#he doesnt wear socks in his dress shoes either. shame him
strawberry-cowmilk · 2 years
the brothers and shoes
a/n: I have done shoe-related posts before but fashion/shoes is one of my biggest hobbies so here we go again. Also these are just my headcanons, you don't have to agree with what I say. And if I accidentally roast your favorite type of shoe, I'm so sorry in advance.
not proof read
content warnings: none
this man owns at most 3 pairs
and all of them are those classic 'business man who secretly hates his job' type of shoes
like those classic dress shoes and loafers (not the chunky kind)
lucifer's shoes are probably made from some top quality leather too, making them cost around 600 grimm per pair
and he refuses to replace his shoes until they are basically falling apart
he gets shoes from those expensive brands, whether they are the real product or not is up to debate (though he insists they are)
mammon's shoes are mostly sneakers, boots and the occasional slides, maybe he has one pair of oxfords for formal events but other than that, it's all casual wear
also mammon kind of strikes me to be the type to set alarms for those sneaker drops, even if they are at 4 in the morning
levi probably doesnt know what his shoe size is
like he'll buy shoes in two sizes too big and laces them up tight so the shoe doesn't fly off while walking and thinks that's how it's supposed to be
levi doesn't own many pairs, maybe two sneakers, one set of flip flops and one pair of crocs
he probably made custom ruri chan and tsl pins for those crocs too
I've said it before and I'll say it again: satan owns converse and timberlands
imagine satan wearing converse walking into the bookstore with a canvas tote bag
also satan probably owns dad sandals for when it's hot outside and wears them with socks that come halfway up his calves and shorts
yea this dude's style is either 'the mysterious guy reading a book in starbucks' or 'retired dad hosting a bbq party' there's no in-between
he owns basics with a little twist, like platform dr martens oxfords, and straight up statement shoes
yea you won't catch him in shoes half of the devildom also owns
and asmo probably has not a shoe shelf, but a whole shoe wall in his closet
he owns all kinds of shoes, sneakers, boots, heels, you name it
if there's a particular pair he really likes, he will get it in multiple colors
another example of a man who doesn't own many pairs
he has maybe one or two pairs of running shoes and for hot weather either dad sandals or flip flops he stole from the 3-pack levi bought from akuzon with his gift cards
no he doesn't own formal shoes, beel will wear a suit with ancient gym shoes without shame, if the event is really important or formal lucifer will force him to wear a pair of his shoes
most of his shoes are fluffy house slippers actually
but he wanted some boots that could last a solid few years so he got second hand 1460 dr martens
second hand because he knows breaking them in is basically torture (unless you are literally the chosen one) and belphie is in no mood to suffer for shoes
sometimes he steals shoes from either beel or satan though
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mokutone · 2 years
Wasnt gonna submit a kakashi cause i figured youd get a bunch already like ur tags said lol. So if someone else hasnt already suggested him then kakashi for that ask thing :^]
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answers under the cut!
favorite thing about them —there's a lot to love abt kakashi if i'm gonna be honest, but the biggest thing for me is that he DOES care for these kids immensely. he drops by naruto's apartment to give him vegetables, he constantly puts himself in danger to protect the kids, on a couple of occasions he straight up ignores + disrespects the hokage just to listen to naruto ramble about ramen. similarly with yamato—even when sai joins the team, kakashi does make a point of telling sai he's a member of the team, not just Yamato's responsibility, but Kakashi's too...like. he's not great with kids at all. but my god does he try!
least favorite thing about them — 100% the convo with sasuke before sasuke booked it. he fucked that up so royally that i just know the rest of his life he's going to be laying awake in his bed thinking "why did i say that? why did i say any of that? why was my first instinct in that situation to belittle sasuke? Who let me be in charge of children. why did i let myself be put in charge of children." like. it makes sense for him, he really has no children skills, but also im not going to lie thinking about that scene makes me insane. i want to attack kakashi. good god dude, you could've called gai in!! or tenzō!!! why did you say there was nobody in your life who mattered to you. why did you say that to this kid, who like it or not, looks up to you both as a teacher and as the only person left with any attatchment to the uchiha clan + the sharingan, who isn't his murderous brother. i genuinely have to think that he forgot that kids want to be understood, and was just straight up dealing with sasuke as he might a rogue soldier. i'm so. ugh. kakashi... favorite line — "In the Ninja World, those who break the rules are scum, that's true...but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum." its really good for not only understanding kakashi but also the central theme of naruto, but mostly i picked it as my favorite because i remind kate of this when we're playing fortnite + laugh like a hyena afterward. brOTP —okay so. Gai is canonically Kakashi's best friend and i love that so much and respect that and as far as Kakashi is concerned, that is the absolute brotp. If you like Kakashi I think you have to respect this immensely. Gai is without a doubt the most important relationship that Kakashi has!!! they better each other in all ways and they have an undying and complicated friendship built up over decades with trust and dedication.
