#happy birthday sacchan
vocalsynthbdays · 9 months
happy birthday rana(vocaloid 3), natsuki karin(cevio ai and synthv studio), daisy(alter/ego), and recu(utau) !!!!!
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natsuki (cevio)
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recu (song)
rana is a japanese synth originally developed by We've Inc. in collaboration with Internet Co., and released on 9 sep 2014. her vp is Ai Kakuma, and illustrator is Shindo Kamichi. rana was originally only available through a japanese magazine called "Vocalo-P ni Naritai!" (which translates to "i want to be a vocalo-p" i think), due to this she was only available in japan. however when her v4 released on 1 dec 2015 she became accessible to users world wide. shes also available on the mobile vocaloid editor. rana was intended to be a beginner friendly vocaloid, as the vocalo-p ni naritai magazine was designed for begginers. rana is 0yo, and 150cm tall (153cm with shoes). her character birthday is the same as the vps birthday, sep 9
Natsuki Karin is a japanese synth developed by TOKYO6 ENTERTAINMENT in collaboration with AH-Software, and released on 13 apr 2022. her vp is Miyu Takagi, illustrator is Teshima Nari, and 3d modeler is tumidango. natsuki was released for both cevio and synthv on the same day. she is also available in pitagoe. her character birthday is sep 9. she is a third year student of the ficitonal Otaru Shiokaze High School, which would make her around 17-18yo, though she doesnt have a canon age. she is 164cm tall. her plush companion is called Ekaterina
daisy is an english and japanese synth released on 9 sep 2015, as was alter/ego itself. her vp is Crusher-P, and illustrator is Pixoshiru. daisy was the first vocal released for alter/ego. she was later retired by crusher, who holds daisys copyright. the original download link for daisy has been removed, and Bones replaced her as the default vocal for alter/ego. crusher has said to be uncomfortable with users still using daisy
RECU is a japanese synth released on 7 nov 2015 (or maybe 17th, his website says this but vocadb and utaudb say 7th). he is voiced and manged by yauta. recus illustrated by yauta, G.M.kimchee, and 夜千世 (help sor idk what it is in english), but i have no idea who drew which art
i was going to write more, specifically about daisy and recu, but i hit the discord text limit and i write all my captions in there, so ples look into them all on their wikis and sites if you have time !!!
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ranas companions Sacchan/Sakiko and Jasmine Kenkyuuin
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ranas companions Morio Shishou and Kouhei
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natsuki synthv
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daisy in chipspeech
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recu talk and tachie
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artsolarsash · 1 year
Happy Birthday Sacchan !! I wish you the best for today ~🎉💕🎉💕🎉
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thyele · 1 year
ぶいにゃす😺🎀🍓さん「おはにゃ〜🍓 本日はLEVINさんのお誕生日にゃんでLa'cryma Christi「未来航路」叩いてみたをアップにゃん🥁 お誕生日おめでとうございますにゃ🎉🎊 あの力強いドラムが素敵にゃ〜😽 #LEVIN #HappyBirthday 🍓11月26日(日)池袋BlackHole🍓 🍓ぶいにゃすイベント開催決定🍓 https://t.co/H2R89AMUYN」https://twitter.com/buinyasu/status/1664816673713446912
