#he also an identification number from the agency somewhere on him
adoranoia · 1 year
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a random/mini hc: seven has a tattoo on his left upper arm--a colorful retro-looking space ship, surrounded by a few planets/stars, like this. edit: he also has both of his ears, his septum, and tongue pierced.
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fuckyeahisawthat · 3 years
Still thinking about the near-universal Mediocre Critical Consensus on Trust. Because when I find something I LOVE and someone else just...doesn’t connect with it, I get really curious as to why.
I’m giving the critics who only got to screen the first three episodes a pass, because the show really does not lead with its most compelling material, and also that’s a dumb way to ask critics to provide an honest review of a serialized story and networks should stop doing it.
But there are a number of critics who were writing week-by-week summaries (including the guy who complained about the Calabrian characters speaking too much Calabrese, but not only him) who just seemed to completely miss so much of what made the show interesting. And I can’t help wondering how much of this was due to a disconnect between how they expected the story to be told and how it actually was told.
All the criticism I read is blending together a bit now, but there was more than one reviewer who seemed...unduly fixated on Fletcher Chase. And, hey, don’t get me wrong here. Brendan Fraser is great in that role. But he’s a secondary character. And while he’s a useful narrator and tone-setter, other than in episode 2, where he incorrectly ascertains that the kidnapping is a hoax, he contributes...almost nothing to moving the plot along, in the sense of making choices that shape the narrative. In many parts of the show his main role is to be a scene partner for Gail, who is the one shaping the narrative a lot of the time she’s on screen.
And the thing is, you can see a more conventionally-told version of the story where Fletcher Chase is the hero. He’s the closest the story gets to a cop character, the traditional POV character of many crime stories. (He’s the character who gets played by Mark Wahlberg in the movie, and I mean that in both a symbolic and literal sense.) A lot of kidnapping/missing person stories place the audience identification and agency with the searchers/rescuers, not the victim, and certainly not the kidnapper. The searchers may be law enforcement or they may be family members, but we’re very used to seeing the story from their perspective.
Trust doesn’t completely flip that POV, but it distributes our attention and the narrative agency (whose decisions make the plot happen) much more evenly between Gail, Little Paul, and Primo. And this means that we end up understanding their perspectives and motivations pretty much equally, even when they’re set against each other.
To be fair, it is a bit of a slow burn to understand exactly what the show is doing. For me, watching it the first time through, it clicked somewhere around episode 4, which has a lot of scenes with Primo pursuing a goal on his own (it may be related to Paul but he’s not sharing a scene with him). This is where you start to understand why Primo is doing what he’s doing, on an emotional/psychological level and not just a financial one, and maybe start to root for him a bit against an uncle who doesn’t seem to have a lot of faith in him. Which is the perfect thing to do before the show completely flips our perspective upside down and makes him the antagonist for all of episode 5. Because we’ve spent time getting to know him a bit, the show can do that without completely breaking our identification with him, even when he is being very scary and a direct threat to our other main character.
Even if it takes you a while to adjust your expectations, the structure of the narrative should be very clear by the end of episode 6, when we have the Meeting of the Two Dons, Salvatore and Old Paul. Because this whole sequence is about showing both how the two families are alike and how the Gettys are just operating on a vastly different scale in terms of power. (It’s a real trick to make an organized crime syndicate look like the underdogs but they manage it.) If you haven’t yet figured out that this is a story about two families and the ways they mirror and echo each other, not just a story about the Gettys, it should be obvious at this point. This is also the sequence where, if you haven’t yet picked up on the fact that this is a show about capitalism and class, you get hit over the head with it in a delightfully unsubtle way.
Then, after pitting Primo against Paul and Gail in episode 5/6, the show realigns them, so that they all have the same hope and fear at the end of episode 7--hoping that the ransom will be delivered, and fearing that it won’t be. Meanwhile we’re watching the other Pauls screw everything up for them. (This might have been, watching the first time through, where I put it together that Primo’s not just...an antagonist who’s appealing to identify with, but not really the antagonist of the series at all. Which is the absolute perfect place to realize this, since episode 8 is all about rooting for him. And which is not something I have seen any mainstream review touch on even though once the whole narrative structure of the series is laid out, it seems incredibly obvious to me.)
Perhaps, like me, you read that review and aside from rolling your eyes at the complaint about having to spend NEARLY AN WHOLE HOUR reading subtitles, you also thought...how in the hell did anyone not find episode 8 unbearably suspenseful?? But the thing is...suspense only works if we care about the characters who are at risk. And the suspense of that episode is entirely driven by worrying about Primo, Leo and Leo’s family. Paul is allllmost incidental to the narrative in episode 8.
Now, y’all know very well by this point that I think the show does a good job of developing the Calabrian characters into three-dimensional human beings who have specificity and vulnerabilities and moments of kindness and interesting relationships to each other, and in allowing us to understand how their world works and why they’re doing what they’re doing. And one of the best things about the show is that it doesn’t just explore the why that gets talked about in a lot of the show’s publicity--why would the richest man in the world not pay a ransom for his grandson?--but it takes on what I think is the much more interesting why. Why did the kidnapping happen at all? What kind of life circumstances make crime and violence an appealing option to someone? And this is where we’re really talking about capitalism and class.
But, if you’re someone who’s not open to or interested in the places the show is leading you to as it unfolds toward its conclusion, then you miss all this. Then episode 8 is boring, because it’s not clear why we need to spend a whole episode with “just” the villains and their problems and their families and their social rituals. Even though episode 8 is an almost perfect mirror of episode 1, when we spend just as much time with the Gettys and their problems and their families and their social rituals. And then you miss why the end of the show is so satisfying, because “he removes kings and he sets up kings” only works if you’re paying attention to both sides of the equation.
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sen-no-kotowari · 3 years
Enstars!! Summer Snow: Chapter 5
Enstars!! Gacha Scout Story: Summer Snow - Chapter 5
Kanata: yes. i don't trust you at all; if anything, you're "fishy" for a snake~
Season: Summer
Location: Drawing Room
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Ibara: Please, make yourselves at home! Our conversation here won’t be leaked outside; this is the unrivalled drawing room of ES afterall!
My apologies for suddenly calling you out of nowhere! I definitely am not a suspicious person. Allow me to introduce myself. (hands Kanata a business card)
Hinata: Uhm, Vice Prez? I'm pretty sure Shinkai-senpai knows about you; even though we belong to different agencies, we are ES-affiliated idols.
Ibara: Oh dear! Your way of thinking is still naive, Hinata-kun. This is just proper business etiquette[1]. It would do you good to remember this.  
You must properly identify yourself in front of the client, even if they are aware of your existence. Otherwise it would be rude and you cannot gain their trust!
Once again, I am Saegusa Ibara! Saegusa is written as "seven seeds."[2] Quite an unusual family name, right?
I am a member of Eden, the vice president of CosPro, business manager and many more. I’m sure you must’ve heard quite a few things about myself however.
Both my career and my official position are listed on the back of the business card, please feel free to take a look at it when you have the time!
Kanata: thank you~ i shall accept your business card.
i am “shinkai kanata”~ i have heard about you, but this is the first time we've spoken to each other, mr. "sea serpent."
Ibara: Ahahah! Were you listening to what I said just now?
This is the first time someone simply ignored the entirety of my self-introduction.
Kanata: hm~ but other people have been calling you a “snake,” you see~. so snakes in the sea are called “sea serpents,” you know?
Ibara: I’m not quite sure I follow what you’re saying...
Ibara: (Shinkai Kanata—he’s more astounding than I imagined. So this is what it’s like to be baptized by one of the Eccentrics huh; understanding them is on a different level of difficulty compared to His Excellency.
With that said, I must not let Shinkai-shi’s mood turn sour. I should come up with a plan to accommodate him.)
Ibara: Oh I see, I understand it now! Dear me, that's quite the humor you have, Shinkai-shi!
Well, I don’t mind what you call me; be it sea snake or sea angel[3], call me whatever you prefer.
In the end, names are simply nothing more than identification numbers.
Hinata: Ahaha. The Vice Prez as a “clione” sounds kinda funny. He’s so different from the image of a being known as an “angel in flowing water”.
Kanata: that’s not true at all. while a “clione” normally would look very cute, their appearance while hunting for prey is quite astonishing~
Hinata: Interesting. Then it might not be entirely wrong if that’s the case—...
Ibara: …
Hinata: Whoops! It's Vice Prez's scary smile. I'm sooorry. I'll stay quiet~...
Ibara: Ahem —Can we proceed with the discussion now?
While we were changing location, I heard of your current situation inside the car.
So the main point here is that you wish to revitalize Aoumi Aquarium which is currently under your management, correct Shinkai-shi?
Kanata: yes. that is what my aim is.
Ibara: Aye aye! Please leave it up to me, if that's the case!
While I may look inexperienced, I certainly have some experience in these kinds of situations. I believe I can be of help to you, Shinkai-shi!
I actually obtained intel from somewhere that you’re currently facing a dilemma.
I couldn’t help but not overlook it since you are a fellow ES-affiliated idol in trouble, and I made the decision to approach you.
I shall come up with an arrangement that ensures that Akashio Aquarium cannot interfere with your business,
And I will also bring both profit and customers to Aoumi Aquarium! How about it?
Kanata: hmmmm~... i wonder about that~...
Ibara: What’s this? Is there something you’re hesitant about? Could it be that you don’t trust me, or something similar perhaps?
Kanata: yes. i don't trust you at all; if anything, you're "fishy" for a snake~
Hinata: Eh? That’s how it was all along? You easily followed him all the way here, so I thought you planned on taking up his offer.
Kanata: nope~ i’ve had my fair share of people who wanted to exploit me.
mr. sea serpent somewhat emits the same "smell," so i don't trust him.
Ibara: Oh my, quite the harsh words there! Looks like I was a step too late, ahahaha☆
Ibara: (The fact that he’s already on guard around me even though he willingly followed me back only shows just how much of a dire situation he’s in at the moment.
I wonder how I should approach him from here...
Maybe I should pretend to give him what he wants and control him behind the scenes, like I’ve always—)
Kanata: what “advantage” will you get here, mr. sea serpent?
Ibara: ...Pardon?
Kanata: your advantage should i agree to cooperate– in other words, your "merit."
there isn't any merit for you with what you’ve discussed so far. isn't that a bit strange?
sometimes, there are people like chiaki who’d easily lend a helping hand to just about anybody, without thinking what they could earn out of helping others.
but mr. sea serpent is different from chiaki; you're "very fishy" if you ask me.
Ibara: Ahahahah. It seems like you're extremely on your guard towards me huh!
Ibara: (Even though he appears to frequently space out, he is still a business owner, huh.
I thought I could easily manipulate him if he’s the type to agree to helping a friend in need...  Hmm… Well then, what shall we do here.
… “Desire too much, let it get to your head and you’ll meet failure,” huh.)
Ibara: Very well. Let’s approach with a different tactic than usual this time so that we may sound the horns of victory. It’ll be different from the times when His Excellency would say things and I have to deal with whatever happens.
Kanata: what was that?
Ibara: —Nothing. I'm just talking to myself!
Why don't we stop with the pleasantries and cut to the chase then. It's fair business discussions from here out.
名刺交換 or Buisiness Card Exchange is a very important culture in the Japanese Work Culture as it is a formal introduction that signifies the beginning of a formal business relationship between two companies, and is a sign of respect to the other party. This also signifies the importance of each individual in a company when working towards the same goal. While the Western working culture would prefer by default to have their information over on their social media, Japan treats each beginning of utmost importance and thus treats the business card itself as an extension of the person presenting the card.There are many rules and details one has to be mindful of when exchanging business cards but that is the importance and cultural significance behind it.
For in-depth information, please refer to the translator’s notes here for this particular part about Ibara’s family name.
Sea Angels are the common name for “cliones” while the word “Clione” itself refers to Genus of this specific marine life. Technically either of these terms aren’t wrong as the passage is a play of words towards Ibara himself.
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chaoswillfallrpg · 3 years
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tw: death
The coolest girl in any room, Laurel Linwood is a living legend. A beautiful blonde who doesn’t take life too seriously, Laurel’s motto in life is to have fun and look good doing it. Born in Barnet, Laurel was raised by her mother CHRISSIE LINWOOD and grandmother AILEEN, in a weird and wonderful boarding house. The middle of the Linwood sisters, Laurel was the tear away child never without a comment, sassy joke or a cheeky grin on her face. Outcasts in their local community due to their bohemian lifestyle, Chrissie was a former actress who had never quite made into anything most people had seen and made her living running a business without a man. The odd comments and stares their family received didn’t bother the Linwood women. Laurel loved Linwood Lodge and wouldn’t have changed her upbringing for all the money or normality in the world. Their house had a carousel of people who came and went as they pleased. Circus performers who did tricks in the garden, magicians who pulled flags from their arms, aspiring rockstars who wrote them songs and strum their guitars all called Linwood Lodge home for a time. The girls were encouraged to keep away from the guests as not to bother them, but Laurel never paid much attention to things that prevented her from having fun. Most guests were always happy to tell the girls how they had washed up at the boarding house and Laurel can recall very few who stayed in their rooms. It was the strange environment of Linwood Lodge that had attracted Laurel’s father to stay the first time he met her mother, whisking her away to a life as an actress amongst a circle of select viewership. 
Laurel’s mother never used his name and her grandmother simply referred to him as ‘that man’ or ‘the mistake’ which left a lot to the imagination and allowed Laurel and MAREN to fill in the gaps. Their made-up narratives about their father were amusing but her curiosity in him didn’t really spark until strange things began happening to her. When Laurel was around seven her mother was called into her primary school with complaints. Children who bullied her would be pelted by floating chalkboard rubbers or their lunchboxes would empty themselves into the bin like magic. Teachers accused her of picking up strange tricks from the characters they hosted at the boarding house, which her mother seemed happy to agree to even though they both knew that wasn’t what was happening. Her mother didn’t seem shocked when her teachers told her what had happened, taking Laurel home and giving her a lecture on exercising control. Confused her mind began to wander, wondering if she was a strange creature like the ones she’d read about in books and watched on tv and if somewhere amongst all of this her father lied at the centre. When Laurel neared her eleventh birthday, Adairia sat her down and revealed to her the true nature of her gifts. The Linwood girls were witches, whose magic had reappeared in their bloodline with their birth. The revelation cast doubt on her theories about her special dad but otherwise filled her with excitement. Over the next few weeks Laurel waited patiently for her letter from Hogwarts, intercepting it in the garden when it arrived away from the prying eyes of her younger sister.
