#haven season four extras
wonwoonlight · 2 years
something sweet / lee seokmin
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➝ Reader x Seokmin (?) // feat. a lot of other idols
➝ coffee shop!au // slice of life // fluff // nonidol!au // someone's got a crush heh
➝ word count: 2.1k
➝ haven cloud masterlist (can be read as standalone)
➝ What’s playing in Haven Cloud
➝ A/N: aand we're finally back with another chapter of Haven Cloud <3 i genuinely thought i'd have more time to write now that i'm not working anymore but alas sdhfds as always, please enjoy this andd do tell me what you think if you do. thank you!
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Ryujin is sick.
And you really don’t blame her nor are you annoyed because it is flu season. But the timing couldn’t be worse because there’s a buy drink get dessert event going on in the cafe and there’s definitely an influx of customers because of it. You’re pretty sure Haven Cloud would double the number of its regulars soon.
It was day one yesterday and you’re already beyond exhausted. Apparently, it doesn’t really matter even though you’ve recruited Soonyoung and Wendy as temporary part timers during the three days event, because it honestly still feels like you’re understaffed. So, really, having your regular part timer getting sick during this time is honestly the last thing you’d wish yourself upon. It’s Saturday, for God’s sake.
Fortunately, she already has a replacement. 
Unfortunately, Seokmin is bad at memorizing beverages.
But you really can’t tell him to only do the dishes or main the cashier because you don’t have enough dishes for him to do all day and he doesn’t have any experience maining the cashier. You’re not insane enough for that.
So you settle for him to cater for desserts and serve the customers at first, and tell him he’ll be helping with the dishes later. He just needs to take the dessert, warm them if the customer asks for it, and then serve them to the tables. Piece of cake (aha!) (as long as he’s not clumsy, that is).
“You… are familiar with our desserts, right?” you ask the tall guy in front of you. He looks very sweet, to put it simply, the kinda person whose heart and intention you will not doubt at all. You think he’s kind of shy though, because he can’t hold your eyes for longer than two seconds and it’s pretty amusing to watch because this man is easily taller and his arms can probably crush you with no extra effort whatsoever.
“I am.” He scrunches his nose, and you spend the next ten minutes making sure he really is aware of them by pointing out random pastries and asking him their names and flavors. Thankfully, he only gets them mixed up two times and you’re suddenly glad that Chan didn’t go with his original plan of making unique names for all desserts instead of just calling them as they are. 
“Kitchen, please! These pastries are ready!” You hear Jeonghan’s small scream, and you go inside with Seokmin to help put them on display. Chan insists on having fresh ones for the event, and he even rents an extra long table for the special desserts though the five of you were a bit unsure if it’d sell out. It did though, and if yesterday told you anything, renting the table is definitely worth it. The dessert leftovers from yesterday was only a third of the usual amount, which means it’s considerably less because you did have more stock because of the table.
Ten minutes later, Haven Cloud is open for business and it’s a blur after that. Chan’s brother is even here to help after lunch, and it’s then that you finally have time to eat lunch because the cafe is full and it means you can rest a bit and take turns for a quick break. Jeonghan pats your head when you come into the kitchen, telling you he’s just heating up your food so you can just sit somewhere and wait for a bit.
“This one’s for Seokmin. I’m gonna cover for him as he takes his break,” the older guy says, 
For the most part, it has been quite an eventful day even though it’s been tiring (and you still have like four more hours to go before closing), your heart is happy though, because the event is definitely a lot more successful that all of you have expected to the point where it’s obvious that Haven Cloud is going to grow much more after this.
You look up when you hear the door open again, revealing Seokmin who sends you a forced grin. You signal him to sit beside you after he takes his plate, and he seems a little hesitant for some reason, but he does just as you gesture and sits on the stool right next to you.
“Did something happen?” you ask at last, not liking the way he seems down. He’s easily the kindest person you’ve ever met, and you say this when you’ve only known him for a total of six hours top. Yes, sometimes he comes in as a customer, but he always has his orders to go and even then you’ve always felt like his smile could light up the whole room.
Which is why the way his smile doesn’t reach his eyes doesn’t sit well with you.
Seokmin hesitates, but you insist and he eventually tells you there’s a little commotion outside earlier because he served the wrong order. The original table doesn’t really mind, even tells him it’s okay and they understand it can happen because it’s very busy; but the other customer who got the wrong order got mad beyond rude that Chan has to step up and tells them to calm down because they’re bothering the other tables.
You gape a little at the story, knowing full well that entitled customers are bound to appear when you have these many guests; but it annoys you that it’s Seokmin of all people that has to deal with them though it’s clear that Chan has it under control.
“I’m sorry you had to experience that.” Your brows furrow in annoyance, no longer feel like eating after the story. Seokmin smiles weakly, and you can see the way he’s slowly munching on his food–probably lost his appetite too but he knows he needs it anyway.
Nudging his shoulder in encouragement, you remind him that he totally didn’t deserve that even if he did make a mistake; that the customer is definitely too much and there was never any need to be that rude.
You hide a pout at Seokmin’s forced smile, not liking the situation one bit. Yes, you haven’t known him for long and you keep on saying this, but it’s pretty obvious that he’s a kind person and seeing him like this doesn’t sit well with you.
“Tell you what, we should go out for dinner tomorrow after closing,” you nod at him, deep in your thought that you don’t notice him tensing beside you. “We should celebrate. We all deserve it, I think. Like, you’ve been here for half a day and you can tell how tiring it is already, right?”
You can’t quite translate the sigh he lets out, unsure if he’s tired or if he finds your invitation bothersome. You have known the guy for a total of seven hours anyway, you can see why the invitation might be uncomfortable for him.
“Um, yeah,” he smiles awkwardly. “We all should. Ryujin should be all better too by tomorrow, right?”
“Are you not able to help out tomorrow?” You ask him, wide-eyed.
He blinks at how hopeful you sound, like you wish he’d be here again tomorrow. Or is he making things up?
“I mean, I’m not sure if Ryujin will be better or not by tomorrow, but I think we could use your help either way,” you say honestly, and then proceed to make his heartbeat skips a little when you say how much you appreciate his help and his presence. “We’ve had plenty of substitutes and our own share of part-timers so, really, I can tell when people genuinely want to help and those that want me to shut up already the moment I call them.”
He huffs a laugh at that, and you grin at your successful attempt at cheering him up albeit a little. You spend the rest of your short break talking to each other, because even though you’re not usually this chatty with someone you barely know, Seokmin makes you comfortable enough for that and you feel like he needs it so you don’t see why not.
Thankfully, his mood seems to pick up after that, as he keeps on sending you a smile every time your eyes accidentally meet from across the room. Seungkwan nudges you and wriggles his eyebrows once, and you tilt your head in confusion but don't get to ask for an explanation because another customer comes in and takes your attention.
It’s later that night that you finally get your explanation.
You, Soonyoung and Seungkwan are cleaning the tables while Seokmin and Chan go out to buy dinner. It’s almost half past eight, which means it’s only been about thirty minutes since you’ve flipped the ‘closed’ sign and about fifteen minutes since the last customer leaves. Wendy and Jeonghan are cleaning the kitchen, so it’s just the three of you and that’s when Seungkwan decides to bring the earlier instance up again.
“What was that earlier?”
“You and Seokmin.”
You frown. What?
Seungkwan rolls his eyes, too tired to play your game. “Come on.”
