#hawks is gonna get in trouble 👀
lowkeyremi · 1 year
The lust in his eyes was very noticeable by anyone who tried hard enough to see it.
Keigo was not even trying to hide it either. His sexiness was overbearing and you could feel it from across the room.
"He's looking over here again.." Your friend says unaware of the relationship between you and Keigo. You'd tell her, but because of your jobs it's hard to go public. He's a pro-hero and a double agent while you're an underground hero. The media would go crazy if they knew about you two. There would be a mixture of shock, anger, maybe even respect, but the Hero Commission has advised against going public... strongly.
"Really?" You ask and take a sip of whatever your friend has ordered you. Honestly your attention was lost long ago. Keigo has kept your attention all night.
As an underground hero you'd usually avoid huge social gatherings like these but Keigo convinced you to go. Popular heroes like Endeavor, Best Jeanist, and even Mirko were standing around posing, being interviewed, talking to other heroes, etc. Keigo had noticed your discomfort right away, so being as cheeky as he is he texted you to meet him in a secluded area ten minutes after he walked over there.
When you went over to him the blond started complimenting you. He talked about how pretty you look in your dress, he praised you for doing your hair and makeup, and so on. That was about two hours ago...
"Yeah, I think he wants to fuck you because if those aren't bedroom eyes then I don't know what is." She squeals and wiggles her brows at you.
A real smile invaded your face for maybe the 3rd time tonight. You were being uptight because of the Commission's words. Even though this is a private event, you didn't want to risk it. Keigo clearly didn't care (not surprising at all) because he was openly flirting with you.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a tap on your shoulder. "May I have a dance with you, beautiful?" Some hero you couldn't bother to remember asks you. Several men and women had already asked something similar which you had kindly turned down.
"I'm good than-" A cheeky arm wrapped around your waist and you began to panic.
"What business do you have with my wife?" Keigo questions and you about have a heart attack.
"Hawks?! Wife... oh my- I'm so sorry. I didn't know." The hero scurries off and you glare at your husband.
You couldn't even get a word in because your friend yells in shock and excitement, "you're married?! To Hawks?!" You hold a finger to your lips and your eyes widen. Its no use though because people are already looking at you and Keigo, whispering things you can't hear.
In seconds there's a TV crew in your face.
"Number two pro hero, Hawks has been secretly married. What is it like being his wife?" Some lady with a mic asks.
Some other guy asks, "How long have you two been married?"
If you were overwhelmed before than you're extremely overwhelmed now.
Your friend looks at you a frown on her face as she tries to apologize for bringing attention over to you two.
Keigo scoops you up bridal style, and flies out of an open window, "Adios, paparazzi~" he says.
When you two get far enough away he lands and sets you down, "darling... i'm so sorry. I just had enough, you were hit on like eight times and it made my stomach drop." He says softly.
You glare at him, "that's no excuse Keigo! I am your wife. Which means I married you, which means I'm not going to be swayed by some random hero asking me out! Do you have any trust in me?!" You shout at him, anger seeping through your tone.
"It's not you baby, its me.. I fear you'll find someone better suited for you..." his voice is small as he speaks.
"Keigo Takami. How long have we been together for?" you ask sternly.
His golden eyes meet yours, "three years."
"Not married, how long have we been together in general?" you ask clearing up your question.
"Oh.. forever." He says with a weak smile.
"Exactly, which means I have no reason to leave you!" A sigh escapes your lips.
You gesture for him to come closer, he does. You cup his face and kiss him softly.
You can tell he wants more from the way he squeezes your hips but you pull back with a lazy smirk.
"You are going to get a fucking earful from the Commission." you say with a dry chuckle.
He pales at your statement.
"Oh shit... they're gonna skin me alive..." he groans.
"Should have thought about that before basically telling all of Japan I'm yours." You say with a shrug.
He scoops you up bridal style again and flies you two home.
"It was totally worth it though." He smirks.
You roll your eyes at him, your husband is something else.