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「こちらさっちゃんもツアー初日前夜に出演させて頂きます! よろしくお願いします!」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1664915205254705152
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「普段あんまり見ないような映像 アコースティックスタイルのライブパフォーマンス映像を5日の20時から順次5本、公開します。 Focus of DEZERT始まります! DEZERTがDEZERTの曲の良さを 様々な素敵な音楽をもっと色んな人に届ける為に色々挑戦していくプロジェクトです。 たくさんの人に届きますように!」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1664888645785128960
umbrella.officialさん「【KANSAI ROCK SUMMIT'23出演に関するお知らせ】 vo.唯、gt.柊の2名が発熱により、 明日の出演内容を変更する事となりました。 14:15~OSAKA MUSEでのライブ出演をキャンセル、 16:15~Ai-華龍アウトストアは、 ba.春、dr.将の2名で出演させていただきます。 詳細は添付画像の内容をご確認ください。 https://t.co/AFRHVAtK5P」https://twitter.com/umbrella_DATA/status/1664859455337689090
L'Arc-en-Cielさん「/ 『DUNE (Remastered 2023)』 ken開封動画を YouTubeにて公開! \ ▶️ https://t.co/72HquoYZNz #DUNE2023 #開封動画 https://t.co/rUIb0xZMok」https://twitter.com/LArc_official/status/1664859657511346179
Yuh vistlipさん「近年間奏いるいらない論争あったけどギターヒーローに憧れていた俺は結局ソロが輝く場所だと思っているし、メンバーも間奏パートは入れてきてくれる。勿論楽曲として必要ないモノは無理矢理入れないし。その武器を持っているんだから使う事で誰かにカッコいいなとか刺さればいいなって。刺す!!がんばる」https://twitter.com/Yuh_Guitarist/status/1664814853272264705
hide officialさん「📣6月3日は #hide with Spread Beaver #KIYOSHI(@kiyoshi_freeman)さんの お誕生日㊗️ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ┬ ⚡️🎸Happy Birthday, KIYOSHI🎸⚡️ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ ┴ https://t.co/yGjaeZZVS9」https://twitter.com/hideofficial_20/status/1664806230693658629
KOHTAさん「おはようございます。 KOT48になりました。 アラフィフの星になりたいです。 (応援してほしい)」https://twitter.com/KOHTAofficial_/status/1664779759405125632
都 啓一さん「SOPHIA公式YouTubeで13日のエターナルイベントの一部を無料生配信します!お楽しみに! https://t.co/Xk0iGDv7sa」https://twitter.com/Rockparty71/status/1664667575262011392
JACK IN THE RADIO<公式>さん「本日深夜1時30分 #TOKYOFM「JACK IN THE RADIO」 L'Arc〜en〜Ciel(@LArc_official)から #Ken さん(@CHLionRagbaby)が登場❗ 💿『DUNE』リマスター盤から1曲だけ聴いてもらうなら❓ 逹瑯が選曲した楽曲にまつわるエピソード、なかなか聞けないプライベートの話題も‼️ @muccofficial #MUCC #JITR https://t.co/t0vynxioF6」https://twitter.com/jitradio/status/1664829259679174657
ぶいにゃす😺🎀🍓さん「おはにゃ〜🍓 本日はLEVINさんのお誕生日にゃんでLa'cryma Christi「未来航路」叩いてみたをアップにゃん🥁 お誕生日おめでとうございますにゃ🎉🎊 あの力強いドラムが素敵にゃ〜😽 #LEVIN #HappyBirthday 🍓11月26日(日)池袋BlackHole🍓 🍓ぶいにゃすイベント開催決定🍓 https://t.co/H2R89AMUYN」https://twitter.com/buinyasu/status/1664816673713446912
DEZERT Miyakoさん「二日目。男前な先輩にニヤニヤする図。 vistlipのメンバー全員と仲良くなれた気がするから東京が楽しみすぎる! https://t.co/J15di2mtmU」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_Miyako/status/1664811582591840257
土屋公平さん「☮️ 公平ソロ🔹🔹🔹 「僕はファンキー」 MV公開しました #blues #randb #rocknroll https://t.co/8BXOU3fliM」https://twitter.com/kohey_tsuchiya/status/1664788025413619712
猟牙【RAZOR】ワンマンツアー野郎さん「改めておはようございます。 作業の合間に進撃の巨人を読み直してるのですが、やはりとんでもなく面白い。もう、とんでもない。 色々と面白い漫画を知っている方、是非私に教えてくださいね。 読みます。 漫画は脳を刺激してくれます。 創作意欲も掻き立てられるのです。」https://twitter.com/Ryoga_britannia/status/1664765677226409984
NHK びじゅつ委員長さん「【6/4日朝の #日曜美術館 は…】 3月に亡くなった #坂本龍一 さんを追悼しアンコール放送をお送りします。 2012〜2013年に坂本さんが総合アドバイザーを務めた展覧会「アートと音楽」。 坂本さんがアートと音楽の境界について語りました。 Eテレ 6月4日(日) 朝9:00 https://t.co/5zhfJ3sXIj https://t.co/DRlRsAus7G」https://twitter.com/nhk_bijutsu/status/1664572569545056258
猟牙【RAZOR】ワンマンツアー野郎さん「各地の川や土砂が大変な事になってる。 自然災害は本当に恐ろしいです。 祈る事しか出来ませんが、皆様が無事でいられますように。」https://twitter.com/Ryoga_britannia/status/1664712735047794688
BEAT SHUFFLEさん「≪6/16 BEAT SHUFFLEゲスト速報②≫ 6/17にシングル「僕等の脊髄とブリキの夜に」リリース&ツアースタート!! 【#DEZERT(#Sacchan #SORA)】が8時台にスタジオ出演! #bs795 #NACK5 https://t.co/p7yqGbsBre https://t.co/I3t6FmygTg」https://twitter.com/beat_shuffle/status/1664588283366748163
