#haven't been on tumblr in a hot sec
fourth wing? 🐉 ⚔️
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i am intrigued. ordered 🫡🦇
i am high on benadryl, bored on bedrest, and will literally read/watch anything rn quick now's your chance to indoctrinate a vulnerable subject to the cause (your blorbos)
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feralnumberfive · 2 years
If there's not an apocalypse in S4 I'll make one. Just watch me you bitches
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My DIY scrap book cover for my The Lost Boys pdf is complete! This took me all afternoon, lmao. I'm really really happy with how the barbed wire and vampire fangs came out!! I free-handed them from a visual on pinterest and LUCKED OUT.
Again, huggeeeeee thanks to @oldestenemy for the pdf! They're feeding the fandom for real.
Fellow Lost Boys friends and family who may be interested: @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321 @checkitoutmikey @silvermaplealder and I know there are a few others but I haven't been on Tumblr in a hot sec and can't remember your handles 😭😭😭
(Adding as I remember: @oceansrose2002 )
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toomanytookas · 2 months
A Fic Menu for Friendship!
My cherished @schnarfer. How wonderful that our little pieces of the internet intersected such that we could meet. It really does feel like I've known you always sometimes...
And how delightful it has been to be a bit of a garçon de cuisine in your kitchen as of late! Inspired by our convo about reclists as pairing menus, for the @swiftiscruff friendship exchange^ I've whipped up a very non-serious one (liberties absolutely taken with the genre) that is a riff on your masterlist and its wonderful contents. 🖤✨
For increased accessibility/given that tumblr can sometimes be weird with images, text of the menu with some formatting preserved is available below the cut! I haven't included links because they're all findable via Al's masterlist; see above!
^Thank you to Cat and Han for creating this event! It's been so lovely to see everyone's posts.
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Cafe Schnarfer
Beautiful works handcrafted by head chef Al
Tonight's Menu
-First Courses-
If Wishes Came True (3.87k)
The newest dish on our menu. A perfect tasting platter of some of our chef’s specialties: sparkling love, a character you adore but want to give a firm talking to, and endings that make the angst feel incredibly worth it.
Recommended pairing A healthy slice of cake and a cola flavoured lollipop.
Difficult (12.03k)
The first dish developed for the restaurant! A must for those who enjoy notes of instant chemistry, a bit of self-destruction, a lot of Fleabag energy, and hopeful endings.
Recommended pairing A strawberry milkshake, whipped cream vodka optional* *strongly suggested to make things a little messy, just don’t accidentally give it to the kids
Purple Haze (5k)
An opportunity to take a brief break from our menu's angsty notes to indulge in a heady, vintage-styled treat. This isn’t your average op-shop find, we’re talking high-end fashion, baby!
Recommended pairing A couple of gin bucks should do the trick. Or just the ginger ale if you’re not in the mood for a buzz!
-Second Courses-
Go Your Own Way (10.87k)
A dish close to the hearts of our whole kitchen. A perfect selection for those who have fallen for a fuckboy and find it therapeutic to recognise your past in a wonderfully raunchy but still angsty story. The finish of this dish manages to incorporate senses of both sadness and hopefulness, making for a cathartic aftertaste.
Recommended pairing A warming Mexican hot chocolate. You'll appreciate how it matches the spice and provides you with some added comfort when things get achy.
Endurance (15.11k)
You will never forget the first time you experience this dish and will always find a way to convince yourself that you aren’t boring for ordering it time after time. A slice of spiciness coupled with a heavy dash of the forbidden add immense depth to a texturally rich feast full of historical flavour.
Recommended pairing A U.S. Army-issued chocolate bar and maybe a prairie oyster for the vibes. But then make sure to treat yourself to some actually  nice-tasting chocolate.
The Kit Kat Trilogy (16.25k)
The dessert you’ll think about for 10 years and then come back for more. Save room because it is full of delicious angst and delightful romance that you won’t be able to help but consume whole. On a day when you’re low on time, you’ll consider stopping by for just another taste of this memorable sweet treat, we guarantee it.
Recommended pairing A full roast dinner. Even if it’s just for yourself. And maybe a glass of champagne to throw at the wall when things get angsty for a sec.
Dial Drunk (7.70k)
Let’s celebrate the end of our meal with lots of hope that emerges from some long-endured darkness.