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tired-teacher-blog · 2 years
Head empty only
Hawks x pro hero Reader
But they run into each other at a twice concert because they happen to be sitting together but y/n forgets that they wore a skirt to the concert so now they have to act like they aren’t turned on when hawks puts his hand on their thigh- 👀
Hi sweets! You got it 😉 also I'm really sorry it took me a while to get to it but I hope you enjoy it.
Title : De-stress
Characters : Hawks/ Fem reader
Genre : A little bit of angst/ Fluff/ Smut/ One shot
Summary : You and Hawks were present during the celebration to announce the merge of the league with the meta liberation army when your anxieties took the best of you. At that moment, it was up to your boyfriend to ease your nerves in a very special way.
Masterlist|Second Masterlist
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You knew the moment you stepped foot into the mansion that Keigo would be there, but of course, you'd have to address him as Hawks in front of everyone else in order to preserve his real identity and yours by extension.
It was a turning point in the lives of everyone involved, a big announcement to be made by Redestro stating the merge of the Meta Liberation Army and the League of Villains under a new name and a new leadership. You and Keigo knew beforehand since you had infiltrated the league for some time in order to gain their trust and report back to the Commission.
_ "Hey beautiful, are you ready?" your boyfriend's all familiar voice came from behind you in a playful whisper.
_ "I don't know Hawks, I'm really nervous, I can't even begin to imagine what that would mean for the rest of us." you couldn't, for the life of you, hide your concerns.
_ "Hey it's gonna be okay babe, you and I have been through worse and came out unscathed, so just relax a little," he stole a quick kiss when no one was looking, "but you know what bothers me the most? hearing you call me by my hero name instead of the one you and I know." he chuckled giving you a wink.
You knew he was trying his hardest to ease your nerves, he was probably as worried as you were— if not more, and the smile that found its way to your lips was your way to wordlessly thank him.
_ "Shall we take our seats? they'll be out at any minute to give the speech." he placed a palm behind your back, guiding you to your assigned seats.
You thanked the heavens you were sat in the last row, away from everyone's prying eyes since the way your legs shook and your brows knitted would've easily given you away.
Here we go.
The league— along with Redestro, waltzed into the hall and greeted their followers before making the announcement.
The joint forces of both organizations to be renamed the Paranormal Liberation Front, and to work under the leadership of Shigaraki Tomura.
Hearing all that was nothing new to Hawks or to yourself, but the deafening cheers troubled you further.
A soft soothing touch against your thigh pulled you back to your senses, and a sweet blinding smile welcomed you as soon as you turned your head to face him.
_ "Relax babe, we knew long ago that something like this would happen," he sneaked his hand under your skirt and squeezed your— now exposed flesh, "let's just enjoy the show for now."
You nodded, tense muscles already loosening. He was right, you were aware and prepared for what was happening so there was no reason to worry.
His hand felt so nice against your thigh, and you secretly thanked him for not retracting it.
The tips of his fingers absentmindedly drew small circles on your skin, and you didn't care that your skirt rode up your legs further each time he decided to inch closer to your core, you were sitting in the last row after all, enjoying your boyfriend's innocent touches.
He squeezed your inner thigh, pulling your leg up and placing it on top of his.. maybe this wasn't as innocent as you thought it would be.
_ "What are you doing?" you whispered a scold and tried to free your leg from his grasp as you looked around to see if anyone had noticed the compromising position you were put into.
_ "Nothing, your legs look really tempting in this outfit so I'm just going to have as much as I can get." he shrugged plainly, as if he didn't just force your legs apart by placing one of them on his lap.
You tugged at your skirt, desperately trying to pool its soft fabric between your legs as you bit the inside of your cheek and looked straight ahead while pretending that you weren't a little turned on when your jerk of a boyfriend decided to leave his hand a hair away from your pussy.
The speech Redestro was enthusiastically chanting, the followers' cheers, the full hall, all seemed distant, unimportant even.
