felt his long digits slowly fuck into you. 
“Shit, Jungkook, please I’m aching,” you begged. “My clit, p-please.”
He nodded dutifully and lowered his mouth to suck at your clit.  You tasted exquisite, like fine wine, and he was thirsty. 
Electric pulses danced down your spine as you finally received what you needed, moaning his name encouragingly. You threaded your hands through his hair, gasping for air and squeaking in delight at every swirl of his tongue. 
He fucked you harder with his fingers, establishing a quick pace. 
“You look so fucking good,” he complimented. “Your pussy fucks my fingers so good.  It’s going to feel fucking fantastic with my cock shoved in it.” 
You nodded in agreement, eyes shut tight as your fingers tightened their hold on his shiny locks. “Jungkook, fuck! There, right there!! Shit!” You gasped, feeling the beginning torrent of your orgasm. 
He obeyed, making out with your cunt and suckling at your clit as he slipped another finger inside you and fucked you fervently. Your body was like his last meal on earth and he would savor every last drop. 
“Cum for me, babe. Fuck, I bet you look so fucking hot cumming on my fingers.” 
His pumping fingers and punishing tongue speared you into an intense orgasm, cunt walls convulsing around him. You slapped a hand over your mouth to stifle the scream of pleasure as your body shook. 
Jungkook had never felt more proud of anything in his life. He had fucked a lot of girls, but never any as responsive as you. You were addictive. 
“Jesus,” he gasped, sliding his finger from your spent pussy, dripping in your release. “Suck.” 
He pressed his fingers into your mouth and groaned as you sucked obediently, showing exactly what you would do to his cock were the fingers replaced in your mouth with it.  His groan of approval told you he was looking forward to it. 
“Jungkookkkkieee!” A drunk, female voice hollered out on the beach.  You both shot up, attempting to fix yourself and throw your bikini back over your body. 
Jungkook ducked out to see who was calling him. His eyes narrowed as he saw Jennie faltering in the sand, drunk. 
“Fuck,” he murmured. “It’s Jennie.” 
You frowned. “I thought she was with her ex…”
“Me too.”
“Jungkooookie! Where are you?! I’m ready to go home and get fucked like you promised meeeeeee!” She giggled as she fell into the sand, unaware of the couple in the lifeguard shack. 
Your eyes narrowed to slits at the surfer. He winced, feeling as if they were daggers in him. 
“Look, I didn’t say that-...”
“I get it now,” you snapped as you tied your top back around your neck. 
“Listen! Wait!” He attempted to stop you and grab your hands, but you quickly wrenched them away and shoved him from you. 
“Fuck you, Jungkook!  I’m always the second choice, huh?  Jennie fucks off with her ex so you look for your fallback plan.” Your words were dripping in malice, in regret. 
“No! I promise! I didn’t tell her that!  I haven’t fucked her except once like 2 months ago!” He begged for you to stay. “I don’t want her! I want you.”
“I can’t believe I’m this fucking stupid,” you shook your head and gathered your belongings and stormed out of the shack.  He quickly followed behind you, begging you to let him explain himself. You ignored him valiantly, the tears now falling down your face. 
“If you’d just fucking listen to me, I could explain-..”
You cut him off by turning towards him and jabbing angry fingers in his face. 
“No, you fucking listen,” your voice was dark, and he tracked the tears falling from your face. “I’ve liked you for three fucking years now. I never thought I had a chance with you. And I was fine with that.  But you fucking dangled it in front of me. You played me.”  You bit your cheek, desperately wanting to slap his stupid, beautiful face, but held yourself back. 
“Good luck at the tournament, Jungkook.”
And you turned, and you left, running quickly to find Tae to get home to cry. 
“Welcome to the 43rd Annual National Surfing Tournament!” The loudspeaker voice boomed through the beach. It felt like it echoed through your heart.  
You sucked your teeth, thoroughly unimpressed with the fanfare.  
You were stationed at a makeshift perch, close to the shore. You, along with Tae and Jimin, were the selected lifeguards for the event in case of emergency. 
You fought your manager when you saw your name on the list for the event.  
There was no way you could be on the same beach as Jeon Jungkook. 
But there was no way out, Jimin and Tae just sent sad frowns to you and murmured compassionate encouragement. 
So you stood at your position, sunglasses covering your eyes, as you watched the surfers line up at the shore. You avoided looking at the tall, black-haired one. You tried and failed. 
He looked tired, nervous. He ran his hands through his hair anxiously and picked at spots on his board. 
Whatever. You pushed away any thoughts of care towards the man. 
He stole a glance at you, noticing you turn your face away the moment he looked up. He frowned, eyes back at the shore lapping at his feet. 
Jungkook readied himself. Within moments, the siren rang, and he tore off towards the water, hopped on his board, and paddled towards the swells. He monitored the competing surfers, wanting to move far away from them to avoid a collision and snag a wave all for himself. 
He swam right, leaving the pack of surfers in the center to move closer to the pier beams. It was risky, he could over correct a fall and slide right into a current that would slam him into the huge beams of wood. But the waves crashing there were perfect.  Tubular, even. 
He paddled harder, eager to get his first run in. 
You narrowed your eyes as you watched him move towards the pier. What was he doing?  That was a dangerous area, and a grip on your throat kept your eyes glued to the man. 
He stared ahead, watched as the swell of the wave started, before turning around and paddling. He kept his eye behind him on the wave, moving to correct himself and hit the wave at just the right spot. He steadied his feet on the board and stood, thrusting his hips forward to propel the board on top of the now-crested wave.  His smile lit up his entire body. 
He did it; you cheered internally, before scolding yourself. Who cares, certainly not you. 
Jungkook balanced and risked a run through the rolling wave. He timed it well enough he could make it before the tube filled with water.  With a quick jut of his legs and his hip, he shoved his body and board through the tube, fingers dragging across the glassy surface. 
God, he looked gorgeous.  The wave encircled him, as if he were the god of the water. 
You felt your throat jump high in your mouth. 
The tube was closing quickly; the wave dying down. Getting caught in a rip curl was deadly, forcing the victims underwater for too long. 
Jungkook pressed his body closer to the board, willing the aerodynamics to take him faster to the end of the tube. 
You watched him, crying out loud to encourage him to hurry, as if he could hear you from your perch. 
Within seconds, the wave crashed and dragged the surfer down with him. 
Jungkook tumbled off the longboard, head cracking hard against the polyurethane surface.  He groaned as water overtook him.
You acted on instinct. You threw the life preserver behind you and ran into the water.  You waited for the incoming wave to pass overhead before resurfacing and swimming to him as fast as you could. 
You were crying, you noticed, tears escaping your body as you swam harder than you had in your life. You could see him swirling in the water, and you panicked. How were you going to get him out? Without killing yourself in the process. 
You squeezed your eyes tight and held yourself sturdy as the wave washed over you, ducking under the water to allow it to pass.
As it passed, you resurfaced and found Jungkook still in the water, not moving, with his surfboard still attached by the tether to his ankle.  Fuck, was he unconscious?
You pressed towards him, forcing water out of the way to reach him as quickly as possible, knowing the possibility of him drowning while unconscious was high.  
A sob left your lips as you reached the surfer and used all the strength in your body to heave his upper half onto the surfboard.  He groaned.  You breathed out the air you didn’t realize you were holding.  He was alive, thank god.
“Jungkook! Are you okay?” you asked, pushing hair out of his face.  Your eyes darted around his body.  He was breathing, didn’t appear to have any broken body parts yet, but was bleeding profusely from his forehead, likely when he hit his board in the crash.
You held your hand against the wound, willing it to stop with the pressure. “It’s okay, Kook,” you murmured. “I’m here, it’s okay.”  You didn’t know if the words were reassuring for him, or for you.  Perhaps both.  
The sound of a boat drew you from your attendance to his wound. The large Coast Guard speed boat pulled up beside you and threw in a rope ladder for you to climb on, while skilled men lifted the unconscious Jungkook and his board out of the water. You spotted Yoongi at the helm. You didn’t realize he was Coast Guard, and he rushed to you to hug you close. You sighed a breath of relief at the comfort, thankful you and Jungkook were both all right.  
Harsh, choking coughs came from the ground and you pulled from Yoongi to see Jungkook spluttering water from his mouth.  You cried at the sight of him awake, breathing, and fell to your knees beside him.  The medics had placed gauze and a makeshift bandage on his forehead, protecting his wound and stifling the blood.
“You fucking asshole,” you chided as you delicately pulled the man into your arms.  He easily wrapped his arms around you, still gasping for air, clinging to you like his last lifeline. 
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Jungkook sat in the worn room of the lifeguard shack, a towel wrapped around his shoulders, a blanket on his lap. 