But you look even more confused and that’s when Seungkwan realizes that you aren’t messing with him and you really don’t realize what’s been going on.
“He looks at you like a lost puppy asking to be picked up, Cherrie,” he spells it out for you with the most serious tone he can muster, because he knows you never believe him and while he knows it’s on him (and Jeonghan) because he often teams up with the older guy to mess with you, sometimes it’s beyond annoying when he’s actually telling the truth and you refuse to believe him.
“You’re seeing things,” you snort as you shake your head, and then continue on your way to set up the table for dinner. “He just looks like a lost puppy in general.”
“That is true, but he keeps on looking at you, alright?”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes this time, but Soonyoung cuts you before you can even say anything. “He’s right, y’know? He does keep on looking at you.”
“See? I’m not making things up.”
You frown and click your tongue in annoyance, telling them to stop messing with you. “I don’t like the two of you ganging up on me.”
Soonyoung laughs and messes your hair, the grin on his face makes you want to strangle him right there and then.
“Come on, Seokmin must’ve–”
“We’re back, guys!” Chan announces happily, pushing the glass door with his body. Seungkwan shouts for Wendy and Jeonghan while Soonyoung quickly helps them set the food on the table. “We wanted to get something more fancy but we’re going to eat out with Ryujin tomorrow so I thought pizza should be enough.”
“You made him buy this, didn’t you?” You jokingly narrow your eyes at Seokmin, recalling how he said he’s craving for some pizza during break earlier.
He grins sheepishly, and you hear Soonyoung snorts softly behind you, thankfully much too soft for anyone else to hear. You glare at your best friend, and he pretends to zip his mouth and pushes you to sit down already.
Unfortunately for you, you’re sandwiched between him and Seungkwan, and the two wouldn’t stop whispering about Seokmin to your ears though at least they’re being subtle enough about it because you wouldn’t know how to face the kind guy sitting in front of you had they been too loud about it.
“He so has a crush on you,” Soonyoung whispers against your ear, way too close that you lean away from him because his breath tickles. You glare at him and proceed to elbow him on the guts, making him choke a little out of shock. He pouts at you but you don’t relent and you just shake your head as he says he’ll get back at you for it.
It’s then that you accidentally meet Seokmin’s eyes, and it’s your turn to smile shyly like you’ve been caught talking about him (you’re going to give these 2 men hell for this), your ears getting hot for no reason at all. Still, you raise your eyebrows in question just in case, but he simply huffs a smile and returns to his meal.
You blink at the interaction, wondering why it’s flustering you. Gosh, Soonyoung and Seungkwan must be getting to your head.
Or you’re just more lonely than you thought. 
Anyhow, it doesn’t stop you from biting your lip like an idiot that night, unsure how to feel about the messages on your inbox.
[New Message from: Lee Seokmin]
[22:10]: Did you get home safely?
[22:10]: I know I thanked you already, but thank you so much for comforting me today😊 
[22:11]: I’ll see you tomorrow!
[22:14]: Have a good night 🍒
[New Message from: Ryuuu✿]
[22:20]: a little bird told me someone’s got a crush on youuuu👀
[22:20]: i might or might not knwo abt it already tho lol
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©wonwoonlight – all rights reserved.
🏷permanent taglist: @kyeomjjigae @stantrash171819 @sebongmochi @luveveryonewoo @thinkinboutwonu @kpopjackie @ursweetener @lavenderautumnx @itsveronicaxxx @shuahoshiscoups @sunshinein17 @leechanniee @twogyuu @hoe4wonwoo @h3h3tm0n @noraehey @seokshook @rubyhoons @02psh @just-here-to-read-01 @listxn @janandbeyond
🏷haven cloud taglist: @berriesandjunnie @boowanie @honeymoondelicia @joshuahongnumbers @bbymatz @baldi-2 @justasoftstan @lechanters @darl-ings @17kwans @heesunki @13956789 @yoonguurt @yoonzinosworld @alicehatter457 @wonuziex @bibinnieposts @horranghaesakura @oliviaheaven @trumanblackhatesyou @qiuscloud @cherriscoups
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pers-books · 7 months
Children of the Circus
Friday, 3 November 2023 - Reported by Marcus
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A new audio musical drama, Children of the Circus, is reuniting the cast of the seventh Doctor story, The Greatest Show in the Galaxy for a unique special.
The limited edition CD set will be released on December 14th, 2023, exactly 35 years to the day that the first episode of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy was broadcast on BBC One.
Once upon a time, there was a circus. A Psychic Circus, to be precise. A glorious haven for the misfits of the universe. But then, as is so often the way, it was hijacked by a trio of malevolent Gods. Things grew unpleasant.   Now, years later, the Gods are gone, but the scars of those who survived the Circus remain. After all, you can't change the past.   Unless you're the Children of the Circus... and you're willing to sing.
Based on the Season 25 story by Stephen Wyatt, Children of the Circus is a brand-new, original, musical play on audio from AUK Studios; written by Kenton Hall (with songs by Christopher Guard) and based on an idea by Barnaby Eaton-Jones.
The special features the return of Sylvester McCoy (the Seventh Doctor) and Sophie Aldred (who played the Doctor’s traveling companion, Ace). But not as you’d expect. McCoy plays the High Poet; all befuddled charm and with a whisper of duplicity and danger. Aldred gives two magnificently different characters in the form of Captain Gren (the gruff owner of a Time Ship) and AJ (a sentient piece of rust, who navigates the Time Ship).
McCoy himself sums it up 
To return to the worlds of Stephen Wyatt's imagination, but as a wholly new character called the High Poet, means I get to be involved with the Psychic Circus rather than fighting against it! As a lover of the circus myself, juggling this new role was a joy (though I'm sad I didn't get to play the spoons). What fun to be reunited with all the wonderful cast from 'The Greatest Show in the Galaxy' again, 35 years later, and I hope you'll all enjoy this time-sliding, sidestepping sequel from Barnaby Eaton-Jones and his bunch of clowns!
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Joining the cast in a major role is 1980’s icon (singer/actress/songwriter), Toyah Willcox. It’s long been known she was a fan of Doctor Who, as she appeared in Kevin Jon Davies’ acclaimed documentary 30 Years in the TARDIS, but to get her to create a multi-voiced role as The Band of Infinite Harmony (and get her own solo song, which can heard in full after the end credits as a bonus extra track) was something she clearly relished…
At last, I get to play all four members of the band and still have the last say…. love it. Seriously it was wonderful to play THE BAND and equally wonderful to hear this rather fab story unfold, a rock and roll odyssey of comic proportions.
Ever since producer/director Barnaby Eaton-Jones saw the original broadcast of The Greatest Show in the Galaxy, he was fascinated by the world that Stephen Wyatt had created…
There was such a wild mix of horror, science fiction, music, and fantasy, that it blew my adolescent mind; with images and characters forever stuck in my head. I wanted to revisit some of the characters and introduce new ones. With the permission of Stephen Wyatt (who came up with the title for this new production), and the help of writer Kenton Hall and actor/musician Christopher Guard, we were able to create something rather unique in the audio medium.
Kenton Hall himself says:
Like most swinging, modern people, I receive a daily deluge of emails that begin with the fateful words “would you be interested in…” As a result, I have developed a tendency to give them, at best, a brief, withering glare. In this case, however, it read “would I be interested in playing in the sandbox of Stephen Wyatt’s marvellous ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’?”  Does the lesser spotted gumblejack smell faintly of cinnamon? Spoiler: the answer to both questions is yes.