All you could focus on was your boyfriend's fingers on your inner thigh.
You shakily tried to pry his hand away but to no avail, he's just too stubborn to give in so easily.
_ "Stop it already." you were annoyed at that point, sending him a threatening glare and hoping he would listen.
_ "You don't like it? I thought you would, I mean look at that," he ran a finger along your damp panties, "but if you want me to stop then, by all means."
He abruptly released your leg and took his hand back before turning around to join the crowd's cheers. The asshole.
You were left with a tingly feeling spreading throughout your core and took some deep breaths as you hoped you'd chase away your growing arousal.
What you failed to see in your flustered state, was the amused side looks your boyfriend had been sending your way. Watching you squirm and bite down on your lip because of him was a treat.
_ "Are you okay honey? You don't seem too comfortable." damn him, playing clueless despite being well aware of his effect on you.
_ "Ye.. yeah I'm fine." you didn't mean to sound awkward, but he managed to get under your skin.
He crossed his legs and leaned in just enough for his hot breath to tickle your ear.
_ "You know? This mansion is filled with empty rooms, so if you want we can slip in one of them and.."
_ "Alright, get up before someone notices sees us leaving." you gave him no chance to finish his sentence as you already knew what he had in mind, and frankly, you no longer cared about your surroundings, all you wanted was him.
You scurried out of the hall like a couple of college lovers, it was unusual for either of you to act so rashly, especially during undercover missions, but for once you allowed your playful sides to take over without putting much thought into the consequences.
_ "This room looks good, it's far from all the commotion." he stated, already pulling you in and closing the door behind you two.
_ "Keigo, isn't this crazy? we're supposed to be out there doing our job but instead we're.. ah.." you were interrupted by his lips on your neck, kissing and nibbling on your flesh.
_ "Stop worrying baby, nothing bad will happen so just relax and think about nothing but me." he urged, face buried against your skin and arms sneaking under your short skirt.
Truthfully, it was his way of distracting you, he hated seeing your worried expressions earlier, since he knows you too well and realizes your tendency to overthink everything to the point of spiralling into despair.
_ "Keigo.." all you could do was moan his name as his fingers pushed your panties down and fondled your glistening cunt.
_ "I love hearing you call my name." his lips moved up to yours, hungrily devouring them as his fingers fucked you slowly.
But that wasn't enough, you wanted to touch him too, to feel his eagerness, to have him between your legs, "Keigo, I want you inside me now, please.." you breathed out as you clumsily fumbled with his belt buckle.
He smirked as he finished undoing his belt and unzipping his pants before picking you up and propping you against the wall.
_ "Brace yourself, we have to be quiet." he planted another kiss on your lips, a soft one this time, before pumping his length a few times and pressing into your heat with a satisfied groan that mirrored your whine.
You pulled him impossibly close to your chest as you tried to regulate your breathing and adjust yourself to his cock.
It felt so good, he felt so good. Each time with him feels like your first, the excitement, the nervousness, the shyness, the playfulness.. the love.
_ "Honey are you feeling alright?" he whispered in your ear before nuzzling your cheek and sending shivers along your neck, but you couldn't respond, you couldn't utter a sound, all you managed to do was nod feverishly and wiggle your hips weakly to prove your point.
_ "I got it babe." he groaned, pulling out to the tip before slamming back into your heat.
You gasped in surprise burying your face in his neck as you feared being heard by anyone outside of the room.
He fucked you fast, and deep, growling with each push of his hips against yours.
Your hands moved to thread themselves through his golden locks, "Keigo.. kiss.." you struggled between thrusts as you longingly gazed into his eyes.
_ "Ah.. damnit baby what are you doing to me?" he wasted no time devouring your lips and you moaned softly against him as the faint taste of alcohol he had earlier tickled your tongue again.
You were getting lightheaded as you quickly neared you blissful ending, and the way you tightened up around his cock was proof enough.
He smirked against your lips as he pummeled you faster and rougher, knowing full well how much you'd enjoy it.
