#hannibal sorbet
pesky--dust · 1 month
You have no idea how sad I am that in the final version of Sorbet they didn't put this part:
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A few pages later we have Will's dream, in which Abigail calls him dad, saying that someone else is there.
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I'm aware that it was Will's dream about the copycat and before calling Will “dad”, Abigail said it is better when there is only both of them, but in the script there isn't that particular part:
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So... in my opinion these two scenes were supposed to be meaningful, connecting both Hannibal and Will with Abigail, creating a family from three of them. And they changed it!! :(
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Nevermind that he ignored 8 zillion glaring red flags but eye f*king a man as he massages a heart causes some grand epiphany.
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prisonhannibal · 1 year
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hughdancybabyface · 3 months
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Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham —Back view
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thedarkmongoose · 7 months
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they shot these scenes in the funniest ways imaginable lol. also the music playing in the bg is tragically (and hilariously) on point.
Faust, Act II: Le veau d'or: "The erudite Faust is highly successful yet dissatisfied with his life, which leads him to make a pact with the Devil at a crossroads, exchanging his soul for unlimited knowledge and worldly pleasures. Faust and the adjective Faustian imply sacrificing spiritual values for power, knowledge, or material gain. Along the seductive path to riches and power, Faust realizes his salvation is tragically bound to others, including those he loves most."
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mistikfir · 7 months
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1X07 "Sorbet"
"Am I your psychiatrist, or are we simply having conversations?"
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will-grahams-glasses · 8 months
thinking about how wonderfully pathetic Hannibal is when Will doesn’t show up to his session in 1x07.
when Will doesn’t show up at 7:30 on the dot, Hannibal gets so flustered and fidgety, very out of character for him. He has to ball his hands into fists to stop himself from calling Will, he double checks the appointment time. He then drives for AN HOUR to find Will at FBI HQ.
apart from anything, Hannibal just looks lost.
also, this scene happens directly after Franklyn says that loneliness comes with a dull ache, and I love that we then get to see Hannibal experiencing the dull ache of loneliness for the first time in god knows how long, all because Will Graham missed one therapy session.
I wonder if Hannibal surprised himself with this sudden feeling of dependency on another human being, with it being enough to make the human veil slip, to unsettle him.
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folie-a-deux · 17 days
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I just realized that the way Pazzi described how he came into the realization that the young Lithuanian man he saw in the gallery is the Il Mostro similar to the way Will came into a realization that Hannibal is the Chesapeake ripper in this scene.
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grahamdolce · 6 months
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Hannibal 1.03 Potage | 1.07 Sorbet | 3.06 Dolce | 3.09 And the Woman Clothed with the Sun
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avegetariancannibal · 2 years
Sometimes you see your crush with his hands deep in another man’s wet open body and you start realizing you have a body too and maybe you’d like him to do things with it
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kuroshika · 1 year
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[ sorbet, 01×07 - long analysis below the cut. ] || [ tags: @lesbian-hannibal @shatteredlesbian @7x16pm ] || [ tumblr has refused to post this twice now and im giving up after this attempt. ]
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this episode, we're introduced to franklyn. he seems like a one-off side character who introduces us to the next villain, but his character seems to be a little bit more than that. he's eager to be hannibal's friend, and the rejection he feels when hannibal pushes those professional boundaries is a reflection of hannibal's actions towards will.
franklyn finds hannibal interesting. he thinks they'd be great friends, and is actively trying to form a relationship. this is a direct mirror of how hannibal feels about will — he finds will interesting, and thinks they'd be great friends, so he's actively trying to push will's professional boundaries. this rejection that franklyn feels is the same that hannibal feels.
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hannibal's pause and redirection here is interesting. though he may not be getting paid for will's visits, it definitely might be sad to think that will is only seeing him as mandated - it makes hannibal upset that will sees him only because he has to (as shown when poor hannibal sits in his office and pouts when will is late for his session near the end of the episode).
he has intimate knowledge of will, and wants to be his friend because of it - an opposite (but reflection) of franklyn's attempts to be his friend. looking at franklyn, speaking to him, is sort of like speaking to himself. franklyn seems to be a less fine-tuned version of hannibal.
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"tobias is my best friend, but i am not tobias's best friend". this sounds pretty similar to our weak relationship with will — hannibal sees will as his friend, will doesn't see hannibal as his friend, and will did take a higher interest in the ripper (and by extension, hannibal). i think here is where hannibal begins to realize the parallel between franklyn and tobias's relationship, and his and will's, as observed by the question he asks. "have you put him on a pedestal?"
in recognizing the reflection of the relationship he's chasing with will, hannibal is using his own therapy for himself - things make more sense when you tell someone else about them, out loud. he can help himself under the guise of helping franklyn if all goes to plan - and it does. franklyn agrees that he does, but also that he (and tobias) hold hannibal on a higher pedestal.
