#happy birthday gojo satoru 2020
songsofadelaide · 6 months
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Joined in a dream
cw/tw: no curses AU set in the 2020s, birthday fic, female reader, established relationship, fluff, slice of life, another marriage proposal, popular teacher!gojo x private kind of gf— gojo decides to gift himself... a wife. wc: 685
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Satoru proposed to you in the quietest way possible— in the confines and comforts of your shared bedroom, away from people's peering eyes. It caught you off-guard, too, the way he presented you with the ring in a velvet box that seemed to have been opened and closed a lot. He must have rehearsed the whole thing so many times that the box was already worn out.
For someone so ostentatious, you'd expect him to propose in front of a crowd, or your friends, at least… But he did this in a way so intimate that you couldn't help but question his motives— and if you truly knew him at all.
Satoru was an unforgivably loud person. He was a teacher, after all. Your friends called him Mr. Congeniality. He was always the talk of the town and always the life of the party— He was expected to be everywhere even though he was busy with his job but his social battery was always fully charged.
On his 30th birthday, he decides to gift himself one of the most important things he could ever want and he could ever ask for.
When you were both tucked in bed and ready to turn in for the night, he fished out the box from his bedside drawer and held it out to you.
"I could have easily asked our friends for help with this," he chuckled in an attempt to mask the nervousness in his voice. "They could have helped me plan something grand, but I know that grandiosity really isn't your thing."
"I know it's always a riot with me. We're never not surrounded by our friends and it gets pretty tiring at times," he said, finally lowering the ring box but raising his glassy blue gaze to hold your own. "But would you please do me the honour of being my hiding spot, my safe space, like always?"
Satoru took your hands in his, warmly and tenderly. Though always surrounded by people, he was never really an open book. There was still some reticence in his usual smile, and it gave you so much pleasure that it was only you he would open up to so willingly.
His lips curled up to a crooked smile. "Spare me from the loneliness of not having you by my side every morning. Spare me from the solitude of having dinner alone when we can share in each other's days while enjoying our meal. Release me from this uncertainty that one day, you'll just get up and leave because you can't handle all the commotion I bring…"
He ran his thumbs over your freezing knuckles, attempting to warm them up with his touch. "Marry me, won't you?"
And when you smiled right back at him, he knew just what you were about to say.
"We could have a party with our friends or a party for two. It doesn't matter to me at all. In the chaos or in the quiet, I will always choose to be with you, Satoru. I know that you'll always find ways to find the fun in our simple, mundane life together," you finally answered him, squeezing his hands right back. "So sure… Of course I'll marry you."
"You know I did this so I could savour the way your eyes lit up when you saw the ring," he said with another small laugh as he eventually slid the ring on your ring finger so you could finally marvel at it. "There are just some things I don't want others to see. That includes this, I guess…"
"You proposed at the most perfect time, too," you told him, scooting over to his side of the bed so he could embrace you. "You and I share a pillow, after all. There's no way we won't be joined in a dream tonight."
"The sweetest dream, guaranteed," Satoru stated with another laugh as he welcomed you into his arms. He was certain now that he was your hiding spot— a corner of the world just for the two of you— just as you were his.
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Author's notes: Happy birthday, Toru! 🥺🩵🍰 This is my second intimate proposal fic and I have so many feels about this one because I'm also not a grandiose kinda girl lol. 😆 I'm looking forward to reading a lot of Gojo fics later today (tomorrow), too! Hope you enjoy this simple one as well. 🩵
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December 7 2020.
note: hah ya thought I wouldn't write a birthday fic for this man guess again! I have been brainstorming for ideas and I hope it came out well. Once again happy birthday to the man we all love and simp for 💙
warning: slight manga spoilers just a little
p.s: he's born in 1989 so he's actually 31 this year but shhh let's not talk about that
official art from Mappa studios 🙂
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December 7 2020 22:34
That's the date displayed on his phone as he checks the current time. "Oh, it's my birthday today" he recalls, it's been years since he stopped caring. To him, today was just like any other day- no different. He had more missions than he usually did, if that was any different and the fact that he's riding a taxi home instead of Ijichi who usually drives him home. The man said he had important matters to tend to and Gojou just wanted to go home already. Feeling the exhaustion in every part of his body. Behind his blind fold he watches the scenery passes by as the lights of Tokyo illuminate the city. When did his birthday become just like any other day?