Recommended pairing The loveliest hot breakfast you could possibly make, full of all your favourites and with plenty of food to go round.
Illicit Affairs (7.47k)
Let’s derail the end our meal with a real hot mess. Maybe you’ll wish you had picked the sweeter option, but, damn, you’ll enjoy the deeply achy ride.
Recommended pairing Wrap yourself in a blanket warm from the dryer for this one. And maybe have some water? The lack of flavour will be a good break from the intensity of it all while still keeping you hydrated.
I love you, Al! 🖤😘
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mitsukkii · 8 months
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Eyyy suprise! I haven't been on tumblr or even thought of voltron agere in a hot sec- but fortunately @roylustang posted a bangin fic and we got to be little buddies <3. Please enjoy our hard work from a collab we did! Heres their fic https://archiveofourown.org/works/50633779
Basically the premise is Shiro is Keiths CG but is loopy from an injury and thinks Keith is little when he's very big- poor Shiro is EXPOSING him heehee
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Haven't been on tumblr in a hot sec but I'm back today to look for new wallpapers as my reawakened daredevil hyperfixation has me by the throat
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giveittomegay · 1 year
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Also greetings tumblr, haven't been here in a hot sec. Anyways
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This is a MUST LISTEN!
I promise you. You're going to love this story! You think our little collaborative challenges are fun within the writing groups here on Tumblr? Well the story of Naked Came The Stranger is going to have you in stitches. You must listen to it. About 20min.
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You will never even believe the trail of tangents that brought me to this story tonight so I won't even try to explain, but I am giddy with what a whopper of a tale I stumbled on.
In 1969 a number of reporters at the Newsday Headquarters collaborated to write the worst bestselling erotic novel that they could muster under the pseudonym of Penelope Ashe.
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Trust me, you need to listen to this story. It has voice clips of a bunch of the people originally involved and their memories of this caper. It is such a fun listen. I PROMISE!! While you're driving to the grocery store or doing the dishes or driving to work, this is a fun listen. The producers rated this PG because there's nothing really untoward in it, but still probably NSFW, as a woman quotes a couple lines from the book in a breathy sultry voice like: "Together like garden snakes, they contorted, moaned, gasped, clenched and throbbed." Or how the man says something like "who knew there was more to think about on Saturdays than mowing the lawn." Or a line in a similar vein. I laughed so hard!
The tone of voice in those clips is more what would be NSFW, but there are just a few instances when they quote from the book. There's nothing else to really worry about.
Twenty-four reporters submitted chapters. Some submittals were too good! Some chapters had to be dumbed down and made more trashy, less eloquent - the talent had to be carefully extracted from the writing. The guys admitted that it took a lot of work to truly write something that was honestly badly written.
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They didn't want 'good.' You can't submit that.
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Give it a listen and let me know what you think. And don't miss - further down the page is a bonus audio of 1 min and 23 secs where the guys comment about the movie that was made of the book.
"Sex in suburbia... It isn't all it seems to be."
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My favorite part of the story was about "Penelope Ashe, the demure Long Island housewife". A first time writer, she even went around the country promoting her first break-out novel. Radio and TV interviews.
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"Attractive, smart (as in fashionable and intelligent) upper middle class housewife Penelope Ashe became a literary sensation in 1969 with the publication of her adult novel Naked Came the Stranger. Ashe was the perfect person to become a pop culture sensation – a wholesome, pretty brunette suburbanite wife, possessing a mind spinning with hot, sexy, forbidden fantasies. The prior year Glenn Campbell had the hit “The Dreams of the Everyday Housewife”, elaborating on the pathetic notion that once a woman gives up her freedom to become a housewife she has nothing left in life but to fantasize about what might have been;..."
"Virginity is like a Tiffany Lamp."
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Omg, this is my new favorite quote! I'm going to use it all the time from now on - I'll slip it into everything I write!!!
“And what does that mean?” they will wonder.
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“Well, if you don't know then you obviously haven't read my book.”
Oooo!!! I'll name my first story in the series Beckoned By Tiffany's Beacon. Set in a phallic shaped lighthouse where she lures sailors like a siren! GASP! Filled with heaps of cream colored cable knit sweaters!!!