"i am a source of stability and clarity, franklyn, not your friend". this is the first time in the show hannibal adamantly refuses that he's someone's friend. he does the chasing, not the running. having such a reflection approach him to further their already precarious relationship is nothing but a problem.
franklyn assures him that he'd be a great friend, before swiftly changing the subject. the michael jackson tangent seems kinda kooky, and i skipped over it on my first watch-through, but i think i can make some deeper connections now. "you know what i think makes me the most sad about him dying? i will never get to meet him". ever since hannibal was introduced to will (or, rather, the exterior of his mental curtains), he's known there was something lurking beneath the surface. he's taken it as his mission to draw whatever will hides behind those curtains out, to see underneath his mask — to show him his becoming (as referenced in 1×05 "coquilles", when the angel maker tells will "i couldn't bring it out of you," to which will agrees "not all the way" (which feels like a callback to 1×02 "amuse-bouche", when hannibal only manages to draw will out half-way and have him admit that he enjoyed killing hobbs), and the angel maker offers "i can give you your becoming".). hannibal knows that the longer he waits to approach will, the closer the shadow behind the curtains comes to being repressed completely — the closer it comes to dying, in hannibal's mind, dying before he can meet him.
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franklyn obviously has a savior complex, yet another reflection of hannibal — as shown in his prolific identity as a surgeon, and his tableaus as the ripper. his words are very familiar to hannibal, who feels that if will allows him to be his friend, he could stop him from killing part of himself. hannibal can see the correlation and prompts him on gently — how is franklyn's efforts returned? how will his own be returned?
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franklyn's fantasy ends with him being the one to touch greatness, very much how hannibal's ends with him getting close to will — whom he already knows is great. he gets to be the one who draws will out into the light, he gets to be the one who sees will for who he truly is. he gets to touch greatness.
skipping over bedelia and hannibal's visit (mostly because i have a longer analysis for that scene and im already rambling), we cut to hannibal and will.
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here we have hannibal, yet again, asking if they're friends. usually, will is unhesitant in assuring him they aren't, but here, it's a little different. he's gotten too familiar with whatever relationship he and hannibal have, and that part of him behind the curtains strains for more. if he says they are, there's a sense of intimacy that will isn't prepared for (especially not with someone he can't feel). if he says they aren't, however, he feels like he'll lose that sense of codependency they have. hannibal won't need him, won't want his company any longer (though it's reassured in 1×08 "fromage" that he appreciates his company). he'll be a professional curiosity— the same thing he is to alana (as, again, instated in 1×08).
so, instead he says yes to both. in agreeing that their relationship is not professional (and establishing their friendship), will is avoiding that sense of intimacy that comes with being someone's friend while still profiting off of their codependent relationship.
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will reasserts control of the conversation by assuring that they're just having conversations. hannibal has been established as will's friend, and asserts himself as will's friend here — by repeating that he is a friend, and reminding will that the two share an intimate bond that has begun to blur the line between friendship and family.
whether will likes it or not, he's established that he's hannibal's friend. he's already intertwined with hannibal in a way that no one else is — he can feel the ripper strain under hannibal's person suit (or, as bedelia more aptly calls it this episode, his veil). he can sense what hannibal is, and part of him wants to get closer and wrap itself around whatever lays beyond the veil. i think this scene also offers the tipping point for hannibal's qualms about murdering franklyn — they are nothing alike anymore. will is his friend. the chase is over. he cannot help himself by helping franklyn - his death will be no loss.
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pesky--dust · 7 months
Hannibal parallels of episodes number 7: Sobet, Yakimono, Digestivo
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I've been thinking about these particular parallels for a very long time (but had trouble making these gifs, lol).
Hear me out:
In episode seven of the first season, Hannibal is formal when he invites Will to his office in, he greets him with “good evening”. In the same episode, Will tells Hannibal that he has a date with the Chesapeake Ripper, it's a joke of course — his task is to solve the case of the ripper, to catch him.
In the second season, Hannibal acts more casually towards Will, saying “hello” to him. Will is now aware that Hannibal is the Chesapeake Ripper. He no longer jokes about his date with the said criminal, but he tells Hannibal that he has to deal with him and his feelings about him and so, he thinks it's best if he does that directly. With this scene, Will's courtship with Hannibal officially begins.
However in the last season, in the seventh episode, Will no longer wants to think about Hannibal, he says so to hurt Hannibal, he refuses Hannibal being seen by him (and from Mizumono we know how badly Hannibal wants it). Hannibal no longer says “good evening” or “hello”, and Will also does not say greetings, but says his goodbyes.
This evolution from “good evening” to “hello” to “goodbye” and so the evolution of Will's feeling makes me feel so unwell.
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theoraclephobetor · 6 months
Franklyn makes Hannibal so uncomfortable and he hates this little cheese man so much.
Dan Fogler is a master for acting this character in such a smarmy and unsympathetic way - and he does it without making Franklyn actively evil or mean. There's just this undercurrent of piteous desperation in everything he does, and he's so obviously dysfunctional in a way that is deeply repellent to viewers.
