#he can be yours for the low low price of $7 (i make no profit from this
meursaulty · 1 year
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spare malorn found in my house… up for grabs
update: he has been claimed but I may order a few more with improved colors and silver charm <3
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girlactionfigure · 3 months
🔅Sun night - ISRAEL REALTIME - Connect to Israel in Real Time
🔻Today’s peaceful attempts to kill the Jews..
Rockets - Hezbollah - at Even Menachem, Zarit, Shomera, Shtula 
Rockets - Hezbollah - at Hanita
Rockets - Hezbollah - at Sasa, Matat
▪️NETANYAHU SAYS.. “We approved the operation plan for Rafah, including evacuation of the population. We will operate in Rafah, it will take a few weeks.”
▪️ISRAEL CULTURE CONFLICT.. when current discussions over whether to go to hostage negotiations with the extreme  Hamas ran into Shabbat and involved Shas party (charedi) leader Ari Deri, a senior officer made a joke “the hostage team can’t go because it is not Pikuah Nefesh (risk to life) for overriding Shabbat”…
This was IMMEDIATELY reported by the media as “Shas’s Ari Deri says sending the hostage negotiation team shouldn’t happen on Shabbat because it’s not Pikuah Nefesh”.   (Unspoken statement: the charedim care more about Shabbat than about the hostages’ lives.)
Opposition Yesh Atid lead MK Lapid said “if this isn’t Pikuah Nefesh, what is?”
Amit Segel (Ch. 12): it was NOT Ari Deri who said it, it was a senior officer making a joke. And the negotiation team STILL hasn’t received permission to go, showing the delay had nothing to do with Shabbat.
▪️IDF BUILDS.. an observation tower inside Gaza.
▪️HOSTAGE - CEASEFIRE TALKS.. The head of the Mossad will leave for Qatar A political source: "Hamas has climbed high trees, they are preparing to expand the fighting.”
▪️PROTESTS UPDATE.. one of our readers noted that we reported protests in the tens to hundreds by distraught hostage families and supporters, and mainstream publications subsequently reported thousands - as the protests were later taken over by anti-government protestors.  Reader was upset that he understood small protests, and read about bigger ones.  I noted we can only report what’s happening at the time we report - no future news… yet, and that for Israel, this was a small protest vs. when the public is serious about an issue. 
The mainstream media LIVES for maximizing such events - the “if it bleeds it leads” approach. Your nervous eyeballs ARE their business, making them MONEY.  However, recent polls made clear these protests are only slightly supported BUT are being interpreted by our enemies as NATIONAL INSTABILITY, WEAKNESS, INTERNAL DISSENSION.  It is irresponsible and DANGEROUS to play these up.
▪️US CLOUD KOOKOO LAND.. John Kirby, communications for the National Security Council: “We have been watching this very closely and we haven’t seen evidence that Hamas has pilfered off a lot of the humanitarian assistance in a nefarious way. We do not support a major military operation in Rafah without a viable plan to ensure the safety of 1.5 million displaced people.”
▪️NATIONAL REMEMBRANCE DAY CREATED.. 24th of Tishrei aka Oct. 7 will be a national day of remembrance of the massacre, those who were martyred and those who fell defending us all.
▪️BIDEN ANGRY.. (NBC) From “sources”: Biden became angry after receiving low results in public opinion polls in Michigan and Georgia due to the nature in which he is conducting the war in Gaza.
▪️FLOOD WARNING.. danger due to the rainy weather expected in the next two days starting from Monday afternoon until Tuesday 18-19 March, in the southern region. Stay away from stream beds, flood zones, etc.
▪️ECONOMY MINISTER, WAR PROFITEERS.. Puts out a black list of food companies that raised prices during wartime and calls on the Israeli public not to buy products from companies that appear on the blacklist: Strauss, Osem, Wizkosky, Yachin, Zuglobitz, Beit Shita, Achuva, Shistubitz.
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crunchygeeksblog · 27 days
Rapid Profit Machine - Get Free Access Now 2024
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Who is James Neville-Taylor? Get Free Access To The Rapid Profit Machine So, I want to make it crystal clear about who this is really for... Ok, you heard about the rapid profit machine and wanted to know how to get access to the system that is changing peoples lives, then you have just laded on the right page. I am going to show you how to get free access to the system using the link below. ATTENTION: When You Get Started with The Rapid Profit Machine Today, You'll Also Get FREE TRAFFIC Sent To Your Machine That's Generated Over $2,794,245 Online
Who is James Neville-Taylor?
James is a multiple award winning affiliate, multiple 7-figure marketer and international speaker. His programs have created multiple 6 figure success stories and he is driven to help people to Taylor their best life. He holds himself to a very high standard and gives tremendous value in all of his programs, paid and free.
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Get Free Access To The Rapid Profit Machine
RPM Evolved is FINALLY ready! With new income streams, higher converting pages and many new features, this is not the RPM you knew and loved, this is a new beast entirely... Using a new autotag technology, the user can have a full system set up without ever editing anything. Using our unique affiliate marketing system. You can earn from dozens of income streams using one main link that tracks across all the income streams we have. I want to help you get rid of those fears of making money online and make you a success with your very own online business that will stand the test of time… PLUS fill your bank account with real money, when you get started with the RPM system and implement the strategies that actually work. The so-called Gurus don't want you to use this system and RPM funnel because you will start winning with this proven to work system today.
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Let's be honest, there is loads out there that offer you something amazing for an incredibly low price but then stick you into some program that charges your card money every month. Don't worry… This isn't one of them. There's NO hidden fees continuity program
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Listen, I'd hate it if I became just another New Shiny Get Rich Quick Program that never gets seen or even used… No way. What you'll be receiving today… PLUS what you'll be receiving in $4,715 worth of amazing free bonuses… is exactly what you need right now to get extraordinary results.
So, I want to make it crystal clear about who this is really for...
This is FOR YOU if you're sick and tired of constantly buying into new programs and product that promise the world but deliver on nothing, you want a THRIVING online business that runs like clockwork even whilst you're asleep. This is FOR YOU because you are DONE going from new tactic to new tactic and want to cut through all the BS and get something that actually works and does what it says on the box. That's it, plain and simple. This is NOT FOR YOU if you think this is just another get rich quick, you know the kind where they promise you this new push button system or software that will make you a millionaire within the first week and a billionaire in the first month. This might just be the LAST thing you need online to become successful, because everything you need is right here waiting for you inside the RPM system. So if you have been looking to get started in the make money online business, this is you chance. The RPM system is 100% FREE and you can get started right now..
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mamun258 · 5 months
Private non-standard product business
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After so many years of development, the application of private domain has become more and more widespread, and now every store is using private domain. Moreover, everyone’s purpose is more direct and clear, which is to make HE Tuber money and business. If you feel that your private domain is not done well and cannot be monetized, you may wish to read this article and the author’s experience and observations.
When we discuss the private domain again, what business are we talking about?
Private domains include: welfare type, interest type, service type, and online business type.
The welfare type is suitable for products with high purchase frequency and low unit price, such as daily necessities and dry goods. Whether users come to the store or place orders directly online, this type focuses on cheap discounts.
Interest type is more like a self-organizing form, similar to city world, running circle, and fitness circle. Online operations are more suitable for products with high unit prices and long user life cycles, such as knowledge payment and high-end jewelry.
While there is no one size fits all situation, there is one thing they all have in common:
By providing goods and services, we can provide users with emotional value and experiential satisfaction to increase loyalty to group owners and brands. If you feel that business is not easy to do this year, then I have a suggestion: bend down and go pick things up in the private domain. Steel iron may be of great value.
why would you say so? Let me first share my experience and observations:
Beijing Shougang Park, Sanlitun, 798 Art District and other places have fewer tourists in winter. In order to attract more people to check in at these places and maintain the normal operation of permanent stores, the person in charge of the park will plan some market activities.
They invite various small and medium-sized businesses and individuals with entrepreneurial ideas to set up stalls.
This kind of activity kills three birds with one stone.
First, through market activities, the park provides promotional opportunities for participating merchants. Secondly, activities attract more tourists and bring traffic to the park itself. Most importantly, the event can also uncover potential investment and cooperation opportunities for the art district.
Recently, after visiting many parks, I found that among the beverage stalls outside, fruit juices always sell better than ordinary drinks. This made me think: Why do some people choose the latter when faced with a 7-yuan bottle of Coca-Cola and a 15-yuan glass of lemonade in a city walk?
When it comes to non-standard products, on the surface it seems to be linked to personal preferences, tastes, and personality propositions. Just like, some people will pay for an attitude statement on the merchant's cup.
But looking at a deeper level, people's requirements for product personalization and customization are growing, and the market is gradually shifting from standard products to non-standard products, which actually reflects changes in market supply and demand.
Never underestimate both.
Only when you understand the two business models can you find the incremental path that best suits you in the current market environment. It is undeniable that creating surprises for users, making them happy when buying, and buying them value in life is a good business model.
Let’s take a look at the standard products first:
Take Coke as an example, which is considered a typical standard product. From bottle design, to price, and packaging, consumers have a unified understanding of psychology. There is no need to think too much about product differences when purchasing. They are basically the same wherever you buy them.
If you want your standard products to sell well, there are only two things you need to do: open up channels and make small profits but quick turnover.
I have a friend who processes canned products in a factory and sells them as OEM through short video platforms, Duoduo and other online channels.
He said, look at how it is rolled now. 10 boxes of small yellow croakers cost 40 yuan to post. After deducting the store operating costs, there is almost no profit. If the ROI in a month is not good, it is better to work for employees in the end.
This is the business of standard products. You can fight price wars and traffic wars in public scenarios. In the end, users will feel that your products are not as good as competing products, leaving a bad impression.
Let’s look at the non-standard ones:
Take lemonade as an example. Every store has a different method of making lemonade. The proportions of lemons, water, and ice are different. In the same store, two glasses of lemonade may not taste exactly the same.
In terms of price, users will find lemonade priced at 7 to 18 yuan acceptable. If the price of Coke in the market is fixed at 3 yuan, then it will be considered expensive if it exceeds this price.
These minds, anchored by market communications, are difficult to change.
As an entrepreneur, if your goal is to earn 2,000 yuan a day, a bottle of Coke for 7 yuan will sell 285 bottles, while a bottle of lemonade for 15 yuan will only sell 133 cups. The cost of coke may be 2 yuan, and the profit is 5 yuan; the cost of lemonade is also 2 yuan, but the profit is 13 yuan, and the cost of lemonade is more controllable.
So, what conclusion do I want to tell you?
If next year’s market budget is limited and there is no guarantee that your products will sell better in the public domain market, or even have enough profit margin to support team operations, then it is best to use standard products to attract customers and sell customized models in the private domain ecosystem. Niche product.
These words may sound a bit convoluted, but I suggest that you think more about what types of business you want to bet on based on the actual situation of the company. What is your standard product and what is your non-standard product?
Non-standard goods have many values ​​that are difficult to quantify and are difficult to evaluate.
For example:
If doing business in a disciplined manner is likened to "a model student who studies well and graduates successfully", then non-standard people are more like people like "Musk and Zuckerberg" who graduate from middle school and go out to make a career; it starts to look different. Take the common road and discover some unseen scenery as you walk.
However, we can understand non-standard products from the standard product market.
In any business transaction, no matter what you sell, you must first observe the market, conduct experiments, and analyze data. This is not only troublesome, but also requires spending a lot of money to hire consultants.
Nowadays, scientific theories (analytical formulas) and making money are mixed together, which has led to the emergence of many research fields that were previously unthinkable, such as the study of movie trends, business strategies, and the study of online novels and short-term Games or something.
The most bizarre thing is that it also provides five elements and Feng Shui analysis for bosses and individuals. It sounds like a mix of traditional numerology and modern business analysis, giving people a mysterious and modern feeling.
I don’t know how much scientific basis these analyzes have. It seems that some people really believe that it can help them find direction in business decisions, or at least give them some psychological comfort.
Those who create or seek research work know that even if the content consumption market seems difficult to predict, as long as the internal laws of market development are found through scientific theory, market dynamics can be predicted and the next wave of dividends will be determined.
But in my opinion, clients paying expensive consulting fees and blindly worshiping scientific analysis are essentially the same as burning incense, fortune-telling, and asking for fortune-telling. Although they can provide certain guidance, in fact, these studies cannot provide Definitive answer.
Any research is inseparable from a formula:
Physical form (commodity carrier), target audience, practical value; standard products can minimize the knowledge blind spots between each pair of relationships, find large precursors and small precursors, trace the source, and foresee future trends.
I don't know if this is clear enough.
for example:
You want to develop a sports drink. In terms of physical form, taste, color, and packaging design should be considered; the target audience is people who exercise regularly, and the practical value may be to replenish electrolytes and water lost during exercise.
Then, based on the standard product framework, study the characteristics of successful sports drinks on the market, such as the most popular flavors, the most attractive packaging, and the nutritional ingredients that are different from competing products, and then, based on these data, predict your The performance of beverages in the future market to formulate production strategies.
Have you ever thought that non-standard products can break down the formula and make it impossible to infer physical properties, practical value, and target audience? Well, can’t games, novels, and content consumption be studied? no.
Because the success of non-standard products depends largely on two points:
First of all, the practical value comes from the personalized experience needs that vary from person to person, not from the general practical purpose. It could be emotional feelings, aesthetic feelings, social needs, or a mix of other factors.
It is difficult to test demand with a set of standardized methods. Everyone has different feelings, so horizontal comparisons cannot be made. This also means that it is difficult to explain clearly what makes a product popular, and it is even harder to find some general rules based on existing phenomena. Predict what will happen in the future.
To put it simply: Personalization is difficult to figure out and cannot be figured out with a set of rules.
Secondly, non-standard products are reflexive and cannot be defined in a standardized way. People who consume them often pursue novel experiences and like the unprecedented feeling. Once this feeling is made into a standardized product, it loses the most attractive part, such as the old Marvel movies.
This kind of reflexivity, no matter how the experience is derived, is short-lived. If you don’t believe me, take a look at the products derived from limited IP. As the market becomes more popular, everyone will no longer be surprised.
Therefore, in the future environment, companies that produce standard products will not collapse, but a large part of their profits (brand premium, consumption value) will be eaten up by countless small and medium-sized craftsmen.
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tasnimulblog · 5 months
Rapid Profit Machin System
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RPM 3.0 is FINALLY ready! With new income streams, higher converting pages, and many new features, this is not the RPM you knew and loved, this is a new beast entirely... Using a new auto tag technology, the user can have a full system set up without ever editing anything. Using our unique affiliate marketing system. You can earn from dozens of income streams using one main link that tracks across all the income streams we have.
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After Generating Millions Online, I've Created A Foolproof Money Making System, & For a Limited Time You Get It For FREE…
James is a multiple award winning affiliate, multiple 7-figure marketer and international speaker.
His programs have created multiple 6 figure success stories and he is driven to help people to Taylor their best life.
He holds himself to a very high standad and gives trmendous value in all of his programs, paid and free
From: James Neville-Taylor
RPM HQ, United kingdom
Dear Future RPM Superstar:
If you're reading this then you likely know there's plenty of money to be made online ....