February 25 1997
"Satoru sama!"
A seven year old Gojou Satoru turns his head towards the direction of the voice. A young girl waves her arms wildly, mentioning the boy to come towards her. Gojou simply stares at her, choosing to ignore her- as he walks through his family's garden. He chose to ignore the girl as he was told not to directly interact with any of the servants of the estate. The girl was the daughter of one of the servants of the Gojou estate.
The girl frowns as she stares at his disappearing figure but still did not to give up. She was going to get his attention of way or another. Whenever Gojou was on break from studying or from training, the servant girl would always come to bother him. She talked an awful a lot while Satoru remains silent ignoring her. No matter how many times she was ignored she would still go to him adamant on getting his attention.
Until one day Satoru, had enough of her persistence. "What do you want?" He spoke coldly to her as he stopped in his steps, the girl behind him stopped in surprise too at his sudden voice. Not thinking she would ever get his attention, she struggles to answer. " I-I umm.." the girl stammers looking down towards the ground of the garden. "I want to be friends with you!" She shouts before covering her mouth with her hand afraid that someone else might have heard her. Satoru stares at the girl dumbfounded by her words. "Friends" was something he never had having forbidden to go to public schools instead to home study. His life was mostly indoors within the Gojou estate. He remains silent contemplating his response but before he could answer, an older servant appears. " There you are! You know you're not supposed to bother Satoru sama. Please forgive me my lord." As the older servant pulls the younger girl by the arm going towards the other direction. "Bye Satoru!" She laughs and waves towards him. Gojou feels a slight smile "what a dumb girl."
In the following months, the young servant girl appears before Satoru whenever he was free. The girl would talk for countless hours while Satoru silently listened to her before leaving when Satoru had to go back to his training.
December 7 1997
Today was the day of Satoru's birth. His family and the elders of the Gojou clan would gather to celebrate his birthday but each year it was always the same. He recieved ravish gifts he did not care for and was praised for his ability. It felt like they were celebrating the birth of a user of the Limited Cursed Technique and the beholder of the Six Eyes but not Satoru himself. He felt empty inside while his family rejoiced. He pulled away from the festivities and went towards the garden, silently hoping to meet a certain servant girl. As if she had heard his thoughts she comes running towards his direction. "Satoru, Satoru!" Panting as she reaches him holding something in her hand. "Happy birthday Satoru!" She shoves a beautiful red rose into his hands. He remained stunned but felt the warmth from her genuine words, he smiled towards her "thank you.."
"How dare you servant girl!" As an older lady of the Gojou clan emerges interrupting their moment. The older lady calls for the other servants to take the girl away, the yound girl shouts "Happy birthday!" while being pulled away. Satoru could only gaze at her holding his present while she disappears. He realized he never actually knew her name.
That was the last time he ever saw that girl.
December 7 2005
"Happy birthday Satoru." Geto says to him with a smile while Shoko stands behind him repeating the exact same words "Happy birthday." Gojou looks at them bewildered, "how did you know it was my birthday?" "Well that's a secret" Geto replies as he shares a knowing smile with Shoko. "What tell me!" Gojou pouts begging his friend where he found about such crucial information about him.
"Anyways, let's go eat! Oh and Satoru you're paying."
"It's my birthday why do I have to pay?!" He exclaims as he trails behind a smiling Geto and a giggling Shoko. He felt the warmth, he never thought he'd never feel again until that too came to an end.
"Sir, you've arrived at your destination."
Gojou snaps out of his trance as he realizes the taxi has stopped in front of his apartment. He quickly pays the taxi driver, thanking him before getting off. He rides the elevator in silence as he reaches the door to his home. He grasps the handle and opens the door.