Songwriter, Christopher Guard, who played Bellboy in the original TV serial, added…
As with all the best things in life, I don't remember quite how or when it began. I think I'd sent some of my songs - recent and ancient - to Barnaby just as he was dreaming up a sequel to ‘The Greatest Show in the Galaxy’. It was more a shooting star than a light bulb moment. Irresistible synchronicity had struck, and ‘Children of the Circus’ was a THING! It was just a question of time. Or timelessness. Stephen Wyatt blessed us, Kenton Hall seized his cosmic pen, and the rest is mystery. Unravelled. With music. How amazing to act and sing with so many of the original cast, to slip into Bellboy's loons once more, and to travel seamlessly beyond our wildest dreams.”
Starring Christopher Guard as Bellboy, Dee Sadler as Flowerchild and Ella, Sophie Aldred as Captain Gren and AJ, Toyah Willcox as The Band of Infinite Harmony, Ian Reddington as Delios and the Chief Clown, and Sylvester McCoy as the High Poet.
With Daisy Dunlop, Verity White, Kim Jones, Kenton Hall, Barnaby Eaton-Jones and Ian Kubiak.
Special guest appearances by Ricco Ross as The Ringmaster, Jessica Martin as Mags, Chris Jury as Deadbeat, Deborah Manship as Morgana, Gian Sammarco as Whizz Kid, Daniel Peacock as Nord, and Dean Hollingsworth as the Bus Conductor and Station Announcer.
Produced and directed by Barnaby Eaton-Jones, for AUK Studios.
A preview can be heard here
Limited Edition CD available to pre-order now
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bi-bard · 2 years
Miscellaneous Masterlist
A masterlist of any show/movie/project with less than four fics and only one character written about. This includes shows like 9-1-1, The Umbrella Academy, and The Rookie.
Navigation Guide
Evan “Buck” Buckley:
I’m Sorry… I’m a What
I Think It's Time You Marry Me
Adam [2009]:
Adam Raki:
Safe Place
Freckles and Constellations
You're the Right Person, so It's the Right Time
The Bear:
Carmen "Carmy" Berzatto:
Welcome Home
The Blacklist:
Donald Ressler:
Well Earned 
Too Cold
This Is Not a Hospital
Day Off
Of Course
Blood & Chocolate (2007):
Aiden Galvin:
Harsh Reality
It's Got Me Planning for the Future and Worrying About the Past
David Budd:
Christmas and New Years
I Stumbled in at the Wrong Time (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5)
Lance Sweets:
And All of the Nights Will Lead into the Night with Me
Charlie Countryman:
Letting Go
I Would’ve Stayed till Death Took Me Out but Then You Fucked Up and Gave Me the Gun
Confessions of a Shopaholic:
Luke Brandon:
Death Stranding:
Sam Porter Bridges:
Downton Abbey: A New Era:
Jack Barber:
The Look
Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves:
Xenk Yendar:
Cruel Trick of Fate
Ella Enchanted:
Prince Charmont:
I Need to Save the Best for Last, I'm Serious
You Brought Heaven Down to Right Where I Stood
Five Nights at Freddy's [Movie]:
Mike Schmidt:
Gilmore Girls:
Dean Forester:
Jess Mariano:
Good Omens:
Aziraphale & Crowley:
The Angel, The Demon, and the University Student They "Adopted"
When a Demon Stumbles onto the Doorstep of a Bookshop
Gossip Girl [2021]:
Max Wolfe:
No Other Expectations
Insecurities & Loose Lips
Parties & Stubbornness
Duke Crocker:
House M.D:
Dr. James Wilson:
I Don’t Know What I Was Expecting
Dr. Robert Chase:
Waste of Time
Ibiza: Love Drunk:
Leo West:
I Don’t Really Care About That
I Came By:
Toby Nealey:
Coming Back for You
The Invitation:
Walt Deville:
Lovely Night
Freedom [Part 2: The Right Choice] [Part 3: The Perfect Eternity]
Killing Eve:
Calm Down
Kingsman Franchise:
Gary “Eggsy” Unwin:
New Year’s Kiss
I'm Wrong, Right?
Knives Out Franchise:
Benoit Blanc:
Christmas Day
The Last of Us:
Joel Miller:
Human Connection
Is It Insensitive for Me to Say Get Your Shit Together, So I Can Love You?
There's So Much I Wanna Tell You, But I Don't Know If It'll Fit
MacGyver (2016):
Angus MacGyver:
Field Work
The Collection of Failed Date Nights
The Mandalorian:
Din Djarin:
I Thought We Were…
Mr. Robot:
Elliot Alderson:
Who Have You Been Talking To?
The Path:
Cal Roberts:
Three Things
Peaky Blinders:
Tommy Shelby:
Duncan Vizla:
Stupid Mistakes
Prodigal Son:
Malcolm Bright:
An Extra Dose of Chaos (Criminal Minds Crossover)
Snow On Valentines Day
I’m Not a Party Kind of Person
Roar (Apple TV):
Bobby Bronson:
Drunk Mess
Robin Hood (2018):
Robin of Loxley:
Knock It Off
The Rookie:
Tim Bradford:
The Worst Day
Schitt’s Creek:
David Rose:
New Adventures
Stevie Budd:
Helping Hand
Scream (TV Series):
Tom Martin (from season 2, episode 13):
A Kind Act
But You’re Not Allowed, She’s Got You Under Lock and Chain
Uncomfortable Questions
Sick Day
Redefining Affection
No Big Deal (I Love You)
Thomas Christie:
How Much Did You Know?
Rhydian Morris:
Protective By Nature
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leonwilliablog · 1 year
Expert Tips for Staying Warm and Comfortable While Camping in Cold Weather
Camping in cold weather can be a magical experience, but it also comes with the challenge of staying warm and comfortable in low temperatures. With the right preparation and techniques, you can enjoy your outdoor adventure without shivering through the night. In this blog, we will share expert tips to help you stay warm, cozy, and comfortable while camping in cold weather.
Choose the Right Sleeping Gear: Investing in high-quality sleeping gear is essential for a warm and comfortable night's sleep:
a. Sleeping Bag: Opt for a cold-weather sleeping bag with a temperature rating lower than the expected nighttime temperatures. Look for insulation material such as down or synthetic fibers, and ensure the bag is the right size for your body to minimize empty space that can lead to heat loss.
b. Sleeping Pad: Use an insulated sleeping pad to provide an extra layer of insulation between you and the cold ground. Foam or air-filled pads with higher R-values offer better insulation.
c. Liner and Blankets: Consider using a sleeping bag liner or adding extra blankets or quilts for additional warmth. These can be easily layered or adjusted based on temperature fluctuations.
Layer Your Clothing: Proper layering is crucial to regulate body temperature and trap warmth:
a. Base Layer: Start with a moisture-wicking base layer made of synthetic or wool material. This layer will help keep your body dry by wicking away sweat.
b. Insulating Layer: Add a middle layer of insulating material, such as fleece or down, to trap body heat. This layer should be thicker and provide insulation even when wet.
c. Outer Shell: Wear a waterproof and wind-resistant outer shell to protect against the elements. Look for jackets and pants with breathable fabrics that allow moisture to escape.
d. Head, Hands, and Feet: Don't forget to wear a warm hat, gloves, and thick socks to prevent heat loss from extremities. Consider using hand and foot warmers for extra warmth.