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What is the RPM System?
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I personally wish that I had something like this myself when I first started back in 2017.
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I don't want you to have to struggle as I did, I want you to be able to have the chance I never did right now, that's why...
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Let's be honest, there is loads out there that offer you something amazing for an incredibly low price but then stick you into some program that charges your card money every month.
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There's NO hidden fees continuity program - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...
Well, there are actually a few reasons...
​It's my way of giving back from the success I've had...
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ATTENTION: I'd Like To Give You Access TO My Brand New RPM System, ASAP!
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Because with the RPM system you'll never have to worry about wasting your valued time or money again. The only thing to expect with this brand new system is to be showered with immense value that you can take home to the bank.
I personally wish that I had something like this myself when I first started back in 2017.
All I had was people promising me the world if i just bought one more of their products that claimed would make me a super affiliate and millionaire over night.
I don't want you to have to struggle as I did, I want you to be able to have the chance I never did right now, that's why...
There Is NO CATCH!
Let's be honest, there is loads out there that offer you something amazing for an incredibly low price but then stick you into some program that charges your card money every month.
Don't worry... This isn't one of them.
There's NO hidden fees continuity program - and in case you're wondering why I'm doing this...
Well, there are actually a few reasons...
​It's my way of giving back from the success I've had...
​Start making sales from my funnel and system, and when you see how awesome it is, it should get you excited to buy other stuff from me in the future.
Why Time Is Of The Essence...
Here's why...
I don't know how long I can keep giving this away for my proven to work RPM Funnel and system that is easier than anything else out there today. 
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What To Do Next?...
From here it's just finalising the details and getting you inside the RPM system!
Click on the Green button below right now, and we can finally get started!
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I can't wait to see you succeeding with the system in no time.
To your continued Success,
James Neville-Taylor
Listen, I'd hate it if I became just another New Shiny Get Rich Quick Program that never gets seen or even used... No way.
What you'll be receiving today... PLUS what you'll be receiving in $4,715 worth of amazing free bonuses... is exactly what you need right now to get extraordinary results.
So, I want to make it crystal clear about who this is really for...
This is FOR YOU if you're sick and tired of constantly buying into new programs and product that promise the world but deliver on nothing, you want a THRIVING online business that runs like clockwork even whilst you're asleep.
This is FOR YOU because you are DONE going from new tactic to new tactic and want to cut through all the BS and get something that actually works and does what it says on the box. That's it, plain and simple.
This is NOT FOR YOU if you think this is just another get rich quick, you know the kind where they promise you this new push button system or software that will make you a millionaire within the first week and a billionaire in the first month.
This might just be the LAST thing you need online to become successful, because everything you need is right here waiting for you inside the RPM system.
Do this for you, your future, and your business's future... hit the green button below right now and sign up today before the initial free trial launch ends!
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Final Opinion:
In conclusion, I want to say that this is a digital service through which you can grow your business and earn money online. It is a rapid profit machine medium that provides online base services and you can do well if you join it.
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looye29 · 1 year
The Forex market is a complex one that continues to baffle a lot of people. Having said that, if you are reading this review, you’ve already done a bit of homework on your own and have decided to try and see if there are any products out there that might help you make sound financial trading decisions in the Forex market. Here I’m giving you an in-depth review on the 1000PIP CLIMBER SYSTEM, a Forex trading product available via ClickBank and one that sounds promising from the very start. Let’s take a closer look at what it’s worth! The Product The website starts off by saying “The 1000pip Climber Forex System is a state of the art algorithm, designed to make it as easy as possible to succeed at Forex”. This is a Forex-robot – a rule-based Forex investing indicator that does all the complex analysis work for you. It is a system that analyses the market, works out high probability trading opportunities, and sends out signals to you via visual alerts, emails, and texts. It’s a 100% mechanical system that’s already in place – you just need to install it and follow instructions. This system is at work 24/7 as the Forex market, being an international one, operates worldwide across all time-zones, so be prepared to receive alerts even at 2 am! However, you needn’t jump in and invest on every signal (crucial factors like entry price, take profit, and stop loss are stated clearly) that you get; you need to exercise caution and diligence before each trade. My advice here is – invest on what you can afford, never stretch yourself thin! Each risk here is a calculated one with only high opportunities ones being relayed to you, but there are the chance losses too, so just evaluate the fund availability and risks involved at your end too. How it Works We are of course, not privy to how the analysis algorithm works but what we do know is that it is a mechanical code-based system that is suitable for both long term and short term work. To achieve substantial results, a long term period is always preferable. The signals are generated at time gaps of 15 minute, 1 hour and 4 hours and across six key currency pairs. The currency pairs are USD-CAD, USD-JPY, USD-CHF, EUR-JPY, EUR-USD, and AUD-USD. Who is it For The target audience for this product is the average Joe – someone who doesn’t have much market knowledge. However, this is not for a complete newbie. You should have some idea about Forex trading before actually getting into it with this product as although the product does the calculations for you; you need to make the actual trade by yourself if you set it to a manual mode. However, there is a full-auto option too. Just remember, every signal is not a 100% success guaranteed signal; it’s a high-probability low-risk signal, so invest accordingly. Set-Up Process The 1000pip Climber System works on the MetaTrader MT4 platform. This may be new to most of us, but they do have a helpful video that they send out which will make it just an easy point-and-click exercise for you. They also provide a “Beginner’s Guide” PDF, which is quite comprehensive. Should you have any queries, even after all this, their support is quite prompt and helpful. The Creators The product has been around since 2016, but not much is known about its creators. The only information that seems to be available is that the creator is Jim, and he, along with his team, provides complete service on the product. All we were able to obtain is an email ID to get in touch with support. There is no office address listed. The Positive Side Here are some of the advantages of the 1000pip Climber System that really works in their favor: The Forex robot follows a complete rule-based trading system. The support is extremely helpful and professional. They are just what you are looking for in a support team – timely answers, exact solutions to your problem, and tailored answers. You do not get any of those annoying canned responses back which do nothing for you.
The system generates about 1200-1400 pips per month, and at frequent intervals, so you are never at a loss for tips on days your mind is set on Forex trading. The Negative Side To put things in perspective, here are some of the negatives of the product (not too many are there!): Not much is known about how the robot works. They do not give any insights into their algorithm. However, to be fair, that must be their trade secret! A Myfx book is provided by the creators, but the one provided is more than two years old. Something more recent i.e., from 2020, would help build more trust. My Verdict The 1000pip Climber System seems to be a reliable robot Forex analyzer. What was surprising to me was the lack of negative reviews online for this product. I did not see people complaining about the product when I did a search, which says a lot about this system. After all, being around for four years and not getting complaints is an achievement in itself! As is usually the norm with dependable products, this too comes with a 30-Day full money-back guarantee. Priced at a one-time lifetime membership fee of $97, this is definitely worth a shot if you are looking to get into Forex trading.
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cheapcourses · 2 years
That is probably the most simple methodology for web entrepreneurs to earn $100K+ 12 months (Or Add Tens of millions in Extra Income as an Established Model) Be taught the failsafe methodology for eavesdropping on folks. on the verge of constructing a purchase order, free (or virtually free)… And observe how meager trickles of site visitors produce a full-time revenue and extra. Watch the video up prime to be taught: Easy methods to anticipate “steal” competitors prospects in an moral method Why web sites with low site visitors (lower than 50 customers per day) can however generate important revenue Why solely one among a number of routes the place this works crazily is website positioning How one among my shoppers earns greater than $800,000 monthly utilizing the conduit methodology A few of us can nonetheless recall the heyday of web advertising and marketing, when it was straightforward to rank in Google, site visitors was low cost, and rivals have been uninformed. The whole lot simply appears to be stretched to the restrict nowadays. Fb Adverts are nonetheless efficient, nevertheless it’s actually difficult to execute adverts at a revenue nowadays. The value of Google Adverts is considerably increased. Moreover, attaining a excessive natural rating in Google is now significantly harder and time-consuming. Nonetheless, there may be one extremely profitable exception. You see, focusing on brand-new prospects, generally often known as top-of-funnel site visitors, is at present the costliest facet of selling. Issues like utilizing Fb commercials to generate leads for webinars or specializing in a major time period that's evident (like “CRM software program”) on Google. Why is it priced so excessive? Since everyone seems to be vying for a similar key phrases and viewers, the price has elevated. They're all trying to fill their gross sales funnels with the identical prospects as a way to inform, have interaction, and finally convert them into shoppers. What if, nevertheless, there was a way to chop on to the chase and seize probably the most promising prospects your rivals are producing straight from their gross sales funnel? Individuals who they've invested numerous money and time in educating, cultivating, and preselling… What if it was really far easier, cheaper, and extra worthwhile to contact these potential prospects than it was to observe the “apparent” steps? Presenting The Lazy Marketer: Learn to snag prospects close to the top of the gross sales cycle, when merely a trickle of each day guests will suffice to provide important income. Examine a number of methods for doing this, together with natural and paid search, YouTube, and extra “adventurous” ones. Study a real-world “Conduit web site” that lately bought for eight figures ($50M!) to grasp precisely what this appears like. The Conduit Method, to place it merely, is about creating web sites and advertising and marketing methods that solely goal prospects, not simply web site guests. “I began out utilizing Conduit Method 1.0 after I began web publishing.” It was THE course that led me to start growing a publishing firm that generates six figures each month. “I had the chance to buy a V2 early fowl model, and it nicely above my expectations” (which have been excessive). Chris is an knowledgeable in each content material creation and internet affiliate marketing. He imparts all of his data on the way to construct 6 and seven determine content material websites. “The detailed examples and content-planning diagrams in V2 are my favourite elements since they clarify step-by-step the way to get the right site visitors for affiliate commissions. His content material methods, for my part, may even work nicely for publications who earn money from show adverts. In actuality, I’ve been using his content material methods to generate extremely profitable site visitors, so I do know they work. Having the Conduit Method V2 is important to your publishing toolkit. Dykstra, Jon Creator of FatStacks I actually got here up with the time period “Conduit Method” round ten years in the past, when website positioning entrepreneurs started to understand how worthwhile it was to solely consider producing content material that was product-focused, akin to product evaluations, comparisons, pricing data, and so forth. And the pattern caught on shortly… Quickly, there have been “evaluate” websites in each cutthroat market… However the majority of them supplied customers with no actual data and as an alternative scraped collectively low-effort, templated content material. Because of this, Google lately up to date its algorithm, elevating the bar for materials that's product-focused, which had the unintended consequence of eliminating 1000's of associates and publishers. The days of manufacturing a number of product evaluations, developing a number of hyperlinks, and calling it a day are lengthy gone.
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tancaupagh · 2 years
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groupsnail93 · 2 years
Benefits Of Getting A Used Boat
Take as an analogy two fishermen, one with a fisherman's rod and the other using a big boat and word wide web. If the guy with the fishing rod tries to tug in a giant shark, when called he'll lose not his line and hook, but he may also end up losing his life. However the guy but now big boat and net actually incorporates chance of pulling the actual planet shark. Futures market is definitely that. Various other big money, you get a big equity. Otherwise, you are only going to end up losing of one's money. The moral in the story: you needn't be greedy. Be satisfied with a profit of 5 to 10% of your equity. For used fishing boats for sale who have set a target of, say $100, be pleased about that throughout the day. Greed is the reason for for over-trading, so begin to made a profit, give yourself a 7 days to enter another make trades.
But also do the actual size of this of normal water body you are sailing subsequently choose a boat in which you. If water body is of medium size then chose an auto boat to guarantee that you determines locations frequently and promptly. You will get such boats from fishing boats for sale charters. If you're novice I would recommend that the perfect material the following to start the building your first boat is located in plywood. It is the cheapest boat building material and should you do make a mistake it will never be too very expensive. The next choice is a new wooden plank method to acquire clinker designed boat but this one is the most challenging and time the consumption of. Also take into consideration get your boat a few points like where you will use it most, rough or calm waters, how many crew includes you and also how require it and it transport one. The Cash Market (XJO) has many influences locally and all over the world. BHP and RIO can account for about 50% within the movement in Cash Provide. These stocks are connected to base metals as well as etc and this needs to be taken note. I do take the daily lead from US BHP for the Morning Landscape report, simply because this delivers a position for the day, but we need to go outside this for the medium words and phrases. RIO in the US has just arrived at TL3/US $300 so by doing this a glimpse of support. Less costly . also moved down in five waves from above TL5/500 but it also has not settled there yet as support, the refund policy is a subtle aspect. As our local BHP is in the 5th wave down -- that is, 5 waves down from TL5/50 -- they just quite haven't found their lows as yet. Most yacht brokerage houses list their boats on Yacht Business. As I was offering this there were 112,264 baron's cove cape may listed for sale by 2,463 real estate agents. There are no For Sale by Owner boats listed on Yacht Society. If you are trying to find sail or power from 30' - 200' rrt'll likely appear here. Odds of signing on with good boat for sale by owner and not represented with broker are way too remote. Do yourself the following favor and inconveniences a associated with time look at where the boats have been. Three weeks later, the Stock was trading at $6.00 (point 2). Alternatives were exercised, as had been holding in-the-money at expiry and Sidney was forced to sell her Stock in the strike price of $5.50, netting herself a capital profit of $2400 plus option premium of $440, an overall of $2840 for three weeks or around 33% on her behalf invested capital for the time! It is a little difficult to discover more on these deals. This is because the advertisements as a consequence of kinds of auctions are not found in popular papers. Rather the banks generally give ads in the unglamorous local trade magazines and broadsheets. Used RC cars for sale can possibly be bought at hobby stores, but ads about them . also possess the to find exceptional deals by scouring the local newspaper, Craigslist or at community yard sales. These latter ideas are the best source of cars at huge price savings. Chances are the auto will be almost like new too since several individuals buy new cars and never quite discuss the part time. If you can do some research before you buy, it could help the as you'll then have at least some basic knowledge from the you look to purchase.
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rayshippouuchiha · 3 years
I read “[Naruto] made budgeting and math his bitch” and all I want to say, to ask, is to consider the possibility that he’s the one in charge of Team 7’s budget? Please and thank you for your time.
It takes Naruto a bit to notice it. Takes a while for all the pieces to line up just right for him to see it.
His team, as talented as they all are, are absolute shit with money.
They're up north, huddled together on the roadside just inside of Tomi, the capital city of the midsized island that makes up Gold Country, when the truth comes out.
Their mission had been long and draining and they're all looking forward to a ship back to the mainland and a stop at an Inn for a night before they start the trek back to Konoha.
The only problem with that plan is the fact that everyone is flat broke.
Everyone, that is, except for Naruto. Which the other three would know if they'd bothered to ask him instead of assuming he was just as broke as they are.
Because Naruto's wallet is basically still as fat as ever despite the length of time they've been gone and the fact that he's done his definition of splurging at the shops in Tomi. He'd put the few hours where they'd split up before meeting again to start looking for a ship back to very very good use.
Supplies were always cheaper for him outside of Konoha proper where the shopkeepers don't know him and he's actually allowed to haggle. Plus their contractor, an ancient silk merchant named Kaede, had taken enough of a liking to Naruto to put in a good word for him at the local shops.