“You might be in shock,” you murmured, watching him from your knees on the floor. 
“You know, when I pictured you on your knees for me, it wasn’t at a time when I almost died.”  He tried to lighten the mood and watched your face pull a smile, before looking towards the floor again. You still hadn’t forgotten the night of the party. The heartbreak at feeling like his second choice, again. 
“Sorry, that was stupid,” he chastised himself. “I meant to say thank you.  Thank you for helping me. What I did was dumb and risky.”
You scooted closer to him and held his hand in yours. “It’s okay, Jungkook. I'm glad you’re all right. I’m sorry you didn’t win the tournament.”
He shrugged. “Honestly, I forgot about it,” he admitted. “It was so fun trying out that stupid move, I forgot I was competing.” 
You couldn’t help but smile up at the surfer. 
“You lost…” . 
“Because I wanted to.” He smiled. 
He knelt down to meet you on the floor, face impossibly close to yours. 
“I’m so sorry, for everything. I was an asshole, even when I promised you I wouldn’t be.  You’re not my second choice,” he whispered. “You’re my first choice. You saved me, not just from a large head wound,”  he motioned to the wrapped bandage around his forehead with a wry smile. “You saved me from a life of trying to prove I’m not a disappointment and lose out on what I loved in life.” 
Your eyes sparkled with tears. “I’m proud of you.” 
“That’s all I needed to hear.” He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours, kissing you as if you were the life preserver pulling him from the churning depths below the surface.  
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“Jungkook, I swear to god if you don’t let me suck your cock, I will explode,” you whined as you sat on your knees. 
Jungkook grinned at you from the office chair of the lifeguard shack. He was still dripping wet from playing in the surf with Hoseok and Yoongi, wetsuit tight on his toned body.  
“My, my.  Who knew it took me wearing my wetsuit again for my girlfriend to turn into a cock slut?  I just stopped by to say hi, and you’re on your knees for me.” He teased, unzipping the suit to his navel. 
“You look so fucking good, I can’t help it,” you begged, hands reaching to help him unzip the rest. “And I know you’re naked under here.”  The thought of his cock so near was mouthwatering. 
He couldn’t help but sigh with pleasure as you pulled the zipper down all the way and released his thick length from its wet confines. “Mmm, you were right.”  He smirked as you grasped his cock in your hands, gasping as you pressed a kiss to the tip. 
You sucked his cock into your mouth, enveloping the entire length in your throat. He tasted like the ocean, so salty and pleasant. He tasted like Jungkook, warm and sweet. 
You bobbed your head up and down his length, groaning at the feeling of his cock touching the back of your throat. 
“Shit, babe, you’re so good,” he grunted, allowing his eyes to shut in pleasure. 
You continued your journey, sucking and bobbing expertly and adding a fist to help jerk him to completion. He whined, already so close, and tapped your shoulder. “Gonna cum, baby.”
Your hand grasped at his balls, rubbing your hands down and over the sensitive sack, encouraging him to release down your throat. 
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, fuck,” he gasped quickly. With a few drags of your tongue and throat, he was releasing his load into your mouth.  You hummed with pleasure, allowing his cock to fall from your mouth with a pop, and swallowed the load down. You stuck your tongue out to show your clean mouth. 
“Good girl,” he cooed. “Now, be a doll and let me fuck you over the desk,” he ordered as he slapped your swimsuit covered ass. 
You squeaked and jumped into position, bending over the old desk and pushing your ass out towards him. 
“Yes, daddy,” you teased. 
He quirked an eyebrow. “That’s new.” 
“Thought we’d try it out, daddy,” you emphasized with a wiggle of your ass. 
“I don’t hate it,” he shrugged, tugging the strip of fabric that covered your cunt to the side. 
“Hurry and fuck me, babe, my break is over in 20 minutes.” 
He huffed. “I thought daddy gave the orders, baby,” he frowned. 
“Sorry, daddy. Please fuck me, I only have 20 minutes.”  Your eyes pleaded with him, giving him the puppy dog stare he couldn’t resist. 
With one push, Jungkook was fully enveloped in your slick heat. He gasped at the familiar feeling of your cunt, one he would never ever get sick of. 
“Fuck,” he whined. 
You agreed with a moan and a jiggle of your hips, begging to start a rhythm. 
Jungkook was weak and complied, quickly settling into quick thrusts. He knew he didn’t have much time to drag this out, so he was intent on getting you off as quickly as he could. 
You arched your back, gasping at the feel of him filling you.  Jungkook seemed to fit perfectly inside you, and you gawped at how quickly he could wring orgasms out of you with his cock. 
“You like bending over the desk for me, hmm?” he questioned. “You’re so wet.”
You murmured a low response, straight from your throat. The tendrils of orgasm slowly worked their way around your stomach, threatening to explode as Jungkook nudged your cervix with each push. 
“Shit, right there,” you cried, grasping for the edges of the desk to steel yourself. 
Jungkook simply went harder, faster, angling himself at the angle you needed. Watching you fall apart under his hands surpassed any feeling. He loved bringing you to your knees. 
“Yeah, fuck,” he grunted. “Cum on my cock.”
You threw your head back, moaning loudly at your boyfriend’s ability to disintegrate your core in minutes. It didn’t help that he had worked you up in his wetsuit, and sucking his cock had pleased you more than you thought possible. You were so close, so deliciously close. 
“Oh, my god! Baby, I’m cumming, fuck!” You tried to muffle your cries, but Jungkook thrusted harder as your cunt fluttered and convulse around him. He keened at the feeling, swiftly bringing himself to an end inside you. He loved filling you up, seeing his cum slip down your thighs. 
You panted hard, gazing back at the surfer standing behind you as he pulled his softening cock from your depths. 
“I love you,” you smiled. 
Jungkook lifted a cocky grin, hand still wrapped around his cock to stuff back into his wetsuit. 
“And I love you.” He punctuated with a kiss on your back as he slipped your swimsuit back into place along your core. 
Jungkook was like the ocean. Turbulent, unexpected. Salty and sweet.  Relaxing and energetic.  And you loved Jungkook just as you did the dark blue waves.  
Jungkook loved the ocean, too.  He loved spending hours surfing, playing in the water with you, napping on a towel in the sand, chasing you with seaweed, fucking you in the lifeguard tower.  He loved everything about the beach and the shore.
But Jungkook’s most beloved aspect of the beach was you.
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maevemarethyu · 3 years
The Pack (1/?)
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(Not my GIF)
(Bucky Barnes x Reader)
The Night Wolves. New York’s most prolific and secretive gang. Always watching yet somehow always out of reach. Always slipping through the Avengers grasp.
Until they got you.
You were a street rat. A grunt working for the most gruesome group of criminals New York had ever seen.
Captain America wasn’t expecting much when they brought you in, he certainly wasn’t expecting you and his best friend to get along so well. You were a courier, nothing more.
Or so they thought.
Warnings: Violence, Cursing, Talks of Murder, Actual Murder, Talks of Abuse, Kidnapping, Depictions of Abuse, Crude Humor, Sexual Humor, Bucky Barnes (because he needs a warning all in himself), Sad Boi Hours.
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The fact that all you could do was pretend to work while Flora and Maeve handled the complete uprooting of your business pissed you off to no end.
Every day for the past four days, you woke up, went for a morning run, went to Mr. Miller’s shop (Surprise, Mr. Miller doesn’t exist), meandered there until closing time, walked home, ate dinner, and went back to sleep.
All while the Avengers thought they were invisibly following you. Day one had been Barnes. Day two was Wilson. Day three was Rogers. Today is was the Scarlet Witch; Wanda Maximoff. You’d think that they would have better disguises than a baseball cap and blue zip-up but, it would appear that was their I’m just a civilian look.
You couldn’t even go to your house. Instead you were forced to stay in the dummy apartment you’d set up when you first got the Wolves up and running. It came in handy, obviously, but it still sucked.
The sat phone goes off in the freezer and you rush to answer it.
“Please, for the love of Bucky Barnes’ thighs, tell me you found me a way out of this hell.” You whine and Maeve laughs on the other end.
“Is that what your praying to now? The Winter Soldier’s thighs?”
“Focus Maeve.”
“I’m not the one praying to a pair of limbs.” She teases before taking on a more serious tone. “We have the new location set up but, it’s going to take time to get everyone transferred.”
“I figured. Please tell me you got us set up in the Maldives. I’d love you forever if you did.”
“Ha Ha. You know I burn easily and, for that, you all must suffer. As for the escape. Flora had an idea.”
You groan at the thought. Flora was smart as a whip and was a tactical genius but, her ideas were taxing to say the least.