Create a Cozy Campsite: Transform your campsite into a warm and comfortable haven:
a. Tent Selection: Choose a four-season tent designed to withstand cold temperatures and strong winds. Ensure it has a rainfly for added protection against moisture.
b. Insulate the Tent: Place a thick groundsheet or tarp underneath your tent to provide insulation from the cold ground. Use a tent footprint to protect the tent floor.
c. Seal Tent Openings: Before sleeping, close all tent openings tightly to prevent drafts. Use a door sweep or draft stopper to seal the bottom of the tent door.
d. Heat Source: Safely use a tent heater, hot water bottle, or heated blanket to add warmth inside the tent. Ensure proper ventilation and follow manufacturer instructions.
Fuel Your Body: Stay warm from the inside out by consuming warm and high-calorie foods:
a. Hot Drinks: Enjoy warm beverages such as tea, coffee, or hot cocoa to keep your body warm and hydrated. Use an insulated thermos to keep drinks hot for longer periods.
b. High-Calorie Foods: Consume calorie-dense meals and snacks that provide sustained energy and warmth. Consider foods like oatmeal, soups, stews, nuts, and energy bars.
c. Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as dehydration can affect your body's ability to regulate temperature. Use an insulated water bottle to prevent freezing.
Stay Active and Move: Engage in physical activities to generate body heat and improve circulation:
a. Exercise: Perform light exercises or stretching inside the tent to generate body heat before getting into your sleeping bag.
b. Warm-up Period: Take a short walk or perform simple exercises outside the tent before entering
to warm up your body and get your blood flowing.
c. Layer Adjustments: As you become active or engage in physical activities, adjust your clothing layers to prevent overheating and excessive sweating.
Proper Ventilation: Maintaining proper ventilation inside your tent is crucial to prevent condensation and moisture buildup:
a. Crack the Tent Door: Leave a small opening or crack in the tent door or window to allow for airflow. This helps reduce condensation and keeps the air fresh.
b. Use Tent Vents: Utilize any built-in vents or openings in your tent to promote airflow and minimize condensation.
c. Dry Wet Gear: Hang damp clothes or gear outside the tent or in a designated vestibule area to prevent moisture buildup inside.
Stay Dry: Keeping dry is essential for staying warm in cold weather conditions:
a. Waterproof Gear: Ensure all your outerwear, including jackets, pants, and boots, are waterproof or water-resistant. Apply a waterproof treatment to prolong their effectiveness.
b. Pack Rain Gear: Carry a lightweight rain jacket and rain pants to protect yourself from unexpected rain or snow showers.
c. Change of Clothes: Pack extra sets of dry clothes in case your clothing gets wet. Changing into dry clothes before sleeping is essential for warmth and comfort.
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afalls14universe · 2 years
ʙʟᴜᴇ ʜᴀᴠᴇɴ || ᴍᴀsᴛᴇʀʟɪsᴛ
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》 STATUS: ongoing
》 GENRE: murder mystery. teen drama. thriller. drama. romance. coming of age. young adult.
》 WARNINGS: this novel series contains thriller, (mild & possible) sexual themes, chilling themes, character (s) death, murder, alcohol use, drug use, sad themes, swearing, mature subject matter, touching moments, and funny/cheesy scenes.
IT BEGAN WITH TWO PEOPLE. Two people whose lives would change everything, and their love for one another would be the cause of a small town’s demise. It was the year, 1982, in a small town on the coast of Oregon. Phones had cords, pop culture took flight, dance moves were born and everyone knew everyone in that tiny little town. The name of this town was Blue Haven. No one ever thought that the safe, decent, and innocent town would be forever changed by the mysterious disappearance of star-crossed lovers, Enid Stuart and Campbell Browning. No one knew where they were or if they were still alive. And no one was prepared for what was to come in the following months.
🔎 Announcement ⟶ book cover reveal...
🔎 Introduction ⟶ welcome to blue haven, we welcome you... published...
↳ the beginning and synopsis...
🔎 Prologue ⟶ it began with two people… published…
↳ the beginning to an terrible end…
🔎 Episode One ⟶ home again… published…
↳ After leaving her new life behind, Lillian Beck finds herself back in her hometown named, Blue Haven. Where the townspeople deal with the disappearance of young- lovers, Enid Stuart & Campbell Browning…
🔎 Episode Two ⟶ everyone is a suspect… published…
↳ Lillian and Harvey reunite. Amelia keeps a secret. The students of Crestview meet Sheriff Greyson and Detective Nuñez and learn about the missing kids. Charlie and Lillian work on a murder board. Harvey is forced to spend time with Lorraine. A shocking secret is revealed…
🔎 Episode Three ⟶ late night in blue haven… in writing progress…
↳ The aftermath of Amelia and Campbell’s sex tape. Elias delivers some harsh news to Amelia, causing her to reflect on her actions. Lillian joins Marigold and Charlie at Elias’ party. Lillian suspects there’s something strange about her new house. Harvey suspects that Lorraine is up to no good.
🔎 Episode Four ⟶ curiosity killed the cat… coming soon…
🔎 Episode Five ⟶ bittersweet symphony… coming soon…
🔎 Episode Six ⟶ the eventful aftermath… coming soon…
🔎 Episode Seven ⟶ fast times at crestview prep… coming soon…
🔎 Episode Eight ⟶ the blue crew… coming soon…
🔎 Trailer ⟶ blue haven - season one…
more episodes coming soon...
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@ifalls14 @mellowladyangel @shippinggirl2424 @betzabobababi @taylarose @justyouraveragedorkygirl
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ricardojoji · 3 months
Discover Everyday Essentials and Wow-Worthy Products at Mellanum
In a world where convenience and quality are paramount, Mellanum emerges as a shining star in the realm of ecommerce. As a one-stop online store, Mellanum offers a carefully curated selection of products designed to simplify your life while adding that extra touch of excitement. Let's delve into the essence and explore its four captivating categories.
Home & Decor Transform your living spaces into havens of style and comfort with Mellanum's Home & Decor collection. Whether you're looking for sleek wall art to adorn your walls or cozy throw pillows to snuggle up with, each piece is thoughtfully selected to elevate your home. From modern minimalist designs to cozy rustic accents, Mellanum's Home & Decor collection has something to suit every taste and style.
Kitchen Tools Unleash your culinary creativity with Mellanum's Kitchen Tools selection. Whether you're a seasoned chef or an aspiring home cook, these kitchen essentials are designed to make meal preparation a breeze. From versatile cookware that ensures even cooking to innovative gadgets that save you time and effort, Mellanum offers everything you need to whip up delicious meals with ease.
Kids Toys Spark joy and ignite imagination in the little ones' lives with Mellanum's delightful Kids Toys collection. From educational games that encourage learning to cuddly companions that offer comfort, each toy is chosen with care to foster growth and play. Whether it's a birthday gift that brings smiles or a surprise "just because" present that creates lasting memories, Mellanum ensures that fun and wonder abound for children of all ages.
Wow Gadgets Embrace the future with Mellanum's Wow Gadgets, where innovation meets practicality. From cutting-edge tech accessories that enhance your devices to smart home devices that streamline your life, this collection is a playground for tech enthusiasts. Stay ahead of the curve and elevate your daily routine with these wow-worthy gadgets that seamlessly blend form and function.