but also.
this is transparently a Yamato-centric blog, and Kakashi is 100% Yamato's favorite person, so Yamato and Kakashi's friendship is the most important to me personally, even if Yamato is not Kakashi's best friend.
OTP —i'm not a huge ship person, but if i had to pick one it would be kakayamagai nOTP —ehhh?? i'm not a huge ship person. kakaobi puts me on edge a bit i guess? really not my thing. random headcanon — i think his grandmother on sakumo's side was an inuzuka. because of this, after sakumo died, a handful of the inuzuka clan were very adamant that kakashi, by right, should belong to the inuzuka clan as next of kin. kakashi, five years old and freshly traumatized, now the only surviving member of the hatake clan AND incredibly wary of bonds and friendships because he's seen whats happened to sakumo, contested this. they actually got in a legal dispute in front of the hokage. fucking five year old kakashi dully but determinedly saying he's Not going to be an inuzuka, and the inuzuka clan (represented by a headstrong teenage tsume) going "what's is wrong with this ungrateful kid! not every orphan gets this kind of opportunity!" eventually hiruzen sided with kakashi, because hiruzen is morally bankrupt and doesn't care if children raise themselves. once kakashi becomes the 6th hokage, he's subject to occasional visits from tsume where she comes to bully him about visiting the inuzuka compound (under threat of inuzuka clan rebellion without. Peace Talks. over dumplings that kiba's been trying to perfect), and telling him how nice it is to have an inuzuka beneath the hat, and he's just like. ma'am...please...have mercy...
unpopular opinion — i think he would look soooo bad in a suit. he would not look suave or sexy. he could make like the fanciest most well made three piece suit look like a tracksuit he pulled out of the laundry before it went thru the wash. and like. he would! he would delight in that! if you forced this man into a suit, he would purchase one at least two sizes too large for him and hed slump around in it.
he has the hair of a half dried paintbrush, the posture of a puppet with its strings cut, and the general vibe of a dog with a tail between its legs.
not to say that can't be attractive to u if ur into that. its just. u know. he's not going to be james bond if you put him in a suit, u feel me?
he's going to look like a temp who is going to get let go from his accounting firm for making all the cups of coffee from the same keurig pod not realizing that after the first one its just vaguely coffee flavored water, and also for not knowing how to save a file. He probably would know how to save a file but just pretended he didn't to get on somebody's nerves
song i associate with them — Why Can't This Be Easy by Red Vox
So tell me, tell me Why can't this be easy? I've heard it once I've heard it all before So settle down Relax yourself, completely You can't get down if you're always in control
Here out so far It's a long way Long way back I've never been so far before
favorite picture of them
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this one legitimately makes me rlly happy bc like. the original context was funny enough, but since trans naruto tumblr has had fun with it in regard to passing, its SO funny to me!
you pass. 💛
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fredheads · 6 years
fp being invited on an andrews family vacation near the beginning of his and freds friendship and fp maybe has feelings for him but he's not entirely sure yet but he's spending all day watching fred on the beach and god he looks so beautiful with the sun shining down on him, completely in his element. and fred and fp are sharing a room and fred changes in front of him like its nothing and fp can feel his cells vibrating he doesnt know how he's gonna survive the week
Briana I’m screaming!!! you know sunny salty boys is my ab-so-LUTE kink!!!! I'm tearing up thinking about all the possibilities... 