As party poppers and streamers go off as he opens his front door. There you were holding a giant cake with candles while the first years surround him. Standing behind you, was the second years, Shoko, Ijichi, Principal Yaga and even Nanami all crowed in his living room.
"Happy birthday Gojou sensei!" Itadori shouts almost tackling his teacher. He could hear a chorus of "happy birthdays" from all around the room. Gojou stands in shock at the sight he's seeing before Nobara practically shoves a bouquet of flowers into his hands. "These are for you!"
"Hurry up and blow the candles sensei, oh and make a wish too!" Itadori exclaims, breaking him from his daze-unable to comprehend the sight before him.
"Happy birthday Satoru" You smile at him while holding a cake out to him. Oh, he feels the warmth he thought he had lost forever. Seeing the people surrounding him. His body feels warm and complete, as a wide smile graces his face. Maybe this time?
"Thank you.."
He lowers his head and takes a moment before blowing away the flames in a single huff. He hears cheers from the students, while the adults stand around him with varying expressions.
"Finally, let's eat!" Panda exclaims while everyone gathers into the living room. The coffee table and dining table filled with an abundance of various food. Gojou hears chatter and laughter all around him.
"Hey sensei, what did you wish for?"
"That's a secret, Yuji kun!"
He wished for this warmth to never disappear.
"You know, you guys technically broke into my home."
"It was (L/N) sensei's idea!"
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moonbieee · 4 years
Happy birthday to this man💕🎉
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sixeyesgojo · 3 years
New Year's surprise
Summary: You spend New Year's Eve with your favorite people. Something catches you by surprise...?
Pairing/Characters: Team Gojo + You
Word count: 2,3k
Content warning: -
A/N: crossposted on AO3 // published on New Year’s Eve + written for Megumi’s birthday // I tried to make it funny back then but now that I am reading it again... crrrrriiiiiiiiiiinge. I also used honorifics here to show the banter and relationship between the characters.
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ou have been looking forward to this stress-relieving day for a month now. It was a well-deserved break for all this work you've been doing lately.
Last week particularly wore you out from using your cursed technique, the ability to manifest and manipulate light, repeatedly as the curses kept getting nastier and more annoying. Being one of the handful of Jujutsu Sorcerers was a pain sometimes. Just like Nanami, you hated working overtime but it was bound to happen as the branch you were working in was not exactly what the youth of today wanted to do - let alone even know of - understaffed as ever.
Not that you minded being on missions but sometimes you feared that your co-teacher, the most praised and famed Gojo Satoru, wouldn't properly teach the kids in your absence. You weren't even a teacher to begin with but some time after graduation, your teacher Yaga Masamichi - now principal of Jujutsu High in Tokyo - had asked you the favor of supporting that idiot Satoru... just in case. It's not like you could decline anyway, nobody else was up for the job, so you accepted. As time passed, you truly grew to love this job, especially this year's first-years had you enamored with them.
So it happened that your dear friend and ex-classmate suggested a Christmas party, which also served as Megumi's surprise birthday party, at your house. Coincidentally, this friend happened to have white hair and regularly wore a blindfold to work. Coincidentally, he was deemed the strongest. Coincidentally, his name was Gojo Satoru. “Do I not get a say in this, Satoru?” you had asked, your back facing him. His blunt answer was a simple “nope.”, which earned him a whack to his right shoulder. “I've already told the first-years about the time, date and location,” the man grinned sheepishly. And he knew you wouldn't be able to decline if it was about your beloved three students. You had no choice.
“Well, Satoru, since it's come to this,” you leaned in close to whisper in his ear, “why don't we use this opportunity to throw a surprise birthday party for you-know-who?”
The white-haired sorcerer grinned, “Sounds like you've been planning this all along, if you ask me.”
You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly. “Nobara; but give me one or two days - I'm still quite busy,” you said. He gave you a thumbs up before replying, “Then I'll handle Yuuji. Give me a second.”
He clapped once. Then, the man was gone from your sight. Like a poof.
Being able to communicate without words was one of your favorite things about Satoru's and your friendship.