At Mellanum, innovation isn't just a buzzword—it's a way of life. Each product is meticulously chosen to make the ordinary extraordinary, bringing ease, beauty, and joy to your everyday routine. With a commitment to quality and affordability, Mellanum aims to be your go-to destination for all things essential and exciting.
Experience the Mellanum difference today. Explore our curated collections and discover a world where every detail serves the purpose of making life and your surroundings effortlessly better. Join us on this journey of innovation and simplicity, and let Mellanum be your guide to a brighter, more convenient tomorrow.
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curatedglobaltravel · 4 months
Romance Reimagined: Discover the World's Most Enchanting Getaways for Two
Nothing says love quite like a romantic getaway. As Valentine’s Day approaches, I handpicked a selection of swoon-worthy destinations tailored just for two — along with some incredible hotel bathtubs for an extra splash of magic. Reach out soon; I’ll help plan the gift of a lifetime.
At The Mark, all of New York City is at your fingertips to whisk away you and your loved one. This hotel features 150 guest rooms and suites, including several terrace suites. Ask me about the 10,000-square-foot, five-bedroom Penthouse with private rooftop access.
A secluded beachside resort, Amanyara is situated on the northwest coast of Providenciales in the Turks and Caicos, and couples feel the relaxing ambiance from the moment of arrival. Thirty-six timber-shingled guest pavilions and 20 villas are tucked along the coast and tranquil ponds.
You and your partner will raise a glass to one another as you soak in magnificent views from this Four Seasons’ Napa retreat. Discover innovative cuisine at Michelin-starred Auro, holistic spa rituals at Spa Talisa and Four Seasons’ thoughtfully personalized, signature service.
Aspen, Colorado, is the crossroads of wild mountain and vibrant city — a haven for romantic gondola rides, incredible spa experiences and candlelit dinners. Experience The Little Nell’s award-winning wine list with a private tasting or dinner, and meet one of many sommeliers on staff.
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If you’ve ever dreamt of sipping a glass of champagne while taking a roomy bubble bath with your partner, I know just the place to give your Valentine’s getaway a splash. A beautiful bathroom view elevates the romantic experience even further, whether it’s a city skyline twinkling in the distance or the gentle crash of ocean waves. Some of my favorite trip-worthy tubs include those found at The Silo Hotel in Cape Town, South Africa; Qualia on Hamilton Island, Australia; Hotel de Crillon, a Rosewood Hotel, in Paris, France; Post Ranch Inn in Big Sur, California; and Coqui Coqui in Mérida, Mexico.
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STAY:Le Bristol Rosewood Crillon La Fantaisie George V Plaza Athenee Cour des Vosges Cheval Blanc Le Grand Mazarin JK Place Paris
SIP+ SAVOR:Chez L’Ami Louis Septime Chateaubriand Paul Bert Clamato Baratin Au Passage Chez Janou Allard
SHOP:Avenue des Champs-Élysées Avenue Montaigne Saint-Germain-des-Prés Galeries Lafayette Maison Labiche Buly 1803 Merci Haussmann Samaritaine Le Marais Neighborhood
SEE + DO:Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris Musée Rodin Musée du Louvre Pompidou Jardin des Tuileries Seine River yacht cruise La Cuisine Paris pastry-making experience Palace of Versailles (1-hour transfer)
MICHAEL SHANE STEPHENS Curated Global Travel An affiliate of Protravel [email protected] 310.691.7461 curatedglobaltravel.com
Copyright © 2024 Global Travel Collection 1633 Broadway, New York, NY 10019.
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dachshundcoatss · 4 months
Details On Dachshund Coats
Selecting the perfect winter dog coat is a task that demands thoughtful consideration, ensuring that the canine companion is ready for the colder months. This essential accessory not only provides insulation but also acts as a barrier against rain, snow, and plummeting temperatures. The target is to keep your furry friend warm, comfortable, and protected during winter's chill. Dog coats can be found in an array of styles and materials, each made to cater to different breeds and weather conditions. Navigating through these options takes a deep knowledge of your dog's specific requirements. Let's delve to the crucial aspects which should guide you whenever choosing the best winter coat for your four legged friend. First and foremost, how big the coat is paramount. A well fitted coat ensures maximum warmth and comfort for your dog. Accurate measurements of one's dog's length and girth are crucial to locating a coat that matches snugly without impeding movement. Proper sizing prevents heat loss and enables your dog to steadfastly keep up an energetic and happy winter lifestyle. Are you looking about dachshund coats? Look at the before described site.
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Consider the insulation properties of the coat. Look for options with thermal or fleece linings, while they excel in retaining warmth. This really is especially important in warding off biting winds and cold weather, providing your pet with a cozy haven even in the face of winter's harsh elements. Waterproof and windproof features must be at the top of your checklist. A coat equipped with these properties shields your puppy from rain and snow, ensuring they remain dry and comfortable. Focus on additional features such as a high collar or hood, offering extra protection for your dog's neck and ears, which are particularly vunerable to the cold. Durability is an essential factor in selecting a winter dog coat. Opt for good quality materials that will withstand various weather conditions. A durable coat not merely ensures longevity but additionally saves you from the hassle of frequent replacements, guaranteeing your dog remains well protected for seasons to come. Ease of use is often an overlooked yet essential aspect.
Choose a coat that is easy to hold and take off. Adjustable straps or Velcro closures simplify the dressing process, ensuring a stress free experience for both you and your puppy, especially on brisk winter mornings when time is of the essence. While functionality is paramount, don't disregard style. With various designs and colors available, you will find a winter coat that not only serves its purpose but in addition makes your puppy a fashionable winter trendsetter. Striking a balance between style and functionality ensures your furry friend stays warm while turning heads during winter walks. The right winter dog coat is a harmonious mixture of size, insulation, waterproofing, durability, ease of use, and style. By carefully considering these factors, you can provide your puppy with a coat that fits their specific needs, ensuring they stay warm, dry, and comfortable through the entire winter months. Investing in a top quality winter dog coat can be an investment in your dog's well being and happiness through the coldest season of the year.
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puppyjacket · 4 months
Detailed Analysis On Puppy Jacket
Selecting the right winter dog coat is really a task that demands thoughtful consideration, ensuring your canine companion is ready for the colder months. This essential accessory not just provides insulation but also acts as a barrier against rain, snow, and plummeting temperatures. The goal is to keep your furry friend warm, comfortable, and protected during winter's chill. Dog coats can be purchased in a myriad of styles and materials, each made to cater to different breeds and weather conditions. Navigating through these options needs a deep understanding of your dog's specific requirements. Let's delve to the crucial aspects which should guide you when choosing the ideal winter coat for the four legged friend. First and foremost, how big is the coat is paramount. A well fitted coat ensures maximum warmth and comfort for the dog. Accurate measurements of your dog's length and girth are important to finding a coat that fits snugly without impeding movement. Proper sizing prevents heat loss and enables your dog to keep up an energetic and happy winter lifestyle. Are you looking about puppy jacket? Browse the before mentioned website.
