#he gives a copy to Francis for their anniversary
olympeline · 2 months
I’m away for work and guess what I’ve brought with me to read:
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It’s really good. Not just funny, but you learn a lot too. That’s an achievement for any writer 😄
Also, did I ever tell you my hardcore headcanon that Arthur is not just a prolific reader but an author as well? Because:
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One of his many pseudonyms I’m sure
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scotianostra · 4 years
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On October 15th 1586 the trial began of Mary Queen of Scots at Fotheringhay Castle.
Settle down, this is a wee bit longer than my normal posts,  some state it started on 14th, but it concluded on the 15th, so here we are.
You might remember my post a month ago when Mary arrived at her last "prison", the place where she would ultimately spend her last days and meet her end.
If the history books are to be believed. Mary Stuart first sighted the ancient castle towers from a path called since the "days of the Domesday Book", Perryho Lane, on hearing the name Perryho,  she is said to have made a melancholy little play on the name exclaiming aloud, ‘Perio! I perish.’ and indeed she did.
Mary was always a threat to the English Queen Elizabeth’s rule. Seen by Catholics as the true catholic ruler of England, there was many a plot to bump off Elizabeth and put Mary on the throne.
For almost 20 years Mary was dragged around England and locked up in its various castles. Having said that she was allowed certain freedoms including rides in the countryside and hunting trips, Fotheringhay was different.
Despite the size of the castle  Mary found herself incarcerated in comparatively mean apartments: this brought back all her phobia of a secret killing, the sort of barbarous death that stained the history of English medieval castles. The most notorious being one Edward II son of Longshanks, "Hammer of the Scots" who some say was murdered at Berkeley Castle, Gloucestershire by being held down and having a red-hot poker inserted inside his anus, and his screams could be heard miles away. although most historians do question whether it is true or not, the fact is he was murdered.
When Mary's servants reported that many of the state rooms had been left empty, Mary drew the correct conclusion that she was about to be tried, and the rooms were awaiting the arrival of dignitaries from London. Just after two weeks later on, October 1st she was informed by her keeper, Sir Amias Paulet that her misdeeds were now to be punished by the interrogation of certain lords, and advised her in her own interests to beg pardon and confess her faults.
Mary's reply was that Paulet  was behaving like a grownup with a small child, asking her to own up to what she had done. Then she went on more seriously: ‘As a sinner, I am truly conscious of having often offended my Creator, and I beg Him to forgive me, but as Queen and Sovereign, I am aware of no fault or offence for which I have to render account to anyone here below. …’ And she concluded loftily: ‘As therefore I could not offend, I do not wish for pardon; I do not seek, nor would I accept it from anyone living.’ For those who know anything about the Stewart monarchs this relates again to the Divine Right to rule, and they would only answer to God.
The charges against Mary were to do with a conspiracy to kill Elizabeth and replace her with Mary, her fellow conspirators included among others, John Ballard, a Jesuit priest, Weshman Thomas Morgan, a close confident of Mary's, and Anthony Babington, a Catholic noble who is said was the ring leader, the plot has gone down in history bearing his name The Babington Plot.
Whilst locked away, Mary advised the plotters, both in terms of strategy and how to ensure she’d win the English throne. And naturally as the ‘rightful’ ruler of England Mary would be the one to sign off on the plot starting. he plot took shape during the summer in 1586.
Babington informed Mary that he represented a group who planned to kill Elizabeth and install Mary as the new Queen of England. Babington asked for her support of their plan. Mary responded, asking for more details.
Unfortunately for Mary, the plot had been infiltrated and Elizabeth I’s own spy master, Sir Francis Walsingham had been using the letters to entrap Mary and get her to call for Elizabeth’s murder. 
Mary agreed with the plans, but did not authorized the assassination. That did not matter however, because Walsingham's spies intercepted the letter. The letter was deciphered and copied but this time a postscript was added. According to the new letter, Mary authorized the assassination. Walsingham had his proof, and so with this false evidence Mary was indicted.
Before the trial even started Ballard, the Catholic priest, was arrested and tortured. It is said that by the time he arrived at his execution site, John Ballards limbs were barely in their sockets, as a result of the torture he’d undergone, of course during his torture he gave up the names of others involved, the main man being Babington, in September the men were executed one after the other and forced to watch as they, in turn were hung drawn and quartered, the same age old punishment for treason. 
After the gruesome bloodbath attention turned to Mary.
Now I'm not saying Elizabeth was faultless in all this but she wasn't keen on trying her Mary, not just because they were cousins, it would set a precedent trying and ultimately executing someone still seen as most of Europe as the rightful Queen of Scotland. Her hand was being forced by her advisors like Walsingham, indeed they had their eye on disposing of the troublesome Mary for some time forcing through an act of Parliament the year before called The Act of Association: this provided means whereby a commission of twenty-four peers and privy councillors might be appointed to investigate any conspiracy or attempt to hurt Elizabeth ‘by any person or with the privity of any person that shall or may pretend to the title to the Crown of this realm’. 
The punishments for anyone found guilty under this act were to be two-fold: firstly they were to be deprived of their title to the English crown forever, and secondly they could be lawfully put to death under the provisions of the Act. It had been quite clear at the time that this Act had been especially framed in order get rid of our Queen, it was tailor made for her. 
The records of Mary's trial were compiled by the notes of those present, who included two persons designated as writers. It would have been nearly impossible to write by hand every word uttered in the courtroom. Some say Mary spoke very broken English due to her time spent in France., I myself find this hard to believe, yes she had been educated in France, but the Four Mary's would have made sure the young Queen could speak the Scot's tongue, at very least.
Mary's defence was set out mainly that, she wasn’t an English subject and therefore couldn’t be held as an English traitor. She’d been denied legal counsel or the right to view evidence being bought against her. Oh and the age old she was a Queen. Anointed by God. It would literally be a sin to kill her.
Therefore, how accurately were the writers able to record her statements? Whose spoken words were left undocumented? Which statements in particular? Did the two journalists favour Mary or Elizabeth, and if so, did they allow this to influence their notes of the trial? A completely accurate record of the trial is unattainable due to the faultiness of its records, some historians just filled in the blanks to suit themselves, depending on their own leanings.
When the trial concluded, Parliament gave speeches and had open discussion about Mary's sentencing. They also held audiences with Elizabeth. During the audiences held between Parliament and Elizabeth, Elizabeth gave two speeches. In her first speech, she declared that if it were not for "the safe and welfare of my whole people, I would (I protest unfeignedly) most willingly pardon her."   Elizabeth asserted that Mary was bound to the English laws but reaffirmed that the late act "was no ways prejudice to her." Rather, Elizabeth explained that the law was in place to warn her, but since Mary still acted against the Queen and the law "was in force," there was no reason not to "proceed against her according to the same.' But, if the laws almost explicitly name Mary, then why did Elizabeth feel the need to restate that they were not prejudiced against her? Now I know I deflected some of the blame away from Elizabeth earlier but It seems that this was just another way for Elizabeth to maintain her image of innocence. 
Furthermore, Elizabeth explained that because of "this last Act of Parliament" she must "order for her [Mary's] death" The Councillors' plan to somehow remove Mary as a threat had worked. Elizabeth felt her hands were tied in the matter due to the Acts of Parliament, which the Councillors had drafted with specific language aimed toward Mary. 
Eventually, Mary's sentence was issued and proclaimed in the English countryside and towns. Immediately following the proclamation, Walsingham drafted the warrant for Mary's execution. The speed at which these documents were drafted  show that Elizabeth's Councillors were adamant about having Mary executed.
In late December of 1586, Elizabeth had the papers for the execution drawn up. On February 1st, 1587, she signed Mary's death warrant. 
I wont go into the execution as I normally post all the details on the anniversary of her death, February 8th 1587, I will however add a few more lines regarding King James VI and letters between Elizabeth and him.
Around the same time Elizabeth signed the warrant, she sent a letter to James, who had earlier requested that his mother be sent into the neutral custody of a foreign prince. 
In her response, Elizabeth asked if James thought her "so mad to trust my own life in another's hand and send it out of my own?
She also refers to the "absurdity of such an offer. In this letter, Elizabeth placed the focus on James's offer rather than on the circumstances surrounding Mary at the present time, basically awaiting her fate. She did not say she was unwilling to give Mary to a neutral prince because she was either considering signing the execution warrant or had already done so. 
Elizabeth withheld from James any more of a response than was necessary. It seemed that she intentional1y focused this letter's content on James's request to divert attention from her intention to sign Mary's death warrant. 
After Mary's execution, Elizabeth wrote another letter to James. Elizabeth referred to Mary's execution as a "miserable accident which (far contrary to my meaning) hath befallen"  
Elizabeth claimed innocence in calling for Mary's execution, but what she wrote next left a sense of doubt as to her innocence in the matter. She told James that she had "now sent this kinsman of mine ... to instruct you truly of that which is too irksome for my pen to tell you.'d While one may infer that Elizabeth sent a kinsman to explain the actual happenings of Mary's execution you  have to wonder if that was truly the case. Could Elizabeth have sent this "kinsman" to explain what she would not want left documented on paper? Elizabeth would have known to not leave a self-incriminating paper trail regarding her true role in Mary's execution. Thus, she sent a "kinsman" to explain the actual circumstances relating to Mary's execution. 
The truth behind what this kinsman actually told to James will forever stay a mystery because these words were just spoken in a private audience and not documented in a letter, just like Elizabeth wanted. The final question remains: was it the work of the Councillors that called for the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, or did Elizabeth I play  more active role than she wished to admit? 
I myself believe the Councillors did not need to have their arms twisted to call for Mary's execution. They perceived Mary as a threat and made it their top priority to remove her Queen Elizabeth's full part in the murky affair will always be up for debate. 
As ever I have used a lot of different sources when compiling this, if you want more on the trial check the article below out, remember though every source is different so not all that is written here will relate entirely to my post, it is however a more in depth analysis of the trial. 
https://erenow.net/biographies/maryqueenofscotsantoniafraser/27.php Pics are a depiction of the trial and part of the Babington letters held by the English National Archives, more on that here https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/spies/ciphers/mary/ma2.htm
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diorchitect · 4 years
Serpentine Pavilions
As you know, since the year 2000, the Serpentine Gallery in London invites a different architect from around the globe to design an annual pavilion set to be built at the entrance/garden of such place. The gallery gives them a budget and total freedom of design, however, it does require them a sitting area to have lectures, eat, contemplate the gardens and so on.
Since I wanted a justification and say why my personal favorite is the best, I decided to rank every one of them. Listen, I have my personal preferences when it comes to architecture but I tried to be a little bit more neutral here. 
So here they are, from worst to best:
20. The lounge (2010). Jean Nouvel.
Sir, you were commissioned to design a pavilion; this is a sports bar/lounge area, visitors are feeling excluded. Please, leave the room.
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19. The mountain (2004). MVRDV.
These architects ignored their budget and their pavilion was never built; they wanted to cover the gallery under a huge mountain but, why would you persuit that artistic idea when Christo already exists?
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18. The tunnel (2015). Selgas Cano.
This tunnel simply goes to nowhere. You enter and there’s not so much to do in there... then you go out.
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17. The stone hill (2019). Junya Ishigami.
Half of Ishigami’s idea was borrowed from SAANAS’ pavilion from ten years earlier. But the hillside effect outside and underneath were kind of cute.
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16. The theatre (2007). Kjetil Thorsen & Olafur Eliasson.
This was just so… over designed…
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15. The chapel (2016), Bjarke Ingels.
This is a great entrance hall to the gallery, I give him that. However, Mr. Bjarke “idea” was not something new, Sou Fujimoto had a similar aproach three years earlier.
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14. The old school roof (2005). Alvaro Siza & Edoardo Souto de Moura.
These two were like, “just call the engineer”.
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13. The balloon (2006). Rem Koolhaas.
This was one of the few pavilions that didn’t require a huge effort to be built, but it did have an effective impact on the landscape. Take a note, MVRDV.
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12. The terrace (2003). Oscar Niemeyer.
Somehow, Oscar Niemeyer made a pavilion about himself… but it was great. A little bit less of its “wine tasting room” vibe would have been great.
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11. The donut (2014). Smiljan Radic.
Playful, useful and family friendly.
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10. The structure (2002). Toyo Ito.
Toyo Ito said “I’m gonna give you structure, I’m gonna give you views and something for the architecture students to copy over and over again”.
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9. The garden (2011). Peter Zumthor.
Zumthor decided that the gallery garders were too sterile, so he gave then an actual garden to contemplate.
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8. The mirror (2009). SAANA.
Sejima and Nishizawa know western architects are too invasive, so they tried to deliver the less possible: a roof that hiddens with the reflection of the garden.
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7. The Maya ball field (2008). Frank Gehry.
He really paid respect to the gallery behind by making it the pavilion’s focal point. Not to mention the grandstand was used for a great variety of activities.
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6. The origami (2001). Daniel Libeskind.
This structure just has so many posibilites. You bring your kids, they play around; you have a conference, you have a shelter, you want a sculputure for your gallery, you got it.
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5. The 3D sketch (2013). Sou Fujimoto.
Fujimoto sketched a bunch thin lines for his pavilion, then he explained it to his team and said “I don’t want any strange structural elements to appear and fuck my idea”. And they made it happen.
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4. The tent (2000). Zaha Hadid.
This was the first Serpertine Pavilion ever. Actually, the gallery only wanted a tent to celebrate their 30th anniversary but they wanted Hadid to design it. She had a very limited budget but that didn’t interfere to make a statement of her work.
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3. The tree (2017). Francis Kéré.
Unlike other architects, Mr. Kéré had a very personal aproach for the pavilion; unlike Ingels, Kéré did have a concept. You see, since he was a child, he and his neighbors use to gather around a big tree and, underneath its shade, do a lot of different activities; social and school activities, even medical. That’s what he wanted the visitors to experience.