And so, a little over a month passed ever since you and Satoru made that agreement. It was easy for Satoru to convince Yuuji but you had known from the beginning that it took a little more coaxing for Nobara. In the end, you also successfully managed to lure her in. Even though you had to postpone it, it ended up being a New Year’s Eve party instead.
Damn these higher-ups, giving you a 4-day mission a day before Christmas Eve. You have looked forward to this party too, it saddened you greatly to have it postponed. Fortunately, your students and Satoru decided to wish you a merry Christmas via video call. It was truly a delight on such dark days. Besides juggling your two jobs, you've also been preparing for the party diligently. After all, you didn't want it to be a flop.
It wasn't exactly easy to convince the higher-ups to let you and Satoru take a day off from missions and frankly, you didn't convince them at all; you both just ditched them, probably pushing them onto Nanami or whoever was on hand (sorry?). As for lessons, Satoru managed to persuade principal Yaga that you and him were planning an “important extracurricular class”. You weren't sure if Yaga had actually bought the excuse or just let it slide. It did not matter anyway, who would dare to stand in the mighty Gojo Satoru's way? Moreover, you rivaled this man in both stubbornness and authority. Nobody stood a chance when the two of you planned to see a plan through.
You've been cooking (and baking) since morning while Satoru was dancing around your house to decorate it. After all, he was no help in the kitchen and his long limbs made it easy to reach high places, so he was forced to placed in charge of decorating by you.
“Satoru, when are the kids coming again? What time?” you called out from the kitchen. A head popped up by the door, “8PM, so two hours from now,” it chirped. “Megumi will come half an hour later, as planned,” he added. “Good. That's plenty of time.”
It was not plenty of time. You should have known. Something was bound to go wrong. Especially with the way this idiot was skipping through your home with his lanky, long limbs. Of course, he'd knock over some things, including a big filled vase in the living room. There was screaming (from you) and roaring laughter from the culprit; chaos ensued as you chased the tall man around your house with a broom. “GOJO SATORU, WE DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR THIS,” you yelled. “What happened to ‘plenty of time’?” he laughed, simultaneously running for his life.
“You dumbass, I would have been done with cooking a while ago if you didn't knock my shit over so I had to help clean this mess!” you shrieked and stopped running. Satoru looked back - he knew the look on your face: you were done chasing him around. Gulp. You took a step back with your right leg. “I ain't a pokemon trainer but I'll make sure to at least catch you, Gojo-sensei,” you said, just loud enough for him to hear, as a string of concentrated light appeared in your hands. The man on the run knew you weren't able to hurt him thanks to his Infinity but he knew damn well, you could at least restrict him.
Like a lasso, you threw rope in his direction. A clap. More claps. He was teleporting away from you. Yeah, things like this frequently happened with the two of you. “Multiply,” you murmured and your rope did as you commanded. It took the form of a spiderweb... or a fishnet.
“Stop running, so it will be easier for me to catch you, Toru-chan~”, you called.
“Ain't no way,” he said as he ran and turned his head to stick out his tongue. You clicked your tongue. Inhaling deeply, you positioned your leg even farther back. This kind of felt like the Olympic Games or something.
Using the force, you threw out the glowing net. In reality, you knew it was just a second but the moment seemed to stretch in your eyes. “Would it be a good catch today?” You almost heard the fishermen say at the riverbank.
The moment your net connected. The sound of a plop on the ground. Yes, it was indeed a good-looking catch, you mused. Not that your net actually touched him, thanks to his ability, but at least it caged him like a cocoon for the time being, only leaving out the head.
“You look so smug,” Satoru commented, pulling a face. The cocoon vibrated against him, compressing made difficult due to Infinity. “Of course, I just caught a big shiny Magikarp,” you retorted. “Wait, are you calling me useless-”
Ding dong. The sound of the doorbell had your eyes almost popping out of their sockets. A sigh left your lips and you stuck the light to a wall as you trudged your way to the entrance door to let in Yuuji and Nobara. At least you could expect some real and less chaotic help now.