_ "Keigo.. please I'm cumming.. keep going please.." you shamelessly wailed and he gladly obliged, pounding into your cunt until your eyes rolled back and your legs shook uncontrollably before you slumped onto his chest.
_ "Are you okay honey?" he groaned through gritted teeth, struggling to guard his self control.
He halted his thrusts but left his dick buried deep inside you, he was still hard and breathing raggedly, but didn't want to overstimulate you.
_ "Keigo, put me down, I'll help you." it was the least you could do.
He didn't respond after that and you didn't wait for him to. You freed yourself from his grasp and kneeled down before his bouncing cock.
You looked up to find him gazing at you with a mixture of adoration and arousal, and your heart skipped a beat when he smiled lovingly as he cradled your cheek with one hand, guiding you to his anticipating dick.
You took it into your mouth immediately, humming around his length in satisfaction.
_ "Fuck.. yeah babe.. keep going." he hissed running his fingers through your hair.
He was so close, bucking his hips shallowly against you and biting down on his lip to keep his voice in check.
You hollowed your cheeks and ran your tongue along his shaft as you watched the way his face contorted in pleasure.
_ "Babe I'm gonna cum! let go quick!" you could tell he was close, judging by the way his cock started twitching in your cavern, but you refused to let go, you wanted him to cum into your mouth.
_ "Fuck! Y/n!" he growled before shooting his load into your welcoming heat.
You took it all, happily swallowing everything he had to offer before falling on your butt with a satisfied giggle.
_ "Are you okay honey? you didn't have to do that." he followed you down and gently wiped the corners of your mouth before placing a soft peck on your glistening lips.
_ "Thank you Keigo, for always doing your hardest for me." because even if he doesn't say it outright, you know that you will always be his number one.
_ "Anything for you sweetheart." to hell with the villains and the commission, nothing can take your spot in his heart and mind.
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Some scenes I'd love to see from Casteel's pov in his book
The scene where he's introduced as Poppy's new guard and see's her unveiled for the first time. You know he had a "holy shit she's the most beautiful person I've ever seen" moment.
The rise scene! Just an oscar emmy pulitzer winning scene. One of my favourites.
Also I wouldn't mind the library/ledge scene. Seeing Casteel's reaction to finding Poppy mysteriously gone from her room, and having no idea how she got out?? All the way to finding her out on the ledge lol
The willow scene. Because Casteel led Poppy out to the garden that night, specifically to take her!! And I need the conflict of his mindset going "This is it, I'm doing it, I'm taking her tonight" to "I'm not taking her! I can't do it!"
Him keeping a bedside vigil while Poppy is drugged/sleeping after Victor's death, as alluded to by Poppy in this passage "I had this weird impression that I hadn’t been alone while I slept. There was a sensation of callused palms against my cheek, fingers brushing hair back from my face. I had the faintest memory of Hawke talking to me, whispering when the room was filled with sunlight and when it had been taken over by night."
The stables/betrayal scene. Because the angst! I can't wait to get into his head during that time where he's acting all nonchalant and charming but on the inside is dying that he's hurting Poppy!! 💔
When Poppy gets stabbed. I wanna see Casteel's worry and his guilt and his pain (when Poppy says "it hurts" and he thinks she's talking about herself but she's talking about what she feels from him! *cries* 😭) And all the anguish of him knowing that he's the one that put her in that position and that it's his people who hurt her. And getting to see what he feels when he gets stabbed. Which again, more angst and pain but also Casteel just being Casteel about stabbing 👀🙄
When he pulls out Landell's heart. I just love that scene and love Casteel's "Nobody insults my wife" moment! I mean sure they're not married yet, but *Ben Wyatt meme* it's about the energy!
Honestly just need like the whole time they're in New Haven, in general. Seeing all of Casteel's internal conflict and his thought process as his feelings for Poppy deepen and his whole plan unravels and he struggles with what to do. And how he goes from I'm gonna use her to I'm gonna marry her. The poor simp!