kazuyaさん「自分が作ったメロディーが 色々なボーカリストを通って KEKEに受け継がれ 自分達がいない場で 歌われる曲を聞く 不思議ではありますが 作家としては贅沢なものです。 しかも素晴らしい。 是非聞いてください。 #マイフォ」https://twitter.com/kazuya2418/status/1664653512746172417
塩谷朋之❦Tomoyuki EN'YAさん「これはやばい、、 https://t.co/eMs0kJMM72」https://twitter.com/tEnya_soliloquy/status/1664656844264964097
ジェニーハイさん「【6月 FMマンスリーパーソナリティ】 ”ジェニーハイ プロデュース SUPER EDITION” https://t.co/cndtjGzwRw TOKYO FMはじめ全国JFN系29局ネットでオンエア中 全5回をジェニーハイのメンバーでお送りします。 是非お聴きください♪ メッセージもお待ちしております」https://twitter.com/genie_high/status/1664620549342130177
塩谷朋之❦Tomoyuki EN'YAさん「持ってる人〜?🙋‍♂️ https://t.co/aDPH1kk7ln」https://twitter.com/tEnya_soliloquy/status/1664618104436195329
響 / Hibiki【摩天楼オペラ】さん「Like~an~Angelの思い出📸 tetsuyaさんと撮っていただきました☺️ #LikeanAngel #LArcenCiel https://t.co/xILwHDg3F4」https://twitter.com/HibikiShiraishi/status/1664603266066550787
Kyoji Yamamoto(山本恭司)さん「皆さん、故新美俊宏に対してのたくさんのお悔やみのお言葉、そして励ましのお言葉をありがとうございました🙏 肉体は失ったとしても、きっとこの様子を空の上から目を細めて見ていてくれていると思います。 https://t.co/Ck6tiMivs7」https://twitter.com/KyojiTWJ/status/1664578242110693376
直人 ダウトさん「梅雨さんと台風さんへ 短めかつ被害は最小限でヨロ🫥誰もコロすな https://t.co/VPM6yccyGD」https://twitter.com/naoto_d_out/status/1664675411400458240
瑠伊 vistlipさん「でざとりっぷ2日目大阪。 名古屋ではバタバタで撮れなかったけど今日はSORAくんと撮れた。 ザ・レントゲンズ。 何度も来てくれた千秋くん、そしてアンコールでEVE弾いてくれたsacchanありがと。東京ではMiyakoくんとも沢山絡んでもらう。 悪天候の中来てくれた皆ありがと。 道中気をつけてね。 https://t.co/oNDb8GTXEm」https://twitter.com/ruiofficial_t/status/1664640415205564417
vistlip 海さん「二日目。かわいい後輩の本番直前に邪魔する図。 https://t.co/eLxuRrMWFw」https://twitter.com/umitwt/status/1664652441743421440
ν[NEU]さん「【明日より一般発売!】 明日・6月3日(土)10:00より、7月1日(土)新宿BLAZE公演のチケット一般発売開始! https://t.co/qomXWZm4uL ※Sチケット、Aチケットは完売のため、Bチケットのみの販売となります」https://twitter.com/neu_official/status/1664596496183074817
BEAT SHUFFLEさん「〈6/9 19:25~〉 6/6にアルバム『カナリア最終楽章:CODA』をリリース! PENICILLINのG.千聖がソロプロジェクト 【#Crack6(#MSTR)】としてスタジオ出演! 質問はこちら→https://t.co/JymlfIjK0g 締切は6/9 19:45です。 #bs795 #NACK5 https://t.co/p7yqGbsBre https://t.co/uLkVrm5T3y」https://twitter.com/beat_shuffle/status/1664595452334063618
DEZERT_OFFICIALさん「– 𝙁𝙤𝙘𝙪𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝘿𝙀𝙕𝙀𝙍𝙏 – #1 Acoustic live Performance 06.05 20:00より、 DEZERT Official YouTube Channelにて5曲続けて公開。 #DEZERT #FocusofDEZERT #フォーカスオブデザート https://t.co/gm9Mnn5iL4」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_OFFICIAL/status/1664610313231278080
DEZERT_OFFICIALさん「DEZERT × vistlip 2MAN TOUR “でざとりっぷ!” 2023.06.02 ESAKA MUSE Thanks for coming! ▼06.01 SETLIST(@SpotifyJP ) https://t.co/ocIrvYqUjG ▼06.02 SETLIST(@SpotifyJP ) https://t.co/Gym8bgrzSJ #でざとりっぷ #DEZERT #vistlip https://t.co/7qnj1AlV85」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_OFFICIAL/status/1664620521588420608
DEZERT SORA(4444)さん「大阪! #でざとりっぷ @ruiofficial_t https://t.co/fNY1ewf6Nv」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_SORA/status/1664621531966865415
DEZERT 千秋 / Chiaki Ichinoseさん「名古屋大阪でした。 仲良くなれた気がしてます。 東京もよろしくお願い申し上げます。 https://t.co/51CGylE3Oe」https://twitter.com/ichino_chiaki/status/1664634401614069761
enon kawataniさん「新バンドPUNK3でございます。 https://t.co/TedjrSyyov」https://twitter.com/indigolaEnd/status/1664650746984542208
猟牙【RAZOR】ワンマンツアー野郎さん「ビートシャッフルに出演します。 ラジオです。 めちゃくちゃクールにかっこよく喋るので俺らの美声に酔い散らかしてください。 よろしくお願いします。」https://twitter.com/Ryoga_britannia/status/1664589306730790914
D'ERLANGER_OFFICIALさん「台風と梅雨前線の影響で全国的に本日〜明日にかけ局地的に豪雨予報が出ております。 豪雨が続く地域・災害が多い地域の皆様はくれぐれもお気をつけください。 西日本は梅雨入りし、 近く東日本も梅雨入りとなり雨の多い季節になります。 最近は各地地震も多いですので、 皆様安全にお過ごしください。」https://twitter.com/KainAbelinc/status/1664570179265925120