A courtesy that she, apparently, hadn't offered to the rest of the team or maybe just one they hadn't bothered to take her up on. Naruto isn't sure which it is exactly.
But if it's the second option then Naruto's not sure what to think. He'd never turn a discount or chance to haggle down, no matter how small it is. He knows better.
"Well," Kakashi-sensei says brightly. "Looks like we'll be running to the mainland and camping until we're back home. Let that be a lesson to all of us to bring more money next time."
Sakura looks like she's on the verge of either tears or a tantrum and Sasuke looks as blank as always except for the slightly displeased curl of his mouth.
Naruto finds himself a mix of both of their reactions because what?
Bring more money? That was Kakashi-sensei's solution? Just bring more? Like what Naruto knows was in each of their wallets before they left Konoha wasn't a good six months of Naruto's regular budget?
And they've got relatively little to show for the fact that they spent it all?
It's in that moment that the truth hits Naruto directly in the face.
He's the only poor person on this Team. He's the only one of them who has ever had to actually worry about money.
Sakura has parents who actually love and house her, all her mission earnings are pure profit. Kakashi-sensei is probably the shinobi version of rich with his rank and all the high-level missions he's taken. And Sasuke is absolutely the shinobi version of rich with the wealth of an entire Clan at his disposal.
When they run out of money they just ... go get more.
Naruto, with his crumbling apartment and trap-wire thin budget, lives an entirely different kind of life.
They can probably just walk right into the Konoha bank he's sure they all use, the same one Naruto's never been allowed into, and just withdraw more money.
Not Naruto. All of his money, whatever he's scrimped and saved for, has always either been on his person or hidden away in a hollowed space beneath his bed.
For a long moment, Naruto debates with himself. Considers not saying anything and just following along with Kakashi's plan.
But, well, he does have the money and they are his Team.
So ...
"I got this," Naruto huffs out as he holds up his still bulging wallet. "But we're doing it my way and you'd all better pay me back if I spend anything."
He doesn't bother to listen to their protests or whatever they might say or do. Instead he turns on his heel and stalks off towards the docks, intent on finding them a ride to the mainland that doesn't make him want to gouge his eyes out at the price.
Half an hour later finds them settled on the deck of a small fishing vessel, warm pork buns in hand, and Naruto not missing a single yen.
The hoard of shadow clones he has practically crawling over the ship ended up being payment enough for the weathered-looking woman who'd given them passage.
He ignores the way the others stare at him and focuses on eating his lunch, mind already ticking over what Inns he remembers them passing and what he could do to get them a night's stay for the lowest cost possible.
With him in the lead, they manage to make it all the way back to Fire Country without having to pay for much of anything at all. Naruto had bartered everything from his shadow clones to Kakashi-sensei kissing the back of some woman's hand to his own help modeling a kimono while waitressing in his female form at a restaurant in Blouder City for food and lodging.
He'd actually like that last job the most since Tsubame-san had not only let him keep the kimono but he'd made a small fortune in tips as well.
It's not until they stop at the Black River Inn, the last waypoint before they reach Konoha proper, that Naruto finally steps back. Much to the puzzlement of the rest of the team, he lets Kakashi-sensei step up and rent them a room instead.
Tatsuyomi, the man who runs the inn, is the brother-in-law of the woman who runs the Tree Bud in Konoha.
He knows Naruto on sight.
It's not until they're settled into their shared room that night, the others eating a hot meal from the kitchen and Naruto eating the last of meat buns the cook Akira had slipped him before Naruto left the restaurant in Boulder, that someone finally asks.
"How'd you get so good with money, Naruto?" Sakura is the one to break the ice. "Figured you'd blow it all on ramen or something by now."
"He didn't actually pay for much," Sasuke points out quietly. "And nothing full price. He traded and haggled for everything instead."
"Still," Sakura presses. "He's the only one of us who isn't broke and he managed to get us a stay in every Inn we came across on the way home. Kind of weird."
Naruto stops, stares down that the cold meat bun in his hand, eyes squinted almost closed and shoulders tight.
He forces himself to breathe, to let the tension flow off and away.
He takes a bite of his bun.
"I've never had parents," Naruto finds himself saying.
Around him the room goes absolutely silent.
"Don't have a Clan or a guardian or anything either," Naruto's shoulders shift restlessly, nails biting into the soft flesh of the bun in his hand. "Been living off the orphan's stipend since I was four. The pay from that is ... there's never been a lot to go around. There's always bills and supplies so I had to learn to make what I had really count. Being hungry for a long time sucks you know? Never want to do that again, not after the first few times. Not unless I have to."
"Y-You get mission pay now though right?" Sakura says, voice low and eyes wide.
"Don't get the stipend anymore though, that stopped when I got my headband," Naruto shrugs again, uncomfortable in his skin for a reason he can't properly name. "And mission pay gets split so ..."
The quiet is thick around them. Sasuke is practically glaring at his bowl and Kakashi-sensei's knuckles are white around the edges of his book.
"But yeah," Naruto finally says as he pushes himself up onto his feet, half eaten bun in hand, and turns to hop up onto the windowsill, "I learned money stuff real young. Probably the only school thing I was ever really good at."
A flex of muscle has him out the window and sitting on the edge of the roof, feet dangling and conversation officially over.
The rest of the night and the journey back to Konoha proper is quiet.
The next time they go on an extended mission outside of the village it's Naruto who's in charge of any and everything even remotely money-related as soon as they pass the border.
And if their mission pay starts getting split three ways instead of four, well, Kakashi-sensei doesn't say anything so Naruto doesn't either.
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notebooknebula · 3 years
Flip Real Estate Virtually with Paul Lizell & Jay Conner, The Private Money Authority
Jay Conner and his special guest Paul Lizell talk about how to utilize systems and processes that simplify the buying process of real estate.
Paul is the founder of The Virtual Investor, JP Homes, Inc & www.housedealsamerica.com He has been flipping properties since 2001 and is the original virtual wholesaler having purchased all over the U.S. since 2009. He has bought and sold properties in 44 out of 50 states and will continue to look at expanding into new markets.
Paul is a graduate of Drexel University in 1998, holds a degree in Finance and a minor in Economics, he now teaches at www.ReoAuctionAcademy.com. He focused exclusively on online auctions, bank REO’s, buying off the MLS and wholesalers across the country since 2013.
0:01 – Get Ready To Be Plugged Into The Money
1:42 – Jay’s New Book: “Where To Get The Money Now”- https://www.JayConner.com/Book
3:20 – Today’s guest: Paul Lizell
4:57 – How Paul Lizell gets started on the real estate business.
6:58 – What is wholesaling?
8:01 – What is the advantage of buying a house vs getting it under contract?
10:28 – When you buy a house in today’s market are you primarily selling them to other real estate investors at a profit or are you selling them to the people who are going to live in the property?
11:16 – What kinds of profit are you seeing in today’s market while doing your business virtually?
11:57 – Wholesaling vs. Wholesaling
13:01 – Do you think that Wholetailing is more popular now because of the lack of inventory?
13:58 – When you’re wholesaling a house to an end buyer, what’re your criteria for pricing that home versus a complete rehab?
14:52 – In today’s real estate market as long as it’s clean and smells good that property is okay.
15:34 – How do you find your buyer?
16:07 – How do you find deals given the low inventory in today’s real estate market?
17:35 – How do you get the leads?
19:29 – How to connect with Paul Lizell: https://www.REOauctionAcademy.com & https://www.FlipRealEstateVirtually.com
20:30 – How do you manage your people on the grounds to inspect the property?
24:21 – Do you give additional compensation to your bank-owned real estate agents?
25:23 – How do you find your REO agents?
26:56 – When you become the winner in the online auction how long do you have before you got a close? Do you make a house inspection before you take it down?
28:34 – Paul Lizell’s parting message: In my business model my time is my only marketing cost.
Private Money Academy Conference:
Have you read Jay’s new book: Where to Get The Money Now? It is available FREE (all you pay is the shipping and handling) at https://www.JayConner.com/Book
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Jay Conner is a proven real estate investment leader. Without using his own money or credit, Jay maximizes creative methods to buy and sell properties with profits averaging $64,000 per deal.
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Flip Real Estate Virtually with Paul Lizell & Jay Conner
Jay Conner
My guest is a good friend. We’re in a mastermind together. Well, he is the founder of The Virtual Investor. That’s right. He is a virtual investor and virtual wholesaler. He’s been flipping properties all the way back since 2001. And he actually is the original virtual wholesaler. And he’s purchased all over the US since 2009 virtually. In addition to that, my guest has bought and sold properties in 44 out of 50 states and continues to look at expanding into new markets. Now, in addition to that, he contributes his success to utilizing systems and processes that simplify the online buying process. He’s focused exclusively on online auctions bank REOs, buying off of the MLS, and wholesalers across the country since 2013. I’m so excited to have my friend and fellow mastermind member, Paul Lizell. Paul, welcome to the podcast.
Paul Lizell
Thanks for having me, man. I really appreciate it.
Jay Conner
Absolutely. I’m excited to have you on here, Paul. And of course, we’re going to be seeing each other again here pretty soon at one of our upcoming mastermind meetings. And today we want to hear all about what it’s like to be a virtual wholesaler. What in the world does that mean? And what’s that process look like? But before you get started on all that, tell us, how’d you get into real estate?
Paul Lizell
Interesting story. So let’s go back to the 1990s when I was in college. I was working for my uncle who’s a general contractor and he bought a quadplex, a 4-unit building. We fixed it up, renovated it. He turned around and rented it out. He was making pretty good profits on this property, too, and still had a lot of equity in it. So that kind of stoked my interest in real estate. And that point on, after he bought a few more and we renovated them and I was going through college, I decided this is something I got to get into. It’s gotta be my long-term goal. So I did and basically in 2001, I started my first property. Unlike his, it was a fix and flip. I got into that so I could build up some cash. Eventually, I did build up, got some rentals as well, but stuck with the wholesaling, the fix and flip game owner-finance game, and I’d been doing that ever since.
Jay Conner
That’s awesome. So, were you doing fix and flips a while before you started doing wholesaling? Or were you doing wholesaling and fixing flips simultaneously, like right out the gate?
Paul Lizell
Well, I really started in the fix and flip game and then when I had too many flip deals going on, I did a couple of wholesale deals. And I started to realize it was kind of easy doing these wholesale deals. So after the crash of 2008, 2009, when all the marketing was just tanking, and you probably remember that well, I’m sure, I decided, all right, let’s go more to the wholesale game and turn them and burn them, and we did that. And we still did fix and flips, don’t get me wrong. We kept those good deals, did fix and flips on them, kept some good deals, rentals, some owner-financing, but we basically became virtual wholesalers at that point. We started expanding. We started in Pennsylvania where I was originally from. I just moved here to Florida this past month, but originally I’m from about 45 minutes north of Philadelphia. And so I started in that market, expanded out, went to Pittsburgh, New Jersey, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, the Carolinas, which I love and where you’re from. And then I started going down to Florida, Texas, before you know it, I bought and sold in 44 to 50 states.
Jay Conner
First of all, let’s make sure everybody understands what we’re talking about when we say wholesale a deal. There’s more than one way to wholesale a deal. So, what’s your definition of wholesaling? And what’s that look like?
Paul Lizell
So for most people, they think wholesaling is getting a property under contract from a seller and assigning that contract and collecting assignment fee. So for us buying bank-owned properties, and we do a few of those, don’t get me wrong. We do a few of those deals, we get some of those referrals. But, primarily, what we do with auction properties or bank-owned or HUD properties, we have to buy them, take them down and then resell them. So, it’s a wholesale, it’s just we actually have to take down the property. So we do need the funds to be able to purchase it, whether we use transactional funding, private lending, as you’re great at, at raising money, we do as well. We love the raising money game and using private lending for that. But yeah, it’s kind of the same deal as it is with assignment of contract, it’s  just we actually take it down so we show ownership at one point.
Jay Conner
So, what’s the advantage of actually buying the house instead of getting it under contract and then collecting an assignment fee?
Paul Lizell
You know in certain states there’s been a crackdown, I think Tennessee and Illinois have had a crackdown on wholesalers where they’re making them become licensed realtors. So I think this kind of negates that because you’re actually purchasing the property, right? You’re showing you have the vested interest, not just the vested interest or equitable interest, you actually purchased it and took it down. So you have the right to do what you want to afterwards, and nothing can come back. So from a legal standpoint, we’re probably the safest and best. I am licensed in Pennsylvania. I probably will get licensed in Florida. And occasionally we’ll do some of those assignment deals, but for the most part, we just take them down, resell them. And in this market, as you know, wholetailing has been unbelievable, just getting the property in decent enough shape to be mortgageable reselling it, not sitting on it for 6, 7 months while the rehab is getting done, while the showings are going on. It’s much quicker, you’re in and out 30 days at the most, and you’re hopefully selling it in 30 to 45 days in this market right now.
So, it’s been much quicker and better.
Jay Conner
Right. So the reason you actually buy the house and take ownership of it is, that way, regardless of where you’re doing business, you don’t have to worry about there being issues with just collecting an assignment fee. Am I hearing you right on that?
Paul Lizell
Yeah, absolutely. I mean, we would prefer to do it without having to have all the cash and buy it, but the banks don’t allow you. So if you buy a property from the bank, you can’t just assign it to another buyer, you must take it down in your name and you can do things with it. We’ve done things in trust. You know trusts are great. But the problem with that is, unless it’s an investor that’s a buyer investor, that trusts in you and understands what you’re doing, that they know what you’re doing, they usually don’t want to buy your trust, or if you put it in an LLC and sell them that LLC, they don’t usually want to buy it. And I totally understand that, they’re going to want to put it in their own name. We’ve run into that in the past with Fannie Mae. Fannie Mae had that anti-flipping where you couldn’t sell it for more than 20% of what you paid for. I think it was 90 days after the deed was recorded, not when you purchased, but when the deed was recorded. So with those properties, it either had to do something off the HUD, or we just had to wait those 90 days and then just sell it to them at that point, which has other risks. But, overall, if you’re making profits, I’m alright with that.
Jay Conner
There you go. So when you’re buying the houses in today’s market, are you primarily selling them to other real estate investors at a profit? Or are you selling them to people that are actually going to move in and own the home themselves and live in it?
Paul Lizell
In this market, we’ve done more to end-buyers. More people are going to live there than in the past. Typically, we sell to other investors for the most part, but in this market, the way it’s been and the kind of properties that we targeted, we’ve kind of pivoted and go on into less of the trainwreck properties, the ones that need everything and more to the ones that just need a little bit enhancing to get it back to become mortgageable and then resell them. So we’ve kind of pivoted a little bit just in this market to try to take advantage of what’s there. Go after the low-lying fruit rather than everything else.
Jay Conner
I got it. I know it’s going to depend on the market. I mean, you’re in all kinds of markets all over the nation, but what kind of profits are you seeing in today’s market doing the business the way you do it?
