digimoninteractions · 6 months
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[ID: Gifs from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 33 showing: (1) Hanumon leaps at Stingmon, who blocks his attack. They both kick off each other, and land on two different building roofs, preparing to attack again. (2) Hanumon leaps at Stingmon again, who raises his shoulder spikes ready to attack. Then he punches Hanumon in the back, sending him straight down to the ground. (3) Hanumon hits the ground, and Stingmon quickly lands and grabs him. He secures him in his arms and turns around to address Ken. (4) With Ken now on his back, Stingmon flies and returns through a digital gate in the nearby river, taking Hanumon with them. End ID]
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pokemoninaction · 2 years
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.. What? Gazimon is evolving!
Gazimon evolved into Hanumon!
~ Digimon Ghost Game Ep 18
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cwgames · 2 years
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A curse sword been absorbing humans and making digimon attacking other digimon. This was all Musyamon doing.
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jadeazora · 2 years
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And poor Angoramon gets overtaken by the murderous sword. (I think this is the first time we've gotten a good look at his eyes too, barring the Morphomon ep.)
It seems, when it finds a better host, it absorbs its old one. And poor Hanumon and Angoramon took that bait hook, line, and sinker.
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sanjay-singh · 2 years
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bethanythebogwitch · 5 months
Digimon fanfic chapter 3 draft
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
“So this Dark Spore thing makes you a jerk?
The three children and two Digimon were once again walking through the forest, having left the haunted cottage in which they had spent the previous night. Keiko had finished telling the group about her and her partner Tsukaimon defeating the Soulmon and Bakemon that had brainwashed them. 
“It’s more than that,” Keiko replied to Daniel’s question. “The Dark Spore amplifies everything about you. You get to be smarter, stronger, and faster, but every good quality about yourself becomes repressed and all the bad becomes worse. The Spore was only active in me for a little while, but the person it turned me into… There’s nothing I’m more afraid of than going back to being that person.”
Clark was only half paying attention to the conversation as he led the group to their first destination. Instead, his mind was racing, going over the events of the previous night. Part of him tried to argue that there’s no reasonable way he could have known that a quartet of ghostly Digimon would turn the previously-safe cottage into a grotesque trap. That part was drowned out by the rest of his brain.
I got complacent, he thought. I’ve been so lucky all this time that I forgot how dangerous the Digital World is, especially without a Digimon partner. And my stupidity almost got us all killed. 
He spared a glance back at the others, where Keiko was explaining that she had previously made trips to the Digital World to try to learn about the Dark Spore in the hopes of eventually removing it. Her and Daniel’s partners were following along, Tsukaimon occasionally interjecting her own thoughts into Keiko’s story and Blue the Dracomon seemingly pouting about something. Not for the first time since meeting them, Clark felt a sudden pang of envy and sadness shoot through his heart. 
I wish he was still- Clark shook his head. Dwelling on that topic wouldn’t fix anything, it would just make him more upset than he already was.
“Are you still upset about that?” Daniel’s voice cut through Clark’s thoughts. For a second, the boy sounded like Andrew did when he got upset. 
“You left my bones behind,” replied Blue in an accusatory tone of voice. 
“Gee, I’m sorry, I was a little focused on saving your life,” responded Daniel in an exaggerated tone of sarcasm. 
Yup, he’s Andrew’s brother all right.
“You could have grabbed at least one,” pouted the little dragon.
“Maybe they’ll have some where we’re going. Actually, where are we going?”
Question knocked Clark out of his thoughts. “Oh, we’re going to a village of Digimon in the Caps Lock Crater. They know me there and I left crests for the two of you there for safe keeping. Once we pick those up Benjamin asked me to take you to the Subroutine jungle to meet Baihumon, one of the Harmonious Ones, but he didn’t say why.”
“What are crests?” asked Daniel at the same time as Blue asked “Who’s Baihumon?”
“Crests are items given to some DigiDestined,” Clark responded to Daniel’s question first. “They’re based on some trait or virtue of the DigiDestined and help their partners Digivolve to the ultimate level. Baihumon is one of the Harmonious Ones, four extremely powerful Digimon that help guard and maintain the Digital World. They work for or with, I'm not entirely sure, Benjamin and the other Agents. Baihumon rules the part of the Digital World we’re in right now, the western quadrant.”
“Yeah, I know about them,” Keiko added. “I wasn’t there of course, but from what the other Japanese DigiDestined have told me the Harmonious Ones were imprisoned until one was freed. That one, Azulongmon I think, freed the rest and helped fight against Oikawa and MaloMyotismon.”