DEZERT_OFFICIALさん「【MEDIA】 FM NACK5「BEAT SHUFFLE」 公開生放送にSacchan、SORAゲスト出演決定! ▼放送日時 6/16(金)19:10~20:30 ※出演時間 20:00~20:25 ※大宮スタジオアルシェから公開生放送 詳細はこちら https://t.co/4CIOubSLtw」https://twitter.com/DEZERT_OFFICIAL/status/1664587678699126784
猟牙【RAZOR】ワンマンツアー野郎さん「テレビ番組のエンディングテーマにしては放送しちゃマズそうな言葉が多少詰め込まれてるかもしれませんがそこはスルーしてもらって大丈夫です。 寛大なメディアに乾杯。」https://twitter.com/Ryoga_britannia/status/1664575262619758593
猟牙【RAZOR】ワンマンツアー野郎さん「本日からテレビ番組バズリズムのエンディングにRAZORが登場します。 元気いっぱいです。 よろしくお願い申し上げます。」https://twitter.com/Ryoga_britannia/status/1664571077446742017
ROCK_AND_READさん「【『ROCK AND READ 107』特典決定!】 6月14日(水)発売の『ROCK AND READ 107』をタワーレコードでご購入の方には、京&ミヤ(Petit Brabancon)の特製ポストカードが特典としてつきます。 ※在庫がなくなり次第終了 ※お問い合わせは各店舗までお願いします https://t.co/W0FPy1ZlcB https://t.co/2Udwq8LuEz」https://twitter.com/rock_and_read/status/1664557501566832640
hitokiさん「拡散お願い致します! 明日、チケット発売日です。宜しくお願い致しますー🙇‍♀️」https://twitter.com/hitokill/status/1664560383485710336
Deshabillz2023 8月19日(土)心斎橋SHOVELさん「押忍!シビィさんがこちらをさり気なくクールに作り上げました!お待たせしました! 拡散して頂くと幸いす 確実に死ぬなドメの動物達 押忍!笑 押忍!近日サポートベーシスト発表致します! https://t.co/4K9toaYkRa #DomesticChild #熱波と灼熱で殺す気か #8月19日心斎橋SHOVEL https://t.co/Qy9vUr699J」https://twitter.com/Deshabillz2022/status/1664935016126902273
SABLE HILLSさん「Happy 1st Anniversary🎉 本日は2nd Album「DUALITY」 リリース一年記念日! SHの大きな前進となった本作品は、ワンマンでついに全収録曲がライブ披露されます。 #SABLEHILLS #DUALITY https://t.co/rB9pyqIzzs」https://twitter.com/sablehillsjp/status/1664884412599640065
藤原ナオヒロ / NO-GATEさん「NO-GATEのアルバム『TOKYO AS FOREST』 https://t.co/N0v9XZeyH9」https://twitter.com/naohiro_fuji/status/1665128279211413505
1000 山田千太郎さん「【SARRMATH】僕らの願い【MV】Our Wish - A Heart-warming Mv By Sarrmath https://t.co/G49QdF0nWJ https://t.co/d69vc8wKhf」https://twitter.com/tokami1000/status/1665018347442806789
JROCK'N'ROLLさん「Would you be interested in an interview with the most amazing ever Starwave Records band ZEKE DEUX?? If you want that JROCKNROLL will interview ZEKE DEUX. Please vote "yes" to try to make this interview happen! @ZekeD_Official @xkakerux0712 @gt_haruka916 @TunBass @xxxEISAKUxxx」https://twitter.com/JROCKNROLL_/status/1664547686941433857
MRF2023さん「■配信:視聴チケット ¥2,000 購入URL:https://t.co/Rqwcc9Blmc ■アーカイブ アーカイブ視聴:6月13日(火)23:59まで アーカイブ購入:6月13日(火)21:00まで https://t.co/Je2eYge8DT」https://twitter.com/Billiondesign/status/1664910846202646530
ドクテロ・イチロウ【公式】🕷️さん「【告知】2023.6/8㈭20:00~新潟studio. 『ドクテロ・イチロウのオタッキーマニアック座談会③~シン・仮面ライダー座談会~』 出演:ドクテロ・イチロウ、帆苅智之(音楽ライター) 映画「シン・仮面ライダー」終映!という事で熱く語るトークライブ開催決定! 観覧無料、トークへの参加も大歓迎です! https://t.co/Bxz1l0CpI4」https://twitter.com/dokutero/status/1663537763411697665
ドクテロ・イチロウ【公式】🕷️さん「ウニゴキ2023.02.11浦和ナルシスLIVEダイジェストをアップしました。 ロングバージョンダイジェスト(約10分)はYouTubeで→https://t.co/XCwSQRsKBJ @YouTubeより https://t.co/uI5PARPh4x」https://twitter.com/dokutero/status/1627280594395885568
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sherryaptx4869 · 5 years
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Happy birthday to the remarkably tenacious ninja, Sarutobi Ayame 🎉
"The most courageous thing to do...
Is to let another person love you."
*cough* Hattori Zenzo *cough*
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tacendaidi · 3 years
Happy birthday to one of our favorite Gintama girl
Sarutobi Ayame 🥳💥
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lukyhawk · 7 years
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Happy belated Birthday Sa-chan
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Happy Birthday Kagura!