The emotional argument he and Poppy have in Spessa's end where they finally start to hash things out and he says "I didn’t plan on being drawn to you. I didn’t plan to want you. I didn’t plan on risking everything to keep you. I didn’t...." and he get's interrupted by Emil. Because I KNOW he was going to say I didn't plan on ... LOVING YOU!! I know it! And even if it turns out he wasn't gonna say that, he was!
When they first return to Atlantia and Poppy leaves to go see the temple of Nyktos. I wanna see Casteel's reaction to the sky starting to rain red and all the Wolven suddenly shifting and tearing off towards the temple and him being like "Poppy!" and his panic realising something's happening and she's in trouble. And I need to see the moment he comes up the temple stairs and see's her and realises what she is and bows 😭
When Poppy gets hit with the bolt. Because again, the pain, the drama, the angst, Casteel crying!!
And the number one scene that I absolutely need from Casteel's pov... When he wakes up from the poisoned arrow and finds Poppy gone and GOES ABSOLUTELY FERAL, to the point where both Kieran and Casteel's father have never seen him like that before!!
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n7viper · 1 year
Oh my! I was sooo waiting for you to reblog that headcanon post and now I find out you already did?? YES! Now I have the perfect excuse to launch Hawke at Mihri like a dart on the board 👀💛
I'd love to be a fly on the wall and listen to their interactions! He has no filters, he's constantly horny, plus he's a powerful bullshit detector. Would point his finger at her and say "I trust this girl with my life", but then he'd ask her to pull it, because he's a complete idiot or she probably had a bad day so he needs to distract her and that's the more obvious joke
I don't think she'd be impressed by him at first? Like, I think for her it would be like a kombucha girl moment but then they'd both realize there's more and more under the surface and just click. Hawke would ask for her opinion on literally anything, because she gives him a raw sweetness vibe, plus she's super fun to hang out with! I know she is!
But also, I so picture theirs like those ride or die friendships where one of them appears on the other's doorstep at 3am and just goes "get in loser, we're going on a quest" but it's just a trip to the ice cream parlor. And then they'd just sit in the middle of nowhere talking about the meaning of life and how awesome it would be if they had chicken nuggets to dip on that ice cream. Anyway, there's a group of venatori nearby, let's just kick some ass and then grab something to eat (chicken nuggets mukbang a few minutes later, but the audience is just the advisors trying to get some work done while these two are talking about di-- fereldan politics in front of the war table)
Oh my god, I am obsessed with this!
I'm sure at Haven, Varric can't resist telling Mihri all about Hawke and how he thinks they'd get along so perfectly. When he first shows up at Skyhold, she's just sort of like "...this is the guy? He's ok I guess." Then the first time he slips in a dick joke at the War Table (met with a big sigh from Cullen), she finally gets it, and they're best friends now.
She would love spending time with him at the tavern and hearing about all of his adventures (and exploits) in Kirkwall, especially the really raunchy ones. She'd probably try to make up some tall tales to match him, and he can totally tell that she's lying, but he eggs her on anyway. I imagine at some point he jokingly sighs and laments the fact that she wasn't in Kirkwall -- they could have gotten up to so much trouble. "Thank the Maker you weren't," Cullen sighs and asks for another ale. It's gonna be a long night... This is probably the punishment from the Maker for his past, he thinks, having to suffer both of them together. With that, though, Hawke strikes me as the type to be like "this guy? Girl, you're dating this guy? Let me tell you every embarrassing story I have about him," while Cullen melts into the floor.