“You mentioned that name before, owee-something?” asked Daniel. 
“Oikawa,” was the reply. Keiko’s face noticeably darkened as she continued. “He was the one who put the Dark Spore in me.”
“So he’s a bad guy?” asked Blue, momentarily distracted from his lack of bones.
Keiko exchanged a look with Tsukaimon. “Kind of. Ultimately, Oikawa was a sad lonely person who was manipulated by MaloMyotismon, but he also found me when I was at my lowest point in life and manipulated me into taking the Dark Spore. And even if I know it was really MaloMyotismon’s fault, I don’t think I can ever not hate him for that.”
“But since MaloMyotismon is dead, is he better now?” asked Blue.
“Oikawa’s dead,” said Tsukaimon. Ultimately he was MaloMyotismon’s last victim.”
Silence once again fell over the group. Clark closed his eyes. Thinking about a human dying was not something he enjoyed. Digimon dying was one thing. Ultimately their data would be reformatted into a Digi-Egg to be born again. Humans on the other hand… Thinking about it brought up memories. Memories of a father who taught him the importance of fighting for what’s right. Of a call to duty and a promise to return. 
Of an American flag draped over a casket. 
“You three know so much more about the Digital World than me,” Daniel broke the silence. 
Clark shrugged. “It’s your first time here, can’t really blame you”. 
“It just feels like, well do you really need me?” The boy asked. “Honestly it feels like you knew Andrew better than I did. He never told me any of this.”
“He was probably trying to keep you safe. Seems like something he’d do. Besides, I knew him for one adventure. You definitely know more about the guy than I do, he’s your brother after all.”
“If it helps, we never met him,” added Tsukaimon. “Benjamin just asked for our help.”
This did not, in fact, make Daniel feel better. Apparently two complete strangers were recruited to rescue his brother before him. 
“Come on, we should be able to make Caps Lock Crater by this evening if we hustle,” Said Clark, who started walking faster. 
The Sealsdramon watched the group from its hiding spot in the trees. One claw twitched toward the sheathe for its knives. From this angle it could easily kill the two humans with Digimon partners before they could react, and from there the rest would fall quickly. It would be fitting, vengeance for its fallen comrade-in-arms. But no, that was not its mission. Sealsdramon withdrew from its hiding spot, ready to make its report. 
The sun was moving toward the horizon when Clark suddenly stopped walking.
“What’s go-” Daniel started to ask, but was interrupted by Clark shushing him. 
“There’s something in the trees,” whispered the older boy. “I don’t know if it’s seen us yet”.
“Oh, it’s seen us”, squeaked Keiko’s voice.
The boys turned to see Keiko, arms held in the air, with an angry Tsukaimon fluttering above her head and the tip of an enormous sword held to her throat. The blade was held by a heavily-muscled humanoid lizard wearing tribal attire and a pair of bladed wristbands. Despite the greatsword being nearly half the size of the lizardman, it held the weapon with one hand.
“Woah, Dinohumon! She’s with me!” Shouted Clark, who also raised his hands above his head.
The reptilian Digimon, Dinohumon, cocked a brow. “Clark?”
“Yes, it’s me,” Clark replied, his voice quavering with worry. An elbow to Daniel’s gut told the younger boy to also raise his hands.
“Well if they’re with you I suppose it’s ok. But it’s on you if they cause trouble,” Dinohyumon withdrew its sword, placing it in a sheath located on the lizard’s back. 
Tsukaimon exploded. “Where the hell do you get off attacking people like that, you asshole!?” She would have flown at the bigger Digimon had Keiko not grabbed her and pulled her in tight.
“I’m the one keeping my home safe, that’s who,” growled back Dinohumon in a low, gravelly voice.
Clark rushed to put himself between the two Digimon. “Dinohumon is from the village we’re headed to.But they won’t hurt us if we’re not a threat, right?” That last part was directed toward the Digimon in question.
The Digimon grunted in affirmation and turned to leave. “Follow,” It said. 
Clark let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding. “Sorry about that. I hoped we would run into a different villager but I should have realized this could happen”.
“You’re friends with that ass?” Tsukaimon asked.
“Friends is a bit of a strong word with Dinohumon, but we do know each other.”