So Artie gets a big bonus at work that spring that none of them were expecting. Could he have used it on sensible things like paying off their debt or finishing some of the work that needed to be done around the house or put it toward making his own life easier? He could have, but instead he looked at that big cheque and decided he was really going to amp up their family vacation instead. Usually they go for a long, cramped, air-tight day trip in the minivan or go down to the moldy old Andrews family cabin but this year they're leaving Riverdale and renting a cottage on a beach! And Fred can bring one (1) friend and instead of said friend just being crammed uncomfortably into the backseat and having to split the vacation budget between Fred and his plus one, whoever Fred chooses is going to vacation in STYLE!! 
When Fred's parents sit him down and tell him the good news he is whooping and hollering and jumping around!! Of course FP is the very first person he thinks to call, despite the fact that they've known each other less than a year! He's running over to the phone so fast and dialing FP's number and jumping up and down waiting for him to pick up!! 
By a miracle FP works it out with his folks and he's impatiently counting the days to go until the June vacation since April first. He's also anxious as hell - what if he spoils everything? What if Fred's parents hate him? What if it all goes wrong??? He's on edge the entire first few days, acting impossibly quiet and polite and never speaking up or giving his input when Fred's parents ask what he wants to do or eat. He's happy to just be along for the ride and watch everything. 
The little beach cottage is BEAUTIFUL - all white wicker furniture and knick-knacks on the shelves and a fireplace - even a staticy TV that Fred's mom shoos them away from - "we're here so you can experience the great outdoors!! don't you dare turn that on!!". The room they share has two twin beds (but if you think they're not cuddled together in one by the time the week was up... you wrong) The cottage sits at the top of a little hill and you walk down the hill to get to your own little sandy beach and you can see the sun rise and set every night. There's a porch that wraps around the cottage where they sit out to eat breakfast. 
Fred packed enough outfits for the whole week but he ends up going home with a whole suitcase of clean laundry. If he's not in his swimsuit he's changing into his swimsuit or he's getting out of the shower with a towel around his waist. His shoes come off at the door and don't go back on. Socks? Forget about it. His chest is always bare and exposed, his feet are always bare, and because he lives in his swimsuit he never has underwear on. If his mom sends him to "get dressed properly" he comes back in a pair of short denim shorts and nothing else. MAYBE a crop top, but as soon as he goes outside into the sun it comes off. He starts wearing a ball cap once he picks up a sunburn on his nose, but because he's swimming so much it's always either soaking wet or off his head. 
Whenever FP wakes up Fred is already up, eating a giant bowl of cereal on the front porch with the sunrise. The same Fred who couldn't make it to school for 8:30am if his life depended on it. Then they're dropping their dishes in the sink and going down to the beach and they don't come back inside until dinner. They're exploring the woods, doing errands like chopping wood for his parents, swimming and swimming and looking for seashells and chasing each other around the sand and going for long walks along the dusty gravel roads and warm beaches. There's no one around, so they sneak in a handhold or two. They find an old rope swing and go nuts on it. Fred's dad builds campfires at night and they roast marshmallows and they go for late night swims. One day it rains and they go for a really damp swim but then there's thunder so they have to stay inside playing board games and Fred's mom makes them soup and they tickle each other on the rug and FP's never been so happy in all his life. 
Most of the time, though, it's sunny and HOT. All the doors and windows of the cottage are open and Fred is always running in and out, leaving sand and wet footprints and random clothing items behind him. He tastes like salt and sand and sweat all of the time and his hair is going golden-brown with the sun and kind of curly at the ends with the sweat and water. His hair is full of sand and his lips are chapped and salty and he's tanning the most perfect golden brown FP's ever seen and his eyebrows are going blonde and his freckles are coming out on his nose and he's always always smiling and running and whooping and FP feels himself coming out of his shell day by day!! Fred's pillow and sheets are covered in sand when he wakes up every morning even though he showers like three times a day and gets all soapy and he doesn't close the door when he does it and it ruins fp's life... 
And Fred has no shame re: changing. On a modest day he's stripping down completely in the middle of their bedroom. (Fred gets totally butt naked when he changes, he can't do one item of clothing off, another one on.) Sometimes he's changing in the kitchen as he's eating or he's just stripping down outside by the beach or in the dead middle of the living room. They both go skinny dipping in the middle of the night. It's then that FP realizes he's feeling things about boys that he's not supposed to feel about boys. 
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