“She thought it’d be easier for us to avoid those pesky Avengers if we had eyes on the inside. Ya know, just someone to find out how much they really found out about us and, since you’re already such good friends with them, we figured you’d be the perfect candidate.”
“You do realize I’m the one in charge right? You guys want me to infiltrate the Avengers.” You ask with annoyance. Not because wouldn’t work but, because it would. You already had rapport with the Captain.
“Fine.” You pout. “Use the Mr. Miller cell to call mine and ask me to pick up something in Hell’s Kitchen. I’ll wait until its dark and purposefully go into a dangerous area because I care. I’m willing to make this sacrifice.”
You hear a snort on the other line and roll your eyes.
“Is Paul good? Looks like setting up a fake family tree wasn’t a complete waste of time after all.” You ask and faintly hear Flora yell I told you so in the background.
“He’s fine. The Avengers have him holed up in some five-star cabin up in Maine. The lucky bastard.”
Lucky bastard indeed.
“I hope you’re ready for this Alpha. Your life is about to get a lot more complicated.”
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 You’d been wandering around Hell’s Kitchen pretending to be lost for almost twenty minutes now. Honestly, who did you have to suck off to get mugged around here? Your feet were starting to ache and there was a knot in your back thanks to the lumpy mattress back at the apartment.
A knife against your back puts you on high alert and you have to hold back a grin because, about damn time.
“Give me your wallet.” The man whispers in your ear and your nose scrunches at the scent of cigarettes and cheap booze.
Tears spring to your eyes and you hold up two shaking hands.
“Please don’t hurt me. I-I’m lost and I just want to go home.” You cry. This wasn’t exactly what your mother had in mind when she made you sign up for drama club in school but, hey, at least you were using your skills.
“Your wallet. Now.” The knife presses deeper into your back and, before you can let out a perfectly believable whimper, pressure is gone. You turn to face your attacker only to see he help in the air by the back of his shirt by none other than Bucky Barnes himself. There was no shy smile on his face tonight, only a fierce scowl as he throws the mugger into a wall and you can’t help but think how good it looks on him.
Thick Thighs and Bucky’s Eyes was about to become your new life motto if he wasn’t careful.
“Are you okay?” He turns to you, eyes canvasing you for any injuries. Mr. Hyde to Dr. Jekyll in the blink of an eye.
“I-I’m okay. Geez I’m so stupid. Mr. Miller said he needed me to pick something up from Lucky’s Pawn Shop and I got all turned a-around. D-Do you think he works for the Wolves.” You whisper the taboo name and add a shiver for good measure.
His eyes dart to the man lying in a crumpled heap and back to you with a frown.
“I don’t think so but, I’d feel better if you took Steve’s offer of staying at the compound. You’re a target now.” He sighs and it’s so nice you’re not sure if you want to jump him or puke.
“I-I think you’re right.” You mutter, looking at the man then back into Bucky’s blue cotton candy eyes; sweet enough to make your teeth rot. “Thank you Sarge. Who know what would have happened if you weren’t around? What were you doing in Hell’s Kitchen so late?”
His eyes dart away from yours as he leads you to his car.
“Steve may or may not have had us keep eyes on you for your own protection.”
Sure. Your protection.
Instead of a scoff, you blink up him with owlish eyes. “You mean you’ve been watching over me since I left the tower?”
You don’t think anything you do will ever top the fact that you just made Bucky Barnes blush.
“Not just me. We each took a day to keep tabs on ya.” He mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He escorts you to an inconspicuous car and opens your door.
What were guys like Bucky called on the internet again?
Right. A Himbo.
Incredibly well intentioned and polite but, not the most observant… Maybe you were being cruel but so was he by just looking that fine all the time.
“Thank you.” Your whisper sounds like a shout in the silent car and, once again, you can see red creeping onto his cheeks whenever a streetlight illuminates the vehicle.
Phase one complete.
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“Steve had a room set up for you. Are you hungry?”
The living quarters of the compound were not what you were expecting. It was… homier. High class definitely but, not cold. Every Avenger had their own room but, their kitchen was shared, and the common room was jam packed with bookcases and entertainment systems.
You were in heaven and no longer jealous of your fake father Paul.
“I’m okay, thank you.” You mumble, adding a bit of shyness to your voice to really sell it. “I just want to lie down.”
With you preferably but, we’ll get to that another time.
“Oh, right. This way.”
Bucky leads you down a hall lined with doors; stopping at the one at the very end of the hall and motioning you to go in.
“Holy shit.” You gasp and it’s real because your room is phenomenal. The bed looks big enough to fit an elephant and soft enough to drown in and you couldn’t wait to collapse into it. Floor to ceiling windows give you a view of the city you could never get from your real house. Simply beautiful.
“If you need anything, my room is down to the right and Wanda’s is down to the left. She left for a mission earlier but, is excited to meet you when she gets back.”
You’d heard stories about the Scarlet Witch and her telepathic powers so, you knew to be careful around her. You had enough secrets to drive anyone mad and put you behind bars for several lifetimes.
“The Wanda Maximoff can’t wait to meet me?” You gasp, finally relenting and flopping onto the bed like an ungraceful starfish. “This could very well be the best day of my life. You know, aside from the almost getting mugged part.”
You turn your head towards him just in time to see a chuckle pass through his seashell pink lips. A very good day indeed.
It was a good tactic but, you saw straight through it. The Avengers were still wary of you and believed putting you in proximity of the two members that you were most likely to trust would cause you to slip up; unintentionally let your guard down so they could read you like a book.
You wanted to say something about them thinking you’d be that naïve but, that would only diminish the reputation you had begun to build: a sassy yet timid and troubled girl who had gotten herself mixed in with the wrong crowd. You garnered sympathy and sympathy led to loose lips.
You honestly deserved an Oscar for this shit; Flora definitely owed you a dinner and, once everything got back to normal, you’d wring those street rat’s necks for not doing their job.
“You’ll be safe here. No one’s breaking in to steal your purse.”  He reassures and it melts your heart a bit; he really is a nice guy. A really nice guy with a really nice face and a really nice ass.
“Thank you Sarge.” You sigh sincerely. You may be on opposite sides of the law but, you admired him and the other Avengers for what they do. They protect people from people like you. They’ve seen the worst the universe has to offer and none of them turned away. If you were in Barnes position, the next time someone told you the world was ending, you would have told them to put you back in the freezer.
“If you need anything, just ask the AI; her name is FRIDAY. Goodnight Valerie.” He shuts the door with care, leaving you with nothing but your thoughts and a bugged cellphone. This was already going much more smoothly than you had anticipated and you didn’t know whether to be grateful or suspicious.  You were leaning towards the latter.
You were being paranoid but, who wouldn’t be in your situation?
You sit up on the bed and observe your new home for the foreseeable future. Would the holier than thou Avengers bug an innocent woman’s room? You liked to think they wouldn’t but, you could never be too sure.
You make a mental note to see if you’d be able to pick up some of your clothes from the apartment as you walk into the bathroom and strip off your jeans that smell more like the streets of New York than the citrus scent you washed them with.
Funnily enough, Stark had the same shower as you did at your real home so, you have to pretend to figure out the various knobs just in case. After fiddling for a good five minutes, you set it to just how you like it and hop in with the plan to wash the stress of the past few days down the drain. By now Flora and Maeve should have moved the tier of enforcers to the new location along with a good chunk of your liquid assets to a new offshore account.
A month at the minimum. That’s how long Flora told you this would take and you knew better than to complain about it. This was a very stressful situation for all of you; for everyone involved.
Once you feel thoroughly cleansed, you step out of the shower and wrap yourself in a fluffy towel and exit the bathroom.
A plate on your nightstand catches your attention and the hairs on the back of your neck raise as the smell of delicious lasagna reaches your nose. The note next to the plate says it’s from Sam Wilson and, if you were a normal woman, you’d probably think his effort was thoughtful.
“FRIDAY?” You announce curiously.
“Yes Miss Mason?” She answers and you roll your shoulders. You’d have to get used to having a Stark AI instead of your trusty MARVI.
“Please don’t let anyone into my room when I’m unable to answer the door.”
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Tags: @cherryblossomskye @hollarious​
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authorautumnbanks · 3 years
How To Tame A Sorcerer(6)
"Wait here," Gojo instructs. He closes the door before Kagome can get her reply out. The last thing he needs is to explain to Yaga who Kagome is or why he brought an outsider to the school.
Or worse, he thinks. What if she dispels Master Tengen's barrier? It's not a gamble he's willing to risk.
He bangs on Yuji's door and then barges in when Yuji takes a second too long.
"Eh! Gojo-sensei? What's wrong?" Yuji sets the poster of Jennifer Lawrence on the bed. The creases under his eyes open slightly.