The group hurried to catch up with Dinohumon (Tsukaimon muttering curses under her breath the whole way) as the lizard trekked through the forest. Before long, the forest ended abruptly, as though one piece of terrain had been literally sliced off and dropped over another. Some of the trees were even cut cleanly through the middle and the ground changed color and texture in a sudden, straight line. Beyond the forest was a desert landscape of red soil, craggy hills, and towering, twisting cacti. Keiko and Tsukaimon stopped and stared at the landscape in wonder, while Daniel and Blue’s faces lit up. 
“Hey, Danny, It’s like home!: Exclaimed the little dragon excitedly.
“Where do y’all live?” asked Tsukaimon.
“A place called Arizona,” Replied Daniel. “The landscape is a lot like this, but the cacti aren’t as big.”
“It’s beautiful,” Keiko said.
Daniel shrugged, “I guess so. I’ve gotten used to it. And it’s kind of far from anywhere else. That’s actually why Andrew couldn’t help out when all those Digimon appeared last Christmas. We live way too far away from New York to come help”. 
“It’s colder here though,“ Blue complained. “I like home better”.
“Spoken like a true reptile,” Daniel rolled his eyes.
As it turned out, Caps Lock Crater wasn’t a crater, but rather a massive satellite dish buried in the ground and partially covered in soil and large plant roots. Around the rim of the crater were several more, smaller satellite dishes emerging from the ground like strange, metal trees. Within the dish were many dwellings crafted from various materials including hollowed out cactus husks, stone, and myriad plastic boxes. To one side of the crater, a steep cliff led down into the desert below and to another, a stream flowed before eventually meeting the same cliff and tumbling down as a waterfall. 
At the rim of the crater, Dinohumon stopped before turning to face the group. 
“This is the village of Caps Lock Crater, my home. I will defend this village and its people with my life. If you harm anyone or anything here, you will answer to me and my sword. Do you understand?”
“Ahh, lighten up, Dinohumon,” Another voice came from the crater. From the satellite dish’s rim stepped a yellow-furred ape man with a large bone strapped to its back. Behind the ape-like Digimon, many more followed. The rest of them were small, around the size of Blue and Tsukaimon or even smaller. Rookie, In-Training, and Fresh level Digimon evidently made up most of the villages population.
Dinohumon sniffed. “Vigilance never hurt anyone, Apemon. Strange things are afoot out there. Even the D-Brigade have been moving through the desert”.
“That’s no reason to treat a guest rudely. You kno-” The rest of Apemon’s response was cut off by Daniel.
“Did you say the D-Brigade? Where?”
“What do you want with the D-Brigade?” asked Dinohumon, voice filled with suspicion?
“They took my brother! Please, did you see a human with them?”
“I did not, but I also kept my head down when I spotted them. One does not go to the D-Brigade for a chat, you stay out of their way and hope you weren’t noticed”. 
Daniel’s shoulders slumped, dejected. Clark stepped forward. 
“Dinohumon, I’d like to ask you more about where you saw the D-Brigade and where they were going. While I’m doing that, Apemon, do you mind helping my friends here?”
“Find what you left here? Sure, sure,” replied the ape. “And after that why don’t you join us for a nice meal? I’m sure walking out in those woods took something outa ya”. 
With the group agreeing to the plan (and the two Digimon partners agreeing to the meal portion with particular enthusiasm), Daniel, Keiko, Blue, and Tsukaimon followed Apemon to the center of the Caps Lock Crater, introducing themselves along the way. Most of the other villagers dispersed back to what they had been doing, but a few continued to follow the group around. After gently shooing them away, Apemon escorted the children and their partners to a building at the dead center of the crater. 
“Let’s see here,” muttered Apemon as he pawed at the floor of the sparsely-decorated one-room structure. After a second, he seemed to find what he was looking for as he pulled up part of the floor, revealing a metal hatch. “I’ll just be a minute,” he said, before leaping in, descending into the underground bowels of the satellite dish’s structure. 
There was a pause, before Daniel broke the silence. 
“So our crests, huh? Any idea what yours will be?”
Keiko shook her head. “I know the crests for the Japanese Digidestined. Courage, friendship, knowledge, sincerity, reliability, love, hope, light, and kindness. I don’t know how many virtues there are, though, or which ones I’d have. If any”. 
“I think you’d have the crest of creepiness, Keiko,” said Tsukaimon. 
“I like creepy stuff, I’m not creepy. At least, I don’t think I am…” was the reply.
“Ooh, Danny should have the crest of hungry!” exclaimed Blue.