Paul Lizell
So our wholesale profits are generally around $12,000 per deal, and that’s your standard wholesale. If we’re wholetailing it, we’re around $32,000 and the full-scale fix and flip we’re into anywhere from probably close to your number, the $67,000, but we’ve had plenty of that have been $80,000, $100,000, even $120,000, especially in this market over the past year. So it’s been nice, but those are your full-scale rehabs. And those were the home runs, obviously, they’re not your average.
Jay Conner
Right. And we’ve already said it, but I want to make sure our audience understands it. Tell everybody what wholetailing is versus wholesaling.
Paul Lizell
Yeah, great point. So wholetailing is more or less where you’re getting a property and it just needs some paint, some carpet, it doesn’t need a full kitchen gut. Maybe you just repaint the cabinets. Maybe you put new cabinet poles on them, or maybe put countertops on them. With bathrooms, you’re okay with them but maybe you just put a new toilet in, or a new vanity or even easier sometimes, just a new faucet on a sink. And then you’re reworking your painting and carpeting. Usually, you don’t have to do roof siding, windows, things like that. So wholetailing has really just been super profitable. It’s more so than the fix and flip, believe it or not, for us. When you look at it from a time standpoint, we’re selling those so quickly, as quickly as our full-scale fix and flip, but we’re putting less effort in, and our holding costs are so much lower. It’s been worthwhile for us and less management of contractors because it can be one of the most difficult, taxing things in this business.
Jay Conner
Do you think that wholetailing, or in other words, “not doing a full rehab,” but you just make it okay and nicer? Do you think wholetailing is so much more popular now and working so well because there’s just no inventory?
Paul Lizell
That’s it. You hit the nail on the head with that, Jay. We go back to 2009 when I was doing fix and flips. If I didn’t do a full-scale, redo everything, you didn’t have that many buyers interested in the property unless it was the first-time home buyer. But as the market has gotten hotter and hotter and has lesser and lesser inventory, people are being less picky figuring they’ll do some of the work themselves. So it’s really just kind of taking what the market gives you. We follow it in our business. We follow the “Keep it simple, stupid” theory, and I think that’s the best thing to do in any business. Whatever the market is giving you, take that, right? If you don’t need to do the full-scale rehab, don’t, unless it’s going to warrant you getting an additional $50,000 or $60,000 where it becomes worthwhile, just take what the market gives you.
Jay Conner
Yeah. So how do you determine how to price? Like if you’re wholetailing a house to an end-buyer, what’s your criteria for pricing that home at the stage you got it in versus a complete rehab?
Paul Lizell
So basically what we do now with the wholetailing, we’re discounting it at 10-15% off what the normal end, full-scale rehab would be, which is still giving some equity to the buyer, should they want to do something there. And still it makes them fly off the shelves, I tell you, they don’t last very long when you’re just doing the basics and people see it’s clean and easy. I can change the carpet. I can change the paint color or whatever, I can do this or that. So people aren’t as picky as they used to be because there’s just no inventory. It’s hard to be picky. You take what’s there, basically, more or less.
Jay Conner
So in this market, as long as it’s clean and it smells good, if it’s dated, that’s okay, right?
Paul Lizell
Yes, dated, okay. You go do the ’80s, ’90s style. People can live with that as long as things aren’t broken, right? As long as you don’t have holes in the roof and things like that. Roofing is definitely a big issue, HVAC system for people. We just did one in Laurinburg, North Carolina, and unfortunately it did need a new HVAC system, so we did install that. We’re still gonna do pretty well. His property is still gonna net around $32,000, even though we had to do the roof and the HVAC system and the rest of it was a wholetail.
Jay Conner
Gotcha. So when you’re wholetailing to an end-user, are you finding the buyer by listing it with a real estate agent in the MLS?
Paul Lizell
We are. So, 90% of the time we do that. And occasionally like we did in one in Charleston, Tennessee, which is a very rural area, I had my disposition manager reach out to a bunch of agents in that area to just let them know we have a property and we offered them 2% commission. And the only thing we had to do was put it in a hot water heater in that one. That was literally it.
Jay Conner
That’s amazing. So first of all, to be virtually wholesaling, you have to find these deals and there ain’t no inventory to speak of. So everybody wants to know, well, if there isn’t any inventory, how in the world are you finding the deals?
Paul Lizell
Well, we got a little bit of an advantage over a lot of other people in the market. Most real estate investors out there stick with certain territories, maybe one or two markets out there. Occasionally somebody does three or four, but for us, the whole country is our oyster, really. That’s what we look at. We got inventory anywhere. We have preferred states where we’d like to do business, don’t get me wrong, but if there’s a great deal in another state where we don’t typically do business, we will go there. Just to give you an example, we’ve done 5 deals in New Mexico this year. We hadn’t done a deal in New Mexico in I think the previous 6 years before that, so we just kind of take what the market gives you. If there’s a deal there, we’ll take it. And we also hit those tertiary markets, and the second-tier markets that if you’re looking at a town or a city like Charlotte, go an hour outside, like a town like Kannapolis, Gastonia, and then go another hour outside that loop there. And then you’re in like a third-tier market. We target those markets because people do want to live there, especially now with what’s going on with the pandemic and everything. People are looking to be more and more rural. So it kind of fits right into what we’ve done all these years, which is a big advantage for us.
Jay Conner
Right! So how do you get the leads?
Paul Lizell
So for us, it’s our own time. So we pay no marketing fees, right? We don’t have any marketing costs whatsoever. I had turned off the direct mail marketing in 2013 and I just buy exclusively off of these auctions. For me, it’s really looking at what’s on the auction sites right now. We use VAs. We have several VAs that do this for each different auction site, whether it’s Auction.com, Xome, the Hudson & Marshall, Hubzu, Realty Bid, Auction Network, HUD Home Store, Fannie and Freddie. We have them go through and they do what I call “First-level fig.” They look at it and we give them the criteria of what we look out for – square footage, repair amount – and then they’ll send me a spreadsheet on Excel. Yes, yes, no, no, no. So, let’s say there’s 250 properties on this particular auction that’s coming up.
We might weed that down to about 20 to 25 that we’ll actually bid on. And then as the bidding process goes, if we’re getting out there and we just let those go off and again, we pick the low-lying fruit there. We’re not going to get into a bidding war. Today, for example, there’s a property in Florida that was in Sarasota, which is a red-hot market. It’s a nice market. My maximum allowable offer is 141 because there’s a buyer’s premium on this property. So the most I would spend was 150 because the ARV was 350 tops. This thing ends up getting bid up to 203 with a buyer’s premium. It was over 210 that that person is purchasing a property for, plus it needed everything. This thing needed at least 125 and work. So basically whoever bought this is probably an end-buyer, but they’re going to be upside down when all is said and done. So we fall off that, we have our maximum viable offers that will go up to, and you can’t get emotional with it, right? That’s a nice market. I would have liked to have been in there, but it didn’t fit our criteria. So I let it go.
Jay Conner
Paul, in case we’ve got some listeners that need to leave the show a little early, go ahead and let folks know how they can get in contact with you and continue the conversation.
Paul Lizell
Sure, absolutely. So we have a couple of different websites. www.REOAuctionAcademy.com is one of them. And also FlipRealEstateVirtually.com is another one. Both URLs work. You can contact us, and if you want to learn more about our coaching program, which we teach people how to do exactly what we do. As a matter of fact, we teach a lot of other investors who do direct mail, postcards, and PPC. They want to learn this aspect of the business. They actually hire somebody or have somebody who doesn’t have as much going on and let them handle this whole new arm of the business for them.
Jay Conner
Again, those 2 websites are REOAuctionAcademy.com, and the other one is FlipRealEstateVirtually.com. All right, so you got the leads coming in. You got your VAs researching all the houses that are coming up on all these different auction sites. How in the world do you have boots on the ground, eyes on the ground, in all these different markets, taking a look at these houses to even know what a close estimation of repairs would be that you need to do? Because, obviously, you don’t want to bid on a property until you know what kind of repairs you’re looking at.
Paul Lizell
Absolutely. And this is one of the most important things. So how you develop these kinds of relationships and these relationships end up blossoming and give you more deals throughout the years. I’ll give you an example of it. So in Tucson, Arizona, there was an REO agent who I bought a bunch of properties through over the years from 2010, all the way through now, we still currently do. Basically, he saw I was a serious player in Tucson, Arizona. We wholesaled a bunch of them. And then he was starting to bring me deals and bring me leads and bring me properties. So he was my boots on the ground. And how that started was I just reached out to him initially after I was bidding on some properties, and this is what you need to do if you’re entering any new market, you need to contact the realtor or the REO agent for that property.
If it’s a bank-owned property, get some details. You’re trying to get the BPO, which is the “Broker’s Price Opinion” of the property. And if you can get that, that’ll tell you basically what they think the “as is value” is, the 30-day sale price, the 90-day sale price,  the 120-day sale price. And they’ll show comps on there, and that’s like, that’s gold. That’s gold when you get that. So you utilize them for that. You also try to get additional pictures from them. And then you’re trying to get what kind of repairs are needed because they generally know, again, the utilities usually aren’t on, but they know what repairs were needed. They know if the roof’s leaking, they know if the air conditioner or heater looks really bad and it looks like it needs replacing, the hot water heater. They’ll tell you if the kitchen needs to be replaced. And the best referrals I get for contractors, hands down, is from these agents.
And the big reason is these contractors who work for these agents get referrals and they get a lot of referrals. So they do not want to screw over these agents when they’re giving them, basically, free marketing. So the guys that we’ve used from all the agent referrals have all been good, and I’m going to knock on wood when I say that, the ones that I run into that have been bad are ones that I picked on my own. I’ve also gotten great ones, but the best referrals from people who are there, who have boots on our ground and have local people, you know how to do those repairs. So we relied big time on the agents on these properties. If there is no agent, we use a company called BPO Photo Flow that’ll go out there and take some pictures of the property.
And if we have a lockbox, they can usually get inside, take more pictures. And we kind of tell them what to look for, like take pictures of the exterior, make sure there’s no cracks in the foundation, take a picture of the basement, the systems, make sure the HVACs are right, hot water heater, kitchens and bathrooms are important. You know, anything that they noticed cracks or issues with flooring, whatever, anything off-level. We want to know that kind of thing. If there’s moisture in the basement, just so we know what we’re in for an aid, generally do a pretty good job and they’re fairly inexpensive to utilize.
Jay Conner
And what’s the name of that service? One more time.
Paul Lizell
It’s BPO Photo Flow, like “Broker’s Price Opinion.” BPOPhotoFlow.com. And they do a really good job. They’re not in every market, so sometimes we actually have to reach out to other local agents and send them out there. And then we just pay them basically more or less to go out there and take some pictures for us and then tell them if we buy it, we’re going to list it through you. We do offer that. And if we do buy, we do end up listing it with them or having them help us sell the property if they know some investors.
Jay Conner
So these REO real estate agents, also known as bank-owned real estate agents, have the listing for these properties that are going up for auction. So obviously if you buy it, you don’t have to pay them anything for the purchase because the bank, the REO, is paying their commission. But do you compensate these agents in any additional way other than when you make a purchase, the bank pays them?
Paul Lizell
We do at times, like if we know they’re going to be doing above and beyond, and they’re not going to get the listing, we will definitely pay them. We’ll say, “What do you want for this? Or what free one for that service?” They usually are very, very fair with the prices and we’re glad to do it. We just Venmo them most of the time. I’ve never really run into any issues with that. Most of the time, they’re really happy to just hand the listing for you. I even have thought of them managing my rehabs for me because they know the contractors, they kind of manage, oversee, and take pictures. They’re happy to go do that. They see the progress and they want it listed so that they can get their permission when all is said and done.
Jay Conner
Awesome. And how do you find these REO agents? I suppose one way you could find them is, well, your VAs are looking at auctions coming up. They go research the property and right there, they see who’s got the real estate listing on it. Right?
Paul Lizell
Absolutely. And you get a lot of these agents who will have 5, 10, 15, 20 different properties. And they’ll cover a huge geographical region, which is crazy. I mean, they’re running around all the time. Nobody works harder than an REO agent, that I can tell you. Those guys and gals, they work their butts off and they are good. Their numbers are so spot on. For example, on a property we had in Ohio a few years back, I was talking to the agent, “What do you think the value of this property is, as is?” And she’s like, it had to be somewhere between 17 and 20. Sure enough, we picked it up for like $7,500. We sold that for $17,500. She was just right on the money with it. And that happens time and time and time again, the only time, if you’re in with a newer agent, that’s where you want to be careful.
If it is a newer real estate agent, they’re not going to be as experienced. You’re going to want to try to lean on a secondary agent. Hopefully somebody that’s in one of these towns that has their own brokerage that’s been there for 10, 20 years and really knows the market. Well, those have been our best sources. Far and away, the people that are in small mom & pop shops, they just know the market. They know everybody in town. They usually know who lived in that property, especially if it’s a smaller town, like you live in, Jay, they know people, right? And they’ve been our greatest source all over every market that we’ve ever been in.
Jay Conner
Let’s say that you make a bid and you win the bid at the auction and all these auctions are online, right?
Paul Lizell
Yes. They’re all online.
Jay Conner
So you win the bid. So now you’re the winning bidder. On average, how long do you have before you get close? In addition to that, do you sometimes, or always get a home inspection before you take it down?
Paul Lizell
So, Jay, I’ll answer the first question first. 30 to 45 days usually is what you got, time-wise. Sometimes a little bit longer. If the title is a little cloudy or there’s past issues or where something wasn’t done right at the Sheriff’s sale. That’s the answer to the first question. The second one, we never get a home inspection. We’ll just send a contractor out there. I don’t have too much faith in the home inspection field, business, people. Most of these guys learn out of a book and never swung a hammer a day in their life. So the people I rely on are the contractors. I try to find general contractors that really know everything, as many aspects of it. And yeah, if they miss some stuff, sure, they’re gonna miss some stuff here and there, but they’re going to see the big stuff. And they’ve been a great source for me and are far less expensive because you’re just gonna pay $400 or $500 for these home inspections when I can send a guy out there for a hundred bucks to give me a pretty good inspection, you know.
Jay Conner
And again, as you said, you find these general contractors by referral from the bank-owned real estate agents, right?
Paul Lizell
Yup. And about 95% of the time, they don’t charge you a penny to go out there. They’re hoping to get the work.
Jay Conner
That’s fantastic. Well, this is a fantastic business model you’ve got, Paul. Any parting comments?
Paul Lizell
I love it. It’s a great business model. The one thing I really like about it is that I can turn a business on or off anytime I want, unlike the direct mail marketing or the PPC where you gotta be on those calls right away. On a PPC lead or direct mail, it’s constantly going. If I want to go on vacation, I shut down for 2 weeks or a month. If I want to go overseas, I can do that and just stop operations and start right back up when I get back. So I do love that. That is my favorite aspect of the business. I also don’t have to deal with home sellers 99% of the time. So those are 2 facets. I really like how it’s really simple. It’s not turnkey, but your time is your marketing costs, right? Your time and energy, which is your most valuable asset. Your time is all your costs involved.