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2. The excavation (2012). Herzog, de Meuron & Ai Weiwei.
The only pavilion underground, covered by a water mirror, a fountiain; as if they were trying to do a newer version of a classical garden. Just brilliant.
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1. The celosía (2018). Frida Escobedo. 
Unlike many of her predecessors, Frida Escobedo doesn’t have a particular “style” and her work isn’t very much known outside México. Her pavilion isn’t about her but it shows how great designer she is. It really has every requirement the Serpentine Gallery expects from the commisioners; it’s a bridge to the gallery, it’s a place to be in, it’s an object to be contemplated and to contemplate its sorroundings, it’s an imaginitive montage of simple materials; it is a great piece of architecture.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Examiner, October 12
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: 50th Anniversary Tribute to The Partridge Family -- where are they now? 
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Page 2: How the rich and famous protect themselves -- from beefy bodyguards to bulletproof mansions these celebs go the extra mile -- Pope Francis, Mark Zuckerberg, Beyonce and Jay-Z, Bill Gates 
Page 3: Queen Elizabeth, Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong-un, Floyd Mayweather Jr. 
Page 4: Richard Gere -- his style leaves us breathless -- he’s an officer, a gentleman, a gigolo and gorgeous 
Page 6: When John Travolta was starting out as an actor his mom gave him some advice which he’s glad he didn’t take -- in 1975 he was offered the role of Vinnie Barbarino in Welcome Back Kotter but his mom Helen who was an acting teacher thought he’d be typecast 
Page 7: Big-hearted country star Brad Paisley and his wife Kimberly Williams-Paisley are hitting the road to feed American families financially hit by the pandemic, Neil Patrick Harris recently revealed some bad news and good news -- he and his family contracted COVID-19 but thankfully they’ve recovered from it, Sam Elliott has grabbed a TV role on the animated show Family Guy, Joan Collins says her late sister Jackie Collins sent her a message from beyond the grave on the fifth anniversary of her death 
Page 9: Cher confessed that Elvis Presley was the one that got away and she’s always regretted it -- she’s also kicking herself about Marlon Brando
Page 10: A black and white spotted dog spotted trouble and ended up saving his entire human family from a blaze that swept through their home 
Page 11: Your Health -- 6 symptoms that are not a sign of normal aging 
Page 12: Crime Countdown: Our Top 12 Fave Screen Detectives -- Columbo, Kojak, Starsky and Hutch, The Rockford Files 
Page 13: Miami Vice, Cagney & Lacey, Law & Order: SVU, Murder She Wrote (continued on page 16) 
Page 14: Dear Tony, America’s Top Psychic Healer -- use gifts you are given -- it’s never too late, Tony predicts Annette Bening will get really involved in the lives of transgender people bringing attention to those on screen and off showing who they really are 
Page 15: Some couples have a special song but this Indiana couple has a special aisle at the grocery store where they reconnected last summer and that’s where he got down on one knee and asked her to marry him 
Page 16: Remington Steele, Mannix, Magnum, P.I. 
Page 17: #1 -- NCIS 
Page 19: A former druggie thanked an Alabama cop who had her locked up multiples times by giving him a kidney 
Page 20: Cover Story -- The Partridge Family at 50 -- triumphs and tragedies of TV’s bubbly band -- Shirley Jones, David Cassidy, Susan Dey, Danny Bonaduce, Suzanne Crough, Jeremy Gelbwaks and Brian Forster 
Page 22: A hero delivery driver who took a wrong turn wound up taking a second detour to save a drowning dog 
Page 24: A woman in Michigan just received a cute postcard sent 100 years ago 
Page 25: How to choose fruit that’s ripe for the picking 
Page 26: Tony’s Mystic World -- the ancient power of Halloween 
Page 30: The Good Doctor -- Dr. Anthony Fauci recommends two vitamins to keep your immune system strong 
Page 33: Look Who’s Talking Meow -- a guide to understanding what your cat is trying to say 
Page 36: Sylvester Stallone paints -- Rambo tough guy Sly says his heart is with his art 
Page 41: How to carve perfect pumpkins 
Page 44: Eyes on the Stars -- Kaley Cuoco strikes a pose in Brooklyn while filming her upcoming show The Flight Attendant (picture), Anne Heche before her Dancing With the Stars rehearsal (picture), Mira Sorvino would jump at a chance for a reunion with Lisa Kudrow in a sequel to 1997′s Romy and Michele’s High School Reunion, Eddie Murphy is delaying his return to stand-up comedy because of the pandemic, Christina Anstead split from husband No. 2 Ant Anstead
Page 45: Brad Pitt helps raise money for charity (picture), Jason Alexander (picture), Katie Holmes and Emilio Vitolo Jr. step out in the big apple (picture), Martin Scorsese wears a mask as he strolls around NYC with a bandaged hand (picture), Jodie Turner-Smith says hubby Joshua Jackson has become a new man since they welcomed their daughter Janie and said she is really in love with her husband, fans are fuming after this year’s Country Music Awards ended in a tie between Carrie Underwood and Thomas Rhett for Entertainer of the Year, things are heating up between Kaia Gerber and Jacob Elordi who jetted to Cabo San Lucas with her parents, Lady Gaga admits her popularity left her feeling down in the dumps but swears she’ll keep making music 
Page 46: There’s a silver lining to the coronavirus pandemic -- two-thirds of Americans think it has made them better people 
Page 47: Like Mother, Like Daughter -- Christie Brinkley and Sailor Brinkley-Cook, Cindy Crawford and Kaia Gerber, Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson, Gwyneth Paltrow and Apple Martin, Reese Witherspoon and Ava Phillippe, Lisa Bonet and Zoe Kravitz, Uma Thurman and Maya Thurman Hawke
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davidmann95 · 6 years
This weeks comics?
So much to cover, and just so we’re all clear upfront, SPOILERS ahead.
Sideways Annual #1: I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to forgive the cover for simply reading “All-out Action, guest-starring Superman” rather than the declaration of “The Champion of the Oppressed is BACK–JUST WHEN THE WORLD NEEDS HIM MOST!” it demanded, but otherwise what a delightful comic. It’s a mess in so many ways given Morrison’s working with what DiDio laid down for him (which he seems to demonstrate hilarious contempt for when he almost literally drops a bridge on the no-hoper who’d been set up as the arc villain before he can do anything) and jumping on mid-stream to boot, but it’s basically just an extended excuse for him to put dialogue in Superman and the Seven Soldiers’ mouths again and remind everyone how rad his takes on them are, and thereby shame us for abandoning the former. Plus give us a taste of what his voice for Spider-Man would be, which it turns out is a perfectly fine one in spite of his past professed skepticism that he could pull it off. And above all to assure us with a smile and the proper send-off (a particularly satisfying one for me personally given my arachnophobia) we never got before that even if we never see our pal cop-punching, bank-busting, casual Fridays Superman again, he’ll be out there, along with all the other cast-off good Superman ideas, helping out wherever he can.
Also, who else caught the nudge and wink about the Tailor, and how that tells devoted Seven Soldiers fans just how much of role Morrison really played in saving his take on Superman?
Batman #60: Batman is…Batman is weird lately. I honestly don’t have anything else to say about this issue, except that the bit with Alfred cleaning was obviously killer.
The Unexpected #6: So Ronan Cliquet is bad, right? Like, we can all agree that dude is just bringing nothing to the table? I’ve never seen pages so plain look so simultaneously cramped and barren. This book has been such a damn disappointment: clearly promises were made about how much space Orlando would have to work on this that have been entirely broken, he’s cutting past what was clearly intended to be dozens of issues of buildup and fleshing-out of the concept to the grand finale, and he’s already obviously and understandably checked out. This should have been one of those “hey, you never heard of _____, but it was quietly one of DC’s best books for awhile there!” titles you learn about 20 years after the fact, but it was stillborn and unable to explore even the slightest sliver of its potential. It’s almost reached a point where it can make me think its coming conclusion is a mercy killing, but then, said conclusion is the problem.
Justice League #11: The debut of the Super-eyepatch! Otherwise, while it’s definitely not my favorite issue thus far of Snyder’s Justice League, it might be the one that feels the most well-realized in terms of getting his vision on the page thanks to Francis Manapul. I desperately hope he sticks on the book past Drowned Earth, because as much as I absolutely love what Jorge Jimenez and Jim Cheung are doing, his vision feels the most in line with the, as Snyder put it, ‘magisterial’ tone this title is going for a lot of the time.
The Green Lantern #1: Not my favorite Morrison title of the week in spite of its lack of clutter and outside influence, to the point where I’d honestly say it initially left me pretty cold, but much as with Morrison’s last major #1 in Action Comics, a reread did wonders for me once I knew what sort of tone I’d be grappling with. I do think it was oddly structured in a way that didn’t benefit it, leading with the mundane-flavored-with-cosmic with the alien beat cops rather than Hal’s more grounded perspective leading into the awe-inspiring, but given it sets up an immediate contrast with his ‘civilian life’, I’d call it a calculated risk that didn’t quite pay off. Hal himself is interestingly realized, this blunt, bored dude who only really comes alive when he’s on the clock, who’s as hyper-competent at his job as you’d think the Greatest Green Lantern Of Them All would be but almost seems to be sleepwalking through his days. It’s when we reach Oa with the mission statement for the Corps that the book really comes together, meshing up the beautiful design sense, an evocation of some of Morrison’s past recurring themes and elements, and raw high concept into the most powerful evocation of the basic idea of Green Lantern’s Deal I’ve ever read. And Liam Sharp mostly does justice by it; I know some find his style off-putting and his anatomy wonky, but he sells the what-if-GL-was-a-2000AD-strip sensibility, and his work has a framing and structure and a tangible, doughy 3Dishness that recalls the flavor of some of Morirson’s best prior collaborations. Not that, to be clear, I don’t think plenty of those prior collaborators couldn’t have done a much better job with this, but I think this’ll pan out just fine.
On top of that a couple minor notes: I suspect David Uzumeri might have been right regarding the possibility that this could be the book where Morrison delves into the basic question of whether superheroes are by nature cops, and thereby police brutality (Maxim Tox and Hal himself both have some startlingly severe moments in here) and the moral feasibility of the whole business. Rather than rethinking his process in his time away, Morrison’s storytelling tics are as prominently on display here as just about anything he’s ever done. And I was genuinely shocked to see the acknowledgement of Manhattan in here - a landmark chapter in The Last War In Albion in the making if ever there was one - right alongside addressing Snyder’s Justice League, making this to my knowledge the only book in the company’s lineup to acknowledge both contenders to the throne of DC’s current actual Important Cosmic-Scale Story. I suppose Lantern is the place where that makes sense, but both bring interesting elements of their own, as with the Source Wall Morrison’s going right on in and acknowledging how other creators have brought his ideas and spirit to the forefront of the DCU in the last several years, and with Manhattan, having a Grant Morrison DC Comic acknowledge the presence of Watchmen characters as parts of the grand scheme of things makes that whole bizarre business feel real in a way even Doomsday Clock itself hasn’t for me.
Adventures of the Super Sons #4: What a charmer! I harped a lot on Pete Tomasi by and large sucking on Superman, because by and large he sucked on Superman, but put that dude on just the right project to play into his strengths and he absolutely shines.
The Dreaming #3: Wound up in my pull file since I’d unsubscribed so recently, and decided to give it one last chance. It’s pretty and confident in what it’s doing and I’m sure lots of people are rightfully getting a lot out of it, but I’m not one of them and it won’t be getting another shot.
Border Town #3: It feels odd to think this given how much positive attention it’s been getting and how well it’s sold for a modern Vertigo book, but Border Town absolutely still feels like the sleeper hit of 2018. It so feels like the sort of comic that I usually can acknowledge the quality of but doesn’t do it for me personally, so I keep picking it up expecting to not quite gel with a given issue, but each time I’m dead damn wrong. It’s brimming with energy and personality on every level, and it’s still early enough that I can’t possibly recommend enough that anyone who hasn’t given it a chance yet jump onboard.
The Wicked + The Divine: The Funnies: Speaking of titles that I can acknowledge the quality of but rarely do it for me, I’ve followed W + D from the beginning on the understanding that the fairly subdued joys I take from it on a month-by-month basis will be eclipsed by the scale of my love for it on a full reread, as was the case with the team’s Young Avengers. But boy did this one buck that trend, because it was a hoot. Honestly couldn’t tell you which was my favorite short, because like half the book is made up of front-runners.
Death of the Inhumans #5: Because Death of Some Inhumans, But Don’t Worry Not Any of the Good Ones, Other than Maximus wouldn’t have shifted as much copy. Donny Cates is establishing himself as a solid mid-tier superhero writer alongside your Tim Seeleys and James Tynions, and Ariel Olivetti’s a treat, but I have to call this one a miss.
Shatterstar #2: As I expected it didn’t grab me as much as the first issue since the tenants aren’t front-and-center, but I’m still digging it to a truly startling extent!
Marvel Knights #1: Okay? I mean, I liked it (aside from the unbelievably poorly-chosen ‘I can sort of see even though I’m blind’ line - had to be a dozen better ways of putting that), but aside from that it’s gritty and involves some of the characters with notable history in the imprint, I have no idea why this is the Marvel Knights 20th Anniversary book as opposed to just a random Marvel miniseries that I suppose could be published under that imprint if you wanted. The conceit feels so odd for the intended purpose.
The Immortal Hulk #8: This book is SO FUCKING GOOD ALL OF THE TIME AT EVERYTHING AND YOU ALL NEED TO BUY IT AND TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT. CHRIST. Still the best super-shit on the stands.
DC Nation #6: Yanick Paquette needs to write Batman explaining science so as to teach us how to better fight crime for as long as he lives, if not in fact longer.