“I think you’re mistaking me for you, bucko. And it’s Daniel”, replied Blue’s human, who playfully bonked his partner on the head. 
The sound of banging metal heralded Apemon’s return, climbing out of the hatch. In one hand, he held two small, diamond-shaped objects, only a few inches long and looking comically tiny compared to the giant hand of the one holding them. 
“‘’Ere we go,”grunted the monkey man. “Now Clark said these thingamajigs are for you, so here ya go.”
Each child took one of the two objects. They were metal pendants of a pale yellow color hanging from a looped lanyard. In the middle, each pendant held a small plate inscribed with a symbol. 
“How do we know whose is whose?” Asked Daniel. 
Keiko stared at the one she held, its symbol looking like a crescent moon carved in obsidian black. “I think this one is mine. It feels, I don’t know, right somehow”.
Daniel looked at his. He didn’t feel anything about the small piece of metal engraved with three jagged lines a deep, dark blue in color. Figuring he could ask Clark later, he shrugged and pocketed the crest. 
“Alright Blue, I guess we… Blue?” Daniel looked around for his partner, who was not standing next to him as he was a second ago. Where could he have gone?
“You got what you came for yeah? How about some grub?” Asked Apemon, who had moved back outside into the crater. Daniel followed him out, noting that he had to duck slightly to get out of the structure. Apemon must have to basically crawl through to get inside. Let alone that bone of his. 
Wait, bone?
No… don't tell me…
Daniel gingerly stepped around the large Digimon to check out his back. To his horror, he saw Blue there, the little dragon biting onto the bone, holding himself off the ground with his mouth and looking as though he had reached paradise.
“What are you doing?!” shrieked Daniel in shock and humiliation. He grabbed Blue and yanked, pulling him off the bone. 
Shaken from his chew bone-induced stupor, Blue at the least had the decency to look ashamed. “Sorry, Danny. I just couldn’t help myself”.
Apemon grabbed his bone and inspected it, noting to his horror that Blue’s jaws had left visible scratches in the alabaster white periosteum. 
“Why you impudent, insolent, disrespectful little- What is that?”
Apemon’s rage was interrupted by the sudden sound of engines filling the evening sky. With a roar, something that looked like a combination helicopter, airplane, and mechanical dragon flew overhead, followed by two more. These three, along with another vehicle that had not flown overhead, landed at the edge of the crater, each at one of the cardinal directions. 
“Apemon! Get everyone underground!” Dinohumon was running over, followed by Clark and many of the villagers. As they reached the central building, Apemon started herding the smaller Digimon inside and to the hatch. “What’s going on?!” he shouted to be heard over the din of panicked young Digimon.
Clark answered, his voice tinged with fear. “It’s the D-Brigade”.
Out from the copters leapt Digimon. Looking like little cyborg T. rexes in military gear and holding guns, they quickly spread out to surround the crater and moved inward herding the villagers toward the center. Each copter held five of the smaller Digimon, accompanied by a much larger similar Digimon, this one holding a riot shield in one hand and grenade launcher in the other. 
“By order of the D-Brigade, remain where you are or you will be fired upon!” barked one of the larger dinosaurs, its voice amplified as though by a megaphone. 
“What do we do?” whispered Daniel to the clearly frightened Clark.
Clark just shook his head. “There’s too many of them. Do what they say.”
One formation of the D-Brigade, a large Digimon and five of the smaller ones stepped closer to the group of panicked Villagers. 
“I am Captain Hi-Commandramon 8A5 of the D-Brigade”, the large Dinosaur identified itself. “The humans will step forward!”
“Come on now, surely there’s no need for this,” spoke up Apemon. 
“Silence! You were not given permission to speak!” was the reply, the Hi-Commandramon shouting out every word like it was trying to deafen everyone there. 
“Really, this is a place of peace,” Insisted Apemon. He took a step forward, toward the D-Brigade. “Why don’t you put away your weapons and we can discuss this like reasonable-”
Apemon never finished his sentence. Hi-Commandramon whipped its grenade launcher around and pulled the trigger. Apemon had just enough time to see the grenade imbed itself in his chest before the top half of his body was obliterated with an explosion that rattled every building in the Caps Lock Crater. The younger Digimon screamed and the humans gasped in horror as the rest of his body dissolved and vanished. 