Gojo wonders if Sukuna can sense fingers, and if so, then it may make their job of gathering them up easier.
"I've got something for you."
"A souvenir?"
"The best kind there is!" Gojo pulls the finger from his jacket pocket and drops it into Yuji's palm. The creases under Yuji's eyelids open fully. In his opinion, the redness of Sukuna's irises clashes with Yuji's bubbly pink hair. "Try this one!"
Yuji looks down at the pale finger and then back at Gojo's earnest face. "Uh, are you sure that I should have another one today?" He dangles the finger in front of his face. "It doesn't look like the other two." A bead of sweat slides down Yuji's face, disappearing into one of the creases.
"It went through a rebirth," Gojo quips.
"Well, if you think it'll be okay…"
"Kind of on a time crunch Yuji-kun, I'm taking you and Megumi out for breakfast." Gojo pulls out a chair and flops down. He kicks one leg up and over the other. They really do need to get going. The last thing he needs is for Kagome to get impatient and try to find him.
Yuji grimaces as he swallows the finger. Instantly, he claws at his throat as his body hunches over. Words try to escape his lips as his lips turn blue, and the irises of Sukuna's turn white. The little cursed energy Yuji possess fluctuates, dropping dangerously low- almost close to zero, before stabilizing.
"I-I don't think I should go past more than one finger a day." Yuji coughs. His hands tremble, still wrapped around his throat.
"What did you do?" Sukuna's low voice fills the room.
Gojo uncrosses his legs and stands up. Sukuna's eyes are no longer white, but the red is diluted as if something has messed with his chemical makeup.
"Yuji-kun, let's go." He doesn't wait to see if Yuji will follow or not, nor is there any point in responding to Sukuna. He bangs on Megumi's door, which is conveniently right next door to Yuji's. He's just about to kick the door in when it opens.
"Megumi-kun!" he coos, "you're looking slightly less dead on this fine morning."
"Get to the point."
"We're going to breakfast. You should change those bandages. The last thing we need is for the server thinking you've got some concussion."
"I'm not-"
"Fushiguro!" Yuji waves. "Are you ready to go? Oh! Your room is so neat." Yuji gives Megumi a thumbs up.
If looks could kill, Gojo figures he would at the very least have a scratch from the glare Megumi is giving him.
"Come on. Honestly, we're on a time crunch."
"Since when do you care about being on time?" Megumi's tone drips with sarcasm.
"Keep it up and I'll make you pay for everyone."
"Never said I wanted to go. Besides, shouldn't we be having class?"
"We're going on a field trip tomorrow to pick up our third student." Gojo motions for them to follow him. "And it's not like you're up for any studying today with that concussion."
"I don't have a- "
"Whaaaaa? Fushiguro, you have a concussion?"
Gojo laughs to himself, careful to keep the volume down so he can listen to the two boys bicker back and forth. To be honest, he wasn't sure how Yuji or Sukuna would react to the purified finger, and going solely based on Yuji's earlier reaction to the non-purified cursed finger; it seemed to have had some adverse effect on the curse king.
He wonders if it's possible for her to actually destroy cursed objects. Shaking his head as he takes two steps at a time, he concludes that no matter how different her powers are from his, there's no way that she could succeed in destroying a cursed object and he can't.
He is the strongest after all.
"One of you sit up front in the passenger's side, alright." Gojo ignores the questions they want to throw at him, and taps on the driver's window. "Oi, can you take us to Sunsai?"
He rushes over and climbs into the back seat before Yuji gets the chance. It's cramped, but at least it gives him an excuse to scoot closer to Kagome. Fushiguro looks backs at them while Yuji keeps poking his head around his shoulders, trying to get a better look at Kagome.
"Is she another-?"
"Nope," Gojo interjects, "Kagome-chan, the spiky hair one is Megumi and this pink hair boy is Yuji. Boys, this is Kagome-chan. You have her to thank for breakfast."
Yuji sticks his arm out only to be blocked by Gojo. If Gojo notices Kagome's frown, he doesn't comment.
"Are you Gojo-sensei's girlfriend?" Yuji questions.
"Yes!" Gojo turns his body around, blocking Kagome's reaction from Yuji. He leans back on her, muffling her protests. "Gome-chan is just shy."
"I'm sorry to hear that," Megumi quips from the passenger seat.
"Is Satoru really your teacher?" Kagome pushes against his back; he almost topples onto Yuji from the force.
"Unfortunately," Megumi responds and then sighs. "Is he really your boyfriend?"
"That's my girl!" Gojo twists back around and wraps his arms around Kagome's shoulders, and nuzzles his face against her cheek. He marvels at how soft her skin is; it reminds him of the silk sheets. Megumi rolls his eyes in disgust and spends the rest of the ride, scrolling on his phone. Yuji alternates between sneaking glances at him and Kagome and trying to pull Megumi into some conversation about why Jennifer Lawrence is underrated.
Gojo hands the driver a large stack of bills and sends him on his way. The boys went ahead of him and Kagome to get seats. He wishes that Kagome would have gone ahead with the boys; the death stares she giving him sends shivers down his spine.
"Satoru," she calls, her voice is calm, but Gojo knows there's danger lurking. "Was that necessary?"
"Did you have a better plan?" He grabs her hand and leads her towards the restaurant. "At least this way, no one will question why we're always together."
"I suppose, but you could have easily just said that we're friends. Now there's going to be expectations."
"Like boyfriend privileges." Gojo nods his head as he ushers Kagome through the doors. Between Yuji's bright hair and Megumi's spikes, it doesn't take them long to find them in the sea of people.
"Order anything and everything you want, Satoru's paying." Kagome smiles.
"Really!" Yuji exclaims and then starts reciting a long list of sweets he's always wanted to try.
"Wait," Gojo starts, but his words fall on deaf ears as the boys overload the server. He looks at Megumi, there's a spark of glee in his eyes that only makes Gojo want to curl up. "Let's not-a"
"He'll have a decaf to drink, thank you." Kagome gathers their menus and hands it to the server.
"Gome-chan, how could you?" He scoots his chair closer to hers and rests his chin on her shoulder. Mentally, he gives her props for not reacting – though it is just a tad bit frustrating how she can brush him off.
"How can you put up with him?" Megumi crosses his arms.
"I'm not that bad." Gojo frowns when Megumi doesn't agree with him.
"He's not so bad at home. And lots and lots of patience." She slaps his hand away when he tries to switch their respective coffees.
The server wisely doesn't say anything as he places their food and drinks in front of them. Gojo prefers it that way.
"You guys live together?" Yuji asks immediately after stuffing his face with eggs.
"You really are a saint."
"Keep it up, Megumi-kun and you'll paying for your own meal."
"How are classes going?" Kagome interjects.
"I haven't had class yet."
"Yuji-kun just transferred and Megumi-kun is being dramatic as usual." Gojo lifts his head and takes a sip of the decaf black coffee. His face twists up in a grimace. "Fucking disgusting."
"Easy for you to say, your coffee tastes fine."
"We're taking a field trip tomorrow, right sensei?" Yuji cuts in. He looks like a hamster with the amount of food he's stuffing into his face.
"Yep! I've got one more student to add to the roster. It'll be fun." He laughs as he steals some fluffy pancakes from Kagome's plate. As if he was going to go this whole breakfast without something sweet. The boys – well Megumi- take to Kagome faster than he was anticipating. Yuji would probably befriend a rock if he could, but having Megumi on his side would make things a lot easier.
He's not naïve enough to believe that he'll be able to keep Kagome hidden forever.
Reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone to text Ijichi. There are still a couple more places he and Kagome need to go before tomorrow. For starters, she needs a phone and it would a trip to the grocery store would be the humane thing to do.
"Alright, Ijichi should be here any moment to pick you two up." Gojo stands and places some bills down on the table. "Gome-chan and I have some more errands to run, but I'll be by later the school later." They follow him out to where Ijichi is waiting for him.
It's so hard to believe that he's older than the driver with how sunken in Ijichi's face is.
"It was nice to meet you!" Yuji exclaims as he wraps his arms around Kagome. There's a spike in her powers the moment Yuji touches her. Megumi lowers his phone and looks at Gojo.
Should he step in?
"Oh! Yuji you shocked me!" Kagome laughs as she breaks free from his hug. Yuji looks down at his singed palms. "Don't we have somewhere to be, Satoru?" She moves closer to Gojo, tucking herself into his side.
"We sure do! I'll see you, boys, later, Ijichi try not to kill them on the way to school." Gojo leads him and Kagome in the opposite direction. He turns his head back, meeting Megumi's stare, and shrugs in response.
"Satoru, what the hell was that?"
"I'm not the one that singed Yuji-kun," he quips.
"No, I mean what the hell is inside of him?"