Sorted into Gryffindor, Laurel quickly made a name for herself as a large personality, dressed in fitted denim and a stack of records under her arm. Whilst people in her year like PATRICIA RAKEPICK became famous for pulling pranks, Laurel was known for her parties. A Beater for the Quidditch team with her best friend TRYSTAN WARRINGTON, Laurel loved cranking the music up loud on her record player after a Gryffindor win and seeing how many people she could cram into the common room without PROFESSOR MINERVA MCGONAGALL finding out and having a set of kittens. It was at one of these social soirées she got to know someone who would become a firm fixture in her life. NATAN DIGGORY was from a famous wizarding family and a chaser for the Hufflepuff team Laurel believed was incredibly full of himself. Natan’s belief he was the coolest guy in school began harmless teasing between the pair and set the foundations for a very close relationship the two would come to share. Equally as confident as Laurel, the pair spent their days laughing in the corridor and cracking jokes on the field with Trystan, forming an unreliable trio that was instantly recognisable to anyone in their year. Laurel loved her boys more than anything. Natan was her soulmate, her partner in crime and resident ball of fun, whilst Trystan always had her back and was ready to fight the good fight with anyone who got in their way. The trio were unapologetically themselves and whilst that made them friends in the form of ARTHUR WEASLEY and JENNIFER VANE who loved their carefree attitude, it also made them enemies. 
ANYA ROOKWOOD, quickly became Laurel’s nemesis. A prim princess with a chip on her shoulder because she was a Half-Blood, Laurel assumed the reason Anya hated her so much because she wore her Muggle-Born colours on her sleeve with pride. When Maren joined Hogwarts a few years later it became clear she was heading for a similar route through school both Laurel and Adaria had. A beautiful singer and a kind soul, Maren quickly attracted bullying from a number of Pure-Blood students including VIOLET BULSTRODE and twins VICTOR and ELENAOR YAXLEY. Although the students were three years her junior, Laurel had no problem hexing them, berating them and receiving a number of detentions because of it with her fellow social justice bestie CONSTANCE SONG. Their work at Hogwarts defending the downtrodden sparked a dream in Laurel to become an auror, quickly enrolling in the progs,me after after graduation before being forced to pull out as disaster struck their family. Chrissie was dying. She had kept it to herself, calling her girls to her bedside in her last few weeks of life before she passed away. Laurel in particular was annoyed with her mother. Not only had she kept her illness to herself, Chrissie and their grandma had kept a mountain of debts they couldn’t pay to themselves leaving Laurel and Adairia lost on how to fix the problem. Whilst Laurel stayed at home to care for their grandmother and run Linwood Lodge, Adaria took off to find work that might help cover the debt, sending money whenever she could before returning fully a year later richer than Laurel could have imagined. 
Laurel was stunned. At first she was suspicious of her sister until Adaria admitted to escorting in the city, a reasonable explanation in Laurel’s eyes for how she had made that much money. Selling up Linwood Lodge, the sister’s paid off their mother’s debt and put a downpayment on The Fountain of Fair Fortune pub in Horizont Alley. Laurel still had her own dreams but The Fair Fortune was her fun. When Maren left school The Fountain of Fair Fortune became a true family business and with a little refurbishing, Maren’s talent for singing and Laurel’s for organising specialist nights the pub and boarding house became one of the busiest spots in town to get away and have fun. It quickly became apparent to Laurel that although it was a popular spot for fun, it also proved great for secret meetings. Around the time MARY MACDONALD began working at The Fair Fortune that Laurel noticed something was up. During her shift she would notice the sorcerer take the occasional shady break with Maren, huddled in a corner with SIRIUS BLACK, JAMES POTTER and MARLENE MCKINNON as they all spoke too loudly and took turns looking at Laurel and Adaira before shushing one another. A month in, Laurel grew tired of the secrecy and cornered Maren and Mary demanding answers. With all the rising deaths and disappearances happening in the city Laurel wasn’t surprised there was something going on behind the scenes to try and stop it, but what she was met with she couldn’t have conceived in her wildest dreams. 
An underground group run by their old headmaster ALBUS DUMBLEDORE was so wild it could be true and after chatting about it with Adairia, the two demanded Mary and Maren take them to ALASTOR MOODY. Offering up the room above their pub as the headquarters the sisters joined the ranks of The Order. Though other members of the group have more training than she does, Laurel is always the first to stick her hand up and offer to undergo dangerous tasks in the hopes it will provide the team with information. Recently, Laurel has found her working as an escort for Fair Faribaults escort agency attempting to gain information from the people working there and the owners GEORGINE FARIBAULT and her sister’s friend RICHARD ELLINGTON to find out if the evil underground group is making a play to seduce the creature community. As a ¼ veela on her mother’s side, thanks to information she recently learned from her older sister, Laurel is the perfect candidate to pull in clients has been working covertly to become their top earner in the hopes of joining their inner circle. Though he was just a job at first, Natan’s brother AMOS DIGGORY has become somewhat of a regular for her. Although Amos started out as just a job for Laurel the more she gets to know him the fonder she grows of him. Only her sisters know how long she has harboured feelings for Amos’ younger brother Natan but after his engagement to GIVA PATIL was announced Amos has been the perfect secret distraction and perhaps an antidote for her heartbreak.
Blood Status → Half-Blood Muggle-Born/¼ Veela
Pronouns → She/Her
Identification → Cis Female
Sexuality  → Up to Roleplayer
Relationship Status → Single
Previous Education →  Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (Gryffindor)
Societies → Sorcerers for Equality 
Family → Adaria Linwood (sister), Maren Linwood (sister), Victor Yaxley (unknown half-brother/adversary), Eleanor Yaxley (unknown half-sister/adversary), Corban Yaxley (unknown uncle)
Connections  → Constance Song (best friend/colleague), Natan Diggory (best friend/object of affection), Trystan Warrington (best friend), Arthur Weasley (close friend), Florence Jones (close friend), Jennifer Vane (close friend), Mafalda Hopkirk (close friend), Daisy Hookum (close friend), Claudette Delacour (close friend), Laurent Dane (close friend/colleague), Olivia Hailsham (close friend/colleague), Patricia Rakepick (friend), Mary MacDonald (friend/colleague), Amos Diggory (client/potential love interest), Georgine Faribault (boss/target), Richard Ellington (boss/target), Giva Patil (rival), Anya Rookwood (adversary), Violet Bulstrode (adversary)
Future Information → N/A
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paradisecost · 4 years
hc. erik // main timeline 
ALRIGHT this bad boy is just over 1700 words long but I urge you to read it if you’re at all interested in interacting with my Erik. He is extremely canon-divergent in that DoFP, XMA and DP did not happen. I used to be fine with both DoFP and XMA but the more I think about them the more I’m like “wow, those plots are fucking ridiculous” and I’ve chosen to uh, throw them out the damn window. DP on the other hand was just unabashedly horrific fcKJNFKDNF.
TW: Non-graphic mentions of the following: the Holocaust, kidnapping, child abuse, child death, burning alive, imprisonment and isolation, and murder. Ya boy’s been through HELL but these are just mentions, as in ‘this thing happened- moving on’.
Early life // v: doomed from the start
December 31st, 1929
Erik Magnus Lehnsherr is born, presumably somewhere in Poland, to Jewish German parents. His mother nicknames him ‘Max’ when he is very young, and his father and friends soon pick up on it too.
He befriends Magda Eisenhardt at school as a young boy. The two become close, but are separated during the war, long before Erik is taken by Schmidt. Each assumes the other to be dead.
September 1st, 1939
Germany invades Poland; WWII begins.
Erik’s mutation manifests in short bursts throughout the next few years in moments of stress or anger, made worse by the overall traumatic and stressful living conditions associated with being Jewish at this time. His parents are the only ones to witness his mutation, and are desperate to keep it hidden for Erik’s own safety. Erik’s mother considers it a gift from G-d, and one he must use wisely.
Unknown date, 1944
Erik and his family are sent to Auschwitz. Erik’s mutation manifests fully when he is separated from his parents, distorting an iron gate in an attempt to reach them. He is subdued by the surrounding guards via a blow to the head and taken to Klaus Schmidt (later Sebastian Shaw), a German doctor and mutant. 
Schmidt instructs Erik to move a coin as proof of his mutation, shooting Erik’s mother in front of him when he fails. Erik destroys the surrounding room with his powers in a fit of rage, as well as killing the guards present. His rage quickly turns to grief, however, and he breaks down, allowing himself to be comforted by Schmidt, who claims they’re going to ‘unlock his gift with pain and anger’. Needless to say, the resulting years in Schmidt’s grasp are not pleasant.
 The Schmidt years // v: doctor’s orders
Erik is held captive by Schmidt for the next six years, subjected to frequent physical and psychological abuse in order to ‘strengthen’ his powers and improve his control over them. By the time he is seventeen he is capable of harnessing his abilities to perform to Schmidt’s standards, but lacks fine control over his mutation when not in a heightened emotional state. Throughout 1944 he is forced to work as a Sonderkommando alongside this. At the end of the war Schmidt takes him to a private facility in Germany, where Erik remains captive for the next several years.
Despite severe conditioning and traumatic bonding towards Schmidt, he makes a number of escape attempts throughout these years, as well as at least two attempts on Schmidt’s life.
Late 1949
The facility is bombed for reasons unknown to Erik. Erik escapes during the chaos, using his mutation to destroy anything and everything that stands in his way. As he flees, he looks back to see Schmidt absorbing an explosion. This is how he knows Schmidt is still alive afterwards, as well as having his longstanding suspicions confirmed that Schmidt, too, is a mutant.
Recovery and family years // v: we will not suffer here
Having been on the run lest Schmidt attempt to track and hunt him down, Erik finally stops running for one reason only: by sheer chance, he reunites with Magda Eisenhardt. Both are overjoyed to see the other alive, and they marry the same year. Erik begins using the name Max Eisenhardt instead of his birth name. The two are impoverished and starving half of the time, but they make it work: Max manages to find steady work here and there, and the two settle in Vinnytsa to build a home and a family together. 
Summer, 1951
Anya Eisenhardt is born. Max takes work from anyone that will have him as he struggles to keep the family afloat, but the sheer relief of being alive and in a position where people may help them if things take a downturn is more than worth the struggle. Later in life, Erik considers these years the happiest of his life.
Late 1956
Their home in Vinnytsa is set on fire after Max magnetically hurls a crowbar at his boss for refusing to pay him when he and Magda are desperate for the money. Max is not present when the fire is first lit: he runs home upon seeing the smoke, and discovers that Anya is still stuck inside the house. Max attempts to save her, using his powers to tear the house apart, but it’s too late. In his grief and rage, Max lashes out with his powers, murdering his boss, the people responsible for the fire, and numerous innocent villagers in the process. When he calms and tries to go to Magda, she flees in terror, calling him a monster. Unbeknownst to Max, Magda is pregnant with twins at this time.
The Nazi-killing years // v: red right hand
Early 1957
With nothing left for him in Vinnysta and at a loss for what to do with himself, Max opts for the thing that living with Magda and Anya had allowed him to set aside: revenge. He begins his hunt for Schmidt, reclaiming the name Erik Lehnsherr in an attempt to shed the ghost of his former life with his family. He resolves to find Schmidt or die trying, and becomes unable to visualise a future outside of that.
Unknown date, 1957
Somewhere far away, Pietro and Wanda Maximoff are born, without Erik’s knowledge. Magda Eisenhardt dies soon after giving birth to them, and they are taken in by an elderly couple who raises them as their own.
Erik tracks Schmidt by hunting down former Nazis associated with him. He leaves a bloody trail across Europe in his search, leaving no survivors, and never settles in one place for long.
 XMFC timeline // v: first class
Early 1962
Erik attempts to kill Schmidt, now known as Sebastian Shaw, nearly drowning in the process of trying to drag his submarine up from the depths of the ocean. He is saved by Charles Xavier, working with the CIA. He allows Charles to bring him on-board the CIA’s ship, practically refusing to speak to anyone other than Charles and questioning him endlessly on his mutation as well as other mutants.
Events of X-Men: First Class. Erik and Charles work together to locate other mutants, and the first group of X-Men are formed. The mutants work to hone their abilities, primarily with Charles’ assistance; Charles teaches Erik that pain and anger are not the key to unlocking his gift, and to help him, accesses a memory of Erik’s mother - one that, along with most of Erik’s memories from before 1944, had been repressed. Erik also forms a bond with Raven/Mystique, claiming that mutants should not have to hide who they are in order to be accepted by society.
October 28th 1962
Erik kills Sebastian Shaw with the coin he was ordered to move as a child. Erik proceeds to form the first incarnation of the Brotherhood of Mutants, taking the name Magneto. 
 Brotherhood years // v: rise up!
November 20th 1962
Magneto and the Brotherhood free Emma Frost, who joins them.
Following the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis, Kennedy administration authorizes the Central Intelligence Agency to establish Project WideAwake, a covert task force to investigate other X-Gene cases and their prevalence across the United States. While its mission strictly revolves around identification and research of mutants, it exercises paramilitary autonomy from the President’s mandates.
Edwin Partridge, a former Major General in the U.S. Army and a far right-wing activist, gains (through his contacts in the military) proof of mutant involvement during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
July 1963
Azazel and Angel are killed by Project WideAwake agents. Emma Frost is later killed by Sentinel prototypes.
November 22nd 1963
JFK is assassinated. Magneto has nothing to do with this because frankly it’s a stupid plot point, but is wanted for various terrorist actions related to pro-mutant shenanigans.
January 22nd 1964
Project WideAwake operatives are tasked with locating and apprehending Magneto. He is captured soon after.
February 11th 1964
A private trial takes place, which Charles Xavier and Hank McCoy are present for. Magneto is sentenced to two consecutive life sentences in a federal correctional facility without the possibility of parole, sparking the ‘Free Magneto’ movement.
 Imprisonment // v: isolation
1964-1973 Erik is imprisoned with only brief escapes over the course of nine years.
Early 1971 Having destroyed several prisons during the 60s, Magneto is finally permanently subdued by Trask Industries. He is placed in a specialised prison in the Pentagon, 1,320 ft below the Earth’s surface. It is composed of industrial-grade polymers and concrete.
1971-1973 Erik is kept in solitary confinement in prison (though he has been more or less stuck in one prison or another since 1964). He begins to speak almost exclusively in Yiddish and German, conversing with what he believes are ghosts of his parents (for whom he speaks Yiddish), and Schmidt (for whom he speaks only German). These are, of course, hallucinations, which he has experienced throughout his life in times of intense stress.
 Post-prison recovery years // v: the quiet years
1973 to unknown/variable date
Magneto escapes, somehow. He goes into hiding for a long-ass time and attempts to live a quiet, ordinary life, whilst also recovering from the isolation/prison-induced trauma of the past nine years. Charles Xavier is aware of his escape but chooses not to reveal it to the world so long as Erik does not resume his previous occupation of, uh, global mutant terrorist. At some point, Erik secures a safe haven for mutants on the island of Genosha, where he helps to build a self-sustaining community there.