Dinohumon fell to their knees and let out a wail of anguish. Keiko had her hands over her mouth and both Daniel and Blue had their mouths hanging open in dumbfounded shock. Only Tsukaimon noticed Clark’s lack of reaction. Instead, he was staring at one of the smaller dinosaur Digimon standing beside Hi-Commandramon with a look of sadness. The Digimon he was looking at, identifiably by three jagged scars across its snout. The Digimon looked less resolute than its fellows and seemed unwilling to return Clark’s gaze. 
“You didn’t have to kill him,” Daniel’s voice was low, shaken by shock and horror. 
“Quiet!” barked Hi-Commandramon. “All humans, step forward. The rest of you stay put or you will be next!”
“Fine, just don’t kill anyone, ok?” Daniel stepped forward, hands raised.
“Danny!” Blue made to follow, but stopped at Daniel’s order.
“Stop. Just do what they say, ok?”
Blue made a terrified whining noise, but obeyed. After a moment’s hesitation, Keiko followed suit, Tsukaimon remaining behind with worry on her face. Clark also stepped forward, keeping his eyes locked on the scarred dinosaur Digimon. 
“Good. Now stand there and don’t move,” said Hi-Commandramon. It then pulled out a walkie-talkie from a pocket in its bulletproof vest and spoke into it. “Targets secured.”
“Another great victory for the mighty D-Brigade,” Clark finally turned his gaze to Hi-Commandramon, his voice low and dripping with venom. “Four whole units to take a village of baby Digimon and three children? Truly this will go down as one of your finest victories”.
“Be quiet!” Hi-Commandramon aimed its weapon at Clark's chest, but he didn’t flinch.
“I don’t think so. If you wanted us dead you could have blown up the village from a distance or sniped us in our sleep. You were ordered to bring us in alive, weren’t you. And we both know a good soldier obeys orders, right?” 
Hi-Commandramon 8A5 stepped forward and placed the barrel of its grenade launcher right against Clark’s chest. “Correct,” it snarled. It then aimed the launcher at the crowd of scared Digimon. “But our orders said nothing about them”.
Clark gritted his teeth, but did not say anything more.
“Don’t hurt them!” Daniel blurted out.
“If you don’t stay quiet I-”
“I’ll handle this,” A new voice cut in. Hi-Commandramon instantly stopped talking and took a step to the side, revealing a human boy and a Digimon. The Digimon was a dead ringer for Blue while the human could have been Daniel in a few years. His brown hair had been cut short and his usual clothes had been swapped out for a set of military fatigues, but there was no mistaking him.
“Hello, Danny,” said Andrew.
“Andrew!” Daniel exclaimed at the same time Blue shouted “Green!”, “I was so worried about you, we came to rescue you from them,” he gestured at the D-Brigade.
Andrew smirked. “D-Brigade, two steps back”.
In the kind of unity only produced through hard training, very single one of the militarized dinosaurs stepped backwards in sequence, their steps ringing out against the metal of the Caps Lock Crater in two loud chimes.
“Two steps forward”.
Another two chimes as the dinosaurs returned to their previous positions.
“Hmm, spin around”.
The sight of a bunch of theropods in military gear spinning in place would have been comical if not for the circumstances. 
“Tell me, Danny,” Andrew smugly said, “do I look like I need rescuing?”
Daniel gaped. He looked at his older brother, then back at the Digimon of the village, most of them weeping in fear and grief, and at the ashen spot where Apemon had been murdered.
“You’re working with them?” he asked, voice filled with horror and disgust.
“Yes,” Andrew replied bluntly, “and I arranged this little meeting to give you a message. Go home.
“What? Clark asked incredulously.
“Go home,” Andrew repeated. “I mean you, Danny, and you, Clark, and” he glanced at Keiko, “whoever you are. Go home and stay out of my way and you’ll be safe”. 
Daniel stared at his brother, or whoever this was. Andrew wasn’t like this. Andrew could be stern and a bit of a jerk sometimes, but he was also kind, funny, and always wanted to help people with their problems. This Andrew Daniel could barely recognize as his brother.
“Why?” he managed to choke out, voice quivering.
“Because the world is broken,” Andrew’s voice finally broke from the eerie calm tone he had been speaking in, becoming bitter and angry. “Both worlds. Bad things happen to good people and the people in charge are either cruel or stupid. I couldn’t do anything about it before, but now, with the D-Brigade, I can make real change.”
“Good people like them?” Clark’s voice broke in. He gestured to the terrified mass of young Digimon. “They weren’t hurting anyone. They helped each other and lived in peace and your army just murdered one of them. Is that the kind of change you want?”