22 notes · View notes
looye29 · 2 years
The Forex market is a complex one that continues to baffle a lot of people. Having said that, if you are reading this review, you’ve already done a bit of homework on your own and have decided to try and see if there are any products out there that might help you make sound financial trading decisions in the Forex market. Here I’m giving you an in-depth review on the 1000PIP CLIMBER SYSTEM, a Forex trading product available via ClickBank and one that sounds promising from the very start. Let’s take a closer look at what it’s worth! The Product The website starts off by saying “The 1000pip Climber Forex System is a state of the art algorithm, designed to make it as easy as possible to succeed at Forex”. This is a Forex-robot – a rule-based Forex investing indicator that does all the complex analysis work for you. It is a system that analyses the market, works out high probability trading opportunities, and sends out signals to you via visual alerts, emails, and texts. It’s a 100% mechanical system that’s already in place – you just need to install it and follow instructions. This system is at work 24/7 as the Forex market, being an international one, operates worldwide across all time-zones, so be prepared to receive alerts even at 2 am! However, you needn’t jump in and invest on every signal (crucial factors like entry price, take profit, and stop loss are stated clearly) that you get; you need to exercise caution and diligence before each trade. My advice here is – invest on what you can afford, never stretch yourself thin! Each risk here is a calculated one with only high opportunities ones being relayed to you, but there are the chance losses too, so just evaluate the fund availability and risks involved at your end too. How it Works We are of course, not privy to how the analysis algorithm works but what we do know is that it is a mechanical code-based system that is suitable for both long term and short term work. To achieve substantial results, a long term period is always preferable. The signals are generated at time gaps of 15 minute, 1 hour and 4 hours and across six key currency pairs. The currency pairs are USD-CAD, USD-JPY, USD-CHF, EUR-JPY, EUR-USD, and AUD-USD. Who is it For The target audience for this product is the average Joe – someone who doesn’t have much market knowledge. However, this is not for a complete newbie. You should have some idea about Forex trading before actually getting into it with this product as although the product does the calculations for you; you need to make the actual trade by yourself if you set it to a manual mode. However, there is a full-auto option too. Just remember, every signal is not a 100% success guaranteed signal; it’s a high-probability low-risk signal, so invest accordingly. Set-Up Process The 1000pip Climber System works on the MetaTrader MT4 platform. This may be new to most of us, but they do have a helpful video that they send out which will make it just an easy point-and-click exercise for you. They also provide a “Beginner’s Guide” PDF, which is quite comprehensive. Should you have any queries, even after all this, their support is quite prompt and helpful. The Creators The product has been around since 2016, but not much is known about its creators. The only information that seems to be available is that the creator is Jim, and he, along with his team, provides complete service on the product. All we were able to obtain is an email ID to get in touch with support. There is no office address listed. The Positive Side Here are some of the advantages of the 1000pip Climber System that really works in their favor: The Forex robot follows a complete rule-based trading system. The support is extremely helpful and professional. They are just what you are looking for in a support team – timely answers, exact solutions to your problem, and tailored answers. You do not get any of those annoying canned responses back which do nothing for you.
The system generates about 1200-1400 pips per month, and at frequent intervals, so you are never at a loss for tips on days your mind is set on Forex trading. The Negative Side To put things in perspective, here are some of the negatives of the product (not too many are there!): Not much is known about how the robot works. They do not give any insights into their algorithm. However, to be fair, that must be their trade secret! A Myfx book is provided by the creators, but the one provided is more than two years old. Something more recent i.e., from 2020, would help build more trust. My Verdict The 1000pip Climber System seems to be a reliable robot Forex analyzer. What was surprising to me was the lack of negative reviews online for this product. I did not see people complaining about the product when I did a search, which says a lot about this system. After all, being around for four years and not getting complaints is an achievement in itself! As is usually the norm with dependable products, this too comes with a 30-Day full money-back guarantee. Priced at a one-time lifetime membership fee of $97, this is definitely worth a shot if you are looking to get into Forex trading.
0 notes
Daily Blog #15: August 22, 2021
Dollar Tree is honestly pretty fucking awesome 👌👌👌
I set my alarm for like 6:25 this morning, but it took 6 minutes for the "Horsin' Around" theme song instrumental to wake me up. I was pretty tired lol. I just dismissed it and went back to sleep.
I only went back to sleep because I knew I had another alarm set for 7:00. That got me up.
I should mention that this was still in the RV over an hour away from the house.
After I got up, I went to go get a shower, and did so successfully.
Unfortunately, I had forgotten my brush this time and had to do it afterwards after my hair had a bit of time to dry, which did make it a little more difficult lol.
I got dressed and grabbed my stuff, putting it into my car.
I made it a point to see and say "see you later" to my grandparents before I left for the flea market.
My dad insisted that I stayed to say goodbye to my mom, so I left.
I did NOT have cell service up there, as was mentioned in my previous 2 blogs of which I could only post today, so finding my way was a tiny bit difficult until I got some service to ask Google to take me to "...".
It worked and I got there.
On my drive, I listened to 1 by Simple Kid, a CD I had previously purchased at a Dollar Tree location.
I got a call from the guy at the flea market saying that I had some people there waiting for me. He asked how far away I was, to which I said "about 10 minutes." Ironically, that call made me miss my exit, as Google couldn't talk during the call, and added about 3 minutes to my arrival time lmao.
I did sell the Xbox that he said someone was interested in. I got $40 for it. I spent 27¢ on it. Pretty good return if you ask me.
I couldn't sell it with anything other than a power cord because the controller and AV cables I had been using to play it there were for my personal console. I'm just glad I can actually hook my Xbox up and stop having to drag them to the flea market along with a small library of games.
Not too long after I sold the Xbox, someone came in and asked if I wanted to see some electronics he had in his car. I went out with him. It was a pair of 3ft speakers and a Pioneer audio system with dual cassette decks (although neither of them works) and a 25 Disc CD-changer, as well as the standard AM/FM tuner. Additionally, there was a Fisher amplifier and AM/FM tuner as well as a Fisher Direct Drive turntable. He said he wanted $60 for em, but before that he casually, and probably accidentally, dropped that he was just gonna take em to the thrift store.
Big mistake.
I got em for $35 lmao. THERE GOES MOST OF MY PROFIT.
Oh well.
I tested everything. As I mentioned, the cassette decks don't work, but everything else does apart from the turntable needing a new stylus.
I posted some new photos of the shop to Facebook, and someone soon DMed me about a stereo system.
I priced everything, and it turns out I have about $300 worth of equipment from that deal, the Fisher amp and tuner being worth about $150.
The buyer will hopefully show up next weekend, for he wants to buy the Fisher stuff ($185 with the turntable), the 3ft speakers, an 8-track deck, and a Kenwood deck we've had for a week or two.
The speakers are listed for $50 (and are worth around $100-150), the Kenwood Deck for $50 as well, and the 8-track for $35. That makes it about $320 in equipment. Since he's buying so much, I'll knock it down to $270 and essentially give him the speakers or cassette deck for free lol.
Apart from that stuff, not much happened at the flea market. I sold some records, cassettes, CDs and I think 2 DVDs. One person bought a VHS tape? That money was the other guy's though. Oh well xD.
I can't say that I didn't miss my wonderful partner while on the trip. I actually brought along the stuffed animal they gave me (who's name is Greg) and snuggled with him both nights.
I was very happy to hear from them UwU.
They let me rant and I let them rant.
I honestly give them too much responsibility over me xD. I'm like, "Okay, I'm gonna do this. HOLD ME TO IT."
I know I can't hold myself to anything I personally say (this blog being the only exception apparently), but I listen to them pretty well I think 🤔. If they tell me, "No, you don't need that VCR," so long as it's not some weird specialty thing, like a worldwide VCR 🥵, I'll be like "Yeah, you rite bro."
I love you man xD. You control my craziness pretty well. I'm so thankful for you UwU.
So part way through the flea market day, I went over to Dollar Tree to buy some snack, but ended up looking through the CDs to see if there was anything good. I took photos of about 18 CDs and flipped through them online for the remainder of the flea market day.
I deleted the photos of the ones I didn't want and kept those that I liked. Surprisingly, I ended up buying 13 CDs there, but not before dropping them on the floor like the dumbass I am.
Also, sorry for all the nerd shit I spilled on your lap earlier. No one cares about amps and tuners xD.
I already transferred over to my online library on iBroadcast and put the disc into my CD changer, which is now holding 164 CDs.
Its max capacity is 300 discs 🥵
Oh well
I like being a nerd gurl
Also maybe a technosexual 👀
I get really excited over some electronics. Like. REALLY excited.
Some editing VCRs are like "Holy shit that is SEXY. Look at those goddamn VU meters 🥵. And hhhh there are like 7 inputs on this thing and individual controls for left and right audio gain, not to mention Hi-Fi S-VHS recording. Hhhhhhhhhhh please gimme 😭. Why are you so expensive?"
I uh, mean, uh, *cough* look, pretty lights.
Oh yeah, I was gonna say the album I was listening to xD. MAN I GOT SIDETRACKED.
It's 37 Everywhere by Punchline. Def give it a listen; it's pretty heccin good.
Another notable album I picked up was Page One by Steven Page. I very much like the first track, "A New Shore." It's quite catchy and he has a great voice imo.
Also at dollar tree, I bought a regular bag of Fieras and 2 bags of Fieras Sticks, which were marked down to 75¢/bag because they're expiring soon.
I honestly like the generic Dollar Tree version of Takis more than actual Takis. They're a lot more flavorful when it comes to the lime, but also hotter at the same time.
Don't get the hot nacho ones tho. Hot nacho? More like hot pile of shit.
They're not that good xD.
"How do you do fellow kids?"
I got home and started working on putting the CDs onto my computer, and then onto iBroadcast, but not without first adding The Music Man to my digital library, something I had neglected for a month or two. The CD had just been sitting there lol.
I also switched my digital file for "The Black Parade" to that of the uncensored CD, which I had purchased before I event started working over 2 months ago.
I eventually get around to shit tho lol. I guess it's just a matter of priority.
What usually takes priority is digging through everything to find something that I forgot about but then remembered, making a mess in the process that I would then have to clean up, at least partially.
I think the album just ended. I've been writing for a while xD. I'ma start "I Made You Something" by The Island of the Misfit Toys.
I'll tell you where that album came from in a minute.
In the meantime, where was I?
I kinda lost my train of thought despite reading up to see where I was. Oh well. On I go.
I ate dinner and kept working on those CDs, eventually putting my clothes from the week into the washer.
I wanted to wash em for this week 😭
No tight pants for Leonna I guess qwq.
Meanwhile, the box of my CD album cases is overflowing. I need another box.
I keep all of the album artworks in a big CD folder. That's almost full.
I wanna fill my entire CD changer. That's one of my big goals in life. Idk why, but I just wanna legitimately fill the entire thing.
My clothes are in the dryer now. I don't think I have the time (or energy) to fold them tonight. I'll leave that for tomorrow morning before work.
And God. Fucking. Damnit. I start school again on Wednesday. NOT looking forward to that, and neither are my 2 coworkers. We already have low enough staff, but only the two of them working is gonna be a pain in the ass.
I'll still work Saturdays.
I need to contact my guidance counselor to get out of the gym class I signed up for. I scheduled this shit before I found out I was trans, and I don't wanna deal with the fucking locker room situation 🙄 I have far more important matters.
Okay so anyway, the album I'm listening to came from a cassette. I bought this cassette a few months ago at the flea market along with a few others. The reason I bought them? They were all newer cassette releases from the 2010's, and they're all actually pretty good music from very indie bands.
Currently getting mad at iBroadcast's compression algorithm. It's unnaturally fucking anything over -10db up. Oh well, there's not really anything I can do about it.
I have like 13GB of music on my phone btw. That's about 3.5k songs on 268 albums.
I'm kind of an audiophile, but I'm too cheap to pay for a lossless service. Oh well.
They do actually have a lossless service on iBroadcast, but once again, too cheap.
Someone just sent me a friend request who legitimately posted that BLM and the democratic party are hate groups.
Goodbye ho.
I don't get that. They call the democratic party a hate group when they hate people like me, and I, being more of a democrat although not fully because the 2-party system is fucked, think nothing more of them than they're very wrong about certain things, especially, as shown, that black people, as well as asian, Indian, native, and people of all ethnicities and backgrounds, are not equal to white people.
You go buddy.
Anyway, yeah, I can, and do, convert music and video from analog formats to digital files in order for me to archive and listen to whenever and wherever I please. I've actually made a bit of a business out of it, but I don't get too much work from it. At least I'm not overloading myself xD.
I honestly have so much more to say, but I should probably go to sleep soon.
A few final shoutouts to the following people and companies:
-Dollar Tree
-Steven Page
-Broken World Media
-The Island of Misfit Toys
-Simple Kid
-My incredible partner QwQ I love you so much. Thanks for being the best all the time. I hope I can give you the best life ever.
Anyway I suppose this is goodnight. Lmk if you want a full list of the CDs I bought today! I'll link that song by Steven Page here.
And here's a good song from Simple Kid
I really like music lol. Enjoy these pieces.
Anyway, goodnight lol.
Lots of love,
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lunarr-rrose · 3 years
Our Latest Fix and Flip Deal - Fernando Angelucci, The Storage Stud
In this video, Fernando will talk about his Fix and Flip deal in Schaumburg, Illinois.
It is a very interesting and unique property because it has a lot of lessons built into it.
The property has been stuck in probate for more or less 7 years. When the owner finally moved the property from probate she decided to sell it. At the same time, she is also building a house in Florida and expected to move- in into that home on December 15, 2020.
Although before she could move in, the builder of her house in Florida required her to pay all the cost by December 14.
Thus for the need for Fernando’s team to sell the other property in Illinois.
The house was built in the 1970s. It’s a 3,000 sqm floor area property with five bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms. It has a full basement with a pool table and bar. It also features a spa room with a hot tub. It has an outdoor pool as well. It sits on 1.2 acres in the middle of forest preserves that gives a very secluded ambiance.
The only issue with the house is it’s super outdated and a lot of things are not up to code which brings a lot of safety issues. This gives Fernando’s team a lot of work to Fix and Flip this house.
If you want to learn more about how and how much Fernando’s team spent in fixing and flipping this house, just continue watching this video.
Fernando O. Angelucci is Founder and President of Titan Wealth Group. He also leads the firm’s finance and acquisitions departments. Fernando Angelucci and Steven Wear founded Titan Wealth Group in 2015, and under his leadership, the firm’s revenue has grown over 100% year over year. Today,
Find out more at
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Hey! Guys and gals, Fernando Angelucci here, wanted to go deep dive on a few deals that we've done in the last couple of weeks. We've been getting a lot of requests for us to go a little bit further in detail on both our wholesale single family business, also our fix and flip business and some of the commercial assets we do. So, the first property I want to talk about is a fix and flip project in Schaumburg, Illinois. Very interesting deal, very interesting unique property, and has a kind of, a lot of lessons built into it. So, originally we had met with the seller and the property had been stuck in probate for something like seven years, something ridiculous. And she finally got it to clear through probate and was ready to move on with her life.