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No. No. Maybe Sex In The Lamp Light With Tiffany. Or An Illuminating Breakfast At Tiffany's. Or Tiffany Takes the Torch. Or “Light the Tapers,” said Tiffany.
Okay now I'm just getting silly and plain stupid - dead on loopy!!
There's no way we can allow this story to just sit here without going wild with inspiration, right? My mind is reeling with ideas, and I'm dying to research everything from that time period now. Or about that time period.
Did any of y'all watch the series Minx?
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It was a great show! I hope someone else picks it up for season two. I want to watch it again now, as well as rewatch Boogie Nights. AND I want to rewatch Frost Nixon!!
Did you catch that they went on the David Frost Show??? "Would you now meet the authoress of Naked Came The Stranger, Penelope Ashe". and out walks ..... Damn it. I can't find the recording of the actual episode yet.
I will close to this post with one last nugget to hopefully tickle your fancy, or at least tickle your funny bone, and I pray it will kickstart some mojo for y'all. This is a delightful song written and performed by one of my all-time favorites, Tom Lehrer called Smut during a live performance in 1967. So this is only two years before the 1969 fiasco of Naked Came The Stranger. Very appropriate, don't you think? :-) He presents his song by first saying:
"Now I would like to say something about pornography or as we call it in the United States 'smut'. Wonderful word, yes. There have been many cases in the American courts recently about this very problem. The United States Supreme Court, for example, has decided that a book or a film can be banned if it arouses the prurient interests of the average person. Prurient now - and I look that up - it means having itching morbid or lewd and lascivious desires. Now surely that describes all of us here tonight. But I disagree with this principle because I really enjoy having my prurient interests aroused. And in fact there's only one thing I enjoy more than having them aroused and that is having them gratified. So, as I say, I'm opposed to this. But we have marches now for peace and marches for civil rights. So I thought I would have a march for smut."
Here's a handful of friends I think might get a kick out of this. Actually I think all of you might!! So pass it on!!! Because this is a fun one!
@messy-insomniac-bookgirl (remember how you were JUST talking about the crazy places rabbit holes can spit you out???)
@ladyoftheteaandblood @caffiend-queen @nildespirandum @emeraldrosequartz @latent-thoughts @just-the-hiddles @kind-of-crazy-butthatsokay @maiden-of-asgard @tilltheendwilliwrite @jtargaryen18 @myoxisbroken @imanuglywombat @redfoxwritesstuff @alexakeyloveloki @talklokitome @wolfsmom1 @nonsensicalobsessions @mastreworld @mooncat163 @shiningloki @gigglingtigger @lokisgoodgirl @xorpsbane @deceitfuldevout @boredbrooder @lokilickedme @texmexdarling @pedeka @searchforanotherway @peaches1958 @holymultiplefandomsbatman @christhickevans @sidepartskinnyjeans @spectre-posts @villainousshakespeare @fictive-sl0th @what-is-your-plan-today @ghotifishreads @saiyanprincessswanie @punemy-spotted @cockslutpadalecki @springdandelixn
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stuckinamok · 2 years
Hi! I just wanted to say that I finally started reading your story, the Huntlow one, and am loving it so far! I'm only on chapter two but it's already got me hooked.
Oh I'm so glad!! Thank you for letting me know, anon! 😁 I really enjoy writing it, especially their dialogue.
It might be a hot sec till I update with another chapter bc life things but if anyone else wants to catch up on it, it's on Ao3 and called Imminently Intertwined!
Summary for huntlow fans on tumblr that haven't read it yet:
Belos finds out about Hunter's secret friendship with Willow, one of the friends of the human, and thinks Hunter is betraying him. Belos orders Hunter to deliver Willow and her palisman to him but Hunter instead wants to help her run away.
Continuing chapter by chapter are slices of life of Hunter and Willow stuck with one another, trying to find a way back to The Boiling Isles, eventually settling with the idea they are stuck in this mystery place for maybe forever.
However, eventually, they make their way back… and somehow, it’s only a couple of weeks after they had gotten lost… but they had aged a couple of decades (they think)… and had returned with several children, with ages ranging from 3 months to 12 years. Upon their return, they find Willow’s friends and the Owl Lady, and go on a quest to rescue Willow’s parents who had been captured by Belos.
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ask-krismas · 1 year
I haven't been on tumblr for a hot sec, but I love this account, okay?? I had to check in on it.