Andrew just shrugged. “I never said it would be pretty, but if a few good people have to die, then so be it.”
Daniel’s arm was in motion before he even knew what was happening. Andrew jumped back, barely avoiding Daniel's fist colliding with his face.
Every D-Brigade member trained their guns on Daniel, but Andrew waved them off. “Woah, Danny,” he said, amused, “Didn’t know you had it in ya. But if you want to stop me, then come on. Let’s settle this like DigiDestined”. From one pocket he produced a Digivice and looked toward Green the Dracomon, who had been standing there uncharacteristically silent. “Let’s go”.
Green nodded and stepped forward.
Dracomon Digivolve to… Coredramon!
“Come on, Blue!” Daniel’s voice was a cross between a snarl and a sob, tears of anger and hurt now flowing down his cheeks. 
“R- right,” Blue ran forward to join his partner, his voice uncertain and filled with pain. 
Dracomon Digivolve to… Coredramon!
The two dragons stood facing each other, identical except for color, with Blue’s deep blue scales contrasting Green’s earthen green ones. 
“Why are you going along with all this nonsense?” Blue demanded of Gree, of his brother. 
“Because,” Green replied calmly, “if you have the power to fix things and don’t use it, that makes you as bad as the ones who abuse their power”.
“Enough,” yelled Daniel, “We’re going to drag him home with us and make him stop all this!”
“Right!” Blue shot out one clawed hand toward Green’s face, but the older dragon deflected the blow. The next several strikes were similarly blocked.
Blue leapt back from his brother. “That’s it, take this! Blue Flare Breath!”
Just as the stream of blue fire began to exit Blue’s mouth, Green shot forward and uppercutted him in the jaw. Blue’s head was forced upward, his jaws slammed shut with a clash. A split second later, the flames forced his jaw open again as they shot out, the force knocking him off-balance.
“Strike Bomber!” Green did not let the opportunity pass him by. He swung around, his tail colliding with Blue’s abdomen with enough force to rattle windows all around the crater. Blue flew backwards, crashing into one of the makeshift houses and landing in a heap of rubble. 
“You can’t win,” Andrew said, his voice almost mocking. “You don’t have the experience. You've been in what, one fight? We saved the Digital World, remember? You can’t beat us.”
“Shut up! Blue Flare Breath!” From his position lying in the rubble, Blue spat a stream of cerulean flames at Green. The other dragon responded with his own flames, these an emerald green. The two attacks slammed into each other and exploded, scattering multicolored cinders around the village. 
“Hell with this! Keiko!” Tsukaimon shouted. Her partner nodded and held up her Digivice. 
Tsukaimon Digivolve to… Witchmon!
Mounted on her broom, the doll-like witch flew into battle, unleashing a Baluluna Gale that sent a whirlwind of rubble, soil, and stones at Green. The dragon was forced to turn his back to the gale, hands over his face as the shrapnel cut scratches all over his rock-hard scales. In doing so, he failed to notice an enraged Blue flying right at him. The blue dragon collided with the green one, slamming him to the ground with enough force to dent the metal of the crater. 
“Not so cocky now, are you?” Witchmon teased Green. She levitated overhead, her arm outstretched and ready to unleash another spell while Blue pinned his big brother’s arms behind his back.
“It’s over, Andrew,” Daniel yelled. “Give up!”
Andrew glared at his little brother, then sighed. “I guess I have to show you just how outmatched you are”. Out from a pocket, Andrew pulled a small, diamond-shaped pendant. A crest, with the symbol of three curved lines a forest green in color etched into it.
Clark’s eyes widened in horror. “Get out of there!”
Coredramon Digivolve to… Groundramon!
The force of Green’s transformation flung Blue into the sky and unleashed a wave of displaced air that knocked over a row of houses and all the humans except Andrew. When the glow of Digivolution faded, Green had become a dragon the size of a jet plane, his bulk filling nearly a quarter of the Caps Lock Crater. Now standing on all fours, his wings had transformed into massive arms, tipped with razor-sharp red talons. On his legs were powerful pile bunkers and on his tail, which stretched out beyond the rim of the crater, was a mace the size of a van tipped with deadly spikes. 
“This is power!” Andrew yelled in triumph. “This is what you can never match!”
Blue and Witchmon, suspended in midair, gaped at the colossal dragon. They were snapped out of it by one of Green’s arms taking a swing at them, forcing them to fly further up to avoid the blow. 