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pope-francis-quotes · 6 years
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18th April >> (@zenitenglish) Pope Francis’ Complete Address at this mornings General Audience: On Baptism 2: The Sign of the Christian Faith ‘Don’t forget, I repeat: teach the children to make the sign of the cross’ This morning’s General Audience was held at 9:30 in St. Peter’s Square, where the Holy Father Francis met with groups of pilgrims and faithful from Italy and from all over the world. In his address in Italian, the Pope focused his meditation on Baptism: 2. The Sign of the Christian faith. After summarizing his catechesis in several languages, the Holy Father expressed special greetings to groups of faithful present. Then he made an appeal for the happy outcome of the spring Meetings of the World Bank, which will take place in Washington next Saturday, and he invited again to pray for Vincent Lambert and little Alfie Evans. The General Audience ended with the singing of the Pater Noster and the Apostolic Blessing. * * * The Holy Father’s Catechesis Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! In this Easter Season we continue the catecheses on Baptism. The meaning of Baptism stands out clearly by its celebration; therefore we turn our attention to it. Considering the gestures and words of the liturgy, we can receive the grace and the commitment of this Sacrament, which is ever to be rediscovered. We recall it with the aspersion of blessed water, which can be done on Sunday at the beginning of the Mass, as well as in the renewal of the baptismal promises during the Easter Vigil. In fact, what happens in the celebration of Baptism arouses a spiritual dynamic that runs through the whole life of the baptized; it’s the start of a process, which enables one to live united to Christ in the Church. Therefore, to return to the source of the Christian life leads us to understand better the gift received on the day of our Baptism, and to renew our commitment to respond to it in the condition in which we find ourselves today — to renew the commitment, to understand this gift better, which is Baptism, and to remember the day of our Baptism. Last Wednesday I asked that tasks be done at home and for every one of us to remember the day of <our> Baptism — on what day we were baptized. I know that some of you know it, others don’t. Those that don’t know it must ask their parents, those persons, godfathers, godmothers . . . ask them: “What is the date of my Baptism?” Because Baptism is a rebirth and it is as if it were a second birthday. Understood? Do this task at home. Ask: “What is the date of my Baptism?” First of all, in the welcoming rite, the candidate is asked his name, because the name indicates a person’s identity. When we introduce ourselves, we say our name immediately: “I’m called thus,” to come out of anonymity; the anonymous is he who has no name. To come out of anonymity we say our name immediately. Without a name, one remains unknown, without rights and duties. God calls each one of us by name, loving us individually, in the concreteness of our history. Baptism kindles our personal vocation to live as Christians, which is developed throughout life. And it implies a personal response and not borrowed, with a “copy and paste.” In fact, the Christian life is woven of a series of calls and responses: God continues to pronounce our name in the course of the years, having His call resound in a thousand ways to become conformed to His Son Jesus. Therefore, the name is important! It’s very important! Parents already think of the name they will give their child before the birth: this is also part of expecting a child that, in his name, will have his original identity, also for his Christian life connected to God. To become Christians is, certainly, a gift that comes from on high (Cf. John 3:3-8). Faith can’t be bought, but it can be asked for and received as a gift. “Lord, give me the gift of faith,” it’s a beautiful prayer! “That I may have faith,” is a beautiful prayer. To ask for it as a gift, but it can’t be bought, it is requested. In fact, “Baptism is the Sacrament of that faith with which men, illumined by the grace of the Holy Spirit, respond to Christ’s Gospel” ((Rite of the Baptism of Children, General Introduction, n. 3). The formation of the catechumens and the preparation of the parents tend to arouse and awaken a sincere faith in response to the Gospel, as the listening of the Word of God in the celebration of Baptism itself. If adult catechumens express personally what they want to receive as a gift from the Church, parents, with the godparents, present the children. The dialogue with them enables them to express the desire that the little ones receive Baptism and the Church’s intention to celebrate it. “Expression of all this is the cross, which the Celebrant and parents trace on the children’s forehead” (Rite of the Baptism of Children, Introduction, n. 16). “The sign of the cross, on the threshold of the celebration, marks with the imprint of Christ the one who is going to belong to Him and signifies the grace of the redemption that Christ won for us by His cross” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1235). In the ceremony we make the sign of the cross on the children. But I want to return to an argument of which I have spoken to you. Do our children know how to make the sign of the cross well? Many times I’ve seen children who don’t know how to make the sign of the cross. And you, fathers, mothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, godfathers, godmothers must teach them to do well the sign of the cross because it is to repeat what was done in Baptism. Have you understood well? Teach the children to make the sign of the cross well. If they learn it as children, they will do it well later, as grownups. The cross is the badge that manifests who we are: our speaking, thinking, looking, working is under the sign of the cross, namely, under the sign of Jesus’ love to the end. The children are marked on the forehead. The adult catechumens are also marked on the senses with these words: “Receive the sign of the cross on the ears to listen to the voice of the Lord”; “on the eyes to see the splendour of the face of God”; on the mouth, to respond to the word of God”; on the breast, so that through faith, Christ will dwell in your hearts.”; “on the shoulders, to support Christ’s gentle yoke” (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, n. 85). One becomes a Christian to the degree in which the cross is imprinted in us as a “paschal” sign (Cf. Revelation 14:1; 22:4), making visible, also externally, the Christian way of facing life. To do the sign of the cross when we wake up, before meals, before a danger, as a defense against evil, in the evening before sleeping, means to say to ourselves, and to others, to whom we belong, who we want to be. This is why it’s so important to teach children to make well the sign of the cross. And, as we do on entering a church, we can do so also at home, keeping in a small appropriate glass some blessed water – some families do it: thus every time we come in or go out, by doing the sign of the cross with that water we remember that we are baptized. Don’t forget, I repeat: teach the children to make the sign of the cross. [Original text: Italian] [ZENIT’s translation by Virginia M. Forrester] In Italian A warm welcome goes to the Italian-speaking faithful. I’m happy to receive the participants in the Seminar promoted by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross of Rome and those in the Congress organized by the Focolare Movement; the Members of the Italian Presbyteral Commission and the Deacons of the Archdiocese of Milan. My heartfelt hope is that your pilgrimage to Peter’s tomb will make you ever more generous in witnessing the faith. I greet the pilgrims of the Order of the Mother of God, on the 80th <anniversary> of the canonization of the Founder, Saint John Leonard; the Parishes; the school Institutes, in particular, the Highlands Institute of Rome; the Flag Wavers and Musicians of Asti; the “Common Good Music” Association of Rome A special thought goes to young people, the sick and newlyweds. I invite all to see the Risen Jesus, alive and present in our midst, as the true teacher of life; may His intercession obtain for you serenity and peace and His teaching be an encouragement for you in the daily path toward holiness. [Original text: Italian] [ZENIT’s translation by Virginia M. Forrester] The Holy Father’s Appeal Taking place in Washington next Saturday is the spring Meetings of the World Bank. I encourage the efforts that, through financial inclusion, seek to promote the life of the poorest, fostering genuine integral development and respectful of human dignity. I attract attention again on Vincent Lambert and on little Alfie Evans, and I would like to confirm and loudly confirm that God is the only Master of life, from the beginning to its natural end! And our duty, our duty is to do all to protect life. Let us think in silence and pray so that the life of all persons is respected and, especially, of these two brothers of ours. Let us pray in silence. [Original text: Italian] [ZENIT’s translation by Virginia M. Forrester] APRIL 18, 2018 14:32GENERAL AUDIENCE
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believexfanzine · 4 years
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(Pampanga, Philippines) 
 March 2015/Believe Fanzine issue #4
Believe: You seem to be very attached to the local Kapampangan Scene and I would say you’re one of the busiest if not, the most Notorious (hehe) guy I know in the Philippine HC-Punk Scene. Tell us how it all started.
Francis: Ahahaha Notorious talaga. It started when I met Marc Liwanag at Pampanga High School back in 1992. I saw his band Holocaust playing “Friday I’m in Love” by the Cure and “God Save the Queen” by the Sex Pistols. My two cousins Jaybee and Jude Pangilinan lend me their new wave and punk rock cassette tapes but Marc opened the door for me to discover the UK Punk, US Hardcore Punk, TRC and early 90’s punk scene in our country. I got interested in searching those aforementioned eras and learned they’ve all done it DIY. I started playing with Istukas Over Disneyland in May 1994; playing cover songs from seminal bands. After reading Oi Banger zine, I decided to make a zine with my friends; covering the active punk bands in San Fernando, interviewed the bands, wrote a scene report, reprinted articles of Punk Scene in the US from magazines until Notorious fanzine reached 10 issues. Now my new fanzine called Eksena Lokal has two issues and currently working on the third issue which is already long overdue ahahaha. You know, I see to it that I will write a scene report of Pampanga every year for you guys to be updated on what’s going on with our scene. I met this French guy Sebastian Gonnot and he encouraged me to run a small distro and share the music of bands from Italy, France, UK, Spain, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hungary, Nepal, Czech Republic since buying them abroad is expensive. That was the time I don’t have my own PC. What I do is record them on my cousin’s desktop and sell them for a cheaper price – the cost of photocopy of lyrics and covers and the CDR. Every records sold will produce new titles from bands abroad. Ah yeah I remember I also distributed dubbed tapes of Brigada Flores Magon and Les Partisans (France) using hi-tech and betamag blank cassette tapes. The name Love from Hate was taken from Klasse Kriminale “Mind Invaders” 7”EP. I’m thinking of writing a newsletter so probably this May for the 21st Anniversary of the Pampanga Notorious Scene, my fingers are crossed.          
Believe: Being that you run a record label/distro, make a zine, organize shows, help out on a radio show, play in 3 bands and you have a job on a graveyard shift; have you ever thought that it’s a bit overwhelming? Why / Why not?
Francis: Indeed it’s overwhelming but of course it takes a lot of patience, effort, responsibility and understanding. I remember this guy asked me “Are you committing suicide?” and I replied no, I just love what I’m doing and no one will do it for me but myself. I always say “Buhay pa tayo, madami pang oras at Bawal mag reklamo sa ginagawa mo na nagpapasaya sayo”.  Let me tell you about my life with these projects; Love from Hate – every release has special memories for me like the Bad Omen LP, I went two times to Cruz Paper Craft to follow up the layout of the Bad Omen LP since Jon was in Indonesia that time and when he came back, the artist has not worked on the layout. Ang comment pa sa akin nung caretaker e masungit daw ako nung nag follow up, I mean we’re meeting deadlines and following up for the second time is too much ahahaha. Jon found an artist to work on the layout of the LP and we always meet in Cartimar, Recto to provide the details of the artwork, record label’s logo, and poster. We then learned Cruz Paper Craft is outsourcing the job of the positives of the layout, cover and poster. Jon and I went to the artist just to fasten the work for Cruz Paper Craft since there are personal issues with the printing press owners. It was a stressful experience but at the same time I discovered and learned about the in and out of printing press business/industry. Cruz Craft Papers is the cheapest printing press in Quezon City if not, the whole Philippines since most of the major label companies print their releases there.  Eksena Lokal fanzine – Dyey Punk is helping me out with the layout, of course we have our misunderstanding in terms of the outcome of the zine but most of the time siya nasusunod ahahaha. Most of the typing are done here in the office when I have spare time then I’ll email the content to Dyey and he’ll run the lay out. It really takes months before I email him the details especially the interview, columns, reviews and other stuffs I wanted to include on the zine. Organizing shows – Marvin Zapata, Ching Pangilinan and Toie Lustre are the current organizers right now in San Fernando. I’ll be responsible for the May 16 (in cooperation with Maximum Rock and Roll) and May 30 (21st year anniversary of the Pampanga Notorious Scene) and I thank Ching for helping me book the venue and the instruments for these shows. In the recent gigs, the budget for the instruments is our main problem. The cheapest sound system/instruments in San Fernando right now is 8 thousand pesos. We’re lucky because we have Popo and Dexter who give us money to pay the instruments and somehow we manage to save money from the tickets but on the previous gigs we have to pay damages like the fly boards the guys of Peste Boys mistakenly used for their vert ramp, we paid the Giant Lantern Committee who owns the fly boards 7 thousand pesos. Ang hirap magpa gig ano? Eksena Lokal Radio – my job is collating the playlist for the month, review the songs, provide information of the songs and the bands and advise the bands we’ll play their songs, review fanzines and gigs, search for upcoming gigs, look for a scene reporter and instruct them on what to report and do on air. My deadline is every Thursday and I send the details to DJ Lia where she then formats the show. Playing with my bands – actually I play for 4 bands but The Holiday is taking time off for now, I play drums for the band and I hope in the coming months they’ll make a comeback and record their new songs. Graveyard Shift – yeah everybody needs to pay the monthly bills.        
Believe: What keeps you excited in this Scene that we’re in?