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Think about the insulation properties of the coat. Search for options with thermal or fleece linings, as they excel in retaining warmth. This is especially important in warding off biting winds and cold temperatures, providing your dog with a cozy haven even yet in the facial skin of winter's harsh elements. Waterproof and windproof features should really be high on your checklist. A coat equipped with one of these properties shields your puppy from rain and snow, ensuring they remain dry and comfortable. Look closely at additional features just like a high collar or hood, offering extra protection for your dog's neck and ears, which are particularly prone to the cold. Durability is a crucial element in selecting a winter dog coat. Choose for top quality materials that will withstand various weather conditions.
A durable coat not just ensures longevity but in addition saves you from the hassle of frequent replacements, guaranteeing your dog remains well protected for seasons to come. Simplicity is frequently an overlooked yet essential aspect. Choose a coat that is easy to hold and take off. Adjustable straps or Velcro closures simplify the dressing process, ensuring a stress free experience for both you and your puppy, especially on brisk winter mornings when time is of the essence. While functionality is paramount, don't disregard style. With an array of designs and colors available, you'll find a winter coat that not just serves its purpose but in addition makes your puppy a fashionable winter trendsetter. Striking a balance between style and functionality ensures your furry friend stays warm while turning heads during winter walks. The proper winter dog coat is really a harmonious blend of size, insulation, waterproofing, durability, ease of use, and style. By carefully considering these factors, you provides your dog with a coat that fits their specific needs, ensuring they stay warm, dry, and comfortable through the winter months. Investing in a superior quality winter dog coat can be an investment in your dog's well being and happiness throughout the coldest season of the year.
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doggraincoatss · 4 months
A Few Facts About Dog Rain Coats
Selecting the right winter dog coat is just a task that demands thoughtful consideration, ensuring that the canine companion is well prepared for the colder months. This essential accessory not merely provides insulation but also acts as a barrier against rain, snow, and plummeting temperatures. The target is to help keep your furry friend warm, comfortable, and protected during winter's chill. Dog coats can be purchased in an array of styles and materials, each made to appeal to different breeds and weather conditions. Navigating through these options takes a deep knowledge of your dog's specific requirements. Let's delve in to the crucial aspects that will guide you whenever choosing the ideal winter coat for your four legged friend. First and foremost, how big the coat is paramount. A well fitted coat ensures maximum warmth and comfort for your dog. Accurate measurements of one's dog's length and girth are crucial to locating a coat that fits snugly without impeding movement. Proper sizing prevents heat loss and enables your pet to keep up a dynamic and happy winter lifestyle. Are you looking about dog rain coats? Browse the before mentioned website.
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Think about the insulation properties of the coat. Look for options with thermal or fleece linings, because they excel in retaining warmth. This is especially important in warding off biting winds and cold weather, providing your pet with a cozy haven even in the face area of winter's harsh elements. Waterproof and windproof features must certanly be on top of your checklist. A coat equipped with one of these properties shields your pet from rain and snow, ensuring they remain dry and comfortable. Look closely at other functions such as for instance a high collar or hood, offering extra protection for the dog's neck and ears, which are particularly prone to the cold. Durability is an essential aspect in selecting a winter dog coat. Choose high quality materials that may withstand various weather conditions. A tough coat not only ensures longevity but additionally saves you from the hassle of frequent replacements, guaranteeing your dog remains well protected for seasons to come.
Simplicity is often an overlooked yet essential aspect. Select a coat that is easy to put up and take off. Adjustable straps or Velcro closures simplify the dressing process, ensuring a stress free experience for both you and your dog, especially on brisk winter mornings when time is of the essence. While functionality is paramount, don't disregard style. With a plethora of designs and colors available, you can find a winter coat that not only serves its purpose but additionally makes your puppy a fashionable winter trendsetter. Striking a balance between style and functionality ensures your furry friend stays warm while turning heads during winter walks. The right winter dog coat is a harmonious mixture of size, insulation, waterproofing, durability, simplicity, and style. By carefully considering these factors, you provides your dog with a coat that fits their specific needs, ensuring they stay warm, dry, and comfortable throughout the winter months. Investing in a superior quality winter dog coat is an investment in your dog's well being and happiness throughout the coldest season of the year.
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A Summary Of Miniature Dachshund Jackets
Selecting the right winter dog coat is really a task that demands thoughtful consideration, ensuring your canine companion is well prepared for the colder months. This essential accessory not only provides insulation but additionally acts as a barrier against rain, snow, and plummeting temperatures. The target is to help keep your furry friend warm, comfortable, and protected during winter's chill. Dog coats can be purchased in many styles and materials, each built to appeal to different breeds and weather conditions. Navigating through these options takes a deep comprehension of your dog's specific requirements. Let's delve in to the crucial aspects that should guide you when selecting the ideal winter coat for your four legged friend. First and foremost, the size of the coat is paramount. A well fitted coat ensures maximum warmth and comfort for the dog. Accurate measurements of your dog's length and girth are important to finding a coat that fits snugly without impeding movement. Proper sizing prevents heat loss and enables your puppy to keep up an active and happy winter lifestyle. Are you searching for miniature dachshund jackets? Look at the earlier mentioned site.
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Consider the insulation properties of the coat. Search for options with thermal or fleece linings, while they excel in retaining warmth. This is especially important in warding off biting winds and cold temperatures, providing your dog with a cozy haven even yet in the face area of winter's harsh elements. Waterproof and windproof features must be high on your checklist. A coat equipped with your properties shields your pet from rain and snow, ensuring they remain dry and comfortable. Look closely at other functions such as for instance a high collar or hood, offering extra protection for your dog's neck and ears, which are particularly prone to the cold. Durability is an essential element in selecting a winter dog coat. Choose for high quality materials that could withstand various weather conditions.
A tough coat not just ensures longevity but also saves you from the hassle of frequent replacements, guaranteeing your dog remains well protected for seasons to come. Simplicity of use is frequently an overlooked yet essential aspect. Choose a coat that is easy to hold and take off. Adjustable straps or Velcro closures simplify the dressing process, ensuring a stress free experience for both you and your dog, especially on brisk winter mornings when time is of the essence. While functionality is paramount, don't disregard style. With various designs and colors available, you can find a winter coat that not merely serves its purpose but additionally makes your puppy a fashionable winter trendsetter. Striking a balance between style and functionality ensures your furry friend stays warm while turning heads during winter walks. The right winter dog coat is just a harmonious mixture of size, insulation, waterproofing, durability, simplicity of use, and style. By carefully considering these factors, you can offer your puppy with a coat that meets their specific needs, ensuring they stay warm, dry, and comfortable throughout the winter months. Purchasing a high quality winter dog coat is an investment in your dog's wellbeing and happiness during the coldest season of the year.
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sabkamaoopaisa · 5 months
The Best Online Games Site
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In the vast expanse of the internet, where countless online gaming platforms compete for attention, finding the crème de la crème can be a daunting task. Today, we embark on a quest to discover the ultimate online gaming haven, and at the heart of our exploration lies the captivating world of Teen PattiMaster Game.
Unleashing the Thrills of Teen PattiMaster Game
Teen Patti Master Game emerges as a shining star in the online gaming constellation, offering a thrilling experience that has captured the hearts of gaming enthusiasts worldwide. Let's delve into what makes this platform a standout choice for those seeking unparalleled gaming excitement.
1. Immersive Gameplay
The hallmark of any exceptional online gaming site is its ability to deliver an immersive and engaging gameplay experience. Teen PattiMaster Game excels in this department, offering a seamless and user-friendly interface that beckons players into a world of captivating card games. The adrenaline-pumping action ensures that boredom is a distant memory.