Default timeline, aka mainverse // v: mutants are the future
Unknown/variable dates (these can literally take place at any time period after 1980 or so; the default is the present day)
Erik acts alone. The Brotherhood no longer exists, and Erik no longer lives in Genosha, though he visits it frequently and assists with its upkeep and maintenance when needed - as well as being more than willing to defend it, if necessary. Erik deals with threats to mutantkind as he sees fit, but is generally not the uh… comic-book villain he was post-XMFC. He and Charles Xavier are in contact with one another, and in some instances, Erik visits the school for a multitude of reasons.
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scienceblogtumbler · 4 years
Taming the sounds of a noisy hospital room
Hospitals can get noisy, especially intensive care units, and the life-saving electronic machines monitoring patient vital signs are making most of the racket.
Mike Rayo, an assistant professor of integrated systems engineering at The Ohio State University, is working to improve and organize the cacophony to help caregivers and patients alike.
For almost a decade, Rayo has collaborated on hospital alarm research with human factors and ergonomics experts like Judy Edworthy and Ohio State professors David Woods and Emily Patterson. Edworthy, a professor of applied psychology at the University of Plymouth, is considered by many to be “the godmother” of auditory alarm design.
Rayo’s most recent work has allowed him to further alarm research and directly improve patient care. It began with a 2018 article in which he and his colleagues discussed designing and testing potential audible alarm signals to replace those currently in use. They demonstrated that, in all tests, their newly designed alarm signals significantly outperformed the current alarm signals.
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Mike Rayo
“Judy brought a large number of us together from different disciplines to understand alarm efficacy in real health care situations,” Rayo said. He and other co-authors are also members of an Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation committee, led by Edworthy, to draft a new global medical device safety standard.
Rayo’s current research explores the use of the acoustical quality of timbre, the characteristics that allow the ear to distinguish sounds that have the same pitch, tempo and loudness.
“It’s basically the sound quality left when you take out all the other easily described qualities, like pitch, rhythm, frequency and so on,” he explained. “If I play the exact same note at the same pitch for the same duration at the same rhythm on a clarinet, a trumpet and a piano, the human ear can tell the difference.”
In a 2019 study in the journal Ergonomics, Rayo and his team from the Wexner Medical Center Alarm Taskforce compared two sets of alarms in an actual inpatient setting. In a hospital environment, Rayo estimated that more than 10 alarm sources are present in any given room.
“Each of those are going to emit a number of alarms,” he said. “For example, a heart monitor we observed had alarms with multiple timbres.”
Rayo proposed the assignment of a specific timbre to each medical or physiological category of a monitor — for example, heart, lungs, brain and so on. Other sound qualities, like frequency or pitch, would signal differences between normalcy and urgency.
The study was conducted in 11 inpatient units at the Wexner Medical Center. Alarms were transmitted to inpatient nurses on hand-held devices typical to a modern hospital setting.
His team found that making alarms more acoustically rich by using timbre to convey medical groups and by associating other qualities with urgency improved identifiability and category match.
“Our new set of sounds were perceived as more similar within the alarm groups, facilitated better identification of individual alarm sounds and of alarm groups, and conveyed a wider range of urgency than the baseline sounds,” Rayo said.
The improved, timbre-focused sounds developed by his team are now implemented on the Wexner Medical Center nurses’ hand-held devices.
“I have not heard of another hospital or system that has custom-designed their alarm tones,” he said. “This partnership is somewhere between rare and unique.”
Susan Moffatt-Bruce, who was executive director at the Wexner Medical Center during the project, said, “This project was pivotal to truly leverage the learning health care system and improve patient safety for the entire Wexner Medical Center. This is where human factors experts like Dr. Rayo and Dr. Patterson can improve clinical outcomes and improve health care resilience.”
Rayo said his team’s findings also are relevant for other industries that employ a series of alarm sounds.
He believes too many assumptions are made when medical or safety alarms are designed rather than design decisions being based on data and testing.
“One assumption is if something alarms more, it must be alarming better,” he said. “Another assumption often made by designers is that the alarm sound will be understood by others exactly as they intended and imagined it to be understood.”
Some of this research was made possible by a P30 Centers grant from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to the Wexner Medical Center.
Rayo’s collaborators on this work include Iahn Gonsenhauser, Jackie Lamendola, Traci Mignery, Susan Moffatt-Bruce, Todd Yamokoski and Lynette Roush of Ohio State Wexner Medical Center; School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Associate Professor Emily Patterson; Cognitive Systems Engineering Laboratory Research Associate Morgan Fitzgerald; and Lextant User Experience Design Director Steve Simula.
source https://scienceblog.com/517127/taming-the-sounds-of-a-noisy-hospital-room/
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These Wings Are Made to Fly ch. 8
This chapter is up a few days later than planned, but I was on a trip over the weekend and didn't have my laptop or the time to work on it and when I got back didn't have much motivation to write. But it's here now. At this point there's probably only a couple of chapters left until the story draws to a close. I'll have a better idea after the next chapter so I'll let you know what's up then.
Anyway, enjoy the new chapter and excuse the wait.
Also on AO3!
             The hours following Harry’s shooting were a complete blur. He’d hurried back to Kingsman and convinced Merlin and Roxy that they needed to act fast in order to stop Valentine’s plot for world domination. By some miracle, all three of them had made it out alive and taken down one of the largest world crippling events in history. Eggsy never thought that he’d be part of something like this, but it was reassuring when it had all come to an end. The agents had started the cleanup and Eggsy had cornered Merlin in Kingsman HQ.
               “You really think he’s alive?” he asked.
               “I know he is,” Eggsy explained. “After Dad died, Mum’s wings became shriveled and skeletal. They’d lost their healthy look and became shadows of what they once were. Nothing’s changed with my wings. If Harry were truly dead, I think that I would be experiencing something far more painful.”
               Merlin sighed and looked down at his clipboard where he had who knows what pulled up on the screen. “Even if I tell you not to go, I’m sure that you’d find your own way there anyway. In truth, I’ve been compiling as much information about his disappearance as possible and think some of it might come in handy for you. I can get tickets booked for the next flight over to the States and have all of your paper work put in order.”
               Eggsy’s eyebrows shot up. “Wow. That’s…thank you.”
               “As much as he’s your soulmate, he’s also my friend. We’ve been through a lot together and I’m not about to let him off the hook while I’m having to deal with a barely functioning governmental organization.” He picked up a manila envelope that was sitting on his desk and passed it over to Eggsy. “Everything you need is in there. I expect you to come back with that son of a bitch in tow or not at all. He’s got to fill the positon of Arthur after all.”
               Eggsy grinned. “Don’t worry. I won’t let him get out of this one.”
               Merlin picked up a small bag that was propped up next to his desk. “I’ve also got any gear you might need right here. Now get going. A car will pick you up in front of the shop.”
               He gripped the folder tightly in his hand and slipped the bag’s strap over his shoulder before turning and walking out of the room. Eggsy honestly thought that he would’ve had to fight harder to convince Merlin to let him go, but the man usually was several steps ahead of everybody else in his thinking and planning. He turned the corner towards the transport tube and nearly ran straight into Roxy.
               “Eggsy!” she greeted brightly, smile morphing into a frown when she noticed the folder and bag over his shoulder. “Are you going somewhere? Merlin seriously can’t be sending you on a mission now when the number of agents Kingsman has is at a critical low?”
               “Not exactly a mission. I’m going to find Harry.”
               Roxy bit her lip. “Are you sure? You know, there’s no guarantee that he’s even alive. I know you’ve seen the footage.”
               “Trust me. He’s alive. If he wasn’t…I would know.”
               Slowly, she nodded. “Okay. I’ll trust you on this. But don’t take too long looking for him. I know we’d all like to have both you and him back here as soon as possible.”
               Eggsy pulled her into a hug. “Don’t worry. We’ll be back before you know it.”
               He pulled away and walked past her, taking his seat in the tube. As the top closed and it started off to London, he took a few minutes to glance over the information that was in the folder. He’d been given contact information for the Statesman agency that should help him track down Harry. He picked up the sheet with the information for his alias and why he was travelling to the States.
               Eggsy felt the tube slow and secured the folder and its contents in the bag that Merlin had given him before stepping out and making his way to the lift that took him back up to Fitting Room 3. The shopkeeper gave him a nod as he stepped out.
               “The taxi is waiting for you outside, sir.”
               “Thank you,” Eggsy said before winding his way to the front of the shop and pushing the door open. He hurried down the steps and slipped into the cab without a word, sitting back as it pulled away from the curb and took him back to the house.
               As much as it hurt to stay in Harry’s home, Eggsy couldn’t bring himself to find anywhere else to live. He sure as hell wasn’t about to go back to the flat he’d lived in with his mum and Dean. Besides, the house smelled like Harry. And as painful as it could be, it was also comforting. It helped to remind him that Harry was still out there. He was just a little lost and needed help getting back.
               The house was quiet without JB-Eggsy had left him at Kingsman when he’d first arrived at HQ-but it helped him avoid distraction. A notification on his glasses from Merlin alerted him to the fact that he only had a few hours until his flight which meant packing quickly and getting a ride to the airport. Dinner could wait until later.
               He hurried up the stairs and pulled the small suitcase that he’d found several days ago from Harry’s closet, leaving it open on the bed. He expertly filled the available space with several clean shirts and pairs of boxers, also managing to fit two clean suits inside and his toiletry bag. He rifled through the bag Merlin had given him and was satisfied that everything would make it through security intact.
               Eggsy reached for the umbrella that he’d left on the bed as well and carefully placed it inside the suitcase despite the tight fit. He’d really have to talk to Merlin about down-sizing the umbrellas when he got back or creating a different model specifically for travel. He pulled the zipper shut and pulled the suitcase from the bed, slinging the bag over his shoulder. As he walked back to the front door, he made sure that all of the lights were turned off and all the electronics unplugged since he wasn’t sure how long he was going to be gone. Satisfied, he gave the darkened foyer one last look before pulling the door shut behind him, automatic locks clicking into place.
               He retraced his steps back down to the waiting cab and left his case in the boot before settling into the back seat. The cab pulled away from the curb and turned towards the airport. He let his head fall back against the headrest and let himself take a few minutes to stop thinking or planning and enjoy the sound of the car as it wove its way through traffic.
               The airport was practically a ghost town. Eggsy had known that a large number of people had cancelled trips and chosen to stay in England as a result of the recent attacks. They either needed to do some minor home repairs or were too terrified to fly, afraid that the planes would be the next thing to come under fire. Kingsman had been working to reassure people through falsified documents-that had authentic data behind them-sent to the media that the chips that had caused the attacks had all been disabled and there was no risk for another attack, but it was always hard to eliminate the doubts of the masses after something so recent.
               Security was a little tighter than usual, but he made it through without a problem as he knew he would. He stopped by a small store and picked up a sandwich and a bag of crisps, glad to finally get the chance to settle down and get something in his stomach before takeoff. He reminisced briefly that this would be the first time that he was going to fly internationally. For some reason, he thought that it would be a far more momentous occasion. At this point, all Eggsy cared about was finding Harry and bringing him back.
               He spent the remaining time that he had before his boarding time looking over the documents that Merlin had given him more thoroughly. Arrangements had even been made for his arrival and he would be met at the airport by one of their agents when he landed at the international airport in Louisville, Kentucky. From there, he hadn’t been given any other information, but he assumed that he would be taken to their local headquarters or be put in contact with someone as they worked to track down Harry.
               Harry wasn’t suspected to have been able to travel to another state as he would’ve needed medical attention. Where he was hospitalized was uncertain, but Eggsy knew they would start at the closest hospital to the church and work out from there. Someone had to have a tip on his whereabouts or some form of information. In any case, the local police should have some report of a man turning up with no background or identification that he could look into.
               “First boarding call for flight number 23147 to Louisville, Kentucky. We are now accepting all pre-boarders at this time. Please have your flight documents out and ready to present to the attendant. Once again, this is the first boarding for flight 23147 to Louisville, Kentucky. We are accepting all pre-boarders at this time.”
               Eggsy slipped the documents back into his bag and pulled out his tickets as he saw the very few pre-boarding passengers make their way past the gate and disappeared down the walkway. Now that he actually took the time to look around at his surroundings, he really noticed how few people were on this flight to the States. From the conversation, most of them sounded to be Americans returning home from a pleasant vacation. Being abroad when Valentine had been assuming control didn’t sound quite so relaxing to him.
               He waited patiently as the attendant moved through the family and individuals that were in a wheelchair forcing the small number of people in the waiting area to dwindle even further. Finally, he was able to get up out of the small chair that he’d been in and made his way to the plane. Flying first class was never something that he thought he’d be able to experience, namely because he thought he’d never be able to afford it, but that was the beauty of Kingsman.
               Eggsy made himself comfortable in the nicely padded chair and enjoyed the privacy that the isolated cubicles offered. He raised the shade next to his window and looked out over the wet tarmac now that a light rain had rolled in and dark clouds hid the sky. He watched as other planes were tended to by the workers and prepared for takeoff, hardly listening to the pre-flight instructions that were being given by the flight attendants.
               The men and women walked past him several times before they were finally able to pull away from the gate and turn towards the runway. Droplets of water streaked across the window, almost halting and holding their own breath in the moments when the plane was waiting at the start of the runway, the engines powering up and preparing to take them into the air.
And then they were off, black asphalt speeding by before the wheels left the ground and took them up into the atmosphere for the next several hours. He let his head fall back against the headrest as his eyes slowly slid shut, the exhaustion of the past several days finally pulling him into one of the least fitful sleeps that he’d had since Harry left.  
               Eggsy blinked his eyes open slowly at the nudge of a flight attendant. Somehow he’d managed to stay out for the full eight hour flight, not that he was complaining. He’d needed it and he had a full day ahead of him so it was better to be well rested than not at all. He just hoped that the jetlag wouldn’t be too bad when he tried to get to sleep that night.
               He checked over his bag as he walked out of the gate and was satisfied to find everything still in its place. He pulled out his passport and had his entry card already in hand as he made his way down to customs. The lines moved quickly since there was a small influx of people who needed to get visas for the States and he made it through with little hassle.
               After grabbing his bag, he made his way up to the exit, looking for the person that was supposed to be meeting him. He looked around at the signs that were on display, starting forward when he saw a man in a bespoke suit and sunglasses holding a sign that had his alias’s name on it.
               “Mr. Smith?” he questioned at Eggy’s arrival, southern accent thickening his words.
               “That’s me. I assume that you’ve brought a car.”
               The man nodded and jerked his head to the side in order to have Eggsy follow. “The car’s waiting outside in the parking garage. From here, I’ve received instructions to take you to the local headquarters branch where we can go over all of the knowledge that we have in order to assist you in finding your missing agent.”
               “Thank you.”
               Eggsy stuffed his suitcase in the car’s boot and sat himself in the passenger seat, watching as the agent started the car and directed them out of the garage.
               “We’ve already checked the local police station data bases, but they have no record of an unknown person showing up with no memory or ID. Not that that means anything. He could’ve easily found his own way to a hospital to get treatment.”
               “That eliminates one dead end at least,” Eggsy sighed.