Francis: Discovering punk rock in other places and getting new contacts. It always cracks a smile on my face when learning there are bands, fanzines and distros in obscure places in the Philippines. When Bane came to the Philippines for the second time, I was so happy to meet Pam of Dienasty from Cagayan De Oro, I mean when we discuss punk in the Philippines, Manila comes to mind but punk went regional and I was so glad he handed me their demo and played “Apoy sa Sarili” on air at Eksena Lokal Radio (Bright FM 91.9) last March 6, 2015. On that gig, I was able to meet Siak from Davao who’s going to host the tour of Istukas Over Disneyland, Holy Cow and Monthly Red on March 21, 2015. I got to see again old contacts/friends like Maricar of Plug N’ Play zine, Grey of Thought, Weigner of Shrapnel/Gardo/Left of Center all from Cebu City; Mae of Refuse from Baguio City; Raymond and Neil of Unforce from Pagbilao, Quezon Province; Randy Rayos of Outcry; Papao and Raymond of Feud. We only get to see each other during gigs and catch up with our individual lives. When Bad Omen toured in Santiago City, Isabela, I was so excited learning there are punks in that city while Jayson and Regy of Revolution X Department invited my band to play in their City and nailed it last December 20, 2014. It leads to Love from Hate in releasing “Freedom” split CDR with Revolution X Department and State of Rebellion (Santiago City, Isabela). It’s great to know these people are supporting their own scene and when they organize gigs, they don’t charge at the gate and entrance is free knowing the cost of instruments are expensive. I also met the guys of Death My Hombre from Ilagan, Isabela and got their demo, The Plunders and the people from Nueva Vizcaya and Tuguegarao. Back in 2010, I went to Cebu for vacation to visit my friends and got excited learning Toxic Orgasm, Minority Blocks, One Man Down, The Deviants and Hard Feces are scheduled to tour Bacolod City, Negros Occidental. I was their roadie on that tour ahahaha and met Jedd of Oppressor, Oro of Demos Against and Ricson of Pedro Bruno. It’s nice to have new contacts away from my comfort zone because of punk rock. I then learned Insomyaks from Surigao playing Punk Ska and featured them on Eksena Lokal issue #2 while Egg of Declaration of Purity and Left Hand Path Press handed me over the Domestic Airport Violence demo and learned they’re from Mexico, Pampanga. Kent Cee and Jarred, two awesome hardcore kids from Lubao, Pampanga and the Turnips from Angeles City playing TRC repertoire. My friend Marvin of Provoke once told me Philippine Violators toured San Fernando City, La Union so I hope there are few there who are listening/appreciating punk rock. He also mentioned there is a punk band in Ilocos. If that’s true it will be a killer. I failed to search for local bands in Bohol when I was there last January, I know there are local reggae bands and their songs are played on air. I wonder about that band from Bohol when Piledriver played in Cebu this year. What do they play Gin? Do they have a demo?      
Believe: Doing Record Label over the years, what’s your stand on this digital age with free download of music from the Internet and at the same time Vinyl Records started to increase its demand?
Francis: For me it’s okay as long as the artist and consumer respect copy right. We all know the internet has its pros and cons. For example, I asked help from DJ Lia to download for me the Veills and Nonentities demos and played them last March 06 at Eksena Lokal Radio. I also asked her to download the new album of Brixton Cats (France), RVIVR and Punch (USA). I also wanted her to download the Chin Chin’s “Sound of the Westway and We Don’t Wanna be Prisoners” and Tappi Tikarrass – Bjork’s punk rock band from Iceland. I admit I’m a technophobe and I don’t know much about computers and the internet ahahaha. Emman told me there is this one guy who uploaded the Underground Asia CD on the web and we’re very excited knowing the fact the compilation was sold out from our record labels. He also told me if someone wanted to distribute the compilation he can always send them copies of the covers/layout which is amazing. Me, I love buying original records from labels or bands and even though I have them on MP3 format, I would love to buy a copy for myself. Vinyl and cassette tapes are gaining grounds since CDS have no value anymore in my opinion, I mean the demand of vinyl and cassette tapes is great knowing the fact that people are buying original records but sad to say we don’t have any more pressing plants in the Philippines to produce these records, only compact discs. Let’s just support the bands who have releases may it be on CDR, CD, Vinyl or Cassette Tapes for them to continue releasing new records.  
Believe: It’s always stated that Kapampangan’s cooks the best dishes in our country. So for you, what is Pampanga’s best? (Best in food) Plus, what makes Pampanga’s Scene worth checking out?
Francis:  I would say Pork Sisig and Burong Babi (Tocino). My mother is originally from Orion, Bataan but she cooks good food especially her kakanins and pastries but there are a lot of great cooks/chefs in Pampanga like Aling Lilian of Cucina and the owner of Everybody’s Café who serves exotic foods. Would you like to try our local cuisine like Tinolang Palaka and Fried Kamaro? Funny because I told Maricar of Plug N’ Play if she’s in town, I’ll treat her for a bite of Tinolang Palaka and Kamaro even though I don’t eat these dishes ahahaha. I guess the hospitality; I mean the guys in our scene in Pampanga will treat you like you are in your own home even though they don’t have the money, still they find ways to welcome you in their homes.    
Believe: I get pissed off every time I hear parents telling their kids that boys who cry are gay and that’s not cool or not tough. I keep telling my nephew that it’s okay to cry if he’s hurt and crying will make him feel better. But some kids are too afraid to cry and someday I don’t want my kid to feel that way. Too afraid to express how they feel because of peer pressure. It made me ask you this question, when was the last time you cried and why?
Francis: I knew this question is peer pressure ahaha. I don’t know if you can call it crying or shedding of tears but when I talked to my supervisor last week about what I felt when my team mate who’s also her friend disrespected her position. I mean sometimes it’s easy to say but it’s hard to do and most of the time I shed tears while saying what I really feel. I don’t know, maybe because you don’t want the person to be offended or telling the truth will hit her/him in the face. Filipinos are known to be brave and our elders took the tradition and pass it on to generations. It only meant for the kid to stop crying but deep inside their elders are hurt too when they see their kid crying. There is no harm in bursting out in tears, baka ikamatay mo pa yan kung hindi mo ilalabas  
Believe: I get really excited every time you release in any of your projects! What should we look out in the near future?
Francis: Thank you Rann. I just finished cutting the covers of Holy Cow/Monthly Red/Istukas Over Disneyland “Minda-Now” tour 2015 CDR we’ll be releasing the CDR this coming March 20 & 21 in Polomolok, South Cotabato and Samal Island, Davao. The CDR contains the first demo of Holy Cow, Monthly Red and Istukas Over Disneyland songs taken from their releases. The tour CDR is limited to 35 copies for both gigs, I invite you to purchase it to help us during the tour. I want to take this opportunity to thank Dyey Punk for wasting his time constructing the layout of the Tour CDR, he did not sleep just to finish the lay out, I harass the guy that’s why ahahaha. The split 7”EP of Random Violence/Value Lasts will be available soon in the Philippines, a collaboration from Still Ill Records, Delusion of Terror Records, Aklasan Records, Left Hand Path Press, Get Up and Go Records, Love From Hate and the people from RV and VL. I invite you to purchase a copy and support RV and VL! I personally dedicate this release to Denver of Value Lasts. As of now, I have projects lining up but they’re still on the dark side so I’ll let them stay there for a while before they see the light of the tunnel. I just don’t want to spoil the bean that’s all. Thank you Bram Ibrahim for the logo!          
Believe: Maraming Salamat Kuya Francis! Where can we check out your distro and releases?
Francis: Maraming salamat din Ate Rann for your interest and support. You can email us at [email protected] or the ever popular social media FB, just search for Love from Hate. I have not updated the page but will be in the next couple of days. Buy Believe fanzine and support your locals
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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The Five Holy Wounds or The Five Sacred Wounds refer to the five piercing wounds that Jesus suffered during His crucifixion. Two of the wounds were through either His hands or His wrists, where nails were inserted to fix Jesus to the cross beam of the cross on which He was crucified. Two were through the feet where the nail (s) passed through both to the vertical beam. The final wound was in the side of Jesus’ chest when His body was pierced by the Holy Lance in order to be sure that He was dead.
These wounds are not explicitly mentioned in any of the canonical Gospels until the Resurrection, although John the Evangelist states that no bones were broken. In the course of His Passion, Jesus suffered other wounds as well, such those from the Crown of Thorns and from the Flagellation. When consecrating an altar a number of Christian churches anoint it in five places, indicative of the Five Holy Wounds.
The Crusades brought a renewed enthusiasm for religious devotion, especially for the Passion of Christ. St. Bernard of Clairvaux and St. Francis of Assisi in the 12th and 13 centuries encouraged devotions and practices in honor of The Five Wounds of the Passion of Jesus. In the 14th century, the holy mystic St. Gertrude of Helfta had a vision that Christ sustained 5,466 wounds during His Passion. St. Bridget of Sweden popularized a custom to recite 15 Pater Nosters each day for one year in memory of the Sacred Wounds. There was a special Mass of the Five Wounds, known as the Golden Mass, which medieval tradition claimed was composed by St. John the Evangelist and revealed to Boniface II (532) in a vision. The Holy Wounds have often been used as a symbol of Christianity. Participants in the Crusades would often wear the Jerusalem Cross , an emblem representing the Holy Wounds. The "Five Wounds" was the emblem of the "Pilgrimage of Grace", a Northern English rebellion in response to Henry VIII’s Dissolution of the Monasteries. Persons who have exhibited the Holy Wounds on their own bodies are called stigmatics, and are believed to enter into the Passion of Christ.
Because of His Holy Wounds and His Sacred, Precious Blood that was spilled, we now have the opportunity to see The Face of God. Each Mass is a Representation of His Sacrifice and in addition we have a devotion available to us, that helps us to meditate more concretely on His Sufferings: devotion to His Five Sacred Wounds. Private revelation to St. Bridget of Sweden indicated that all of the Wounds of our Lord suffered added up to 5,480. She began to pray 15 prayers each day in honor of each of these wounds. This prayer can be found on the website: brizek.com/prayer/pieta.htm or in the Blue Pieta Prayer book (which also includes the promises Jesus made for those who say these prayers for one year). The book may be found at your local religious store.
Prayer in honor of The Five Wounds
As I kneel before Thee on the cross, most loving Saviour of my soul, my conscience reproaches me with having nailed Thee to that cross with these hands of mine, as often as I have fallen into mortal sin, wearing Thee with my base ingratitude. My God, my chief and perfect good, worthy of all my love, because Thou hast loaded me with blessings; I cannot now undo my misdeeds, as I would most willingly; but I loathe them, grieving sincerely for having offended Thee, Who art infinite goodness. And now, kneeling at Thy feet, I try, at lest, to compassionate Thee, to give Thee thanks, to ask Thee pardon and contrition; wherefore with my heart and lips, I say:
To the Wound of the Left Foot
Holy wound of the left foot of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for the love whereby Thou labored to overtake me on the way to ruin, and didst bleed amid the thorns and brambles of my sins. I offer to the Eternal Father the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity, in atonement for my sins, all of which I detest with sincere and bitter contrition.
Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be, then: Holy Mother, pierce me through, In my heart each wound renew of my Saviour crucified.
To the Wound of the Right Foot
Holy wound of the right foot of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for that love which pierced Thee with such torture and shedding of blood, in order to punish my wanderings and the guilty pleasures I have granted to my unbridled passions. I offer the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity, and I pray Thee for grace to weep over my sins with hot tears, and to enable me to persevere in the good which I have begun, without ever swerving again from my obedience to the divine commands.
Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be, then: Holy Mother, pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Saviour crucified. To the Wound of the Left Hand
Holy wound of the left hand of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for having in Thy love spared me the scourges and eternal damnation which my sins have merited. I offer to the Eternal Father the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity: and I pray Thee to teach me how to turn to good account my span of life, and bring forth in it worthy fruits of penance, and to disarm the justice of God, which I have provoked.
Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be, then: Holy Mother, pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Saviour crucified...
To the Wound of the Right Hand
Holy wound of the right hand of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the most bitter pain which Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee for Thy graces lavished on me with such love, in spite of all my most perverse obstinacy. I offer to the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity; and I pray Thee to change my heart and its affections, and make me do all my actions in accordance with the will of God.
Recite one Our Father, one Hail Mary, and one Glory Be: then, Holy Mother, pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Saviour crucified...
To the Wound of the Sacred Side
Holy wound in the side of my Jesus, I adore Thee; I compassionate Thee, O Jesus, for the cruel insult Thou didst suffer. I thank Thee, my Jesus, for the love which suffered Thy side and Heart to be pierced, so that the last drops of blood and water might issue forth, making my redemption to overflow. I offer to the Eternal Father this outrage, and the love of Thy most holy humanity, that my soul may enter once for all into the most loving Heart, eager and ready to receive the greatest sinners, and never more depart.
Recite one Our Father, one Hair Mary, and one Glory Be: then, Holy Mother, pierce me through, in my heart each wound renew of my Saviour crucified...
Chaplet of the Five Wounds
This chaplet, approved by the Holy See on 11 August 1823 (coincidentally, the anniversary of St. Clare of Assisi’s death), consists of five groups of five beads -- each group representing one of the Five Wounds. The first group of beads honors the Wound on His left foot; the second, the Wound on His right foot; the third, the Wound on His left Hand; the fourth, the wound on His right Hand; and the fifth, the Wound in His Side. Sometimes a medal will be attached depicting Our Lord’s Wounds on one side, and His Sorrowful Mother on the other.
While meditating on the appropriate Wound at each group, one Gloria is said on each bead, and between the groups, and Ave is said in honor of Mary’s sorrows.
Note that the number of wounds was so great because the flagellum (picture at right) used by the Romans had from three to twelve "tails," each tail embedded repeatedly with bone, iron, or glass intended to rip flesh. With a 12-tail flagellum, 40 strokes would give one 480 wounds if each tail only caused one wound with each stroke. In reality, though, each "tail" would cause many, many times more wounds per stroke, depending on how much bone or iron, etc., was embedded in each strap. In addition to the wounds caused by the scourge, there were the wounds caused by each thorn in the crown of thorns.
For copy of pamphlet click below:
From: www.pamphletstoinspire.com
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blackkudos · 7 years
Frankie Knuckles
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Francis "Frankie" Nicholls (January 18, 1955 – March 31, 2014), better known by his stage name Frankie Knuckles, was an American DJ, record producer and remixer.
He played an important role in developing and popularizing house music in Chicago during the 1980s, when the genre was in its infancy. In 1997, Knuckles won the Grammy Award for Remixer of the Year, Non-Classical. Due to his importance in the development of the genre, Knuckles was often known as "The Godfather of House Music."
Born in the The Bronx, Knuckles and his friend Larry Levan began frequenting discos as teenagers during the 1970s. While studying textile design at the FIT, Knuckles and Levan began working as DJs, playing soul, disco, and R&B at two of the most important early discos, The Continental Baths and The Gallery. In the late 1970s, Knuckles moved from New York City to Chicago, where Robert Williams, an old friend was opening what became the Warehouse. When the Warehouse club opened in Chicago in 1977, he was invited to play on a regular basis, which enabled him to hone his skills and style. This style was a mixture of disco classics, unusual indie-label soul, the occasional rock track, European synth-disco and all manner of rarities, which would all eventually codify as "House Music." The style of music now known as house was of course named after a shortened version of the Warehouse.