Kagura squinting her eyes at Sadist's suspicious gestures
K: You're acting weirder than usual, super sadist.
S: W-What are you saying, China? Hides a small box behind his back Your delusions are getting out of hand.
K: Picks the fallen card For China gir- Oi! I'm not done reading yet! And that's definitely a gift for me, yes?!
S: Tch. Stop your nonsense assumptions. It's not a gift.
K: If it's for me then I have to have it! Gimme that! Is there sukonbu? A couple of eggs? Not that I want them but it's only right for the birthday girl to receive her gift, yes!
S: I told ya it's not a gift for you! This is...a proposal.
K: Stiffens What in Chihuahua's name are you spitting, huh?!
S: A proposal- He opens the box, revealing a bomb and two tickets A proposal to assassinate Hijibaka together in space.
Kagura gets a little teary eyed and sniffles while looking at the contents of the box.
K: I don't exactly need it but sniffles I guess I have no choice but to accept it, yes?
S: Hijibaka needs a good bombing in space, anyways. Heh, bet he can't do anything when the explosion throws him away while we're laughing our asses off at him. Serves him right. I can take his position then.
K: But the tickets are wasted because Mayora already gave me his gift: A full course trip to space with the Odd Jobs and Papi. There's even a box of tabasco bottles and an extra ticket that he said for someone willing to consume those spicy foods but I can just eat them all. Stupid Mayora. Oh, maybe Soyo-chan and Nobutas could come! Anego, Sacchan, and Tsukki, too!
S: Huh?
K: Hm?
S: ............
K: What?
Poor Hijikata, hiding in the pillar. It was useless because Sougo already sensed him earlier and now, Hijibaka needs to find an escape.
S: A bazooka magically appears and points it to the bastard Go die, Hijikata-san, you rotten Vice Chief!
T: W-W-Wait a damn minute! Aren't I supposed to be the one angry at y-
K: Bon voyage, Toshi! See you in space! Wait for us to kill you, okay?
The end.
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mfk-archived · 4 years
My dear Nana, I feel so lucky to have met you and be with you. You’ve been my biggest cheerleader as I’ve worked to become an idol, and I’m so glad to have you by my side. I know Satsuki feels the same, we’re both so grateful to have you in our lives. And, we both really love you as well. Not only that, but we’re overjoyed to wish you a happy birthday! (1/2)
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Thank you so, so much!! I'm over the moon to be able to spend my day with the two people who make me smile endlessly 💕
I love you both sooooooooo much!!! 💗💗💗
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yujee · 4 years
Gintoki In Wonderland
Chapter 5/5
Everyone was panicking and was all around the place, trying to put out the fire and while escaping the deadly footsteps of the Jabberwocky. Gintoki, who was dragged by the witch and was now riding on his invisible broom, looked down on the chaos the witch and that small peddler did. He was even surprised when looking at the Jabberwocky closely, it looks like Kondo.
“Now, Snow White, no, your name is Gintoki, I was informed by the white rabbit, there is something you must do, right?” The witch then patted Gintoki on the back.
“Zura.” Gintoki replied. Though he was expecting a retort, he just smiled and jumped off from the broom and landed on the back of the Jabberwocky. “By the way, I’m forgetting something, again right?” Gintoki muttered. “How am I supposed to defeat this Gorilla, if I do not have my bokutooooo.” He shouted as he tried to cling onto the Jabberwocky’s back. The monster kept on reaching him but to no avail.
“You! Mayo guy and sadist!” he called out the siblings who were still putting out fire from the curtains. “Do you have any weapons?”
“Who are you calling mayo?! My name’s Hansel! All my mayonnaise was thrown away!” retorted Hansel. “Oi, Gretel, where is your candy cane?”
“Huh? I have it with—” Gretel turned around to look for his cane and he found it, crushed and eaten by the female dwarf.
“You glutton dwarf!” Gretel attacked with a punch the female dwarf, but it was avoided. The two then started fighting.
Seeing all of them, even in another world, Gintoki felt like he was still in his world. They were still a bunch of idiots. And he liked it. Just as he was getting a weapon from one of the swords that were pierced on the gorilla’s back, he was captured by the gorilla and he was about to be eaten alive. But he suddenly felt something inside his pocket. It was the purple apple. He threw the apple onto the gorilla’s mouth and the gorilla started to choke. Gintoki was set free from the grasp of the Gorilla, however, he fell straight onto the Gorilla’s mouth.
Gintoki went pale. “Seriously?”
Inside the Gorilla’s body, all he can see was darkness.
“…in-chan! Gin-chan!”
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He was hearing some voices. He woke up with a start and found himself back in his house, in his world. Just as he was adjusting from the weird dream that he had, before him were Kagura and Shinpachi, grinning at him.
“Happy Birthday Gin-chan!!!!”
“Happy Birthday to you Gin-san!!!”
The two suddenly popped some party poppers, and in an instant, everyone barged into the door.
“Aho no Sakata! Where are the drinks at?!”
“Free drinks. Yatta!” Madao and Catherine happily drink the sake Otose brought over.