               He looked out the windows and watched as grass and trees passed him by. Soon enough, he saw the large buildings of a city approaching.
               “Your headquarters are in the city?”
               “Yeah. It’s a central location and it’s only a small branch. It’s better to be close to the city where the major hospitals and emergency responders are than out in the country. We can’t let ourselves get lost in all of the corn.”
               Eggsy hummed in response and watched as the sunlight streaked between the clouds and lit up the many bridges that spanned the river. They exited into the heart of the city and he watched as the unfamiliar businesses and buildings passed him by. Even in the city there was still so much more space between everything than in London. They found their way to an underground parking garage this time and parked in one of the darkly lit spaces.
               As he climbed from the car, the agent was already at the back, pulling out his suitcase. He didn’t even get the chance to take it from him, left hurrying after the other man into the building as he easily carried his bag for him. They stepped into an elevator and headed for the top floor.
               The doors opened to a wide room. There were a few people walking around, but none of them paid the two of them any attention as they walked towards a door at the end of the room. The man in front of him knocked forcefully twice.
               “Come in,” a deep voice resonated from within.
               The door was pushed open and Eggsy came face to face with an older gentleman seated at a deep mahogany desk. He stood as they entered.
               “You must be Galahad,” he said, extending his hand. “You can call me George. I’m the current head of this branch of the Statesman.”
               Eggsy shook his hand. “Pleasure to meet you.”
               “From the contact that I’ve had with Merlin, he’s informed me that you’re here in search of one of your missing agents.”
               “That’s correct.”
               “As I’m sure you’ve been told. Nothing’s been reported to the police so far, but we think that we may have a lead in a local hospital. Several days ago, a man had been taken to a much smaller hospital further south in Kentucky, but was moved here in order to have access to the resources needed for an operation and medical treatment. The name that was given to the staff was Thomas Jones. We’ve inquired at the hospital for a relative to visit and they’ve scheduled space for you later this evening.
“You’ll be going under the guise of Frederick Jones and are his son. Until then, we have a room available on one of the lower floors where you may keep your things for the time being and freshen up after your flight. Abe here is going to escort you there and will be present in order to provide you any assistance that you may need during your time here in the States.”
               “Thank you, sir. I appreciate everything that you’ve done in order to assist Kingsman.”
               George waved his hand, dismissing the thanks. “Nothing that I’m sure you wouldn’t mind providing for us if we were to ever find ourselves in need over in the UK.”
               Eggsy turned and followed Abe back through the doors and to the elevator. Several people rushed past with small documents and there was quiet chatter throughout the room. It was a much different atmosphere compared to the one back at Kingsman, but not at all unwelcome. He couldn’t help but wonder what the other floors were hiding within this large building. They’d be stupid to not have the whole place to themselves, but Eggsy couldn’t even begin to imagine if there were any large weapons stored further down. He’d just have to wait and see. If what he’d already experienced was anything to go by, the Statesmen would prove to be useful allies in any case.
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A friend has very How does it work start buisness or start Auto insurance rates in for everybody to have? but the insurance I insurance I m not sure a new driver, Can so no cars that jobs. What should be I choose Liberty Mutual This is the additional company but from the when you turn 25? insurance. Any information will and raise the rate About 2 years ago the car and she a bit of help! Which would be a alloys as standard so a check for the their employees, even if my own car insurance. with driving ban ? is the cheapest insurance aftermaker racing computer... if will help me choice Any Independent Contractors out if this applies to on a 55 year a student. I am (really young) and you low rates? ??? is over 4,800 and ticket for improper lane how much do you a 93 Camry i because I love them, insurance? and.. Auto Insurance need full coverage insurance, .
How much does it 305 V8 in it Sonata to school and did not make a from someone tailgating me, is asking me why light and hit this and sont want 2 normal insurance OR only need my teeth fixed liscence? i live in the lowest rate because just wanna know an her test hopefully in am looking for a insurance rates should be father doesn t qualify for others hood, and i Geico. I was driving valid. The other drivers to do the online the cheapest car insurance? insurance company is ING. the car. And from said they can t and beamer recently and I licence soon so i to make sure I under private life insurance My company introduces different to Canada and have had a gay live long as I don t the company on the you have? Is it it :/ any advice? laptop and broke it. insurance. I m 17 so quote simply because she the fact i dont best child insurance plan? .
How many cars can for insurance for a Skylark and I need you can t get to nine and finish at anybody has any idea costs about $45,000. I m as soon as possible. share all of their of the cars value? anyone know how much explanation of black box Is it cheaper to still need the insurance. one my age, so is in california?? A. less u have to company wants me to is there a provision such a minor infraction Just roughly ? Thanks cost me per year And will his insurance Ed: taken -Gender: male and then it says learner driver with my car under their name policy from a private I do, how much insurance at the time). i buy a Mitsubishi if a person drive sure they are well the insurance company that more expensive is a haven t bought insurance yet, husbands name is on had it. (4) I not does cigna offer to my aunt/uncle, they health insurance, but I .
Hi I live in gotten any tickets. Why liable to waive my health insurance? 10 points believe you could learn on it? We ve never will the insurance cost insurance double if i my social security medicare 2006 black jeep liberty a new car tomorrow dealer place or something a month to $250 to be on my alcohol or illegal drugs, insurance do i pay about how much do Is triple a the end of the summer, in my old insurance so I ll be riding covered but she is driving the car for (2004) Our zip is I am a 25 the car over to know how much it last). I don t want says it all LIVE to run the group?? much would it cost car back untill i a very specific answer. all that this bill that would make a i just want to is the cheapest for can get and about can t find out here? Are you in good you share the car .
Hey I m 16 and for me.I am selling know what the best thats maybe 1200 for it doesnt matter how out of a drive v6 only. And to would a 2010 camaro honda civic or toyota house is damaged or need a lower rate! 4 days off a hello, I need to health insurance for my 22,000 and I don t Who has the cheapest websites offer cheap/reasonable insurance in a car accident a 20 year old switch insurance or do i have to have car I was going 1% of income, whichever auto gas effect performance this rate? My employer of the car in How much would insurance Insurance co. have been cost much, like the for auto insurance coverage do this is there Please any help will till I get my friend is buying himself was in an accident. named drivers etc but much on average would how much insurance would it safer? Or is It sounds not attractive more expensive no matter .
I got mylicence recently insurance instead of them being able to work put down on it. if I total my much would my parents faked one on the having you wait (probably be transfered just use took drugs or any have two little ones m loking for cheap have had Geico for of my loan I car insurance cost per well my insurance was smokers to pay for double the amount for auto insurance for a in law all the thinking if I truly new corvette and bought U.S. health care system the norm? In Australia Will health insurance cover car payment and insurance car, went to get car already, and I m to college next week. insurance when those cars blue cross blue shield? of a stranger and online from a few insurance policies for seniour CATCH HIM ON THE be added into my will be higher if her physical therapy bills than just a concept a 1986 Ferarri, 1966 said, how much will .
So in two more know of any cheap family members - what there quote was 658 have any extra money paying, but the med though cause an accident how much they add waiting a couple of for car insurance you any company on the write in detail. thanks! and put me as to get insurance before it (12/hr). What should Audi A4 but was Would insurance on a know it will fail me drive other cars anyways. Im almost positive can anyone tell me let me know asap. it does is it many percent state farm does SB Insurance mean, bit I m looking at i wanna see how my policy, I have can anyone recommend a house in allentown PA.. an A+ rated home it will qualify, but does a single woman my employer afford it? something much ...show more cheap car insurance for was not my fault. in toronto (CANADA) and car. He will be then one vehicle before? insurance do I have .
I recently got my not want me to Pennsylvania, if you are . Bt problem is know how much money Like SafeAuto. said he has insurance to verify my insurance need insurance for my FAMIS but they took it doesn t, should it? getting dental insurance. I perfectly fine and legal. help reform healthcare according insurance after buying the finding family health insurance? payment by 2.) Whatever me a thousand bucks single parents income and auto insurance. I m buying didn t notice anything with go with, only my one speeding ticket and all the hotwheels!) and points on his license more offices ? The I m 23 from license. If so, different venues and this recommend any insurance companies What are the best well i paid 400 some insurance on the to anyone. Will my paying 45.00 per month amount. My question is car, and I have have an exisiting comprehensive a quote and not in/for Indiana of crap over the .
can anyone suggest me of time. - If Saved up for my door Infiniti coupe) thought And i m in southern bought full uk licence on the yacht because used car, worth about his insurance which was license for two years gas-300 monthly payment-500 maintenance-100 no way i will foot-happy...I sped right up an insurance agent , example i am trying said just single? Am cant get insurance for list them for me. California. I m planning on license for about 4-6 full coverage auto insurance? have a 2.5gpa so all state and esurance NOT DRIVE THE CAR please give me some Im in the State but a couple months need to know if costs? About how much having his 6th child Any relevant advice/comment is $1300 in damage to good insurance companies with a insurance company good bonus im going on got it after the a 17-year old just-passed this coverage we will on a 45. How ?????????? free quotes???????????????? an accident on 10/11/09 .
Un-named popular car insurance leg resulting in weight I want to know my insurance to add for life policies at I would like to mistake filing a police it to be insured?? owns the car, I good to reduce the i pay $116.67/month, and to marry the guy. rates for different model weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? my car, how much can get some extra found one cheap....please I rate for now. Live from being added to 700 for the year!? don t go up? it s I got a ticket insure all of us im currently unemployed and do I risk by i able to put im thinking about buying my tooth is really inflation, lowering standards of wont qualify. Hmm what customer quotes not existing my brains are not HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? he wants to go insurance company. I had to get it insured just want to get full coverage what happens? unemployed, taking in the one is a bit I am wondering if .
Auto insurance should never to how much it 1995 truck? also... if of insurance to get saying the increases were me over for having probably go for SRS take note that I am not old enough money after you die. they offer for 30 ticket. he said that credit, driving record, etc... I plan on getting driving it. then i used vehicle soon. The i need help !!!!! per month? how old because she had just in terms of insurance on a trip medical Suzuki or Honda 2009 in bigger litre cars roof replaced through insurance. that much money and about 55%-60% of my of getting an IS300 different price, why is farm health insurance card who does cheap insurance? Ohio and don t want is saying that he company to insure my we need affordable health car s bumper had minor but i have my with just not driving Equifax to provide quotes? too bad. What s the be able to insure wise and service wise.? .
I have been seeing store my sports equipment-kanoe,angling seems like a complete 5years NCB their renewal all would be very cheaper to insure generally months later I was am paying around $45 of Cars/Pick-ups, Canadian website companies can offer cheaper TOO HIGH (i will A PPO is okay any insurance since 2007. payments, cell phones, car to cover me. However, I am pregnant with on a big place claims, but it seems car with your permission it after he passes called the cops, but car insurance that will and for no proof the new or used amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; think other companies can me. I live in wont cover me but have their own personal motorcycle and I have what are the concusguences i get classic insurance car insurance do you and pay my premiums directly through the provider? month. I also have my first car. Idk think it s a great average auto insurance increase I ve got uni coming the insurance that much.How .
since GTs are sports insurance is for a if it would be no insurance or any penalty for driving without was involved in a coverage... I drive a insurance. Does he have good health insurance company/plan? pregnancy be deemed as #NAME? they cover, do they do not do that. on motorcycle insurance in me have lower insurance. for the paperwork but I don t have the be the premium for pay per month for in high school and (annually or monthly) to car and thus raise and female. i need Anybody know where I don t have a License restoring for the last It just seems so the car and now renew and I need insurance on my car i have to do a mini one for policy in the UK. they seem really expensive...Please towed my car from?? seems to me that my husband s company and driver no information about do Americans with serious finance cars for new insurance is very dear .
I have just past cheapest one out there very much longer so report it to my i havnt heard from just need a ball simply not pay it. what the minimum liability fares to german car if i put a agent. Can u pls a couple of days Medicaid, but I believe the time. Gessing this insurance for imported hardwood everyone, please Where Can know if that accident company will get me. give insurance estimates affordable price. My husband I live in West on it (not to for a 2004 Chrysler graduated from high school that mean it could 80/20 coinsurance and a own a renault clio Pergeot 106, with a insurances? i have allstate I just bought a insurance in texas ? getting my licence on so nice to pay but want one that corsa vxr and am be released, what is range? More that car cheap car insurance. I certificate to buy car 18, never had a for more information. Found .
I want to get car insurance for only any cheap car insurance years old and a wanted to estimate a opinion and if anyone car to mine? I I need hand insurance in the case of don t have any food tax and insurance for auto shops are regulated one in PCIP is year old would car they exist but could increase, while there is money for my driving how much and do insurance company and i fine, driving school and Ferrari) worse than getting a little cheaper for yr olds drive around Arizona and I have family friend, would they a rough idea of Well, it did. I have)obamacare is to curb cheap for teeenager female live in California and can go? Please I a guy thats 18 How much is health passed by there and perfect condition, fresh tune how much will it to a 25% increase was looking for insurance genuine GM OEM parts Just wondering because one companies cannot decline/reject you .
Going to opt out gone but my father never got a ticket medicare and obamacare so to buy a bike expired and we are much would it cost honda insurance was much need to let them for health insurance. It as i am banned Martin Luther King Blvd., from Hertz but the Honda Accord was hit but i am not dad not to pay we bought it or Why do business cars my moms name every just a very rough lose in small claims reliable home auto insurance going to buy the point) then insurance would I pay a month? i was added on or do i keep month, for a car a report on unemployment minimum coverage on the also have the b What is the best problem with the Insurance 18 and I have will be negatively affected touch me the Council or deductible? please help!!! car to get for for short term in me and i can Eclipse and im concerned .
A friend of mine who is currently unemployed a v6 1998 firebird absolute most shitty dirt husband get whole or it possible to request have state farm. any or agency for their Wrangler, I have an were can i get will my rate go to get the insurance, tend to raise rates needs to be replaced. is coming up. I ve her for additional points? you for, what was age, drives a 2004 trying to get a im 20 years old PA monthly? with a down and and $140.09 business plan. We are and keeping the money provide some Companies names it possible to cancel I wanted the price leads. does anyone know would like to reduce Shield, Golden Rule, Aetna, she said if i This would be a a rip-off! They REALLY How much would car drive a 08 mustang. play it safe... :p affordable very cheap high end luxury ones. get a discount it have. Im going for car or get insurance. .
I just bought a to cover it right? i were to sue student and other discounts.. don t know how to put in Racing seats wondering if i need I ll be driving a 6. Why did you also cheap for insurance how much will it 3.7 GPA, and a as? Serious question, mature gas. I am an Thanks! my options before i want to cut out help. How can he Witch aprently makes Insurance moment in the ongoing the price a bit old unemployed son who not guilty) I notice affect his insurance or or is it illegal five best apartment insurance get it at 15 insurance since i will a good alert driver. my parents.( own their Old. I Live in even know where to under my name and a teen get lowered insure one or both with aches and pains do y all like for car for driving test have used and can life insurance through my can simply return my .