Knuckles was so popular that the Warehouse, initially a members-only club for largely black gay men, began attracting straighter, whiter crowds, leading its owner, Robert Williams, to eschew membership. He continued DJing at the Warehouse until November 1982, when he started his own club in Chicago, The Power Plant.
Around 1983, Knuckles bought his first drum machine to enhance his mixes from Derrick May, a young DJ who regularly made the trip from Detroit to see Knuckles at the Warehouse and Ron Hardy at the Music Box, both in Chicago. The combination of bare, insistent drum machine pulses and an overlay of cult disco classics defined the sound of early Chicago house music. A sound which many local producers began to mimic in the studios by 1985.
When the Power Plant closed in 1987, Knuckles played for four months at Delirium in the United Kingdom. Chicago house artists were in high demand and having major success in the UK with this new genre of music. Knuckles also had a stint in New York, where he continued to immerse himself in producing, remixing, and recording. 1988 saw the release of Pet Shop Boys' third album, Introspective, which featured Knuckles as a co-producer of the song "I Want a Dog."
Work with Jamie Principle
In 1982, Knuckles was introduced to then-unknown Jamie Principle by mutual friend Jose "Louie" Gomez, who had recorded the original vocal-dub of "Your Love" to reel-to-reel tape. Louie Gomez met up with Frankie at the local record pool (I.R.S.) and gave him a tape copy of the track. Knuckles played Gomez's unreleased dub mix for an entire year in his sets during which it became a crowd favorite. Knuckles later went into the studio to re-record the track with Principle, and in 1987 helped put Your Love and Baby Wants to Ride out on vinyl after these tunes had been regulars on his reel-to-reel player at the Warehouse for a year.
As house music was developing in Chicago, producer Chip E. took Knuckles under his tutelage and produced Knuckles' first recording, "You Can't Hide from Yourself" Then came more production work, including Jamie Principle's "Baby Wants to Ride", and later "Tears" with Robert Owens (of Fingers Inc.) and (Knuckles' protégé and future Def Mix associate) Satoshi Tomiie.
Knuckles made numerous popular Def Classic Mixes with John Poppo as sound engineer, and Knuckles partnered with David Morales on Def Mix Productions. His debut album Beyond the Mix (1991), released on Virgin Records, contained what would be considered his seminal work, "The Whistle Song", which was the first of four number ones on the US dance chart. The Def Classic mix of Lisa Stansfield's "Change", released in the same year, also featured the whistle-like motif. Another track from the album, "Rain Falls", featured vocals from Lisa Michaelis. Eight thousand copies of the album had sold by 2004. Other key remixes from this time include his rework of the Electribe 101 anthem "Talking with Myself" and Alison Limerick's "Where Love Lives".
When Junior Vasquez took a sabbatical from The Sound Factory in Manhattan, Knuckles took over and launched a successful run as resident DJ. He continued to work as a remixer through the 1990s and into the next decade, reworking tracks from Michael Jackson, Luther Vandross, Diana Ross, Eternal and Toni Braxton. He released several new singles, including "Keep on Movin'" and a re-issue of an earlier hit "Bac N Da Day" with Definity Records. In 1995, he released his second album titled Welcome to the Real World. By 2004, 13,000 copies had sold.
Knuckles played as resident DJ at Genesis (Osaka, Japan) for one year (probably in the late '80s or early '90s).
Openly gay, Knuckles was inducted into the Chicago Gay and Lesbian Hall of Fame in 1996.
In 2004, Knuckles released a 13-track album of original material – his first in over a decade – titled A New Reality. In October 2004, "Your Love" appeared in the videogame Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, playing on house music radio station, SF-UR.
In the mid-2000s, Knuckles developed Type II diabetes. On March 31, 2014, he died of complications from the disease in Chicago at age 59.
In April 2015, a year after his death, Defected Records released a retrospective compilation, House Masters Frankie Knuckles, the tracklist for which had been selected by Knuckles before his death. Also, the same month, as a tribute to Knuckles, a version of his song "Baby Wants to Ride" was released by Underworld and Heller & Farley to mark the year anniversary of his passing. It went straight to number one on the UK's first ever Official Vinyl Singles Chart. All proceeds will go to the Frankie Knuckles Trust / Elton John AIDS Foundation.
Awards and honorable recognition
In 1997, Knuckles won the Grammy Award for Remixer of the Year, Non-Classical. In 2004, the city of Chicago – which "became notorious in the dance community around the world for passing the so-called 'anti-rave ordinance' in 2000 that made property owners, promoters and deejays subject to $10,000 fines for being involved in an unlicensed dance party" – named a stretch of street in Chicago after Knuckles, where the old Warehouse once stood, on Jefferson Street between Jackson Boulevard and Madison Street. That stretch of street, called Frankie Knuckles Way, "was renamed when the city declared 25 August 2004 as Frankie Knuckles Day. The Illinois state senator who helped make it happen was Barack Obama." In 2005, Knuckles was inducted into the Dance Music Hall of Fame for his achievements.
In media and popular culture
Knuckles was featured in the documentary films Maestro (2003), written and directed by Josell Ramos, The UnUsual Suspects: Once Upon a Time in House Music (2005), directed by Chip E. and Continental (2013) about the Continental Baths.
October 2004, "Your Love" appeared in the videogame Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, playing on house music radio station, SF-UR.
Selected discography
"Rain Falls" (single)
"You Can't Hide from Yourself" – CBS Records
"Tears" (single) Frankie Knuckles presents Satoshi Tomiie – FFRR
"Your Love/Baby Wants to Ride" – Trax Records
Beyond the Mix – Virgin Records
"The Whistle Song" – Virgin Records
Sessions Six – Mixed by Frankie Knuckles – Ministry of Sound
Choice: A Collection of Classics – Azuli Records
"Keep on Movin'" – Definity Records
"Change" – Lisa Stansfield
"Someday (I'm Coming Back)" – Lisa Stansfield
"Never, Never Gonna Give You Up" – Lisa Stansfield
"Let the Music (Use You)" - The Nightwriters
"Turn it Out - Patti Labelle
"Deep Love" – Dada Nada (Robert Ozn) (Remixed by Knuckles and David Morales)
"Power of Love/Love Power" – Luther Vandross
"Left to My Own Devices" – Pet Shop Boys
"This Time" – Chanté Moore
"Happy" – Towa Tei
"Let No Man Put Asunder" – First Choice
"Ain't Nobody" – Chaka Khan
"Watcha Gonna Do with My Lovin'" – Inner City
"Talking with Myself" – Electribe 101
"The Pressure Part 1" – Sounds of Blackness
"Where Love Lives (Come on In)" – Alison Limerick
"I Want a Dog" – Pet Shop Boys
"Notgonnachange" – Swing Out Sister
"Time Will Tell" – Nu Shooz
"Because of Love" – Janet Jackson
"Love Hangover" – Diana Ross
"Let Me Wake Up In Your Arms" – Lulu
"Bring Me Love" – Andrea Mendez
"Rock with You" – Michael Jackson
"Scream" (remixed by Knuckles and David Morales) – Michael Jackson
"Thriller" (remixed by Knuckles and David Morales) – Michael Jackson
"You Are Not Alone" – Michael Jackson
"Closer Than Close" – Rosie Gaines
"Un-Unbreak My Heart" – Toni Braxton
"I Don't Want To" – Toni Braxton
"Sunshine" – Gabrielle
"Baby I" – Ariana Grande
"I'm Going to Go" – Jago
"Blind" – Hercules & Love Affair
"You've Got the Love" – The Source featuring Candi Staton
"Million Dollar Bill" – Whitney Houston
"Forever Came Today" – The Jackson 5 (Released On The Remix Suite)
"Wrong" – Depeche Mode
"Don't Wait" – Mapei
"Reflections" – Isabel Rose
"If I Fall" – Myon & Shane 54 with Cole Plante
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phgq · 5 years
Papal Nuncio shows solidarity with NegOr people amid killings
#PHnews: Papal Nuncio shows solidarity with NegOr people amid killings
DUMAGUETE CITY – The Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines, Archbishop Gabriele Giordano Caccia, has expressed solidarity with the people of Negros Oriental amid the spate of killings that have rocked the relatively peaceful province in recent months.
Archbishop Caccia was on a two-day trip here since Monday for a series of activities in line with his pastoral visit to the Diocese of Dumaguete, and to attend the founding day anniversary of St. Paul University - Dumaguete.
In an interview on Monday evening, the Papal Nuncio said: “First of all, as a message of solidarity for the family of the victims, we always pray for any people who (have) lost (their) life, and we want to express solidarity, sorrow, condolences, to those who are affected.”
Caccia, however, said that violence is not the answer to end conflict.
“We realize that violence is never the answer to the problems, and so find a better solution to solve the problem but keeping also the possibility of the people to change, to start anew,” the 61-year old Italian diplomat from the Holy See said.
Caccia said he believes in giving people who have gone astray a second chance to change.
“For instance, in the family, when somebody is errant, it is possible to help that person in need to “recover his dignity in the right way and so we always have to be open and positive in helping them,” he said.
“This is also what the Lord demands from all of us,” he added.
The Nuncio gave his reaction to a message earlier delivered by Dumaguete Bishop Julito Cortes during the testimonial dinner with the Dumaguete clergy in his honor, thanking him for his pastoral visit and briefly speaking about the state of affairs in the diocese and in the province.
“As you conclude your pastoral visit, Your Excellency, we wish that you continue to keep us in your prayers,” Cortes told the Apostolic Nuncio.
“The island of Negros, very recently, has witnessed unspeakable violence, that of families, for example, being awakened in the middle of the night and later finding some of their loved ones dead at the break of day; some persons shot in cold blood for still to be discovered reasons; and several killed because of their links with drugs.”
Cortes went on to say that since Caccia had previously lived in Lebanon as Papal Nuncio for seven to eight years, he must have come across violent incidents and conflicts among different sectors in society.
“Your insights, therefore, on how we may proceed with our work of evangelization even as we respond to threats (to) peace and justice will be most valuable to us,” the Dumaguete prelate said.
With the series of violence and killings not only in Negros Oriental but in Negros Occidental as well, the four bishops of the island had issued a collegial statement calling for an end to the spate of killings.
To date, an Oratio Imperata, a special prayer written for this specific purpose, is still being prayed at the end of each mass, particularly on Sundays.
Caccia’s pastoral visit included whistle stops at the St. John Vianney Clergy House, the St. Joseph Seminary College, the Carmelite Monastery, and the newly-constructed building for the seminary’s Propaedeutic Formation (pre-college), all in nearby Sibulan town.
The Papal Nuncio also motored to Tanjay City to lead the blessing and inauguration of the Museo Eclesiastico de Tanjay at St. James, The Greater Parish, the oldest parish in the diocese.
In the afternoon, he also visited the St. Augustine of Hippo Parish in Bacong town, which was declared by the National Museum as a National Cultural Treasure, after which he presided over a concelebrated mass at the Cathedral of St. Catherine of Alexandria in this capital.
He met briefly with different audiences at each stop, and addressed them, mostly speaking about Pope Francis’ messages of hope, love, faith, and peace.
The Nuncio also distributed copies of the Holy Father’s latest Apostolic Exhortation, “Christus vivit”, addressed mainly to young people, highlighting that “Christ is alive.”
He also handed out photos of Pope Francis with a prayer at the back, as he urged the people to always remember to pray for the Holy Father. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "Papal Nuncio shows solidarity with NegOr people amid killings ." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1084550 (accessed October 30, 2019 at 03:47AM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "Papal Nuncio shows solidarity with NegOr people amid killings ." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1084550 (archived).