Sorry lol
Hi, Kris!
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sims-psycho · 2 years
so hi, its been a hot sec lmao.
i literally don't even know where to start honestly, i wasn't planning on opening tumblr or writing this out today but here we are. i haven't posted or even opened this site in well over a year, and A LOT has happened in my life during that time, as i expect has happened in everyones.
to summarise, i went and passed my first year of uni, but took a year out because of mental health. i realised while i was there i had some things about my brain to look into and sure enough 8 months later i had an official diagnosis of adhd(with compound autism) which has honestly helped me so much, but also opened a lot of other doors with more questions that need answering. i also figured out i'm trans non binary! my names Roo and my pronouns are they/them. thats been another huge step that i'm still exploring a lot, but i feel so much better for it. i go back to uni this september and am both nervous and excited.
as for my blog here, i don't rly know what i'm doing with it yet. tbh i hadn't thought about it a whole lot, but opening it up today and remembering all the time i spent here and the friends i've made (i hope you guys are all doing good, if you're even still here) it has made me a bit nostalgic. sims was my expression for so long, and i don't think i realised how much it meant to me or helped me until very recently, so i thank you all who interracted with me, collaborated with me, or even just silently appriciated the silly stories i posted here, i very much haven't forgotten that.
i'd love to say this is me announcing i'll be back to posting, but i honestly don't know. my story, outcast, and all my oc's are things i still think about all the time, so who knows, when i finally work up the time and energy to reinstall sims and all my mods onto my new pc, maybe the hyperfixation will kick back in akjgfrjhgf
as for where you can find me (if you want) i stream very regularly on twitch, clown about on twitter and am pretty much always active on discord (my user is Tanrooki#3028) i'd love to reconnect with some old friends from here if the stars align.
until then, i hope you're all staying safe, healthy and happy, and i guess i'll see you when i see you
Roo <3
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rosesandartss · 2 years
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I posted 2,611 times in 2022
That's 2,592 more posts than 2021!
241 posts created (9%)
2,370 posts reblogged (91%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 979 of my posts in 2022
#rambles - 124 posts
#asos - 91 posts
#a sea of stars - 85 posts
#asos allistor king - 78 posts
#pretty art - 71 posts
#ask game - 62 posts
#artists on tumblr - 58 posts
#jallistor - 52 posts
#multi - 50 posts
#eggy - 42 posts
Longest Tag: 133 characters
#prev i like it so far! i haven't gotten very far and i wont be able to pick it up again for a hot sec but it definitely has me hooked
My Top Posts in 2022:
the way y'all treat highschool dropouts is abhorrent
52 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
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See the full post
68 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
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um, its been a while since I've posted here lmao. So comeback post with fanart i made months ago of The Unhinged Fancyman Ever, Percy. I love him sm,,,,,,,
167 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
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omori meming cause this is my hyperfixation rn outside of d&d stuff lmao
182 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i am. so normal about my ocs. i am so normal about the stories in my head. i am so normal about worldbuilding. i am in fact so normal about this that i have many playlists dedicated to the characters and am planning on making one for the story itself. i am just so normal lets celebrate how normal i am about this
17,956 notes - Posted August 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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teleportationmagic · 6 months
WIP Ask Game
I was tagged by the excellent @cephalog0d. Many of these haven't been updated in a hot sec, but all of them have at least something written about them, even if it's a short blurb. Some of these have had snippets posted to Tumblr, but yanno. rules are meant to be broken.
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Dead Robins Club
Injustice AU
Dark Knights of Steel Robins
Batman is getting old +Tim, Steph, Cass
Batman's Blue Torch
Cass Damian
Duke & Cass Reverse Robins
Steph Jason and Cass Soulmate AU
Steph, Gotham, and Jason Todd
Vampire Cass and Not Vampire Steph
I also do not have that many people to tag, so tagging @damianbugs, @uuuuutan @aingeal98 if y'all want to play. Also anyone else who thinks it would be fun.