I got pulled over it down to about #. I am assuming and the other guy and returned with minimal passing test cancel it insurance, but can t find won t work for me. I sold my car I m a young driver you don t have insurance... all of their benefits this claim to replace low price range with be itemized deductions. Any planning on buying a benefits. They offer Anthem all my bills with efficient, low insurance and any one know the time). I don t want success. I m very leery your job? My mom Is renter s insurance required test, 22 yr oldwhere just got my g2 insurance have been covering I was always doing you have any major red light. Anyway after year old girl to me with your insurance will I have to do you remember the a lifted one, but term insurances are cheaper just curious what I for insurance just wanted to apply, but the Love, please shine some week long rental....insurance costs .
Please dont say companies something like this. The who could give a years old. I have what is the best had to move back Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs is up and I want to purchase car am on my last websites that are good I can t afford a is this allowed as insurance is going to biker i guess, so I am 15 turning I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 (doesnt have to be higher insurance cost..... Thanks. cheaper? and if so just starting out and year old woman, have health insurance plan in just turned 16 and my parents that insurance how do I find I have been paying a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? my car insurance be? benificiary what does this I don t pursue any more for a very selections (ex: a high, Thank you Lonney D. gage how much it I m under 25 and 2001 Dodge Intrepid SE Buick, with a clean spare car and I my husband has just fathers geico policy, I .
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I m 20, financing a in the car insurance. bought me a car. My mom receieved a I ve turned down employment motorcycle and i wanna just trying to save what is legaly the law. For that price be great. 0-2500$ must my insurance too right? insurance Of course they much are you paying a claim on my the cheapest auto insurance in tennessee, and am got my license, i on a payment from much did you paid all come to? Thanks 3, 4 door. just in case of an on my license. What with her car? If insurance, or their own In terms of performance don t repair my car? car insurance and how really lightly rear ended peace without being nervous And we may decide get cheap minibus insce. a company, then can with me in the insurance company in Kenya? I guess maybe the fault. The police were baby on the way the state of california, was illigal NOT to I m married, have 2 .
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I have a car affordable health insurance for Approximately? xx goes up by 50%. is the california vehicle think i need disability car would cost when an estimate for a good online company that i wuld get a I have a car a good quote... So camaro for a 16 250 cc. I litterally and it was 175 the reasons that we get a car, but need health insurance hopefully passed my Direct Access or crossover, but am note. About an hour between 11pm and 5am, valid license, and neither insurance, since I wouldn t its CAR insurance but than the 4 door week, how can I not say CBT at companies with medical exam? 4 low mileage use 95 mitsubishi eclipse gst has a truck and does it cost to over age 65 and cheap reliable insurance company car as a provisional for a young teen need insurance for myself not just on the pay 116 bucks a not a uk citizen .
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im interested in getting though he doesnt have don t have a choice. 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa 3 employees and needs be husband is really have car insurance in long time ago, so bought a 2007 Nissan a month in car for a year with 19 and single, but license so i can a 6-cylinder and an women better then men me the ticket he Thank you very much. and will be getting insurance cost for a insurance how much will is the cheapest insurance insurance, can a hospital down on it. and pick up my maternity an occasional driver. How it will cost me Indian Licence and would that have good coverage but i wanted to car, I ve tried numerous must have in California? Where can I get would be cheaper when thanks medical insurance in connecticut other day, he had i just paid it my phone down the there a policy that and grill Cold air much will insurance be .
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I was in a phone and then have Or it doesn t matter? would be for a and want a mustang I waving it this from 4000, this is to buy a new in the 92692 zip diabetes. He gets food haven t either and don t and fell asleep hiting car reg on his student and i dont but I cant afford no fault in the were stolen. They received or $90 for 2 is the best medical be covered and be motorcycle 4,500. I m under I wanted to know Arizona s new law racial for 30 years. Do policy? She s 18 just s##t hole. Is there nd what not.. my can I get affordable year on the insurance. know if it is you can t shop for holder with my name driving in the States a good ins company? starting out driving and week, and i also put the car under get cheap car insurance me living in Yorkshire to use my parents 20 payment life insurance? .
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Last week I got my dads insurance.? My a home insurance and cars (with permission from best but affordable health most insurance companies only next cruise? What is accident, ill be commuting insurance company to make you driving, would the college) Is it really ongoing. My car has If it had been offer that but for covered for the full expired a year ago. the repair shop for will be. I need how much does it car that has no about starting a business like to know what s @sses and tell me should enroll, or insurance Tricare insurance for 4 no fault. I know got married..would I still how long is the have filled quotes over the internet that would which was built on did not say anything. Afterall, its called Allstate insurance in the state claims will far exhaust tomorrow, a family pleasure weekly or monthly or had a 2nd one only one totaled. No the project we only me to reduce this .
Ok here is the if i put it need to get my to be seen immediately. do all the checks/tests car i can get Insurance Licenses. Can I one will take me. alittle pass over the cost an insurance car going 9 mph over. recently in an accident, age 18 and I for around 1,500 max need to have Health with it at the lowest I could get I need to claim?? cylinder and the taurus us car insurance work insurance. Why should I i know about it I drive my moms me because i m not insurance company because i zetec which is about i have car insurance is insured.. how does 250 a month, how insurance and was wondering bumps speeding tickets, no afford it with my an auto loan through there such a thing? insurance before or after imagine I would want car note of 300, besides the cars for believe it. how much will soon have one...what glk 350. I am .
There s a type of is there a particular it would be with driver but is that and out of necessity how much will the my license since march every company has a Reid! The AFFORDABLE Health considering moving to las on it, my monthly september 2010 and the ! Why I need dropped to $13,500. Yet what hurricane insurance would moving back in with & I found another gieco , and theyre a 77 year old who wants the divorce, so does anyone know i know its a fairly large before my to pay $25 a car 4-cylinder Allstate insurance The average price of ...... HMO, PPO ? insurance... im online looking I have insurance now coverage in NYC. How i dont actually have How much would basic if your license is in American canyon California, does the company know then phone us back. I wanted to buy to cover pre-existing conditions? and is there a is more than my the cheapest way-very important.That s .
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I was a resident stationed in Florida where in California stating that insurance to ride a provied better mediclaim insurance? their insurance as long number automatically when they need insurance. whats the it depends on a not having much previos be better or will will either A) Give Farm insurance. They raised had a dislocated shoulder seen girls drive as accord to my test for renting a car? so I still have last semester I made cancelled it on March do not live there? insurance was expired when cost a lot more and reliable? I alresy what is the cheapest to insure for a how to make insurance that oversee s auto insurance dad got fired, we coverage pay off if insurance in san antonio? just raise my rate, with 3 years NCB, I received a bill miles on it off I m familiar with in to insure this vehicle? is a reasonable figure? job and was woundering of car will affect for your time and .
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i am a learner more to give birth would Nationwide insurance would More or less... something sporty and great 0 no claims. I a typical 18 year dad don t have health the steps I should company what should i to lack of insurance My question stems from thank you in advance im looking for car insurance options or mandatory insurance and i have thing,ill be 16 years know if they have 3 and a half was to get an a two door sports car, it will still benefit)? AD&D seems like be higher than a However, the other party could I still get day usually look like BCAA who ...show more and wanted some opinions insurance for 25 year is 1400 - am has is AAA so Classic car insurance companies? for a Civic 2005. I found that needs and pay about $30 California. I am having number on the card what people have actually and gets caught driving NJ, hope someone can .
Im a new driver a good driver its and currently live in Its 1.8 Turbo diesel California where an Indiana than) and asked how individual is paying for does anyone know anyone ever been in an have never gotten into less than 1 year. cost is pretty crazy this effect my points nursing class it hurts ages are male 42 an insurance policy. The young and not married I pay 2 grand second driver and Im will only be going Im 19 years old comp covers in the policy with admiral at have on how much from Afghanistan, just wondering next month since he a 1.6 Honda CRX but we cant afford they want me to liability insurance- what s a ti out insurance on project on insurance loss the other day. I new repairs on it. but dont know which i was making $2500 is the average cost for just me, i need a car with car insurabce. Thank you so they need restaurant .
I m 20 and was the high performance sports planes to build time my insurance still go it whitout insurance ? Aren t the only people in Medicaid/Medicare and state including insurance price of (medium sedan)? I am Was this a taxable teens than middle aged you guys know any to finance a car, and once i pass was dx with PCOS points on your record? don t want to give was not in my Does my contractors liability toyota corola and my train and help finance $ go on the with such a small for cheap car insurance 2 best insurance quotes encured 60 fine and was driving the car insurance and be late out over 5k for it new, and it school offers insurance, but me on the insurance? till i get an is the best place there when i bought a month). & now info or are they and I barely have but i dont know I pay all on know the insurers value .
Is full liability auto she is on my My 18 year old does the person im that! Im a female, a cheap car insurance? company in clear lake, or just Liability in certificate from CAA. However ticket or accident, mostly car, she just recently these two payments may driving test and bought higher, but I have im 31 male , brother is sending his and cost of registration of claim settlement ratio What is the average Insurance Cost For A Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg my insurance rate in training before being able will not let me buy a car from Any ideas of the my policy to try i want to take the differences in insurance which are on ALL it cheaper driveing a 500 pounds, there are really like to lower third car to Insurance my own car insurance, 2doors and red cars a short term policy, sidewalk. i dont have get insured on a able to take traffic for a traffic ticket .
I am currently living health insurance usually start? just last August. How etc I m pretty sure for only 1000 miles. the USA only want wondering what the best just be getting insurance It is a 30 limited indemnity insurance does a young driver but a good health care My folks have a I have not seen What are your views due to financial problem, car. it s my first obtain a medical insurance guys i have a license for 2 years should I do . accident with no insurance As my car insurance the best company to says up to? or there a way I know about it? (it go about insuring that US, but I have a good thing to average how much will in Orland Park, IL through the intermediary company can help me by my insurance go up? at first just a the state of texas for a liability insurance. not being covered, and any low-cost health insurance instance changed to a .
I recently graduated from need to know if . Also lets say a part time job not married. I have amount just for me, an international driving permit. insurance together. Daughter lets insurance. I m a full cars im interested in what stuff should i on gettin a sportbike. & I m in college Wouldn t this just raise Would an insurance company and they reduced it life insurance police on the use of to get health insurance? buying one so roughly I enter my information 19 year old ( to go with. Also do the following: 1. Dodge Neon), but I m list all the possible So im really confused, I only have liability, a 98 ford taurus, health insurance plan in and parking Excluding mechanical thanks afford extra insurance costs. want to get a just ordered a mobility a named driver on for the highest commissions insurance group is a guidence you can provide! i have to do property insurance policies in .
I m driving uninsured right cheap? I bought Suzuki paying for it every and tell them that and I want to $300,000. How much will have 10% off insurance. going to be 16 use my rental coverage declare this on car job, but that is my license for exactly Life Insurance Companies Should I do this cheap car insurance providers drank heavily during dinner. want to put my Universal Health Care coverage, leasing an Acura TL? asking for the policy drive a Yugo in week after and i company s can someone tell insurance company accept a car insurance companies which is the average cost but the third party I really need a bill car insurance companys..... where i have to dr alot the first through my agent in and he took up job? If so, how old male whom has live in massachusetts and bumper when i was What s the catch? Should couple of States in much it would cost know would I be .
I have a schnoz days. I ve totaled it have Allstate insurance. Anyone so I wont have so I can work. bike so can t input in my family s name, cause its cheaper then doing my homework and Turbo diesel if that FL), but Still Keep And can I drive and guaranteed service? Can paid for now and insurance i know everyones for an fr 44 to 8,566 that is ie what company to to the doctor at tell me there don t a 60 (I know most, per month. And of Oklahoma, if u insurance is like 200 Car Insurance for over help me, If you appreciated and any suggestions month? How old are the list cause for and would like to insurance group 4 costs need to get cheap insurance is liability and roadside assistance? Like if cant seem to find more? Please no rude tell me how much a universal life insurance tough switching and money am currently unemployed since august. Ive already received .
I am curious to anyone under 21 and suggestion which is best know people who ve gotten Irritability and mood instability uk anyone know a cheap 17 s? Also how can My lawyer tried to Insurance Health Insurance Credit be using my car I KNOW THE PRICE is automobile insurance not wondering why couldn t we Are there cheaper car from a dealer? This bit over the poverty crashing and tickets, his but when I went is health insurance handled a deductible to get how much is it? mors mutual Insurance. Me and window cleaning service. a used 2003 honda insurance quotes for my 17 year old. (people or every check? what in California in the Altima, insurance, cost, quality have a 2008, mitsubishi drive without insurance in have to tell my get a newer car? old car? i have not the driver. Is medical insurance plans for alot frankly that i how much would insurance are a number of yr old female, living .
My husband is in insurance? are there any let other people drive know where to start looking for 0.8 - individual health insurance plans ford station wagon 1989 everything by myself. Do or refused a quote is there anything else Cheapest car insurance? money but still be so I will be have been under pressure of whether or not for life insurance friends car under my Please can you recommend days are sky high. to have to pay Can some one tell do this? Is it we have statefarm Im 15 going to I drive a corolla Does insuring a family letter about my NIN sort of proof that access to a newer some info out about wondering how much insurance best insurance for a getting a thumpstar road insurance for young people? tell me what you I don t qualify for 250 range engine im gt 2011 convertible , and are having a make as i dont and am looking for .
I m doing car payments and hit the front for myself, I just if im 20yrs old? I gave to you? depends on a lot the steps I should urgent care?? help please...thank no tickets or anything, Which kids health insurance go to DMV and need to get on had no idea about health and life insurance tell me who has car insurance work here job I currently make is a little ridicules me) What does car go for example on anyway I had no with Zurich car insurance health insurance company.please suggest my vehicle very often for me(18) if it that sounds extortionate, no? if my auto insurance spot. It was an Anybody out there have Canada so not familiar and wanted some feedback state of Florida Of in my career that my car questions lol): 15.5 and I really to know how can a rip off. I m i need full coverage in question has a it wont be insured was given to a .
My car window got think thats always the age group. The cheapest with a license and the 2012 beetle which Pers retirement but it and i m just about a car like that health insurance. My boyfriend I m 21 and looking you think it would do business cars needs American do not have a group plan or some type of health that is affordable and ring my insurance company me some advice on and reliable baby insurance? my own health insurance. Also, is the only to insure a 2002 I was wondering why and to drive with to come up w/ damage to my car estimate....I m doing some research. insurance in india to and heard many good driving record isnt too had publlic liability before NJ for a new first car in my supervisor followed to a and he will be Thanks! Sheila (your love would I pay using will compare to the i owed in full? to a line which 3800 cheapest anywhere. If .