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riverdamien · 5 years
Little by Little
The Feast of St. Francis Little by Little . "But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For he himself is our peace, who has made us both one and has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances, that he might create in himself one new person in place of the two, so making peace, and might reconcile us both to God in one body through the cross, thereby killing the hostility." Ephesians 2:13-16 There were two incidents in my childhood which have guided my life. They transformed my life. One evening at sunset when I was six, my family and I were driving through Sequoia Park in Southern California, on the edge of the road we viewed a person sitting, looking worn out. My dad finding him homeless, took the gentleman to a nearby motel and paid for his room, and the second was in Memphis when I was nine, we were coming out of a down town hotel, and another homeless person approached my dad for money. Again my dad fed her. These two incidents haunted me as I attended seminary, ordained, and served middle class churches; and suddenly I found myself on the streets, because of being "intrinsically evil" as the Church described being queer, and in that journey encountered St. Francis, and Dorothy Day, both of them seeped into my very being, their words of living a life of simplicity, seeing everyone as equals, without reference to any of our man made guidelines, respect for nature, and of living with those who have so little. My call to ministry began at six in Sequoia Park, I was reminded of that call at nine in Memphis, and at twelve, the call was confirmed in the warming of my heart at camp, and through the years since each day little by little am reminded that being a priest is "being a keeper of the mysteries", not about prestige, nice clothes, but about little by little moving into the presence of God. It is not a job, but at the heart of who I am, shaped by God from birth. To me being a priest means to walk with people where they are, to suffer with them, and to remind them of the God who loves them for who they are, and for no matter what they do. It means getting my hands dirty and not worrying about my reputation. Reputation, praise, being known, comes and goes, but in the words of a friend "There is no integrity in compromise." For in my journey we have learned the meaning of the unknown author: "The street transforms every ordinary day into a series of quick questions and every incorrect answer risks a beat down, shooting or pregnancy." This is where the ministry of Temenos Catholic Worker walks, and this is where our ministry lives and breathes. There are risks, beat downs, pain, but in all of it there is so much joy and fulfillment. St. Francis taught that Christmas was our primary holiday because when Jesus was born, the incarnation became one with humanity, the poorest of the poorest, and Easter was the triumph of his humanity in that through his suffering he walked with humanity to his fullest. Little by little Jesus showed us the glory of God's love. Jesus knows what it is to be homeless, because he was homeless, he knows what it is to hurt, and to suffer, and to die, because he has had those experiences. Jesus walks with us in people like Dorothy, Francis, and all who touch the lives of people without judgment. On this Feast Day of St. Francis, we came to San Francisco, and handed out our first piece of piazza, which has now become thousands, and we continue to walk little by little, and our prayer is that we can become as Dorothy, and Francis, and that we can become like the "Velveteen Rabbit", torn, worn out, as we give our lives to people. "Glory to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, world without end, as it is now and forever shall be. Amen." Witness "Saint Francis freely gave himself – all that he had and all that he was – to God, asking only to be an instrument of God’s peace in the world. He wanted nothing for himself, all for God. Never have we seen such devotion, never have we witnessed such profound joy, never have we been touched by so deep a love.We recall him with thanksgiving today, and ask God for the grace to be shining lights to our own generation, as Francis was to his" -Br. David Vryhof "Your true identity is as a child of God. This is the identity you have to accept. Once you have claimed it and settled in it, you can live in a world that gives you much joy as well as pain. You can receive the praise as well as the blame that comes to you as an opportunity for strengthening your basic identity, because the identity that makes you free is anchored beyond all human praise and blame. You belong to God, and it is as a child of God that you are sent into the world." Fr. Henri Nouwen Father Henri Nouwen ------------------------------------------- Home Coming-Twenty Fifth Anniversary Celebration of the Ministry of Temenos Worker and Father River Damien Sims Saturday, October 6, 2019 6:30 p.m. Celebration of Holy Communion-Open to all--Saints and Sinners--most especially Sinners (Non-Alcoholic Wine/Gluten Free Wafers) Followed by a Banquet of Slow Cooker Brown Sugar Ham Southern Green Beans Sweet Potato Casserole Memphis Style Coleslaw Punch Dessert Sara Solis, Daughter of Sue Haines who is the author of ARE YOU SUSAN? will give a short presentation -------------------------------------------------- Auction of an autographed copy of Sister Helen Prejean's new book: River of Fire to be held through December 15. If you would like to make a bid of no less than $50.00 please email or text us. Money to go to the St. Luke's Episcopal Discretionary Fund, which provides for people in need who come to their door. ----------------------------------------------------- Fr. River Damien Sims, sfw, D.Min., D.S.T. P.O. Box 642656 San Francisco, CA 94164 www.temenos.org 415-305-2124
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itsjaybullme · 7 years
The Best Gifts for the Movie & TV Fanatic: Holiday 2017
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1. Adult Swim In A Box
Courtesy of Adult Swim
For some shows, continuity isn’t as important as the experience. So maybe the best way to watch the bizarre, other-worldly comedy of Adult Swim isn’t to binge watch a series from start to finish, but to sample a little bit of everything AS has to offer. "Adult Swim In A Box" has you covered. This 13-DVD set—which says “Cash Grab” on the back of the box—presents Seasons One of Metalocalype and Moral Orel, Seasons Two of Sealab, Robot Chicken, and Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Season 3 of Space Ghost, and a bevy of pilot episodes. Microwave some popcorn and be sure to invite over your weirdest friends.
$55.57, amazon.com
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2. 'Planet Of The Apes' Trilogy, 4K
Courtesy of Fox
The new Planet of the Apes Trilogy should be taught as a case study in how to properly reboot a beloved franchise. These movies forge new ground without ruining what made the originals so great. This six-disc set presents each of the films of the new Apes trilogy: Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and War for the Planet of the Apes, in 4K and HD Blu-ray, plus a digital token so you can take all of them to go. (A Blu-ray + Digital trilogy is also available, nixing the 4K and knocking 20 bucks off the price). Each film gets its own black plastic shell, and all three shells fit inside a matte-finished slipcase with raised detailing that you can display on a shelf from either end—film artwork on the box side, or all three movie titles on the disc side. Includes a mini foldout Planet of the Apes poster.
$59.99, bestbuy.com
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3. DC Gallery Bat-Signal Prop
Courtesy of DC Comics
Now you can turn any man cave into a proper Bat-Cave with the ultimate Bat-Signal lamp. You might be tempted to get this as a desk ornament, but it’d better be a damn big desk. This thing is lightweight for its size, but it’s still big: nearly 13 inches tall, 9 inches wide, and 8 inches deep, which is sizable enough to serve as a focal point in most rooms. It’s seriously powerful, too, and in a dark room can project a picture-perfect Bat-Signal onto any flat surface up to eight feet away. It rotates 180 degrees on top of its faux granite (but surprisingly sturdy) base. It powers on via a USB cord or three AA batteries installed underneath. The best part: it comes with three interchangeable Bat-Symbols—one pulled from Tim Burton films, one from Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, and a traditional “Knightfall” symbol from the comics—which easily install on the lamp face via magnets. DC is only making 5,000 of these, so if you want to get your hands on one, you might want to pull the trigger soon or risk markups at conventions and auction sites.
$300, purchase info at dccomics.com
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4. 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind' 4K Box Set
Courtesy of Sony
For fans of Steven Spielberg’s seminal sci-fi classic about contacting alien visitors, this is the ultimate treat: not only has the film been remastered, but you have the option of watching the theatrical cut, director’s cut, or special editions in 4K or on regular Blu-ray. The three-disc set includes a disc of bonus features, plus a glossy visual history booklet with lots of behind-the-scenes shots of iconic moments and Spielberg hard at work. The box itself makes a killer display piece. A ribbon of artwork from the film’s climactic scene stretches across the front; press a button on the side of the box and it lights up and plays the five unmistakable musical notes that every fan has burned into their brains.
$48.59, amazon.com
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5. 'Die Hard' Nakatomi Plaza Gift Set
Courtesy of Sony
Includes all five Die Hard movies on Blu-ray and digital, plus villain cards, and a making-of booklet—all in a box set that tucks away into the base of a model of Nakatomi Plaza. The model stands 15 inches tall and sports some nice detailing, including the Nakatomi logo in front. Set it up on the shelf in your office and people will might think you’re an architect…then they’ll get close and realize you’re just a movie nerd.
$79.88, amazon.com
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6. 'Firefly': The Complete Series: 15Th Anniversary Collector’s Edition
Courtesy of Fox
The cancelled show that was so beloved that fans demanded and got a movie after it was gone, is back once again. Fox has just re-released Joss Whedon’s western-styled sci-fi romp in its entirety. This 15th Anniversary Collector’s Edition Blu-ray set features all 14 original episodes on three discs, nine character cards, and a fold-out map of the United Alliance of Planets. The price makes this one a no-brainer. Twenty bucks? How can you say no?
$19.99, amazon.com
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7. 'The Godfather' Trilogy: Omerta Edition
Courtesy of Paramount
It’s been 45 years since Francis Ford Coppola’s masterpiece The Godfather hit the big screen. To celebrate, Paramount is making a limited run of 45,000 copies of this Godfather Trilogy Omerta Edition box set. The box is eye-catching for your book shelf or entertainment center, coated in matte white with gold lettering and artwork. This four-disc set comes with all three films mastered on high definition Blu-ray, plus a bounty of extras, including quote cards, trivia cards, character portraits, an “anatomy of a scene” foldout that breaks down the infamous restaurant scene from the original script, magnets that let you rearrange classic quotes on your fridge, plus a disc full of bonus features. All three films can be watched with feature-length commentary by Coppola.
$34.99, amazon.com
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8. 'Justice League' Movie Statues
Courtesy of DC Comics
The long-anticipated release of Justice League gave DC Collectibles cause to recreate all six superheroes involved in the big screen team-up in lifelike detail in these gorgeous, 12” poly-resin statues. Take your pick of Superman, Batman (in tactical suit), Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, and Cyborg. The statues are solidly constructed and pack some considerable heft, requiring an included base emblazoned with “JL” to stand free. DC Collectibles is making only 5,000 of each character, but you can get your hands on Cyborg and a few other DC goodies by entering our exclusive giveaway HERE. 
$150, purchase info at: dccomics.com
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9. 'Men In Black' Trilogy, 4K
Courtesy of Sony
It’s been 20 years since the first Men In Black film hit theaters and every sci-fi comedy made since owes it a debt of gratitude. To celebrate, Sony has remastered all three films in 4K and collected them in this six-disc box set, which includes regular Blu-ray versions of each film and a digital download key. The trilogy hit a rough spot with the 2002 sequel, but the original film remains a classic, and Men In Black III marked a fine return to form. Well worth taking the plunge and getting them all.
$59.99, bestbuy.com
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10. Marvel Legends Series Mjolnir Electronic Hammer
Courtesy of Disney
“Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” Now, if you have 100 bucks to burn, you can be worthy, too. As a pure display piece, this model of Thor’s hammer, Mjolnir, might be worth it. It’s five pounds and measures almost 20 inches tall, is etched with gorgeous Norse designs around its edges, and sits in a dock that props it up at an angle. The handle, wrist-strap, and pommel all bear details that make it look MCU-worthy. But when you pick it up and swing it around it starts spewing thunder sound effects and the edges of the hammer light up blue to simulate lightning. Speak the word “Thor” and the symbol of Odin appears on the side.
$99.99, toysrus.com
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11. Sphero R2-D2 App-Controlled Droid
Courtesy of Disney
Shockingly well-made. That’s the most succinct review we could offer here. Standing six-inches tall and perfectly resembling the detail and proportion of the famous R2 unit who appears in every Star Wars film, this app-controlled droid can mimic every sound and movement you know so well (Episode II’s jet thrusters notwithstanding). This is all easily controlled through the app, which you can download for free from the Apple or Google Play store. The app gives you control not only over all the aforementioned special effects, but offers patrol mode, AR mode, and watch mode, where R2 will chime in appropriately if you happen to be watching Episodes IV, VII, or Rogue One (functionality for the other films in the saga is on the way). When at rest, R2 stands on two legs. When you connect to the app, his retractable front center tread descends and he leans back, ready to roll. Be sure to give him some space, too, because he can roll pretty fast. It should be noted, too, that this droid is big step up from Sphero’s BB-8 droid, released in advance of The Force Awakens in 2015. While the BB-8 droid was similarly authentic and worked well, the sphere robotics were a little more complex and a little less practical. It wasn’t unusual, for instance, for BB-8 to get stuck in the corner and for his magnetic head to pop off. This R2 unit is twice the size and twice as stable when roaming around your home or office.
$179, bestbuy.com
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12. 'Samurai Jack': The Complete Series
Courtesy of Adult Swim
Thirteen years passed from the end of Season 4 in 2004 to the climactic Season 5 in 2017. That’s a hell of a long wait, but the story of Jack, a samurai thrown into the future, at last has a proper ending. Luckily, Adult Swim isn’t making you wait to collect everything. This box set features all five seasons of Samurai Jack on Blu-ray and digital; that’s 62 episodes spanning almost 23 hours. Since the first four seasons predated the HD era, they’ve been remastered for this set. Happy watching.
$104.99, bestbuy.com
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13. 'Spider-Man' 4K Box Sets
Courtesy of Sony
The original Sam Raimi/Tobey Maguire Spider-Man trilogy helped build the foundations of the modern superhero genre, with the second film in the series still standing as one of the best superhero films ever made. Sony has updated all three films in 4K and placed them inside this limited-edition collection, which includes regular Blu-ray versions of each film, plus a bonus disc of features that includes the Editor’s Cut of Spider-Man 3. Sony gave the same attention to Andrew Garfield’s two-film run as the title character in Amazing Spider-Man 1 & 2. Both box sets open like books, with glossy artwork and several pages of backstory on the making of all the films. Whichever iteration you prefer, a lot of love went into the making of these sets. Given the limited production run, any fan of the web-crawler will want to get their hands on one now.
$59.99, original trilogy, bestbuy.com
$44.99, Amazing Spider-Man set, bestbuy.com
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14. 'Star Trek' 50Th Anniversary Box Set
Courtesy of CBS
The complete Star Trek original series has been made available as a box set before, as have the original movies. But getting them all together in one set with the full animated series? That’s what you’ve got here, which is an appropriate way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking sci-fi adventure. This set is massive, spanning 30 Blu-ray discs. In addition to every adventure of the original cast, you get 20 hours of bonus content, including a two-and-a-half-hour documentary on the history of the series. Includes a 50th anniversary Starfleet pin plus art prints commemorating the six films. It’s a must-have for any die-hard fan, and that’s before you consider the price: no matter what retailer you prefer, this bad boy will run you less than 100 bucks.