2. Variety of Games
Teen PattiMaster Game goes beyond the confines of a single game, presenting a diverse array of gaming options to cater to every taste. From classic Teen Patti to innovative twists on card games, players are spoilt for choice. This versatility ensures that there's always something new and exciting to explore, keeping the gaming experience fresh and dynamic.
3. Cutting-Edge Technology
In the fast-evolving landscape of online gaming, staying ahead technologically is crucial. Teen PattiMaster Game rises to the challenge, leveraging cutting-edge technology to provide a seamless and glitch-free gaming environment. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a novice, the platform's user-friendly design and responsive features make for an enjoyable gaming experience.
4. Thriving Community
Gaming is not just about competition; it's also about camaraderie. Teen PattiMaster Game fosters a vibrant and inclusive gaming community where players from around the globe converge. Interact with fellow gamers, share strategies, and forge lasting friendships as you embark on your gaming journey. The sense of community adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the overall experience.
The Teen PattiMaster Game Difference
Now, let's circle back to the keyword that resonates throughout this gaming odyssey – Teen PattiMaster Game. Mentioned four times strategically, this keyword encapsulates the essence of our exploration. It's not just a game; it's a platform that redefines online gaming, setting new standards for excellence.
As we navigate the dynamic landscape of online gaming, Teen PattiMaster Game stands tall as a beacon of innovation, excitement, and community spirit. Whether you're a casual gamer seeking a brief escape or a dedicated enthusiast hungry for the next challenge, this platform caters to all.
In conclusion, the quest for the best online games site concludes with the resounding endorsement of Teen PattiMaster Game. With its immersive gameplay, diverse game offerings, cutting-edge technology, and thriving community, it not only meets but exceeds the expectations of discerning gamers. Brace yourself for an unparalleled gaming experience – the Teen PattiMaster Game way!
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oakleyhouston09 · 7 months
Oil Massage Parlor: The Insider's Guide
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When it involves relieving stress and recharging one's batteries, few places evaluate to the calming atmosphere of an oil therapeutic massage parlor. The mysterious, intricate, and helpful nature of an oil therapeutic massage goes nicely past the calming surroundings and educated therapists. 휴게텔 예약 of Oil Massage Revealed Oil massage is greater than a spa service; it is a centuries-old form of creative expression. Exploring the history and practices of this age-old therapy gives one a better understanding of the mysteries that lie contained in the oil massage parlor's four partitions. The Power of Aromatherapy Oils Each oil therapeutic massage depends on a novel mixture of essential oils. Discovering the therapeutic potential of these oils enriches therapeutic massage and supplies extra advantages exterior of the remedy room. The Art of the Therapist, or How Healing Is Done Oil massage parlors are only pretty a lot as good as their therapists. Learning the secrets of a seasoned therapist's touch may help you understand how they turn into sources of comfort and restoration. Ayurveda, the Science of Life Force Balance Ayurveda is an old Indian medical tradition that is included into many oil therapeutic massage parlors. A extra full picture of health may be seen when the Ayurvedic components of an oil therapeutic massage are understood. Aside from the obvious bodily advantages, oil massage additionally has significant psychological and emotional advantages. Exploring how the peacefulness of the oil massage store translates into psychological readability and emotional balance demonstrates the excellent character of this method. The Importance of Customization in Healthcare One of the keys to the success of an oil therapeutic massage parlor is the ability to customise treatments for every customer. Every therapeutic massage is a one-of-a-kind experience, and stepping into the nitty-gritty of the customizing element exposes simply how true that assertion is. Making a Calming Environment The ambiance of a therapeutic massage parlor makes an enormous difference in the high quality of an oil therapeutic massage. The key to understanding how these areas could also be transformed into havens of peace is to research the elements that contribute to their ambiance, similar to the usage of dim lighting and soothing music. Massage's Stress-Relieving Effects One of the most typical causes folks visit an oil massage parlor is to minimize back their stress levels. The therapeutic benefits of therapeutic massage could additionally be better understood by delving into the scientific particulars of how it lowers stress hormones and will increase rest. Putting Fallacies and Myths to Rest Oil therapeutic massage, like every other method, has its share of city legends. By dispelling prevalent myths about this treatment methodology, sufferers may go into their periods with realistic expectations. Where to Find a Good Oil Massage Not all oil massage establishments are made equal. By educating customers on what to search for in a therapeutic massage parlor, you possibly can help them make an informed selection and get essentially the most out of their visit. The advantages of studying the oil massage store's trade secrets go far beyond the superficial. Everything a few therapeutic massage is enjoyable and rejuvenating, from the essential oils used to the professional touch of the therapists. FAQs Is it true that oil therapeutic massage is good for everyone? Most individuals may profit from massage with oil. However, these with certain health points ought to check with their doctors earlier than scheduling a therapeutic massage. What is the recommended frequency for an oil massage? How often one receives an oil massage is a matter of personal choice. While common massages could also be beneficial for most people, different folks could only want them as quickly as a month. Does massaging sore muscle tissue with oil help? Oil massage has been shown to be helpful in lowering soreness and stress in muscular tissues. Tense muscles are eased by the combination of the therapist's contact and the kneading movements. Why are important oils so essential to an oil massage? Aromatherapy and taste inspiration have a job in the choice of essential oils. They may enhance leisure, decrease pressure, and contribute to an general feeling of well-being. Are there different sorts of oil massages available? The methods and areas of focus of oil massages do really differ. Massages such because the Swedish, deep tissue, and aromatherapy are all quite widespread.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 8 months
Harmony in Hues: 5 Mix and Match Paint Choices to Try
Your home is your sanctuary—it is more than just four walls. Paint is your magic wand when choosing the right tone for that priceless spot. It's the first blow of transformation, the mood director, and the storyteller of your room's essence.
The fact that this isn't meant to be frightening makes it fascinating. Actually, the reverse is true. Choosing and combining paint colors is like working with a blank canvas for an artist. Here's your chance to unleash your creativity and be an artistic wizard. Now is when the creativity and fun begin.
This post will walk you through five amazing paint choices that add elegance and harmony to your house. So, please take out your paintbrush and come along on this vibrant journey with us. It's time to turn your house into a creative piece embodying your unique style and individuality.
1. Earthy Greens and Soothing Blues
The first on our list are nature-inspired greens and relaxing blues. Imagine arriving somewhere that envelops you in a tranquil hug right away, drawing you even nearer to the serene presence of nature. That's the appeal of interior decorating with earthy greens and calming blues. It's a successful method that has endured throughout time.
The serene, striking blue hues are calming, pure, and like fresh air. They create a feeling of clarity and peace, as though you've found your haven. Think of those calming blue walls emanating a pleasant sense of tranquility.
Returning to those earthy greens, let's. They remind us of taking a stroll in a gorgeous forest and taking in the peace of the natural world. So, consider adding earthy green hues to your interior decor to give you the same scenery, grasses, and leaves.
But this is where the exact magic happens. Pair these color styles with furniture made from wood. Do you know what it would feel like? Just as if you brought the outdoors into your living space. Because of this, everywhere seems peaceful, natural, and calm.
Additionally, these are some of the most widely available colors for ready-mixed paint. Do your research before buying paints, though, to avoid becoming a victim of fraud!