So, she wanted to sell it. And then, simultaneously she started building a home down in Florida and was slated to move into that home on December 15th. But to be able to move into that home, the builder required that she wired all of the proceeds by December 14th. So she said, Hey, Fernando, really like your company, like the options that you bring multiple investors to the table. But I'm telling you right now, I have to close on December 14th, no matter what. I said, okay, that's no problem. We've got plenty of time. So, we walk through the property. It's an old property built in the 1970's. It's gorgeous. It's 3000 square feet. It has five bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms. It has a full basement with a pool table and bar. It has a spa room with a hot tub. It's got an outdoor pool.
It sits on 1.2 acres in the middle of a forest preserve. So it's, even though it's only five minutes from the highway, it feels super secluded. When you get in there, there's tons of huge growth trees, old growth trees all around the house. So as you know, this should be no problem. The only issue with the house was that it's super outdated and everything was kind of hodgepodged together. So, the person that originally built it was an HVAC contractor. So, they kind of did all their little, you know, twists and turns in it, dual zone, heating, dual zone cooling some things weren't really done up to code. And then, when the seller bought it, her husband was also very good with his hands. So they would do a lot of, you know, let's just say not up to code changes to the house running, you know, 120 electrical under the ground without a guide wire.
So, that's pretty dangerous if you accidentally hit it. When you're excavating, they had gas pipes that were running all over the property to heat the pool and, you know, to do the old lights when they're still gas lights. So that's also not very safe as well. We also found a ton of just safety issues. There was two major gas leaks that were going on in the house. One from one of the furnaces, another one from the garage heater, the property actually has three garages on it. So just super interesting house, very large lot, gorgeous areas, just outdated and needed a bunch of work. So I said, okay, we did the analysis on the property. And I figured that there'd be anywhere between a hundred thousand to $150,000 worth of work, depending on the level of finishes that you wanted to put into this property.
We ended up going under contract for 325,000. I originally offered her 300,000. But when she ran through her number and said, Hey, you know, for me to get this done today, I really need 325,000. I said, all right, that's no problem. So, we took a few things off of our budget. Got the property signed over. I told her, Hey, you know, there's a good chance, probably 80% chance that we're going to sign this contract over to one of the investors that we work with. All the terms will be the exact same to you. The closing date and timelines will be the exact same to you. But it's just going to be a different entity. That's going to be closing on it. And the reason for that is we either will partner with our investors. So they'll put up the funds or if the deal doesn't have enough meat on the bone for them, where they don't want to split the profits with us, then they'll actually ask to buy us out through an assignment and we'll make an assignment fee.
So, that was the original plan on this. Had a couple investors walk through that were ready to you know, fix and flip the house. I ended up getting an offer at 380,000, to take down the property, to do the rehab. The only issue was, this was, it was one of the highest offers I got, out of the seven or eight offers that are received on the property, all ranging from 335,000 all the way up to 380. So, it was the highest offer. So we decided to take a chance on these investors, because, you know, usually I like to to have a pre-established relationship, somebody that I've done business with before, however, it's a catch 22. I can't have a business relationship with you if I've never given you the opportunity to close on your first deal with us.
So, this was one of those types of situations, where I gave them the opportunity to prove to me that they're a good investor and they follow through on their work. So fast forward. It's about, I think it's around December 1st at this point. So we're 14, 13, 14 days from closing and the investors. They saw that we had the property under contract for 325,000. Originally I told them, I said, Hey, we're, we have an under contract below 380, and we're going to keep the difference. And they said, that's fine. But then when they saw how much we were making, they started to get a little greedy and started counting our pennies. Which, you know, I don't count if you're going to make 150,000 or $200,000 on a rehab project. I'm not going to ask you for a portion of that. So, I expect the same level of professionalism when you're working with me.
Why does it matter? I have it under contract. Well, they didn't see it that way and they want it to tarnish the relationship. So, on December 1st, they decided to redact their offer and resubmit an offer at 330,000. They thought that because closing was so close, I'd have no other way to go with a back up offer. And, that they kind of had me in a corner. And I said, listen, you know, I'm not, I'm not bluffing with you. Not only do I have seven other buyers behind you, but I'm also willing to do this project myself. And again, they thought that I was bluffing. So, they tried calling my bluff. I said, all right, you know, that's it, we're just going to cancel the contract. So, I ended up closing on the property myself on December 14th, we ran the scope, just hired the contractor today.
So, I'm super excited about it. And so here are the basic numbers. So, we have it for 325,000. We can spend anywhere between a hundred to 150,000 in rehab, depending on the level of finishes that we're going to put into the property. And then, that will allow us to sell it anywhere between 580 to 610,000 plus, depending on the type of buyer. I think that $600,000 number is going to be super fair. We're in a market right now, where there is super low inventory. Every property that I send out to my investors, every property that I list on the MLS is usually getting anywhere between seven to 15 offers within the first two weeks. So, truly is a seller's market right now, just because of the low inventory. I think that was because of, you know, the pandemic is really causing people to kind of hold back, slow down on any major costs, slow down on any transition.
So, to sell a property, you usually have to have another one lined up to buy as well. And because not a lot of people want to do that. There's low inventory, it's causing an artificial price increase. I think this artificial market's gonna last probably until the, probably the end Q3 to Q4 of 2021. And then at that point, I think we're going to start seeing things kind of normalize again, but because they're super low supply we're just in a perfect time to do this. So, get with the contractor, we should be able to finish this project in about eight weeks. He's a really good friend of mine. He does amazing work. He's actually one of my investors, that also buys properties from me. And so I know him really well. I have a great with them and I'm just super stoked, really excited to start working with him. In the end of that eight week rehab, we're going to go ahead and sell the property or listed at least with a whole set of professional photos, professional videos.
We're going to do a 3d virtual reality experience where you can, you know, on your computer or even put on these virtual reality goggles. You can walk through the entire house, look all around, look at the ceiling, look at the floors. You can measure things. It's going to be super cool. So, this was very like just opportunistic deal for us to take down. And again, like I said before, there was a lot of lessons learned in this, you know, number one, if somebody says that they are willing to close on the deal, if a wholesaler says that they're willing to close on the deal, number one on the wholesaler side, they better mean it because this seller had a drop dead date of December 14th. If, the money was not wired to the builder in Florida on December 14th, when she got down there with her rental truck that she's paying, gosh knows how much money for, I mean, it's a huge truck to fit 3000 square foot feet worth of house into, you know, they wouldn't have given her the keys and now she's got to pay additional holding costs.
Now, she has nowhere to live. She's down in Florida with nowhere to stay. It's just, it's one of those things that we see all the time, some of our competitors, you know, they're not equipped to close on these deals and they truly are, you know, just trying to flip contracts with no backup plan. And sometimes it causes sellers to be left in the dirt. It's really a shame. The next thing is on the buyer. And the lessons learned from the buyer end is, you know, when someone says, Hey, I'm not bluffing. I'll close on this myself. You know, you gave us your word that this, this number worked for you. And then all of a sudden, once you saw how much we were making on the deal, now it's no longer a good deal for you. That's, you know, when you allow greed to guide your decisions, you end up losing out on good deals and not only good deals, but, you know, future relationships, I'm never going to send this buyer deals again.
We removed them from all of our marketing list. And now they are going to miss out on one of the premier deal sources in the Chicago land area for deeply discounted real estate investment deals. So, that was another huge lesson learned on the buyer side is, you know, do what you say you're going to do, act with integrity and don't let greed get the best of you. Then at the same time, it was also a great opportunity for our equity partners. We had a few equity partners that wanted to get involved in the deal. They really like it. They're newer to real estate investing. So I said, Hey, here's what we'll do, whatever amount you want to invest. That's totally fine. I can cover the difference. So both me and my partner, Jason are also investing in the property through our individual, entities, as opposed to from our trust or our fix and flip business.
And what we're doing is for all those investors, we're offering them a 10% return on their money and that's 10% absolute. So, what that means is, you know, this is about an eight week rehab project. I'm assuming that we'll be able to get it on the market within three months. So, about 12 months in that it'll sell within a month after that. So, we're looking at about a four month project from check to check if you will, from closing table to closing table, but just to be safe, I decided to take out a fix and flip loan that will actually give me an entire year of leeway, it's interest only. And the nice thing is with that 10% absolute interest rate. If, we finish in 12 months, you get 10% on your money. If we finish in six months, you get 10% on your money, but once you apply that to an annual percentage rate, you're actually making 20% APR because we finish it so quickly.
And then same thing with, if we finish it in four months, now that number goes up again, and now you're going to be making anywhere between 25 and 30% return on your money from an APR standpoint. But again, it's just a 10% absolute. And the way we structured this with our investors is, you know, no payments, no debt payments until the property sold. And once the property sold, the investors get paid out first, after the investors get paid out first, then we go ahead and take the rest of the profits, into the fix and flip company. So super cool deal, really excited about it. Like I said, it's on, in the middle of the forest preserve it's 1.2 acres, five beds, two and a half bath, 3000 square feet in an area where properties basically never come up for sale.
It's a property in this little area, comes up for sale, once every 10 years. So super, super excited about that. So that's the first deal that I wanted to talk about in Schomburg. Now, let's switch gears and talk about some of our wholesale deals and how to work with a wholesaler to really get, you know, the fast lane, really to get the deals first. So the first one we're going to talk about was a property in South Holland. It was a small investment property. It worked both ways to either go as a buy and hold property, or as a, fix and flip. And let me go ahead and pull up those numbers so that we have them here in front of us.
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elylandon · 4 years
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Part 1 - Chapter 8: Voices
Summary: You’re running for your life when you cross paths with an ex-bounty hunter and his small, green companion. You never thought you’d find someone throughout the whole galaxy who was as lost as you.
Pairing: The Mandalorian/Din Djarin x Female Reader
Word Count: 4,681
Rating/Warnings: M for mature content. Swearing, violence, [eventual smut], etc.
Chapter 7 | Chapter 9 
Note: (Slight AU - Slow Burn) I hope you enjoy this one! ❤
While the Razor Crest was a decently sized ship, it could still feel a bit cramped at times. You never liked tight spaces, but you could say you were used to sharing such close quarters with others. There were times when you had shared tiny rooms with two or three other girls in overflowing group homes, and other times when you were dragged into tight corners of Thasar’s estate by some of his business partners. So being stuck on the Crest for days on end, or crammed into that small barn back on Sorgan, hadn’t ever bothered you before.
But then everything changed. You had to admit that it wasn’t exactly instantaneous. It was a gradual change you hadn’t noticed until you were painfully aware of it. How could you not be when every time you saw the Mandalorian, your stomach would erupt in a fit of flutters, and every time he spoke, those flutters would melt into something deeper? And thanks to the confined space of the Razor Crest, seeing and hearing him was such a regular occurrence that, after two weeks of this, you were starting to lose your mind.
You just had to go and tell him how much he meant to you all those days ago, how much you trusted him now, when you had every reason not to trust anyone ever again. And then he just had to jump on your vulnerability wagon and tell you his name, wholeheartedly relaying that he trusted you too.
You needed to get off this gods damned ship.
That was difficult when your party hadn’t exactly found an ideal place to stay just yet. However, as much as you wanted the space to privately mull over all these troublesome feelings you were having around the Mandalorian, you’d desperately appreciate at least a few short hours off this ship for a supply run. So that’s what you suggested to Din.
“I don’t think we should go back to my usual spots,” Din said from his chair, filtering through different planets on his radar. “By now, the Guild might have discovered them and asked after me, knowing now that I visit those places every few weeks.”
You nodded from your co-pilot’s chair, assenting his point. The child was, as per usual, perched in your lap, happily fidgeting with your pendant. He was alternating between lightly sucking on it, and determinedly examining it. This kid really loved small, shiny objects.
“What if we went somewhere completely random? Just pick a planet, land and barter really quick, and then be back in space within a couple hours.”
“We’re easier targets on land. We’d risk alerting any nearby bounty hunters of our proximity,” Din stated matter-of-factly. You sighed.
“We’re risking that no matter where we go.”
“I know,” he said, thoughtfully tapping his fingers against each of the control sticks. He stared at the radar for a long moment, but finally selected a destination.
“What did you settle for?” you asked, sitting up a little to get a look over his shoulder.
“It’s a moon of the planet nearest to us. Seems to be a hub for trade. If any nearby tracking fobs go off, they’ll most likely assume we’re on the planet before they realize that we’re not. It’ll give us a little time.”
“A few hours worth, maybe?” There was a hopeful lilt to your tone.
“We shouldn’t push our luck. Two hours max.”
“Fair enough,” you agreed, relieved. Din could tell. He glanced back at you.
“What? It’s only been two weeks and you’re already starting to feel restless?”
“You have no idea,” you muttered, squelching the jitters vibrating through your body at his attention.
Din watched as your shoulders immediately relaxed upon disembarking the ship. He had witnessed them inch higher and higher with each day that they remained stuck out in space, searching in vain for their next sanctuary. You wouldn’t admit it, but the close quarters were finally starting to get to you.
Din knew this, because he could feel it as well. He wanted to say it was because he wasn’t used to travelling with others, but that was a complete lie. It was your presence that was making him antsy.
Whenever the two of you were in the same space on the ship, he was hyperaware of every move and sound you made. Often times, part of him was tempted to snap at you, and convince you to leave him be, so he could focus on the task at hand. But he never acted on it. He was grudgingly coming to the conclusion that he wanted that awareness of you, constantly.
Din had admitted to himself on Sorgan that he hadn’t wanted to leave you and the child behind, despite thinking it was in the best interests of you both. Now, though, it was beyond that. After everything you had said to him as the three of you left Sorgan, he wasn’t sure he could have gone through with it, no matter how determined he was. Your words had settled something in him, and he was still trying to come to terms with that.
He needed to get off that damned ship, too.
You took a few steps off the ramp, head swiveling, taking everything in. The child mimicked you as he sat in his satchel hanging against your hip. Your hand was resting against the outside of the bag, and the child’s ears twitched as he reached out with his own pudgy hands to grasp yours and hold it close. Din’s chest tightened as he looked on, and he blew out an annoyed breath at the feeling.
“Come on,” he said, trying but failing not to sound curt in his frustration. “We’re on the clock. Let’s see what we can find.”
Din’s hand kept finding the small of your back as he guided you through throngs of people in the market. You were very capable of maneuvering on your own, but didn’t dare say so. You were afraid that, if you gave him any indication that you were put off by this gesture, then he’d stop, and never do it again. So you smothered the butterflies dancing the conga in your stomach and allowed him to steer you along.
Aside from the very slight herded-little-lamb feeling, the gesture was very… pleasant.
Two hours flew by like that, and the two of you found everything you needed, including a drum of fuel that Din could syphon from. That would last you another couple weeks in space.
For the most part, every merchant you met had been friendly and fair. That was, until you came across a vendor selling miscellaneous parts and gadgets. Something displayed in the stall had caught your attention, and you dragged Din over to get a look. The surly old woman manning the stand eyed your approach, running a very telling glance over Din’s gleaming Mandalorian armor.
“Check these out,” you said excitedly, reaching for two earpieces that sort of reminded you of Bluetooth headsets. You handed one to Din. “They’re ear comlinks. They might come in handy.”