"I'm starting to think you don't listen, Gome-chan." He pouts. "That's the vessel, and it looks like you and Sukuna don't get along. Think you can refrain from abusing my student?"
"It was an accident. That being inside of him was reaching out, and my powers reacted."
"We should stop at a bakery on the way home, my brain is nowhere near stimulated enough to deal with this," he whines.
"You stole my coffee; I don't think you need any more sugar today."
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Oh! Would you look at the time?" He looks at his bare wrist. "We should really hurry up with these errands, so I can get back to school at a decent time."
"I don't even know what we're doing," she mumbles.
"Getting you some more basic things like a phone and food for when I can't always make it back home." He opens the door for her. The inside is so overtly bright, he's happy that he's wearing his blindfold, it helps to dim effects.
"Can you bring me back a textbook?" Kagome asks while deciding between two different smartphones.
"A textbook? Why?"
"Because I need to know what I'm dealing with here." She holds up the phone to his face. " I want this one."
He waves the seller down. "You know, I could personally tutor you."
Kagome pinches the bridge of her nose.
"I'm serious." He pays enters his information into the tablet and swipes his card along the card reader. "It's beneficial to both of us."
"How? Don't you have enough on your plate with your students?" She takes the phone back and puts it in her pocket.
"You need to learn more about this world and I need to learn more about what you can do. It's a win, win."
"Fine. But I still want some textbooks to go over for when you aren't around."
Gojo's reply gets cut short from the vibration of his phone. Tch. It's always Yaga.
"Hellooooo! Gojo the greatest speaking," he chimes into the phone. He sticks his tongue out at Kagome's exasperated expression. "Oh, I'm kind of busy right now. Yeah, yeah, but is it that important? Exactly! I'll stop by later." He hits the end button.
"Just the principal calling, no big deal." He flags down another taxi for them.
"Wouldn't it be faster to just take the train?" She asks, climbing into the backseat.
"The taxi was closer. And would you look at that, now we can go grocery shopping without having to carry everything."
Kagome doesn't stop sighing until they make it back home, and he's on his way out again.
By the time he makes it back to school, the sun is already setting.
"Yo! I hope you weren't waiting long," Gojo calls out to Yaga. Seriously though, did he have to wait at the top of the stairs?
"Running around with your girlfriend is not important, Satoru. Now come." Gojo rolls his eyes from behind his blindfold. If it were anyone else, he'd just turn the other direction and slack off somewhere.
"Building relationships outside of work is essential for work-life balance."
"There is no such thing as work-life balance in our line of work." Yaga leads them to his office. The numerous stuffed animals that litter the floor and desk gives Gojo the creeps.
"Well, what is it?"
"There's been an influx of energy since yesterday. I'm not quite sure what to call it nor do the elders have any idea as to what it can be." Yaga sits down in the chair, his glasses fall slightly. "I need you to investigate it. We don't know if this thing means to cause us harm or not. But with the revival of Sukuna, we can't afford to just let this slide."
Gojo crosses his arms and leans back against the wall, careful to not lean against any of the dolls. "And what exactly am I supposed to do if I find the source?"
"The elders want it dead." Yaga leans back. The chair creaks from the strain. "But you already knew that."
"Alright. So, find the source and just kill it. Got it." Gojo kicks off the wall and heads to the door.
"Wait. I'm not done." Yaga stands up and places his hands on top of the desk. "It's your girlfriend, right."
"Are you accusing me of holding on to something potentially dangerous and masquerading it as my girlfriend?" Gojo turns around and gives Yaga a smile. "Is it really that hard to believe that I would have a girlfriend?"
"Keep her under wraps. Sukuna's revival has everyone on edge."
Gojo tilts his head, assessing the older man. With a big smile, he gives him a thumbs up. "Thanks, Yaga!" He teleports back home to his room and sits on the bed. What he needs is a game plan; her spikes of energy were more powerful than he initially thought. With a sigh, he falls back.
He'll figure it out in the morning.
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hairup-squareup · 3 years
Cupid’s Kiss| Chapter 1: A French Phenomenon
Title: Cupid’s Kiss
Summary: True love is something hard to find. That’s why at Cupid’s Kiss Matchmaking they strive to find you your soulmate and get you your happily ever after, no matter the cost is.
Word count: ~3.3k (this chapter)/~3.3k the whole book
Ships: HallDoll (Jaida Essence Hall/Nicky Doll), Gottlux (GottMik/Olivia Lux), CrystalAvalon (Symone/Gigi Goode/Crystal Methyd), Jankie (Jackie Cox/Jan sport), Rosenali (Rose/ Denali Foxx)
Tw: mentions of death, divorce and rehab
  “Welcome to New York City, The current time is 1:32 am, and the temperature is 19 degrees Celsius for my Europeans on the flight and 66 Fahrenheit for my Americans. Maybe one day you’ll smarten up and use Celsius like the rest of the world.” This sarcastic response from the pilot brought a chuckle and smile to Nicky’s face, as she packed up her sketchbook into her carry-on. With a sigh, she sat back waiting for the rest of the plane to disembark.
  “Is she ever going to get off the fucking plane!” Mik rested his head on the handrail, pouting like some little kid. He kept watching as person after person left the arrivals gate and reconnected with their people. WHY WAS NICKY TAKING FOREVER?!
  “Well so you don’t die of boredom Mik, She just arrived at security.” Brooke looked up from her phone at the young boy sitting in front of her on the ground. She let out a soft laugh before sitting down beside him, “ Raja and Liv are probably on their way back with coffees.” Brooke smiled as she spun the young boy’s hair in her fingers. 
  “Why did I have to come again? I am an adult.” Mik huffed as he looked the Canadian in the eyes. Brooke gave him a slight shove before standing up and going back to the bench she was on, Mik following a few steps behind.
  “Because last time Raja and I went to go pick up an associate, We came back to the office a wreck and you and Olivia half-naked.” Brooke didn’t look up from the email she was writing. Mik opened his mouth to go say something but closed it realizing that Brooke had a point. Though he did love his girlfriend a lot, the two just had miraculous bad timing. 
  And Speaking of said girlfriend coming around the corner emerged the perky auburn-haired girl Brooke had mentioned, along with Brooke’s tired silver-haired business partner. Raja smirked handing Brooke one of the two coffees in her hand. “Remind me not to let you bring people in from out of the country again.”
  “Didn’t you tell Manila that when she put my name on the table?”
  “Yes, But you weren’t over seven hours away. Plus I brought you on as a replacement when Manila left anyways.” Raja smirked looking at Brooke, who was still focused on her phone. “As well as the fact you are so much better at the finance stuff than me.”
  This caused Brooke to look up from her phone, kind of puzzled. “That’s because I am one of the few people you’ve hired that can actually do fucking math. If you didn’t have me you would probably be running around hooking people up for fucking free Raja.” She smacked the older woman’s chest as she let out a chuckle.
  “I’ve offered to hook you up multiple times.” Raja smiled as she took a sip of her coffee “I have a 100% success rate, and I can find you the perfect girl. I mean look at the two down here.” She motioned to the two making out in front of them. Brooke broke out laughing at the two younger adults in front of her hitting Mik on the back of the head. This didn’t stop the two from making out, it just caused Mik to flip off Brooke.
  “Madame Hytes?” a voice came from the entrance of arrivals causing all four to turn their heads to face the arrival’s gate. Standing there was a blonde thin girl with a bright red shoulder bag tossed over her shoulder. Brooke smiled as she went over to her friend and smiled as she wrapped her arms around the French girl in front of her.
  “Mlle Nicky Doll, je suis content que votre vol se soit bien passé. (Ms. Nicky doll, I am happy your flight was safe.)” Brooke smiled as she took her friend’s hand. The two exchanged a laugh before Nicky handed her suitcase to Brooke.
  “Brooke, dois-je parler la langue de merde (Brooke, do I need to speak the shit language)” Nicky stopped before turning to her friend, who was currently trying to stop herself from laughing too much. She just kept looking at all the people passing her as Brooke was leaning on the suitcase. “Brooke?”
  “Yes. Yes. Nicky, you’ll need to speak English. I am the only one who knows french.” Brooke barely got out before taking a few moments to regain her breath. She adjusted herself turning to Nicky giving her the nod that she was all good to go, linking hands with the French model. Nicky nodded kinda shy to meet the other three at the bench, but willing to follow her friend’s lead. Brooke leaned over right before they reached the trio at the bench and whispered “The younger ones have a lot of energy I’d like to warn you on that.”
  Nicky nodded in response as both Mik and Olivia rushed u like eager puppies to her, they both seemed speechless. “You look amazing!” Olivia’s eyes were like stars at the sight of Nicky, who just smiled and nodded, giving awkward glances back at Brooke.