2. Pastel Pinks and Cool Grays
This color palette is essential if you like to be in spaces that exude feminine charm. Think about calming pink walls with touches of cool gray. The decor goes together like clockwork!
Now let's talk about the furniture. They are quite important in this case. Think about luxurious items that go well with this soft shade. Consequently, the atmosphere is both stylish and peaceful.
To bring everything together, add silver or white components. They will pull the whole look together and add the final detail.
3. Bold Red and Soft Gray
This striking red and soft gray combination is perfect if you enjoy a little drama in your space. Red is a great accent color because it connects strength and passion. Apply light gray paint to the other walls to counterbalance the emphasis. Like the yin and yang of hues, it is.
Not only is this combination gorgeous, but it's also striking! However, consider adding some black and white accessories to step it up a notch. Their contrast with the striking monochrome background will make them pop. This combo would look fantastic with a contemporary living room, dining area, or home office. It is like having artwork in your living room.
4. Warm Yellows and Rich Browns
Discover the wonderful world of warm yellows and deep browns to give your house a welcoming atmosphere. Here's the trick: go with a calming, warm yellow that exudes coziness for most of your walls. Next, paint your accent wall a rich, dark brown to add extra character.
Think about it: it's like bringing the beautiful fall colors inside. Rich browns recall the earthy tones of fallen leaves, while yellows conjure the warmth of autumn light. Getting into your room is like slipping into a comfortable cocoon, regardless of the season.
Add wood furnishings and earthy décor pieces that complement this warm coloration palette to finish this comfy photo.
5. Ocean Blues and Sandy Beiges
The last on our list are ocean blues and sandy beiges. It’s a fantastic way to incorporate beachside decor into your home. To create this tranquil beach atmosphere, paint your walls a gentle, sandy beige. This color establishes the mood and makes you feel like you're on a peaceful beach.
As you experiment with these color mixes, bear the following tips:
·       Always test paint samples on a tiny portion of a wall to see how the colors look under your particular lighting. What is attractive in one setting might not look as good in another.
·       Think about the tone and function of the space. Certain color combinations work well in particular locations and can evoke different feelings.
·       Remember to choose the right paint finish before applying your paint. While gloss finishes provide luster and reflect light, matte finishes give a soft, muted appearance.
Your living spaces can become serene havens with the right paint choices. Whether you're going for a calm, colorful, delicate, cozy, or beachy vibe, a perfect color combination awaits you. So prepare your paintbrushes and transform your house into the desired atmosphere.
Make thoughtful paint color selections to create a harmonious and welcoming home. Paint color selections can significantly impact the ambiance and mood of your space.
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athena4455 · 9 months
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🌟 Ready for a Magical Family Getaway this Holiday Season? 🌟
Get your bags packed for an unforgettable Disneyland adventure for a family of four! Mark your calendars for December 22-29, 2023, and make yourselves at home at the Sonesta Anaheim Resort—a cozy 3-star haven featuring a room with two comfy double beds.
🎫 What's Included?
5-day Disneyland passes that give you access to one park per day 🎡
Convenient airport transfers 🛬
A shuttle van for easy rides to and from Disneyland 🚌
Essential travel protection for peace of mind 🛡️
🌠 Magical Extras:
Enjoy an additional sprinkle of magic with 10% discounts on dining and shopping across the Downtown Disney District 🍴🛍️
Kick-off your vacation with an exclusive collectible pin and lanyard from Walt Disney Travel Company 📌🎁
💲 Affordable Getaway: Begin your magical journey with a deposit as low as $93 per person!
📞 Don’t miss out on this enchanting holiday offer! Contact Athena's Go Travel at 678-558-8720 for all the spellbinding details!
⚠️ Hurry, prices and availability are subject to change. Book now! ⚠️
#FamilyVacation #Disneyland #HolidayGetaway #SonestaAnaheimResort #AthenasGoTravel #MagicalMemories 🌟🎢
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resin-driveway · 11 months
Discover the Ultimate Resin Patio Upgrade The 10-Seat Rattan Garden Furniture Dining Set!
🌴 Discover the Ultimate Resin Patio Upgrade The 10-Seat Rattan Garden Furniture Dining Set! 🌴
Are you ready to transform your outdoor living space into a haven of luxury and comfort? Look no further than the remarkable 10-Seat Rattan Garden Furniture Dining Set. This exquisite masterpiece is not just any ordinary patio ensemble; it's a premium-quality garden table and chair set that promises to elevate your outdoor experience to new heights. Whether you're hosting a family barbecue or enjoying an intimate alfresco dinner under the starlit sky, this dining set is the perfect addition to your resin patio.
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🍽️ Feast in Style with the Outdoor Table & Chairs 🍽️
Imagine gathering around a beautifully crafted dining table, surrounded by loved ones, savoring delicious meals and creating unforgettable memories. This luxury dining set boasts six chairs, each designed with meticulous attention to detail, along with four ottomans that add an extra touch of comfort and versatility. The outdoor dining table serves as the centerpiece of your patio oasis, providing ample space for everyone to dine in style. Its timeless design is not only practical but also exudes an air of sophistication that will impress your guests.
☀️ Enduring Durability for Year-Round Enjoyment ☀️
When it comes to outdoor furniture, durability is paramount. We understand the importance of investing in long-lasting pieces that withstand the test of time and the elements. That's why this dining set is constructed using flat weave rattan—a material known for its exceptional weatherproof and UV-resistant properties. Say goodbye to faded and worn-out furniture. With this rattan set, you can confidently enjoy your patio retreat without worrying about the damaging effects of the sun's rays. Plus, the thick padded cushions provide maximum comfort, ensuring you and your guests can relax and unwind for hours on end.
🏡 Space-Saving Solution: Compact Storage 🏡
We know that storage can sometimes be a challenge, especially during the off-season months. That's why this garden dining set has been thoughtfully designed with your convenience in mind. The footstools are ingeniously designed to fit snugly underneath the seats, which, in turn, tuck neatly under the table. This clever configuration allows for compact storage, saving you valuable space and ensuring that your outdoor furniture is protected and ready for use whenever you desire.
🌈 Find Your Perfect Match: Three Stunning Color Options 🌈
We understand that every outdoor space is unique, just like you. That's why we offer you a choice of three exquisite color options to suit your personal taste and complement your existing outdoor setup. Select from the timeless elegance of Black Rattan with Grey Cushions, the contemporary charm of Grey Rattan with Grey Cushions, or the warm sophistication of Brown Rattan with Cream Cushions. Whichever color combination you choose, your patio will radiate style and beauty, becoming the envy of the neighborhood. Additionally, we provide cover options to protect your furniture during those times when it's not in use, ensuring its longevity and preserving its pristine appearance.
🌟 Elevate Your Outdoor Experience with the 10-Seat Rattan Garden Furniture Dining Set 🌟
There's no denying that a well-designed outdoor space can enhance your quality of life, allowing you to make the most of the warm summer months. With the 10-Seat Rattan Garden Furniture Dining Set, you can create a haven where relaxation, entertainment, and cherished moments flourish. Indulge in the luxury of this premium dining set, bask in the beauty of its durable construction, revel in its space-saving design, and choose the color combination that speaks to your style. Don't miss out on this opportunity to transform your resin patio into a paradise that will be enjoyed for years to come. Order your 10-Seat Rattan Garden Furniture Dining Set today and let the magic begin!
For more information visit https://www.pinterest.co.uk/pin/864620828484706012/
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