#he has self preservation skills
Wylan: I need to walk away before I lose my shit on you
Kaz: Seems the apple didnt fall too far from the tree
Jesper: Oh dear
Inej: Why would he say that
Jesper: Hes going to die
Nina: This is gonna be good
Matthias: Little demjin is going to murder big demjin
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
Michael and Gregory, after preventing Elizabeth's death
Michael: Hey didn't you said you went inside Freddy's stomach hatch-
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gregory’s getting an earful later
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sapphire-draw · 1 month
random doodle i cleaned up
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[I don't know if the drawing is readable??? I put a description on it if not]
Malroth being menacing/scary by virtue of existing.
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limonjarritos · 5 months
The wine bottle and symbolism
this is personally my take on the symbolism of the wine bottle/bottle opener as based on a post by galaxitic
The wine as a symbol for obsession for a loss of control. For how Vincent feels about his fixation with Rody. Of even in a way a symbol for Rody himself.
The wine opener being Vince's semblance of control over that obsession. That he believes he has control on his feelings about Rody. But when he goes to open that bottle its not in a semblance of control but that of panic, that of impulse but he still tells himself that it's something, not realizing that with a sip of the wine he's consumed back. His rational is consumed. Just like how this whole time Rody has made him drunk with impulse.
How the wine is admittedly what does him in.
Vince breaks the bottle, breaks 'Rody' through a lack of control. He uses the bottle opener to try and open the real thing, drunk and searching for more, willing to truly give into his impulses and be intoxicated.
Vince has for the most part up until this point been bottling up his feelings, playing the part of mild mannered and in control (though his control isn't perfect. The rat, the watching through the peep hole-)
Rody taking that broken bottle in hand, takes said obsession and kills Vincent with it. Because a broken bottle is going to hurt you. Because Rody is so broken right now, shattered, reeling from the revelation that Manon has been killed. The love bleeding from his body and a hot demand for revenge coming to him that results in the burning of Vince.
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mintythyme · 5 months
Random dndads Headcanon #10
Lark uses butterfly knives as fidget toys.
He also has at least three minor cuts on his right hand at any point in time from using a sharpened butterfly knife as a fidget toy like an idiot.
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wiccawrites · 1 year
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Dragon!Porsche, the deity who has been guarding a perilous mountain range for almost a thousand years now. He's bound to these mountains – the result of a curse he placed on himself centuries ago, when his own foolishness led to the death of his own brother.
Porsche keeps to himself; is careful that the occasional caravan of traders or group of bandits doesn't know he's there. He does send his pet tigers after the bandits sometimes, if he sees they're the especially bloodthirsty kind who won't spare innocent lives but he makes sure his presence is undetected.
Solitude is his penance.
He's spending another evening watching the stars when he hears ruckus coming from a nearby pass. There is screaming, but not the terrified kind that Porsche has gotten used to. Instead, it sounds like an argument.
"I can't let you do this!"
"How did you even follow me? I took the fastest stallion here!"
"Would you please stop changing the topic? Your Highness. You seriously cannot be trusting some half-crazed old man's advice on how to save the kingdom."
Porsche knows there's a human settlement on the other side of these mountains. Or at least, it had been a settlement centuries ago. He and Porchay used to slip into their human forms and visit there, under the guise of travelers.
Was that settlement the same kingdom these two humans were referring to? It could be. The number of traders passing by these mountains had grown significantly over the centuries.
Out of curiosity, Porsche follows the sound of their voices.
"If it can save the kingdom, I'll take advice regardless of who it comes from."
"What if it doesn't work? You'll bleed out and die!"
"I've instructed Arm to distribute rations to our people. Ships and caravans are ready. Pete will lead our men. Kim has already planned an escape route that will guarantee the survival of most of our people."
Porsche is close enough that he can see two figures -- a man and what sounds like a boy barely breaking into adulthood. The man has his back turned to Porsche but the fine quality of his clothes are certainly fit for a royal. His broad frame hides the face of the person he's talking to from Porsche's line of sight.
Porsche is close enough that he can hear the man's voice grow soft.
"It will be difficult, but I trust my brother to lead our people. He'll take care of you, so please look after him for me too."
"No. I won't do it. No. Please, Your Highness. Please don't do this. Please. You can escape with us."
"The moon is almost at it's peak. You should go."
That it is.
The moon is full tonight and she lends her light to the darkness. It's thanks to her that Porsche sees the blade glisten in the man's hands, hidden behind his back.
The boy tries to plead some more, but he runs out of time.
As soon as the moon rises to its highest point in the sky, the man pushes the boy away. He turns around, slices his palm with the dagger and lets his blood drip into the earth before turning the knife towards himself.
The metallic scent blood fills the air and Porsche looks on in regret as he hears familiar words uttered into the night before the man finishes what he'd set out to do.
The thing about being nigh immortal is being able to witness the stories about you turn into tales, which then turn into lore, that somehow evolves into a legend. To this man's credit, he does have his facts right.
Had Porsche been a weaker deity, a selfless blood sacrifice made at the height of the full moon would have bound him.
But Porsche is much more powerful than that.
He watches as the man falls to the ground, a pool of his own blood already beginning to form around him.
The man's companion rushes to his side and Porsche freezes in place as he sees tears flow down the boy's face.
No. It can't be.
Porsche is stepping closer to get a good look of the boy's face before he can even think about throwing a glamor on himself. He steps on a branch that snaps loud enough for the boy to look up, red-rimmed doe eyes the exact same as they had been nine hundred years ago.