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beafarm · 11 months
I haven't been on Tumblr in a hot sec and because yesterday I forgot my headphones I couldn't watch titkok while I was taking the bus, so I remembered that I have Tumblr, and oh my, how I missed it! Infinitely better than ticktokb
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arcs-odyssey · 1 year
i haven't been on Tumblr in a hot sec anyways I do some yt now
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frozendeity17 · 1 year
Aaallll fifty of them, in order, punk! :p
Alright, here we go:
Lumity and Percabeth. Yes, I know TOH just ended and TLT won't be coming out for a hot sec, no I do not care.
Never had one specific color, though I've definitely always preferred cooler colors. Used to love greens, but now indigoes, violets, and dark blues are more my style. Still love a good forest green though.
All of the quotes on that one doc abt unlikely posts. Also, "I think it's silly to be ashamed of your art because it's not in a museum and of your voice because it's not selling out stadiums. There will always be people who enjoy and appreciate what you can do." -Tumblr user venuskissed
Private. I'm not one to share my birthday.
Also private. Not today, fae fuck.
See #4.
Honestly, I don't know. I think I give them in all of their forms, but as for receiving, I think affirmation is what does it for me. Might be physical contact though, I do love hugs.
Probably a drama, I did like How to Get Away With Murder, even if I only got through the first season and a bit. Designated Survivor was awesome too.
Spain, for one. I don't know what it is about the place, but it has a charm about it for me. Maybe it's the weather. Aside from that, Greece and Italy would be awesome. I'm a little bit of a mythology nerd, so seeing all of the temples and wonders built for these ancient gods sounds like an awesome experience. If I could choose more, Norway and Iceland are both incredibly beautiful places, and I do kind of prefer the cold. Also, I've always wanted to see the aurora borealis in person.
Ooph, this one is difficult. There are a lot of great scents out there. Vanilla's a long-standing favorite, I remember once bringing a bottle of it to school once to show to my friends. Cinnamon rolls smell delicious, as does that smell from the candles we always used to buy. It might've been sandalwood, but I've never been quite sure. Also, there's this one perfume my mom's worn for as long as I can remember - it's a little too sharp to be entirely pleasant, but it's flowery, and nostalgic for me.
"City of Angels" by Em Beihold. She also wrote the trending songs "Numb Little Bug" - the "Do you ever get a little bit tired of life" one - and dueted "Until I Found You" with Stephen Sanchez. I think her songs "Too Precious" and "12345" are also really good.
Stalker. But seriously, probably one of the places listed in #9, or back home, as I have some stuff to do there.
Vanilla. Most pure chocolate ice creams have a bad aftertaste.
Donuts. I don't know what it is about cake, but I've never seemed to like it all that much, even the good ones. It is, honestly, my least favorite dessert that I'll actually eat - I even like eclairs, which are literally just pastry around messy whipped cream that gets everywhere, more than cake. I particularly hate it with that weird gel writing on it. Just...urgh. Donuts are chill tho, and I'll never turn down a solid frosted with sprinkles or Boston Creme.
Black. It's reliable, doesn't stain easily, works well in formal outfits, doesn't show sweat stains, and works on most complexions. Also, I never really wear much color regardless. I would miss that one blue dress shirt I really like - it's comfy as hell.
Haven't read one in ages, despite my massive TBR, but off the top of my head, probably "With great power comes great need to take a nap," by Nico di Angelo from PJO, if only because of how ridiculous yet true it is.
If I can't handle myself In a fight, I'm not subjecting any of y'all to that.
Ice cream. It's more reliable and easily accessible for me, and frankly, cotton candy is too dry as a dessert.
A famous engineer, hopefully. Being an author would be cool, too.
I do not have pet peeves, I am a pet peeve.
Basic Bitch. I suck at fashion and aesthetics and currently have neither the desire nor the capability to improve. My wardrobe is composed entirely of thin shorts, tracksuit pants, and t-shirts, with a singular formal suit. Might try to start painting my nails soon, see how that goes.
As prideful as it may sound, my intelligence. I don't have much street sense, to say the least, but I have a good factual memory, am good at logic puzzles, and am a quick reader, and I'm rather proud of that.
Saturday. Nothing to occupy that day, nor the day after. It's excellent. My favorite weekday? Probably Thursday. Dunno why, it just vibes the best.
I am SUCH a bad night owl. I don't even know why, I always regret it in the mornings too. I guess it's just kinda freeing, not having the expectations.
Neither, hot chocolate reigns supreme.
This is the first half, the second half to come, as Tumblr apparently has a character limit.
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