  “Guys, This is my friend Nicky Doll from Paris. She’s going to be here to help you all out with the love scene.” Brooke smiled at the trio as she stepped aside to showcase her friend.
  “Bonjour. Thank you all for having me, I’ll be happy to work with you all.” Nicky smiled at the group. Raja stepped out from the group to stand in front of Nicky and taking a look at her new hire up and down.
  “Well, Ms. Doll. We are happy to have you join the cupid’s kiss matchmaking family” Raja smiled as she opened her arms to the French model in front of her. A genuine smile appeared on Nicky’s face as she hugged the older woman tight. For once she felt like she belonged.
  The next morning came like a bullet train. No one in the office was prepared to come into work. “Man people are getting desperate, how can we find matches for some of these?” Gigi entered the office looking at a folder in her hands before sitting down at her desk, sprawling the open folder across her keyboard. “I mean Symone, come take a look at this one.” She motioned for Symone to come and join her at her desk.
  Symone pulled her coffee mug out from under the machine and took her time heading to her childhood best friend’s desk. “Crystal Methyd, what kinda name is that?” Symone chuckled as she rested her chin on Gigi’s head. She flipped through the folder or at least tried to, stumbling on a photo of this said culprit. “No!” Her hand flew to cover her mouth at the sight before her.
  “SHE HAS A MULLET!” Gigi’s jaw was touching the floor at this sight of an androgynous being with a full El DeBarge still mullet giving a quirky smile. Gigi looked the photo up and down. “ I mean they are kinda cute.”
  Symone stopped for a second before looking at her friend, trying to comprehend what she just said, “Gi, you are not falling for the person with the mullet. Are you?”
  “No! I just said they were cute! It’s like the comment you made about Joey last month!”
  “Everyone thought that twink was cute! Well everyone except you, but that’s ‘cause you’re a femme who’s not attracted to other twinks.”
  With that comment, Gigi took the folder and whacked her friend in the stomach. Causing Symone to laugh as she walked away back to the staff room.
  Jaida looked at the other girl as she entered the staff room. “Gigi simping for a client?” She chuckled, handing Symone a sugar packet.  Symone gave a slight sigh before pouring said sugar packet into her coffee.
  “It was going to happen to the best of us. It always does” She smiled looking at the young girl at the desk through the giant glass window. Gigi was still going through the file and seeing if she could find anything on Crystal Methyd. This caused the two in the staff room to simultaneously take sips of their coffee, with soft smiles emerging. “Speaking of love, how are you and-”
  “Rock? Didn’t work out. She moved back to San Francisco for work and we both agreed a long-distance relationship wouldn’t be the best for our mental health.  We both agreed to stay friends though!” Jaida smiled at her friend who put a hand on her shoulder.
  “Shall I start adopting you a cat? So you can start your long life as a crazy cat lady?” this exact comment is what made Jaida leave the staff room and go start heading to work.
  Symone chugged the last of her coffee before sitting down at her desk and logging in on her computer. As much as she loved working at a matchmaking office, helping people get their happily ever after, it kinda made her see how lonely she truly is.  Maybe she should put her application in to find someone, that could easily be a solution.
  “Head in the clouds hun?” The sweet voice of Olivia Lux whistled through Symone’s ears breaking her trance. She turned to face her coworker, a smirk on her face as she was met with a naïve joyful smile. “Mik and I picked up donuts before work and I just wanted to offer you one.” Olivia stuck the pink box in her hand out to Symone. 
  Maybe a donut will help clear her head, She smiled as she grabbed a Boston crème out of the box. “Thanks, Liv, I don’t know how you can stay so happy all the time.” Symone chuckled as she took a bite of the donut, turning her focus back up to the girl in front of her.
  “Well I know it’s the fact we’ve got someone new joining the team today.” This exact comment is what caused Symone to almost choke on her donut, as well as catching the attention of the whole office. Everyone flocked to Symone’s desk like a bunch of seagulls around a piece of bread.
  “Someone new?” Jackie emerged from her executive office, approaching the small group that’s now crowded around Symone’s desk “Raja didn’t say anything about someone new.”
  “Well, Raja, Mik, Brooke, and I picked her up from the airport last night or this morning. Time is very confusing.”  Olivia looked around at everyone surrounding her. “Donut?” She lifted the box, offering it to those around her.
  Everyone started whispering about the new hire; it was rare to get a new hire at Cupid’s Kiss, so everyone was naturally curious. Olivia turned to Mik, who gave her an encouraging thumbs-up. “All I know is her name is Nicky and she’s from France.” 
  “She’s like a model, some friend of Brooke,” Mik spoke up to be the focus off of his girlfriend. 
  “Who’s a model? Cause I don’t remember paying you all to stand around to chat about some model” A voice came from the back of the group causing almost everyone to jump facing the owner of Cupid’s Kiss, Raja Gemini. “Come on guys, we’ve got happily ever after's to make.” She laughed as everyone dispersed from Symone’s desk to their desks or the staff room.
  “Nicky, we’ll be late.” Brooke reapplied her red lip as she watched the other girl stumble out of the other bathroom in her apartment. She sighed before adjusting Nicky’s cardigan. “I told you that you didn’t have to dress fancy.” 
  “Yes, you did. But I want to make a good impression.” She looked up at the Canadian before reaching over her grabbing the car keys from behind Brooke. Nicky quickly spun around as she left the apartment “come on, I’m driving.”
  “In hell, you aren’t!” Brooke chased after her friend. “You don’t even have your American driver’s license. I’m driving Salope.” She laughed as she motioned for her friend to drop her keys in her hands.
  Reluctantly Nicky hands the jeep’s keys back to Brooke. “I’m surprised you have yours, Chienne.” She huffed as the two entered the elevator.
  “I came here after we graduated from Visages. Worked with the New York City Ballet for three years, that’s where I met Sahara. Then we had an accident in the theatre, which crushed my ankle. And then Sahara’s ex-fiancé got me this job.” Brooke’s tone was kinda embarrassed and serious. She never really felt comfortable talking about ballet with anyone except Nicky, who noticed the posture shift. “ A lot of people died…. I got out lucky. I miss Sahara, I miss Kennedy, I miss all the girls.” 
  The rest of the elevator ride was dead silent. Nicky didn’t know how to respond, she just put a hand on Brooke’s shoulder. “But you’ve got me. And that’s not changing, I promise.” Brooke gave a soft smile to her friend, Nicky surprisingly knew what to say to make her feel better.
  She chuckled as Nicky squeezed her hand letting her know it was okay. “That comment isn’t going to get me to allow you to drive my car.” She laughed as they entered the parkade 
  “Va te faire foutre, connasse (Fuck you, bitch)” Nicky smiled as she flipped Brooke off, chasing her to the jeep.
  “You know you Europeans drive on the wrong side of the road!”
  “And? You Americans use the wrong temperature.”
  “I’m Canadian!”
  “You are living in America, so you are American.” Nicky laughed as she watched Brooke start to drive the jeep out of the parkade. She hadn’t felt this relaxed in years, her best friend made her feel like that. 
  The car ride was interesting, definitely not like Paris. Very much a slower and angrier drive, Brooke cursed the taxis around them at least ten times in the first five minutes they were on the road. When Nicky said the car ride was slower than Paris, she meant as slow as a snail in molasses in -40 degrees temperatures. 
  So when traffic came to the 4th stall in ten minutes, she thought it would be a good spot to ask Brooke something. And to possibly stop Brooke from ramming the taxi in front of them. “Brooke?”
  Trying to hide her obvious road rage, Brooke slapped a smile on before turning to her friend in the passenger seat. “Yes, my dear?” Her tone was though still sweet, was still filled with anger.
  “Do you think the others will like me?” This question almost made her laugh. Was Nicky serious? Of course, the others would like her, this group was the most accepting group Brooke knew. She knew for certain they’d like her.
  “Ms. Nicolette Doll,” Nicky cringed at the use of her full first name. Brooke knew only to use it when she was either mad at Nicky or teasing Nicky. “You are a gorgeous French model with a heart of fucking gold. you wish for everyone you meet to succeed, even if you have a fucking hard shell. Trust me, they’ll love you.” She smiled as she cupped Nicky’s face “I mean look at Liv and Mik, they adored you when they first saw you. Hell Raja even let me fly you in just so you could work with us. So if anyone has an issue with you, they can suck my ice-cold Canadian ass.”
  Nicky was almost brought to tears, with how protective her friend was. The words of confidence resonated with her, as a soft smile fell on her face. She was kind of a loss of words so she just squeezed Brooke’s hand, letting her know thank you. Brooke understood the sign and gave a soft squeeze back, “now I gotta make a call, looks like we’re going to be running late because SOMEONE DRIVES SLOWER THAN A MOOSE IN -40 DEGREES IN NUNAVUT!” And with that Brooke went back to cursing out traffic.