“Don’t just finish the drinks by yourselves!” Otose smacked Catherine head. “Just this month, I’ll waive off your rent. But be sure to pay up next month.” She told Gintoki and puffed smoke towards the ceiling.  
“Gintoki-sama, Happy t—”
“Hey Tama, do not mention his age. Even the Gorilla mangaka did not specify his age. Everyone will be upset to hear his age, aru.”
“Kagura-chan, no need to mention it, right? We already know what he’s like. It’s no surprise at all.”
“That’s right Shin-chan. Here, Gin-san, your present. My new recipe, egg pancake.”
“Otae-san!! I want to eat that—!” Kondo tried snatching the gift but was punched by Otae.
“Kyu-chan, and Tsukuyo-san, you two have something to give Gin-san, right?”
“Ah yes, well, this one is from my grandfather.” Kyubei handed Gintoki a box and inside it was a sandpaper.
“That old man still hasn’t forgotten about that episode?!” Gintoki gritted his teeth, in irritation.
“Gintoki, Happy Birthday. Don’t be mistaken. This is not o-only from me. This is from all of us in Yoshiwara.” Tsukuyo stammered and threw at Gintoki the VIP card present.
“It’s your birthday huh Yorozuya? Well, it’s not like I wanted to drop by, but Kondo-san insisted that we do. Here.” Hijikata, squeezed some mayonnaise on the cake before Gintoki. “Desserts are better with mayonnaise.”
“Hell no! Who would want to eat that shit?!” Gintoki threw the cake at Hijikata, but Hijikata used Yamazaki as a shield.
“Danna, I’m sorry about Hijikata-san. Here, try throwing another cake.” Sougo tied Hijikata to a log and positioned him in front of Gintoki.
“Ohhhh. Thank You Soji-kun.” Gintoki grabbed another cake and aimed the cake at Hijikata’s face.
“It’s Sougo.”
“Oi! Sougo! Untie me Sougo! You sadist combo!!”
“Ahahaha. Kintoki! Happy Birthday!!! Here’s your gift—Blurgh!” Sakamoto puked as soon as he barged in through the veranda and sent Hijikata flying outside.
“Gin-sannnn!!! Happy Birthday!!!” Another usual entrance, Sacchan, came down from the ceiling. She was about to hug Gin-san but since she lost her glasses, she hugged Sadaharu instead. And of course, Sadaharu chomped her head playfully, like the usual.
Everyone seemed to be in high spirits. A drunk Tsukuyo and Catherine beat up Madao; Sacchan’s still can’t get away from Sadaharu that Otae and Kyubei must pull her out forcefully; Sougo and Kagura fight over the last slice of cake, while Kondo stops a disheveled Hijikata from attacking Sougo; Yamazaki and Shinpachi quietly eat the remaining sausages at one corner; Sakamoto and Gintoki continued drinking, that Otose got angry at them for finishing the alcohol by themselves and Tama, being a robot maid, cleans up their barf; wiping off the floors and their filthy mouths using the same mop, much to the duo’s annoyance.
Meanwhile, Mutsu, ignores all the chaos around her, and nonchalantly gave Gintoki a big box. “We really had a tough time looking for this.”
Gintoki was about to open the box when the chaos behind him subdued. Curious, he turned around and saw everyone was staring at the door. He squeezed through the crowd to get to the door. Standing before him, the cause of the everyone’s astonishment, was the Gorilla mangaka.
The mangaka handed Gintoki a card. Confused as to why the Gorilla gave out a card instead of a letter through its nose, Gintoki reluctantly, accepted the card.
He flipped the card onto the other side.
“Sorry, I’m not that mangaka. The real Sorachi sensei is busy with the upcoming film next year. I’m just a double who wanted to congratulate you, Gintoki-san on your birthday. And to remind everyone, that the next day, October 11, is the birthday of your seiyuu, Sugita Tomokazu-san.”
Everyone’s faces went blank, and one by one, they started going home, including the ‘fake’ gorilla, who felt like he just stepped into some landmine, leaving the Yorozuya trio and their house in mayhem.
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P.S. Sorry, I think should post some omake for this story. _| ̄|○
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IkeSen AU 01: [The Day When Sweets Turned Bitter]
I decided to give that headcanon a fanfic. LOL.
So, let’s say, in this AU/fanfic their ages go as:
Kennyo- 24
Motonari- 23
Shingen- 23
Yoshimoto- 19
Nobunaga- 18
Hideyoshi- 18
Mitsuhide- 18
Kenshin- 18
Yukimura- 17
Sasuke- 17
Ieyasu- 16
Mitsunari- 16
MC – 16
Ranmaru -15
[The Day When Sweets Turned Bitter]
(5 years ago…)
“Happy 11th Birthday, Mai-chan!”
Mai blew the candles on her strawberry short cake. Since her 8th birthday, she would celebrate her birthday at the Takeda residence. The sons of the family, Shingen and Yukimura, insisted the she and Sasuke celebrate their birthdays at their residence the year after the became friends. Mai’s the sister they never had, and Sasuke’s the buddy that replaced Shingen, when he entered middle school. And, Yukimura said he is disgusted with the female attention that his brother and his friend Kennyo are getting. Sasuke willingly obliged as the old house is filled with historical trinkets.