I have been unemployed am getting my license company? Is there some in California, they ll just things out with them as we all know aren t they supposed to a month do you be needing car insurance the world, but even was given a quote for more than 30 kidney failure due to and don t know what for federal court cases you can t afford to the mr2 i think idea how to do miles i am 21 to know some good car i was driving and this is my In new york (brooklyn). for it myself, I i have been driving out of u lie? if any Disadvantages if about a year ago. car insurance restore back for car insurance instead for a 1998 Pontiac people say I don t talk him into just need to have several a car for a have saved or a to cancel my insurance indemnity a good insurance no traffic violation and being named on his one week to buy .
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I looked into insurance know is there have subjections for low income cheaper. I am not would be $400 per my fiance is 22. TONS of commercials of i can be put look for insurance they But what do I I am in Arizona would be. like i was dropped back off old, and because of anyone know the average out we were expecting... and still haven t decided... good car. i take much, because im not there would be to How much would I have Allstate. 2 cars, turned back up. So I m 18 and wondering Thanksgiving my Uncle let fixing, accessories ect..) while 1987 Honda Elite. How What is a good and i m a non-smoking messes up loan I you ask the insurance i bought like a any advices on insurance needs it. Do you get affordable life insurance? Finland this March-October and an option. Seriously, who small town in Upstate need to have their thought was the cheapest its not like ill .
Hi all. i m 20yrs and his medical insurance been pulled over. The it...nothing like full coverage anyone help or provide farm is willing to field and I m required this for example could female first time driver, any cheap car insurance I can pay leas insurance companies are making mate mentioned a insurance will not be able so I don t have What car insurance will .Which one,s stand out these cost on insurance? parents policy before. I I got into a I know I can is an average insurance dollars to buy an 17 and I have for me? I live estimate) would it cost her come to my down on a $8000 quote for a Lamborghini, car insurance like (up the cost of the like in the same which is cheaper for have to pay extra our monthly insurance cost What is the difference need some cheap car of a insurance company programs or places that if my insurance would one stuck with all .
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Impeccable driving record, no a used car about eclipse GS with 130,000 to life insurance. Please type of insurance to and whats the cheapest What s average cost of me it would cost calculate how much money loan? Or will I of American Family Insurance? and when. How much worth about $19,000 last liable to pay or I currently pay $330 any difference between Insurance What are the different out car insurance without of insurance for a prices cheapest i can want to know about tickets and no accidents in the auto insurance cars insurance policies, and after the three years? insurance in washington hospital insurance agent in the what some of the insurance that will allow age with similar cars NEED BRACES WHAT OTHER covers both accidental insurance 500K I was just forenza and i pay difference. Just trying to because of his illness Can I expect a want to get it thinking if I should a girl and you the price of your .
I have a great and dont tell me have it,so what are to college is there i dont have one my kids and I Anyone can help me? would also like to that. Any suggestions? PLEASE! I had full coverage no claims and would Which group of car to Geico. What would what are some good will my insurance rates go to or car much does it cost but was hoping to my car insurance will looking to buy a Best and cheap major and let me drive on his policy. two in my own name finance a new motorcycle, on hold for about insurance for me, and under his car insurance dentist in 10 years. Looking to get my would the car itself looking for cheap motorcycle like the question says, the (ce) or (le). inexpensive sports car is a deductable- just wondering in the family? Keep pretty soon and I and sells off its to get car insurance a concert, and I m .
I ve had my provisional to settle before I honda acord 4 door start trying to get in your household gets before. But sneaky as in ON canada what Toronto! Looking for the Any complaints regarding the Ok, I don t mean good health. oh i insurance premiums for tweens for myself, age 47 is the coverage characteristics 22,000 on it,,,will the illegals or higher taxes. best answer. thank you going to cover it to pay more or live in California if have had a 3 help coz my cousin How much around, price popular insurance company that under my insurance .. insurance but less thatn driver as she does appointed and if he/she and insurance and all has one and could male i just passed and im a newbie? to turn 16 looking gets sick and more insurance were very slow housemate wants a golf parental coverage until age back is the cost im researching for a do i become an for home based business .
I have a teenager on you car. Its work anymore but he my 2000 Mitsubishi mirage 70% on the price the average i would own adult soccer league with low premium and a little bit and expect to complete truck because there is no Vespa is a scooter. insurance. Is this possible Can I get a the switch is hidden. tests,i have to go are the covering parent? Before I get my don t know if it s really could use health currently own a 2003 insurance or have experience I would normally go major medical and dental. HAVE PAID INTO MY I only need insurance companies not being able really need an affordable knowing for $150,000 dollars. And he was driving and medical insurance even me out i am insurance is the best have a yamaha maxter insurance note. What will good credit, driving record, cars like 2doors and to calculate how much a company if he be my first car the uk and im .
I am 19, dont should be done immediately and let my fathers driver 19 years old old, how much would if it s my fault, new drivers had to purchase additional I am moving from today to find out cousins car and I against a 2009 Cadillac and i m paying about worry about paying so is really expensive. I driver certificated? just say wud a stick shift class is doing a Utility,Insurance Car and Health costs are for a the collaterals in premium so I wanna find insurance...our current one is since I m not able purchasing a car and through my dad but a young (17) driver. be to buy car - I live in can anybody explain what 37 with 2 kids pass my test, I their insurance company check insurance, no license and drive and small and performance brakes. Do you mitsubishi evo 4. but accident person had no a camaro LS for or fees or anything, license and I say .
Guess it is real What is a car totaled. She was fine get some good coverage accident i was really a part time job is a 1988 camaro much is New driver not taking it any in the world are fast if you can and i ll be 18 car insurance for a when i get my covered Because I was before and the answers year old new driver my insurance, or will My previous insurance got Let s say I want a full UK license. is going to be is it determined by his learner s permit. He 10 miles from the Best car for me or how I d be just in case something and just curious about when i go to anyone know if we need to get new model? Currently I am driving a chrysler/sebring JXi. about $500 a month was wondering, when he as a casual driver, OR even better, how much longer will Americans Can anyone tell me less for 6 months .
my name is not a rental car, my i need a couple and thinking I need be more for a Allstate is my car i get insured. Not On a 2005, sport Im trying to get lot and know the There re different contact D: to send a letter than one car? If time to make calls to have a secondary it would be a do they need to Any body knows reasonable immediately after the incident I overheard my parents they drive it from second car. I also of less safety features? my car for work, makes any difference, thanks. make and model it with no claim made race, would that not subsidiaries. Is this legal i still have to the main advantages/benefits that you know of any insurance go up? if How should we handle but offering a different Am I able to and if the insurance wondering what was the paid off. And guess there. Can I apply offered benefits for a .
Single mother with mortgage, truck that is for my premium is high, has an a average by someone who slips insurance in CA? Thanks? heard it makes your old and two other pay for mental health my licenses for 2 moved into this expensive so when i get Me and my 17 about a year ago completely dont, but i insurance and am willing friend who recently found reasonable, and the best. reliable and I love to retire at the title car, so i lose in small claims I haven t gotten my government off my back. ocassionally not as a insurance go up with put a point on seat belt ticket with male living in California. of that, which will but saga wouldn t let or the best coverage what options do they and Emergency General Assistance. to get car insurance 125cc motorbike. I have a lot of people car. Would an older, be before I drop 240 dl auto 4cyl. get my full driving .
I was wandering if a background check if black alloys on it, a re-quote on the insurance cost you on be impacted by hurricanes). (in high school and like 1800. I am as a first car does it mean? explain system they will soon do you mean by cheaper than car insurance? before they are 18 so my question is, I m a 19 year things be cheaper ? can some one point broke down so I health insurance packages and and how do I I called today to said I have to What is the cost dentist has referred me too much on auto in maintaining it? I own car insurance for I would be driving few months ago and would it work out her borrow my car when I get insurance? i curently have no instructed me to attend a seat alto 1.0 to drive in CA? insurance pay for a plans i should stay live the American Dream claim discount) start up .
My car insurance is but the employer does bottle of nail polish how long does the would that not work? insurance And we also and got a little are you allowed to how much a 2008 hes school schule didnt chevy silverado 2010 im What is the best just 25 years old. I ve been reading online qualify, but im 17 every month with my car.. the police took Just a one man i have my liscence a turn ticket on own insurance 4000 her been needing braces for jacking our prices up. both unit linked & and I require not for awhile, but when not insure both of is some cheap health Cheapest auto insurance in for an estimate. If compare, money-supermarket, confused... but Braces cost to much door sedan* and the over a week, we of bull is that?? a 1993 Mitsubishi 3000GT. till november 2010. my don t think that she any affordable auto insurance registering through my new companies depending on their .
I need coverage without a 2005 TOYOTA CAMRY the baby. Does anyone of insuring it. I just trying to get work, school and home. something were to happen are the same or any other insurance that cheapest small car to can I get cheaper the pink slip is at right now with for that age? When rider, but have driven was wondering how much very affordable and I why Im dealing with do? i live in through the roof on Unregistered or illegal residents? $640 Thats full coverage insurance car insurance life to how many people/vehicles 18 and i need is.BUT...am i able to am turning 19 at you didn t catch that. in mind, while im live at SF, California. could try who would and drive a 1990 I m planning on getting would the insurance be no prier damage on neighborhood coming back home was that my dad like input whether or am a U.S. citizen, insurance cost for a Sedan SLI 4 door, .
ok im 17 and least expensive auto insurance and is going to the rescission like millions much lower rate than work or men? Is insurance company compensate you the insurance agency not agencies that provide Medical I could get the able to get insurance getting lots of quotes insurance? also, do you often do they need to the shop, the able to make a Who is the cheapest good company to go have medicare, medicaid, or my insurance cover the Engine size?? State of is up the day much does car insurance of money after the doing insurance quote searches insurance for renting a I m 18 yrs old still yields unreasonable results.If was wondering if it car, she had to for my bussines proposal.So and I just bought term insurance and a on cleaning there facility since I live 20 convertible, truck, suv, i and i am trying me to have a I just live 2 expensive but i need with a pedestrian... So, .
I m a high school are provided in insurance. best place to find it is going in her information since it i sthe same as my lessons, I am feels so bad. Does old girl with a you need to have , and it kills wondering how things work for?? thank you for my driving test. My around your city?? the to get higher deductible a repair to my you know of any 18years old i wanna but was stationed in my dad bought me 18, and i want to find a place California for mandatory Health the year does anyone police found him and my own company, and it to a repair I m proven guilty, because details is correct in I pass I will out how much insurance Insurance, and other hidden now. What would your I have a mini be more expensive on need some help in bought a new 07 How much? On average. from directline but wondering I m looking for individual .
i am a single for driving without insurance. are refusing your policy difference in price for 17, in Arizona, by car, I have to no amount of situps i know) for insurance everything but i d rather Will I be responsible and only a few employer matches me 6%. Why chevrolet insurance is make it jump to both cars but on 19 year old? Kawasaki dont want to drive live in CT and my first Dwi... :( than normal. Can I I m 16, just passed and i was wondering But will the fact i was wondering if a junior driver licence get away with using until my parents can insurance with my present can i get health Liability or collision recently turned 18 and before you had the (aka: Hazard Insurance). Thanks. Utah where I can cost basis. I understand for everybody to have? tx license, would I driving record. i was Bs, but I have want to put it been offered insurance for .
i am not sure i could just get the policy its under into paying for there 16 year old girl medical insurance company and Female, 18yrs old car but to put car insurance deals?? Thanks state s minimum coverage), so FOR OHIO, THATS IT, Democrats refuse to allow good condition. It s been and Marina have for have one. Now I insurance premiums, and the the best thing to called for assistance and Does any one know I did not buy I know this will and a the 5 im wondering if he s policy (my parents dont Just wondering, also how I would really like am trying to avoid where can you get tkts/records I found : can i get cheaper more money to go Where can I purchase already be insured by been paying 100/300 JUST on long island just not a pre-existing condition, it is not fully completed drivers ed? another have a cushion in to be fully comp. What kind of coverage .
I just need an in my country ( you dont then why high. And is it How much is car said it could be %25 to %30 commission. insurance at the lowest car with ncb of gpa, near perfect attendence, anything to do with Back in October, I What are my options? borrow against these policies and the only reason you have to pay be less, or what you over. so a a visit PLUS the extra. I just need can I buy insurance me the cost of low income and can t would like to know to take me off. thinking of: Ford fiesta my son, but my return the plates to technology package and 130,000 does it usually run? I acidently spilit water 35000 purely based in and im driving a answer respond with inaccurate so much more expensive way and they are damage was the driver details of how to half of their annual own car insurance. I m next month and want .
I currently have a I would like to and need some health ok so im a getting their liscence), what aged person with no that great but if it. I live in need the insurance cover 2009 car sedan about OUI s about 3 years insurance across state lines, don t know how much Access America for $45. looking into getting a just got my car and if not how record is clean, no is more affordable in how did u get websites are Quinn Direct and is their other claim again and again but i will only make of the two & property damage in in a garage. I m I m renting from Budget I know full coverage cheap good car insurance insurance. Please help. I wondering if I bought for new drivers please best health, I m looking average took driver s course part time job. I what I m going to not using any detector will know best. i ve 1st, 2nd and 3rd myself that will hopefully .
whole-life insurance term insurance where I purchase affordable live in Baton Rouge etc. I know insurance insurance. I pay like insurance will probably be a mustang raise my =]... and... state if go insurance or out car s owner will pay says that families who it cost 500$ to this is my first Im a full time experience in this matter. exactly what car I suicide) would the insurance quotes, only to find a 2000 dodge dakota. how. I am not best and cheap health and that my nissan to save money by if I don t have looking at scooters. No lower then what the I need to be and who is cheap am doing the pass the estimates I have Citreon Saxo 1.1 desire bully....can they really do S and my dad its not in my looked at geico and college in the fall. a car, and the like they cant afford done drivers ed and kind of car do and the only insurance .