The first thing that greeted them after putting down their presents in the living room was the sight of their white-haired teacher dangling from the ceiling by a mysterious, seemingly sticky and shiny rope thing. “Sorry to ask, sensei, but… did we interrupt something here? Or would it be better not to ask?” Nobara asked, Yuuji was agape. “Yeah, we were-” Satoru started but you quickly shushed him.
You shook your head, “No, but Gojo-sensei couldn’t refrain from pranks, so here we are.”
“Oooookay,” Yuuji said, still flabbergasted.
“So guys, we aren’t quite done yet. Me and Gojo-sensei require a little help… especially in the kitchen,” you said as-a-matter-of-factly.
“Sure, I’ll help in the kitchen then,” Nobara volunteered. The pink-haired boy raised his hand, a sign that he also wanted to help: “I can set the table.”
“Perfect! Nobara and Yuuji, come with me. We have 30 minutes until Megumi will be here. As for you, Satoru, you better clean the mess you made,” you commanded as you shot the cocooned man, who was smiling innocently, a sharp glare. With that, you and your two baby ducklings left the living room.
You showed Yuuji the cupboard where he would find everything he needed, from cups to plates, bowls and whatnot. Nobara helped clean the dishes while you finished up what you were doing before. A few finishing touches were left. Christmas music started playing in your house as you heard someone pace in your living room. Satoru was probably hanging up the remaining Christmas lights in your spacious living room. After all, it was clear as a day that the man would be able to free himself after a few minutes.
You and Nobara made it just in time: 28 minutes. Your pink-haired student, Yuuji, did a surprisingly excellent job, setting the table as beautifully as you had imagined. The dishes were laid out on the table, just waiting to be eaten.
The eagerly awaited guest arrived no sooner than expected, unlike a certain someone, even bearing presents as it seemed. “Christmas is over, why did you decide to play Christmas music?” Megumi remarked, not sounding like he was over the moon.
“Woah, Megumi, you look as grumpy as always!” his male teacher noticed.
“Lighten up a little, will ya?” Nobara added, while the adorable Yuuji gawked at the bag of gifts Megumi had brought with him. “Oh, stop it, you two. Megumi is just not that good at outwardly expressing his emotions,” you defended… and the student didn’t know whether that was an insult or not.
“You brought presents? So cool!” Yuuji was delighted, still looking at the bag and not even paying attention to whatever was happening, until Nobara tugged on his arm to lead him to the dinner table.
Dinner was a little chaotic; everyone was excited, some things were spilled, a lot of words were exchanged, a little banter happened, gales of laughter echoed through your four walls. It was joy. Chaotic joy.
Finally, it was time for the presents. After everyone received their presents, a malicious grin appeared on Satoru’s face from what was to come. Yuuji’s face also had a tinge of mischief to its expression. Yours and Nobara’s face were straight up devilish, the eyes in particular. All of you were looking at him.
An uneasy feeling rose in the dark-haired boy’s stomach. “Run as fast as you can,” it told him and his foot twitched a little, which was not missed by Satoru at all.
“Oh no, you’re not going anywhere!” Nobara exclaimed, then ordered Yuuji to restrict Megumi (which he did) as you put one of Satoru’s blindfolds on your poor, baffled student. Satoru forcefully stuffed Megumi’s mouth with one - then two - mochis to prevent him from making any noisy ruckus. All he heard was feet shuffling through the room. After what felt like an eternity of nervosity to him, the blindfold was finally lifted and Yuuji loosened his grip on his friend.
Unitedly, the four of you, who had planned this surprise for him, wore party hats and chanted, “HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY TO YOU, FUSHIGURO/MEGUMI.”, holding more presents for him into his face. “Ooh, he is embarrassed!! Look at him, look at him~” Satoru teased and Megumi looked away, a blush spreading on his face. “Am not,” he attempted to retort before being ushered to open the gifts by Yuuji. One by one, they were unwrapped, revealing a nonfiction book from Yuuji, a comfortable hoodie from Nobara, a pair of brand new headphones from you and–…
“Gojo-sensei, I do not mean to impose but…”, you breathed out. “...is that a maid costume?”, Megumi finished what you wanted to ask. “Hell yes, I thought our Megumi would look so nice in it!” Satoru had that shit-eating grin on his face.