$91.39, amazon.com
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from Bodybuilding Feed https://www.muscleandfitness.com/features/edge/best-gifts-movie-tv-fanatic-holiday-2017 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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miltlarsen · 7 years
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AUGUST 27 -- A DATE TO REMEMBER YESTERDAY the mail was late and I was working in my shop. Arlene was meeting one of her workers who were delivering some fabulous antique chandeliers and artifacts that are part of a gift from Pauline Francis to add to a moving van of other treasures that will be part of our new Cabaret club in Montecito. Almost every day she has been meeting her contractors at 7:30 AM and spending long hours with them. So why is August 27th a date to remember? I mentioned that the mail was late. Usually in the late morning it got here just before Arlene got home. Usually it’s just a flock of bills and charity requests so I don’t pay much attention to the mail. When Arlene opened it there was a greeting cards looking envelope from one of our dearest friends, Bill Bowers. ‘What was that I asked.” She answered: “Congratulations on your Anniversary.” “Oh, my God! I’ve done it again!! (I also forgot her birthday) I propelled myself to number one on the “World’s Worst Husband” list. I tried to cover but Arlene knew that letter from Bill reminded me of a very important date in my life. Arlene knows I love her, I’m just not good at being a great husband. At 86 years old you are allowed to forget things, but forgetting your wife’s birthday and anniversary is a cardinal sin. Arlene and I were married on this day 28 years ago. We were working together for twenty years before that. So she has pointed out 50th Golden Anniversary of working together is coming up. Mark your calendars Arlene is doing a remarkable job of overseeing her team of workers transforming an old restaurant into great new intimate cabaret devoted to magic and variety. It is a difficult job but she is up to the challenge. We will be sending out information about the club next month. We will be offering pre-opening memberships and are expected to be in full operation in January. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ARLENE A couple of blogs ago I said I was giving myself new deadlines so I would get my little stories to you on a weekly schedule. Well, August has been a crazy month working on our various projects including Arlene and my dealing with the challenges of creating our Magic Castle Cabaret in Montecito. We mourned the passing of one of the great legends in magic, Eugene Burger and also the shocking loss of a personal friend, Dan Price. Dan was a film and theater collector and a regular at our Friday lunches at the Castle. He will be missed. One of the highlights of the month was a private screening of a documentary about one of our very supporting members Rose Marie. She stared in vaudeville and then became the seven-year old radio wonder “Baby Rose Marie.” Baby Rose grew up to be one of television great comedienne With the Dick Van Dyke Show and a regular on Hollywood Squares. The documentary is a fascinating account of the life of this amazing and still active 93 year old. Our publicist Harlam Boll was one of the producers and it will be released in theatre in the near future. Our favorite magic party of the year is Stan Allen’s MAGIC LIVE! Convention in Las Vegas. It was was sold out and, as always, a magical treat. The Magic Castle was jammed before and after the event. Magicians from all over the worlds converge on Stan’s yearly event at the Orleans Resort and Casino and the Castle is often on visitor’s itineraries. Thanks to John Lovick for his very nice review of Carol Marie’s new tour book: “Magic Castle: Beyond the Smoke and Mirrors Smoke and Mirrors.” The book is available at the Castle gift shop and Carol and I can usually be found at the Owl Bar on Wednesday nights if you enjoy the idea of signed copies. Also Amazon has moved us up to a best selling level. They still have a few of our hard cover books. Because of the quality of the new book our supply didn’t meet the demand on the hard cover books.
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nicoleboyle-blog · 7 years
It began with an investigation into Robert Frank’s The Americans. Arguably one of the most well known photography books. The Americans— Robert Frank The Book Due to Franks venture away from conventional photographic practice, he initially had a hard to securing an American Publisher. First Published in Paris, France in 1958 by Robert Delpire. It was included as apart of the Encyclopédie Essentielle series. Also included was writings by William Faulkner, Erskine Caldwell, Henry Miller, Simone de Beauvoir and John Stienbeck. In 1959 ‘The Americans’ was published by Grove Press (with the text removed from the original french edition). An Introduction by Jack Kerouac, a Beat Poet, was added along with simpler captions. Frank and Kerouac met outside a party one night in New York in ’57. After seeing some of Franks photos, Kerouac said “SureSure I can write something about these pictures,” giving us the introduction to the US edition of The Americans Monograph Images were selected by Frank. He edited his collection of 27,000+ down to about 1,000 work prints. Than he spread them across the floor of his studio and tacked them to the walls for a final edit. In the end he selected 83 Images. Copy in library, New Edition from 2008 Published by Steidl as a celebration of the Books 50th anniversary Frank himself supervised every aspect of this new edition, including approving every page that rolled off the presses. He even re-cropped many of the photos, usually including more of the image than before. A single image on the Right page, the caption is located on the adjoining left page. Often the captions are just the locations. Context With references from Walker Evans and and Edward Steichen, Frank applied for a Guggenheim fellowship proposing to create an "observation and record of what one naturalized American finds to see in the United States." Frank was Swiss Born bought a used Ford and headed out. Over two years, he road tripped around America, his family with him at times. During his trip, Frank shot 767 rolls of film yielding about 27,000 images. His trip included, New Jersey Chicago South Carolina New Orleans Detroit New York City Montana Los Angeles Pennsylvania Ohio Connecticut Nevada Florida New Mexico Arkansas He was thrown in Jail for three days after being stopped by the police who accused him of being a communist reasons—he was shabbily dressed, he was Jewish, he had letters about his person from people with Russian sounding names — he had foreign whiskey on him — his children had foreign sounded names (Pablo & Andrea) The Response to Book Unarguably revolutionized photography Kerouac said, “Robert Frank…he sucked a sad poem right out of America onto film, taking rank among the tragic poets of the world.” Ed Ruscha "I'd never seen anything like it,Robert Frank came out here and he just showed that you could see the USA until you spit blood.” Joel Meyerowitz "It was the vision that emanated from the book that led not only me, but my whole generation of photographers out into the American landscape in a sense — the lunatic sublime of America,” Jim Casper “I love the range of images Frank captured in the two years he took to make this book. He seems to have experienced the quintessential America of the mid 1950s. When you read the photos in this book, he takes you on a wild cross-country ride.. Article by NPR, Tom Cole 2009— “The Americans showed a different America than the wholesome, non confrontational photo essays offered in some popular magazines. Frank's subjects weren't necessarily living the American dream of the 1950s…”
After reading the introduction to The Americans, several times, I was interested in the author, Jack Kerouac. Following the theme of an American road trip, Kerouac’s On the road is an undeniable fit. “ The book was largely autobiographical and describes Kerouac's road-trip adventures across the United States and Mexico with Neal Cassady in the late 40s and early 50s, as well as his relationships with other Beat writers and friends.” After several film proposals dating from 1957, the book was finally made into a film, On the Road (2012), produced by Francis Ford Coppola and directed by Walter Salles. Kerouac, Jack. On the Road. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.
(come back to add more on Film and book— am in process of reading)
Other movies about Road Trips (In the process of watching) Thelma and Louise Bonnie and Clyde Easy Rider Into the Wild
Other Literary Works about Road Trips Wild by Cheryl Strayed Blue Highways by William Least Heat-Moon, 1982 http://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/great-road-trips-in-american-literature-42769879/https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2015/07/24/mapped-five-of-the-best-road-trips-from-literature/?utm_term=.a2a50e93958d
Photographers centered around American Road Trip Robert Frank Ed Rusha Inge Morath Garry Winogrand William Eggleston Lee Friedlander Joel Meyerwitz Jacob Holdt Stephen Shore Bernard Plossu Victor Burgin Joel Sternfeld Shinya Fujiwara Alec Both Todd Hido Ryan McGinley Justine Kurland R
A Short History of the Long Road by David Campany
http://time.com/3998949/road-trip-history/ It’s about the early starts of the now iconic American Road Trip. Initially cars were expensive, gas stations were few and far between but by the time of the 20’s the land started to take shape to what we know today.
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symbianosgames · 7 years
The following blog post, unless otherwise noted, was written by a member of Gamasutra’s community. The thoughts and opinions expressed are those of the writer and not Gamasutra or its parent company.
[Video Game Deep Cuts is a weekly newsletter from curator/video game industry veteran Simon Carless, rounding up the best longread & standout articles & videos about games, every weekend. This week's highlights include the history of Nolan Bushnell's Chuck E Cheese arcade restaurants, the backstory of Fallen London, and lots more.
Just a quick update this week, because I have to pop out of town for the weekend, but a small anecdote. I was consulting a very nice lawyer on something this week, and everything went great.
But on the way out - he knows I work around games - he said 'Just one thing - how do I get a NES Classic?'. Sigh - supply and demand fail on the highest scale, there. :P
- Simon, curator.]
Game Freak Is More Than Just A Pokémon Developer (Brian Ashcraft / Kotaku) "Game Freak is best known for one thing: Pokémon. But while they created the iconic franchise, Game Freak isn’t afraid to let its developers get their sea legs making non-Pocket Monster games on non-Nintendo hardware. That’s why, in the past few years, Game Freak has released a number of totally original titles on platforms you might not expect."
Fostering VR teamwork in 4-player Star Trek Bridge Crew (Phil Hornshaw / Gamasutra) "As a Star Trek fan, it’s hard not to get excited about the chance to slip on a virtual reality headset and find yourself manning a station on the bridge of a starship. That’s what Star Trek Bridge Crew offers players, at least at first."
Clark Tank: Steam trading card changes, Steam Prophet, and Dead Cells! (Ryan Clark / YouTube) "Every second Friday at 1pm Pacific time we stay on top of the latest game industry trends by examining the Steam top 50, scrutinizing the latest Kickstarted games, and by playing the most prominent recent releases. Huge thanks to Ed Freitas taking the original stream and editing it down to create this video! [SIMON'S NOTE: thanks to Ed & Ryan for switching to the most recent streams for the Twitch to YouTube concatenated versions!]"
The Hunger Artists | Little Nightmares (Zach Budgor / Heterotopias) "Svankmajer was on my mind as I played Tarsier’s Little Nightmares, a macabre platformer about Six, a young girl making her way through the knotted bowels of a steamship called the Maw."
Failure to Fame: How Dishonored Saved Arkane Studios (GameSpot / YouTube) "In part 1 of a 3-part series, Arkane discusses their struggles to find success for 12 years, how Dishonored propelled them into the limelight, and helped revive immersive sim RPGs. [SIMON'S NOTE: Also see Part 2 & Part 3 of a v.neat series.]"
PlayStation U.S. boss reflects on birth and rebirth of PlayStation (Brian Crecente / Polygon) "In 2014, riding high on the successful launch of PlayStation 4 and a surprisingly positive, surprisingly unanimous reaction to its E3 showcase the year before, Sony made an unexpected announcement. Jack Tretton, the president and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment of America and in many ways the face of that success, was stepping down."
Racing against collector creep (Jeremy Parish / Retronauts) "Contrary to many recent alarmist reports I’ve seen recently, Tokyo’s retro game stores aren’t completely a desolate wasteland of empty shelves. A few spots in nerd destination Akihabara definitely do have a sort of post-apocalyptic feel to them, but that really only holds true for the the heavily trafficked ones that everyone picks over… primarily Super Potato, and to a lesser degree the Mandarake Galaxy shop in Nakano."
The Casual (but Regal) Swipe: Creating Game Mechanics in Reigns (Francois Alliot / GDC / YouTube) "In this GDC 2017 session, Nerial developer Francois Alliot explains how the Reigns development team gave themselves a set of constraints defined by the swipe-based gameplay they were exploring to help create the tone they wanted to give to the game."
Robots, Pizza, And Sensory Overload: The Chuck E. Cheese Origin Story (Benj Edwards / Fast Company) "In May 1977, a new pizza place opened for business in San Jose, California. At the time, calling it “unique” might have been an understatement. The brainchild of Atari cofounder Nolan Bushnell - and, initially, an arm of that company - it featured entertainment provided by a cast of robotic characters led by a giant cigar-smoking rat with a bowler, buck teeth, and a Jersey accent."
The Complete, Untold History of Halo (Steve Haske / Waypoint) "Somewhat ironically, Halo began from a strategic position, rather than being mapped from the outset as a shooter. The project evolved spiritually as a kind of outcropping from the clotted battlefields of Bungie’s 1997 tactical game Myth, trading a Braveheart aesthetic for more of a Starship Troopers vibe, and then rendering everything in anthill 3D."
Design Q&A: Crafting the heroes of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm (Bryant Francis / Gamasutra) "We wanted to learn a little more about how Heroes of the Storm tweaks and rebalances characters from other franchises and genres. Luckily, Kent-Erik Hagman, lead hero designer on the game, was willing to talk us through the process of conceptualizing, designing, and refining three heroes that show how Blizzard has put its own stamp on the MOBA genre."
Remodeling The Labyrinth (Jeremy Antley / First Person Scholar) "In October and November of 2010, thousands of copies of GMTs Labyrinth: The War on Terror, 2001-? made their way from warehouses in California to distributors and customers around the world. Focusing on the contemporary conflict known as the Global War on Terror, Labyrinth stood in contrast to standard historical fare offered to commercial wargame enthusiasts: conflicts in which dozens, if not hundreds, of years spanned the gulf between player and subject."
Finding Duskers: Innovation Through Better Design Pillars (Tim Keenan / GDC / YouTube) "In this 2017 GDC talk, Duskers creator Tim Keenan explains how his development process focused on building emotional states rather than features, refining the game's vision through experimentation, and building a clear player fantasy."
Internet Trends 2017 (Mary Meeker / Kleiner Perkins / CODE Conference) "[SIMON'S NOTE: this gigantic 355 page .PPT is awaited every year for the depth of its data analysis, and it's interesting this year that there's a big chunk about video games, starting at Slide 80. Some interesting data, some interesting - if perhaps debatable - comparisons of game features and tech innovations, and lots more!]
The Story of Runic Games | A Gameumentary Short Doc (Gameumentary / YouTube) "Gameumentary presents our debut short documentary, The Story of Runic Games. For the past few months, we've been working hard on this video, from our initial pre-production meetings last year, to our principal photography out in Seattle this past March, to the editing and tweaking that we've done just this past week--we've put everything we have into this short-doc."
Analysis: The Consequences of Reducing the Skill Gap (Core-A-Gaming / YouTube) "My best attempt at explaining what's going on with Street Fighter V's direction."
Breaking Out of Prey’s Glass Box (Chris Priestman / Bullet Points Monthly) "Break through the glass—this is Prey’s first lesson. To escape the counterfeit reproduction of Morgan Yu’s apartment you must introduce a wrench to the windows. The glass shatters on impact to leave an irregular shape, cut in jagged lines, tearing a hole into the otherwise convincing simulation of a city held within the windows."
Overwatch’s loot box system is Blizzard’s true masterpiece (Nick Statt / The Verge) "More than anything, the anniversary event illustrates why Blizzard’s business model for Overwatch is such a successful departure for multiplayer shooters — and how it could become the gold standard going forward."