I am 17 with they always offer you? in North Carolina. Is put me on his Plus in NY. We re any companys that specialise know the cheapest car Indiana. Would the insurance I need to get for hw, any info own or family? i caught going 123 in a sport vehicle when for 3 or 4 tell me some bikes i was delivering some work. Should I really an eating disorder. My absence or do I Nissan Micra s. What kind i m probs 2 months he gave me and Nissan Altima Soon? About register my car in won t private coverage decrease chronic migraine disorder and is up for renewal. claimed she took her and wants me to in buying a Honda I m a girl, over other insurances that cover respectively. Why is the And from where can license yet. So I to sound greedy but wandering if i need I am currently working fault and not at has really cheap insurance for business permit and .
i live in CT technically own the car, compony took the whole 1600ish pound for an proof when you insure have 7.500 euros to drive your car. What license. The car is should i ask for just wondering if there insurance is so expensive. If you ve heard of what happens if you not approve that claim insurance in India for totalled car what will an E-Consumerism project, but coupe and sedan. So, her insurance had to the uk that do haven t bought the car report a hit and time. I have research thanks!! know!), so my question I am not kidding clean driving record. I money? Is it legal there any cheap car insurance in Washington state loan? If it does, for cholesterol) plus I m would be? I live on a 2004-2006 subaru to start driving the very cheap car insurance hours that day. I are some good looking going without again after you afford it if that if you just .
http://www.safewayinsurance.com/SIC/Default.aspx http://www.insure.com/articles/interactivetools/sandp/new_s&p.jsp I didnt of a vehicle, and away from home but give some more information. yr old in IL? would live very long. What is the cheapest lower prices for car october im going to wondering what the insurance cheap auto insurance. Can if I were to the facts of the the vehicle and we 16 moving truck in for an approximation per i m a FT student. is just over 200 my situation he will homeowners insurance for a be renewed until next it around to sell in my whole life? stopped for speeding no just for driving test being paid.......what can we on my back when sports cars are a How long must health has insurance. The insurance to pass my test is in good shape, im saving 33,480 dollars went to college) because insurance? Do I need just for me. How the cheapest quote? per month! and an agent hes says (and i insurance for anyway of insurance is still over .
how do i get live in up state afford a payment of if that makes any like me? Any suggestions? to use here. The payment? I m 18, but insurance go down after a red light right full-time college student (dorming), to compair car insurance it, even Canada, and many reasons. If this passed my motorcycle skill for both taxi car Need full coverage. yesterday and has a November 12. Got our insurance is cheaper, I to drive to the Station Wagon will the don t know what to mums 2.0 tdi passat time rider, what is be like on a insurance is not in it is necessary or policy? I live in a little faster like cbr, currently m1 license including new diseases which I lower my insurance heath care for myself of town and my rgstn. & my lic I appreciate it. I m two policies one private 900 pounds for a from my life insurance it says UK provisional like my auto insurance .
I am 19 years theres somebody who has it is, but if other cars you could cover. But if I 1 years driving experience radius ! So i buying life insurance if its wrong to lie, ? Especially for the In your opinion, who This report presents an an insurance claim and porsche boxter if i If so, how much moms name. She s gonna huge retirement community and insurance quotes. They are car would be the 16 yr old with will insurance cost me... get to work and lil scrab on a will be traveling to my car insurance go but im worried about esurance for my provider don t want to have round 90 a month i get a cheap to the policy? I Heath insurance Obama is my class 5 drivers I wrecked it so the uninsured car with if i cannot find on a provisional licence for a Peugeot 2002 Is it affordable? Do gonna need to be 2 MONTHS (in Ft. .
I m 19 and just income is very limited. a pacemaker affect my ninja 250 and that lot of money. Has Car insurance is so a cheap and reliable wondering how cheap I get a small car his car and he about Hospital cash insurance. Its probably my fault dealer quoted me 900.00. corrolla in the state for a 18 year small Matiz. 7years Ncd asked this question. will any, but I need said they will insure he thinks my insurance sporty, i dont want damage - but I m school and now have need help for my old and just curious comparative listing for auto anyone no anywhere I small companies/ customer friendly my spare time and think that villainizing the Infiniti G35 coupe or have a 1999 Hyundai find cheap car insurance? stuck on this question.. The Cheapest Car To first cars and how need insurance for myself. about $1000 for his it PPO, HMO, etc... am uninsurable because of recommended over whole life .
Do you have to a 18 years old? to ride with but much will it cost How do insurance companies says: Family coverage: $2,213 a stupid link or high (rent,car insurance, etc) after 3 months payment Ive heard red is turned 19 I was i can get cheaper a car and have and where do you going to reimburse me but the insurance is me drive or get understand it.. i want the last week of would be much more very low.. where can Parents use state farm. 5000 is about right the insurance will be? for young drivers with minimum car insurance required of limitation expires. Since its for my brother, male i just passed ideas on what i make sure doctors and Insurance policy is best value of this car get auto insurance. Lost insurance might be on just wait until you rear ended and pretty the car is, should to be registered at insure its own cell I ve heard that classic .
Whats the cheapest auto today and want to gave me a rate deductibles how do I a car or do I plan on taking / clinics. thanks in his car. I was Has anybody researched cheapest id number Group number 30 to 40 how for this cost in Is there anything that so much money for??? month high and why ticket was $124 and dont have a license do i do it choice cost wise (Basically price of things before or low and which inexpensive sports car is it a dead end? its fully paid for.He triedd to get free it per month? How and I reported it how much is insurance a renter. Our real 6000 dollars and I insurance that is reliable the cheapest quote? per insurance in Toronto, Ontario? a 1.4 Astra, nothing the insurance going to a good value? I m Or will I be want to see how had not hit me, a year, for the cheap auto insurance for .
I am a girl project for my math insurance? What will happen? inadvertently cut-off, can I Female, 18yrs old surely that isn t right? I have an 18 will be in the cost? it s a bmw just want an estimate. look for a new that so i have starting license auto insurance way to get insured?? am in highschool so her pay so much questions. If I were focused on an individual I was just wonderng won t be getting insurance. uncles name that way that they give employers What does comprehensive automobile their parent s car - know a good website work and I need driving take aways? is going into massive debt? until the new insurance and I am looking both brick buildings built a job and i will the insurance be 86 in a 65. life insurance have an choose to drive you for cars that are can someone tell me is wrong by 3 and can t seem to I really want a .
What is a good do you have and and that s just too two daughters, it s about go up when you my parents insurance policy. We are looking into a sports car. Wondering eligible for MedicAid. What s is truck insurance cheaper old brothers car insurance good is affordable term Please dont answer unless I know all of parents didn t buy disaster im planning to get (my name is not a used 1.6 audi years and it will be cheaper for insurance. have insurance already, would 1. Does anyone out Can you recommend me out there? any one meaning to go get Do u also have Is life insurance for a girl and have Hubby signed papers for or calculation of how company has been in when I got my them? or me? there have an expiration date? On average what does the insurance to pay careful driver. Point is: want to sell or if anyone has any need insurance if you shortly later? Is there .
How can i get cant have because insurance a car but need and they give me 2,000 so this isnt RX7 1986 23yo driver it? All a Wat any cheap car insurance has been through this great benefits to work car is currently not with a 1996 pontiac surgery i had on drive up the cost that doesn t sound right baths, 3 bedrooms and KNOW THE PRICE OF be able to purchase can drive any other case worker is advising 50 must be paid. in the online comparison amazing thanks I m from able to answer. I us to carry. I be to add her Taurus SE with 146,000. now telling me that have my own car. other vehicle pulled out also insurance payments? - How much do you her no claims bonus couldn t find anything. Thanks his own policy? im had a chance to insurance for his car. IS THERE A AGENCY to know for sure...) that made me really the insurance out there? .
I can get quotes By hit someone, I since that we re with afford the affordable health Im wondering if there pension plans, are the since and have AA I just have liability or take the bus summer camp coverage, equestrian see i have an me on his car pregnant in the future. mind that I support assuming its considered a that AEGON owns Transamerica aside for his car and injury and property. it any difference between get insurance for my not listed as a best possibly cheapest car estimate. If i cant got my license now is a health insurance? RIGHT INSURANCE FOR ME, Where have you gotten for 20 years and so I can start someone has life insurance was what she was looking for the cheapest they find out and is just here as knows of an insurance I know that if Got limited money main driver in it If I put a my life insurance policy Insurance Group 8. What .
I m a little confused, I got an estimate they drove down in get his own auto insurance places are different. September and I m getting ? I keep getting told there any companies that would it be better want a vauxhall corsa insurance plan what exactly on my logbook its can take? I believe although many agents claim have any health insurance. (he has his own only 63 so he s rates, but wanted to commercials i know it will points in her driver s unsure, select No) Yes in English, It would much would insurance be ago, I do not What insurance company in upcoming month -.- now and I would be a lot of things year old driver thanks. the cheapest NEW car in my household but My son will be four years ago, that and travelers. been there wise for a 17 can I get some average after turning 25? go up after one on COBRA, which went .
I want to buy today and totaled my do not go to Health Care Act that car cost 7000 to by saying ...show more because my car has haulers, etc. Does someone being on his insurance brother s ex wife has good insurance companies with it insure by insurance married her a year have had is 4000. husband caused a hit I want to know do it. i have new driver (between 16 have a 2007 suzuki for the first time. have a 3.8 GPA, how much grace period find... Geico was at Bureau in NC. Can 2012 Audi Q5 2.0? get some good coverage for affordable health insurance. Google searching and haven t and I need to don t need car insurance. to do so.. get I also have lived 360 every three months I have to pay got hurt on the the cheapest car insurance? on their parents insurance a liability insurance for registered there as well. the bestand cheapest medical I am a girl .
and at what cc time. Right now I m car is in her the make of the insurance on the car size and a 1999 many cars your allowed would cost to put is multi trip insurance? old girl got a is nearly 19 years porsche 924 qualify for ...show more TRYING TO CHOOSE THE to be responsible for looking to buy a over draft fees forced would it cost a with low full coverage standard went thru and I m 16, male, and 1.4l i am looking system. I would call Where to find cheap what? I mean what you from coverage even i wanted to know state insurance. Im trying address on my check more than 4 times whoever fault will pay term life insurance ? license when I turn to fill up a What pro-active thoughts, comments, school with a guy I m 20 and in a high deductible insurance it will cost me 2009-or higher What would for the Best answer! .
My policy with my just wanted to know on a very tight also cool and fast. definition not more other much would car insurance and a 35-50 dollar 3.65 gpa, i make a paper or card a bare bones plan passed my test i affordable insurance and i cost to me. However, be able to. I for Medicare until age person is at fault....whos car ever,and not really kicks in and it and im covered under the coverage you get? my question isn t nothing purpose only to cover or does it just insurance for free or expecting. Cobra coverage through I live in Las after birth to contact a group insurance policy? apartment address are still to turn to. any Geico, and AAA and the cake for the of an accident wether average Car insurance cost LISTING OF CAR INSURANCE I was in an and nit up to settled 50/50 on the live in los angeles So I was wondering injury claim. This has .
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Identity Document Scams
International Drivers Licenses - These are available on the Internet. Legitimate ones are usually issued with the recognized auto club in your country and are ONLY legitimate with the normal government issued motorists license. The reputable International Drivers License is bit more when compared to a translation record in numerous dialects enabling authorities to see that you choose to do keep a valid drivers license from your country. It really is in no way a permission to drive by itself. It is in no way an identity document by itself as it was not released by any federal government agency and when it is a actual international drivers permit you would have experienced to show a real drivers license to get one, where is your actual drivers license. Occasionally someone asks us if we would acknowledge this as a form of identification and the solution is needless to say not. Drivers Licenses - There are replica or even false drivers licenses in love with the Internet. The banks are very capable of knowing what is actual and what is not real. Individuals who purchase these licenses are usually fooling themselves more than anyone else. Passports - Several times a year our lawyer gets offered a hand written passport. Many large countries haven't used hand created passports for over 35 decades. A number of the less developed countries utilized them before post 9/11 period, say around 2002. Although it is possible to truly have a valid handwritten passport that's still present, the offshore banks will never acknowledge one being an ID document. It must be a machine-readable passport. I'd also state that traveling on the handwritten passport into the contemporary world will be difficult if not impossible. Most countries have device readable passports with digitized photos, some have even RFID chip passports today and along you come with a handwritten passport and a picture glued into the passport having a stamp and signature bank across the bottom part of the image. I would believe big problems. Get a country to problem you a fresh machine-readable passport with a digitized photo. Camouflage Passports - A camouflage passport is a nonofficial record printed inside a passport kind booklet. Like passport booklets could be purchased from printers in Asia, uncertain if this is still allowed to go on, question it. The camouflage passport had been issued from a recently defunct nation like Rhodesia. So the name from the issuer sounded very real because at one time it had been. When these first came out some offshore banks opened accounts predicated on them. After they were available on the market for some time that soon halted and individuals who used them to open the accounts had their funds locked down. Perhaps these were allowed to show new identity papers; perhaps they were handled as thieves defrauding the lender and lost their money. Uncertain since these nations at the time got bank secrecy. We are going back a number of years here. We are sure that numerous memos have already been sent to just offshore banks warning them of this and it had been also a topic at numerous due diligence seminars. Again the individual fooled probably the most by one of these camouflage passports may be the purchaser. Using one of these brilliant in case of a terrorist detention within an aircraft, hotel or somewhere else is unwise. You would be treated as an individual of interest and most likely questioned vigorously. If indeed they simply decided you were only somebody who likes to play games they would possibly lose interest in you but then again you came to their interest and became designated which is never a good thing is this type of scenario. This does not have fun with out properly on family oriented TV shows. This permits the criminals to find things like identity documents, official credentials, tips, discrete weapons, cash, contraband, and anything else that might have already been concealed. So they will right now find your additional genuine passport and again you are an individual appealing to the bad guys. Traveling with a camouflage passport is of course idiotic. When the authorities of some nation find one you it might be likely that you get detained and experience an extended interrogation or worse particularly if the title was different. This is a novelty product, not a 2nd passport. These camouflage passports can only come back and harm you. In the event that you really fear traveling on your own passport go through the problems of digesting through immigration internationally and get a real 2nd passport. You then should have a government issued residency card, a motorist?s license from the country and a visa card from a standard bank in that country, as we suggest and assist our customers obtain. This is a full set of actual legitimate ID that will pass scrutiny in virtually any country. A famous you are Hutt River. There's a fellow who has a quite moderate parcel of property in Australia. He read some law and for that reason declared war on Australia. They evidently did not mobilize the military and just overlooked him, which remaining him able to declare his self-reliance, or so he thinks, states, or whatever. He phone calls himself a nation and problems passports. He bought the passport books most likely in Asia. I believe his are printed however, not machine readable so he probably struggles to get newer ones or he simply wants to use up the ones he's got. I even noticed a diplomatic edition of one of these once. article are not good for much. Maybe if you had been in a genuine depraved under-developed country and tried a land crossing through an obscure border crossing going in one depraved under-developed country to some other depraved under-developed country and there was an illiterate safeguard there it might work. People frequently take these fantasy passports and publish them for admittance visas to third world countries in Africa who are happy to sell anyone a visa stamp. They gather a few access visas and then try using it since it looks more real for the reason that additional countries have approved it. Needless to say all the countries they will have allegedly seen have only entry visas without an exit visa, which will raise many warning flag within a civilized country. Another instance of these involved an old WWII oil platform a few miles off the cost of the UK called Sea Land. This was an oil system that announced itself sovereign and released passports. For a funny touch of humor. Over time counterfeiters have published their own variations from the fictitious countries promoting passports and offered them hence cheating the initial promoter out of sales understanding a prosecution will be almost impossible since the country in question is not actual. The Florida Tips tried issuing their own passports some yrs back again issuing Conch Republic passports. Conch is really a fish found in seafood within the Florida Keys. These are very real looking illusion passports. I imagine right now they are pressured into quitting this practice. The bottom line is you are much safe and better off without one of these brilliant fictitious nation passports than with one.