For Hannibal, it's worse. Hannibal is canny enough to recognize another human who constantly wears a 'person suit'. He watches Franklyn craft himself a persona from their conversations, from his own preferences, moulding himself into a perfect friend for Hannibal. Franklyn has such an ego, and thinks that where the world failed a famous man, he - in his infinite capacity for support and friendship - could succeed. But in crafting his person suit to perfectly fit his therapist's tastes, he makes himself repugnant to Hannibal.
Franklyn is doing to Hannibal what Hannibal is trying to do for Will - he wants to make himself into Will's anchor, to get behind his walls and touch greatness, to be his saviour (in a way) and show Will his true potential.
And yet Franklyn is objectively pitiable.
Which means Hannibal, seeing his actions played out by this small man, has to grapple with the fact that he is also a small and desperate creature. He is also pitiable.
This is the same episode where Will talks about the Chesapeake Ripper as an insignificant thing that should not have been born and can never really be a person - no matter how hard it tries. He talks about the Ripper's person suit as an extrapolation - something that must exist because how else would he have evaded capture - but what Will sees in that moment is the Ripper.
Will takes so much longer to figure out Hannibal because he gives Hannibal his trust so early on in the series. He isn't looking too deeply below Hannibal's facade (which I firmly think he sees) because he trusts that there is something behind it that vaguely resembles a person. Hannibal gets all the credit for seeing that Will has a cruel streak, but Will also sees parts of Hannibal that (almost) no one else has spotted - mainly, that he holds himself firmly apart from people, even as he charms them.
And Will is completely right. Hannibal is so lonely that he goes to find Will when he doesn't show up to an appointment. He has been confronted with his own loneliness through Franklyn, while at the same time needing to shore up his identity as the Chesapeake Ripper after two copycat kills. Sorbet is all about Hannibal's identity crisis working in opposition to his desire to make Will Graham his friend.
That's also what Bedelia sees when she calls out Hannibal's person suit/human veil. Like yeah, she'll have a glass of rose and a nice conversation with him, because she honestly does like the character Hannibal's been puppeting for years. But she knows it's a shadow play. She knows that they may be friendly, but friendship requires knowing Hannibal. Bedelia peeked beneath that veil - once, at her most vulnerable moment - and she never forgets that the person suit is tailored for a lonely predator. She never forgets that the only way he was able to truly connect with her was to manipulate her into killing.
Bedelia's place in all this is so interesting to me, because for a little while she is the audience surrogate. She has the same knowledge of Hannibal's character as any viewer who grew up with The Silence of the Lambs. Later she becomes a participatory character (until Hannibal makes her a surrogate for Will), but in the beginning she exists to help show the watcher what they already know. She reaffirms - in a time when Will and Jack are becoming untethered from their realities - that what the viewer knows about Hannibal is true. Bedelia is the viewer's anchor in this narrative, up until the point she chooses to disappear from it.
Though she knows better than to clearly say as much, I think she hears about Franklyn and knows exactly why Hannibal wants nothing to do with him.
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"I have a date with the Chesapeake Ripper," Will stated.
"Why not go on a date with me instead?"
Hannibal stopped what he was doing to look at Will, and the motions of his kitchen seemed to blur around them when their gazes connected.
Will looked surprised, then delighted for a brief moment before frustration furrowed his brow. "I could give you several reasons why I can't do that."
"Tell me."
"Jack will be furious if I don't get my casework done."
"He's easy enough to persuade," Hannibal replied easily, like he thought of Jack as no more than a pet to be sprayed with water in reprimand.
"You have a dining room full of guests waiting on you right now."
"And you could be one of them, as I have already offered. Or perhaps I could find you later this evening. I could get a call. Have an emergency with a patient. Slip away."
"That's another thing," Will grimaced. "You're my psychiatrist."
Hannibal moved around the counter to stand in front of Will. "I don't have to be." He took Will's hand in his own.
Will looked at the way the skin spread over Hannibal's knuckles while he turned his own hand over. Hannibal kissed his open palm. "It's a shame these titles separate us in this way, Will, truly."
"That's not the only title I'm worried about," Will muttered.
Intrigue gathered in Hannibal's warm amber eyes. "Oh?"
Will moved his hand, which Hannibal had still not lowered, to cup Hannibal's jaw. He seemed elated by the sign of affection. Will leaned into him, sharing his warmth. Sharing his secrets. His breath came hot against Hannibal's ear.
"We both know that no matter which date I go on, I'll be consumed by you." He pulled back and kissed Hannibal's cheek. "Goodnight, Dr. Lecter."
After Will left, Hannibal stood in his kitchen, the noise and bustle of his dinner party preparations resuming around him, and he couldn't decide if he should invite Will to his next dinner party as a guest, or a platter.
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hughdancybabyface · 3 months
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Hannibal s1e7 | s1e10 | s1e12 —The way Will Graham sits during therapy sessions with Hannibal
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thedarkmongoose · 1 year
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