"Please," the boy's voice wavers as he begs, completely oblivious to the fact that Porsche had never been unable to deny him anything since they were born. "Please save him."
Without even thinking about the consequences – the bond he'd be forming with a virtual stranger, the life force that he'd be sharing with someone who he wasn't even sure was worthy saving, the target he'd be placing on all their backs if the wrong people found out – Porsche takes the dagger and gives in to his brother's request.
(Later, when the three of them are safely in Porsche's home, the man he'd saved wakes up. His name is Kinn, and he is the king of the relatively small but prosperous kingdom nearby. There is an invasion brewing and all plans of negotiation have failed.
"They will need to pass through these mountains if they want to get to us. Please, protect us."
"You won't ask for anything in return?"
Porsche holds up his hand, shows Kinn the fresh scar on his palm.
"You've already paid the price. You're a king, aren't you? The ritual you performed binds you to me. As I am bound to these mountains, so shall you be."
"You're saying I'm your slave and I can't leave this place," Kinn says grimly. Porsche nods, lets him assume the worst; hopes this interpretation of the bond will keep Kinn as far away from him as possible . "For how long?"
"This is not a bond that can easily break."
"Will you keep protecting the kingdom?"
Porsche sneaks a glance at Kinn's attendant. The boy called Chay, who was currently napping beside one of Porsche's tigers.
"Sure, why not?"
"Then so be it.")
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Tobey: I fixed my laptop’s battery
Tobey: It was so dead, nothing would charge it. So I gave it the electronic equivalent to a kick in the head by shorting the +/- terminals for five minutes
Becky: Don’t they have stickers on them saying that they could explode or catch fire by doing that?
Tobey: Yeah, but it’s ok, I took those off first
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hanakihan · 2 months
Howl’s moving castle AU with Dantès as Howl, Salieri as Sophia and Jalter Lily as Markl—
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wintercosmickillsx · 5 months
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this dumbass needs someone to take care of him because he's out there just getting absolutely destroyed!
he needs a handler asap!
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aetomicwasteland · 1 year
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Wanted to doodle the little guys, they’re so unbelievably silly. SILLY GUYS!!
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drfirefly08 · 7 months
yuuma: i feel like im not doing enough, i need to do more
gakushuu: no dont, you've done enough
karma: yeah, please don't overwork yourself
hiroto: youre doing great already, no need for more
yuuma: fuck it, im doing more
all three: NO-
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sakitenmaenjoyer · 7 months
it's so funny how everyone brings up that tsukasa starved himself for a role, but nobody brings up the fact that he
1) ate the day of the audition to be in top form
2) went out to eat with wxs in part 2 of his card story
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FunLand: Do you think the Corinthian has a type?
*Scene changes to a gay man opening the door*
Immediately corinthian is like leaning against the door being all cool and what not
Me: Yeah he has a type and its gay
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kurokoros · 1 year
“Steve is golden retriever energy” NO Steve is CAT ENERGY. That man is a bitch to everyone he doesn’t like and occasionally to the people he DOES like, but he has a massive soft spot for “his” people.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 11 months
"Don't touch me!" From the angst/hurt/comfort prompts 👀
Hehehe I’m using Margim and Celeair for this bc I was actually planning to write this interaction in Bitter Ash and Stubborn Flowers SO! You get a sneak peek of the chapter after next! (I think? That’s probably where it’ll fit in)
also I edited the inflection on the initial prompt just bc I think it sounded more natural in the context that way
“Don’t touch me.” Margim commands, grasping my hand tightly –though not enough to hurt– and pulling it away from the wound on her shoulder. Her voice was stern, and though it seemed devoid of fear or anger, I am still startled by it and do not know the words to respond.
“The last time you tried to do that you looked like you were about to drop dead afterwards,” she continues in a matter of fact tone, releasing my hand “do not waste your strength on a wound so small, save it for dire need.” she looks at me plainly, “I have survived worse with less care.”
I must reluctantly admit that she has a point. I had been trying to block out the memory of the grasping shadows I encountered the last time I tried to call upon the healing arts, but perhaps that was foolish of me. It is dangerous to open my mind here, in this land so dead and cruel, yet I still instinctively tried to do so. It feels just, so wrong, to see an injury and refuse it care– even if it is for my own safety. It feels selfish. Still, Margim told me to do so, and I cannot tend to it without her permission.
“Alright, I will not use any of my strength on it,” I concede “but you are still hurt. The wound may not be serious now, but it may become so if I simply ignore it. At least let me try to clean it, so that it will not become a dire need in the future.”
“...what future?” she mutters quietly, a question that did not seem directed at me, spoken as if she already knew the answer.
“The future outside of Mordor, in Ithilien and beyond.” I answer anyway.
Margim is quiet for a long moment, her expression unreadable. “Tell me, Celeair,” she eventually says, “was any of that real? What you told me about your homeland?”
“Of course it was. What reason did I have to lie to you?”
“None that I know of, but a madman needs no reason.”
“You think me mad?”
“A little bit.” She says flatly “I do not know what else to make of you.” I do not take offense at her words. I guess my descriptions of the outside world would sound a little mad to someone who has only known this blasted and evil land.
She pauses, a conflicted look on her face “…I hope you are not mad, though.” she quietly adds.
“Well, you have humored me this far, will you allow me to tend to that cut at least? So that you might survive long enough to see for yourself whether or not I am a madman.”
“I still think it unnecessary.” She sighs, almost sounding defeated “but… I will allow it. I have humored you this long, after all. What difference will another day make…”
“Maybe everything.” Or maybe nothing, but I will not speak of that possibility.
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axemetaphor · 1 year
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:points: more of them
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