  “Look if we can get the mom in rehab before the trial next month it’ll look like she’s willing to fix herself without any court-mandated therapy.” Lagoona huffed as she tossed two files on her legal partners’ desks. Jan stopped spinning in her to get a look at the papers, she looked up at Lagoona slightly confused.
  “You think she’ll willingly do that?” Jan asked as she flipped through the file, she was meant with a shrug in return. Lagoona was about to open her mouth before she was cut off.
  “It’s the only way she’ll get any form of  fucking custody over the kids.” Rosé said as she entered the main office three coffees in hand, passing them out to the other two girls before sitting down at her desk. “Jan, you’re still in contact with Brita?” She asked with a tone as if she already knew the answer. The brunette nodded still slightly confused, looking between the blonde and redhead.
  “Good, give her a call. I’m sure she and Ms. Widow should be able to take the mom.” Lagoona nodded before starting to type a number in her desk phone as well, “I’ll call the mom. See if she can come down so we can explain the situation. Rosie-“ 
  “I’ll get the paperwork done as usual.” Rosé smiled as she cut her friend off giving a small salute to her friend across the room. The three shared a nod before splitting up to do their separate tasks. 
  Rosé knew the routine, get the paperwork ready for when the client agreed. She had it down to a science at this point, she could almost get it done in 2 minutes, depending on if the printer wanted to jam or not. She quickly logged into the computer and had the file selected ready to click print till her phone scared the shit out of her “Fuck!” She watched as the file started to duplicate and duplicate and duplicate. 
  Begrudgingly she grabbed the phone off the desk placing it on her shoulder and under one ear. So she could fight the computer while taking the phone call. “Bloo Sport and McCorkell family law. Hope to bring a voice to the voiceless, I’m Rosé how can I help you….Brooke, please tell me you didn’t total another taxi….Because it’s happened at least seven times now… don’t you have your boss’s phone number so you can call her yourself?… there’s something called voice mail… NO, I AM NOT GOING OVER TO YOUR SCAM AGENCY!… it is and you know it… throw in an actual picture of a fucking moose this time AND NOT one you found online, then I’ll do it… you owe me Hytes. Bye.” Rosé huffed as she hung up the phone turning to the other two, both very confused by the conversation. 
  “Rosie, everything okay?” Jan tilted her as she approached her friend. She grabbed the chocolates on her desk and placed them on Rosé’s desk before backing away cautiously, almost like she had just placed food in front of a dangerous animal.
  Rosé pulled her head out of her hands locking eyes with Jan, whose smile turned to fear. “Jan, you wanna go across the hall and let them know Brooke and Nicky got stuck in traffic?” Rosé watched as her friend nodded excitedly already writing down what Rosé had said getting ready to leave the office. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
  And within seconds Jan was out of the office. Lagoona placed an arm on Rosé’s monitor as they watched the door swing, “you know she just wants an excuse to see the cute girls.” She looked down at the now smirking Rosé.
  “Exactly that’s why I sent her.” She let out a soft laugh before turning back to the blonde beside her. “I’ll get you that paperwork in just a sec”
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gilfawley · 5 years
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have you been re-introduced to gilbert fawley? last we heard, the pureblood was most familiar with timeline three. I don’t recall if they were always a hufflepuff, but I’ve heard the sixth year is still optimistic, determined, altruistic, and overzealous, sensitive, open-book, so that’s familiar. at least he remembers their way around the castle.
hi it bailey back at it again with another one. again it’s just a modified version of my app. o well.
born 21st of june, 1961.
sun sign is gemini — enthusiastic and uniquely charming; you are good at almost anything you put your mind to, and can make just about anyone laugh.
moon sign is libra — likely to be a natural peace-maker. you are probably adept at seeing things from another’s point-of-view, and can be counted on to both listen when needed, and offer objective advice when required. your instinctive ability to get on with others can make you popular and gracious in most situations. you are likely to be respected for your reasonable, fair-minded approach to life. principles will be important to you; you are likely to have a strong sense of justice, and will feel disturbed by any situation that you perceive as unfair.
ascendant sign is virgo — typically humble and at times self-effacing, you can be more concerned with being useful than being recognized. there is a need to be productive; to be of service somehow. you are usually willing to assist and be of service to others, being hardworking, conscientious and studious. nonetheless, you are likely to be a bit on hard on yourself, with a tendency to worry.
midheaven sign is gemini — usually easygoing, though if they have no feeling behind their words, their ideas may get lost in the shuffle. individuals with a midheaven in gemini have a strong sense of intuition, are good at managing their resources and generally have a good sense of pacing.
wand: english oak, unicorn hair, 13″, pliant — for good and bad times and as loyal as the wix who wields it, english oak takes affinity with the magic of the natural world. unicorn hair symbolizes those full of spirit, sweet and gentle, cheerful and value family and friendship. wix who are dependable, humble, independent, caring and loyal. kindhearted and free spirited; optimistic wizards and witches will attract wands of this core. particularly best for water and earth elemental magic, and difficult to turn to dark arts. wands that are of pliant flexibility warm up easily to people, however their potential is based solely upon their owner. pliant wands are what their wielder needs them to be, strengths and weaknesses are one-in-the-same. owners of them are often eager and enthusiastic, tending to be easily impressed or naïve.
familiar: a female snowy owl appropriately named owlivia. patronus: hedgehog — they show happy-go-lucky and kind, slightly naïve optimistic individuals. however it’s also said those with this patronus have a tough personality to them, as hard as it is to believe in gilbert’s case at first glance. to be more on the carefree side, yet still able to be grounded and practical when the situation calls for it; knowing when to fight and when to let it go is important.
amortentia: garden soil, fresh chocolate chip pancakes, bananas, and gillywater.
boggart: goblin — he knows it’s silly, that he shouldn’t be afraid of them really, but the irrationality never seemed to go away. having the displeasure to see one overly grumpy goblin at gringotts when he was six was enough to strike an everlasting fear in his bones. gilbert still feels awful for when he cried in first year after learning professor flitwick was part-goblin.
his sense of humor is lighthearted and genuine. you know that kid who unabashedly laughs at their own jokes/puns? that would be gilbert. that kid that laughs too hard while telling a story, so much that they can’t even finish it? that would also be gilbert.
he’s self-proclaimed king of the forbidden forest, but he also doesn’t like going out in them too much anymore ever since becoming a prefect because he doesn’t want to get in trouble if caught.
probably would stay up until 3am watching nature documentaries if he could get away with it.
absolutely adores gobstones!!!! has been playing since he was a little kid!!! what a nerd, bless his heart. he’s even captain of the hogwarts team. :’’) he’s a quidditch beater too!! joined in his third year.
baby boi is bi bi bi, but he only.....kissed one (1) girl and that’s it kjdbcfdjsnd he’s? not shy or anything, but like...hey sometimes life happens and/or he’s hyperfocused on something else. he probably gets rly flustered when thinking ab other guys like that though bc he’s!! not used to it.
the fawley family was never one for fanatic blood purity, despite maintaining their own place among the sacred twenty-eight throughout generations. from former minister for magic hector fawley, to his son and daughter-in-law, to little gilbert. however they were quickly labeled blood traitors as years progressed. hector jr. and his wife, grace, taught their son the importance of acceptance. after all, they adopted a muggleborn witch and raised her as their own. these ideals and actions heavily clashed with the traditional pureblood beliefs, but the fawley’s paid no attention to the sneers and disapproving looks. they were happy and that was all that mattered.
with his sister being muggleborn, mr and mrs fawley thought it would be beneficial for both children to be acquainted in that world as well. a local playground in the muggle area, he and his sister would spend hours upon hours running around. often, he would pick nearby flowers and bring them to his mother with that bright smile of his. to this day, those moments are some of his favorite.
when his fifth year of hogwarts came around, gilbert was entrusted with a prefect badge. he still isn’t entirely sure how or why they chose him, because he thought there were better candidates, but that didn’t stop him from treating it with newfound pride. he also began working even harder in his classes, despite the occasional exploding cauldron in potions.......oops???? HE TRIES OK IT JUST.....DOESN’T ALWAYS WORK OUT. slug’s pretty patient with him, but like, also you can tell he’s #overit because c’mon gilbert goddamn you’re in sixth year now you can’t keep making silly first year mistakes sometimes :///
ESPECIALLY if you wanna be a healer??? get it together!!!