“Sensei, can you hold him so I can give this perv a good beating?” Nobara asked as she turned to you. “Sure,” you replied with an innocent-looking smile. You heard someone cracking their knuckles. “I’ll help you,” Megumi said. So the sound came from Megumi. “Wait, wait, guys!” your same-aged friend fretted, head whipping in Yuuji’s direction, silently asking for some help. The latter rubbed his head, debating whether he wanted to be a part of this mess or not. He ultimately ended up trying to help his teacher but couldn’t tear away the glowing restraint you put upon your co-teacher.
However, before anyone could land a hit or be saved, a menacing roar could be heard. It was followed by multiple phones ringing and someone banging on your door. “Please, Y/N-san, it’s very urgent! A grade 1 curse is in the city… with a few of its friends!” It was Ijichi. For a moment, everything stood still and you looked at everyone. Satoru spoke up loud enough for Ijichi to hear, “We’ll head out.” He nullified your light technique.
You looked at the man and nodded, heading out with him.
“Wait, sensei, we are coming too,” Megumi said, his face determined as he, Nobara and Yuuji followed the two of you outside. “Fine by me, but don’t die on me,” you said.
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sugarbooger513 · 4 years
Sugarbooger’s Masterlist <3
Started: 12/06/2020
Works: 24
Titles in bold include smut. 
Please remember that my account is 18 plus. While I do have fluff and such, I know how you teenagers act. My work will be up once you turn eighteen, I promise. <3 
My collabs
Kneel for me (gods AU)
Kinktober 2021
Not Fandom related
About my account
My Original Works
Eyes in the Darkness- Ch.1
My Hero Academia 
General Rants
His tail
My OC descriptions
Multi chapter
Moving On (Aizawa x Oc)- One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six
Angel’s Rising (Aizawa X OC) More than likely done with this one- One, two, three, four, five
Character x Reader
Picture Perfect 
Present Mic
Song Bird
Dragon Age
My OCs descriptions 
River Lavellan 
Characters X OC
Dirty Little Secret
Character X Reader
Fenris x reader
The Arcana
Character x Reader
Julian x reader
Character x OC
Julian x OC
A New Era- Ch 1,
Dungeon and Dragons
My OCs 
Thamior’s Beginning 
Upon A Star
Stardew Valley 
Random Fic- Ch. 1
Attack On Titan
Erwin Smith
Commander’s Muse- Ch. 1
Satoru Gojo
The Quiet Game (GojoxFem!reader)
Nanami Kento
Holding On(Nanami x OC)- Ch 1
Puppy (Nanami x reader)
Happy birthday (Nanami x fem!reader) - for @kentosovertime
Choso Kamo
Sweet as Candy (Choso x fem!reader)
Mine (stepbrother!Choso x fem!reader)
Multiple Characters
JJK characters x chubbyfemreader
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Updated 24/6/2021
∞ Oneshots/Scenarios
Trying to wake him but only to be cuddled
Gojo & S/O take Megumi as their son
S/O not used to compliments 
Taking pictures of his  S/O
S/O Insecure of their relationship
Sees his eyes for the first time
S/O who’s having an anxiety attack
S/O wiping Gojo’s kiss
Gojo wiping S/O’s kiss
Comforting a sad S/O after a mission
S/O wears Gojo’s shirt
S/O makes Gojo eat spicy food
S/O who helps Gojo (MANGA SPOILERS)
Comforting a sad S/O
Comforting a sad S/O 2
Ex to Lovers
Reader most romantic confession
Gojo’s Birthday Fic 2020
Comforting stressed S/O
Geto kidnapping Wife!Reader
Dog!Gojo Satoru x Reader
Comforting childhood bestfriend 
Husband material
Flower giving
If only I had somewhere to sit
Mommy kissing Santa Claus
Comforting Gojo
Gojo having a nightmare
Cheering up his S/O
Gojo making reader laugh in a meeting
Clingy in the morning 
In the shower
One of These Nights
From Behind
Gojo caught crying
A Taste?