“Listen Blue,” Witchmon said. “Look at his wings. I reckon he can’t fly with those. As long as we stay up here, I don't think he can get us”.
Blue nodded, then he flew left while Witchmon flew right. 
“Blue Flare Breath!” “Aquary Pressure!”
Two streams, one of blue fire and one of pressurized water shot toward Green. His great arms moved to block the attacks, which left scratches in his verdant scales. Green roared at the two aerial foes, but he did not attack.
“It’s working! Keep it up, we’ll wear his scaly ass down!” 
Witchmon and Blue circled the crater in the sky, intermittently shooting down an attack at the titanic dragon. From the shelter of his wing arms, Green studied them. Watching for something, a pattern.
Ah, there it is.
Green’s arms slammed into the metal ground of the crater and each ripped up a chunk of stone and steel. Flexing muscles as hard as diamond, he flung the two projectiles up at the circling duo. Unable to react in time, Blue and Witchmon collided with the clunks, which exploded into gravel and splintered metal. 
Daniel and Keiko screamed as the partners fell from the sky. Green once again raised his arms and slammed them into the ground, but this time, he did not dig them in. Instead, the force propelled his massive body upwards in a mighty leap. Each arm grabbed onto one of the two falling Digimon. Green fell back down to the ground like a meteor, the force of his landing shaking the whole crater and bringing down what remained of the village. Green flung the two Digimon at their partners. Witchmon and Blue crashed into the ground at Daniel and Keiko’s feet, unconscious. They de-Digivolved into Dracomon and Tsukaimon as their humans ran forward, grabbing their partners and pulling them into their arms.
“Blue! Blue, are you ok?” Daniel sobbed, hugging his partner tight. Only the soft sound of his partner breathing confirmed that the little dragon was still alive. 
A shadow fell over Daniel and he looked up to see Andrew standing over him.
“Now do you see, Danny? You’re weak. Go home, there’s nothing you can do here,” Andrew’s voice displayed no emotion, only cold certainty. “I let Blue live this time. Interfere again, and you might not be so lucky”.
Daniel couldn’t even respond as the thing that had been his brother turned and walked away. “D-Brigade, we’re done here. Take me to the General,” He said as he left.
The D-Brigade and Green, having de-Digivolved back into Dracomon, turned on their heels and walked toward the dragon helicopters they arrived in. Just before they reached them, Clark’s voice rang out. 
The scarred dinosaur turned to look back. Clark glared at him, his face a mix of rage and sorrow, The two stared at each other for a second. Commandramon’s expression softened and for a second he appeared about to say something.
“Commandramon 1G1! Get back in formation!” barked Captain Hi-Commandramon 8A5. Without a word, the scarred Commandramon turned and followed the rest of the D-Brigade into their vehicles. WIth the roar of engines, the dragon copters took off and flew away across the desert, leaving the Caps Lock Crater in the quiet night.
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je-blauge · 1 year
Saw a post going around about how Animorphs might play out in the Pokemon world, so I chose digimon partners/evolution lines foe the Animorphs. Probably could do better if I put more time into it, but I've got other stuff going on at the moment. I'm especially proud of Jake's and Rachel's. (Pictures forthcoming for those of you who don't want to look all for these guys up on Wikimon.) If you have some Digis you think would fit these kids better, let me know!
Comandramon> Sealsdramon> Tankdramon> Mugendramon
Rachel: Elecmon> Leomon> Grapleomon> Saberleomon
Patamon> Tailmon> Andiramon> Ophanimon
Gazimon> Hanumon> Gokuwmon> Jokermon
Monodramon> Allomon> Skullgreymon> Hououmon
Karemon> Wizarmon> Vajramon> Zanbamon
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otakween · 2 years
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Digimon Adventure 02 (Blind Watch) - Episode 33
This one was aggressively Japanese lol. Miyako goes on her obligatory school trip to Kyoto and we get a rare, almost-solo episode. Some of the other kids appear briefly, but Miyako spends most of the episode alone or with side characters which felt like an interesting change of pace.
Digimon introduced: Hanumon, Musyamon (why is it romanized like that? Makes me uncomfy...)
-I really like the title art for this one. It's really cute and has a tie-dye vibe.
-So many weird info dumps in this one. Koushiro was like "all that stuff I said in season 1 probably wasn't right cuz I was a dumb kid" lol wut. So much retconning in this franchise...he then goes on to be like "The D3s look like that because you wanted them too" huh??? Ken wanted his D3 to look like a walkie-talkie so now everyone's digivice has to? What kinda made up bullshit...? I can buy the fact that the kids' clothes are based on their subconscious desires, but some of this just feels flimsy to me.