The Killer Groove: The Shadow AI of Killer Instinct (AI & Games / YouTube) "In this video we take a look at the Shadow AI mode released in season 2 of the 2013 Killer Instinct reboot. The shadow system is capable of replicating a players performance in a non-player character after only three matches in the shadow dojo. We take a look at how this system records and acts upon data, but also the challenges faced in creating fighting game AI."
'Fallen London' and the secret to writing an infinite gothic game (Jessica Conditt / Engadget) "Writing a video game is nothing like penning a novel. But writing a never-ending, nonlinear, text-driven video game about a hellish alternate London stuffed with gothic intrigue and nearly a decade of backstory? That's a different beast altogether."
[REMINDER: you can sign up to receive this newsletter every weekend at http://ift.tt/2dUXrva we crosspost to Gamasutra later on Sunday, but get it first via newsletter! Story tips and comments can be emailed to [email protected]. MINI-DISCLOSURE: Simon is one of the organizers of GDC and Gamasutra, so you may sometimes see links from those entities in his picks. Or not!]
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pope-francis-quotes · 5 years
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26th March >> (@Zenitenglish) #PopeFrancis #Pope Francis Visits #Rome’s #Campidoglio (Full Text of All Discourses): ‘May Rome, fertilized by the blood of the Martyrs, be able to draw from its culture, molded by faith in #Christ, the resources of creativity and of charity necessary…’ @virginiaraggi
Pope Francis Visits Rome’s Campidoglio (Full Text of All Discourses)
‘May Rome, fertilized by the blood of the Martyrs, be able to draw from its culture, molded by faith in Christ, the resources of creativity and of charity necessary…’
At 10:30 this morning, the Holy Father Francis went on a visit to Rome’s Campidoglio, the Capitol. On his arrival, Mayor Virginia Raggi welcomed him in the Sixtus IV area, amid the fanfare of the faithful of Vitorchiano.
After arriving on the first floor of the Senatorial Palace, the Pope met briefly with the Mayor’s relatives in the Clock Hall. Then he entered the Mayor’s office and appeared on the balcony, which overlooks the Roman Forums. The Holy Father then talked privately with the Mayor and, at the end, they went together to the Arazzo Hall, where the Vice-Mayor, the Presidents of the Counsellor Groups and Capitol Directors were gathered, to whom Pope Francis gave a copy of the book “Rethink the Future of Relations” with discourses on Europe. The Holy Father then greeted the Capitoline Advisers and the Presidents of Municipalities in the Hall of Flags and signed the Capitoline Golden Book.
Subsequently, the Pope and the Mayor entered the Julius Caesar Hall. Here, introduced by Mayor Virginia Raggi’s greeting address, the Holy Father delivered his address to the Municipal Administrators.
At the end, in thanking the Pope, the Mayor announced the institution of a scholarship and the dedication of the Hall of the Small Protomoteca to Pope Francis’ Encyclical Laudato Si’. Then the exchange of gifts took place. In memory of his visit, the Holy Father gave a mosaic that reproduces the Colosseum and the Pontificate’s medal.
At 12:15 pm, Pope Francis and Mayor Virginia Raggi appeared on the Loggia of the Senatorial Palace. The Holy Father then greeted the citizens gathered in the Capitol’s Square.
At the end, the Pope greeted a representation of the Dependents of the Municipality together with their Families, in the Hall of the Protomoteca. At 12:30 pm, after reaching the Portico del Vignola, the Pope took leave of the Mayor and returned by car to the Vatican.
Here is a translation of the Holy Father Francis’ address to the Capitoline Administrators and his greetings to the Roman citizens and to a representation of Dependents.
* * *
The Holy Father’s Address to the Capitoline Administration
Lady Mayor,
Gentlemen and Ladies Advisers and Counselors of the Municipality of Rome,
Distinguished Authorities, Dear Friends!
I thank the Lady Mayor for her gracious invitation and for the kind expressions she addressed to me. My cordial greeting is extended to the Advisers, the Counselors of the Municipality, to the Representatives of the Government, to the other Authorities present and to all the Roman citizenry.
For a long time, I have wanted to come to the Capitol to meet with you and bring you in person my gratitude for the collaboration, by the city’s Authorities and those of the Holy See, on the occasion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, as well as for the celebration of other ecclesial events. These, in fact, by their orderly unfolding and their good outcome are in need of your availability and qualified work, administrators of this City, witness of a history stretching back centuries and that, welcoming Christianity, became in the course of centuries the center of Catholicism.
Rome is the homeland of an original concept of law, modeled on the wise practice of its people and through which it has irradiated the world with its principles and its institutions. It’s the city that recognized the value and beauty of philosophy, of art and, in general, of the culture produced by the ancient Hellas, which it received and integrated to the point that the civilization that sprang from it was rightly defined Greco-Roman. At the same time, by a coincidence that it’s difficult not to call by design, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul crowned their mission here with martyrdom, and their blood, united to that of so many other witnesses, was transformed into seeds of new generations of Christians. They contributed to give a new face to the City, that, even in the tangle of alternate historical vicissitudes, with their dramas, lights and shadows, still shines today because of the richness of the monuments, of the works of art, of the churches and palaces, all set in an inimitable way on seven hills, of which this is the first.
In its almost 2,800 years of history, Rome has been able to welcome and integrate different social and economic categories, without annulling the legitimate differences, without humiliating or crushing their respective peculiar characteristics and identity. Rather, it has given each one of them that fertile ground, that humus appropriate to have the best of each one emerges, and to give form — in mutual dialogue — to new identities.
This City has welcomed students and pilgrims, tourists, refugees and migrants from every region of Italy and from many countries of the world. It has become pole and pivot of attraction. Pivot between the continental north and the Mediterranean world, between the Latin civilization and the Germanic, between the prerogatives and the powers reserved to the civil powers and those proper to the spiritual power. It can even be affirmed that, thanks to the force of the evangelical words, that provident distinction was inaugurated here, in mutual and collaborative respect for the good of all, between the civil and religious authority, which is conformed better to the dignity of the human person and offers it areas of freedom and participation.
Therefore, Rome became the goal and symbol for all those that, recognizing it as capital of Italy and center of Catholicism, have set out towards it to admire the monuments and the traces of the past, to venerate the memories of the Martyrs, to celebrate the main feasts of the Liturgical Year and the great jubilee pilgrimages, but also to offer their work at the service of the Institutions of the Italian Nation or of the Holy See.
Hence, in a certain sense Rome obliges the temporal and spiritual power to dialogue constantly, to collaborate stably in mutual respect; and it requires also to be creative, both in the daily weaving of good relations, as well as in addressing numerous problems, which the management of such an immense inheritance brings necessarily with it. The “Eternal City” is like an enormous coffer of spiritual, historical-artistic and institutional treasures and, at the same time, it is the place inhabited by close to three million people that work, study, pray, encounter one another and carry forward their personal and family history, and that are in their ensemble the honour and effort of every administrator, of anyone who commits him/herself for the common good of the city.
It is a delicate organism, which needs humble and assiduous care and creative courage to keep itself orderly and liveable, so that so much splendour isn’t degraded, but to the cumulus of past glories the contribution can be added of the new generations, their specific genius, their initiatives and their good projects.
The Capitol, together with Michelangelo’s Cupola and the Colosseum, — which can be seen from here — are in a certain sense its emblems and synthesis. In fact, the whole of these vestiges tells us that Rome has a universal vocation, is bearer of a mission and of an ideal suitable to cross over mountains and seas and to be narrated to all, close and far, to whatever people they belong, to whatever language they speak and to whatever colour their skin is. As See of the Successor of Peter, it is a point of spiritual reference for the entire Catholic world. Well explained, therefore, is that the Agreement of Revision of the Concordat between Italy and the Holy See — of which this year is the 235th anniversary is observed — affirms that “the Italian Republic recognizes the particular significance that Rome, bishopric of the Supreme Pontiff, has for Catholicism: (Article 2, paragraph 4).
This peculiar historical, cultural and institutional identity of Rome postulates that the Capitoline Administration is made able to govern this complex reality with appropriate normative instruments and a congruent equipment of resources.
Even more decisive, however, is that Rome is kept at the height of its tasks and its history, that even in today’s changeable circumstances it be able to be beacon of civilization and teacher of hospitality, that it not lose the wisdom that is manifested in its capacity to integrate and make each one feel fully participant in a common destiny.
The Church that is at Rome wishes to help Romans to rediscover the meaning of belonging to such a peculiar community and, thanks to the network of her parishes, schools and charitable institutions, as well as to the ample and praiseworthy commitment of voluntary work, collaborates with the civil powers and with all the citizenry to maintain this city’s most noble face, its sentiments of Christian love and its civic sense.
Rome calls for and merits the effective, wise <and> generous collaboration of all; it merits that both private citizens as well as the social forces and public institutions, the Catholic Church and the other religious Communities, all put themselves at the service of the good of the city and of the people that dwell in it, especially those that for whatever reason find themselves on the margins, almost discarded and forgotten, or who experience the suffering of sickness, of abandonment and of loneliness.
Forty-five years have passed from that Congress that had as its title: “The Responsibilities of Christians in Face of the Expectations of Charity and Justice in the Diocese of Rome,” better known as the Congress “on the evils of Rome.” It committed itself to translate into practice the pointers of Vatican Council II and agreed to address, with greater awareness, the real conditions of the urban peripheries, where masses of immigrants have arrived from so many countries, of numerous migrants fleeing from wars and misery, who seek to rebuild their existence in conditions of security and a fitting life. Rome, hospitable city, is called to address this epochal challenge in the wake of its noble history; to use its energies to the utmost to welcome and integrate, to transform tensions and problems into opportunities of encounter and growth. May Rome, fertilized by the blood of the Martyrs, be able to draw from its culture, molded by faith in Christ, the resources of creativity and of charity necessary to overcome the fears that risk blocking possible initiatives and courses. These could make the city flourish, unite all in brotherhood and create occasions of development, both civic and cultural, as well as economic and social.
May goodness and charity not be feared! They are creative and generate a peaceful society, capable of multiplying the strengths, of addressing problems seriously and with less anxiety, with greater dignity and respect for each one and to open to new occasions of development.
The Holy See wishes to collaborate increasingly and better for the good of the City, at the service of all, especially of the poorest and most disadvantaged, for the culture of encounter and for an integral ecology. It encourages all its institutions and structures, as well as all the people and the communities that form reference to it, to commit themselves actively to witness the efficacy and attraction of a faith that makes itself work, initiative, and creativity at the service of the good.
Therefore, I formulate best wishes that all may feel fully involved to attain this objective, to confirm with clarity ideas and strength in daily witness of the best traditions of Rome and its mission, and so that this fosters a moral and spiritual rebirth of the City.
Lady Mayor, dear friends, at the end of my intervention. I wish to entrust to the protection of Mary, Salus Populi Romani and of the Holy Patrons Peter and Paul each one of you, your work and the good resolutions that animate you. May you be in agreement at the service of this beloved City, in which the Lord has called me to carry out <my> episcopal ministry. I invoke upon each of you from my heart an abundance of divine blessings and I assure all of my remembrance in prayer. Thank you for your hospitality!
[Original text: Italian] [Working Translation by ZENIT’s Virginia Forrester]
The Holy Father’s Greeting to the Capitoline Dependents with Their Families:
Dear Friends,
At the conclusion of my visit to the Capitol, I’m happy to greet you who are, in a certain sense, the structure of the municipal organization. I thank you for your welcome and I’m grateful for all that you did to prepare this day. The greater part of the work you do is not of the sort that makes news. Behind the scenes, your daily commitment make possible the ordinary activity of the Municipality in favour of the citizens and of the many visitors that come every day to Rome. With your work, you make an effort to meet the legitimate needs of Roman families, which depend in many aspects on your solicitude: be aware of such great responsibility! You are workers in the field, functionaries, employed in various offices and in many departments of the public administration, cleaners, maintenance and security personnel. Thank you for all that you do!
Your silent and faithful work contributes not only to the improvement of the City, but also has great significance for you personally, because the way we work expresses our dignity and the type of person we are.
I encourage you to continue your activity with generosity and trust, at the service of the City of Rome, of its inhabitants, of the tourists and of the pilgrims. I will pray for you and for your families, and I ask each one of you, please, to remember to pray for me. May God bless you all.
[Original text: Italian] [ZENIT’s working translation by Virginia M. Forrester]
The Holy Father’s Greeting to the People of Rome
Dear Romans, good morning!
As your Bishop I usually meet you at Saint Peter’s, at Saint John’s, or in the parishes . . . Today it’s given to me to address and greet you from the Capitol, cradle of this City and beating heart of its administrative and civil life. Thank you for your presence and thank you for the affection you have for the Successor of Peter!
The Church that is at Rome, in keeping with the known expression of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, “presides in charity” (Letter to the Romans, Proemio). Therefore, it is the task of its Bishop, the Pope, but also of all Christians of Rome, to work concretely to keep the face of this Church always luminous, reflecting the light of Christ, which renews hearts. Those that don’t share our faith also find a place in the Pope’s heart: my spiritual closeness is for all, and my encouragement to be every day “craftsmen” of fraternity and solidarity. As so many people throughout the world, you also, citizens of Rome, are concerned about the wellbeing and education of your children; you have at heart the future of the planet, and the type of world we’ll leave to the future generations. However, today, and every day, I would like to ask each one of you, in keeping with his/her capacities, to take care of one another, to be close to one another, to respect each other. Thus, you embody in yourselves the most beautiful values of this City: a united community, which lives in harmony, which acts not only for justice, but in a spirit of justice.
Thank you again for this meeting! I ask the Lord to fill you with His graces and His blessings. And I ask you, please, to pray for me.
Thank you and goodbye!
[Original text: Italian] [ZENIT’s working translation by Virginia M. Forrester]
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