“What makes you say that?” Din questioned, inspecting the gadget.
“You’re going to have to take on jobs soon, and I won’t be able weasel my way into coming with you, kid in tow. We could use these to communicate, in case you wind up being gone longer than a few hours.”
Din considered this, but wound up shaking his head.
“That’s not a bad idea, but these have seen better days.” He waved the earpiece. “I’m pretty sure this one is broken.” You took it from him and examined it, then smiled up at him.
“I can fix them, though. I’m certain I could increase their range sensitivity too.”
“To how much?”
“As long as we’re on the same planet, we should have a stable connection.”
He really did like the practicality of the idea. He was also all too aware that his funds were running low, and that he’d need to rectify that soon. He hated to admit it, but he knew he’d fret if he left you and the child alone for several hours… or days. He knew you’d worry too, not knowing if he was having a difficult hunt, or if he was dead in a ditch. If you were sure you could get them working, and working that well, then he wasn’t opposed to it.
“How much?” he asked the merchant woman. She once again ran an appraising eye over his armor, then named her price.
It was outrageous.
“Now way,” you argued, holding the earpieces out for the woman to see the damage. “They’re broken. They should be a fraction of the original asking price.” The woman shook her head.
“That’s a seven percent increase of what I bought them for. I have to make a profit for a living, girl.”
“I think you must be misremembering how much you purchased this junk for,” Din said lowly.
“The price is the price,” she quipped, not budging an inch. Din sighed.
“Fine. Forget it then, Y/N. I’m sure we can take our business elsewhere for a better bargain.”
Din started to leave, but then he noticed your expression and stopped. You were so focused, making deliberate eye contact with the woman, face a serene, calm mask. It almost looked like the two of you were in a trance. On a strange impulse, Din reached for your arm, planning to grab your elbow and carefully pull you out of it. But you spoke before his fingers grazed you.
“You will reconsider,” you said, voice monotone and even. “-and give us a fair deal on the broken comlinks.”
The woman blinked languidly, then straightened. Din watched, bemused, as she replied in the same monotone voice.
“I will reconsider, and give you a fair deal on the broken comlinks.”
If you could see his face, you might have laughed as his mouth slackened a little, a confused and troubled look marring his features. A far more reasonable amount of credits changed hands and you pocketed the earpieces, stroking the child’s ear as you brought your hand back to rest over him. As the woman started to blink more rapidly, coming out of whatever spell you had put her in, you quickly turned towards Din and grabbed his forearm with your free hand, pulling him away from the stall.
“Time’s up, right?” you asked, not even looking back at him. “We should get going.”
When Din found his words again, he said, “Just going to gloss right over whatever the hell that was back there?”
“Honestly, I’m still trying to figure out exactly how these powers work myself.”
As Din matched your stride through the market, you grudgingly released his arm. He looked at you sidelong.
“I thought you could only move things, like the kid.”
“If his abilities and mine are the same, I have a feeling he can do more than lift a mudhorn,” you shrugged, weaving in and out of crowds.
“Explain,” Din demanded.
“I will. When we’re back on the ship.”
Once you all were on course again, Din found himself watching you tinker with the earpieces. He was handing you tools when you asked for them, and waiting until you were ready to start explaining what had happened with the merchant. He had hauled the necessary equipment you needed into the cockpit, neither of you wanting to disturb the child that was sleeping down on Din’s cot. The comlinks were so small, and the tiny wiring looked a little complicated in his opinion, but you seemed to know what you were doing, so he just observed. Several times you had glanced up and noticed the set of his broad shoulders. He was waiting, but he was apprehensive, strumming like a livewire. You sighed.
“When I was a kid, there had been a couple times when I was able to-” you tried to find the right words. “-strongly convince others to do or not do things.” You refocused your attention on the earpieces, working while you talked, not really wanting to meet his concealed eyes as you told him this.
“Like one of my foster moms. Her husband would slap her around, and one day I got so sick of it, I threatened to knife him in his sleep if he didn’t stop. I was barely nine; I’m not sure what made me think I could play the intimidation card. He just locked me in a closet for several days.”
You really didn’t like talking about these things. However, you knew it would be easier for Din to understand the revelation you made with that woman today if you gave him a few examples. You soldiered on.
“I wasn’t sure how many days it had been, but I was starving, and I heard her walk by. I remember her opening the door when I called out to her, and I saw the absolute horror in her eyes at what her husband was doing to me. But there was also her fear of disobeying him, of the beating she would get if he saw her even talking to me. I didn’t really give a damn what she felt at that moment. She was letting him get away with it, even after I stood up for her, so she could go to hell for all I cared. But, I was so hungry, so I was going to do everything I could to get her to bring me some food. I found it strange that it didn’t take much.”
Din remained completely still as you spoke. You had to keep checking his chest to make sure he was even breathing, as if his tightly clenched fists sitting atop the armrests of his chair wasn’t enough of an indication that he was taking in your every word.
“Another time, there was a foster brother. I was thirteen, and he was a lot older than me. He used to sneak into my room at night to watch me sleep. I tried to pretend like I never noticed him, hoping he’d get bored and stop. But I could tell that he wouldn’t. Something inside me told me that I had to make him stop. So I told him to, and he did.”
You swallowed thickly after that one, and decided that was enough sharing for now.
“I couldn’t ever do this thing consistently. My attempts failed more often than not. That day, when we first met, I had been able to do it with Gurn to get me and the child out of that cage. But today, when I was listening to that woman, I could just tell she was lying. She hadn’t bought the comlinks. She’d stolen them, and was disappointed when she realized they were broken. She was trying to cheat us like she had been cheated.”
“How could you tell all that?” Din asked, speaking for the first time since being back on the Crest.
“I-I think that’s part of the ability. I’d never realized it before, but every time I have successfully influenced someone’s thoughts, I had been able to sort of discern what they were thinking. With the foster mom, it was her desire to help me, and her fear of getting caught. With Gurn, I could tell he was intrigued by my plan to escape, always eager to hunt me down. It was like a game to him. And then with this merchant, I could just sense that she was lying, and that she thought we were made of money because of your armor.”
“So… you can read minds then?” Din asked hesitantly, but you shook your head, scrunching up your nose.
“I think that’s a strong way of putting it. It’s more like these people had unguarded, weak minds. They were more susceptible to being influenced, to me sensing what they were thinking. But it’s always been a strain. It’s not like I can sit here and hear what you’re thinking, and I hope you know that I have no desire to influence you in any way.” 
With that said, you finally met his eyes again.
“Yeah, I know,” he nodded, mulling over your words. “Do you think the kid can do these things too?” You shrugged helplessly.
“I don’t know. I didn’t even know I could throw people across rooms until it happened. If I can do more than I originally thought, then… it’s possible he can do more as well.”
The two of you fell quiet then, and Din continued to watch you. As much as your explanation had sent his mind into a tailspin, watching you work was… calming. It didn’t matter if it was something like this, maintaining the ship, or playing with and caring for the kid, something about the way you did things was soothing. He couldn’t think of a better way to phrase it, but the moment he saw that focus in your eyes, and could imagine the gears turning in your brain, he felt like he could relax for once. Your presence alone took some of the pressure off, easing the constant tension he felt even before taking on the kid and crossing the Guild. He wasn’t alone in this anymore.
That’s what having a partner was for, wasn’t it? To share some of those burdens, and work through them together? Well, one of those problems the two of you would have to face together was the kid and his powers.
Technically, the child was older than you, but for whatever species he was, he was only a baby, already out there lifting mudhorns with his mind. Din knew he would have to start finding answers soon, for both you and the child, but the two of you agreed that he was comparatively more powerful. Din would need to fully understand what he was capable of in the future if he was going to continue watching over him.
Another burden being tackled together in your partnership was your past. He remembered thinking weeks and weeks ago that he wasn’t the person you should be untangling your story with, that he didn’t want to be. Now, he couldn’t imagine not being that person. It was a slow process. You were always so hesitant to let even the smallest details leak, and quick to regret allowing those leaks to happen. But you still managed to keep from bottling everything, and never once took back your words once you’d said them.
It made Din wonder if he could tell you about the things that he’s done, the things that gave him nightmares.
“Okay!” you suddenly exclaimed, causing Din to jump out of his thoughts. He tumbled back into the present to see you clicking the plastic around the wires shut before holding out one of the earpieces for him to take.
“I think they’re good to go. Time to test these babies out!"
Din suddenly realized something as he took the earpiece, and kicked himself for not thinking about it sooner.
“I’m going to have to take my helmet off.” You only nodded, as if, unlike him, you’d already thought of this.
“Yes, but for the test, I’m gonna head to the back of the ship, so we can’t hear each other except for in these. I won’t see a thing.”
You held yours up to show him the three buttons on the outside of them.
“This one turns yours on and off. This middle button is to mute yourself, and this bottom button is to mute me,” you explained. Another stupid thought crossed his mind. How had he originally thought that this was a good idea?
“How am I supposed to mess with the buttons with my helmet on?” Again, it seemed you had already thought about this. You smiled.
“Don’t worry. I have an idea for that. Let’s just make sure they work first.”
A few moments later, when he was sure you were at the back of the hull, he slipped off his helmet. Cool air touched his cheeks and he sucked in a lungful of fresh, unfiltered air. Ever since he swore the Creed and donned the helmet, in these moments, he could never decide if he was relieved to have the thing off, or panicked until he put it back on. But that was a nearly lifelong struggle he could deal with another time. For now, he tucked the comlink into his ear, and pressed the top button to turn it on as you instructed.
“Din?” your soft voice said over a current of static. That thing in Din’s chest lurched again, and he really wished it would stop.
“Sounds like they work,” he replied, about to pull the helmet back over his head.
“Yes!” you whooped in victory, and his lips tugged upwards at the sound.
“Alright,” you continued. “We should test the mute buttons, so don’t put your helmet back on just yet.”
He agreed and asked you what you wanted him to do. The two of you each tested muting yourselves, and then each other, finding that everything seemed to be in working order. You warned him you were coming back towards the cockpit, so he pulled the earpiece out and put his helmet back on. Within seconds you called up to him from the bottom of the ladder and he walked over to peer down at your beaming face.
“What was that idea of yours, then?” he asked, and your smile turned sheepish.
“Well, you’ll have to trust me for this part.” His shoulders bunched.
“I’m almost completely certain I can make it so you can control the earpiece from your vambrace. However, I’ll have to wirelessly connect it to the tech in your helmet.”
That fluttering in his chest from earlier evolved into a complete jolt of panic, but he quickly stifled it. Din did trust you. He was going to have to start showing it. He nodded his consent.
You asked him to drop down a couple of the tools you would need, including the earpiece, then you promptly turned away from him and closed your eyes. You lifted your hands above your head and waited, until you felt the cold weight of his helmet settle into your hands.
If he thought his heart was racing, he had no idea that yours was about to come crashing out of your chest. You knew the severity of what you had asked him. He’d told you about the Creed, what it meant to wear the armor, and why it was so important to keep himself masked from any other living being. So you knew very well the faith he was putting in you as he passed down his helmet, standing maskless above you. You were not going to betray that trust.
“Go ahead and stay up there for now,” you instructed. “I’m going to sit here in case I need you to toss me down any other tools.”
And so you sat, keeping your eyes closed until your back was leaning against the ladder. This way, you’d very deliberately have to crane your neck back in order to look up into the cockpit. When you opened your eyes, you glanced down at the helmet sitting gingerly in your lap. It was kind of odd, seeing the helmet without the rest of Din attached to it. 
You shook your head at the thought and flipped the helmet over, taking a look at the inside. You went to work trying to find something to make a wireless connection. You knew there had to be one, because you had seen him use his vambrace to control what he saw through the helmet. You resisted the urge to pump your fist in the air when you found it, and then rolled your eyes when you heard a slight clinking above you as Din shifted his weight.
“If you keep hovering like that, I might accidentally look up and see you,” you teased.
“I’m just making sure you don’t break anything.”
You froze, fingers stilling inside his helmet. You had just heard his voice… his real, unaltered voice, completely free of the modulator and the brief static of the earpiece. It was deep, warm, and reposeful. Those butterflies came to life once again, and heat not only touched your cheeks, but pooled in your belly. The most surprising of your reactions, though? Your eyes started to sting, tears threatening. 
“What’s wrong,” Din asked, noticing you had stopped working. You sucked in a quiet, ragged breath, blinked rapidly against the brimming tears, and shoved all those crazy emotions back, back, back. You could think about them later, but not in front of him. 
“Is umm,” you quickly tried to think of something that might have made you pause, and would possibly explain the slight quiver in your voice. “Is this allowed? I just realized- i-it’s not forbidden for someone to tamper with your armor, is it?”
Nice save.
You couldn’t see it, but you could tell when he had shrugged his shoulders. 
“I won’t tell if you won’t.”
Oh gods. You were so desperately torn. You wanted him to keep speaking, keep talking to you forever and ever, so you could just melt into the sound of his voice. But you also wanted him to shut up until the helmet was back on, because his voice was making you feel things, and it was so distracting, and-
“I’m sure it’s fine, Y/N,” he said slowly, still wondering why you were hesitating.
“R-right,” you quickly said, getting back to the task at hand. Internally though, after hearing him say your name-
Gods, I am so fucked. 
You worked for a couple more minutes, trying to calm yourself down, when he spoke again. 
“Kid’s awake.” You quickly glanced over and saw that the child had waddled up to you, wide eyes fixed on Din’s helmet. You smiled at him, but then noticed his puckered brow bone. He reached a stubby hand out, touching the helmet… and then his lower lip started trembling. 
“Oh no!” you exclaimed, dropping the helmet in your lap and lifting the kid to cradle him against your chest. 
“What is it?” Din asked, concern touching his tone. The child looked even more upset, hearing Din’s voice while continuing to stare at the helmet. 
“I think he thinks you’ve been decapitated,” you said, trying so, so hard to keep the panicked giggles out of your voice. The child’s reaction at seeing his Mando without a body was so cute, so heartbreaking, you weren't sure if you wanted to laugh or cry. 
“It’s okay, little guy, he’s safe. He’s up there, but you can’t look just yet,” you explained, pointing up at the cockpit. You heard Din step back as the child looked up, and you made quick work to finish connecting the comlink while Din spoke soothingly to the child. The sound calmed you too, allowing you to move beyond your previous feelings while you finished. 
When all was said and done, you covered both your eyes and the child’s while Din climbed down the ladder. He let you know when he had the helmet back on, then sat next to you, stealing the child from your lap as he instantly reached for his Mando. 
You watched them for a moment.
These two are going to be the death of me, you thought. 
“Are you going to keep your earpiece on all the time?” he asked, pulling you from your happy thoughts. You nodded. 
“Yeah, I think so. But don’t worry, I’ll mute myself if we’re in the same space, or if I’m annoying you with my constant blathering,” you laughed. Din shook his head, though. 
“You don’t have to do that,” he said thoughtfully, eyes still on the child. “I don’t mind the blathering. In fact, I find a kind of solace... in the sound of your voice.”
Your eyes widened, and your cheeks lit up once again. 