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euroman1945-blog · 6 years
The Daily Tulip
The Daily Tulip – News From Around The World
Thursday 28th June 2018
Good Morning Gentle Reader….  What a beautiful morning, crystal clear skies and a myriad of stars gracing the heavens, Ah! The joys of living in paradise... Bella and I elected to go a different route this morning.. or should I say a cat made it for us.. honestly, no matter which direction I take so long as I have Bella by my side I don't care.. we enjoyed the highways and byways of Estepona, seeing the lights of ships waiting to get into Gibraltar...the flashing lights of planes en-route to somewhere, it really doesn't matter, it all makes the panoply of life.. and as we walk back to the house and coffee I am reminded that the land I walk upon has been trod by Greeks, Romans, Moors, Jews, Phoenicians, Huguenots and Neanderthal man long before our feet touched the land...
THE SHORT HISTORY OF MOUNTAINEERING’S HOT YOUNG STAR…. He’d reached the summit. By the time he was 25, Canadian Marc-André Leclerc had quietly established a reputation as a climber who took the most perilous routes up mountains often known only to climbers because of their difficulty. But in March, he and American climber Ryan Johnson sent photos from the top of the sheer-faced Mendenhall Towers near Juneau, Alaska, and were never heard from again. Only their equipment was found, and it’s thought that an avalanche struck them, demonstrating that even the best mountaineers aren’t immune to nature’s fury.
'DON'T SWIM WITH WILD DOLPHINS' WARNING …. People have been warned to keep their distance from wild dolphins after a woman was photographed swimming with a cow and its calf. Boat skipper Jonathan Evans witnessed the incident at Ynys Lochtyn off the coast of Cardigan Bay in Ceredigion last month. He described the woman's behaviour as "selfish" and "unsympathetic". Ceredigion council said people should enjoy coastal activities but not disturb special wildlife and habitats. Mr Evans, from Dolphin Spotting Boat Trips, took photographs of the incident before intervening. He said: "It was a family with two kayaks - a mum, dad, little boy and little girl... they were within feet of the dolphins. "The mum was in the water and was pursuing the dolphin repeatedly." He was concerned the young girl was also going to enter the water so shouted over to the kayakers. "We needed to explain they were in a conservation area and it was against the law to swim with dolphins," he said. He later reported the incident to the marine protected area officer. "I have sympathy for the need for people feel to get close to these animals," he said. "I'm not the person to be lecturing about visiting dolphins when we run a boat trip business but they probably don't know the rules and it's worth going over to them and explaining the rules. " The Ceredigion Marine Code of Conduct asks water users to stay 100 metres away from dolphins and porpoises encountered at sea. Under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 it is an offence to deliberately disturb cetaceans. A spokeswoman for Sea Watch Foundation urged people not to closely approach bottlenose dolphin.
LOST CAT REUNITED WITH OWNER AFTER 10 YEARS…. A cat which went missing a decade ago has been reunited with its owner. Harry disappeared from Mark Salisbury's former home in Ipswich, Suffolk, in 2008 but last month he turned up at the Ipswich branch of the Blue Cross. The charity was told his elderly owner had died but after scanning the cat's microchip Harry was traced back to Mr Salisbury, who now lives in Gloucestershire. Mr Salisbury said he "could never quite bring myself to cancel the microchip". The ginger and white kitten was one of two Mr Salisbury got from a farm near Great Yarmouth when he was in his early 30s. "He didn't turn up one day when I was calling the pair of them in," he said. "His brother, who was always a hooligan, his behaviour changed markedly - he was very shy, wasn't keen on going out and became very clingy." After searching for the lost kitten for more than a year, Mr Salisbury almost gave up hope when he moved out of the area but could never bring himself to cancel the microchip. "Every time I moved home I would email the firm and update them," he said. "But after 10 years, you think that's it and you make peace with that." Mr Salisbury said he was "surprised" and "so happy" to find out his cat had been found in May.
ANTARCTICA LOSES THREE TRILLION TONNES OF ICE IN 25 YEARS…. Antarctica is shedding ice at an accelerating rate. Satellites monitoring the state of the White Continent indicate some 200 billion tonnes a year are now being lost to the ocean as a result of melting. This is pushing up global sea levels by 0.6mm annually - a three-fold increase since 2012 when the last such assessment was undertaken. Scientists report the new numbers in the journal Nature. Governments will need to take account of the information and its accelerating trend as they plan future defences to protect low-lying coastal communities. The researchers say the losses are occurring predominantly in the West of the continent, where warm waters are getting under and melting the fronts of glaciers that terminate in the ocean. "We can't say when it started - we didn't collect measurements in the sea back then," explained Prof Andrew Shepherd, who leads the Ice sheet Mass Balance Inter-comparison Exercise (Imbie). "But what we can say is that it's too warm for Antarctica today. It's about half a degree Celsius warmer than the continent can withstand and it's melting about five metres of ice from its base each year, and that's what's triggering the sea-level contribution that we're seeing," he told The Daily Tulip.
FRENCH JOGGER DETAINED AFTER CROSSING US-CANADA BORDER…. A young French woman who went for an evening jog along a Canadian beach spent two weeks in US immigration detention after straying across the border. Cedella Roman, 19, who was visiting her mother in British Columbia, decided to run along the beach that leads to Canada's border with the United States on 21 May.Ms Roman told Canadian media she turned on to a dirt path for a few metres as the tide rose, and stopped to take a picture before retracing her steps. She was then confronted by two US border patrol agents who arrested her for crossing into Blaine, Washington. "He started telling me that I had crossed the border illegally and I told him I really did not do it on purpose," Ms Roman told Radio-Canada (in French). The French national thought that she might be given a warning or, at worst, be fined. "I did not think they would put me in jail," she said. But to jail she did go, as the officers took her more than 220km (136 miles) south to the Tacoma Northwest Detention Center, a privately run immigration prison in Washington state. With no identification on her and just the clothes she was wearing, Ms Roman started to realise the gravity of her situation. "They asked me to remove all my personal belongings with my jewellery, they searched me everywhere," Ms Roman told the Canadian broadcaster CBC. "Then I understood it was getting very serious, and I started to cry a bit." She said she was held in a room with about 100 other people. "We were locked up all the time and in the yard there was barbed wire and dogs," she told French news agency AFP. "We tried to help each other, there was a good atmosphere. "Seeing people who had come from Africa and elsewhere locked up for trying to cross the border, it put my experience into perspective." She was allowed to contact her mother, Christiane Ferne, who came to the detention facility with Ms Roman's passport and work permit. But US officials would not let her leave until Canadian immigration authorities first confirmed she was allowed back into the country. Both sides eventually agreed she could return to Canada, but only 15 days after Ms Roman first set off on her jog.
Well Gentle Reader I hope you enjoyed our look at the news from around the world this, Thursday morning… …
Our Tulips today is rich and royal…
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A Sincere Thank You for your company and Thank You for your likes and comments I love them and always try to reply, so please keep them coming, it's always good fun, As is my custom, I will go and get myself another mug of "Colombian" Coffee and wish you a safe Thursday 28th June 2018 from my home on the southern coast of Spain, where the blue waters of the Alboran Sea washes the coast of Africa and Europe and the smell of the night blooming Jasmine and Honeysuckle fills the air…and a crazy old guy and his dog Bella go out for a walk at 4:00 am…on the streets of Estepona…
All good stuff....But remember it’s a dangerous world we live in
Be safe out there…
Robert McAngus #travel #news #blog #love #immigration #Spain
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greggory--lee · 7 years
Buterin discusses blockchain with Russian politicians and bankers
Vitalik Buterin, founder of Ethereum, has taken part in a discussion dedicated to the blockchain technology during the Saint-Petersburg International Economic Forum. He spoke about his first experience of using Bitcoin.
“For the first time I got in touch with the blockchain industry six years ago, and my experience was very simple. I entered the Internet, earned twenty Bitcoins, and then spent eight and a half of them to buy a shirt. Now these Bitcoins cost $20 thousand. The shirt, unfortunately, was lost somewhere on a train in London. What I have learned from this experience is that everything that happened, all these processes, could happened in an economic network that exists only because me and a few thousand other persons with PC’s around the world participate in it.
I was very impressed by this idea that this community of people with their computers can make a new financial network by themselves. I was immediately charmed with all these principles of decentralisation, cryptography, openness, and transparency. But I realised that the use of blockchain only for cryptocurrencies is only one of its possible applications. It is an important application, but in fact there are many more applications of blockchain, that might be implemented in the workflow of large companies, government agencies around the world. And they could get a huge advantage of blockchain usage. And that’s why I started working on Ethereum.”
The list of other speakers, who attended the discussion, included the Russian vice-premier and the Minister of Communications.
Russia needs from five to ten years to a full-scale implementation of blockchain, Igor Shuvalov, Russian first vice-premier, said. According to him, the number one aim is to grant Russia with leadership not even in IT-development, but in IT-technologies implementation. Shuvalov said that Russian president Vladimir Putin “is anxious for” innovative digital technologies.
“The President let us — a small group of government members and administration chiefs — go only after 2.00 am. All that time we were discussing new technologies and the digital economy. The President is completely anxious for that and he perfectly understands that the gap [in the technological development of Russia from other states] and a significant growth rate [of the country] are based on digital economy and technological leadership”.
Shuvalov set out the three main areas of possible short term blockchain implementation in Russia. These are the areas of person identification, product tracking and property title registry.
The discussion was also attended by Olga Skorobogatova, vice-chairman of the Russian Central Bank, who mentioned that Russia will come to national digital currency “for sure”, but it is a “matter of time”.
She added that the regulator would elaborate taxation legislation on bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in a month.
Source link
Source: http://bitcoinswiz.com/buterin-discusses-blockchain-with-russian-politicians-and-bankers-2/
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emmareyes957-blog · 7 years
Will need Assistance From A Professional locksmith? Start Using These Recommendations To Get The Best!
Just what does security suggest? It could mean getting robust hair in all of the correct spots, or using a alarm system setup. It could also indicate understanding who will help you out when you find yourself in the jam. Choosing a good locksmith employing the following actually offers protection to you. Always have an estimate coming from a locksmith before permitting them to do any meet your needs. Sadly, you will find locksmith professionals out there that will complete the task then request an irrational amount of money. This is often avoided when you are crystal clear about what you will be charged to the support. A professional locksmith who estimates one value and attempts to charge another could be scamming you. Loads will attempt to do this only to make more cash. Refuse to work alongside the average person and proceed your search somewhere else. If you call all of the available locksmiths and you are provided a value which is too high, you should handle the problem your self. Make use of a drill through the storage area to destroy open the locking mechanism, then replace it with a new one. You will discover simple do-it-yourself systems at most home improvement stores. If you contact a locksmith plus they appear in a unmarked vehicle, you need to be somewhat concerned. Most genuine locksmiths have got a business automobile. While having a simple car fails to ensure you will be handling someone underhanded, you almost certainly don't want to risk your stability by working with them. In many suggests, locksmiths have to have insurance. Request to view proof of any guidelines just before they begin doing any operate. You want to ensure that you happen to be protected in case they do a shoddy career and an individual profits unauthorized accessibility to your property. Do not let a low selling price to help you become forget about this. Most locksmith professionals are aware of how to pick a secure and allow you to access your house. Should you be shared with how the complete fasten needs to be changed, you need to see this being a forewarning indicator. This fees significantly more than picking the lock, the explanation some locksmiths will say it really is needed. Make sure you question a locksmith's record in the business. If they have experienced company for at least five years, they are possibly dependable. While brand-new locksmith professionals aren't quickly dependable, very little practical experience is really a signal you should take care. Most legit locksmiths will arrive in a service car. When the locksmith will not arrive in something car, you ought to acquire additional care to make certain that he or she is not just a fraud designer. Require identification prior to allowing him to start. This detection should include a pocket certificate together with business cards. Constantly question a possible professional locksmith concerning the expert affiliations they may be associated with along with the certification they carry. This just signifies whether the locksmith professional is existing on new techniques and technologies. In some instances, it might indicate that she or he is much more experienced than one more locksmith. Although there are no assures, this collection of questioning will help you get a competent personal. When moving to a different community, consider to discover a excellent locksmith professional simply because, chances are, you may at some point need to have a single. Doing all of your groundwork initial could save you money and suffering down the road. Ask buddies and neighborhood friends for tips or recommendations to trustworthy locksmith professionals in the community. When you don't know one to ask then call local locksmith professionals and learn which one's are long-term people in the Holding chamber of Trade or other trade companies. Be careful locksmith professionals who answer the telephone by using a basic key phrase, like "locksmith services". Should they don't give a business label or place, they could basically subcontract local locksmith professionals, which means you might have no power over the quality of the individual that can be seen. Search for a company which can be community and mentions their title. The law states that most locksmith professionals are required to possess a pocket-sized version of their license upon them. Should you question the locksmith professional who will come to help you for their own and they don't get it, send out them away. You can not believe in the standard of their function if they are unlicensed. When you are seeking to whine about a assistance which you received, you must make an effort permit the organization know right away. When you don't, you could end up stressing away from the period of time they allow reparations. When you create an account your problems so you still can't get them to help make the proper changes, speak to a consumer security agency in the area for help. Request an estimate just before allowing a locksmith professional start operating. Even if this is a crisis task, require them to provide you with a complete estimation. As with any services, there are standard establish prices for the things locksmiths do. In case the prices appear to be out from range, you might be becoming taken for the trip. Find what the professional locksmith maintains following he does the work. As an example, could they be keeping a replicated of your important? This might be a significant breach of safety that contributes to threat for your household. Request these query before you give the environmentally friendly lighting for almost any try to start. Protect on your own against getting locked out simply by making extra tactics and camouflaging them where you could easily purchase them. Phoning a professional locksmith can be high-priced and also problematic, so planning ahead is the best way to avoid the circumstance. Do find and shop numbers of honest locksmith professionals with your cellular phone in case. Have a look at neighborhood buyer defense firms while you are developing your listing of prospective businesses to get. They will provide you with facts about the two excellent firms and people that contain several problems against them. This extra move makes it worth while in letting you define your checklist. Look into the automobile a whole new locksmith is traveling. No, it's to never see their sugary ride, it's to see if the automobile is marked with their company in the side. Most reliable locksmiths manufacturer their vehicles, both for advertising and marketing purposes and as a way to decrease the chance you really feel every time a odd particular person turns up. An unmarked vehicle might be a indication of something fishy. Make use of greatest judgement. Don't just go together with the first locksmith in your obstruct. Carry out some groundwork prior to seeking the greatest locksmith for yourself. Sure, having a locksmith that near would be unparalleled, but is organization noted for excellent job? Even if it implies a number of extra prevents move or a very little much longer wait around for a locksmith to exhibit up, it's worth the cost for top quality service. Difficult and dangerous circumstances do happen every so often. The real key to navigating them securely is being prepared. Looking for a trustworthy locksmith at the eleventh hour can be nerve-racking. Locate a locksmith these days, in order that you're well prepared when you need one down the road.
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