Early Mornings
Gojo & the twins wanting another baby I
Gojo & the twins wanting another baby II
A Promise
Reader getting her period and Gojo notices
Lazy & Affectionate
Telling him you’re pregnant
The Gojo twins visiting Jujutsu HIgh
∞ Headcanons
Engagement Headcanons
Chubby S/O
Gojo turned into a child
F!Short & Strong S/O
Newborn curse reader
Curious childlike reader
S/O who is good at hand to hand combat
Cuddling Headcanons
Pregnancy Headcanons
Reader afraid of rejection
Tall & Strong Cursed Spirit
Suicidal Reader 
Long haired reader
Big sister reader
Affectionate S/O
Celebrate reader’s birthday
Toxic lover
What does Gojo Satoru smell like?
Working out 
Type of girl Gojo would fall for
Pregnant reader wants to decorate for Christmas
Gojo wanting a baby
Gojo trying to make stotic!reader smile 
Gojo Twins #1 
M!Strong & Short S/O
S/O memory loss
Popular F!Reader
S/O turns into a child
Shy S/O
S/O protects Gojo
Clumsy S/O
Day off with Gojo
Shopping with Gojo
Valentine’s Day
Insecure skinny S/O
Gojo x Idol!Reader
Agrument with his S/O
∞Skipps Imagines
My Everything
A Moment
Afternoon Naps
I’ll be here
∞Random Gojou Satoru Headcanons Series
1   2   3
∞  SFW Alphabet
SFW Satoru Gojo Edition
∞ Prompt Event
Fluff # 12 “Could you say that again?” “Were you listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice”
Fluff prompt #26 “You’re really warm.”
Fluff Prompt # 1 “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
Fluff Prompt # 44 “You’re an idiot.” “But I am your idiot.”
Fluff Prompt #19 “ You know, I think my (mother/father/parents) would be proud if I brought (you/him/her/them) home.”
Fluff Prompt #18 “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes” #27 “Are you blushing?”
Fluff Prompt #4 “Kiss me.” & #13 “ I didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
Fluff Prompt #7 “You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.”
Fluff Prompt #10 “Stop moving and let me braid your hair!”
Fluff Prompt #39 “You’re safe now, I’m here.”
Fluff Prompt #9 “You took all the pillows so I’m using you as one.” #26 “You’re really warm.”
Fluff Prompt #31 “I’m never gonna to leave you. I promise” #44 “You’re an idiot. But I am your idiot.”
Fluff Prompt #4 “Kiss me” and General Prompt #17 “Are you jealous?”
Fluff Prompt #30 “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
Fluff Prompt #16 “Can you just please hold me ?”
Fluff Prompt #7 “ You’re an idiot.” “But you love me.” General #17 “Are you jealous?”
General prompt #46&#48 “Are they really just a "friend”? “I won’t hurt you”
General Prompt #2 “It’s pouring rain, why are you here?” #50 “I didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
General Prompt 17 “Are you jealous?”
General Prompt #17 “Are you jealous?” & #25 “She doesn’t belong with him!” “Than who does she belong with?” “with me…”
Angst prompt # 28 “Move out of my way before I make you”
Angst Prompt #12 “Maybe they were right, you never did change.” & #14 “ Don’t you dare walk away from this!”
Angst Prompt #21 “It’s (her,him,they), isn’t it?” & #36 “They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.”
Angst Prompt #6 “You’re lying to me again. Why can’t you just tell me the truth for once?"
Angst Prompt #47 “ You deserve so much better.” #48 “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.” 
Angst Prompt “If you love me please let me go, please…”
∞ Winter Prompt Event
Winter Prompt #1 “What do you mean we’re out of hot chocolate?”
Winter Prompt #2 (Cuddling by the fireplace)
Winter Prompt #13 “Your hands are freezing!”