Yeah, I am definitely fucked.
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questionsonislam · 3 years
What are the benefits of eating and drinking a little? What should be the criterion for eating?
A person can get used to it by trying to eat less and leaving the table before getting full.
The stomach is like the pool of our body. The stomach is a kitchen where the nutrients and vitamins that all of the organs need are prepared. The feeling of eating and hunger that forms in the stomach is the primary desire. A person who is full feels a desire for sexuality. Then, he will try to work and earn a lot of money in order to maintain the satiety. The way to earn a lot of money is possible by being close to people of authority and higher-ups, to have good relations with them or to be a person of authority. It will increase the desire and ambition for money and fame. Ambition increases the desires of a person, and he may have to resort to some haram (forbidden) ways that are contrary to human honor in order to maintain his/her position. Satanic attributes like wrath, fury, animosity, grudge, ambition to be prominent will start to accompany that person.
As it is understood from that simple analysis, it will not be exaggeration to say, “to surrender to the stomach, which is the primary cause of all sins, means to be under its command.”
When we say "the tongue", what we mean is not its biological functions; similarly, when we say the stomach, we do not mean how it works and its digestive functions but where the desires originating from the stomach takes man and how it elevates and debases man. In this framework, we will deal with the merits of eating a little and the harms of eating a lot.
The words of the Messenger of Allah, his companions and saintly people about eating a little
"Fight your soul through eating and drinking a little. The reward of eating and drinking a little is like fighting (jihad) your enemies. There is nothing more rewarding than it before Allah.”
“The person who fills his stomach with food is not allowed to ascend to the sky of mysteries.”
“The loveliest ones among you before Allah are those who think a lot and eat a little. The least lovely ones are those who eat a lot, laugh a lot and sleep a lot.”
“Do not kill your heart by eating and drinking a lot. The heart is like a crop; the crop that is watered a lot decays.”
“The worst container that man fills is his stomach.”
“Allocate one third of your stomach to food, one third to water and one third to respiration (so that you will not be short of breath)”
“Do not fill your stomach completely so that you will have strength for worshipping and dhikr (mentioning the name of Allah and remembering Him).”
“The devil travels in a person’s body like the blood. Eat a little so that the ways of the devil will be blocked.”
“Your heart should see Allah; you may keep your stomach hungry and thirsty if you wish.” Hazrat Eesa (Jesus)
“Knock on the gate of Paradise with hunger and thirst. It will definitely be answered.” Hazrat Aisha
“A person who has enough food for himself and who gets up in the morning without needing anybody is the happiest man in the world.” (Malik B. Dinar)
Benefits of Eating a Little:
1- It brightens and enlightens the heart: Eating a little will cause an increase in the functions of the heart. Eating a lot will make the mind obtuse.
“The heart becomes pure and fine by eating a little.”
“Those who keep eating a little become intelligent, clever and strong in terms of thought.”
“Do not eat until you are full lest the fire of comprehension in your heart will extinguish. Comprehension is the way to Paradise and eating a little is the way to comprehension.”
2- The fineness of the heart and thought will increase, which will enable one to find pleasure in dhikr and prayer:
Eating a lot causes anger-fury and sleep. A person who eats a lot cannot find courage and strength for worshipping. Even if he worships and makes dhikr, it will take place in the tongue (superficially); it will not go down to the heart; the spirit will not take any pleasure from it.
“The eating table is a veil between Allah and you. It is impossible for those who are addicted to the eating table to take pleasure in prayer and dhikr.” (Junayd Baghdadi)
3- Eating a little causes weakness and brokenness: Eating a lot means to stir up the rebellious soul. A person who eats a little becomes humble, broken and weak. A slave cannot prostrate truly before Allah unless he sees his weakness. One of the ways of feeling one’s weakness is to eat a little. A person who eats a little will manage to thank Allah for His bounties and beg in front of Him more.
When the treasures of the earth were presented to the Messenger of Allah, he said:
“I do not want them!.. I like it better to fast one day and to eat one day because I show patience when I fast and I thank Allah when I eat.”
4- Hunger; It reminds us hungry people and increases compassion and mercy. Hunger reminds one the trouble of the people of Hell; thirst reminds one the scorch of the Gathering Place (mahshar). A person who does not undergo hunger cannot understand the situation of the poor that cannot find any food to eat. A person who eats a little and who fasts from time to time understands the situation of the poor better. It will enable to revive the feelings of mercy and compassion, increase in alms and helping. Mercy and compassion are the keys to Paradise.
They asked Hazrat Yunus (Jonah) (pbuh): “You have the treasures of the earth, why do you remain hungry?” He answered, “If I am full, I will forget about the situation of the hungry.”
5- Eating a lot depraves the soul:
When the soul is depraved, it gives in to all kinds of animal feelings and instincts especially lust and becomes under their command. The best way to train the soul is hunger. Eating until one is completely full means to invite sins through one’s own hands.
6- He who eats a little sleeps a little:
To eat a lot means to invite sleep and heedlessness, which brings about laziness and unwillingness to work and worship. They cause the destruction of man. A lazy person cannot find the energy necessary for mental and physical activities in his body.
7- He who eats a little will have a lot of time:
A person who allocates little time to eating will have more time for useful activities like learning, reading, working, listening and studying. To put it simply, he will spare the time spent for tasks like preparing meals, buying and carrying food
8- He who eats a little is saved from illnesses, drugs and doctors: The primary reason of diseases is eating junk food and eating greedily. If we think that diet is the main treatment method of doctors, another useful aspect of eating a little will be clear.
Modern medicine has approved how significant the meaning of this hadith is:
“Perform fasting so that you will be healthy”.
9- The expenditure of a person who eats a little will be a little:
He who eats a lot needs money and wealth. He who eats a little will be contented. Therefore, he will spend less money.
Ibrahim Adham said to a person who complained that something was very expensive while wandering in the market:
“Do you want to cheapen it?”
The man said “Yes”. Ibrahim Adham said:
“The easiest way to buy something at a cheaper price is not to buy it.”
10- He who eats a little will have strength for alms, patience and contentment:
A person who eats without wasting will have enough money and opportunity for giving alms, and he will realize patience and contentment more than everybody else.
The Messenger of Allah said the following by touching the abdomen of a fat companion:
“If you had put what you had put here in somewhere else, it would have been better for you.”
The saintly people said the following:
“The food that fills the stomach becomes investment for the toilet. What is given as alms becomes a capital for Paradise.”
What is filled into the stomach is investment for the body and toilet; they will not bring any spiritual earnings. It will be the most profitable investment to give away to people by cutting down on the stomach, to eat and drink moderately, to perform fasting from time to time, thus contributing to the health of the body and gaining rewards.
Those whose brains are dependent on their stomachs can never be successful in spiritual and mental works. If we see the stomach only as an organ that fulfils its function and as a storage supplying energy to the brain, then it will be possible for us to carry out effective works.
We should not forget that those who tried to be saintly people reached the truth by experiencing hunger and thirst that the prophets and apostles did not eat until they were full, that our prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) could not eat enough barley bread and that he sometimes broke his fast by only one date and a glass of water.
What should the criterion be in eating?
Since "obesity" has become a remarkably common disease especially in developed countries, its treatment has become an important field of today’s medicine. Islam has laid down universal principles and methods that do not go out of date regarding every issue that interest man. What Islam has advised to prevent obesity are the targets that preventive medicine is trying to reach today.
The issues to be paid attention to in preventing obesity
Today’s medicine classifies the causes of obesity mainly under the headings of the content of the food, the amount of the food, the interval between meals, the feeling of fullness and the length of time for eating a meal.
The content of the food
Fat, sugar, protein, vitamin and minerals are taken into the body as basic substances. Among those, fat and protein weighted nutrition harms the vein system first and the relevant organ’s tissues later. The rate of death from atherosclerosis in the USA and developed countries is 50%. Due to the fact that the rate is so high, the tendency toward low fat diets has increased.
When excessive carbohydrate is taken, the extra glucose is transformed to fat in the tissues based on the metabolism in the liver. If there is more protein than the tissues can use in the diet, it is also stored as fat. That extra fat, sugar and proteins are stored in the body as fat makes the content of the food important. Our Prophet (pbuh) said:
"The stomach is the pool of the body; if the stomach is healthy, the veins will be healthy; if the stomach is not healthy, the veins will not be healthy."
Consequently, the content of the food that enters stomach is very important. If the stomach is filled with high-calorie food like fat, carbohydrate and proteins, the risk of catching atherosclerosis at the age of 40-60 increases depending also on the genetics of the family and the physiological program.
The amount of the food
The stomach and the intestines are organs that stretch and shrink. The normal volume of the stomach before stretching is 1.000-1.500 milliliters, and the length of the small intestines is 5 metres when they shrink. After the food that is taken into the stomach softened and is turned to chyme, it is sent to the small intestines (first to the duodenum). However, it does not mean that every food that is turned to chyme in the stomach will be poured into the intestines directly. The chemical properties and the amounts of the food is checked by the automatic system located between the stomach and the intestines; if the system placed there by the Creator does not find the food appropriate, the food will not be allowed to pass. The content in the stomach does not pass into the duodenum if the protein breakdown products and the content of the stomach are too much, the food is too fatty, the gastric fluid is hypertonic or hypotonic. That property of the content is used to check the exit of the stomach through reflex. Then, how much food should we take into the stomach. Our Prophet (pbuh) said the following about the amount of food in these two hadiths: "Man fills no vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to have a few mouthfuls to give him the strength he needs. If he has to fill his stomach, then let him leave one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for air."
"Man fills no vessel worse than his stomach. It is sufficient for the son of Adam to have a few mouthfuls to give him the strength he needs. If he has to fill his stomach, then let him leave one-third for food, one-third for drink and one-third for air." (Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah At’ima, Musnad)
"The stomach is the pool of the body; if the stomach is healthy, the veins will be healthy; if the stomach is not healthy, the veins will not be healthy." (K. Khafa, Baghdadi, Qayyim, Ummal Zawaid)
"A believer eats in one intestine, and an unbeliever eats in seven intestines." (Bukhari, Muslim Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah)
• The most beloved of you to Allah is he who eats a little and is light in terms of the body weight.
• My greatest fear for you is the appetites of transgression with regard to your stomachs and your privates and the inclinations which lead astray.
• The first trouble that will affect the ummah after prophets is eating a lot and satiety. When people are full, their bodies become fatty but weakness appears in their hearts; their carnal desires increase and become difficult to control.
• Our Prophet (pbuh) said the following for the people of Madinah:
"The inhabitants of this town do not eat until they get hungry. They leave the table before they are full although they can eat as much as they have eaten. Therefore, they are not taken ill."
"The stomach is the home of the diseases; diet is the primary means of treatment. Give each body what it is accustomed to." (al Madkhal, K. Khafa)
If the total capacity of the stomach is assumed to be 1.000-1.500 milliliters, the amount of food taken during one meal, according to the hadiths, is about 333-500 milliliters depending on the anatomic structure of the body. With a rough estimation, a person whose stomach is big should not eat more than about 2,5 glassful of food at a meal (bread, main course, soup and fruit with the addition of 1/3 water, 666-1.000 cc becomes the amount to be eaten at one meal). It is approximately equal to the volume (700-1570 cm3) of the duodenum, whose diameter is 4-5 centimeters and length is 20-25 centimeters. Our Prophet (pbuh) expressed the littleness of the ideal amount by saying:
“A believer eats in one intestine, and an unbeliever eats until his seven intestines are full."
When the system was created, the organs were given the property of flexibility; the middle part of the small intestine (the jejunum) has a volume of 4 liters but it has a stretching capacity of up to 10 liters. Therefore, if a person eats a lot, the Creator has given the system of intestines the ability to tolerate it. When it is taken into consideration that the organs continuously stretch with the intake of excessive food and the complications of obesity appear, it will be seen that our Prophet (pbuh) expressed the ideal criterion for eating.
Interval between meals
Man feels two kinds of hunger: physiological and psychological.
In the physiological hunger, hunger cramps appear due to the food need of the body whereas in the psychological hunger, conditioning is in question. Hunger cramps appear with the intervals of 12-24 hours. If those cramps that start after taking the last food will reach the most intense levels in 3-4 days if they are not stopped through eating; in the following days, the cramps decrease gradually even if no food is taken.
In the psychological hunger, if meal times are determined as periods of less than twelve hours and if that order is followed, the body becomes conditioned to it in 5-7 days and the person feels hungry when the time comes. In the working places, since lunch breaks are generally at 12.00-13.00, a person feels hungry at 12.00-13.00 even if he has had breakfast at home at 08.00 in the morning because he is conditioned to have a meal four hours later. When the month of Ramadan starts, a few days later we forget about lunch and do not get hungry at 12.00. It is suppression of the psychological hunger by a new conditioning. Physiological hunger is the hunger that is felt through hunger cramps at 20.00 in the evening if one has had breakfast at 08.00. Therefore, except for diabetes and other exceptional situations, what is natural is to have two meals a day in accordance with physiological hunger.
The feeling of fullness and the duration of a meal
The period of time spent while eating a meal is very important. The food should be chewed a lot and ground in the mouth, which is the doorkeeper of the mouth. The longer the period of chewing and the hormones are secreted, the longer the feeling of fullness. The feeling of fullness does not depend on the amount of food but the period of chewing in the mouth. There are experiments that confirm it. Fistulas were opened in the esophagi of some animals and the food that they ate were sent out not to their stomachs. 20-40 minutes after the animals ate the food, they were given some more food but they did not want it and did not eat it. We can understand from the experiment that along with the amount and content of the food, the period of chewing in the mouth is also important for the feeling of fullness. Especially those who are on a diet should take it into consideration and should chew the low-calorie food in the mouth for at least 20 minutes and form the feeling of fullness.
Choosing the type of food in the diet
If a person is not ill and if he is overweight, he must know the amount of the calorie of the food he eats. For instance, if all of the 300-500 cc food taken at a meal consists of bakery products, the calorie to be taken is 1.050-1.750; if it is salami only, the calorie is 1.420-2.545. However, if the same amount of spinach is eaten, it will be equal to only 50-80 calories. The daily calorie need of a person changes between 1.800 to 3.500 calories based on his work. A person who eats 350 grams of salami must not eat anything else within 24 hours if he does not want to put on weight. The amount and content of the food is more important than daily meals. Our Prophet (pbuh) said the following for the people of Madinah:
"The inhabitants of this town do not eat until they get hungry. They leave the table before they are full although they can eat as much as they have eaten. Therefore, they are not taken ill."
Leaving the table full by eating too much enlarges the stomach. When meat and fatty food with a lot of taste and calories are added, obesity appears. Acting upon the criteria of our Prophet (pbuh), we can say the following:
1) A person should eat 350-500 cc at each meal.
2) The interval between the meals should be 8-12 hours.
3) The length of time for a meal should be 20 minutes.
Today, especially in developed countries, the frequency of obesity and the diseases depending on it has reached grave levels. Islam has presented ways appropriate for the nature of man regarding the issues like the amount and content of the food, the length of time for chewing it in the mouth and the interval between meals so that man will not catch the disease of obesity.
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