They are BFFs, I'm declaring it now
(Send headcanons of our OCs relationships)
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autumn-foxfire · 1 year
WHOOOO I FIGURED OUT HOW I'M GONNA EXPOSE HAWKS!!! It's supposed to be one of those fics where he gets outed and dropped by the heroes, and that leads to all sorts of chaos, but written by someone who isn't a shipper and doesn't care for Hawks joining the LoV for real lol. So I would say the first of it's kind. It was a lil hard to do because in what universe would the villains cause that sort of trouble for themselves on purpose esp when the PLF already exists at this point in time, and in what universe would the HPSC despite their moral greyness and our personal grievances against them, drop Hawks like a sack of potatoes when they need him OK so they can prevent an all out war? Easy, Dabiiiiiiii~
We've got a few funny layers to the situation. Because what happens is after employing Skeptic's help in finding Tomie, Skeptic here is 👀 about that because JACKPOT and finds the connection to the HPSC cause big ol house, occupant doesn't work, paychecks coming in from somewhere, connection to a villain, to Hawks? He hacks their database, whooo Lady Nagant huh??? But he doesn't get too far, because this is where Dabi comes in like "hey what gives, you were supposed to be the DJ to my dance party in hell" and Skeptic is all "can it wait, I found a really good scoop here" because sure, Dabi's story is good, but it really only worked because society was already uneasy, people wouldn't care enough on it's own + Dabi's main goal was to have all the blame that was bound to result from the war be directed at Endeavor because of it. Originally they wanted someone like Toga or Twice's story, but since PLF also wanted to take down heroes, Dabi's was pretty impactful too especially for taking down "the old" in society, who cling to past ideals Skeptic wants gone, which does include Endeavor and Jeanist from what we were told. So? Targeting the HPSC who are the "head" of the old order? Can we get a "hell yeah" in the chat? *insert a little something for ReDestro's sake and Skeptic never liking the League taking over or being Dabi's new phone girlfriend*
This is something strictly for the MLA's benefit, rather than Dabi's as well. It's targeting the very center of what governs hero society, that makes heroes "lawful" rather than vigilantes, exactly what they need for their "everyone is a hero, and nobody is" agenda. So Skeptic is up editing a video expose of his own, Dabi's will still be used but he's more invested in this currently, but then Dabi is like "delete that shit, it's conflicting with my story" because he was all "lmao look, we all become our fathers huh?" pitying Hawks in his video so he can pity himself "it's really no wonder since his own father was a villain!" looking all solemn and stuff to hammer in the fact "if your No.2 ended up like this because he couldn't escape the violence in his upbringing, can you imagine what that says about Endeavor? poor me, right?" and before someone reading this gets on my ass about it, Dabi is all about self-pity here, he asks Izuku too as well in 293 in response to "you aren't Endeavor!" "lmao yeah duh, but you still gotta pity me right?" so back to the story, the thing Skeptic's making is gonna make Hawks the Wrong Kind Of Victim for Dabi's needs here, it's getting off-topic from the connection he needed to make to Endeavor too. Instead of a guy who hid his name out of wanting to lie to the public about his connection to a villain, "pretending to be a hero," this is becoming "an innocent kid who had his name forcefully taken away." But the MLA love their martyr stories, as they first tried to do with Toga.
Skeptic isn't budging when this can accomplish so many of their goals for a lawless standstill, so they end up tussling for the laptop when Dabi accidentally hits the wrong key and OOP the video gets posted and they both look at each other like "well shit." And the icing on the cake is that Skeptic didn't quite get to finish what he was working on so the HPSC Expose Video only tells HALF the story, that they had Lady Nagant working as an assassin for them, her kill count, and that Hawks was her replacement, what the HPSC trained Hawks for, without the part of "since what age" it all paints him as a cold person as the HPSC's reports are all objective and detached. And Skeptic didn't get to the part where Nagant killed the former Chairman, and that's why "she's in Tartarus for killing a hero" combines with people going "HOL UP so you mean Hawks snapped like his Senpai and that's why he killed Jeanist?!" Wow! How awful! They're so alike! Citizens having a breakdown over the Wrong Kind Of Expose "Wow I Can't Believe How Ruthless Hawks Secretly Was All This Time, We Were Fooled Into Idolizing Him When He's Probably Been Plotting To Kill All Our Favorite Heroes" so they get all angry at the HPSC for Being These Kind Of People, aka "that fic moment where people think Hawks is the face of the HPSC and make him also carry all their crimes" tho it's more of a fandom moment isn't it?