Winter Prompt #14 “ Aren’t you cold like that?”
Winter Prompt #17 (watching movies under a pile of blankets)
Winter Prompt #18 (snowball fight)
Winter Prompt #22 (kissing in the snow)
Winter Prompt #32 “There’s no way I’m letting you spend Christmas alone.”
Winter Prompt #37 (stuck in a snow storm)
Winter Prompt #38 “ You’re under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss.”
Winter Prompt #43 “What do you mean Santa’s not real?”
Winter Prompt #50 “Those were for Santa!”
Winter Prompt #54 (Winter power outage) Gojo Satoru Edition
Winter Prompt #56 “Shhhh, don’t tell her/him!”
Winter Prompt #60 “I feel like there’s more frosting on you than on the gingerbread.”
Winter Prompt #10 “Where did all this mistletoe come from?” #61 “What are you doing with that mistletoe-oh.” #64 “I guess… this is when we kiss?”
Winter Prompt #65 “No, we’re not getting a puppy for Christmas. Stop. Asking.”
Winter Prompt #66 “ You don’t put marshmallows in your hot chocolate? YOU HEATHEN”
Winter Prompt #68 (Winter Proposal)
Winter Prompt #70 “You’re perfectly welcome to kiss whoever you wa-”
Winter Prompt #72 “Did everyone else come with a date?”
∞Smut Prompt Event (1k Followers Event)
Smut Prompt #21 “You’re bigger than I expected.”
Smut Prompt #54 “ You’re going to regret that, sweetheart.”
Smut Prompt #55 “Were you dreaming about me again?”
Smut Prompt #1 “We’re in public, you know.”
Smut Prompt #3 “Can you help me with this zipper?”
Smut Prompt #28 “Oh god, how can you manage to switch from cute to sexy in under a second?”
Smut Prompt #53 “What do you mean not yet? You can’t expect me not to cum when you’re fucking me so good!”
Smut Prompt #16 “Forget the bed. Let’s fuck right here.”
Smut Prompt #11 “You’re really gonna make me beg for it?”
Smut Prompt #5 “Are you trying to turn me on right now? Because it’s working.”
Smut Prompt #44 “If I have to pull over, you won’t be able to walk for the next week.”
Smut Prompt #46 “You’re not allowed to cum without my permission.”
Smut Prompt #6 “I’d hold on to something it I were you.”
Smut Prompt #27 “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to see me?”
Smut Prompt #42 “I know for a fact you’re a lot louder than that.”
Smut Prompt #41 “I’m gonna fuck you so hard that you forget you ever even met that asshole.”
Smut Prompt #39 “ Angel in the streets, freak in the sheets.”
Smut Prompt #15 “Try to keep quiet. We don’t want to get caught.”
Smut Prompt #48 “Holy shit, you’re so fucking sexy like that.”
∞Physical Affection Prompt
Physical Affection Prompt #11 (Back hugs)
Physical Affection Prompt #1 (Pats on the head)
Physical Affection Prompt #9 (Wiping away their tears)
Physical Affection Prompt #18 (Wiping food away from their lips)
Physical Affection Prompt #23 (A hug some might consider too long)
Physical Affection Prompt #7 (Squishing their cheeks)
Physical Affection Prompt #8 (Brushing hands by accident)
Physical Affection Prompt #15 (The biggest warmest hug)
Physical Affection Prompt #13 (Kissing someone’s forehead)
Physical Affection Prompt #6 (Chasing after their lips after they pull away)
Physical Affection Prompt #25 (Playfully biting)
Physical Affection Prompt #4 (A hug after not seeing them for a long time)
Physical Affection Prompt #21 (Accidently knocking your head against their chin)
Physical Affection Prompt #22 (Kissing their cuts/bruises/scratches)
∞Incorrect Jujutsu Kaisen Quotes
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7
∞  Skipps Art
Random Gojo 1
Cat ears for Gojo
Dog Hybrid Gojo
Happy New Year 2021
Mochi Gojo
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