okay so like --- all in all, gilbert is ambivalent about the other timelines. on one hand, he thinks it’s interesting, but on the other it’s terrifying. he wouldn’t have minded getting the first timeline admittedly, though the mere thought of the second timeline gives him chills. with the war approaching in his original reality, who knew what could become of them? it worries him greatly.
but i mean again overall he.....doesn’t really care? it’s like eh....he’s the same, so is his sister & their family.......he’s kinda weirded out if his friends aren’t the friends he knows but.,,,, water off a duck’s back with this one lmao
TIMELINE ONE --- everything is pretty much the same??? he’s happy????? the happiest ball of sunshine???? still in hufflepuff, still a prefect, still a geek ass nerd who is president of the gobstones team...,,, it’s just gilbert minus the worry of a dumb war tbh
TIMELINE TWO --- it starts off exactly the same but when the war tipped in favor of the death eaters and they won?? hahahaha PAL. OH MAN. BUDDY. HE WAS SSSSSHAKING. not like oh my god i’m scared ( well, yeah maybe that too ) but like..............HECKA MAD. he’s never been really much of a fighter, and he’s the first to admit it, but he’s also not the type to sit back and watch shit like that? very >:(  ,,,,,,,with his family being blood traitors, it wasn’t much of a good time regardless that he’s pureblood lol
buT!! gil definitely 100000% snuck as many assignments back to selina as he could since it was recommended that muggleborns didn’t attend school for, uh, obvious reasons. and you KNOW mcgonagall helped him do it!! 
and....it’s ...,,, 1:40am, so. i should..........go to bed....or something. probably. idk this is a mess as per usual when it comes to me dsjjs but i love him a whole ton
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theshatteredrose · 6 years
Soo~. What was the first moment your many, many Good Boys first thought to themselves the "L" word, and what kind of thought was it? (eg "I think I love him" vs "What? Love him? Naaaaaah.")
Annnnd I’m gonna answer this in such a way where I’m plotting and scheming potential oneshots/drabbles. Because it’s fun to plot and scheme. Part one of two because I’m getting totally and utterly carried away with this prompt :D
CtS Crew:
Lynus – He’s unable to pinpoint the exact moment he fell in love with Axel. It’s something that had always been there. But it wasn’t until Axel kissed him before leaving him behind at the inn to fight in the labyrinth did he realise that he not only loved Axel, he was IN love with him. “I love him…” No questioning, no doubt, no disbelief. He thought it, accepted it, and resolved to always be by Axel’s side~
Axel – Like Lynus he doesn’t know the exact moment he fell in love with him. But he remembers when the word love crossed his mind. When Lynus approached him before he had to fight the hellion and looked at him as if he wanted to ask him to not go, to stay with him. “God I love him…” before kissing him~
Jhon – He realises during a conversation with Julian, the guard who raised him. “Why are you so adamant in being Tobyn’s bodyguard?” “I just want him to be happy and safe.” “Is that the only reason or is there something else?” And it slowly dawns on him. “Am I…in love with him? Is that what he’s asking? I…”
Tobyn – After Keshet’s death he has the practice of not getting close to anyone and has been known to ditch people who tried to get too close. But Jhon is the only one who he hasn’t ditched. He hasn’t really tried. He simply claims it is because Jhon is too stubborn to leave, but someone points out that he hadn’t tried very hard in getting rid of him. And they wonder why and sarcastically make the comment about being in love with him. And that thought rumbles through his head “Why haven’t I…? Love? Is that the reason? No, that couldn’t be. What nonsense.”
Magnus – He first had admiration for Shen for his kindness and willingness to take him under his wing and protect him. But that soon developed into something more. It occurred to him when Shen took him into his arms and comforted him and Magnus, wide-eyed but snuggled tightly against his chest did he realised that he liked being in Shen’s arms and being with him. “I…think I love him…But he wouldn’t…would he?”
Shen – At first he helped Magnus as a way to repay him when he saved his life unknowingly all those years ago. But that turned into endearment as Magnus was not only very sweet, he was vulnerable yet strong. A bit of a contradiction that garnered his interest. That endearment turned into a soft of friendship with Magnus. And that shifted into something more when Magnus fell asleep with his head on his lap and Shen is looking down at his sleeping face. “This warmth…could I have fallen in love with him? This is not good…”
Macerio – Despite his naïve nature, he actually figures out rather quickly that he might have a crush on Lirit. His heart skipping a beat when Lirit touches him, butterflies in his stomach when Lirit smiles at him from across the room. “Holy shit…I think I have a crush on him?!” and then too “Oh my god…I…I think I love him?????”
Lirit – He’s another person who will quickly realise that he’s crushing on Macerio. He grew up in a travelling band of troubadours, and a few of them had the tendency to croon about love and falling in love, so he realises the cliché signs quickly. After Macerio does something cool and adorably gloats to Lirit about it, he thinks “He’s so adorable. And his smile…I want him to keep that smile always…” then Macerio turns to smile directly at him and then “…I think I’m in love with him…”
Rahas - Hasn’t happened yet, but he has had the thought of “he’s adorable…Wait, shit! Nope! Totally didn’t think that! Fuck!” and then deny anything and everything about Simmons for a few hours afterwards. Probably hide himself in bed for a while as well :3 (leaving this one open because I want to keep you all guessing :D)
Hamza – After Hamza ‘saves’ Cedric from an overly ambitious admirer, a guildmate starts teasing and asking questions. “Ah, rescuing Cedric again, eh? Keeping him all to yourself, are you? Haha, don’t be shy! Admit your love and sweep him off his feet!” And Hamza stills and thinks “Love? Is this…why I’m always rescuing Cedric?”
Cedric – He was also teased by a guildmate after it was made obvious to that guildmate that Cedric adored being ‘rescued’ by Hamza. “So, when’s the wedding~?” “What do you mean?” “Oh, come on! The way Hamza is always ‘saving’ you from those ‘admirers’? You’re loving it way too much!” and Cedric pauses and thinks “Loving…love? Oh god, a-am I in love with him? No, I…god it’s true, isn’t it?”
Simmons – To be fair everything is love to this precious boy, but there are difficult degrees and levels to his love. So of course he loves Rahas. He loves everyone. “Rahas is nice and kind. I love him too :D”
Gerald – He realised that he was crushing on Shiki before he got married, when they were still ratbag teenagers. But it was only when Shiki started dating Sandra and announced their wedding did he realise that he was in love with him. It broke his heart thinking he’d lose his best friend and first love, and it was actually Sandra who approached him about it. She was supportive and adamant that she won’t break them apart, and that she’s willing to share Shiki with him. Sandra is/was a good girl and Gerald liked her too. He got her to promise that she wouldn’t tell Shiki he is in love with him, though. His feelings remained all these years and when Shiki returned to him he just had to blurt it out to him.
Shiki – He’s the type who needs someone to be completely upfront and frank with him. No innuendos, not subtle hints. Get in his face and tell him. That was what Sandra did and he liked that. Gerald was very, very important to him. Closer to him than Sandra was. He loved Sandra, truly. She was his wife but he thought Gerald to be just as important. However, it wasn’t until he was kidnapped and thought he’d lost everything did he realise that he once again held Gerald in the same thought as Sandra and Simmons. As he wandered in the labyrinth he realised that he loved Gerald too. He was essentially his husband, and bitterly he thought he lost everything. “I love him as much as my wife and child. And now he’s gone…fucking damn it. I could have…made him happier…” When he is reunited with Gerald again he internally vowed that he would do anything to make him happy. And when Gerald uttered the words “I love you. I’ve loved you for a long time.” he couldn’t be happier.
Darrell – There’s a lot that isn’t known about Darrell as he keeps to himself mostly and doesn’t form bonds easily. But something about Ryker drew him in and caught his attention. He knows that Ryker is hiding from a painful past, too, so his attention was out of empathy to start with. But it soon turns into genuine friendship, before that turns into protectiveness. And that turns into something else when he realises that he’s a little more “adamant” that Ryker takes care of himself and comes to him with his injuries. “Why am I so obsessed with that guy? It’s not like I’m in love with him or something….wait…ah, fucking shit…”
Ryker – Again, there’s a whole lot that isn’t known about Ryker and he’s very, very self-efficient. He doesn’t get too close to people and he tries not to let them get too close to him. So Darrell is a total wild card to him. First he was genuinely baffled that Darrell was so persistent, and well ‘physical’ in his ‘care’ for him and that it appeared genuine, and he wasn’t looking for something from him. He tried to avoid him as much as he could because of REASONS, but Darrell always found him. First he ran from Darrell due to fear and being a bother, afterwards though he sincerely didn’t want to worry him. So why let him continue to ‘pursue’ him? That what he asks himself. “It couldn’t be because I…like his attention? Maybe a little. But it’s not like love or anything of the sort. It’s just because of the…attention…yeah…”
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