“Happy Birthday, Mai-chan.”, Sasuke greeted and handed a large box. “Thank you, Sacchan! May I open it?”, she asked. Sasuke nodded in response. She slowly unwrapped the box revealing a telescope. “We can set this up when we get back home.”, Sasuke explained, smiling.
“Hmmmph, you just want a telescope for yourself.”, Yukimura retorted. Then, handing his gift to her. “Here. I know you like things like that.” Mai opened the smaller box wrapped diligently in Japanese paper. “It’s pretty, Yuki-chan! Thank you.” She smiled at him, holding a Kanzashi. “I’ll wear this next time we all go to the matsuri!”
“You better use that! Don’t lose it, too!” He exclaimed, slightly blushing while his right hand awkwardly covering his mouth. “Ah~ my cute brother is blushing.”, a familiar voice teased. Mai’s eyes widened. She immediately left her seat and ran towards the voice. “Shin-nii!”
“Happy birthday, princess! I brought some dango from our shop and, of course, my gift.” Shingen handed a red paper bag to Mai. “Happy Birthday, Mai-chan.”, another voice greeted. “Ken-nii! You’re here, too! Thank you for being here. For sure, you’re all busy with your exams.”
“Anything for our princess.” Shingen patted her head. “Yuki, here. I bought sweet buns from the main branch.” Shingen placed a tall box wrapped in furushiki with the Takeda logo, walking towards the table. “You went all the way to Yamanashi, Shingen-san?”, Sasuke asked. “Of course, the princess needs dango for good luck.”, winking at Mai. “Hmmmph, you just asked father’s secretary to bring you some.”, Yuki responded, untying the furoshiki wrapping the box of sweet buns. “And, that’s why you’ll never get girls.”, his older brother teased again. “Shut up!”, Yukimura furiously blushing in response.
Little did everyone know it was the last laugher that will ever reverberate in the walls of the residence.
 (Several months later)
Mai opened the red box that Shingen gave on her birthday and took a needle and black thread. Her hands shook, trying to insert the fine black thread into the needle. Sasuke took the needle and thread from her hands and tried his best to do it instead, before the thick lenses covering his eyes. Mai giggled softly, “It’s okay, Sacchan, I’ll do it. This is for Yuki-chan and Shin-nii, after all.” She tried to put the needle and thread together, while the black fabric and embroidered Takeda crest patch resting on her lap.
Mai began to stitch in silence, as Sasuke sat nearby. Hours passed, and a soft knock broke her thoughts.
“Mai, are you done?”
Yukimura entered the tatami room. He sat on the floor with his friends, gathering the two coats on Mai’s lap. “Thank you.”, He muttered under his breath and left in silence.
Shingen sat in silence during the Otsuya. He greeted each guest with a level of politeness for every mention of “Goshuushou-sama desu.”
“Yukimura.” Shingen spoke to his brother in a crisp, low voice. “Look up. We don’t have any reason to be ashamed.”
“I hate the smell of sweet buns, aniki.” Yukimura replied, looking up, slowly following his brother’s orders.
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Sachie had been caught up with the brick of the building for a while now. She honestly had not noticed how long she had been mesmerized. Schrodinger also appeared to be watching,  whatever it was, she had been watching as well. She and her quirk seemed to be on the same page for once, eyes following along the same invisible lines until there was a loud crash. Sachie jolted as Schrodinger let out a hiss whilst leaping into her arms. She paused for a moment on edge as she looked down where the sound had come from. Not hearing anymore noise she let out a sigh as she looked at the cat in her arms. She looked at a particularly nasty scratch before sighing. “That hurts you know...”
Schrodinger looked up at her from their place in her arms and rolled tucking themselves into the crook. “No no... None of this acting cute stuff... Wait...” Sachie looked up at the sky trying to gauge the time, “Shoot... I’m late. I was supposed to help Corbin today...” She turned to leave the alley but before she could she heard a noise again. This one did not sound like a random crash. She paused before looking back over. She flinched as she saw them.
“There you are.” Sachie let out a sigh as the older man spoke. Her father’s remaining cohorts just would not let her be. “You have no idea how annoying it is to keep tracking you down.” Sachie pushed Schrodinger up and the cat lazily made their way into the hood of her jacket. The cat seemingly understanding the situation and preparing for it. Sachie let her eyes flick over to the alleyway entrance. I could probably make it if I ran.... Sachie then looked back again as the man had seemingly closed the distance fairly quickly. Or... not... who was this again... Sachie frowned, abandoning the plan to run in order to step towards the man herself. “It’s been awhile hasn’t Sacchan...” The man raised a hand in her direction, “You’ve always been such a good girl” She squirmed as she felt his thumb graze her cheek below her eye.
She reacted immediately raising her arm in order and knocking her forearm against his to knock his hand off her, “What do you want?” Her intonation was perhaps more harsh than intended as she looked back up at him. The man appeared to be displeased until his expression twisted into mirth. Wrong move.... The man was at least keeping his distance now. She wanted to scrub at her cheek but she resisted the urge. She had a feeling it would not play out well. She slid her hands into her pockets. 