So when Hawks is uh "great news! I found Shigaraki's location!" the HPSC is all *dial tone noises* because they're a lil too busy with the heat of the public, understaffed, and can't come to the phone right now because what's the best way to get Hawks desperate enough to ask the LoV for help in a way that isn't disappointing for a Hawks stan who thinks canon Hawks wouldn't give in that easily? ESPECIALLY considering who the LoV are? Can't exactly waltz up to them like "haha Twice, my man! So the truth is I'm a spy but I really like you guys so please stop killing?" Easy. Cut off his correspondence with the HPSC so he's thinking "well fudge nuggets, now what." He can get all the info the heroes need, but he can't exactly GIVE it to them, nor any other hero, he needs someone to plan the raid, organize the heroes because they'res lots of them and they can't do shit on their own without orders and the police coordinating raids. Being public enemy No.1 makes that tricky + too much info to pass onto Endeavor with another book, but not even Endeavor alone can coordinate that many heroes who are already stingy about working with each other without probable cause, they ain't gonna listen to him when they can be stealing cases off their co-workers to increase their ranking. Big PLF war who? + He can't go investigating WHICH hospital in Kyoto by the mountains here with the cameras on him, that was supposed to be the HPSC's job. So yeah, he really feels like crying right now.
So now if Hawks wants to prevent the essential doom of Japan, he needs to somehow make the villains quit from the inside. That makes him desperate enough to change tactics and this is where I'm gonna try to find a way to appeal to Twice's "gotta save my friends" nature, get some better communication between these two because canon didn't exactly let them sit down and discuss it over a pot of tea, though it's still gonna be subtle because Hawks isn't a leaky faucet with words, he's gonna try and start with worried comments about Tomura and the doctor until we get the LoV off their butts and checking in with what Ujiko is doing re: Toga. I have yet to decide what to do about Dabi lol, but I do want Tomura-Hawks' "creation" parallels to play a major role in this somehow. One thing's for sure, it's gonna be hella messy with Tomura's "I gotta destroy everything, nothing makes me happy" depression being a major rejection risk as well as a "get Hawks dusted from preventing his power-up" risk + sounding like a shifty rat there, and idk HOW Hawks is gonna appeal to him with "backstory reasons" when Hawks is…still sorting things out. But we'll figure it out!! OFA-AFO is also a major gap in intel, and it's not like Tomura isn't aware that AFO was manipulating him, he just stopped caring and thought he could overpower his Sensei's will, so heh talk about a mental exercise to figure out 🤣 the resulting conversation dialogue between them is def gonna be GOLD tho, they're just those kinds of suspenseful characters.
I really, really love this idea nonnie and I'm saying that earnestly. This sounds like a fic I would love to read because the HPSC and their role in all of this was completely shafted by Hori to focused on AFO so it's always a pleasure when fics take the time to focus on them instead and how that affects Hawks and his life.
I love the twist of Skeptic planning to use Hawks "victim" story to have the HPSC discredited (especially because the PLF could then use the "we're sooo sympathetic and stand against the rule of the HPSC and you should too" and that conflicting with Dabi's own plans (as Dabi did paint Hawks as that heartless killer in canon but with less affects because people didn't really care for the life of a villain who was going to kill them all) and that resulting in a half-truth that is posted.
I like the idea of Hawks being isolated from everyone and all of the support he once had, having to earn the trust of people by being himself and that's how he confronts the villains. Going down this route and focusing on the bonds of the LOVs (something that isn't done well in canon sadly) in order to take them down in a kill them with kindness situation is a good idea and would be a good way to demonstrate the themes Hori wants in his manga and for his heroes.
If you've gotten around to writing this, please send me the link! I'm already very intrigued and would love to read more <3 <3 <3
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