-Lol not Koushiro saying "us high IQ types" multiple times in the dub. r/IAmVerySmart needs to humble him. (The writing for most nerd characters in early 2000s American TV was always pretty cringe).
-I like Hanumon's design, he looks like a golden lion tamarin. It's cool how anime can get away with liberally using religious figures, looks like they changed his name in the dub to something more generic...
-Jou's bro switched majors!? I feel like they made such a big deal about him becoming a doctor in season 1. Like, wasn't that his only personality trait?? (Okay, maybe that's unfair). Good for him though, following his dreams instead of money. #relatable
-Have we ever seen Sora's dad?? He's kinda a silver fox ;D
-When they explained the Kyoto->Gods->Gates->Yokai->Digimon thing I think my brain started leaking outta my ears lol. I think I just wasn't ready for a sudden history lesson. The tsukumogami = digimon theory was really interesting though! It's cool to see how an academic would approach studying digimon.
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analyzingadventure · 2 years
Ghost Game episode 31, Killer Blade!
God. Dammit.
I saw the official Twitter tweet about the 20th Anniversary Whatshisfacemon, and like. Seeing the new DiMs, one featuring that evolution line specifically, and seeing the preview for this episode, I right away wondered if this episode would feature Whatshisfacemon. But, before speculating about it, I wanted to see other people’s onions on the matter, and saw a lot of people saying they thought the sword Angoramon held in the previes looked a lot like Musuyamon’s sword (or some other Digimon I can’t remember), and I was like. Okay, it might not be Whatshisfacemon after all. And so I remained quiet.
God the updated opening is so good
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Angoramon I love you so much
Ah, the Hanumon from the opening got possessed too
Uh oh
Angra, honey, drop it
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Ah, I get it now, Angoramon is being possessed by Musuyamon (or someone else) and Whatshisfacemon is gonna come and save the day!
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My darling... ;_;
Ruri, sweetie, I think it’s time to go look for your buddy, okay?
Angoramon, you just needed to talk to someone, anyone and ask for help, now you’re gonna get Vibe Checked by Gammamon
AND HERE COMES THE ASSHOLE, MUSYAMON! (That’s what his name was adfgdghsdfg)
ZUBAMON! What do I know your voice from... Voiced by Minami Tsuda... I actually don’t know this VA, huh.
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That’s a great shot right there
Aaand everyone is freed from the Musyamon’s sword
We’re so gonna see Zubamon again
FUCK YOU (affectionately) ANGORAMON, YOU LITERALLY PUT EVERYONE INTO MORE DANGER BY NOT TELLING ANYONE. HELL, you literally could’ve just written a note and left that at Ruri’s place or something if you were so afraid of seeing her face-to-face
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YOU! >8V
Jesus christ Hokuto is a useless dad
Aaand that’s a wrap. ‘Tis was fun episode! Not great, but I enjoyed the Angora Angst
Next episode!
BETSUMON?! (Thanks Toei for spoiling that on Twitter)
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pastelmon-art · 4 years
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Crazy Buddies!
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demifiendfumi · 5 years
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All 6 of their progression. There’s no more evolution route for Triceramon except jogressing but it’s the only Data type…
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digimoninteractions · 5 months
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Dien & Yuehon (02x40)
[ID: Screenshots from Digimon Adventure Zero Two episode 40 showing: (1) The Vietnamese chosen Dien on his partner Gorimon's back as they wade through a river with a Tyrannomon. (2) The Chinese chosen Yuehon flying on an airdramon's back with her partner Hanumon. Dien and Yuehon with shocked expressions as the wind from a digital gate wooshes past them. Gennai's counterpart Jackie is also behind them. End ID]
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vitalpen · 6 years
So I’m gonna have to scrap the bit with the Saxophone, but I still want you all to have this.
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cwgames · 2 years
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So I learn that Hawkmoon can digivole to Orcamon. With it's actually a armor digivole.
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jadeazora · 2 years
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The way Goblimon kind of collapses after the sword absorbs that one person, I wonder if it's exertion from attacking so many people and Digimon or if wieldingthe sword drains its life too. (I imagine it's a MetalPhantomon situation where the people and Digimon are just trapped in the sword, except they'll probably be freed at the end of the ep?)
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leafyagami · 6 years
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