“Do I need to want something Sacchan?” The man’s voice held a mocking tone.
“So... suspicious.” The man slid his hands back into his pockets, seeming to mirror her actions. “Can’t I just want to meet up with my former Boss’s daughter? A former fellow member and valuable asset to the team.” 
Sachie noted the action pulling her arms out of her pockets and crossing hers in front of her chest. Before noting him doing the same. It was weird. “... No.” She went to uncross her arms but they seemed to be locked in place. She would have blinked but she found herself unable to. She tried to speak but found that her lips were locked in place. The dull throb of pain as every inch of her seemed to pause before loosening slightly. She felt like she could breathe again letting out a small puff of air unable to do too much.
The man in front of her smirked, “Sorry I didn’t mean to disable that…”  The man walked towards her with unblinking eyes. He set a hand lightly on her shoulder, “Do you not remember me? We were the best of friends after all.” His finger slid over the fabric of her coat, “Your father always wanted to challenge you. Make sure you didn’t cry.” She felt more than saw her gaze trapped forward as his pointer finger traced down her back to a spot near her spine pressing on a memory she’d want to keep forgetting. “I really wish I could have finished this artwork… but you passed out and Boss made me stop. I wasn’t supposed to stop until you stopped crying. The Boss was too soft on you really” Sachie felt sick as the man leaned in, I wanted to forget that. I just want to forget everything. She felt him lean in his breath beneath her ear as if going to speak again, closing in before coming to a halt as she heard a loud hiss. “FUCK~! Damn freaking cat.”
Sachie felt as her limbs loosen and she took the opportunity to fall forward bringing her foot up to connect with the man’s jaw. She heard the satisfying clack of teeth hitting teeth before she rolled forward. Schrodinger bounding along next to her. She glanced around before darting further down into the alley not wanting to approach. She heard his pained grumbling and tried to dart around the corner to break eye contact, he didn’t blink. That’s one part. She kept running as she heard him begin to pursue her. He copied her, part two. She looked around the alley, seeing if there was a way to make her movement too difficult to follow. She slid to a stop as she ran into a dead end. She grabbed the top of the fence scrambling to pull herself up. She heard the footsteps approach before she was pulled back by her hood. Her fingers burned scraping against the wood before she fell backwards. She let out a gasp of breath as her back hit concrete. She did not get a chance to catch her breath as a finely made dress shoe came down on her sternum. She coughed as she grabbed at his leg trying to pull his foot off with her hands. 
“Now now… Maybe you’ll get to breath if we can have a conversation like adults.” He pressed his foot down harder on her chest as she gasped in pain. She tried to kick out at him renewing her efforts to remove his foot. “Stop clawing at my pants, you’re making a mess you brat.” Sachie struggled a bit more before she tried to stop her panic. She tensed up trying not to squirm, her hands clenching and unclenching, her legs not fully relaxed. Her chest felt like it was burning, she couldn’t breathe. “Ready to talk?” He gave her saccharine sweet smile as she weakly nodded. The man slowly lifted his foot from her chest crouching down by her as she coughed. Sachie stilled as soon as she felt she could breathe again. Her chest hurt, he had really stomped down on her hard. She winced as she tried to steady her breathing. “Now now was that so hard. I was being so gentle with you too.” His hand moved to caress her cheek again, she resisted making a move.  She let her eyes peer over at him noticing the blood dripping down his face from where Schrodinger had scratched him. 
“Sachie… I need you to work for me.” He smirked, “I have some goods I need delivered to some certain individuals.” He leaned down bringing his hand to press down on her chest where he had brought his foot down. Sachie winced as she bit her lip in order to not let out a sound. The man began to stand drawing the hand away before she felt him place something in her hand forcing her to hold it. “Do try to make it on time for our appointment, you won’t like what happens if you miss it.” She heard the man begin to walk away before stopping, “Oh… By the way… Happy Birthday, Sacchan. I hope you have a lovely day.” The man let out an amused chuckle before continuing on his way. 
Sachie looked at the slip of paper in her hand before clenching her fist and curling up on herself. Happy Birthday? She wondered if that really was supposed to make her mad. She closed her eyes as she felt Schrodinger curl up beside her. Hopefully her dreams would be quieter.
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cielospeaks · 6 years
i cant believe i rang in my 23rd birthday watching conan but eyyyyy what can ya do
anyways i also finally got that rare strawberry coffee at staba today (prolly bc i got here at 8:30am lmao) is this birthday luck
im simultaneously ready and not ready to watch amadeus but mostly hyped as all heck aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
sacchans birthday line is really good ;w; tbh everyone has nice birthday lines, im so happy ;w; bls be happy sacchan ilu and you being a shinigami cant stop that <3
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cielospeaks · 6 years
Less than 6 hrs until I get to hear sacchans birthday line I’ve been spoiled for it and I know it’s sad but I wanna see how he says it And sorry sacchan but I can’t not follow you around tomorrow of all days, you mean a whole lot to me and I’m so happy to be with you that I won’t stop until you have the peace of mind and happiness you deserve
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